#Missed You
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sukunasteeth · 6 months ago
The Pleasure's All Mine - Chapter One
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Based on this post from @winterrbluess
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If Shibuya had a pulse, it would be at the rate of a hummingbird's wings.
The human race operates at a speed that oftentimes seems too quick to catch up with. It had been that way ever since you moved to the city for work about three years ago.
You came for a corporate job made up of ink black suits and pencil skirts, smiles that felt more on the side of uncanny valley than they did of genuine kindness, and handshakes from skin cold with carpal tunnel. You lived a corporate life. Everything is muted tones of tan and relies heavily on the concept of "modernizing". You wake up, go to work, go home, work on what you couldn't finish at the office, fall asleep on your colorless coffee table, and wake up to your alarm going off what feels like hours too soon. It was a cyclical cycle.
And the day you broke it, happened to be the day you met Sukuna.
You noticed the new shop on the end of the street maybe three weeks ago. It was so out of place, after all. The building was the only non-skyscraper to be seen on the block. It was a shriveled up little thing, built out of chipping brick that seemed to teeter on the edge of dilapidation from the inability to meet building codes. Overgrown ivy crawled up the sides of it and it still had plots of dirt in the front for planting as opposed to concrete and metal benches. 
When you had first seen the For Sale sign a few months ago, you were sure they were going to tear it down and pave over it- happy to be rid of the only spot of character left in the business district. Then a new sign appeared over the door, one that looked hand carved out of wood and haphazardly painted over so that you could make out the words "Carnation King".
It’s funny, flowers had never been much of an interest to you. You had seen them as just another task to take care of when you returned home after a long day. Even filling a vase with water always sounded like more effort than it was worth. But as the days blend together from monotony, you find yourself desperate for color.
You changed your walking route to work so that you can pass by the shop everyday. You knew nothing about flowers. You could barely tell a rose bud apart from a tulip, but that didn't stop you from ogling at the new bouquets and potted plants that lined the sidewalk every time you passed them. Signs made out of toothpicks and painters tape said words like “Butterfly Ranunculus” and “Brown-Eyed Susan” and learning their names became one of your favorite things to do. You never stepped foot inside, and yet the flower shop was now one of your happy places. 
You would meander by on your lunches and watch the butterflies play. You would walk by in the morning and smell freshly watered earth still hanging in the air. On your way home, when the sun was at its fullest shine, you would walk beneath the misters hung under the lip of the roof, and the coolness of the water droplets left behind on your skin saw you all the home. 
You hadn’t realized how important the flower shop was to your daily routine until the day it was interrupted. 
It happened to be one of the only days you had been forced by your workload to stay past sunset for overtime. You didn’t do it for the money, you did it because your boss had asked you nicely. But as you finally exit the office building for the night, you find yourself regretting staying so late. 
You hated walking home in the dark. Even though Japan was notorious for its low crime rates, that didn't mean it was an innocent city. After 9pm, your street was notorious for being a ghost town. The only signs of life were the few work martyrs left in their floor to ceiling window offices- acting as makeshift streetlights. There were only a few lights on the way home, and their solidarity only seemed to pronounce the darkness along the rest of the empty roadside. When you were just an intern, before you got better hours and were finally promoted to the shining 9-5 that everyone dreams about, you used to take your heels off and sprint back to your apartment. Always weary of what you couldn’t see. At the time, you didn’t know that the scariest people don’t have to hide in the dark. 
You hadn’t planned on walking past the shop that night. It was closed. It had to be. Normal flower shops closed well before 7 pm let alone 9. But the moment you touch the sidewalk outside your building, you see light glowing against the dense night. 
The shop at the end of the street was draped in tiny fairy lights. Every square inch of brick was twinkling slowly, glimmering like resting fireflies. It looked almost otherworldly in comparison to the towering pitch black shadows of corporate offices surrounding it. In fact, the effect of the glowing lights against the mirror windows made it look like the shop was hanging in space. 
Outside, the flowers you had walked past in the afternoon had been replaced with new pots, overflowing with buds you had never seen before. The usual delicate smell of Honeysuckle and Roses was now one of the sweetest scents you had ever experienced, so sweet, you could almost taste it on your tongue. Warm golden light floods out of the shop's window and the numerous white and yellow petals seem to gather and hold onto its dull shine. 
You didn’t even realize you had completely abandoned your original plan of taking the shortcut home until you were standing in front of the Carnation King with your eyes entranced on the display before you. One flower in particular had caught your eye, a huge luscious display of delicate tow-colored petals, tall with endless growth and reaching towards the moonlight as though it’s been waiting all day to see it. You can’t help but reach out to touch, and yet just before your fingertips make it, you feel coolness trickling onto your hand, breaking the spell that the lights and colors had placed on you. 
 "Evening Primrose." 
The suddenness of a voice beside you should have put you in fight or flight mode. It should have been a cold bucket of water to the face. Adrenaline spiking, you should be sprinting in the opposite direction. Instead, you found the tranquil trance that the flowers had put you in to have a lasting effect. 
You blink at the man who seemed to appear out of thin air standing next to you, and the first thing you notice are his eyes. Such a dark shade of golden rich hazel-brown, they were nearly shining like two cuts of Cat’s-Eye. They gleamed suspicion. 
He was much taller than you, but where most are lanky you can see strong muscles and broad shoulders. Collared sleeves rolled halfway up his arms revealed skin kissed rich and deep by prolonged sunshine. Tattoos slithered around his wrists and had made their way to his sculptured face, meticulously drawn black lines frame an annoyed expression. When you see the rest of him, you’re certainly not expecting to notice tufts from a head of true strawberry blond hair hang in his frigid gaze.
In one of his hands is a water can, still pouring trickling water onto your momentarily petrified fingertips, and in the other hand is a cigarette, only a third of the way lit. 
The sight of him takes you so far back, if the sound of his voice wasn’t still echoing in your head you might not have remembered that he had even said anything to you. 
"I'm sorry?" You pull your hand away from the water spray, drying it on your slacks.
The man takes half a drag of the cigarette before he answers you. Slow and unrushed. "They're called Evening Primrose.” He speaks through a cloud of tobacco smoke, glancing at the flowers that had caught your eye. His lip twitches slightly, "Need full sunlight but only bloom in moonlight. Fickle bastards." 
Okay. Owner. Mean owner. Unexpectedly rough-and-tumble looking for being the caretaker of a flower shop. You glance at his apron, but you don’t find a name tag. He takes a step back while you’re searching for it, but he only moves far enough to start watering the next plant on the table. 
You look back to the Evening Primrose, and even the smell of the burning cigarettes is nothing in the face of the scent that had pulled you in earlier. The two flavors mix like a tea garden on fire. You caress the petals once more, unthinkingly. 
"They smell incredible." You mutter, mostly to yourself. 
"Not them.” His voice is colder than his eyes. He flicks a bit of ash onto the cement behind him, and tilts his head in the direction of a different bush, one that’s even bigger than the healthy Primrose, with hundreds of tiny buds that flutter in the nighttime air. “That'd be her." 
"”Her”?" You repeat, wondering if you heard the man correctly. 
"Night Jasmine." He answers in return. 
As standoffish as he was, you still found yourself making mental notes of the names he had given you. When you look at the Night Jasmine directly, it’s clear that the wind was sweeping that delicious smell straight from the direction of its honey-hued petals. You’re not sure you had seen plants like this at even the most expensive hotels and events that you had been invited to. Maybe tiny cuttings, but nothing to this size and level of lush. 
"Well she's very pretty." You reply softly, letting out an airy laugh through your nose at his use of pronouns. The man doesn’t even crack a smile in return, his eyes giving you a pointed once over. 
“And invasive.” He adds, resting his gaze on yours once again. 
There’s a thick silence that follows after, during which you consider apologizing. For what? You were unsure, but somehow standing in his towering shadow and feeling his accusing eyes had you feeling like you were in the wrong for merely existing in his presence. 
Before you can think to just turn around, take off your heels, and sprint home like you had years ago, his voice demands your attention again. 
"So,” he says, “you gonna tell me why you’re stalking me, then?"
Now, surely, you were hearing things. 
"E-Excuse me?" 
He seems to take in your shock with some thought while he takes another languid puff, "You come by here every single day,” He lets the smoke go from his lungs, ”but you never buy a thing. In fact, you never even come in." The tone of his voice tilts towards annoyance. “You just stand at the window and pout like some sad puppy.” 
"I-I work in the building next door?" You offer, bewildered by the entire situation. Were you dreaming? Had you fallen asleep at your desk and given yourself some sort of stress-induced nightmare?
"Hmm," The man takes you in without breaking your gaze, tilting his head to the side while he takes another drag of his cigarette. "You don't seem like the pencil pusher type to me."
You’re not sure why that comment makes you defensive. In retrospect, it was even a compliment to you. You hated sitting at a desk all day, watching the sun rise and set over a stack of papers. But you had worked hard to get to the position you were in now and it wasn’t the first time a man had told you that you didn’t look like you belonged. Before you can catch yourself in the name of politeness you find yourself scoffing out, "Sorry, but you don't seem like much of a florist to me."
The silence returns. You watch as the disdainful glint to his eyes shatters, and is replaced with a split second of surprise. He blinks and it’s only then that you realize how much larger this man is in comparison to you. If you had seen him walking down the street, you’d probably think to yourself “I wouldn’t want to be on his bad side” and yet here you were, on his bad-getting-worse side from the moment your eyes met. 
Or so you had thought. But, as the antithesis of anger crosses his hardened features, and an unexpected bitten-back grin takes the place of his glower, you’re not sure what to think anymore. 
He snorts out a laugh, finally releasing you from the cold grasp of his unbreakable gaze. He takes another step back and focuses his attention on watering the flowers again. "Touche." 
The cigarette gets flicked from his fingertips and he smears it beneath his boot into a tiny canal of rocks separating the soil of the garden beds from the cement of the sidewalk. 
"So, you gonna buy something then? Or just stand there with that strange look on your face all night?" He tilts his head to mirror your stance, but the amused grin remains in place of your confused gape. “I close in five minutes.”
“I have to hand it to you, you’re a fantastic salesman.” You’ve never met a stranger more brash and uncaring, so you were giving it a shot in return. It only serves to further his easy smiles.
“Am I not offering the right thing?” Now apparently after confirming to himself that you weren’t a threat, his tone of voice seems almost playful. It only serves to further your confusion. “Hmm, a lock of my hair maybe?” 
“I am not a stalker!” 
“Then buy something.” 
You take a deep breath through your nose. Feeling the need to save face when you haven’t done anything wrong in the first place. Yet, the thought of turning away empty handed had embarrassment threatening to heat up your neck and cheeks. You didn't care if you had to drop a pretty penny, you just didn't want to boost this man's ego.
"Those." You point to the nearest flower, another pot of proud blossoms sprouting from a stem unseen past the abundant greenery of strong leaves. Soft moon colored petals unfurl at the top, and sprouting from the center are tiny, deep yellow pollen covered buds. 
The man follows your pointed finger and graces your choice with all of one second before he turns back to his watering. "Not those." He decides flatly. 
You’ve never made a more difficult purchase. "Why not?" 
"Casablanca Lilies need constant care. A white-collar like you couldn't keep up. And I don't raise 'em so people can kill 'em."
"I think I can take care of a plant, thank you." You retort, sarcasm oozing off your sentence. 
It seems you can only really catch this man’s attention when your tone has a touch of negativity, because suddenly he’s back to watching you. 
There’s a pregnant pause before his next words. He searches nothing but your eyes for a moment, as if to gauge. 
"Wanna bet?" He cocks a brow. 
And it angers you how handsome you find this annoying, pompous, self-entitled stranger. 
"Bet?” You repeat incredulously. “Are you making a sale or trying to fight?” 
Instantly, as if you were offering the two scenarios as possible options, his smile darkens and he takes a step forward instead of continuing his line of watering. 
That was all the reply you needed. You had seen the movies. The documentaries. Handsome men, provoking women, hungry eyes, it never added up to something good. So that was your que to keep walking straight past him and go home. 
“Right, I don’t need this.” You scoff. 
And yet, just before you're able to step aside him, like a true businessman, he says just the right thing to keep you there.
"So I'm right then?" 
The sound of the droplets from the watering can against the cement in place of your footsteps has you cringing in self-disappointment. You force your head to turn and meet his infuriating amusement. 
"What's the bet?" You grind out from clenched teeth. His eyes fall to your mouth, and he takes a pointed second to look at your bite before he steps away from you and back to the place where your interaction began. He reaches beside the huge Evening Primrose bush to reveal a small green potted sapling with the same leaf pattern. 
He holds it out to you and you reach out to take the little thing like you’re scared for its safety. 
"Come back in two weeks. If it's alive, I'll give you the lilies for free." The calmness in his tone of voice doesn't match the excitement glittering in his dark hazel-brown eyes. "And if it's dead, you owe me." He adds, rather nonchalantly. 
"Owe you what?" You squint your eyes at him, maybe then you could see the little horns that match his devilish little grin. 
He shrugs, almost too innocently, "A favor. Haven't thought of it yet." The stranger gives you one last once over, but this one leaves the strangest chill running down your spine. His eyes seem to follow it, as if he can see it rattling through you. "Should I? You're so confident you'll win, I didn't think I'd have to."
Now it was your turn to look him up and down, tattoos, scars and a face that seemed too comfortable with that murderous look he had first given you.
"...There's no way you're just a florist."
The comment is completely ignored as he leans forward, invading your airspace a little too close for comfort, and murmuring the words "Yes or no?" with a thick sugar coating. 
"You're on." You hope your own words convey your complete disdain for him… and not that tiny glimmer of attraction you feel prickling under your skin. 
A surprised laugh seems to escape him, as though he didn't expect you to make the deal. "You're either quite confident in yourself or a damn fool." 
Like a rabbit bearing tiny teeth in the face of a lion, you mirror him and lean in closer until there's only a small space between the two of you. "Maybe I just like showing up cocky men."
"Oh, and I'm gonna love a favor from such a mouthy brat." You're lucky he pulls away from you after he practically purrs his threat. There's another thoughtful pause before he reaches into his apron pocket and pulls out his pack of cigarettes again.
"Two weeks. I know where you work too now." He lights another, and examines the cherry after he takes the first drag, smiling like it just told him a joke. “Don’t forget.” 
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graciescribbles · 1 month ago
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Is CHLODINE fandom still alive?????
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togetherhearted · 8 months ago
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muniii · 15 days ago
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*Grass Sprinkler is going off*
*Birds Chirping*
*Wind Chime Blowing*
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im-thirst-trapped · 3 months ago
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Finally settling in to the new area ~
Be posting more again soon 💜
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shoujo-dump · 2 months ago
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Uruwashi no Yoi no Tsuki
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littlecashmereheart · 5 days ago
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Spring has come and tomorrow is my birthday.
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pathologicalreid · 6 months ago
*taps nonexistent microphone* is this thing on???
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tiya-minuscule · 1 year ago
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Here is a very short chapter as a teaser of the second part of my Layton comics ! The wait betweend each chapter will unfortunatly be a bit longer than before because I'm back atwork and have not so much freetime. But I hope you'll enjoy it still :D
As always, a big thank you for @lutiaslayton for the translation :)
Here is the 1st chapter of the first part
Last Chapter
Next chapter
See you in two weeks for the next part !
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thankyouforthememoriesworld · 4 months ago
UNLTD represents her interests and gets her NIL deals while Midnight Dawn gets her coverage and makes sure it is all aligned with her values.
UNLTD - Azzi's agency. Nick is her agent and I've seen Jacqueline (director of marketing) also be on the trips when Nick isn't there. Also note that Nick is the former director of global marketing for Under Armour so I wonder if that's how this happened since UNLTD was co-founded by Nick.
Steph's full company is Thirty Ink. Thirty Ink is a holding company - essentially a collection of Steph's different brands, investments, and partnerships under one name. It includes but is not limited to SC30, Curry Brand, Underrated, etc.
Midnight Dawn is a communications (PR) agency and their biggest client is Steph Curry and Thirty Ink. They also have Azzi as a client. I'm guessing this happened via Thirty Ink.
While Azzi's deal is with SC30 back in 2021, it rebranded to Thirty Ink since then. She gets gear from curry brand, attends underrated events and follows gentleman cut bourbon, etc. Her camp recently had Nirvana Water, which Thirty Ink just invested in and is a brand ambassador. She also gets access to Steph's medical team and trainers. I feel like the SC30/Thirty Ink deal is way better than just signing with Curry Brand specifically and nobody has a deal like what Azzi has in college basketball. It is one of a kind.
Also because SC30, Inc. came first in 2017, funny enough, it owns the trademark for Thirty Ink even though his website shows it vice versa. https://trademarks.justia.com/owners/sc30-inc-3958086/
It seems SC30, Inc now has a new description. "SC30 is an athlete management studio specializing in athlete services, managing and maximizing marketing partnerships, and growing assets through expertise in digital strategy and content development. SC30 is committed to building for growth, market value, and legacy."
Long story short - whatever visions Azzi has in building her business off the court, they are going to help Azzi do it. I am excited that Azzi is getting that business degree because it really is going to make her street smart on the business side.
One last thing to bring to attention but also don't get your hopes up - Thirty Ink's media company Unanimous Media signed a deal with NBC back in 2022. Big East announced that they would have a media deal starting in 2025-26 with NBC. So if Azzi stayed another year, I could easily see Unanimous Media doing a documentary or something in partnership with NBC x Big East to cover Azzi's last college year if she chooses to stay. But of course, this is Azzi and I doubt she wants that type of attention but I'm sure her PR team does lol.
So, in conclusion, everything is rather interrelated or parallel for the most part. Hope that adds clarity!
I love you and your brain ♥️. I was almost right, and she has a one-of-a-kind deal because she's special like that 🦄.
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plainjane33 · 3 months ago
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Miss me? 🩶
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blogformusicandthatsit · 6 months ago
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vintage-tigre · 7 months ago
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365coffeethoughts · 10 months ago
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tftjaspasaur · 7 months ago
hi puppy 💖 wish I could take a strap to you and fuck you until you’re drunk on it, just a puppy brained slutty mess for me,,, want to tell you to beg for it, then laugh when your brain’s too dumb to form words,,, guess I’ll just have to keep fucking you, hmm? it’s for my pleasure, after all,,, sooner or later I’ll be so turned on from the strap that I’ll cum, I’m sure,,, especially with your moaning and whining and how good you take me,,, it might take a while though, so hope you’re ready for me baby 💖💖💖
hi sir !! please? wanna get all cock drunk on your strap so all I know is how to beg for you and to cum.. need that so bad want you so bad please? please use me please need you to use me however you see fit just need you inside me!! want to be your dumb little cock whore and not even be able to beg anymore, just whining and moaning while you use me for your pleasure. Thats all I want, to be used to please you for however long you need !! can take anything you give me for as long as you need, just need you to cum please? Want to help you cum!!
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