i-am-trans-gwender · 2 months
Weird how much gen z mocks gen alpha even though we're not any better.
Example: Gen alpha saying Ohio doesn't exist is no different from when gen z use to say Wyoming doesn't exist.
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lividjungle · 3 months
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trying to figure out shararook. fun creature really enjoying it even if its not my usual playstyle
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kply-industries · 3 months
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Hyenas are always making fun of how we walk.
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(English by me)
UUUUUGH. This is from this past weekend. Again a piece of news about how looooong, and impossible to say are Basque surnames, ohmygooood.
1 - a combination of consonant and vowels, wow, Basque is THAT groundbreaking.
2 - the fact that both the hosts say it wrong 3 - the fact that these long surnames - as we explained - are usually two different ones put together. Please note that the second longest has a double A in the middle which doesn't exist in Basque: one is the final A of the first family name and the second is the first one of the other. 4 - the subtle mockery: this is divine music. 5 - the blatant disrespect: I'd call them Patxi. 6 - let's make fun of the pronunciation of Basque surnames but let's give the German and Hawaiian ones to AI. 7 - they all making fun of Basque as if Spanish didn't have long words whose letters can be - oh surprise! - remembered and pronounced perfectly by a Spanish speaker like: contrarrevolucionariamente (26 letters) electroencefalografista (23 letters) esternocleidomastoideo (22 letters)
Fuck them all, quite honestly.
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fieriframes · 1 year
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[And the stars were icicles of mockery.]
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depresanesfreetime · 2 months
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inbox-to-the-void · 5 months
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more prison content for @simplepotatofarmer
[IMAGE ID: The first of two digital drawings. This drawing features dsmp Quackity in Pandoras vault, lava a distance behind him. He has a smug look on his face, mouth opened to show pale green teeth, black tusks, and an ominous green glow inside his mouth. His eyes are blank and amused, the swirls on his cheeks lightly glowing green. His ear wings point upwards in a mockery of Dream's ears, his speech bubble reading "Look, I'm you! (lmao)". END ID]
[IMAGE ID: The second of two digital drawings. This drawing features dsmp Dream in Pandoras vault, a dark purple wall behind him. Dream is looking upward, mask partially broken, his expression conveying so much disgust that the art style has shifted slightly to accommodate the lines of his face. His rabbit ears point backward, and his prison uniform is tattered at the neck. His "nametag" reads "001". END ID]
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sugas6thtooth · 10 months
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jacks-weird-world · 2 months
✵✰Mσƈƙҽɾყ υρԃαƚҽ✵✰
Jack mocking JD vance once again.
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quoththeowl31 · 3 months
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The Interloper's Essence: The Little Pilgrim
The story begins with Miss Nightingale opening a book for a bedtime story and narrating.
A little traveler arrives in his little boat to the Land of Origin and met a Hollow Poet who promised to guide him through the corrupted land but would not guarantee safe passage. With each trial the traveler overcame and the closer they came to the center of the island.
Upon reaching the center, the Prideful One, now imprisoned, asked how the traveler could stave off the corruption.
"I didn't avoid the corruption, it's hard to avoid, but my Mama and Papa taught me something important that helped me through it."
"And what would that be?" Asked The Prideful One.
I haven't drawn out the rest but the idea for the essence is the Divine Comedy with the Interloper acting in the role of Dante, Nightmare in the role of Virgil, and Novelist in the role of the Devil himself found imprisoned at the center of the island.
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God is Not Mocked
Do not deceive yourselves. God is not to be scoffed at. For whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. — Galatians 6:7 | Weymouth New Testament (WNT) The Weymouth New Testament is in the public domain. Cross References: Job 4:8; Job 13:9; Hosea 10:13; 1 Corinthians 6:9; 2 Corinthians 9:6
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Blasphemy laws are ridiculous. If a god is perfect, all-powerful and eternal, as we are frequently assured, then he can never be made greater through praise - or else he would not have been perfect as things can't be more perfect - nor can he be made lesser by mockery or criticism. That Commandments or divine revelations proscribe insults or mockery of gods is a clear indication of the human manufacture of that god.
And if you're going to take the road of, well, it's not about protecting the god, but the feelings of the believer, well... I don't care. Your feelings are your concern, not mine or anyone else's. Your god should know that, and never have supplied those Commandments in the first place. He doesn't think very highly of you, does he?
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disciplesofhim · 2 months
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morgenstern16 · 1 year
I love that the reactions to Astarion are either "I need to fuck him so bad" or "I need to burn this man at the stake". Either complete simping or complete disgust.
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agentrouka-blog · 2 years
I actually find it sweet that Alayne and Myranda didn't made fun of Wallace stutter. Alayne even helped him. Also during the feast he tried to make Alayne laugh like his nephew but failed to do. Alayne then leads the conversation to balance the situation. In this case a maiden helping and rescuing a knight. I could picture a scenario where Jon is dancing with Sansa but feeling awkward while Sansa tried to ease the tension.
Yes, I really like the interaction between them, and what it likely leads up to. Sansa isn't particularly impressed with him, but she is very much trying to take the pressure off for him.
Ser Wallace reddened. "I am no more a s-squire, my lady. My n-nephew knows full well that I was k-k-kni-k-k-kni—" "Dubbed?" Alayne suggested gently. "Dubbed," said Wallace Waynwood, gratefully. Robb would be his age, if he were still alive, she could not help but think, but Robb died a king, and this is just a boy. (...) After that Ser Roland Waynwood swept her up and made her laugh with mocking comments about half the other knights in the hall. His uncle Wallace took a turn as well and tried to do the same, but the words would not come. Alayne finally took pity on him and began to chatter happily, to spare him the embarrassment. When the dance was done she excused herself, and went back to her place to have a drink of wine. (TWOW, Alayne I)
Sansa, who cares a lot for social graces, tends to be a bit judgy when it comes to others lacking the talent for them:
Podrick Payne had changed as well, and looked almost a proper squire for once, although a rather large red pimple in the fold beside his nose spoiled the effect of his splendid purple, white, and gold raiment. He is such a timid boy. Sansa had been wary of Tyrion's squire at first; he was a Payne, cousin to Ser Ilyn Payne who had taken her father's head off. However, she'd soon come to realize that Pod was as frightened of her as she was of his cousin. Whenever she spoke to him, he turned the most alarming shade of red.
"Are purple, gold, and white the colors of House Payne, Podrick?" she asked him politely. (ASOS, Sansa IV)
She is unfailingly polite in those cases and tries to ease the flow of the social interaction.
But Sansa does have a bit of a wicked streak that goes back to her friendship with Jeyne and continues with Margaery and later Myranda, when it comes to making fun of others. (Arya certainly remembers her own unkind nickname, which Sansa may not have used but certainly tolerated.)
 Arya had seen them in the bailey a hundred times; the Redwyne twins, Ser Horas and Ser Hobber, homely youths with orange hair and square, freckled faces. Sansa and Jeyne Poole used to call them Ser Horror and Ser Slobber, and giggle whenever they caught sight of them. They did not look funny now. (AGOT, Arya V)
She even does it herself at Harry:
"Saffron?" Alayne tried not to laugh. "Truly?"
Ser Harrold had the grace to blush. "Her father says she is more precious to him than gold. He's rich, the richest man in Gulltown. A fortune in spices."
"What will you name the babe?" she asked. "Cinnamon if she's a girl? Cloves if he's a boy?"
That almost made him stumble. "My lady japes." (...)
"Little pointy beard and all?" Alayne laughed. (...) "I hope you joust better than you talk." For a moment he looked shocked. But as the song was ending, he burst into a laugh. "No one told me you were clever."
Sansa's is not above transcending the rules of courtesy but her own mockery is usually aimed at people at or above her own status. We never see her mock or laugh at someone below her station. She never laughs at Wallace even when Roland mocks him, because his "flaw" is fully outside his own control. Harry, though, is fair game because he's The Heir and behaved rudely toward her.
Wallace seems like the kind of guy who - like Podrick Payne - she is still prone to underestimating because they don't create an impressive image at first glance. She pities Podrick, but Brienne gets to see his ingenuity and bravery. Sansa is kind to Wallace but she is likely to come to admire him and learn to look closer beyond just offering a smooth path past a superficial weakness. I think Wallace will do something impressive, like @powderpowderblue has speculated!
Here's hoping that Sansa will take that insight into the future and step up a bit more to curb instances of mean-spirited mockery when she has the power to do it.
Though if she and Jon stumble over an especially mockable enemy together, all bets are likely off.
Your image of Jon on the dance floor is making me laugh!
Sansa: Awww, Jon is being awkward and sullen, I bet he hates dancing. Let me make some light conversation to ease his nerves!
"Oh," said Sansa Jon. I am talking to him her, and he's she's touching me, he's she's holding my arm and touching me. (ASOS, Sansa I TWOW, The Awkward Bastard)
Sansa: Poor little lamby, he really can't wait for this social situation to end. I'll do the talking for both of us to spare him this torment.
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alexbyrth · 2 months
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