#Moose Big Boss
1eos · 4 months
jk i found the video!! gonna get another leo fan today
gather the acolytes bc im already manifesting the first leo comeback under big moose ent to be his mega hit
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shaykappa · 2 years
Favourite/Funniest Lines From Six of Crows
"I am a businessman," he 'd told her. "No more, no less." "You are a thief, Kaz." "Isn't that what I just said?"
"I like it when men beg, but this isn't the time."
"Go tell your general to keep the Black Tips out of Fifth Harbor and that we expect him to make amends for the shipment of jurda we lost, plus five percent for drawing steel on neutral ground and five percent more for being such a spectacular bunch of asses."
"Oh, it's worse than that, Van Eck. If I fail, I don't get paid."
"Really, Jesper? If I want to watch men dig holes to fall into, I 'll find myself a cemetery."
"Please, my darling Inej, treasure of my heart, won't you do me the honor of acquiring me a new hat?"
"I had a question. About your mother and whether the rumors are true."
"I won't trust you to tie my shoes without stealing the laces, Kaz."
"You wouldn't know a good time if it sidled up to you and stuck a lollipop in your mouth."
"Also the proper way to fold a napkin and dance a minute. Oh and you can play the flute. Marketable skills, merchling. Marketed skills." "No one dances the minuet anymore."
"What's the easiest way to steal a man's wallet?" "Knife to the throat?" "Gun to the back?" "Poison in his cup?" "You are all horrible."
"Moose is probably your native tongue."
"I don't need a nursemaid." "More like a chaperone, but if you want him to wash your nappies and tuck you in at night that's your business."
"I am glad I am bleeding all over your shirt." "I'll put it in your tab."
"Fine. But if Pekka Rollins kills us all, I 'm going to get Wylan's ghost to teach my ghost how to play the flute just so that I can annoy the hell out of your ghost." Brekker's lips quirked. "I 'll just hire Matthias's ghost to kick your ghost's ass." "My ghost won't associate with your ghost." Matthias said primly, and then wondered if the sea air was rotting his brain.
"I am going to pay someone to burn my kruge for me." "Why don't you pay someone else to pay someone to burn your kruge for you? That's what the big players do." "You know what the really big bosses do? They pay someone to pay someone to..."
"Wake up you miserable lump of muscle."
"It's not natural for women to fight." "It's not natural for someone to be as stupid as he is tall, and yet, there you stand."
"Just flip it open to the back." "So?" "Hold it up so we don't have to look at your ugly face."
"And I can tell you 've never given thought to your haircut."
"Nina is everything you say. It's too much." "Mmm, maybe you are just not enough."
"Well, we've managed to get ourselves locked into the most secure prison in the world. We 're either geniuses or the dumbest sons of bitches to ever breath air."
"What is he doing?" "Performing an ancient Zemeni ritual." "Really?" "No."
"Saints" he said. "That bad?" "No, you just have really ugly feet."
"If any of you survive, make sure I have an open casket. The world deserves a few more moments with this face."
"How do we cross? I don't see anything." "Because you are not worthy." "I am also not nearsighted. There's nothing there."
"Yes I know, then a tree tells you the secret handshake."
"If only you could to girls in equations." "Just girls?" "No, not just girls."
Djel says you're a fanatic, drunk on your own power. Come back next year.
They are in trouble. Or you were dead wrong about Matthias, and you are about to pay for all of those talking tree jokes.
"I. Should. Let. You. Die."
"Behave or Nina Zenik will get you?" "Well, I do like the sound of that."
"Son of a bitch." "What is it, boss?" Rollins held up his watch chain. A turnip was hanging from the fob where his diamond-studded timepiece should have been. "That little bastar-" Then a thought came to him. He reached for his wallet. It was gone. So was his tie pin, the Kaelish coin pendant he wore for luck and the gold buckles in his shoes. Rollins wondered if he should check the fillings in his teeth. "He picked your pocket?" No one got one over Pekka Rollins. No one dared. But Brekker had, and Rollins wondered if that was just the beginning.
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saigawrites · 1 year
Hey siri, how to take care of an aura jelly blob?
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Continuation of my series | part 1 | part 2
Seelie! Genshin characters x Platonic! Gn! Reader
Sumeru men edition
Tags : fluff, crack, scenarios
Warnings : cursing, mentions of animal attack
Summary : you took home a strange creature, that looked nothing like anything from your world. So, you try to take care and somehow live with this sentient balloon.
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You didn't know what had happened at all. You didn't know how and why you took home an intellectual blob with pretty colors. But, right now there is no time asking questions, as this flying circle thing has been squeaking for about 30 minutes, trying to explain you something. You came up with an idea in your mind, but for a moment thought it would be impossible. But, who knows? Maybe this creature actually has an intelligence and can write what they wanna say on a notebook?
Grabbing a empty notebook and a pencil from your workspace table, you open it and give the pencil to the creature. Shockingly, it holds it with tiny arms, and levitating themselves closer to the paper, they start to scribble something.
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Wanderer ♥︎
"Filthy humanoid creature! I am the unnamed wanderer from teyvat! I know nothing about the surrounding environment around me. Tell me, where am I, so I can figure out a way to return to my homeland. And don't you dare to take advantage of my current state! I am powerful beyond your understanding, even if I'm not in my original form."
Okay, that's kinda freaky. Why is an aura balloon acting all supreme now?
When you read what he wrote, an "really?" expression set on your face. That's probably why he zapped you when you took him out of your bag.
As much as you know, there isn't a place called "teyvat" in any part of the globe. So, this thing is from another one. Great. You somehow bringed an alien into your house.
But at least, some of your questions were answered.
You found a bit funny that a floating circle with cat ears and tail was deliberately trying to boss around, though you didn't wanna get electrocuted again, so you simply followed whatever demands this alien thing could have.
Oh, his demands were BIG. No sleeping past 6 AM, doing intense research on the topic of multidimensional lapping, and long explanations about literally everything your world can offer you.
Well, you are glad that you don't have to feed him or watch after him.
That last part was a lie, as this seemingly harmless boss companion of yours was dangerously curious, and happened to cause trouble even if he was as soft as jelly.
Yeah, that time he wanted to see what type of clothes do your humans wear, he shaked that closet a little too much, as it almost fell on you.
You learned that he is surprisingly very strong after that, he even helped you put the heavy wood rectangle back in place.
Or that time you both were taking a walk in the forest, and he came too close to an aggressive tank with antlers, a 6 feet tall moose, making him react violently to you.
Gladly, the moose couldn't come any closer as your blue-purple friend somehow casted a heavy gust of wind, strong enough to push the animal away.
Your angry little jelly blob rushed to your side after that, afraid of you damaging yourself in any way. After scanning your face for any injuries and finding none, the cat blob made sure to not to stray away from you far.
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Kaveh ♡
"Thank you, kind-hearted humanoid! I was so scared when I woke up in that place. Your rescue will be forever remembered by me. I am Kaveh, the architect of the sumeru city! It is an honour to be acquainted with such a peculiar creature like you! Please, help me find a way for me to get back to my planet."
First off, did he mention sumeru? The ancient city that existed centuries ago? Second off, did he call you peculiar? These balls be wildin
The warm-yellow bunny eared balloon floated around you excitedly, waiting for your response. You wanted to pet him and slap him into the void at the same time.
You got his vibe just right in your first interaction. The jelly ball acted all cute and adorable, but the clinginess of his made you progress on the aggression part in the cuteness-aggression feeling way more.
Seriously, this piss blob's ignoring of your personal space is on another level. The amount of times you had to shove him away from nuzzling all over your face and hair is overwhelming.
In his eyes, you are a majestic architectural masterpiece. He takes notes how your eyes and ears are on the same level, how your brows are exactly perfect centimeters away from your eyes. He loves your nose structure, he often stares at it to much, gaining a questioning look from you.
He is just like that with literally everything else in your apartment. He takes notes of the proportions of some objects, and in his seelie mind he finds ways to project your modern structures into his own.
Other than disturbing your piece he likes to look out the window, stare down at all of the other buildings and examine them with extreme focus.
Sometimes he even tries to make a sketch with his itty bitty hands, but fails miserably and comes crying to you, burying himself in your arms and making you pet his smooth body.
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Al-haitam ♥︎
"I am Al-haitam, and I come from another world, as you probably already have guessed from our appearance differences. I thank you for taking me into a safe environment, may the archons bless your kind-soul. I ask you to fulfill my another wish, help me return back."
Who are archons? Are they some kind of deitys? Gods perhaps? You truly don't know.
His calm and reserved behavior matched his talking style. He kinda reminded you of the mystical tree, his colors and a leaf like antenna confirmed your statement further.
That's probably why you would burst out laughing whenever the green aura circle would act all smart, reading books and watching educational videos on youtube with you.
Though, after laughing your ass off, you would always think of his behavior as cute in a way. So much that you would have to hold your hands in place and resist the urge to just squeeze the life out of him.
Sometimes you couldn't hold it tough, and give in to your desires, smiling and giggling as you nuzzle this jello orb body of his.
Fighting back and eventually winning, he would aggressively bring your communication notebook and write down that your relationship is purely professional and you are disturbing his necessary research.
Making a ridicilously serious face and nodding repeatedly you would leave him alone for some time, only to come back again to lay on him and fight in the process.
Eventually he would just give up and go with the flow of your playfulness, seeing as he got exhausted of reading multiple books already.
And when you would get tired, you both would just lay there, napping peacefully as he nuzzles in your chest, listening to your heartbeat and think of how strange you are in his world perspective.
After waking up from a quick nap, he would poke you with his tiny arms and tug you to stand up to go to the library with him.
He really loved your libraries, the sight of your extremely detailed and textured bookshelfs and scriptures would make him scream like a fangirl on the inside.
He also liked your concentrated state, with your reading glasses on and gaze fixed on the letters. He would enjoy it even more when you would take notes of the subject, he's genuinely amazed of your handwriting.
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Cyno ♥︎
"I am the general Mahamatra, Cyno. I thank you for saving me from the streets. I would be more than happy if you could get me back in my world, teyvat. Thanks in advance, or should I say, in later on."
What the hell was that. Was it... a joke? Okay, now is not the time to question what type of humor does this purple circle has.
Oh, but he's questioning you, looking at you with such a attentive gaze. Is he waiting for you to laugh?
Fulfilling his wishes, you chuckled from the amusement of not getting the joke at all. The blob didn't care though, as he simply jiggled in his place, proud of himself.
From that moment you discovered that this alien orb is a terrible jokester, as he would literally pull you from whatever you were doing to just check his new made ones.
And everytime you couldn't help but laugh histerically at his antics, because you wouldn't get the premise at all. All of his jokes never made sense, but were the most hilarious thing you laughed at in a while.
And he would always jiggle with pride after you laughed, bro really thought he gained a fan of his jokes💀.
One day you thought about showing him your world's perspective of humor, as you sat him up on the couch and turned on the tv with popular comedy shows.
Safe to say he would repeatedly jump from his seat, and roll on the couch from side to side, as his purple anubis ears would jiggle uncontrollably.
You took it as a sign of him liking it, and soon enough you both had a routine of watching comedy shows and gasp from laughing.
At first you thought he was just a happy go lucky guy, not realizing he can be sort of a guard dog.
Really, you only saw him being serious when he sensed something and flew to it's direction, only for it to be a racoon that he scared away with mini thunder.
Now you got why he was such a bright color of purple. Not gonna lie, you were a little scared to hold him after that, afraid he'll electrocute the shit out of you😰.
But it never happened, so you guess he's only friendly to you? Honestly, you felt kinda honored to have this status.
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Tighnari ♡
"Greetings, suspectable another species of humankind. I am Tighnari, the forest ranger of the sumeru region. It is a pleasure to be in your natural environment, being able to study your world. Though, I would appreciate it if you could help me return back to sumeru. I still have a ton of things to do back there, so please, make sure to fulfill my request."
Is he some type of a scientist? "A pleasure to be in your natural environment, being able to study your world" yeah, my ass.
And he was an ass. Pain in the ass, to be exact.
He wouldn't leave you alone, wherever you would go or whenever time it was. He was always around you, floating and examining your features.
He just can't help himself, you look so strange! And everything around you looks so strange. He just has to know atleast something about the place he is in right now, what type of setting it is, how does it work, and yada yada yada...
That's what lead you to the situation you are in now, as he peeked out of your hoodie pocket, staring at all the contests of the supermarket you were in.
Even if you had told him already a thousand times that he can't go with you because he doesn't look like everybody else, he didn't listen and sneaked inside your clothes, successfully getting out of the house with you.
You desperately tried to cover his enormous ears with your hands, stuffing him further inside the pocket only for him to pop out from the other side. What a nosy aura blob.
It would get even worse when he would fly out to scan some object like salty pickles, thinking of it as peculiar, when in reality the only thing that's peculiar was him.
He would closely watch whenever you would put something in the cart, taking notes on how you hold the product and how you place it inside the metal structure.
He especially got very freaky about your world's greenery, demanding you to go out with him into a park, a nearby forest or literally anywhere where there is some type of plants.
You instead decided to take him into a local botanical garden, and when I say he went crazy, he went crazy.
Stopping every 3 minutes to find a new plant and examine it for about 20 minutes you and him spent the whole day in that garden.
He would poke your shoulder to it being numb, asking you to explain or tell what kind of plant it is, where does it grow, how does it grow, can we take it home, all that nerdy shit.
You did end up taking some small house plants afterwards, due to his unstoppable crying and squeaking, like a child wanting their parent to buy candy in the store.
He then made sure to always bug you to take care of the plant, saying that he is "incapable" of doing so himself. What a troublesome circle.
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Oof, this ones LONG. And I'm proud of it😜. Genuinely hope you enjoy this, cuz I spent an eternity writing this😭.
Tag : @vault-of-reblogs
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lululandd · 6 months
antics; (ii.)
pairing: simon ‘ghost’ riley x f!reader
wordcount: 700+
warnings: fluff
note: if simon is a cat he’d be orange (also on AO3)
summary: simon pranks reader back
part i. | part ii. | part iii.
Meese yowled in one long continuous tone, waking you up in a panic. You grabbed your phone to take a quick look at the clock before rushing outside to see what’s happening to your little spoiled cat. The last time he yowled like this he brought home a big leaf and the wind blew it away and he won't stop crying for a whole day, lamenting the loss of his leaf under the couch.
The little bastard meowed quieter—like the true drama queen he is—as you walked closer. You see him pawing at the front door, persistently meowing until you get close enough, before making figure eights around your legs with his tail up.
“Calm the fuck down, Meese.” You heard your neighbour on the other side of the door. You grab your kitty and hold him in your arms before opening the door.
You were greeted with a sight of your neighbour in a dark hoodie with a matching dark facemask, holding a stack of two tupperwares in one hand
“Uh.. Hi?” You offered.
He held the containers up higher, “Cooked something for you and the boy.” He said in favour of a hello. The concern in your face must have shown because he continued, “I looked up online what cats are not supposed to eat, and left some herbs out. Didn’t even salt his portion.”
You were surprised at the generosity and thoughtfulness of your neighbour. He was practically a stranger, and yet here he is, cooked salmon in hand. Thanking him profusely, with an offer to come in that he rejected, he gave Meese a little pet on the head and scritches under his chin before leaving.
When you opened your tupperware, you saw he had cooked herbed salmon with roasted baby potatoes, drizzled on top was some kind of fragrant oil—you had guessed it was truffle—and two little quartered pieces of lemon. He’s very fancy.
Opening Meese’s container however, you see a gigantic piece of salmon, like twice the size of the one in your container.
Wait, did he put the wrong fish in the wrong box?
Knocking on his door with both boxes in hand, he opened the door without his mask on, and this would be the first time you see the lower half of his face without a mask. You were taken aback for a little while before he spoke up, snapping you out of your momentary pause.
“Yeah?” He looked down at you and then at the containers. If you didn’t know any better you’d think he was waiting for you, considering how quickly he answered the door.
Pushing the tupperwares higher so he could see the clear sides of it, you asked if he had accidentally mixed the fishes up.
He terribly hid a shit eating grin, “Nah. I didn’t. Made sure of it.”
“You’re smirking!” You point an accusatory finger at him, laughing when he does. His smile lines compliments his crows feet and you couldn’t help but to match his wide grin.
He moved to the side, “Come in. Get you some more salmon.”
This time it's your turn to refuse an invite to come inside. “Oh, no. I’m not here to ask for more food or anything, just wanted to make sure it wasn’t a mix-up.”
“Wanted to get you back for the whole meese situation.” He confessed.
“When you told me his name. You said Meese is plural for Moose. Told my boss that and embarrassed myself.”
This is what you had actually wanted to happen in the first place, for someone to fall for that trick, but damn you felt guilty that he probably got laughed at by his boss and co-workers.
He waved you off, gesturing at the tupperware with a smile. “Got you back, didn’t I?”
“Umm…?” You blink slowly at him. “I embarrassed you in front of your boss… so you… cooked… a delicious meal for me and my cat..?”
His face turned bright red, “Well, since you put it that way it does sound like you got me both times.”
It’s almost endearing how he thought he got you back, seeing the time and effort he put on cooking those dishes.
You repaid his kind revenge by bringing Meese over to his place more often.
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harlequinchaos · 1 year
Tears of the Kingdom tips for surviving the new economy and whatnot, under the cut (in case of spoilers)
Once you get to Kakariko Village you can buy the Stealth Suit (Highly recommend doing the connected sidequest to bring the cost of the shop down). This makes it so you can walk up to fish, bugs, and creatures without them running away (if you sprint they'll still run) this is AMAZING for collecting these things as everything seems way more sparse in totk. No more chasing frogs for you my friend.
Food Tip: Critical Meals
Cooking between 11:30pm-12:00pm on the night of a blood moon gives you:
+3 hearts recovered to your dish
+1 level to whatever effect is present in your dish
+5:00 duration to the effect
Rupee Tip: Go Spelunking!
One of the biggest features in totk are the new caves systems that are literally everywhere. Oftentimes you'll find ore deposits and rare ore deposits and find Amber, Opal, Rubies, Sapphires and Topazes. Sell them for cash (I recommend saving sapphires, see below). If you see a wall of breakable rocks, usually it will drop rusty claymores and rocks for you to make more crude hammers. But a bomb flower or zonai time bomb work too (DON'T BLOW YOURSELF UP). Additionally, a cave will be marked with a ✔️ once you kill the bubblfrog inside.
Battle tip: Ice is OP.
Frozen enemies take double damage from your next hit, so try to always have a Magic Rod/Scepter with a sapphire fused to it, fusing a sapphire to a regular weapon works as well, but you're not aiming to hit the enemy with the source of the ice. Freeze > pause and switch to your strongest weapon> hit the enemy > switch back to your ice weapon > repeat to stunlock the enemy, works on everything that isn't a Lynel or Boss. Using Ice Fruit or Blue Chuchu jelly works too, but stuff is more rare in this game.
Relatively Easy Rupees:
You'll need:
-Bow & arrows (the stronger the bow the better)
-Sheild (for sheild surfing)
-Cold Resistance Armor (to survive)
-Speedy Elixir (optional, but it'll REALLY help)
-Access to Snowfield Stable (Hebra Region)
What you're gonna be doing is big game hunting in the snowy field north of the stable. All winter animals are capable of dropping Raw Gourmet Meat which is the best quality, including moose, the bears and the wolves. Sheild surf to get around quicker and then go for headshots with a bow and just hunt the animals for their meat. You'll want the speedy Elixir because you have to be pretty quick between the meat dropping and freezing. Once it's frozen it counts as a meal, but you literally get hundreds of rupees by selling 5 Raw Gourmet Meats cooked together.
Item Management: Brightbloom Mushrooms are the new Apples:
Going off of the previous tip of exploring the cave systems, you'll find Brightbloom Mushrooms almost more than anything else. Eventually you'll want to stop collecting them, but they're the perfect source of quick food fodder. Just cook a bunch together for quick hearts (and the glow effect which is nice in caves).
Advanced Combat Tip: Muddlebuds
If you've been to The Depths, one of the native plants are the Muddlebuds. These make it so enemies will attack each other when thrown (or attached to an arrow). I recommend wearing the stealth gear, sneaking up to a pack or finding a vantage point, and hitting the strongest enemy in the group with a muddlebud arrow. It'll start to attack it's allies, allowing you to sit back and enjoy the show. Note: enemies will still target you if they see you (hence the stealth/vantage point)
These are just a few tips, feel free to add more, and try not to be too spoilery for people who haven't played or haven't gotten far yet!
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angelsanarchy · 7 months
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Tangerine Skies: Possum x Y/N Series CH 5
Tagging: @svgarcaine @icarus-star @romanroyapoligist @tempt-ress @madamemaximoff06 @shady-the-simp @liquidsmoothdomme @auggiethecreator @ethical-cain-vinnel @blacksoul-27
TW: Cunnilingus, Cum Eating, Squirting
Y/n woke up in the RV feeling like she had every ounce of stress fucked out of her last night. She didn't fuck Possum with any real expectations but the way he handled her, bending her over the picnic table they had meals at the nights prior, smearing his cum on her back only to use it on her clit to make sure she also finished was...insane. She also had never in her life squirted before. Not with a partner and not by herself. The release she got from that one fuck was enough for her to yearn for go.
She woke up ready to climb into his tent and hop onto his cock but she found he wasn't in his tent. He had already taken off for the day without even letting her know. He even took Opossum with him. She immediately thought the worst. Maybe it wasn't as good for him as it was for her. Maybe she was just one of many fucks along the way in this town. Maybe he just didn't feel the connection that she did.
She pulled her robe tightly around herself and spent the day morning cleaning the RV. She had to work until late so if she was lucky, she wouldn't see him before she headed out and she could avoid him when she got back. Every noise she heard in the woods made her look towards his tent and she felt pathetic. How could she be so caught up after one fuck? I mean he was fun to be around and they had formed a pretty decent friendship but maybe he was just like this with everyone? Y/n tried not to dwell on it as she went to work, still not having seen any sign of Possum.
She was just glad John wasn't working today so she didn't have to be pissed off and overthinking what her and Possum had done last night.
"So you slept with Moose?" Anna the other waitress said as Y/n got lost in her thoughts, cleaning the same menu for the last 10 minutes.
"His name is Possum." Y/n looked up at her annoyed. She knew how the other waitresses felt about the people that passed through the town like Possum. They kept making jokes about her getting tested for rabies and STD's.
"Does it matter? I mean you should really set your standards a little above rodents in my opinion." She said rolling her eyes.
"It's a good thing no one asked you. Besides I don't take advice from people who suck off the boss." Y/n spat harshly.
"You don't have to be a bitch about it! So the guy fucked you and left. Big deal. He's literally homeless!" Anna stormed away, snatching the remainder of the dirty menus to clean elsewhere. Y/n hadn't meant to be so harsh but she didn't appreciate any of these people judging her and the way she spent her free time. She had met a lot of people in the Emerald Triangle who were a lot worse than homeless. They didn't even know Possum like that...although, neither did she.
Pulling up to the RV that night, she panicked slightly seeing the lantern on in Possum's tent. He was back but she prayed he would be sleeping. She turned the car off and tried to quietly get out and shut the door without making any noise. She felt ridiculous almost tiptoeing towards the RV.
"Are we supposed to be hiding from someone?" Possum's voice startled Y/n making her jump.
"JESUS!" She yelped.
"Nope...just me...Possum." He held his hand up with a smile.
"I thought you might be sleeping, I didn't want to wake you." Y/n explained.
"Oh no way, I've spent all day trying to get things together for a sort of thank you for last night..." As Possum spoke, Y/n saw that he had set up little plastic candles on the picnic table with what looked like breakfast foods, a small tray of joints and a case of beer.
"I don't really know how to be romantic but I didn't get to cook you breakfast so I wanted to make up for that. I also hope you liked scrambled eggs because I don't know how to make them any other way." He laughed as he gestured for her to sit down.
"You...did all this...for me?" She was baffled. All day she thought Possum wasn't thinking twice about her and last night but he had literally spent all day gathering things to put together this little candle lit breakfast for dinner.
"Possum, you shouldn't have spent money on this. I know you're saving to get home." Possum took her hands and laughed.
"I'll get there...eventually. I wanted to do this." He smiled at her sitting down opposite her. They ate microwave bacon, scrambled eggs, actual pancakes and cinnamon rolls that were a little burned on the bottom from him trying to create a dutch oven over a fire. He talked to her about how him and his mother loved breakfast for dinner and how they had it often enough for him to make it his comfort meal. Y/n felt touched that he would share his comfort meal with her.
When they finished eating, they sat down next to the fire and passed a flask to one another.
"This was all very sweet, thank you for doing this." She laughed but Possum could tell something was wrong.
"Are you okay? Did you have another bad day? I didn't mean to assume you liked breakfast foods-" He asked concerned and she shook her head.
"Honestly, it's my own fault. I spent all day thinking you just sort of took off this morning. If you hadn't left your tent, I would have thought you moved on." Possum cocked his eyebrow at her.
"Well technically I did but only because I knew it would take me all day to find the right stuff I wanted. Plus I mostly walked." Possum explained hoping she knew that he would never just abandon her like that.
"I don't fuck a lot of people Y/n. Last night was special. You are special. I would never leave without saying anything to you first. You know that right?" He asked and Y/n felt the warmth of his touch and the liquor in her belly.
"I do now." She smiled.
"Plus, I was kind of hoping since I made dinner, you could do dessert." Possum pocketed his flask.
"I don't know that I have anything sweet in the RV..." Possum stood up and extended his hand towards her. She took it slightly confused but followed him into his tent. She dropped down to sit on her knees and he did the same, pulling her into a kiss that was much more precious and careful than what she experienced last night. His hands moved slowly over her buttons, stripping her until she was completely naked and lying on her back. He laid between her legs and parted her lips with his tongue. He made his way down her body, sucking on each nipple, nibbling on the meat of her hip and licking her thighs until he was finally face to face with her pussy.
"This was the sweets I was talking about." Possum said before lapping at her cunt. Y/n's hips jumped and she tried not to let out a loud moan. Possum slid down further like he was taking up residency between her legs, using his nose to bump her clit every time he lapped up her juices.
"Oh fuck Possum." She squeezed her tits in her hands tightly trying not to buck up into his face. She could feel his hands holding onto her hips and she gripped his hair, pulling upward and feeling him moan against her.
"You taste so fucking good." He breathed sucking on her clit for a moment before pressing the tip of his tongue down firmly against it and wiggling it.
"God I woke up this morning...wanting to come in here and ride you until you woke up." Y/n moaned trying not to feel completely overwhelmed but Possum was an absolutely munch. The way in which he ate pussy was like someone trying to eat their way into another dimension, suckling and probing as not to miss a single sweet morsel of her.
"Yeah? Let me make up for missing that then." Possum sat up looking over Y/n's naked body and wiping her juices from his chin as he pulled his shirt over his head. Y/n sat up ready to pounce but Possum stopped her.
"I want you to sit on my face. I'm going to make you cum like you did last night and I want to drown in it." Possum licked her bottom lip watching her blush. He laid down and she got up on her knees unsure of just how this was going to work. He place a hand on her knee and pulled one leg over his shoulders and yanked her up towards his face so fast she squealed.
"It's okay. Just ride my face, I promise I will be okay." Y/n honestly had never done this before but Possum's enthusiasm gave her the confidence to just go for it. The way in which his tongue was able to get so deep inside of her from this angle, Y/n couldn't help but feel clenching in her thighs.
"Oh Possum, fuck that feels so fucking good. No one has ever made me feel this fucking good." Y/n was now fully grinding her hips down, letting him use his tongue, nose, even his chin to give her pleasure. She could feel a hum against her pussy and she shivered. It was his moans and they were sending little jolts to her clit. She could feel Possum's hands gripping her ass pulling her down on him harder, making her hump his face with such vigor she wish she had something to hold onto because she would have ground her hips down harder against him.
"FUCK! I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum, Possum" She moaned so loud, throwing her head back, she didn't even realize she was squirting again all over his face. She could feel her own release on her thighs and she tried to move away from his face but Possum kept the grip on her ass, holding her there. She slowed her hips, legs jumping from over stimulation before Possum let her fall to the side next to him. You would have thought he just ran a marathon with how wet he looked.
She reached up to wipe his face and he grabbed her hand to stop her.
"Don't you dare. I'm not sharing." His breathing was heavy but you couldn't wipe the smile from his face.
"Do you think I could return the favor?" Y/n reached down and felt for Possum's cock but he laughed when she discovered that he had already cum in his pants.
"Sorry, I really enjoy eating pussy and yours is by far one of the finest I've ever had toe pleasure to enjoy." Possum explained. Y/n shook her head at him blushing once more but still decided to pull his semi hard cock from his pants to look at the mess. He held her eye contact as she leaned down and licked the cum from his cock making him clench his teeth. She licked his cock clean but knew he would need another shower.
"You taste like something I would enjoy choking on." Y/n whispered before laying in the crook of his arm. He pulled her into his side tightly and took a deep breath.
"You are the best part of Emerald Triangle." Possum smiled at her, kissing her lips so they could both taste on another. That night they slept together in the tent, snuggled up and spooning. Y/n fully planned to suck Possum's cock into hardness in the morning so she could start her day with another ride.
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s1 episode 21 thoughts
now i may have accidentally learned what happens in this episode before i watched it which is why i try very hard to not peek at other blogs BUT. the episode certainly still delivered. return of the lizard man!!! i had forgotten about his yellow lizard eyes and shapeshifting. charming fellow.
anyway it's only been a few months since lizard man eugene tooms broke into scully's house (i think, time is confusing in this show) but they say he has been SUCH a good boy it's time for him to be released. to which i say: was breaking into her house not a massive deal? it is written off as "misplaced anger"... the fuck?!?
and scully is being reprimanded by her bosses, who say her reports don't play by the rules! but she shuts them up with her successful conviction rate. yeah of course they aren't playing by the book they're hunting bigfoot???
mulder testifies at his hearing because he spent 3 years working for the behavioral science unit profiling serial killers. now i feel that in any case involving an attack on scully, he's not the most objective guy to bring to the table. and he sure wasn't!
he openly claims that tooms is a hibernating century old lizard monster. ah, mulder, your honestly is refreshing and underappreciated. the judges think he is crazy.
scully rolls up and basically says that he also sounds crazy, to which he replies "i don't care how it sounds as long as it's the truth'' self-image be damned! spooky mulder wants answers (love his ongoing dedication to Truth as an overarching theme throughout this show. big fan)
scully just got yelled at by her bosses for not being by the book enough so she's hesitant to get involved, and mulder came out of the gate with a banger line here:
"look scully, if you're resistant because you don't believe, i'll respect that, but if you're resistant because of some bureaucratic pressure, they've not only reeled you in, but already skinned you" <- i gasped and said "get her ass" (sorry scully but i agree with him just this once!)
tooms picked up a dead rat and then licked his fingers which is Normal Behavior!
he also saw a pretty woman and began shifting into Lizard Mode, but before he could strike, mulder is on the scene! he asks tooms to help him find his elkhound named heinrich, which he uses to hunt moose
(now, to me, this line revealed some key information: fox mulder was DEFINITELY a theatre kid who took improv games VERY seriously. because where else could that even come from?)
old man says he knows where the body from the 1930's murder is and this is not treated as suspicious but shocker! he's right!
this moment also gave us scully in a big ol' coat and safety googles, which was entirely a look <3
next mister eugene tooms stakes out the house of a businessman, where mulder has followed without authorization... he begins to sneak in through the sewer to come and get the wife! who was distracted by her baby! to which i wrote the following:
"NAUR HE'S GONNA COME UP THROUGH THE TOILET NOOOOOOO don't have kids they will distract you from the lizard man climbing up your toilet to eat you"
solid advice i think we all can apply in our daily lives
(i also noted that mulder looks very at home in a shady alleyway but we don't need to analyze that right now)
then i wrote "i really hate this lizard man" which speaks for itself
scully shows up after mulder has spent 3 straight days in his car. she says mulder, your car fucking stinks. i will bring you a sandwich. you haven't slept in 3 days. let me take over.
he says he doesn't care about his career!!!! he just doesn't want her to break the rules and get a mark on her file by getting involved in an unauthorized stakeout!!!! what!!!! fuck!!!
WE GET OUR FIRST TIME SCULLY CALLS HIM FOX!!!! he laughs at this and said he even made his PARENTS call him mulder so she adjusts herself and says mulder, she wouldn't put herself on the line for anyone else AUGGHHHHHHHHH MELTING INTO A PUDDLE. THERE IS A PUDDLE NOW WHERE ONCE I STOOD.
she brought him a sandwich but he says "if there's an iced tea in that bag, could be love"
(love? the subject of love, spoken between OUR mulder and scully? at this very hour, by a man delirious from no sleep? i held my breath)
"must be fate", she says, and hands him a root beer <- LMAOOOOO the writers got my ass with that one... i fell entirely for their trap
before she heads for the stakeout he SO earnestly tells her that at 11:30 there is a sports talk radio show and leaves her with the silliest smile like :) which DID cause me to giggle. ugh he's SUCH a nerd.
but noooo the lizard man is in his caaaaar!
scully brought some magazines for her stakeout. once again NEED to know what she is reading in her free time.
cut scene back to mulder's place. whyyyyy does this man SLEEP on his COUCH?? have we investigated THAT mystery??? oh fuck he looks sooooo cozy though
lizard man cut his own face to frame mulder which made me GAG EWWWWW
their bosses say mulder has been forbidden from anymore tooms investigating since he has been framed for attacking him... they tell him to take a long vacation and he was very close to getting fired... aughhh i mean i DO want to see him take a vacation so we can get our beach episode but! stop being mean to him :(
the doctor assigned to deal with lizard man seems so nice only to get eaten. sad!
mulder IMMEDIATELY gets back on the case after the newest murder despite being told maybe 5 minutes ago his job is on the line. lol. lmao, even.
they go to the site of lizard man's old nest which is now a fancy building and mulder takes off his jacket and tie to crawl in the vents. okay but he didn't have to make it sensual. but he did. without trying. it was probably the last thing on his mind. and here we are. everyone say thank you mulder <3
sewer man ATTACKS in the SEWERS! a likely place for him to be.
LMAOOOOOO THEY KILLED HIM WITH AN ESCALATOR i knew that was gonna happen but did it make it any less funny? no!!!!
the episode ends with mulder staring at a caterpillar in a cocoon and he says that a change for him and scully is coming... okayyy cryptic <3
(i would have expected them both to be heavily triggered by the sight of a cocoon but they seem well-adjusted)
so there was no addressing of the previous bug incident from the last episode which i expected but was a little disappointed by because the bugs cocooned them and i wanted to see what that fallout was. alas i have come to accept the timeskip format
(but like. aren't you curious about their quarantine? how long it took for them to feel better? what the recovery procedure was? no? just me? well alright then)
it was a good episode! glad we got to see mulder's improv skills, our first (and maybe last?) time scully called him "fox", more sleeping on the couch, an end to lizard man's reign of terror, and their undying loyalty to one another that i drink in like ambrosia. and i only have 3 episodes left of s1!!! what could those cryptic last words to the caterpillar mean....? we must stay tuned to find out!
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pinchinschlimbah · 4 months
Continuing from my previous post let's talk about the queercoding and themes in Dick Turpin episode 3! So first off, I had previously said I was hoping we'd get to hear more about Honesty's backstory since I was having a hard time identifying what his deal was, and I was delighted to find out this episode that the reason he needed less help finding himself than the other two is because he's got parents who are actively and enthusiastically supportive of his- and I use this phrase very intentionally- alternative lifestyle :)
In direct foil to this, the other main theme of the episode is Wilde's relationship with both himself and his son. Wilde is so caught up in the old fashioned, violent, and oppressive life path he's gone down that he views it as the only path and that anything less is failure. He prides himself in this toxic masculinity, and in the exchange Wilde and Dick have about it, Dick notes that Wilde seems insecure explicitly about not being the "big boss" in charge, and possibly implicitly (unbeknownst to Dick thus far) that Wilde's boss is a woman who has power over him. Just as we saw with Dick and his father in the first episode, Wilde seems to be resentful and embarrassed of his son for not living up to his expectations of what a man should be- he expresses frustration and dismissal towards Christopher for being too soft and not the violent criminal mastermind Wilde wishes his son to be, but also expresses that he feels Christopher is too fragile to be exposed to the world without his father's protection and therefore shouldn't be given the chance to have his own experiences. In response to Wilde explaining that he expects Christoper to follow in his tough guy crime boss footsteps, Dick remarks "what if he wants to be an artist....or a barista...or an artist who works as a barista" which you cannot tell me isn't deliberate queercoding!!
In the later conversation between Dick and Wilde, Dick tries to find common ground between them as they each list their interests and we're shown the divide between staunch seriousness and compassionate enjoyment, toxic masculinity vs joyful flamboyancy. During the eventual moment of vulnerability from Wilde, he admits that he feels like the joyful parts of him have been drained away by the society he exists in, and only the serious and evil parts are left over. Dick, who by his own self-confidence and unabashed authenticity has clearly evaded this same fate despite seemingly experiencing a similarly conservative upbringing, remarks that that's a really bleak way of existing, and encourages Wilde to spend more time with his son and enjoy the world around him. Wilde, to his credit, does actually work toward following this advice! Meanwhile, Christopher (or as Nell calls him, which feels significant to all of this in that so much of Noel's work casually has no regard for traditional perception of gender, "Jennifer") once left to his own devices ends up bonding with the gang and admits that he himself wants to be a highwayman. He becomes particularly attached to Moose, arguably the most queer-coded (and I wouldn't be surprised if it becomes more explicitly stated later in the show given how he's been portrayed so far) character in the show- arriving in London twirling in his dress and being excited about dancing, flamboyant hats, and the theatre. After Christopher gets to spend a day with someone who encourages his flamboyance and sense of joy and fun rather than expecting him to be someone he's not, Christopher seems changed for the better and more sure of himself, and once he's reunited with his father who has been on his own journey of learning this lesson, the episode ends with the indication of them moving forward together towards a more compassionate, accepting, and happier future. Anywayyyy, I love this silly little show so goddamn much already. Stay tuned for probably more in the coming weeks!
Editor’s note: I just realized I forgot to address that Dick’s first choice of disguise was a female character and that the fight club leader reacts to her as a pretty lady but also like….do I even need to point that out? Standard par for the course for a Noel media hahaha
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longelk · 1 year
I've beat inscryption but kaycees mod is beating my absolute ass! I cannot for the life of me beat it even once!! Give pro strats pls... (also I love your art so so much obviously but I also think it'd be fun to ask you about the game itself if that's ok!!! :,D)
ofc id be happy to talk about the game itself!! dont feel bad about losing to kmod its very hard on purpose because kaycee likes inflicting pain!
first of all, i learned a lot of lifesaving strats/tricks from this little fanmade kmod wiki! it gives pros/cons for each starter deck and goes into detail about how hand manipulation works and stuff, check it out for sure
that said the most important things to do are:
keep a small deck, especially try not to have more than one or two 1-blood cost cards or free cards
have a big damage card that can 1-hit KO leshy on the first turn (5 damage until you get the challenge that starts you off with 1 damage on your side, then this card should do 6 damage)
those rules probably arent as important when youre just starting and the challenges arent too bad, but eventually leshy is gonna pull a bifurcated turkey vulture on his first turn when you turn the heat up down the road so itd be wise to get into the rhythm early. im assuming you only have vanilla deck unlocked, so try buffing the wolf with bifurcated or at a good campfire
you want to keep your deck small so you can reliably pull your win card preferably on the first turn, when you have too much useless crap like pelts or extra 1-blood costs, theyre going to be pulled in your starting hand and you wont be able to do enough damage in time.
its wise to have at least two 1-Hit-KO win cards to prepare for the prospector since he wipes your board after phase one, and having a backup is valuable when you cant trim down your deck enough
try to avoid map nodes that give you cards, and try to aim for map nodes that will take away cards (or otherwise wont give you new ones). use the campfire to try and get rid of cards you dont want, try to fail cave challenges, dont buy pelts from trapper (buy his knife instead if you can), etc. if a campfire doesnt kill your card you can also exit to menu and re-enter the game to have it buff your preferred card instead lol. and if youre forced to pick a cost card, go with 3-blood cost. if youre forced to pick a family card, try to get one that you can fuse with your win card at mycos. again, you can always exit/re-enter start menu to see what your other options are
that said, ive started doing something on my own that i havent seen mentioned anywhere, and its making sure to use an item in battle if backpack is your next node, to prevent yourself from getting packrats from having a full inventory. im sure theres a strat where you can get a bunch of rats to fuse at mycos but it isnt worth it imo
that, and also try to have at least one item that can instantly kill/remove a card from leshy's board before you fight final boss leshy, like the hook, trapper knife, or scissors. ideally you want to kill his moleman so you can use your KO card before he pulls out prospector and wipes your board and things get hairy. there is a guaranteed backpack node before you fight leshy, you can actually exit and re-enter game to make sure you get the item you want if you dont feel bad about it lol (magickal bleach works against the moleman too but you have to unlock this)
getting your KO card is easier once you unlock the Blood deck (its the first you unlock i believe, after 1-2 challenges) cause it gives you a goat and moose! try to buff that moose at least once, maybe give the goat a good sigil like undying, fecundity or hoarder (hoarder can be a lifesaver if your deck is too big, its the sigil magpie has) or otherwise you can sacrifice the mole to the goat at an early sacrifice stone
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dungeonaspects · 2 months
Short Story: Cannibalism
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The deer population had plummeted in the last six years. So much so that conservation groups had begun a large-scale tagging operation, affixing GPS trackers to the dwindling numbers of white-tailed deer that remained in the forests. Being one of the many capable trackers I’d been sent deep into the forests to check on a location that a lot of deer with GPS trackers seemed to be congregating and either getting stuck or dying.
The working theory was a tainted water source, a legacy of migration routes etched into generational memory, or perhaps a newly opened fissure leaking noxious gas. Ultimately it didn’t matter, it was impacting the food chain and wildlife officials were getting nervous
I’m a hunter subcontracted into these projects, while the big bosses can wax whimsical about their stats and environmental benefits it doesn’t change the fact: I needed a job. So instead of taking tourists on the same hike over and over, or babysitting some kids calling themselves men while they missed every shot at local wildlife. I embraced the solitude of the wild, armed with a GPS, ample supplies, and the liberty to roam the untamed expanses on behalf of those corporate suits.
Don’t get me wrong, I love forests. You don’t spend as much time as I do within them without loving them like a sailor does the sea. You also learn to respect nature for what it is, a hell of a lot sturdier than those idiots in suits give it credit for.
So even if the numbers can drop and species can die out, nature can stand up for itself. Once our towns and cities crumble, nature will simply need to reclaim it. So why worry the little stuff? It’ll survive a long time after we’re gone.
I used to so fervently believe this, like we couldn’t do anything to truly hurt nature. I was wrong.
Three weeks into my journey, deposited by helicopter at a serene lake, I traced ancient paths not trodden for a century, likely the same routes indigenous peoples followed before being forced away.
I was one of the few that could go this deep into wild territory without being dead within a week. Grizzly’s, wolves, moose, even cougars paled in comparison to the simple act of getting lost. I didn’t get lost. I held to old-school orienteering and kept meticulous track of where I was and where I’d been, I could use the stars if I had to.
A GPS helps, and I wouldn’t be caught dead without one, but knowing my route and my way back was worth more than a piece of plastic that could break or run out of power or lose signal. So I kept moving.
I was only an hour or so from the location of the tagged deer. The views had been stunning, my side gig as a nature photographer making sure I’ll have more than a few images and videos to sell to Instagrammers or TikTokkers that wouldn’t survive a two hour hike, much less this kind of trek.
I’d been moving lower into a valley for the last two days, picking through trees and trails that kept me moving in the right direction. Hunting had been… scarce the last few days. Normally I’d be able to spot something to skin and butcher every few days, working opportunistically where I could. But I hadn’t seen anything for so long I was actually using my food supplies rather than wasting too much time foraging.
Then again, if there was a poisoned water source nearby it’d hardly be a surprise that animals were steering clear. It was good I had filled up my canteens at the last stream I’d found, may be worth avoiding drinking any water in this valley. Especially looking around.
The normally dense trees had thinned, the underbrush becoming little more than strangling weeds and the occasional sickly looking bush. I won’t be so prideful as to say I wasn’t a bit nervous, what had been a spattering of bark on the ground had turned into a rotting bed, insects writhing over and in the detritus that reeked beneath my feet.
Whatever was in this valley was making it seriously sick.
I double and triple checked my location, referencing the GPS a few times for reassurance. I wasn’t looking forward to whatever runoff or dump some corporation had likely airdropped randomly into the wilderness to poison the land so intensely.
I put on a facemask and gloves, it wasn’t the first time some big wig cut a corner to avoid proper disposal costs. I was coming to a cliff face, the valley coming to a singular point in the base of a mountain.
I hopped over a handful of streams clogged with… I’ll describe it as fibrous sludge, lumps of solid matter that was sodden and sickly, like a hairball the size of your fist left in a puddle for weeks. The smell was overpowering.
I didn’t see any leaves on the trees anymore, branches crumbling in writhing piles that practically turned to dust under my boots, the sodden ground somehow cracked and packed as clods of mud weighed me down.
The sky was… colourless. It felt like it should be clear and blue, there weren’t any clouds above, and the sun hadn’t rounded the mountain or the horizon. It wasn’t even grey, just, empty.
Trudging on, the rotting trees had fallen in stagnant water, the cloying ‘hairballs’ were everywhere, covering the sides of trees from the direction I was heading. It was as if a wave of putrid filth had crashed outwards, covering everything in the muck that coated my boots.
A thin trickle of water was flowing over some of the furrowed parts of ground, once pristine streams just vehicles of miasma as it spread through the valley. I can’t describe what I mean when I say that there was no colour in that place. I could look at that sickly mud and understand it was brown or sallow green, but those words meant… nothing. A void where colour should have been.
Ahead I could hear water slapping from high above into a meagre plunge pool, the source of the water at least. It was… hard to see there. It was bright, it was daytime but I couldn’t see.
I stood there, on the edge of this putrid pool of water, in knee high stagnant mud, looking at a… It looked like a massive sickly tree, a trickling waterfall from high above falling upon it. Once white branches were stained with rotting algae and moss that clung to it like a mass of dripping leeches. The highest of the branches so very far above my head ending in jagged points that oozed an ichor that plopped into the water like excrement.
I… I don’t know how long I stood there. I had no way to tell the time, no way to look away from the tree. Until a white-tailed deer stepped into the clearing. It was like stepping from darkest midnight into midday sun.
Its presence made me stumble back, tripping into the disgusting filth around me. The deer seemed wholly unbothered by the mud and rot that clung to its hooves and matted its fur. It simply kept walking toward the tree.
I felt a primal panic build in me, I don’t know why but the deer shouldn’t go near the tree. If it did… I can’t explain how wrong it felt, how desecrated, how violated that clearing was. Yet I couldn’t even cry out as the deer began to sink and wade through the loathsome mud to where the tree sat.
The deer was up to its neck in the water when it stopped, the colour and brilliance submerged beyond recognition. It gazed upward, fixated on the tree, its breaths laboured and heavy.
There was only a moment’s pause, a single fraction of a lifetime before the tree began to rear from the mud. Slowly it rose, the sound of cracking limbs and shuddering movements shaking detritus from the jagged boughs above, each piece resolving into a rotting corpse of an animal that had been impaled upon it.
A wave of putrefaction burst outward, the mud rushing by so that it pushed me away, my head dipping into that foetid abyss. When the wave subsided, and I clutched to a crumbling tree stump to drag myself from the sucking sod, I wiped my eyes clean and gasped for air as I tore my facemask off.
From the squalor it stood, wretched hide clinging to a skeletal frame that oozed from weeping pustules, its neck was sinuous and muscles seemed to cling to it, the tendons working to bend the sweeping head that peered down at the trembling deer before it.
Catlike, lidless eyes stared out, narrowing the slitted pupil to focus on this single spec of colour in all this empty void. A long jaw tore open, receding far back from where its face should have ended and down its throat, the lower mandible barely held in place by straining sinew. A deer’s skull distended its jaw, hot breath roiling out in wisps of decay.
From the maw a slithering tongue extended, it was long and rounded, ending in a singular point, like a worm probing through the dirt. Softly it caressed the deer before it, slipping around it almost tenderly as the small creature went limp.
The being before me didn’t pause as it scooped up the body and bit through flesh and bone, blood joining the filth around it. The sound of that creature chewing apart that deer fills my mind, in every silent moment I hear it, slowly… chewing.
I was frozen. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t act. I was stuck there for an eternity as it consumed.
Then I was knocked down, another deer strode past me, hooves laden with mud as it moved towards the skeletal creature, the unknowable deer that now watched as so many others of its kind approached. I don’t know how many creatures offered themselves to it, how many I saw devoured in a ceaseless parade of sacrifice and slaughter.
I was exhausted, splattering of blood and gore flowed by, until there was no more blood to spill. It was only then, at the end of its visceral feast did it look at me. Slitted eyes focussing on some part within me that felt as empty as the void around me.
Then it sank down, its skeletal grin disappearing into the mud, the fresh bodies adorning its antlers already weeping their corruption into the water.
I… I don’t really know what happened after that.
I was found a few hundred miles from where I’d started. I was feverish and rambling. It’s a miracle anyone found me, but by chance there was a forest fire where I was wandering and I was picked up by the Forest Service.
I don’t go into the forests anymore. I mostly stay indoors if I’m honest. I got myself an office job.
I used to think that no matter what we did to nature, it would recover. It could fix whatever terrible things we’d done to it. I was wrong.
Nature is not biding its time; it is an all-consuming force, ready to engulf us. And as humanity cannibalises itself, nature watches, draped in the filth of our own making.
This was an odd one for me, not the direction I was expecting to go, but then that’s what happens with the most fun projects. I took the prompt my friend suggested and thought it would be fun to subvert it in some way.
There’s of course ties to environmentalism, corporate corruption (physical and ethical), and how even those that can so confidently say they understand nature may not know the extent of the damage we do. Even those we deem “knowledgeable” can be as likely to fall into logical pitfalls that work in their favour, or make their life easier.
The fact that this character is alive in the end and decides to simply fade back into civilization, seeing it as an inevitability rather than something to resist or work against. I felt it mirrored a lot of attitudes, how we all like someone else to do the hard work, or remain ignorant.
Not to say I’m at all perfect, I have made mistakes and can always improve my actions and forethought when thinking about the environment.
Sorry for getting off topic.
Hope you liked it if you made it this far, take it as a creepy story or a cautionary tale, I would love to hear your thoughts, or what you can do with this prompt 😊
Have a lovely day everyone!
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Minecraft: A short Essay on Nostalgia
I'm writing this rather late at night so excuse any spelling errors (Sorry it's not in MLA format, I'm not back in school yet and need a break)
I often find myself scrolling online late at night, stuck in the rabbit hole of youtube shorts, wondering how in the world I'll be able to function the next morning. Many times, the only thing that puts me to sleep on those restless nights, are playlists of "nostalgic" minecraft music. Why is that? Why is the music considered "nostalgic" in the first place?
Nostalgia is defined as making one think of or long for a familiar or comforting time. When I first received Minecraft back in 2016, I was still a little kid. I was in fourth grade and was longing to know what all the fuss was about. I remember booting it up for the first time, my sister sitting eagerly next to me. We only had one controller, so we had to take turns. In true older sister fashion, I did not share as I was supposed to. Eventually, though, I learned to share the game and enjoy what my sister created. I found that I was a natural at this game, I learned all of the mechanics with ease. My sister was not so lucky, she still struggles to fight in the game to this day. We spent many nights playing Minecraft. My mother worked the night shift at her work, and my father was always working on schoolwork to get his second degree. This left me and my sister to eat our spagettio's and play minecraft all night. I remember one night in particular, playing the "Little Big Planet" Mash up pack for the PS4 Edition of the game. We knew that nothing we did would be saved, but oddly enough we liked it that way. I was usually a creative player and my sister liked survival, though she wasn't very good at it. When we did play on a saved world, we would build massive cities and marveled at our own architectural prowess (Or, more often, the prowess of those we watched on youtube). I still have these old worlds, I visit them from time to time. I used to entice my sister to play with me by telling her I would do whatever she wanted me to in the game. This usually ended badly. Still, there are many old save files titled, "E's the Boss". I was young and simple, a stable built out of pink wool was just fine for me.
As I work with my therapist to uncover certain things about my past, I remember the nights that I would spend playing this game, desperately avoiding my bed time. This game, this simple game comprised of blocks and some funny red powder, had become virtually the only escape I had from the harsh reality that attacked me every time I left that infinite green wasteland that was a superflat world. Long before the aquatic update or the remodeled horses, I was building houses to replicate my own, creating worlds to escape the one that so vehemently tortured me each day. I remember, on the days that we were aloud to have the sound on on the TV, I would always play my favorite music disc. It was the one simply titled C4-18. I have so many memories attached to the music that plays in this game. And the only reason those memories mean so much, is because that is how I coped. Gen-Z, the silent generation, the generation that inherited all of the problems that everyone else was to stubborn to settle, has been left to our own devices to find some way to be happy in a world that revolves around hate. And for many children, including me, that device just so happened to be digital. We found some sliver of hope in the notion that we could still shape out destinies. The thought that we could choose to survive, adventure, or create was so enticing that we put hundreds of hours into buildings and bases, maps and achievements. On the occasions that we couldn't play the game, we would watch others play it. Roleplay channels like Little Kelly and Little Carly, mod channels like Unspeakable and Moose, Pat and Jen, even DanTDM, shaped out childhood. Often these channels exposed us to more mature themes through contact with more mature channels, such as Markiplier, JackSepticEye, and Pewdiepie. Now, we're all grown up. Many of us are going to college, getting jobs, some are even starting families. And so are our heros. Dan is a father, and Felix will be too. Mat has a son and wife, Pat and Jen split up, Jack has Evelyn, Mark has Amy. As we matured, so did our heros. And what does it al come back to?
A simple video game based on mining blocks, and using them to craft different blocks. I guess, what I'm trying to say, is that the Minecraft soundtrack is so nostalgic, because it takes us back to a *bad* time. It reminds us of when everything was going downhill, and all we could do is watch and hope we didn't get hit when crap went flying. Minecraft, for many of us, was our first step into healing, our first step towards maturing, and our first step towards becoming our own people, all be it far to soon. Minecraft music makes us cry, makes us feel this deep nostalgic sadness, because we don't know if we'll be able to find that again. We're grown ups now.. there's no one else to guide us, and video games can only take us so far. How do we know what to trust, what to watch, what to smile and laugh at..
We don't. That's the unfortunate truth of nostalgia. We don't have that wonderful thing, that guide to help us through the tough times. Now we are the ones guiding, building, surviving.. In a weird way, Minecraft prepared an entire generation of struggling kids with a blueprint for life. It's as simple as this:
Start your Journey
Find someplace you like, and settle down there.
Go on adventures, make friends, learn new things, and never go into the dark without a light.
And if it all comes crashing down...
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ezra-iolite · 8 months
Some OC Facts to Fill the Void...
.... Still figuring out if I wanna give Swift a new bio or not, so have this for now.....
A list of what Swift would be like with the other Transformer OCs of my mutuals~
Swift with Starhawk, on the Lost Light: (@dimorphodon-x)
.... Siblings. They got that sibling vibe, for sure~ ~*~
Her nickname for him is Hawkie or Ndugu (Swahili word for Brother) ~*~
When they first met, her first impression on him was... memorable, to say the least. She joined at the start of the quest to Cyberutopia, and when she entered the bar for the first time and was about to greet Hawk.... She immediately tripped on the much shorter Rewind and fell face first, Blitzø from Helluva Boss style, right in front of him. Never one to feel ashamed for such things, Swift simply laughed and rolled over onto her back, apologizing to Rewind.... before simply offering her hand to Hawk from the floor and introduced herself in a playful tone, "Nice to meet you, darling. I'm Swiftwire, but people call me Swift.... The floor is surprisingly comfy." ~*~ But in due time, after a few shared drinks with him and exchanging trauma stories, she'd see him as a big brother she loves to annoy... But she would 100% protect him from harm and be there for him when he needs her, especially as a babysitter. ~*~
Her main expression around him is a smug grin... She definitely pranked him somehow. He doesn't know what it is yet, but he always knows she did something. It's ALWAYS something with her~ ~*~
Swift's accent is something Hawk would definitely try to tease her on the most, for the first half of their prank wars~ Purely because her Kenyan accent makes her pronounce Rodimus as "Roddy-Moose" with a rolled R, and Starhawk's own name as "Star-Huckoo". And thus, the nicknames began... with Rodimus becoming Roddie and Starhawk being Hawkie. ~*~
Is Rodimus innocent in their pranks? Naaahhh~ He's the one who plotted half of them, at least, allowing Swift to carry them out in his stead, when captaining takes up most of his time. But the pranks are never big or humiliating, only silly~ ~*~
The common types of pranks she'd most likely pull would be to put big chunky eyebrows on his baby/babies or dress them up in funny costumes to surprise him, jumpscare him by popping out from the vents above his head and dangle from her dreadlocks Spiderman style, or switch his drinking glass with an empty one to make him think he drank too much without realizing it.... like stealing a toy from a dog without them noticing~ She mostly loves to confuse him. ~*~
Thunderclash is the mediator to Swift and Rodimus's pranks. He makes sure they don't give poor Hawk a heart/spark attack, and he mostly does this by plucking Swift out of the vents or holding her up like a cat in air prison to carry her away and scold her. Megatron is the main one to do this when Thunderclash isn't around. He is immune to her pranks towards him, when Swift wishes to make Hawk laugh.... since she knows her pranks towards Megatron always end in a chase or her being plucked and tossed out of a room~ ~*~
The moment Swift hears an inkling about children, she'll be giddy and eager to provide her services and aid to Hawk and the papa trio. If she meets Elbent and Verglaust in this AU with their own kids, Ferrous and Indicolite, then Swift would definitely be taking notes on how to be a Mom and Aunty from both families and eagerly offering to be a babysitter to ALL the kids~ She's surprisingly good at managing a whole hoard of them, and thus would easily become the Lost Light's daycare person.... ESPECIALLY after having her own daughter, Sira. ~*~
Speaking of Sira.... Since Swift would technically die for a short while after the birth, I have a feeling she would have Sira after the birth of Flareblaze, once she's gotten to know the full depth of child rearing from Novabird's experience and getting to babysit him. The day that happens, and Swift dies from the pregnancy becoming ectopic but allowing Sira to be delivered safely at the cost of her voice.... Yeeaaaahhh Hawk gonna be traumatized seeing Swift all bloody and grey, only to come back after being patched up and healing a bit. But...... If Cybertronian births occur through the spark chamber.... This would be the day Swift's secret about her spark would be revealed~ And here, if Hawk was present or came after the birth of Sira.... He would see Asya's brutally destroyed corpse within Swift's spark, the only true sign to show that Swift is dangling between the edge of life and death. ~*~
And finally.... If Swift was around after Hawk's death, she would be there to help raise the kids as a supportive family friend, or Auntie/Shangazi Swifty to the kids. But because of her past brushes with death, Swift would DEFINTELY have a weak but consistent ability to sense Hawk's ghost~ She would mourn him massively and paint her plating white (the colour of mourning in most African cultures) for a full month. In turn, Swift would happily babysit little Nova, and through the constant presence of being there for the family, she'd be able to tell where Hawk was.... And perhaps see him like a flickering shadow when he interacts with objects. Due to this, she would keep it a secret and subtly help him out using her dreadlocks when anyone is around, until either Hawk assures her that it's ok to know his secret, or Thunderclash tells her himself. ~*~ In turn...... Hawk would most likely be able to see a small, lingering light in her chest constantly only after his death, like a ghostly presence that embodies Swift's spark. This white light would flicker weakly like a star in the distant night sky, but would grow brighter subtly when Swift becomes nostalgic of her human past or is encouraged to teach the kids or anyone about her culture and mother tongue of Swahili. And should Hawk ever touch this light....... He would experience a very quick but brief flash of her memories as a child, of her time spent with her mother Gasira. All Hawk would see is her mother's face, maybe a whisper of her gentle voice praising her and calling her "my darling rose", before he'd jolt back into the present.... Both him and Swift shivering from the sudden chill up their spines. She'd have some trouble explaining THAT to Rodimus~
................. Will update when the brain decides to brain properly... For now, THIS is what I mean by Swift falling when meeting Hawk:
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Just immediately.... plops. XD
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meeeeeeese · 5 months
Moose's Ranking of the Celestial Challenges
1: Dragon
You bounce! You fly! There's not enemies! What's not to love.
2: Snake
It's like dragon but worse, turns out that's still pretty good though.
3: Tiger
Nice and simple, kill some bosses and get a big cc skill do it.
4: Ox
It's like tiger but with trash mobs instead of bosses, which is fine if basic.
5: Dog
Probably the only one with any challenge, which is both in its favor and a detriment, at least you don't gotta run around to capture the points (looking at you, chicken)
6: Ram
It's like Ox but the targets are inanimate objects, so more boring
7: Monkey
It's like Ram but the targets are even more annoying to hit, and your special skill has such a long cooldown
8: Rat
Fetch tasks are meh but the special skill lets ya zoom. Gets minus points for putting half the cheese where you gotta jump for it.
9: Rabbit
Just running around in a circle but hey at least the jump skill is kinda fun.
10: Horse
Having to do a race is bleh, and you don't even get a fun jumping skill.
11: Chicken
Chasing moving capture points is both boring and bad.
12: Boar
There are mushrooms, what more do I need to say.
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callsign-marlie · 2 years
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Prologue. Part I. Part II. Part III. Part IV. Part V. Part VI. Part VII. Part VIII. Part IX. Part X. Story Content Warning: Rate M for mature content (minors DNI!!!) including but not limited to: mentions of drug use/smoking, alcohol consumption, explicit sexual scenarios, angst that will make your head spin and more to add a/n: time to introduce the dagger squad :) part 3 is almost complete, i'll probably finish it up tomorrow and will edit it later on monday to post monday night. every 4 days seems to be a good pace moving forward for me, so hopefully we can stick with that! thank you for loving this so much <3 x marlie Table of Contents
Part II: "Another Fine Navy Day!"
The Hard Deck was her job and Misha was thankful everyday for a boss like Penny Benjamin. With her house arrest and community service done, the admiral’s daughter had gone stir crazy sitting in her childhood bedroom surrounded by puffs of pink and old teddies on her bed with absolutely zero stimulation. She needed a big girl job to fund a renovation and The Hard Deck was just the job she was looking for. 
Penny was always kind to the aviators that frequented her establishment and was honored to have a veteran of such prestige on her staff. No matter how troubled Misha was, Penny took it upon herself to bring the misunderstood woman under her guidance, making every attempt to mend the tear in her wings. She even went so far as to give Moose a little badge to put on his service animal vest and got a custom made Hard Deck handkerchief for him to wear while Misha was on shift. After all, he was just as much as part of the staff as Misha.
“Now bourbon is surprisingly tricky,” Penny muttered, watching Misha’s unsteady pour. “Too much and the patron will hate you. Too little and the patron will hate you.”
“Is there a way to know what’s enough?” Misha questioned, her gaze flickering to the dribble of Maker’s Mark left on the bar. Crap. “There’s gotta be a universal measurement or something right?”
“Nah, you just have to eyeball it. ‘Comes with time, sweet pea, you’ll figure it out.” Penny flicked her bar towel under the glass to clean the single golden drop and took a sip of the poured liquid. Her lips peeled to an approving smirk, nodding her head. “Better. Now garnish that baby with some bitters, an orange peel and a cherry and you’re all done.”
Misha did as she was told and slid the sweating glass across the table to the other end of the bar, a gentle tink resounding as it tapped into the set of glasses down at the other end. Bullseye. At least her aim wasn’t shit.
“Penny, you think I’m ready for this? I know I’ve only been barbacking and observing, but do you really think I can tend tonight with you?”
“You don’t think you’re ready?” Penny wondered incredulously, an elbow resting on the resined cherry wood. “Honey, you’ve been here for six months now. I think that’s plenty of observation time. You’ve learned everything I have to teach you. Now’s the time to perfect it in practice! Have a little confidence in yourself! Besides, it’s mostly gonna be the aviators and regulars tonight: you know their blood is made of Bud. You’ll probably be pulling drafts most of the night anyway.”
A frown grew across Misha's lips. The aviators. Most likely the newest Top Gun class included. Every eight weeks, a new set of students strode through those doors to let off steam after their grueling flights and endless lectures. God, what Misha would give to be back in that part of her life. To feel the weight of the world flip her stomach upside down, the freedom of nothing but blue, blue skies. The camaraderie, the scent of jet fuel, the sense of family.  
She was envious.
Now, she needed to be content with her new home on the ground behind this big, old bar in the middle of Fightertown. So close, yet so far, stuck in her childhood home. Stifled. Trapped in that upstairs bedroom with no way out like Rapunzel in her gilded tower. 
But times were finally changing. This mission was an opportunity: she had a chance at freedom. A chance to make a change and turn her whole life around. She just had to let down her hair and wait for prince charming to make the steep climb up her lofty tower. All she had to do was not fuck it up.
Easier said than done.
Penny flipped the bar’s ‘closed’ sign to ‘open’ and it was time to sit and wait. The Padres game was playing muted on the big screen with the Jukebox warming up in a tired whir to life. Misha grabbed a few tokens from behind the bar and slotted them, throwing on anything that sounded nostalgic. The old box hadn’t been updated since ‘92, so modern music was never an option. It simply wouldn’t have fit in the Hard Deck, anyway. This place was generational; an icon. Adding rap and sugarplum pop to the mix would just curdle against the wallpaper and the wooden interior.
Moose was already at post in his bed near the entrance of the swinging bar door keeping his ever steady eye on Misha. No one even knew he was there. Misha crouched down to give him a kiss on the head before it was time to serve the first group of customers.
The crowd kicked up by the time the sun set and the ship was sailing smoothly. Penny and Misha got into the swing of things, passing tabs back and forth and sliding beers across to their assigned patrons. Misha was definitely more comfortable on beer duty with Penny taking over the hard liquor, but found herself pouring a few Old Fashions for some of the regular crowd. Their praise of her pour made her preen. 
The door swung open heavily, bouncing off the side of the dented wooden frame at a mess of uniformed pilots making their way down the stairs. They immediately went towards an unoccupied pool table and were joining in for games of darts while a few stragglers moved towards the bar.
Misha’s throat dried as she approached the first khaki-clad group, swinging her towel over her shoulder. “What’cha havin’ fellas?”
A wistful-looking gentleman and a taller, mustachioed guy moved forward with billion watt smiles on both of them. “Hey, can we grab two buds please?” The shorter of the two was rubbing his hands together in excitement.
Misha couldn’t help but return their smiles. “Comin’ right up!”
She popped the tabs on two brews and slid them down the way to the waiting pilots who caught them just as they slowed. The taller one let out an impressed whistle, tapping his glass against his partner’s. “Daaaaamn, that was smooth! You’ve gotta be a pro, but I can’t say I’ve seen you here before. What’s your name, madam bartender? Oh, this is gonna be open by the way.” The pilot dropped his card on the counter and sent her a wink. She sent a coy smile back while she racked it into the file tray. “Thanks, it took a bit of practice, ya know? And it’s Misha. What do they call you?”
“Name’s Payback, and this here is my WSO, Fanboy.” The other man raised his glass to her and sent a over wink himself. They’re gonna need to be reigned in if they keep it up. Misha could just hear the bar bell ringing in the future. “Well, nice to meet you guys. If you need anything, you know where to find me. Tab’s open, have fun out there, just not too much fun.” 
Penny was at the end of the bar eying her underling’s interaction with a grin on her face. Misha looked at her boss, gave a ‘what?’ hand gesture, and Penny strode her way over. She slung an arm around her shoulders, nodding her head to the direction of the now overflowing pool table. “Those two graduated two years ago. I’m just wondering what the hell they’re doing back in Fightertown.”
Two years ago?
Misha’s memory brought her back to that manila envelope her father had given her and the 9 faces that were involved. She remembered those two now. Mickey ‘Fanboy’ Garcia and Reuban ‘Payback’ Fitch. So if they were here…
“Ahhhh Penny, my favorite MILF, long time no see babe. Grab me a Shocktop will you?”
The two women turned around to find sparkling white teeth, perfectly groomed blonde hair over gemstone green eyes. His elbows were propped on the top of the bar, fiddling with the Annapolis ring on his finger. His vision bounced between the two as his smile slowly flattened. “Wh- No fucking way.”
Penny observed her bartender to gauge her reaction. Misha wiped her hands on her bar cloth nervously, but slowly looked up to meet his eyes. There he was, her stupid, cocky, egotistical wingman from so long ago.
Misha’s grin broke free. “Hey, partner.”
His disbelief was comforting. A hand ran down the front of his face as he propelled himself to the side entrance of the bar. Misha couldn’t help her feet as she ran past a snoozing Moose and hopped the sliding bar door to leap into his arms. His biceps enveloped her and everything was warm. It smelled of pressed starch and that same, expensive Givenchy cologne he always wore. There was no doubt in her mind. It was him. Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin. In the flesh.
He pulled away from her for just a moment, taking in every mark and pucker on her face before tucking her back under his chin. His fingers parted through her dark hair and he cupped her face in his hands. “The hair is definitely new, I almost didn’t recognize you! What happened to my Barbie girl?!”
She scrunched her nose at him and put a stiff shove to his chest, laughing the whole way. “Yeah well, some of us have to change a bit, Ken, even you! Goddamn you’re even more ripped than the last time I saw you!”
Hangman struck a pose, pressing his hands together to puff out his pectorals. “Listen, when you’re as good as me, you gotta stay on your A game, Hotshot. You of all people should know that. You had to keep up with me after all, don't you remember?”
Hotshot. No one had called her her callsign for over three years. Not a soul. A spark attempted to light in the pits of her chest, but it was just too weak and snuffed out quickly. A shiver down her spine, replacing the moment of warmth. Misha attempted to bring her head back to the conversation. “Yes, I remember, but I never had to keep up with you. You had to keep up with me. But make that chest any bigger, Jake, they’re gonna start calling you Milkman!”
Jake’s vivacious laugh, nearly doubled him backwards, his arms around his waist. “Now that’s a good one, sweetheart! Definitely suits me more original than Bagman.” He did his best to wipe the faux tears from his eyes, his glare going icy. “After all, milk always turns to cream, and your boy knows how to churn, baby.”
A scowl and a smack on his bicep was all Misha could do to stop him from spying the flush on her face at his words. She was no prude, but Hangman always seemed to trigger her immediate embarrassment. “Can it, Seresin. Some hot babe out there’s gonna curdle your ass one day and you’ll be toast.”
The conversation they shared was light. He was still the coy, nauseating sonofabitch from all those years ago, but something was definitely aged about him. He was like a fine wine: still sweet under the tongue, but a bit more bold as well. Naturally as the crowd picked up, Misha needed to part ways to return to Penny to help her fend off the rascals.
“It’s been nice, Kaz. I’ll see you again soon. That’s a promise.” Jake stuck out his pinky finger. Misha returned her own painted digit, crossed them, and kissed her thumb. Jake returned the sentiment. Nothing was stronger than a pinky promise. 
“No doubt. Take it easy, Hangman.”
Misha didn’t see the held breath that left his chest when she turned away.
More familiar faces from Misha’s classified folder made their way into the bar throughout the night. Javy ‘Coyote’ Machado was scamming plebeians at darts, Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd was busy observing the billiards table while munching on peanuts (he caught her gaze a few times and looked away shyly every time), and even her TOPGUN crewmate Natasha ‘Phoenix’ Trace. She lost all of her signature composure at the sight of her old friend. “MISHA? Who the hell is this alternative babe?!” “Phee-hee-heeeeniiieeee~” Misha had sung, throwing the shorter woman into her arms. The hug they shared was the most joyful thing she had experienced in her last four years. 
Nearly all of the high scorers from Misha’s files were there and ready to rumble. She could smell the testosterone from across the bar as Hangman threw jab after jab, icy glare after icy glare, at each of his new crewmates. ‘So, which one of y’all have the guts to follow me?’ 
Establishing dominance. Fearmongering. Complete and utter domination. The Vigilantes had taught him well. But this side of Hangman was not something that Misha was familiar with. Her former wingman was never this brash from what she remembered. She didn’t recall the cold steel in his voice, the challenging demeanor, the loose posture of his shoulders when people upturned their noses to him. Maybe the wine she presumed he was aging like was more on the stale side than she had thought.
Hangman, Phoenix and Coyote were the most notable from her data she’s researched so far, but there was one more of the Big 7 that was still missing.
“Well, I’ll be damned. A chicken.” Coyote elbowed Hangman’s side. Blue eyes turned to the entrance, his his hands perched on his pool cue. “Bradshaw, as I live and breathe.”
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw, in all of his glory; neatly trimmed mustache and that same proud, ridiculous strut he always had, strut into the room, pulling his aviators down the bridge of his nose.
Misha was going to throw up. 
She ducked herself behind the bar out of sight to catch her breath. There was a vacuum in the room sucking out all of the oxygen. Moose had padded over to boop her arm with his nose, attempting to crawl under her chest. She gladly opened her lap for him to sit and put her hands through his fur to soothe her trembling fingers. Seeing all of her colleagues together was a trip down memory lane she wasn't quite ready to handle just yet, apparently. She better get over it fast. She had two days to prepare for their first mission briefing. 
Penny bent down to her level, putting a hand on her back and rubbing lightly. “You good, sweetie?”
“I need a smoke, I’m taking fifteen” Misha groaned out, staying ducked under the crowd until she was clear out of the stingy bar and in the crisp air. Moose pawed at the sand behind her, keeping his eyes trained on his charge like a shadow.
The fall was bitter on the beach side and the sting of the ocean air stabbed pins into her arms. A familiar buzz stung between her ears. She smacked the side of her head as if she was tuning an old radio. Not now.
Fuck off, she muttered to herself, clicking off her hearing aids for a few moments of silence. The waves moved soundlessly. Everything was still other than the wind in her hair. She could almost imagine the ‘whoosh’ past her ears. Moose was positioned directly next to her, his tongue lolling to the side like usual. Her fingers tickled beneath his vest. Just a girl and her pup. No sounds. No worries. 
"We're ok, Moosey," she smiled out, giving her shepherd a kiss. He returned it on the side of her cheek. "Yes, I know. We can do this."
It was peaceful once again, but not for long.
Ten minutes of blissful silence passed when she felt the thud through the cold sand. With a start, she spun to her feet  before she had even seen the figure next to her. Misha quickly flicked her aids back on, Moose standing at attention beside her while her eyes and ears readjusted to the light and sounds output by the Hard Deck. A quick ‘blip’ let her know they were activated and the crashing of the waves and a piano with rowdy voices brought her back to reality. The leather jacket-clad figure with the back of his head in the sand couldn’t have gotten here at a more inopportune time.
“... Uncle Pete?”
tag list: @alanadetigy @luckyladycreator2
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eldenturtle · 5 months
Beat Rennala! She seems nice.
So story time before I fought the big moose, I accidentally used a rune arc, which I wasn’t planning to do, so I decided to use the rune arc to go around and fight some little cave bosses while I still had it going on in order to just clear a few places, and I’ve been grinding through the academy for a while and then I accidentally found rennala and I was like “well might as well try since I still have this accidental rune arc going” and that’s the story of how I beat her first try on accident.
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psychoticwillgraham · 9 months
so. turns out I LOVE working in an industrial kitchen and the boss of the kitchen (everyone calls her Moose) absolutely loves me and said that she’ll make a cook out of me yet, which is a massive compliment and a big deal bc she refuses to let anyone else besides her and one of the big bosses be cooks, so I’m basically gonna be her apprentice!!! just need to get a car and license and then they could actually hire me!!!!
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