#Mlp g5 headcanons
joocin-thebox · 5 months
what if my g5 headcanons that will ultimately influence the story progression in my "rewrite" of mym?
under cut ofc because bitch we really get into it!!! (aka, long post)
i am one autistic bitch who feels let down my g5 in some aspects but mostly in a sense that it's just... missing some things!
disclaimer? i realy like g5. i come back to watch mym and tyt and the movie because it brings me joy and i like seeing the characters do things!
HOWEVER i personally feel like the story and writing is a bit... lack luster? im not sure if its because we're just missing so much information that's going to be explained later, or if the writers just... are struggling to piece together this lowkey mess of a situation our favs are in!
i just want to make sense of it all, and im a storyteller not a theorist so im not doing that theory stuff :) im just going to spew headcanons and be happy abt what i think could be implied by the writers that we dont actually get expansion on
[4/28/2024 edit] i drafted this way back in december '23 or jan '24 so some of these might seem "duh ofc! Thats canon!" but yeah, i just had it in the drafts for a loonngg time
now another disclaimer uhm,... when i "rewrite" mym im... not exactly going to remove key details? i think my intent is to include some things into each chapter that will make it a bit more digestible to all demographics? i like the sillies, i like the serious, and mym hits some really strong points that i think were executed perfectly! there are some things that are just spot on!
but again i just think mym is missing some elements and my headcanons are a result of that (obv bc thats what a headcanon is omg).
only big different in my rewrite will be opaline because her character is just... i dont know but i dont enjoy her. and i love villains. i am a villain enjoyer, and as many others have pointed out, she just randmly decides to be evil for the sake of being evil which sometimes i get it but before then it seemed like more than that? so im going to stick to "its more than that" and she has an actual solid goal in mind :)
this is more of an autistic revelation turned writing exercise so YAY let's see how this goes!
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i love sunny!! since the movie she's been such a cutie and one of my favorites! in tyt and mym however, they have a habit of watering down her character to "naive protag who has flimsy and unbased morals" and that doesnt really sit right with me? sooooo headcanons for sunny? (and some others but mainly ones that focus on sunny)
Sunny likes history as a way to connect with her dad, and she collects things she thinks he might have liked, and continues his research partially because of her own ideals of friendship and spreading it, but also because part of her thinks she has to carry on his legacy
Sunny and Zipp have a "likeminded, different methods" leader rivalry
Sunny and Pipp love to spa day together! They're also late risers, and love healthy meals and afternoon strolls
Sunny lets Pipp style her mane and tail ALL the time for inspiration because she likes the pampering a little and bc she wants to help Pipp
Sunny does her best to assist her friends with their jobs from time to time. Mostly because of her admiration of Twilight and her idea of friendship meaning spending time doing things your friends love to do
Sunny invites them to help her make new smoothie ideas too
Sometimes Sunny spends time in the observatory, reminiscing her memories with her father. Typically on anniversaries and holidays. It's her form of quiet time
Sunny doesn't actually like help when she's cooking, not unless shes genuinely biting off more than she can chew. She'd rather her friends share the space with her while she cooks, and maybe grab an item or two for her when her hooves are full
Sunny considered looking to study magic after getting her alicorn powers, (zipp definitely encouraged it) but Sunny decided against it because 'she doesn't need magic if she has her friends'
Sunny isn't actually good at helping her friends emotionally. Her love language is acts of service, so kind words are all she can really offer.
Canonically (comics), Sunny likes to read! I like to think she has her own book nook and really likes books that are about overcoming odds and happy endings
(Based on the movie) Sunny's most noticable character flaw is believing every choice she makes is justified. A “ends justifies the means” type of character. She grows out of this when she learns she can rely on others to find a solution.
When given no option to explore, Sunny is a theorist more than a researcher
She was NOT immune to propaganda (but she knows what she truly believes in)
Sunny acts without forethought, and when there’s a kink in her quick plan, she forces herself to stop and reevaluate. All the same, she's sensitive to failure.
She is also quite intuitive, with her theories (even though help crafted by her dad) tend to be correct in one way or another!
Sunny was reluctant to rebuild the lighthouse because part of her felt like, starting over meant forgetting her father (as it tends to go, with grief of a parent.) [Her friends help her come around and work with her to give her father's stuff a safe space in the brighthouse]
oh man that's a lot! NEXT!! (any hc i have following posting this will be reblogged to here!!)
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I care so much about Zipp and the ways she can grow as a character. She was deep from the beginning but we never really got into more of her rather than her detective side. which i appreciate of course, but you know :)
Zipp is a natural leader (which in my rewrite i want to subtly emphasize this difference with Sunny learning to be a leader)
[Sunny and Zipp eventually would learn to work as a team, rather than one person having a more important say]
Zipp would be the one to teach Sunny what it means to lead, mostly indirectly, but sometimes directly
She leans away from leadership entirely and it causes a disconnect between her and her mother :(
She's drawn to puzzles and mysteries (especially in fiction) but prefers them in really fantastical settings
Zipp loves history, and views it as clues to her research about many things. If it's unrelated to current problem or doesn't have one on hand, she's not likely to read any history books
Zipp loves for Hitch to play detective with her. They snoop out clues together, and he helps her loosen up to solve the mystery faster as well as be more open minded
Zipp is wary of new ponies, and isn't quick to welcome anypony she doesn't know already or anypony not already dedicated to a cause (evidence: misty)
Zipp thinks Sunny studying magic and becoming more powerful would just be awesome to see
Zipp has a "problem" of being right all the time (sagittarius things)
After she gets ignored enough times about something she knows is true, she kind of just stops contributing to any conversation unless she has everypony's attention or if they're all out of ideas
She isn't a big fan of change? She prefers not to do new things all the time
But she LOVES a challenge!
Zipp is uncomfortable with being royalty in general. I assume she’d detach from the whole royalty thing entirely, and agree with Sunny’s ideals of democracy and equality to the point of stepping down as heir. Or she grows into her role, and becomes more and more queenlike each passing day
Zipp seems like the type to always be thinking, even during conversation. She isolates when things get too rough for her, and she's very quick to come up with schemes
Zipp is not good at lying. She avoids responses or tells half truths
She's an adrenaline chaser
Zipp starts out especially sarcastic toward Hitch because he's a sheriff and she thinks that's silly. Also because they have different ideas of leadership when they first meet.
Zipp (as well as Izzy and Sunny) love adventure!
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i was so iffy on izzy when they introduced her in the show... i feel like she went from being an actual character with thoughts, to... watered down pinkie pie which is not enjoyable lol but anyways i like her actual moments of personality (not implying her lol XD random!! moments ARENT personality, but there are time where she's actually pushing it to the point of it being genuinely irritating with no comedic payoff :/
I BELIEVE IZZY HAS A PHOTOGRAPHIC MEMORY!! it just makes sense!! [she remembers in complete detail, or doesnt remember at all until way later]
Izzy would rather lighten the mood than make serious decisions :) She doesn't avoid action, but she does avoid sole leadership
to me, she's Brave and Direct and will step in if nopony else will. the type of character who isn't the hero, but will get the job done
Izzy in my mind is prone to going off on her own and not running ideas by ponies before acting which :) has its issues but comes in handy!
Along with Pipp and Hitch, Izzy LOVES nature! She teaches them both about Bridlewood's flora and fauna :) eventually they start having plants in the brighthouse and wanna explore all flora and fauna in the 3 locations
Izzy likes plants and is curious to what types of plants there are outside of bridlewood
Izzy learns some kind of multitasking spell, where she can create many things at once if she is making things in bulk :D
she does feel out of place in the friend group (canon to canterlot comic) and has a hard time making friends with the unicorns in other places :( [this is up until Misty, who makes her feel better]
Izzy sees Misty as a best friend :) But also takes on a silly older sister role with her!
She helps Misty grow into herself, and feel more secure with her past bebcause Izzy passes on her "damaged doesn't mean useless" ideals she usually saves for her unicycling
Izzy inspires Misty to use creation to get out her feelings, like making tea or exploring with crafts, just to find peace. She also helps Misty get out of her comfort zone in smaller ways, helping her try new things
When Izzy went looking for Maretime bay, Bridlewood just thought she went missing
Izzy wants close unicorn friends :( someone to genuinely bond with [see: Misty]
Izzy’s creativity comes from being really resourceful, BUT as a unicorn that lives in trees i’d imagine she’d have more respect for the trees of any kind LMAOO
she’s always got a solution to a problem even if unconventional or… surprising... but quick thinker!
Izzy loves to create things she can share with her friends (even when she has none, its the future thought that counts)
Izzy is the tallest out of the 5 of them? At least she’s taller than Pipp and Sunny
Izzy believes in Sunny way more than the rest of them do :) When Sunny has a plan, Izzy is ready to back her up!
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now i see so many mixed opinions on pipp, but its mostly bc she's social media pony and i can't lie.... i tire of it... but pipp is great on her own! i dont think there's too much wrong with her, but at the same time i havent picked up much of her character and personality outside of social media (aside from this list ofc)
Bc her sister loves mystery and being a detective, Pipp lowkey has a spy hobby :) it started when they were kids, but it came back once they moved to Maretime bay
Pipp plans extravagant fake cases for Zipp every birthday :)
Pipp got her love of mystery (and by extension: horror / spooky) from her sister
Pipp does not have an interest in being any type of leader! she likes to inspire, but not lead :)
Pipp loves to glamp, and takes Hitch with her! Sometimes she camps with him to "embrace nature"
She likes to hear Sunny's spooky stories of the Everfree Forest
Pipp is a speed reader >:3 Any book she reads she just zooms through it
She's a great liar, for acting purposes but also just to save her hide.
Pipp can also be max sneaky, or by being the younger sib with no real duty to fulfill, its much easier for her to slip under the radar. Could be a reason she adores fame so badly and chases it harder than Zipp or Haven do
Pipp knows the city streets like the back of her hoof
She doesnt take Hitch’s title of sheriff very seriously unless she’s in Maretime bay
Pipp is VERY good at being a hype pony [ She was so happy to hype up sunny i ship pipp x sunny call that star petals ]
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ill be so honest, hitch was my favorite from the beginning :D he's my favorite g5 pony ever, he's so cute and i love him to no ends!! i really liked seeing him stand up for what he believed in, and then when sunny was like "look, i told you" he didnt try to make any excuse why any pony kinds couldnt be friends :) he accepted it and was ready to help! i loved his moral code, you dont see a lot of lawful good characters this day and age (as far as ive seen)
BUT they did... do something to change his character in mym and tyt, taking away his love for order and replacing it with "stupid cop" gags and him being extremely silly. I miss his overconfidence and ego :( i dont think it should have left with the movie's end, it would have been so funny is he was still such a hardass
When Hitch gets stressed, he tries to alieve the situation and then calm down
Hitch is a scaredy cat
He has an overwhelming love for Maretime Bay, and typically likes to stay there if he can
Hitch liked not having magic so he doesn't actually use the new magic he gains
Hitch is loved by everyone in Maretime Bay, and he loves to protect him as much as he can, but he doesn't baby them
He makes jokes about a holiday about him where everyone cleans up litter around town, but insists its a joke
He gives good advice!
Hitch wanted to protect Sunny from being alone, and often protected her from bullies
Hitch doesn't put his friends above the law, and insists on fair punishment
After he gets Sparky, Hitch doesn't get to work out as much
Adding onto that, Hitch and Pipp bond over mane care
He's a realist, and knows that he can be wrong. But he'd rather the proof be shown first before he switches his ideals
Hitch is always open to listen
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so called "free thinkers" when misty brightdawn is the best character in make your mark by far, solely because she feels (to me) like the only 3 dimensional character in the series :/ otherwise i just love her range and how silly she can be :) she feels real and fleshed out and obv she's just cute
Misty's special talent is actually inspiring change within herself and in other ponies, but whatever mym said is fine too
She's a jack of all trades after being made to be basically a maid of Opaline
She's got an excellent sense of direction
Misty got magic with everyone else, but bc of being in Opaline's castle, it was delayed, and weaker + Opaline forbade her from using it
Misty is more willing to confide in Sunny if prompted, because of all the times Sunny's protected her from pressure + Sunny is just a nice beacon of hope to talk to
Misty and Sunny bond over having to find their place in the world on their own due to absence of parent
Misty likes exploring creative outlets with Izzy
Misty hangs out with Sparky and Hitch n they're like a little family (blatant Histy shipping...)
Misty knows a lot about ancient artifacts
Misty (should) have her own room in the Brighthouse specifically for her, that only she and Zipp know about bc they both like quiet time
Misty and Opaline have a similar was of thinking after being together for so long (even though they weren't close)
Her moral code isnt cyrstal clear, due to her conflicted ideals after meeting the mane 5
She doesn't see Opaline as anything more than a faulty mentor and boss, but Opaline does provide for her so Misty is fine to stay
Misty and Izzy bond over basically being outcasts of Bridlewood (for different reasons)
Misty does not scare easy (vs Hitch who does, and Pipp who loves to be scared)
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decora-kai · 2 years
Mlp g5 Headcanons!
• She/Her Trans Demigirl
• Homoromantic (Lesbian) Bi/demisexual
• Autistic (OCD?)
• They/She/He/Xe/It Transfem Nb AMAB? AIAB?
• Biromantic Sapphic Aroflux & Gray/Asexual
• Autistic /w ADHD
• He/They Transmasc Demiboy AFAB
• Homo/Demiromantic (Gay) Litho/Pansexual
• Autistic /w Anxiety and OCD
•They/He/She Transneutral Genderfluid AFAB
• Abroromantic & Asexual
• Neurodiverse (Autistic??)
• She/They Nonbinary femme AFAB
• Homoromantic (Lesbian) Asexual
• Autistic
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alienlowlife · 5 months
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hc drawing of Sunnys parents when they were young
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leohnoz · 5 months
Various Mlp G5 Doodles
Been watching Make Your Mark, so Mlp art... au? Headcannons? Shippy? Stuff.
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blueey-jayzilla · 8 months
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Don't mind me... Just background unicorn head canons
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millieduboisart · 4 months
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I haven't watched much of the G5 series, but I wanted to try my hand at an Opaline Arcana redesign!
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shakoba-drawings · 9 months
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Baby Sunny and her dad spending time together.
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Zipp Storm from My Little Pony G5
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Reasoning: His entire story arc in the first chapter is so trans-coded! His discomfort with becoming a princess and him telling his mom to call him Zipp especially. Plus, dude is LITERALLY the colors of the trans flag; I don’t know about you, but I’m not sure if you can get much more trans than that.
Submitted by @ur-typical-nerd
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mollyjimbly · 4 days
my theory is that after twilight's mortal friends inevitably died. she fell into a great state of depression and was unable to keep up with royal duties, due to her severely affected mental state, she could not protect her kingdom and keep peace. thus leading to the great species war that is mentioned in g5.
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onebadpunspoilsabunch · 11 months
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"How do you do, fellow dragons?"
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theunluckyvandalist · 7 months
♡ pipp can't fly as well as the average Pegasus due to her wings
In the movie especially they appear smaller and fuzzier than the wings of her sister and mother, so I think they're basically like filly wings and flying is a bit tricky. We don't usually see her fly that high [not saying she doesn't, it's just more of a zipp thing]
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♡ izzy is a descendant of sweetiebelle specifically hence her love for singing and crafting
♡ zipp idolized the wonderbolts similarly to how rainbow dash did
♡ the cutie mark celebration thing that misty went to was something the CMC came up with in the past
♡ "my sparkle is a bit too sparkle for bridlewood" izzy is autistic
♡ hitch has memorabilia somewhere in his home from the apple family
♡ the auroracorns, changelings and crystal ponies are mutations of the common pony types
♡ changelings are still around, just hidden
♡ cutie marks got changed for some reason, imo it should still be their destiny.
♡ unicorns superstitious behavior comes from a situation similar to the little critters that stole their voices, that incident is so etched into their memory that they can't unlearn it
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mlppropagandalmao · 15 days
I like the "could transition save her?" blog so i made an mlp tierlist!! I havent added all the male characters because i genuinely couldn't find a list for some reason??? its out their somewhere but i couldnt find it.
Tell me which characters i need to add!!
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pegasisterdoesherbest · 6 months
So, like... Am I the only one picking up on the pegasi potentially having Chinese parallels?
So me and my boyfriend were watching MLP TYT, and me being Chinese, for whatever reason, I kept thinking Zip was Chinese, and on occasion I felt it a bit in Pip and SOMETIMES Queen Haven, as if they gave off that kind of "Aura". Like a strange feeling in my stomach telling me to keep it at the back of my mind, and the next thing I knew? Episode 59 of tell your tale is a Lunar New Year special episode which takes place in Zephyr Heights. Queen Haven explains to us in the start of the episode that every ten years, "When the moon reaches its closest point to Equestria", they celebrate with a big festival called the "Moon Festival". And immediately, I'm laughing at my boyfriend for telling me that Zip and Pip were totally not Chinese, because this entire episode screamed it. From the music to the decorations laid out within Zephyr Heights, it was very clearly drawing parallels to the Lunar New Year and Chinese culture. Anyways, I headcanon that Pegasi in Gen 5 are Chinese coded or something, and I will permanently point towards this episode. You can't stop me.
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gummycube · 4 months
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I'm mostly putting this here for myself to reference back but here's my version of mlp g5 misty brightdawn lore
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night-glider · 1 year
I'm convincing myself more and more that Opaline is a corrupted Flurry Heart who turned on Twilight after Twilight stopped her from turning Shining Armor into an Alicorn so he wouldn't have to be mortal. Twilight wouldn't stand for it on morale grounds and Cadence had given up her immortality to pass on with him naturally because her heart just couldn't be healed. I just generally think Flurry Heart has some really terrifying levels of power by being the only naturally born Alicorn in existence. She could have and should have been the ideal ruler but she probably ended up spoiled and selfish in her parent's care.
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rainbowroachies · 7 months
Appledash (Part #3)
The lost sister (Part 2/2)
Applejack gathered a bag full of necessities and hurried out the door. She then stopped in her tracks and yelled out for Rainbowdash. "So you're not gonna help me?" "Ugh... Fine I'll help, Applecrack." "Wha-..? Never mind..." Rainbowdash scooped up Applejack with her wings and flew to the everfree forest. Applejack cried, "Applebloom, Applebloom! Are ya there?"" Eh...We'll never find her. Let's just go back, come on!" Applejack pulled Rainbowdash's leg before she could fly away. "No! We'll find her, and we're not givin' up!" They both scattered the area, finding no clue of Applebloom. "Y- you can go.." Applejack said concerned, she kissed Rainbowdash and trotted away. Rainbow stared back worrily, but knew AJ was strong enough. "I trust you AJ..." Applejack then heard crying in the distance. "A- Applebloom? Please say that's you..!" She looked around her and found Applebloom. "Applebloom! Oh, I'm so glad you're back! Lets go home." They both walked home. "Babe! Guess who I found!""Uh.. What do you mean?..""I found Applebloom! Oh, such a cutie patootie."l- WHAT, HOW? I mean- Cool..! Haha...." Rainbowdash swore to herself that she trapped Applebloom. Anyways, Applebloom is back. Cool.
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