#Mobile Power Plant Market
aadeshmmr · 3 months
In 2022, the mobile power plant market had a valuation of US$ 1.19 billion. Over the course of the forecast period, the size of the global mobile power plant market is expected to rise at a CAGR of 4.6%.
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trendingnews1791 · 1 year
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markettrend24 · 2 years
Mobile Power Plant Market Growth, Overview with Detailed Analysis 2022-2028
Mobile Power Plant Market Growth, Overview with Detailed Analysis 2022-2028
This report studies the Mobile Power Plant Market with many aspects of the industry like the market size, market status, market trends and forecast, the report also provides brief information of the competitors and the specific growth opportunities with key market drivers. Find the complete Mobile Power Plant Market analysis segmented by companies, region, type and applications in the…
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marketigrstudy · 9 months
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feverdreamjohnny · 1 year
The Epitaph of Anything Goes
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I decided that this morning I would talk about The Museum of Anything Goes and the subject of lost media.
For the uninitiated, The Museum of Anything Goes is an obscure "game" released in 1995 by Wayzata Technologies, a company that is so far under the radar that I was unable to find any useful information about it outside of TMoAG.
All I could uncover is that they published a few multimedia projects (which are essentially lost now) alongside some asset discs (clipart, SFX, etc.). That's it.
The brains behind Wayzata are even more difficult to locate these days: there are only two main names credited inside of TMoAG - Michael Markowski and Maxwell S. Robertson.
The game alleges that Michael and Maxwell are well known in the art world, but any additional information about the duo is scarce beyond the confines of the museum. Attempting to search for either name online turns up plenty of rabbit holes - but none of them have anything to do with the Michael and Maxwell responsible for TMoAG.
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This is particularly fascinating because it essentially means that TMoAG is the only accessible record of their lives. Before we dig any deeper into that statement, let me step back and actually address what this game is.
The Museum of Anything Goes is, by definition, a virtual art museum. Functionally it's a prerendered point-and-click adventure game where you can explore a bunch of multimedia exhibits that give the surface-level impression of a children's edutainment game, but once you start exploring further it reveals a side that firmly plants the game's feet into a haze of substance abuse and surreal humor.
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Many exhibits are essentially just toying around with the astonishing new powers of CD-ROM. Everything has to make noise. Everything has to spin and flitter around. There's an air of genuine excitement for the medium, and I can't help but find it extremely charming.
The game also functions as a scrapbook, filled to the brim with photos of random trips to the zoo and snow-mobile rides with friends. At one point we even get insight into something as specific as Michael's one-year job as a tutor at a Chicago middle school, where he talks about how it opened his eyes to how poorly funded and mismanaged the school system is.
It's simultaneously quaint and chilling to see so much personal history packed into a world doomed to obscurity. As I explore the deeper parts of the museum, I contemplate if the creators are still alive today. It's a bit morbid, but imagine that - you create a single obscure game with your friend and it's all the world can see. TMoAG is currently the only surviving piece that gives any insight into who these two men were.
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While many exhibits are lighthearted or nonsensical, there are occasional moments where the game dips into the eerie.
One exhibit has the player kill a man by dropping him from the sky, and after burying him you open the coffin to a video of a rotting pig carcass being put into an incinerator.
Other exhibits just feature simple 3D renders shifting around a dark screen while haunting groans play in the background.
While I would never refer to the game as "scary," its darker moments combined with the occasional mature subject matter definitely begs the question: Who is this game for?
You have to remember that this game came out long before the concept of "alt-games" had become codified in the digital space. Sure, unconventional digital art had been around before the advent of 256 colors, but TMoAG was being sold on disk as a game! It came out 2 years after DOOM hit shelves!
The trend of using the PC for entertainment was certainly on the upswing around that time, but It's not like TMoAG had a massive audience to find a niche in. With its mature themes it certainly wasn't suited for the kids market either, so who was it for?
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At the end of the day, it's a moot question. We already know the target audience for The Museum of Anything Goes: Nobody. It doesn't have an audience because by its nature, TMoAG wasn't being made FOR someone, it was being made BY someone. It's a raw, unfiltered form of personal expression.
I think games like these are pivotal, because they question why people assume a game has to exist for the sake of being a consumable product. TMoAG certainly has the shape of a product: it features an intro cutscene, it has a tutorial, it features intuitive UX, it even has a map! These are all features that are solely integrated to provide comfort to an end-user. But once you actually wander around the museum for a bit, you realize how bizarrely its packaging fits its contents.
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I think TMoAG is criminally underrated. It's not because its core content contains some earth-shaking truth, it's because the game defied all odds and cheated death.
How many thousands of other personal projects were deemed a little "too exotic" to be archived? How much history was lost these past 40 years as the digital space evolved and ate its old skin?
God knows how many other TMoAGs we'll never learn about because they weren't lucky enough to be preserved.
The Museum of Anything Goes isn't just some nonsensical art piece, it's a grave marker for so much lost media. Its existence is a reminder that some people's lives were fossilized, then macerated into nothing because a construction company built a skyscraper over them. The only evidence we have of those other games existing is this little fossil that somehow slipped out from under the skyscraper unscathed.
Even though so much has been lost, TMoAG survives as an epitaph.
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boinkingbattlemechs · 12 days
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The Warhammer BattleMech was introduced by StarCorps Industries in 2515 to be "a mobile 'Mech with enough firepower to destroy or severely damage any 'Mech of the same weight class or lower." In the mission it was designed for, the Warhammer proved to be a very capable 'Mech, and for centuries practically defined the entire class of heavy 'Mechs. Boasting incredible firepower and respectable armoring, the Warhammer served prominently in the Star League Defense Force and was one of the premier 'Mechs in the Gunslinger Program. Indeed, many of the greatest MechWarriors in history were Warhammer pilots.
After the fall of the Star League, the Warhammer continued to serve in the armies of the Great Houses during the Succession Wars. Its longevity was helped by the large number of Warhammer factories spread across both the Inner Sphere and Periphery, despite relatively low production rates; Ronin Inc. was never able to build more than five Warhammers a year from their Wallis factory. The recovery of the Helm Memory Core would spur on the creation of many new Lostech-using Warhammer variants by Inner Sphere manufacturers, while the Periphery continued to build original models for mercenaries and black marketeers.
The design found a new lease on life after the Clan Invasion when StarCorps decided to revitalize the ancient 'Mech with the latest in technological improvements. Initially the company was to build just one new variant from its Crofton plant, but as news of the plan spread other departments within StarCorps began to involve themselves in the program and descended upon Crofton for a week-long conference to hash out the particulars. The conference ended up being more celebratory than anticipated, and at the end of the bacchanalian "negotiations" it was eventually decided four new variants would be built: one each for the Federated Suns, Capellan, Free Worlds League and Lyran militaries, and using technology unique to each realm. Some examples of these new 'Mechs achieved their baptism of fire during the FedCom Civil War.
The primary weapons on the Warhammer 6R were a pair of arm-mounted Donal PPCs, which used highly charged accelerated particles to cause significant amounts of damage to enemy 'Mechs at long ranges. Together, both PPCs provided the combined firepower of an Autocannon/20 with a much longer range bracket. For close combat situations, the Warhammer carried two Martell medium lasers and two Magna small lasers, one of each in both side torsos. To exploit any weak points in an enemy's armor, a Holly SRM-6 was carried over the right shoulder, with one ton of reloads in the corresponding side torso. Finally, as an effective deterrent to infantry attacks, two Sperry Browning Machine Guns were split between the side torsos with one ton of ammunition carried in the center torso.
The Warhammer was well protected by ten tons of armoring, while the use of eighteen heat sinks gave it the freedom to "fire and maneuver" without concern. The sixteen-ton fusion engine powering the 'Mech gave it a cruising speed of 43.2 km/h and top speed of 64.8 km/h, fast enough to keep pace with the action in most engagements. The electronics on the 'Mech, though dated by the time of the thirty-first century, were simple and effective, allowing it to assume command duties when needed. The targeting system in particular utilized a special Searchlight mounted over the left shoulder of the 'Mech. The device could function as a standard searchlight or tie in directly to the O/P 1500 ARB tracking system, which made the 'Mech an effective night fighter.
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adventure-showdown · 10 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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synopses and propaganda under the cut
"Nonsense, child", retorted the Doctor. "Grandfather indeed! I've never seen you before in my life!"
All is not well on Gallifrey. Chris Cwej is having someone else's nightmares. Ace is talking to herself. So is K9. Leela has stumbled on a murderous family conspiracy. And the beleaguered Lady President, Romanadvoratrelundar, foresees one of the most tumultuous events in her planet's history.
At the root of all is an ancient and terrible place, the House of Lungbarrow in the southern mountains of Gallifrey. Something momentous is happening there. But the House has inexplicably gone missing.
673 years ago the Doctor left his family in that forgotten House. Abandoned, disgraced and resentful, they have waited. And now he's home at last.
In this, the Seventh Doctor's final New Adventure, he faces a threat that could uncover the greatest secret of them all.
Is it good? No. But damn if it doesn't cause some good fandom fights. #LoomRights (@eighthdoctor )
cornerstone of weird doctor who lore and jokes about looms (anonymous)
The Cars that Ate London!
The advent of electric carriages on London's streets causes a stir – until they start careening out of control. Elsewhere, factory workers lose their senses, while a brand-new power plant suffers mysterious outages.
Genius industrialist Fabian Solak has a vision of the future – free from pollution, running on clean electricity. But Madame Vastra knows such ideas are ahead of their time...
We open with one Jenny Flint buying racing pigeons because Vastra keeps eating the- because the pigeons keep getting out. She also buys a swan for Vastra (which, if you know Brit lore, the Queen owns most of the swans for some reason XD, and this is therefore a big ""Fuck you"" from Vastra to the Queen), when suddenly an electric car without a driver attacks the market. At home in Paternoster Row Vastra checks if Jenny is okay and promptly suggests a 'lie down' together... 😂 The guy making the electric cars owns a factory that quite literally works its workers to death in assembly lines, or absorbs the people's brains. The Gang infiltrates said factory (Strax starts a small war after doing a gloriously funny Cockney impression), trip an alarm, and have to flee. Strax runs through a wall. They try to escape in their carriage, two electric cars chasing them. When the carriage crashes, Strax is prepared to take the cars on in hand to hand combat; he sees it as a tactical advantage for himself that the cars don't have arms. Or so he thinks: the electric cars are actually electric TRANSFORMERS. While Strax rallies the workers to seize the means of production (communist king) and Jenny is prepped to be absorbed (she kicks the lady trying to tie her up and frees herself), Vastra has a talk with Mr Solak that ends in her being electrocuted and temporarily disabled for being IBSANELY mouthy. Solak's transformers are automated enough that he doesn't require any more workers, and he plans to absorb the brains of everyone in London with his factory he's made mobile. Well, they manage to escape and get caught AGAIN (they're that skilled istg) they try to absorb Strax as well, and while Vastra talks to Solak and distracts him, Strax takes advantage of the high voltage they connected him to and uses the energy to recharge himself properly. A hilarious audio to kick off the fiest boxset, though not without its serious moments. The concept is insane tho and I love tha. (@jennyandvastraflint )
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theprayerfulword · 2 months
July 16
Ephesians 2:19 You are no longer strangers and aliens. Rather, you are fellow citizens with God’s people, and you belong to God’s household.
Colossians 2:9-10 For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, 10 and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority.
Matthew 13:44 The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.
Psalm 73:28 …for me it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord GOD my refuge, that I may tell of all Your works.
Psalm 24:3-4 Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? And who may stand in His holy place? 4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart…
Ephesians 5:1-2 Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; 2 And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.
May you find that even in times of great tragedy the foundations will be laid for great victory, even as God established the location for His temple at the time plague devastated Jerusalem because of David's presumptive sin. 1 Chronicles 22
May you work with all your might, filled with excitement and joy over the privilege of having a part in God's plan, remaining obedient to the task you are given and devoting your heart and soul to seeking the Lord your God. 1 Chronicles 22
May you be confident in the work of God, though you feel young and inexperienced, ill-prepared for the magnificence of the vision, for One Who went before you has made preparation for you; He has fulfilled each of His promises to you, calling you by name and giving you peace and rest around you with strength and life within you. 1 Chronicles 22
May the Lord give you discretion and understanding when He gives you an assignment in His harvest field, so that you may walk in the ways of the Lord, for then you will have success if you are careful to observe the decrees and laws of the Lord; be strong and courageous and be not afraid or discouraged. 1 Chronicles 22
May you be given eyes to see the riches and abundance of resources you can call upon from God storehouse when doing God's work, for He has mobilized the hosts of heaven to aid, support, and strengthen you as you are obedient to the heavenly calling and the divine vision. 1 Chronicles 22
May you work with an eager heart and willing hands at whatever task is given you, delighting greatly in God's work and being satisfied in the blessing of God's presence, for even the sons of Moses were simply counted among the Levites. 1 Chronicles 23
Be not circumscribed by your own boundaries, My child, or limited by your own understanding. Rather, let the life-giving flow of the Spirit fill you with the heavenly vision that I grant to each one willing to look up to Me and to look out from themselves. In springtime the bud swells and grows on the plant when the life rises from the root. The buds open into the leaves that bring healing and produce the flowers whose fruit brings life to others. Even so, abide in Me as the True Vine, receiving the ministry of the Spirit and the life of the Word to share with those I bring you to. Recall, My child, that I did not receive the in-dwelling of the Spirit and the anointing of the Father to live to Myself in a quiet corner of the land; instead, I addressed the congregations of the faithful and spoke in the market-places of the cities to those who would listen. I did not remain in the obscurity of My “father's” carpentry shop but stepped out into the work My Father assigned Me. As you seek Me in prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, My peace, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your heart and mind. With My peace bringing quiet and rest to your thoughts and emotions, you will be able to hear the soft, gentle whisper of My Spirit giving the direction and the leading for the next step. In trust and confidence you can move forward, not looking back, but setting your mind on the things that are above. Be sober of spirit and alert of mind, for not all to whom you speak will be in agreement with the words that I give. My words, since they are Truth, bring division and polarization because My Spirit, watching over My Word to perform it, convicts the hearers of sin and righteousness and judgment. Those who know the fear of God and who hunger for the righteousness of Christ will answer the call, but those who prefer the darkness will allow the adversary to influence their words and deeds to move against all who bear My name. Do not be afraid or allow yourself to be distracted, but stay fixed on the heavenly vision and calling you have received. As you persist in the work and endure to the end, you will find that though the way to the crown is through the cross, My grace is sufficient. Reach out, My dear one, beyond yourself, and meet Me where the paths of others cross yours.
May you know the fear of God and keep it before your eyes so that you may find the way of peace as you seek God and His understanding, lest ruin and misery mark your way as it does for those without hope. Romans 3
May you not boast of what you have done, or rehearse all you have accomplished, relying on your deeds to defend or reward you, but know and accept your own guilt, seeking with hope the righteousness from God, which comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe Him to be the Son of God. Romans 3
May you always hold the Word of God dear to your heart and ever consider the laws of God holy, for He Who has left the sins you committed beforehand unpunished to demonstrate His justice, has expressed His faithful nature and exposed His caring heart in the scriptures He has given. Romans 3
May the Lord help when the godly are not to be seen and the faithful have vanished from among men, for then lies and deception are found everywhere, and men will claim to control their own lips and be their own masters until God cuts them off, for the words of the Lord are flawless like silver purified seven times, refined in a clay furnace. Psalm 12
May the Lord keep you safe and protect you forever from those who malign you because the wicked freely strut about when what is vile is honored among men. Psalm 12
May you give praise to God and extend thanks to the Lord for an insightful, prudent, and understanding spouse. Proverbs 19:14
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rjzimmerman · 17 days
Bank of America Bets on Carbon Capture With Big Tax-Credit Deal. (Wall Street Journal)
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Excerpt from this Wall Street Journal story:
A climate technology that has struggled to get off the ground is getting a boost from a landmark tax-credit deal with Bank of America that is one of the largest-ever investments in carbon capture.
The bank is providing $205 million in exchange for tax credits from an ethanol producer that captures the carbon produced at a plant in North Dakota. It is the first deal of its kind since the 2022 climate law increased the tax credits available for capturing carbon and storing it underground.
Carbon capture has a dismal record but is being pursued by governments and companies as a way to reduce emissions from industries that can’t easily switch to renewable energy. The tax credits are attracting renewed interest in the technology from companies such as Exxon Mobil. 
“You can only do so much renewables build-out,” Noah Zerance, a director on Bank of America’s sustainable finance team, said in an interview. “There has to be an element of trying to address the emitters that are in the market today and helping them decarbonize.”
Harvestone Low Carbon Partners, the company that raised the money, says it started capturing carbon from its plant near Underwood, N.D., last October, joining a handful of operational U.S. projects. The plant produces corn ethanol that is blended with gasoline to comply with regulations for reducing fuel emissions. 
The company says the facility can capture all of its carbon emissions, totaling more than 200,000 metric tons annually. That is roughly equivalent to the annual emissions of about 42,000 gas-powered cars. 
“To have a successful project speaks to the ability for us as an industry and as a nation to do these types of initiatives,” said Jeff Zueger, Harvestone’s chief executive and a longtime renewable-fuels executive.
Tax-credit funding lets project developers tap subsidies even if they generate little or no profit. While the government funding reduces risk, the deals represent a vote of confidence. Bank of America is betting the North Dakota plant will continue to operate for at least a decade and meet the criteria to qualify for subsidies.
The deal highlights how investors are betting that some parts of the Biden administration’s climate spending will withstand potential policy shifts in Washington. 
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sunblonderealtors · 4 months
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How Technology Is Impacting The Mumbai Real Estate Market
Properties in Mumbai, from small residential or retail spaces to large industrial or commercial business complexes, offer a wide varieties and constantly launching new projects. Technology is playing a significant role in both the residential and commercial sectors of Mumbai. Many developers are introducing smart home technologies into their new projects, allowing residents to enhance their lifestyles and fulfill their expectations. Here are the major types of technologies used in Mumbai's real estate industry:
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Reliable Power & Internet Services
With a population of around 21 million in 2024, Mumbai faces a high demand for electricity, internet, and other services. Developers in Mumbai have introduced partnerships with private sectors like Reliance Electricity, Tata Power, Airtel Internet, and Jio Fiber to meet these demands. This reliable supply of energy and services ensures residential needs are met and allows Corporates & Industries to function at their full potential.
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Go Green Technology (Reduce, Reuse & Recycle)
Over the past two decades, Mumbai has become India's most visited city and a growing population hub. This rapid growth has put a strain on resources like water and green spaces. To address this, many Mumbai projects are incorporating green features. These include the development of artificial mangroves, large-scale gardens, and lakes to preserve nature and provide a fresh environment for residents. Additionally, property developers are introducing rainwater harvesting, Water filtration plants and garbage restoration services to their communities, promoting sustainability through reduction, reuse, and recycling.
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Connectivity & Transportation Infrastructures
Mumbai is known for its fast-paced lifestyle, and large-scale property development is a constant feature. To improve connectivity, new infrastructure projects like the Worli Sea Link and Atal Setu Bridge connect major parts of the city to suburbs and prime locations. Additionally, Mumbai's new metro lines, mono trains and the prime railway network provide greater comfort and convenience for daily commuters. Modernization of the railways with new trains reduces congestion and offers safer journeys.
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Modern Engineering & Luxurious Architecture
High-volume investors demand luxury and spacious living environments. Modern designs present a challenge ie. building architectural marvels in fast-growing areas with limited land. Technologies like heavy mobile cranes, temporary concrete plants and high-speed elevators facilitate the construction of modern real estate. In the luxury segment, glass-finished projects dominate central Mumbai areas like Parel-Worli to SoBo areas Dadar-Juhu. These buildings, constructed with modern glass manufacturing technology, add a glow to the city skyline. This lightweight and durable material is low-maintenance and withstands various weather conditions. Many engineering marvels include rooftop amenities like infinity pools, helipads, and vertical parking systems, catering to the luxurious needs of residents.
here's a Conclusion Technology giving boosts to mumbai's real estate market, by growing investors attentions towards good services, modern amenities, fast transportation & Smooth Connectivity. Providing Comfort & safety to Residents & sustainablity to limited Resources.
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jordanianroyals · 1 year
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18 September 2023: Queen Rania took part in the first meeting of the World Economic Forum’s Giving to Amplify Earth Action (GAEA) initiative, which aims to forge public, private, and philanthropic partnerships (PPPPs) to combat climate change and nature loss.
She will serve as a Global Co-Chair of GAEA, where she will contribute to steering its strategic priorities alongside Forum Founder and Executive Chairman, Professor Klaus Schwab, who stated that Her Majesty’s leadership role in the initiative “will be instrumental in driving impactful climate action with partners.’’
Speaking at the meeting, Her Majesty noted that, since the Forum announced its intention to launch GAEA during its annual meeting in January, the world has seen a number of climate disasters, with July being named the hottest month in Earth’s recorded history.
“My region is warming at twice the global average, and experts predict that extreme heat will make large areas literally unlivable before the century is through.” (Source: Petra)
The Queen noted that less than 2% of global philanthropy funding goes to climate and nature, adding, “If the end goal of philanthropy is to create impact, then there is no better place to start than with our planet.”
 “That’s why I am proud to be joining GAEA as a Global Co-Chair,” Her Majesty said. “Because we have a collective responsibility – and the collective ability – to meet our climate ambitions.”
During the meeting, Professor Schwab explained that, ‘’multiple global crises continue to threaten efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, and the climate crisis is front and center.”
“The World Economic Forum, with its commitment to improving the state of the world through multistakeholder collaboration, is convening leaders from philanthropy, governments, and the private sector to mobilize and accelerate action for the highest-impact interventions for climate and nature through the GAEA initiative,” he said.
A first-of-its-kind global initiative, GAEA aims to grow new and existing public, private, and philanthropic partnerships to help unlock the financing needed to reach net-zero emissions, reverse nature loss, and restore biodiversity by 2050.
The meeting, held during the Forum’s Sustainable Development Impact Meetings on the sidelines of the 78th United Nations General Assembly, brought together more than 30 leaders from government, business, and civil society to discuss ways to leverage philanthropy to drive climate-related partnerships.
Utilizing a new framework developed in collaboration with McKinsey Sustainability, GAEA has identified a number of key industries where philanthropic capital would have the greatest impact. Through this framework, it aims to allow governments and corporates to deliver climate action faster and more effectively.
 A number of environmental projects, each with the potential to be scaled, were presented during the session. These included efforts to promote the transition to green energy in developing nations, accelerate the market adoption of plant-rich diets, scale clean power, and conserve coastal forests.
Over the coming months, GAEA will work with key partners to incubate a new generation of public-private-philanthropic partnerships, with the Forum helping to identify key corporates and governments willing to match philanthropic commitments and action for climate mitigation and nature preservation.
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sheheni · 2 years
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Renders for The Line, whose foundation is currently being started in Saudi Arabia
After seeing the plans, I had some general concerns. Im inclined to post about it so that when this motherload of crap is abandoned I can refer to this timestamp and have a moment of satisfaction that I knew it
Exacerbates class division crisis [opulent upper levels v. destitute bottom level]
Quite literally a vertical hierarchy
Water/irrigation, sanitation systems
Noise issues with everyone living right next to constant running of bullet trains
Physical affects due to recycled air, lack of vitamin D [exasperated in lower levels]
Is it all a homogenous cityscape? Any agriculture or strictly imports?
Animals. Disrupts their migrations, genetic diversity, other natural phenomena. Not to mention birds
Law enforcement
Direct, incessant sun + large panels of glass = giant scorching hot zones
Sandstorms, sand blowing over the top
Environmental disturbance, fragmenting nature
Couldn't it follow coastal lines instead of bulldozing through existing habitat?
Not the most conducive and productive shape. Circular urban planning is much more intuitive
A "line" makes it so that each essential building serves less people, so you'd need to build more, inflating the infrastructure budget
Not a very organic solution in general. Too ambitious and relies heavily on technology that is yet to be developed
No room for manufacturing plants and stage 3 DTM industry. Feels like a billionaire's haven and that doesn't sit right with me. Yea, let's just invent a city for rich folks and leave everyone else to rot in our underfunded and mismanaged cities.
Waste management, AKA where does the dump get dumped. Awks question but someone has to ask it
Rigid shape– no allowance for urban sprawl. Again, billions
• Shape is hostile and does not foster diffusion of ideas, innovation
Epidemic: close quarters are breeding grounds for disease
Inaccessibility. Those who are handicapped, disabled, or with mobility issues will be needlessly disadvantaged
Phone service, power lines, internet cables
Structural integrity
• Giant thin wall = lateral instability
Soil. Scorching hot desert temps plus and open top. How do they plan on maintaining and achieving such lush greenery seen in the published marketing materials?
Hypocrisy of Saudi Arabia's government 🇸🇦
• Building a brand new city meant to attract wealthy foreign investors instead of refurbishing their existing, crumbling cities is the antithesis to sustainability!!
• S.A. is already full of poorly planned/overpopulated cities and abandoned infrastructure projects, many of which do not have adequate plumbing and running water
Displacement of tribal members who have been settled in those areas for generations.
And lastly, architecture has historically been used to convey political messaging. Is this a cover-up for the Prince's human rights violations? Simply propaganda?
• Carl Sappers would not approve
Thanks for reading if u got this far <3
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organic-lure-trees · 2 years
Boardbot OCs
I thought about sharing these ideas for my evil Boardbot OCs cause of how much destruction they would inflict on Toontown through ownership of shares and other awful schemes. Money and power go hand in hand.
Lots of text down below for my Boardbot group
Peyton Diesel (Level 5 exe. Con Artist)
Enjoys selling foraged artwork and NFTs on the free market like the true cryptobro he is. He even has the personality of one (help us all). Has shares related to several advertising companies producing propaganda that encourages capitalistic ideals and fighting against toons to ensure C.O.G.S. Inc. prospers.
Wears a black, front-facing cap with the words, “Cogsupeme” on the front panel. Lacks any trace of facial hair.
Pat Tannum (Level 6 exe. Connoisseur)
Snobby and rude to anyone of the lower class. They own rare luxuries that’s been harvesting from really shady sources (poaching, illegal mining, etc.). Owns a company that’s dedicated to destroying vast acres of land within Toontown to harvest as much valuable metals and minerals as possible.
Dons a top hat made from the a rare species of bearacuda and has a curled up mustache.
Dubiel Ornutheen (Level 7 exe. Swindler)
She gets a kick out of gambling some of a company’s assets on games like poker and blackjack to spend it all on digital items on their freenium mobile games. Has shares in a major casino brand and a game company that is big on microtransactions and loot boxes.
Wears a pair of black, leather gloves always and has a short, wavy mustache.
Endre Mediary (Level 8 exe. Middleman)
Thinks every cog is just as gullible and stupid as a toon. He creates the perfect scam by hoarding a variety of essential items to create an artificial shortage to where buyers will resort to pay a high distribution fee. Owns shares in his distribution business and a line of semitrucks dedicated to importing and exporting.
Wears a black, trilby hat with one face on each side that won’t stop smiling even if they’re angry.
Nero Tolson (Level 9 exe. Toxic Manager)
They’re a big lover of all things pollution and the suffering of others (toons and cogs alike) while also consuming heaping doses of dangerous liquids. Helps to fund the production of highly toxic chemicals, nuclear power plants, and science experiments that have dubious practices involved.
Has two different sets of heads they like to change into. One is the default, toxic waste container head while the other is a skull model with green, shiny optics.
Anno Speer (Level 12 exe. Magnate)
She claims to have ownership of the entire sky and will do anything to destroy its pristine condition for expansion and profit. Oversees a large portion of the aviation that occurs within C.O.G.S. Inc along with plans to develop airborne sectors for economic and transport purposes.
Head resembles that of the common black hawk.
Casper Junit (Level 15 exe. Big Fish)
He lives large and in charge of depleting the local waters of every single creature and resource deep within. Owns a commercial fishing and offshore fracking company that already has several, working facilities across Barnacle Boatyard.
Has the head of an Atlantic bluefin tuna with muted colors.
Conn Truckshone (Level 20 exe. Head Honcho)
Is the main overseer of the entire board group and rules with fists made of high-grade titanium. Owns a company dedicated to building and maintaining infrastructure across various regions outside of Toontown.
Entire body is made out of high-grade metals with a shiny, chrome head to boot.
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mrudula01 · 1 year
Sustainable Power Generation Drives Floating Power Plant Market
Triton Market Research presents the Global Floating Power Plant Market report segmented by capacity (0 MW- 5 MW, 5.1 MW- 20 MW, 20 MW – 100 MW, 100.1 MW – 250 MW, above 250 MW), and source (non-renewable power source, renewable power source), and Regional Outlook (Latin America, Middle East and Africa, North America, Asia-Pacific, Europe).
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The report further includes the Market Summary, Industry Outlook, Impact Analysis, Porter's Five Forces Analysis, Market Maturity Analysis, Industry Components, Regulatory Framework, Key Market Strategies, Drivers, Challenges, Opportunities, Analyst Perspective, Competitive Landscape, Research Methodology & Scope, Global Market Size, Forecasts & Analysis (2023-2028).
Triton's report suggests that the global market for floating power plant is set to advance with a CAGR of 10.74% during the forecast period from 2023 to 2028.
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Floating power plants are innovative power generation units on floating platforms on water bodies. They serve as primary or backup power sources for specified facilities, utilizing renewable energy sources (solar, wind, etc.) and non-renewable (diesel, natural gas, etc.). These plants offer the advantage of mobility, making them ideal for temporary power generation to tackle local energy shortages.
The increasing popularity of offshore wind projects is due to several market factors, such as the growing demand for clean and sustainable energy sources and advances in offshore wind technology. Also, supportive government policies and the urgent need to combat climate change by reducing carbon emissions further elevate the demand for floating power plants.
Furthermore, the popularity of floating power plants based on IC offers opportunities to the floating power plant market. These innovative power generation systems offer flexibility, scalability, and rapid deployment, catering to remote areas and serving as backup solutions in grid instability situations.
However, challenges like technical complexities, high costs associated with logistics and accessibility, and a shortage of skilled workers for solar panel installation limit the floating power plant market's expansion.
Over the forecast period, the Asia-Pacific region is expected to register the fastest growth. A growing population and increasing industrialization fuel growth prospects. The region is home to a rapidly growing population, which in turn drives the need for expanded power generation capacity. Furthermore, Asia-Pacific is experiencing significant economic growth, with many countries emerging as major global players. This economic expansion is accompanied by a surge in industrial activities and the establishment of new manufacturing units, creating a heightened demand for electricity to support these sectors. Floating power plants present a viable solution to meet this demand, especially in areas with limited land availability.
Floating Power Plant AS, Upsolar Group Co Ltd, SeaTwirl AB, Caterpillar Inc, Mitsubishi Corporation, Wartsila Corporation, Siemens AG, MAN Energy Solutions SE, Kyocera Corporation, and Vikram Solar Limited are prominent companies in the floating power plant market.
Due to its complexity, the floating power plant market poses a moderate threat of new entrants. Capital-intensive development and deployment, along with the need for specialized expertise, act as barriers. Additionally, a skilled workforce in offshore engineering and renewable energy is crucial. Nevertheless, government policies supporting renewable energy adoption, such as feed-in tariffs, subsidies, and favorable regulations, are vital in attracting new players by mitigating financial risks and offering long-term incentives.
Contact Us:
Phone: +44 7441 911839
Website: https://www.tritonmarketresearch.com/
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marketigrstudy · 9 months
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global--news · 1 year
The Past, Present, Future of Shenzhen Huang Qiang Bei (Volume 2)
——Slkor, Song Shiqiang
The Past, Present, Future of Shenzhen Huang Qiang Bei (Volume 2)
——Slkor, Song Shiqiang
    In 1992, Deng Xiaoping visited Shenzhen, which supported and affirmed the Shenzhen economic model and inspired the people of Shenzhen. With the opening up of China to the outside world, the economic consumption center of Shenzhen gradually moved westward beyond Luohu District, and the focus was in the Futian District in the 1990s. Over the years, a middle class with consumption power emerged, and with the accumulation and development of the industrial base, a market of division of labor and spontaneity was formed. Hua Qiang Bei, located in Futian District, developed into the Hua Qiang Bei Business Circle with the electronics street as the industry leader, creating an economic miracle.
Mr. Song Shiqiang, General Manager of Slkor and Kinghelm
 In 1994, Vanguard Super Department moved to Hua Qiang Bei and introduced the Singaporean "warehouse mall" model, which was a key factor in activating the whole Hua Qiang Bei Business Circle. The department store's success led to the transformation of more than 40 buildings in the Shangbu Industrial Zone into commercial areas, and the rise of various other businesses such as the "International Electrical Appliance City" and the "Manha Clothing Mall." The author, Song Shiqiang, also mentions his earliest connection with Hua Qiang Bei and his efforts to work for its prosperity.
Second direct-sale store of SlkorMicro Semicon Co., Ltd. (Slkor) in Hua Qiang Bei, Shenzhen
The market, Hua Qiang Bei, an electronics market in Shenzhen, China has been a hub for small and medium-sized enterprises, and many successful companies have emerged from it.
The author, Song Shiqiang, is the general manager of Kinghelm and Slkor, two companies that started in Hua Qiang Bei. The author discusses the success of the Chinese economy, which he attributes to the complementation of the state-owned enterprises and small private businesses. The author also discusses the growth of Hua Qiang Bei and how it has been nurtured by the government and supported by state-owned enterprises. The passage also contains personal anecdotes about the author's experiences in Hua Qiang Bei and the people he has met there. Finally, the author mentions that Kinghelm and Slkor have moved their headquarters to Shenzhou Computer Building in Bantian, Longgang, and that Slkor's IC design and research team is now located in Korea and Suzhou, while Kinghelm's processing plants are located in Tangxia, Dongguan, and Li.
Hua Qiang Bei is an electronic market located in Shenzhen, China. It is famous for being the world's largest electronics market and a hub for electronic components, including emulational mobile phones, Bluetooth headsets, and other electronic products. The market is known for its fierce competition, creativity, and the ability to produce billionaires. The influx of migrants from Pearl River Delta Region and Shenzhen brings fierce competition and creativity. Hua Qiang Bei Chaoshan bosses are famous for daring to fight, which combines the bloodiness of Hunan people, Society of Brothers tradition of Sichuan and Chongqing people without procrastination. The market's products are mostly electronic components, characterized by storage capacity and convenience of transportation, which can earn money decades later and thousands of kilometers away. Additionally, the market has electronic components with high unit price and high standardization, and the customers are basically 2B manufacturers, making the transaction mostly wholesale, where many people can make money easily. The active electronic components have the characteristics of unique model correspondence; they can't be used universally with a single difference. Therefore, if the products of downstream customers just lack this material, scarce material number can earn a lot of money, which belongs to commercial compensation value. Like Kinghelm and Slkor, Hua Qiang Bei's companies all belong to the electronic and information industries, which is in line with this great era.
Company: Shenzhen SlkorMicro Semicon Co., Ltd.
Contact Person: Mr. Song
Website: http://www.slkoric.com/
Telephone: +86-0755-83044319
City: Shenzhen
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