#Montgomery taxi service
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The Grim Reaper's Guide to Breaking Every Rule of the Universe /// Chapter 1
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I just want to say thank you so much to everyone who showed love towards the prologue and the memes I made, I've ended up gaining more followers in the last week than I have in the last couple years lol. Unfortunately Alastor isn't going to make an appearance for at least two chapters, but I hope you like what I've written so far. Enjoy!
Summary: When touring America for the sake of it, you go to stay with your aunt in New Orleans for a while, taking up a peaceful part-time job restoring objects. But a few weeks in, a package arrives containing an old radio that's seen better days, along with a note seemingly written by someone who thinks they could fist-fight the Devil.
What you didn't know, was the hell of a path that was now set out in front of you. Not fist-fighting the Devil, but instead a very smug radio host who would have no problem spending the rest of his days driving you up the walls.
But two could play that game.
Tags: Demiromantic-Asexual Alastor x Demiromantic-Asexual OC/Reader - 1920s/30s New Orleans - fluff - angst - EXTREME slow burn - crack - Violence (It's Alastor what else)
Word Count: 5278
Warnings: Period-typical racism and sexism, Period-typical attitudes towards neurodivergency. MC'S RACE IS DEFINED DUE TO PLOT REASONS (also because she is based off my OC)
Taglist - comment or message to be added!
Now available on Wattpad and AO3 (please let me know if links aren't working)
< Prologue // Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 >
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PART 1: Chapter 1
Congrats! You're Adopted
Impluvius (Definition): Soaked with rain. (Adjective)
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New Orleans, Louisiana, USA – Tuesday, 11th June, 1929.
Arriving on your Aunt’s doorstep soaked to the bone in the middle of a hurricane was the last thing on your list of ‘crazy crap that could happen’. But alas, here you were, shivering and seething as you hauled your trunks up the steps to the front door. You were lucky enough that the area was only being battered by the edge of the storm, allowing you to find a sleeper train that was still willing to run from Montgomery to New Orleans, but it had left you in a sour mood when they had revoked their food services, because damn you were in the mood for a simple ham and cheese sandwich. And the mood only had to sour further when you found yourself standing outside the station for a good fifteen minutes waiting for a driver whilst you and your belongings were drowned by the ongoing summer downpour. Sure, you were used to the torrential downpour of the Yorkshire moors, where there were more wet days than dry, but you were prepared for that, not for the barbarous battering of the 70mph winds that forced you to stuff your useless hat away, leaving the once neat updo of hair that you had meticulously styled that morning to whip you in the eye whenever a gale flew past.
And, as if the gods had something out for you, the taxi that pulled up decided it would be hilarious to speed to a stop in the middle of the giant puddle that had accumulated next to the pavement, sending out a small wave that reached your ankles, soaking your frilly socks and favourite patterned heeled oxford shoes that your mother had gifted on your 18th birthday.
“Oh for Christ’s sake.” You hissed to yourself, lifting your foot to inspect the leather. The driver was lucky that they were already three years old, otherwise you would’ve given him a glare deathly enough to send him to an early grave. Or so you hoped.
Thankfully, the driver didn’t pay you much attention, clearly too tired for small talk, simply asking for an address. Though he had paused when you spoke, turning to eye you up and down where you were cramped uncomfortably between your luggage in the back seat, grunting out a “You English?”, to which you nodded, muttering that you were visiting your aunt. The drive was silent after that, the only sound being the loud sputtering engine and the rain that pounded against the windshield. Minutes passed and you were quickly outside the house, which led to now: trembling in your boots, rapping your knuckle against the green wooden door with wet hair clinging to your face and eyebags that could rival a chronic insomniac.
It wasn’t long until the sound of locks clicking and unlatching reached your ears, and the door creaked open, an eye peeking through the gap. After it landed on you, it quickly swung open, revealing your Aunt Agnes in a nightgown and robe, with an oil lantern in hand. At the sight of her, you gave a half-wave and shaky smile.
She gasped your name. “Oh, there you are my lovely! I thought you got lost in the storm!” Realising the state you were in, she hurriedly placed the lantern on the hallway cabinet, rushing out to help you haul your luggage in. “I was so worried your train had been cancelled by the hurricane. Here, get yourself out the cold – you can put your coat to dry by the fire.” She handed you your leather duffel bag before crouching down and lugging the largest trunk into her arms with a grunt. Making sure everything was in the hallway, she went to close the door, though you didn’t miss the wary scan she took of the street, or the diligent focus of making sure every lock and chain was in place. The wariness soon disappeared, however, as she spun around to face with a grin, her thick braid of long, brown hair whipping over her shoulder.
Giggling as she bounded over, she wrapped you up in a strong hug, and you reciprocated with matching eagerness, but also trying your best not to cringe at the squelching noises your waterlogged coat made. 
“It’s so nice to see you!” You said exhausted as you released her, teeth still chattering from the chill. “The rooves were practically coming off in Montgomery, so I’m surprised they were willing to keep the trains running.”
“Well there’s no need to worry about that any more, you’re here now! Come, I must get you warmed up.” she asserted warmly, leading you with a hand rubbing against your back, down the hallway into the kitchen. Rummaging through a wicker basket, she pulled out a spare nightgown. “Go see if your spare underwear is dry, then head to the bathroom across the hall and change into this. I’ll go make you some warm milk and honey.”
Thanking her, you quickly made your way into the living room where your belongings had been left, unlatching the clasps of the trunk to reveal your damp clothing. Luckily, there was some underwear in the middle that had not yet been affected, so you grabbed them and returned to the hallway to try and find the bathroom.
After several failed attempts of opening the wrong doors, you finally came across the bathroom, eagerly shedding yourself of your dripping wet layers, welcoming the warmth of the soft, dry underwear and ivory coloured nightgown. Returning to the living room, you dumped your wet clothes on your trunk, before walking around the sofa. Planting your behind in the armchair closest to the fire, you melted into the cushions with a relieved sigh, sticking your feet out in front of the flames to try and get some feeling back in your toes.
It wasn’t long before the clinking from the kitchen ceased, and your Aunt came back through, meticulously balancing a wooden tray with two large steaming mugs sat on top. Placing them down, she handed you the one covered in purple flowers. Thanking her, you instantly took a sip, letting the sweet honey and heated milk warm your insides as you watched your aunt take a seat in her own well-loved armchair.
“Sooo,” she began with a knowing grin whilst tossing you a crocheted blanket. “How’s America been so far for you?”
You scrunched your face in thought. “…Surprisingly not as bad as I thought. I think Great-Auntie Beatrice had influenced my opinion a bit too much growing up.”
Agnes rolled her eyes. “A bit?? That old woman has despised the country since that American lad up and left her back in the 1870’s.”
You snorted over your mug. “Well, she certainly has taught me to not raise my expectations about the place, but, I’ve got to say it has allowed me to be more impressed by what I see – especially the Appalachian mountains, they’ve definitely got a unique charm to them. Thank you, by the way, for letting me use your cabin up there.”
She waved you off. “Oh, it’s no problem, really. I would give you the place if the twins weren’t so keen on going up there.”
“Speaking of the twins, how are the three of you doing?” you asked.
Agnes let a weary smile cross her face. “We’re doing better, now anyways. The twins had some issues when starting school here – starting fresh at 16 in a completely different country certainly has its cons. It’s died down now, but in the first few months they were followed home by some kids who would taunt them for the way they spoke. Hell,” she laughed in disbelief. “they even had a teacher who thought they were Scottish for the first three weeks until I came in for a meeting about their grades and spent ten minutes explaining to her that not everyone in England speaks the same way as those pompous Londoners who squeal at the slightest bit of mud on their shoes.”
“What?!!” you guffawed, trying to stifle a laugh. “Please tell me they at least beat some of the kids up.”
“I wish.” Agnes sighed, sinking back in her chair. “But I don’t want anymore attention on them than they already have. Anything else and those kids will go looking for dirt on them and the last thing I want is for them to find out who their father is.”
You looked up at her in surprise. “You don’t??” you asked, perplexed.
“Don’t get me wrong,” Agnes said sternly. “I loved their father to the ends of the universe and back, but the two of them being mixed English-Japanese will garner the wrong type of attention here. God forbid, if it gets out their mum’s a pagan witch it’ll be the end of peace!” She vented, throwing her arms up in frustration.
You pondered her words for a moment. “But I thought New Orleans was considered a safer place for things like witchcraft? Isn’t voodoo a popular religion and practice here?”
“It is, but it’s still kept more on the down-low. When you have a religion originating from a place like Africa, white Christians can get reeeaallll iffy about it, and it’s no different here – I believe there’s laws in place against parts of the practice.” She explained. “But it doesn’t stop them from keeping their shops open. Our neighbour Neliah runs a gorgeous corner shop near the outskirts – I can’t and won’t practice voodoo, but I do treat myself with a visit whenever I need new herbs, I could literally fall asleep in there with the lovely way it smells.” You smiled at the way she seemed to get lost in thought, though she quickly snapped herself out of it. “But anyway! How’s my sister doing? How did Emmett react with the news?”
You startled slightly at the sudden change. “Yea, mum’s actually doing alright. Dad… took a while to get his head around what was going on, you know, when he found her Grimoire and spell books, and the fact that we’d been hiding it from him for years, but he’s surprisingly calmed down about it. They still go to church, to keep up their reputation and all that, but he’s letting her hang up protection wards around the house, he even got involved with casting a spell with us at one point, even though he had no clue what he was doing the whole time.” You snorted, memories of your father’s wide eyes as he watched your mother wave a stick of incense around him, reminding you of the time when you were around six, you had returned from the forest by your house, covered in mud and brandishing stick-swords, declaring yourself as the deer queen as you dragged a shedded antler you had found among the moss through the back door – the look on your father’s face when he walked in from work to see you tying pink ribbons along the muddy, moss-covered bone was priceless.
Agnes let out a chortle, before sipping at her drink, her expression shifting slightly to one of mild concern. “And uh, how did they react when you were – ah – found out?”
Right, the whole reason you were here in the first place. “Not the greatest.” You said dejectedly. “Mum was distraught when they said they were thinking of taking me away – calling them every name under the sun the second they said ‘asylum’. So when dad suggested coming here, she jumped at the chance, but was crying the whole drive to the docks. I gave them an itinerary of where I was going to be and when, and they’ve been using it to send me letters and gifts, but it’s been hard being fully alone for the first time in my life.” You sank into your chair, tears building in your eyes the longer you spoke.
Agnes looked you up and down, her eyes filled with sorrow for you. “Well,” she began softly, standing up to approach you with a gentle hand on your shoulder. “you're not alone anymore, so you can forget about those stupid government officials and your, uh,” she squinted her eyes in confusion. “what do they call it?”
“Over action of the mind.” You forced out with a huff. “They don’t have an official name for it, but me being fidgety and forgetful is enough for them to call me insane apparently.”
She held her hand out for you to take, which you did, allowing her to pull you up. She said your name sternly. “You are not insane. You’re the loveliest, most intelligent girl I know – especially considering the amount of books you’ve read in your 21 years.” You gave her a small smile as thanks. “Now, I’ve readied your bedroom for you. It’s a little bare, but you're staying a while so I’ve left it to be up to your imagination, and with how fast your mind goes a minute, I’m sure you’ll make it the most fantastical and extravagant room in New Orleans.” She explained as she helped you pick up your luggage, leading you through the hallway and up the stairs.
Walking down the main upper hallway, you followed her down a second one to the left, until you came to a stop on the first door on the left side. Lowering her voice to a whisper, Agnes gestured to the door on the left further down. “That’s the bathroom. I’ve moved the boys’ stuff out and given them the second one across the main hall so you can have it to yourself.” She then gestured to the two doors on the right side of the hall, with a sign hanging on each, though the candlelight was too dim to make out the words. “That’s their bedrooms, so I’m afraid you’ll have to prepare for some loud wake-up calls.” She said with an amused smile.
Opening the first door on the left, she led you into a spacey room, that was, as described, quite bare, with only a four-poster bed pushed into the top-right corner, a dark, polished set of drawers and matching wardrobe facing the bed on the opposite wall, along with a familiar -looking changing screen in the bottom left corner decorated with storks flying above a Japanese landscape – you recognised it as one of the wedding gifts your uncle had gifted your aunt sixteen years ago. In the top left corner by the large open window was a vanity with clawed feet, holding up a large, ornate oval mirror, a cushioned stool pushed under it. Next to it was another door that led to the balcony. Nearer to the bedroom door was a large roll top desk, covered in drawers, shelves and pigeon holes, though the only object present was a small typewriter tucked under one of the shelves.
Excitement filling you, you strode across the room to the bed, the feeling of the fluffy rug under your feet a welcoming sign. Placing your trunk and bag down as gracefully as you could, you spun around to face your aunt with a wide grin on your face. “This is amazing!” you gasped quietly, mindful of the two other sleeping residents. “You didn’t have to give me all this.”
“Of course I did!” Agnes exclaimed, walking over to give you another hug. “Did you forget your mother and I practically lived and raised you and the twins together until just a year ago? I’m treating the three of you as equals until the day I die.”
Looking down at her, you observed the slight wrinkles appearing under her eyes, and the dark rings accompanying them that hadn’t been there the last time you saw her back when she still lived in York. Sighing, you stepped back. “I know.” You agreed warmly. “And thank you, for everything you’ve done so far.”
She ruffled the top of your head, your long strands of hair still clumped together with rain water and the clips you had failed to pin it back with. “Anything for you. Now get some sleep, it’s past midnight and the boys will be giving you the earliest and loudest wake-up call once they figure out you’re here.”
You agreed, bidding your aunt goodnight before taking the candle she left for you over to the vanity, where you spent the next ten minutes trying your best to find every pin and clip in your damp hair, then tediously trying to brush it smooth enough to then twist into a loose braid. You also quickly took out your belongings that were wet, hanging them over the screen and the drying rack you had found in the wardrobe. Satisfied you collapsed onto the double bed, bouncing slightly on the plush mattress. Burying yourself under the covers, you blew the candle out, bathing the room in darkness, and using the rain outside as white noise, you slowly drifted off, mentally preparing yourself for the twins when they would come to wake you up.
Oh, and wake you up they did.
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA – Wednesday, 12th June, 1929.
You were barely able to pull your heavy eyelids apart when the door in the far corner swung open, the door handle hitting the wall with a resounding ‘BANG!’, followed by a very loud “BOYS!!”, echoing through the house.
That wasn’t the end of it though. You had barely begun to turn over at the sound of several pairs of heavy footsteps bounding across the wooden floorboards, when two very heavy weights crashed on top of you, causing your eyes to fly open as the wind was knocked out of you.
“WHAT THE FUCK?!?!” you screeched, flailing about as much as you could until your arms were free, reaching over the covers to shove at the two long figure sprawled across you.
Loud giggling filled your ears, and you looked over your duvet to find two familiar identical-looking faces, with matching cheshire grins, peering over at you mischievously from where they laid across your body. Groaning, you flopped back down, choosing instead to stare at the forest green drapes strung across the poster bed. Though it was soon replaced by two mops of loose, curly hair as they peeked over the edge at you, one dark brown-almost black, the other a pale blonde. You were thankful of their opposite hair colour, because the only way you would’ve been able to tell them apart otherwise would be with the different freckles and moles dotted across their pale faces.
“Mum said you came in looking like a soggy rat last night.” Teased Allie, reaching out to prod at your cheek with a snicker.
Your own hand shot out, shoving his blonde head away. “Did not.” You responded groggily, as you tried to shove his twin off the other side of you. “Now get your fat arses off of me.”
They gasped in mock offence, immediately plopping themselves back on top of you, both reaching to poke and prod at your face. “You said a bad word ~” Ollie chimed in a sing-song voice, kicking his legs behind him playfully as he tried to shove a finger in your ear. Slapping them both away, you prepared for another onslaught, until determined footsteps drew closer to your door, and the two of them froze as their mother walked in, a wooden spoon grasped in her hand.
“ODESSEY. ADAGIO. Get off of your cousin before I send you to school WITHOUT breakfast!” She hollered, a thunderous look on her face.
The two of them collectively groaned. “Muuuumm, don’t call us thaaaat.” Whined Ollie, as he took his sweet time slowly rolling over your whole body before sliding off the bed to stand next to his equally grumpy brother. You followed not long after, sitting up at the edge to watch the ordeal with a smug smile.
“Call you what?! Your real names?! Well then, you better get yourselves downstairs!” she exclaimed, pointing at the door with the wooden spoon.
Reluctantly, they complied, but that didn’t stop Allie from poking his tongue out as he disappeared through the doorway, narrowly missing a swing from his mother’s spoon. Facing your aunt, you finally noticed that she was already up and dressed for work, donning a cream blouse with a blue ribbon tied around the neck, along with a matching blue maxi pencil skirt that reached just above her ankles. Her hair was meticulously styled in an updo similar to the one you had yesterday, her chestnut brown hair twisted back in swirls that ended in a loose low bun, with some strands neatly framing her face. She approached you, the short heels of her shoes muffled by the rug.
“Morning! Breakfast is ready.” She explained with a smile that you returned. “Freshen yourself up and come meet us downstairs, ok?” You agreed, and she disappeared back downstairs.
Rummaging through you clothes that were now thankfully dry, you opted for a loose blouse, and a pair of wide-legged tweed trousers, taking them to the bathroom. Slipping a leather belt through the loops, you quickly wet your hair over the bath, scrubbing in some shampoo and conditioner before rinsing it out and rubbing a towel over the strands until it was no longer dripping. Happy with the light makeup you applied, you headed back downstairs, running a hand through the wet tangles until you reached the dining table.
“I see what mum meant by soggy rat.” You turned to see Allie smirking over the table as you sat down in front of a plate full of English breakfast.
“I’ll turn you into a soggy rat.” You muttered back, stuffing half a hash-brown into your mouth, whilst simultaneously trying not to sigh in relief after not eating for at least 24 hours.
“OoOoh shiver me timbers!” he mocked back, waving his hands in mock fright.
Ollie’s tall figure appeared as he walked over from the kitchen - bacon, eggs, hash-browns and baked beans piled excessively onto his plate. “Mum told us you were going to be staying in our cabin up in the mountains.” He said as he sat down. “Did you like the gift we left?” he said with a grin half lopsided by the food he was shoving in his mouth.
You glared up at them from your plate. “Yes. The excessive amount of fake cockroaches in the bathroom was a very welcomed surprise. Odessey.”
The grin on your cousin’s face fell into a pout at the use of his full name. Letting out a prolonged grunt, he returned to his breakfast.
“Besides,” you started. “It’s not like I’m the only one suffering here. Apparently you’re both Scottish now.”
The two of them let out a collective groan, slumping in their seats.
“It’s not our fault Miss Sammie has less intelligence than a hamster.” Whined Allie as he stabbed an egg with his fork. “She thought Japan was part of China the other day!”
You let out a sharp laugh. “I hope that doesn’t reflect on your learning, or your mum will end up with steam coming out her ears.” You snickered.
“Thankfully it doesn’t.” replied Ollie, rolling his grey eyes as he stuck a whole wad of bacon in his mouth, making sure to not get any grease on his uniform. “Otherwise we’d be begging mum to move us back to England.”
“Speaking of moving, how are you guys finding it here?” you asked, hoping the answers were positive.
“Meh, it’s been alright.” Said Allie with a shrug. “The alligators are cool, but apparently we’re not allowed to wrestle them, which is soooo boring.”
“And the summers are shit. Nothing but heatwaves.” Ollie added.
“Well that’s what you get when you’re used to living in the North-East of England, where one of the nearest land masses is Norway.” You pointed out. “Plus English summers can be unbelievably humid, so I’m not sure what you’re whining about.”
“Oho, just you wait until July hits, then you’ll eat your words.” He retorted. “Hurricane season can be a bitch, too.”
“Don’t remind me.” You groaned. “I barely experienced the tail-end of one last night and it almost killed me.”
The two cackled at you, much to your annoyance, but is was cut short at the sound of your name being called. Looking up, you watched as your aunt poked her head around the doorway, the handset of a rotary phone pressed between her ear and shoulder, beckoning you over with an eager look, before disappearing back into the hallway. Quickly, you got up, marching round the table. Turning the corner, you watched as she ended the call. “Yes, yes. Thank you so much Mr LeBlanc, I’ll call you back as soon as I can. Yes – buh-bye now. Bye.”
Placing the phone back on its metal cradle, she whirled around to face you, excitement prominent on her features. “Sooo, that was Mr LeBlanc on the phone…” she proclaimed, eyeing you with a growing smile.
All you could do was stare in confusion, silence filling the wood-panelled hallway. Agnes darted her wide eyes between you and the phone, clearly waiting in anticipation for your reaction, but you only knew two things about New Orleans: jazz, and that it had a river shaped slightly similar to the London Thames. So you continued to stare.
Seeing that you weren’t going to react, she let out a sigh. “Mr LeBlanc runs Héritage Amour Réparation D’Antiquités on Julia Street down near the Mississippi River, and he’s willing to take you on as an apprentice?” she said as if it was the most obvious thing on Earth.
You blinked. “Wait, you’ve been looking for apprenticeships for me??” You gawked. “Since when??? I don’t think I even mentioned that I would be looking for one in the letters I sent you.”
“Oh, you haven’t.” she assured. “Your mum told me in a letter about a month ago when you were up in New York, so I thought I would speed up the process by looking for one for you.”
You continued to gawk in silence.
“Careful,” smirked Allie from over your shoulder. “You’re gonna catch flies.”
You didn’t even turn to face him as you reached a hand back, ignoring his whine as you smushed it against his face, shoving him back into the dining room.
“You –” you pointed at yourself. “You got me an apprenticeship??” She nodded excitedly. “Jesus Christ Agnes. At this point I’m gonna be indebted to you for the rest of my life!”
She clasped her hands together, throwing her head back as she laughed. “It’s no problem, really. I just want you to get settled in as soon as possible. I told Mr LeBlanc that if you accepted, he’s welcome to come for tea on Friday to meet you, then, if he’s happy, we’ll go for a day out around the city centre, and maybe visit him in his shop during that time. Sound good?”
You blinked repeatedly, trying to wrap your head around what your aunt was saying. “I – uh, yea. That would be great, actually.”
“Great! I’ll give him a call back, and you’ll meet him on Friday.” She proclaimed, satisfied as she picked the phone back up, holding the headset to her ear whilst twisting the numbers into the dial.
Still in a small state of shock, you turned back towards the dining room, slowly making your way back to your seat. Plopping down, you were met with the smug smiles of the twins.
“Looks like you’re gonna have to splurge big time on mum’s birthday. Don’t ’cha think Allie?” said Ollie, turning to his brother with a shit-eating grin.
His brother returned his expression with equal enthusiasm. “Oh yea. I was thinking, perhaps a top of the range Gramophone? I heard they have the new model in down at that shop on Canal Street.” He turned to you. “What do ya think cousin? Ready to serve our mum for the rest of eternity?”
All you could do was flick egg at their foreheads.
Friday came running up on you before you even realised, and here you were helping your aunt prepare roasted duck and vegetables whilst simultaneously trying to keep the twins away from the desserts in the icebox – you figured the sneaky buggers knew exactly what creaky floorboards to avoid. When the doorbell rang, Agnes encouraged you to go answer it, so, putting on a smile, you opened the door to welcome in your guest.
Mr LeBlanc was a warm and chirpy type of man: 63 years old with white hair and a matching frizzy moustache and beard, dressed in a smart blue shirt and neatly ironed trousers and slacks. He was around 5’7 – around the average height for men at this time. Sticking his hand out, he gave you a wide smile, and feeling the welcoming aura ride off him in waves, you gladly grasped his outstretched hand with your own.
“Bonne soirée! I do hope I’ve got the right address!” he laughed, his accent a funny mix between French and southern American. You assured that he was at the right place, introducing yourself. “Oh, what a lovely name! I am Ralph LeBlanc, but I’m sure your aunt has already informed you of me.” He said expectantly, voice slightly croaky and hoarse from old age.
Giving him a smile and a nod, you invited him in, bringing him to the dining room where your aunt and cousins were just finishing the preparations for dinner, and you all sat down, tucking into the delicious meal.
The dinner was successful, Ralph happily agreeing to take you on as an apprentice whilst also assisting him with running the repair shop, as he was currently the only one managing it. You had informed him of your history degree, and your school awards in art, and after that he was very eager to agree, almost acting excited when he invited you to come to the shop next Monday for a ‘starter shift’ where he would show you the ropes and make sure you were settled. It was as if the gods switched up on your luck, turning it round from the horrific start you had arriving here, and you weren’t planning on losing this good streak anytime soon.
“Now,” said Mr LeBlanc as he stood putting his coat on by the front door. “Make sure you are wearing something comfy and flexible, preferably pants if you own any, as we don’t want any skirts getting trapped in anything.” You nodded, and he paused for a moment, looking up at you. “Odd question, but how tall are you and your cousins? I don’t think I’ve met many with your heights, especially a woman.”
You glanced at your feet, now conscious of the way you towered over him slightly. “Last time I checked I was 5’9, and the twins are 6 foot. I uh, got it from my dad – he’s 6’1, and they got it from theirs.”
His eyes widened as he puffed his cheeks out. “La vache that’s tall. And did you say the boys were only 16? Wow, I really ain’t trying to make this sound weird but those magazine people would snatch you three up if they knew you were here.”
You laughed shaking your head, albeit nervously at the thought of having your picture taken. Thanking him, you waved him out and said your goodbyes.
Closing the door, you let out a relieved sigh, grateful that the evening was successful, and you retreated back to your room for the evening.
Thought it didn’t stop your excitement for the Monday to come.
I hope you've enjoyed it so far! The ending’s a bit rushed, and Alastor's not going to appear for a couple chapters, but I hope I can make the wait worth it. See you soon for Chapter 2!!
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notreallyimportant · 1 year
One of the many patterns I’ve noticed every time a white person calls for a boycott or protest of some kind, is that it’s dead on arrival.
The Mother’s Day strike, literally said it wasn’t going to work. I checked Twitter, Facebook, and TikTok for posts about it the week of and no one was talking about, and if they were, it was from at least 2 weeks before. Nothing, else. Not mutual aid funds, not alternative child care for those who need it. What they did do was bash those who couldn’t participate because it was planned three weeks before. Said it was going to work because it did in Iceland( a homogenous country that has the population the size of a single neighborhood in New York City), disregarding Black women asking for alternatives or making suggestions.
The 4th of July strike, was told about a few days before. After plans were made, hotels booked, tickets paid for. Ignoring Black and Indigenous people who were protesting by wearing black or orange and support Black or Indigenous businesses, who suggested other options for protesting the government, but white people were offended by said suggestions.
Now we have another strike on September 1, where you don’t pay your rent to change housing policies. Like there’s been no word of mutual aid funds, and they just assume they can overwhelm the courts with eviction notices. Like babes, there are courts that can process it in under 5 minutes.
You’re completely ignoring disabled individuals that will be harmed the most, individuals that have nothing to fall back on should they be evicted, and the fact that people are telling you it’s not going to work.
The  Montgomery Bus Boycott was successful because it took planning and mutual aid. You had people planning for carpooling, rotations for walking, collecting money for taxi services, etc. And it lasted for months because they planned to for more than five minutes down to the minute detail.
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rillabrooke · 4 years
2021 Reading List
An Accidental Duchess - littleLo (Wattpad)
Les Miserables, Vol. IV: Saint-Denis, Book Twelfth: Corinthe - Victor Hugo
Room Service - leigh_ (Wattpad)
Anne of Windy Poplars - L. M. Montgomery*
The Crucible - Arthur Miller**
And Then There Were None - Agatha Christie**
Their Eyes Were Watching God - Zora Neale Hurston**
Cherry Knots - hepburnettes (Wattpad)
Breakup Formula - hepburnettes (Wattpad)
The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde**
Plunder - rskovach (Wattpad)
Lost With You - ArabiaJ (Wattpad)
A Farewell To Arms - Ernest Hemingway**
Hired To Love - JordanLynde (Wattpad)*
Pygmalion - George Bernard Shaw**
1984 - George Orwell**
In the Arms of My Enemy - TenayaGatrell2 (Wattpad)
The Ultimate Gift - Jim Stovall**
A Thousand Storms - yuenwrites (Wattpad)
Bartleby, The Scrivener - Herman Melville**
The Yellow Wallpaper - Charlotte Perkins Gilman**
The Tell-Tale Heart - Edgar Allan Poe*
The Awakening - Kate Chopin**
Of Beauties and Beasts - gingerbread250 (Wattpad)
Sleepwalker - humored (Wattpad)
Les Miserables, Vol. IV: Saint-Denis, Book Thirteenth: Marius Enters the Shadow - Victor Hugo
A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens* **
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson* **
Othello - William Shakespeare**
The Bully - TeaRainAndLove (Wattpad)
The Quirky Tale of April Hale - demonicblackcat (Wattpad)
The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald**
Quirky Romantic Queries About Love - demonicblackcat (Wattpad)
The Fog Horn - Ray Bradbury**
Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury**
Les Miserables, Vol. IV: Saint-Denis, Book Fourteenth: The Grandeurs of Despair - Victor Hugo
Shoot the Jerk - TheStupefying (Wattpad)
An Abundance of Katherines - John Green*
Annabelle's Will - LeeleeKez (Wattpad)
Million Dollar Woman - arcticstars (Wattpad)
Taxi Service - SydneyDruckman (Wattpad)
Door To Door - defend (Wattpad)*
Prince Charming - romanceandcake (Wattpad)
Daughters of the King - Purplejeans (Wattpad)
Falling for the Seat Filler - steffy_t (Wattpad)
Sarah, Plain and Tall - Patricia MacLachlan*
The Game Changer - steffy_t (Wattpad)
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea - Jules Verne
Around the World in 80 Days - Jules Verne*
The Bachelor - greenwriter (Wattpad)
Paris in the Rain - arcticstars (Wattpad)
Les Miserables, Vol. IV: Saint-Denis, Book Fifteenth: The Rue de l'Homme Armé - Victor Hugo
Snapshot - arcticstars (Wattpad)
Les Miserables, Vol. V: Jean Valjean, Book First: The War Between Four Walls - Victor Hugo
The Mysterious Benedict Society - Trenton Lee Stewart*
Les Miserables, Vol. V: Jean Valjean, Book Second: The Intestine of the Leviathan - Victor Hugo
Les Miserables, Vol. V: Jean Valjean, Book Third: Mud but the Soul - Victor Hugo
Les Miserables, Vol. V: Jean Valjean, Book Fourth: Javert Derailed - Victor Hugo
Les Miserables, Vol. V: Jean Valjean, Book Fifth: Grandson and Grandfather - Victor Hugo
Les Miserables, Vol. V: Jean Valjean, Book Sixth: The Sleepless Night - Victor Hugo
Les Miserables, Vol. V: Jean Valjean, Book Seventh: The Last Draft from the Cup - Victor Hugo
Les Miserables, Vol. V: Jean Valjean, Book Eighth: Fading Away of the Twilight - Victor Hugo
Lady in Rags - Spiszy (Wattpad)
Les Miserables, Vol. V: Jean Valjean, Book Ninth: Supreme Shadow, Supreme Dawn - Victor Hugo
Widow in White - Spiszy (Wattpad)
A Song For You - UnsinkableShips (Wattpad)
Anne's House of Dreams - L. M. Montgomery*
Friendship for Dummies - leigh_ (Wattpad)
The Mermaid Hypothesis - adam_and_jane (Wattpad)
The Murders in the Rue Morgue - Edgar Allan Poe
Take Me Home - blissom (Wattpad)
The Cask of Amontillado - Edgar Allan Poe*
The Fall of the House of Usher - Edgar Allan Poe
62 Letters to You - UnsinkableShips (Wattpad)
The Chances of Mary Jane Chaucer - arrowheads (Wattpad)
The Pit and the Pendulum - Edgar Allan Poe
Bequest - rowena_wiseman (Wattpad)
Much Ado About Nothing - William Shakespeare
Age Matters - Enjelicious (Webtoon)
To Love Your Enemy - Jungyoon / Taegon (Webtoon)
Noblesse - Jeho Son / Kwangsu Lee (Webtoon)
The Steward of Blackwood Hall - flights_of_fantasy (Wattpad)
Mere Christianity - C.S. Lewis
Much Ado About Nothing - William Shakespeare*
Much Ado About Nothing - William Shakespeare*
Macbeth - William Shakespeare**
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen*
The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins
Matilda - Roald Dahl
Catching Fire - Suzanne Collins
The Mystery of Marie Rogêt - Edgar Allan Poe
The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar - Edgar Allan Poe
The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade - Edgar Allan Poe
The Balloon-Hoax - Edgar Allan Poe
The Masque of the Red Death - Edgar Allan Poe
The Premature Burial - Edgar Allan Poe
Berenice - Edgar Allan Poe
Never Bet the Devil Your Head - Edgar Allan Poe
The Sphinx - Edgar Allan Poe
Morella - Edgar Allan Poe
The Tell-Tale Heart - Edgar Allan Poe
* reread ** for school
120 notes · View notes
aslanjadecarlyle · 4 years
Master List of Black Creators, Owners, & Public Figures
Master List of Black Creators, Owners, & Public Figures
DISCLAIMER: I am fucking whiter than white. I compiled this list to boost black creators and public figures, but if I am overstepping at all PLEASE let me know! 
Also, I tried to research these in a timely manner. If anyone in these lists is problematic or should not be supported, let me know. :)
(Of course, this is only a TINY portion! Feel free to add more names, businesses, and creators!)
•Naomi Anderson
•Maya Angelou
•James Baldwin
•Lillie Mae Bradford
•Mari Copeny
•Frederick Douglass
•Ruth Ellis
•Erica Garner
•Alicia Garza
•Ernest Green
•Fannie Lou Hamer
•Frances Harper
•Langston Hughes
•Marsha P. Johnson
•Alberta Odell Jones
•Quincy Jones
•Martin Luther King Jr.
•Audre Lorde
•Bree Newsome
•Huey P. Newton
•Rosa Parks
-Bayard Rustin
•Sojourner Truth
•Harriet Tubman
•Madam C.J. Walker
•Ida B. Wells
•Malcolm X
Actors/Actresses & Directors:
•Yahya Abdul-Mateen II
•James Avery
•Angela Bassett
•Halle Berry
•John Boyega
•Levar Burton
•Nick Cannon
•Michael Clarke Duncan
•Zendaya Coleman
•Terry Crews
•Viola Davis
•Idris Elba
•Jamie Foxx
•Morgan Freeman
•Whoopi Goldberg
•Tiffany Haddish
•Skai Jackson
•William Jackson Harper
•Kevin Hart
•Steve Harvey
•Jennifer Hudson
•Ice Cube
•Spike Lee
•Phill Lewis
•Bernie Mac
•Eddie Murphy
•Keke Palmer
•James Pickens Jr.
•Chris Rock
•Will Smith
•Raven Symonè
•Denzel Washington
•Jesse Williams
•Chandra Wilson
•Oprah Winfrey
•John Witherspoon
Authors & Poets:
•Elizabeth Acevedo
•Tomi Adeyemi
•Kwame Alexander
•Maya Angelou
•Rena Barron
•Paula Chase
•Dhonielle Clayton
•Brandy Colbert
•Jay Coles
•Dana Davis
•Tanita S. Davis
•Sharon M. Draper
•Paul Laurence Dunbar
•Akwaeke Emezi
•Sharon G. Flake
•Kristina Forest
•L.R. Giles
•Whitney D. Grandison
•Nikki Grimes
•Justina Ireland
•Tiffany D. Jackson
•Kimberly Jones
•Claire Kann
•Kekla Magoon
•Janice Lynn Mather
•Tony Medina
•Candice Montgomery
•David Barclay Moore
•Britney Morris
•Bethany C. Morrow
•Greg Neri
•Nnedi Okorafor
•Tochi Onyebuchi
•Morgan Parker
•Junauda Petrus
•Ben Philippe
•Jason Reynolds
•Debbie Rigaud
•Ilyasah Shabazz
•Nic Stone
•Liara Tamani
•Mildred D. Taylor
•Angie Thomas
•Brian F. Walker
•Booker T. Washington
•Renée Watson
•Alicia Williams
•August Wilson
•C.E. Wilson
•Ashley Woodfolk
•Jacqueline Woodson
•Nicola Yoon
•Ibi Aanu Zoboi
Black-Owned Bookstores:
•Grassrootz Bookstore (Phoenix, AZ)
•Eso Won Books (Los Angeles, CA)
•Malik Books (Los Angeles, CA)
•Marcus Books (Oakland, CA)
•Shades of Afrika (Long Beach, CA)
•Shop At Matter (Denver, CO)
•Pyramid Books (Boynton Beach, FL)
•For Keeps Books (Atlanta, GA)
•Bunnie Hillard (Decatur, GA)
•Challenges Games & Comics (Decatur, GA)
•Semicolon (Chicago, IL)
•Wild Fig Books (Lexington, KY)
•Frugal Bookstore (Boston, MA)
•Loyalty Books (Silver Springs, MD)
•Loving Me Books (Detroit, MI)
•Source Booksellers (Detroit, MI)
•Mind’s Eye Comics (Burnsville, MN)
•Eye See Me (St. Louis, MO)
•Source of Knowledge (Newark, NJ)
•The Lit Bar (The Bronx, NY)
•Cafe Con Libros (Brooklyn, NY)
•Megabrain Comics (Rhinebeck, NY)
•The Schomburg Shop (Harlem, NY)
•Sister’s Uptown (New York, NY)
•Fulton Street Books (Tulsa, OK)
•Third Eye Bag (Portland, OR)
•Amalgam Comics (Philadelphia, PA)
•Harriett’s Bookshop (Philadelphia, PA)
•Uncle Bobbie’s (Philadelphia, PA)
•Turning Page Bookshop (Goose Creek, SC)
•Black Pearl Books (Austin, TX)
•The Dock (Fort Worth, TX)
•Loyalty Books (Washington DC)
•MahoganyBooks (Washington DC)
Other Black-Owned Businesses:
•228 Grant Street Candle Company (228grantstreet.com)
•Aamir Graphics (jaizthedesigner.mystrikingly.com)
•Ailey Extension (aileyextension.com)
•Aminah Abdul Jillil (aminahabdujillil.com)
•Anya Lust (anyalust.com)
•AphroChic (aphrochic.com)
•Basbaas Foods (basbaassauce.com)
•Beauty Bakerie (beautybakerie.com)
•Beauty Stat Cosmetics (beautystatcosmetics.com)
•BedStuyFly (bedstuyfly.com)
•Bel Lumière (thebellumiereco.com)
•Beneath Your Mask (beneathyourmask.com)
•Black Enterprise (blackenterprise.com)
•Black Girl Sunscreen (blackgirlsunscreen.com)
•Black Girls Run (blackgirlsrun.com)
•The Black Home (theblackhome.com)
•Black Pepper Paperie Company (shopbpco.com)
•Blavity (blavity.com)
•BLK MKT Vintage (blkmktvintage.com)
•Body Space Fitness (bodyspacefitness.com)
•Bold Xchange (boldxchange.com)
•Bolé Road Textiles (boleroadtextiles.com)
•Briogeo (briogeohair.com)
•Brooklyn Circus (thebkcircus.com)
•Brooklyn Tea (brooklyntea.com)
•Brother Vellies (brothervellies.com)
•Camille Rose (camillerose.com)
•Carlis Design Studio LLC (carlisdesignstudio.net)
•Castamira (castamira.com)
•CBAAF (comebackasaflower.com)
•Celsious (celsious.com)
•Cherry Blossom Intimates (cherryblossomintimates.com)
•Clare (clare.com)
•Cool and Casual Studios (coolandcasualstudios.com)
•CurlBox (curlbox.com)
•CurlMix (curlmix.com)
•Curls (curls.biz)
•Cushnie (cushnie.com)
•Custom Collaborative (customcollaborative.org)
•Diop (weardiop.com)
•Divine Nature Cosmetics (divinenaturecosmetics.com)
•Drift Taxi (thedrifttaxi.com)
•Edas (edas.store)
•Effortless Composition (effortlesscomposition.com)
•Essence (essence.com)
•Esusu (esusurent.com)
•Fix My Resume Services (fixmyresume.net)
•Flat Fifteen (flatfifteen.co.uk)
•Flaunt It Beauty Supply (flauntitbeautysupply.com)
•The Folklore (shopthefolklore.com)
•FUBU (fubu.com)
•Golde (golde.co)
•Golden Krust (goldekrust.com)
•Goodee (goodeeworld.com)
•Grillz and Granola (grillzandgranola.com)
•Hanahana Beauty (hanahanabeauty.com)
•Haus Urban (hausurban.com)
•HealHaus (healhaus.com)
•House of Aama (houseofaama.com)
•Iconoclast Fitness (iconoclastfitness.com)
•Ilé Ilà (ile-ila.com)
•International Smoke (internationalsmoke.com)
•Johanna Howard Home (johannahoward.com)
•Jones Bar-B-Q (jonesbbqkc.com)
•Jungalow (jungalow.com)
•Justice of the Pies (justiceofthepies.com)
•Kahmune (kahmune.com)
•KAI (kaicollective.com)
•KNC Beauty (kncbeauty.com)
•Kutula by Africana (shopkutula.com)
•Label by Three (labelbythree.com)
•LaQuan Smith (laquansmith.com)
•Lauren Napier Beauty (laurennapier.com)
•The Lip Bar (thelipbar.com)
•Lit Bklyn (litbklyn.co)
•Local European (localeuropean.com)
•Love Notes Fragrances (lovenotesfragrances.com)
•LUXE Honeymoons (luxe-honeymoons.com)
•Maison Noir Wines (maisonnoirwines.com)
•Maki Oh (makioh.com)
•Malene B (malenebarnett.com)
•Manual (manualphoto.com)
•Marché Rue Dix (marcheruedix.com)
•Marie Burgos Collection (marieburgosdesignthestore.com)
•Market*TING (market-ting.com)
•Mateo New York (mateonewyork.com)
•McBride Sisters Collection (mcbridesisters.com)
•Melanin Haircare (melaninhaircare.com)
•Mented Cosmetics (mentedcosmetics.com)
•MyaVana (myavana.com)
•Nandi Naya (nandinayanyc.com)
•Natty Garden (nattygarden.com)
•Neighborhood Fiber Co. (neighborhoodfiberco.com)
•Nerdz World (nerdzworld.com)
•NightLight Pediatric (nightlightpediatrics.com)
•Nude Barre (nudebarre.com)
•Octave Jewelry (octavejewelry.com)
•Oma the Label (omathelabel.com)
•Orange Culture (orangeculture.com.ng)
•OUI The People (ouithepeople.com)
•Partake Foods (partakefoods.com)
•Pat McGrath Labs (patmcgrath.com)
•Peace & Riot (peaceandriot.com)
•Peju Obasa (pejuobasa.com)
•People of Color Beauty (peopleofcolorbeauty.com)
•Pipcorn (pipsnacks.com)
•Post-Imperial (post-imperial.com)
•Pottery by Osa (potterybyosa.com)
•Rebecca Allen (rebecca-allen.com)
•Red Bay Coffee (redbaycoffee.com)
•Reparations Club (rep.club)
•Riot Swim (riotswim.com)
•Rochelle Porter (rochelleporter.com)
•See Line Ceramics (seelineceramics.com)
•Sheila Bridges (sheilabridges.com)
•Sincerely, Tommy (sincerelytommy.com)
•The Sip (thesipsociety.com)
•The Sixes (thesixes.com)
•Slashed by Tia (slashedbytia.net)
•Sol Cacao (solcacao.com)
•Sol Sips (solsipsnyc.com)
•Something Unique Accessories (shopsomethingunique.com)
•T.A. (shop-ta.com)
•Tackussanu Senegal (tackussanusenegal.com)
•Tactile Matter (tactilematter.com)
•T&C Management Tax & Financial Services (https://xu625-feb5c6.pages.infusionsoft.net )
•Telfar (telfar.net)
•TLZ L’FEMME (tlzlf.com)
•Total Resistance (thetotalresistance.com)
•Tree Fairfax (treefairfax.com)
•UniBuyz (unibuyz.com)
•Unlimited Treasures Chest (utchest.com)
•Unsun (unsuncosmetics.com)
•Unwrp (unwrp.com)
•Uoma Beauty (uomabeauty.com)
•Urban One Inc. (urban1.com)
•Victor Glemaud (glemaud.com)
•Wales Bonner (walesbonner.com)
•Whetstone Magazine (whetstonemagazine.com)
•The Wrap Life (thewrap.life)
•Yam (yamnyc.com)
•xN Studio (osxnasozi.com)
•Yowie (shopyowie.com)
•Zafa Wines (zafawines.com)
•Zou Xou Shoes (zouxou.com)
Book Reviewers:
•Black & Bookish
•Black Books Matter
•Brazen Babe Reviews
•Doddy About Books
•Fine Point Scribbles
•Kaybee’s Bookshelf, A Literary Blog
•Literally Black
•Ms. Shabria Gxo
•Sometimes Leelynn Reads
•Adwoa Aboah
•Adesuwa Aighewi
•J. Alexander
•Karen Alexander
•Leomie Anderson
•Alanna Arrington
•Yasmine Arrington
•Tyra Banks
•Corey Baptiste
•Tyson Beckford
•Yasmin Benoit
•Akech Bior
•Minah Ogbenyealu Bird
•Maria Borges
•Adonis Bosso
•Cindy Bruna
•Naomi Campbell
•Dorothea Church
•Yaya DaCosta
•Agbani Darego
•Bruce Darnell
•Khoudia Diop
•Nadège du Bospertus
•Jourdan Dunn
•Selita Ebanks
•Paloma Elsesser
•Cora Emmanuel
•Staniel Ferreira
•Malaika Firth
•Diandra Forrest
•Imaan Hammam
•Winnie Harlow
•Beverley Heath-Hoyland
•Marsha A. Hunt
•Broderick Hunter
•Chanel Iman
•Beverly Johnson
•Toccara Jones
•Grace Jones
•Liya Kebede
•Jayne Kennedy
•Janet Langhart
•Shakara Ledard
•Precious Lee
•Noémie Lenoir
•Damaris Lewis
•Sessilee Lopez
•Donyale Luna
•Anais Mali
•Eva Marcille
•Denny Mèndez
•Jillian Mercado
•Ariel Meredith
•Lineisy Montero
•Katoucha Niane
•Mayowa Nicholas
•Emanuela de Paula
•Lais Ribeiro
•Valentine Rontez
•Shaun Ross
•Kimora Lee Simmons
•Naomi Sims
•Joan Smalls
•B. Smith
•Arlenis Sosa
•Sal Stowers
•Duckie Thot
•Jasmine Tookes
•Eugena Washington
•Veronica Webb
•Alek Wek
•Jessica White
•Slick Woods
•Kara Young
•Louis Armstrong
•Pearl Bailey
•Harry Belafonte
•Chuck Berry
•The Black Eyed Peas
•The Bobettes
•Soulja Boy
•50 Cent
•Chance the Rapper
•Ray Charles
•Chubby Checker
•The Chords
•The Clovers
•The Coasters
•Nat ‘King’ Cole
•Zendaya Coleman
•The Contours
•Sam Cooke
•Taio Cruz
•Andra Day
•Bobby Day
•The Del-Vikings
•Jason Derulo
•Destiny’s Child
•The Diamonds
•Bo Diddley
•Daveed Diggs
•Fats Domino
•Dr. Dre
•The Drifters
•Earth, Wind, & Fire
•Missy Elliott
•Flo Rida
•The Four Tops
•Aretha Franklin
•Bobby Freeman
•Marvin Gaye
•Gloria Gaynor
•CeeLo Green
•Billie Holiday
•Whitney Houston
•Sharaya J
•Janet Jackson
•Michael Jackson/The Jackson 5
•Alicia Keys
•Sean Kingston
•Eartha Kitt
•Lenny Kravitz
•Patti LaBelle
•John Legend
•Leona Lewis
•The Marcels
•The Masqueraders
•Mickey & Sylvia
•The Monotones
•The Penguins
•Leigh-Anne Pinnock (of the girl group Little Mix)
•The Platters
•Otis Redding
•Little Richard
•The Ronettes
•Diana Ross
•Darius Rucker
•Travis Scott
•Tupac Shakur
•Nina Simone
•Shirley & Lee
•The Silhouettes
•Snoop Dogg
•Jimmy Soul
•Jordin Sparks
•The Supremes
•The Temptations
•Ty Dolla Sign
•Bill Withers
Jackie Aina
Alissa Ashley
Yasmin Benoit
Raye Boyce
Patricia Bright
Marques Brownlee
Alyssa Forever
Bri Hall
Todrick Hall
Aysha Harun
Alonzo Lerone
Oneika the Traveller
Shanna Malcolm
Shameless Maya
Chris Smoove
Nyma Tang
26 notes · View notes
papermoonloveslucy · 4 years
JULY 4, 1949
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Sorrowful Jones is a remake of the 1934 Shirley Temple film, Little Miss Marker. In the film, a young girl is left with the notoriously cheap Sorrowful Jones (Bob Hope) as a marker for a bet. When her father does not return, he learns that taking care of a child interferes with his free-wheeling lifestyle. Lucille Ball plays a nightclub singer who is dating Sorrowful's boss. 
Although the official opening night in Hollywood took place on Independence Day 1949, it was premiered in New York City a month earlier, and seen in Australia on June 24, 1949. 
Directed by Sidney Lanfield Produced by Robert L. Welch Written by Edmund Hartmann and Melville Shavelson based on a story by Damon Runyon 
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Lucille Ball (Gladys) was born on August 6, 1911 in Jamestown, New York. She began her screen career in 1933 and was known in Hollywood as ‘Queen of the B’s’ due to her many appearances in ‘B’ movies. With Richard Denning, she starred in a radio program titled “My Favorite Husband” which eventually led to the creation of “I Love Lucy,” a television situation comedy in which she co-starred with her real-life husband, Latin bandleader Desi Arnaz. The program was phenomenally successful, allowing the couple to purchase what was once RKO Studios, re-naming it Desilu. When the show ended in 1960 (in an hour-long format known as “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour”) so did Lucy and Desi’s marriage. In 1962, hoping to keep Desilu financially solvent, Lucy returned to the sitcom format with “The Lucy Show,” which lasted six seasons. She followed that with a similar sitcom “Here’s Lucy” co-starring with her real-life children, Lucie and Desi Jr., as well as Gale Gordon, who had joined the cast of “The Lucy Show” during season two. Before her death in April 1989, Lucy made one more attempt at a sitcom with “Life With Lucy,” also with Gordon, which was not a success and was canceled after just 13 episodes. She died on April 26, 1989 at the age of 77. 
Ball's singing voice is provided by Annette Warren, who also sang for her in Fancy Pants and later provided the singing voice for Ava Gardner in Show Boat.  Her first screen dubbing was for Lured featuring Lucille Ball, although Warren did not dub Lucy’s voice. She provided the singing voice for Pepper (Iris Adrian) in the Bob Hope film The Paleface (1947). 
Bob Hope (Sorrowful Jones) was born Lesley Townes Hope in England in 1903. During his extensive career in virtually all forms of media he received five honorary Academy Awards. In 1945, Desi Arnaz was the orchestra leader on Bob Hope’s radio show. Ball and Hope did three other films together. He appeared as himself on the season 6 opener of “I Love Lucy.” He did a brief cameo in a 1964 episode of “The Lucy Show.”  He died in 2003 at age 100.
Mary Jane Saunders (Martha Jane) makes her film debut. She went on to do a season of TV’s “Tales of the Welles Fargo” (1960-61) and made two appearances on “My Three Sons”: one with William Frawley and one with William Demarest. 
William Demarest (Regret) is best remembered as Uncle Charlie on “My Three Sons,” a role created after the death of William Frawley. Demarest and Frawley appeared together on screen in The Farmer’s Daughter (1940). He was nominated for an Academy Award in the biography, The Jolson Story (1946). Demarest did two other films with Lucille Ball: Fugitive Lady (1934) and Don’t Tell The Wife (1937). He died in 1983 at age 91. 
Bruce Cabot (Big Steve) appeared with Lucille Ball in 1934′s Men of the Night. In 1950, he joined Hope and Ball once again in Fancy Pants.  His main claim to fame is rescuing Fay Wray from King Kong (1933).
Tom Pedi (Once Over Sam) did one season of the short-lived sitcom “Arnie” (1970-71).  He was in the 1980 remake of Little Miss Marker, upon which Sorrowful Jones is based. 
Paul Lees (Orville Smith) was blinded by enemy artillery during his service in World War II. He received 32 military decorations and ribbons, including the Legion of Merit. Despite his lack of vision, Lees learned to act and signed a contract with Paramount. He would memorize script dialog by having someone read it to him twice.
Houseley Stevenson (Doc Chesley) was a British-born character actor who had just finished doing The Paleface with Bob Hope. 
Ben Weldon (Big Steve’s Bodyguard) appeared on “I Love Lucy” as the thief who breaks in to the Ricardo apartment to steal “The Fur Coat” (ILL S1;E9).  He was seen in a season one episode of “The Lucy Show.” 
Emmett Vogan (Psychiatrist) did four movies with Lucille Ball previous to this one. In 1954 he played Mr. Bolton in The Long, Long Trailer. 
Thomas Gomez (Reardon) was an Oscar nominee for Ride the Pink Horse the previous year. In 1953 he was seen as Pasquale #2 on CBS’s “Life With Luigi”.  He did a 1964 episode of “My Three Sons” with William Demarest.
UNCREDITED CAST (with connections to Lucille Ball)
Ethel Bryant (Nurse) was also seen with Lucille Ball in Broadway Bill (1934), another film involving a racehorse.  John Butler (Jack - Bettor on Green Diamond) was also seen with Lucille Ball in The Affairs of Annabel (1938). 
Bill Cartledge (First Jockey) was also seen with Lucille Ball in The Joy of Living (1938). 
Maurice Cass (Psychiatrist) was also seen with Lucille Ball (and John Butler) in The Affairs of Annabel (1938).
Michael Cirillo (Horse Player) joined Bob Hope in Paleface and Son of Paleface as well as Critic’s Choice with Hope and Ball in 1963. 
Charles Cooley (Shorty) was seen with Hope and Ball in Fancy Pants (1950) as well as a dozen other Bob Hope films. He also was a regular on “The Bob Hope Show” on television. 
James Dearing (Spectator) was in eight other Lucille Ball films between 1936 and 1954. 
Jay Eaton (Horse Player) was in eight other Lucille Ball films between 1937 and 1946.
Chuck Hamilton (Police Officer) was seen in the background of eight other Lucille Ball films from 1937 to 1950.
Selmer Jackson (Doctor) was in six other Lucille Ball films between 1933 and 1949. 
Kenner G. Kemp (Bookmaker) was in seven other Lucille Ball films between 1936 and 1960 as well as doing background work on a 1965 episode of “The Lucy Show.” 
Bob Kortman (Horse Player) was in four other Lucille Ball films between 1934 and 1950. 
George Magrill (Horse Player) makes the last of his nine film appearances with Lucille Ball. He started in 1933 with Broadway Thru A Keyhole. 
John Mallon (Horse Player) was also seen with Hope and Ball in Fancy Pants (1950). 
John ‘Skins’ Miller (Jockey) was also seen with Hope and Ball in Fancy Pants (1950) and previously with Ball in The Big Street (1942). 
Frank Mills (Horse Player) makes the last of his ten film appearances with Lucille Ball. He started in 1933 with The Bowery.
Ralph Montgomery (Horse Player) was one of the policeman on the scene in “Lucy Goes To The Hospital” (ILL S2;E16) in 1953. 
Ralph Peters (Taxi Driver) was also seen with Lucille Ball in The Big Street (1942). 
Suzanne Ridgeway (Nightclub Patron) was also seen with Lucille Ball in That’s Right - You’re Wrong (1939) and The Magic Carpet (1951). 
Arthur Space (Plainclothes Policeman) was in four other films with Lucille Ball between 1945 and 1950. 
Bert Stevens (Nightclub Patron) was a background player in four Lucille Ball films as well as one episode of “I Love Lucy,” and many of “The Lucy Show.”
Sid Tomack (Waiter at Steve’s Place) was also seen in The Fuller Brush Girl (1950) with Lucille Ball. 
Harry Tyler (Blinky) did three other films with Lucille Ball between 1937 and 1950. 
Walter Winchell (Himself, Voice Over) was a journalist and radio host who was the narrator of Desilu’s “The Untouchables.”  He also joined the cast in their satire of the series on “Lucy The Gun Moll” (TLS S4;E25). 
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The film was made at Paramount Studios in Hollywood, with location shooting in New York City. This was Lucille Ball’s 70th film! 
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The New York Times, August 16, 1947.  Note that Lucille Ball is not mentioned.  (Thanks to @ericthelibrarian​ for the scan)
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Sorrowful Jones (Bob Hope) is a New York bookie who keeps his operation hidden behind a trap door in a Broadway barber shop. He suffers a financial setback when a horse named Dreamy Joe, owned by gangster Big Steve Holloway (Bruce Cabot), unexpectedly wins a race and Jones has to pay all the bettors.
Jones learns that the race was fixed by Big Steve, who tells him about giving the horse a "speedball." It turns out Big Steve has informed all the bookies in his circle of friends about the fixed race, and demands a sum of $1,000 from each one of them in exchange for this information.
Before the next race, Jones learns Dreamy Joe will lose, but still takes bets on the horse from his customers. He even takes a bet from gambler Orville Smith (Paul Lees), who leaves his four-year-old daughter Martha Jane (Mary Jane Saunders) as collateral. Orville overhears a phone call where Big Steve reveals that the race is fixed, so he is killed by one of Big Steve's goons, Once Over Sam (Tom Pedi). Jones is forced to take care of Martha Jane and brings her home with him. 
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The next day Jones gets help from his ex-girlfriend, burlesque performer Gladys O'Neill (Lucille Ball).
Big Steve tells Jones he is being investigated by the racing commission so he is quitting the race-fixing business. Big Steve plans to make one final race before he gets out of the game, where he is fixing it so that Dreamy Joe will win. He also transfers the ownership of the horse to Martha Jane, unaware that she is Orville's daughter. After the race, Big Steve will kill the horse by giving it a high dose of "speedball."
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Jones tries to find Martha Jane's mother, but discovers she is dead. Gladys suggests that Jones give all of Dreamy Joe's winnings to Martha Jane to help her survive, or she will contact the police and tell them about Jones' operation. She has no knowledge of Big Steve's plan to fix the race.
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Big Steve finds out that Martha Jane is Orville's daughter, so Jones must hide her to protect her from being killed. When hiding on a fire escape's landing, Martha Jane falls down and is seriously injured. In a coma, the little girl calls out for Dreamy Joe.
In order to save Martha Jane and wake her up, Jones and his partner Regret (William Demarest) steal the horse from Big Steve at the race track. They take it into the hospital room where Martha Jane lies. Martha Jane wakes up and the police find out that Big Steve is responsible for Orville's murder.
After Big Steve is arrested, Jones proposes to Gladys. The police want Martha Jane to be placed in an orphanage, but Jones and Gladys, who have married, decide to adopt the girl. They go away on their honeymoon together with their newly adopted daughter.
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“Little Miss Marker” (1932), a short story by Damon Runyon, inspired the film Sorrowful Jones.
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Damon Runyon’s 1940 short story “Little Pinks” served as the basis for the Lucille Ball / Henry Fonda film The Big Street (1942). 
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Little Miss Marker (1934) starring Adolphe Menjou as Sorrowful Jones and Dorothy Dell as Bangles Carson. Shirley Temple as Marthy Jane. The film was directed by Alexander Hall, Lucille Ball’s one-time fiance. 
Sorrowful Jones (1947) starring Bob Hope as Sorrowful Jones and Lucille Ball as Gladys O’Neill. Mary Jane Saunders as Martha Jane. 
40 Pounds of Trouble (1962) starring Tony Curtis as Steve McCluskey and Suzanne Pleshette as Chris Lockwood. Claire Wilcox as Penelope Piper.
Little Miss Marker (1980) starring Walter Matthau as Sorrowful Jones and Julie Andrews as Amanda Worthington. Sarah Stimson as the Kid.
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"Lux Radio Theater" broadcast a 60 minute radio adaptation of the movie on November 21, 1949 with Bob Hope and Lucille Ball reprising their film roles. 
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“Havin' a Wonderful Wish (Time You Were Here)” by Jay Livingston with lyrics by Ray Evans is sung by Lucille Ball (dubbed by Annette Warren).  
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“Miss Beverley Hills of Hollywood” comic book issue #6, January / February 1947 promoted the film. Lucille Ball still is purporting to have been born in Butte, Montana. Here her birth date is also incorrect: August 6, not August 8. Note how much the Drama Teacher resembles Lucy’s mother, Dede Ball.
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Lucille Ball advertising both Armstrong Tires and Sorrowful Jones. 
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Lucille Ball advertising Sealright Sanitary Containers using Sorrowful Jones.
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In “The Bob Hope Christmas Special” (1973) Lucy opens a small wooden box and removes a lock of Hope’s hair she says she snipped from his head when they were making Sorrowful Jones together.
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The film was mentioned when Lucille Ball and Bob Hope guested on “Dinah!” in 1977. 
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In 1989, after Ball’s passing, a clip from the film was incorporated into “Bob Hope’s Love Affair With Lucy.” 
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cincinnatusvirtue · 5 years
Martin Luther King (1929-1968): America’s best known activist in the African-American Civil Rights struggle.
Martin Luther King was born January 15th, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia born as Martin J. King Jr.  His father Martin Sr. was a Baptist minister in Georgia and his mother Alberta Williams King was a minister’s daughter herself.  King was born into the midst of what was known as the Jim Crow South, the post Civil War era set of laws in the Southern United States that legalized segregation of citizens along racial grounds and effectively disenfranchised African-Americans.  These laws continued the discrimination and legacy of racism that most African-Americans had experienced since slavery had been introduced on the American continent centuries before.  The laws were passed by Democratic majorities in the South and while initially in the aftermath of the Civil War in the Reconstruction era, members of the Republican party that dominated the Northern states tried to pass laws that would have limited Jim Crow’s effects, the combination of divisions within the moderate and radical wings of the Republican Party, voter intimidation, Northern racism, political corruption and a sort of national desire to “move on” effectively allowed the Jim Crow laws to take hold and exist for the following century.
King grew up with white friends until the start of elementary school when segregation in schools separated them.  Segregation and second-class citizenry in the American South was a daily reality for King and most African-Americans.  African-Americans had to attend separate schools, churches, could not vote unless certain standards such as literacy tests were met and had to use alternate entrances in places of public accommodation, ride buses in segregated fashion and couldn’t even drink from the same water fountains in some instances.  Jim Crow took on various forms in depending where one lived in the South and discrimination and racist tension was prevalent in the North as well.  The 1896 US Supreme Court decision in Plessy vs. Ferguson upheld the doctrine of “separate but equal” for many government institutions effectively legalizing segregation.
King though occasionally physically disciplined by his father did come to admire his father’s standing up to segregation and was an inspiration on King growing up.  King himself admitted to feelings of resentment towards whites as a teenager.  Despite King’s own occasional doubts about religion and a lifelong struggle with self-doubt and depression, he like his father would go to seminary school in the hopes of becoming a Baptist minister as he saw the church as the way to answer what he called an “inner urge to serve humanity.”   King was known in high school as great orator early as part of the debate team, he also was a student with good enough grades to skip 9th and 12th grades.  In college he attended first Morehouse College in Atlanta, a traditionally black male college and later the Crozer Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania from which he would graduate in 1951.
While at Crozer, King was briefly romantically linked to a cafeteria worker from Germany and even contemplated marrying her.  However, he was discouraged by family and friends on the grounds that an interracial marriage, especially in the South would upset both whites and blacks.  As a result of these pressures, King called off the relationship, though he was reportedly quite depressed over it.  Later, King would meet his future wife, Coretta Scott.  Coretta was from Alabama, the daughter of the descendants of former slaves.  Her father was a business owner police man at various times.  Her mother helped in the family business of running a general store and a lumber mill but also worked as a school bus driver and pianist in the local church.  Coretta herself had aspirations of a being a musician and was attending school at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston when through a mutual friend she met King.  She was initially hesitant to date him but continued after his persistence in pursuing her, they would marry in 1953.  She initially had wanted a career in music but largely sacrificed it to help her husband pursue his own career in the ministry and to raise their family and the subsequent Civil Rights cause that was to become the main cause of their lives together. 
September 1st, 1954 saw King become the new minister at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama.  In 1955 the Kings had their first child, a daughter, Yolanda.  They would go on to have 3 more, Dexter, Martin Luther III and Bernice.  1955 also saw two incidents that would help spur the Civil Rights movement.  In Montgomery, public buses allowed bus drivers the authority to assign seating and since all drivers were white that meant black citizens effectively either had to ride in the back of the bus or give up their seat to a white citizen upon request, to refuse would risk a fine and and/or arrest.  The buses at the time had 75% usage by black citizens of the city.  In March of that year a teenager by the name of Claudette Colvin was arrested after refusing to give up her seat to make room for a white woman on the bus.  The incident was largely kept under wraps.  In December, most famously NAACP secretary Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat and was arrested and fined.
King was made a local leader in the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA) which was founded by local black ministers.  Upon taking up the cause of Rosa Parks case a boycott of Montgomery buses was launched.  A combination of refusal to ride buses and instead provide taxi and carpool services for the African-American community ultimately lead to economic hardship for the city.  The boycott worked and de-segregation of the buses and the hiring of black bus drivers was allowed.  This helped raise awareness of the Civil Rights movement in general and made Martin Luther King the best known name for the Civil Rights movement henceforth.  Though there were signs of a backlash and the violence that was to shadow King’s life thereafter.  A shotgun was fired through the front door of the King home, a fellow minister’s home was bombed, black teenagers were beaten in a number of instances and even white Montgomery citizens who sided with the MIA and Rosa Parks had their own homes bombed.  Furthermore, the city in some other ways reinforced segregation and Rosa Parks ultimately had to leave the city due to death threats.  By the early 60′s blacks were still de-facto having to ride in the back of buses even if the law didn’t require it.  However, King’s resolve to undertake the cause of Civil Rights was not undone and only increased as a result of these setbacks.
1957 saw King along with other ministers form the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC).  King was to lead this organization until his death and it would become central in the subsequent Civil Rights movement.  He befriended white evangelist preacher, Billy Graham and took inspiration from Graham’s evangelical “crusades”.  King sought to use the SCLC to push forth a message of nonviolent protest in the service of advancing African-American Civil Rights.  King was further inspired by the success of India’s independence movement and its commitment to nonviolence, namely through its spiritual leader, Mahatma Gandhi, he even later visited India to seek inspiration from this source..  King began giving sermons and placing them in written form to push this message of nonviolence coupled with advancement of Civil Rights.  Gradually, his sermons namely “What is Man?” caught the attention of the nation and the world at large.  King began to take on many individual cases as ways to highlight the need for changes to legislation in federal law to overcome Jim Crow’s legal power.
King continued to make speeches and organize marches in the coming years, he was notably involved in the Albany movement to desegregate Albany, Georgia in 1961 and famously the Birmingham, Alabama and Selma, Alabama campaigns of 1963 and 1964 to desegregate and assist in gaining African-Americans their legal voting rights.  During this time, King and other black leadership in the country tried to work with then newly elected President John F. Kennedy to author what many called a “Second Emancipation Proclamation” in reference to Abraham Lincoln’s 1862 Executive Order declaring slaves in Confederate states freed during the Civil War.  Kennedy for his part appeared sympathetic if not particularly activist on the issue of Civil Rights.  King was also during this time the focus of FBI surveillance under the direction of then US Attorney General Robert Kennedy, President Kennedy’s brother.  King’s movements were detailed and phone calls wiretapped.  He also was sent threatening letters, not officially from the government but later linked to.  The supposed motive for monitoring King was his association with known and suspected Communists who maybe using the Civil Rights movement as a front for pushing forth Communist agendas in the middle of the Cold War which the the government saw as undermining America’s domestic and foreign policy, namely his association with the former Communist and openly homosexual Bayard Rustin was problematic and King agreed to distance himself from Rustin publicly.  King continued to earn a reputation as man of overall conviction notably following his arrests for violating the laws of Birmingham, Alabama during the 1963 desegregation campaign there.  His famous Letter from Birmingham Jail written on April 16, 1963 showed this commitment in eloquent form, something that was to become a signature of King’s persona.  King felt his acts of civil disobedience and that of the nonviolent Civil Rights movement were in accordance with American ideals, namely the Boston Tea Party and other acts of the American Revolution.  Citing them as necessary acts to deliver freedom even if they were illegal in the eyes of unjust laws.  King also demonstrated a belief in racial unity, stating that failure to come together against Jim Crow laws would not only legally segregate white and black Americans but lead to national disharmony and permanent segregation of Americans on communal and national lines.
King’s perhaps most memorable moment came on August 28, 1963 in the now famous March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.  Here King in the shadows of the Lincoln Memorial and Washington Monument in Washington DC gave what many regard as not only his most eloquent and passionate speech but one of America’s most eloquent oratories ever, the so called “I Have a Dream Speech” where King lashed out at racism and the injustice that Americans experienced solely for the color of their skin.  The speech not only listed the grievances of African-American community but envisioned optimistically that America would one day live up to its founding and often espoused ideals of a welcoming community and freedom of individuality.  As a place that transcended racial bigotry where notably he stated:
“ I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification; one day right there in Alabama, little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers. I have a dream today.”
The speech and march had massive press coverage and helped put the Civil Rights movement near the top of the legislative agenda.  In November of 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas but his successor Lyndon B. Johnson continued with Kennedy’s hope of passing new legislation.  The Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965 essentially in law achieved the effective end of much of Jim Crow laws throughout the American South and in someways achieved what many considered the high watermark of the Civil Rights movement of the 1960′s.  Though these laws initially had weak enforcement, they were great symbolic victories for the movement and subsequently would practically reinforced through subsequent laws being passed.  King however knew work was still to be done, poverty among African-Americans and racial discrimination were still in effect going into the mid and late 1960′s and King made these ongoing issues of importance in his mission.  He also began to gradually speak out against the war in Vietnam which was ongoing.  His arguments against the war were largely that it took an unfair burden on impoverished black soldiers who signed up to help their country and saw them disproportionately killed in action and their communities suffering economic hardship.  His criticism of the war earned him the ire of President Johnson who was overseeing its ongoing development and ramping up.  It also cost some support for him among union organizers and the press he was even called by some a “demagogue” .  King additionally was facing ongoing death threats from white racists at home such as the Ku Klux Klan and facing criticism from black nationalists, notably the Nation of Islam, both white and black nationalists refused to believe in racial integration and harmony and actively sought to segregate America and Americans.
Despite King’s many struggles and in many ways the deepening political divides in the country, King stayed steadfast committed to the cause of nonviolence. 1968 saw King take up the cause of African-American sanitation workers’ rights for better pay and working conditions in Memphis, Tennessee.  On April 3, 1968 he gave what would be his final speech, the so called “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop” address.  In reference to a recent bomb threat it was laced with almost prophetic language:
“And then I got to Memphis. And some began to say the threats, or talk about the threats that were out. What would happen to me from some of our sick white brothers? Well, I don't know what will happen now. We've got some difficult days ahead. But it doesn't matter with me now. Because I've been to the mountaintop. And I don't mind. Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land. So I'm happy, tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.”
At 6:01 PM on April 4, 1968 as King was standing out on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis discussing plans for a event later that night he was struck with a single bullet in the right cheek fired from across the street at a boarding house.  The bullet hit King in the cheek and lodged in his spinal cord.  He was dead within the hour, aged 39.  King’s assassin turned out to be James Earl Ray, a white supremacist with a history of crime.  Ray fled the country and was later arrested in England on a false passport, he was returned the US for trial and convicted of King’s murder.  In time, controversy over whether Ray was actually the assassin or whether it was part of a US government conspiracy to silence King for his ongoing activism against US foreign policy and advocacy for positions viewed as undermining domestic policy by some has arisen.  There are numerous conspiracy theories abounded to this day, even at least one of King’s children forgave Ray and came to believe he was not guilty.  Ray for his part changed his story to say he was coerced into confessing to the murder.  A civil case later found a conspiracy against King to have been acted upon, though the official criminal record remains unchanged stating Ray was the assassin and acted alone, motivated by his personal enmity towards King and African-Americans, he would eventually die in prison in 1998 of liver failure.
In the immediate aftermath of the King’s death many riots among the African-American community broke out across the country.  A notable exception was in Indianapolis, Indiana where former Attorney General and then US Senator from New York Robert F. Kennedy gave a speech to the African-American community on the back of a flat bed truck.  Kennedy was running for the Democratic nomination for President that year.  The very man who once authorized King’s FBI surveillance was now delivering an impromptu eulogy on his behalf.  Kennedy appealed to the crowd, stating any feelings of anger they may have was understandable but he also appealed to them with empathy through the assassination of his own brother, President Kennedy 5 years earlier.  Kennedy’s speech ultimately called for African-Americans to make the choice, seek peace, nonviolence and continue to push for a unified country as King had advocated for or give into intense feelings of rage and turn to violence.  The crowd though upset largely listened to Kennedy and no riots took place in Indianapolis that night.  Robert Kennedy for his part was assassinated by a Palestinian gunman two months later in California, citing his hatred over Kennedy’s support for the state of Israel in the wake of the Six Days War of 1967 as motivation.
King’s legacy of nonviolence and advocacy for Civil Rights was continued by many afterwards and taken in many directions henceforth.  Namely, his wife Coretta and later their children, Coretta would die in 2006 and his buried next to husband at their home in Atlanta, Georgia.  In the year’s since King’s death, he has been made into an icon for civil rights movements the world over.  People of various political persuasions and movements have co-opted his words to fit their perception of his take on their cause.  It’s ultimately speculation as to what King would have gone on to do and how he would view the world and his country in particular in the modern era.  King’s legacy overall remains strong in America’s memory even if it is viewed by some as out of touch or overly optimistic.  His memory is celebrated in part with Martin Luther King Jr. day held annually in the US on the third Monday in January.  This is celebrated as federal holiday as well as at the state and local level, signed into law by President Ronald Reagan in 1983 and first observed federally in January 1986.  All 50 states now honor it as a paid holiday for state workers, with South Carolina being the last to do so in 2000.
Whatever King could have gone onto to do and despite the various attempts to co-opt his name, words and legacy to various movements the world over.  I think one undeniable aspect his memory does retain and should retain is the symbolism and idealism his eloquent words held.  The hope for racial equality before the law and in social order within the United States and elsewhere is cause worth believing in and striving for, especially with a commitment to nonviolence.  In America in this day and age there is a temptation to look at its history as solely one of imperialism, violence, subjugation and supremacy, namely in the form of white supremacy.  There is another tendency to view America as having these unfortunate and terrible stains on its legacy but that the promise of American ideals of individual freedom were fundamentally good and sound ideas at their core.  Really, this discussion of two opposing views of America was an issue in King’s time and remains unresolved and in some ways is the central debate in the present American body politic.  Anybody in the present is guilty of co-opting King’s views to support their own just as much as anyone else, myself included.  Without going into much detail on my own views on the matter which for the purposes of a highlighted biography blog post aren’t particularly relevant.  I do think King’s life and his words are at the very least worth truly reflecting upon with serious and deep study if one is looking to see his own view of America in all its complexity and not just clipping a few phrases out of context for one’s benefit.   At the very least it’s what one can do to honor King and his legacy, unquestionably being given to nonviolence in search of domestic political change but also really assessing what was at the core of his beliefs and hopes for America too.
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shrimpkardashian · 5 years
I have a list of ~900 albums from 2019 that I still want to eventually listen to / review [IMPOSSIBLE PROJECT ALERT]
For this project (already 125+ releases deep), which is just impossibly daunting and makes me head hurt. IDK how to streamline this process or is any “critic” out there really listening to “all” the good music? It’s impossible I guess... BUT needless to say, these have made this list from an even larger pool of music that I either listened to briefly and immediately dismissed or (gasp!) never even came across my radar (radar = many many music blogs I follow via RSS). 
Anyway, because I’ll most likely never get to this (whatever this is, an Xgau parody or something)... Here is the list (please ignore some of my notations/typos):
1 matana roberts, coin coin chapter four 2 jeffrey lewis 3 negativland 4 camedor 5 the darkness 6 jai paul [leak] 7 shikoswe 8 anatolian weapons 9 cakedog, doggystyle 10 carly rae jepsen (LP, plus single w Gryffin) 11 parsnip 12 the comet is coming 13 girl in red 14 ezra furman 15 the kvb 16 freddie gibbs & madlib 17 say sue me (single) 18 denzel curry 19 fatamorgana 20 vivian girls 21 wobbly, monitress 22 helado negro 23 anamanaguchi 24 paul demarinis 25 comet gain 26 personal best 27 king princess, LP? big little lies single 28 marble arch 29 mini dresses 30 matt christensen 31 jade bird 32 black mountain 33 body meat 34 pat, Love Will Find A Way Home 35 acid arab 36 the 83rd 37 common holly 38 wicca phase 39 mark ronson 40 spirit in the room, single 41 rebe, “pienso en ti a todas horas” [just a single?] 42 a giant dog, neon bible cover LP 43 hey collosus 44 moon king (meh/ or *) 45 vanity productions 46 velvet negroni 47 g perico 48 budokan boys 49 skryptor 50 oscar scheller 51 the muffs 52 larry gus 53 these new puritans *** 54 angel olsen 55 bleu nuit 56 meatraffle 57 josephine wiggs 58 jennifer vanilla 59 big|brave 60 rico nasty 61 friendship, dreamin' 62 mike, tears of joy 63 bellrope 64 gbv 65 machìna, archipelago 66 toy, songs of consumption 67 ayankoko 68 the intelligence 69 drahla 70 corridor, junior 71 urochromes 72 david hasselhoff 73 aMAZONDOTCOM 74 kehlani 75 ne-hi EP (final) 76 avey tare 77 bonnie "prince" billy 78 battles 79 snapped ankles 80 mannequin pussy 81 toro y moi, soul trash 82 twen 83 self discovery for social survival comp 84 bad heaven ltd 85 eric frye 86 the mattson 2 87 duncan park 88 pure bathing culture 89 arthur russell, iowa dream 90 wild pink 91 flaming lips 92 pan amsterdam 93 flaural 94 knife wife 95 hannah peel & will burns 96 klein 97 meat puppets 98 tnght 99 james ferraro 100 royal trux / ariel pink 101 new rain duets 102 black marble 103 sui zhen 104 liam the younger 105 the mountain goats, welcome to passaic 106 frank hurricane and hurricanes of love 107 sebadoh 108 xylouris white 109 lindstrøm 110 franck vigroux 111 joyero 112 dorian electra  113 ride 114 crumb, jinx 115 nonconnah 116 cup, spinning creature 117 brutus 118 bjarki 119 khotin 120 alexander tucker 121 gunna 122 operator music band 123 tony molina 124 nanami ozone 125 sad planets 126 bemydelay 127 laurie anderson et al, songs from the bardo 128 teebs 129 deerhunter, timebends 130 tr/st (2 LPs) 131 dolores catherino 132 liturgy 133 floating points 134 sasami, LP + xmas EP 135 trikorder23 136 moor mother 137 have a nice life 138 la dispute 139 lingua ignota 140 lina tullgren 141 earl sweatshirt 142 entrail 143 alexander noice 144 shock narcotic 145 rakta 146 munya 147 el drugstore 148 buck gooter 149 caribou, single - more? 150 rosenau & sanborn 151 kevin abstract 152 pile 153 e for echo 154 animal collective, new psycho actives vol. 2 + live album 155 harlem 156 sudan archives 157 lil peep, posthumous ep 158 young guv, i and ii 159 orville peck 160 75 dollar bill 161 institute 162 tove lo 163 the chocolate watchband 164 foie gras, holy hell 165 french vanilla 166 chuck cleaver 167 kollaps 168 spirits having fun 169 game 170 badgirl$ 171 medhane 172 alberich 173 show me the body 174 the night watch, an embarrassment of riches 175 inus, western spaghettification 176 pregoblin, singles? 177 ra ra riot 178 de lorians 179 kool keith 180 kaspia & stride 181 glen hansard 182 dpeee 183 berlin taxi 184 foghorn 185 ionnalee 186 american sharks 187 sitcom, dust single 188 pip blom 189 j balvin & bady 190 fenella 191 tanya tagaq 192 sean o'hagan 193 j robbins 194 peter ivers (comp) 195 neon indian, not sure if single is part of larger proj? 196 triad god 197 yeule 198 roland tings 199 schoolboy q 200 ava luna EP 201 fried eggs 202 drugdealer 203 half japanese 204 todd anderson-kunert 205 emily reo 206 christelle bofale 207 brion starr 208 jan jelinek (reissue) 209 peaer 210 devin townsend 211 vik 212 young m.a 213 default genders 214 night lovell 215 rocketship 216 kim gordon 217 ellen arkbro 218 george clanton and nick hexum [single?] 219 the minus 5 220 penguin cage 221 felicia atkinson 222 take offense 223 moon duo 224 chemical brothers 225 nef the pharaoh 226 daniel norgren 227 unkle 228 pup (?) 229 baroness 230 velvet bethany 231 resavoir 232 gruff rhys 233 lana del ray 234 empath 235 burial and the bug, flame 2 236 russian baths 237 quelle chris 238 corpse flower 239 roy montgomery [reissue] 240 clinic 241 a.g. cook, [single] 242 why? 243 beck 244 francis lung 245 thom yorke 246 warmduscher 247 uv-tv 248 aa bondy 249 max richter, ad astra ost 250 younghusband 251 stereo total 252 julie's haircut 253 aa matheson 254 eartheater 255 kelly moran 256 mana (seven steps behind) 257 c.h.e.w. 258 sarah mary chadwick 259 midsommar ost 260 beabadoobee 261 life, a picture of good health 262 dumb, club nites 263 dame dolla 264 endless boogie 265 burna boy 266 lungbutter 267 wand 268 future punx 269 yves jarvis 270 kim petras [LP, halloween EP] 271 bts world 272 pikelet 273 panda bear, single 274 samiyam 275 red river dialect 276 ryan pollie 277 ryuichi sakamot (reissue) 278 jackie mendoza 279 dark blue 280 jay som 281 stephen mallinder 282 neutrals, kebab disco 283 foodman 284 capitol, dream noise 285 new pornographers 286 mark korven, the lighthouse ost 287 gauche 288 the japanese house 289 cave (re-issue) 290 ybn cordae 291 the vacant lots 292 arwen 293 rhucle 294 lil b, @ least 2 releases? 295 tea service 296 chai 297 black pumas 298 program, show me 299 marika hackman 300 sonny and the sunsets 301 lillie mae 302 mean jeans 303 the stroppies 304 poppies 305 twin shadow 306 vanishing twin *** 307 portrayal of guilt [EP + split single] 308 lucki [2 lps] 309 absolutely free 310 girl band 311 black midi 312 torche 313 perfume (best of) 314 white denim 315 clipping 316 the hu 317 big business 318 metro crowd 319 ex-vöid, 7" 320 broken social scene 321 lil pump 322 uranium club 323 doon kanda 324 hesitation wounds 325 sorry girls 326 bibio 327 red mass 328 the shins, single 329 lil keed 330 yeasayer 331 bts / blackpink KPOP 332 galen tipton, fake meat 333 the world, reddish 334 lanark artefax, ep 335 ladytron 336 g.s., schray 337 just mustard [single, more?] 338 mdou moctar 339 rangers, spirited discussion 340 tyson meade 341 dj nate 342 kelly lee owens 343 bambara 344 kilo kish 345 lusine 346 ralph heidel / homo ludens 347 psychic graveyard 348 homeshake 349 wives, so removed 350 proto idiot 351 let’s eat grandma, ost ep 352 foals 353 caroline shaw & attacca quartet 354 juan waters 355 mount eerie with julie doiron 356 mestozi 357 patio 358 oh baby, the art of sleeping alone 359 earth 360 haybaby 361 anna meredith 362 the caretaker (6) 363 rich brian 364 sunn o))), [two LPs] 365 alessandro cortini 366 ty segall 367 injury reserve 368 elucid 369 budos band 370 tim hecker 371 waqwaq kingdom 372 william doyle *** 373 innercity ensemble 374 filthy friends 375 prurient 376 shlohmo 377 bon iver 378 sean henry 379 yeesh 380 faye webster 381 megan thee stallion 382 squid, town centre 383 simulation (hausau mountain) 384 flying lotus 385 horse jumper of love 386 rap, export 387 lansky jones 388 the gonks 389 cate lebon 390 rome fortune 391 chain cult 392 empty set 393 big thief (2 lp's) 394 laura cannell [and polly wright album ?] or is there just a laura c album too ? }} 395 froth 396 thugwidow 397 organ tapes 398 the new pornographers 399 zonal 400 bbg baby joe 401 whitney 402 guards 403 anemone 404 sheer mag 405 nots 406 fujiya & miyag 407 kool aid, family portrait ep 408 frankie cosmos 409 kaputt 410 quelle chris 411 operators 412 marco benevento 413 elvis depressedly 414 school of language, 45 415 rob burger 416 pozi 417 redd kross 418 randy randall 419 yatta 420 hide, hell is here 421 bobby krlic, midsommar ost 422 planet england 423 kev brown 424 robedoor 425 tropical fuck storm 426 haram, 9/11 ep 427 candy, super-stare single 428 sly and the family drone 429 kevin morby 430 porches, rangerover [single] 431 odae 432 pottery 433 saint pepsi 434 slowthai 435 iggy pop 436 swans 437 iLOVEMAKONNEN 438 mukqs 439 feels 440 luke temple 441 oli xl 442 orphan swords 443 post pink 444 deli girls 445 nilüfer yanya 446 idk, is he real? 447 interpol 448 priests 449 galcher lustwerk 450 smokepurpp, various? 451 kindness 452 ex hex 453 sampa the great 454 methyl ethel 455 ellis, the fuzz ep 456 jeanines s/t 457 water from your eyes 458 twin peaks 459 sam cohen 460 fontaines dc 461 spiral stairs 462 the hecks 463 nicola ratti 464 four tet, various (inc. "wingdings" alter ego side proj) 465 holy ghost 466 half stack 467 cherubs 468 juana molina, forfun EP 469 jpegmafia 470 bedouine 471 fury 472 melvins/flipper 473 the curls 474 izambard 475 heart eyes 476 drinking boys and girls choir 477 big search 478 glenn branca 479 rose elinor dougall 480 bat for lashes 481 young knives, [single, more? 482 hot chip 483 alex lahey 484 hemlock ernst & kenny segal 485 dj seinfeld 486 joni void 487 rema rema 488 spencer tweedy 489 trash kit 490 dry cleaning [2 ep's] 491 mega bog *** 492 saudade 493 monster rally 494 wilco 495 chromatics, LP + EP 496 slayyyter 497 maral 498 blarf 499 pernice brothers 500 la neve 501 marie davidson 502 tredici bacci 503 deathprod 504 lowly 505 russian circles 506 angel witch 507 fires were shot 508 amy o 509 q da fool 510 clams casino 511 automelodi 512 paradox 513 dababy (2) 514 david kilgour 515 missy elliot 516 baby smoove 517 boris 518 thanks for coming 519 yves tumor [single w/] 520 ΜΜΜΔ 521 falcon/falkland 522 noel wells 523 ecstatic vision 524 amyl & the sniffers 525 barrie 526 bianca scout 527 katie dey 528 prince rama 529 control top 530 duster, comp + new LP 531 foxes in fiction 532 slowthai x denzel curry [single] 533 the murlocs 534 plaid 535 ela orleans 536 gobby 537 cfm 538 carla del forna 539 pale spring 540 pixx 541 širom 542 lightning bolt 543 cate lebon & deerhunter 544 channel tres 545 sigrid 546 help, s/t 547 shellac, live 548 crack cloud, pain olympics (ongoing) / s/t (2018) 549 notes underground 550 fat white family *** 551 gloop 552 equiknoxx 553 nakhane 554 czarface meets ghostface 555 the rubinoos 556 shannon lay 557 tim heidecker 558 droneflower 559 john vanderslice 560 your old droog 561 bats, alter nature 562 zvi 563 justus proffit 564 lower dens 565 anna of the north 566 yg 567 holly herndon 568 good fuck 569 clark, single 570 charli xcx 571 the nativist 572 low life 573 jonsi & alex somers 574 kazu 575 günter schickert 576 odonis odonis 577 kelsey lu (+ remix EP) 578 young thug 579 thaiboy digital 580 hatchie 581 hiro kone 582 cocorosie 583 sabiwa 584 oh sees 585 rex orange county 586 311 587 erland cooper 588 jtamul 589 the brilliant tabernacle 590 free love, extreme dance anthems 591 jeff lynne's elo 592 dutch courage 593 booji boys 594 giggs 595 ceschi 596 inter arma 597 psychic sounds ensemble 598 eli kezsler EP 599 thelma 600 haiku salut 601 julia jacklin 602 otoboke beaver 603 colin self 604 mark mulcahy 605 rosalia, single "a pale" more? 606 chris lott 607 royal trux 608 weyes blood 609 mikal cronin 610 hissing tiles 611 grace ives 612 vic bang 613 nick cave 614 sugar world [single] 615 herzog 616 offset 617 mike adams at his honest weight 618 real life buildings 619 aldous harding 620 pye corner audio 621 doja cat 622 bleached 623 book of shame 624 kate davis 625 i was a king 626 pendant, through a coil 627 joseph arthur 628 great grandpa, four of arrows 629 modern nature 630 stef chura 631 spaza, s/t great 632 the alchemist 633 pond 634 aiden baker, etc 635 kirin j. Callinan 636 possible humans 637 greys 638 kizuna ai 639 little simz 640 big bend 641 membranes, what nature gives… 642 young nudy 643 car seat headrest (live) 644 seahawks 645 dumbhop's party 646 julien chang 647 pacific yew 648 pharmakon 649 lomelda 650 versing 651 olden yolk 652 mekons 653 the dream syndicate 654 the gotobeds 655 amy klein 656 bABii 657 bill callahan 658 grlwood 659 van dale 660 ziúr 661 delicate steve 662 debby friday 663 dehd 664 south city hardware 665 kesha 666 (sandy) alex g 667 computer slime 668 fka twigs 669 rob halford, celestial 670 dean hurley 671 school of language 672 nicolas godin 673 blue hawaii 674 leggy 675 ceremony 676 his name is alive 677 third eye blind 678 sadgirl 679 ariana grande 680 skepta 681 dylan moon 682 jay mitta 683 the drums 684 kero kero bonito, ep 685 charly bliss 686 lee renaldo etc 687 rina mushonga 688 ulla straus 689 cherushii & maria minerva 690 slaughter beach, dog 691 maps 692 dj shadow 693 tool LOL 694 diiv 695 pixies 696 cuco 697 black peaches 698 subhumans 699 gurr 700 cashmere cat 701 brockhampton 702 fire-toolz 703 lambchop, LP + EP 704 messthetics 705 neuland 706 westkust 707 haelos 708 sturgill simpson 709 maria usbeck 710 king gizzard (2) 711 earthgang 712 paranoid london 713 fet.nat 714 bethlehem steel 715 neil young with crazy horse 716 tengger 717 guerilla toss 718 spelling 719 lizzo 720 wiki 721 dr00p, mkULTRAHD 722 ghost orchard 723 jane weaver 724 usa/mexico 725 carl stone 726 richard dawson *** 727 rafael toral 728 test dept 729 sacred paws 730 big krit 731 mallrat 732 jenn champion 733 moE/Mette Rasmussen, tolerancia picante 734 facs 735 yung lean, single (blue cup) and ep, more? 736 pissgrave 737 moodyman 738 sing sinck, sing 739 tyler the creator 740 sleater-kinney 741 dean blunt, zushi 742 cursive 743 barker, utlity 744 gemma 745 octavian 746 pronoun 747 girl ray 748 julia shapiro 749 nodding god 750 daniel saylor 751 jakob ogawa 752 richard youngs 753 diät 754 w00dy 755 omar souleyman 756 vōx EP 757 topdown dialectic 758 penelope islea 759 gbv 760 glass beach 761 james hoff, hobo ufo 762 euglossine 763 dream ritual 764 terry allen 765 office culture 766 ghostie, devour 767 beat detectives 768 red channel 769 octo octa 770 julien baker [toyko single] 771 shackleton as "tunes of negation" 772 sons of raphael 773 lena raine 774 fitted, first fits 775 velf 776 cvn 777 black country, new road, [2 singles only?] 778 chief keef 779 andrew bird, LP and EP 780 tamaryn 781 vagabon 782 zelooperz 783 brian jonestown massacre 784 angel dust 785 pere ubu 786 vatican shadow, church... 787 spencer radcliffe 788 mr muthafuckin exquire 789 earth to mickey 790 beak> 791 byron westbrook 792 major murphy 793 nicole yun 794 the divine comedy 795 sote, parallel persiao 796 the radio dept. 797 prince daddy & the hyena 798 mudhoney 799 truth club 800 shura 801 underworld, drift 802 lil texas 803 that dog 804 gary wilson / r. stevie moore 805 divino nino 806 spiral heads 807 claire cronin 808 devendra banhart 809 c.y.m. EP 810 dude york 811 sangri 812 vegyn [2 lp's?] 813 brooke candy 814 caroline polachek 815 hurt valley 816 O.L.I.V.I.A, modo avion 817 ziúr 818 pepper mill rondo, it's christmas time 819 ben vida 820 nick hexum/george clanton 821 meara o'reilly 822 tyler holmes, devil 823 blood incantation 824 guenter schlienz 825 gavilán rayna russom 826 loraine james *** 827 lithics, Wendy Kraemer EP 828 navel, ambient 2, in space 829 the proper ornaments 830 jon hopkins & kelly lee owens, single 831 julianna barwick 832 park hye-jin 833 bea1991 834 men i trust 835 erika de casier 836 ducks unlimited 837 lyzza 838 refused 839 jim o'rourke, to magnetize ... 840 analemma, 2 singles on a comp? 841 zack fox, "the bean kicked in" 842 real life rock n roll band 843 prefab sprout 844 daniel lopatin, uncut gems ost 845 kaytranada 846 the voidz, 2 song single + video? 847 grandaddy, single (add scissors icon) 848 dark thoughts, must be nice 849 loose nukes 850 sam mallet 851 very good, adulthood 852 henge, nothing head 853 kaleidobolt 854 nebula, holy shit 855 terminal cheesecake 856 uzeda 857 wet tuna 858 sean mccann 859 black dresses, love and... (2nd LP) 860 nefew 861 taylor swift ??? 862 lala lala, the lamb 863 jenny lewis 864 33EMYBW 865 blood orange, angel's pulse 866 caterina barbieri *** 867 yusu 868 white reaper 869 rozi plain 870 bamboo, daughters of the sky 871 seragina steer 872 clear channel, hot fruit 873 patience, dizzy spells 874 mope grooves, desire 875 current affairs, object & subject 875 comfort, not passing 876 bill orcutt 877 bonnie baxter 878 carl stone 879 thurston moore 880 alameda 5 881 john zorn 882 the membranes, what nature gives... 883 meemo comma 884 ana roxannne 885 whistling arrow, s/t 886 dis fantasy 887 giant swan, s/t 888 buck young, buck ii 889 abdu ali 890 ifriqiyya électrique 891 $hit and $hine, doing drugs, selling drugs 892 ghold 893 theon cross 894 yao bobby & simon grab 895 solange *sure whatever ok 896 the comet is coming 897 the utopia strong, s/t 898 karenn, grapefruit regret 899 brìghde chaimbeul 900 nav, bad habits 901 chance, big day 902 nostalgia critic's the wall 903 uboa, the origin of my depression 904 hobo johnson 905 ana frango elétrico 906 dorian electra
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newxdiary · 2 years
June 15, 2022
Coffee Time 8:00 pm
The Way to Radio Cab:
Cross SE Washington St. cursing at the windshield the whole time, for I am a man and nobody drives better than me: nobody’s driving is to standard.
Turn left on SE Stark St. Westbound on SE Stark up the hill that slopes down from the right, until you get to the fork at SE Thorburn and SE Gilham. Take the right fork, (SE Gilham) stop at the light at Burnside. Cross Burnside, down what is now NE Gilham, across NE Couch where it becomes NE 69th Ave.
Wait at the light next to the Plaid Pantry on the right and across from Petco, where Louie gets his cat litter. Left on NE Glisan, past the apartment with the red and yellow signs that warn that the tenants are armed and that those who steal gas will be shot. Catch the Light at NE 60th, near the A&L tavern.
Jockey for position before you get to this light, if you’re first at the light, things will go smoother. The on Ramp is at NE 58th avenue, right turn, and you’re on the Banfield Freeway. Curse the traffic engineers for designing an on-ramp without any kind of acceleration lane. Curse the driver that insists on speeding on the right, nearly hitting you as you merge on to 84 westbound.
Through two curves, under several overpasses (47th Ave, 39th Ave, 33rd Ave, 28th Ave, 21st Ave, 12th Ave, the Earl Blumenauer Bike Bridge, NE Grand and NE Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard) past the Lloyd Center Exit and on to the I-5 split. Take the right lane of the split but instead of taking 5, get off at the Coliseum exit. Catch the light at Holladay and the Max line, turn left on N. Multnomah, back under I-5. Catch the light at N Wheeler, Catch the light at N. Interstate.
Transit the black skeletal Steel Bridge across the Willamette, past the tents of homeless folk who sit at the foot of the giant grain elevator. Land on NW Glisan Street, waiting at the light on NW 3rd.
Westbound on Glisan, steer around and past the stragglers who lope diagonally across the street between the social service agency on the right and Blanchet House on the left. Two more lights and turn right on NW 6th, riding next to the Max Line and past the abandoned greyhound station, on the right and the safe-rest village and the McCoy building on the left. Wait at the light at NW Irving.
Union Station fills the windshield with its neon sign atop the tower, flashing “Go By Train.” Follow the curve around the terminal on NW Station Road, passing the defunct complex for the PPB mounted patrol on the left and the parked Amtrak Cascades on the right. Pass the cross-country busses and make a left on NW Northrup.
4 more lights, riding next to the Portland Streetcar or at least its tracks. Go through the Pearl District, under the I-405 overpass and turn left on NW 16th. Wait at the light at NW Lovejoy, then turn right into the parking lot. Find a space, get your stuff, and get into Taxi Number 217!  This is the beginning of the long night.  
Cruised back across the river. I tried to take a customer with a bike who waited too long at “Home-A Bar.” When I called him he said he had just called in to cancel. While looking around I saw several young men wearing ski masks, cross SE Mlk, under the ramp to the Morrison Bridge. Later I saw a bunch of young men, riding Lime-Scooters, and rallying like a motorcycle gang; I think summers must be here.
My first customer was getting off shift as a security guard at Montgomery Park. He had just moved here from Mississippi where he worked as a prison guard. Yes, he worked at Parchman Farm. Business continued steadily from there. “D” texted me to tell me that he caught a ride with a co-worker. Later, “N” called, she was just getting off from Union Jacks. (she was full of positivity, saying that she had a good night.) usual fares, bringing me closer to my goal.
I got home at 6, am, after getting more crushed tomatoes at Fred Meyers. Watched the news while I cooked a pot of spaghetti sauce with mushrooms and meatballs. Spaghetti and meatballs for the next few days.
Two more shifts and the back rent is paid off.
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 3 years
Events 8.17
309/310 – Pope Eusebius is banished by the Emperor Maxentius to Sicily, where he dies, perhaps from a hunger strike. 682 – Pope Leo II begins his pontificate. 986 – Byzantine–Bulgarian wars: Battle of the Gates of Trajan: The Bulgarians under the Comitopuli Samuel and Aron defeat the Byzantine forces at the Gate of Trajan, with Byzantine Emperor Basil II barely escaping. 1186 – Georgenberg Pact: Ottokar IV, Duke of Styria and Leopold V, Duke of Austria sign a heritage agreement in which Ottokar gives his duchy to Leopold and to his son Frederick under the stipulation that Austria and Styria would henceforth remain undivided. 1386 – Karl Topia, the ruler of Princedom of Albania forges an alliance with the Republic of Venice, committing to participate in all wars of the Republic and receiving coastal protection against the Ottomans in return. 1424 – Hundred Years' War: Battle of Verneuil: An English force under John, Duke of Bedford defeats a larger French army under Jean II, Duke of Alençon, John Stewart, and Earl Archibald of Douglas. 1498 – Cesare Borgia, son of Pope Alexander VI, becomes the first person in history to resign the cardinalate; later that same day, King Louis XII of France names him Duke of Valentinois. 1549 – Battle of Sampford Courtenay: The Prayer Book Rebellion is quashed in England. 1560 – The Catholic Church is overthrown and Protestantism is established as the national religion in Scotland. 1585 – Eighty Years' War: Siege of Antwerp: Antwerp is captured by Spanish forces under Alexander Farnese, Duke of Parma, who orders Protestants to leave the city and as a result over half of the 100,000 inhabitants flee to the northern provinces. 1585 – A first group of colonists sent by Sir Walter Raleigh under the charge of Ralph Lane lands in the New World to create Roanoke Colony on Roanoke Island, off the coast of present-day North Carolina. 1597 – Islands Voyage: Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex, and Sir Walter Raleigh set sail on an expedition to the Azores. 1668 – A magnitude 8.0 earthquake causes 8,000 deaths in Anatolia, Ottoman Empire. 1712 – Action of 17 August 1712 New Deep naval battle between Denmark and Sweden. 1717 – Austro-Turkish War of 1716–18: The month-long Siege of Belgrade ends with Prince Eugene of Savoy's Austrian troops capturing the city from the Ottoman Empire. 1723 – Ioan Giurgiu Patachi becomes Bishop of Făgăraș and is festively installed in his position at the St. Nicolas Cathedral in Făgăraș, after being formally confirmed earlier by Pope Clement XI. 1740 – Pope Benedict XIV, previously known as Prospero Lambertini, succeeds Clement XII as the 247th Pope. 1784 – Classical composer Luigi Boccherini receives a pay rise of 12000 reals from his employer, the Infante Luis, Count of Chinchón. 1798 – The Vietnamese Catholics report a Marian apparition in Quảng Trị, an event which is called Our Lady of La Vang. 1807 – Robert Fulton's North River Steamboat leaves New York City for Albany, New York, on the Hudson River, inaugurating the first commercial steamboat service in the world. 1808 – The Finnish War: The Battle of Alavus was fought. 1827 – Dutch King William I and Pope Leo XII sign concord. 1836 – British parliament accepts registration of births, marriages and deaths. 1862 – American Indian Wars: The Dakota War of 1862 begins in Minnesota as Dakota warriors attack white settlements along the Minnesota River. 1862 – American Civil War: Major General J. E. B. Stuart is assigned command of all the cavalry of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia. 1863 – American Civil War: In Charleston, South Carolina, Union batteries and ships bombard Confederate-held Fort Sumter. 1864 – American Civil War: Battle of Gainesville: Confederate forces defeat Union troops near Gainesville, Florida. 1866 – The Grand Duchy of Baden announces her withdrawal from the German Confederation and signs a treaty of peace and alliance with Prussia. 1883 – The first public performance of the Dominican Republic's national anthem, Himno Nacional. 1896 – Bridget Driscoll became the first recorded case of a pedestrian killed in a collision with a motor car in the United Kingdom. 1914 – World War I: Battle of Stallupönen: The German army of General Hermann von François defeats the Russian force commanded by Paul von Rennenkampf near modern-day Nesterov, Russia. 1915 – Jewish American Leo Frank is lynched in Marietta, Georgia after a 13-year-old girl is murdered. 1915 – A Category 4 hurricane hits Galveston, Texas with winds at 135 miles per hour (217 km/h). 1916 – World War I: Romania signs a secret treaty with the Entente Powers. According to the treaty, Romania agreed to join the war on the Allied side. 1918 – Bolshevik revolutionary leader Moisei Uritsky is assassinated. 1942 – World War II: U.S. Marines raid the Japanese-held Pacific island of Makin. 1943 – World War II: The U.S. Eighth Air Force suffers the loss of 60 bombers on the Schweinfurt–Regensburg mission. 1943 – World War II: The U.S. Seventh Army under General George S. Patton arrives in Messina, Italy, followed several hours later by the British 8th Army under Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, thus completing the Allied conquest of Sicily. 1943 – World War II: First Québec Conference of Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and William Lyon Mackenzie King begins. 1943 – World War II: The Royal Air Force begins Operation Hydra, the first air raid of the Operation Crossbow strategic bombing campaign against Germany's V-weapon program. 1945 – Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta proclaim the independence of Indonesia, igniting the Indonesian National Revolution against the Dutch Empire. 1945 – The novella Animal Farm by George Orwell is first published. 1947 – The Radcliffe Line, the border between the Dominions of India and Pakistan, is revealed. 1953 – First meeting of Narcotics Anonymous takes place, in Southern California. 1955 – Hurricane Diane made landfall near Wilmington, North Carolina, and it went on to cause major floods and kill more than 184 people. 1958 – Pioneer 0, America's first attempt at lunar orbit, is launched using the first Thor-Able rocket and fails. Notable as one of the first attempted launches beyond Earth orbit by any country. 1959 – Quake Lake is formed by the magnitude 7.5 1959 Hebgen Lake earthquake near Hebgen Lake in Montana. 1962 – Peter Fechter is shot and bleeds to death while trying to cross the new Berlin Wall. 1969 – Category 5 Hurricane Camille hits the U.S. Gulf Coast, killing 256 and causing $1.42 billion in damage. 1970 – Venera program: Venera 7 launched. It will later become the first spacecraft to successfully transmit data from the surface of another planet (Venus). 1977 – The Soviet icebreaker Arktika becomes the first surface ship to reach the North Pole. 1978 – Double Eagle II becomes first balloon to cross the Atlantic Ocean when it lands in Miserey, France near Paris, 137 hours after leaving Presque Isle, Maine. 1985 – The 1985–86 Hormel strike begins in Austin, Minnesota. 1988 – President of Pakistan Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq and U.S. Ambassador Arnold Raphel are killed in a plane crash. 1991 – Strathfield massacre: In Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, taxi driver Wade Frankum shoots seven people and injures six others before turning the gun on himself. 1998 – Lewinsky scandal: US President Bill Clinton admits in taped testimony that he had an "improper physical relationship" with White House intern Monica Lewinsky; later that same day he admits before the nation that he "misled people" about the relationship. 1999 – The 7.6 Mw  İzmit earthquake shakes northwestern Turkey with a maximum Mercalli intensity of IX (Violent), leaving 17,118–17,127 dead and 43,953–50,000 injured. 2004 – The National Assembly of Serbia unanimously adopts new state symbols for Serbia: Bože pravde becomes the new anthem and the coat of arms is adopted for the whole country. 2005 – The first forced evacuation of settlers, as part of Israeli disengagement from Gaza, starts. 2005 – Over 500 bombs are set off by terrorists at 300 locations in 63 out of the 64 districts of Bangladesh. 2008 – American swimmer Michael Phelps becomes the first person to win eight gold medals at one Olympic Games. 2009 – An accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya Dam in Khakassia, Russia, kills 75 and shuts down the hydroelectric power station, leading to widespread power failure in the local area. 2015 – A bomb explodes near the Erawan Shrine in Bangkok, Thailand, killing at least 19 people and injuring 123 others. 2017 – Barcelona attacks: A van is driven into pedestrians in La Rambla, killing 14 and injuring at least 100. 2019 – A bomb explodes at a wedding in Kabul killing 63 people and leaving 182 injured.
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dark-and-twisty-01 · 6 years
Beltway Sniper Attacks
At 5:20 P.M on October 2, 2002, Ann Chapman was preparing for the end of the day at the hobby retailers in Aspen Hill, Maryland, at which she worked as a cashier. With no warning, the window of the shop suddenly cracked and she felt the wind of a high-velocity .223 rifle bullet crack past her head, so close that it touched her hair. She had just survived the first attempted killing by the individual who would become known as the Beltway Sniper (so called because he seemed to use the Washington Beltway road system to move between attacks), a person who for the next three weeks would terrorize the states of Washington D.C, Maryland, and Virginia. By October 24, 10 people were dead and three were seriously injured. 
Lethal Accuracy 
Within 45 minutes of the shooting at Aspen Hill, the Beltway Sniper took his second shot. This time his aim was perfect-a single bullet killed 55-year old James Martin as he walked across the parking lot of a Glenmont supermarket. These incidents in themselves warranted a major police investigation, but nothing prepared the local police for what would occur the following day, Thursday October 3. Between 7:41 A.M and 9:15 P.M, the faceless sniper shot dead another five people. What was apparent was that the selection of victims had a distinctly random quality about it. They included 39-year old James Buchanan, 34-year old housecleaner Sarah Ramos, and 72-year old father of five Pascal Charlot. All had been killed in open, public locations within reach of major roadways. By the end of the day, it was not only state and Federal law enforcement agencies that were bursting into action, but also a startled urban media. Panic rippled through the public, stirred even further by the shooting of a 43-year old  mother of two, Caroline Seawell as she loaded up her minivan with goods outside a mall in Spotsylvania County, Virginia. She survived, but for the citizens using and living around the Washington Beltway, casual activities such as filling the car at the gas station or using a supermarket now seemed fraught with risk.
The main figurehead of the police investigation into the murders was the police chief of Montgomery County, Charles Moose. The Montgomery County police, however, provided the command center for a particularly wide investigation that involved agencies such as the Virginia Department of Transportation, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tabacco, and Firearms (BATF) and the FBI. All pooled their forensic and investigatory resources in an attempt to find the killer before he struck again.
Timeline of a Murder
1: October 3, 2002. 8:46 A.M Sarah Ramos, a 34-year old Salvadorean immigrant of Silver Springs, Maryland, sits on a bench outside the Leisure World Shopping Centre in Aspen Hill. Ramos works several jobs, and is waiting for a bus to come and take her to another place of work. 
2: John Allen Muhammad and John Lee Malvo are parked nearby in their blue Chevrolet Caprice. They have already shot two people dead in the last hour, one at 7:41 A.M and the next at 8:12. They spot Ramos sat on the bench, reading to pass the time.
3: Muhammad moves into the rear of the car, lying flat on the specially designed luggage compartment. In the rear of the trunk, he has already drilled two holes-one for the muzzle of the weapon, and the other for the telescopic sight of the gun. He now takes aim at Ramos.
4: 8:47 A.M Muhammad fires a single shot. Witnesses at the scene recall hearing a crack, then seeing Ramos slump forward, with blood pouring from her head. The .223 bullet from Muhammad’s Bushmaster rifle destroys Ramos’ brain and skull, killing her instantly. 
5: Muhammad and Malvo, having taken a young, promising and innocent life, pull away from the scene. They kill two more people that day alone. Initial 911 calls at the scene report that the women has shot herself. Only when police investigators arrive do they realize that she has been shot by a third party.
Tarot Card Killer
Unfortunately, for many days to come the Beltway Sniper seem to have the advantage. At 8:09 A.M on Monday October 7, shortly after Charles Moose had cautiously reassured the public that there was no reason to keep children off school, the sniper put a bullet through a 13-year-old Iran Brown outside Benjamin Tasker Middle School in Bowie, Maryland. Incredibly the boy survived, but for the police it was apparent that not only was the sniper feeding off the media coverage, but he was also a potential child killer. There was another alarming development - the Death card from a pack of Tarot Cards was found at the scene of the shooting inscribed with the words “Call me God.” In addition to the title Beltway Sniper, the shooter was now also labeled the “Tarot Card Killer.” Radio and TV broadcasts were now filled with experts, real and professed, who offered profiles of the killer and suggestions as to how the police could track him down. Yet despite hurling huge law enforcement resources at the ease, the sniper seemed to remain elusive.
Finding A Killer
Between the Iran Brown shooting and October 22, five more people were shot dead by the sniper, mostly in parking lots or gas stations around Virginia and Maryland. The killer was also becoming bolder, more tatunting. He started to leave messages and letters around the scenes of the shootings, boasting to the police about his impunity while also making blackmail demands for millions of dollars and threatening that “Your children are not safe, anywhere, at anytime.”Yet the sniper’s confidence would actually be his undoing. In a mocking phone call to Chief Moose’s office, the sniper mentioned his involvement in an armed robbery in Montgomery, Alabama, in September 2002, during which a liquor store clerk was shot dead. The FBI pulled details of the crime, and obtained fingerprints from a handgun magazine dropped near the scene of the crime. The FBI ran the fingerprints through their national database, and found that they belonged to 17-year old John Lee Malvo, a known associate of 41-year old ex-soldier John Allen Muhammad. Vehicle license checks revealed that Muhammad owned a blue Chevrolet Caprice that had been checked during random traffic stops around the areas of the shootings over the past few weeks. (For many days during the investigation, the police had been looking for a white box van believed to be associated with the shootings, although investigations into this vehicle proved to be a waste of time.) On October 24, around 3 A.M., the blue Caprice was spotted in a parking lot in Frederick, Maryland. Within minutes, police and FBI tactical units surrounded the vehicle and apprehended Malvo and Muhammad, who both gave themselves up with surprising compliance. Discovered in a bag in the car was Muhammad’s Bushmaster XM-15 .223 rifle, which forensics later linked to 11 of the 14 shootings. Further investigations revealed that the Caprice had been modified so that Muhammad could lay across the floor of the trunk and shoot through a small aperture drilled into the trunk itself, a modification that explained the inability of witnesses to provide sightings of the shooter.
John Allen Muhammad and John Lee Malvo were a curious pair. Muhammad was the sniper-he had served in the U.S Army for nine years, during which time he saw active service in the first Gulf War (1990-1) and became classified as an expert in M16 rifle marksmanship. (The Bushmaster XM-15 is a civilian/law enforcement version of the military M16.) Malvo seemed to have simply acted as his compliant sidekick. Muhammad was actually born John Williams, but later changed his surname to reflect on a conversion to Islam in the 1980s. His life up to the murders was a litany of emotional, marital and commercial failures. If we were to spot a final catalyst for killing spree, it may have been when his (second) ex-wife won full custody of their three children, with a restraining order placed upon Muhammad. Many people go through tough lives without resorting to serial murder. During the trial in 2003, the court found both men guilty, sentencing Malvo to life imprisonment without parole and Muhammad to death. Despite his appeals, Muhammad was executed by lethal injection on November 10, 2009.
Timeline of a Murderer-the Beltway Shootings
October 2, 2002 (Victim, none) At 5:20 P.M a shot fire is fired through a window of Michael’s Craft Store in Aspen Hill, Maryland. No one is injured. 
October 2, 2002 (Victim-James Martin Age: 55) At 6:30 P.M. Martin is shot and killed in the parking lot of a Shoppers Food Warehouse grocery store, Glenmont.
October 3, 2002 (Victim-James L. Buchanan Age: 39) At 7:41 A.M. landscaper Buchanan is shot dead near Rockville, Maryland, while mowing the grass at the Fitzgerald Auto Mall. 
October 3, 2002 (Victim-Premkumar Walekar Age: 54) At 8:12 A.M. part-time taxi driver is killed in Aspen Hill in Montgomery County, while filling his car at Mobil gas station.
October 3, 2002 (Victim-Sarah Ramos Age: 34) at 8:47 A.M. Ramos is shot and killed at Leisure World Shopping Centre in Aspen Hill, while seated on a bench, reading a book.
October 3, 2002 (Victim-Lori Ann Lewis-Rivera Age: 25) At 9:58 A.M. shot and killed while vacuuming her Dodge Caravan at a shell station in Kensington, Maryland.
October 3, 2002 (Victim-Pascal Charlot Age: 72) At 9:15 A.M. Charlot is shot while walking on Georgia Avenue at Kalmia Road, in Washington DC. He dies of his injuries shortly afterward. 
October 4, 2002 (Victim-Caroline Seawell Age: 43) At 2:30 P.M. Seawell is shot in the parking lot of a Michael’s Craft Store at Spotsylvania Mall in Spotsylvania County, Virginia, while loading purchases into her minivan.
October 7, 2002 (Victim-Iran Brown Age: 13)  At 8:09 A.M. Brown is shot and injured outside the Benjamin Tasker Middle School in Bowie, Maryland.
October 9, 2002 (Victim-Dean Harold Meyers Age: 53) At 8:18 P.M. Meyers is shot dead while pumping fuel at a Sunoco gas station on Sudley Road in Prince William County, Virginia. 
October 11, 2002 (Victim-Kenneth Bridges Age: 53) At 9:30 A.M Bridges is shot dead while pumping fuel at an Exxon station off interstate 95 in Spotsylvania County, Virginia.
October, 14, 2002 (Victim-Linda Franklin Age: 47) At 9:15 P.M. Franklin, an FBI intelligence analyst, is shot dead at a Home Depot in fairfax County, Virginia.
October 19, 2002 (Victim-Jeffrey Hopper Age: 37) At 8 P.M Hopper is shot and injured in a parking lot near the Ponderosa Steakhouse in Ashland, Virginia.
October 22, 2002 (Victim- Conrad Johnson Age: ?) At 5:56 A.M Bus driver Johnson is shot dead on the steps of his bus in Aspen Hill, Maryland.
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bluraaven · 7 years
Smoke and Mirrors
El Abuelo is the most notorious of crime bosses, and it falls to Special Agent Reynauld Maurouard to take him down.  His only lead: Dismas, an ex-bandit whose outfit was in the mobster's hire. Things go downhill from there.
Chapter 1
Special Agent Reynauld Maurouard couldn't say that filling out forms was his favourite occupation, but paperwork was a necessary evil when you worked in law enforcement.  When a shadow fell over him, blocking out the light, he put down his pen and straightened.  Reynauld could have sworn that he could hear as well as feel some disks in his back pop into place.  Or out of it.  Something to worry about later.
"How's it going?" the man leaning on his desk asked, a faint smile playing around his mouth as he surveyed the battlefield that was Reynauld's workspace.
"How'd you think?" Reynauld grunted, rubbing his hands over his face until he saw stars.  For the past hour the letters had been running together, but he needed to finish this before tomorrow or he'd have his superiors breathing down his neck.  "I'm elbows deep in reports."
"Ain't we all?" Guyot asked.  In the clinically cold light of the neon lamps the dark circles around his eyes were all the more prominent, and his freckles were a stark contrast to his pale skin.  He looked just as exhausted as Reynauld felt.
As if he had read his thoughts, Guyot lifted a silver can, giving it an inviting swirl, and instantly the rich aroma of roasted beans permeated the stale office air.  "Coffee?"
When he saw Reynauld hesitating, he was quick to add, "It's good, I tested it.  On Marci."  Guyot looked around, guilt written all over his face, but in the end he just shrugged and grinned sheepishly.
Reynauld chuckled.  When some higher ups had thought it a great idea to put the PD and forensics in the same building – talk about corruption – and some of the doctors were evidently as mentally unstable as the criminals they pursued, caution saved you from getting yourself into a lot of trouble.  "Is she still among the living?"
"Aye, the living and the conscious," Guyot replied easily.  
"Then yes, please."  Reynauld had to shift some folders to find his mug buried underneath them and held it out for Guyot to fill.
Which he did, right up to the brim, eying some of the papers strewn all over the desk in the process.  "What'cha got here?  Montgomery case?"
"M-hmm," Reynauld hummed and took a sip of scalding hot fermented–bean–juice.  He  closed his eyes for a moment to savour it.
"What a shitshow," Guyot observed.  "Don't get me wrong,  I'm glad we got him.  Just because the man was in politics and old money, don't mean he's above justice."  He stopped; they'd talked more than their fair share about it.  The case had been all over the news for weeks, and by now everybody who had worked on it was fed up with it.  It was time to wrap it up and to move on.
"Anyway, the guys wanna know if you're coming to the track run.  We're up against the boys from Eastside distinct."
Track run.  That rang a bell.  Reynauld frowned; he had quite forgotten about the charity event.  "When's it?"
"Next weekend."
"I can't," Reynauld replied and didn't have to fake the regret.  Those competition between departments were usually a lot of fun and a good way to get to know new people, make some contacts.  "Thio's over, and I promised him we'll go camping."
"Aw, damn.  We're losing our best man."  But Guyot said it with a smile.  He knew how much those weekends meant to Reynauld.  "How is the big man?"
"Growing bigger every day."  The thought of his son never failed to put a smile on Reynauld's face.  "I can't believe he's about to turn eight.  Eve wanted to have a party.  You're invited of course, provided you can stand a horde of children high on sugar.
"You know I'd never miss out, and Lucy's been wanting to visit anyway.  We'll pop in, say hi, and evac if it gets too bad."  Guyot laughed and Reynauld had to join in.  Fair was fair.   They had served in the army together, and when they had quit the force it had been his friend's contacts that had given Reynauld a job here in the city.
"Chin up, soldier.  One more week and it's over," Guyot said.  "Maybe the chief's even gonna give you a promotion!"
Reynauld snorted at the thought, which should be answer enough.  If you couldn't find pride in the police work but wanted praise, you had to join the K-9 units.  As a dog.  On most days, Reynauld did enjoy it; doing something good, something useful.  He thanked Guyot for the offering of artificial energy that would get him through the evening and waved when the other man took his leave.
Just a few more hours, and he'd be able to go home.  Put a lid on the whole thing and give himself a pat on the shoulder.  From a framed picture, one of the few private possessions he kept at work, Reynauld's family was smiling at him.
He sighed and picked up his pen again.  
Reynauld wished a person could refuel on good mood like a vehicle could on gasoline, because Monday came cloaked in chaos, like a true harbinger of a bad week.
Over the weekend, he had taken Thio out of the city and to a natural preserve that had a nice lake and easy trails.  Maybe when his son was older, Reynauld would be able to take him hiking in the Hinterlands, but that would be in a couple of years at the earliest.
Now, he was running late for work since his alarm had given up on life sometime in the middle of the night.  Thanks to years of military service and an affinity for the early morning hours, he still managed to wake almost on time.  Maintenance works on the train rails forced him to take his car however, and he promptly found himself stuck in an unmoving column of other unfortunate souls braving the morning traffic.
When he had finally made it to the intersection, he almost had an accident when some idiot on a motorbike ran a red light and cut him off, disappearing between a delivery van and a taxi before Reynauld had a chance to catch his plate number.
The rest of the drive passed without incident, thankfully.  The RPD, the Riverside Police Department, was located some two miles outside of the city center, and just about ten walking minutes from the Riverside train station.  The building had a long history, beginning with it originally being built as a summer residence for Emperor Harauld.  Since then it had served as university, a hospital, and finally the casern it was to this day.
There was nothing inherently inviting about the grey and cheerless stonework, but it was far from the worst place to work.  In the large courtyard, Barristan had some sweaty-looking recruits in training clothes lined up.  Reynauld returned the wave the one-eyed drill sergeant greeted him with, and hurried on.
As soon as he pulled open the door, he was struck by the lack of usual activity.  The quiet of the waiting room was disturbed only by the hum of the ceiling fan, its blades rotating lazily.  The air was thick with the smells of stale coffee and smoke, even though smoking inside had been prohibited by law several years ago.  Underlying those was a faint odour of office: a less-than enticing mix of sweat, paper, and cleaning agents.
There was nobody seated behind the two front desks, and that was unusual enough to make Reynauld double-check his mobile and pager, nervous about maybe having overlooked a message.  Special Weapons And Tactics carried those to call them to operations too dangerous for regular police officers to handle.  Riot control wasn't much of an issue these days anymore, so they mostly handled search warrants and cases that involved organized crime, which in turn were usually linked to weapon or narcotics dealership, or illegal betting.  They had special training; and were authorized to carry military equipment, but the rest of the time, they were law enforcement agents like any other.  Reynauld did   his fair share of patrols, reports and other sorts of office work.
Both the pager and his phone's screens were blank, so he had not missed some emergency.  He decided to go to his office first; maybe Guyot would be able to tell him what was going on.  He never got that far though, because Reynauld almost collided with Marci when he jogged up the stairs.
"Where is everyone?"
"Mallory's office," the young police officer replied, sounding out of breath.  "Linesi's taken out two teams – there has been another robbery."
Another one.  Reynauld's heart sank.  "Where?"
"Central," Maci replied, biting her lip.
Reynauld nodded, and hurried past her.  Mallory saw him and waved from the door to her office.  She was a tall, no-nonsense kind of person who wore her black hair short and whom he had never seen out of a suit.  She had worked her way up to deputy director and it was generally assumed she would one day replace the Chief when he retired.
She was holding a meeting, and a grapevine of people was clustered in the room which seemed too small all of a sudden.  Gatherings like this didn't usually happen unless it was someone's birthday or something bad had occurred.   Reynauld didn't need Marci to tell him which one this was, he could have guessed by the absence of cake and smiles upon the faces of those around him.
Reynauld took up position in the back of the group.   He had to stand on his toes to be able to look over all their heads and see what held their attention.  The flatscreen was a video playing footage from what could only be a security camera.  Reynauld had missed most of it, but he arrived just in time to see a black-masked burglar breathe steam on the camera's lens.  The quality of the recording was not good enough to tell whether it was a man or a woman before fog was all they could see.  And then a heart appeared where the condensation was wiped away with the tip of one finger.  Seconds later, the tv flickered to black, and that was it.
In the silence that followed one would have been able to hear a pin drop.  And that was saying something since the office was carpeted.
"When did this happen?" Reynauld finally asked when he realized nobody else was going to.
"We received the tape this morning," Mallory answered, and turned off the television with an annoyed flick of her wrist.  "This was recorded on Sunday evening."
"I thought the cemetery had a security firm doing surveillance, and we'll get notified as soon as something happens?" someone to Reynauld's right called out.
A muscle in Mallory's jaw twitched, but her tone did not betray her frustration.  "They disabled the security system," she informed them.
"Shit!" somebody else cursed, which earned them a glower from Mallory, but by then the room had burst into chaos; everybody was calling out ideas and talking one over the other.
"Rey."  Mallory's hand landed on his shoulder a moment later, and her voice lowered, despite the chance of being overheard being close to zero.  "The Chief wants a word."
Reynauld nodded at her and left the room, leaving her to bring back order to the meeting.  His boss was not the most patient of men, and there was no reason to antagonize him, especially since he very much did not want to draw attention to his tardiness.
The Chief's office was at the end of the second story corridor.  A golden plate was screwed to the door, but Reynauld did not even glance at it.  His knuckles had barely made contact with the wood when he was told to enter, and he stepped into Chief Vvulf's domain.
The room was just like he remembered it.  Most of it was taken up by a large desk, and the walls were lined with shelves that were slowly beginning to bend under their load.  At some point an effort had been made to make the office look more homely, but the plants had not lasted long.  The Chief had kept but one, and the fact that it was a cactus really spoke for itself.
He was in his middle years, with short grey hair and the figure of a powerful man who was slowly getting out of shape.  "What did she tell you?" the Chief began without so much as a word of greeting.  He was seated in a big leather armchair behind his desk.
Guessing that he must have meant Mallory, Reynauld answered, "The central cemetery was hit by a masked felon nicknamed the Graverobber."
The Chief nodded, then made a hand gesture for Reynauld to close the door and take a seat.   "This ain't for anybody's ears," he grunted.
Vvulf laced his fingers together on his stomach, fixing his unblinking gaze on Reynauld.  "There's no point tiptoeing around it.  I don't shout it from the rooftops, but my family's history goes back a long way.  The mausoleum that was hit yesterday wasn't just anyone.  These attacks are have become a personal matter now.  We, the police, are being targeted, and the situation has gotten out of control."
Reynauld had not known that the Chief was related to any of the old nobility, but then perhaps the knowledge should not surprise him; one did not rise to the rank of Chief without some good connections.  There was very little Reynauld actually knew about the man who was his boss, despite having worked for him for years.  Vvulf was someone who valued his privacy and didn't get too friendly with his subordinates.
"So we take down the ones responsible," Reynauld deducted, still unsure why he was here. Certainly it was not so that his boss could make that little confession?
"You're a smart man, Maurouard," Vvulf pointed out, a hint of irritation in his voice.
"You don't think they're acting out of their own agenda," Reynauld deduced, remembering the video Mallory had shown them.  The Graverobber's actions had struck him as being... provocative, almost.  They certainly had wanted to be seen, maybe to send some kind of message.
"No.  I do not," the Chief confirmed with a pleased nod.  "Whether we like it or not, the old families are the foundation which this city is built upon."
Reynauld noticed he spoke as if he did not belong to one of them, despite his earlier admission.  
"And there are those who would benefit from weakening it, from sowing discord, uncertainty and fear.  From making us look weak and incompetent.  If the people do not feel safe," the Chief said and leaned forward on his elbows as if he was to share a great secret, "Whom will they turn to for protection?"
"So these attacks are not a coincidence," Reynauld summed up.  Everybody had presumed as much, but they still lacked solid proof.  "And you suspect one of the northern cartels?"
Vvulf was shaking his head before Reynauld had even finished speaking.  "Not just any one of them."   Reynauld wanted to ask if he really thought he could be behind all this, but the Chief continued.  "El Abuelo has plenty of reason to target us," Vvulf pointed out.  "We may not know what his final goal is, but men like him feed off chaos.  They always look for weaknesses, for a way to expand their power.  We need to stop him – ," the Chief broke off abruptly, and Reynauld imagined he could hear the ghost of an at all costs.
He did not comment.  El Abuelo was one of the, if not the most notorious of crime bosses.  Reynauld was still trying to come to terms with everything he had learned, when Vvulf said,
"I want you to be the Special Agent in Charge on this case."
"Do you see anyone else in this room?" Vvulf demanded to know.  "Yes, you."
"Why?" Reynauld blurted out, which, in hindsight, probably wasn't the smartest thing to say.  He was still reeling from all the information – a moment ago he had not even known there was a case; now he had been told he was to lead a major investigation that involved one of the most dangerous men in the North.  And was not the most experienced man the Chief had, and huge cases like this were usually given to the senior officers.
Vvulf's lips pursed in thought.  "You did some good work," he finally said, but even guff praise from the Chief was quite something.  "I like that you are efficient and discreet and I trust you to handle delicate matters without causing a scandal.  This is your chance, Maurouard.  Prove me I'm right, and who knows, this seat might one day belong to you," he added and laughed at his own joke, a rare sign he had a sense of humour, buried somewhere deep inside.
The corner of Reynauld's mouth tugged upwards.  "Thinking about retiring, Sir?"  It would be hard to imagine the PD without Vvulf there to lead them, he was such a huge personality.  A tough boss with high expectations, but a fair one.
"There's one of them Southern beaches that has my name on it," Vvulf said, but his eyes were already narrowing.  "You look like there's something on your mind.  Spit it out, what is it?"
"I was actually hoping to take some time off," Reynauld confessed.  He was tired from merely thinking about the upcoming work load.  He deserved a vacation, and he still had three weeks good from last year that he was going to lose soon – as his boss knew very well.
Vvulf leaned back, making his leather armchair creak.  "Tell you what," he decided.  "If time wasn't of the essence, I'd let you go right now.  I will let you keep your three weeks, and if we get El Abuelo, I'll top it off with a month of paid leave extra, so you can spend some time with your boy – family's everything, after all.  How does that sound?"
"Sounds like a deal, Sir."  Reynauld could barely believe the offer he'd been made; it was quite unheard of.  But he trusted his boss not to pull him over.  And if they got El Abuelo, Vvulf would be basking in the attention of the media.  He might even be hailed a city hero.
"Excellent," the Chief said, sounding pleased.  "You'll be happy to know we already have a lead."
That certainly was news.  "We do?" Reynauld asked, cocking his brow.
"The Graverobber is not operating on his or her own," Vvulf replied.  "There is no way they could disable the security system and rob the mausoleum in time before we were alerted of the shutdown.  They have an accomplice."  The Chief turned and got up, reaching to take a folder off the shelf behind him.  He dropped it on the table and flipped it towards Reynauld who opened it.
The first page was taken up by a close-up of a man's face.  For reasons unknown the photograph was black and white, but Reynauld did not need colour to recognize him.
"Dismas," he said, remembering the name because it was actually that of the penitent thief from the Verse of Light.  An alias then.
Reynauld wasn't sure if the rogue was ballsy, or merely an arsehole.
"Aye," Vvulf confirmed, his greying brows drawing together.  "One right bloody fucker.  He's guilty of more than some harmless misconduct too.  The man's an ex-bandit, and former member of the Wolves."
Reynauld flipped the first page.  There was a list of information they had managed to collect on the man.  The first line read:
Real name:  Valance Paixdecouer.
"Paixdecouer," Reynauld said slowly, thinking.  "Is the name given to orphans raised by the Order."
Vvulf nodded.  "I see I chose the right man for the job.  Pick your team, Maurouard, and get started straight away.  This has top priority from now on until I tell you otherwise. "
Reynauld closed the folder with a snap and picked it up, resting it against the crook of his elbow.  "What about the Montgomery case, Sir?"
"Just hand it over to someone else," Vvulf said.  "Mallory will handle it, if no one else will.  You can report to her, if I'm not here."
Reynauld nodded, "You said Dismas  ran with the Wolves?"  He had heard a lot about the gang, but it had fallen apart and its members had scattered when their leader had disappeared.  Apparently there had been some sort of falling out between who they only knew as the Wolf, and El Abuelo.
"The Wolf was El Abuelo's hireling," the Chief said after a brief pause.  "Therefore, if we find him," Vvulf said, tapping one fat finger against picture-Dismas' temple, "Maybe we can retrace his connection right back to the source."
"Do we know his whereabouts then?" Reynauld wanted to know.  Despite himself, he couldn't help but feel a spark of excitement.  The Wolf had disappeared a little bit over a decade ago – either laying low, or killed by El Abuelo himself.  Even if he was alive, he had had enough time to cover his tracks.  It was unlikely they would find him – unlikely, but not impossible.
"Unfortunately, we do not," Vvulf confirmed Reynauld's suspicion.  "Every time we were tipped off and the team's gotten close, he has slipped through our nets.  Man doesn't hang out in one place for very long.  The good thing is: We got somebody who was close to him."
"How do you know-"
Vvulf waved his hand in a dismissing gesture and Reynauld dropped that thread to ask a far more important question.
"Has he told us anything?"
"Not yet," the Chief said in a tone that made it crystal clear he would, sooner rather than later – even if he had to wring the answers out of the prisoner himself.  "But he will.  And when he does, I want you and your team to be ready.  This could be the biggest strike against organized crime in fifty years!"
"Yes, Sir!" Reynauld saluted the Chief with the folder and turned on his heel.  Guyot was the first one on his team.  They had an uncatchable criminal to capture.  Reynauld had always liked a challenge.
AN: You can also find the story here, on AO3!
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kazosa · 7 years
Secrets - SoA: Chapter 16
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Summary: Reader has lived in a life full of secrets. When her father dies unexpectedly and sends her on a trip all over the country, she finds out just how much like her father she really is. The end of her trip brings her to Charming, CA where she finally gets some big pieces of her family puzzle put back in place and form new relationships with the people there. Chapter 16: The surprise, the audit lady comes to Charming, messing with Rat, fluffiness Warnings: language, flufffffff A/N: If it wasn’t clear before, this takes place after the events of the final episode, SPOILERS! Italics are for Chibs and his inner thoughts. Bold is for the reader’s inner thoughts. Word Count: 2387 Master List
Tags: @telford-ortiz-teller  @sam-samcro  @tstieff  @yourcroweater  @kacilove26  @hiddlelove  @evilsorceress  @reallynigga21  @suz-123  @between-shades-of-winchester  @caitcrook  @i-was-made-of-nutella @charlottecl  @gunsnrosesislife  @yoonjigu  @mkindoll2016  @confidencerush  @jade770  @lost-in-the-stories  @redhairedmoiraandtheliferuiners
The garage door rolled up and you saw your baby, your worn out, used up, piece of shit, baby. Only she was none of those things now. She sparkled under her new paint. You could tell there were other new parts on your bike, too, either that or someone had polished the shit out of them. Filip was standing to the side looking like Vanna White with his hands showing off your bike.
“Surprise!” he gave you the cheesiest grin.
“Oh my God, Filip!”
“No need to be so formal, lass, Filip will do jus’ fine,” he joked, wiggling his eyebrows.
“What did you DO?!” you couldn’t believe it was the same bike. She glowed.
“Gave her a good tune up and whatever Happy thought needed to be done,” he explained.
You looked her over some more. It looked like a full restoration to you. Your dad would have loved it. Going to Filip, you threw your arms around his neck and kissed him thoroughly. He was a fantastic kisser and you could kiss him all day…
After a few moments, he said, “Let’s go for a ride.”
“I almost don’t want to touch her, she’s so pretty…”
“Aye, I know what ye mean,” he said looking at you. “I think ye better, luv.”
You put your helmet back on as quick as you could and flung your leg over the gleaming bike.
“Oh god, there’s new padding on the seat,” you needed to bake Happy some cookies. You stood up and flipped out the kickstarter with your heel. A thought sprung to mind, it’ had been a while since you’d driven anything. Bracing yourself on the handlebars, you kicked over the ol’ girl’s engine and listened to her growl her sexy growl.
“C’mon, Chibby!” you revved the engine, “I wanna go fast!”
He grinned at her as she popped up the kickstand with her heel, folded in the kickstarter and took off like a shot down to the end of the property. He quickly closed the rollup door and locked up. (Y|N) was doing hot laps up and down the long drive at TM. When he got on his bike, she came speeding back, sliding to a halt near him. She had a matching grin on her face.
“Get your ass movin’ old man, you’re slower than molasses!” she was being a sassy thing as she turned around to get ready to go again.
Old man, eh? He started his engine and revved it like she had. He chuckled, “Get off my lawn ye sassy girl!”
She let out an excited “whoop!” and took off down the long drive of Teller-Morrow. He caught up to her as she was closing the gate, leaving just enough space for him to slip through. She pulled the gate closed and he secured it with the heavy chain and padlock. He pulled her to him again, kissing her with all the love he felt, but couldn’t say…hoping she would understand.
“Mmm,” she murmured and opened her eyes lazily. “That was nice,” she smiled that smile.
He would miss her riding behind him, but it would be nice to ride with her for a change and see what kind of rider she was. He sat on his bike and looked over at his ol’ lady.
“Try to keep up, eh, lass?” he winked and rolled on the throttle, leaving her to catch up.
Monday eventually rolled around and with it came the unexpected, early arrival of one Alice Montgomery with the Internal Revenue Service. You were sitting in the TM office trying to set up a computer system that would streamline the office work when you noticed a taxi pulling up outside. You went to the door and leaned against the jamb. A cute lady in a smart-looking suit stepped out of the car and walked toward you at the door. You could just hear the sound of her heels clicking on the cement.
She walked toward you with a purpose and held out her hand to you, “Alice Mongomery.”
“(Y|N),” you were studying her. Taking her hand, “Pleasure.”
“Likewise,” she was curt. She looked around a little, “Shall we go inside?”
You led her in and showed her to the small spot where you had things picked up and indicated for her to sit. She obliged and sat down in the nearest chair to her. Alice put her brief case on top of the table where she was seated.
“Let’s get started, shall we?” she looked up at you.
Alice turned out to be a very down-to-business type of lady and you respected that about her. She wanted to get the audit done just as much as you and she set about moving through the documents immediately. You stayed in the office with her, taking calls and sending the boys out for tows and repos as needed. Alice wasn’t much of a talker, but she was friendly enough. By the time Friday arrived, she’d gotten more comfortable with you and the workings of Teller-Morrow Automotive. She was looking around at the office which had plenty of girlie pictures mixed in with the cars and motorcycles.
“Not the kind of place you’re used to, huh?” she said.
“I’m not sure what you mean,” you said. It wasn’t true, you knew exactly what she meant. “This is just like any other repair shop I’ve ever been in.”
Alice gave you a look that said she knew better, but she let it go.
“Did you have enough time to go over everything we sent Teller-Morrow?” she asked.
“Not really, but they have done a good job here,” you answered. “I do have a question for you, though.” You waited for her to look up at you. “Is there a reason the IRS homed in on TM?”
“They’ve had unusual activity here,” she stared at you then flicked her eyes toward the door. “I’m sure everything will check out fine.”
The old clubhouse was still a ruin at the end of the property and you understood what she meant by unusual activity, but that had been years ago. “Is there anything else I need to know about? The boys have always run this shop clean. Does the IRS think otherwise?” you wanted to know. RedWoody and Diosa were on your mind, but if the IRS wasn’t concerned, you wouldn’t be, either.
She looked up from her papers again, “By the way, Jack says to tell you hello. As far as the IRS goes, I’m only assigned to Teller-Morrow.”
It made you feel a little better to know Alice was on board with getting this audit done and that she was in contact with Jack. She was easy to get along with and didn’t need you around much to do her work. TM had been quite busy that week and you felt like you only got to see Filip at night for a few hours when you both finally got back home.
“Alright,” you stood up from the desk, “I’m gonna take a lunch.”
Going to the shop door, you opened it, “Rat, get your ass in here!” You couldn’t help it, Rat was an easy target and you liked messing with him. You hid your smirk as the man in question came trotting over.
“Yeah, (Y|N)?” his eyes were wide.
“What the hell man? Did you think I wouldn’t notice?” you asked him, trying to sound pissed.
He looked down at you shaking his head, “I…I don’t know. What… What?”
“Don’t think you can get away with it,” you said sternly. “Get in here.”
You stepped inside and winked at Alice. Rat followed you in and closed the door behind him. Pointing at your usual spot since you’d arrived at Teller-Morrow, “Sit down and do whatever Alice needs you to do in addition to manning the phones and running the office, got it?” Your voice had lost all of the edge it had before bringing him into the office.
“Jesus, no wonder Chibs likes you. Smartass just like the rest of us,” he realized.
“Sorry, Rat, I couldn’t help it,” you grinned at him. “Seriously though, you do a good job in here. If you need help with anything, just call Chuckie. Take care of whatever Alice needs, too, okay? I’ll be back later.”
“Wouldn’t Tig or Happy be better in here?” he was trying to weasel out of it.
“No Tig can’t stand being in here and Happy scares people, you’re it,” you told him. “It’s just til I get back.”
He sighed and accepted his fate, “Yeah, sure, okay.”
“Alice, this is George, but everyone calls him Rat, he’s your slave until I get back. Anything you need, he’s your guy,” you told her.
She grinned at you, “Thanks.”
“Abuse him as you see fit,” you said as you walked out into the shop.
The boys were all working hard, and you spotted your old man working on the Beemer in the bay furthest from the office. You were sure there was nothing sexier than your man working hard, grease up his arms, his hair tied back with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. You stood in the space between the first bay and the office where you called out to him.
“Chibs!” He turned in your direction, wiping his hands on a rag. His dimples showed as he smiled at you. “Take me home, you sexy bastard.”
If it was possible, his smile brightened, and he threw the rag at the prospect. “Duty calls, boys!”
You walked out of the open bay, aware of the stares and cat-calls that followed you, enjoying every one of them. You went to Chibs’ bike and got on your helmet. It didn’t matter that you had your baby back, you liked riding with Chibs and that wasn’t going to change unless he needed to be gone during the day. You waited for him and appreciated that walk he probably didn’t even realize he was doing. Goddamn, he really is a sexy bastard. Look at him strut.
Hands on your hips, you waited for him to reach you. He looked like he was going to tackle you as he approached. He grabbed you to him and crushed his lips onto yours. Your hands gipped his work shirt. Taking a lunch break with him was exactly what you both needed. It was like you hadn’t seen him all week.
LATER Lying in bed with your sexy Scotsman, you looked at the clock and realized you should have been back at the shop over an hour ago. Chibs had dozed off and you almost had, too. Reaching for your phone, you called the shop. It took a while for Rat to answer the phone.
“TM,” was all he said.
“Hi Rat,” you were apologetic.
“Where the hell are you?! WHYAREN’TYOUBACKYET!?” Rat was on the edge. He was so loud Chibs startled awake next to you.
“Shit,” he rubbed his hand over his face. “You talkin’ ta Rat?”
You nodded and handed him the phone, “Rat! Calm tha fuck down… can’t ye handle it on yer own?... alrigh’… ALRIGHT!” He pushed the end button on your phone and handed it back to you.
“We need to go back?” you said.
“Aye, we need to go back,” he answered. “Tha lad’s havin’ a minor breakdown.”
“We can make it up to him, somehow. He can go home early, or something,” you said walking to the bathroom.
When you got back, Rat had already fled the office and Alice was on her own. There was still plenty of work to be done so you got back to it. Rat left everything piled up for you and had taken messages from the phone calls. As you got things straightened up, you chatted with Alice.
“Sorry I was gone so long. I really needed that break though,” you said.
“It’s okay, I was fine. Rat called that Chuckie guy to bring lunch. He’s something else. Been a long week, hasn’t it?” she observed.
You nodded in response, entering invoices into the new computer system. “Oh, you met Chuckie, huh? He’s a sweet guy. Did Rat do okay? He’s usually really good in here, but it’s been super busy, lately.”
She giggled a little, “Yeah, he was fine. He’s kinda cute.”
“Rat is?” Alice nodded. “Hmm. Want me to set you up?”
You were pretty sure that was why Rat was so flustered when you called earlier.
“Would you?!” Alice was excited.
You laughed, “Yeah, I can do that. What hotel are you staying at again?”
Alice gave you the details and you went to go find Rat before Chibs cut him loose for the day. You found him standing out by his bike, talking to Chibs.
“Rat, don’t go yet, I need to talk to you, but I need Chibs first,” you told him.
“Last time that happened I was stranded for a few hours,” he mumbled.
“What was that?” you asked.
“Okay,” he said, and plopped down on the seat of his bike with a sigh.
You pulled Chibs aside with you, so you could talk, somewhat privately with him.
“Wha’ is it, luv,” he asked. “Ye look serious.”
“Well, Alice has her eye on Rat and I was thinking, if he agrees, that maybe we could go out with them this weekend?” you hoped he would say yes, but wouldn’t be sad if he didn’t. You were just looking for a way to have a date night with your old man.
Did she know what that smile she gave him did? He couldn’t say ‘no’ to her when she did that. He wanted to make her smile like that all the time and if that meant going on a double-date with Rat and Alice, he would do it.
He sighed hard and hung his head, “Aye, lass. If it makes ye happy, we can go. Tomorrow, though, aye? I want ye to myself tonight.” He leaned down and kissed her deeply. He needed to be with her that night. She put her hands on his face and neck as he kissed her… God, I love this woman. When he let her go, her eyes stayed closed a moment.
“Woof,” she broke out of her daze, she agreed, “yeah, definitely tomorrow.”
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trekkinginpakistan · 4 years
New Post has been published on Trekking in Pakistan
New Post has been published on https://trek.pk/sargodha/
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Sargodha (Punjabi and Urdu: سرگودھا‎) is a city and capital of Sargodha Division, located in Punjab province, Pakistan. It is Pakistan’s 12th largest city by population and one of the fastest-growing cities in the country. Sargodha is also known as the City of Eagles. It is one of the few planned cities of Pakistan (others include Faisalabad, Islamabad & Gwadar).
Sargodha was established by the British as a canal-colony in 1903 and was initially spelled Sargoda. Sargodha was badly affected by an outbreak of the bubonic plague in 1903 and experienced a milder outbreak in 1904. Although it was a small town, in the beginning, the British Royal Air Force built an airport here due to its strategic location. The term “Sargodha” has its origin in the words “Sar” meaning “pond” and “Godha” meaning “Sadhu”, which means “Pond of Godha”. This city was founded by Lady Trooper by the supervision of Sir Charles Montgomery Rivaz KCSI (1845 – 7 October 1926), a colonial administrator in British India and Lieutenant-Governor of Punjab from 1902–1907.
Sargodha is situated in the Pakistani province of Punjab. It is located 187 kilometers (116 mi) northwest of Lahore, in Sargodha District. It lies about 48 kilometers (30 mi) from the M-2 motorway, which connects Lahore and Islamabad. It is connected to the M-2 by several interchanges at different locations. Sargodha is roughly 91 km (57 mi) from Faisalabad, due southeast. Directly east connected by the M-2 motorway are Lahore and the route to Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Due east is the city of Jhang; toward the west are the city of Mianwali and the Chashma Barrage.
Sargodha mainly comprises flat, fertile plains, although there are a few small hills on the Sargodha-Faisalabad Road. The River Jhelum flows on the western and northern sides, and the River Chenab lies on the eastern side of the city. The city is located at 190 meters above sea level.
The city has a climate of extreme heat in the summers and moderate cold in the winters. The maximum temperature reaches 50 °C (122 °F) in the summer while the minimum temperature recorded is as low as the freezing point in the winter.
The total population of the city was 458,440 according to the 1998 census. The majority of the people in the city speak Punjabi. According to the 2017 Census of Pakistan, the population of the city was recorded as 872,557 with a rise of 43.94% from 1998. The population of the metropolitan area (City District) reached 3,903,588, in which around 1 million forms the urban population. The population of the Sargodha Division was recorded as 8,181,499 by the 2017 Census of Pakistan.
The majority of Sargodha’s economy is based on agriculture. Sargodha is considered the best citrus-producing area of Pakistan and therefore is also known as the California of Pakistan. Sargodha is the largest Kinnow-producing district in the world. It produces oranges that are considered high-quality and supply them to the different parts of the country. These oranges are also exported to other countries. Sargodha produces a large amount of wheat, cotton, rice, and vegetables that are transported to other parts of the country and exported to other countries.
There are also Textile mills, Rice processing plants and Nestle and Shezan juice factories.
The Sargodha Chamber of Commerce and Industry monitors industrial activity in the city and reports its findings to the Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry and provincial government. A dry port is also under construction in Sargodha.
Roads and flyovers
The 4 km (2.5 mi) long University Road runs from 47 Pull to Khayyam Chowk. Other main roads include 6 km (3.7 mi) long Fatima Jinnah Road & City Road, Canal Road, Katchery Road, Stadium Road, Club Road, Jail Road, Queens Road, Mushaf Ali Mir Road, Railway Road, Lahore Road, Faisalabad Road, Eid Gah Road, Mianwali Road, Sillanwali Road, Bhalwal Road, and Shaheenabad Road.
There are 3 flyovers located in the city area to regulate the flow of traffic:
Khayyam Chowk’s flyover has a length of 1 km (0.62 mi) that leads to Mianwali Road.
Fatima Jinnah Road’s flyover also has a length of 1 km (0.62 mi).
A 0.4 km (0.25 mi) long flyover is located on Kachehry Road.
Motorways and highways
Sargodha lies about 45 km (28 mi) from the M-2 Motorway, which connects Lahore and Islamabad. The N-60 National Highway runs from Sargodha to Lahore through Pindi Bhattian and Sheikhupura. It is also connected to Faisalabad by a highway.
General Bus Stand is located on Fatima Jinnah Road that provides bus service from Sargodha to almost every part of the country. Daewoo Bus Service drives regular routes from Sargodha to the rest of the country. Others include Niazi Express, Faisal Movers, Bilal Travels, Islamabad Express, and Skyways, etc.
Taxi and Rickshaws
The online cab services Uber and Careem are available in the city. Many auto-rickshaws are also available throughout the city, which is often used by those who cannot afford the cab services.
Sargodha is also connected by the rest of the country through rail. Sargodha Junction railway station is located on the Shorkot-Lala Musa branch railway line.
Air Base
Pakistan’s largest airbase, PAF Base Mushaf (formerly PAF Base Sargodha), is situated in Sargodha and hosts the headquarters of the Pakistan Air Force’s Central Air Command. The airbase is also home to the Combat Commanders School (CCS), formerly the Fighter Leader’s School.
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youngandhungryent · 5 years
CROWN Act Passes In Maryland, Ends Discrimination Against Natural Hairstyles
Source: skaman306 / Getty
A new law was passed this week in a Washington, D.C. suburb that effectively ends discrimination against Black residents who wear natural hairstyles. The CROWN Act was passed on Friday in Montgomery County, Md., becoming the first local jurisdiction to pass such a law.
Local news outlet WUSA reported on the CROWN Act’s passage, and the Montgomery County City Council voted unanimously to bring Bill 30-19 into law. Councilmember Will Jawando and Council President Nancy Navarro were the lead sponsors of the bill, and a press release from county officials effectively lay out the law’s intentions.
From the press release:
The CROWN Act ensures that individuals who are discriminated against because of the appearance of their natural hair can seek a civil penalty of up to $5,000 through the County’s Office of Human Rights. The bill not only covers discrimination in employment but also in public accommodations, taxi services, admissions to group homes and cable services. It would add a definition of race to the underlying anti-discrimination law to specify that race includes “traits historically associated with race, including hair texture and protective hairstyles.”
In July, New York and California passed legislation prohibiting discrimination based on an individual’s hairstyle. Similar legislation has also recently been introduced in Wisconsin, Kentucky, New Jersey, Tennessee, Michigan and Illinois. Montgomery County is the first local jurisdiction to introduce such legislation.
The Crown Act’s passage hit home for Councilmember Jawndo, who is Black, shared in the press release what his daughter said to him regarding her hair.
“I will never forget the first time one of my daughters asked me why her hair wasn’t straight like the girls on television,” Jawando said. “I told her she was beautiful the way she was created. That is why I introduced the CROWN Act with my colleague Nancy Navarro, to prohibit discrimination based on natural hairstyles in Montgomery County.”
Montgomery County is one of the more affluent and diverse counties in the Washington Metropolitan region.
Photo: Getty
source https://hiphopwired.com/838630/crown-act-natural-hairstyles-law/
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