#Miss Universe Cambodia 2022
normanblogs · 2 years
Manita Hang: Will she give a first-ever placement for Cambodia in Miss Universe?
Manita Hang: Will she give a first-ever placement for Cambodia in Miss Universe?
Among our ASEAN neighbors, there are still nations that remain unplaced in Miss Universe – and no, it doesn’t include Malaysia because they already got one back in the 70s. I’m referring to Cambodia and Laos. Cambodia is pinning its hopes on a lovely Cambodian-French to do the honors of at least making it to the first cut in our favorite beauty pageant. And Manita Hang is ready to show her best…
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themakeupbrush · 2 years
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Miss Universe Cambodia 2022 National Costume:  
It is a contemporary design that combines prehistoric art of Funon and Angkor Era. Based on the Buddhist tales, she is the goddess that educates people to control their anger, to love the lives of humans, animals and nature, to share happiness and to appreciate harmony. "Plants and trees are a part of life on earth; please take care of them!"
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nonasuch · 2 years
The 2022 Miss Universe pageant was last night!
Which means: the National Costumes are here.
Yes, there is video. It’s worth watching if you want to see how some of these look in motion, but I’m warning you in advance that the emcees keep doing these shitty little rhyming couplets, and they will make you want to strangle them with one of the many available voluminous gown trains. So I’m suffering on your behalf, and liveblogging.
First up: Albania.
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Sparkly flag-inspired bodysuit with train is the voting “present” of the Miss Universe National Costume Competition.
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Angola. She did a fun dance on her way to center stage, which would probably not have been possible in her original costume, which was “tree-inspired” and too big to ship to New Orleans.
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Argentina. This is where the video does come in handy, because without it I would not be able to award her First Contestant To Visibly Struggle Under The Weight Of Her Outfit. It’s a waterfall. The rainbow crotch area was certainly a design choice.
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Armenia. I would like to see what’s going on with the bodice behind the... shield thing? but she never put it down.
Also, it turns out that when one contestant has a costume dedicated to solemn remembrance of the Armenian genocide, and the contestant immediately after her has a costume that’s about beach parties, there is kind of an uncomfortably abrupt tonal shift that happens onstage.
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Aruba. Like I said: weird tonal shift! She did a little shimmy dance at Miss Armenia as they passed each other and it was clearly awkward for both of them. This is made of recycled materials leftover from Carnival, which is cool? I guess?
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Australia. This is a prom dress. Boo.
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Bahrain. A rare pants look! There’s a lot of detail in the headdress and bodice that’s kind of getting lost, but it looks cool in motion. Also the theme is apparently “Bahrain is rich as fuck,” so congrats I guess?
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Belgium. Okay so the theme of this costume, my hand to g-d, is “the window on the International Space Station that Belgium built.” Why does this requires a shit-ton of leftover Christmas tinsel and some very awkward-to-wear angel wings? I do not know.
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Belize. This is fun! It’s a good “lesser-known Batman villainess” kind of look. Like if Ivy and Catwoman co-mentored someone. The actual theme is “the world’s only jaguar reserve, which is in Belize,” but I think it’s also kind of implying that she might be a were-jaguar. Which, again, is fun!
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Bhutan. This goes in the “just an actual regional/folk costume” category, which is also kind of like voting Present, but it looks like the fabrics are nice.
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Bolivia. She has an entire Andean condor on her head so I’m already on board. This photo only shows the cloak, which is covered in silver spangles in honor of Bolivia’s silver mines, and is also why her condor is perched on a miner’s helmet. The dress underneath is entirely made of swags of sparkly gold beads, so the visual effect is actually pretty nice in motion.
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Brazil. The construction details on this are actually quite lovely! Lots of intricate beading and rhinestone work. Unfortunately that doesn’t convey well at any distance, and also that white fin peplum thing flaps around really awkwardly when she walks. Oh, wait, she can flip it up to be a clamshell thing behind her head!
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That looks much better.
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British Virgin Islands. First giant flower of the year!
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Bulgaria. Apparently this is made of neoprene? So with that and the rainbow stripes, the effect ends up being kind of “what if Midsommar, but at a rave.”
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Cambodia. It feels weird to say “yep, standard Miss Universe warrior goddess costume” but basically that’s what this is. I do like the green-and-gold color palette, though.
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Cameroon. “The baskets represent the nation’s agricultural movement.” Okay! I like how it’s giving “Valkyrie, but make it Global South,” though I’m not sure three entire country-shaped cutouts were necessary.
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Canada. Another fine Miss Universe tradition: contestant who knows how to dance en pointe so she’s going to goddamn wear a costume that goes with pointe shoes, Or Else. Some nice beadwork! I would let her be the third, secret red swan in Swan Lake if that were a thing.
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Cayman Islands. Sexy Blue Iguana is a fun concept! There’s a tail in back of the cape.
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Chile. Sexy Atacama Desert is kind of abstract, as these things go, but I respect her choice to wear something she could walk in.
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China. Hilariously, the announcer was like “This look... does not match the bio we were given, so I’m gonna wing it!” The fabrics are nice -- the satin drapes and moves well -- but the embellishments are kind of meh compared to some of the Miss China looks I’ve seen.
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Colombia. This is a legit great Sexy Phoenix, but I need you all to know that her crown got turned a little sideways while she walked to the stage and she clearly knew it and just as clearly could do nothing about it, and I feel bad for laughing but it was funny.
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Costa Rica. Sexy hummingbird! I think I’ve identified a recurring theme for this year. Corset and wings are made of recycled materials, which is nice, and they look well-made -- a lot of wing-based costumes tend to flop around or go crooked in motion, but not these.
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Croatia. Oh, honey. This has big “my mom helped me make this the night before it was due” energy, unfortunately.
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Curacao. “Meet the Fisherman’s Wife, a woman with a key role in Curacao’s fishing industry.” Okay? Honestly you could have left off the basket and said “this costume represents the beautiful marine life of Curacao” and I would have been like “yep, checks out” but now I have many follow-up questions.
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Czech Republic. This is meant to be a Mucha-inspired look but uh. Mostly it’s just. beige. I’m starting to feel like all the other Slavic countries saw advance photos of Miss Ukraine and were like “let’s just phone it in this year, girls, there’s no point.”
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Dominican Republic. “This costume recognizes the importance of birds in Dominican culture.” They did make it with silk feathers, which I appreciate, because it would have been very weird to use real ones with that mission statement. Also I like her headdress, and the giant feather fans are a good way to nod in the direction of wings without the hassle of actually wearing wings.
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Ecuador. This looks good in motion! She did some dancing onstage that worked well, and there’s a great sculpted Inca head scowling on the back of her headdress. This is still only a few notches above voting Present, though.
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El Salvador. “History of Currency,” which is definitely a concept! The Bitcoin wizard staff is sure something.
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Equatorial Guinea. A perfectly nice entry in the “actual regional costume” category, but on the video I was like “oh, yikes, her headdress is really wobbly” and then it FELL OFF and I felt so bad for her.
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Finland. “Spirit of the Forest”? Fuck off, that’s a prom dress. Boo.
I’m going to pause here so this readmore doesn’t get completely out of control. Shit, there are 50 more of these? Well, I have only myself to blame.
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absolutebl · 9 months
54 BLs Announced for 2023 that didn't happen
Here if you list of BLs announced for 2023 that didn't happen and for which I have no word on whether they'll release in 2024 instead.
I've put the ones I really regret didn't get made in bold.
If they actually happened and I just missed it please let me know in a comment with the place you watched it. Thanks!
Organized by country!
My Croissant
trailer - announced 4/2023
Couple or Not
From Durian Culture Production this was suposed to be an A/B/O. Gui Ming who swaps consciousness with himself in a parallel universe. In that universe he is married to his rival Shi Youtian.
Desire the series
Another one that was supposed to be A/B/O The story of Bai Lan, a young man who wants Mr. Shen, a proud alpha, to be his omega. According to the casting announcement ‘Desire’ will consist of 24 episodes with 45 minutes runtime per episode.
Boys Love Omegaverse (Boys Love Sequel)
Announced for 6/9/2023 but never aired. This seems to just be borrowing the branding and have nothing to do with either BL originals since it's about 4 men in an idol group.
Given the series (remake)
Fuji TV announced and episodic series focuses on Ritsuka as he rediscovers his love for music thanks to Mafuyu. Given the Movie focused on their bandmates, Akihiko-Haruki, and their tumultuous relationship. The storyline for this second film involves Ritsuka temporarily joining Hiiragi and Shizusumi’s band, and the tension that brings to his new relationship with Mafuyu. It will also delve into the relationship between Hiiragi and Shizusumi.
Takumi-kun Series 6: Nagai Nagai Monogatari no Hajimari no Asa
remake of the first movie
Blueming 2 AKA Blueming Season 2
This was one of my favorites from 2022 year (9/10). I’m not thrilled about this. It’s the same director as TMS2, and I didn’t like that one all that much either. Still, I’m always intersted in where Korea goes when it’s given enough rope to hang itself.
Choco Milk Shake 2
First Love's User Manual (TutorYim) Silkwood (Peach Of Time)
Heesu In Class 2
was to air 2023 03.02
Korea's gay version of Sex Education. Heesu’s world revolves around Chanyoung, his best friend and secret crush. He doesn’t mind cheering Chanyoung from the sidelines or listening to all his girl problems. He doesn’t care if people only know him as “Chanyoung��s friend.” Then one day, Heesu starts hearing his name everywhere. On the bus, in the halls, during lunch… Turns out, there’s a rumor going around school (Got a love problem? Find Heesu in Class 2 and he’ll tell you what to do!) and with that, Heesu suddenly finds himself the center of attention. But how could he give anyone advice? He doesn’t even know what to do about his own crush!
Jump the series
From SOL Entertainment (producers of Cherry Blossoms and others) for Gaga. Coming-of-age drama that 'jumps' to the next chapters of life: love, friendship, competition, mistakes, dreams and hopes.
Love Supremacy Zone
Best on a novel and 29 year old man wakes up in a 19 year old's body and has to make his friend happy or die
Wuju Bakery AKA Space Bakery (JeffBarcode)
Silkwood and Be On Cloud partnered for this. ‘Wuju Bakery’ was originally scheduled to be released in 2024, but changes in the production house’ schedule showed that it would air sooner in November 2023, and then it didn't. The drama stars Thai actors Jeff Satur and Barcode Tinnasit and Korean actors Dion and Jun In-Kyu (Q) About a spaceship that crash-lands into and destroys a bakery shop. Of course this means the alien and the baker end up living together. At the same time, other aliens-in-hiding all around the city start hunting for them. One of my most anticipated BLs. It sounds SO WEIRD.
First Note Of Love
Was casting 5/2023. About a singer with stage fright and his timid fan
Pray in Love
From SoulChill (the producers of Innocent) the illegitimate son of a mafia family and his policeman boyfriend who's lives get upended when one has an arranged marriage and the other a promotion.
The Only One
Based on a novel Mou Mou from the Your Name Engraved Herein folks, high school set stepbrothers trope!
Wishing Upon The Shooting Stars
Reunion country set romances from director Ryan Jiang: My Tooth Your Love, and WBL.
2 Worlds (MaxNat)
Domundi announced parallel worlds love triangle story with MaxNat as the leads (finally!) PuPa & Kram are in love but PuPa is murdered and Kram is pulled into a parallel world. In that place, 12 years ago, Kram & Tai were in love but Kram was killed by Tai's dad. Now Tai encounters the Kram from another world, what will happen next? Is this a second chance or is Kram sill morning his dead lover, and does Tai need to help him get home or convince him to stay?
4 Minutes (BibleBuild)
Be On Cloud announced original story written by Sammon (Manner of Death/Triage) especially for them… described as a ‘bitter’ drama. When asked if there are many love scenes, Bible said yes! It was planned for the 4th quarter of 2023. Didn't happen.
7 Times 4 Days
Arton A Bangkoks The story of ‘Won’ a 27-year-old Korean teacher who travels to Thailand on an exchange program. Stays with his mother’s friend who has an 18 year old high schoolson.They get closer.
Star Hunter announced this may bot be bl? The Eclipse + Destiny Seeker + Harry Potter 4 + The CW.
After Sundown (ZeeNew)
Mandee announced for 7/15/2023 Phra Plerng and Rawee enter into an arranged marriage. The two have to solve mysteries according to the scholars’ prophecy, but the twist is, if 6 months passes and their relationship hasn’t progressed, Rawee will have to break the engagement immediately.
Big Dragon 2 the movie (concludes the series)
Star Hunter announced.
Boy Never Smiles (KimCop)
Follows the story of a young man who travels to the future. To return, he must make that boy smile.
Boyy of God
announced for 11/2023 about the lives and loves of a group of Christian boys that play together on a water polo team.
Chiang Mai Adventures From Wayufilm for subscribers only, a travel romance. Aired as a film on YT here.
Cinderella Boys
From Cloth Lab who brought us Restated (which I never watched and never got EngSub).
Close Friend 3 Soju Bomb
sampler pack VIU ? new cast from seasons 1 & 2 group of friends who traveled to Korea with dreams of becoming idols. Unfortunately, they don’t debut, so they invite each other to get drunk before they return to Thailand. during this night, several events transpire that change the course of their friendships
Deep Night
MCOTHD30 was casting this 4/2023
Flirt Milk
Star Hunter announced this Y-novel adaptation standard pop fodder, but they are cute. One boy accuses another of breaking up his relationship to pursue his gf, but it's not the gf the boy was into.
Friend. Boyfriend
The series depicts Aum and Nack who are best friends and co-workers at a bar. Their personalities are very different, one is quiet and caring, the other is a laid back playboy. Mew is a newly recruited staff member at the bar, he is good looking, talkative and it doesn’t take long for him to grab the attention of Nack. This creates tensions at the workplace as Aum realizes he has more than platonic feelings for Nack, forcing Nack to choose between the two.
Future From Me
Was casting 5/2023 One boy secretly in love with another since middle school.
Heart by Heart
Half Toast Production adaptation of the y-novel of the same name, the trailers are GOOD. I’m more excited for this one then I thought I'd be. Has a bit of Tasty Florida, bad boy/good boy, high drama going on.
Hot Bamee and Yummy Gyogung
9Cats Studio was to brign us this starring Nutt Witsarut (Daisy from SCOY) as Gyogung & Boat Yongyut (Tim from My Secret Love) as Bamee.
Lost in the Woods
Fifa, a high school student preparing to enter university, is given the duty of taking care of his grandma in the province before the school year starts. There he meets Chief Hem, a forest ranger.
Love Puzzle AKA Plengrak AKA Pleng Prai Love Puzzle
From KOB Entertainment set in the same universe as Chains of Heart (SIGH). BUT Noh Phouluang is in this so you know I will watch it but it looks like it'll be a hot MESS. A new exchange student has a one night stand on the night of his arrival, turns out the boy is a senior in his new uni department.
Love Syndrome – The Beginning prequel
Tells how the couples from Love Syndrome met originally.
Mystique in the Mirror
Side couple is PitchBank from Golden Blood, authored by Dr. Dr.Patrick Rangsimat (My Ride) interview here.
Announced for 12.29.2023 didn't air. Postponed from 2021 to recast one of the leads, never a good sign.
Punk Spy
Domundi trying out Tommy (formerly JimmyTommy) to star opposite Thomas Teetut (new talent). OMG are we gona call them TomTom? Please people. Please? Small town romance of two people who keep secrets. And they are searching for the truth. Poppy (everyone’s favorite comedic character actor) is in this one too.
Rule No.1: Don't Be too Emotional
Oxin brings us a Korean novel (by Hwang Seol!) adaptation, freshman realized his senior is hiding dark secrets. Was casting 4/2023
Sunset Vibes
Star Hunter reusing the Big Dragon pair as a one night stand but uh-oh he’s my boss, adapted from a web series! I’m game. Trailer here.
The Chinese Family (working title)
GDH to star Billkin of ITSAY
The D Project (working title)
GDH to star PP Krit of ITSAY
The Internship
This Wayufilm short film was set to premiere in June 2023 on their YouTube Channel. The storyline follows an intern who encounters a ghost at his workplace.
The Outing Series (Max Nattapol & TopTap)
BL sub plot within a story of 3 families that manage a top advertising agency. Anan, Phupha & Taurus take their families & close employees for an annual outing at a resort. There, the dark secrets of 22 people with different views on love and relationships are revealed.
True Moon
Star Hunter to do yet another loosely disguised attempt at the 2 Moon franchise? Trailer here.
Two Worlds (MaxNat)
Lakorn style, Phupha and Khram love each other but later Phupha is murdered. However, something happens and Khram is pulled to a parallel world where, 12 years ago, Khram and Thai were in love. However, Khram was killed by Thai’s dad.
Waterboyy 3 AKA Waterboys (KaownahTurbo)
not a remake. Why do they not cast Est Supha in one of these? That's the real quetion. Ram, a young fisherman from the country after he gets accepted into the most prestigious swimming academy in the country. Ram has a hard time fitting in with the high society students that populate the school because he didn’t grow up in a life of privilege. Luckily he has Q to protect him during these trying times.
Wish Me Luck
Be Brave Entertainment Hub to produce this BL about a boss and his temporary employee in an advertising company, based on Bittersweet's y-novel of the same name สุดที่รักษ์. Starring my boy Fiat (Grean Fictions, SOTUS S, My Gear and Your Gown, Triage) who I’ve been waiting to lead a BL for a decade (it feels like) and Na Naphat (KinnPorsche, UWMA). Trailer here.
Wish You Luck
StudioCommuan Sci Fi dystopian BL about a luck-stealer and an optimistic innocent. Trailer here.
Mflow consortium piece of some kind.
Okay that's it. I won't be updating this I don't think, so make sure to comment with any corrections.
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brijeshtiwaripune · 10 months
Sheynnis Palacios from Nicaragua Takes the Title – Miss Universe 2023 Winner !
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The Miss Universe 2023 pageant, which took place on Saturday at the Adolfo Pineda National Gymnasium in El Salvador, lived up to expectations. A total of 84 contestants from around the world participated in the final ceremony of the 72nd edition of the beauty contest, and Sheynnis Palacios, representing Nicaragua, emerged as Miss Universe 2023 winner. This victory marked the first time a contestant from Nicaragua had won the Miss Universe pageant. MISS UNIVERSE 2023 IS @Sheynnispalacios_of !!!! 👑 🇳🇮@mouawad #72ndMISSUNIVERSE #MissUniverse2023 pic.twitter.com/cSHgnTKNL2 — Miss Universe (@MissUniverse) November 19, 2023 The top three contenders anticipated to win Miss Universe 2023 were ranked as follows: Karla Guilfu Acevedo from Puerto Rico, Maria Brechane from Brazil, and Sotima John from Cambodia. Diana Silva from Venezuela, who holds Venezuelan nationality through her mother, secured the sixth position in the odds to win. The finalists who made it to the last round of the question-and-answer session were Miss Thailand, Miss Nicaragua, and Miss Australia. Jacqueline Bracamontes, Mexico's representative at the turn of the century in the beauty pageant, hosted this edition of the gala. The 23-year-old, a TV host and model, triumphed over first runner-up Anntonia Porsild from Thailand and second runner-up Moraya Wilson from Australia. The remaining top 10 contestants included representatives from Colombia, El Salvador, Peru, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Spain, and Venezuela. The new Miss Universe is...India!!!! #MISSUNIVERSE pic.twitter.com/DTiOKzTHl4 — Miss Universe (@MissUniverse) December 13, 2021 A total of 84 contestants participated in the Miss Universe 2023 pageant, competing in evening gown, swimsuit, and national costume. Palacios wore a black embellished costume inspired by the Nicaraguan Grackle, a bird native to her country and designed by Jorge Salazar Caliz. Miss Universe 2022 R'Bonney Gabriel, a former Miss USA, presented the crown to the winner. In a heartfelt Instagram message before the final, Palacios expressed gratitude for fulfilling a childhood dream of participating in the global competition. She dedicated the night to her inner child and encouraged others to dream big with determination, perseverance, and passion. Miss Nicaragua outshone representatives from Australia and Thailand, securing her place as the first-ever Miss Universe winner from Nicaragua. Palacios, born on November 24, 1995, in Chinandega, is a communications major with a passion for social justice causes and a love for volleyball.   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Manu (@manumatusphoto) Her intelligence and charisma played pivotal roles in her success. Palacios will hold the crown for a year until the next edition of the world's most popular beauty pageant. Noteworthy mentions from Miss Universe 2023 included two transgender women representing Portugal and the Netherlands. Additionally, two married contestants with children participated, taking advantage of rule modifications allowing such individuals to compete. We are down to the TOP 3!! One of these three delegates will be crowned the next MISS UNIVERSE!👑#72ndMISSUNIVERSE #MissUniverse2023 pic.twitter.com/EUYr4b13Vn — Miss Universe (@MissUniverse) November 19, 2023 Miss USA, Noelia Voigt, did not make it into the top 10, preventing the United States from repeating as the winner. The representation of Nepal included a plus-size model, Jane Dipika Garrett, adding to the controversy surrounding Miss Universe's fresh look under new ownership. Read the full article
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conandaily2022 · 1 year
Sai Fhon biography: 13 things about Miss Universe Cambodia 2023 finalist from Phnom Penh
Sai Fhon សៃ ហ្វុនោ is a Cambodian beauty queen. Here are 13 more things about her: She is a transwoman. She hails from Phnom Penh. 5 ft 9+1⁄2  She is Miss Queen Cambodia 2020. On June 25, 2022, she represented Cambodia at Miss International Queen 2022 and competed against 22 other candidates in Pattaya, Chonburi, Thailand. She finished in the Top 11. On September 7, 2023, she represented…
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topsportsasia · 2 years
Miss Universe Cambodia 2022 results: Ngin Marady's successor crowned in Phnom Penh
Miss Universe Cambodia 2022 results: Ngin Marady’s successor crowned in Phnom Penh
beauty pageant: Miss Universe Cambodiaedition: 4th date: June 15, 2022venue: Bayon TV Steung Meanchey Studio, Phnom Penh, Cambodia broadcaster: Bayon TVhosts: Try Daravuth, Na Sady, Reth Saritacandidates: 20outgoing queen: Ngin Marady . WINNERS PLACEMENTCANDIDATEMiss Universe Cambodia 20221st runner-up2nd runner-upTop 10Hang ManitaHang SoriyanHeng BonikaHeng SothnisayHoun Sreykhouch Hun…
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ahz-associates · 2 years
UK Student Visa Procedure has been Reduced from 5 to 3 Weeks
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The processing times for UK student visas have been lowered from five to three weeks for applications from certain countries, which is good news for students who will be studying in the UK. UK universities are one of the top choices for international students. The British High Commission in India, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Nigeria is among those who have tweeted that the processing time for UK student visas is currently three weeks on average. In the past, the British High Commission in India stated that there is a high demand for UK student visas as the UK universities' courses are globally recognized and that the application procedure takes five weeks. They tweeted earlier this month, "We encourage that you apply in July if you are able to do so, rather than waiting until August." Similar to this, the British High Commission in Nigeria tweeted in June that it typically takes five weeks to complete applications for UK student visas. According to India.com, which cited Live Mint, a representative from the British High Commission in India assured that they are attempting to reduce the processing time. According to the spokesperson, "Indian students make up one of the largest international student populations in the UK, and Indian professionals are the top nationality in the skilled employment category." The Latest UK Student Visa Updates The British High Commissioner to Nigeria, Catriona Laing, advised students last month to apply for their visas "much earlier than you think you need" if they intend to start their studies this academic year, despite the fact that the latest UK student visa update notes that applicants from Nigeria and India will have their wait times reduced from five to three weeks. "In years past, it could have been acceptable to apply for a visa in August in order to begin your studies in September. "That's going to be way, way too late for this year," she stated in a video that was shared on Twitter. "Laing said that the delays were brought on the "enormous demand" placed on the visa processing system and their top priority of granting visas to Ukrainian nationals. The length of time it takes to process a visa varies depending on where the student is from. The British Embassy in Morocco, the British High Commission in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), British Embassy in Mogadishu (Somalia), and the British High Commission in Ghana are among those that have announced that student visas can take five weeks to process. The British Embassy in Budapest tweeted that UK student visas take four weeks to process. Separately, a recent Navitas Agent Perception survey indicated that when it came to visa application simplicity, the UK outranked other top study abroad countries like Australia, Canada, and the US, Australia came in second with 32% of the total agents giving it the highest rating. The study included more than 700 education agents worldwide. According to 60 percent of respondents, the UK's visa acceptance rate is viewed favorably, according to Jon Chew, global head of insights and analytics at Navitas. This contrasts with respondents' more pessimistic assessments of acceptance rates for Canada and the US, where around 20% gave Very Good ratings to acceptance rates and about 15% gave them to Poor or Very Poor ratings. You need not worry if you missed the September 2022 intake; you can still apply for the upcoming January 2023 intake in UK University. Read the full article
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jobuganda · 3 years
Action Against Hunger Jobs 2022 – Finance Assistant
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Job Title: Finance Assistant – Action Against Hunger Jobs 2022 Organization: Action Against Hunger Duty Station: Kampala, Uganda Reports to: Head of Finance     Action Against Hunger Profile Action Against Hunger-USA is part of the Action Against Hunger International network, which provides humanitarian relief in over 40 countries worldwide in the sectors of nutrition, health, water/sanitation, and food security. Action Against Hunger-USA, an independent NGO, currently manages operations in 8 countries: Kenya, South Sudan, Cambodia, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Haiti and Somalia. Action Against Hunger-USA has over $75 million in programs, and approximately 2000 staff based in in the various country offices, Head Quarter in New York City and Operational Centre in Nairobi. Additional growth is anticipated.     Job Summary The Finance Assistant will support the finance team in filing and document management and retention, facilitate audits, support the team in operational responsibilities as called upon, assets management etc.     Roles and Responsibilities: Ensure the classification and filling of the mission accountancy documents - Maintain all finance documents in the appropriate folders and ensure that the classification and filling is made as per the ACF guidelines. - After the monthly accountancy closure check the accounting codes, the project codes and the budget codes and make corrections accordingly - Develop an archiving strategy for guidance on document placement Receive field monthly accountancy, verify physical presence and review the quality of field accountancy documents. - Receive and verify the eligibility of invoices submitted for payment from the field bases and establish a connection between their saga database, documents and physical counting - Report any missing documents and dubious documents to the Asst. Finance Coordinator - Responsible for making follow-ups on missing documents with the respective Base Admin - Tracks and document all invoices received in finance. Manage filing, document retrieval and retention  - Ensure that all project files and other finance files are clearly labelled - Ensure all finance documents are scanned and soft copies properly stored and maintained. - Retrieve any documents when required - Maintain and IN/OUT document register - Responsible for making follow-ups on documents taken out of the files Other Responsibilities  - Work with logistics in maintaining an updated asset register for all the bases and the consolidated register. - Facilitate project, donor and mission audits. - Support general finance administration duties and operations e.g. preparation of documents, taking minutes, preparing reports, coordinating meetings etc.     Minimum Qualifications for Action Against Hunger Jobs 2022 - The applicant must hold an advanced university diploma in Business Administration, finance or other related field - At least three years of experience in a similar role. - Experience in developing and maintaining filing systems and processes - Experience in supporting office administration roles. - Fluency in English - Humanitarian/development industry experience - Able to work effectively in a multi-sectoral organization requiring strong communication, planning & organization skills. - Strong interpersonal skills - Willingness to deploy into bases when required.     How To Apply for Action Against Hunger Jobs 2022 All candidates should apply online at the link below. All applicants must attach a cover letter and an updated CV as one document (Word or PDF). Click here to apply NB: Qualified female candidates are highly encouraged to apply. Deadline: 18th March 2022     For similar Jobs in Uganda today and great Uganda jobs, please remember to subscribe using the form below: NOTE: No employer should ask you for money in return for advancement in the recruitment process or for being offered a position. Please contact Fresher Jobs Uganda if it ever happens with any of the jobs that we advertise. Facebook WhatsApp Twitter LinkedIn Read the full article
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brookstonalmanac · 3 years
Holidays 2.3
American Painters Day
Artist Appreciation Day
Battle of San Lorenzo Day (Argentina)
Blessing of Throats Day (St. Blaise’s Day)
Communist Party Foundation Day (Vietnam)
Day of Remembrance for Oleg the Prophet (Asatru/Slavic Pagan)
Day of the Virgin of Suyapa (Honduras)
Doggy Date Night
The Day the Music Died (according to Don McLean)
Elmo’s Day
Endangered Species Act Day
Feed the Birds Day
Fiesta de San Blas (Protector of the Harvest; Puerto Rico)
Four Chaplains Day
Fukuju no mai (Jimai; Dance of the Seven Gods of Fortune; Japan)
Halfway Point of Winter
Heroes' Day (Mozambique)
International Golden Retriever Day
Martyrs' Day (São Tomé and Príncipe)
Meaka Bochea Day (Cambodia)
National Cordova Ice Worm Day
National Missing Persons Day
National Optimist Day
National Patient Recognition Day
National Sweater Day (Canada) [1st Thursday]
National Women Physicians Day
Nuestra Señora de Suyapa (Festival of the Virgin of Suyapa; Honduras)
Take a Cruise Day
Thaipoosam Cavadee (Mauritius)
Veteran’s Day (Thailand)
Veterinary Pharmacists Day
Wedding Ring Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Carrot Cake Day
National Carrot Day
Feast Days
Aaron the Illustrious (Syriac Orthodox Church)
Ansgar (a.k.a. Anskar; Christian; Saint)
Auscharius (Christian; Saint)
Berlinda of Meerbeke (Christian; Saint)
Blaise (Christian; Saint)
Celsa and Nona (Christian; Saint)
Claudine Thévenet (Christian; Saint)
Dom Justo Takayama (Christian; Saint) [Japan, Philippines]
Hadelin (Christian; Saint)
Margaret of England (Christian; Saint)
Our Lady of Suyapa (Honduras)
Pagerwesi (Festival to Sang Hyang Pramesti Guru, god of teachers and creator of the universe; Bali)
Pokémon Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Setsubun (Bean-Throwing Festival; Shinto/Japan)
Theocritus (Positivist; Saint)
Werburgh (a.k.a. Werburghe; Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fatal Day (Pagan) [3 of 24]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [8 of 57]
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 34 of 2022; 331 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 5 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 14 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Ren-Yin), Day 3 (Ding-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Discordian: Prickle-Prickle, Chaos 34, Year of Our Lady of Discord 3188
Hebrew: 2 Adar 5782
Islamic: 1 Rajab 1443
J Cal: 4 Xīn; Threesday [4 of 30]
Julian: 21 January 2022
Moon: 8.5% Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 6 Homer (2nd Month) [Theocritus]
Runic Half Month: Elhaz (Elk) [Day 7 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 45 of 90)
Zodiac: Aquarius (Day 15 of 30)
Calendar Changes
Rajab [Month 7 of the Islamic Calendar]
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normanblogs · 2 years
Manita in Manila
From my friends over at Pageanthology101: Posted @withregram • @pageanthology101 Miss Universe Cambodia 2022 Manita Hang @nita_hang is bound for the Philippines tonight! Manila will be her home for weeks as she will undergo rigorous training under Kagandahang Flores beauty camp in preparation for Miss Universe…
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themakeupbrush · 2 years
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Miss Universe Cambodia 2022 National Costumes
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bigyack-com · 5 years
Aman to Launch New Hotel Brand
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Aman, one of the most exclusive and luxurious brands in the hotel industry, has unveiled plans to launch Janu. The Janu brand will launch in 2022 with three hotels which are currently under construction: Montenegro, Al Ula in Saudi Arabia and Tokyo. While some purists will shudder in horror at the thought of such a highly respected hotel brand diversifying its portfolio in this way, others will suggest that the two may complement one another. So how will they differ? Here is how Aman compares the two brands, “While Aman is synonymous with its Sanskrit translation, ‘peace’, Janu stands for ‘soul’; Aman is a sanctuary, whereas Janu is connectedness; Aman offers refined respite, whereas Janu offers an energetic vibe seeking greater purpose with inner contentment. Janu bears similarity with Aman in the form of total commitment to its guests, deep roots in destination, exemplary and timeless design, and unruffled service.” Vladislav Doronin, Chairman and CEO of Aman, said, “The overlap between Aman and its sibling is mutually beneficial; together they offer a total solution for the fluctuating needs and desires of today’s global travel cognoscenti.” There are currently 32 Aman hotels in 20 countries. See latest Travel News, Interviews, Podcasts and other news regarding: Aman, Janu. 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Airport Introduces New Round of Relief Measures  Russian Helicopters to Commence Production of Ansat Aurus  Hong Kong Win Bronze at Inaugural World Rugby HSBC Sevens Challenger Series  Bangkok Airways Partners AXAThailand to Offer 'Protective Wing'  ANA to Test Autonomous Mobility Assistance at Narita Airport  Green Light for MotoGP in Buri Ram, Thailand  Aviation: COVID19 Cuts Demand and Revenues  Martin Dell Returns Home as GM of Four Seasons Hotel Prague  SWISS Takes Delivery of First A320neo  Sabre's Sean Menke to Participate in Keynote Interview at ITB Berlin  Executive Appointments at Outrigger Hospitality  CWT Appoints Linda Creighton as Vice President - Business Finance  Hilton to Open Garden Inn Hotel at Adventure Parc Snowdonia, North Wales  AirAsia Philippines to Launch Flights to Zamboanga from Cebu and Clark  Swiss-Belhotel Opens First Hotel in Malaysia  Joanne Taylor Joins FCM as Director of Account Management Asia  Thai Airways Waives Fees on Japan, Korea, Singapore and Taiwan Flights  SalamAir Partners Tune Protect for Travel Insurance  American Airlines to Expand Preordered Meal Service  Etihad Airways to Launch TravelPass  AirAsia to Launch Flights from Clark and Cebu to General Santos, Philippines  MICE in North Wales - Interview with Richard Jones of venue cymru, Llandudno  Air New Zealand Extends Reduction in Flights to Hong Kong and Shanghai  Patrick de Castelbajac to Join Nordic Aviation Capital as CEO  Thai Airways Opens New Lounge at Phuket Airport  Bulgaria Air and Qatar Airways to Codeshare  Tarom Takes Delivery of First of Nine ATR 72-600s  Whitbread Signs Sixth Premier Inn Hotel in Ireland  Mandarin Oriental Jumeira Dubai Opens Royal Penthouse  COVID19: Zero Risk and Travel Advisories - Where Do We Stop?  Campbell Wilson to Rejoin Scoot as CEO  MIAT to Implement Sabre's Global Demand Data Solution  Cathay Pacific Carried 3M Pax in Jan; Reduces Flight Capacity by 40%  Roger Brantsma Joins 825-Room Hilton Tokyo as General Manger  Thai Airways Increases Passenger Screening on Flights from Cambodia  Mandarin Oriental Boston to Complete US$ 15 Million Renovation in April  Erica Antony Joins CWT as Chief Product Officer  Bjoern van den Oever Joins Alila Villas Koh Russey as Executive Chef  Unicorn Hospitality Opens 47-Room Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand  Hong Kong Airport Handled 5.7 Million Passengers in January  Vietnam Airlines Adds Wide-Body Aircraft to Hanoi - Saigon Route  Pratt & Whitney GTF Engines to Power Korean Air's New A321neos  AsBAA Appoints Jeff Chiang as Chief Operating Officer  Psychometrics at Naruna Retreats in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand  Airbus A330-800 Receives Type Certification from EASA and FAA  Hamza Sehili Joins Four Seasons Tunis as Hotel Manager  British Airways and Royal Air Maroc to Codeshare  Green Africa Airways Signs MOU for 50 Airbus A220-300s  Hong Kong Visitor Arrivals Plummet to Below 3,000 Per Day  What Does Tourism Mean to Conwy, North Wales? 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normanblogs · 2 years
Manita Hang: A Khmer-French beauty wins Miss Universe Cambodia 2022
Our low-key ASEAN neighbors are starting to step up in its efforts to shine in international pageantry. Take for example Manita Hang, a 23 year-old Khmer-French beauty who was just crowned Miss Universe Cambodia 2022 and will represent her country in the 71st edition of Miss Universe that should happen by year’s end. An Accounting & Finance graduate from the CamEd Business School in Phnom Penh,…
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conandaily2022 · 2 years
Miss Universe Cambodia 2022 results: Ngin Marady crowns successor in Phnom Penh
Miss Universe Cambodia 2022 results: Ngin Marady crowns successor in Phnom Penh
beauty pageant: Miss Universe Cambodiaedition: 4th date: June 15, 2022venue: Bayon TV Steung Meanchey Studio, Phnom Penh, Cambodia broadcaster: Bayon TVhost: performers: candidates: 20 Ngin Marady (©Miss Universe Cambodia) JUDGES fashion designer Natacha Vanfashion designer Rian FernandezMiss Universe Cambodia 2018 Rern NatMiss Universe Cambodia 2019 Somnang AlynaMiss Universe Cambodia…
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conandaily2022 · 2 years
Miss Universe Cambodia 2022 predictions: Hang Manita, Houn Sreykhouch, Phay Valiza
Miss Universe Cambodia 2022 predictions: Hang Manita, Houn Sreykhouch, Phay Valiza
Miss Universe Cambodia 2021 Ngin Marady (ងិន​ ម៉ារ៉ាឌី), 22, of Phnom Penh, Cambodia will crown her successor soon. It is the fourth edition of the national beauty pageant that selects Cambodia’s Miss Universe candidate. Cambodia has yet to place in Miss Universe. The country was represented in the competition by Somnang Alyna in 2019 and Sarita Reth in 2020. Ngin Marady (©Miss Universe…
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