the-pigeon-queen · 2 years
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Another old Shadi lives! au comic :0 not sure how old this one is. Also not sure why I ever finished it up for posting. But here it is!
Parenting little Ryou can be,,, interesting, sometimes,,,
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 6 months
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the exorcist(?) toko fukawa (and her 'ghost')
descended from a powerful exorcist but her current family is mostly non-magical (but not necessarily normal)
has seen ghosts since childhood and was taken to a temple countless times. ended up learning how to make talismans
has been followed by one particular spirit for a long time. syo claims to be an exorcist and a distant relative of hers but there's no family record of any such person existing? anyways the talismans seem to keep syo from taking over her body for the time being
likes writing romance and fantasy stories...publishes them anonymously on scrolls
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hopehjort · 1 year
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I finally finished this massive beast of animation. 
This one on its own have been just The Project to practice and learn how to animate. And honestly. For someone who animated for the first time in february this year - I am pretty hecking proud of myself.
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hells-greatest-chaos · 4 months
Moxxie and Millie, why didn’t you leave Bailey with her grandparents? At least she’d be safe while you’re on the run
Aves here, thank you for the first ask, I nearly cried with joy, thank you! Now on with it
Moxxie: Erm… Crimson isn’t a good guy and-
Millie: *Rocking Bailey to sleep with a lullaby* Mah family was taken in fer questioning and only Sally May and Jaze *The first brother we saw working at the farm* came out. *Starts crying*
Moxxie: *Puts a very sleepy baby in the crib at Sally May’s* Shush, honey, they’re probably alive, you really love Sally and Jaze, so you’re most likely to keep them out of the loop. *Hugs and kisses her* We’ve had a really long day, let’s get you to bed.
Millie gets picked up and brought to the pair’s bed.
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queen-ofsunflowers · 2 years
Akikoto for bliss 1,4,16,22,23,30,34,39
OTP Asks - Domestic Bliss Edition!
I'm assuming that this is Akihiko and Kotone. Please let me know if I'm wrong, because if so, I'll redo the answers. Either way, here we go!
1. Who’s more likely to put the milk back in the fridge empty?
I can see both of them doing this, but out of the two of them, it's more so Akihiko who leaves it in the fridge more often than Kotone does. When she finds it, she just sighs in disappointment and disposes of the empty container.
4. Do they wash their clothes in the same load or separately?
They find it easier to wash their clothes in separate loads. Akihiko just throws in everything all at once, while Kotone actually takes the time to separate things and wash them according to the instructions like she was taught.
16. Who’s more likely to go over-the-top with decorating for holidays?
It is absolutely Kotone. She goes crazy decorating for the holidays. I'm talking like... she takes an entire day off just to do it. She's having fun with it, and it makes her happy, so Akihiko usually just lets her do her thing.
22. Which partner is the one that forgets to hang up their towel?
Akihiko. He'll leave it on the bathroom floor or on the bedroom floor. Kotone usually just throws it in with the laundry when she finds it and forgets to tell him.
23. Which partner writes love notes in the steam on the mirror?
Kotone! It's usually just little messages for Akihiko from the shower she took last night or if she has to take off for work before him. She's just sweet like that.
30. Who forgets there’s wet laundry in the washing machine and leaves it till it smells funky?
Again, Kotone. It's not her fault that she gets distracted by something else that she forgets that it's in there. It's usually a good idea to remind her that she has wet laundry that needs to be dried before it starts getting to the funky state.
34. How do they divide the chores up? Does each person stick to their agreed job?
When they moved in together, the pair of them sat down and split up the chores based on what they knew they could do and what they were good at doing. They usually tend to stick to their agreed chores, but there are instances where they'll receive a text or call from the other asking if they could do one of their chores for them. Usually, it's because they're sick or busy with work and won't be home until late. The asker usually picks up dinner as compensation.
39. Who’s more likely to lock themselves out?
Akihiko. He broke down the door once because he couldn't get back in, and after both getting his ear pulled by his girlfriend and going through the hassle of replacing the door, he has confined himself to waiting outside until Kotone gets home, or he remembers that there's a spare key in under the mat. Usually it's the former.
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chaifootsteps · 3 months
I think given the leaked potential song Blitzøs behaviour in the finale makes sense. Looking at stolas with total pity, trying to smile at him, and when Octavia points at him, Blitzø looks away, guilty as if any of stolas choices and family drama is his fault. When it actually is not. And to make it hurt more stolas is refusing to look at him, saying he would never choose him, and indirectly saying Blitzø brought no goodness to his life.
Blitzø feels like he has to be as kind and good to stolas from now on as possible, be his hero and provide him a happier life, no matter what stolas does to him, because stolas has trauma. Yknow what that reminds me of? His dynamic with Loona. Who, as the stolas stans screeched at anyone who dare merely point out Stella was a teen parent too, gets absolved with abuse apologism because she has a sad backstory.
In a way Seeing Stars showed what kind of ‘family’ dynamic Blitzø can hope for. Be verbally and physically assaulted by Loona for kindly asking her to try a little bit at life, in the free job he gave her, with plenty of compliments thrown in, and then be further intimidated and verbally put down by a second abuser, stolas, who blames Blitzø for all of his mistakes and problems with his daughter. Reminder of how absolutely terrified of stolas Blitzø was in that ep, despite him missing Via not being his or MnMs fault, it was Loonas for ignoring her. The entire episode he gets physically hurt, abused, and blamed for everyone else’s actions that aren’t his fault, and he does favours for them and apologises to them the entire time. At the end Loona hurts him again just for trying, and stolas gets a hug reward just for, existing. Blitzø and Octavia don’t owe these two abusive people apologies at all, and the writers and fandom hate them both openly, I wish i could save them. And any time I see human AU art of this “”””family””” I can’t help but wish I could save Blitzø from these crazy white people who expect endless servitude from him.
Season 2 is rightly called a season of Blitzø torture p*rn, and seeing stars was the beginning.
So what’s the takeaway message, if someone is abused by someone else and they abuse you—saying anything to them, even criticism, instead of coddling them, loving them, and giving them everything they want—makes you their “abuser” too and you must apologise? This show is fucking disgusting.
It's absolutely disgusting, and you just know that in all likelihood, we haven't seen the end of it. I think Apology Tour's going to be especially rough.
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meowsgirldrawing · 1 year
Obey Me! Brothers as Fathers
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Kinda part of that Poly! AU I’ve talked about before. So this can be read as either that or separate. The kids are all original characters, but MC can be read as any gender in this. Remember- this is Devildom so any way of kids happening could go. Either surrogate, magic ways, or natural so literally, anybody can read this. (Male, Female, Gender Neutral, whatever you prefer is all Welcomed <;3)
Not my best work, but I like it enough to post it. So yeah...
AOT Link- https://archiveofourown.org/works/46350262 
Masterlist- Link
Warnings?- Talks of violence (Satan’s), Use of the word Sl*t and derogatory terms/harrasment (Mammon’s) and that’s mostly it. Asmo calls someone a b*tch but thats basic Asmo at this point.
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He feels the urge, the one he’s felt with his brothers for years. To sigh, to pitch his brow, an outward showism of his displeasure of the situation.
But he ignores it because he knows what reaction he’ll get from the little girl at his feet. She’ll curl up tighter, grip the plastic of her glasses tenser in those small hands of hers.
Practically achieve the exact opposite of what he wants.
He manages a silent sigh, joining her level in a kneel.
“Lillie..” The noirette head doesn’t budge much, if only, just to bury further. He doesn’t comment and instead runs a soothing palm across her back. Soothing out the creases along her small uniform. “What’s the matter? Do you no longer want to participate?”
The small crowd of parents in the auditorium is loud. If he were in his demon form, surely it would’ve been louder. Thankfully, this form allows him to hear his little one.
“....mnm…” Well. Barely.
“Darling, I can’t understand when your face is covered.” Gently so, when she picks it up, his fingers trail to cup her cheek. It’s damp. And continues to be so as new tears prick out and smear downward. His thumb rubs in little wipe-aways.
“..I dunno..I’m scared.”
“Scared of what?” For a man known for such high power, his voice stays low.
“The stage..I don’t want to go up..” Her eyes dart to the theater doors in front of them then back.
“And why’s that?” A small part of him feels like it’s wavering on powerless and helpless as her bottom lip wobbles.
“Cause…Cause I-I don’t want to..to embarrass you.”
Stab. Twist.
His sigh spooks her but she keeps her chin high at him. She knows lowering it back down won’t help either.
“Darling, you can never embarrass me. At the very least not on stage.”
“I can’t?”
“Of course not.” Lucifer offers a smile, and brings his hand to her head, gently pulling out the tangles in small strokes. “You want to know why?”
Her brow furrows, seeming entirely confused. When she can’t think of anything, the same eyes as his spouse greets him again.
“Cause you’re my daughter. And what’s our family known for?”
“Exactly. I have never been un-prideful of you. And I never will be.” He takes her glasses, her grip falling without hesitation. Giving them a good cleanse from tears and dirt of the dangling coat on his shoulder, he pushes her long locks away, mindful of the pins, and slides her glasses slowly back.
Cheezy at best, and his spouse will be surely teasing him about it later, but it brings a smile to her face. One shy but growing.
He helps her up, patting off her patterned skirt and button up. And once she looks composed, his arm finds her violin. It was a few feet away, a hazard that thankfully didn’t come true.
“Now…Lillith..”The face of a suddenly new girl shines back at him as he turns around, violin stretched for her grasp. “Do you no longer want to participate?”
A similar gleam to the one of a certain human flickers as she takes it. “ I do.”
“Good.” He bends slightly, kissing the 7 year old’s forehead, “Then do me even prouder, my dear.”
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A snort escapes him before he can even want to try and stop it. Why should he? This is comedy gold!
The other demon, one tight in some odd get up, is basically begging to get away from his fiery hellspawn.
A 15 year old girl. He’s pretty sure if she had better control of her power, she’d be using it to make that pale hair of hers turn into fire, really playing into the ‘You fucked up really damn bad” card.
Just like his little human back at home.
What brought this whole thing on?
As the father-daughter duo just finished up a nice day of shopping, trying to look for a new outfit for her 16th next Friday, they decided to stroll pass on the lonely street on their laughter-filled walk home. Sweet Varya was just-a bubbling with excitement, her two shaded eyes brimming with possibilities. 16. Sixteen. The big teen! While Mammon was a tad solemn at the idea of her getting bigger, another year gone until the pending day she won’t need her dear old man anymore, he couldn’t help but share the excitement. His sole focus was her and not letting anything make her upset today.
And he was doing a remarkable streak!.....Until someone had to jump in and ruin it.
“Hey sl*t!”
Mammon’s head snapped, finding the demon leering from afar. His daughter rolled her eyes and tugged on his jacket, “C’mon pops.” She already heard enough of this at school. Just ignore ‘em and move on.
“Hey!” They’re quick, making it across the street, following in from several good meters behind them, “I’m talkin’ to ya, b*tch!”
Mammon wraps an arm around her, something he questions why he didn’t before. His glare is searing from under his hood. “She ain’t interested, pal.” He feels a wack on his arm.
The other demon just up and ignores him, “C’mon beautiful, ditch this f*cker already, yeah?”
It went similar to this for a good minute longer, the two trying to ignore their presence, even Mammon moving to stop and wanting to ape on their ass but Varya pulls him away, claiming he’s worth nothin’.
The demon, hearing this loud and clear, starts spitting insult after insult at Mammon.
Varya’s been very calm about this, praying to get home without dealing with a fight she knows her dad will win, up until the demon spats out his last insult.
“Scummy f*ckin’-”
Within mere seconds the demon was forced to the ground.
Aaaaaand here we are now.
“Who gives ya tha damn right to talk ta my father that way?!”
“Nani?!” The demon screeches.
She may not be facing him, but it’s little thought of her appearance.
Gold lacing her irises, maybe the same tipping into her snow hair that dangles past her upper torso, teeth bared and baby fangs out. Varya not fearing a ting of holding back. “My old man is someone yer very lucky thinks more than fights, cause if he were anyone else, you’d be more than sobbin’ on tha ground right now, ya soddin’ sot!”
‘Soddin’ sot?’ “Must’ve gotten it from Satan or Luci.” His mumbles don't reach either pair of ears. Huh..He should’ve  gotten some popcorn if he knew this was gonna happen. Okay, obviously he’s not happy with hearin’ his little girl get called derogatory shit, but her reaction now… by-his-previous-father get him a camera cause this is amazing.
Though all good things must come to an end…
His back pocket vibrates. As his daughter keeps backlashing obscenities in front of him, the demon forever continuing to cower under her wrath, Mammon hums a little tune while plucking the device up.
His arms adjust all the bags he grasps onto one arm, unlocking the screen, a nice photo of his sweet human and their hellraising daughter of course, and dragging up the messages.
My Treasure: Are you guys on the way yet? I got the noodles on the way.
His fingers go fast. He hears some added shuffling upfront.
Mams<3: Ya better believe it. Might take a sec tho. Yer daughter’s dealin’ with some shrub.
My Treasure: Get her to kick their ass later then, otherwise she’ll miss the food.
“Yo, darls. Yer mom’s/pop’s askin’ for ya. We gotta get home quick if we don’t wanna miss dinner.” He calls out, shoving back his phone.
“Yeah yeah..” Just when the mess on the ground thinks she’s finally done, tired of her torment as she spins on heel. She has little to no hesitation in proving him wrong. 
Twisting back around and slamming down a good, and I mean good, few inch heel right into the ground. 
Mere centimeters from their groin.
Mammon lets a low whistle ride at the sight of short cracks in the ground. Guess she does have good control.
The demon is whimpering, shaking from his very core as their pale face is stuck at the sight. Their eyes flick up, meeting that dangerous gold. “Try somethin’ like that again….”
“-And you’ll burn all their favorite toy collections?!” Howls Mammon.
“What?” Varya’s lips pull into a pout, “Not my fault I guessed right.”
“Oh yes! ‘Cause that just made it even fuckin’ better!” His laugh goes echoing down the street.
“What do you mean? ‘Even better’?”
Mammon keeps the voice the same, full of humor, “Just knowin’ how ya think of yer pops.” He says it so nonchalant too. “I’m glad yer startin’ ta think that now. Be a pain if ya didn’t.”
Varya’s smirk wipes away, a frown replacing it. She...wasn’t expecting that. 
His hand that was at the gate, ready to just push it and follow in, stills at her palm on his sleeve, “The hell ya talkin’ about?” Her head shakes as if she can’t believe her ears.
“That…that you don’t think I’m some scummy fucker?” He reiterates.
“I’ve never thought that of ya?.. It be stupid if I did.”
Mammon may or may not have cried in his spouse’s arms that night.
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He should web search:
Can human/demon hybrid children survive long times in water?
His phone is just casually placed on the sink a few feet behind him, wouldn’t take long.
Like 5…or 10…or 1 minute long.
How long does it take for a human to pass out again??
He doesn’t have a f-ing clue! Oh..how he wishes MC stayed longer, they’d know exactly what to do.
Pressing the towel against his tank top, bending into his knee, he ruffles up his TSL patterned night pants, dipping a leg into the water.
The tub was big enough to be considered a kiddie pool instead of a usual tub, but still just as deep. His son just had to convince him to use it for bathtime, and he also just had to convince him of how great it would be to add in lots of bubbles.
Yeah.. His hand tries to wats away some out of his path, very great…said no one but his son.
“Rhomb!” His whistle beats into the sizable bathroom, “Come out! Pappa can’t see you!”
You’d think the bubbles would keep out a child of Rhomb’s age from trying to diver under constantly, yeah? Well, thanks to Mc’s grand and lovely mind- seriously it was quite smart at the time-, they were able to get tear-free bath bubbles, as he did keep going under water.
In the few moment’s Levi’s ever had, he once again curses his more aquatic biology.
Keeping a tight grip on his rolled up pants- they may be rolled up, safely out of water, but you never know!- he carefully shuffles around the bath, eyes wide alert for any shifting waters.
He has to go slow, otherwise, he might end up with a snappy toddler and his aching tiny tail.
And that just be- wait..
Woh, there!
At one side of the tub, closer to the one with a mirror, a sliver of light purple slides up then back down again, quick as a whip.
Following the slight wave of the water, it’s suddenly more clear despite the constant bubble brigade, he can see Rhomb’s pattern.
Swim around the ring, stop at the mirror and turn clockwise or counterclockwise. Huh…
In rare moments, here and there, he can see that dark purple mop of hair on his head tease the surface, eyes hidden well. But not enough, Levi can see him watching him. A tilt of his son’s head through the wading waters and he’s off swimming again.
A shiver runs up his back.
It’s like a damn shark.
Oh come on, you stupid otaku! You’ve been the Admiral of Hell’s Navy for millenniums! You’ve fought in the Great Celestial War alongside your siblings, dealt with un-amountable and hellish enemies even after, are you really going to be afraid of a tiny, pipsqueak, guppy-looking-
Yes. Yes he is.
First rule of having a human/demon child, class-Fish-
Avoid the chompers.
But- The water sloshes against a higher part of his leg, the yelp-worthy cold shooting up his nerves, if not, more. He has to get his son out before the cold sets in and a grumpy toddler won’t be the worst of his problems.
With that and an affirming nod to himself, he braces a leg, summons up his tail for extra leverage and gets his game face on.
Funny, he should’ve really been paying more attention….he would’ve been able to see the glimpse of purple riding up behind him.
Time blip---^^^
MC returns home close to an hour later, tugging off their jacket and half-hazardly tossing the keys into the stationed bowl.
Their call echos in their lovely abode, yet goes unanswered.
When pausing at the kitchen doorway, it becomes clear as to why.
Set in one of the dining chairs is Levi, eyes tinged a bit red around the dark look he gives off. Hollow and defeated.
The poor papa flinches as their 3 year old’s teeth sinks further into the dark purple tail coiled around him and his blanket. Golden laced eyes leering up at Levi.
“...Should I ask..?”
Levi only mouths one word, ‘Help.’
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Libbey has kept her head down since being picked up.
The school called up her father, explaining her little incident with another student at lunch, claiming she violently attacked the poor other demon. Satan had no will to believe it until he saw the photos.
Before he made any real assumptions, he turned to her and asked her reasoning for this attack.
Now they’re driving, possibly home. She can handle a phone being taken away, most likely grounded from anything fun for the week suspension that’s been bestowed upon her, but she dreads the impending lecture.
Oh dear, would Lucifer join? Both in the same room? Giving her a lecture that could last her unknowing mortal/immortal life as they know it?
Where’s mamma/papa when you need them?
“We’re here.”
Gnawing her cheek, she bites back a groan as she lolls her eyes up.
She’s fully expecting to see the suspicious opening of their homey gates, maybe the rare glance of Cerberus minding the perimeter in his patrol, a sibling or two out and about making their chaos known to the world.
She doesn’t get that. Instead, she gets a nice and cozy looking cafe shop, a simple yet cottage core vibe sign planted on the front, with a giant, winking cartoon cat next to an equally cartoonish coffee treat. On the outside, there are various sets of outdoor furniture such as tables and chairs sat under colorful and patterned umbrellas.
“...Are we at a cat cafe?” Her lips are close to making her mumble as her eyes stray on the collared cats wandering around the windows.
“Yep” He pops the ‘p’, grabbing his wallet. “Come on.”
Libbey gapes at her father getting out. When her brain catches up, she’s already scrambling out of the car, calling out to him, “D-dad! But-but I got into a fight!”
“Yeah you did.” Satan’s going at a leisurely pace, eyes glimmering at the myriad of cats that await him.
“I fractured his wing!”
“I gave him lacerations all over, even on his tail! That’s one of the most sensitive spots on a demon’s body!”
“Oh yeah..” His feet falter in their next step, then proceeds with as little as a thrown over the shoulder, “That’s correct.”
Libbey hands twitch for her hair, “He possibly has a concussion for what I did!”
“I would suspect so after getting tossed like a ragdoll at a wall.”
“DAD!” Her hand clings to his jacket, tugging him back, “Why are we here??”
“Why wouldn’t we?” He answers, adding in a suspicious tilt of the head, “You were only defending yourself.”
“But I-”
“Libbey, I need you to understand this.” His sleeve escapes but soon lands a hand on her shoulder, “You may have lost some control of your anger. It happens, but I know you know better too. I will never punish you for defending yourself, alright?”
His hand shifts, now behind her shoulder to start nudging. When she tries to object, still flabbergasted at his response, he’s quick to shut her possible words up with, “Now get inside so we can play with the cats.”
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Circle number 1,589
Circle number 1,590
Circle number 1,591
Circle number-
“We get it, Asmo! You’re worried! Now pipe it down and join our show or get out!!” Mammon practically hisses. He’s here to get away from his counting based job, not to do something entirely similar.
Asmo stops steamrolling in his 1,592nd circle behind the couch. Leviathan is too engrossed into the film to comment his own coequal tease. Truthfully, it would fall on deaf ears as Asmo doesn’t hesitate to roughly spin around, seething at the teeth.
“I’m more than worried! I’m fretting!!!” His fangs threaten blindly to a nonchalant Mammon. Said brother’s offer is an uninvolved eye roll, flicking back to the scene playing out on the flat screen.
Asmo’s chest lets out a great huff, marching right over and in front of Mammon, arms crossed.
A resounding moan shows his brother’s discontempt, edging his head left and right to try and see the screen. “Amso! Seriously?!”
“My sweet baby boy is out there with a possible witch-bitch, all alone without me or our darling, MC to back him up! Who knows how his…date..could have been raised?!” Hurriedly, his pacemarking starts right up again, this time doing odd circles around the couch, “They probably didn’t even bring him flowers!”
“Didn’t he do the flower thing?” Levi avoids Mammon’s swats and hisses. He scoots away from their kicking and whining older brother.
“YES! But that’s because I raised him to be the perfect gentleman!”
“And MC.” Mammon relents once.
“Yes- But who knows how that other child thinks??” His feet pause in their momentum for a preferable deride, “My baby must be miserable!”
“Why are you so worried about it anyway?” Mammon’s finger rubs at his ear before flicking, “The kid is 16, almost 17 now.”
“Besides, he’s literally half demon,” Levi swallows down, licking off chocolate, “After passing nearly every single test Lucifer and Satan have thrown at him about self defense, I think Quinn can handle himself.”
That has Asmodeus, the always extravagant diva, screeching to a halt. Ugh! Yes, he knows his son if more than capable to protect himself if need be. But- he’s talking about mentally. Emotionally.
Beel may be the one picked out as the most emotionally in-tuned brother, especially when it comes to the kids, but Asmo….Quinn is his diamond in the rough, one that he prides himself in protecting as his might lets him.
 Especially when it involves his own sin.
These two won’t get it… Asmo scorns a final look over his shoulder, before retreating from the living room.
Time Blipppppp
Quinn lets the door close behind him, locking it up before ringing and tossing his keys into the bowl of many,many personally designed keys plotted abutting the door.
His whistling follows him into the dubbed ‘Kids’ Kitchen. It’s just an extra kitchen made for the kids to keep Beel from raiding all the attendants in the household of food.
He pops open a cold pop, leaning into the island’s top whilst thumbing through his phone.
Quinn lets slip a muffled chuckle at the photos he and the-honest-to-the-all-not-mighty cute witch he’s been able to treat tonight. Such a shy one too, hiding behind his arm in between getting jumpscared by a raunchy horror attraction after the next.
In face of horror, they continued to give him a bright smile in the midst of their excited hopping, so he’s confident they enjoyed it just the same. He’ll make sure to bring them to a more relaxed type of date next time however.
The silence that is 2 AM gets barged open by an Asmodeus sized battering ram.
Frantic footsteps, that are the only ones Quinn can detect but not ready for, fly for the kitchen entrance. Asmo darts around it’s corner, and immediately throws arms around Quinn.
The teen stumbles back, smacking his pop down to keep from spilling. His free arm clutches his dad’s robe, begging for steadiness. “ Dad?! ”
Asmodeus pops up and his hands flag to Quinn’s face, “Are you ok? How was the date??”
Although the dramatic behavior from Asmodeus wouldn’t be new to him, it’s late . Asmo’s usually in bed by now, clinging to his routine like a lifeline if no plans are made previously. All for the sake of his precious skin.
Quinn blinks once then twice, “Uh..Great?”
Asmo gasps as if he’s found out the worst news, “That’s a question! I knew it!” He nearly breathes out fire, hands planting at Quinn’s shoulders, “I promise you, you can tell me what happened! I will never judge you, my darling. No matter what it is!”
But..he thought he already told him what happened technically? He and his date had a night all year around Haunted Circus. They never changed plans. Even if they did so, Quinn promised to let them know in case they needed to know location wise.
Resting his own hands on top of Asmo’s, his voice turns odd, “..We went to the Haunted Circus like I told you we would, ate ice cream, and some popcorn. Y’know, the usual?” At his father’s crossed features, he adds, “We never changed location. I would’ve told ya if we did, pops.”
It takes a moment of silence between them. Then silk pink shoulders drop, “That’s it?”
Quinn nods, brow still raised.
Suddenly it’s like he never panicked, never cried. His mood completely flips like a coin, all preppy and piper once again. He releases a long sigh of relief, and shines a smile.
Quinn gets pulled into a hug, arms tight around his shoulders, “Thank goodness!~ I was working up an icky sweat there for a second! I’m glad you had a good time, baby!” He pulls back for a second, eyes flashing in gold mixed with high pinks, “Right?~”
For the sake of everyone, including himself, Quinn just nods. Only for his deadpan face to turn into a soft smirk when getting yanked into a new hug.
Eyes roll with no real meaning as he circles his arms right back, patting his Dad’s upper back. “Pops.”
“Hm?” Asmo hums into his shoulder, fiddling with his jacket.
“They’re ace.”
His body stills, waiting a beat or two, then relaxes, “Oh.”
Quinn can’t help his chuckle, squeezing Asmo once, “I’m good. Promise.”
Asmodeus sighs again, this time it’s heavy and as if he’s just released all his worries at once, “I know…I just-” His body sags, leaning tighter on Quinn.
“I know, pops. I know.”
“I love you.” He whispers. Part of him hasn’t a clue why. Another definitely does.
Quinn copies, grinning into his shoulder, “I love you too, Dad.”
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She’s so tiny.
Is tiny ok?
He expected her to be big, considered at least a bit above average for humans. Not only for her demon blood, but for his, the father’s, size. He gets compared to Diavolo himself a lot, and even without those teases, he knows he’s a big guy.
She came out so little.
6 pounds, 8.5 ounces. MC said that’s considered a little below average.
Fingers, so frail and so gentle, touch the hand that hovers near her.
Beel gulps, glancing to his side. Belphie leans on his cow pillow, watching the interaction with a soft look, lidded eyes. The same colored eyes match in gaze.
He decided to stick to Beel as MC rested, planting himself down and staying silent besides small sighs of usual sleepiness here and there.
It’s like he could tell his nerves spiked up at the single thought of being alone with the newborn. Like he couldn’t trust himself enough, silently hoping for MC or Belphie, or any of his other brothers who were hanging out in the room next over.
“You’re fine.” Belphie mutters. His hand lays by his coddling arm.
“She’s small.” Beel whispers. The shock hasn’t made an inch of moving yet.
“I know,” His lip quirks, “Ironic, huh?”
“She might have my eating habits.”
A snort comes at the word ‘habits’ before Belphie starts silently chuckling, not wanting to wake the sleepy girl. “The only thing Lucifer might hate.”
“She can stay tiny.”
“Maybe, some of them human kids do turn chunky quick.”
“She might be more human.”
The thought came to mind more after she was born. Before, it was different, if was like ‘Oh, she’s going to have human blood’ and that was it.
No, now .  Now it’s different.
Now it hit- stabbed- slapped him square in the face, just as much as her squishy image did when she was passed over to him so gently-like. All bundled up, curled in a small, whimpering ball of proof of his love for MC. A love that has taken hold of him and molded, no, extended vastly over the same little baby in his arms.
He’s not a poet by any means. Sure, he acknowledges his soft persona towards his loved ones, but never been a poet or writer. But, he could have sworn the moment reminded him so much of those books Satan or Lucifer have read aloud sometimes.
It stunned him just as much as it scared him.
“Yeah.” His twin offers up a shrug, leaning back, “That’s what happens when a human and demon have a kid.”
“She’ll be more vulnerable.” Beel feels a frown come on, staring down at the swaddled infant. He’s seen the other side of vulnerability. It’s scary, suffocating, you feel as if you can’t escape from its clutches no matter how hard you try. It’s even worse if a monster is the one…
He swallows, facing morphing into a faint grimace, if a monster is the one eating you.
Second nature takes over, Belphie’s hand swaying up to touch his blanketed arm. “Beel.”
The ginger doesn’t move his head an inch, but his eyes glance back up. Belphie’s soft look is gone, but it lingers, only just barely. His brother needs to understand.
“She’s not going to get hurt.” Belphie’s finger lifts, pointing at a sleeping MC, “For one, she’s got a kick-ass parent 1 over there, who’s been through hell and back with us, literally, to the point that people would have to kill them to get to her. And even then, gotta deal with their return.” And with a grin like he’s used to this joke by now, “I should know, honestly.”
Before Beel can lecture him, Belphie side swipes his comment and continues, waving a hand to the door, “ 2nd, she’s got a whole squad of demon family members who’d stop at nothing to keep her safe, myself included.”
Beel watches his direction turn to him; he damps down the urge to squeeze his arms barely a centimeter, “3rd, she’s not only got more demons- including the King himself and his lame-ass butler, but a magical weirdo human, an angel and his dog. Plus-” Belphie smirks, a mix between soft and smug, as he waves towards Beel,
“She’s got one of the most soft-hearted, yet most unyieldingly protective Dad in all three realms, who’d I know already will succeed anytime someone so much as dares to breathe wrong in her direction.” With that, he crosses his arms and flops back in the chair. “She’s going to be fine, Beel. Everyone knows it, including you .”
Beel stares at him a second, processing everything. Thoughts swirl in his head, many wanting to disagree with Belphie, new ones ready to snap at those, and others that keep going back and forth between both groups.
Belphie doesn’t comment on his face, but Beel soon notices the eye widening and lip quirking.
He’s staring at his Frankie.
As soon as he joins, he gets why he can’t stop.
She’s looking up at him. Fingers gracing the pink and white blanket edge, gripping just a little in small fists before letting go; her mouth stays slightly open, as if vaguely gaping at the giant infront of her. Her hints of ginger hair peek through the blanket as she tilts her head faintly.
But the thing that has both twins stopping in their tracks,
The purple eyes. Tinged with the classical match of poppy red closer to the edge, they practically beam up, focused solely on him. For eons, the only other person the twin’s have known to have those eyes were each other. It was just about the only thing they had in common beside their brotherly love for each other and the people around them. Everything else had been different one way or another, from colors, to activities, to hobbies, to who they were as people.
Now someone else shared their eyes.
Beel feels his throat tighten for once. MC had been able to make him feel full for the first time when they met, a feeling that could barely ever change even if Beel himself tried to make it so. It seems that has extended too.
They hardly change effect as she suddenly grins, all gummy and squishy cheeks.
When her hand flies up, reaching for him, a shaky hand covers it.
He will protect her , Belphie’s hand pats his shoulder, a half chuckle/half covered sniffle meeting his ears, he promises.
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“Papa” Patting at his cheek. More patting joins at his arm.
“Popi!” A whine at his right, echos that is the growl of, “Papa!” at his left.
Belphegor mutters a curse in the blessed Devildom tongue, shifting and flopping into a comfortable position. Away from his kids.
Behind him is a huff, Ryder hissing out, “Papa!”
“Papa is sleeping.” Waves off Belphie, tucking his arm back under his classic cow pillow. Too hyper for him. If the two didn’t look like him, both having a relatively noticeable amount of faded indigo hair, he’d think they’d be Mammon’s kids instead.
The noise dies down for a limited moment or two before two small bodies find themselves on him, one tugging at his arm while the other trying to annoy him by being as limp as possible.
“Paaaa!” River whines. Belphie’s eye twitches. His tail lifts, and goes on pushing at them. Shoo shoo. A drastically tinier tail swats back at it. Probably Ryder, he tends to keep his tail out more.
“Whaaaaat?” Belphie mocks dramatically in return.
Ryder, able to get the tail back enough, “We have a question!” the tail flicks and bops forward,  meeting his face. Sputtering, he fights it back, growling about ‘weirdo dad’. A smirk crawls on Belphie’s face. Ryder wacks the limb away again, glaring at his annoyance of a dad the whole time.
It’s only now they pause in their annoying ways. The twins have a moment of looking at each other, sharing a silent conversation. Ryder looks insistent, small brows down in a frown. At the same time, River doesn’t glance around, but tilts their head with a pouty lip.
Belphie’s ready to close his eyes and sleep again. A hand pats his face. “Papa”
Lifting his hand, he covers their face right back. “River.”
Ryder does the talking, “ How are babies made?”
His blankets dip further down as he rolls away, covering the back of his head with the giant pillow he’s always dragged around with him for major eons. “Go ask Mammon.”
Ryder’s huff flips with crossed arms, “ He said to ask you.”
“Yeah!” River’s tail swishes as he relaxes on the bed, belly flop style.
“Go ask Lucifer then.”
“He’s out with Uncle Diavolo.”
“King Diavolo!” Corrects River. But Ryder’s only response is, “Shut up.”
Belphie lifts the pillow for one second, flapping his tail at Ryder, “Don’t tell your brother to shut up.” A second later, he’s turning to River, “But don’t call him that.”
Again, with the small pout, but they sigh and nod. Although, it’s plainly clear it’s as reluctant as his morning schedule.
They seriously need to stop hanging so much with Lucifer. Loves his older brother, seriously, but he doesn’t need at least one of his kids mimicking him now.
It’s like a nightmare come true.
“He started going on a lecture that we were too young to hear about it but-”
“Ryder asked him if that made him Lucifer’s kid.” Belphie snorts at River’s pointed finger. Ryder smacks it down without looking at him.
“We were kicked out of his room.”
Belphie’s face says it all. He’s amused. Not surprised. Maybe a tad impressed with their unconcerned attitudes about it. His kids are just as mischievous as him, quote unquote from MC themselves.
Poor Satan though, his co-CEO of Anti-Lucifer club.
Such shame.
“Asmode-” Belphie actually gives a good brain cell a turn there, then backtracks, shaking his head. Horror fills his mind at what Asmo could say, “Actually, don’t ever ask Asmodeus. I will catch you both if you do.”
His oldest twin scrunches his nose, the younger one sticks out his tongue and mocks a gag, “You think we’re stupid?” Ryder gapes.
“You think?” River echoes.
“How about Beel?” As weird as it is, Beel might know how to explain it the right way. And to kids nonetheless? Hell, he’d probably use the most oddly ‘child friendly’ way of explaining ‘it’ to a child.
“Out with Momma/Dad.” Both this time. River plays pattycake with the bed, patting his hands in a rhythmic motion.
Damn it. That means MC is off the list too. Ughhhhhh.
His head flies back under the pillow, “Then no.”
There’s a short growl before sudden weight falls on him. He groans, huffing into his pillow while River giggles out a call of their brother’s name then joins in at Belphie’s side.
“Tell us!” A proud demand from the hybrid on his back. Hands gripped into his hoodie, tugging and yanking with all his might. Belphie’s body did shift slightly, not enough however. “You don’t wanna know, kid.”
River half growls, “Yes we do!”
“Nah, kid. Seriously-” The two lock eyes. Their dad looks almost entirely serious for once. “You don’t.” There's been a handful of times their dad has looked serious, and for him to look close to it. They’re inclined to believe him.
They turn, opening their mouth to stop Ryder when he stumbles, somehow on someone’s back, and starts falling. A yelp escapes his lips, sliding as quick as lightning off their dad’s back and off the side of the bed.
Now the bed isn’t big. He’d probably get the most, a biggish bruise if he fell too hard.
Still, Belphie’s tail flies out, grabbing his son by the waist, and yanking him back to safety, back to him. Flipping back on his side, gently pushing River away a fair amount, he opens his arms and lets his tail drop the kid like an old fashioned airdrop.
Ryder would grunt at impact, if he wasn’t already swaddled by an unexpected hug by Belphie.
 did I say hug? 
I meant trap.
 The arms around him are tough to beat, caging him in like a rat in a snake coil. As he squirms and snarls, desperate to get free, Belphie’s head plays with his hair, “Oh my sweet son. Oh my sweet boy.”
“SOOOO soso beautiful!”
“I’M A BOY!”
“You saying a boy can’t be beautiful?” He tsks, “Asmodeus is gonna be heartbroken.”
At first, River is laughing, been giggling at the sight since they saw Ryder safe. When eyes turn on them however, they’re immediately bolting.
Again the tail. Again the kid falling.
The twins are as different as the ying yang symbol. One is fighting for freedom, growling and hissing kiddie curses at Belphie; the other is giggling away and acting like they’re the same, but they’re really just snuggling in deeper and clutching onto Belphie’s left arm.
Noisy kids.  
Belphie smirks as he lets out another tease, furthering Ryder’s temper, his kids.
Heres the kids if people are interested- I will post more about them soon, so look out!
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asubakaa · 6 months
Ok so since I have an au where haremalia is canon I have some thoughts about them in s4
SO after OVA and S3 they'd have weird relationship because obviously they got married not because of pure love but because Amalia needed to save her kingdom (in my au Harebourg wouldn't use Sadida kingdom's trees, he's a good guy here!) and Harebourg knows that. I think he'd even said her like "if you want you can come back to your home" because he understands how it's hard for her.. .. . Even though Harebourg loves Ami, he doesn't want her to suffer.
So, in s4 they'd have a develop in their relationship like "oh yk what Harie I realized I really love u yaaay!!!" but it would be more serious and romantic obviously hhhh I just don't know how
Hm..mnm..nm.. thinking about....kkiss....scene..but like...they kiss because they love.....😳
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cant-get-no-worse · 1 year
Neymar to Barça yes or no? DISCUSS
Please have pity to my worn-out bones.
Yes :
He's still a baller
I always love to see a baller wearing the shirt of my club
Redemption arc fairy tale story he is wild and free ✨✨
Could bring the famoso « ray of sunshine » in the locker rooms
He would fit well in the pressing imposed by Xavi (the only one out of MNM do have done real pressing throughout the past season).
To see him play surrounded by an actual competent midfield (with PEDRI. i was ROBBED of a Leo-Pedri so maybe a Neymar-Pedri would do.)
We don't have ultras, au contraire to PSG, which could provide a healthier fan-player relationship and affect his performances on the pitch in a good way (since like Leo he's partly an emotional player).
He's 31. Messi had one of his primes at 30/31 (2018/2019 UCL season my beloved). Age doesn't mean shit if he's motivated and healthy. Which brings us to...
No :
Injuries go brrr
He/his clan sued our asses the very first MONTH after he got out.
He/his clan sued our asses for YEARS after that. Like, fuck you.
Part of me is still salty he left in the first place. That 2017 loathing was very real.
He's a social butterfly but I'm not sure how he'd integrate himself with the other players (ie: Raphinha having liked a post about him not going back ewwww hummm Sir).
The uncertain reception that awaits him could either impact his performances in a good way (motivation boost) or bad (emotional player etc).
Not sure how he'd fit in the system
Forcing a player onto a coach is never a good idea.
What I think:
PSG need him what with Mbappé being benched or gone to RMA for sporting and commercial reasons + doubt their ego will let them loan/sell him to Barça + FFP and such issues on our part (we have like 2 and a half of our own players registered. wth.) . He also stated clearly his desire to stay at Paris despite the climate a few weeks ago (he also did state his love for Barcelona 2 weeks before KNIFING US raw in the back so.) If he ever comes, must be on a loan with a salary much, much lower. Don't think it'll happen, same old song every summer. I'll eat raw broccoli if it does.
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the-pigeon-queen · 2 years
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A compiled page of doodles from my Shadi Lives! au
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 6 months
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the pixie chihiro (and alter ego)
chihiro's wings are warped and damaged from birth, so flying is impossible. as such, they built and enchanted a wooden puppet to carry them around, and named it alter ego
alter ego is also sentient...in a way it is an extension of chihiro that can also think for itself? the string tied around alter ego's wrist links it to chihiro
instead of computer programming, chihiro specializes in making enchanted objects, including enchanted dolls. alter ego is not their only puppet but its the one they like the most
chihiro is self-conscious about keeping up with others given their size and inability to fly, so will usually only introduce themself when piloting alter ego. because of this most others assume chihiro is a magic, sentient doll
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wolfiafuntime · 1 year
Event: 🧋Shakes Shop🧋
 Hello! I'm Wolf. I like writing fanfic, and I used to write some X Reader's about a year or so ago, but I fell out of the scene due to mental health problems. I've recently come back to it, but I'm super insecure now, and I get really stressed about writing for others (I tried doing a request thing on Quotev but I kept making myself too sick to actually do it). I also have creativity problems.
 My solution to all of this? Easy:
 The 'Shakes Shop' Event!
Featuring: Obey Me! One Master to Rule Them All X (Aged Up!) Disney Twisted-Wonderland X (Modern AU!) Genshin Impact X Gn! Ice Cream Bartender! Reader
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Imagine This: You've always loved cruises. Everything from the beautiful sights to even the smell of the air. And for a while now, you've been wanting to work on a cruise ship. So, you started looking. And pretty quickly, you found a new position opening for your favorite cruise line: The Crux! The position? Working as a bartender for a shop that only serves ice cream! Instantly, you made a resume for it and put it in. And a few days later, the Manager contacted you, and offered you a four-month contract that would get you $7,200. That's $1,800 per month. Which is $450 a day. Meaning you make $90 an hour!
Damn, why didn't you try to get a job like this sooner?!
Upon getting the job, your boss sent you a description of your uniform, their shop's menu, and a plane ticket to the Crux's next wet dock location. Which wouldn't be happening for another month... Which gave you enough time to quit your current job, sell all of your non-important and non-sentimental items, and spend some much-needed time with your loved ones before your departure!
You also had more than enough time to buy clothes for your uniform: A sleeveless white button-up, a pink vest, and pale white shorts. And, of course, you also had time to learn the menu- which was more customizable than you thought-:
Sizes: Small Cup (125-word range) | Medium Cup (250-word range) | Large Cup (500-word range)
Flavors: Vanilla (fluff) | Chocolate (reverse comfort) | Strawberry (romance (Adults only!)) | Blueberry (platonic) | Banana (crack) | Mint (dark)
Mix-Ins: Reeses Pieces Chunks (1st meeting) | Cookie Dough (reunion) | Oreo Bits (rivalry) | MnMs (yandere) | Mini-Marshmallows (day off/break) | Chocolate Chips (cold/injury) | Peanuts (bad weather) | Caramel (karma)
Toppings: Chocolate Syrup | Strawberry Syrup | Caramel Syrup | Blueberry Syrup | Whipped Cream | Chocolate Cream | Rainbow Sprinkles | Peanuts | Chocolate Chips | Cherries | Banana Slices | Oreos | Chocolate Chip Cookies
Note: Customers can only choose one size, flavor, and mix-in; but they can choose 3 of the 13 toppings (5 if one is a non-pourable!)!
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Some Additional Rules/Explanations:
I couldn't decide what I was gonna do with the toppings, so I'm making them wild cards. Most of the toppings are related to something previously stated on the list (ex. strawberry syrup has a romance element while Oreos have a rivalry), but some (whipped cream and rainbow sprinkles) are for me to decide. Also, having 3 of one topping doesn't do anything.
You can only choose up to three different characters for your fic! They can be from any one of the fandoms; so you can have a 'Mammon X Grim X Aether X Reader' fic if you want to!
I can refuse/change part of a order/request if I want to. But I'll only do so if I've already written a similar version of the order/request!
Finally oders/requests for the event close on July 16th at Midnight EDT!
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queen-ofsunflowers · 2 years
Final Ryoji pov in parting of ways
drop one of these bad boys in my askbox and i will post, without editing
POV — something that’s already happened, retold from another character’s perspective
original chapter and pov can be found here
Oof, this is a heavy one. A good way to break up the fluff fest that's currently been going on. And appropriate that this one is posted on the AU's anniversary~! I hope you enjoy. It is rather short though, sorry about that.
Ryoji felt like he was going to be sick. Fear gripped his shoulders and clawed at his heart as he, Minato and Aigis stood on the school's rooftop. It was meant for privacy, but honestly, it only served to remind Ryoji that something bad was about to happen. It stoked his anxiety and his terror all over again.
“It’s interesting how the sunlight on a clear winter day seems stronger than it is during the summer,” mused Ryoji as he stared out over the roof’s edge, looking at the view of the sea that it provided. It broke the silence.
“Perhaps because it’s lower in the sky, you don’t have to look up to see it,” said Aigis. Ryoji only shrugged.
“I’ve gotten so used to this view… but it’s never the same.” Minato hummed in agreement. All three fell quiet.
This was it. This was the final moment they would all be together until…
“It’s almost here,” said Minato grimly. “January 31st.”
The end of the world. Ryoji grabbed Minato's hand. It was far warmer than his own. He couldn't remember how his own warmth felt anymore. It seemed like the demon clawing at his Core had been zapping it away from him.
“I’ll be alright,” he reassured Minato, as well as himself. He had to keep telling himself that. It would be alright. He was going to be alright in the end.
“I know, but…” Ryoji felt something rising in his throat. While he had kept telling himself that he was going to be alright, there was no definitive way to know that would be the case. "...Your hands are shaking.”
Ryoji fell quiet. He didn't even notice. He guessed that his fear was getting the better of him, even if he was trying to ignore it as well as the voice of Death inside of his own head. He wanted it to shut up and go away. He wanted nothing more than to be okay.
Keep telling yourself that, little prince, echoed Death inside of his mind. For soon, this will all be a distant memory.
As if sensing his boyfriend's inner turmoil, Minato reached up on his toes to kiss him, drawing his attention away from Death.
“Please come back,” he said.
“I will,” Ryoji told him. That was a promise that Ryoji silently prayed he'd be able to keep. But when it came to Minato, who had just nodded at Ryoji's statement, the spoken word was never quite enough. So, he pulled back away from him. Ryoji took off his scarf. It was his most prized possession, as it had been the first gift that he had received in his life. To make it even more important, it had come from Shinjiro, who swore Ryoji to secrecy over the matter and was now currently in a similar state to him. No one knew if either one were going to survive their ordeals.
Ryoji wrapped his scarf around Minato's neck.
“What are you doing?” Minato asked.
“Think of it as a promise. I’ll come back, so keep this safe for me until I get back, okay?” Minato was quiet for a moment, only providing a solemn nod. He looked like he was about to start crying. Ryoji understood the feeling. He felt like doing the same thing. He leaned down, getting one final kiss from Minato as he pulled him in close. Minato was so warm... So warm, so kind, so... so wonderful. Ryoji didn't want to let go.
He didn't want to go.
“Your mother’s just exited the building,” said Aigis. Even with her normal neutral tone, she still managed to somehow sound dejected. This was it. His mother would be waiting for him at the gate under the guise of having to go away for the next week to handle family business. In reality, she would be completing and overseeing her son's possession until he was nothing but a puppet to her.
The next time Ryoji would see Minato, would see his friends... he would be...!
“I love you,” said Ryoji, trying to keep his voice from breaking. He would be their enemy. He would be fighting them against his will. He would most likely hurt them. He placed a kiss on the part of Minato's hair. “No matter what happens, please remember that.”
“I will,” said Minato with a nod.
And like that, Ryoji slipped away from him. Minato stood there, quiet and burying his face into the scarf he now wore. Ryoji left, softly shutting the door to the rooftop. Once out of sight, he let the dam break, tears rushing down his face as he choked down sobs.
I don't want to die...!
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catgirl-catboy · 8 months
How I would rewrite Happy Campers to have the MnM's fight, but still make sense and be in-character:
After Exes and Oohs, and after Millie makes sure her husband is okay, she goes off on him about not telling her about Crimson.
Moxxie says he's left that life behind, and its not who he is anymore. Millie agrees, but says that her family is now in danger, and decides to take a break from the relationship to check on them.
Moxxie is TERRIFIED, because now the idea is in his head that Millie and the other members of I.M.P could be in danger due to him.
(note on the timeline: We'd either need to switch around Happy Campers and Western Energy, or make the small tweak that Moxxie meets Millie in Wrath for information about Striker, and they put their fight aside for the episode.)
In this au, instead of Blitz sending the MnMs on this mission, he sends Millie and Loona.
Moxxie follows them, because he's concerned something might happen with the mafia, and spends the episode being extremely wary of all the background characters as a result.
He gets a reputation for being "Millard's" stalker, (getting rid of the incest plotline because I don't think it fits. Maybe Millie and Loona pretend to be siblings? idk.)
Eventually Millie calls him on it, because he was NOT very subtle about disguises. They have a bit of an argument, but decide their relationship is more important than this fight, and make up. Because its my rewrite, I want to imply they've had semi-serious fights before (possibly over how to best deal w Blitz.)
This is contrasted by the Barbie Wire/Blitzo fight happening at the same time, where Barbie decides not to make that call.
Bonus: If you don't like the idea of Crimson gunning for Millie's family in later episodes, have a string of gags where he tries to kill them and it goes HORRIBLY. (gets lost in Wrath several times, inexplicitly lost most of his men to Striker, etc. By the time he gets to Millie's house, it takes only one good punch by Sally Mae to do him in.)
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Bien le bonjour tout le monde !
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J'ai le grand plaisir de vous annoncer que j'ai passé une super journée !
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La météo a été absolument parfaite pour mes activités de la journée : le matin, assez gris, ce que les baleines apprécient apparemment beaucoup !
C'était génial, on en a vu au moins 15 au total, avec un petit qui nous a fait une dizaine de sauts pour le spectacle, des groupes entiers en vadrouille, avec nageoires caudales et panaches à gogo ... Incroyable !
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Après 1h de bateau, nous arrivons avec mon groupe sur Isla de la Plata, surnommée affectueusement par les locaux ... La Galapagos des pauvres.
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J'accepte le surnom hehe, surtout que l'île était très belle ... Et que j'ai vu plein d'oiseaux étranges !
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On commence avec les Fous à pied bleus (les Bobbies, ou Boobies selon les gens), une espèce très bizarre qui se déplace comme un canard bourré en sifflant comme une pompe à vélo percée.
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Apparemment, leurs pattes deviennent bleues quand ils vieillissent à cause de leur alimentation (et non, ce n'est pas le scandale du miel bleu et des abeilles nourries aux mnms) ... Et c'est vraiment marrant comme bestiole !
Son petit copain, c'est la frégate du Pacifique ...qui n'est pas moins étrange. (Ou plus farouche)
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Le plus marrant avec eux, c'est qu'ils passent par un nombre de stade de croissance assez infini, ce qui fait qu'on a 5 ou 6 oiseaux différents qui n'en sont en fait qu'un !
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Et du coup, le mâle en rut possède cet étrange organe rouge qu'il gonfle en faisant un bruit de battements de tambours dès qu'une femelle le survole, c'est très joli à voir !
Ensuite, on a fait un tour en masque tuba, j'ai pû nager avec une tortue (🐢❣️), suis tombée sur des étoiles de mer bleues et blanches, suis passée au milieu de bancs de petits poissons (ils étaient des centaines !), ai découvert le concept du poisson ballon pintade (je ne suis pas non plus responsable de ce nom ... Mais je vous laisse regarder sur internet, le jaune comme le noir tacheté sont très beaux !), et surtout ... Ai pu plonger (en apnée) au milieu des chants des baleines ... Je ne m'en lasserai je crois ...
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Il a fallu repartir, et c'est sous les panaches de baleines et les splash/sauts lointains qu'on est retournés sur la terre ferme, les yeux pleins d'étoiles pour moi ! En bonus le soir, un superbe coucher de soleil pour finir la journée ...
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Et donc le ciel était mitigé le matin, ce qui nous a permis de ne pas griller comme des poissons au barbecue sur l'île (et qui ne m'a pas empêché de cramer, j'ai sous-estimé la puissance du soleil derrière les nuages ...), Le soleil est apparu littéralement 2 minutes avant qu'on se mette à l'eau pour disparaître juste après qu'on en sorte, et était de nouveau gris le soir... C'était parfait, juste comme il fallait, quelle chance !!
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Scene I did my OCs in my AU, for their designs and anything, I thought it would be fair if each of the Mario Characters a redesign in my version. Some I design them will be the same but change it up a little bit.
Bio: Iggy was the 4th born Koopalings, before wearing glasses and got better grades. After Bowser adopts him and his siblings, he did got better with glasses, but ends up slowly going insane after their mother abandons them. While growing up, he often spends time with Lemmy as he grew close bound for his kindness to him. He then trains his pet Chain Chomp to make more vicious attacks. He mostly spends a lot of time making inventions to help Bowser Rule the Mushroom World, only to end up in failure by The Mario Bros.
He and The Koopalings eventually founds out that Mara was Mario’s sister, and sent out to distract them all after her capture and escape. He countinue causing mayhem which ends up defeated over a month.
A month later when Bowser’s main plan is ready, Iggy took over and hired Fright Roster to kill the Mario Sibs but failed the same time he was defeat fighting The Mario’s. He continued to help Bowser’s Army and The Koopalings by defeating Mario while coming up with new inventions even with Gill Koopas blueprints, The next time you ever faced Iggy, watch out for his laugh.
Appearance: Purple Rings on shell, spikes and horns, scrawny appearance, Yellow Green head with spots on his back and tai Brown tool belt, Modern Hair but Iggy’s classic hair color, Leather bracelets and necklace and Black Circles under his eyes knowing he’s mentally ill.
Voice Actor: Anthony Ingruber
Height: 6.9 ft
Weight: 190 ibs
Personality: Normal genius but mostly mentally ill, playful, psychopath, native and Smart
Favorite Foods: Pineapple Bowl Chicken, Coffee MnM’s, Lemon Squares and Hawillian Pizza
Family: (Parents) Morton Koopa Jr *Deceased* and Susan Koopa *Deceased or Vanished after their mother abandon them*, (Adopted Father) Bowser Koopa, (Step brother) Bowser Jr, (Biological Siblings) Roy, Morton Jr, Ludwig Von, Larry, Wendy O and Lemmy
Allies: The Koopa Empire, Kremlings Army *Mostly King K Rool*, King Boo and his army.
Enemies: The Mario Bros and Sis, Princess Peach, Wario Bros, Princess Daisy and Rosalina, Krunch Kremling, DK Clan, Mushroom Kingdom and Different Kingdoms
Likes: Spending Time with Lemmy, Larry, Bowser Jr and Morton, Making Wendy and Ludwig mad, Training his Chain Chomp, Making Powerful Inventions, Explosions, Horror Films, Rocky Horror Shows, Racing, Coffee, Anime, Milkshakes and Causing Mayhem
Dislikes: His Fun Ruined, Inventions destroyed, Being Beaten, His Past reminds and failures.
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