It’s time to THRIVE - The Mojo Master
Have you ever felt like you’ve spent so much time trying to impress and gain the approval of others that you don’t even who you are anymore?
You’re NOT alone....
The main problem most people who feel lost face is working out who they really are without their perception being heavily distorted by the views, opinions, beliefs and influence of others.
Part of the journey of life is to discover the REAL you, not try to be something you are not as that is the fast track to:
-Inner Conflict
-Self Sabotage
-Self Doubt
Your greatness is already inside of you, it’s just distorted which makes most feel lost, confused and uncertain. The good news is, there’s a way to discover your INNER GREATNESS and get clear on who you really are and what you really want from life.
My 4 day THRIVE TIME event///
Most personal and self development courses teach you what you “SHOULD” be and do in life (based on someone else’s idea of success and fulfillment) and not who you really are and how to SUPER CHANGE what you are.
Thrive Time helps you discover the REAL you so you can channel your inner greatness to achieve MASSIVE RESULTS in life and gain fulfillment.
If you’re ready to unlock your greatness, click here to learn more about Thrive Time
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lashlady18-blog · 8 years
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When you have a lunch break but all u want is a #coffee #onaroll #lovelife #mojomaster #melsyouniquelife #beingme #learning
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gotojobin · 6 years
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#Hearthstone #KingDevinJoseph #TheKingOfHearthstone #BlizzardentErtainment #warcraft #ExpertGamer #GotoJobin #ごとじょびん #キングデビンジョセフ #デヴィンジョセフ王 #YearOfTheRaven #RastakhansRumble #Rumble #HappyBlackHistoryMonth #BlackHistoryMonth #HappyBlackHistoryMonth2019 #BlackHistoryMonth2019 #HappyLunarNewYear #HappyLunarNewYear2019 Sadly, she was still two credits short of her Witch Doctorate. Mojomaster Zihi is unique to Hearthstone. Zihi's Battlecry was originally conceived as one of the possible designs for Kathrena Winterwisp in Kobolds & Catacombs, the other being to Recruit a Beast through a Battlecry and Deathrattle. In the end, the team liked the latter effect a little bit more as it fit better with the rest of the cards in Kobolds. However, they still liked the other version, and when they were thinking about what card text to give to Zihi for Rastakhan's Rumble they felt that it would be a good fit to use the unused Kathrena Winterwisp design. https://www.instagram.com/p/BtkT-MFFZSk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vwjq3m9kf2ke
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auctionmasterbeardo · 6 years
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Mojomaster Zihi is a 6 mana legendary 5/5 neutral minion with the battlecry of setting both players' mana crystals to 5. To clarify, you don't get five full crystals. If you play this on 6, your mana goes to five empty crystals. If you cast it on 10, you'd go to four full mana crystals and 1 empty one and so on. It can obviously be used to counter a Druid's ramp, or to delay a combo play like Shudderwock or Hadronox or Mecha'thun. It can also be used IN Druid to push your enemy's mana back to 5, then play your ramp cards to get ahead again, playing your big stuff that they can't can't answer. #Hearthstone #rastakhansrumble #cardreviews https://www.instagram.com/p/BqxTbECnhGW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ooghuqmtmwkr
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Book a free call now!!
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Are you stuck wondering if you’re REALLY living your purpose? Here’s something to ask yourself….
– Do you love what you do?
– Do you work so you can get paid and then spend the money you make trying to feel free/fulfilled?
Many people get stuck in jobs they HATE so they can become “financially free” but the truth is….
I have met (and personally coached) many financially wealthy people and I am yet to meet ANYONE who is actually FINANCIALLY FREE.
“Financially free” suggests that you never have to worry about money…
In reality, you will ALWAYS worry about money.
Those with money know that the more you make, the responsibilities you have and things only become more challenging.
Here are a few differences I have noticed with those who are financially abundant versus those who struggle or live week to week:
Those who do what they love by living their values, life mission and life purpose love what they do, hence they don’t try to avoid hard work. In fact they crave it. They love it.
The bigger the person’s goals, mission and purpose the more responsibilities they have which also keeps them trapped.
Only people who don’t live in congruence with their own individual values want to escape challenge and crave freedom.
Most of those who don’t live in congruence with their values believe that money will change their life and allow them to stop feeling trapped or stuck.
The feeling of freedom comes from living your own unique values.
Money is not good or evil. It is just a transfer of agreed value.
NOTE: Money does not solve problems. It is an amplifier.
If a person does not manage a little bit of money well, chances are they will not manage large sums of money well.
If a person is irresponsible with a little money, they will be irresponsible with large sums of money.
If a person spends what little money they have, chances are they will spend large sums of money and end up with nothing.
Money needs to be created, managed and distributed in order for a person to become financially independent. This starts by learning how to do it with small amounts first, which will increase over time.
If you plan to spend your life creating wealth, it is essential to love what you do or you will spend your time trying to escape by spending what you earn.
GET CLEAR WITH YOUR LIFE and money will amplify your experience.
“It’s your time to thrive”
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Have you ever noticed that regardless of what you do... you are always either being judge by yourself or judged by others?
When I was younger I was put into “special classes” and judged for being dumb!
Now I study and learn from the best in the world and I get judged for being a smart arse (or I’m judged because some people don’t agree with knowlegde I have)
When I was younger I was judged for being poor as my parents couldn;t affrod to put me in the best clothes and shoes...
Now I have money and I get judged for being a “rich prick” or I’m told that I have it easy, or that I’m just lucky...
When I was younger I was judged for being chubby and unhealthy...
Now I am judged for taking care of my body and the way I look.
When I was younger  I judged myself for putting everyone else first and myself last.
The voices and criticism inside of my head almsot cost me my life....
Then I put myself first and was judged by others for being selfish.
I have come to realise thta trying to avoid judgement your own slef growth and leaves you judging and hating yourself.
The best thing to do is to consistently check in to find if other people’s judgements have validity and work on being a better person from it.
Judgements that aren’t calid are easy to ignore when you have the clarity and self belief within your own life. (Hence why I teach people at our Thrive Time even how to  get clear on their Values, Purpose and Life Mission and build greater clarity and self worth within their own life) At some point most people around you will critically judge you.Just don’t let the critical judgement come from within for too long or else it will rot your self worth and destroy your enthusiasm for life.
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New Thrive Time Event added 26 - 29 November!
Based on Community Feedback, we have released an extra Thrive Time Event for 2020 to help you:
Finish 2020 off with a Bang!Set yourself up for a massive 2021 and achieve the results that you really want in life!
How do I know Thrive Time is for me?
✅ You have Big Goals, Big Dreams or know there's something greater inside of you to achieve more
✅ You recognise that you're hitting up against glass ceilings and ready to smash your mental limitations
✅ You're an implementer & action taker who wants to get sh!t done and lead a kick a%$e life
✅ You're ready to access to some of the world's most Powerful Mindset Tools including Process of Potential (only available at Thrive Time (R) ) to stay focused, driven & lessen the internal noise & chaos
If you're a High Achiever & driven for more. BOOK YOUR CALL NOW
1. Discover why you are CERTAIN Thrive Time is PERFECT for you by clarifying your future vision and your mental and emotional sabotaging patterns.
2. Discover if you are a FIT for our inner community
3. Offer the plan to get you to Thrive Time if you have qualified yourself above.
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Have you heard... Dominate - Personal Development Hub is NOW Available!
If you want to grow personally & professionally Click Here: https://mojomstr.com/personal-growth
Mindset I Performance I Wealth I Time Management I Health and more...
👉 Hours of easy to watch content 👉 Action Manuals for each superclass to implement your learning's immediately 👉 Monthly Huddles and Q&As (next one is tomorrow night Thurs 20 Aug) 👉 Free Facebook Group Community of growth-driven people 👉 New Superclass added every 2 months to keep you on track 👉 $37AUD/month - cancel anytime
Learn from Private Mindset & Mental Performance Coach to some of Australia's Top Rich Listers, CEO's and Athletes to help them consistently perform
Click Here to start Dominating Personally Today: https://mojomstr.com/personal-growth
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Wealth Tip
Most people use the excuse “I don’t have enough money”. This excuse will always hold you back from achieving greater wealth.
Wealth is a byproduct of value exchange.
Value exchange is created by “creating” more value in the world around you.
This can be through your knowledge, your connections, your time, your skills, your labour etc.
If you keep using not having money as an excuse not to create and add value then value will never come back to you in the form of money.
If you have LOW SELF WORTH then you will never ask for what you are worth.
This is why our Thrive Time helps you create greater wealth over time if you implement what I teach as not only will you get clear on where you are most valuable in our society (your values) but you will also create a life map that helps you to keep achieving and breaking through challenges which helps to build self worth. 
Have you picked up your ticket to our next Thrive Time event Live Streaming Globally November 26 - 29?
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Time Management
You’ve probably heard about TIME MANAGEMENT... Let’s talk what’s really important ACTION Management
Do you lead, manage or work within a team?
What actions are they taking in the time available?
Are they achieving outcomes or being “busy”?
If you’re a Business Owner, Manager or Team Leader and want a Team working on purpose, aligned and highly productive
Check out this video below where I share insights to effective Action Management
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Are you where you want to be in life right now?
Do you feel like you're capable of more?
There’s 900 million people on this planet and that are unfulfilled with what they do and waking up to face the day, every day, feels like a chore.
Let that sink in... 900 Million people...
They just accept that this is the way life is.
This leads to a life of self-sabotage, being stuck in the same position, no idea who you are, what you want to achieve in life, and struggle to get out of bed every morning.
When you discover what truly drives you to the core, how to identify and deal with your emotions and build a life map that lights you up, life changes FOREVER.
By understanding all of this and essentially reverse engineering your life, based on your vision and values, you will become UNSTOPPABLE.
This is EXACTLY what you will discover at Thrive Time and much more.
And if at the end of Day 4 you feel like you didn’t get your moneys worth, I’ll give you a FULL REFUND.
And after 5 years of running Thrive Time and having this money-back guarantee in place, we have NEVER issued a refund, or even been asked for one… so...
If you want to wake up everyday with unshakeable drive, knowing exactly where you’re going and how you’re going to get there, how to create and stick to the most powerful habits, and have complete control over your thoughts, emotions, and life,
If you don’t believe me, that’s cool.
I wouldn’t believe someone that has been in Money Magazine, Entrepreneur Magazine, Forbes Huffington Post, CNBC etc, featured alongside Gary Vee, Grant Cardone and many more, and worked with some of our times greatest achievers.
Or would I…
If you’re still reading, it means you haven’t clicked the link and you’re still unsure.
Please either click HERE now to find out more or send me a Message directly so I can answer any questions you have!
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Don’t go broke trying to look rich.
So if I had to give just one piece of advice to anyone feeling trapped or stressed by money, it would be…
“Don’t go broke trying to look RICH.”
That’s how the rich get richer and the broke get even deeper into debt.
Billions of dollars exchange hands every day as OUT OF CONTROL consumers, that can’t afford to save money nor invest, waste the little money they have or worse, buy on CREDIT, just to try to look like they have money.
Wasting money on sh$t that you can’t afford (especially when you have minimal savings and don’t invest in your future) is the DRUG OF THE MASSES and will keep most living week-to-week or struggling financially.
Being FINANCIALLY ABUNDANT is hard, as you have to control your emotions and not get excited to spend especially until you save, invest and have a structured routine around money (even when you have none).
WEALTH CREATION is a mental and emotional game and those who cannot control their mind or those who cannot control their emotions will struggle to get ahead financially, especially if they:
have low self-worth,
worry what others think
feel lost most of the time,
as they will spend what they don’t have TRYING TO LOOK RICH or TRYING TO BE HAPPY.
It’s all superficial and will not last.
Making the person who is mentally and emotionally lost searching again to spend more hoping that happiness and worth come from buying more stuff.
Master your mind and emotions and
Master your money!
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How to stay strong in the moments that define us
No one ever wants to hit rock bottom but there is a hidden gift in all that pain.
The best thing about hitting rock bottom is that those who get back up have incredible strength and courage. They stop giving a f&$k about what everyone thinks and want them to be and they lead the way doing what ever it takes to create an amazing life.
Why does hitting rock bottom destroy some and creates inspirations out of others?
There are three choices when you hit rock bottom.
Start the climb, back up
Stay down
Dig a bigger hole
We all hit rock bottom at some point and for many it may happen a few times (or more frequently if you don’t learn from or become empowered by your mistakes).
The key is to take this opportunity to become a stronger, wiser, more accepting and greater version of yourself. This can never happen where there is blame, anger, hatred and dis-empowerment. That’s why hitting rock bottom will either make or break most.
How you overcome life’s obstacles will determine your character, so stay empowered and stay on track as at the end of your life you will either be an inspiration to others or you will be a valuable warning.
So next time you feel yourself bottoming out… instead of giving in to despair, ask yourself if this experience might just be the making of you?
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lashlady18-blog · 8 years
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Time to do a bit of self love today :) Doing a class to better me! What are you doing today that will benefit YOU! Do something today that is JUST for you! #melsyouniquelife #selflove #metime #loveyourself #mojomaster (at The Metropole Hotel)
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