#Monster March 2023 Masterlist
thecandywrites · 1 year
Monster March 2023 Masterlist
From the prompts from @borealwrites
Monster March 2023
1. Djinn/elemental spirit- The Emperor’s Gemling
2. Forest Spirit- The Joys and Dangers of Mushrooms
3. Naga/Lamia - Stuck Shed 
4. Alraune- Bloom of Life
5. Other-taurs. Caribou! - The Velvet Spa
6. Robot/Android/Cyborg - Aftermarket Attachments Part 1, Part 2
7. Minotaur - The Rut- Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5. 
8. Demon- Glass Dragon  
9. Centaur - If the Shoe Fits- Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
10. Chthonic/Eldritch Abomination- daughter Babylon the Great. Part 1, Part 2
11. Ghost/Spirit- The Talisman- Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
12. Nymph - Trapping the Dragon 
13. Succubus/Incubus/Concubus-The Lotus House 
14. Harpy- My Harpy, My Moura
15. Humanoid Bird -  Hidden Potential
16. Giant- Hemi’s Dream Pixie Goddess Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
17. Drider- Drider Silk Brocade 
18. Pixie. The Hollow
19. Merperson- Something Special Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
20. Humanoid Cat- What to Bring to a Table Part 1, Part 2
21. Vampire- Coconut Water
22. Fae- Coronation Day Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
23. Dragonborn- Dragon Heart Flower Festival 
24, Alien- Sting of Life
25. Angel- Half of My Forever
26. Werewolf- Kabluey Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
27. Doppelganger-Dr. Vitanova
28. Shapeshifter- A Mother’s Touch Part 1, Part 2
29. Dragon- Dragon’s Rite Flight
30. Slimeperson- Astral and Their Alleviator Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
31. Satyr- Sheepishly Mine- Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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spnexploration · 8 months
Happy birthday Dean Winchester! Here's a quick one-shot I whipped up to celebrate.
This also fulfils the 'Plus Size' square of my @spnaubingo 2023 bingo card, even though it's 2024... I'm late, I know, but I still want to do some more of it!
Pairing: Dean Winchester x plus sized!reader
Words: 1.6k
Warnings: Couple of crap comments from a random, some not-great self-esteem and a drunk character, but nothing particularly bad.
Synopsis: A man you're interviewing makes some crap comments about your body, and Dean doesn't help. Can he make it up to you?
Supernatural writing masterlist
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“Which one’s the father?” The sleazy guy joked. My stomach dropped.
“Excuse me?!”
“Oh, it’s alright love, I know the real father’s probably suffering somewhere alone while you’re off gallivanting with your workmates. I’m surprised he lets you out, really.”
The urge to punch the witness we were interviewing was overwhelming. Rather than ruin the case, I turned on my heel and marched out.
Fuck that guy. I’m not pregnant and I’m not screwing either of the Winchesters.
I heard Dean’s FBI agent tone of voice as he started speaking behind me. Great to see they were all just moving on with their lives, I thought sarcastically.
📱 Where are you? We’re going to the next witness’s house
A text came in from Dean. I read it but didn’t reply.
📱 You ok?
I sighed. Finally, he asks.
📱 Fine. I’ll catch up with you later
I replied. He sent me a thumbs up, I rolled my eyes.
I kicked at the ground and started the walk back into town. Sam and Dean would probably try and make me feel better, but I knew that wasn’t happening. I looked down at my soft, flabby belly that I’d tried multiple times to lose.
I walked.
I felt a bit absurd, getting tipsy this early. It wasn’t that I felt like I had to drink to get over the comment. It was just  that I’d gotten back to the motel room and was feeling a bit morose, and there was nothing to do. I’d tapped out of the case and I was bored. I went for another wander and this stupid town had nothing in it but a pub, and so somehow I’d ended up here, starting drinking a lot earlier than normal.
And now I looked like I was drinking my feelings, when I wasn’t.
 Not that there was anyone looking at me anyway.
Well, except in disgust. Who knew how many more people in here thought I was pregnant too. Probably thought I was harming an unborn baby, right now.
Fuck them.
“You know there’s still a monster on the loose?” Dean said gruffly, a frown on his face. I guess it’d been easy to find me given how few things there were in this town.
“You struggling without me?” I didn’t think I was slurring too much, but his expression did not improve when I started talking.
“How you going to fight one off like this?” he gestured to me.
“You think a few drinks are why I’m fat?” I said sarcastically.
“I’m not calling you fat, I’m calling you drunk.”
“Right,” I said with an eyeroll.
“Come on, get in the car,” he said, trying to tug my arm.
“Fuck off Dean! I can drink if I want to. There’s nothing else to do in this shithole, anyway.”
He dropped my arm and stomped off to the bar.
I turned back to my drink. Sam came and sat opposite me. You can’t escape the bloody Winchesters.
“Hey, you ok?” he asked with his puppy dog eyes.
“I’m fine. I had a free afternoon, I came to get a drink. Is that fucking crime now?”
“I meant about what happened with the guy. You seemed pretty upset.”
“Surprised you could see that, you were both so busy being silent.”
“Didn’t you hear Dean?”
“How could I hear Dean when he wasn’t saying anything?”
“No, he laid right into the guy.”
“You don’t have to lie to make me feel better. I heard Dean get right back into his FBI voice as I walked off.”
“Yeah, he was still in character at first, told the guy that he needed to speak respectfully to Agents. And then when the guy was still a douche he got a bit more Dean and threatened to punch his lights out if he didn’t shut up about you.”
I laughed into my drink. I was sure Sam was embellishing, there was just no way Dean would care that much about someone being mean to me.
Speak of the devil, Dean appeared again, tumbler of whiskey in one hand and a glass of water in the other. He put the water in front of me.
“Thanks, but I don’t accept drinks from strangers,” I said sarcastically.
“I’m not having you hung over tomorrow and being a liability to the case, drink the water.”
“I don’t remember electing you.”
“Jesus, you’re even more belligerent when drunk. Just drink the water and stop moping.”
“I’m not moping!”
“The guy was an asshole, no one thinks you look pregnant. But you can’t just drink yourself blotto and get yourself killed every time someone says something mean to you.”
I stood up, grabbed the glass of water and upended it all over Dean’s face. Then I marched out the door.
The effect was a little ruined by my drunken stagger, though.
Sam caught my arm as I got outside. “Come on, I’ll drive you home.”
“I walked myself here, I can walk myself home!”
“I’m pretty sure you were walking in a straight line when you got here though. Come on.”
I let him tug me to the Impala. He must’ve grabbed the keys off Dean before chasing after me.
“He’s just worried about you,” he said gently as we were exiting the carpark. “Doesn’t want you getting hurt.”
“That does not give him a free pass to behave like that.”
Dean stood over me, a glass of water and a couple of painkillers in his hands. “Morning, sunshine. Need some relief?”
I gratefully reached out. Man, I did not normally drink that much.
“What time is it?”
 “Time to work the case.”
I groaned, “Can’t you do it without me?”
“No, come on, back on the horse.”
“It’s not the horse that’s the problem, it’s the dog that bit me.”
“I did tell you to drink water,” he said smugly.
“Fuck off!” I threw my pillow at him. He easily deflected but wisely left me alone after that.
I groaned and got off the couch I’d been sleeping on, slumping to the bathroom. The boys were sitting around the tiny table, already dressed and looking at their laptops.
Sam was gone when I came out, freshly showered, dressed and feeling slightly more human. I looked at Dean with a clear question on my face.
“He’s gone for coffee, thought you could use some.”
“I, uh,” Dean continued, more hesitantly, “I owe you an apology.”
I crossed my arms across my chest. An apology from Dean was a rare thing, but I was wary it was going to end up being a backhanded insult instead. I often felt like I needed to protect my heart from being hurt by him.
“I was worried about you getting hurt when I saw you were drunk. But I just tried to solve the problem, I didn’t actually talk to you, and I,” he paused, biting his lip, “I shouldn’t do that.”
“Nice to see I’m just a problem,” I replied sarcastically. I wasn’t sure why he was riling me so much, but I still felt so hurt and angry.
He stood up and came over to me. “You’re not a problem,” he said quietly, trying to look into my eyes. I ducked my head away from the intensity of his look. “And I am sorry that asshat upset you.”
“I didn’t get drunk just because some guy called me pregnant, you know.” I could hear how defensive I sounded, despite my best efforts not to.
“It’s a shitty thing he did anyway. You’re beautiful.”
I laughed mirthlessly.
“Don’t do that,” he said quietly. “Don’t put yourself down all the time.”
“Dean, your idea of beautiful is tall, thin, busty and great hair.”
“That’s not true.”
“Well, they’re all thin at least.”
“Who are ‘they’?”
“The women you sleep with, the women you hit on.”
“I can think of many women I’ve hit on who aren’t ‘thin’, it doesn’t matter to me.”
“Suuuure,” I said with an eye roll.
“But I haven’t hit on many women lately, been distracted by one in particular.”
“Let me guess, beautiful?”
“My point exactly. It’s ok Dean, you don’t have to ma-” Dean’s fingers found my chin, nudging it up so I would like at him.
“You’re beautiful,” he said, looking deep into my eyes. “I’m sorry I haven’t made you feel it.”
I stared at him, mouth agape. Absolutely stunned into silence.
“And I’m sorry again that I was a bit of a dick yesterday.”
His face came even closer, watching my reactions.
“You’re my weak spot,” he whispered.
“No, I’m not.” I put my hands on his chest, “Dean, this isn’t funny, don’t tease me.”
He dropped his hand from my chin, looking hesitant. “Sweetheart, I’m putting my heart on the line here, I’m not teasing.”
My hands slackened.
He edged a tiny bit forward.
His tongue darted out and back in. I couldn’t stop staring at his lips.
Was this even real?
How was this happening?
His hand came up to cup my cheek.
I leant forward.
The world suddenly sped up again. Dean moved in, closing the gap between us and bringing his lips to mine. I lost myself in the tenderness of his touch, the softness of his lips, the  exploration of his tongue and mine.
A sudden noise made us pull apart. Sam was standing in the doorway, cardboard holder with coffees in one hand and the other on his hip.
“I’m happy for you guys and all, but we still have a case to work. You can pick this up later.”
Dean Winchester taglist
Everything Supernatural taglist
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bagofshinyrocks · 9 months
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II
Task Force 141
Government name vs Military callsign
The Whole Bakery
Giant Dinosaur
Period Comfort
Biting (Affectionately)
Los Vaqueros
Period Comfort
Simon "Ghost" Riley (solo)
Snow Angels... Kinda
Matchy Matchy
A Little Bump on the Head
Face to Face
The Baby is Sick
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Spider-Man: Into/Across the Spiderverse
Miles Morales (Earth-1610)
Rooftop Rendezvous
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Tolkien Universe
Thranduil Oropherion
Green-Eyed Monster
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Posted: 2023 Dec 12
Last updated: 2024 March 7
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svt-rosalie · 7 months
. . . ♡ FAMILY ! ? 🌷 MEMBERS ★ ゚๑
ׁ ׅ ୨ ❪ relationships! ❫ ୧ ⊹ ࣪
© 2023 , svt-rosalie rosalie masterlist!
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୭ৎ ࣪ ׅ NAME — aurore dumont
୭ৎ ࣪ ׅ AGE — 49 ❪ march 15, 1974 ❫
୭ৎ ࣪ ׅ STATUS — alive
୭ৎ ࣪ ׅ FAMILIAL TIES — mother & daughter
୭ৎ ࣪ ׅ DESCRIPTION — to say jihye is a mommy’s girl, is an understatement. jihye is her mothers mini me. as a little girl, rosie would take her mothers makeup and dress up in her moms clothes (even though they were a bit too big for her 8 year old frame) and walk down the hall to their living room giving a little runway show, to which her mother would always be her biggest fan and cheer her on.
“oh so gorgeous!” “i have the prettiest daughter in the world!”
as rosalie grew older, her mother became her anchor for teenage years. especially when she became a trainee and was away from her mother for a while (rosalie began living with her grandparents for about a year whilst her parents found a decent house and building for the bakery). there was many late night calls that would lead the poor girl to tears, crying out that she misses her mom. aurore was able to life up her daughter on her dark days and laugh with her daughter on the bright ones and that’s all that rosalie needs.
nothing is more important than the love a mother gives.
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୭ৎ ࣪ ׅ NAME — park hyeonju
୭ৎ ࣪ ׅ AGE — 52 ❪ october 18, 1971 ❫
୭ৎ ࣪ ׅ STATUS — alive
୭ৎ ࣪ ׅ FAMILIAL TIES — father & daughter
୭ৎ ࣪ ׅ DESCRIPTION — hyeonju is a father and everything in between, a best friend, a hype man, and a body guard. now valentine is the biggest daddy’s girl but that doesn’t mean rosalie isn’t next in line in wanting all of her appa’s attention. she loves when her dad ask her to join in on activities he knows she doesn’t enjoy, like going to the hardware store or making renovations to the house, but just wants to spend quality time with her one way or another — and he always goes to the nail salon to get their toes done together after wards. you gotta pamper yourself after all that hard work as rosalie says.
hyeonju always attended everyone of rosalie’s daddy daughter school events and made sure she was the most spoiled girl without making her a brat. she’s his first daughter/child so of course he’s going to make sure she knows she is loved both emotionally and physically. anytime the park family is out on a errands or just to spend family time together, rosalie is always holding her fathers hand or his arm (or on the special occasion he’s giving rosalie a piggy back ride).
rosalie couldn’t ask for a better father, he’s the one there to fight off all the monsters hiding in her closet and hold her close when the nightmares hit too close to home.
“it’s okay my rosebud, flowers can’t bloom without a little rain huh? appa’s here, it’s okay.”
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୭ৎ ࣪ ׅ NAME — park jiyeong, valentine dumont
୭ৎ ࣪ ׅ AGE — 13 ❪ february 14, 2010 ❫
୭ৎ ࣪ ׅ STATUS — dead ❪ february 12, 2022 ❫
୭ৎ ࣪ ׅ FAMILIAL TIES — little sister & older sister
୭ৎ ࣪ ׅ DESCRIPTION — valentine is rosalie’s entire heart, literally. when valentine was born all bets were off — rosalie was obsessed with her and wouldn’t let her out of her sight. she told all her friends and teachers at school that she has a new little sister and that she’s the best thing ever even though she’s stinky sometimes.
valentine grew up basically shadowing everything rosalie did. rosalie went for extra lessons for english, valentine would too even though she liked her french classes more; rosalie would put a little bit of lip gloss on and valentine would always pucker up her lips for some as well saying she wants to be just as pretty as her big sister! everything they did was for each other and with each other, you’d think they were twins.
when rosalie became a trainee, valentine bragged to everyone saying she was going to have the bestest singing sister in the world, mind you valentine was around 3 at this time so all she knew was the videos rosalie would play of girls generation and shinee, so she thought rosalie was going to be the coolest person in the world. she was right.
as valentine grew up and rosalie began to get busier with being an idol, nothing in their relationship changed. rosalie still called every night to her mom and dad and asked for valentine within 5 minutes.
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୭ৎ ࣪ ׅ NAME — sabrina
୭ৎ ࣪ ׅ AGE — 5 years old ❪ 2018 ❫
୭ৎ ࣪ ׅ BREED — ragdoll cat, female
୭ৎ ࣪ ׅ STATUS — alive
୭ৎ ࣪ ׅ DESCRIPTION — sabrina is and always has been jihye’s number one girl. she received sabby as a gift when she was 18 as a birthday gift from her appa after she had been begging for years for a cat. sadly her mama is allergic so her parents had to wait till their oldest was out of the house to allow such a big purchase and why not when she becomes an “adult”!
sabrina only likes rosalie and pixie. anybody that tries to pet her she will hide and slap your hand away (claws not out, she’s not that mean). she’s a sweet girl though, to rosalie, and loves to cuddle and make biscuits. she’ll sleep all night surprisingly and be the most active kitty you’ve ever seen during the day time.
rosalie knows she’ll be heartbroken when sabrina gets older but right now sabrina is still just a little baby who loves to be carried around and played dress up with!
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୭ৎ ࣪ ׅ NAME — pixie
୭ৎ ࣪ ׅ AGE — 2 years old ❪ 2021 ❫
୭ৎ ࣪ ׅ BREED — black cocker spaniel, female
୭ৎ ࣪ ׅ STATUS — alive
୭ৎ ࣪ ׅ DESCRIPTION — pixie is just a little baby. she has no thoughts in her head expect her best friend sabrina the ragdoll, her owner rosalie and treats. she’s such a sweetheart but is genuinely just so coocoo.
she doesn’t go crazy like sabrina will but she’s just dumb. . . to put it mildly. pixie will be walking and is only looking up at rosalie instead of straight ahead of her and bump into a wall, she’ll bark at the floor because she thought she saw another being that wasn’t suppose to be there but it was actually just her own shadow coming from the sun shining in the window.
rosalie has a little like baby walker that she puts pixie in for walks and sometimes sabrina as well. when rosie bought that a lot of people thought she was pregnant. . . nope just for her fur babies. pixie is rosalie’s best friend and often goes with her to practices and oversea events when the group is going to be there for a while (sabrina doesn’t do well on planes so she stays with wonwoo’s family).
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taglist — @angie-x3 @alixnsuperstxr @allthings-fandoms @peachyaeger @sakufilms @aysxldea @swagcandyfun @wonwooz1 @s4nsmoon
click here to join the taglist!
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starsandhughes · 2 years
Penalty Box— Trevor Zegras (Part Fourteen)
previous: thirteen
next: fifteen
also the comment interactions are longer this time and i can’t tell if i hate it or not lmk
(ps guy and kent are the pregame guys iydk)
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liked by trevorzegras, jackhughes, and 7,682 others
yourusername welcome to my postgame penalty box show! my heart, my soul, my everything was trevor zegrasing very hard tonight! not only did he have a highlight witch craft pass (deemed by guy and kent “razzle dazzle by z”), but he also made it to FIVE GAMES WITH A PENALTY!!!
on a scale of one to ten— you’re an eleven babe🧡 i love always z-baby!
tagged trevorzegras
view all 221 comments
trevorzegras i love you forever😘 (ps that pick up line was way too cheesy)
yourusername @_quinnhughes trevor told me he doesn’t love me anymore
_quinnhughes @/yourusername on my way
trevorzegras THAT’S NOT WHAT I SAID
_quinnhughes doesn’t matter i have to legally be on her side
yourusername it’s in the contract
jamie.drysdale @/trevorzegras congratulations z! now come home soon y/n is getting clingy
trevorzegras you say like you don’t complain when i’m “hogging our y/n”
jamie.drysdale @/trevorzegras yeah because she’s my wife! i can’t complain about her cuddling you without you here to cuddle!
trevorzegras SHE’LL BE MY WIFE ONE DAY
jamie.drysdale says you
yourusername immediate divorce
trevorzegras @/yourusername to who?!
yourusername @/trevorzegras yes
user1 z: *has gotten unsportsmanlike misconducts for running his mouth* also z: 😛🥺😆🫤😠
user2 i hate that you aren’t wrong
_quinnhughes did you cry and then post him getting hit when he was okay or am i just special
yourusername ur just special i knew he was fine
jamie.drysdale it’s true we laughed
trevorzegras @/yourusername @/jamie.drysdale IT REALLY HURT
yourusername @/trevorzegras i’ll kiss it better later
_quinnhughes ew i hope he showers first
user3 HE DID IT!!!
colecaufield that’s my best friend!!
jamie.drysdale that’s my best friend???
trevorzegras well this is awkward
jackhughes 💔
yourusername 🤑
jackhughes @_quinnhughes idk what you’re talking about big bro
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras fix it
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes if she didn’t listen to you she certainly won’t listen to me
user4 if this is what y/n’s comment section looks like, the groupchats must be a part of dante’s 7 circles of hell
lhughes_06 tag yourself i’m z snarling
yourusername i’m z pouting
jackhughes i’m z flailing into the boards
yourusername @/jackhughes i wish you would
trevorzegras babe… you’ve created a monster
yourusername you came that way
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Code Blue Ch. 39- Seeing the Light
Summary: Jo's anxiety takes it's toll on her as she and Lee converse over new upsetting information. EMERGENCY. A race against time takes place. Lee gets a clue. He also gets a huge wake up call and asks someone important a very serious question.
*Warnings* language, angst, anxiety, graphic depictions
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist
Chapter characters: Lee, Josie, Orlando, Britt, Angel, Margaret
Salem, Massachusetts
March 15, 2023
The smell of maple sausage and pancakes filled every crevice of the haunted house while a morning thunderstorm rumbled on. Lee was cooking Jacob's favorite breakfast food in hopes that it would draw him out again and it was a good way to try, for they say spirits are attracted to things that they loved and are familiar with, such as the house itself. It was the only home Jacob had ever known and you knew that was the reason Lee wanted to spend some time here, hoping to see him again.
You both spent the past two days once again being hermits, wanting to spend as much time as you could with each other before Lee went back to work at the start of next week because then, you wouldn't see as much of him and it was going to drive you bat shit crazy. You were going to have to learn all over again to readjust to the long hours of a doctor's schedule. Although Lee was happy to have his career back in full swing, he wasn't much for celebrating it after the incident with Mr. Carpenter. He truly did feel sorry for the grieving man considering he knew what is what like to lose a child but he certainly didn't feel bad for socking the mourning monster straight in the jaw for his uncalled perverted comment to you. For the time being, you and Lee both thought it best to remain desolate for awhile with so many crazy people on the loose and this time you chose to do so at the home he shared with Jacob...even still.
Lee had kept his promise to you and made sure Ethan couldn't contact him via phone by changing his numbers entirely, both mobile and landline and only those he trusted were permitted to have it. You didn't know what good it would really do though since Elizabeth and Cyrus both worked at the hospital and could easily access that information....and now Lee would have to deal with both of them almost on a daily basis. He had even contemplated changing hospitals but you convinced him to not let them run him out of a place he had invested so many years in and so much time to. Was that the right thing to do? You weren't sure anymore. Everything always seemed to be one step forward and two steps back.
You had spoken to Gerry. Victor was not improving and he feared the worst for the Greek tycoon. What would Gerry and his brother do with that big old mansion all to themselves? For they knew they would inherit it and all the forestry of acres that a small town could be built upon. Gerry didn't even live in the main house. He resided solo in the guest house on the lake that was damn near a fortress all in itself. Anywhere there was water, one would find Gerry for he was an avid surfer and damn good at it.
They certainly would never sell the place since it was a Kiriakis legacy dating back as far as a century or more and Vic would surely haunt them from the grave if they tried, or most likely hell considering his mile long list of sins. You certainly believed in the afterlife now because of Lee's experiences but it actually all started when you met Dave.
Dave was someone you considered quite special in that area. He had a secret that only you knew because he didn't exactly enjoy it, nor was it something easily believed or accepted, but he trusted you, knowing how open you were. Ever since he was a child, he could see spirits and even talk to them and it wasn't always a pleasant experience. It could be down right terrifying as he sometimes would suffer with sleep paralysis in his adolescent years. Dave would be the first to tell you that monsters were real. He never knew why it was happening to him and the older he got, the visits lessened which led him to believe it was just the typical phase of imaginary friends, but when it didn't cease in his adulthood years, he then knew he had a gift of clairvoyance, one he didn't ask for, nor want and working in a hospital where people died all the time didn't help the problem. He would never leave there though. He was too much like Lee, so compassionate and loving of what he did for others. Now, if you could only get him to talk with Lee about it and vice versa, but...it wasn't your place to tell either of their secrets. Except about Liz...if Dave didn't tell Britt, you would. It was for his own safety and Dave could be pissed at you all he wanted.
You had told Britt you wanted to speak to her soon after the whole Cyrus surprise, but now you were sort of avoiding it because after your almost slip up with Dave of mentioning Jason in the present tense, you feared you wouldn't be able to keep it from her of all people, the woman Jason loves and she does him. The more you thought about it all, the more pissed you became at your brother. Britt deserved to know he was alive. She was hurting so bad and you couldn't even imagine such a pain, for if something ever happened to Lee, it would tear your soul straight from your body. Hence, your dream. You couldn't shake it, the feeling of despair in the pit of your stomach. Ethan, Liz, Johnny, Cyrus, even Mr. Carpenter...they all walked about freely to do as they pleased. Sure, you had Jason, wherever the hell he was, and Gerry or Luke, even Craig to handle them if it came down to it but you didn't feel much relief in that because it wasn't like they were standing guard at your door 24/7. All these thoughts raced through your mind while Lee sat to read the morning paper.
"Lee...maybe...maybe Landy wouldn't mind if we stayed with him for awhile since Luke will be there until he finds his own place?" you asked as you both sat at the kitchen table eating a breakfast appetizer, consisting of Lee's favorite cereal...grape nuts.
His crunching stopped as he gave you a befuddled look.
"Ok? baby...why would you want to stay there?"
"I..I don't know. For some...extra security I suppose? I mean...Luke...he has a gun and..."
"Jo...sweetheart. What's going on? Why do you feel we need protection? Besides, Landy only has two bedrooms and...you don't like guns."
"I..I know I don't and with good reason but...I like you being alive more."
"My girl...Jo Jo...is this about your dream again?" he asked as he reached across the table and laid his hand upon yours.
"Some yes...and just everything else...everyONE else. Ethan is going to lose his shit when he realizes, if he hasn't already, that he can't contact you and that means he's going to start coming around. He tried to run us off the road for christ's sake. In broad daylight, so I can only imagine what he'll do now."
"Baby, you wanted me to do something and I did. What else can I do? A civil protection order? It's a piece of paper with NO protection and there's no proof of anything he did except make a few unwanted phone calls to even get one granted. Ethan lives to break the law. It won't stop him but I'll do it if it makes you feel better."
"Damn it!!!" you shouted and grabbed your coat as you went out to the porch swing with Lee immediately following.
"Babe, hey, hey. We'll figure this out. He hasn't even been around lately. Maybe he really likes your sister and will move on. I know, I know, that's far from comforting but as we know, stranger things have happened. You gotta admit, they're a match made in Hea...Hell." he snickered as he sat beside you and smiled.
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And of course, Lee made you smile. He always could even when you didn't want to.
"Yeah...I suppose you're right and...I kind of feel Mr. Carpenter is going to be more trouble than Ethan. Gerry texted me this morning. I guess he went to the police station raising hell about what happened but Gerry said no worries, that he handled it and it just looks like it was a revenge tactic over losing the negligence claim. Gerry also did some digging on him. He's been arrested multiple times for domestic violence with the mother and alcohol was always a factor. And get this...his daughter, Henrietta, that he is so upset over...she was a victim of it as well, but would never "tell" on him?. He has a son too who's always in trouble."
"Wow...it...it almost makes me think...."
Lee stopped and stared at you in thought for a moment.
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"Lee? What is it?"
"Well...it's just that...Henrietta had meningioma. It's the most common type of primary brain tumor. Most cases are benign, which hers was, but it grew quite large and became life threatening....but the thing is....there's some studies that link head trauma with this type of tumor."
"Oh my god...do you think that her own father...could have caused that?"
"I don't know Jo. I suppose it don't even matter now."
"Oh yes it does because now we know what he's capable of Lee. He's a control freak and when people like that don't have it, bad things happen. I know the kind. And...how did he know so much about all of us? A lot of what he said wasn't exactly public information."
"Yeah, you're right. My guess would be he hired a really good P.I....or....Liz?"
"I really wish I knew where Jason is right now. He could literally make it all go away. I can't believe I'm even talking like this but Mr. Carpenter's angry, he's violent, and he drinks. If he knows all of that, he knows where you live. I don't like this Lee. God, when...when Lee, will it ever end???"
Lee watched as you angrily wiped your tears away and then his eyes fell. It was killing him inside to see you so distraught. Things were supposed to better now, not worse. You were supposed to feel safe with him, not afraid. You were afraid, yes...but not for yourself.
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"I'm so sorry Jo." he softly and solemnly whispered. "I should have never attacked him. I just made everything worse, but...I..I couldn't help it. I'm not a confrontational person, you know that but when he began to say things like that about you....I..I just snapped."
You brought your hand to his face which coaxed his shameful eyes up to yours.
"Hey...I'm not angry with you. You did nothing wrong baby. I wanted to do the same thing for the way he talked shit about you. He is so incredibly wrong...and I...I tried to let it go because he's grieving but you know what? Knowing what we know now, I honestly don't think it's all about that. I truly think the man is deranged and I don't think he's going to just walk away, especially now that the police won't do anything. I think he wanted you to go after him, to try and show his unwarranted claims about you. But this is not your fault Lee. I mean, you certainly didn't know Gerry was going to do what he did. Hell, neither did I. Normally, he would have jumped at the chance to arrest you because he is definitely a law abiding citizen and cop."
"I appreciate what Gerry did. I really do but Jo...I still shouldn't have hit Mr. Carpenter. I let him pull me down to his level and I think it's exactly what he wanted, just as you said. I don't know Jo, who am I to judge him? I did some pretty fucked up shit when I lost Jacob and I just continued to do it all these years later. Look what I did to you?"
"The ONLY thing you will ever have in common with that man is the loss of a child. Your pain is genuine. His is like some kind of vendetta. I could see it in his eyes. There's something severely off with him and I'm usually spot on about gut feelings with people. Even Ethan. He completely rubbed me the wrong way when we met until you....I...I don't even want to talk about him anymore."
"Until I stupidly defended him? Telling you he was a good guy when I knew damn well what he was like and I kept all of that from you and I damn near lost you over it...."
"Lee, please stop punishing yourself... what he did to you...I understand it all now and...and......."
A familiar feeling rushed over you. Lightheadedness and warmth.
"Jo...baby??? Your nose..." Lee frantically said as his arm reached around you, securing you in place.
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"What? Oh...oh gosh..."
You brought your fingers to your nose, in shock to feel and see the hot red liquid seeping out of it.
"Let me get you something, don't move."
"No, no Lee. I have a tissue in my pocket. It's fine. Really."
"No, it's not fine Jo. You said this happened at your mom's too. Baby, what's going on?" he direly asked as you dabbed away at the annoying and embarrassing leak.
"Tell me Jo. How long has this been happening?"
"Lee...it's just a nose bleed. You don't need to go all 'who's the doctor mode' on me."
"Don't. Don't do that. I WILL play the doctor card because that's what I am and I happen to love you as well."
You squished the kleenex against your nose and began to sob.
"I know" you squeaked. "I'm so sorry."
"Don't do that either. Don't be sorry. Come here sweet girl."
Lee pulled you into his arms, kissing your head as you continued to cry. "Here...lean your head back on my arm. I've got you."
You gazed up at him as he cradled you like a child and took over the tissue dabbing. His lips softly smiled as his shining sapphires danced inside your sunsets with such love and then he kissed the tip of your nose.
"Let me take you to the hospital. Just to be checked out."
"Lee, no. I am fine right here with you. It's stopping. I'll be fine. I'm just stressed, which is when it seems to happen."
He sighed and closed his eyes. "Here's the deal. If it happens again, I'm throwing you over my shoulder like a caveman and you're going."
You couldn't help but to burst out in laughter.
"Well you could just do that anyways and take me upstairs instead." you said with a seductive grin.
"Ohhhh....so damn tempting...but no. Babe, I think you need some rest. Come on. I'll make some hot sleepy time tea and we can snuggle on the couch with a movie and our cold pancakes and sausage, yes?"
You giggled. "Cold is better than burnt. But, yes. That sounds good. The microwave will work. You do that and I'll do the tea. I haven't managed to burn water yet."
"Is that even possible?" Lee asked with a hearty laugh as he followed you to the kitchen, pulling a hoodie on over his shirt from being chilled by the outside rain.
"We're about to find out."
Lee let out a sigh and made the sign of the cross and then flinched with a chuckle as you playfully smacked his arm.
As the water came to a boil, you thought about how much you loved these sweet little moments with him and wished it could be like that forever. No more worries, just lost in each other like high school sweethearts. You used to think challenges made you stronger but that couldn't have been further from the truth now.
You poured two cups of the piping hot herbal liquid and took them to the table as Lee finished up plating the food. During the process, you felt something trickle down your neck and heard a clinking noise on the wooden floor at your now bare feet. It was your silver chained "forever" glass seashell necklace that Lee had given you and it was just enough to set your superstitions and stress levels into high gear.
"Noooooooo...no..no..." you squealed as you knelt down to pick it up.
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"Babe?? What is it??"
Lee quickly set the plates on the table and rushed to your side.
In a soft, child like whimper, your voice stuttered out as your eyes gaped with oncoming tears.
"Your...my...neck...necklace...it...it...it's...it broke...it just...fell..."
"No, no baby, it's alright. Let me see it."
Your trembling hand allowed Lee to remove it and look it over as you stood anxiously biting your bottom lip.
"My girl, it's just the clasp. I can fix it baby, don't worry." he assured you in the kindest voice and stroked your hair.
"It's not the clasp! It's the small chain links beside it. They must have snagged on my sweater. It's broken Lee! It's some fucking omen and don't tell me I'm crazy after everything."
"Jo Jo, sweetheart, please calm down. I promise you I can fix it and..."
"That's not the point! It's a symbol of forever and now it's a sign that it's broken!!" you cried, now chewing at your nails as you stared at the jinxed jewelry.
"Josie, baby! Look honey, the glass didn't break. Forever is sealed safe and sound inside. Sit down and sip your tea. I'll go fix it right now alright?"
"O...ok..." you replied in a frightened whisper and did as he told you.
Lee had only been gone a few minutes but it seemed like hours. You swore you could hear the grandfather clock ticking from clear in the other room. What the hell was happening? You couldn't relax. The sound of your heartbeat was now becoming the prominent sound, thumping through your head. You picked up your ceramic mug with unsteady hands and without thinking, you took a gulp of the boiling brew. The scold to your tongue sent you flying out of the chair and the mug shattering on the floor.
"JO!!" Lee shouted and came dashing up the stairs from the basement to find you shaking and clinging to the kitchen counter with broken shards of the mug at your bare feet.
"Baby don't move!!"
You couldn't if you wanted to. You felt paralyzed as the pressure in your head pulsed like storm waves crashing on the beach. Suddenly, Lee was hoisting you up and moving you to a dry, hazard free zone when your nose began to bleed again and you fell limp in his arms.
"Jo baby!! Baby what's wrong???!!"
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When you didn't and couldn't answer him as you stared blankly into his petrified eyes, he scooped you up and rushed you out to his car, placing you into the front seat and tilting it back, then he sped off.
"Baby, can you hear me??" Lee pleaded multiple times as your eyes fluttered to stay open. His voice echoed as if it were inside of a seashell and your hand was numb to the touch of his. You heard the train horn again and saw the bright light coming towards you and then...you saw Jacob again, smiling with his big blue eyes beaming up at you as he took your hand. Then the light went dark.
"JO!! Fuck...baby wake up!!" Lee frantically shouted as his fingers raced to your neck to feel for a pulse. It was there but faint.
"That's it baby doll, stay with me!! Don't you fucking leave me. Forever baby...forever. Do you hear me?? Breathe Jo....breathe."
Lee was now fighting his sobs as he struggled to drive but he knew he had to focus to get you to the hospital safely. He freed his android from his pocket and used the voice command to call Orlando.
"Ok google, call Orlando!"
"Showing results for Orlando, Florida."
"Not fucking Florida you stupid piece of shit!" Lee shouted and then swerved as he heard the loud bellow of a semi horn and looked up to find himself in the oncoming traffic lane.
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Lee whipped back into line, trying to catch his breath as he just missed the truck by only a few feet.
"Shit...focus Lee!" he scolded himself and then remembered that he didn't even have Orlando listed under his given name.
"Ok google, call LANDY!!"
"Calling Landy."
"Come on, pick up, pick up Landy!!"
"Hey what's up Lee Lee the Bee Gee."
"Lando! Man, where are you?? The hospital??"
"Yeah, Lee? What's going on?? You sound..."
"It's Jo man...I'm on my way there. She...she just collapsed."
"Oh my god what?? I'm on my way down to the ER now. Where are you?? Is she breathing??"
"Yeah..yes....thank god. I'm about ten minutes away and....no. Fuck."
"I gotta go man, there's a fucking train coming and I have to beat it."
"Jesus, Lee. You need to calm down and....L..Lee???"
Lee dropped his phone and put the pedal to the metal on his classic Dodge Dart as the gates were starting to come down.
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"Not today train. You can't have her too!!"
Over the tracks he sped, luckily with no cars in his way as the gates missed his car by merely inches. He caught sight of the train in the distance, the large headlight blinding his widened eyes as it blared it's deafening ominous horn.
"WOOHOOO! We made it baby!" Lee reeled as an adrenaline rush flooded his body. "We're going to make it. You are going to make it. I love you, do you hear me???"
The tires slid as he whipped into the emergency room parking lot and then he came to a screeching halt at the doors, quickly abandoning his car as he carried you inside.
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"HELP!! Help!" Lee called out to whomever would listen as he searched for Orlando.
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"Lee!!" Orlando shouted as he came running out from a room he had being prepared for you. "Bring her in here!"
Britt rushed in as well as Lee gently laid you upon the bed, scared as hell to let go of you.
"It's ok baby. I'm right here Jo Jo...you keep breathing, do you hear me?"
"Lee, tell me what happened?" Britt asked as Landy began tending to you with another nurse.
"I...I...don't know. She...she had a nose bleed. She said...she said she had one before, about a week ago. I got it to stop and she swore she was fine and she seemed fine and then she just collapsed in my arms and..."
Lee bent over to lean on his knees as he himself was trying to breathe.
"Alright. Anything else you can think of? Did she mention any other symptoms? Did she take any medications?"
"No Britt. Nothing. She's...she's stressed out, that much I know. We found more things out, disturbing things about Mr. Carpenter and that's when she got the first nose bleed today and then...I don't fucking know. Her necklace broke and she became all anxious about it and the next thing I knew, this happened. She...she just stared at me. She couldn't speak. Britt, what if she had a stroke??"
"Ok..ok. Let's not think the worst. I'm going to order labs, a CT and start an I.V. and we'll go from there. Dr. Bloom, how's her vitals?"
"Her blood pressure is high. 175/80. Oxygen is normal. Pulse rate high, pupils constricting."
"Ok. Let's get her blood work and get her on some fluids, then take her down for the CT. Lee, I need you to wait in the waiting room please, while the nurse..."
"What?? NO! I'm not leaving her Britt! Let me help. I'm a fucking doctor for christ sake."
"You're not her doctor nor are you on duty and you're in no state of mind to assist. You're too close to this Lee and you need to give the nurse room to work without you hovering. You know the rules and how this works. She's in good hands. I'm sorry but you need to let us do our jobs and go collect yourself. You're no good to her like this."
"Fuck your rules Britt. She needs to hear my voice and know I'm here! You're too close to this too, so is Landy!"
"Look...Lee. I know how much you love her, I really do, which is why you can't be objective. I love her too and I promise you she will be taken care of and we will come get you as soon as we get her situated and know what's going on. Now please...go try and calm down, maybe call her mom."
"Lee. man. I swear it. I'll take good care of her. You know I will." Orlando assured him and gave his best friend a hug, which caused Lee to break down.
"I'm scared man. I'm scared to leave her. I've never been so scared of anything in my life. I can't lose her. I can't....just...just let me talk to her for one minute. Please."
Orlando smiled and nodded as he patted Lee on the shoulder. By this time, the nurse had the I.V. line all taped up to your wrist and was drawing your blood as he went and tenderly held your other hand.
"My beautiful sweet girl. If you can hear me, I need you to know that I will just be right down the hall. I swear I will never leave you. You're my entire world so you can't leave me either ok? I love you Miss Massachusetts, in ways you've never been loved, for reasons you've never been told, for longer than you think you deserved and with more than you will ever know existed inside me. It's always been you. And I'd choose you in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you all over again."
You heard him. Every word but you couldn't open your eyes or speak, but you did manage, with everything inside of you, to lightly squeeze his hand.
Lee cried and kissed your cheek over and over and then he placed one small soft kiss upon your lips as he whispered "forever" over them. He then reluctantly let go of your hand and sobbed all the way to the empty waiting room that he was very thankful for.
He paced about the large room, stared out the window for awhile and then he was startled awake by someone's touch.
"Hey. Lee."
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"Jo??...Oh....sorry. Is she..."
"She's fine, awake and has been admitted for observation." Nurse Angel, his neighbor, told him.
Lee closed his eyes and sighed loudly in relief. "Angel...what...do they know what happened? Can I see her now?"
"In just a few minutes, I'll take you down. They're just settling her into a room. I'll let them tell you what they found. I just got on duty and heard what happened, so I came looking for you at Dr. Bloom's request. He said to tell you he had your car parked and he has your keys and he will be back to see you both when he finishes rounds."
"Oh...yeah...I..I forgot all about my car. God, I don't even remember falling asleep. What time is it??"
"It's 11 am."
"Jesus, it's been two hours?? You..you said she's awake. Did you see her at all? How did she seem?"
"Well...she was sitting up and definitely asking for you, so I'm guessing she is alright, nothing too serious. Hey, I heard all about your hearing the other day. Congratulations and welcome back. We've missed you something awful. It has definitely not been the same without you here. Don't let Mr. Carpenter get to you. He's just sad. That poor man. I guess that his marriage is on the fritz. He told me a lot about Henrietta and how close they were. I couldn't imagine losing a child. Dash means everything to me. Oh god...I...I'm sorry Lee, that was so insensitive of me to say to you."
"No. It's fine. So uh....Mr. Carpenter spoke to you about her...and..his marriage??"
"Oh...I...umm. No, no. He talked a lot to all the nurses. Trust me. I just overheard things. You know, the gossip and stuff. I just wish he wasn't hell bent on making you suffer. It's such a good thing you have Jolene to help you through it all."
"It's Josie...remember? and yeah...I'm pretty much his scapegoat it seems."
"Oh gosh, that's right. I always get her name screwed up. So, what do you mean by scapegoat? I thought they ruled out any wrong doings from the autopsy and that no one caused it?"
Lee gazed at her for a moment and something began to click regarding the conversation you and he had earlier about someone leaking personal information....and Angel knew more than she should because of Liz.
"Nah, it's nothing. I don't even want to talk about this really. Can I go see Jo now?"
"Well, if you ever want to talk about anything at all, I just live right next door. I miss seeing you. So does Dash. So, yeah, come on. I'll take you to her."
Angel then led Lee out of the waiting room and down the hall, lightly rubbing his back as she did so.
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The minute the door opened, Lee's anxious eyes and yours immediately connected as he paused his steps, then he bolted right to your reached out arms, both of you crying as you held each other so tight for the longest time.
"My god, my girl." Lee gasped in and kissed you all over your head and cheeks as he held your face. "Are you ok??? Please tell me nothing is wrong. I've been out of my mind. They, they wouldn't let me stay with you and....god I love you so much, I...I don't ever want to feel that way again." Lee sobbed, his tears freely flowing.
"Heyy, shhhh. I'm here. You're here. All is right again." you whispered with compassion as you also held his face and then kissed his tears.
"I'm so sorry I scared you like that. I swear Lee, I felt ok and then all of a sudden, I didn't. I don't know what happened."
"Where's Britt? Did she tell you anything? Jo, I was so scared that you had a stroke. You couldn't speak to me. and you passed out and I drove like I never did before to get you here and..."
"Baby, try to calm down. I know what you did for me. Landy told me...and...I could still hear you Lee. Your voice is what I focused on. Britt was here yes. Obviously, it's no stroke, thank god. I'm getting my fluids with added electrolytes. I was moderately dehydrated and my blood work also showed that I have an iron deficiency."
"You're anemic? Makes sense Jo. Your diet has not been the greatest lately and then there's the blood loss from the nose bleeds. Is that....all...it is?"
"Well, of course it's my anxiety and stress too. Hence my blood pressure spike, but it's normal now. Good old Britt saying I need to reduce my stress levels and take my meds. Easier said than fucking done when she don't know how much worse they make me feel, nor does she live in my world of psychotic people. And to top that off, my mom is on the way and I'm stuck here for at least another day."
"Sorry baby. I called her earlier and left a message. I...I didn't know what was going to happ..."
"Lee, it's ok. I love you so much for taking care of me and everything else. You know you saved my life."
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"If I had been alone...god, I don't even want to think about it....OR the train you tried to beat."
"Yeaaah uh that...well, I DID beat it. I had to try Jo. The rails were still lowering and I could see the train and..."
"Ok, ok, enough about trains...please. I get it though...I would have done the same for you. Love makes us crazy huh?"
"Mmmm yes it does. Come here."
Lee gave you a series of soft and short deep kisses and then moved up to sit beside you, placing his arm around you and pulling you to his chest as he kissed the top of your head.
"Welp...if you're a prisoner here for another day, so am I. You're stuck with me so don't even try to make me go, for it would be futile."
You peered up in his worrisome blues with a most critical look.
"I like being stuck with you. I don't want you to go. Ever."
"What if I have to go to the bathroom."
"You giggled and kissed him. "I guess I can allow that....and maybe to go sneak me some sugar."
"Nope. It's all liver and spinach dinners for you."
"BLECKKKK!!! Lee Pace, that's not even funny. They already brought me a tray of turkey, peas, peaches, wheat bread and...wait for it...prune juice that I haven't touched. Like...I'm pretty sure I'm not constipated....now that part IS funny."
"It was just a little bit funny to see you frown that cute ass frown that I thought I'd never see again. You know? Kind of like a prune." he chuckled. "I promise, I will make you better dinners when we blow this popsicle stand, but babes, you need to eat...for me please. Especially the juice."
"I just want to go now and lay in bed with you and eat your food. I already feel better and I have my own personal doctor...you."
"Yeah well that's the fluids giving you that boost. I don't want you here anymore than you want to be here, but I really feel it is best. I can lay in bed with you here. I'll probably take up the entire bed but you can lay on top of me."
Lee's grin was deviously adorable but quickly fell flat as your mother came bursting in with her anxiety and scarlet hair a fray.
"Josephine Leeann! What in the world happened sweetheart?? I didn't see Lee's message until in the middle of my hair appointment and I had to leave looking like this!"
"Mom...mom....calm down. I'm fine as you can see."
"You're not fine! You're in a hospital bed AGAIN! How can I calm down after what happened to Jay??"
Your heart sank. Damn your brother for doing this to all of you. DID he even know you were here? You just wanted to blurt it out that he was alive, but then she would just think that you were delusional and high on meds....and it would break her heart too. You decided that Jason would have to be the one to do that....once again.
"I know Momma. But I swear...ask Lee...I'm ok."
Lee took a moment and sat with your distraught mom, filling her in on everything, in which she then seemed to relax some after his gentle way of words. She liked Lee a lot and trusted him, especially knowing your dad had once been Lee's colleague and Jacob's pediatrician. You could see the respect in her eyes and that meant the world to you....because if Margaret March didn't like someone, they would know it.
"Thank you Lee. I tell you, my kids are going to be the death of me." she said, rolling her eyes with a soft sigh.
"MOM, don't talk like that."
"Well, YOU don't have to live with Megan anymore for one thing. All that damn smoking in the house that she thinks I don't know about and in and out at all hours of the day and night like a freaking cat. The girl can't even pick up a broom to earn her keep."
"She can sure ride one though." you snarked, making Lee lower his head to hide his smirk.
"Hilarious Joey Lee. You know, nothing's the same anymore. You're gone, Jay's gone, your dad's gone. Bo's gone and Megs only cares for number one. At least one of my sisters still comes around. Livvie was asking about you the other day. Oh, and Gerry called me about Victor too. He's not doing well. I...really want to see him...but...well anyways, I'm pretty much alone anymore."
Margaret paused. You knew she would feel guilty, like she was betraying your father all over again.
"I know Mom...but you're not alone. Our family is bigger than the state of Texas even though most are scattered all around. Olivia will always be there. I'll always be there. I'm sorry I haven't been lately though. I've just had a lot going on. I was at the house last week but you weren't home."
"Yes, I know. I found your note and your half eaten sandwich that Marmaduke was about to devour when I walked in. He needs a bath, which he hates by the way and I can't handle that big oaf. Smells like a horse's ass. What's with your car in the garage anyways?"
"Its... just temporary until..."
"Until I get my garage cleaned out and then she can store it there." Lee cut in with a hidden wink at you to save you from trying to think of something other than the truth.
"I'm so glad the two of you met Lee and that you're always there for my little girl, especially today and getting her here so quickly. It's such a bonus that you're a doctor too. Maybe you can get her to take her medicine for once so this don't happen again. Oh! I saw Amy on my way in. She says she'll be in to see you and Em is coming too. I suppose Gerry is around here somewhere. I don't know if I should go see Victor or not. I told Megan but, well you know how that went."
"I don't want her here anyways. I need to be stress free, remember?? Every time I see her face, all I want to do is..."
"Ok Josephine...don't remind me how my only daughters despise each other."
"Sorry mom. You should go see Vic. Maybe it would help him if he knows you're there? It's ok mom, to do that. I know what he means to you."
"Do...you really think it might help him? I..I mean, I really would like to go."
"Go mom. Don't put these things off. I have Lee here with me and it seems it will soon be grand central station here as well cause Britt and Orlando will be here too, so I'll be ok."
"Welllll....I....I suppose I could...just for a little bit...but I'll be back Joey. I love you." she said and came to kiss your cheek.
"Love you too Ma. If Vic is awake, tell him I hope he feels better soon and please don't tell him about me being here. He don't need to be worrying about anything."
"Come on Margaret, I'll walk you out and point you in the right direction. Be right back sweetheart." Lee sweetly smiled, then mouthed 'I love you' as he led your mom out in the hall. It made you so happy to see the growing bond they had because you knew how much he missed his own mother.
"Margaret...can I...talk to you for a moment?" Lee quietly said after he closed the door.
"Sure Lee. Is everything alright? Is there something you didn't tell me about Joey?"
"Oh no, all seems to be ok now...but...I...hmmm...I umm..."
"Lee? What is it? You seem awful nervous?"
"Whew." he softly sighed, then began. "Well, I'm sure you already know what Jo means to me. But I just wanted you to hear it from me. I love her...so very deeply and I...I had one hell of a wake up call today and it put some things into perspective. Like Jo said...don't put things off. I...I can't imagine a world without her in it, without her in mine. I just don't want to waste anymore time. But I do...want to waste it with her if that makes any sense. I guess...umm....what I am trying to say is..."
Margaret interrupted with a gasp. "Oh my...why Lee...are you....are you...asking for my daughter's hand in marriage??"
Lee stared at her blankly for a moment and then a huge smile formed on his lightly trembling lips.
"I....yes....yes I am."
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elli3luvs · 2 years
updated march 14th, 2023
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
headcanons/short blurbs:
ellie with a strap (nsfw)
dealer! ellie
ellie x bimbo! reader (nsfw)
dealer! ellie x good girl reader part two
dealer! ellie x spoiled reader part two
bimbo cheerleader reader x football player! ellie
reader dealing with panic attacks
social ellie that gets awkward around reader
crybaby! reader x ellie
bubbly! reader x ellie
bookstore worker! reader x coffee shop! ellie
lead singer! reader x guitarist! ellie
ellie with a sensitive reader
falling in love at a coffee shop
one two three
monster mash
245 notes · View notes
krypticcafe · 1 year
❧ The Menu
aka The Masterlist
Please expect the menu to be subject to change as we add more items and further expand and categorize them. It is our job to make things as convenient and enjoyable for you all. If you see something missing or want to make a suggestion, please refer to our request box.
Thank you, ✎ Kryptid
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Quick drinks to satiate that fix, small but rich pastries, sides that leave you feeling satisfied, and warm meals with several courses to keep you full, we have it all and in so many flavors, some for more mature customers. And if we don't? Check out our customer service policy* and pop by the request box when we're open ;)
*Other fandoms and characters can be found on our Customer Service Policy page.
☕︎ = Staff Picks
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✎﹏Call of Duty
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Take On Me (König/GN!Reader)
Fight or not, you're pretty sure you could take him on.
Logan Walker
☕︎ Shatter (Logan Walker/GN!Reader)(Drabble)
Headcanons & Spitballs
☕︎ When you call them 'babygirl' (TF141 + König/GN!Reader)
☕︎ When they call you 'babygirl (TF141 + König/GN!Reader)
TF141 w/a hypersexual partner (GN!Reader)
COD:MWII boys w/a curly-haired partner (TF141 + König/GN!Reader)
COD:MW boys w/an autistic partner (TF141 + KorTac + Los Vaqueros/GN!Reader)
TF141 Monster/Hybrid AU
Fight Song (April Fools 2023)
☕︎ Me and the Devil (Platonic)(141/Reader)(Oneshot)
You can see it. The devil. It laughs, and laughs, and laughs, mocks you for your childish stupidity and naivete. To think the angels would come marching in, that you'd make it out with any semblance of sanity. You can't fight it, you can't even hide from it. All you can do is lie in your grave.
☕︎ Everything I Wanted (Platonic)(141/Los Vaqueros/Reader): Part 1, Part 2
Kicking, punching, cutting, all sorts of torture you were prepared for. But drugs? That was a whole new level of crazy you didn't sign up for, and lord knows the 141 wasn't going to stand for it. No one will.
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✎﹏Slashers/Dead By Daylight
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Harry Warden/The Miner
Happy Super Late Valentines (GN!Reader)(Drabble)
You had a shitty Valentine's day, and Harry comes to pick up the leftovers.
Headcanons & Spitballs
Slashers comforting their partner after a nightmare (GN!Reader)
DBD killers w/a partner who wants to take it slow (GN! Reader)
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Remember, you can always ask for a custom item in our request box when it's open! If you're not sure what we offer or want to know what you can and can't order, refer to our Customer Service Policy, aka the Rules!
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hauntingcryptids · 2 years
All Works Masterlist
Ordered by fandom and then by character
Doctor Who
Working On Requests 
Prank Wars - 17 August 2022
So Where To First? - 2 January 2023
I’m Not Him - 4 January 2023
Second Best - 
Number One Priority - 
Touched Starved - 5 January 2023
Speaking Up For Your Needs - 23 February 2023
The Professor Next Door - 
First Proper Date - 28 October 2022
Impromptu Sleepover - 3 November 2022
Soaked Through To The Bone - 4 November 2022
Feeling Good - 15 November 2022
Runaway Makeout - 27 December 2022
Choosing You - 31 December 2022
New Dress - 17 January 2023
Keep It On - 14 October 2023
Wanted and Needed - 
Baked Devotions
Baking Hijinks - 5 September 2022
Scheming Timers - 7 September 2022
Apology Desserts - 9 September 2022
The Master’s Plan - 17 November 2022
An Afternoon With Tea And Books - 20 July 2023
New Attire - 23 July 2023
Changes - 
Why Not Me? - 
Borrowed Black Hoodie - 29 October 2022
Soft Spot In The Hearts Of A Murderer - 24 February 2023
Exception - 24 August 2022
Taste Testing - 25 August 2022
Sneaking In - 29 August 2022
Never Leave Me - 31 October 2022
Break In Blurb - 2 November 2022
Warm On A Cold Night - 5 November 2022
Jealousy Looks Good On You - 16 November 2022
Secret Date - 26 February 2023
MI6 Agent O
One Good Day - 8 January 2022
O, What A Beautiful Morning - 21 October 2022
Share Your Coat And Jumper - 22 October 2022
Work Hard, Play Hard - 28 February 2023
Frogs and Snails - 8 January 2022
Cuddling Headcanons - 8 January 2022
Protectiveness Headcanons - 8 January 2022
Heartbeat Headache - 28 March 2022
Alone - 29 March 2022
Sneaking Around - 30 March 2022
My Baby Doll - 19 August 2022
Quarantine Breakdown - 20 August 2022
Comfort Cuddles - 21 August 2022
Anything - 22 August 2022
Best Laid Plans Of Monsters And Masters - 28 August 2022
You Don’t Mean It - 31 August 2022
Sneaking Around Part 2 - 4 September 2022
Quiet Morning After A Disturbed Date - 18 October 2022
Library Day - 19 October 2022
A Little Thought - 26 October 2022
You Are More Than Your Failings - 27 October 2022
Fall For Me - 28 October 2022
Beg For It - 30 October 2022
Get Some Rest, Love - 11 November 2022
Trust In Me - 12 November 2022
Kidnapping Dates - 18 November 2022
My Brave Little Human - 19 November 2022
And His Heart Grew Three Sizes That Day - 25 December 2022
Look To The Future Now - 25 December 2022
My Baby Doll Part 2 - 22 February 2023
Drumming Noise Inside My Head - 1 March 2023
Torturous Flirting - 2 March 2023
Lie Down With Me - 6 March 2023
Belle Of The Ball - 29 March 2023
Safety Over Teamwork - 22 July 2023
Tell Me That I Belong To You - 12 October 2023
Back In The Old Cemetary, I‘m Dying To See You, My Love -
Stay With Me - 
Please Don’t Leave Me - 
Collectible Remains - 
Something Happens And I’m Head Over Heels - 
As The World Falls Down - 
Working On Requests
Back Against The Wall - 18 August 2022
Secret Lover - 3 September 2022
Plus One - 1 November 2022
Attempted Backstabbing - 4 March 2023
First Kiss -
First Time  -
Why Not Me? - 
Martha Jones
Bedside Manner - 5 March 2023
Our Flag Means Death
Sunlight - 11 April 2022
Strings and Makeshift Patches - 19 April 2022
Kissing Frenchie’s Hands - 20 April 2022
Edward Teach x Reader x Stede Bonnet
Waking Up Beside The Two Of You - 8 January 2023
Stranger Things
Eddie Munson
Shower Detox - 6 June 2022
Aftercare, I Love You - 28 December 2022
Breakfast Not In Bed - 3 January 2023
The Band Ghost
You've Got Good Dreams - 15 October 2023
Peter Maximoff
Dark Side Of The Moon - 1 January 2023
71 notes · View notes
devildom-moss · 2 years
Other fics Masterlist
🌶️= +18, NSFW
🫑= suggestive
Trying out pick up lines (the demon brothers) 🫑
Trying out pick up lines (the others) 🫑
Beel and the ita bag
Lucifer cockblocking Mephisto 🌶️
Trans Day of Visibility with the demon brothers
Luke’s three parents and Diavolo’s jealous
Diavolo's misunderstanding
(Horny) Solomon testing MC's patience 🌶️
Terrible pick-up lines (Mammon)
MC plays favorites (with the demon brothers)
MC plays favorites (with the dateables + Luke)
Fucking idiots (and Barbatos) 🌶️
MC and Solomon's demon relations 🌶️
The trick to charming Solomon 🌶️
Attention seeking 🌶️
How's your head? 🫑
Degrading 🌶️
Service Demons (and Angel) 🫑
Thirteen: "God forbid women have any fun."
Lucifer being jealous of a plush version of himself Poll post (November 2023 pt.1) - Denial 🌶️
Poll post (June 2023) - NSFW 🌶️
Poll post (April 2024) - NSFW - yandere + degradation 🌶️
Primal Play 🌶️
Choke Me 🌶️
Moonlit Bath 🌶️ Diavolo giving a chubby f!MC a confidence boost 🌶️
Barbatos meets Barbie Poll post (October 2023) - Barbatos + Monster 🌶️ Poll post (January 2024) - Nightbringer AU + Monster ovipos 🌶️
Luke teaching a kitchen-illiterate gn!MC to cook
Human Dating Advice part 1 | part 2 | part 3 (NSFW) 🌶️| part 3 (SFW) 🫑 Jealous Monster 🌶️ BoF! AU Simeon dad content
Solomon with an insecure fem!MC who won't confess The Gourmand's Main Dish - alt NSFW ending 🌶️ “Let me do this for you” (HRT Injection Comfort)
Poll post (April 2023) - Thirteen/NSFW passionate 🌶️
Absolution 🌶️
"Why don't you hate me. . .?" 🌶️ Flirty gn!MC x tsundere!Mephisto (one-sided!enemies to lovers) 🫑 Mephisto's performance 🌶️ Poll post (November 2023 pt. 2) - Denial 🌶️
Poll post (September 2023) - Barbatos x Simeon x MC fluff 🫑
"I trusted you." 🌶️/🫑
Poll post (February 2024) 🌶️
Poll post (May 2023) - Simeon x Raphael x MC 🌶️
Poll post (December 2023) - Solomon x Barbatos x MC 🌶️
Poll post (March 2024) - Beelzebub x Diavolo x MC 🌶️
Barbatos + Simeon
25 notes · View notes
thecandywrites · 1 year
Monster March 2023- Day 20- Humanoid Cat/Cat folk- Part 1
What to Bring to a Table
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Ok, so we've all heard the saying that in relationships- 'What do you bring to the table?" Right? And the older I get, the more I realize, that metaphor is, as archaic as it is, still has a good point.
It's not really about what you can bring to a table, but it's about the table itself. Or its what you as the individual are and have made yourself into. Is the table well made? Is it purely decorative or is it dual purpose or is it rough or just slapped haphazardly together? Is it too high for anyone to reach? Is it so low that it's barely off the ground? How big should it be? Or should it fear that another will come along and saw it and break it apart and rebuild it to suit them? Or worse yet, look at the table that you've built and stacked and stocked for yourself, and think they're entitled to eat everything on it, leaving you with table scraps and a tale full of dirty dishes?
And it should also be a of note, that each dish that you may try to put on the table itself, may have been a labor of love and you may have put a lot of work and effort into it. But if all that hard work is not recognized or praised or noticed, but if anything, taken for granted or demanded, then why do it at all?
And I was totally listening to Labour by Paris Paloma while I was writing this and it shows. And while that song did unlock thousands of years of feminine rage, for guys to recognize that it is a lot of labor and that they should count themselves privledged to even be invited to take a seat at the table and come to the table with some support, and praise and recognition of all the hard work that went into the table and be willing to do the same and willing to join their own table to yours, not to feast and then walk away, but to help make both tables better and stronger for it and willing to cook for the food and clean up after too.
Also, I was severely injured last week and it's thrown yet another monkey wrench into my life. And then my grandmother's caretaker, went off her meds, got 51/50'd into the psyche ward for homicidal tendancies so I, even as injured and in as much pain as I'm in, have tried to help in facilitating her rescue and escape and get her safely to my Mom, only to find out, only hours before we were supposed to go that my parents both got Covid. And then I immediately tested myself, at the time, I tested negative. So it was up to me to clean/disinfect and sanitize my parent's van that just got an oil change and brand new tires so that two of my three sisters could take it down to AZ to pick up my grandmother and bring her here to Ohio. And guess what? I woke up sick this morning myself. Which, honestly, is no surprise for me. I just hope my injury continues to heal and I don't have to be hospitalized for it. Because i'm at risk for MRSA, Staff, Sepsis, and Gangrene. Murphy's Law might as well be my middle name.
Anyway, my first exophillia stories, were actually with rakshasa. So this is going...all the way back to the beginning and then reworking this and rewriting this was really fun for me. I forgot how much I missed this story and these characters. And this was actually fanfiction of @momolady 's Ruby Empire, that I got her permission to write, way back when.
Thanks to @borealwrites for their Monster March 2023 prompts. I know it's April now, but I only have 11 more prompts to go. And when I'm done, I'll put them all in a masterlist like I did with Kinktober.
Monster March 2023 Day 20- Humanoid Cat- Rakshasa
Zakira and Sulaimon
Part 1
Commander Sulaimon Ahusharaht stood stoically by as he waited for the envoy from Willow to come. Willow, was the newest prefecture and protected city state of The Ruby Empire. And his friend, Lomi, and his wife, who was from Willow, asked him if he could serve as an escort to some members of the envoy. She even offered to pay for him to do so. But Lomi and Zara-Joy were his friends and he gladly accepted the request, no payment needed. From that moment, Zara-Joy had told him all about who she wanted him to protect, her best friend, Zakira Ukani and her daughter Zeeanna, while they would be in The Crown City of The Ruby Empire. They were a small ethnic group from Masraiem, before the War of the Pharaohs tore The Old Kingdom from the top down and rebuilt the The New Kingdom of Masraiem a new, and a new dynasty to go with it. And thankfully the people of Willow were thankfully spared. But not for long. And before Willow knew it, it was pulled into a war, it had lost the knowledge and training to fight in the first place. Masraiem while demanding soldiers- did not offer the protection they once promised. Which was why they sought out the Ruby Empire instead. 
According to Zara-Joy, Zakira was descended from the Old Dynasty Royalty. Granted it had been an affair with one of the pharaoh’s many sons. Thankfully she left with her illegitimate heir and kept them safe from The War of The Pharaoh’s and from being killed off as being an heir period, because they were out to take out any and all remnants of the Old Kingdom to set up The New Kingdom and the New Dynasty. However, the reason she still held the title of Mushrief was because her family had otherwise been the heads over the pharaoh's kitchens and especially the banquets. And those traditions got passed down to the point that Zakira was hands down, no contest- the best cook in all of Willow. Her family had planted the most amazing vineyards, growing many kinds of grapes, making the best wine. Olives for olive oil. And figs and palms for dates. Along with leeks, garlic, onions, tomatoes, and other herbs and especially spices. The most prized being saffron of course while her own family were also from the kitchens but were responsible for the desserts. Thus all the marshmallows and other confections, with figs and dates and pomegranates and other fruits. 
But while all the talk of food had made Sulaimon very, very hungry. Zara-Joy stressed that he needed to use extra care and caution with her. Zakira was widowed. Her husband and love of her life, practically since infancy, had left for war, and not returned. Along with her own father and brothers. And she was the only daughter of her family. And so before the men went off to war, they all got hastily married, even though Zakira and Zahir had been planning on getting married anyway. But, instead had to share their wedding night with all the others. And she was one of four who got pregnant. And none of the fathers to the new babies had come back. Either a family got either a father, or in rare instances, a son back. But never both. Nearly all of the men of Willow had gone, except for the lame and very old. And only a handful had returned, and were never the same. 
But Zakira’s father, nor her brothers, nor her husband came back. Her mother died of grief. And she nearly lost herself and her baby to grief several times. To the point, many of Zakira’s friends simply moved in with her to help her care for herself and at least nurture her own pregnancy. And Zakira had not moved on. She refused to wear white, because she refused to accept the deaths of any of them. And instead, had only worn black ever since. Even if the weather was good for it or not. 
Sulaimon, being a black jaguar rakshasa himself, could empathize. He was naturally dark, so the sun was always shining most fiercely over him. And all he could hope was that for Zeeanna’s sake, she too would not be dressed in black either, for fear she would overheat. But Zara-Joy assured him that Zeeanna was now the only thing Zakira was living for, and she was the most loved, cherished, and spoiled rotten baby in all of Willow. Where Zakira would always make sure she was bathed, clean and well fed. So that Zeeanna would never have a reason to cry in the first place. Which worried Zara-Joy, who by now, was expecting herself and she worried that Zeeanna was going to grow up- never hearing the word “no” and know what it meant. And that the reason Zara-Joy specifically asked Sulaimon, was because he had a lot of experience with babies, since all of his siblings had them of all ages and he was used to watching them to give his siblings and their mates breaks and “date nights”. And that she was hoping Sulaimon would give Zeeanna, the gentle, but firm correction and loving discipline, she would no doubt need since she was fast approaching the terrible twos, despite only being about a year old. 
But that, was what gave Sulaimon pause, because most parents were usually pretty protective over their kids and didn’t like “strangers” telling them how to parent their kids. Especially when he didn’t have any himself. So, he would just have to wait and see how this meeting with Zakira and Zeeanna would go. 
But that fact that he was even willing, was a huge relief to Zara-Joy, who then, gave him a “gift” to exchange to Zakira since Willow was known for it’s customs and traditions of trading gifts. That he would give this bottle of perfume to her once they got to meet in person. And she’d give him a flower necklace that would match the one she would make for herself and the flower necklace would serve like a name badge so she would be able to tell him apart from the other escorts who were also called in on this. 
Sulaimon watched as his comrades were happy to meet their person in the envoy to escort them while they were here, visiting with Zara-Joy and her husband. 
Sulaimon waited and waited and waited as the envoy that never seemed to end, as he realized, it was practically one huge group of young women, all Zara-Joy’s age, with a few families, being in the mix. They all came in and greeted Zara Joy first before she pointed them to their escorts and protectors. And soon, all of his friends and comrades on either side of him and all around him were pulled to their intended protectee- while in the Crown City. 
Finally, the last person in the envoy came through the gate, leaving Sulaimon to assume that this must have been Zakira Ukani. She was, indeed- wearing all black, although it was embroidered with gold thread as an accent. But she was clutching a small baby to her chest, wrapped in still damp white clothes to keep her cool in the heat. Which fit the description Zara-Joy gave him. So he figured that was his cue to finally go up and introduce himself at least. 
But the closer he got, the moment she pulled her black hood back, to reveal a river of black and sun lightened brown hair, he was suddenly mesmerized and then slowed down to a stop as his pupils dilated as wide as they could be while his focus was suddenly solely on her. She had to be the most beautiful human looking woman he had ever seen before in his life. The Crown City had all sorts of species of people. So he was used to seeing all manner of them. But to see all of these very pretty girls come in, his friends were suddenly very pleased with the “assignment”. 
But once she embraced her friend and then Zara-Joy pointed to him, her face changed to that of one of weariness and apprehension but she seemed to try to push that down as she purposefully came forward to at least meet him halfway before his feet soon did the same. 
“Mushrief Zakira Ukani?” He greeted hopefully as he came over to her. 
“Commander Sulaimon Ahushrat.” She greeted back cordially as her voice still had a thicker Masraiem accent. And he had heard tales of queens of the Pharoh’s being handpicked from the beauties of Masraiem to serve in his harem when he wasn’t, of course, fucking his own sisters to keep a “pure” bloodline, that is, well, at least, according the rumors anyway. 
“I believe this is for you.” He offered the gift of the bottle of perfume. 
“Thank you, and this is a gift for you.” She offered as she handed him the flower necklace whose blooms were the darkest reds and purples and practically black themselves, but their scents were heady and heavy but divine. 
“Thank you.” As he took it from her and put it on himself while she put the bottle of perfume away into the bag that hung at her hip but hung across her own chest, over her mother’s sling, where her baby was nestled against so that her own mother’s breasts could serve as pillows when she would sleep. The baby still had milk on her face. This was probably why she was the last in, she wanted to feed her baby right before and was probably hanging back to do just that. 
“So this must be little Zeeanna.” He gestured to the baby at her chest before said baby turned at the sound of her name from clutching at her mother to look him over curiously. And if Sulaimon thought that Zakira was beautiful, this little baby had to be the most adorable baby he had ever seen before in his life, his own nieces included. 
But after Zeeanna looked him over, she seemed to make up her mind about him and pulled away from her mother and leaned towards him and started cooing and babbling at him and reaching out with her chubby little hands. 
“No, Anna.” Zakira immediately pulled her baby away from him and tried to wrap her up even closer in the mother sling she had her daughter in. 
“I wouldn’t mind holding her.” He offered. 
“No, she’d hurt herself on all the weapons that are strapped to you.” Zakira sharply turned him down as she tried walking back to her horse while also trying to contain a now very wriggling and bawling baby in her mother’s sling. 
“Here, I’ll take them off.” Sulaimon offered before he took off the straps across his chest where his daggers were and put them around his hips instead so his arms and chest were disarmed and open. 
“Your armor’s most likely burning hot in the sun, it would burn her skin.” Zakira added as she tried to continue to excuse as she tried to walk away but with each wail of Anna, she got more upset and distressed, as did he before he took that off too and handed it all to a friend to keep for him. 
“There, I’m not wearing anything that’ll hurt her or harm her. I can hold her.” He offered as Anna was trying to climb up her mom’s chest, and over her shoulder and cried and still reached out to him and Sulaimon didn’t care if he’d strip down to bare fur if he had to -because her cries were hurting him more than any burning arrow could. 
Finally, Zakira turned around and noticed that he had taken off his chest armor and his daggers and even the swords on their belt at his waist before she begrudgingly and reluctantly got Anna out of her sling and then nervously handed her baby over and watched him like a hawk as he took her and held her securely in his arms as she instantly stopped crying and settled down as Sulaimon instantly started soothing her and cooing to her in turn. 
“Well it’s nice to meet you too. So Anna huh?” He assumed as he looked at her as she smiled, showing off four, tiny little teeth in her otherwise bare gums. Sulaimon made sure his claws were otherwise deep into his fingers as he oh so carefully wiped the tears from Anna’s eyes and her cheeks and began to purr to put her at ease which helped her settle down more and relax and get comfortable. 
“Everything ok?” He asked Zakira as he looked up from Anna to see Zakira standing there, watching him hold her daughter as she was frowning in confusion at the scene. 
“She…she usually doesn’t like anyone but me to hold her.” Zakira reluctantly admitted. 
“Zara-Joy said that she and Lomi got to when they came to visit Willow last.” Sulaimon recalled. So at least he wasn’t first rakshasa Zeeanna had ever met before. 
“I…I thought it was a fluke.” Zakira allowed. 
“Well, Zara-Joy is a very sweet person and her husband was always a remarkable guard in the Palace Guard and is a very good and honorable man. Babies have good senses about people.” Sulaimon offered before he reached up to brush Anna’s thick curls from her face before Anna reached out to grab his hand. 
“Oh, Anna don’t…!” Zakiria immediately rushed to pull his hand out of her daughter’s grasp. But was not fast enough. 
Because with lightning fast speed and surprising strength, Anna grabbed his hands, one hand on his thumb, and the other on his pinky and shoved the back of his first finger into her mouth and bit down. Hard. 
Sulaimon impressed himself by not roaring out in pain but his ears pinned back as his gasp and grunt of pain while his tail nearly snapped like a whip. He just instantly clenched his jaw and let out a low growl as his face scrunched up in pain as his eyes snapped shut before he heard Anna let out the most evil little giggle as Zakira gasped in horror at her daughter’s actions. 
He took a few calming breaths and opened his eyes and fixed Anna with a softened but still firm look of disapproval. 
“I’m so sorry, she’s a biter. I should have warned you.” Zakira offered apologetically as she tried to pry his hand from her daughter’s mouth. 
“No Anna! No biting! Biting bad!” Zakira chastised her baby and popped Anna in the mouth once she had freed Suilaimon’s hand from Anna’s grip and her daughter’s mouth, but that only sent Anna into hysterics again before she rolled in Sulaimons’ arms and sought comfort in Sulaiman's arms and chest and rolled away from her mom to avoid her look of disappointment and anger. 
“Anna, you need to listen to your Mama ok? Biting for the fun of it is bad. If you’re biting to defend yourself, that’s one thing. But biting just to be mean is bad ok?” Sulaimon offered as he moved her to lay over his shoulder and rubbed soothing circles into her back as she then tried to climb into his shirt, like it was another sling before he opened up the top of the vest over his shirt to make a pocket to put herself in. as she was happy to do that. 
Then she gave a huge burp and Sulaimon’s ears went back again as he could feel her milky spit up spill down his back. That this heat only amplified the scent and the feeling of it soaking into his clothes and going down them too. 
“I am so sorry!” Zakira apologized again as she grabbed a cloth from her back to try to wipe it up and off of him before it would soak into his clothes too much. But then Zakira was happy to simply sigh in relief and then nuzzle her head into the crux of Sulaimon’s neck and shoulder and reach up and grab a fistful of his fur in her fist and then promptly, fell soundly asleep. 
Zakira tried to clean it up only to look up and softly gasp at the sight again. 
“What’s wrong?” Sulaimon asked as his ears trained on Zakira behind him. 
“Nothing. Nothing is wrong, she’s…she’s asleep. She hasn’t slept hardly at all this whole trip. She has been incredibly upset and restless since we left home. And…she really needs it. I’m sorry she made a mess of your clothes. I can try to wash them once we get to..” She tried to offer. 
“No, it’s fine. Babies are messy. I know. I don’t have any myself but all of my siblings do. This is not the first or the last time this vest and this outfit will have gotten spit up on it. And it’s pretty easy to clean too, no worries. There’s more than enough soap and fresh water to wash it, and I can wash it myself if need be.” Sulaimon calmly reassured her. 
“Well, thank you, very much for understanding that and being so gracious about this.” Zakira offered. 
“Thank you for trusting me with Anna.” Sulaimon offered in kind as they seemed to finally catch gazes and really see, each other, for who they really were. Sulaimon could just see that she was a young widow, trying to deal with immense grief and loss and motherhood all at once and all on her own. And he could empathize with that. And she could see that, while he may have looked rakshasa, there was still a very good man in there, underneath all that handsome fur. 
“Well, you’re right, babies can tell things about people. And if she likes you enough to play with you, even though she did that by biting you. And if she is comfortable enough to fall asleep in your arms, and you’re willing to forgo your weapons and armor to just hold her. Then I’m sure I can entrust her into your care for now.” Zakira offered, with the shyest of smiles, it was small, but still precious before she noticed the others were getting back up on their horses. 
“Do you need help to get back up on your horse?” Sulaimon asked. 
“Uh, no, I’m fine, I got it.” She quickly dismissed.
“Yeah, I know you do. Just, let me at least, offer you a leg up. Here, put your foot on my knee, and you’ll get up on your horse easier.” He offered before he knelt next to her stallion, while still keeping Anna on his other shoulder and securely in his other arm. 
“Thank you.” She thanked him as she took his free hand and used his offered knee to jump up onto her stallion and let him lead the stallion with the others as the group went to Zara-Joy’s palace with the others where she had many guest rooms prepared for her guests from home. 
“Joy! You didn’t have to go all out like this.” Zakira said as she appraised the suite of rooms that her friend showed her to and the many gifts all around it. 
“I can, so I did. Plus I mean look, won’t Anna look so pretty in these?” Zara-Joy asked as she showed Zakira the matching mommy and daughter outfits she had gotten Zakira, that progressed include other colors other than black, trying to tempt Zakira out of her prolonged mourning. Slowly, but surely. 
“Yes, they’re very beautiful. I don’t know how I could ever…” Zakira began to say. 
“Do not cheapen my gifts by trying to think of how much they are worth or how much trouble they were to acquire. Please, don’t steal my joy, accept them. And if you can bring yourself to wear even a bangle, I’ll be happy. I know it’s been hard grieving, but you’re here, enjoy it. They have an entire Spice District here in the Crown City in the Market Square, I’m sure you’ll have fun playing around and finding new ways to mix them together to make anything you wanted. My chefs would be eager to watch you work and try to copy down all those secret recipes your ancestors brought over from the old country being the exquisite Mushariefs they always have been. Your kitchen has always had the best food in all of Willow. Find something new and create something or put a twist on the old. Or even honor the old ways if you really want to. In the meantime, I know you’re anxious to get cleaned up from all the dust from the roads, come, this palace has it’s own private bathhouse.” Zara urged her friend before Anna woke up from her nap and looked around. 
“Just in time, come on Anna, lets get you and Mommy and the other women cleaned up ok?” Zara-Joy said before Zakira took her daughter back from Sulaimon. 
“Joy got you some special oils Sweetheart, come on, let’s get cleaned up and we can let Commander…” Zakira began. 
“It’s just Sulaimon or Sully if you really want to be casual, you don’t have to use my rank or anything.” Sulaimon invited.
“Oh, well then it’s just Zakira for me then, excuse us.” She said as she simply grabbed the closest set of bathing robes, scooping up undergarments under them as she did so and put them with the basket of bathhouse supplies. 
“You can use the other side of the bathhouse, and obviously, get your shirt and vest cleaned at least.” Zara-Joy urged Sulaimon as she went with her friend and urged all the women to join her in “the ladies” side of the bathhouse. 
“Why did you choose Sulaimon to escort me around?” Zakira asked her friend once they disrobed and stepped into the ever hot and gently floating water. While the other women were already giddily talking about how much they liked and were attracted to their escorts. 
“Because, when he’s not in “Commander Mode”, he’s surprisingly quiet yet gentle. He comes from a large but very good family. He’s always been single because the military has always been his career and he’s always saved his wages living in the barracks. And once all of his siblings got married and started having kids, suddenly he found himself on more blind dates because everyone always wants to play matchmaker with him. And he is very guarded against that sort of thing. As I know you have been since you lost Zahir. This way, I figured you’d both get the break from the pressure, even if it’s only for a visit.” Zara-Joy casually explained as she tried to hide her scheming smile as she helped wash Anna and wash her hair while Zakira washed Anna’s body and thought that over and did feel a sense of relief to learn that.  
“Has he ever had…” Zakira began to ask but her emotion cut off her voice. 
“No, he’s never been married, but according to Lomi, he did like one girl. But she couldn’t wait for him to even get out of basic training and was already six months pregnant by the time he came back from his training that takes a year. And the worst part was that she cheated on one of the idiots who got kicked out of basic training because it was too hard for him. And apparently had been having an affair with the other one before he even left for basic training. So ever since then, he’s just…thrown himself into his military career and training more cadets and making sure they are well trained, and very well equipped.” Zara-Joy answered.  
“I wish Willow had had something like that.” Zakira muttered resentfully. 
“I know. But now that Willow is an ally of The Ruby Empire, no more will the men of Willow be led to the slaughter and I’m sure Sulaimon would be the first to volunteer to teach such things there, so that Willow will no longer be vulnerable or at the mercy of anyone or anything, other than the weather itself.” Zara-Joy insisted as Zakira nodded but still fought back tears. 
“Not that there’s many men left.” Zara practically hissed.
“The war took too much from us. From you especially. That’s why I chose the best soldier in King Amit’s army as your escort. Because even if he was without weapons altogether. He would and will find a way to keep you and especially Anna safe, even when you’re not inside your home or inside mine.” Joy soothed Zakira as she put conditioning oils into Anna’s hair. 
“Where will he be staying while I’m here?” Zakira asked. 
“In the next room over from you. And there is a private entrance from his quarters into yours so you don’t have to go out into the hallway if you don’t want to. But there’s a lock on all the doors so no one will have access to you or Anna without your permission and consent.” Zara reassured her friend. 
Zakira got redressed in a bathrobe and took Anna back to her room so she could give Anna a proper massage and a chance to nurse again, since she did spit up quite a bit, and hopefully, fill a diaper or two before she would get dressed and then put Anna into her new outfit, because Zakira did not want Anna to make a mess of such a precious little outfit. 
Then there was a knock on the door that Zara-Joy had told Zakira led to Sulaimon’s guest room. 
“Yes Sulaimon?” Zakira asked. 
“Dinner is almost ready. Are you ready or do you need help with Anna or anything?” He asked through the door as he finished getting redressed himself in clean clothes and had washed himself. So that he too would be fresh and clean for dinner. 
“No, I’m…” Zakira began before Anna immediately popped off from nursing and began to babble and call out to Sulaimon and began crawling on the large bed to get towards the door while Zakira huffed and pulled the robe around her tighter once Anna got to the end of the bed and actually slid down from the bed to the chaise lounge at the bottom of the bed and then slid down safely to the floor and was crawling as fast as Zakira had ever seen Anna move before. 
“Ah! Anna!” Zakira tried to lunge to catch her daughter before she slid from the bed and then got up to try to catch her before she fell from the chaise lounge at the end of the bed. 
But Sulaimon, upon hearing Zakira yelp at her daughter broke the door down and open to get to her but only came in to see Anna there, sitting up on her feet on the other side with Zakira trying to reach for her as Anna smiled happily to see Sulaimon again and closed the distance between herself and him and climbed to stand up on his legs while babbling and reaching for him. 
“Oh, I’m, I’m so sorry, I heard…” Sulaimon quickly apologized as he quickly scooped Anna up into his arms only to be met with the sight of Zakira in only a robe that had come a bit loose in her attempts to get her daughter up off the floor. 
“Sorry to worry, you, obviously, she’s…she’s just fine, I just didn’t think she could move that fast.” Zakira tried to excuse as she looked at the way the wood broke in the door itself as the lock was still in the other half of the lock in the wall. 
“Nor did I think you’d be that strong, unless that door is especially flimsy.” Zakira offered as she gestured to it before Zara-Joy and her husband Lomi came in to see the scene. 
“What happened?” Zara-Joy asked as she looked between her friend and Sulaimon as Sulaimon’s ears pinned back sheepishly. 
“I heard Zakira cry out for Anna and thought they were in danger, and I uh, I broke your door. I can uh. I can either pay for its repair or replacement.” Sulaimon offered. 
“Wow, don’t worry about it. You were just doing your job.” Lomi reassured his friend as he appraised the door before he unlocked it and the other half of the locking mechanism fell onto the floor once it was released as Lomi picked it up.
“That’s quite impressive.” Lomi praised. 
“Zakira, if you want to be moved I have another spare room available.” Zara-Joy offered consolingly. 
“No it’s alright. I think if anything, it just proved that you chose a good and protective escort for me. To the point he’d break your house at the thought of Anna being in danger, it’s fine. I was going to unlock it and keep it unlocked anyway.” Zakira offered. 
“Well, we can still get it replaced while we have dinner. But um, we would just need to put away your gifts for when the repairmen come to install the new door, but first you might want to get dressed.” Zara suggested before she helped Zakira get a set of clothes and into the bathroom before she put the gifts she had gotten her into the dressers and other places in the room before Lomi left to seek out a new doorman. 
“Great first impression.” Sulaimon muttered to himself as he simply got Anna dressed in the matching outfit that corresponded to the one that Zakira had grabbed and got Anna dressed at least. 
“I thought it wasn’t half bad.” Zara- Joy shrugged. 
“Why’d you pick me as her escort? Why not Rhyad? He is a composer and you told me that Zakira was too. At least they would have that in common.” Sulaimon asked Zara as she continued to put all the jewelry that she knew Zakira probably overlooked before she pulled out a different necklace that didn’t match the style of any of the jewelry that was common in The Ruby Empire, much less the Crown City. 
“I could have. But even though they both love music, they have very different views about it. Rhyad and his music is all about the big performance, the large, complicated and intricate workings. Zakira believes in the simple but profound and authentic music. That even if all you have, is your own voice, than that is all the instrument you really need to make good music. And using the natural sounds around you to set the pace and the rhythm. But otherwise, when Rhyad is not a composer, he is a pushover. And that’s not what Anna needs. Anna is a stinker through and through. Aren’t you- you cheeky rascal.” Zara-Joy cooed to Anna as she sat on the bed next to where Anna was being laid down so Sulaimon could dress her, after he checked her diaper to make sure it didn’t need changing. 
“You have a great capacity to give Anna the gentle firmness in structure and discipline that she’s been missing so far. Honestly, I think Anna only does most of the naughty things as more of a joke and to get a laugh, which is why she’s the first to laugh, hoping her mother will too, or at least, just to see Zakira smile. Because all Zakira could do once Anna was born, was cry to see so much of Zahir in her. I’m surprised she just didn’t outright name her Zahini instead.” 
Zara-Joy admitted in a low murmur as Zakira eavesdropped while she got ready. 
“Too much like tahini or zucchini.” Sulaimon noted which got Zara-Joy to snicker a laugh while Zakira made a face. 
“Yeah, that’s what Zahir had said before he left too. He liked the name Zeeanna, his little Anna - Banana. But not his little Zee, because there’s always too many little Zee’s in Willow as it is. It’s hard enough that I share my name with three others. You saw Zara-Grace and Zara-Hope already. So little Anna it is. And she does like bananas, ripe ones anyway. Which I thought was great, a way to finish off the Z’s and get back to the other letters of the alphabet.” Zara-Joy admitted with a bittersweet smile to Anna once Sulaimon finished dressing her before Zara-Joy put the distinctly Mizraim piece of jewelry onto Anna, coiling it around her chubby little upper arm as Zakira leaned against the door and fought back tears of the memory of Zahir talking about Anna-Bananna and how Zakira had laughed at how profoundly stupid that would be to name a daughter that as Zakira smiled bittersweetly at the memory and wiped the tears from her eyes before they could fall down her face and tried to regain her composure. 
“There, like proper Khandi.” Zara-Joy cooed to Anna once she finished putting the arm band around her upper arm. 
“Why did Wennet lead your people out of Mizraiem when she did?” Sulaimon asked. 
“Because in Wennet’s temple, it’s a place of peace, understanding and clairvoyance. Wenet could see there was going to be feud between who would be next to be Pharaoh over Mizraiem. And she could tell it would be futile. Princes were already trying to pit the gods themselves against one another in the pantheon. And Wenet didn’t want any part of it. So she led her most loyal of followers out. And led them to Willow. A valley, surrounded by tall mountains that look like just another arid wasteland on the outside. But such mountains held treasures for us. And she wanted to enjoy such treasures in peace, without anyone coming to conquer and take them away. That is why if you ever get to go to Willow, it looks like a piece of Mazraiem plucked right out of the Mizraiem Delta and plopped right into the Willow Valley. Because that’s what Wenet did for us, or at least, according to the ancestors. She at first, only transported her temple to Willow. And then, as more and more of Mazriam was taken up by the sands when the Old Kingdom of Mazraiem fell when there was the war of the Pharaohs, and thankfully she got to save some of the better houses and transport them to Willow for us to live in. Now granted the houses were made for the Mazraiem Delta, we’ve made them our own and to suit the weather and conditions in The Willow Valley. She even had all of the priestesses and priests and loyal followers put all of their most precious possessions into the temple itself so that they could flee Mazraiem with only food and clothing and tents for shelter, saying they needed to go out into the wilderness to go on a pilgrimage, and not be stopped. Which, according the ancestors, worked.” Zara-Joy recounted. 
“And then once they were safely out of Mazraiem, Wennet led them to the Valley of Willow herself, where she had already moved all of their houses and their gardens and even made off with one of the Pharaoh’s seed storehouses and his livestock. So for once, we could have our animals, breed and raise them with love and care, slaughter them as they got old to feed ourselves, but not before. Seeds and saplings and vines, so we could plant and grow our own food. And work for no one but ourselves. No more pyramids to build, no more elaborate burial rituals of the pharaohs and other nobles. And no more slavery, no more sacrifices to feed a never ending need to outdo the previous pharaoh before them. Just a place to worship in peace. To not toil under the sun and harvest food for the noble’s table while we were simply given bread and fish and oil, without having to brave crocodiles or hippos to get the fish in the first place.” Zara-Joy recalled with a fond smile. 
“The reason Zakira has the title of Musharif was because her ancestry came from the pharaoh’s household of servants, Musharif was the title held by the head of the banquet feast, making sure every dish that came out of the kitchens, whether it be served to pharaoh or one of his nobles, or guests, would be met with pleasure. And that has not been forgotten. The foods from Zakira’s house since Willow’s founding, have always been the best in all of Willow. She elevates simple, humble ingredients and elevates them to dishes worthy to be used as food offerings to any and every god worthy of them.” Zara-Joy praised. 
“Oh like your own confections do not deserve the same praise?” Zakira offered as she came out of the bathroom redressed in the outfit Zara-Joy had gotten her as Zara smiled while Sulaimon’s breath was practically pulled from his chest. Because Zakira was even more breathtaking. Which he didn’t think could be possible. But here he was, sitting down on the bed with Anna in his arms and smiling in awe while Anna giggled with glee to see her mom’s bashful smile at Zara-Joy’s praise. 
“Sometimes. It depends on the humidity.” Zara-Joy shrugged. 
“Here, I got you…” Zara said before she reached behind her and got out a special Masraiem style arm band that doubled as a bracelet and offered it to her friend as Zakira took it and smiled fondly at it before she put it over her wrist but refused any other makeup or jewelry. 
“Thank you for indulging me. You look beautiful.” Zara-Joy praised. 
“Agreed, very beautiful.” Sulaimon praised with a proud grin and realized as an afterthought that the teal on his own dress clothes matched hers and that made his heart beam with pride and happiness. Zakira spared Sulaimon an appreciative smile and decided to wear the perfume you had gotten her after all, just a small line down the center of her chest. 
Sulaimon tried to hide his deep breath in when he smelled the perfume but Zakira caught it and grinned to herself before she put a couple of the toys into her bag along with a few extra cloth diapers and things into it. 
“Well, dinner should be ready any time now.” Zara-Joy encouraged. 
“Here, let me get that.” Sulaimon offered as he reached out for Anna’s diaper bag to put on and wear for her, so Zakira didn’t have to carry it herself. Zakira got her own flower necklace on and dupatta before leaving with him, taking his arm as he escorted them back to the dining room. When they arrived all the girls and young women gasped softly and reached over to grab their friends, cousins and sisters as they shared an excited look and bright, excited smiles. 
“You look beautiful!” They all told Zakira as she walked by. 
“Thank you, a gift from Joy.” Zakira answered. 
“Aww!” They all fawned before reaching out to feel the silk of her skirt as she passed them. When she was done passing them they looked to Zara-Joy and gave her an appreciative smile for finally succeeding in getting her to wear a color other than black, even if it was just a skirt, it was still a small victory. 
Zakira and Sulaimon sat down at the very long table, and towards the end that had the other young mothers and widows as Sulaimon’s friends were practically doing the same thing he was, holding the daughters of the women they were escorting while they were in Willow. 
Although he could already see and feel all the romantic chemistry going off like fireworks among everyone else while he felt awkward because Zakira was not giving him any indication of any interest in him, other than platonic friendliness, as he felt more resistance than anything. But while he was attracted to her, he would respect that unconscious choice she had made and not pursue anything. But the conversation that Zakira engaged in was telling. She was proud of her home, and she was proud of her orchards and her vineyards and was very much looking forward to the harvest this year. And Sulaimon realized why she was resistant. She didn’t want to give up her freedom, independence and control up, which he could sympathize and empathize with. Because that’s why he had been resistant in the past, because he didn’t want to give up the lifestyle he had learned to like and appreciate up either. He liked his own freedom, independence and control over his own life, and his own finances and while he liked to come home to his family for the family dinners, and while the invitation was always open to move into the large suite of rooms that doubled as a home within his parent’s much larger home, he had liked his bachelorhood. Not that he would go out and stay out all night like he used to as a young cadet and soldier. But, that the option was always there. He liked having the ability to take on any assignment at the drop of a hat because he had no other obligations than his own work ones without a second thought about anything. 
“You’ve been quiet.” Zakira noticed when she noticed that Sulaimon, other than eating and listening to the conversation, didn’t add too much to it. 
“I’m just listening.” Sulaimon offered. 
“And you’re brooding.” Zakira realized. 
“I don’t mean to be.” Sulaimon replied apologetically. 
“No, you’re thinking, I can practically see and hear the gears in your head turning from here. What do you think?” Zakira asked. 
“About what?” Sulaimon asked. 
“Any of it? All of it? Something in particular that’s catching your attention?” Zakira asked. 
“How similar we are.” Sulaimon answered which got Zakira to blink in surprise as a small smile soon spread on her lips. 
“How so?” She asked. 
“You have a home that’s been in your family for generations since Willow’s founding, taken right from Masraiem. Your family, in that time has built up a lot. And you have a responsibility to all of it. To keep it safe and protected for Zeeanna. In Willow, you have full and complete control of everything. Your home, your fields, your vineyards, your orchards, your gardens. And traditions you feel you need to keep alive that have been passed down. And on top of that, you’re raising Anna all on your own when you thought you’d be sharing all of that with, with Zahir. Now you have to do it all by yourself. You’re a stronger person than most. You’ve strengthened your shoulders for such burdens, all while grieving. Most would have crumbled and been crushed by such things. And while you carry those burdens well, doesn’t mean that they’re not heavy. And it’s very admirable.” Sulaimon praised in a low murmur. 
“So how are we similar in that respect?” Zakira asked. 
“I’m the youngest Commander. I’m up for the position of being a General soon. And if I get it, I’ll be the youngest one to do so. It’s a lot of responsibility. And a burden that very few can comprehend, let alone wrap their heads around. You have a family legacy that you are doing everything you can to keep alive. And I can sympathise with that. Where you have fields, and orchards and vineyards, I have entire troops to care for and attend to myself. And I take that responsibility very seriously. And I’ve traded a “traditional” life for the one I have now. I moved out from my parents home as soon as the army could let me. I moved into the barracks and I never moved out. Granted I’ve moved around in the barracks, but other than my uniform and armor, I have all this freedom and independence to do what I want when I want, well, when I’m not following orders myself that is. And so far, I haven’t wanted to give that up for anything. And I don’t know how much Zara-Joy has told you about me. But because I’m a bachelor, I’m always getting set up on blind dates and all they see is decorated soldier, or they see my family’s legacy that everyone else in the family is keeping alive and building and adding onto, but me, because I wanted to have something of my own. And it came with a lot of responsibilities that I’ve had to strengthen my own shoulders to bear too. But I chose this and I chose my path and my job and my career. You haven’t. You haven’t had a choice in taking it all on and doing so all by yourself. You’re officially the strongest person I know.” Sulaimon offered as Zakira’s eyes got glassy but her smile was so sweet because she finally felt seen and felt sympathized and empathized with. 
“It’s a lonely life isn’t it?” Zakira noted.
“It is. On one hand I see all my siblings married with kids and have families. And I know that marital union can bring a lot of happiness. But it can also come with a lot of strife and a lot of problems and complications and obligations. And all my siblings see me and my singleness, and they see my freedom and independence and they get jealous…” Sulaimon confessed. 
“But they don’t see the responsibility and the burden and the loneliness.” Zakira finished for him. 
“Right. Exactly.” Sulaimon nodded. 
“Zara-Joy told me that you get set up on blind dates a lot. And that it’s always with girls who are privileged. And who are either after the glory of your military career, or your family’s status and wealth and think all they have to do is seduce a soldier and then never have to do much of anything else and that all their problems are over and that your family will take care of them. Which is why none of them have worked out. Because you don’t want a girl looking for an easy way out.” Zakira surmised. 
“Right again. Because the older I get, the more I realize that there are huge differences between a girl, a young woman, and a mature woman. The girls always have their heads filled with fairy tales and are looking for the whole, love at first sight, soul mate, perfect match kind of thing, which is honestly setting themselves up for failure. The young women, they are looking for security and looking to use their own beauty, or wealth or influence to get whatever they want, thinking that if they say the right things, do the right things, dress the right way, look the right way, it will come to them. But it’s the mature ones, who realize that if they want a life they want to live and do so happily, they have to build it themselves or someone else will build it for them and they may not like how it’s built for them by someone else. And if they’re going to share what they’ve built with someone, they want it to be the right person who appreciates them and sees the value in what they’ve built and appreciates the work it took to make it that way.” Sulaimon noted as Zakira was impressed that he was mature and smart enough to put that together. 
“I’ve always heard the saying “what are you bringing to the table”. And when I was younger, I thought I had a lot to bring. The older I get, the more I realize that it’s the table itself that’s the most important part. Is the table well made? Is the table made with good and sturdy materials? Was it built with time, and careful effort and planning and actually hand crafted? Or was it just slapped together at the last minute and wonky and unstable and the moment you put anything on it, it’s all gonna slide right off or fall apart at the first test of how much the table can hold. And so far, I like to think I’ve built a decent table for myself. Granted some of the materials used were from my family and the style is similar. But I’ve had to build it none the less. And then once it was built, I’ve had it stacked and piled high and sometimes, feels overflowing and cluttered, when it’s not bare or being rebuilt to handle more and more weight and loads in the first place.” Sulaimon tried to illustrate. 
“Exactly. And if you’re going to join your table with someone else’s, you want the table to be the same height as your own. And you want it to be just as strong and just as well made and just as sturdy as your own. You want help to keep it decluttered, but you don’t want to shove everything you have onto someone else or have everything on someone else’s table shoved onto yours so theirs is cleared for lavish meals while yours is piled high with work.” Zakira surmised. 
“Yes! Exactly right.” Sulaimon practically laughed and beamed because finally, finally, someone understood it. 
“Well, then you’re right. We are very similar and have a lot in common. I always thought my table, was the family’s table. And then when there was no family. Suddenly, I had to take ownership of it. And then realize what was broken, what was needing work and realizing that it’s just too big of a table to handle by myself, when I always thought I’d only be taking up a chair at the end of it. Not the one at the head of it. And the head chair at the head of a big, long table, that’s had generations of crap put onto it, it’s cluttered and disorganized and overwhelming. But if I’m going to adjoin my table with anyone else’s I’d want help with it. And not simply hand it all over so that anyone else can do whatever they want to it, or break it apart and use it for firewood.” Zakira confessed. 
“Or use it as a cutting board. Or take a hacksaw to it and cut it and resize it how they want it, and not realize it’s built that way for a reason. Not for the looks, but for function.” Sulaimon muttered. 
“Or think that it’s all for show and it’s meant to be embellished with fancy engravings and set up to look like it’s always full with a feast, but all the dishes are empty. And it’s never meant to be used or eaten from, always meant to be ornamental.” Zakira murmured back. 
“Exactly. Because, while those fancy and elaborate tables are pretty. That’s all they are. They have no strength, integrity or function besides being looked at for how pretty it is, but the moment you put any kind of weight on it, it’ll fall apart and break.” Sulaimon nodded in agreement. 
“Or one that will look at the feast you’ve made for yourself on that table and help themselves to it, and pull up a chair without an invitation and without bringing a dish to add. And then once they’ve eaten, won’t even help wash any of the dirty dishes or help clean up after either.” Zakira added. 
“Or worse yet, assume that they should sit at the head of that table that you slaved over, making every dish delicious and think they should eat first and eat their fill and leave nothing for the person, who actually made the food in the first place, when in reality, if you’re hungry, work, get ingredients and learn how to cook it yourself. Because the first thing I teach my soldiers is how to cook for themselves and how to forage for themselves and how to tell what is good and safe water or not, or how to clean the water in the first place. Let alone, how to cook. I see more and more incompetence and that incompetence being weaponized because such work is “beneath them”. Which is frankly, stupid. Because if one is hungry, they have two hands, they can make it themselves. And if they still depend on their mothers for such things, they might as well still be in diapers and sucking on their thumbs and not in my army, let alone my platoons.” Sulaimon professed and Zakira’s jaw was practically on the floor as her smile of delight was like sunshine. Because if she had thought Sulaimon was handsome before, he was practically the sexiest man she had ever laid her eyes on since Zahir for having that attitude alone. And she practically had to stop herself from grabbing him by the whiskers and kissing him right there at the table. 
Oh, when Zara-Joy said, that besides, Lomi, Sulaimon was practically the best man in the Crown City, she was not kidding. 
“What?” Sulaimon asked as he looked at her as she seemed to have something turn alight in her.
“I…wow. I completely agree. I want to meet your mom and thank her for raising one hell of a good son. Because I realize you’re a grown man. But yes! A thousand times yes! You have no idea how infuriating that can be! Everyone in Willow, ever since we settled there has always gone on and on and on about how great the food at our home was and always praised my mother for her cooking skills when it wasn’t that at all. My parents were equals in the household and always did everything together. It wasn’t my mother that was doing all the cooking and cleaning. It was both of them doing those things together, both of my parents were always in the kitchen with everyone else, everyone learned how to cook, everyone, once they were weaned, learned how to keep their room clean and then learned how to help make the rest of the house clean. How to mend clothes, how to cook, how to judge whether something was ripe or not. What to look for in ripe or unripe foods and how to pick your spices and how to blend them and grind them, and usually the more delicious the food, the more preparations went into it and how satisfying it is to do the work and then all come around and share a meal that everyone had a hand in making. And doing so as a team that made their marriage and every marriage before, a success. Because that’s part of why Wennet had us break off from Masaier, because she saw how it was the women that did all the work but the men got all the fruitages of their work and assumed that because they worked outside the home, that that exempted them from doing anything in the home. Wow. Just…wow. I’m astounded that we have that much in common. Good for you for figuring that out, and if going through military training is a requirement, I hope you get to teach every man here and far beyond that lesson. Cause that lesson alone will bring them so much peace and pleasure and satisfaction, not only in their tents but especially when they get home and really see how much labor goes into those things.” Zakira praised. 
“Well I mean if you really want to meet her, I can let them know. I’m sure they’d love to meet you and you could exchange recipes if you wanted.” Sulaimon offered. 
“I would love that.” Zakira smiled happily as she finally seemed to lower the last of her guard and for once, ate to her own satisfaction and enjoyed all the flavors of all the various dishes as Sulaimon walked her through the traditional favorites as they bonded over food, and how to cook said food. And especially how to do laundry. And especially about how to be a self-sufficient adult. 
After dinner, there was a series of games played, the biggest one being ‘cahoots’ that after the second round, Sulaimon was quick to catch on what the key was before Zakira let him whisper what he thought it was into her ear as she nursed Anna on a nearby couch, using her dupatta to maintain some modesty as Sulaimon was happy to sit next to her and help tuck it around her and between them so that Anna could nurse in peace and Zakira could do so with some modesty, which Zakira really appreciated. 
“Yup. You got it.” Zakira smiled happily that he caught on that fast as his whisper sent a delightful shiver down her body. 
“Sorry, whiskers.” Sulaimon apologized when he saw her skin break out in gooseflesh. 
“It’s ok.” Zakira waived off as now she really just enjoyed the sound of his voice as her imagination of how his mouth would feel on her skin while she felt a bit guilty about the thought and fantasy before she hissed a gasp and clenched her jaw before she pulled the cover out to fix her daughter with a look. 
“You bite- you’re done.” Zakira threatened Anna who didn’t seem to like that her view of Sulaimon was obstructed as she looked from her mother to Sulaimon. 
“Anna, no biting Mommy. You bite her, you’re not gonna nurse. Mommy’s body worked hard to make that milk. Don’t bite her.” Sulaimon repeated as he peeked in and locked gazes with her too. 
Anna’s eyes got a bit wide as she then looked from him to her mom with a look of shock. 
“Yeah, you need to listen. We mean it. If you’re hungry, eat. But if you’re gonna bite, you’re not gonna nurse and I’ll just wean you early. I’m not having you bite me on the one of two places you can get milk from.” Zakira leveled before Anna seemed to take a minute to think it over before she picked up nursing.
“Thanks for backing me up.” Zakira thanked him. 
“Of course, always. A mother knows best right?” Sulaimon offered with an easy smile. 
“Yeah, but it’s always great to have back up and support. You have a really nice balance between soft but still firm and authoritative tone to your voice.” Zakira praised. 
“Comes with years of practice and imitating my brothers and brothers in law and my dad.” Sulaimon chuckled softly. 
“Oh, so not something you learned in the army?” Zakira gently teased. 
“No. I learned many things in the army. And I’ve fought my battles. But I’ve also watched my nieces and nephews and it was practically mutiny, because it was just me against at least a dozen of them. I was outmatched and outnumbered and they knew it and took full advantage at first. Thankfully my brothers and brothers in law and my dad have helped me since as well as my sisters and sisters in law. How to be firm, but not harsh. How to be patient but not a pushover. How to be kind but not do them the disservice of spoiling them to the point that they think they’re the masters and thinking they’re in charge and you’re their servant to do their bidding. That doesn’t work. That the parent, or in my case, the adult- and uncle was. I can command a legion of a thousand soldiers, no problem, and lead them head first into battle, no sweat. A dozen kids all at once? It’s a juggling act, only you’re juggling swords that are all out of balance, and on fire and everything is made of paper. A disaster in the making. Just…chaos. No order, all anarchy and mutiny. Well, at first. The more I do it, the better I get at it. Now, it can get a bit hectic, but not as chaotic as it was at first. It was a lesson in humility, I’ll tell you that. I thought I was pretty hot stuff when I made Captain and had my own troop of a hundred soldiers. But that was nothing, those kids brought me to my knees and practically begging for mercy and trying to turn myself into a eunuch just so I wouldn’t have any myself.” Sulaimon readily confessed which got Zakira to laugh. 
“Did you succeed? Did you actually go through with it and chop your own balls off?” Zakira asked in that same teasing tone which got Sulaimon to grin and grow just a bit bashful.  
“No. Tempted. But no. But once I learned how to be the adult in charge and how to wield my authority over those kids without making all of them cry and sob for being too harsh or sharp in tone with them, it got better. And then once I showed them, I was in charge and proved I was in charge and that they could scream and cry all they wanted, I wasn’t going to budge and give them an inch because I knew they could take a mile, and got to talk it out and help them use their words instead of their mouths or claws to express themselves, then it got much better. I’m pretty sure half my battle scars are from them anyway.” Sulaimon revealed. 
“Well at least for Anna’s sake, you’ve learned that much at least.” Zakira offered before Anna drained that breast and began to climb to the other. 
“Ok, ok, hold your horses.” Zakira placated as she put one breast away and readjusted herself to put Anna to the other breast to nurse as Sulaimon tried to help her change her dupatta to keep her modest. 
“Would you mind putting your arm up and around my shoulders?” Zakira asked before he readily lifted his arm simply had her lean into his side before he, oh so gently and slowly let his arm settle around her shoulders before she seemed to relax and use his arm as a head rest as she led her head rest over his well muscled arm as her eyelids got heavier and heavier. 
“Do you need to lay down?” He asked. 
“Nah, just…I get tired every time she nurses.” Zakira admitted. 
“The night is young. Once everyone figures out cahoots, then it’s on to…psh…any number of games. It’s when I’m waiting for Bullshit.” Zakira smiled as her eyes closed serenely. 
“Excuse me?” Sulaimon asked. 
“Oh it’s where you tell two truths and a lie. And everyone else has to figure out which is the line of bullshit, or the lie. It’s really fun, because the more you go, you can’t use the same three things, and then you really have to get creative to use in the game. And some people are easy to read and you can very easily tell which one is the lie.” Zakira offered. 
“But you should ace that game. Humans have very expressive faces. You should catch on pretty quick, cause everyone has their little things that either they do with their faces or tells in what they do or how they hold themselves. Others, you’d swear all of them are the truth and others you’re pretty sure all of them are the lie. It works best when there’s alcohol involved because then the truths and the lies get more outlandish. But then that’s when you really get to the really good stuff too.” Zakira smiled as she relaxed and breathed a breath of relief to finally get the overfull ache from her breasts from milk released. 
“Well, then I’ll give you a secret to use against us rakshasi, kajit and tabaxi and catfolk in general.” 
“Ears and tail thwaps?” Zakira guessed. 
“Well, yeah, there’s subtleties to it. And yes, there’s expressions in both. Body language, posture and fidgeting tell on us just as much.” Sulaimon divulged. 
“So that thwapping that guy is doing with his tail on the floor over there, that’s irritation and frustration?” Zakira guessed as she didn’t even bother opening her eyes, just turned her head and nodded to the sound before settling back in. 
“Yup.” He admitted before Zakira cracked an eye open. 
“Black tiger with white stripes, his tail is rattling like a rattle snake. What’s that?” She asked as she nodded over to him. 
“Oh that’s excitement and happiness.” Sulaimon revealed. 
“And the one with lazy flicking, boredom?” Zakira guessed. 
“That or thinking, usually serious thought.” Sulaimon gently corrected. 
“Ah, so what are you seriously thinking about then?” Zakira asked once she noticed Sulaimon’s tail do the same as it laid next to him and the tip slowly flicked back and forth. 
“What I want to make you for lunch or dinner when we go to my parent’s house whenever I get the message to them.” 
“Mmm. I see.” Zakira nodded as she closed her eyes again. 
“What should I bring?” She asked. 
“Nothing, you’d be the guest.” 
“Yeah, that’s not gonna cut it. I don’t eat at tables where I’m not allowed to add anything to. If your parents open up their home, I should be a gracious guest right? How do I do that?” Zakira asked. 
“Show up.” He admitted. 
“And?” Zakira prodded as Sulaimon took a deep breath in and slowly let it exhale as he had to think about it as the flicking of his tail got a little faster. 
“Honestly, they’d be happy to meet you and have you and show their own hospitality. So, you really don’t need to bring anything but yourself and Anna.” Sulaimon repeated. 
“Fine, spice mix it is, I’ll put strip peppers in it.” Zakira replied with a shrug and a smug grin. 
“Oh no, Zara-Joy already had me try those. Way too spicy for the kids.” Sulaimon quickly shook his head no, while his eyes went wide with fear. 
“There’s more than one kind. Some of them are as sweet as cherry tomatoes, others are the spiciest thing to put in your mouth and would tempt you to strip your clothes off and in your case, shave your fur off. I’d use the mild ones. They have just enough kick to tingle the lips but not burn. But they have really good flavor. Of course, I guess I could just give them some seeds to them too, if the kids eat the spice level that tonights meal was served at, they’ll like it just fine, if anything I think the kids would giggle to feel the tingle.” She mused. 
“Ok, that would be quite good then. They would love that.” Sulaimon had to admit. 
“Figured.” She grinned before Anna finished nursing and was halfway into Suliamon’s chest before Zakira could even get her breast back into her top, but Sulaimon was ready and able to get her with his one free arm. 
“There, better now you got a full belly?” He asked as he let her sit on his arm and use her arms up on his chest before he noticed the milk still around her mouth began to drip down, and without thinking, he licked her mouth clean which got Anna to squeal and wiggle and bounce in delight while Sulaimon tried not to get milk drunk himself because while he was nursed as a baby, he hadn’t gotten any since weaning and Zakira’s was…way too delicious. 
But the act got Zakira to laugh as she finished putting her breast and pulled the dupatta off from being wrapped around her chest and moved the pillow that Anna had laid on to keep her arms from having to hold Anna’s full weight while she drank. 
“Good?” Zakira asked Sulaimon before his ears laid down bashfully. 
“Yeah, it’s milk.” Sulaimon sheepishly offered with a shrug. 
“Mmmhmm.” Zakira hummed as she giggled through her nose. 
“Whose ready for Bullshit?” Zakira asked the group that was still in a circle in the living room. 
“I am!” All of the visitors from Willow began before Zakira got in and sat down on the pillow she had been using for Anna as the group let them into the circle as Sulaimon sent a message home that he would be bringing his protectee, Zakira and her daughter over to the house for a meal. 
“You go first Zakira.” They urged her. 
“Ok, 1. Anna has never pooped and threw up on me at the same time. 2. My house has the pantheon of Marsaier’s gods carved and painted on the walls. 3. There were 177 dunes of sand visible from the north side of the road between Willow and The Crown City.” 
“Three’s bullshit!” Almost all of them answered. 
“Nope. One. Anna was only four months old when she puked and pooped on me in bed at the same time.” Zakira proudly proclaimed as everyone laughed while groaning at the same time at how disgusting that was. 
“Why’d you count the dunes?” Sulaimon asked. 
“Boredom.” Zakira shrugged. 
“Your turn.” Zakira urged Sulaimon. 
“Oh um. 1. I was the youngest captain and youngest commander to be appointed in King Amit’s Army. 2. I have been on over 100 blind dates since I was appointed as a Captain that never resulted in a second date, 3 is… I have 216 weapons, six sets of armor but only 4 sets of the army uniform.” He proposed. 
“Number 2 is bullshit.” Most of them suggested. 
“Nah, I’m calling 3 bullshit, there’s no way you only have four sets of the uniform. But I believe all the other numbers are correct.” Zakira said. 
“That’s true. I only have three sets of the uniform.” Sulaimon admitted. 
“How?!” All the other soldiers asked. 
“Less to wash and dry myself. Otherwise my rank is a pin to pin into the shoulders of the regular uniform.” Sulaimon shrugged. 
“How do you have 216 weapons?!” Most of the people of Willow asked. 
“Yes.” Sulaimon confirmed. 
“Why so many sets of armor?” The others asked. 
“Well, there’s the regular training armor, the testing armor, the official deployment armor, which comes with a spare and then a formal fancy set for official ceremonies and then the last one is worn specifically for coronations.” Sulaimon listed off. 
“Why only three sets of the uniform?” Zakira asked. 
“One being worn, the second is dirty and in soapy water, soaking so the dirt and dust gets out of it before I can finish washing them when I’m done training for the day, the second is already up and drying in the sun, ready to be worn the next day.” Sulaimon smiled proudly.
“Simplicity and complexity, I like it.” Zakira smiled approvingly. 
“Thanks.” He nodded before he got a message back from his parents. 
“What’s that? New marching orders?” Zakira asked. 
“No, I sent a message home about your interest in meeting my mother. They want to have you over for lunch or even dinner tomorrow.” Sulaimon offered. 
“Oh, uh, which is better for them?” Zakira asked. 
“Either or, your choice.” Sulaimon. 
“Lunch is more informal.” Zakira decided. 
“Lunch it is then.” Sulaimon nodded and wrote down her reply and gave it back to the messenger. 
“I’ll need to go to the Spice District tomorrow morning then.” Zakira urged him. 
“We will definitely do that then.” Sulaimon readily agreed. 
After games, they all started to get sleepy and Sulaimon walked Zakira, the moment they tried to part, Anna began to cry like she was being tortured in between trying to nurse to go to bed. 
So once she had nursed her fill but still cried incessantly, Zakira finally caved and called Sulaimon into the room. 
“Sulaimon, Help.” Zakira said tiredly as she was sitting in bed, propped up by pillows and was near tears herself because of how exhausted she was from the rollercoaster of the ride the day was. 
“I got her.” Sulaimon reassured her as he quickly slipped into the room, the only sign he had done so, being the white of his shorts and the way the light reflected off of the back of his iris’ as he fought not to practically get into bed with her and hold her too. So he picked Anna up from Zakira’s arms and pulled her into his own as her cries started to lesson considerably. 
“Sweetheart, it’s time for bed. Come on now. Your Mommy’s had a very long and tiring day. We need to sleep.” He said before he cradled Anna into his own chest as Sulaimon paced the room, making sure to stay in the low lights coming into it from the windows so that Zakira could still watch him if she felt she needed to as he just kept purring, rocking and humming to Anna as Zakira gave him an appreciative smile and rearranged the pillows to simply lay back and tried to get some rest in the bed, even as attractive as the sight of a half naked Sulaimon was in the low moonlight. 
Anna fought sleep and kept an iron grip on his fur on his chest and neck in her fists and refused to let go, even in light sleep. But Sulaimon was undeterred and kept with it, keeping his humming soft and kept his purring loud enough to settle Anna further into sleep as he walked around the room but mostly stayed to the foot of the bed. Once Anna finally slipped into deeper sleep and finally loosened her grip did he pull her hands off of his fur and kissed them sweetly nonetheless before kissing her temple as he changed his hold on her carefully so that she was laying down in his arms rather then on his chest but kept her close to make sure she wouldn’t wake up, she still turned and curled up to his chest, even in sleep and tried to grab at the shorter fur of his chest. But once she slipped back into a deep sleep again, her hold fading again, did he finally stop humming the lullaby’s his mother always sang and hummed to him and his siblings growing up. 
“There. Get some sleep Zakira.” He breathed as he passed her back into Zakira’s hold in the bed. 
“Thank you Sulaimon.” She thanked him as she grabbed his hand and kissed the back of it gratefully as she put Anna snuggly next to her in the bed and curled her whole body around her daughter. 
Sulaimon smiled softly and fondly before he left the room and closed the new door as quietly and softly as he could. 
Then he pulled a blanket and a pillow and pulled the chaise lounge that was at the bottom of his own bed and put it right on the other side of the door, not wanting to be any farther than he had to be from them as he kept an ear out for any noise inside the room. 
Once he was asleep himself Wennet herself, taking the form of a lilac bunny, seemed to slip into the room by shadows. She considered him and was pleased by his efforts to be respectful to Zakira and mindful of her needed space yet protective enough to even guard her door at night and granted him very restful sleep, even as little of it that he would be getting. That even though he would only be sleeping for a handful of hours, that his sleep would be as restful and restorative to him as if he would be getting more than a dozen and granted him very pleasant dreams and hints at his future so he would remained patient, kind, and focused during the day. She also granted the same to Zakira, sensing how much Zakira needed the same while also blessing her with pleasant, enlightening and inspiring dreams as well so that her heart and mood would be lightened and she would be much more conducive to letting go of her pain, sorrow, anger and hurt and actually accept Sulaimon’s attention and affection and love and return it and come back to her former, happier self before she slipped out of the room and went around to the others who had come to The Crown City from Willow. It wasn’t too long before Anna had woken up as well and started to fuss which immediately woke up Sulaimon, his eyes snapping open and he immediately sat up and moved to get up and back into the room but then he heard Zakira’s gentle singing and humming and he couldn’t help but gasp softly at it’s ethereal beauty. Then he paid close attention to hear that she was humming and singing the same lullabies that Sulaimon had sung earlier. But coming from her, they sounded better than they ever could have. His heart melted as he swooned and laid back down, now that Anna had quieted down and let Zakira’s voice lull him back to sleep.
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dhrteratophilia · 1 year
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The Dramione Teratophilia Fest 1.0 Masterlist 🫀 fic and art fest for monster lovers 🫀 fest 1.0 closed 🫀 submissions revealed march 2023
Stay tuned for Round Two!
Day 1 Beast inside the Beauty by Stein048s explicit | fic & art | gargoyle
Day 2 It's Alive by bienfaeng explicit | fic | frankenstein monster
Day 3 You belong to me. We belong together by TheWanderersWanderingDaughter explicit | art | werewolf ! trigger warning: rape / non-con
Day 4 The Moonlight Curse by BlueZeldana explicit | fic | dragon
Day 5 Don't Touch Him by dracois4lovers explicit | fic | veela ! trigger warning: graphic depictions of violence
Day 6 Ephemeral Felicity by roseheira explicit | art | cat hybrid ! trigger warning: rape / non-con
Day 7 You Found Me by dracois4lovers explicit | fic | ghost
Day 8 Dragon Wings by sarena explicit | fic | dragon
Day 9 Come Morning Light by ridasart general | art | veela
Day 10 Tender Flesh by NinaBinaBallerina explicit | fic | minotaur ! trigger warning: graphic depictions of violence / rape / non-con / cannibalism
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jerzwriter · 2 years
A Mother's Journal - Part 2
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Book:                   Wake the Dead
Characters:        Eli Sipes, F!OC (Florence Sipes), M!OC (Jim Sipes)
Rating:                 Mature
Warnings: Death, some non-graphic violence
Series:                 A Mother’s Journal
Category:            Angst with a bit of fluff
Summary:           This is a continuation of Florence Sipe’s journal.  It begins in 2023 and ends on Eli’s 13th birthday in December 2027.  Additionally, there are two conversations.  Florence and Jim discuss grim news they must deliver to their sons, and Eli and his father (Jim) have a heart-to-heart the day after his birthday.
Words:                 1675 (plus journal entries)
A/N:                     Once again, this started as a writing exercise, so I could develop a comfort level with the backstory I created for Eli before WTD began.  Since some enjoyed the first set, I will share the rest.  I also added some dialogue to enhance the story. There will be two more segments after this (possibly one if it doesn’t run too long). They will cover Eli’s teen years and then his twenties.
I’m tagging those on my Perma list and WTD only list – I have a tag list cleanup going on now; you can find it here.  If you wish to be on OH only, please let me know, and I’ll move you.  
While this isn’t really in line with TS’s song, it is about several types of heartbreak, so I’m submitting it for @choicesdecember2022c – Day 28 – heartbreak
Series Masterlist WTD Masterlist Full Masterlist
“No!” Florence’s face was red with indignant rage as she turned and marched away from her husband. Rushing to the cabin, she nearly slammed the door on Jim, who was quick at her heels. Undeterred, he followed her into the kitchen. 
“Flor, you have to listen to me….”
“No!” She flung around, a fury he had never witnessed in her eyes. “It’s not up for debate! I agreed to move up here and teach our sons how to fight and kill if need be. But there are limits, and you just reached one!”
“Florence! Every decision we’ve made has been in tandem! And we haven’t made a single one lightly! Do you think this is the life I wanted for our sons? We’ve made these choices based on necessity, and this is just one more unfortunate thing we have to do.”
A loud snort shot from her nose, her attempts to contain her exasperation all but gone. 
“An unfortunate… an unfortunate reality? Is that what you call this… this isn’t an unfortunate reality. It’s… it’s a goddamned sin! It’s horrific! It’s… it’s….NO!” She swallowed back a sob. “I’m sorry, Jim. We cannot do this!”
Turning her back to her husband, she wrapped her arms around herself, trying to provide the warmth and comfort she needed desperately, but knew would never come.  Images of her own childhood flashed before her eyes. It hadn’t been perfect, and she bore the scars that came with that imperfection, but compared to the life her children led, it was a fairytale.  She wanted her mom.  She wanted her dad.  She wanted to be the child again and be spared having to make these impossible choices. How much more before she broke?   
She startled when Jim’s hand gently touched her shoulder. Reaching up to take it in hers, she let the floodgates open, breaking down in the warmth of his embrace.
“Baby,” he whispered. “I don’t like this any more than you. But, we….”
“Jim, are you sure? Could this just be a rumor?”
“I wish it were. Once bitten, the person you love is gone, and there is no cure.  The lucky ones will die a slow, excruciating death, but the others will turn into flesh-eating monsters. Sometimes it takes hours, sometimes days… but it inevitable.”
“You’re sure?” she wailed, praying against hope that he’d have a different response.  
“There are horror stories, baby. People turning and killing their spouses, parents, their children… it has to be done.”
It had been close to two years now, and she thought they had seen every horror.  But every time she thought they were settling into the hell they were forced to endure, a fresh new one was just waiting.
“You want us to tell our sons that if we get bit, they have to put us down? You’re telling me that if my babies get bitten, I have to shoot them?”
“Honey,” he said, trying to hold her close again, but she shook him off. “Honey,  if it happens, we’d be doing an act of mercy.”
Flor sat next to the fireplace, poking at the flames and trying to lose herself in the brightly colored embers that fell.  “Somedays, Jim…” she whispered, “somedays….”
“Somedays, what, love?”
“Somedays, I think we should give up. Sometimes I think we would have been better off if we were among the millions of the dead. We’ve been fighting, struggling to survive… and for what? To live another day? You said it yourself; you don’t think we’re ever going back to what we were before.  So what’s the point. ? Why not end it all now?”
“Florence Webber Sipes!” His voice was stern yet filled with a keen understanding.  “I know where this is coming from. I do.  But we cannot think that way. I will give everything I have for my sons to have a chance at a future.  It may not be the future we envisioned for them, and it’s not the life we hoped for, but it’s the one they’ve got… and we don’t know what belies them.  There may be joy down the line that I will not deprive them of, and I will do everything in my power to ensure they have that chance.  But if  the worst should happen….”
“I know,” she said, wiping her tears.  The new world didn’t allow much time for stages of grief, and the time she’d been given to cycle through them was a luxury quickly nearing its end. “I know.  But ….”
Jim sat next to her on the floor, lovingly wrapping his arm around her shoulders.  “I hate this, too.  If you want, I’ll tell the boys by myself….”
“No,” she said, willing herself to find the strength that kept her going. Where it emerged from, she’d never know. “We’re a family, and we’ll tell them together.  But… do you think David is ready?  This will be so hard for Eli, but David… I don’t think he….”
“I know.  I’ve thought of it too, but what if the three of us are down? The only option would be for him to wait for one of us to devour him.  We have to tell them both.”
“Fine,” she wiped her nose and stood tall.  “Call them in.”
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Jim happily whistled as he put away the last of the dishes in the cabin’s tiny kitchen. There was no denying that they lived in a challenging world, and even though he and his wife Florence had always done all they could to instill some normalcy amongst the chaos, it was rare that he felt this much joy.
His eldest son had turned thirteen yesterday. It was a milestone Jim wasn’t sure anyone would live to see when the world came crashing to an end six years before. But last night, they sat down to eat with their friends, had a night of fun, and even a delicious birthday cake. Well, post-apocalyptic delicious, anyway. 
Sure, there was some unusual activity this morning. A small hoard of zombies appeared on their property, a rarity in the dead of winter. But Eli had been as prepared as ever, taking all four out before Jim had a chance to grab his rifle. There was a time in the not-too-distant past when such an event would have left everyone rattled. But today, after assuring no other drones were lurking,  the bodies were removed, and they carried on like nothing had happened. Most wouldn’t think it was good to have grown so accustomed to these things, but Jim looked at the world differently than others. This was the world they lived in, and they had to adapt.
He was about to join Florence in bed when he noticed a solitary figure on the porch. Concerned it could be another drone, he grabbed his pistol before realizing it was Eli. He joined his son, tossing his coat at him as soon as he stepped outside.
“What are you doing out without your coat, son? It’s winter.”
Eli half-smiled as he reluctantly pulled it on. “It’s not that bad. Haven’t you noticed winters have been getting warmer the past few years? I think that’s why we saw drones this morning.”
“You could be right about that,” David agreed while sitting in his rocker. “You did a great job, by the way. Your skill blows me away sometimes.”
Eli shrugged. “Just did what needed to be done.”
Jim studied his son, leaning against the banister in the moonlight.  Florence was right. Eli was so much older than his thirteen years, in both appearance and action, and it broke his heart that he needed to be.
“You seemed to enjoy yourself last night,” Jim smiled.
“The Jones are good friends. It’s always good to see them.”
“You and Nessa seem to get on better with each passing year,” Jim studied his son’s non-response. One thing was clear if he was developing feelings beyond friendship for the young woman, he wasn’t letting his father in on it tonight. 
“You know, I’ve been working on your mom.  You’re thirteen now and have more than proven yourself. I think it’s time you should be able to travel to see her alone.  You deserve to have more time with your peers.”
“Don’t worry about it.  Mom has enough to worry about, and I don’t want to add to that list.”
“But eventually, you’ll have to. You’re growing into a young man, and heaven forbid anything were to….” Jim stopped himself, but Eli picked up where he had left off.
“If anything were to happen to you.  If that happens, I’m ready, and I promise you,  I’ll look after Mom and David. You have my word.  But Dad?”
“Yes,” he answered, pride and sadness meshed in his voice.
“Please don’t let it happen.”
Eli’s words didn’t come out as a statement but as a plea.  The world had deprived his children of so much, but they had a gift few were fortunate enough to have in any world. They had each other, and that was the greatest blessing of all.  Jim stood up and placed a firm hand on his son’s shoulder.
“I’m not going anywhere, and I promise you, I’m doing all I can to guarantee that. I love you, Eli,” he said, embracing his son.  “I may not say it often enough, but I do.”
Jim couldn’t see the tender smile that brightened his son’s face over his shoulder, but he was sure he heard it in his voice.   
“I know, Dad,” Eli whispered.  “I love you too.”
Inside the cabin, Florence let the curtain fall from her hand and quickly made her way back to the bedroom.  She thought her heart could burst with love and happiness.  They weren’t unique; fate had delivered a brutal blow to everyone.  Why should they be spared? Especially when it had given them something so precious, something it only afforded very few.  They had each other, and that meant everything.
Florence grabbed her journal from under the bed, knowing exactly what she wanted to write.
Permatags: @a-crepusculo @aishwarya26 @animesuck3r @annoyingmillenialnewbie @binny1985 @bluerosesbloom @bluebelle08 @crazy-loca-blog @danijimenezv @different4strawberry @differenttyphoonwerewolf @doriopenheart @fayeswiftie @forallthatitsworth @genevievemd @hopelessromantic1352 @inlocusmads @jamespotterthefirst @jennieausten @kingliam2019 @liaromancewriter @lilypills @lucy-268 @mainstreetreader @onikalover @openheartforeverinmyheart @potionsprefect @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @schnitzelbutterfingers @secretaryunpaid @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @toadfrog26 @trappedinfanfiction @zahrachoices @jerzwriter-reblogs-asks @choicesficwriterscreations
WTD Only: @bebepac @kyra75 @cariantha @missameliep
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kisames-corner · 1 year
Kisame Birthday Bash 2023 Masterlist
Better late than never, eh?
Day 1 - March 17th
Sea Monsters "My, what large ___ you have there" "Blue Lips, Blue Veins"
Day 2 - March 18th
Akatsuki Birthday Party Comrade Killer Deadliest Catch
Day 3 - March 19th
Roommates Under the Sea/Waves Teeth
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louwhose · 2 years
louwhose art masterlist
Instagram | Drawing tag
The Legend of Zelda
Zelink Week 2024: (SS) Under the Stars, (BotW) Fading, (MC) Blooming, (EoW) Enchantment, (AoL) Spellbound, (OoT) Sealed Fate, (ST) Reunion
Fable/Legend DTIYS, Idiot hair Link, Heaven's DTIYS, Twi's Skyrim AU, ALBW Rumors,  ghost link/ witch zelda, LU camping, ladye’s daybreak, lively bunch, LOZ sketch dump
Breath of the Wild
Zelda in Shining Armor (my comic)
Zelink Week 2022: One Last Look, Age, Rainy Day, Statue, Sparring, Rituals, Healing
Swords and Storms Cosmere Inktober: Puppet, Weapon, Glass, Chains, Flame, Miscreant, Lantern
Linktober: miniature | adventure pouch | boat/ship/vessel | nostalgia | secret | link | boss | storm | dream | zelda | deity | botanical
Link, Link but in a cool pose, March of the Koroks, Zelink Reunion, Zelink braids, Divine Zelda, Champions meme, Zelink in Gerudo outfits, Calvin and Hobbes Zelda and Link, Zelink kiss comic, Tebasaki Tackle, You are my Sunshine, "Pure" friends, Stained glass monster, Speedrunning a century meme, Anne AU, Swords and Storms AU, S&S incognito, Zelda pixie cut, Zelink reunion redraw, Witch Zelda, Fall Under Your Spell, Battle & Overgrown, Halloween Scholomance AU, I’m Not That Girl, Link would be best dad, Christmas zinc, link_inofficial, The Fallback Plan DTIYS, Physical Touch for Keik, Redraw, Loftwing Letters Zelink, Down Bad Christmas Link, OoT Parallels, Written in the Stars, chrsmsmsmss, Redraw (again), A Mother’s Love
Tears of the Kingdom
"BotW 2" with BACKGROUND, Dramatic BoTW 2 Link, Feral Link BoTW 2 prediction,  BotW 2/ LOTR animation, After the announcement, Ghost, After February Trailer, Journey, Save Him, B’s DTIYS, fond goodbye, Ruben’s Study
Ocarina of Time
Starting struggles, Zelink meet CUTE
Play-by-play sketchdumps: first, second, third + Shink, fourth, final
Expression meme: Link, Sheik, Golden Trio
smol zelink, Ending sad, OoT/ Stormlight, OoT 24th anniversary, 100% cannon secret marriage mistletoe kiss, Skipping Stones | Zelinktines Day 20: Meet Cute, OoT Zelink flangst, Zelink/Deku Mountain Greek inspired, Impertinence, BoTW Parallels, butch impa, wedding shink, magical girl, shink kiss, 200 DTIYS, masks, Sheik-xedo mask, fireboy and water girl, Impa drawing meme
Skyward Sword
Zelink at the start of the game, Groose on the surface hehe, Link with Nightblood, Loftwing Sunset, Sky sandals, Zelink hug, Play with Me, angy link, sweet DTIYS entry
Wind Waker
telink redesign, ocean adventures, Watery Smile, fancy goth vibes telink, recruit uniforms, telink dynamic
Spirit Tracks
Hand holding, birds, Ethereal
Minish Cap
Minish Cap Beginnings
Ren Faire Week: (1) Meeting, (2) Market, (3) Token of Favor, (4) Tournament, (5) Archery, (6) Dancing, (7) Until Then
Sousou no Frieren
Dwight in Shining Armor
Expression memes: 1, 2, 3, 4
Shining Smooch Week 2023: Yesterday, Marigold, Crown, Gothic, Heart, Wanderlust, Hero
Dwetta, A kiss like fireworks, Dwetta christmas, Baldric’s Koi fish, Sir Dwight, gotta kill this guy meme, Cow Advocate, Pie Knight, Dwetta (A2), Bald x Hexy F1
Swords and Storms Cosmere Inktober: Puppet, Weapon, Glass, Chains, Flame, Miscreant, Lantern
Rithmatist characters, Vin, Fancy Vin, Vin and Elend flirting, Melody + Icecream, Link with Nightblood, Miraculous / Stormlight Crossover, Swords and Storms AU, S&S incognito, OoT/ Stormlight, Soaring through the mists, rithmatist pose
Hamin's Flower (Seasons of Blossom), Totally not a king Hesho (Starsight), That dallymart scene in turning red, Yona and Shirayuki, The spy family!!, Anya Smirk/punch (SPY x FAMILY), Anya Peanuts (SPY x FAMILY), Scholomance The Last Graduate vibes, Sesshomaru, TwiYor snuggles, Goblin, El and Orion <3 (Scholomance), FMAB Expression meme, Cecil (Answer Me, My Prince), Edwin, Defiant, slugs and delvers, Wonka, Volo and Akari, Ides of March, Apothecary diaries, Normal jk mafuyu, sketch dump
My Stuff
Fantasy OC???, Witch, Villainess Idiots (OCs), Mermaid Unicorn, Villainess Expression Meme OCs, sky island dragon
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ashestoshadows · 1 year
My Masterlist
Tumblr media
I'm starting to need to keep track of what I write so this is my way of doing so for myself to keep track of what I've written and for others too. Plus I am hoping to try and post more of my writings which at most are still in WIP and I'll also hopefully post them on my AO3 as well, hopefully, at some point as i've not touched my AO3 in a long while now.
(whenever i write my OC's and such will make appearances like Reynard for example)
There are many thing's I'll write and many things I wont.
I wont write anything that's NSFW like sex for example as i'm very uncomfortable about that stuff despite me writing such stuff but never posts them, or reads them, i just find the act of that so... uncomfortable, especially for others to read so that might change in the future.
Will write about: Yandere's, monsters, Pokemon, Sonic (although i know very little since i've never played any of the games really besides Forces)
Won't do: NSFW, and anything that makes me uncomfortable so any kinks I wont do. Sorry if you were looking for that.
Down below here are my posted writings/stuff
(January 21st 2023) Zoroark x reader x Zoroark
(January 22cnd 2023) (Requested) Suicune x Reader
(February 14th 2023) Valentine’s Day Date
(February 17th 2023) Was this really your end?
(March 12th 2023) Hunter (Lucario) X Reader
(March 19th 2023) Reader x (Gallade) Knight
(14th May 2023) Happy Mother's Day Meema!
(June 17th 2023) (Requested) Female Mewtwo x Reader
(June 29th 2023) Silent Threat That Lurks Amongst You
(26th of July 2023) Reader meets Reynard's Newly Caught Alpha
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