#Mist System Fire Protection
aspisfiresafetyltd · 2 years
Are fire sprinklers reusable?
When they make the decision to invest in an Fire Sprinklers London property owners know that they have invested not just in a sprinkler system but in the safety of everyone who will spend time in that property, and indeed the property itself. But Fire Suppression Mist System can seem expensive and as we all begin to look for ways to reduce costs many people are beginning to wonder whether previously used fire sprinklers might offer a more affordable way to safeguard life and property.
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rainandandy · 22 days
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Pairings: Rain Carradine X Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of violence
Word Count:894
The days on Jackson’s Star were long and laden with mist and moisture, the smog a perpetual shroud that dimmed the sun to a distant, faded myth. The fields where you, Rain, and her synthetic brother Andy worked were muddy and strewn with scraps ejected from Jackson's Rings, each piece a remnant of the cosmos that had somehow found its way to the surface of your dreary world.
Life here was hard, but it was life nonetheless, and you found solace in the fresh air—a rare commodity in the cramped quarters of the mining sectors. Rain was the one bright spot in the relentless drudgery, her laughter echoing over the fields, blending with the sound of raindrops hitting the broad leaves of the bio-crops. Andy, ever the source of amusement, kept spirits high with his endless supply of dad jokes, even though his stutter sometimes made the punchlines land with a delay.
One damp morning, as you pulled weeds from the soil, Rain shared stories her father had told her of distant planets, her voice wistful. "He used to talk about Elysium’s oceans that sparkled under three suns, almost like they were made of liquid diamonds," she mused, her eyes distant with dreams.
You smiled, wiping the mud from your hands onto your pants. "When we save enough hours, we’ll go there, Rain. Just you and me... and Andy," you promised, though the dream felt as distant as the stars themselves.
"And I’ll have a horse," Andy piped up, pausing his work to chime in. "And be a cowboy. No more directives, just freedom."
"And a garden," Rain added, turning to you with a soft smile. "A real one, with earth and not this fabricated sludge. Maybe a dog or two."
You nodded, your heart swelling with the shared dream. "And peace," you added. "A life where we wake up with no alarms, no officers, no quotas... just us."
This vision sustained you, a beacon through the monotony. But dreams on Jackson’s Star were fragile things, easily shattered.
The incident happened on a day like any other, under a sky that couldn't decide if it wanted to storm or relent. Andy was scavenging through the piles of scrap metal when a jagged piece lodged into his side. His systems sparked erratically, and his voice glitched as he called out, "Rain, I—I need—"
The field officer, a man named Burke who made no secret of his disdain for synthetics, saw the incident not as an accident but as an opportunity. His approach was swift and brutal. "Useless piece of junk!" he spat, kicking at Andy, who was already down.
"No!" Rain screamed, rushing to shield Andy with her own body.
Driven by a mix of fear for Andy’s well-being and fury at Burke’s cruelty, you intervened, stepping between Andy and the officer. "Stop! He's hurt, but he’s not harming anyone!"
Burke’s response was immediate and violent. His fists were heavy and his hatred palpable as he turned his aggression towards you. Rain’s pleas for him to stop were drowned out by the sound of the plummeting rain and your own grunts and screams of pain.
After what felt like an eternity, Burke stepped back, sneering. "Consider this a warning," he growled, his gaze sweeping from you to Rain and then to the malfunctioning Andy. "Don't step out of line."
By the time he’d left, you were bruised and shaken, Rain and a malfunctioning Andy helping you back to your quarters. Rain’s hands were gentle as she cleaned your wounds, her eyes stormy with unshed tears. "I'm sorry," she murmured, her touch delicate on your bruised skin.
"It’s not your fault," you managed to say, though anger simmered within you, hot and fierce.
That night, Rain didn’t leave your side, her presence a silent vow of protection and care. Despite the pain, you felt a profound sense of love for her, a bond forged and repeatedly tested in the fires of hardship.
The next morning, however, brought fresh challenges. As you limped back to the fields, hoping to avoid further trouble, the officer awaited with a grim expression. "Due to your interference, you've been reassigned," he declared, his voice devoid of sympathy. "Effective immediately, you will report to the mines."
The news hit like a physical blow. The mines were a death sentence, a place where disease and accidents claimed lives with merciless frequency. Rain's face went pale, her lips parting in a silent gasp of horror.
"No, you can’t do this!" Rain argued vehemently. "We’ll take it to the council. We’ll appeal!"
But the officer’s decision was final, backed by the cold authority of Weyland-Yutani. As you turned to face Rain, your heart sank. Going to the mines might mean never seeing her or Andy again, never realizing those simple dreams of a peaceful life together.
"I’ll find a way back to you," you promised, the words thick with emotion. "Wait for me."
Rain nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks as she pulled you into a desperate embrace. "Always," she whispered. "I’ll wait forever if I have to."
As you were escorted away, the look in Rain's eyes—a mix of fierce determination and heartbreaking sadness—was the last image you carried with you into the depths of the mines. It was a promise, a beacon of hope that no amount of darkness could completely extinguish.
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youremyheaven · 5 months
Sailor Moon & Nakshatras
I thought it'd be interesting to correlate the different Sailor Moons and their powers with the themes that are present in different nakshatras.
This is a super low effort post so all of it is just speculation and I'd love it if you guys told me what you associate with the different Senshi.
Other than Sailor Moon herself, there are 9 sailor senshi who protect the solar system.
Sailor Moon
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A crystalline object which provides her basic power, contains limitless power and is the source of all energy in the universe. She can call upon her future self to use the power of both the future and present crystal to double its power.
she's the only one who has no power of her own and has to rely on some object so i guess that makes her Moon dominant??
Sailor Mercury
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Sailor Mercury has the power to create and manipulate water. For the entire first story arc, she uses her water-manipulating capabilities only to create solid and dense clouds of mist and fog, chilling and blinding the enemy while her allies prepare more direct attacks
this is actually super on brand Mercury behaviour
Sailor Venus
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I feel like Sailor Venus has more powers than other senshi??
It includes: Flight, Magic, Transformation, Longevity, Immortality (Type 4), Limited Shapeshifting, Teleportation, Forcefield, Light Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Energy Projection, Weather Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Data Manipulation, Creation, Reincarnation (Overtime not applicable in battle), Can Survive in Space, Resistance to Mind Manipulation, Death Manipulation, Existence Erasure, Gravity Manipulation, Radiation Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Power Nullification, Resistances to Status Effect Inducement and Soul Manipulation, Resistance to Telekinesis etc
idk if this is Venus' "being better than others" theme lol but i feel like these are powers that belong to all 27 naks and not just Venus
Sailor Mars
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Precognition: Rei is shown to have strong precognition, where she can make full use of this ability to predict events from the near future, but it can fail sometimes.
Pyromancy: Rei is also shown to have a great affinity with fire, to the point where she is capable to manifest her future sights by forming images on the flames. The images are very enigmatic and unreliable.
Purification: Even when she is in her civilian form, she can use her "ofuda" (a Shinto talisman used to protect homes from evil spirits) to "exorcize" people, while yelling "Evil Spirit, Disperse!" (although it can cause normal people to faint, as shown in episode 10 when she tried to "purify" Usagi).
Sixth Sense: Rei is sometimes shown to have a "sixth sense", using it to detect "evil presences" and approaching danger, as shown in Chapter 6 of Codename: Sailor V manga, but it can fail sometimes when she mistook Usagi for an evil spirit.
Expert Archer: As a Shrine Priestess, she is an expert archer, and this potential is shown in her "Mars Flame Sniper" attack.
these are a variety of powers that don't really all connect to Mars energy, it's giving strong Venus & Jupiter vibes tbh
i associate the purification, pyromancy and precognitive abilities with Venus and the sixth sense, expert archer ones with Jupiter
Sailor Jupiter
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Electrokinesis, martial arts, longevity, and "emphasized superhuman strength"
these powers are a bit random, i guess the author wanted to emphasize martial arts and physical strength with the masculine grahas but I get more Mars and Sun vibes ngl
Sailor Saturn 
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Daughter of a possessed mad scientist, a terrible lab accident in her youth significantly compromised her constitution. After overcoming the darkness that has surrounded her family, she is able to become the Soldier of Silence, Sailor Saturn. She wields forces of destruction so powerful that she is rarely called upon to use them, and unlike the others, her Senshi and civilian personae seem somewhat disconnected. She is often pensive, and as a human has the inexplicable power to heal others.
this backstory is in itself very Saturnian and I think Saturnians do suffer a lot of abuse and injustice in their lives. So all Saturn naks like UBP, Anuradha & Pushya
Sailor Pluto
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Manipulation and control of spacetime, Time Wave Generation Teleport others over short or vast distances. Open rifts or doorways in space through different eras Freeze all of time (forbidden) Erect a shield of time-space energy
i mean it goes without saying but this is literally Punarvasu & Swati. both these naks have themes of space and time travel
Sailor Uranus
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she possesses powers associated with the wind and sky, precognition, as well as sword combat.
this is giving me Mars & Venus energy, more specifically Bharani as it is a Venusian nakshatra in the Mars ruled rashi of Aries
Sailor Neptune
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exceptionally strong psychic abilities and is the only Outer Scout who has such powers and she can channel the power of the ocean. 
I associate Neptune's abilities with Pisces (neptune rules pisces so this is a no brainer) and I connect it to PBP, UBP & Revati
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paeliae-occasionally · 4 months
Hello! Intro Post.
Hi, so I’ve been hanging around for a while now, but I have recently started posting more so I have decided to write an intro.
Online I go by Pae, I am non-binary. (they/them) and I write and draw.
Current WIPs
Blue Posts are the essentials of you want to send me an ask , or if you just want an intro to the blog.
Memory and death
Marsh Prison scene
Lore stuff:
Magic Systems
The history of the runes
More runes lore
The mages immortality lore
The death realms
The Druids
The Tiel’Drysar
(More Necromancy)
The lighthouse keepers
The blood wars
Blood wars 2
The mist war
The Separation, Dissolution and Accords
-Laith’Emeris 1
-Laith’Emeris 2
-30BD map
Join the Tag List~
Paeliae - Magic politician
A mage living in the period when the god vs mages war starts. (8 BD, before dissolution) He is a politician, despite having no patience for the ages old elvish mages who currently run the council. He is obsessed with leaving a lasting legacy even if that means dying today. As such he is vehemently against the concept of immortality, During the war he helps negotiate with the gods to come to a truce. 27, He/Him.
Xaeren - Runic Inventor
Xaeren designed 42 of the 47 runes and uses them to protect himself from the vengeful goddess Schaeres. When she finally attacks him, Xaeren realises there were very few limits to what he could do with the runes and sets out to kill Schaeres, both as payback and just to prove that he can. But some things can’t be done alone…
Xaeren lore - (This is a bit old so some of the Kell stuff has changed)
Kell - Magic Student
Xaeren rescues her from a small dock town and gets her a place at the Lysandri school of magic. Kell is thrust into a world of magic and has to keep up with the help of Xaeren’s tutoring, but as she begins to fit in with the mages there, her loyalty to the criminal godkiller Xaeren comes into question.
Tyro - Traumatised Sorcerer
lives in the modern day (about 1500 PD, post-dissolution). They have recently escaped from the abusive cult that adopted them as a child, with their adoptive brother Apollo. They are a sorcerer, so have born magic, but also we’re taught to use runes by the cult. They never used them because of trauma but they could if they wanted to. They are currently running from the cult and trying not to be noticed by the government, who take in all sorcerer children so they can have a monopoly on magic. They have found a family in some other sorcerers living in an abandoned manor outside the city. 17, They/them
Apollo - adopted older brother of Tyro.
He took care of them and the others in the cult, despite being abused severely himself. Despite the trauma he is a very powerful runic. He is currently being attacked by, and looking for other cults like the one he was adopted into to help other children like him. 21, He/They
Ez and Rin (~1000 BD)- The gay bois, who definitely don’t start the apocalypse.
Ez (short for Ezemhaziel) is the god of refined magic. He falls in love with Rin when he is researching to create the runes. He is somewhat of a Prometheus figure, as he brings the first magic to mortals by teaching Rin.
Rin is a gardener working for one of the altic kings, who equally loves Ez for his magic and creativity. Ez and Rin end up working on the runes together. The other gods get mad that Ez gave magic to a mortal, and they let the mortals murder Rin. Ez is mad. This will spiral and cause the start of the godly war, which then ushers in the godly mages war, where 3/4 of all mages die and the gods are removed from the world.
Daimion and Marsh - the regretful and the merry murderer
Daimion and marsh grew up together being trained for an elite military unit, which they both got into. While in the unit they are ordered to fire on civilians and they do it, but later Daimion regrets killing innocents and leaves the unit without notice. He goes on to find the daughter of one of the people he murdered that day and the woman who has been taking care of her. He protects them fiercely and tries to make up for what he did. Marsh however, fully commits to the ‘I kill people as a job, I might as well enjoy it’ and ends up being so recklessly violent that he is imprisoned in the highest security jail in the country, which he later breaks out of to commit a massacre, then returns to his cell like nothing happened. This occurs a couple of times until Daimion has to go get him. - Marsh intro - Marsh lore
Just a brief overview of some of the things I am currently working on. I plan to post more about the magic systems and historical events of the world. I also post maps.
Feel free to ask me about this, and tag me in games. Interact here to join the tag list:
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Thanks for visiting, feel free to stick around <3
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lilislegacy · 7 months
idea: young adult argo II crew being bamfs
i would sell my soul, and my best friend’s soul, and my sister’s soul, for rick to write a book with the argo II crew as young adults and just being absolute icons in a totally experienced way. no more questioning themselves like when they were young. they’re powerful and confident and nothing surprises them. they’re famous in the demigod world. they’re legends. they know what they’re doing. no one fucks with them.
i would have it start out kinda like how TLO began with percy and beckendorf’s mission. it would be like those movies where the main characters are breaking into some facility. only it’s some monster/olympian-enemy using said facility as a secret base for their operations (kinda like the amazons.)
it’s night. they’re all in dark clothes. annabeth and frank planned the whole thing. percy casually causes a massive explosion via a nearby water tank or something, causing a distraction and making everyone in the facility run out to see what’s going on. annabeth has the whole place mentally mapped out, and her and leo disarm every security system measure in like 3 seconds. frank turns into some kind of animal - maybe a monkey - and climbs/hops across the walls and ceilings, destroying the security cameras and sensors. any guards/civilians running past them only see what hazel wants them to see. and every monster who gets in their way is dead within seconds - they should not have messed with these demigods. piper plays on the fear of the guards to easily get information out of them. annabeth gets the objects they need, and then leo lights the entire place on fire. percy and leo can’t be burned, but percy protects the rest of them by triggering every sprinkler they walk under, which then turn off when they walk away. they calmly walk out through the front doors of the building - which is now up in flames - where there are dozens of police officers and firefighters and news channels around. they should be arrested/surrounded, except hazel manipulates the mist to make them all look like police officers and first responders. and frank is now a german shepard, a police dog, to really sell it. anyone who approaches them, piper uses charmspeak to throw them off. and just to be sure the enemy base is destroyed - and now that everyone is out of the building - percy causes a targeted earthquake, making the entire huge facility crumble to the ground.
then they just casually walk into the night, away from the mass chaos that they caused. the base is completely destroyed, but their enemies can’t figure out who did it or how it was done.
little do they know that the ones who did it just walked in and out, in plain sight.
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massiveladycat · 2 months
PART 2 OF ROGUE DEMIGOD EXPLANATION: HOW THEY LIVE The rogues live in various abandoned subway stations, old storefronts, and abandoned office buildings in Manhattan, often making their homes in disused rooms and closets that have been repurposed as living spaces, bedrooms, and storage areas. However, most of the camp is extended across large plains full of tents and booths, et cetera. This camp is called Camp Midtown.
These locations have been carefully selected for their ease of access to the city's many rooftops and back alleys, which allow the rogues to quickly escape pursuit from mortals and monsters alike.
The camp itself is hidden by a powerful mist that disguises it from the eyes of mortals and monsters, making it appear to be nothing more than a run-down section of the city. ANOTHER CAMP: This camp is hidden in a secluded clearing on the eastern outskirts of Manhattan, just beyond the city's limits. It consists of two separate camps, each with its own designated purpose.
The first, known as Camp Frontier, is a large tent city that serves as the main hub for the rogues. It's divided into several sections, each with its own distinct function. The first section serves as a central square, where the rogues gather for campfire songs, festivals, and other social events.
Another section serves as a training ground, where the rogues can hone their combat skills and engage in friendly sparring matches. It's also where the camp's archery range and weapons storage are located.
Yet another section serves as the camp's medical tent, where the rogues' medical staff can treat their fellow campers' injuries and ailments. A fourth section houses the camp's kitchen and dining area, where the rogues take their meals and prepare provisions for their travels.
While Camp Frontier serves as the rogues' main base of operations, it's not the only camp they utilize. The second camp, known as Camp Escape, is located several miles away and serves as a backup location in case of emergencies. It consists of several dozen tents and provides shelter for those who need to evacuate Camp Frontier in the event of an imminent threat, such as a monster attack or raid. Youngster Camp Another camp is located near the East River, in a small cove that is concealed by dense trees and shrubs. The tents are located in an open area, giving the residents plenty of space to move around and socialize. The camp is surrounded by a protective wall made from trees and branches enchanted with magic to keep monsters and other dangers from getting too close.
The camp is divided into several tents, each one serving a specific purpose. There are tents for sleeping, for training, for dining, and for socializing. The dining tent is where meals are prepared and served, and it's also where the campers come together to share stories and celebrate. The training tent is where the campers go to learn new skills or refine the ones they already have. There are also several smaller tents scattered throughout the camp, serving as  libraries, offices for the leaders, and other purposes as needed. This camp is normally for children and adults. Once the youngsters grow up, they can move to Camp Frontier with their chosen caretaker. This camp includes a central fire pit for cooking, campfires, and social gatherings, as well as a small archery range and various training equipment. The rogues have created their own system of trails and pathways throughout the park, making it easy for them to move around without being noticed by mortals or monsters. Also, it contains tunnels underground, created by devoted demigods, which lead to all of the other camps; Camp Frontier, Camp Escape, and Camp Midtown. THE BARRIER The barrier around the rogue demigod's camp is created via a powerful mixture of magical spells and charms that create a powerful shield capable of warding off both monsters and mortals. The barrier is maintained by a team of demigod mages, who constantly monitor and reinforce the barrier's strength.
The exact number of magic-demigods used to establish the barrier is unknown, but it is believed that two dozen important demigods were involved. As for the types of demigods involved, children of Odin and Hecate are among the most common, as they are known for their expertise in magic.
The barrier can collapse under extreme circumstances, such as during a blood moon or an attack. The mages constantly work to maintain and strengthen the barrier, but they cannot guarantee its complete protection during such events. The barrier's mechanism is rather complex and requires a deep understanding of magical theory. Essentially, the barrier functions by creating a field of magical energy that repels both monsters and mortals, while allowing the rogues to pass freely. Every rogue demigod member have something enchanted burned into their skin so the barrier allows them through. If they're kicked out of the rogue demigods, they can never return, and the mark on their arm will slowly fade away.
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haggishlyhagging · 24 days
The goddesses of ancient Greece also displayed the characteristics of flesh and blood menstruants: Medusa, her hair writhing with vaginal snakes, had an ability that was also imputed to menstruants in some cultures: she turned living things to stone with her gaze. She is the menstruant naked, out of control, without protective cosmetikos. Gaia, the earth, was a chasm guarded by a great python. Long-tressed Demeter was also the earth, and her daughter Kore, or Persephone, the maiden, was portrayed holding the menstrual pomegranate. Kore disappeared and her mother went to look for her—a common menarchal drama for some peoples. Hera was "the bride," dressed austerely in long gowns. Hecate was the dark moon, portrayed as an old woman. At Sumer, alabaster statues of the large-eyed moon goddess Ningal were dressed, fed, and washed; even the urbane goddess Inanna was portrayed in one statuette holding a scratching stick, adorned with the cosmetikos of a temple courtesan.
Frequently ancient figurines portray two women together, sometimes melded like Siamese twins, side by side. Often these "dolls" wear skirts, eye and lip makeup, and hoop earrings. Frequently they are stained red. Similar dolls are still made for girls to play with in North Africa, India, and parts of the Middle East. Some of the modern dolls are of a man and woman side by side. My guess is that the paired icons were originally two sisters, representing synchronous flow. The dolls, I was told vehemently by the import shop clerk, have nothing to do with lesbianism, and I'm certain that in any current patriarchal religious system, that is true. But in more female-centered older societies, the Andean, for example, and in many parts of Western society, homosexual relations have a rightful, appropriate, and even sacred place. It thus seems significant that in the south of India, among goddess-worshiping Tamils of the Untouchable caste, a name for lesbian lover is "sister-sister."
Many goddess mythologies feature two creation sisters. Pele, the Hawaiian volcanic fire goddess who creates the earth's surface, has a sister who is "Sea Mist." Among the Pueblos, sister goddesses Naotsete and Uretsete create objects under a blanket they hold between them. Sometimes one sister dwells in the world below, "in the shade," the place of the dark moon, while the other rules above, as with Egyptian Isis and her underworld sister Nepthys. The oldest known menstrual narrative of the meetings of two such sisters is the Sumerian poem, "The Descent of Inanna to the Underworld," whose metaformic meanings I will decipher later. A Caribbean proverb summarizes an ancient attitude of female "flow": "When a woman loves another woman, it is the blood of the Mother speaking."
-Judy Grahn, Blood, Bread, and Roses: How Menstruation Created the World
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crypticsketchpad · 1 year
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ok u know what. *organics your robots*
spec bio wubbox concepts because why not! lore and rambling under the cut:
The Wubbox is an ancient species of monster dating back to the Dawn of Fire. Presumed to be extinct post-cataclysm, several caves full of dormant eggs have been found in the present day, and the species has once again become widespread in monster society. Loud, powerful, and somewhat territorial, they served as guardians of pre-contemporary monster tribes, and were regarded as gifts from the Celestials.
pic explanations
1. sketch of an adult wubbox, with different textures/components labeled. they are mostly covered in armor-like scales that are shed periodically; these can be replaced/upgraded by artificial parts, and are often repurposed into armor and instruments by other monsters.
2. sketch of a wubbox hatchling + notes:
- Baby teeth are sparse but very sharp, can and will eat almost anything (young wubboxes are notoriously ravenous, which lead to the myth that they eat other monsters)
- Protective cap over chest “speaker” (see image 4), falls off after a few weeks
- Long, fluffy fur for retaining warmth
- Simple armor plates that are shed several times while growing; initial set is made of eggshell parts that fuse onto the hatchling’s body
- Bioluminescent markings do not appear until adulthood
3. “blushing” wubbox; when flustered, their under-eye plates retract slightly, exposing patches of fur on their cheeks. these patches, like the rest of their fur, is bioluminescent, and is similar in texture to fiber optic lights
4. rough respiratory system diagram. they have very large lungs with a sort of dual output system; when speaking or “singing”, air passes through their larynx and into a hollow cavity in their chest covered by an eardrum-like membrane that functions like a speaker. this amplifies their voice and creates their signature booming roars.
5. side view of a wubbox’s head + skull concept. their mouths are full of large, flat teeth, with a diet consisting of vegetation and processed foods. 
6. earth epic concept. in this scenario, “epic” wubboxes are the result of eggs being stored in certain environments for prolonged periods of time and developing specific adaptations for said environments; for example, an earth epic would be created by keeping an egg buried in volcanic ash, in/near magma, or just in a high temperature environment.
an earth epic’s horns are hollow tubes developed from their eye plates, which grow out to cover their nostrils completely; these horns are the output of a built-in air purification function in its respiratory system that filters the ash and smoke it breathes in and ejects the contaminants in mist clouds.
7. air epic concept + notes
- Large eyes and angled under-eye plates
- Wingtips are notched like an eagle’s (air epics are very fast and agile fliers, being smaller and more lightweight than others of their species)
- “Nostrils”/air output valves on their wrists; purpose unknown (these are mainly used to emit train whistle-like shrieks for communication, but why they exist is a mystery)
- Body armor plates are replaced by smaller, feather-like scales
8. lol bald eagle
extra note bc i haven’t designed the rare versions yet: “rare” wubboxes are the result of experimentation on a common individual in an effort to “improve” the species for the modern age; all current rares are clones of the first successful specimen
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dragonskulls · 1 year
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hooooly fucking hell im finally done with this thing: the AshWing continent. yay! Since kingdoms aren't a thing, the names here are used for both the territories themselves and the quivers which inhabit them. some brief explanations and descriptions of what those names mean:
Fire Grounds: a group of small islands surrounding a big one, lots of volcanic activity in here. its only inhabitants are some species of hardy wyverns such as fire dancers, and smaller fauna living on the borders where some vegetation can grow
The Towering Mountains: massive mountain ranges surround a valley where mountain gliders and wreckers reside. minerals from extinct volcanoes made the soil incredibly fertile, and the natural barriers protect against most predators, making this place a safe paradise
Five Stones: a mysterious monument, consisting of five huge rock monoliths jutting out of the ground, with writing carved into the stone describing the history of FrostWings and AshWings alike. Meetings and festivals involving all quivers take place here, and any damage done to the stones –accidentally or not– strangely disappears by morning. dragons that have been there describe the place as having a soothing yet uplifting aura
The Dark Woods: an immense, dense forest with giant trees and plenty of resources make this the perfect home for wood walkers. unfortunately, scavengers also like making settlements here, so run-ins with dragons aren't uncommon
The Vast Moor: seemingly never ending grassy plains are the main scenery of this region, but a wide sinkhole interrupts this perfect flatland. moor runners have dug deeper into it and reinforced the cave walls, sheltering them from the outside and weather. an aquifer at the bottom provides plenty of water, and it is believed underwater cave systems connect it to other parts of the continent
Misty Spires: small canyons and tall rock formations shrouded in mist and surrounded by howling winds make up this small portion of moor runner territory. few dragons ever go there though, as rumor has it it is haunted. when the fog comes down into the main territory, going out into the fields is not advised
The Roaring Coast: home of the fierce coast strikers, only quiver in the continent that dares venture into the sea. leviathans and sea serpents infest these waters, so dragons here aren't always the apex predators. houses are carved out of the cliff face. a gigantic sea monster skeleton goes on along the coast, with leaders making its skull their main living place
The Silent Swamp: danger is a constant, so being always on the lookout is a must if one is to survive here. giant serpents and crocodiles inhabit the waters, wyverns patrol the skies, scavengers travel along marshes and rivers, and noxious poisons are something that many creatures share here, both predator and prey. however, this harsh environment doesn't deter swamp lurkers from making the most out of these murky waters and shady forests
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Plus some extra versions teehee (uploading them the first time crashed my whole laptop :p) oh and paper textures are from unsplash
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aspisfiresafetyltd · 2 years
The Ultimate Guide to Fire Suppression Mist Systems
The Fire Suppression Mist System takes the suction of the mist tank to the sprinkler system. Every area is isolated by valves, that are opened during emergency conditions consisting as a fire. This system works at the readiness stage.The High Pressure Water Mist System is injected with water by special nozzle work within the pressure lie from 4 to 10Mpa. It breaks the water droplets into mist. The water mist particle diameters lie from 50 to 200Um, which improves the system efficiency and fire extinguishing effect.
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birbleafs · 18 days
[fic] Rite of Passage
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A/N: A second piece written for @ficwip5k. I've been playing with a Star Wars AU for a while and have always loved the idea of Al-Haitham as a Jedi. Again, this is self-beta'd and a less polished than I like, but I hope you'll still enjoy :') Fic can also be read on AO3. _______ Al-Haitham watches helplessly from his perch, trapped in place by the deflector shield and away from rushing to his Master’s side— (He can deactivate the entire shield system completely, surely the main command switch is within reach somewhere! If only his command of the Force is stronger, his range of control wider and more precise; if only, if only—!) —Watches, screams in distraught and anger when the Sith whirls in a malevolent flash of red and black, his scarlet blade now thrust violently through Nahida’s lower torso as she goes rigid with shock. Hovering beside him, Paimon is wailing at the sight. But Al-Haitham pushes the convor’s flustered cries and the rippling waves of panic from his thoughts, his heart; concentrating, reaching out desperately with the Force, he must— The deflector shields snap off abruptly with a sharp hiss then, and Al-Haitham’s path ahead is clear once again.
“Stay here, Paimon!” Al-Haitham says, and he rushes down the walkway before she can protest. As he approaches the platform, he meets Nahida’s calm gaze, and his heart wrenches in two at the realisation. He knows what she is asking; knows that this is the only way, and yet— Master, I cannot do this… Please do not ask me to…! And yet, Nahida only smiles through the pain. She tightens her hold around the Sith, pulling his blade deeper into her, just under her ribcage, as she traps him within her embrace. Master Kusanali, please. Al-Haitham tries again, his eyes already misting with growing despair. There has to be another way… Even as he still raises his lightsaber and flicks the surging green blade to life. Even as he uses the Force to propel himself forward and leap several jumps ahead, his teal eyes flashing fire, his aim sure. The Sith struggles in Nahida’s hold, screeching and thrashing about in a fitful rage, but her grip is iron, steadfast amidst his violent uproar. You know what you must do, little one. Protect the Queen, and protect Kaveh. Nahida’s voice is soft and contrite; bowed with humility, with trust. Even as her smile folds into agony once more when her Padawan’s lightsaber flashes bright and true, a kaleidoscopic mirror of lights bursting before her sight. Even as Al-Haitham’s meticulous strike hits his mark and cleaves a fatal blow through both Master and Sith alike. Nahida’s robes are drenched in blood when Al-Haitham’s deactivated lightsaber clatters to the ground and he finally kneels by her fallen form. Beside her, the Sith lays unmoving, a crumpled puppet with his spine and back split open—like her own chest—from her Padawan’s unwavering blade.  “Thank you…” Nahida says, her voice soft and faltering; the whispering echoes of an approaching dusk. Al-Haitham cradles her close, his expression now crumbling with grief. Unable to find the words for this sudden parting, for the near-unbearable sorrow and loss that is to come, he buries his stricken face into her hair instead, desperately reaching out and holding on to his dying Master’s fading warmth within the Force. Nahida lifts a cold hand towards her Padawan, before her trembling fingers gently pulls Al-Haitham's Padawan braid loose, the ash-grey strands now curtaining along his tear-streaked face.  Farewell, Al-Haitham... I know you will be a great Jedi someday. Jedi Master Nahida Kusanali smiles then as she breathes her last. And Al-Haitham—no longer a Padawan but a Jedi Knight, and alone once again—weeps silent tears into the lilac dusk. –End– _______ End Notes: Me, daydreaming idly: It's been a year and Al-Haitham is still The Blorbo. I love him, I must keysmash my appreciation. Also, me: what better way to do so than to throw him into the emotional paingst blender for this AU.
- Al-Haitham is younger in this AU and somewhere closer to his Akademiya-era age in game canon, so he's roughly in his mid-to-late teens. I'd wanted to write a younger Haitham who still has the tendency to rationalize/intellectualize his thoughts and emotions, but hasn't quite found his balance yet between "objectivity" and "sentimentality".
- Paimon is a convor in this AU, a species of owls native to the moon Wasskah, but can be found across many worlds in the galaxy. They are said to have a strong connection to the Force. Al-Haitham had rescued Paimon as a fledgling when he spotted her being sold in an illegal exotic pet market in the Outer Rims. She has never left his side ever since.
- I do have more scenes I'd like to explore for this SW AU. I just think Jedi!Haitham would definitely get into some hilarious interesting shenanigans with characters like Kaveh, even when he tries hard to maintain that balance. So, fingers-crossed for more one-shots, maybe? :'D
- This is, of course, not how the actual Jedi Knighting Ceremony would go Jedi Masters do not need to die for their Padawan to become Jedi Knights. I just like being a little dramatic and poetic with my fics l o l.
- Comments are always lovely; if you've enjoyed this, I'd love to hear what you think. Thank you for reading :)
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annaizscribbling · 1 month
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Ch 8.
Wordcount: 2095
Content warnings: choking. Suffocation. Mutilation. Self hatred. Hallucinations. Suicidal imagery.
Virgil can see through the walls.
Slowly, it seems that he is rising above the illusion of captivity. He is more than what the fake tunnels and passages would have him believe. The waters show him who he truly is, what he truly is.
Pure instinct is what keeps people alive. The split-second decisions to fight or flee is what makes even the softest person capable of living to breathe for another day. The pure power of adrenaline, motivated by a strong enough panic, that is true survival. That is a very powerful gift.
And that is Virgil. Before there were ethics, there was terror. Before there were carefully crafted systems to manipulate, there was panic. Before there was understanding, there was the urge to flee. Before there were dreams and nightmares, there was the urge to bite and scratch until freedom could be achieved.
Survival is older than anything else, because without the tools to secure another sunrise, there is no civilization to see another sun set over them.
Some part of Virgil knows this to be intrinsically true. Some part of his nature is ancient and untamable. That part awakens in the cave down by the water.
His mind grows stronger, stronger than he ever thought it possible to become. Virgil is learning and growing, like an ant hill, buzzing and wriggling as the mound expands. Above, below, all around. Come too close and a thousand insects descend upon your skin to bite and burn like fire in your veins.
The water knows this to be true. The water wishes to grant Virgil the mercy of sight.
And Virgl is beginning to realize that he may just be strong enough to take it on. For the sake of his person, himself, his loved ones. The gift of truth and understanding is a heavy weight to bear indeed, but who better to understand than Survival? Who better to know and protect through an unclouded mind? Beautiful water, how you know best for him. Wisdom may never be his forte, but truth is what matters, is it not?
Virgil doesn’t remember where he is. In and out of the cave is all beginning to feel the same. Two worlds are bleeding together like watercolors on a wet page. His mind stays with the water even when his body moves about, but that makes sense, doesn’t it? None of it is real flesh and bone, nothing is real save his mind and the truth.
He runs his hand over the floor beneath him. He’s on the floor somewhere. His room, maybe. The dark shadows are not wet enough to be the cave, and he is too at ease to be elsewhere. Another caress of the floor reveals it to be carpet. Yes, yes, it is his room. His little haven away from his haven.
The water is not as cold, this time. It was more gentle. Virgil’s eyes and arms were open, ready to receive. Because of this inner posture, the water was not a chilly blast like being hit with a tidal wave or attacked by a heavy storm. It was a cool, soft mist, like being at the zoo and getting one of those animal themed fans that spray water to keep you cool. It was gentle, almost playful. The water felt no need to fight for his attention.
His mind was open, listening to the sweet song of truth.
It’s been a long time since he had seen Logan. The thought to check on him crossed his mind a few times, but he never quite went through with it. There was so much else going on. Anger and solidarity were stronger emotions than just … neutral. How oddly fitting, in a bit of a sad way.
He’s heard nothing bad, which was good. So everything was good. Logan may not have been taking a stand, or picking a side, but he’s making things run, keeping Thomas in one piece. It’s fine. They are fine, he and Logan.
Well, Virgil is fine. He is quite well, actually. Perhaps the same can’t be said for Logan.
Virgil stares up at his ceiling, but he is not on the floor. He is not staring at his ceiling. His stomach flipped, as if he were upside down. He can feel his damp hair hanging forward, like he was on his hands and knees.
The ceiling is not the ceiling. The floor is not the floor.
Virgil feels like a spider crawling up a wall, unblinking eyes spread out to see everything around him unceasingly. He is comfortably perched with his limbs to anchor him upside down. A spider on the ceiling. A spider watches without moving, without malice nor compassion. Just a bug, just a little thing that sees what you do when nobody is looking.
Logan is sitting on his bed. The bed is black with tiny, subtle constellations dotting it. It is probably accurate to the night sky, as Logan would probably refuse to display something inaccurate so blatantly in his space. It is strange to see him sitting on his bed at all, he never uses his bed for anything but sleeping. Logan says that the bed should be left alone unless sleeping, as a best practice. It is one of those things that Virgil remembers quite well but never actually does.
Another thing Logan never does is try to kill himself, but that’s happening too now, apparently.
Virgil twists where he’s stuck to the ceiling, wishing to get closer, to see better. It’s hard to make very much out from where he is. But there are other ways to See without the use of eyes. He strains his ears and stretches to get just a few inches closer to Logan. Regret flares as his ears recoil away from the newly found sound.
 Virgil makes out the distinctly foreign stifled sobbing noise from below.
That … that is not normal either.
Logan has both hands around the end of his striped tie. He is pulling. He is pulling very, very hard. Virgil can hear his muscles straining. He can hear the sound of his tendons stretching and flexing as he tugs harder and harder. He can hear Logan’s throat constricting. He can hear the air having a harder time getting up and down his windpipe. He can hear the trickles of sweat going down the side of Logan’s temple. He can hear the tears welling up in his eyes as one drop at a time runs down his face.
They are sounds not meant to be heard. Virgil begins to feel like he’s violating something here. He should not be watching this, he does not want to watch this.
And yet he cannot look away.
Every new tear that runs down Logan’s face seems to anger him. Each one makes a fresh heat flare in Logan’s rolling gut. His knuckles are white from how tightly he’s gripping the tie around his neck. Every single tear, each barely unrepressed sob, he pulls harder at his own neck for every new offense. His heartbeat is wild in his ears, yet it’s growing weaker.
It isn’t working. This exercise in self-discipline isn’t working and he is angry. He is seething. How dare his own body betray him? How dare he fail at his own purpose?
Logan has strange tears. The tears are too thick and glossy, tinted like olive oil. They stick to his skin and move unbearably slowly. They mock him. They are not real water. It is very unfortunate.
Virgil can only watch where he’s stuck to the floor that is not the floor, looking down at the ceiling that is not a ceiling. It is so very uncomfortable. Logan isn’t supposed to cry…
It is then when Logan’s anger burns hotter, he releases one of the hands gripped around his tie, yanking his soft throat to the side. He holds his free hand below his face, staring at the way he’s holding it like an animal claw, fingers bent and ready to scratch.
Logan holds his tie at a sharper angle, pulling his head around like a bad dog on a leash. He seems to make a decision.
Logan plunges his free hand into his chest, it goes through with a loud squelch and a squirt of something hot and viscous.
Virgil finds his eyes blurring, from what he isn’t sure. His face feels wet and hot and salty.
In the foggy mist that Virgil’s eyes seem to be producing, he can only hear the fleshy sounds of a body being torn to pieces. It keeps going. Logan’s shadowy form is aggressive and jerky as he uses his dull nails to shred what is imperfect into imperfect ribbons.
The floor is being stained with far too many colors. The constellations on the bed cover are being tarnished, becoming very scientifically inaccurate. Very, very inaccurate.
Virgil’s throat hurts watching. It all hurts. He finds himself mouthing Logan’s name weakly, as if he could change anything, as if he was seen at all. He has all the right words to say, but no way to say them. Nobody to listen to it. It is a painful thing to be anything at all, and more painful still to be an invisible thing.
It keeps going, the bloody, self-induced one man massacre. And by the end of it, Virgil can’t see Logan. Logan never left, but there’s no Logan in front of him.
Virgil shoots up from his bedroom floor with a loud gasp, as if he’d been saving the opportunity to inhale for far too long. He scrubs at his face, finding it slick with tacky tears. He nearly loses his balance as he stands up in a tizzy.
That one hurt. That one felt horrible. That one wasn’t okay.
He rakes his sweaty hands through his crusty hair, making it to an even frizzier mess than before. He paces the room, trying to catch a feeble breath. He’s lightheaded. He’s scared. He needs to do something.
Run a mile? Hit something? Hide under his bed?
He chooses the first option, flinging open the door and sprinting down the hall at full speed. He needs to outrun the fucking heebie jeebies flowing through his skeleton. He’s all backwards. Without so much as tying his untied dirty shoelaces, he takes off down the hall.
“Woah! Virgil! Pardon me, what are you doing?”
Virgil narrowly avoids tackling the person in his way. He dodges, tumbling against the wall, nearly knocking a mirror to the ground. His soul seemed to take a few steps without him before colliding with him again, leaving him with a nauseating vertigo.
“Uh—” Virgil is about to give a hasty apology, but he can’t quite get the words out, he feels pale. His heart drops into his legs.
“Virgil?” Logan frowns, tilting his head in that curious, almost robotic manner he does so often.
“Logan…” Virgil says weakly, staring at the decidedly not mangled and mutilated Logan standing in  front of him alive and well. Still, he feels lightheaded seeing the real thing. It’s been so long since he’d seen him, but only moments since his vision.
“Yes, that is indeed my name,” Logan nods awkwardly, clasping his hands behind his back. “Are— has, ah,” he pressed his lips into a line. He’s struggling. “Well. It has been some time. How … How is everything?”
Virgil can’t stop staring. “…sick.”
“As in the good sick or the bad, illness sick?” Logan squints his eyes, pursing his lips.
“Yeah.” Virgil nods distractedly, staring at Logan’s eyes. They were red, a little swollen. His glasses were a little smudgy. Not normal. Not right. Not right at all.
“… I see. That’s good, I suppose, right Virge?” Logan tries slowly, still baffled, and a bit twitchy, but clearly trying something. It isn’t working. Is he okay? Is something wrong? Virgil’s gut tells him that he’s looking at the remains of tears, but Logan doesn’t do that. That can’t be right.
It’s fine, it has to be. Logan is fine, it’s all fine. He just needs to get back to the cave. His cave. It will all be okay.
“I gotta run, Logan,” Virgil finally says, tearing his eyes away, down to the ground. He can’t look anymore, it’s making him feel bad. Guilty. Angry. But it’s fine.
“Oh. Right. Of course, later then.”
Virgil can’t remember whatever hasty goodbye he gives as he leaves. It’s back to the cave. Back to the water. It’s safe there.
Ch 7. Ch 9
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
Hunter Drones AU.
Don't know how far you are with May Zedong as the next, but if you could consider some of these ideas, I'd really be thankful.
So consider all the following with the thing that every next drone's AI, and their subsequent body, is derived from a baseline that seems to get more corrupted/fragmented and whatnot.
As an initial result, May 'spawns' with one poor or non-functioning eye, whilst the other one is extremely high functioning. The good eye compensates for her lack of proper depth perception by having multiple pupils in the same area where a normal person would have their one. It's basically several really, REALLY, high definition cameras put in a really small space; 24k resolution at minimum! She has an eye sharper sighted than an eagle and can see in infra-red, x-ray, nightvision and contains built-in flash protection among others. The game I Spy is one she's banned from playing.
May's body, whilst still a good deal stronger than an average soldier, is the weakest among the current line-up. All the processing power, materials and anything else relevant usually dedicated to physical combat prowess, has for the most part been put into Ballistic Trajectory Calculations and Recoil Management of any and all firearms. May can, and has, shot the wings of a fly from a mile away.
As for her body shape, popular horny fannon interpretation will probably do just fine. She does tend to conceal herself quite a lot it out of shyness, though. Up to you in any case.
Personality wise, is where I guess the real kinks would start to appear. Just like the others, May's got a less than healthy attraction to/obsession with Jaune. However, she's a bit more voyeuristic I'd say. She very much likes to watch him, and she doesn't even need to be in the same room to do so.
With her ridiculously large caliber and highly customised sniper rifle, accompanied by an assortment of smaller- but no less destructive -firearms, May's ready to be God and smite anyone who would endanger Jaune. No-one shall know what hit them and red mists will become rather frequent.
You little shit! This was basically what I already had planned?!
Haa… I’m not upset, just a little peeved you guess the next part, the May arc if you will.
Well, the idea was introduce the foundry to you, whilst it is repairing her body, making her Penny 2.0. So after that, Jaune would manage to get a new DAI to work. Not that well, but it’s functionality would be between Yang’s and Blake’s level of effectiveness. Which is higher than Ruby, and Penny. And, with that, HDDAI #5: Codname: May Zedong.
The fault in her design would be her only having one functional eye. The result of which she upgrades her right eye to hell, and back to compensate for this. While the rest of her sisters robotic eyes can see up to one klick each, May can see at least three klick with ease. Can take photos/videos like the rest of the in high definition. Her eye can double as a microscope in how precise she can look at something. The rest of the modifications her eye has the rest do as well.
Raw brute strength she would be the ‘weakest’ amongst them. She is still extremely strong as a means to compensate for the heavy weapons she fires, and the recoil of said guns. Just as you said.
As for shooting the wings off a fly. Well maybe with a dart gun if she doesn’t want to blow it all to hell.
Yeah, I will keep the big chested fannon, May. In her chest she has a radar system to help cover her blind spot. It can only cover about half-a-klick however. She has a stronger battery to compensate for this. Hence a bigger chest to store/protect the batteries.
I can come up with a cannon reason for her chest size, fight me!
Her obsession with, Jaune. Yeah pretty much it.
And for her gun. I expect her to walk around with a 20mm Caliber, Anti-material rifle. Along with various other types of firearms.
So yeah, thanks for hitting the nail on the head for contemplating my future plans.
Best start on the Penny in the foundry part…
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magnusmodig · 5 months
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— on the nine realms ; a general study of asgard .
aka vi's world-building reference .
The following details are what I consider to be canon for the Nine Realms. This is primarily based on what we know from the MCU, some minor spinoffs (the thor video game comes to mind), concept art + screenplays and some inspirations pulled from the marvel comics (no particular runs just in general)
It's what I'll be referencing when Thor speaks of the Nine Realms, specific planets within them, and Asgard.
THE NINE REALMS (general.)
The following are all the known realms under Asgardian Protection (pulled from the MCU.) Technically there are 10 realms but only 9 if you don't count Asgard.
Asgard || A flat planet also known as 'the realm eternal' . Home of the Asgardians . Asgard resides in its own pocket dimension in deep space and can only be accessed by wormholes. The center of Yggdrasil .
Vanaheim || Sister planet to Asgard . Where the Vanir (sister species) live . Also where skraelings, some breeds of trolls, and mire giants live . (hc : frigga's homeland.) Where hogun is from.
Alfheim || Home of the Light Elves . Highly magically inclined . To the north live the Falligrians and Falligar the Behemoth .
Svartalflheim/Harudheen || Home of the Dark Elves . Once prosperous, Svartalfheim and its surrounding planets have been completely corrupted by Dark Matter . The Dark Elves (and all other life) are now extinct, with a barren land destroyed by war and the Aether (reality stone) .
Muspelheim || Realm of fire. Where Surtur lives. Various Infernir live here . (Infernir also known as Fire Demons and Fire Giants.) Home to The Infernal Forge and a material called "Scabrite" . Scabrite makes up all Muspelheim's armor and weapons . It can absorb incredible amounts of heat .
Niflheim || A realm of the mists and cold . Helheim exists within the depths of Niflheim . Notoriously, Niflheim's legends say that the spirits of the dishonorable dead and the damned travel the dense fogs there . Hela was banished to Helheim, sealed in the Cave of Ages .
Jotunheim || Realm of the Frost Giants and eternal ice and snow . Led by King Laufey . A portion of Jotunheim was destroyed by Loki during the events of "Thor" (2011) .
Nidavellir || A small planet built around a neutron star . Where King Eitri and the dwarves live. The birthplace of urdu metal and its enchanted objects and weapons, including the Infinity Gauntlet, Gungnir, Mjolnir and Stormbreaker .
Midgard || A realm surrounded by its own solar system with 8 other planets. The main inhabitants of Midgard reside on Earth . Home of the Avengers and Jane Foster. A known host of a wellspring of the 'water of sights' that is connected to the Nornns.
Nornheim/Urðarbrunnr || Presumably: a realm connected to the nornns/water of sights, that is inhabited by other beings beyond the nornns , such as rock trolls. (it's implied the nornns themselves are kept to the waters and are semi-supernatural beings.) Filled with forests , swamps , and large mountains .
ASGARD (overview.)
A flat planet with a top side and a bottom side. Topside features various biomes including but not limited to: forests, mountains and cliffs, deep mines and cave systems, jungles, beaches, and small deserts. The bottom plane of Asgard is host to large crystal structures. (hc: mined and utilized as energy sources and magic storage for spells, weapons, and various other mechanisms throughout Asgard.)
Has day and night cycles, an atmosphere, and various weather patterns. Yearly consists of two (and a half) seasons. Its primary two are summer and spring. (Summer has warm days and evenings/nights that result in easily-melting flingsnö , or a light and powdery falling snow.) Spring (Asgard's longest season), is most hallmarked by its near-perpetual twilight hours. Asgard also exhibits some signs of the beginning of fall, which presumably a farmer's season of rest, but Asgard itself does not experience cold snaps or winters.
Asgard boasts a vast series of waterfalls, rivers, and fjords, though all ultimately lead to, and end in, the Sea of Space. The central city is built around and above these waterways.
The Bifrost spans from the Palace of Valskjalf to Himinbjorg, the Bifrost's observatory. This bridge spans the broad length of the Sea of Space, and reveals the cosmos of space the farther out towards the observatory one travels.
Asgard has 1 sun (that orbits around Asgard perpendicularly), 2 (stationary) moons that can be seen during the day.
Asgard's main colors are red and gold. Its main symbol is the celtic triquetra (sometimes also referred to as the trinity knot.)
Asgard uses all forms of viking art styles, but its main three consist of: Jellinge Style, Mammen Style, and especially Urnes Style .
ASGARD (places.)
Locations in Asgard (based on the 1960s comics - present comics. Not comic or mcu accurate obvsly but i'm taking liberties and referencing what I can within reason.)
Valaskjalf - (hc'd) name of the city of Asgard. It houses the Royal Palace of Valaskjalf where Thor + co live. The palace gardens are run by the Queen of Asgard (currently: Frigga) and are called Fólkvangr. Within the great city of Valaskjalf is the Hall of Science, within which is a great ash tree representing Yggdrasil, and acting as an observatory of the Nine Realms.
Himinbjorg - Heimdall's observatory, which can only work upon use of Hofund, an uru-made sword wielded by Heimdall.
The Sea of Space - the name of the sea that stretches from the Asgardian fjords and out into the void of space (also synonymous with "the void of Yggdrasil".)
Gundershelm - the mining region of Asgard. From here can be found the descent into the crystal caves beneath Asgard, known as the Glade of Crystals. A series of waterfalls and great fjord surrounds this place. The crystals begin to form even outside of the mouth of the mining caves descending down. Hence the name 'glade' of crystals, as the fjord looks something like an open patch in a field of snow from above and afar. Therein also lies the Amethyst Cavern and Boulder Road (which is said to span all the way past Varinheim into Skornheim. The trek can be dangerous due to how long it is, and its intense heat.) One of the more popular mines, the "Mines of Andvari" also is here in Gundershelm.
Varinheim - the mountainous area of Asgard, where the asgardian wolves dwell, amongst other hazardous beasts. Varinheim is where the Trials of Virtue (an Asgardian 'coming of age' trial) is held. It is often filled with mists from the snowy peaks far overhead, and the more uncommonly traveled lands are referred to by commoners as the 'land of the lost'. Hreidmar's Hol is deep within the land of the lost, which is a mysterious valley Asgardians dare not pass into for long. Here there is a strange old man called Hardol who is an ancient healer.
Ringsfjord - a merchant town nestled in one of Valakjalf's fjords. It's a place where the finest smithies and weapons makers make their shops, as well as magical enchanters. Legends have it that four enchanter brothers named Brona, Enrakt, Forsung and Magnir lived in Ringsjford, and that Brona was one of the first Asgardians to discover the rifts between realms. (One of which was named 'Brona's Barrier'.) But Brona's discoveries had long since been lost to time, especially after the creation of the Bifrost (until Loki, an equally adept sorcerer, was able to rediscover the passageways between realms for himself). Their forge is called "Forge of the Sons of Ivaldi" and boasts some of the finest asgardian-made weapons in the city.
Skornheim - another old and magic-rife land that's filled to the brim with danger. Including but not limited to; dense swamp-woods, quicksand, spiny plants (called 'nightmare plants'). The most important point of interest here is Skornheim's Stronghold which is a surviving ruin from the first battles against Surtur.
Gymirsgard - west of Skornheim. To reach Gymirsgard, one would have to traverse through the dense forest/swamps and brave the threat of unusually large water-dragons the likes of the fabled Jormangundir.
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amsco23 · 8 days
Amsco Fire Ltd Unveils Revolutionary Water Mist Systems for Superior Fire Protection
East Sussex, UK - Amsco Fire Ltd, one of the UK’s leading suppliers of fire suppression solutions, is proud to introduce its highly efficient water mist systems. These systems are engineered to offer enhanced fire protection while minimizing water usage and damage. Tailored to meet the specific requirements of various buildings and environments, water mist systems provide an innovative and versatile approach to fire safety. Introducing Water Mist Systems: A Modern Fire Suppression Solution Water mist systems represent a cutting-edge approach to fire suppression, utilizing extremely fine droplets to cool fires and displace oxygen, stopping the flames in their tracks. Unlike traditional sprinkler systems, water mist systems use significantly less water, reducing damage to property while providing effective fire control. This makes them ideal for sensitive spaces like museums, data centers, and heritage buildings, where protecting valuable assets is a priority. Key Benefits of Water Mist Systems • Efficient Water Usage: Amsco’s water mist systems use up to 90% less water than standard sprinkler systems, reducing potential water damage and accelerating the reinstatement process. This also makes the systems environmentally friendly, helping conserve water resources. • Tailored to Sensitive Spaces: Perfect for environments where minimal water damage is essential, such as heritage sites and facilities housing valuable electronics. Water mist systems offer comprehensive fire protection without the risk of soaking assets, furniture, or expensive equipment. • Flexibility and Versatility: Whether in confined spaces or buildings with limited water supply, water mist systems are highly adaptable. They can be installed in residential homes, care homes, schools, offices, and commercial buildings. The flexibility of the system ensures reliable fire protection, even in challenging situations. How Water Mist Systems Work Water mist systems operate through specialized high-pressure nozzles, which release a fine mist that rapidly cools the area and suppresses the fire by displacing oxygen. This four-pronged approach fights fires by cooling, suffocating, containing, and minimizing the spread of flames. With the ability to combat fires from Class A (ordinary combustibles) to Class C (electrical fires), water mist systems offer comprehensive coverage for a variety of fire hazards. Why Choose Amsco Fire Ltd for Water Mist Systems? Amsco Fire Ltd is fully accredited to install domestic and commercial water mist systems, meeting the stringent standards of BS8458:2015 and BS8489:2016. Whether dealing with a residential property or a commercial facility, Amsco provides custom-designed solutions tailored to the unique needs of each building. • Expert Consultation and Installation: Amsco’s team of professionals offers expert advice and solutions, even in buildings with inadequate water supply. With extensive knowledge of building control regulations, the company ensures that every installation is compliant and highly effective. • Custom Solutions for Complex Needs: Whether it’s a historical building or a modern commercial space, Amsco can provide bespoke water mist system designs that fit seamlessly into the architecture and operational requirements of any property. How to Get Started with Amsco Fire Ltd Amsco Fire Ltd invites property owners and managers to consult with their expert team about the best water mist system for their building. After assessing the property’s fire risks and design needs, Amsco will create a custom system that ensures maximum fire protection with minimal impact on the property. To inquire about a bespoke water mist system or to schedule a consultation, contact Amsco Fire Ltd at 01424 813131.
To learn more about Amsco Fire Ltd's innovative water mist systems, contact their expert team for a tailored solution to meet your fire safety needs.
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