#Mizz May
sirensea14 · 1 year
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... Or not?
Ignore the architecture on the back, i tried my best to do it--
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mizzmellos · 1 year
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anon asked for m2 sharin a cig <3 but mello thinks cigarettes are disgusting so this is .02 seconds before he snatches it out of matt's mouth and stomps on it
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vivid-badsquad · 1 year
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herrscherofmemories · 4 months
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𐔌 +200 FOLLOWERZ ALREADY ??!? I dont even know where to ztart ;3
﹏ I'm zo grateful for all the zupport everyone haz given me during theze 2-3 monthz ♡♡ )) I've been delaying thiz event for over a month zo it'z time to hozt it !!1!
Thiz event ztartz tomorrow ((June 2)) and endz on June 14 !! Winnerz will be announced between June 15 & June 16 .. the event waz extended to the 18th ,, winnerz will be announced on the 23th but I'll notify them through azkz ! ^^
All info iz under the cut !
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𐔌 Rulez ::
﹏ You can make anything related to editing (( ex. Layoutz ,, graphicz ,, PSDz ,, mood/ztimboardz )) and (( az long az it fitz the prompt )) coiningz and NPTz !
When pozting your entriez pleaze @ me (( @herrscherofmemories )) and tag the pozt with ' #amaru+200 ' ,, if I don't reblog it after 2 dayz feel free to re-@ me az I may mizz out zome poztz !
𐔌 Prizez ::
﹏ There will be 3 winnerz for thiz event ,, they will be choozen by a wheel . Anyone who pozted at leazt 3 dayz will have a chance of winning AND people who do all dayz will have x3 chancez of winning !
1zt prize :: 1 layout ,, 1 zet [3] of graphicz & 2 PSDz ;; 2nd prize :: 1 zet of graphicz /or/ a layout & 1 PSD ;; 3rd prize :: 1 zet of graphicz /or/ a layout .
Promptz ::
TYZM to @.whisfer & @.yuumebow for helping out !!
✦ Day 01 :: your favorite character from a media you like or a character you love with a colour you don't edit with often .
✦ Day 02 :: a character related to the sea or a character related to the space .
✦ Day 03 :: a dragonic character or an angelic character .
✦ Day 04 :: a pink character or a blue character .
✦ Day 05 :: free day !!
✦ Day 06 :: something cute you find horrifying or something horrifying you find cute .
✦ Day 07 :: a platonic duo you love or a character that reminds you of me .
✦ Good luck to everyone who participatez in thiz event and remember that the mozt important thing iz to have a great time !! ♡♡
𐔌 may I requezt a promo ?
@kiochisato @rrozeta @battampria @cherryshh @meowrette @hiddencircus @lavendergalactic @c-ralique @vamp-q @necroangelz @otoripink @frillara @mischiefesse @whisfer @dollrelicz @pink-sugar @fouldays @fwus & any other being :3 )) if you want to be removed juzt zend a dm/azk !
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xxxscene-rawrxxx · 15 days
guyzz i mizz mai Creepypasta friend group zo bad. i mean, zome of the peepz i don't mizz, i juzt mizz the funsiez of it all.
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thiz zuckz
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autumnalwalker · 9 months
Songs and Ships Tag
Rules: write about two to five songs from them that represent your a ship between your ocs (it can be platonic or romantic or a secret third thing). then add a quote from said wip (if possible!) underneath it.
Thank you for the tag, @theprissythumbelina.
Passing the (optional) tag to @blind-the-winds, @ceph-the-ghost-writer, @void-botanist, @theimperiumchronicles, @ieppiq, and an open tag to anyone else who wants to join in.
So, now here's Sullivan and Road from Empty Names being "a secret third thing". Think of these all as being sung from Sullivan's perspective to Road, and in roughly chronological order:
Dear Fellow Traveller by Sea Wolf
Dear fellow traveler under the moon I saw you standing in the shadows and your eyes were blue You put your hand out, opened the door You said, "Come with me, boy, I want to show you something more"
You spoke my language and touched my limbs It wasn't difficult to pull me from myself again And in our travels, we found our roads You held it like a mirror, showing me the life I chose
Eternity by Mizz Fish
Friends like you are hard to find So I’ll stick with you til the end of the line We aren’t perfect but that’s alright
All your dreams, your passions, ambitions You’ve told them to me like a man on a mission And I’ve done the same to you many times
Somehow we made our way here just by lookin around Somehow we knew what was lost had somehow been found Because of you I knew I could be who I wanted to be without feelin a fool In front of those who don’t understand Because of you I knew that sometimes you may be hurtin But that cannot stop you from feelin deserving And following your dreams You come runnin when I fall even if I don’t make a call for help No one needs their eyes to see We’ll be friends for eternity
Trying times and metal struggles I know for a fact you’ll be there on the double Because you won’t want me to feel alone
And anytime you need someone beside you A shoulder to cry on, a friend to stay true You know I would never let you down
The Funnyman's Smile by Michael McCormic Jr.
Well, I had a dream I was trapped in a cave with nothing but a magic lamp I polished its side, and out you came with gold shackles around your hands You said, "Son, I think there's something people like you and me should know" Life is more than empty jokes and putting on a show 'Cause you can make the world smile, and get nothing in return And in the end you find that what you give is what they think you're worth Then you offered me three wishes, but I saw only one worth while" I said, "I want the chance to make the Funnyman smile Oh, give me a chance, a chance to show you"
Funnyman, you're not alone No, even when you're crying I'll be there to hold you close And tell you everything will be alright
Because doctors still need checkups Bartenders need a drink or two The funnyman, still needs to smile And these days, I do, too 'Cause all the times you made me laugh Now they feel a little colder To know that when life knocked you down You cried on your own shoulder 'Cause you can make the world forget its problems for a while But who was there to make you smile? Tell me, who was there to make the Funnyman smile? Oh, to make the Funnyman smile
Ship in a Bottle by fin
You can fit everything you know In a bottle for you to show Pick your brain apart and put it in And build it again with needles and pins Everything you have earned is a ship With blue waves crashing into it But nothing can touch your happy thoughts anymore With your glass ceiling, walls, and floor
Between My Teeth by Orla Gartland
And I-I-I bite my tongue 'Cause I don't know how to tell you I'm getting this urge to run And I-I-I bite my tongue 'Cause I don't know how to tell you Oh, you deserve someone else Who can treat you like I want to
Oh, ah, ah, please don't lean on me 'Cause I don't want your heart between my teeth I, I think I better leave 'Cause I don't want your heart between my teeth I can't take the pressure of it, I can barely breathe Ah, ah, please don't lean on me 'Cause I don't want your heart between my teeth, no
Turtles All The Way Down by Sammy Copely
See, I could choose for the both of us And you'd just go along because You've trusted me for no good reason Love no matter what the season
Force the last page of our story You're my favourite allegory Hope to god that you'll forgive me My mistakes will long outlive me Mine, mine is the unkind, kindest cut of all And I'll watch you fall
And I don't know if this makes it any easier Perhaps you'll find comfort when I say You and I are nothing more than meteors Never meant to live long past today
Yes, I'll choose for the both of us You'll just go along because You've trusted me against your judgement You deserve someone who doesn't
Force the last page of your story No more boring allegories Hope to god you'll rise above me Though you'll always be part of me Mine, mine is the unkind, kindest cut of all I'll watch you fall
Now watch me fall
And now a snippet:
“I see.  I’ll leave you to it then.  Just try not to rough anyone up too badly while you’re there.”
“Of course not.”  Unlike with this job, Sullivan had given his friend his word about certain aspects of his conduct ahead of time.  It had been long indeed since the last time his friend had simply explained a situation and left with no implication other than that they wouldn’t ask questions about what Sullivan chose to do with the information.  It was certainly one way to keep their conscience clean.  “Sleep tight,” he adds.
“I’ll try.  See you later.” 
The line goes silent but there’s no click of a hangup.
Sullivan moves to the kitchen, checks the freezer, and finds it surprisingly boring.  No stashed electronics, frozen potions, or preserved body parts.  He grabs a carton of ice cream, kicks another body out of the way so that its partially-crushed head won’t hold the door open anymore, and closes the freezer.  
Returning to the balcony, he leans over the railing, balances the carton on it and begins scooping out ice cream with a knife.  Much like the city vista below, it’s night black and speckled with glazed bits that reflect the glowing veins of light that run through it.  At least the penthouse’s late owner had good taste in something.
He glances back over his shoulder and blinks through his filters.  No significant signatures other than the already-ransacked saferoom.  He returns his gaze to the view, eats his looted ice cream and waits with his phone still up to his ear.
“Su?” his friend’s expected voice finally whispers.
“Am I a bad leader?”
“Of course not, everyone loves you.  They’d follow you anywhere.”
“But should they?”
“Hey, what brought this on?”
“This is twice now that Eris and Ashan have come back in bad shape, and every quest so far we all wind up separated.”
“That’s just a new team going through the growing pains of getting used to working together.  The point is they came back and it’s not been anything they couldn’t recover from, and you’ve been able to help everyone you’ve tried to help.  That sounds like a resounding success to me, especially for the early stages.”
“Has this happened before?”
“Do you want me to answer that?”
“No.  I don’t think I do.  It’s just…”
Sullivan’s grip on his phone tightens.
“Just what?”
“I’ve been thinking about the gaps more than I should lately.”
“And?”  They should barely be able to think about them at all.
“The list of reasons I’d want to leave them empty is pretty short, isn’t it?”
The ice cream carton tumbles down to the streets far enough below to be another world.
“You trust me?”
“For happily ever after.”
How bitter the old joke between them is.
“This isn’t going to be another gap.  I would have tried harder to talk you out of it if I thought there was a chance of that.”
“Thanks.  I needed to hear that.”
“That’s what I’m here for.  Now get some sleep.  You’ll feel better in the morning.”
“I’ll try not to dream.”
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kookieswan · 2 years
Red Light - Further
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Nightmare!Hoseok x Psychologist!Reader
Word Count: 500+
Genre: Horror AU, Monster AU, Psychological horror, Angsty???
Warnings: Mentions of self inflicted bodily harm, mentions of violence and blood. It should be noted that this story will contain themes of horror/psychological horror and also explore obsessive behaviors and codependency. Many characters are morally gray. Please be warned!
Summary: Further into the madness.
Notes: A fun little snippet from the point of view of our special winged Nightmare. It’s a little different, but also insightful!
This a snippet from the Red Light series. Find the Masterlist here ♥️
Sink in, further, further…
-hurts and yet I can’t bring myself to care. If I ripped away my skin, would I care then? Would I be able to panic or would I just sit there… Small injuries don’t matter but what if-
“You know it’s not nice to dig around in my head Hoseok. Don’t you find it rude? I certainly do.”
“Not really considering that you’re thinking about tearing your skin off like paper as a pastime. Quit it.”
-kookie looks sad today, I don’t like that no no no. Once I find out who’s been bothering him I’ll erase them from his world. Take their disgusting existence and turn it into a pretty picture for him to hang on his wall as a trophy. Such a pretty trophy.
Very dependent. His downfall… My downfall? No, perhaps not…
-uch a sap, can’t believe I have to listen to him complain. He acts like a hardass but he’s got to be madly in love with that man. I suppose I shouldn’t judge though, I know the feel-
Mmmh, feel bad for them, we would all thrive out there.. Further.
-gly fucks thinking they can touch me. They’ll fucking regret it, just wait till I shred them to pieces in the middle of my act. Tear every limb off slowly, rip their throats out with my teeth, crush their fucking-
Touchy. Angry. Insightful… Need to learn more. Further.
-1313 initially showed major signs of hostility, but has since calmed quite a bit. It’s a wonder… Something must have changed. Perhaps something _____ said to him? She may be annoying but she gets results.
Ungrateful waste of space.
-useless. She helps the freaks but does nothing else to contribute to the environment down here. No helping with tests, questioning our ethics at every corner. Someone needs to do something about-
It would be easy to end his miserable life.
-fire her. Maybe I could set her up… Who would believe such a silly woman over me anyway? She dresses like a skank and probably fucks around with some of the higher ups to keep her jo-
Killhimkillhimkill-…. _____?
-mmh, I should shake things up a little bit with the sessions… So far things have been great but maybe more interactions would be beneficial to the boys… More food? Pie this time? Or something else super sweet for the-
Don’t let it fester. Breath. Breath. Listen.
-should meet with Hoseok again soon… I miss him, but being obvious about it isn’t the greatest idea. I’ll think of an excuse, I always do. Those assholes don’t even know left from right half the time… Group therapy?
Inhale, inhale… Exhale, exhale…
… Hoseok, are you listening in? I’m never sure if you are, if you can, what the limits are… Maybe I’m just taking to myself. But I’m going to do my best to protect all of you, even if you think you should be protecting me. Trust in me like I’ve trusted in you, okay?
… Okay, my dearest heart.
Tags: @parkdatjimin @sugarflywme @pamzn @mizz-kraziii @hiii-priestess @winkii @noonas-magicshop @xuxibelle @lookhere-2seok @m1sss1mp
If you wanna be tagged leave a comment or ask! My only rule is that you have your age (18+!) displayed somewhere on your blog! ♥️
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askganon · 1 year
Sire, I saw one of people mention Technoblade to you, and if you desire to know more of him, may I suggest you to take a listen to "Woe to the people of order", specifically Mizz Fish adition of it ? It does a pretty good job of telling the storry of his even tho it is a bit incomplete
Perhaps I shall, if I deem it necessary.
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WTNV quick rundown - 79 - Lost in the Mail
This episode was co-written by Zack Parsons.
Featuring the guest voice of Aliee Chan as Basimah Bashara.
We brought something back with us. Something we cannot escape. Memories of a great vacation to deepest space! And the merciless Distant Prince. Welcome to Night Vale.
This episode is about the Remembrance Day for those who will, a thousand years from now, presumably die in the Blood Space War. The fight is said to be against some kind of dangerous idea. Time between those recruited and those in NV is vastly different due to how time travels across space, or something.
People are invited to tell stories on air about their experiences/memories. Citizens called Black Dauphin and Sara Bismuth are briefly mentioned, but we get to hear the full story of Basimah Bashara.
Basimah is a junior in high school. Her father, Fakhir Bashara, was recruited to the Blood Space War when she was six. She hasn't grown wings like the cheerleaders, but she fits in. She's in an all-girl thrash band called Mizz Fits where she plays guitar. She's good at English and Science but not Maths because she stopped paying attention. She's a lesbian and has a girlfriend. She's wears her hijab to mosque but rarely to school. She had a pet snail. She has a large family so she still feels loved even without her dad but does miss him.
She receives a message from her dad once a year around her birthday. To him it's like only a eleven days or so have passed whilst for her it's been most of her life. Basimah laments that she can't properly communicate with her dad, because he still thinks she's a kid. He talks about her and her various milestones of her life which have already happened as if they're going to happen in the future. This makes it feel like he's talking about somebody completely different and not her.
Basimah talks about the families of the other Mizz Fit members. Clara is in a nuclear family straight from the 1950s, but, like, literally from the 1950s even as she lives her life in 2015. Nisha has a council of fathers. Jacquelyn's mom is a spider.
Towards the end of the episode, Basimah says she wishes her dad had never left. It ends with her calling out happy and tearful for her dad, hinting that he has come back/is visiting.
Weather: "Sharon" by Good San Juan
Earlier in the episode, it is mentioned that an emissary from the blood space war which is the only being to return from it and was imprisoned in a pit has been released. It's helmet contains a void and it talks about the war being meaningless and how it needs to end but only by whistling. This is hinted to be the same person who goes to see Basimah later, so is Fakhir returned from the war. Or she is interpreting it as her father. Who knows.
The emissary also tries to tell Cecil about the pointlessness of the war and the nature of unreality. During this exchange, Cecil says he has seven senses.
Cecil says at the end of the episode that the tapes from Basimah are three days old, whilst the emissary was only released on that day, so he has no idea how the emissary was both there and here. He also says that rememberance day is over at 12:01, am or pm unsure.
Stay tuned next for events that will or will not happen, in the order that they may or may not occur. And from the present as I am currently experiencing it, good night, Night Vale. Good night. 
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teamhawkeye · 6 months
mizz andy + pain pls
pain: What’s the worst pain your OC has ever felt? Do they have a high pain tolerance? Andy has a high pain tolerance because of Polaris' influence making her physically hardier and stronger than others, and simply because she's always getting bashed and battered around by something and has toughened up physiologically as a result.
The worst pain she has ever felt (thus far in canon) has been being stabbed by Taken during the events of American Nightmare - but since she's stuck in the same timeloop with Alan, it may or may not be undone once the loop starts back over and she's teleported back to the motel room she starts the night in every time. (Otherwise, I have ideas for her in AW2, but i don't know enough plot to make anything concrete since i haven't played or watched anyone else play it)
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sincerely-sofie · 10 months
*points* dsmp fan! same! I was a fan of it like 3 years ago. Am kinda embarrassed about it now (which is why I'm on anon) but! Nice.
I’m in the same boat, anon! Admittedly, I was really only ever into DSMP for Tommy’s arc, so when it mostly got resolved I kinda just petered out in my enthusiasm. I was in it for the fodder for hurt/comfort found family fics to write and pretty much nothing else. I definitely have a soft spot for C!Ranboo to this day, though, and even have an OC based on his character.
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Fun fact: I have a couple of friends who were very into DSMP from start to finish and kept insisting that Ranboo was a practical Sofie-insert in terms of personality. I doubted it for the longest time, and then I watched a clip compilation of him, and… yeah, they weren’t lying. The question is now as follows: am I a Ranboo Kinnie, or is Ranboo a Sofie Kinnie??? The world may never know
Now all of you go listen to “Everything Is Fine” by Mizz Fish, y'hear? I expect a two-page essay on how powerful of a line "If it comes from within, how can it not be from you?" and "I'm all by myself, but I'm never alone" are by next week.
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mizzmellos · 1 year
soft m2 hc so I don't like end it all rn. Just indulge me ok.
+ whenever Matt is trying to convince Mello to do something he doesn't want to do (eat a vegetable, etc.) he's like "come on babe i love you 🥺" and Mello's like 😑 "yeah then prove it." <- this is code for sex.
+ also sometimes when they're laying in bed and it's dark and Matt says "I love you" Mello doesn't respond but he holds out his pinky bc they used to pinky swear all the time as kids. And he's too much of a frigid emotional mess to say it but he wants Matt to promise. 😐 <- takes pinky promises incredibly seriously. On the same note he made Matt do a blood pact when they were kids and Matt was sosososo scared and didn't want to do it but let Mello cut his palm open anyway. <- Mello got in trouble when a teacher saw this because it was very obvious what they did and when it got back to Roger he knew with 110% certainty that it was Mello's idea.
+ this isn't soft at all and I've drawn art of it but the art is ugly & im not reposting so I'll write about it here. Anyway during the brief time all 3 were at Wammy's, B was always incredibly curious as to why/how they both had the same numbers above their heads. He had a pretty good guess and for some reason this endeared him to Matt. Watching him puppydog around after Mello always made him kind of sigh in an unusual moment of sympathy/pity/morbid appreciation of the saccharine tragedy of it all (? Not sure if these are the words I'm looking for but I'm very tired.) At the same time he thought it was kind of a gorgeous/haunting image, watching little Mello all in black, just a tiny angelic spectre of death dragging this poor boy to his doom by a little red thread looped around their pinkies. 💖
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senkusphone · 2 years
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More MS Paint art, this was for a twitter collab back in the day. Genbu as Demopan... it made sense in my head at the time. You may not remember his character, he's the super tall guy who just wanted to get drunk in the village, and overfilled Chrome's drinking bowl. Nobody picked Mantle so I adopted him too. Check out the jaspturq in the background, really proud of that
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Yes I am forcing you to look at the details I put in. I particularly enjoy drawing objects in detail.
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Here's another entry for the same collab, the one I wanted to reference by having Kohaku on her phone, by the way.
I provided The Taiju Texture also. Credit where it's due, Mizz came up with the Asagi extra dry beer joke.
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blacklightkittycat · 4 months
“Standing in the yard, dressed like a kid.”
“The house is white, and the lawn is dead.”
“The lawn is dead.”
“The lawn is dead.”
- half return, by Adrianne lenker
Rant below
I LOVE THIZ ZONG ZO MUCH LIKE- IT FITZ ZO MUCH OF MY OCZ LORE AND ITZ JUZT ZITZ WITH ME IN WAYZ OTHER ZONGZ DONT. the feeling of a old childhood houze and your own childhood and then the ztark contrazt with “the lawn iz dead” ZHOWING A PAZZAGE OF TIME!!! It holdz the feeling of mizzing a younger part of you that you juzt know you can’t return too no matter how much you drezz up and ztand in that old yard, you’ll never be able to have that old feeling of freedom like you did when a kid. Being a age regrezzor that rlly juzt zitz with me because- yea zure try az i may I cant return to my old home or how i uzed to act like a kid, becauze thatz not who i am anymore…
Tranzlation without typing quirk.
I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH LIKE- IT FITS SO MUCH OF MY OCS LORE AND ITS JUST SITS WITH ME IN WAYS OTHER SONGS DONT. the feeling of a old childhood house and your own childhood and then the stark contrast with “the lawn is dead” SHOWING A PASSAGE OF TIME!!! It holds the feeling of missing a younger part of you that you just know you can’t return too no matter how much you dress up and stand in that old yard, you’ll never be able to have that old feeling of freedom like you did when a kid. Being a age regressor that rlly just sits with me because- yea sure try as i may I cant return to my old home or how i used to act like a kid, becauze thats not who i am anymore…
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dysphoriaposting · 8 months
Dwarf women may be the hairiest. But also they the thickest got dam 😭
Forget bouncing nickels, you can bounce a whole shield off of Mizz Mudstone
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xxxscene-rawrxxx · 10 days
and once again it iz 3 am and i am nott azleep. laaame!!!! i mizz mai bf dudez..itz hard 2 zleep without him. hez v comforting 4 mee :(
i zound zo clingyyy buuttt wtv dude!!!! i ain't gonna hide the fact he comfortz mee zo much!!!!
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