#Mobil Ambulans
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rasiooid · 6 months ago
Ibu Muda Melahirkan di Ambulans Akibat Jalan Rusak di Parungpanjang Ternyata Warga Desa Lumpang, Begini Kata Kades
  RASIOO.id – Sebuah video viral memperlihatkan seorang ibu muda bernama Nurfalah (19), warga Kampung Cijapar, Desa Lumpang, Kecamatan Parungpanjang, Kabupaten Bogor, melahirkan di dalam ambulans pada Rabu, 31 Juli 2024. Dalam video berdurasi 1.7 menit tersebut, terlihat Nurfalah melahirkan di  Jalan Moh Toha, Kecamatan Parungpanjang, saat ambulans menuju Puskesmas Parungpanjang. Proses…
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realitajayasaktigroup · 9 months ago
Komando Barisan Terate Soloraya Gelar Silaturahmi Bersama Warga PSHT
REALITANEWS.OR.ID, SOLO JAWA TENGAH II Memperingati hari jadi yang ke-8, Komando Barisan Terate (Kobaret) Solo Raya mengadakan acara temu kangen dan halal bihalal di Sport Hall Terminal Tirtonadi, Solo, pada Minggu (19/5/2024). Acara ini dihadiri oleh lebih dari 600 warga Perguruan Setia Hati Terate (PSHT) dari berbagai wilayah di Solo Raya, termasuk Solo, Karanganyar, Sragen, Sukoharjo,…
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borobudurnews · 9 months ago
Pulang Antar Jenazah, Mobil Ambulans Asal Klaten Kecelakaan di Tol Batang
BNews-JATENG- Sebuah insiden kecelakaan menimpa satu unit mobil ambulans dari Klaten di ruas tol Batang-Semarang pada Jumat, 3 Mei 2024. Akibat kejadian tersebut, satu penumpang dinyatakan meninggal dunia dan pengemudi mengalami luka. Mobil ambulans tersebut ternyata berasal dari Klaten dan dioperasikan oleh lembaga nonpemerintah independen dan nonpartisan yang dikenal dengan nama Dompet Sejuta…
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bantennews · 1 year ago
Ambulans Puskesmas Padarincang Kecelakaan Tabrak Rumah Warga
SERANG – Mobil ambulans milik Puskesmas Padarincang, Kabupaten Serang kecelakaan menabrak rumah seorang warga. Diduga rem blong menjadi penyebabnya. Minggu (15/10/2023) Satu unit mobil ambulans milik Puskesmas Padarincang terlihat menabrak rumah warga yang terletak di seberangnya. Kejadian tersebut tertangkap kamera cctv dan viral di akun instagram. Dalam cctv tersebut terlihat ambulans melaju…
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reservasibpjs · 2 years ago
PELAYANAN RAMAH, wa 0813-3449-1967, Melayani Ambulan Desa Terdekat Klinik Habibah Krembung
Klik https://wa.me/6281334491967, Pelayanan Ambulans sebagai bagian integral dari pelayanan kesehatan khususnya pelayanan evakuasi medis harus diselenggarakan sesuai standar pelayanan serta harus memenuhi persyaratan keamanan dan keselamatan. Ambulans gawat darurat darat adalah ambulans darat yang digunakan untuk menangani dan/atau mengangkut pasien dengan kondisi gawat darurat atau berpotensi mengancam nyawa dari suatu tempat ke tempat lain untuk mendapatkan pengobatan.Klinik Habibah Alamat lengkap kamiJl. Raya Cangkring, RT.07/RW.02, Cangkring, Kec. Krembung, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61275(Sebelah Barat Arah Masjid At-Taqwa)Fast respont : 0318856706kunjungi juga media sosial kamihttps://linktr.ee/bpjskesehatanklinikhabibah
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bpjsterdekatklinikhabibah · 2 years ago
LAYANAN 24 JAM, wa 0813-3449-1967, Melayani Ambulance Klinik Habibah Krembung
Klik https://wa.me/6281334491967, Pelayanan Ambulans sebagai bagian integral dari pelayanan kesehatan khususnya pelayanan evakuasi medis harus diselenggarakan sesuai standar pelayanan serta harus memenuhi persyaratan keamanan dan keselamatan. Ambulans gawat darurat darat adalah ambulans darat yang digunakan untuk menangani dan/atau mengangkut pasien dengan kondisi gawat darurat atau berpotensi mengancam nyawa dari suatu tempat ke tempat lain untuk mendapatkan pengobatan.Klinik Habibah Alamat lengkap kamiJl. Raya Cangkring, RT.07/RW.02, Cangkring, Kec. Krembung, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61275(Sebelah Barat Arah Masjid At-Taqwa)Fast respont : 0318856706kunjungi juga media sosial kamihttps://linktr.ee/bpjskesehatanklinikhabibah
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kemitraanbpjs · 2 years ago
SUPIR BERPENGALAMAN, wa 0813-3449-1967, Melayani Ambulance 24 Jam Klinik Habibah Krian
Klik https://wa.me/6281334491967, Ambulance merupakan kendaraan atau unit transportasi medis yang dilengkapi dengan peralatan medis untuk mengangkut, menangani pasien gawat darurat, memberikan pertolongan pertama dan melakukan perawatan intensif selama dalam perjalanan menuju rumah sakit rujukan.Pelayanan :Mengangkut orang sakit, korban kecelakaan, atau jenazahRujukan KeluarKlinik Habibah Alamat lengkap kamiJl. Raya Cangkring, RT.07/RW.02, Cangkring, Kec. Krembung, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61275(Sebelah Barat Arah Masjid At-Taqwa)Fast respont : 0318856706kunjungi juga media sosial kamihttps://linktr.ee/bpjskesehatanklinikhabibah#aboutnswambulance, #blackambulance, #ambulancedesasiaga, #ambulancedarurat, #doctorambulance, #ambulanceekatalog, #ambulanceevalia, #emergencyambulancesimulatormodapk
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FASILITAS LENGKAP, wa 0813-3449-1967, Melayani Ambulance Puskesmas Klinik Habibah Krian
Klik https://wa.me/6281334491967, Pelayanan Ambulans sebagai bagian integral dari pelayanan kesehatan khususnya pelayanan evakuasi medis harus diselenggarakan sesuai standar pelayanan serta harus memenuhi persyaratan keamanan dan keselamatan. Ambulans gawat darurat darat adalah ambulans darat yang digunakan untuk menangani dan/atau mengangkut pasien dengan kondisi gawat darurat atau berpotensi mengancam nyawa dari suatu tempat ke tempat lain untuk mendapatkan pengobatan.Klinik Habibah Alamat lengkap kamiJl. Raya Cangkring, RT.07/RW.02, Cangkring, Kec. Krembung, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61275(Sebelah Barat Arah Masjid At-Taqwa)Fast respont : 0318856706#ambulance umum, #uu ambulance, #undang-undang ambulance, #peraturan ambulance, #ambulance fasilitas, #fasilitas ambulance bpjs, #tarif ambulance rumah sakit, #ambulance atau ambulans
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shuklaambulanceservicesblog · 8 months ago
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Shukla Ambulance is a reliable ambulance service provider, offering ICU ambulance service in Lucknow. We understand the severity of medical emergencies and strive to provide quick and efficient transportation for patients in need. Our well-equipped ambulances are manned by highly trained medical professionals who are committed to ensuring the safety and comfort of patients during transportation. Our ICU ambulances are equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipment and facilities to cater to the needs of critically ill patients. From advanced life support systems to ventilators and cardiac monitors, we have all the necessary equipment to provide immediate medical care on the go. Our team of experienced doctors and nurses is available round the clock to provide expert medical assistance and ensure that patients receive the best possible care during transportation.
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strings0fcontrol · 1 year ago
Hannigram – Post-Fall (18)
Hannibal stood in a stupefied silence, the closeness of his lips to Will's hinting at an intimacy he had long yearned for. As his hand extended to release the wheelchair's restraints, a curious tremor coursed through his very core. It was as if the laws of gravity had momentarily lost their dominion over them, and in that suspended moment, he could have sworn that Will, in a calculated act, had inclined ever so slightly forward, permitting their lips to graze one another. Yet, beneath the surface of this electrifying encounter, an insidious seed of uncertainty burrowed its way into his consciousness.
Will exuded a chill that transcended the boundaries of mere physicality, a frigidity that hinted at an otherworldly existence. It was as though he had become a phantom, a specter from another plane, haunting the present. This unsettling sensation prompted Hannibal to pause, despite his fervent desire to abandon himself to the intoxicating allure of the moment. His gaze wandered sidelong, affixing itself to a disconcerting notion that refused to be dismissed. An elusive truth, like a faint but persistent scent lingering in the air, eluded his grasp.
Something was undeniably awry, though Hannibal could not yet pinpoint its precise nature. His finely honed intuition, which often served him so faithfully, now tasted the presence of a disconcerting verity, hidden in the shadows and shrouded in enigma. He etched a mental memorandum of the moment, opting to momentarily suspend his reservations. In a graceful, fluid motion, Hannibal corrected his posture and positioned himself behind the wheelchair, priming himself to usher Will out of the chamber.
Entrusting Will's well-being to Chiyoh, Lecter remained, his breaths drawn deeply as he cast his keen gaze across the chamber. An eerie undercurrent seemed to hold sway, as though an invisible specter shared the room's confines with him. Every detail had been attended to with careful precision: the surveillance cameras played back their looping recordings, the charges lay dormant, and a minuscule button awaited his command. Yet, an ineffable sensation, an enigmatic presence that defied description, loitered at the periphery of his senses, casting an unsettling pall over the space.
He wasn't insane, yet he harbored no skepticism toward his intuition. There existed a paradox, one that his subconscious mind had apprehended but shielded him from fully unraveling.
Reluctantly, Lecter narrowed his eyes and withdrew, recognizing that the tools of their endeavor now rested within their grasp. Lingering served no purpose; it was time to proceed. He resumed his customary nonchalant facade and moved down the corridor, trailing behind his loyal accomplice, Chiyoh. Her responsibility was the van, while Hannibal had his sights set on commandeering one of their ambulances. In his mind, if he was already in the business of requisitioning equipment, he might as well secure a mobile unit for good measure.
In numerous instances, ambulances remained unlocked or had established protocols to facilitate swift access in the event of an emergency. Given the necessity for medical personnel to swiftly retrieve equipment and supplies within the ambulance, locking it could impede their ability to respond promptly to a medical crisis.
This rendered gaining entry to the vehicle a relatively straightforward task.
Nonetheless, initiating the engine demanded a key, as ambulances were equipped with security systems and immobilizers to deter unauthorized access and thwart hotwiring attempts. Fortunately, his familiarity with hospitals made procuring a key a rather straightforward endeavor.
A security guard was also present. However, their typical lack of suspicion toward individuals in white cloaks made it relatively uncomplicated to discreetly administer a needle to his neck, rendering him temporarily incapacitated. If he executed his plan with the precision he was known for, the absence of the ambulance would remain an enigma. Counting the vehicles lost in the fiery conflagration, entombed beneath countless tons of concrete, would prove a daunting task. The discovery of its absence would likely take them days, if not weeks.
Regrettably, Beverly had shared with him the crucial information necessary to remain untraceable once he had control of it.
Navigating the desolate corridors, he encountered no obstacles in seizing the driver's seat, the twist of the key setting the engine to a contented purr.
The majority of the personnel had been redeployed to either attend or safeguard the event, leaving the surroundings eerily devoid of people.
As he eased the vehicle out of the hospital's driveway, a fleeting check confirmed that Chiyoh had already commenced her departure.
Ensuring he had distanced himself from the potential blast zone, he cast a quick glance into his side mirror. "Boom," Lecter purred with casual elegance, as his finger danced over the switch, and with deliberate pressure on the ignition, the cacophonous symphony of concrete and glass shattering in the distance met his ears, all obscured by the voracious embrace of the billowing, consuming cloud of orange and black that rapidly engulfed the hospital.
It was nothing short of a theatrical spectacle, a cacophonous symphony of chaos that reverberated with ear-splitting resonance. The aftermath, he knew, would be a puzzle for the investigators, a web of confusion and misdirection. Any attempt to discern a clear motive beyond a brazen strike on the fundraiser or one of its illustrious attendees would prove to be an arduous task. In all likelihood, it would be neatly categorized as a terrorist act, light-years away from anything that could be remotely attributed to Hannibal.
He hummed softly to himself, his eyes locked onto the forsaken path ahead. Mercy had abandoned him, restraint was but a distant memory. Anything that dared cross his path was irrevocably destined for the abyss. He would cloak their traces in a shroud of blood, and he would sow death until life returned to Will.
His hunger raged, an insatiable appetite for destruction that demanded to be sated. But where could one locate such a banquet of discourteous souls? His thoughts drifted. Hannibal's smile, though slender, bore a malevolence beyond the power of words to convey.
Resembling the ostentatious grin Miu had chosen to don.
Will could sense the metaphorical tendrils of ice inching up his spine. He recoiled at the foreboding path ahead, his senses attuned to the impending bloodshed, as if the anguished cries of countless souls echoed from the depths of the encroaching darkness.
More memories, more emotions to satiate his inner fiend. Forging an alliance with the devil was a double-edged blade, yet one he had grown oddly intimate with.
His gaze traversed Miu's form, from top to bottom, before he drew a measured breath and took a step back. "You've had your fill, but I find myself rather … famished as well. I could use a break, both for the sake of my stomach and my bladder," Will finally interjected, casting an expectant gaze upon the formidable feline. "You wouldn't want your fresh toy to wear out too swiftly, now, would you, Miu?" With this sly remark, Will sought to sweeten the deal, fully aware that the discerning feline saw through his ploy. Yet, the cat's amusement seemed to outweigh its resistance, yielding to the request with a sense of wry indulgence.
With a simple flick of its paw, the memory museum dissolved into thin air, leaving them in a sumptuous dining chamber that might have even elicited envy from Hannibal, replete with a table adorned with an array of meticulously prepared meals.
Its gaze bore an unspoken challenge, as if whispering, ‘Pick your poison.’ A sinister undercurrent simmered beneath its sly expression, and its eyes purposefully darted toward the array of dishes, subtly guiding Will's attention toward the waiting feast.
Well, there goes that plan, he thought, a cocktail of emotions swirling within him—amusement, fear, and a touch of unease. It had hoodwinked him completely, convincing him of its mastery over this entire realm. Not content with merely bearing witness to all, it held sway over every facet. His challenge had been mere conjecture, yet Miu had revealed itself.
"Me-wow," Will enunciated, rolling the word off his tongue with a playful lilt, still holding the unwavering gaze, his demeanor a picture of serene composure. Yet, his tone exuded a palpable smugness, the taunt coaxing a subtle twitch from the corners of Miu's lips—a silent testament to an emotion far too cryptic for Will to dare define.
He surveyed the spread of food, his attention fleeting, and impulsively seized the first item that appeared hand-friendly – a chicken wing. Maintaining an unbroken stare, he stood and initiated the consumption ritual, his actions exaggerated to a theatrical extreme. He tore into the tender flesh with gusto, chewing each morsel with a deliberate loudness, embracing the messy chaos. It was a calculated probe, and his eyes remained composed, fixated on Miu, his resignation manifesting as a surrender to the madness of the moment. He watched, noting the irritated twitch of one of those elegant, elongated ears—a telltale sign of Miu's mounting vexation.
If it craved rage and emotions, he was determined to nurture that tender spot until it festered into an open wound. This was a game for two, and Will harbored a burgeoning sense of spite that he was more than ready to unleash.
Having already danced with one psychopath, why not step onto the floor with this eldritch horror and discover the eerie steps it had in store? In a deliberate flourish, he cast the gnawed bone aside, his eyes fixed upon Miu's keen, predatory gaze as it tracked the discarded morsel. A subtle tremor rippled through those sharp feline eyes, akin to a live bomb counting down with sinister glee. As its gaze abruptly refocused on him, Will seized one of the goblets, offering a cursory sniff to discern the contents—a fruity juice of sorts. Without much grace, he downed it hastily, carelessly spilling a portion of it on himself. A boisterous gulp, followed by a sigh, and he tossed the goblet aside before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He then fixed an intense gaze upon the cat. However, this time, the feline didn't track the discarded goblet; it stared back at Will directly, its patience visibly thinning.
The corner of its lip twitched ever so slightly, and he discerned the tension that permeated its entire countenance—the faint, disgusted crease forming between its eyes, and the evident effort it exerted to maintain a composed, steady breath. He wouldn't allow it the luxury of dwelling in that emotion for long. Without hesitation, he extended his sauce-smeared, greasy hand toward Miu's wrist and seized it, pulling the eldritch creature into a literal dance. The simmering rage beneath Miu's surface was now palpable.
He sensed the desire within it, the urge to eject its mortal guise and unleash a scream in a thousand ancient tongues. Yet, its composure held firm, restraining that smoldering fury from finding further outward expression. His other hand, still damp and adhesive from the spilled juice, made contact with the cat's fine, silky skin. His touch revealed that the feline was struggling to suppress a shudder, as its eyes purposefully closed. It inhaled sharply, followed by a gentle exhale, tilting its head ever so slightly, as if silently admonishing itself not to lose control.
"We need music, don't you think? I'm quite certain you possess the capability to conjure that too, isn't that within your vast power, Miu?" He goaded, guiding the waltz with an air of mock admiration. The massive feline reluctantly complied, its jaw tense, a pulsating vein tracing its course across its forehead. The air began to resonate with melodies, and its acerbic glare could have sliced through a diamond with a mere glance. It comprehended his intentions all too well, and resolutely resisted the taunts, holding onto its impeccably placid countenance. Yet, with a subtle shift in form and size, it accommodated their dance, seizing control of the entire room and infusing the scene with heightened theatrics. Will found himself suddenly adorned in a finely tailored azure smoking jacket that shimmered in the candlelight, while Miu, mirroring the very hue of its simmering fury, was now clad in a crimson ensemble. Both of them donned gloves, with Will's being white and Miu's black. It was a shrewd choice—the gloves forming a tangible barrier, preventing his greasy hands from making direct contact.
It appeared to have a strong aversion to anything sticky or oily, which didn't come as a surprise. Cats were inherently clean creatures, known for their elegance and sometimes lofty demeanor. They possessed exquisite taste and even more refined sensory perception. If he wanted to extract more information, he needed to trigger a meltdown. And how does one achieve that? Through sensory overload.
In an almost eerily human shape, it took complete control of the dance, orchestrating their movements with a fluid grace. Despite its deep aversion to his greasy hand, it unhesitatingly enclosed it within its own palm, its elongated, dusky fingers wrapping firmly around his, assuming the role of the dance's conductor. There was a disarming quality to its stubbornness, an ability to deflect mockery as though it were inconsequential, remaining wholly focused on what truly mattered. It was a state of mind that Will greatly admired. He marveled at the feline's remarkable patience, yet his admiration wouldn't deter him from persisting with further provocations, intent on testing the limits of its composure. Hannibal would undoubtedly be enamored with this enigmatic entity, Will pondered. While the notion amused him, a faint undercurrent of jealousy brushed against his thoughts. This miscalculation proved costly, for Miu swiftly detected and latched onto that subtle emotion, as if it could scent it in the very air around Will. Asserting an even more commanding presence, it drew Will in closer, nearly suffocating him with its proximity. It refused to yield and possessed the uncanny ability to unnerve the profiler, momentarily disrupting his newfound confidence.
Upon closer examination, it was disconcertingly reminiscent of Hannibal in its gestures and demeanor. With each step they took, Will sensed the very foundations of his designs crumbling beneath him, like fragile sand slipping through his grasp. Its presence was all-encompassing. The power inherent in its every movement, the seamless grace and elegance it exuded, the stalwart determination to maintain its decorum—these were attributes that refused to yield. Despite its fearsome, demonic appearance, there was an underlying gentleness that prevailed. It harbored no desire to inflict harm upon him. He had presented it with ample provocation, yet it consciously opted for restraint. This, he found deeply intriguing.
Considering how it had nearly shredded him to confetti just a few days ago. And, this wasn't the moment to capitulate. The flicker of uncertainty was fleeting, extinguished by a consuming fire within him, swallowed by the depths of his own darkness. He surged forward, hastening their steps, and though Miu appeared momentarily taken aback, its eyes narrowed. It accelerated the pace, pushing Will to the brink of his mortal capabilities to match its flawless, rhythmic movements. It was a startlingly proficient dancer, executing each step with the precision of a metronome, suggesting an inherent connection to the world of music.
He had initiated this peculiar dance-off, but the realization quickly dawned upon him that he may have taken on more than he could handle. Miu, acutely cognizant of Will's vulnerability, wasted no time in seizing the advantage. Before Will could formulate another strategy to perturb the cat, it abruptly shifted the dance's rhythm, transitioning into a tango that left Will scrambling to adapt, his steps contorted and flailing in what appeared to be sheer panic. The cheerful music, which now felt like a cruel taunt to Will, made him feel as if he were the star attraction in a circus, juggling grenades with precarious grace—an act that seemed to epitomize Miu's unbridled amusement.
It had almost casually reshaped the balance of power between them, an unsettling transformation. While feigning submission had often been his choice, a means of maintaining a veneer of pleasantness or when the mood suited him, he typically leaned toward a dominant role, finding comfort and control in it. Yet, it had become undeniably evident that Miu personified the very epitome of dominance, as if lifted from the pages of the Oxford Dictionary itself.
If he had unearthed that fact earlier, he probably would have christened it 'Dominus,' the Latin word for master or owner. Miu Dominus. Remarkably akin to ‘Meus Dominus,’ signifying ‘My Lord’ or ‘My Master’ in Latin.
'Dominus' certainly suited its formidable and immense presence. It rolled off the tongue with a weight and potency that left an indelible impression.
Its formidable energy could compel even the proudest pharaoh to kneel in dread at its mere gaze, perhaps even the deities themselves.
Directly gazing upon it felt suffocating, each breath a struggle, as his heart raced in anxious anticipation. The rhythmic movements of its eyes resembled the shifting of ponderous stone slabs, every step it took evoking trepidation that the ground might yield beneath its colossal weight. With every twitch of its muscles, he dreaded the unrestrained power it might unleash should it decide to strike. Its sheer terror transcended words, leaving them inadequate to capture its essence. Yet, in its unfathomable dread, a strange and haunting beauty emerged. Opting for a 'cuter' name would have significantly reduced its perceived threat level, much like referring to the Red Dragon as the Tooth Fairy rendered him nearly impotent. Names hold power, but only when the entity can feel lesser. The cat, it seemed, held a stalwart composure, impervious to the labels bestowed upon it. Names, typically instruments of diminishment, found no purchase in a realm where the entity's self-assuredness reigned supreme. This creature radiated a confidence that defied all attempts to erode its authority, rendering futile any endeavor to disrupt its poised equilibrium.
Its awareness of its supreme position was so acute that it would likely scoff at any endeavor to undermine it.
Unadulterated authority. Unbridled power. Its visage was both fearsome and captivating, but what heightened the terror was its demeanor. 
One might venture to jest about its resemblance to a hairless sphinx cat, but a single piercing glare from it could very well induce one to swallow their own tongue.
An unassailable confidence rendered all challenges inconsequential, breeding an overwhelming sense of powerlessness. This fear, unlike any other, rendered anyone who beheld it a mere speck of dust in the wind by its very existence alone.
Even when it adjusted its stature to align with his for a proper dance, it did little to diminish the sense of menace. On the contrary, those eyes now bore directly into him, their weighty and perceptive glances pinning him beneath an even more imposing presence. To behold a towering creature miles high might certainly induce feelings of insignificance, yet to meet the gaze of something of equal stature and still harbor the dread of an inconsequential ant, that struck at a particularly sinister and incomparable primal fear.
Just as he began to regain his footing within the new rhythm, his legs were abruptly forced apart, and his body contorted backward with Miu leaning in. Though devoid of any sexual undertones, he felt the overwhelming weight of its sheer presence pressing him down to the ground, as if he were being folded beneath the piercing intensity of its gaze.
Heat surged across his face, and his entire being seemed engulfed in flames. Shame coursed through him, an emotion he couldn't stifle, much less conceal, and it only fueled the sly, gradually expanding smirk that crept across the feline's softening countenance. Its upper lids descended halfway, an air of nonchalance enveloping its gaze. Though the expression might have been misconstrued as seductive, it was, in truth, a display of confidence—a testament to its complete control and the knowledge that it held Will firmly within its grasp. And it was meticulously gift-wrapping that expression, as if to present it with smug precision, exclusively for his ‘benefit.’
The thought of Hannibal falling for this enigmatic entity now seemed trivial. If Hannibal were to bear witness to this display, confrontation with Miu would be inevitable, and only one of them would emerge from that encounter alive.
Hannibal would likely stand alone as the sole entity in existence to confront something so terrifying without a hint of hesitation. And as perverse as it might be, that notion carried with it a strangely exhilarating edge. Will could feel his heart racing in response. The prospect of Hannibal and Miu locked in a deadly battle, two relentless killers operating at the peak of their prowess, utterly dismantling each other—it was a notion he dared not contemplate. He understood that his body would betray him in every conceivable manner if he dared to nudge that thought any further. Of all the unholy thoughts his mind could have clung to, why did it fixate on this particular one? Why, he screamed internally, channeling every ounce of his dwindling strength into concealing the tremor that threatened to betray his facade. However, it was abundantly clear that the creature had already seen through him. His countenance flushed anew, as if it had stumbled upon an entirely novel spectrum of heat, a response to the sly glimmer that pirouetted within Miu's eyes. There was no doubt about it now—it was undeniably toying with him, downright teasing him.
Even as it gently guided Will to a more manageable, leisurely pace, his legs seemed to have a will of their own, barely obeying him and struggling to maintain the tempo. It reveled in the mockery of its own facade of mercy, deriving pleasure from witnessing his relentless struggle on multiple fronts—a cruel irony, given that he had essentially issued the challenge to himself. It was pure sadism in action.
And there existed an equally untainted masochism on Will's part, for he adamantly resisted surrender and persisted in a futile struggle, much to Miu's evident delight.
His countenance nearly mirrored the shade of the feline’s attire, the stark contrast to the azure coat only accentuating the fact that he was grappling with his own emotions. He had grown acutely conscious of the persistent orbit of his thoughts around Hannibal, even in the man's absence. He waged an internal battle, every brain cell resolutely opposing the expansion of those intrusive notions that were storming the gates of his mental fortress, threatening to overrun it entirely. Once more, Miu was an inadvertent informant, unveiling truths and addressing his inquiries, albeit in a manner quite different from what he had envisioned. But then again, cats were enigmatic creatures, known for their capriciousness. He knew better than to anticipate the devil to bestow answers without exacting a price, for it wouldn't be nearly as entertaining as the intricate dance of wits he was presently engaged in. After all, Miu was thoroughly enjoying the spectacle Will was orchestrating, relishing every moment of it. Its commanding strides echoed like the thunderous beat of a war drum, obliging him to remain vigilant of their imposing might. By now, the intensity had grown too overwhelming, rendering it impossible for him to sustain the eye contact he had earlier maintained. His gaze remained fixated below chest level, his attention solely focused on tracing the path forged by those merciless feet.
The feline's keen, narrowed eyes radiated mirth as they seemed to gaze downward, conveying a singular, unmistakable message: ‘Good dogs follow commands.’
Attempting to outwit the devil at its own game was a lesson of paramount importance, one that Will would indelibly etch into his memory.
It possessed the ability to exude menace and intimidation in every gesture, even in the simple act of dancing. No growls or bared teeth were necessary; all it took was a smile to reduce him to mere dust.
This was a power he aspired to master, and thus, he observed Miu's behavior—its body language, the nuances of timing, presentation, and methodology. He understood that these observations would later enable him to replicate all the essential components required to exude menace without ever needing to utter a threat.
To glean insights from the devil, he needed to provoke it, push its boundaries, and witness firsthand how it maintained control, even in the face of his own unpredictable behavior.
It might have been a blow to his pride, but it certainly wasn't a setback in terms of his strategic approach. With each interaction, he was gaining valuable insights into the cat. Data that he could harness to construct a profile of the feline and decipher its underlying motives. Yet, given how rapidly it adapted and maintained its dominance, he had already exhausted the situation. Attempts to step on its toes proved futile, as it deftly retracted them without interrupting its rhythm. In other instances, it simply redirected him, or outright ignored the few occasions when he did manage to land on its toes.
They came to a halt, his weary head finding respite against Miu's broad chest, a sigh of defeat escaping over the fine fabric. It wasn't surrender, but a strategic pause in the ongoing struggle. The rhythmic beating of Miu's heart echoed in his ears, steady and unhurried, unlike his own, which seemed to race for survival.
It felt as though he were attempting to draw breath beneath the waves, his forehead damp with perspiration. The fabric clung to him in the most uncomfortable of places, adding to his discomfort.
"I believe it's time for that … much-needed bladder break," he whispered, a wry chuckle on the brink, though he couldn't quite decide whether laughter or tears was the more appropriate response. His body felt numb, as if it were disentangling itself from his mind, and he could sense his muscles beginning to falter.
Miu remained utterly motionless, not a muscle twitching, and as Will raised his head to survey his new surroundings, the cat abruptly spun him around, and with an inelegant shove, directed him unceremoniously toward the bathroom door.
As Will stumbled through the door, the sound of it closing behind him echoing in his ears, he found himself before a substantial mirror.
He turned his head to inspect the half-healed scar on his cheek, still experiencing a lingering, dull sensation, akin to a fading bruise, as the skin slowly knitted itself back together. In a morbid way, he resembled a Picasso. Well done, Hannibal and Dolarhyde. The thought elicited another wry chuckle from him. With a subtle shift of his shirt, he stole a glance at the scar tracing the curve of his collarbone, finding it surprisingly well-healed and intact.
"Mirror, mirror, on the wall," he deadpanned to his own reflection, "stop torturing me."
His gaze shifted from the image to his bandaged hand and then back to the door. It dawned on him that it must have been Miu who tended to his wounds. The thought of its actions serving a purpose in keeping him alive was undeniable, but the question remained: why provide him with comfort? Was it a ruse to lower his guard? To foster a false sense of security?
He couldn't discern whether it was a genuine act of care or a calculated maneuver. His mind felt as if it had endured a joyride in a blender, and his bladder was now screaming for attention—an urgency he knew he should address before embarking on any more anxiety-inducing escapades.
Upon second consideration, he pondered the repercussions of urinating on Miu. That would almost certainly piss it off, in a rather literal sense. Third thoughts quickly intervened, reminding him that he would much prefer to retain possession of his genitals. Probing that level of provocation on something armed with individually movable chainsaw teeth was a perilous gamble he had no intention of testing. Haha, not worth it. 
Even from behind the door, he could sense its piercing gaze snapping on him, causing every hair on his body to stand at rigid attention. With a hurried scramble, Will made his way to the toilet.
Miu stood in waiting just outside the door, and as Will emerged, he spotted the creature polishing its claws. Then, with an almost judgmental intensity, its gaze seared its way directly into his soul.
Will swiftly averted his gaze, comprehending that he was no longer clad in the smoking jacket, and they had returned to the memory chamber. Indeed, it seemed the torture was far from over. Miu wasn't about to let him off the hook. Here they stood, on the precipice of another round in the emotional trauma circus. Perhaps he should take up juggling. If he made it absurd enough, it might just defuse the tension, wouldn't it? Right? Miu's incendiary gaze felt akin to staring into a pit of flames, and Will swallowed hard. No juggling, got it.
Pure, unadulterated emotional trauma it was. Fun times indeed.
The sudden, sardonic smile that stretched across its lips carried an ominous promise—a hint that it was on the brink of exacting its revenge upon him, perhaps in the near future.
May some merciful God find it within their heart to have enough pity on him and intervene.
Regrettably, it seemed that God found the devil rather amusing. Otherwise, why would He permit its existence?
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rasiooid · 29 days ago
PSI Kota Tangerang Luncurkan Ambulans Gratis untuk Warga
RASIOO.id -Partai Solidaritas Indonesia (PSI) Kota Tangerang meluncurkan layanan ambulans gratis bagi warga di Kota Tangerang. Layanan ini merupakan wujud ucapan terima kasih PSI atas kepercayaan masyarakat yang memilih partainya dalam pemilihan legislatif (Pileg) 2024. Sebelumnya, partai yang dipimpin oleh Kaesang Pangerep ini cuma mengkantongi satu kursi di Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD)…
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cargosulawesi · 1 year ago
Apa Itu Truk? Memahami Signifikansi Truk dalam Dunia Transportasi
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Apa Itu Truk? Dalam dunia transportasi modern, kendaraan truk menjadi salah satu sarana utama yang sering digunakan dan memiliki peran penting dalam menggerakkan berbagai barang dan material di seluruh dunia. Kendaraan truk ini adalah kendaraan bermotor berat yang dirancang secara khusus untuk melakukan pengangkutan berbagai jenis muatan dari satu lokasi ke lokasi lainnya. Artikel ini akan menguraikan apa yang dimaksud dengan kendaraan truk, sejarah perkembangannya, serta peran signifikan yang dimainkannya dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari.
Asal Usul Kendaraan Truk
Kendaraan truk memiliki sejarah yang berawal pada akhir abad ke-19. Pada awalnya, kendaraan truk hanya merupakan versi modifikasi dari kereta yang ditarik oleh kuda, yang digunakan untuk mengangkut barang. Akan tetapi, dengan ditemukannya mesin pembakaran dalam, kendaraan truk mulai mendapatkan popularitas sebagai alat transportasi yang andal. Salah satu peristiwa penting dalam perkembangan kendaraan truk adalah ketika Rudolf Diesel menciptakan mesin diesel pada tahun 1892. Mesin diesel yang efisien ini kemudian digunakan untuk menggerakkan kendaraan truk yang semakin besar dan kuat.
Bagian-Bagian Utama Kendaraan Truk
Kendaraan truk modern terdiri dari beberapa komponen utama yang memungkinkannya menjalankan tugasnya secara efisien:
Kabin Pengemudi: Kabin yang berada di bagian depan kendaraan truk berfungsi sebagai tempat bagi pengemudi untuk mengendalikan kendaraan. Pada beberapa kendaraan truk, terdapat kabin ganda untuk menampung penumpang tambahan.
Mesin: Mesin kendaraan truk, biasanya berjenis mesin diesel, berperan dalam menggerakkan kendaraan. Mesin truk dirancang untuk memberikan tenaga yang cukup untuk mengangkut muatan berat.
Chassis: Chassis merupakan kerangka kendaraan yang mendukung seluruh struktur kendaraan truk beserta muatannya.
Roda: Kendaraan truk biasanya memiliki beberapa roda yang dirancang untuk mendistribusikan beban dengan merata dan memberikan stabilitas ketika bergerak.
Muatan atau Bak: Bagian belakang kendaraan truk, yang dapat berbentuk kotak, flatbed, atau jenis lainnya, digunakan untuk mengangkut barang atau material. Muatan kendaraan truk dapat dirancang sesuai dengan berbagai tujuan, termasuk mengangkut muatan khusus seperti makanan, bahan konstruksi, atau kendaraan.
Peran Penting Kendaraan Truk dalam Dunia Transportasi
Kendaraan truk memainkan peran sentral dalam berbagai sektor ekonomi dan kegiatan sehari-hari kita. Berikut beberapa peran utama kendaraan truk:
Distribusi Barang: Kendaraan truk digunakan untuk mengangkut barang dari produsen ke konsumen, dari gudang ke toko, dan dari pelabuhan ke pusat distribusi.
2. Industri Konstruksi: Kendaraan truk digunakan untuk mengangkut material konstruksi seperti pasir, batu, kayu, dan logam ke lokasi proyek konstruksi.
3. Pengangkutan Sampah: Kendaraan truk sampah bertugas mengumpulkan dan mengangkut sampah dari rumah dan bisnis ke tempat pembuangan sampah.
4. Industri Pertanian: Kendaraan truk digunakan dalam pertanian untuk mengangkut hasil panen seperti biji-bijian, buah-buahan, dan sayuran.
5. Pengiriman Bahan Bakar: Kendaraan truk tangki mengangkut bahan bakar minyak dari terminal penyimpanan ke stasiun bahan bakar di berbagai lokasi.
6. Pengiriman Barang Berbahaya: Kendaraan truk yang dirancang khusus digunakan untuk mengangkut barang berbahaya seperti bahan kimia dan limbah berbahaya.
7. Pengiriman Kendaraan: Kendaraan truk pengangkut kendaraan berfungsi mengirim mobil baru dari pabrik ke dealer otomotif.
8. Pelayanan Darurat: Kendaraan truk pemadam kebakaran dan ambulans merupakan jenis khusus yang digunakan dalam situasi darurat untuk menyelamatkan nyawa dan harta benda.
Kendaraan truk berperan besar dalam menjaga perekonomian berjalan dan memfasilitasi kehidupan kita. Mereka memungkinkan pergerakan barang dan jasa secara efisien di seluruh dunia, memberikan akses terhadap berbagai produk dan layanan yang kita butuhkan setiap hari. Dengan perkembangan teknologi terbaru dan peningkatan dalam aspek ramah lingkungan, masa depan kendaraan truk akan terus mengalami evolusi yang menarik.
Artikel Terkait : - Jasa Kirim Barang
Kelebihan Menggunakan Jasa Expedisi Pengiriman Barang
Truk Box
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unimiff · 2 years ago
Mengangkasa (1)
Kutatap lorong rumah sakit. Bau obat, karbol pembersih lantai, hingga bau orang sakit terasa menusuk hidungku yang cukup sensitif terhadap bau-bauan ini. Dari dulu aku memang tidak suka dengan tempat bernama rumah sakit. Segala hal yang berbau rumah sakit terasa berlebihan. Suasananya terlalu ramai, terlalu banyak orang berlalu-lalang. Dinding dan langit-langitnya terlalu putih. Dokternya terlalu serius. Obatnya terlalu pahit. Senyum perawatnya terlalu dipaksakan. Tangis keluarga pasien terlalu menyakitkan. Bahkan bentuk bangunannya pun terlalu kaku. Ah, katanya semua yang terlalu berlebihan itu tidak baik. Dan di rumah sakit, berkumpul semua hal yang terlalu berlebihan. Namun, di sinilah aku sekarang. Dan menjadi bagian dari tangis keluarga pasien yang terlalu menyakitkan itu. Kuingat-ingat bahwa kurang dari 10 jam yang lalu, aku masih di pulau seberang, menjalani aktivitas yang sama sekali berbeda. Tak pernah terpikirkan olehku bahwa satu panggilan telepon di pagi buta akan mengubah garis perjalanan hidupku. Mulai hari ini, hingga seterusnya.
"Halo, assalamualaikum. Ya, kenapa, Bang?" Jam digital di ponsel menunjukkan pukul 3 pagi. Aku berusaha mengumpulkan nyawa yang masih tertinggal di alam mimpi. Tak biasanya abangku menelepon, sepagi ini pula. Paling hanya berkirim pesan lewat aplikasi WhatsApp. Fakta bahwa dia menelepon di jam yang tidak lazim menunjukkan bahwa ada sesuatu yang tidak beres.
"Ibu sakit." Kudengar suaranya bergetar. Ada tangis yang ditahan. Fakta bahwa abangku menangis merupakan ketidaklaziman selanjutnya. Yang kutahu, abangku merupakan sosok laki-laki kuat yang hampir tidak pernah meneteskan air mata. Apalagi di hadapanku. Aku hanya melihatnya menangis sewaktu dia selesai mengucapkan ijab kabul. Saat dia menikah, 2 tahun yang lalu. Kesadaranku mulai terkumpul.
"Sakit apa?" tanyaku. Sepengetahuanku, Ibu kami memang sudah lama tidak sehat. Yeah, sakit-sakitnya orang tualah. Entah itu demam, nyeri sendi, hingga sakit gigi datang bergantian. Namun, kali ini, sepertinya bukan itu.
"Belum tahu. Kakak bilang Ibu nggak sadar. Sudah dirujuk ke RS di kota kabupaten. Dibawa ke UGD, diperiksa, tetap tidak ada kemajuan. Sekarang mau dirujuk ke RS di provinsi untuk pengecekan lebih lanjut. Kita pulang, ya. Pesawat pagi. Masih bisa Abang pesan sekarang. Kamu siap-siap, ya."
"Hah? Pulang? Sekarang? Oh, iya, iya. Ima siap-siap." Kesadaranku sudah kembali seutuhnya meskipun aku masih belum sepenuhnya memahami apa yang terjadi. Aku bahkan tidak sempat untuk bersedih seperti abangku. Yang kuingat adalah, aku beranjak ke kamar mandi, menguatkan hati untuk mengguyurkan air dingin ke seluruh tubuhku. Berharap dinginnya air juga mengguyur segala hal negatif yang ada pada pikiranku. Sungguh, pikiranku berkecamuk. Memikirkan segala macam kemungkinan adalah hal yang aku ahli di dalamnya, sekaligus aku benci.
Seusai salat subuh, aku memesan taksi online. Aku berangkat dari kosanku di Depok, Jawa Barat, sementara abangku dari rumah kontrakannya di Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan. Kami berjanji untuk langsung bertemu di Bandara Soekarno Hatta, Tangerang. Sesampainya di Bandara, kami tidak banyak berkata-kata. Seperti yang sudah disampaikannya, abangku sudah memesan tiket pesawat untuk kami berdua. Pesawat pagi ke Padang. Itulah tujuan kami pagi ini. Ibu kota provinsi Sumatera Barat itu sedang menunggu Ibu yang sedang diantar dengan mobil ambulans dari RS di kota kabupaten kami. Kota itu juga sedang menunggu kami, anak-anaknya yang sedang merantau di seberang pulau, untuk menemui ibunya.
Aku selalu suka naik pesawat. Aku akan memilih kursi di dekat jendela dan memandang ke luar. Rasanya, aku dekat sekali dengan awan. Rasanya, aku bisa menyentuh awan dan langit. Aku selalu suka awan, langit, dan perjalanan dengan pesawat. Namun, kali ini tidak. Perjalanan CGK-PDG yang hanya 1,5 jam terasa sangat lambat bagiku. Entah kenapa, pilotnya seperti berkonspirasi dengan semesta untuk menyiksaku dengan pemikiranku akan segala kemungkinan tentang penyakit ibuku. Mengapa Ibu harus sakit sekarang? Mengapa aku harus pulang sekarang? Dan pertanyaan-pertanyaan mengapa lainnya terus bermunculan, hingga pesawat mendarat dan kami melanjutkan perjalanan dengan taksi ke rumah sakit.
Perjalanan dari bandara ke rumah sakit memakan waktu 2 jam. Aku dan abangku sampai duluan. Sementara ambulans yang membawa ibuku masih di perjalanan. Ibuku ditemani kakak perempuanku. Kebetulan kakakku menetap di ibu kota kabupaten kami. Jadi, dialah yang menemani ibu. Kami menunggu dengan cemas. Aku diam, abangku bungkam. Namun, aku yakin isi kepalanya tidak jauh berbeda denganku. Atau tepatnya, aku yang mirip dia. Kata orang-orang, hampir dalam segala hal, aku mirip abangku. Mulai dari wajah, cara berpikir, buku bacaan, film yang ditonton, hingga pandangan hidup. Kemiripan itu pulalah yang membuatku mengikuti jejak sekolah abangku. Mulai dari SD sampai kuliah, kami satu almamater. Hanya saja, abangku tidak pernah jadi seniorku secara langsung karena usia kami terpaut 7 tahun. Aku masuk sekolah saat abangku sudah lulus di sekolah itu. Namun, tetap saja, guru-guru selalu mengingat abangku sebagai anak emas di sekolah mereka.
"Oh, ini Ima adiknya Fahmi, ya? Harus pintar kayak abangnya, ya!" Sering sekali aku mendengar kalimat itu terlontar dari guru-guru. Tidak hanya sekali dua. Aku sih, senang-senang saja dikenal guru sebagai adiknya Fahmi si pintar. Ada rasa tertekan juga, sih. Sejauh ini, aku masih bisa mengimbangi prestasi abangku di sekolah. Saat kuliah, aku juga mengikuti jejak abangku untuk merantau ke tanah Jawa. Berkuliah di salah satu kampus terbaik di negeri ini. Hanya saja, aku akhirnya memilih jurusan yang berbeda dengannya. Aku tidak kuat kalau harus mengambil jurusan yang laki banget alias Teknik Sipil seperti abangku itu. Aku dari dulu suka sastra dan memilih untuk berkuliah di jurusan Sastra Inggris seperti yang kuinginkan. Tak kusangka, di balik banyaknya persamaan kami, sejak hari ini kami akan ditakdirkan menghadapi garis nasib yang berbeda. Jauh berbeda.
Pandanganku dari lorong rumah sakit teralihkan ke gerbang masuk. Suara ambulans meraung-raung. Di badan mobil ambulans itu tertulis nama rumah sakit daerah kami. Pasti itu ambulans yang membawa Ibu! Aku tersentak. Kucengkeram lengan abangku kuat-kuat. Kami berjalan mendekati ambulans tersebut. Benar saja, di dalamnya ada Ibu dan Kakak. Kupikir, aku hanya akan sebentar saja di sini. Ternyata, saat tubuh Ibu diusung dari ambulans ke ruang UGD, saat segala hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium keluar esok hari, hari-hariku tak akan pernah sama lagi. Semuanya akan berbeda. Garis nasibku sudah dituliskan. Dan rasanya aku belum siap untuk menjalani semuanya. Namun, begitulah takdir. Siap tak siap, ia tetap memaksa siapa pun untuk menerimanya. Entah itu dengan terpaksa atau lapang dada. Aku tidak tahu, aku akan menjadi bagian yang mana di antara keduanya.
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nayaaaaf-blog · 9 days ago
Aku sayang kamu.
Kalimat itu diucap berulang kali terbata bata, sampai akhirnya mata itu tertutup sempurna dan alat pun menyelesaikan tugasnya.
Kenapa sesulit itu memaafkan? Untuk apa maaf itu ada lalu pada akhirnya kita sebagai manusia sulit untuk memaafkan?
Bu aku juara 1, aku senang sekali bu. Aku boleh minta hadiah?
Hadiah opo to le.. Makan aja susah kita
Tapi temanku dapat hadiah bu kalau juara
Nanti ibu jual leher dulu untuk belikan kamu hadiah yo
Sejuta kali pun kalau ditanya aku tetap sayang kamu.
Aku cinta sama kamu.
Alat itu sudah selesai bertugas. Alat itu sudah semestinya istirahat. Jenazah sudah harus dibereskan. Namun aku masih memandang kekasihku dengan tatapan sendu. Mau kemana aku setelah ini? Kemana?
Perawat datang meminta izin untuk mengemasi alat dan menutup kekasihku. Aku hanya mengangguk pelan mengiyakan.
Pak Yogi, boleh minta tanda tangannya untuk surat kematian ibu Anne?
Ngga bisa orang lain saja suster?
Tidak ada lagi pak. Hanya bapak yang kami tau selama ini.
Tidak ada yang menjenguk dia selain saya suster?
Tidak ada pak.
Surat kematian itu sudah kutanda tangani. Selanjutnya anne akan kubawa ke rumah duka. Masalahnya, kerumah siapa? Anne tidak punya siapa siapa. Dia yatim piatu sejak 4tahun. Rumahku? Aku tidak punya rumah sejak ibuku meninggal dan bapakku tidak diketahui dimana keberadaannya.
Aku bertemu anne di sebuah lembaga sosial ketika meliput sebuah acara amal. kami bertemu sebagai partner media. Aku sebagai jurnalis muda sedangkan dia sebagai reporter senior. Aku banyak belajar tentang media dari dia. Sampai kami akhirnya memutuskan untuk saling jatuh cinta.
Rencananya kami akan menikah. Namum takdir bicara lain. Anne tertabrak mobil ketika sedang bertugas. Anne terlempar sejauh 5meter dari posisinya berdiri. Tidak ada harapan karena cidera kepala berat itu sudah mengambil hampir separuh kesadarannya.
Kemana kita pak?
Iya pak jenazah mau dibawa kemana alamatnya?
Jalan simatupang 3 blok 8 no a2 pak.
Rumah itu sepi. Juru ambulan bingung tidak ada yang menyambut kepergian kali ini. Para tetangga bingung tiba tiba ada mobil jenazah. Aku keluar mobil dan membuka pintu rumah yang sudah lama tidak ku sambangi.
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reservasibpjs · 2 years ago
PELAYANAN RAMAH, wa 0813-3449-1967, Melayani Ambulan Desa Terdekat Klinik Habibah Krembung
Klik https://wa.me/6281334491967, Pelayanan Ambulans sebagai bagian integral dari pelayanan kesehatan khususnya pelayanan evakuasi medis harus diselenggarakan sesuai standar pelayanan serta harus memenuhi persyaratan keamanan dan keselamatan. Ambulans gawat darurat darat adalah ambulans darat yang digunakan untuk menangani dan/atau mengangkut pasien dengan kondisi gawat darurat atau berpotensi mengancam nyawa dari suatu tempat ke tempat lain untuk mendapatkan pengobatan.Klinik Habibah Alamat lengkap kamiJl. Raya Cangkring, RT.07/RW.02, Cangkring, Kec. Krembung, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61275(Sebelah Barat Arah Masjid At-Taqwa)Fast respont : 0318856706kunjungi juga media sosial kamihttps://linktr.ee/bpjskesehatanklinikhabibah#ambulanceumum, #uuambulance, #ambulanceevalia, #peraturanambulance, #ambulancefasilitas, #fasilitasambulancebpjs, #tarifambulancerumahsakit, #ambulanceatauambulans
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bpjsterdekatklinikhabibah · 2 years ago
PELAYANAN RAMAH, wa 0813-3449-1967, Melayani Ambulan Desa Terdekat Klinik Habibah Krembung
Klik https://wa.me/6281334491967, Pelayanan Ambulans sebagai bagian integral dari pelayanan kesehatan khususnya pelayanan evakuasi medis harus diselenggarakan sesuai standar pelayanan serta harus memenuhi persyaratan keamanan dan keselamatan. Ambulans gawat darurat darat adalah ambulans darat yang digunakan untuk menangani dan/atau mengangkut pasien dengan kondisi gawat darurat atau berpotensi mengancam nyawa dari suatu tempat ke tempat lain untuk mendapatkan pengobatan.Klinik Habibah Alamat lengkap kamiJl. Raya Cangkring, RT.07/RW.02, Cangkring, Kec. Krembung, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61275(Sebelah Barat Arah Masjid At-Taqwa)Fast respont : 0318856706kunjungi juga media sosial kamihttps://linktr.ee/bpjskesehatanklinikhabibah
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