#Miraculous s4e4
wordsofrowan · 9 months
From Ashes to Embers
Chapter 17 - I Know Your Heart and You Know Mine
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I found myself hanging out more and more with Alix. I was grateful for her I truly was. Our friendship was pretty much the total opposite of the near-persistent nature of Alya. I didn’t feel as stressed or as pressured around Alix as I had Alya. But I guess that could also be due to the history Alix and I had. Alix had always been a good friend to me, and I was glad to know that she always would be as well. 
I also found myself spending more time with Bunnyx. She had said with the new developments in the timeline I would need some extra ‘pushes’ here and there. I was happy with it though and I felt better than I had in a long while. Maybe it was because Bunnyx knew my hero identity and my civilian identity or maybe it was just the reassurance that I actually had someone on my side, someone truly on my side that was giving me a sense of peace. 
Bunnyx had started giving me homework so to speak, giving me certain pages of the Grimoire to study and memorize. Mostly Bunnyx has been making me learn the history of the Miraculous and how it came to be. 
The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm golden glow across my cozy bedroom. I sat on the floor taking notes on certain aspects I found interesting or noteworthy. The scent of freshly brewed tea lingered in the air, adding to the tranquil atmosphere. But my peaceful reading session was abruptly interrupted by the incessant vibration of my phone.
Startled, I looked up, my eyes meeting Bunnyx who was perched on my desk, observing me with her bright, mischievous eyes. With a quick glance, I sought her permission, silently asking if I could take the call that had so rudely interrupted my reading. Bunnyx nodded, giving me her blessing.
I picked up my phone, anticipation building as I saw the caller ID. It was Kagami. Curiosity piqued, I answered, my voice filled with intrigue.
"Greetings, Marinette," Kagami's voice flowed through the phone, her tone both elegant and enigmatic. My mind raced with a whirlwind of thoughts and questions. Why would Kagami be reaching out to me? What could she possibly want?
I took a deep breath, my curiosity overpowering any hesitations I might have had. "Kagami," I replied, my voice laced with a hint of intrigue, "to what do I owe this pleasure?"
"If you're available, I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to speak with you about a recent development," Kagami explained, her tone laced with a sense of urgency. Her words hung in the air, leaving me with a flurry of questions and a growing curiosity about what this "recent development" could possibly be.
My mind buzzed with a whirlwind of questions, each one adding fuel to my already intense curiosity. Why was Kagami reaching out to me? What could this development possibly entail? I turned my gaze towards Bunnyx, silently seeking her approval to venture out and meet Kagami. To my surprise, she responded with a nod and mouthed the words, "Go live your life, Marinette."
With Bunnyx's encouragement, I felt a surge of determination. Without hesitation, I agreed to meet Kagami, my eagerness to unearth the truth propelling me forward.
We settled on a quaint café, a hidden gem nestled within the heart of Paris. As I navigated through the bustling streets, the anticipation tightened its grip on my chest. What awaited me at this charming café? What secrets would Kagami reveal?
The café came into view, its warm lights beckoning me inside. I pushed open the door, greeted by the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the gentle hum of conversation. The cozy ambiance wrapped around me, heightening my senses and fueling my excitement.
I spotted Kagami sitting at a corner table, her eyes fixed on something beyond the windowpane, she had one coffee nestled in her hands and one sitting on the table which I assumed must be for me. As I approached, a mixture of curiosity and nervous energy coursed through my veins. What could have prompted Kagami, usually so composed, to initiate this meeting?
"Marinette, thank you for coming," Kagami greeted, her voice tinged with a blend of gratitude and what I could only understand as hurt, “I figured you would be the only person who could understand what I am going through currently.” 
The words hung heavy in the air, each syllable laced with a complex mix of emotions. Kagami's voice trembled, revealing traces of gratitude intertwined with the unmistakable ache of heartbreak. Her vulnerability struck a chord deep within me, igniting a surge of compassion and understanding.
"What happened?" I asked, my voice soft and gentle, my concern for Kagami now overpowering any lingering doubts or uncertainties.
Kagami's eyes met mine, her gaze filled with a raw vulnerability that tore at my heart. "I broke up with Adrien," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "And seeing as I know you had feelings for him, I thought you might be the only one who truly understands what I'm going through."
A wave of empathy washed over me, mingling with the remnants of my own past infatuation. Memories of unrequited love and shattered expectations resurfaced, reminding me of the pain and confusion that had once consumed me. I reached out and placed a comforting hand on Kagami's trembling one.
"I'm so sorry, Kagami," I murmured, my voice filled with genuine sympathy. "I understand the heartache and the heaviness that comes with a breakup. But I have to be honest with you. My feelings for Adrien have long since faded, and I recently had to end my relationship with Luka."
Kagami's eyes widened, a flicker of surprise mingling with the sadness etched upon her face. She withdrew her hand, her fingers tracing the rim of her coffee cup, a small sigh escaping her lips. "I had no idea," she admitted, her voice a delicate mix of regret and acceptance.
“It’s not your fault, Kagami," I whispered, my voice filled with a mixture of sadness and understanding. "I kinda hid it from everyone too, you know? And let's not forget the massive fight I had with Alya and the rest of the girls, resulting in me cutting them all out of my life except for Alix. So, I guess you can say I'm not really coping well either..." I trailed off, shaking my head to push away the weight of my own struggles. "But never mind that. What happened between you and Adrien? Why did you break up?"
A heavy sigh escaped Kagami's lips, her eyes welling up with tears as she began to share the painful truth. "I found out he was lying to me," she confessed, her voice quivering with a mix of anger and heartbreak. "Every time we were on a date, he would disappear without explanation, leaving me feeling abandoned and confused. It reached a point where I couldn't ignore it anymore, and the resentment started to eat away at me. So, I confronted him about it, hoping that maybe there was an explanation. But instead of coming clean, he dared to lie to my face, playing with my emotions. It was only after pushing him further that he finally admitted he wasn't actually in love with me."
"Oh, Kagami," I whispered, my voice heavy with compassion. "I'm so sorry. I know how much you liked Adrien, and it's absolutely devastating to discover that someone you cared for was not being honest with you. You deserve so much better than that."
Kagami's breath hitched as she nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. "I thought I knew him, Marinette. I truly believed that we had something special. But the lies...they shattered that illusion. It's hard to comprehend how someone can claim to care for you and yet deceive you so effortlessly."
The weight of her words hung heavy in the air, I couldn’t help but feel slightly guilty knowing that that had been the same exact reason Luka and I had to break up. I squeezed Kagami's hand, offering a small gesture of support. "You're right, Kagami. It's difficult to fathom how someone can play with our emotions like that. But remember, it's a reflection of their shortcomings, not your worth."
Kagami's eyes searched mine, a mixture of gratitude and determination shining through her tears. "You're right, Marinette. I won't let this define me. I will rise above it and find the strength to move forward."
Kagami smiled warmly, her gratitude shining through her watery eyes. "Thank you for being my friend, Marinette. I don't know what I would do without you."
Touched by her words, I reached across the table, squeezing Kagami's hand gently. "No, Kagami, thank you. I needed this too. Sometimes, in the midst of our own struggles, we forget the power of connection and the healing it can bring."
We sat in companionable silence for a moment, the weight of our shared experiences forging a bond that felt unbreakable. The café buzzed with the sounds of conversation and clinking cups, but within our little bubble, it was as if time had stood still.
As I sipped my coffee, the bitter warmth soothing my soul, I couldn't help but reflect on the serendipity of this encounter. What had initially seemed like an unexpected twist of fate had turned into a profound lesson in empathy and resilience.
"I'm glad we found each other, Kagami," I said softly, my voice tinged with sincerity. "Through our pain, we've discovered the strength to support one another. Together, we can face whatever challenges lie ahead."
Kagami nodded, a glimmer of determination in her eyes. "I may have lost love, but I've gained a true friend in you, Marinette. And that means more to me than anything."
The café's atmosphere seemed to shift, imbued with an undercurrent of hope and resilience. The world outside may have been chaotic and unpredictable, but within the confines of our friendship, we had created a sanctuary of support and understanding.
As we finished our coffees, a sense of calm settled over us. The weight of our troubles hadn't disappeared entirely, but now, we carried it together. We had become each other's pillars of strength, ready to face whatever challenges awaited us.
The aroma of freshly brewed coffee still lingered in the air as Kagami and I finished our cups. With a bittersweet smile, we exchanged one final hug, our arms wrapped tightly around each other as if trying to hold onto the moment forever.
As we released each other, a sense of longing filled the space between us. We stood there for a moment, silently taking in the weight of our parting. The café, once a sanctuary of connection, now felt empty without Kagami's presence.
With a deep breath, Kagami turned to leave, her steps carrying her toward her own journey of healing and growth. I watched her retreating figure, feeling a mixture of sadness and hope. Our paths may have diverged for now, but I knew that our bond would remain unbreakable.
As I stepped out of the café, the world seemed to have transformed. The nightlife of Paris stretched before me, bustling with life and endless possibilities. While I may have felt a tinge of loneliness without Kagami by my side, I also felt a newfound sense of strength.
I leisurely strolled my way back home, the weight of recent events pressing upon me. Countless questions swirled in my mind, each one vying for attention. Should I transfer schools? The idea of starting fresh, away from the painful memories, held a certain allure. Perhaps I could convince Alix to join me, ensuring that I would still have a trusted friend by my side. And then there was Kagami... If I could only find out which school she attended, maybe I could have both of my closest friends within reach.
A pang of apprehension shot through me as I realized that Luka and Kagami attended the same school. The thought of seeing Luka again, with his gentle eyes and soothing voice, was both comforting and unsettling. It was too soon, too raw. I didn't feel ready to face him, not when my heart still ached from the remnants of our past love.
As I absentmindedly walked along the Seine, the sound of delicate guitar strings being strummed caught my attention. I turned my head to the left and saw Luka, his fingers dancing effortlessly across the frets, accompanied by Jagged Stone himself. The music filled the air, creating a melodic backdrop to my swirling emotions.
My heart ached as I watched Luka, his face serene and at peace. It was clear that music was his solace, a way for him to express himself when words failed. At that moment, I couldn't help but feel a pang of longing, a yearning to be close to him once again.
As the final notes faded away, applause erupted from a small crowd that had gathered. I glanced over and saw Noemi, their eyes shining with admiration, as they ran up to Luka and enveloped him in a tight hug. My heart shattered into a million pieces, a single tear escaping my eye as I realized that Luka had found comfort in someone else's arms.
Overwhelmed with a mix of emotions, I turned on my heels and ran back to my house, seeking solace in the familiarity of my own space. The tears flowed freely as I allowed myself to grieve the loss of what once was.
Heart pounding in my chest, I rushed back to my house, desperate to escape the overwhelming emotions that threatened to consume me. As I entered my room, I was greeted by an eerie silence, the weight of the day's events still heavy upon me.
But as I took a moment to catch my breath, I felt a strange shift in the air. A sense of unease washed over me, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end. Instinctively, my gaze darted around the room, searching for any signs of the source of this unsettling presence.
And that's when I saw him.
Standing in the corner of my room was a man, tall and bald, dressed in a striking red and brown guardian monk suit. His eyes held a wisdom and intensity that seemed beyond his years, and he clutched a staff tightly in his hand. 
Fear mingled with curiosity as I cautiously approached the mysterious figure. His presence exuded an aura of ancient knowledge and power, leaving me both fascinated and apprehensive. I couldn't help but wonder what had brought him to my room, what message or purpose he carried within him.
“Who are you!” I yelled as I grabbed the bo staff tucked away in my room, “And what do you want?!” 
His presence exuded an aura of ancient wisdom and power, his calmness contrasting with the intensity that radiated from him. His voice, deep and resonant, filled the room as he introduced himself, "I am Grand Master Su-Han, the celestial guardian of the Miracle Box."
My heart skipped a beat, and confusion washed over me. "But I am the Guardian of the Chinese Zodiac Box," I said, my voice almost weak with disbelief. The realization that I may not be the true guardian after all struck me with a sense of betrayal.
Tikki chimed in with her gentle voice, "The celestial guardian was in charge of it before the incident caused by Master Fu."
My mind raced, trying to process the information. So many questions flooded my thoughts. How had I been chosen as the guardian if I wasn't the rightful one? And how had Grand Master Su-Han managed to track me down?
Seeking answers, I mustered the courage to ask, "And how did you come to find me?"
Grand Master Su-Han's piercing gaze met mine, and he explained, "A guardian's staff holds a compass that allows the boxes to be tracked at all times. It led me to you, Marinette."
A pang of jealousy and frustration surged through me at the mention of the guardian's staff. "Hey, that's not fair! How come I didn't get one then?"
The grand master's expression softened, and he replied, "You did not receive one, little girl, because you are not a true guardian. This is all a misunderstanding, and the incorrect shape of the box proves it."
The words hit me like a blow, shattering the trust I had placed in Master Fu and the sense of purpose that had guided me thus far. Hurt and betrayal welled up inside me, threatening to consume me. "But I don't understand," I said, my voice choked with emotion, "I thought Master Fu trusted me..."
"Fu?! As in Wang Fu? Also known as Whiny Chicken Legs Fu?" Su-han's voice rang out, almost screeching as he did so. "That incompetent disciple unable to spend one entire day without eating, or doing a thousand finger push-ups?! Fu should never have been a guardian. That low-life never lived up to the hopes that were placed in him."
Defending Master Fu's honor, I mustered the courage to speak up, my voice tinged with frustration. "Master Fu may have made mistakes, but he dedicated his life to protecting the box and the Miraculous. He sacrificed everything to keep us safe, including his own memories."
Su-Han's eyes narrowed, his disbelief evident as he turned to face me. "You speak as if he's some noble hero. But where is the evidence of his greatness? Look around you! The Miraculous are missing from the box. He's lost a Miraculous too?! He's even more incompetent than I thought."
Curiosity piqued, Su-Han approached the Miracle Box, a sacred artifact that held the key to the world's protection. His gaze scanned the empty slots, his fingers tracing the vacant spaces that once held the Miraculous. But his attention was drawn to one specific absence.
"Plagg? Little girl, where is Plagg?" Su-Han demanded, his voice laced with urgency and concern.
"Now that I do know," I said, my voice tinged with apprehension, "Plagg is with his holder, Chat Noir."
Su-Han's eyes narrowed as he further pressed the issue, his curiosity getting the better of him. "And just who is this Chat Noir?" he demanded, his tone laced with skepticism.
I shifted uneasily, feeling the weight of Master Fu's teachings and the importance of secrecy pressing down on me. "Well, you see about that..." I stammered nervously, "Master Fu said we must always keep our identities a secret. Even from each other."
A look of disbelief washed over Su-Han's face, his expression a mix of frustration and disdain. "So this is the Modern World? Protected by a group of naive children? Pathetic," he scoffed, his voice dripping with condescension. "A Guardian is never supposed to wear a Miraculous. Along with the fact that there are missing Miraculous and Plagg, of all Kwamis, is out roaming free! I guess the end of dinosaurs and dragons isn't enough of a warning."
His words struck a nerve within me, stirring a mix of defiance and doubt. Su-Han's presence was a reminder of the weight of responsibility that rested upon my shoulders. The legacy of the Miraculous and the protection of the world were not tasks to be taken lightly.
In a fit of frustration, Su-Han slammed his staff into the ground, the force reverberating through the air. "Enough of this!" he bellowed, his voice commanding attention. "Kwamis, return to your yin-yang positions within the box!"
“What do you think you're doing!” I yell out as all the kwami, minus Tikki, return to the box and He puts the box into his bag. 
Su-Han's eyes gleamed with a mix of authority and disdain as he pulled out a weathered book, its pages filled with ancient wisdom. It bore a striking resemblance to the Guardian Grimoire that Master Fu had entrusted to me.
"Let me remind you about some of the Perfect Precepts that you have broken," Su-Han declared, his voice carrying the weight of centuries of tradition. He flipped through the pages with reverence until he found the section he sought. "Precept 14: Kwamis must not live outside the box," he recited, his voice firm and unwavering. He continued flipping through the book, each turn revealing another transgression. "Precept 52: Guardians must never lose a Miraculous," he stated, his tone growing more accusatory with each word. "Precept 133: A guardian cannot, under any circumstances, wear a Miraculous."
The weight of Su-Han's words settled upon me, a heavy realization of the ancient rules I had unknowingly transgressed.”But Master Fu wore a miraculous.” I said meekly
"Precisely!" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with triumph. "That just proves what I've been saying all along! Neither you nor Fu were up to the role of Guardian because neither of you has respect for the ancient absolute rules of our order!" His words echoed through the temple, the weight of centuries of tradition resonating in each syllable. "Not to mention the fact that no child should be a keeper of Kwamis! They are ultra-powerful cosmic entities! One must manage them with authority, which you are obviously incapable of doing."
"I would say I was doing a pretty good job of being a Guardian to the Kwamis!" I retorted, my voice trembling with a mixture of anger and hurt. The tears threatened to spill over, but I held them back, determined not to show weakness in front of Su-Han.
He scoffed dismissively, his towering presence casting a shadow over me. "Enough of this! Take me to Chat Noir, little girl!" he demanded, his voice dripping with impatience.
Caught between Su-Han's demand and my own instincts, I turned to Tikki, her wise eyes met mine, flickering with uncertainty.
"Do you think this is a good idea, Tikki?" I asked, my voice filled with doubt. I desperately needed her guidance in this moment of crisis.
Tikki shook her small head, her red pigtails swaying with the motion. "I don't know, Marinette," she admitted, her voice tinged with a hint of apprehension. "It might be best to do as he says. After all, he is the Celestial Guardian."
Taking a deep breath, I made a decision. "I guess you're right, Tikki," I conceded, my voice laced with determination. "But I won't let Su-Han dictate our every move. I'll find a way to protect Chat Noir while still fulfilling his demand."
With those words, I called upon the power of the Miraculous. "Tikki, spots on!" I exclaimed, my voice ringing out with unwavering resolve. In an instant, my transformation began, and I emerged as Ladybug.
Su-Han's eyes widened in shock and disapproval as he watched my transformation. "What are you doing with your weapon?" he bellowed, his voice filled with outrage.
I held up my yo-yo, a determined glint in my eyes. "Well, this is my bug-phone," I explained, my voice steady despite the rising tension. "It's how Chat Noir and I communicate, allowing us to coordinate our efforts and protect Paris."
Su-Han's anger seemed to simmer down, replaced by a grudging acceptance. "So, you do not have to send doves to communicate?" he asked, his voice softened slightly by curiosity.
I nodded, taking a moment to compose myself before leaving a message for Chat Noir. I swiftly dialed his number on my yo-yo, relaying the details of Su-Han's arrival and instructing him on where we should meet.
XoXo Rowan
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jellyfishinc · 4 years
Day 11 Part 2
S4E4 Soda Jerk
Actually I wasn't expecting there to be any sibling moments at all in this one, so when it turned out to have as many as I'm about to show you, I'm sure you'll be just as surprised as I was.
It starts off as the Warners stopping at a soda shop to take a break from running away from the security guard, and order their usual.
As they list their long order, we get THIS.
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Even when they're just taking a break, Yakko's still making with the small touches like hands on the shoulder.
Once their order's ready, they all start sipping at a leisurely pace, until Dot notices Wakko's going faster than everyone else, and asks if he's going to try and gulp it in one go, and in doing so, moves to share his seat so she can do THIS.
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Wakko takes it as a challenge, and succeeds in actually drinking it all in one gulp.
The only problem being once he's done so, he's come down with a bad case of the hiccups.
Dot asks him to stop, while Yakko asks him to do the again, to which Wakko replies he can't help it.
After hiccuping again, to where it actually gives poor Wakko a headache, we start to see Big brother Yakko in action when he does THIS.
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When that first glass doesn't work, he demands more water, and when that doesn't work, he starts thinking of all the other known cures for hiccups.
Starting with THIS.
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I don't know about the rest of you, but all I'm seeing is a parent holding his kids mouth open by pinching his nose to help him take his medicine.
When that doesn't work, Dot tries giving Wakko some honey in the form of a whole beehive, and when that doesn't work, that's when they decide the problem's too big for them to handle, and they need bigger reinforcements.
But as they leave, we see THIS.
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He literally picks up Dot with both hands, and essentially carries her out of the store, with Dot grabbing Wakko on the way out.
And because I know better than to leave it out, as they're waiting for the cab, we see THIS.
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That's right, Dot's literally holding Yakko's hand like a little girl while he flags down a cab, while also holding onto Wakko as they wait.
They first go to a science center to see if they can electric shock the hiccups out of Wakko, but it proves to be pointless.
But because Yakko is ever the devoted big brother, he says they'll search the globe for the cure if they have to.
And as they get ready to board the plane for their trip, we see THIS.
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This time it's Wakko in the middle as both Yakko and Dot carry him onto the plane.
The next few minutes are just a bunch of different things they try to get rid of Wakko's hiccups, including dunking him in ice water, shocking him with natural lightning, and even a tribal dance.
And then, miraculously, someone in outer space hears of the problem and offers their assistance.
They zap him with a lazer, and when he falls to the ground in a dizzy spell, we see THIS.
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I think what strikes me as the most wholesome about it is the worried look on Yakko and Dot's faces right as they rush to his side.
Unfortunately, that didn't work either, and the hiccup problem becomes bad enough to where it's become a genuine medical mystery, and they're asked to show it off at a medical conference.
Right as the doctor introduces Wakko, we see THIS wholesome moment from Yakko.
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He literally nudges Wakko on stage like a little kid, and I seriously can't get enough of it.
And if that wasn't enough for you, immediately after, we see THIS.
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He literally stops right as they're walking on stage when Wakko hiccups, to make sure he's okay to keep going.
It was just a silly little segment about the hiccups, and somehow it turned into my second longest post about sibling moments.
Is there nothing this show won't do?
No, no there is not.
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New episode title revealed! (Chronological order update)
We got the title of another episode gang... episode 11!
It is called guiltrip (source), and we (of course) have no information as to when it will air, but I will of course make sure to provide updates as needed! With this new development, the updated chronological order for season 4 (with the checkmarks indicating what episodes have aired) is now:
S4E1- Truth✔️
S4E2- Lies✔️
S4E3- Gang of secrets  
S4E6- Furious Fu✔️
S4E8- Queen Banana
S4E9- Gabriel Agreste
S4E11- Guiltrip
S4E12 to S4E26- UNKNOWN
I’ll provide updates as needed but that’s where we are for now. Stay patient miraculers and remember that the english dub for the Shanghai special airs this friday and Gang of Secrets airs this Saturday! 
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theriveroflight · 3 years
Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction Masterpost: Other F/M Pairings
Check out my Lukanette and Love Square masterposts as well, if you’re interested!
Title (with link) | Rating | Word Count | Chapters | Ship | AU/theme | Event (if applicable)
All fics below cut!
fox and turtle | T | 1467 | 1/1 | DJWifi | post-Miracle Queen breakup (pre-s4 release)
Part of a larger series about the identities of Miraculous holders and how it impacts their relationships.
What are the consequences of Miracle Queen on the temporary heroes? This particular installment goes into those consequences, expanding canon - but not diverging from it in a way that is improbable.
in your arms, i find peace | T | 1150 | 1/1 | Lukagami | post-S4E4 h/c | prompt fill via @miraculousfanworks​
solace (n.) /ˈsä-ləs/
alleviation of grief or anxiety
remember me as i was (not as i am) | T | 468 | 1/1 | Felinette | enemies to lovers AU | MLF Snippet July
And I said, "I'll check in tomorrow If I don't wake up dead" I kept wishing she had blonde ambition And she let it go to my head
the affairs of mortal men (are not those of us) | T | 326 | 1/1 | Feloe | asexuality | MLF Snippet July
Rumors fly. But they aren't always true.
i’m captivated by you, baby (like a fireworks show) | T | 2031 | 1/1 | Felinette | canon divergence AU | prompt fill
Perhaps meeting Marinette is the sign he needed.
don’t even take this bet | T | 3073 | 1/1 | Lukagami | vampire AU | Spin the Record
I don't blame you for being you But you can't blame me for hating it So say, "What are you waiting for, kiss her, kiss her" I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late
and firecrackers flash in us | G | 1283 | 1/1 | Tom/Sabine | pre-canon | MLF Rarepair Month & MLBCNY
It’s still surreal to think about it — Tom’s in a foreign country, meeting his girlfriend’s parents, who speak a language that he (for the most part) doesn’t understand.
to tell the truth | G | 1191 | 1/1 | Feligami | fake dating AU | MLF Rarepair Month
Perhaps they're fundamentally incompatible. But that doesn't matter.
coming home to the family you don’t have (yet) | T | 2260 | 1/1 | Jagged/Anarka | getting back together | MLF Rarepair Month & Purple Noir Week
Jagged is, well, trying. For once in his life, he's trying. Some people take it better than others.
of power plays & attempts at happiness | T | 1020 | 1/1 | Audrey/Andre | pre-canon | MLF Rarepair Month
They were happy. But nothing lasts forever.
hr’s worst nightmares | T | 1000 | 1/1 | Mendelieve/Damocles | secret relationship | MLF Rarepair Month
They keep it clandestine, simply because there is no other course of action.
we might just get away with it | T | 2492 | 1/1 | Lukloe | spy AU | MLF Rarepair Month
Luka thinks he can fix her. Chloé thinks she could break him.
Which one of them will win?
as the world caves in | T | 1007 | 1/1 | Fu/Marianne | pre-canon | MLF Rarepair Month
If you're stuck in the same place as someone else long enough, you eventually get somewhere.
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hades-999 · 4 years
Theory Time 🕘
🐞 Miraculous; Movie special 🐾
Hi, guys. Now the S3 is finished, the S4 is about to come out soon (in this fall) and we going to see an animated movie.
I only can work with my knowledge about the frandchiles, but I hope still can bring you some fun😸;
So, look the animation care, because it can be used as the seria's animation at some point (I just heard, not quite sure)
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Other thing; Sabrina gona get a new outfit and maybe be akumatized again? (I think because the look of the hair)
The movie titlel going to be Awakening
About this;
The cold is running on my back, it's so cool
To be honest, I can only imagine one thing; the story going to tell us how the heroes becom adults
Love scene. Possibly a lot......
Maybe going to be a releval, but, to be honest, there will be a S4 and there are planes for S5 and S6 (maybe even S7) so I don't see how would the team could work with it
Watch it point by point;
So, originally they would releashed a live action movie in 2019. But it has been canceled and we got this movie instead
To the live action movie fans; good news, it's still a plan to do it later, if it got a green light
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It was about the heroes origin and their love, but actually, we already know about it, more or less. So, what could be important enought to do a movie about?
We know they won't defeat Hawkmoth, or there will be an other one, and also: S4. So, not a final epic battle
Check this video out. It's compare the promo to the original Ladybug PV
We know in the PV they would be older and their powers would work an other way as well
Important note: The holders get closly unlimited acces to their power when they become adults!
We got a short clip too, where a buildding is exploding (possibly the Burgeois hotel). What if I would say it's actually a Cataclysm?
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On a picture (what I personally like) we can see Felix (PV's Cat Noir) use his power without transformation. What if Adrien will be able to do the same?
Personally I think it would give some great development if they have to deal with unlimited superpowers. What are actually the two most powerful. And can be used such various ways. I mean;
Ladybug: She could call infinite Luckey Charms...... It's good, more thing, more help, right? But how could she decide how to use so many object? Build something complex, like a car? Put on each other like a tower? Or use them independent from each other?
Cat Noir: Now he can use the Cataclysm on anything...... But can he destroy buildings, dangering inicents? What should he do when he already called his power but it doesn't needed? Can he kill the Akumatized victim? What if Ladybug can't make it back?
So, in the live action movie they possibly going to be older. In the PV they literaly older. And it would be great topic and a good point for character development
I don't know what sould I say about their love life;
They would be cute togeter
The promo contains some secretly love scenes
There will be some great songs. Even kind of romantik, but definitely beautyful and nice (check here)
Soon will be a collectable statue, what -I think, without proof- is related to the movie
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Still, I don't see any point it without a releval.... Personally still not belive in it, but it can be possible
Or maybe a fake one, like in Oblivio
Sabrina's new design implies she maybe play an important rule. It can means we will get the Dog superhero 🐕
The Aweaking could reference to Hawk Moth as well. Than he could create multiple Akumas...... But he has Catalyst for that..... The only possiblility is he going to use the book for something...
The movie can be about the Miraculous monks....but... About what?
We already saw the heroes origin
The Kwamis were born with the "Big Bang"
The miraculouses was created by an old man named Mage
Maybe we could get information about the miraculouses in the temple....?
One more thing; the "Awakening" could be a pun/reference to Emilie who realy will aweak (than the releval must to be happened, I have to admit). SPOILER AHEAD; in S4E4 (if I'm correct about the episode) Lila will become the butterfly themed super. That would means Emilie's fate must to be "decided" soon....
I hope you like it, if I will have more idea and material I will do a secound part, but I can't promise anything.
The movie arrives at 2020's fall, that's all I know about it. Until that; be good. After that; still be good, but enjoy the movie too😸
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