#Monster part 11
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Lost on You - Part 11
Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x F. Supe!Reader
Summary: 1983 is a big year for you. You’re finally chosen to join the ranks of Payback, led by the most (in)famous supe in the world: Soldier Boy. He’ll never admit that he’s trying his damndest to figure you out. You’ll never admit that he’s actually growing on you. But the problem with this game is deciding who’s the predator, and who is prey.
AN: In this episode, we're in for a team up, Greek mythology, and possibly the biggest reveal yet…
Word Count: 3.2K
Tags/Warnings: Angst, mentions of abuse/torture, PTSD, violence, and another cliffhanger (sorry).
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Part 11: Heroes and Monsters
The only thing the TNT Twins ever bought with their money was a lavish mansion in Vermont. It was high on a hill, flanked by forest, and therefore perfectly secluded when Ben and Donna broke through the oak wood doors of their house.
“Hey, kids,” said Ben. He strolled into the living room with a smooth, purposeful gait.
The twins jumped with a start on the couch. A loud and crass action movie was playing on the screen.
“Ben,” Tessa gasped.
“Donna?!” Tommy said, pointing from Donna to Ben. “What…what’re you guys…how did you get…”
“Ooh, is that Pulp Fiction? I wanted to see that one,” Donna remarked. Her brows furrowed. “But wait, it’s still in theaters. How’d you get a VHS?”
“Oh, um, Tarantino gave me a copy as a favor, so we wouldn’t have to sit in the theater with all the mouth breathers,” Tessa said, with a wrinkle of her nose.
Tommy’s face slid into a smirk. He raised a conspiratorial hand to his mouth and pointed at his sister.
“She sucked his dick.”
That tidbit of information was accompanied by a lewd hand motion, and gagging sounds. Tessa angrily punched her brother in the shoulder.
Ben raised a brow. He made slow steps forward with an edge of menace. The twins caught on and stood up straighter, but somehow looked even more like cowards as they immediately started groveling.
“We’re so, so sorry, Ben,” Tessa tried.
“It wasn’t our idea,” Tommy added. The twins backed up near the glass doors, Tommy nearly tripping on the Persian rug.
“Of course it wasn’t,” said Ben. “You idiots barely have two brain cells to rub together.”
“Please don’t kill us,” Tessa pleaded. “Or at least, not me. I didn’t really do anything—”
“You bitch!” Tommy said incredulously.
“Shut the fuck up!” Ben snapped. “Here’s what’s gonna happen.”
He was stopped short by a rigorous shootout on the screen as the movie played. The sound of it was like a machine gun, bullets spraying over and over. It made his breath hitch. His eyes began to glaze over as a memory overtook his vision. Of being strapped to that metal slab, and Eisenstein and his team trying to find out what could actually hurt him, on the inside.
Ben’s chest grew impossibly hot. Distantly he heard voices calling his name.
Before he even realized what he was doing, the smell of burning filled the air, and that terrible, nuclear power escaped from his chest.
When he came to, he blinked the gaudy living room back into frame. Except now, it was burnt to a crisp. There was a large gaping hole where the French doors and most of the wall used to be, leading to a sunny day.
The TNT Twins were gone.
Shaking the fog and blackness from his mind, he turned and only saw Donna. She’d been cowering behind a piano. Slowly she came out of her hiding place with wide, horrified eyes.
“What the fuck did they do to you?” she whispered.
Instead of answering her, Ben strode out of the ruins and grabbed her arm, hefted her to her feet, and took her back to the car. She slid into the driver’s seat and started the car with shaking hands. He settled in the passenger seat and got out the cell phone he'd stashed in the dashboard compartment.
“Arthur, it’s me,” Ben said.
“How’d it go with the TNT Twins?”
“They can’t help.”
“What? Why’s that?”
“Because they’re fucking charcoal, that’s why,” Ben snapped. There was a pause on the other line.
“Okaaay,” Arthur said. “Well, I’m still working on some leads on Sirena. In the meantime, I found Gunpowder. He had a little unfortunate incident at a gun show in Texas, so he’s on some mandated R&R.”
Ben blew out a frustrated breath, but he nodded. “Where?”
“Kempton, Pennsylvania.”
Ben and Donna arrived at the Hawk Mt. Shooting Range. There were several steps up to the main building, then even more forest behind as it surrounded the base of a mountain.
“There’s literally a Hawk Mountain Sanctuary not even an hour from here. It’s like going to Sea World to hunt Shamu,” Donna groused.
“Would you shut the fuck up already?” he said. “I don’t want to hear any more of your tree-hugging bullshit.”
“That’s another thing. You’re always so fucking belittling,” she said with a glare sent his way. “Does Sirena like that about you? Or is she just deaf and blind?”
Ben grabbed her arm and yanked her to a stop. He raised a warning finger.
“Keep her name out of your fucking mouth,” he said darkly. “One more smartass word and I’ll sure as shit make you regret it.”
Donna’s mouth snapped shut. She was still angry, but she had the presence of mind to avert her eyes. When he was satisfied, Ben released her. They kept walking, but no matter how he tried to shut her words out, they kept filtering back into his mind.
You’re a bully. A fucking monster. And sooner or later, she won’t be able to stomach you anymore.
He managed to push that thought to the back of his mind as they entered the building. Donna either knocked out or killed the handful of staff members, while Ben continued on to the back of the shooting range.
Well then. Someone ate their fucking Wheaties.
Gunpowder was a bit bigger since Ben last saw him. He hardly recognized his former sidekick, now a grown-ass man in his late 20s. At least he wasn’t so scrawny anymore.
And he heard the moment Ben stepped into the outdoor range. After he fired off one more birdshot, Gunpowder whipped around with a large shotgun in hand. His face fell into shock when he saw Ben.
A dead pigeon landed on the ground between them.
“Charlie,” Ben greeted, with a tilt of his head. He stalked forward. The man opposite was frozen in shock, but it wouldn’t have mattered if he’d pulled the trigger on his gun anyway.
“S-Soldier Boy—”
Ben ripped the weapon out of his hand. He closed a hand around the younger man’s throat and walked him back until he hit the fake mountain wall that framed the shooting range.
“Ben, he didn’t even know!” Donna said from behind.
Charlie shook his head in agreement. “I didn’t! I swear—”
“Oh, I know. But I bet you didn’t ask any fucking questions, did you?” Ben said.
He remembered that day with perfect clarity. He remembered how the rest of them turned on him.
Except for you.
“But you’re gonna make it up to me,” Ben said, with a grim smile.
Charlie was shocked, as if he’d expected a quick death. “H-How?”
“You’re going to help me find someone.”
“Sirena.” Ben’s lips twitched humorlessly at the ashen look on Charlie’s face. “You remember her, right? She’s the other teammate you guys sold out and giftwrapped for the fucking Commies.”
Ben slammed him harder against the wall, and his chest began to glow. Charlie’s face fell further into fear and horror.
“Ben!” Donna warned. She didn’t dare touch him, but Ben could feel her close by. He glanced at her over his shoulder.
“The TNT Twins were probably useless, but we need him,” she reminded him. “We need every body we can throw at this.”
Ben hated to admit it (so he wouldn’t), but she had a point. It took him a minute to wrangle in his ire, taking deep breaths to try and calm the power inside him. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t.
This time, it actually worked.
His hand fell back to his side, letting Charlie breathe freely.
“Let’s go.” Ben turned on his heel and headed out.
“Where, uh…where’re we going?” Charlie asked, rubbing his sore neck.
“Looks like we’re getting the team back together,” Ben said grimly.
He tilted his head.
“Well. What’s left of it.”
Two weeks seemed to be an eternity in this cell. Somehow it was even more dull than when you were in Siberia. At the very least, the torture broke up the day.
Vogelbaum had taken a few vials of your blood to analyze, but otherwise, you were left alone.
Your only companion was John, who you discovered was just a ten-year-old kid. He was occupying one of the untold number of cells in this lab. You couldn’t pinpoint exactly where he was, but he felt close by.
You two had been having daily conversations. He told you that he’d grown up on this compound, in the very room they held him in. He didn’t remember his parents, if he had any. He only remembered Dr. Vogelbaum, some guy named Marty, and a few others in the facility.
All of them had run experiments of their own on him. It had broken your heart to hear it from a child.
They’ve burned me a lot, he admitted once, with a sniffle. It never leaves a mark, but…it hurts.
I know, bud. I’ve been burned before, you said, disheartened for him. They wanted to find out how strong you are, huh?
Yeah, I guess. What about you?
Not very, is the answer. I’m more durable than the average human, and I heal a little faster, but…not that strong. My powers don’t really help me as much physically.
What’re your powers?
Well…I’m a siren.
You sensed his confusion. He didn’t know what that was, though he maybe didn’t want to admit it.
Have you ever seen adventure movies? You know, the ones about pirates and buried treasure? you asked.
Um, I’ve seen movies, but Vogelbaum called them documentaries.
What were they about?
Pioneers in the Wild West. The old South. How we conquered the Indians, and why America’s the best country in the world. Stuff like that.
You grimaced. So that wasthe kind of education he was getting in this place.
Okay, a lot to unpack there later, you said. But anyway, you read books, right?
Yeah. They give me a lot of books.
That, you could work with.
Okay, have you ever read The Odyssey? Greek mythology.
Y-Yeah. I remember Odysseus. He’s a hero.
Right, exactly. Well, one of the creatures he comes across on his journey are the sirens. In the story, they live on an island. They’re beautiful women, with beautiful voices. They lure sailors in with their songs and their magic, and the men fall under their spell, every time. They end up wrecking their ships and falling to their deaths.
So…the sirens are monsters.
Yeah, they are, you agreed. Your shoulders deflated with your deep sigh.
I can…compel people. If I touch them, I can make them do whatever I want. Especially men. I know when they’re lying. I know what’s in their hearts when they look at me. And I’ve used that to my advantage. To use them.
That fell between you two for a moment. You could sense John thinking, processing.
Do you like your powers? John asked.
You smiled humorlessly.
No, you answered. You’d never admitted that to anyone before. They’re meant to manipulate people, to hurt people.
I don’t want to hurt people, John said, after a beat. But…I um. I did a couple times. You know, on accident.
I’ve known people who hurt others on purpose, because they can. Because it’s fun. You don’t sound like one of those people.
I don’t want to be. They…want me to be a hero one day.
His voice sounded small again, and almost scared. Like he was afraid of what he could do, and possibly, what Vogelbaum and Stan Edgar and everyone else wantedhim to be.
Well, that’s good. You should never hurt someone just because you can. Or even, just because someone hurt you, you advised, even knowing you were a hypocrite.
Then, an idea formed in your mind. How many times had they burned him without leaving a single mark?
Are you strong, John? you asked him.
Yeah, he replied.
For the first time since you woke up in this nightmare of a place, your smile was genuine.
How strong?
Ben claimed the master bedroom for himself. Charlie and Donna took root on the couch, catching up and reminiscing on how their careers had shaken out after Payback was dismantled. Donna mostly complained about being a permanent fixture at Voughtland.
“At least they got you set up with something stable,” Charlie said. He passed a blunt back to Donna after a long puff. “I never know where the hell I’m gonna be, week after week. Always putting me up in some piece of shit hotel.”
“At least you don’t have to take pictures with snot-nosed kids all day,” she replied, though she eyed him with a smile. Charlie caught the look, with a smile of his own.
“You look good,” he said. “I like the haircut.”
“Oh, stop.” She absently toyed with a strand of her shoulder-length hair. She’d been dying it a deeper red lately. “You really grew into that helmet though.”
He chuckled bashfully. Said helmet was resting on the coffee table, next to the big bag of weed Ben had bought on the way to Virginia. Charlie leaned closer to her and pointed a finger toward wherever their esteemed leader had fucked off to.
“He’s smoking like a chimney, even more than he used to,” Charlie said.
“He’s self-medicating,” Donna nodded. “The Russians did a number on him.”
Part of her maybe twinged with guilt, but even now, she felt justified in her decisions. It wasn’t like she could go back and change anything. Still, if she had known that it would all end up here…
“Christ,” Charlie shook his head.
They stopped their conversation when Ben’s heavy boots thudded back into the room. It seemed that he’d finished his nap, and now ventured out in search of booze. He grabbed the whiskey bottle on the dining table and a glass from the kitchen to give himself a generous pour.
“Uh, I’m thinking we could get some food,” Charlie broached. He got up from the couch. “I don’t mind grabbing something for us.”
“Sit your ass down,” Ben said sharply. He nodded at the landline phone. It sat on an accent table next to the couch. “Order something that delivers, because no one’s going any-fucking-where.”
Charlie pressed his luck one more time. “I’ll be right back, I swear—”
Ben sent him a look of warning. It was enough to make the younger man deflate in surrender.
“Pizza it is,” he said. When Ben turned to head back to his room, Charlie couldn’t help muttering, “For the third time in a row.”
Ben heard him, of course, but he just rolled his eyes. He returned to the bedroom and cracked up the radio on the nightstand. He couldn’t stand hearing any more of Donna and Charlie bickering about what to put on the pizza or what to watch on TV. In a way, it reminded him of old times.
Fuck old times, he thought. He didn’t even much enjoy them the first go around.
He set his glass down on the nightstand and laid in bed over the covers, folding his hands over his chest. He closed his eyes, but rest wouldn’t come to him. He thought of you, and where those bastards at Vought might be keeping you. He could only imagine what they were doing to you, and by now, he had a good imagination.
His jaw clenched with anger, and he drew a hand over his face in frustration.
He felt like he’d already failed.
He’d promised you that you weren’t going back to a cell, that he wouldn’t allow it…and that he’d protect you.
Believe it or not, Ben knew what he was; or more accurately, what he wasn’t. Despite how he’d propped himself up otherwise, deep down, he knew he wasn’t a hero.
But if he could make just one honest save in his long, long life, he’d be damned if it wasn’t you.
No matter how you tried to convince him, John was reluctant to try and escape his cell. You sensed that he didn’t want to leave the facility, even after everything they’d done to him.
At the end of the day, you realized, this was the only life he knew.
Look, I know you’re scared, but we can help each other, you tried to reason with him. I have a…well, I have a boyfriend. His name is Ben. I know he’s looking for me, but I’m not sure he’ll find me here. I need to get back to him before Vought tries anything else.
John didn’t answer you. You sighed. Maybe a softer approach…
What scares you most about leaving? you asked.
I don’t know! Look, just…just leave me alone!
John, wait—
I said leave. Me. ALONE!
The force of his shouted thoughts made you wince. The connection snapped back on you like a rubber band as you lost focus, giving you a stinging headache that radiated behind your eyes. You gasped and rubbed at your temples.
You felt bad for pushing him, but you really needed his help, damn it.
Just when you were about to try and reach out to John again to apologize, and hopefully soothe him, the door of your cell opened.
Vogelbaum was back with a couple of guards armed with tasers and guns. This time, the doctor had a few more empty vials.
“Good afternoon,” he said.
You pursed your lips, but you made no moves to evade him when he came over to sit beside you on your cot. He swabbed at the inside of your arm where he intended to pierce a vein with the needle he held, followed by vials one, two, three, and four of your blood.
“What are you taking my blood for, exactly?” you demanded to know. This was the second time already. “What happens after I fulfill your objective as bait, and you try to set your little trap for Ben?”
Vogelbaum glanced up at you. “We’re not going to hurt you, if that’s what you’re asking.”
Somehow, that still didn’t make you feel any better.
“And why is that?”
“I’m taking your blood to run additional genetic tests,” he said, for the moment ignoring your question.
“Why? What genetic tests?” you pressed.
“Well, this is something we haven’t seen before. It’s going to require a closer look, and some close monitoring of your progress.”
Despite his stoic expression, you sensed a spark of interest in him, of clinical fascination. It reminded you of Dr. Eisenstein. Immediately you were set on edge. Prickles of unease crept down your spine and made you feel cold.
“What do you mean? The Russians’ experiments didn’t do much of anything,” you lied.
“I’m not talking about that,” said Vogelbaum. He finished taking your blood, removed the needle, and cleaned you up.
“Then what?” you snapped. You were losing patience and getting even more worried.
Vogelbaum applied a small bandage where he’d pricked you with the needle, then stepped away.
“Congratulations,” he said in his usual monotone, as he pocketed the vials. “You’re pregnant.”
AN: 🫣 hides until next week lol
Next Time:
We come to Payback's Avengers: Civil War moment!
“Look, we don’t have to do this,” Charlie tried. “Just let him get Sirena out of there. After what you guys did, she doesn’t deserve that.”
Ben glanced at his former sidekick. He actually seemed sincere.
Too bad Noir wasn’t about to go for it. He had Vought’s dick so far up his ass, he wouldn’t likely take a shit without Stan Edgar’s say so. He crouched into a fighting stance and unsheathed his katana. The rest of the guards poured in to flank around him and Mindstorm.
Ben rolled a crack out of his neck.
“Fine. If it’s a war you want, it’s a war you’ll fucking get,” he said.
Noir started charging at him first, but Donna shot off a fireball in his direction.
Chaos ignited from there.
▶️ Keep Reading: PART 12
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#Heroes and Monsters#Lost on You#Part 11#soldier boy x reader#soldier boy x supe!reader#soldier boy#the boys#soldier boy smut#soldier boy x you#soldier boy x female reader#soldier boy fanfiction#the boys tv#the boys amazon#jensen ackles characters#jensen ackles#Soldier Boy imagine#the boys au#the boys fanfiction#jackles#the boys fanfic#the boys season 3#jensen ackles x reader#crimson countess#black noir#stan edgar#gunpowder#payback#the boys x reader#the boys x you#zepskies writes
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I drew another Chara- living with the Dreemurrs edition

"The King and Queen treated the human child as their own. The underground was filled with hope."
I don't like this as much as the last one but oh well... I ended up rambling a huge amount in the tag, so if you want details and headcanons about the actual drawing again, you'll have to look pretty far down this time, sorry (Also, I ran out of tags after a while. Tumblr is tired of me, lol. I might reblog this more tags later if I remember what I was going to say.)
#chara dreemurr#undertale#next up: the narrator#(I know that's not a title they receive in game like the other two but... just let me have this)#The future monarch of monsterkind. The prophecized saviour. One of the most important people in the underground. An angel apparently.#Chara puts all of their effort into appearing perfect in both appearance and manners. They're representing all the underground now and they#don't want to let down the king and queen! (Plus Chara's scared of getting kicked out or worse should they ever disappoint their family)#But... they're gonna save everyone! They're gonna make sure the monsters win this war! It's their destiny! The prophecy says so!#(... That's why all this happened to them. Chara sees themself as smarter more careful and maturer than their peers... because of the way#what a strange child...#hey look! I did a thing#my art#they were raised on the surface. They believe they have the skills to lead monsterkind to victory because of what they suffered.#Almost like they were trained or led to this moment. Like they don't have a choice. But this makes all their pain worth it right?#It was always for this fated grand purpose right? That's why they hate feeling robbed of their ''purpose''! Might be part of why they hate#determination! What do you mean you can defy fate? What do you mean things could've been different? That I didnt have to go through this?#that it wasn't written in the stars?... Oh shit I forgot to talk about the drawing!#The little bunches are supposed to look like monster ears. Especially with the monster soul locket. They're doing a curtsy which they alway#upon meeting someone new and introducing themself as the future monarch of monsterkind. Calling whoever they're talking to sir or ma'am.#Wanted to make it a curtsy/bow combination but I couldn't draw that. They have a little golden flower clip to pull their hair back and#they gave themself the belt and flouncy petticoat. They iron and polish everything they wear literally everytime they go outside.#Chara wears heeled boots whenever possible because they really hate being so short...they somehow think it makes them look weak.#The blushes and lashes are make-up! Chara wants to look perfect after all! They also really really hate their red spots/birthmarks and will#cover them up whenever possible...and they're wearing their crucifix again. Of course they are! Through it all they'll always keep#their faith. ....Until Chara finds themself a figurehead of an entirely new religion. I think they're...newly 11 here. (Second year in the#underground. 10 when they fell. 13 when they did.) Comfortable (comfortable as they can be) with their new family but not yet desperate#to get them out as soon as possible. Might not even be working with Gaster yet. But Asriel already gave Chara their locket.#I definitely think it was...a while before Chara really thought of returning the favour. Not that they don't utterly shower#Asriel and their parents in other gifts or affection! But they're just not one to make... promises of forever lightly. Especially because#Chara isn't really planning on staying around for a long time at all! They will break the barrier like prophecized then climb the mountain
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Eldritch Steve
Part 11
Eddie stared at Wayne, Wayne stared back, for several long moments neither one blinked but Eddie was human and so eventually he had to.
"Arg, remind me not to get into staring contests with Eldritch beings!" Eddie yelled as he rubbed his watery eyes.
"You never once won a staring contest with me boy, no reason to start now." Wayne said with a shrug, "You want coffee, Steve?"
"You're not mad at me for telling Eddie?" Steve asked, nervously.
"Surprised it took so long." Wayne handed Steve a mug, all of them had been replaced with the new two bedroom trailer.
Steve also knew that several soldiers had gone missing when they insulted Eddie in Wayne's presence, Steve had claimed he'd overheard them talking so he'd eaten them, which had the confronting soldiers cringing back and Owens blanching and making a quick escape.
"It wasn't my secret to tell, but he needs to know what being Mated to one of us means." Steve said, holding his mug in both hands.
"He is right here." Eddie reinserted himself into the conversation, "And I know what I'm getting into, Steve told me about spawning."
Wayne looked at Eddie and then at Steve, "How much did you tell him about spawning?"
Steve blushed, "As much as I know."
Wayne stared at him and then sighed, "Settle in, the both of you, we've got a long night ahead."
Because Wayne knew just how much about Spawning Steve knew or more exactly how little he knew. Spawning alone was different than Spawning with a Mate, and with the species difference, well, there were reasons that Wayne had yet to Spawn himself, and it wasn't just Eddie appearing on his doorstep.
As Eddie's adult he had a duty to prepare him, as the last Adult of his kind he had a duty to Steve too.
For all that Steve had killed their race he was, in fact, still considered a child of their race, not much older than those kids he'd claimed as his, if Wayne wasn't slightly afraid of Steve killing him like he'd killed all the others, he'd forbid them to even think of Spawning, but Steve was dangerous, though he did not appear so and Wayne doubted Eddie's affection for him would protect him for long if he stood in Steve's way.
So, Wayne would prepare them.
Because Spawn only appeared as eggs when one parent was involved, the embryo forming inside the parent and forming the protective shell on it's journey to the outside world.
Spawn that had two parent were born live and hungry, if Steve and Eddie Spawned they would need meat, raw and the fresher the better, ready for when their babies clawed their way into the world.
Eddie would have to distract them with the meat so Steve could heal, otherwise they might feast on his flesh, they ate their own for strength, afterall.
And Wayne would not be allowed near once Steve was expecting, Steve's instincts would see him as a threat to him and the eventual young, and Wayne couldn't say he wouldn't be tempted to eat the possibly runts, it wouldn't be the first time he'd eaten the newly born, he'd eaten several of his Spawnmates when he'd clawed his way out of his birth parent and his secondary parent hadn't been quick enough to fill his belly.
Wayne didn't remember Steve's Spawning parents, it was likely they'd abandoned him early on, expecting him to die quickly, some Spawning parents would eat their defective ones but others felt the need to let the other creatures have a taste of them. It was a testament to Steve's strength that he'd survived so long on his own.
Their race wasn't kind, not even to their young.
But maybe, Wayne thought as he looked at a waiting Steve and a trying to escape Eddie, he could change that, or at least Steve and Eddie could.
A/n: like I said Ao3 is down and well, I still have nothing better to do, so enjoy.
Ao3 is back, so here's the link, I didend up calling it From the Rot, for now at least, thank you for all you suggestions though. <3
@addelyin @merricatty @lesbiabrobin @apuckishwit @0o-mushroom-o0 @starlight-archer @darkwitchoferie @just-a-tiny-void @swimmingbirdrunningrock @intergalactic-president-awesome @vampireinthesun @goodolefashionedloverboi @adhdsummer @purpleanimeoverart @space-invading-pigeon @lilaclilyroses @nohomoyesbi @plantzzsandpencilzzs @korixae @subversivecynic @flusteredcas @persnicketysquares @freddykicksasses @little-trash-ghost @cupcakesnwhiskey @cats-ate-all-of-my-pasta @planetsoda @paintsplatteredandimperfect @irregular-child @daydreamsandcrashingwaves @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @steddieassheg0es
#steddie#eldritch monster steve#upside down creature steve#mpreg mention#wayne is the real mvp here#the birds and the bees talk#mentioned cannibalism#mentioned child abandonment#infantcide of sorts#culture building#if i can't read fic i will write it instead#ao3 is down#part 11#From the Rot
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I finally got around to reading The Legend of Shadow High! I love how Raven and Draculaura hit it off almost immediately but Apple and Frankie are awkward as all hell
#monster high#ever after high#i'm loving brooke too!#it's fun reading all of her little footnotes#part of me wishes clawdeen was with them tho#idk it feels weird not to have the full trio together#i get why she's not - the whole adventure kicked off because of drac and frankie's project#still feels weird tho#god and i *love* that telling stories that aren't real isn't allowed at ever after#fuckin grimm#i'm only on chapter 11 so *please* be cool and don't spoil anything
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chat i am NOT appreciating the stares i got from walking across campus to cvs in my hoodie and sweatpants as if we didn’t just sit through ANOTHER hurricane like chill man i didn’t sleep well let me get my monster to finish my logic homework in peace 😭
#spent all night having not quite nightmares not quite stress dreams#periodically woken up by storm noises (sleeping with your back to a window during a hurricane when you get shellshock from loud storm noises#- is NOT a fun experience i would not recommend)#and THEN getting woken up at 5 am by an emergency alert warning about flash floods until like 11:45 when i have a 10 am class that morning 🙃#luckily my professor cancelled class for that (and my other class was cancelled for it to)#but tbh i was NOT gonna walk 7 minutes to the second farthest building on campus through that either way#i was just gonna send him a pdf of my homework and say ‘i’m not walking through a flash flood for this class sorry 😭’#also my school didn’t do shit for this?? they’ve been sending us emails all week about dangerous weather#but made SURE to add in all caps in every one that classes and stuff will go on as normal#cofc doesn’t stop until we’re dead i guess what the fuck 😭#scratch that i mean everything’s as normal except half of our dining halls are closed. so i have to walk 7 minutes out for food anyway 🙃#BECAUSE MY SNACK STASH IS DEPLETED BECAUSE ITS BEEN JANKY ALL WEEK 🙃🙃🙃#what was this post about again??#WAIT AND THEN THE NORMAL ‘AROUND CAMPUS’ ROUTE I TAKE TO MY HOUSE WAS CLOSED#SO I HAD TO GO THROUGH THE MAIN PART OF CAMPUS#IN MY HOODIE & SWEATS & CARRYING MY MONSTER & POP TARTS#WHILE THERE WERE LIKE THREE TOUR GROUPS STANDING THERE I WANNA DIEEEEEE#wait i can’t say that anymore. uhhh hold on let me find the list. ummm. ‘i’m gonna start a scam company’ there we go.#grace being stupid#text post#personal
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i watched basically all of season 6 and forgot to liveblog it.......
#it is structured in like three parts. (1) soulless sam 1 - 11. (2) monster plot heating up 12 - 19. (3) castiel and crowley 20 - 22.#and these parts interlink but they are different subplots structured that way to contain and enhance the mystery#it's engrossing but also tough because if you dont like one aspect chances are 2/3 of the season are spoiled for you#i personally kinda like all of it#but i must say the latter 2/3 are so much better than the first even if it has some funny episodes#another weird thing is that it is almost entirely Dean POV. that is odd. it was kinda liked that in s4 but not to this extent imo#spn#supernatural#sam winchester
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supernatural season 6 is crazy because, well, for one, it is bad, like it has such lower stakes than season 5 for obvious reasons and it's a blatant step down. then like on top of that cas is barely in the season and it's like wow angel civil war sounds Super interesting but we just don't get to see any of it aside from 2 or 3 fights throughout the season. the other reason it's crazy is because when Cas Is there, which again, very rare, the destiel bullshit is so concentrated it makes you want to beat someone over the head with a wrench.
#my post#WHERE'S THE ANGEL‼️#also like they get over soulless sam so fast rip </3#they also introduce a bunch of new monsters and new stakes with monsters and then kinda do nothing with it#eve also does not feel like the seasons big bad because she's barely there and does almost nothing the whole time#like they tell us over and over again how bad it is but it's super weak#and part of that is just that supernatural cant write women characters to save its life which we all know but it's still egregious#LIKE THAT'S YOUR SEASON VILLIAN DO SOMETHING‼️‼️#and like at least by season 11 amara is ugh. Better? like slightly?#im gonna ignore the whole “this villain is a child who rapidly aged and is now a sexy love interest” thing that happens with lilith & amara#and then abadon is literally the most forgettable big bad in the entire show#which i mean being sandwiched between two realky great seasons (8 and 10) certainly doesn't do season 9 any favors but it's Very mediocre#didn't mean to write an essay in the tags lol
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i understand the "oh Steve is so bad at fights" sentiment comes from the fact Jonathan and billy rocked his shit but I do feel the need to remind everyone he is 4-0 when it comes to beating monsters in fights. played pinata with the demogorgan. beat back multiple demodogs in a very literally sense. rammed monster billy with a car. bit a demobat and then beat it into the ground after getting strangled and chewed on. he is feral. he is desperate. like at what point do we acknowledge that he holds back against people 🤨
#stranger things#steve harrington#:V#I don't think it's even a conscious thing tbh#I think fights feel a lot more real and a lot more gross when it's a person and someone you know#and when it's a literal faceless monster who wants to kill your friends the part of Steve who has the capacity to bite through rancid flesh#just unlocks and goes hog wild#Obvs they need 11 to kill the monsters but I feel like they could just point Steve in the right direction and he'll just start biting.#and when Steve bites vecna in s5 then what 🤨
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lets play silent hill 2 remake part 11
#youtube#lets play#silent hill 2 remake#part 11#battle#fight#horror#terror#fog#darkness#monsters#puzzle#toilet#gross#funny#angela#gameplay#gamergirl#gaming#youtube channel#cosnime
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Cabin 11’s MultiMutantVerse Boys stopping by🩵💜 @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion
(Was going to draw for this but art isnt arting)
"Thanks though we cant take credit for ours in full!" MH!Donnie spoke his tail wagging happily. Wearing a spiked choker thats metal appeared to be more orange toned, a black shirt, purple jacket that was intentonally made to look ripped and allow his back frills out along with having some soikes remincent of them on his shoulders, purple translucent gloves with some of the metal on them as studs of sort, purole pants with black decorative belts and even partly covered his tail without hindering it, purple boots with black belts onthem and the 'toes' and 'heel' being made of the metal but shapped to fit his claws and not hinder his movement if he used his powers.
"Another Donnie made them which is good because our biology is weird but Tello is awesome and actually really good at making clothes." His outfit is more simple but no less imoressive a white crop top a blue and green jacket with the shade of blue matching his plasteron the jacket actually let his wing (also his arm), which webbing connected to his side were the ridge usually, be free so he could fly and their was a single loop on each sleeve to go around his thumb and a pair of green and blue sports pants that wouldnt get caught on his tallons. "Love your guys outfits too! The matching suits and the dresses having pockets are awesome."
Mentioned @delicatechildwitch Tello cause Del/Tello did make these two their outfits (and wont lie Im not even sure Ive described them correctly in full) of which I will be eternally thankful!
#rottmnt#rottmnt au#tmnt au#save rottmnt#cabin 2#monster hunter au#monster hunter#monster hunter crossover au#cabin 11#multimutantverse au#oh gosh I forgot the fishnet parts
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Under the impression somehow that if i simply complain loudly enough to the universe about being single something will happen
Not how the world works
Still mad it's not working
#monster noises#this was like five different posts before this one lmao#mostly trying to encapture the fucking.. face plant that keeps occuring#where i'm like#'look of you want to meet people like you you have to go do things that interest you with other people at them'#and then I go to the thing and don't meet anyone#like okay I got the Going part!!! how do I make the Connecting part happen!!#and then it starts to tie in to this whole thing i've been struggling with this week#and since TCAF i guess#(if you couldn't guess what event this was)#where I have No concept how i'm precieved by others and it makes trying to navigate social situations with any degree of confidence.....#mmmmmmmm#Challenging.#and I want to get into it but it's almost 11 which is no time to be thinking of these things#and I shouldn't really#but it's been swirling around in circles in my mind#so maybe tomorrow#so for now just AUGH how do you meet people at the meeting people events!!!!!!!!#how do you not be inherently offputting in a way you can't seem to precieve but you seem to just.. Exude#as like a Vibe that people don't Like#fufheudkakg#i'm going to bed
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#apparently the first one was published on March 11 2004 in Japan!!#I only recently got into the series but I’m enjoying it a lot so#happy birthday#monster hunter#mh rise#capcom#my stuff#also funfact I’m throwing a birthday part today#but it’s mine cause my birthdays tomorrow XD
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Monster March 2023 Day 11- Spirit- Part 5
The Talisman- Part 5- The First Step on a Long Journey

Do you have any idea how much I want to write another 100k words describing this great and wonderful long journey where the two protaganists slowly become friends and then more than friends and then get dangerously close to having to make impossible choices and their heads and hearts warring inside each of them? And show how the love of money and power corrupts and even toxic love to a degree, but how, true love conquers all and can fix and heal all of that? And generational trauma and explore the mental and psychological aspects of these characters? A LOT OK.
But my life has, once again, screwed me. Just...fucked me over is what it's done. And now I'm behind and now I have to play catch up. But I didn't want to leave you hanging on a cliffhanger too badly and hopefully I've left enough clues as to exactly who and what these people are going to go with. Because to leave you on a total and complete cliffhanger is evil. And don't get me long, I do love those. But I'm trying to stop the hurt and the heartache I'm feeling in real life and don't wish to inflict any more onto anyone else in a figurative sense. So here we are.
Thanks as always to @borealwrites for their Monster March 2023 Prompt list. It's getting me through some tough tiimes, let me tell ya.
Part 5
The First Step of A Long Journey
True to Udwar’s word, you left Ustas with your friends and Udwar’s army as you looked up at the mountain top and still felt a pull towards one of the peaks as you looked at it and simply paused as the rest of the army was filing through the pass in the mountains.
“Do you feel the pull too?” Udwar asked from his mount as you insisted on still riding Filli, because her smaller, tougher hooves handled the mountain paths better than the others.
“I do. My mother said that when she was fleeing my father, the talisman showed her the way to the cave that the dragon died in and it’s like I can sense it’s there but I can’t really see it…” You answered.
“Close your eyes.” Udwar encouraged you before you obeyed.
“Now think of the moment your mother saw it, you will be able to see it through her eyes.” He encouraged.
And sure enough once you did, with your eyes closed you could see the path as you urged Fillie to walk the unusual path but Udwar waived off his men to continue with the path as he alone was going to follow you to where the talisman was pulling you towards as he could faintly feel it, but while he could feel it in the past, this was something about the other talisman’s connection to this place. And before his eyes, he watched as you simply moved a boulder as if it was a tent flap as both you went inside with your horses following in behind you.
He took out his ready torch and lit it and followed you as your tattoos outright glowed through your clothing, as did your eyes as you didn’t need the torch to see. Because here in this cave, it was like it was already well lit.
“Ma-shala.” You breathed when you saw the tail of the dragon before you came up to the remains.
Udwar knew that word. It was Nenanni for ‘my beloved’ or ‘my dearest one’. It was like, the dragon came to life in your eyes, looking at you with eyes - whose lids had shut so many decades ago. But who was superimposed on what his rotting corpse was and looking at you with a welcome relief that you had finally returned to it, like a loved one waiting until they were surrounded by all of their loved ones before passing.
You pressed your forehead to the smooth scale that was on the dragon’s forehead and it was like the bond that the dragon rider had was transferred to you. Here laid the one being she felt really, only, truly ever loved her, wholly and without reserve.
Udwar watched as tears formed in the inner corners of your eyes and fell down your cheeks as Udwar simply bowed his head. Both out of respect, yet a shame for something that he had not been guilty of.
He held the light up to the walls and read the eulogy that the dragon rider had left on the walls of her love’s tomb. Carving into the walls how much she had loved her dragon and how much she was going to suffer without him. And how now, she could only flee on foot from her “unworthy pursuer”. And Udwar felt that remark cut him like a knife. Because as much as he was bound by the talisman to find you and reunite the two halves. He had said, countless times before that you were the means to the end. And the end was a fortune beyond imagination.
But now, that he was in here with you, he had never felt this…emotional about it and how much that choice his grandfather had made- had deeply hurt and wounded his soulmate- to the point that she never recovered. And she never trusted another being beside her dragon again after that. She had gone mad, never staying in one place, always going from one desolate place to another, for only long enough that even on the horizon, his grandfather would never see her again. Always on the move, always on the run and always damning the talisman that she herself could never take off, but wished she could carve out of herself as easily as she might try to carve her own heart out- if it meant that the hurt and the pain of betrayal of everything she had ever wanted or hoped for or had dreamed up of her life with his grandfather could have been. But, would never happen.
Then a beautiful, wonderful thing happened, it was as if the dragon’s magic had stayed with it as it transferred itself to you. And when you pulled your head away, the dragon scale came off from being pressed into your forehead. And when you went down, surprisingly, the heart scale. The especially hard cluster of scales that protected a dragon’s chest from attacks at it’s heart were still there as you pulled them to you and hugged them before they magically became like a breastplate for you, wrapping around your chest and waist and cradling your bosom. As it felt almost silky next to your skin but was like a flexible armored plate on the outside. Then the dragon practically collapsed into dust. Leaving behind a single dragon egg in it’s place, which you picked up and cradled to your chest, knowing you were going to get this egg back to Neveah. And you were going to hatch it into a dragon of your own. And while it would be new, the connection would transcend.
Then you noticed the dragon saddle. And a remarkably well preserved fur lined leather suit. And a helmet, that still had a glowing green gem in the mouth of the helmet along with a proper nomadic wanderer packs. Which you promptly claimed as your own and began to add such things to Fillie who had little else on her saddle and thankfully none of the items were too heavy for her to carry. Along with strange but new and to your eyes and senses, still sound weapons. So that once you collected it all, the writing seemed to vanish from the walls, just as Udwar had finished reading it. So that the evidence of this tomb would be leaving with you and it was as if it was never there in the first place.
“There was writing here, I was hoping to teach you.” Udwar commented as he followed you to the mouth of the cave on the other side as the horses simply followed obediently.
“I know what was written. And what she wished she had room on the walls of this cavern to write. Even if she had a whole library worth of pages to write. It would never be enough.” You answered as you wiped your tears from your eyes and found your composure again, only to put the precious egg into the satchel along with the other clothes she had packed away or laid out in the area. Granted it all needed to be washed and dried. But they looked to be about your size and still functional and comfortable. And that’s all that would matter on this very long journey.
“I’m sorry.” Udwar offered.
“Don’t apologize for something that you didn’t do. Your grandfather made a choice. And granted it has impacted you and your family for three generations. But while I’m sorry that your father died when my mother did, through no fault of his own. I do wish that that part of the bind didn’t hold true anymore. But I feel confidant that once we get to this place- and we return these talismans to where they belong. No longer will they be our blessings and our curses. You, like your father and grandfather before you- have an equal portion to everything that he and she called theirs. And I’m still happy and content to give you all of the gold in the horde in exchange for the island itself. This dragon was always meant to come home and hatch at home. You have your reasons for going. I now have mine. And that’s all we need and all we want out of this. Isn’t it? At least, this does not come with any heartbreak on my part in reference to you at least.” You tried to offer to him over your shoulder as you pulled her pack up higher onto your own shoulders.
But all Udwar would murmur was a hum in response as he simply focused on not tripping on the small rubble on the floor as he noticed that your now, almost cat like strides seemed to stealthily slip through it as if it wasn’t there in the first place.
For the first time, he started to doubt even his own intentions about it. Because as much as his sense told him that you were right. His heart and soul simply staunchly held fast to the belief that you were still his soul mate. And he would have you as his queen sooner or later. He had at least 6-9 months to slowly but surely win you over on the idea at least. Because you had a very humble upbringing, surely it was that- that was keeping you from accepting any station life more elevated than the one you knew so well. But if it was unworthiness that you felt, he was more than ready and willing to prove otherwise to you. Because for your share of it. He would imagine that you would put it to the best use, investing in infrastructure and the citizens and living conditions and public works vs building yourself a lavish palace while your citizens lived in mud huts. But if it was a lavish palace that would eventually win you over, he would be able to buy or at least commission to build you one to your liking in any style you wanted.
The entrance let you out at the same place you had left in the caravan before you came along the old woman’s grave before you dismounted and simply knelt at the foot of the grave.
“I know this was not the place you intended on resting. But know that I will see to it that Chevron will make it back home, even when home was the one place you felt you could no longer go and feel it as it should have felt.” You vowed to the grave as you bowed your head respectfully as you felt an inner peace and a grace you had never known before suddenly grace your being as it was like her very bones had disintegrated into dust in the very earth she was buried in. Her spirit finally appeased and being able to pass on and no longer be held in a state of agitation that she was not where she belonged.
Udwar too felt another measure of relief from his own talisman and the spirit that possessed it let him feel that the sins of his grandfather had finally been forgiven, but not forgotten. And not yet atoned for, just yet.
But he felt more comfortable riding alongside you in the caravan now, like he no longer was searching for the person who was key to the destination. Now all that mattered was to get to the destination.
But getting to what was once your father’s house, to see your nanny who nearly fainted at the sight of you- for how much you resembled your late mother, it was easy to overturn Udwar’s father’s decision to let her son, who was only half a year younger than you, still inherit as heir apparent. As you simply stood at the grave where the man who sired you was laid to rest. And all you could feel was a sense of relief that your mother had rid her and you of him when she did before you moved on towards the coast where Udwar’s fleet of ships were waiting for you. Having spent all this time preparing for the journey.
And of course, you were put on the first boat by Udwar himself that quickly rowed you and your things to the largest and most impressive of the ships in his fleet as Udwar introduced you to the crew but he used a term you had not heard or understood.
“What does Hashimi mean?” You asked Udwar as you were walking with him as he inspected things on the ship to make sure everything was in order and perfect for the voyage.
“It means you are my special guest. And that nothing you ask for shall be denied to you.” He answered.
“Hashimi Bon- your quarters are ready.” A woman informed you as she found you with Udwar.
“Go and make sure everything is as you would like it.” Udwar invited as he gestured for you to follow her before you did.
“So? What do you think? All the furnishings are yours to do with as you would like. And everything not nailed down- is of course, yours as well. You should find some very fine garments for you to wear in these closets and of course, we can always tailor them should any of them not fit properly.” She explained as you came into the surprisingly opulent quarters. With all kinds of “gifts” practically stacked on every surface. But while it all was very nice. You felt like it was all practically a well baited hook. Meant to get you used to such luxuries so that the thought of giving them up and the temptation to take back your “inheritance” as far as half of the hoard would have you reconsidering your previous decision. But you would not be fooled. What were such things to absolute freedom and independence to have no master but yourself?
“Is there a wash basin where I can wash my clothes?” You asked.
“I can wash them for you.” She offered.
“No, after 20 years of doing nothing but washing clothes and linens, I know my way around a wash basin. I do not wish to make work for someone else that I would not be willing to do myself. I wish to wash my own clothes please. I would just need some water and some laundry soap.” You offered.
“...of course. I’ll be right back with that then.” She offered before she left and you noticed that this room even had it’s own little wood burning stove that you could heat and even cook on, should you want to. Which you found you quite liked the idea of that. And while the cooks that always seemed to travel with Udwar cooked good food, some of the best you’d had the pleasure of eating so far in your life. You felt you would need to learn the skill should you live on an island by yourself for a while.
She was back, followed by two large men, each with large buckets of hot water to fill the basins for you to wash and rinse the clothes in before she set down a variety of soaps and instructed you on which ones were best for what before your clothes line was pulled up next to the windows that could be opened to let in a fresh breeze to help dry out the clothes too.
“Thank you. I can take it from here.” You offered before you finally got a chance to get the clothes you had gotten from the dragon’s tomb out of your bag and besides being a bit dusty, weren’t all that bad for being in a cave for decades. You were impressed when the fabrics didn’t even bleed their colors in the hot water and took to the soap very well and within just a few moments they were as good as new. Not even needing a single stitch of mending as you hung them up to dry on the line.
And when they dried just as all the ships were loaded. And when you came back out, wearing the dragon rider’s clothes, Udwar was left speechless as she was practically a replica of what his grandfather’s dragon rider once had been. And while he knew the two were very different, he knew in every fiber of his being that he was starting to feel the same way about her the way his grandfather had felt about his dragon rider, and maybe, for the first time in three generations, he had a fighting chance to finally make this right and fully mend the bond that was broken and finally succeed where his father and grandfather failed.
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it's funny that the chapters progressively get soooooo mf long. like chapter two is the shortest at like barely over 4k and then i thought i was peaking at ch 11 (7.8k) but now we've got 12 (10k almost exactly). i WANNA say 13, 14, and 15 will all be more in the 5-6k range, but i truly am kinda bad at predicting these things lmao.
#dad lando#i almost split part of 11 and part of 12 into a separate interim chapter but i just. love the spot 11 ends.#and 12 does not have a logical break except like 1.1k in. and i'm not publishing a 1k chapter bffr.#so now we have this MONSTER.#anyway. trying to start 13 rn!!
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this year's prompts were chosen through an open suggestion poll (in which we received over 4,000 prompts) and a subsequent vote, where 5,019 votes were submitted. the top 28 make up the core prompts, and the febuwhump mod's favourites that remain have become the alternates. the first prompt in the 28, "vocal chords", was our number one prompt of the vote, with 1,625 total votes.
i am so insanely excited to see what you all create with these prompts, and i hope they're inspiring enough to trigger a whole month's worth of creativity for you!
as an extra added challenge, some creators will be undertaking another, smaller goal, of including apples in each of their prompt fills as an ode to the wildly popular prompt suggestion of "apples" that didn't make it through to the poll. this is totally optional, but is a good extra challenge if you'd like to take part in it!
if you have any questions, please check out the faq before sending an ask, or skim the blog's previously asked questions to see if your question has already been answered.
please note: notifying the blog of completionist status will happen through a google form released towards the end of febuwhump, and if you are interested in joining the febuwhmp discord server, the link will be available to do so for one week towards the end of january.
full write-up of prompts and rules under the cut:
DAY 1: vocal chords
DAY 2: holding back tears
DAY 3: pinned down
DAY 4: hivemind
DAY 5: not trusting reality
DAY 6: forced to stay awake
DAY 7: alternate timeline self
DAY 8: bleeding out
DAY 9: necromancy
DAY 10: magic exhaustion
DAY 11: demonic possession
DAY 12: used as practice
DAY 13: “i don’t trust anyone else”
DAY 14: becoming the monster
DAY 15: icarus
DAY 16: eaten alive
DAY 17: power instability
DAY 18: living weapon
DAY 19: death wish
DAY 20: “i did good right?”
DAY 21: put on display
DAY 22: “grab the little one”
DAY 23: gunshot wound
DAY 24: forced to beg
DAY 25: bound and gagged
DAY 26: concealing an injury
DAY 27: post-victory collapse
DAY 28: recovery
is there a specific day’s prompt you don’t want to fill? here are ten alternatives you can switch them out for!
ALT 1: major character death
ALT 2: blowtorch
ALT 3: pick who dies
ALT 4: body swap
ALT 5: die a hero
ALT 6: emergency surgery
ALT 7: body horror
ALT 8: on the run
ALT 9: in another life
ALT 10: feeding tube
soft rules:
prompts should be answered in the form of whump
creators can produce any kind of media they want
you don't have to complete all the prompts to take part
you can use the prompts after the event ends
you can complete them in tandem with any other event
you can post to any platform you want, however this blog will only be sharing links and prompt fills posted to tumblr
if you want to be featured on the hall of fame, you must inform this blog by the 3rd of march that you have completed all of the days using the provided form
if you have questions, consult the faq before asking
hard rules:
to be a completionist, you must complete all 28 prompts, in order, in whatever medium you want, before the end of the event
(specifically for being featured on the blog)
when uploading febuwhump content to tumblr, please use the tags:
febuwhump (or febuwhump2025)
the relevant day's tag e.g. febuwhumpday1, febuwhumpday2...
nsfw (if relevant)
any important trigger warnings
you can also tag the blog: @febuwhump
I cannot guarantee your work will be archived on the blog. a random selection of properly tagged works will be reblogged every day of february.
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The Hydro Dragon? A closet freak!?
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I have no excuse for this other than I NEED this man so bad it makes me look stupid. He's just so…dreamy sigh anyway here are some hcs that i have for the Iudex of fontaine. This is really long. I think I blacked out writing this. This is 6 pages of google docs single spaced size 11 arial font. I think i need to be sedated
Cw : this is pure filthy smut, freak Neuvillette, dragon form, monster fucking, inhuman genitals, double dick, desperate kinda pussy drunk Neuvillette, soft dom and hard dom, no pronouns but afab anatomy, implied chubby reader, squirting, bath sex, rut, breeding kink, just pure horny, slight cumflation, oviposition,egg mention, a little bit of predator prey vibes, overstimulation, tail riding. Very slight watersports mentioned, Daycraphilia, Nasty dragon man, sweat and liquids. Spit swapping, spit swallowing, spit kink, marking, biting, possessiveness.PIV sex, possible anal, Title kink? Sir kink? Innocence and court kink?(trust me bro) Reader is matching this mans freak. Aftercare is given, safeword is in place even if not mentioned explicitly
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Neuvillette is not entirely oblivious, he knows that he has needs and instincts but what he is wholly unaware of is that many of these instincts and desires are quite… out of the ordinary
There's also the fact that he has like 0 experience, so all of these desires are rather new or have been festering in his dragon mind for centuries
What the Iudex of fontaine lacks in experience he makes up for in the fact that he is downright insatiable and animalistic at times
When you first got with him you quickly realized that this man was incredibly touch starved, even the most innocent and fleeting touch from his beloved sets his very being to a burning desire.
And he is embarrassed to say that he craves it Neuvillette craves your touch in both a innocent and intimate way to the point you are shocked to find just how clingy he is towards you
The only time when he's not touching you, holding you, trying to sait the burning you leave him with is when he has court, and once he is out of court his mind returns to you, making sure you have a permanent seat at the opera house right next to his usual reserved seating.
Once he's out of court he's by your side, placing a kiss to the back of your hand and guiding you with a hand to the small of your back
To the people of fontaine he is a doting and protective lover, which is true, but they don't know the sheer levels of clingy that he is
He tries at first to contain this, so he doesn't scare you off, but eventually he simply needs you to be close to him
The other thing that comes as a shock is that this man is a freak
Let's start with his more inhuman side
The reason he is so covered is because his skin is slightly scaly, beautiful scales of cyan and cerulean blues that layer his skin in large patches, the main areas are his sides and part of his back, his thighs and his arms where they seem to sit permanently much like his pointed ears and horns (the blue streaks in his hair are horns trust me on this) when he uses his hydro powers or lets loose they glow
When he really lets loose the scales creep up his neck to his jaw, his ears seem to grow longer and more pointed, his teeth get sharper, his nails seem to grow more into claws and his pupils draw into slits.
His eyes and the rest of him seems to give off a faint blue glow
His tongue is long- like really long- and forked- and when he lets loose its a deep shade of blue
His cocks- both of them are far from human, hidden behind a vent they are ribbed un the underside with the head coming to a slight point, the top side is lined with bumps that resemble small tendrils, they line the head of his cocks to.
His tips are flushed an angry dark blue
This man has nice veins, his cocks are quite veiny but the veins along his body are rather pronounced as well, a deep blue, good and hydrated
He also has a large tail, its long and a deep blue fully scaled, thick at the base and tapers till the tailfins witch are a almost iridescent cyan and resemble the ends of his coattails
Ok now into the real smutty stuff-
He needs it messy, as messy and wet as possible, the problem is the more wet and messy it gets the hornier he gets in return
If the bed sheets aren't soaked and dripping wet with just about every fluid possible then he isn't satisfied
And i mean the bed sheets look like they just came out of a river
He gets so pussy drunk- this man is insatiable and eats you out for his own pleasure, basically tongue fucking you to drink up all of your juices he possibly can
The taste of you is intoxicating and he cannot get enough
The first time he eats you out, his tongue fucking into your overstimulated hole before he finally pulls out and his long tongue wraps around your clit as he all but makes out with your lower half and you wine out that it feels weird like your goona pee-
And this freak without hesitation presses on your stomach as you cum from his unrelenting ministrations
Because he is a freak who doesn't understand that things like that are not in fact what most are into. (he is eternally shocked when you explain this to him, trying to tell him his taste in kinks and fetishes are abnormal. Cannot fathom how it isn't hot to others)
But when to his shock you squeal and squirt his mouth, chin, and chest soaked along with the sheets
You are mid apology for the mess when you look at his eyes, his pupils are blown wide as saucers as he stares down at you breath heavy- downright ragged and he groans so low it rumbles in his chest and almost sounds like a growl
“I hadn't known that this was something the human body could do” before his pupils contract into little slits and he is licking you clean before he goes right back into trying to make you squirt again-
He is obsessed with you squirting, the fact that you were so lost in (the sauce) pleasure that you produced a significant volume of liquid? This man lives off of moisture, his favorite drink is water and he needs everything to be moist and wet for him to be fully comfortable, such is the nature of the hydro dragon. So it shouldn't be a shock that he is obsessed with making you squirt
Usually this leaves you rather overstimulated, tears pricking the corners of your eyes and running down your cheeks
Oh and Neuvillette love it- tears of pleasure soon laped away by his tongue as he pulls you into a sloppy kiss
Asks you with utmost seriousness to spit in his mouth and is confused by how flustered that makes you
But once you do he is practically moaning at the taste, greedily drinking whatever you will give him
And if you match his freak? Ask him to spit in your mouth? He's gone lmao- truly you are a blessing hand picked from celestia just for him
The first time you gave him head and spit on his cocks so you could switch between sucking and stroking them, making sure they got equal attention, he came instantly. The sight was just too much for him to handle
Neuvillette cums an insane amount. Its slightly watery but the amount is ridiculous, his precum is enough to have you thinking he already busted, but when he actually cums its like a broken faucet taking several gulps to swallow down and it still manages to coat you
And he just stays hard as a rock, the dragon stamina is insane and is even worse when he's in a rut
He loves to see you absolutely plastered with his cum, dripping all over you and out of you
The way your poor tummy is bloated while his clawed fingers push the rapidly escaping liquid back into you
The breeding kink on this man is unmatched, and i mean the only other contender who even comes close is tartaglia “PLAP PLAP PLAP GET PREGNANT GET PREGNANT” ajax,
Neuvillette doesn't care if you actually can get pregnant or not- he is breeding you and he will make it happen
More freaky shit the man is obsessed with your sweat
He always hates when it gets too hot out but he thinks he can stand it when he sees the beads of sweat rolling down your body as you guzzle down a bottle of water.
Has to restrain himself with a white knuckled grip on his cane to stop from licking the sweat off of you
Once you are alone tho? He is absolutely licking you, to the point you can't tell if it's the sweat or the saliva that's dripping off of you.
Another chance to match his freak. Once on a hot day in his office you gave him a chaste kiss to his jaw, witch already had him longing, but then you licked a strip up the chiseled line of his jaw and he came in his pants
Work was finished early that day
If there's one thing that gets him worked up its seeing you wet in any context, or seeing you return the desire he has for you. All in all he wants you to desire him, to long for him
I think he has a large bathtub, really its more like a pool that happens to be heated and deep, with benches along the edges for sitting. Again like a large heated swimming pool
His favorite place to fuck you is in his bath, despite the scene of soaked silk sheets being burned ito him mind, fucking you in his element is just something else honestly.
The water sloshing against you accompanied by the lewd sound of you getting absolutely rearranged? Music to his pointed ears.
Almost forgot to mention this but his cock glows and throbs, the veins pulsing with a slight glow- and if you get him horny and desperate enough (not hard this man is easy to get bricked up-) mostly after he's spent hours between your legs or making out with you, you can even see and feel how his cocks seem to writhe and they write inside you too, when their thickness is stuffed into your hole(s) and Neuvillette is about to cum again they writhe and squirm in your gummy walls sending you over the edge as they poke against that gummy spot inside of you
Neuvillette wants to have both his cocks in just your one hole but he knows the stretch of just one is intense so he won't indulge unless you beg him for it
Once when he was at work you decided to take a nice bath, to ease your sore muscles and the numerous marks littering your body, from bite marks to dark hickeys all over
The Iudex can be quite possessive at times, the dragon instincts letting that possessive streak coil in the pit of his stomach because you are his mate and when he says his, he means it.
When he gets possessive like this he gets meaner- no one in fontaine dares to flirt with his lover, out of both respect and slight fear of the consequences (harassment is taken very seriously)
But every so often someone wants to test his patience, or a foreigner who has no idea who you are oversteps. He is always calm, firm hand on your back as he states that it is rude and impolite to so vulgarly pursue his partner
But when the two of you are back at your shared home? He is a bit mean, rougher as he needs you to say that you're his over and over again.
This is where the title kink(?) and sir kink come in. call him “sir neuvillette” “sir Iudex” profess your innocence, plead your case to him, prove the other party guilty
And he will relent his marking and harsh grip infavore of soft open mouth kisses and the pleasure he bistoes on you
Afterall he is a benevolent and fair judge
Back to the bath-
You took a bath without him, witch is a rare occasion as he loves to bathe with you, even in a non sexual context. It is simply a comfortable intimacy for him
But this time is different
Seeing you surrounded by his element of hydro, the room moist with steam as your body glistens with moister, his eyes go to saucers again and he is quick to approach
Tugging off his gloves with his teeth and letting them cup your cheek and travel beneath the water while he leaves sweet kisses on your skin until he cant help himself and dips his head to the place where the water rest against your chest and he drinks
Like a man lost in the dessert, you can hear the obscene gulps this man lets out
The freak in him drinks your fucking bath water and has absolutly no shame about it
In Fact it has his cocks aching for you, while his expression can only be described as adoration
Because the Iudex of fontaine adores you in a way that is only brought on by centuries of longing for a person he has never met
He is much worse during his rut
It is a week solid of him just absolutely fucking you into whatever surface or body of water he can find
His throat is tight and dry, no amount of water seems to be able to quench this thirst and so he drink you
If you thought he was a munch before then the glint in his eyes at the scent of your arousal is downright predatory
He makes sure you drink about as much water as him, witch is a feat of its own, just so that you have more for him to drink from you
His taste for water is extraordinary on a good day but it even more apparent in his rut,
Because regardless of when it is he can taste you. The kind of water or liquids you drink seeps into everything, he can taste it in you sweat, in your slick, in your spit- the cool refreshing quality of mondstat, the mineraly flavor of inazuma, the sweet taste of sumeru, the tang and burn of inazuma, he can taste it normally but in rut he is downright shameful about describing how you taste on his tongue.
Has you drink different imported watters between rounds to get full flavor
Practically begs to breed you- hes already bad on a regular day, his paternal instincts too stong- but now its different, he wants his eggs inside you, wants you swollen and barefoot around his manor and he needs it- if you aren't ready he’ll just stuff you full like he normally does with cum he knows wont take, but he can hope
Remember how I said he doesn't care if you can get pregnant? Yeah that's because it doesn't matter- the part that matters is his eggs-
On the chance you do say yes to his eggs he is overjoyed, biting down on your shoulder with a bit of venom that numbs your mind- just enough so the stretch of his eggs and the way he has to deposit them doesn't hurt
Speaking of biting the first rut you spend with him is intense, its a week he takes off, (it is now regularly built into his schedule that he has a solid week blocked out for his rut) its his first rut he hasn't forcefully suppressed or simply worked through in solitude and now he has a mate to spend it with?
The first time he slides his length inside you he can resist the urge to sink his teeth into you, right where your shoulder meets your neck he bites down hard
A permanent bite mark with a small hydro mark in the center that glows faintly when he touches you, or when it rains, or you touch water. The glow sends a pleasant and refreshing feeling, like warmth without heat
Because he is so much more thirsty the dirty man fuck you in the bath a lot more and ends up drinking your bathwater more
Be a freak, do it back, drink this man up because he is a tall glass of water.
You do have needs, you can just be attached to the Iudex for a week straight, even tho he insists he could send someone to go grocery shopping, you so cruelly leave him to fist his cocks while you are out getting fresh air.
Personally I like the idea of neuvillettes home being underwater like those glass structures you can find in fontaine. Its huge in a lake, half of it is a beautiful mix of stained and clear glass, even some that seem iridescent, the other half is built in the same french rococo style as the mansions of fontaine, with the exception that it is built into the rocky wall of the deep lake. There is a tunnel that leads to the oceans of fontaine and its ideal for neuvillette. But you need fresh air
So you are gone for a few hours on the surface and he is suffering,
By the time you get back he the mansion is dark, none of the lights are on and it was raining outside (hence your hasty return)
The second you step in through the elevator down you can tell something- someone is watching you, the subtle growl and fleeting glimpse of glowing blue in the corner of your eye making the hair on the back of your neck stand up
Like a small lamb you wander through the large house knowing that hes right there, stalking in the shadows, hunting you
The only light is at the very ends of one of the halls, where you know the master bath is. With trepidation you walk towards the bathroom, knowing that's probably where he's going to absolutely jump your bones, you can't help the arousal that pools
Another thing that alerts you being the growl you hear behind you
When you finally get to the bathroom you decide to play his game- stripping off your clothes slowly- temptingly as his eyes burn across you before you sink into the water and swim to the center of his large bath (real basically a swimming pool)
You don't even hear him get in, but the second you turn back around expecting him to be at the water's edge- he's inches away from you, predatory eyes staring down at you as if to let you know he's won
The lights go off and all you can see is the glow of his eyes as you swim away slowly while he drops towards you until the cold hard tiles press into your back while you sit on the built in ledge, he rises cageing you between his arms as his long silvery hair falls disheveled down his back and cascades over his tense shoulders like a waterfall, he glows more and more and water drops hit your face, the blue streaks that cover the underside of his hair give off a faint glow, then the scales along his body, the long dark blue tail that you now see is also slightly alight. You dare to travel your eyes away from his, away from his hands- his claws that grip and cut into the tile slightly, down his chest and below his waist to the glow that sits just below the water
His tail wraps around your legs nudging them apart
“Look at me my beloved”
His tone is soft but there's a edge to it that has you snapping to attention, for once your eyes are blown wide as saucers and his are narrow slits like needles
Then you feel it, the rub of his thick tail that has your legs spreading to accommodate it while it grinds against you getting you worked up and just as desperate as he is
Ride this mans tail he will be put under a trance
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