#Mok Haewon
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dramaruni · 2 years ago
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@userdramasevent 08: heat - warmth
Truthfully I didn’t even know I was cold Coming back home I realized I was quite cold
When the weather is fine (2020) dir. Han Jiseung
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shinjoonyoungs · 4 years ago
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"We go to a faraway land to find the bluebird of happiness, but the bluebeard was at home the whole time? Maybe its just an excuse we came up with to console ourselves because it is hard to attain happiness. I personally think that happiness is out of reach." - Mok Haewon
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ladunski · 3 years ago
when the weather is fine.
(this review may contain spoilers)
gue waktu itu pernah nanya di salah satu base kdrama di twitter mengenai rekomendasi drama korea yang cocok untuk healing, dan when the weather is fine jadi salah satu judul yang paling banyak disebut oleh orang-orang. karena penasaran, maka dengan tekad yang kuat (gue ngga begitu terlalu suka park min young soalnya) buat nonton.
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impresi pertama yang muncul dalam kepala gue ini mampu menjinakkan ekspektasi 'healing' itu dari sinematografi yang disuguhkan. karena beneran, sinematografinya memang ciamik. sangat calming. mempertontonkan latar pedesaan di musim gugur (menuju musim dingin) dengan kehangatan khas warga desa yang riweuh tapi tetep akrab. banyaknya scene baca buku sama nyeduh kopi juga berhasil bikin hati tentram.
berbeda dengan sinematografi yang bikin hati adem, sayangnya justru si kedua tokoh utama (mok hae won & lim eun seop) yang justru bikin hati panas alias ngeselin banget, bunda. kalo boleh, pengen banget rasanya gue jitak itu kepala mereka berdua.
mok hae won adalah sosok yang paling egois di cerita ini. dia merasa bahwa cuma dirinya aja yang paling menderita di dunia. merasa bahwa orang-orang di sekitarnya mesti tau kalau dia itu menderita—tapi dia sendiri ga pernah melisannya secara langsung, jadi kayak cuma ngebatin doang gitu. kalau disenggol sedikit, dia lebih milih lari daripada berdamai dengan masalahnya sendiri. karena terlalu fokus pada sakit yang dideritanya, hae won jadi lupa bahwa orang lain juga punya deritanya sendiri. hae won jarang mau menempatkan kakinya dalam sepatu orang lain. betul kata kim bo young, mok hae won cuma mau nerima sesuatu yang flawless, sempurna—tanpa gores atau cacat sedikitpun.
sedangkan lim eun seop ini tipikal lelaki yang terlalu baik. haduuuuuh laki yang terlalu baik itu memang tidak baik, bestie. apalagi dia termasuk ke dalam people pleaser alias sulit buat bilang 'enggak'. selain itu juga daya juangnya (buat dapetin hae won) rendah banget?? euh. bikin turn off parah sih kalo ketemu cowo modelan kaya begini. malah kerenan si oh young woo kata gue mah. langsung satsetsatset gol.
justru menurut gue pribadi, kisah para side character yang justru lebih menarik perhatian. terutama kisah ibu dan bibinya haewon yang penuh pilu. di samping itu, lim hwi juga berhasil banget meranin sosok adek yang nakal tapi gemes, jadi pengen marah juga gabisa hahaha. dan yang terakhir, kisah-kasih lee jang woo sama ji eunshil cukup menarik perhatian karena super uwu uwaw adu lucuk.
soal musik dan ost, kayaknya biasa aja. engga ada yang berkesan. begitu selesai namatin, engga ada tuh ost yang nempel di kepala. tapi, narasi yang dibacakan di setiap episode patut diacungi jempol! bonus, outfitnya mok hae won gemes-gemes banget 🥺👉👈
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michyeosseo · 3 years ago
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#KDRAMAWOMENSWEEK 2022 | I Just Think She’s Neat! « Kim Bo Young »
You can dislike anyone but you can only hate someone you like. And I really liked you.
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kimdokiisms · 4 years ago
Dramas like, I'll Go to You When the Weather is Nice, tend to be more character driven, hence the reason why they feel a bit more real, personal or comforting? Theres a plot, but it's highly focused on character growth and that's why I love them so much. I love the corny, over the top, cliche shit but sometimes I just wanna watch two people grow while loving one another without an over the top plot and dramatic characters and tropes that continue to push the leads away from one another.
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tintakaca · 5 years ago
Every day, the sun rises and sets. The same goes for life. There are bright days and dark days.
Some people have the sun shining on them all the time. However, there are some who live in darkness all their lives.
(Mok HaeWon)
Do you know what people are afraid of ?
Losing the sun, that's been shining on me all along. Having the light fade away and not being able to see the dazzling sun ever again. It would have been better if I had never seen it. I know the warmth, and I've made the scrunched-up frown because of the dazzling sun.
That's why I'm afraid.
Still, I like you.
(Im EunSeop)
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gigigerigi · 4 years ago
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Buku yang berhasil dibaca kali ini : I’ll go to you when the weather is Nice
Perlu waktu lima bulan setelah buku ini dibeli dan cuti dua minggu untuk menyelesaikan buku ini. Bukan..bukan karena buku bacaanya terlalu berat atau bagaimana tapi karena hilangnya minat membaca dalam diriku. 
Biarkan aku menceritakan tentang buku ini. 
Buku ini, aku membelinya setelah melihat sebuah drama dengan judul yang sama atau judul lainnya bernama When the weather is fine. Tokoh utamanya sama, im eun sob dan mok haewon. Jalan cerita dan konflik dalam drama pun sama seperti yang dituliskan di buku. Aku tertarik membeli buku ini karena aku menyukai dramanya lebih dulu. Kisah romantis yang cukup umum dan mungkin terlihat biasa saja, namun, konflik dibalik kisah romantis ini itulah yang membuatku ternganga dan jatuh hati. Sudah sering aku melihat sebuah drama yangmana tokoh utamanya digambarkan sebagai pribadi yang diam dan misterius, namun konflik yang melatarbelakangi tokoh tersebut memiliki sifat itu kadang tidak terlihat “wah” di mataku. Tetapi, di sini, baik Im Eun Sob dan Mok Hae Won, menyimpan rahasia yang membuatkan tidak pernah berpikir sejauh itu. Mereka sama-sama memiliki rahasia. 
Hal yang tidak terlihat dalam buku adalah tokoh, Im Hwi, adik dari Im eun sob. Aku tidak menemukannya dalam buku. Namun aku sangat menyukai Im Hwi dalam drama. Ia menjadi semacam warna tersendiri dalam drama. Dan bagaimana Im Eun Sob menunjukkan kasih sayangnya kepada Im Hwi, hubungan persaudaraan mereka benar-benar sangat menyentuh. Karakter Lee Jang Woo, dalam buku adalah ekstra yang tidak terlalu banyak diekspos. Namun, dalam drama karakter Lee Jang Woo cukup banyak mendapatkan tempat dengan kisahnya bersama Ji Eun Sil. Bahkan sekali lagi, Karakter Lee Jang Woo ini, juga membuatku jatuh cinta kepada drama ini. Lee Jang woo seakan-akan menamparku dengan prinsip-prinsipnya. 
Mengambil latar belakang kehidupan di pedesaan saat musim dingin, membuatku teringat akan desa tempat tinggalku. Kesederhanaan yang ditunjukkan dalam drama atapun buku ini membuatku berpikir bahwa kebahagiaan dapat ditemukan dimana saja, termasuk di pedesaan. Im Eun Sob, seseorang yang membuka toko buku di pedesaan yang mungkin kita tahu tidak  banyak menghasilnya namun ia bertahan dan Lee Jang woo, seseorang lulusan universita bergengsi yang dapat bekerja di perusahaan di kota besar namun memilih untuk menjadi pegawai negeri di kota kelahirannya. Dan orang-orang yang tetap tersenyum dan bahagia di pedesaan yang dingin. Mereka semua seakan-akan menampar diri akan kehidupan sempurna yang aku impikan. 
Terima Kasih When the Weather is Fine, suatu saat nanti, aku akan mengulang untuk menonton dan membacamu kembali. 
Pssstttt : Tulisan Review ini juga terinspirasi dari Buku  I’ll go to you when the weather is Nice juga lohhh
20 November 2020
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solplparty · 5 years ago
K-indie songs for broken hearts 이별의 순간에 있는 당신을 위한 인디음악 모음 | PLAYLIST | K-INDIE PICKS https://youtu.be/ouCnkHNKbXI [Staff Choice] "마음 한켠을 먹먹하게 만드는 인디음악을 모아봤습니다. #인디음악 #늦은밤 #새벽감성 #눈물 #그리움 #이별 -- K-INDIE PICKS :: PLAYLIST -- 01. 크래커 CRACKER – 터널 Tunnel (Feat. 김호연 Kim Hoyeon) 00:00 02. 에피톤 프로젝트 Epitone Project – 나는 그 사람이 아프다 (Feat.타루) 04:24 03. 615 – 편지 Letter 09:59 04. 이영훈 Lee Young Hoon – 일종의 고백 One Confess 13:28 05. 강아솔 Kang Asol –들꽃 Wild Flower 17:11 06. 루시드폴 Lucid Fall – 봄눈 20:21 07. 김목인 Kim Mok In & Big Baby Driver - 사려 깊은 밤 A Thoughtful Night 23:50 08. 10cm - 그게 아니고 That's Not… 28:00 09. 빌리어코스티 Bily Acoustie – 행복해 보이는 사람처럼 As Just Seems Like Happy Person 31:49 10. 조소정 Jo SoJeong – 않아줘 Not Okay 35:43 11. 천용성 Chun Yongsung – 난 이해할 수 없었네 (feat. 곽푸른하늘) Sometimes (feat. Kwak Pureunhaneul) 39:30 12. 적재 Jukjae –View 44:09 13. 이승열 Yi Sung Yol – 아무 일도 없던 것처럼… 48:41 14. 짙은 Zitten – 향 (Original Song 캐스커) 53:19 15. 김사월 Kim Sawol X 김해원 Kim Haewon - 회전목마 Merry-Go-Round 57:40 More about MUN HWA IN ▶https://www.munhwain.kr ▶https://www.facebook.com/munhwainkr ▶https://www.instagram.com/munhwain_official ▶http://blog.naver.com/munhwain_official ▶https://twitter.com/munhwain 문화인 - MUN HWA IN
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cafedechangmin · 5 years ago
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Posted @withregram • @changmin_cyssjh Find me' Park Min-young x Seo Kang-joon, I just met my eyes🤗 ______________________________________ JTBC's new Wolhwa drama 'I'll visit you if the weather is good' (hereinafter 'find me') released the still cut of Park Min-young Seo Kang-jun. The photographs that were revealed contained the smiles of Mok Hae-won (Park Min-young) who was full of aura. The liveliness felt by the calm and graveyard of Haewon started from the friendly eyes of Lim Eun-seop (Sang Kang-jun) who sat opposite. Eun-seop's deep eyes are filled with the emotions he had deeply remembered since the eighteen days when they first met in Bukhyeon-ri. Haewon is a character who came back to Bukhyeon-ri where he spent his childhood freezing because of heartache and unbelief. However, it is always expected that a meeting with thoughtful and considerate Eunsub will melt and disarm the sea. The production team said, “Mello Chemie of PMY&SKJ is higher than expected. The lyrical ambience of the two actors makes a perfect lyrical melody by immersing one's hand and one's sensibility. ” 'Find me' is a heartwarming lyric melody that Haewon (Park Min-young), who is tired of living in Seoul and goes down to Bukhyeon-ri, meets Eunsub (Sanggangjun) who runs an independent bookstore. It will be aired first at 9:30 pm on February 24 following the Prosecutor's War. @rachel_mypark @seokj1012 #illfindyouonabeautifulday #parkminyoung #박민영 https://www.instagram.com/p/B7oFb7upiDs/?igshid=10oijtx5frggw
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shinjoonyoungs · 4 years ago
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It was hard for me too back then. Back then, my heart hurt so much. I know it wasn't as much as you, but I really wanted to die too. I wanted to cry my heart out and ask someone what I did wrong to receive this type of punishment. But I didn't. Because I had no one to ask. Everyone was busy tending their own wounds and abandoned me. Leaving me all alone.
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tintakaca · 5 years ago
To me, you're a flower that only bloomed for a short while in the fall. Those days were like a desert, but when you showed up, I become a garden.
(Mok HaeWon)
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tintakaca · 5 years ago
To be honest, I can't seem to look you straight in the eyes. All I have to do is accept the fact that you don't like me. But it's so hard for me. I'm sorry.
You are such a warm person. You were so warm to me. I guess that's why I suspected about your feelings for me.
But I won't do that anymore. Since you told me not to, I won't expect anything. I really won't. But... never mind.
(Mok HaeWon)
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tintakaca · 5 years ago
Human are dumber than beasts. They keep becoming stupid because they like something. When they like something, they keep leaping forward even when they know they'll die. How stupid.
(Mok HaeWon)
Then they can stop liking something. They can stop offering their hearts. They can give up on the happiness they'll gain from liking something.
Since happiness and misery are like two sides of a coin. If you don't become happy, you won't become miserable either. If you don't have something in the first place, you won't lose it either.
You can disappear forever so that the person will never see you.
(Im EunSeop)
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tintakaca · 5 years ago
I thought I'd forget you.
Of course. We only spent one winter together after all.
Of course. I'll forget you completely.
But I couldn't have been more stupid.
You're different. You would sit heavy in my heart like winter snow and never leave me.
I forgot that for a while.
(Mok HaeWon)
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tintakaca · 5 years ago
The child who used to get hurt by people all the time, started watching people through the wolf's silver eyelash. To find real people in this world filled with fake people.
But the child saw no real people in this world. The child was lonely. He couldn't trust anyone.
(Mok Haewon)
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tintakaca · 5 years ago
We go to a faraway land to find the bluebird of happiness, but the bluebird was at home the whole time ?
Maybe it's just an excuse we came up with to console ourselves because it is hard to attain happiness.
I personally think that happiness is out of reach.
(Mok HaeWon)
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