#Monte Velino
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johbeil · 1 year ago
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Favorite place
Somewhere in a forest in the mountains, behind a camera. Here: Abruzzo, at the foot of Monte Velino. Leica R5 with 35 mm Summicron on Lomochrome Turquoise film, about this time last year.
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popolodipekino · 2 years ago
Discesero fino alla porta del borgo. Passato l'archivolto, la strada prese a dilungarsi verso l'Appia: andò tra uliveti appena argentati dall'alba e proni scheltri di viti nelle vigne. Poi rigirava, come sola, sopra le bagnate spalle del monte. Al primo tornante rigirò pure la veduta. Il Pestalozzi levò il capo un attimo, spense il motore, frenò, fermò la corsa, con una certa cautela: sostò due minuti, da strologare il mattino. Era l'alba, e più. Le vette dell'Algido, dei Carseolani e dei Velini inopinatamente presenti, grigie. Magia repentina del Soratte, come una rocca di piombo, di cenere. Di là dai gioghi di Sabina, per bocchette e portelli che interrompessero la lineatura del crinale, il rivivere del cielo si palesava lontanamente in sottili strisce di porpora e più remoti ed affocati e splendori, di solfo giallo, di vermiglione: strane lacche: nobili riverberi, come da un crogiuolo del profondo. Spentasi la tramontana il giorno innanzi, ecco, ad alternare gli auspici, la bava calda, sulla pelle e sul viso, l'alito gratuito e omai cadente d'una strapazzata di scirocco. Di là, da dietro a Tivoli e a Càrsoli, flottiglie di nubi orizzontali tutte arricciolate di cirri, con falsi-fiocchi di zafferano, s'avventavano l'una dopo l'altra a battaglia, filavano gioiosamente a sfrangiarsi: indove? dove? chissà! ma di certo indò l'ammiraglio loro le comandava a farsi fottere, come noi il nostro, con tutti i velaccini in tiro nel vento. Labili, cangevoli fuste, bordeggiavano a quota alta e irreale, in quella specie di sogno capovolto che è il nostro percepire, dopo il risveglio ad alba, bordeggiavano la scogliera cinerina delle montagne degli Equi, la nudità dealbata del Velino, antemurale della Marsica. da C.E. Gadda, Quer pasticciaccio brutto de via Merulana
(poi ditemi che il pasticciaccio è pesante. sim, é verdade, la lettura non è scorrevolissima, però, per zeus, ci si trovano dentro certe chicche...)
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Vento forte in Abruzzo, fino a 178.6 km/h sul monte Velino
Forti raffiche di vento sull’Appennino abruzzese sono state registrate ieri dalla rete di monitoraggio dell’associazione meteo Caput Frigoris ( https://www.caputfrigoris.it ). ️Al Rifugio Capanna Di Sevice, sul Monte Velino a quota 2119 metri, il vento ha raggiunto i 178.6 km orari. Sul versante teramano del Gran Sasso, al Rifugio Franchetti, 2433 metri di quota, vento a 138 km orari, e…
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year ago
Milano mobilità: dopo la sperimentazione, pedonalizzazione permanente per dieci località.
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Milano mobilità: dopo la sperimentazione, pedonalizzazione permanente per dieci località. L’8 ottobre 2023 dieci località superano il periodo di sperimentazione avviato tra il 2019 e il 2020 e diventano pedonali in via definitiva. Si tratta delle vie Spoleto e Venini, in zona viale Monza nel Municipio 2, di via Monte Velino a Calvairate, nel Municipio 4, Porta Genova, nel Municipio 6, piazza Sicilia a Porta Vercellina e via Quarti a Baggio, nel Municipio 7, via Val Lagarina a Quarto Oggiaro, nel Municipio 8, via Toce e piazza Minniti, nel quartiere Isola e piazza Belloveso a Niguarda, nel Municipio 9. In questi anni l'Amministrazione comunale ha scelto di promuovere la qualità della vita dei cittadini e delle cittadine anche attraverso l'estensione delle aree pedonali, migliorando la vivibilità di spazi sempre più fruiti da residenti, commercianti e turisti, oltre che da studenti e studentesse, quando si tratta di aree di fronte alle scuole. Una nuova modalità di trasformazione dello spazio urbano che non necessita di grandi opere strutturali e che si sta diffondendo in diverse parti del mondo, a fronte di una richiesta crescente di luoghi riservati alle attività sociali, di ritrovo e condivisione. Dopo il periodo transitorio, gli uffici della Mobilità del Comune hanno provveduto a verificare, in accordo con i Municipi che hanno tutti espresso parere favorevole, il successo della sperimentazione: le pedonalizzazioni hanno favorito un cambiamento culturale nell'utilizzo degli spazi pubblici, migliorato le interazioni sociali, privilegiato lo sviluppo del commercio locale. Nello stesso tempo, nelle zone interessate si è verificata una complessiva riduzione del traffico, compatibile con la realtà viabilistica dell'area. "Anche Milano – spiega Arianna Censi, assessora alla Mobilità – sta affrontando un cambiamento simile ad altre metropoli: l'esigenza di avere spazi non solo riservati alle auto, ma anche a pedoni e ciclisti. La conformazione della nostra città è compatta e non permette complete rivoluzioni, ma questi interventi in diversi Municipi hanno comunque cambiato la qualità della vita nei quartieri, promuovendo lo sviluppo economico locale e generando nuovi luoghi di socializzazione. Per il beneficio che portano nelle aree in cui vengono realizzate, queste pedonalizzazioni sperimentali stanno diventando definitive".... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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inspi-ration-s · 8 years ago
Living between par Massimiliano Teodori Via Flickr : Lago del Salto e Velino Canon 6D Tamron 70-300 VC USD
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euroadventure · 3 years ago
Ovindolli (Sirente-Velino Regional Park) - Cocullo
Dinsdag 24 mei
Wanneer ik wakker word is het gelukkig niet al te warm. In de verte hangt weer wat sluier bewolking, maar dat stelt niet veel voor. Het is voor mij in ieder geval een betere temperatuur om te wandelen dan de dagen hiervoor.
Om 9.00uur vertrek ik lopend richting 'Sirente-Velino Regional Park'. Op slechts ongeveer 500 meter vanaf de parkeerplaats begint het natuurgebied.
Vandaag loop ik richting Monte Tino op 1923m hoogte. De route loopt via een prachtige groene vallei.
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Na een kleine twee kilometer wordt mijn weg geblokkeerd door een grote groep wilde paarden. Met een grote boog loop ik om hen heen. Iets verderop is er een raster geplaatst, waarschijnlijk om de paarden tegen te houden, maar ook ik kan hier niet meer verder. Gelukkig vind ik in mijn navigatie tool een alternatief pad waardoor ik mijn weg toch nog kan vervolgen.
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Vandaag moet ik nog een keer voor koeien 🐂 en nog een keer voor paarden 🐎 uitwijken voordat ik de top kan bereiken 😂.
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Onderweg bevind ik mezelf continu in een panorama decor, zo mooi en stil is het hier. Ook vandaag kom ik niemand tegen onderweg en tegen 12 uur sta ik dan ook helemaal alleen op de top!
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De route is vandaag prima te doen, tuurlijk wordt er ook vandaag geklommen en lopen er zweetdruppels langs mijn gezicht, maar dit alles valt in het niet bij de eerdere tochten deze week.
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Het is genieten op de top, waar ze een groot kruis hebben neergezet.
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Aan het kruis hangt een bel en het tja hoe kan het ook anders...hier moet ik natuurlijk even een slinger aan geven 😂 zodat ze ook in het dal kunnen horen dat ik de top bereikt heb 💪🏻.
Rond kwart over twee ben ik alweer beneden. Op mijn gemakje was ik mezelf bij een fontein en zoek ik alvast mijn volgende bestemming op.
Ik rijd nog een uurtje verder richting het kleine en zeer oude stadje Cocullo. Ik struin wat door de straatjes en drink een cappuccino bij de enige bar, tevens supermarkt, van het stadje.
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Ik slaap vanacht op een parkeerplaats met helaas enkel enigzins schuine vakken. Ik hoop dat het lukt om hier lekker te zijn slapen 🙃. Na het avondeten spreek ik nog met handen en voeten met enkele locals die allemaal erg vriendelijk zijn. Ik probeer zo even te pijlen of het geen probleem is dat ik hier vanacht blijf staan.
Vanaf Cocullo kan ik morgen naar Abruzzu rijden waar ik ook weer een leuke route heb gevonden. Ik bevind mij dan als het goed is in 'Parco Nacionale D'Abruzzo Lazio e Molise'.
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francescointoppa · 4 years ago
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Ancora Alberi. 312. (Monte Velino)
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dropsofmylittlelife · 5 years ago
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Monte Velino, Mentorella (San Gregorio) -Italy
L'escursione col binocolo 🔭
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retemeteoamator-blog · 2 years ago
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johbeil · 2 years ago
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Light forest
Oaks in the mountains of Abruzzo, Italy, below Monte Velino. Leica R5 with 35 mm Summicron on Lomochrome Turqhoise film.
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marandreetti-blog-blog · 6 years ago
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📖🍸Il Monte Velino e` stupendo non trovate?🍸📖 👉 https://www.youtube.com/user/Plutone972 👉 https://www.facebook.com/MarcelloAndreettiOfficialPage/ . . #📖M.A.📖#writer #writerslife #Writing #Writeforlife #scrivere #scrivereperpassione #scrittore #scrittoreitaliano #italianwriter #romanzi #racconti #novels #poesie #poet #poetry #gialli #noir #Thriller #crimestory #marcelloandreetti #divinazionedisangue #messaggidallaldila #Avezzano #siae #BlackBerry #Instagram #cocktails #longdrinks (presso Monte Velino) https://www.instagram.com/p/zfd2s4t0pN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=128yjlopoq4en
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alessiophoto · 3 years ago
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Nera si innamorò di un giovane pastore di nome Velino. Durante un banchetto però la dea Giunone venne a conoscenza di questo amore profano e decise che la ninfa meritava una punizione. La portò così in cima al Monte Vettore dove Nera fu trasformata in un fiume, che prese il suo nome. ——— #alessioluziphoto #alessioluzi_photo #iclick_ita #portrait #art #portraitphotography #photography #portraits #arte #ritratti #ritrattofotografico #fotografia #photo #photooftheday #picoftheday #model #drawing #ig #disegno #photographer #artist #shooting #instagood #girl #love #italy #italia #flickr #ig_italy #ig_fotografiaitalia (presso Stifone, Umbria, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca_-DnpL9PE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thatsnakeman · 3 years ago
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Snow Dunes - Monte Velino, Italy [2752 x 3440] [OC] via /r/EarthPorn https://ift.tt/1qtJ2ps
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orbemnews · 4 years ago
These beautiful Italian towns will pay you to work remotely (CNN) — Remote working has become a possibility for many during the pandemic, meaning the office can now be anywhere from a kitchen table to a sandy beach on the other side of the world. And while relocating to a picturesque Italian town might also factor on many people’s lists, that prospect just got even better with two destinations offering to pay workers who make the move. In an attempt to lure newcomers, Santa Fiora in Tuscany and Rieti in Lazio will pay up to 50% of the rent of anyone who decides to move and telecommute on a long-term basis. Rents are already relatively low, so the deal is potentially very attractive, but make no mistake, this is no paid vacation. Applicants must have an “active” job, even if they can do it in front of a laptop on a panoramic terrace overlooking olive groves while sipping a glass of red wine. It doesn’t matter what you do for a living, as long as you’re tech-savvy enough to do it anywhere. Although Italy is still slowly emerging from its latest pandemic wave, it hopes to reopen properly to travelers over the next few weeks, raising the tantalizing prospect of a proper Italian summer. And while Covid has hit Italy particularly hard compared with some of its European neighbors, one silver lining has been that people have been relocating to previously depopulated towns, bringing new life to previously declining areas that now offer social distancing and lower contagion rates. So-called “smart working villages” are now flourishing in Italy as local authorities grasp the potential of boosting high-speed internet and setting up equipped “labs” for telecommuters. Santa Fiora Santa Fiora’s mayor hopes good internet connections will lure remote workers. Comune Santa Fiora Located in the heart of wild Tuscany, the medieval village of Santa Fiora is nestled in the Monte Amiata natural reserve and is close to the wonderful Val D’Orcia Valley, Montepulciano’s wine heaven, and Siena. Today the population is down to barely 2,500 residents but mayor Federico Balocchi believes technology and virtual work can revolutionize the future of his hometown. Teleworkers willing to relocate and rent a house here under the Tuscan sun will be given up to €200 ($240) or 50% of the total rent for long-term stays of between two and six months. Local rentals are typically in the range of €300 to €500 monthly, meaning anyone who moves here might end up paying as little as €100 per month. To help outsiders find their ideal type of accommodation — be it a cozy stone cottage in the historical center or a little villa in the surrounding green rolling hills — the town hall has launched a website (https://www.vivinpaese.it) to advertise rentals alongside a list of useful services and contacts of plumbers, baby sitters, doctors, electricians and food delivery to make newcomers feel instantly at home. There are also links to local estate agencies for a wider choice of houses. But don’t think you’ll get paid to laze around gorging on delicious pasta dishes and going on sightseeing sprees around Tuscany. Balocchi is keen to stress that the rental voucher is not a partly paid-for-vacation. Potential tenants must prove that they will be actually working remotely. “It’s not targeted at occasional touch-and-go tourists, but people who really want to experiment with our village life,” he tells CNN. “The goal is to incentivize people to move in and virtually work from here. We want Santa Fiora to become their flexible office. Each time a youth leaves to search for a job elsewhere a piece of our village is taken away. “This is only the first step of our smart village project, focused on connectivity and technology to lure new residents and firms.” The village has just been cabled with high-speed fiber internet and “working stations” are being identified amid its narrow cobblestone alleys and Renaissance palazzos. Beyond the broadband connection, the pace of life in Santa Fiora is slow, offering a sojourn far from city chaos and smog. It’s ideal for people wishing to spend a part of the year in a quiet and relaxing place surrounded by nature. Santa Fiora properties rent for about €300 to €500 per month. Comune Santa Fiora So what’s the catch? First, you must be really teleworking and prove it through a detailed document of what exactly it is you do for a living — be it architecture, design, poetry, freelance reporting, online cooking lessons or brokering world peace. It must be forwarded together with your application form. People on a pension are welcome to move in but won’t benefit from the voucher unless they’re still working as independent contractors, professionals or online consultants. Secondly, once you find somewhere in the town, you’ll need to forward proof of rental with contract details and your new address. The €200 monthly vouchers work as reimbursements to be paid only after you send rent receipts to the mayor’s office. Visiting Santa Fiora as soon as global travel resumes might be a good way to get a feel of the village life and personally search for your perfect abode. Balocchi assures the town’s tourist office will be happy to assist in all procedures and paperwork. Tenants are of course free to prolong their stay beyond six months, albeit at their own expense, with the mayor hoping that some might fall in love with the village and stay forever. And if they decide to invest in the local tourist sector, Santa Fiora is willing to give them up to €30,000 to open a B&B or restyle an old dwelling to turn into a hotel or hostel. There’s even a baby bonus of up to €1,500 for each newborn if anyone decides to take up residency and have a kid. Santa Fiora is located in the heart of Tuscan wine country. Comune Santa Fiora “That would be great if new families actually settled in,” says Balocchi. “This place is perfect for remote workers who must balance jobs and kids. We have low kindergarten fees, free school shuttle buses and many activities for children to allow parents time to breathe.” A former mining center, Santa Fiora is an idyllic Tuscan hilltop village where nature and art perfectly combine. There are towers, fountains, panoramic piazzas overlooking the hilly landscape, museums and works of Renaissance artists. Cut through by the river Fiora it’s surrounded by chestnut forests and a network of streams, waterfalls and pristine springs. There’s an ancient spectacular fish pond surrounded by a lush garden of pine trees, magnolia and orchards enclosed by lavish palazzos and a castle. Top outdoor activities include horseback riding, biking and trekking along mountain trails. Santa Fiora has a popular international music festival in summer and regular food fairs starring local mushrooms, onions and chestnuts. Rieti Rieti, not far from Rome, is also offering rental deals to remote workers. Scopri La Sabina For those who’d rather be closer to Rome, stunning Rieti has a similar deal but for a minimum of a three months stay. Eclipsed by the fame and allure of the Eternal City, it’s an under-the-radar destination worth seeing. Even though Rieti has some 50,000 inhabitants and is one of the largest cities in the Lazio region, its population isn’t growing. “We’re kind of stuck,” says deputy mayor Daniele Sinibaldi. “Young people still keep fleeing to Rome in search of work so we’ve embarked on a mission to lure remote workers who will turn Rieti into their smart office and revitalize our city.” Rieti’s housing offer is even more appealing. Rent vouchers could be extended beyond six months and a preliminary lease agreement is all the proof needed to get the ball rolling, says Sinibaldi. Teleworkers are free to pick a property even in nearby rural districts where rents are lower compared to the city. Finding a place might be trickier as there’s no town hall website with available properties. Applicants will need to get in touch directly with agencies or online rental platforms (such as immobiliare.it; subito.it; casa.it). Sinibaldi is confident telecommuting will revitalize sleepy Rieti. “Rents in town are in the range of €250 to €500,” he says. “For €600 you can have an entire little villa in the peaceful countryside. Also, the voucher can be used in the entire territory of Rieti, including the rural hamlets of Sant’Elia, Cerchiara and the skiing resort of Terminillo but we’d love to have people move in to live in the historical center.” Rieti’s origins are steeped in legend. It was founded by the fiery Italic tribes of the Sabines who inhabited the wild hills and forests of the area but were forced to bend the knee to ancient Rome after a series of bloody massacres. During Roman times Rieti was a strategic outpost along the Via Salaria salt route, one of the main highways of the Empire. Enclosed within protective medieval walls and turrets along the pristine Velino river, Rieti is locally known as “the freshwater Venice” for its network of streams, ponds, springs and luxuriant lake reserves. Rieti’s rental deal extends to the surrounding countryside. Comune Rieti It’s a mix of medieval, Renaissance, baroque and modern architecture where monumental piazzas, fortified walls and aristocratic palaces are connected by narrow picturesque alleys. Standing on the majestic Roman bridge to admire deep red sunsets that set the river ablaze is a popular evening activity. Since the Roman age Rieti claims to be the so-called Umbilicus Italiae, aka “Italy’s belly button,” the exact geographical center of the country. The supposed dead center is apparently embodied by a historical billiard table located inside a tiny bar on the main piazza, where a round-shaped monument dubbed “la caciotta” (‘the cheese form’) marks Italy’s navel. Fascinating treasures are hidden from sight. Strolling along via Roma, the main shopping street, you’d never guess that right beneath your feet runs another ancient Roman overpass from which the city grew and flourished. The viaduct was built in the third century BCE to prevent flooding on the Via Salaria. The underground city is made of arches that are incorporated into noble residences. Many dwellings in the historical center boast Roman walls and secret passageways to underground chambers. Local food specialties include Fregnacce alla reatina, a diamond-shaped pasta with a tasty sauce of softened lard, celery, onion, chopped tomatoes, salt and chili. Pizzicotti are ‘pinched’ gnocchi served with a spicy tomato, garlic and olive oil sauce. Stracciatella are eggs cooked in veal broth while spaghetti alla carrettiera are made with seasoned pecorino cheese and chili pepper. Source link Orbem News #beautiful #Italian #pay #remotely #towns #Work
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neoxiaoma · 4 years ago
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My highest climb, so much fun! (at Monte Velino, Parco Nazionale Velino Sirente) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDrZbRwpadk/?igshid=199pwq7pj84xv
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euroadventure · 3 years ago
Colle di Tora - Cartore (Riserva Naturale Regionale Montagne della Duchessa) - Ovindolli
Maandag 23 mei
Vanmorgen doe ik het rustig aan voor ik vertrek naar het volgende natuurgebied 😊. Ik heb een leuke wandelroute gevonden vanuit het plaatsje Cartore in het natuurreservaat 'Riserva Naturale Regionale Montagne della Duchessa'.
Helaas stuurt de navigatie mij weer richting een onverharde weg die echt niet te doen is met mijn auto. Ik probeer het een stukje, maar besluit toch achteruit weer terug te rijden.
Gelukkig vind ik in een van mijn appjes een uitleg hoe in Cartore te komen zonder over een onverharde weg te rijden. Uiteindelijk na een half uur zoeken naar de juiste weg kom ik in Cartore aan. Het dorpje zelf bestaat uit slechts een paar huizen, ik begrijp van de informatie op de borden dat na de tweede wereldoorlog de meeste mensen zijn vertrokken.
Tegen twaalf uur, op het warmste moment van de dag 🙄, start ik aan mijn route van 11 kilometer. Gelukkig loopt het eerste gedeelte voornamelijk door bos en tussen de rotsen en dus verwacht ik het niet al te warm te krijgen...maar helaas.
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De route zelf loopt behoorlijk steil omhoog. Ik zal vandaag bijna 1000 meter stijgen en zie in mijn app dat ik regelmatig een stijgingspercentage van 25-29% mag overbruggen.
Ik kom vandaag maar 1 meneer tegen en hij vertelt dat het uitzicht over Lago della Duchessa op bijna 1800 meter prachtig is en het klimmen de moeite waard. Hij waarschuwt mij nog wel voor de terugweg die lastiger is vanwege de vele losse stenen en gladde bladeren...😳
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Halverwege de route kom ik door de groene vallei 'Valle Fua'. Ze ligt bezaaid met keien. Ik vind dit al erg mooi 😁.
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Na een ongeveer 2 uur lopen arriveer ik bij het meer. Overal om mij heen staan de gele bloemen in bloei, wat dit eindpunt een bijzondere plek maakt.
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Rond het meer lopen nog wilde paarden en ik hoor de vogels fluiten. Het is zo stil, geen verkeer in de verte, enkel de natuur om mij heen 😍.
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Ik blijf zeker een klein uurtje zitten en eet ondertussen mijn lunch op voor ik weer vertrek. Het is ondanks de sluier bewolking nog steeds bijzonder.
De terugweg loopt voorspoedig. Natuurlijk is het uitkijken op de steile stukken, maar het valt me niet tegen. Het stelt niets voor in vergelijking met gisteren.
Wanneer ik bij de parkeerplaats arriveer besef ik mij dat ik een steile helling op moet om weer terug op de weg te komen. Het merendeel is gelukkig verhard, maar net het begin stukje niet... Er is een behoorlijk hoogteverschil dus ik durf ook niet te hard naar boven te scheuren bang dat de onderkant van mijn auto de grond raakt. Ok...ik had meer vaart moeten nemen dan ik nu deed, en weer kom ik niet boven 🙈 arrgghh. Langzaam ga ik weer achteruit naar beneden. De tweede poging mislukt ook. Bij de derde poging komen drie mannen mij te hulp die daar toevallig staan te kletsen. Ze geven mij aanwijzingen, ik maak een langere aanloop en hoef echt niet bang te zijn dat mijn auto de grond raakt zeggen ze. Vol gas scheur ik de heuvel op en ik ben supertrots dat het mij (na drie keer, dat wel) gelukt is haha 💪🏻😂.
Ik rijd richting het plaatsje Ovindolli aan de voet van het natuurgebied 'Sirente-Velino Regional Park'. Morgen loop ik vanuit hier richting Monte Tino.
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