#Ml Socqueline Wang
familyagrestefanblog · 2 months
Something something about Socqueline being what Marinette stans claim Maribug to be.
Something something, more casual Asian rep-y in ways that can't be swept under the rug (a bit more on the history of Marinette having been white-washed here) while still being explicitly white passing to represent the biracial kids that don't look much like their poc heritage
Something something, Socqueline having been ripped to shreds with racist remarks about her "weird name" and her "being an ugly imposter" and "physically an insult to the beautiful Queen Marinette" by Fans when the Jubilation Trailer dropped (yeah, don't think I'll ever forget about that. Or how Kagami was insulted to hype up Marinette's dominantly white europeand features)
Something something, unlike Marinette, Socqueline ACTUALLY is an unpaid child employee in her parent's shop in her spare time, working her too hard, alone, and too often, because that's a very harmful thing conservative Asian parents force their children to do. Meanwhile, Marinette was asked to help out her parents like 3 times in small ways, but because of "Ladybug" Marinette is claimed to be unfairly worked to the bone by her parents.
Something something, Socqueline is most likely TRULY going to be forced to abandone her own future dreams to take over her parent's shop if she doesn't stand up for herself in difficult ways, while there is no way the show will not have Marinette's supportive parents give in after one more talk that she doesn't want to run the bakery.
Something something, Socqueline being the sporty and trained girl Marinette stans claim Maribug to be. Not to mention that looking at the very specific picture of Socqueline's life the show gives us, it's very likely that Socqueline doesn't have much of a choice at all to take on all the hobbies she has because of her parents' and cultural expectations, whereas Marinette could easily say "no" to any of the additional work/hobbies she has but that's being reframed by the Fandom as Marinette being "forced".
Something something, so Soqueline most likely dressed up as Ladybug to finally get to do something big in her spare time by her own terms and without the danger of her parents finding out (probably why she panicked when Marinette wanted to make her admit the secret [which Marinette btw did in such an unnecessary and uncomfortably forceful and uncompromising manner ...good for Socqueline for standing her ground])
Something something, making her Adrien's ACTUAL parallel.
Something something, like Marinette, Socqueline lies too much, but 'somehow' manages to do it while still remaining WAY more considered of the people involved
Something something, Socqueline ain't never gonna get acknowledged by Marinette fans/ stans for actually being what they claim Marinette to be.
Something something, I think I'm gonna be a Socqueline Stan now because she seems to be alot closer to what I once fell in love with in Marinette and I'm not gonna let that go now cause I missed feeling this love.
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zoe-oneesama · 10 months
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Some "Special" Girls! And the late girls.
Ko-fi | Patreon
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nionom-art · 1 year
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A few people have been asking about my Miraculous Coccinella AU, wondering if I was still working on it. The short answer is yes.
The long answer is under the cut:
So. I’ve been working on this au for a long time now. It was kind of my passion project I was keeping under wraps due to the fact that I had a lot of fun plot twists in mind and all that jazz- you can kinda see some of those plot ideas in my character concept designs above. I have full scripts and even a comic page done for this au- however- I don’t think I’ll be working a lot on this in the near future. I love the story and designs I’ve come up with, but I’ve honestly just been more interested in other fandoms and stories recently, including one about my current ocs (they have become my obsession recently).
I’ve really hated season 5 of Miraculous in all honesty (the handling of Chloe, Luka, and Gabriel is quite honestly atrocious), and I haven’t had as much interest in this au as season 5 progressed as a result. I’ve been quite frankly falling out of love with the show, making my motivation to work on this project not as high. This coupled with the fact that I’ve been rather burnt out lately has resulted in me posting less often.
I guess what I’m saying is that while I might post a few things here and there for Miraculous Coccinella (and miraculous in general) I don’t think it will be frequent or a full blown project or anything. That being said, feel free to ask me any questions regarding this au- it was my baby for a while and it still kinda holds a place in my heart. Maybe one day I’ll do something with it, but for now, I’m going to keep it on the down low. Thanks for reading if you got this far, haha.
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australet789 · 1 year
also Socqueline, my beloved
I wonder if Marinette chose the twin tails as her hair style because of her and how she defended Marinette from Chloe
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eddo-tensei · 9 months
This will never not make me laugh
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In case you don't know what this is, this is all the sightings of Socqueline Wang in Season 5. Aside from her debut, she only had like two cameos before her big moment in Derision's flashback where she turned out to be this super important figure in Marinette's life...and then she just disappears from the season altogether after the flashback is over. Right after we find out how she got suspended, she just stops showing up for the rest of the season. She doesn't even appear in the present of the same episode or even cameo in the background in episodes afterwards. She's just gone. It's like after they showed her getting suspended and this epic farewell scene between her and Marinette where she rips off the Majesta speech from Alya (Because why not steal one more thing from Alya?), they just treat it as though she isn't in Paris anymore even though we saw her two episodes ago still helping her friends. All this does is serve to prove that Socqueline's entire character is just to provide tragedy for Marinette's backstory and nothing else. I can't even say this is salt for Socqueline because this feels like the writers throwing her out as soon as she apparently fulfilled her purpose in showing Marinette having a big sad because of mean old Chloe. She doesn't even appear in the background of Revolution in protest of Chloe, which you think she would considering how much she hated Chloe. It's an instance of them just creating a disposable character purely just to prove a point and instead of keeping her in the cast, they just throw her into the bin because she doesn't serve a purpose anymore. More people hate Chloe now and that's all that matters to the writers. Screw actually developing this character who's supposedly a great figure in one of our main character's lives. As far as the writers are concerned, she already fulfilled her purpose in the narrative and that's infuriating to me because of how utterly manipulative it all comes across as.
Is this irrational? Am I too upset at the treatment of what's basically a minor character in this show? You be the judge.
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geekgirles · 1 year
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Where have you been these past seven years of my life?
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marinettenoirfan · 6 months
It is so beautiful that Socqueline, Marinette’s hero who stood up to Chloe for her, would later dress up and pretend to be Ladybug, the very same girl she inspired with her bravery, the girl she inspired enough to change her hairstyle to match Socqueline’s. It’s so sweet and incredible and really teaches a great lesson that being a hero to someone can lead them to being a great hero of their own
Gosh I love this show
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fabseg-creator · 1 month
Miraculous fanart: Socquebrina (Socqueline and Sabrina)
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I thought about a rareship: Socquebrina.
In this scene, Socqueline corners Sabrina against the lockers. The latter blushes.
The senpai has a crush on the ginger girl.
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pisoprano · 23 days
Reasons Socqueluka could be a thing in future seasons:
They’re the same age and could easily be in the same class.
‘Spare the spares’ is very common in romance media.
Luka and Socqueline are both defined by how they want to help others and they could help push each other to become their best selves.
It’d just be very funny if Adrien and Marinette’s exes both ended up paired off with their PV-adjacent clones.
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angiecakes1990 · 1 year
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ONE EP and Socqueline is already a better friend that Alya 
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sophieabigail2021 · 4 months
It's honestly fascinating how the writers came up with a character that is basically just an Alya 2.0 with a prototype Marinette design and end up being one of the most boring and useless addition to the show
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hufflepotato-18 · 1 year
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Why Sabine and Tom couldn’t do anything for Marinette
Over the course of the series, most notably in “Were dad” and “Dearest family”, its been made clear that Sabine and Tom are very protective of their daughter, but after we realized the full extent of what Marinette had to go through at school in the years prior, we discover that much like how Marinette had trouble living her day to day life being bullied by Chloe, it was Marinette's parents, Sabine and Tom, who also had the unbearable struggle of not being able to protect their daughter. Sabine and Tom knew Chloe was giving their daughter a hard time, but odds are, this was all Marinette would let them know. Kids tend to live completely different lives at school and outside of home( Lila being the biggest and most extreme example), and although Marinette knows her parents only ever had the best interest for her and would want to help, she couldn’t afford to let them so long as Chloe had the power to not only threaten and fire the teachers at school by using Andre’s power as mayor to her own advantage, but also interfere with other peoples careers and businesses outside of school, just as we saw her do with Clara in “Frightingale”, and Veronique in “Determination”.
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For her families sake, Marinette understood that what she was going through, was something she could not afford to let her parents get involved in to much, as it would only risk worsening the situation for all of them. Her only solution to her problem at the time, was to somehow make it to the end of the school year and hope Chloe was not in her class next year.
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If and when  Marinette is seen on screen talking about Chloe with her parents, the conversation ends up being short and moments before she has to leave for school, with Marinette only saying simple things such as “I bet you anything Chloe will be in my class again”, but nothing more. 
(Sabine attempting to lift Marinette’s spirits to help her make it through the day)
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Anytime Sabine was with Marinette during breakfast, both in “Origins” and the “Derision” flashback, Sabine is never seen pressuring Marinette to tell her more about Chloe as she knew it was a conversation her daughter did not feel comfortable talking about. As a result, Sabine could only do what she could and gave her daughter a few little words of encouragement to help her make it through the day, but just to be sure, she resorted to asking the one person she knew to rely on and look after Marinette, Socqueline, who would attempt to do what she could to help Marinette realize she needed to find and build the confidence necessary to stand up to Chloe in order to change things. 
(Socqueline explains to Marinette she would not be around forever to help protect her.)
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Now, given who they are, Sabine and Tom would of course have already made attempts to confront the school long ago, the moment they realized their daughter was struggling, but even if Sabine and Tom attempted to confront the principle about the situation revolving around their daughter, their attempts would have proven useless as there was no real proof of what Chloe was doing to Marinette. Had Sabine and Tom gone to the principle, the staff would have either simply set aside their claims as nothing more than a common personal matter between two students that they could not keep track of, as there are numerous students all having their own individual problems, or simply a bunch of accusations, just as they had  falsely believed Marinette was known for doing, year after year. And although Sabine and Tom could have taken more extreme action against this, any attempts would have proven futile so long as their daughters situation revolved around the Mayors daughter. Justice was not on the Dupain’s side, it was for Andre to control, and that control was primarily decided on by his daughter. 
(Chloe sitting in Andre’s Mayoral seat back in “Determination”, signifies the control she has over her father and his powers as Mayor)
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In the end, no matter who was willing to help and no matter who was willing to protect her, it was always left to Marinette to change things by learning to protect herself and defy the injustices around her.
(Marinette finds the confidence to stand up to Chloe in “Origins”)
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ultrakart · 2 years
Am I catching a whiff of...
sniff sniff
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Protective big sis Socqueline?
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baenyth · 1 month
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Reviews Episode 5-14: The Monkey Miraculous: What the Hell, Kim?
Alright, I've heard a lot about this episode. Apparently it explains the reason why Marinette is such a stalker is because she was traumatized last year from a prank by Chloe when she was confessing to Kim, which makes sense for Kim. He was the third member of Team Chloe in season 1 until Dark Cupid. But apparently he regresses back to his season 1 personality because this is Season 5 and the characterization has gone to hell. Kagami's going to date Adrien's evil twin later in this season. No matter. What's important is Girlsquad Lore.
The eepy sleepy
I know PTSD works in irrational ways, but I have to wonder why it's flaring up now and didn't during Mr. Pigeon 72. They had pretty similar scenarios. Did Kim want to confess to Marinette as well?
Babe, wake up! New outfit models! Model! Hehehe, Adrien was a model. Or was that used in season 4?
Alright, he's just being a himbo at the moment...
Straight to the Akuma!
Water physics!
Welp, in my canon it's two years in a row and every year except for one. The Marc year. Also I like how Marinette has a different hairstyle because the pigtails are to honor Soqueline!
Wow, why did Chloe stop pranking Marinette like that during the next school year? At most she did a gum prank.
This is too much even for Ms. Mendeleiev.
1. Where's Alix?
2. Accidental roast
3. To be fair, Mylene, your mother isn't a hyper-famous person that could easily become a role model for you and your father isn't rich enough to spoil you because of how fucked-up you most likely were that your mother left you.
Yes! Soqueline!
The spy
Yeah, this feels kinda OOC.
I mean, people will probably just think you're a jackass, Chloe.
Now that isn't even realistic writing. That's just an attempt as an excuse.
And now he's back to pre-Dark Cupid. >:(
Looking at Ondine's body and why is her abdomen so damn thin?
Also in general the animation feels more robotic this episode.
Laugh track
Chat Noir's fucking PISSED
Technically, Ladybug's the one at fault there. By stopping Chat like that he was an easy target for Dark Humor. Good name btw
Terlet shard
Oh. Another scene to show how eeeeeevil Chloe is.
The flashback half of this episode would've been good if it was set up back in season 1. Other than that I was right on all counts, plus Chloe's evil feels OOC as well. Disrespectful. Either way, I can start doing my Girlsquad lore next!
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kaalki-cinnamon · 1 year
Socqueline Marinette's protector
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