#Mod Cathria
toukenra · 7 years
Saniwa’s Birthday Headcanons
Hello everyone!
I hope you guys are doing well! I am so so sorry that I have been unable to post anything for the past weeks or so. I have both good news and bad news. Good news is that I have now returned to college along side half a million other students in my province who had been affected. The only downside is that our school year is now compacted and I will only be able to have a week–maybe less–of holidays until we return to continue our semester.
Anyway, enough about me. I have written this head head cannon as a gift to those who will be celebrating their birthday in the next few days/weeks/month. Mine was just 2 days ago~
Please do enjoy.
-Mod Catharia.
For once the Saniwa was allowed to sleep in a few more hours and was woken up by Shoukudaikiri and Taikogane who presented them breakfast in bed.
A few swords passing by would peek into their master’s bedroom to greet them both a good morning and a happy birthday.
It would be such a boisterous and lively morning but a smile would be plastered on the Saniwa’s face the whole day.
Younger-looking words such as Imanosturugi and Houchou would just walk in their master’s bedroom in the pretense of greeting them but are genuinely curious to see what the two other swords had prepared–at the same time hoping to get a bite of whatever their master was having.
Obviously the Sainwa would not mind sharing a few bites but Shokudaikiri would repremand his comrades who would be taking advantage of the situation.
All the swords would eventually be forced to leave their master’s room once Hasebe comes and shoos them out.
Secretly, Hasebe had initially prepared a speech about how blessed they were to have an amazing and kind master but seeing as their Aruji as still in their pj’s, he would hold off
Instead, he would just shortened his speech into less than a minute before letting them know that they would be waiting outside to accompany them for the day.
Once the Citadel’s master is dressed appropriately for the day, they would be immediately bombarded with hugs and greetings once more when they walk though the hallways.
The more openly affectionate charges such as Akita, Mutsunokami, Namazuo, Yamabushi and Iwatooshi are more likely to hug master happily as a greeting.
On the other hand, the more timid swords such as Maeda, Gokotai, and Tonbokiri would give their beloved Aruji a bright smile as well a small hand crafted gift like a ningyō (human Japanese paper dolls) that looked quite similar to their master
A few aloof swords such as Ookurikara, Honebami and  Oodenta would just stand nearby staring at their master before walking away–the ever faint traces of Sakura petals surrounding them indicating that they were in a good mood even if they were scowling.
Throughout the day, the Saniwa allowed visitors to come visit them in their office–happily letting whoever interrupt their paperwork much to Hasebe’s displeasure.
Small trinkets and ornaments are created by the Toushirous and Kunihiros and then presented to the master of the Citadel in which they graciously accepted.
A number of vases filled with various wild flowers were perched on the Saniwa’s desk and a few nearby tables were provided by the Samonji brothers.
Different books about poems, warfare, flower arrangement, and medicinal herbs in courtesy of Kasen, Doudanuki, Hachisuka and Yagen appeared in a small neat stack on desk.
And lastly, small bowl of Coffee Jelly was presented by Azuki as a snack
Later on in the evening, the Saniwa was presented with a few parcels by Horikawa, Daihannya and Hachisuka claiming that their master is invited to attend dinner in the Main Hall.
Packed in the boxes was a whole new outfit which consisted of a formal kimono, an obi, socks as well as a few accessories.
Shortly, Jirotachi, Kashuu and Midare entered their master’s room as they were struggling to change into the new clothes and  insist on assisting them in getting ready or else they would be late.
Once the Saniwa makes their way to the Main Hall, they are greeted by rather loud bang when they open the door, realizing that they had been covered with streamers and confetti
The smiling faces of her charges and a rather loud and lively ‘happy birthday’ rang through the room with Tsurumaru, Sohayanotsurugi, Kikkou’s faces being quite close to their master’s own–the first one, asking if they were genuinely surprised.
The master is then ushered to their seat and the swords surround them, singing happy birthday although a little off tune. Shortly after, dinner is immediately served.
Soon enough, Shokudaikiri alongside Azuki presents a rather modern type of dessert– Almond Honey Cake with Strawberry Ripple Cream Icing–earning them much admiration and awe from both the Saniwa and the other swords.
While dessert is being handed out, a group of swords announced that they had prepared something for their master.A small play had been devised–directed by Kasen and Daihannya–which composed of the Sanjou swords, the Genji brothers,  Kogarasumaru, Uguisumaru and a rather reluctant Ookanehira. Surprisingly, the swords have decided to adopt an old classic tale: Cinderella
Kogarasumaru as the Evil Stepmother
Kogitsunemaru as Cinderella
Mikazuki as the Fairy god mother
Ishikimaru as the King
Imanosturugi and Iwatoshi as Cinderella’s animal friends
Higekiri as Anastasia
Hizamaru as Drizella
Uguisumaru as Prince Charming
The little play started out quite well until the next few minutes passed when it inched towards borderline chaotic
“Step sisters! I have a letter from the Royal Palace has arrived for you!” Kogitsunemaru exclaimed as he tried to push Mikazuki’s borrowed bandana over his head.
“Give it to me!” Hizamaru snatched the envelope from the fox’s hands but it was also immediately taken away his brother “Bro-Sister!”
“Ahaha~! I will be the one to open it!” Higekiri laughed but jolted when the letter was plucked out of his hands by Kogarasumaru
“Look! We are invited to the Prince’s ball at the Royal Palace!” The oldest Tachi hid his smile behind a fan. “Quick we must get you two dressed!!”
“I-I wish I can come along too…” The silver-haired Tachi wiped at the imaginative tears in the corner of his eyes with his sleeve.
“You? Come along to the ball?” Hizamaru smirked as he flipped his non-existent long hair rather vainly.
“You must be joking…” The elder brother dressed as the eldest sister covered his smirk behind a fan.
“You may come along…” The citadel’s eldest sword began as her began to walk out of the scenery. “…Once you finish all the internal affairs before we leave!”
“…I think the proper word is ‘chores.’…” someone commented in the back
“Have a great night working, Cinderella!” Hizmaru taunted as the three walked out of the scenery.
As the scene began to pan over, everyone could hear the Genji bros. talking
A soft whisper of “Why are you following me? Who are you again?” was shortly heard from Higekiri caused Hizamaru to quickly run out of the room, covering his face wailing “How could you brother!?”
The acting swords continue on with their little play while the guests stared at the two siblings who were quickly running out of the room
Throughout the play, laughter escapes the Saniwa and the other swords as the actors acted and wore rather disney-esque clothing–no one knowing where they ever got it
Mikazuki eventually enters the scene, wrapped in a cloak that looks a little too similar to Yamanbagiri’s’s own, introducing himself as Cinderella’s fairy godmother.
“Do not cry, Kogirella…”
“I-It’s Cinderella, old man.” Kogistunemaru corrected but only got a shrug from the raven-haired Tachi. “A-Anyway, I want to go to the ball…It’s too late for me now.”
“It’s never too late!” Mikazuki smiled brightly as he began to tug at his comrade’s clothes, intent on getting him changed. “I will help you get to the ball! All you need to do is strip.”
From there onwards, the play just became filled with amusing side comments and slight changes to the play
Once the play ends, the group is rewarded with a round of applause and cheers with the Saniwa standing up to give them a standing ovation.
If the Saniwa was of age or not, they are entitled to a drink…or a litre at least according to Jirotachi who had almost finished 2 bottles of sake already
The party would carry into the night and even a few of the Tantous had been able to sneak a few cups of  sake before being forced to got to bed by their elder brothers or guardians
The drinking party would carry into the night…until out of pure drunkenness the Saniwa may have started to challenge others to a dance battle…
Surprisingly, Yamanbagiri, Ichigo and Shishou accepted the challenge–using the alcohol as an excuse for their erratic movements
80% of the swords had passed out in the Main Hall or in the hallways having been too inebriated to return to their rooms
On the other hand, the Saniwa had most likely been tucked into bed safely by more responsible swords like Horikawa or Tomoe
The next morning, everyone has been allowed to sleep in for a bit and had painkillers ready by their bedside for those who had a horrible hang over.
All Campaigns, Internal Affairs and Resource Gathering is Cancelled.
…Can we just imagine Ichigo with his tie wrapped around his head sleeping on a half-dressed Yamanbagiri with his cloak missing and Shishou cuddling against the teal-haired Tachi drooling all over his sleeve?
The Saniwa hopes that maybe next year, the swords will adapt another Disney movie as a play…maybe convince Izuminokami to play Rapunzel? Or have Akashi act as Sleeping Beauty…??
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