#Monday reblog
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myuniverseinabox · 1 year ago
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Let's Go to Heaven
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lesbx · 6 months ago
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Calliope with her marble, as usual
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kogarashi-art · 5 months ago
Reblogging to make sure this is visible: the side-blog is live and I have a lot queued up to post once a day. Highly recommend checking it out and sending some love the artists' way!
Hey, anyone who's interested in seeing this: I'm setting up a side-blog to reblog artwork I like.
It's partly to keep from oversaturating this blog with other people's artwork, because there are a lot of pieces I like, but also so that all the art I like is contained in one location and easier to browse through without having to skip past posts on writing or memes or whatever. My own art will still get posted here (and then possibly reblogged to the side-blog if I'm particularly pleased with it).
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profiction-edits · 7 months ago
You’re invited to the…
I made a list of prompts to use across two weeks. You can do moodboards, stimboards, icons, banners, writing, art, or any other creative thing! For ships, feel free to use ships from any fandom or selfships! You can skip days, do multiple things for one day, or anything else that you’d prefer. Tag your works with #profic party, and/or @ me, and I’ll reblog it here!
Day 1: Your OTP.
Day 2: Your favorite character(s).
Day 3: Your most problematic ship.
Day 4: A rarepair that you like (or a selfship that you don’t talk about often).
Day 5: A crossover ship (or a crossover of two things that you love).
Day 6: A poly ship.
Day 7: A character that you like from media that you aren’t otherwise interested in.
Day 8: Any character or ship, themed after your favorite season.
Day 9: A character or ship from media that you loved as a child.
Day 10: A platonic ship.
Day 11: A character or ship that exemplifies your favorite trope.
Day 12: A headcanon that is basically canon in your mind.
Day 13: Any character or ship at their ideal party.
Day 14: Free day! Make whatever your heart desires.
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badolmen · 7 months ago
Match Me Mondays!
I am setting aside $5 every Monday to donate to one of the following campaigns - match me if you can!
If not, please reblog this post so it reaches someone who can.
(verification) Ghazi Younis ($5.739/$50.000) [11.5%]
(verification) Mohamed Mikki ($2.316/20.000) [11.6%]
(verification) Salem Alanqar (€7.670/€38.000) [20.2%]
(verification) Fayrouz ($6.650/$30.000) [22.2%]
(verification) Asmaa ($11.490/$50.000) [23.0%]
(verification) Amal Alanqar (€11.553/€50.000) [23.1%]
(verification) Shymaa Taiser ($12.421/$50.000) [24.8%]
(verification) Ahmed Halas (€23.310/€80.000) [29.1%]
(verification) Abdel Muti Al-Habil (€19.113/€50.000) [38.2%]
(verification) Dina ($19.733/$50.000) [39.5%]
(verification) Youssef ($10.341/$25.000) [41.4%]
(verification) Munna Tashmali (£15.273/£30.000) [50.9%]
(verification) Fatima Alanqar (€10.755/€20.000) [53.8%]
(verification) Hashem Al-Shawish (€25.443/€45.000) [56.5%]
(verification) Aseel Asad Mohammed Jadalhaq ($62.199/$100.000) [62.2%] *new campaign, see here.
(verification) Mahmoud Khalaf (€38.572/€55.000) [70.1%]
(verification) Mahmoud Baalou ($74.000/$90.000) [82.2%]
Timestamp: Feb 24, 2025
More information and campaigns under the read more.
(Conversions: $5 = €4.57, £3.90)
If a GFM was closed or deleted before reaching its goal, the funds are not distributed. Request a refund for deleted or terminated GFM campaigns here. Select ‘The funds were never delivered to the intended recipient’ as your reason for requesting a refund. Submit an equivalent donation to the new or remade campaign if available.
Daily Campaigns @writing-prompts-for-palestine
Five Dollar Fridays
Ten Dollar Tuesdays
Do Something Saturdays
Completed Campaigns:
(verification) Oday Adnan Al-Anqar (€50.278/€50.000) [100%] *previous donations were accidentally refunded, see GFM update
(verification) Haya Alshawish (€100.000/€100.000) [100%]
*the following campaigns have been deleted by GFM or have paused donations, update from organizers and alternative donation methods below
(verification) Noureddine *see update here
(verification) Ahmed Mohammed (£71/£30.000) [0.23%] *reduced goal and new campaign; previous campaign closed, see here.
(verification) Hamza Al-Absi (€3.391/€21.000) [16.1%]
(verification) Mahmoud Al-Balawi (€47.699/€65.000) [73.4%]
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cybrpnkd · 7 months ago
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(default) male V › 5/???
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pandoraspocksao3 · 1 year ago
This was great!
99 CENTS ON KINDLE 9/24/23-9/30/23!!
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Or what 2017 Reylos called Praxis 😜
Dark/toxic want/love
Stockholm syndrome
Explicit sex scenes
Serial killer (s)
Multiple personalities
Forbidden fruit
If you love the dark BookTok stories, you’ll enjoy this! Click HERE to get a copy of MINE on Kindle for 99 CENTS (and always free on Kindle Unlimited)!!
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storytellering · 1 month ago
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Saw these modded screenshots and had to redraw this 🖤
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gomzdrawfr · 9 months ago
Ghost In a Box 006
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cupcakegalaxia · 11 months ago
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More Yugo and a refined 'normal outfit' from the previous post than his funny little battle onesie. Wanted more of the blue and orange in his old outfit.
Also did a little speculation on how the wings worked; the bottom text roughly says ' A 'naked wing' -- the said part that is 'soild'. The energy forms around them as the Eliatrope grows ( s2 Yugo) and fully solidifies when reaching physical adult hood (s4 Yugo) .'
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rongzhi · 1 month ago
help ! i vaguely remember a clip of people on vr voice chat and this like blue blob going "you're an idiot" (or a bucket?) and the whole clip being the two of them going "no u >:[" but like giggling while it happens. it was one of my favorites but i've completely blanked on how to find it! tysm <3
This one, probably!
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omegastation · 2 months ago
For Trilogy Appreciation Weeks, here are some krogan headcanons that make me happy:
A krogan actor became very famous after starring in a popular human/krogan Beauty & The Beast retelling
A turian (believer) and a krogan (skeptic) duo had a popular show where they tried to solve mysteries, including human ones
During the Reaper War, a krogan historian became popular because he started explaining the history and many details people didn't know about popular places/items that were now destroyed because of the Reapers. He encouraged others to talk about their culture and the places that had specific meaning to them
A female shaman started a group for spiritual women of all species. They used to video each other and share tea time together. During the Reaper War, the shaman died on Tuchanka. Later, the surviving members of the group gathered together on the planet, with Wrex and Bakara's blessing, and said goodbye during a ceremony
A dance company included a duo of krogan ballet dancers who were so popular that all tickets were sold out during their Citadel shows
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fantasticalleigh · 4 months ago
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2020 RAW watch is complete, had to do some Banger Bros sketches bc my god they are precious
(sketches on the right are more based on 2024 drew and sheamo)
(also was it ever explained where and how Sheamus got Angela and Drew's old blue gear?)
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strawbbz · 11 months ago
Can u draw traves and cscoop
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Please never ask me for anything else ever again
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eusuntgratie · 2 years ago
read on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48918970
🔀 sid/tanger pretty please ♡ 
What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine They said everything will be just fine I give my best and I give my all Feel like everything's all my fault
Time stands still, but the clock keeps spinning I close my eyes and get lost for a minute The words and the tears, they have long dried up I think I thought that I'd had enough
Sid is startled out of his reverie by a hand wrapping around his waist from behind, tentative before pulling him close.
“I can hear you thinking. Aren’t we supposed to be relaxing?”
“Yeah, no, I- yeah. Do you wanna go for a walk or something?”
Kris pulls him flush against his front and nuzzles into his neck. He tries to keep himself from tensing but can’t quite catch himself in time. Kris doesn’t call him on it.
When Sid doesn’t say anything, he nips at the skin on the back of his neck and whispers, “there’s no one out here. It’s okay.”
“We shouldn’t- if somebody sees-”
“They won’t.”
“And I shouldn’t miss this much training. I think if I could just improve my-”
Kris bites into his trap, just enough to hurt. To shut him up. To cut off his spiral.
“Sid. You can’t train your way into the playoffs. Five fucking days at the beach won’t keep us out. You want a workout? I’ll give you one. Come to Montreal after and I’ll kick your ass in the gym.”
“You’d love that.”
Sid stares at the water, and lets the sound of the waves lapping at the sand wash away all the questions in his head, all his worries, all his fears, all the what-ifs. Lets Kris hold him, and tries not to hate himself for not being able to give him everything.
send me a ship and 🔀 and i'll shuffle my playlist and make an au
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kaneki-week · 3 months ago
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Kaneki Week, an event celebrating all things Ken Kaneki, is approaching!! Kaneki Week will run from the 16th to 22nd of December 2024. For those interested, please check the prompt list above and guide given below!
1) Please tag this account (@kaneki-week) or use the tag #kanekiweek24 when posting work intended for this event!
2) Tagged submissions will be reblogged from this account from the beginning of the official Kaneki Week to February 1st 2025. Submissions later than this will not be archived here.
3) The prompt list is merely suggestions. If you want to follow your own prompts or inspirations, you are fully welcome to do so! And don’t be pressured to post something for every single day of the week - if that is unrealistic for you, that’s okay, you’re still welcome to participate!
4) You can create whatever art you wish for this event - whether it be writing of any kind, fanart, edits, crafts, a dish that reminds you of Kaneki, literally anything. Generative AI submissions will not be accepted.
5) Please include a line break before any nsfw submissions.
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