#Miraculous ladybug Sublime
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ijustreallylikepirates · 8 days ago
I honestly don’t care what anyone says, I really like sublime after watching the new episode
She doesn’t seem like a bad character and if is IS trying to steal Adrien so be it he’s never had eyes for any of the other girls (maybe except for kagami) and I don’t expect him to fall for sublime now that he’s in a relationship with marinette
Plus shes good representation for the people with prosthetics imagine being disabled and not having a lot of representation in media you watch? A lot of people must feel that way
But imagine little kids with prosthetics or just simply no legs or just one watching miraculous and seeing a character with the same disability as them? Honestly if I were that kid I’d be so happy and so seen
That’s just what I think about this
But like guys hear me out on sublimes dad 😋🙏🏻
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totallovestrucksimp · 1 month ago
Miraculous Ladybug 6x03 summary by someone who doesn’t know Spanish
So the episode starts off with Marinette going into stalker mode again, and this time it’s on a girl named Sublime. Her parent’s terrible naming abilities aside, it appears that Marinette is attempting to befriend her by helping her, except she never seems to be able to help her in time. Sublime does not seem to mind bc she has the personality of a bootleg Disney princess doll.
Eventually Subby (Sublime) tells her off, which makes Mari pretend to be a super villain for some reason? Whatever she’s trying to do doesn’t work, so Marinette decides to Marinette her way out of this by Ladybuging. She then breaks a disabled girls mechanic legs (Oh yeah Subby doesn’t have any legs btw) Subby tells Ladybug that it’s isn’t (or is?) Marinettes fault and LB looks guilty, so I’m assuming whatever she was planning on doing didn’t work out.
Subbys mom gets akumatized bc of Bob Roth and gets the power too…blind people? Put medals on their chests? Honestly the Akuma looks like it has no effects tbh. Ladybug and Chat Noir fight her, she lucky charms a mirror and realizes she’s the problem.
The Akuma hits her (except it doesn’t) and hits Chat Noir (except it doesn’t) and they defeat her somehow. Ladybug throws up her lucky charm and fixes the girls legs.
Then Subby finds Mari in the locker room and they talk and become besties. The end.
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buggachat · 30 days ago
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trashart00 · 29 days ago
She’s taking her job as the new taker of Adrien Grotographs very seriously.
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Inspired by this post
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yeet-noir · 1 month ago
Wait the photo of Adrien on Marinette’s plotting board is giving me some lovesquare crumbs because she probably took that photo of him while they were on a date 😭🥹 Before Marinette really only had photos of Adrien that were from photoshoots! Look how far they have come! 👏
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hamstersnamedmarinette · 29 days ago
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............is she REALLY the best version of herself right now.........???
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zakkych · 28 days ago
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my friend asked me to draw them
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bklily · 26 days ago
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(chanting) more Marinette ships! more Marinette ships! more Marinette ships! more Marinette ships!!!!
Consider this a mini follow-up to this one comic I made recently.
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The woes of having a partner that is TOO pretty....
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bugoutreviewgirlie · 1 month ago
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finally, someone to match Luka's freak
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brawltogethernow · 25 days ago
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So Sublimation was a riot.
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hehe-etc · 20 days ago
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thank you @buggachat for not so formally bullying us into drawing this! it was really fun!!
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lorian-loriest-dingo · 30 days ago
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Hello? Can we talk about the fact that Adrien is learning ANCIENT GREEK? Too much fanfic made me believe that Adrien was more inclined to math But considering it, it seems that he leans more towards letters / communication / Language Which makes sense? He knows a lot about history and already understands Chinese (which is COMPLICATED), he was practicing English that he already knew on the trip to New York and he likes puns So he likes languages? Or maybe he's trying everything?
It's also funny that Adrien of all the languages he could learn decided on Ancient Greek lmao
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bananagreste · 27 days ago
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days of marinette dupain cheng #217 >> ka-chow!
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mamayura · 1 month ago
Okay but what's crazy is that the episode does subtly reveal that Adrien did keep it a secret from Marinette that he's more than silent jogging buddies with Sublime
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In the beginning, Marinette says that when she asked Adrien if he and Sublime talk when they go running he always says "no". This is factually correct as we find out in the end through Sublime:
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But there is obviously something not adding up here. Sublime literally says "Outside of running, of course Adrien and I talk". They just arent talking in any of their morning runs because Sublime in particular is doing it as serious training. So no talking because that would impact their breathing, but outside of that? Well, yeah, duh.
And that makes sense
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Adrien and Sublime are in the same ancient Greek class, of course they would talk. I'm gonna go with the assumption that this is why Sublime started running by his side, because they vaguely knew each other from Greek class and when they crossed each others running paths one morning they were familiar enough to just run together in silence
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Look, I- I dont know how to put this more elegantly, so I'll rip off the bandaid. The vibes I'm getting from this episode are that Adrien was more than cool with not talking anyway because he deliberately keep his friendship with Sublime a secret from Marinette because he knew Marinette would be weird about it and that made him uncomfortable.
He knows his girlfriend and she's peanut-butter-and-jealous.
And the thing is, as much as this certainly is a complicated topic with a lot of factors to consider for both sides, the way the episode had Marinette go about all this...
... the episode proved him RIGHT. He was right to be too uncomfortable with letting Marinette know about being friends with Sublime. She merely found out that they were running together in silence and proceeded to not only keep watching them each morning and taking photos, Marinette even proceeded to stalk the hell out Sublime:
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No, this isnt normal. This isnt a "quirky girlfriend" thing to do, or "funny haha". Its one of the reason why Adrien didnt feel comfortable letting her know.
And, I mean, yeah. I can't blame him for it, can I? :I
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Later on, Sublime is very quick to piece together that the girl hiding behind them is Adrien's girlfriend. Not the thing I would immediately go with, unless of course Adrien did already vaguely mention having a girlfriend to Sublime at one point. Then yes, her coming to this conclusion after Marinette followed her all day makes a lot more sense. Even if those are not.. nice implications. The episode does go on playing it straight at first that Marinette is the weird and a bit alarming girlfriend.
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Look, you can pretty this up if you like, but for me, Adrien is clearly a solid bit uncomfortable and very apologetic here to Sublime because of Marinette's behavior. Sublime too is being nice about it to a degree you shouldnt take for granted. She would have had been perfectly justified in saying something else entirely. Adrien is trying to be a good boyfriend about this, but Marinette is out here proving him right in having struggled with wanting her to know about Sublime. Marinette has been following her around all day, Sublime noticed, and Adrien is doing good faith damage control here by telling Sublime that Marinette has good intentions and only wants to be her friend.
Something, though, that the episode clarified 3 times wasnt really the case:
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It is so weird that at the core of the problem for both sides of Adrinette WAS Marinette being peanut-butter-and-jealous.
Marinette did NOT try to befriend Sublime out of some pure-hearted desire to know her. She did so because she feared that Adrien could end up not loving her anymore if she doesnt gain some control over the Sublime situation real quick
And Adrien DID keep his friendship with Sublime a secret from Marinette because, well, was he wrong?
And thats the thing. The episode just DROPS this in favor of saying that Marinette only had these pure-hearted intentions to know her when that isnt true. The episode proved Adrien alarmingly RIGHT in his gut feeling to keep Sublime a secret from Marinette, they just-
They just didnt let him know about any of it as if that makes it any less true. I would understand it if this episode had been entirely about tackling this issue for good. Adrien not being wrong for feeling uncomfortable with letting Marinette know about any new female friends and then Adrien gets proven right, but the situation is saved by Marinette's secondary desire of befriending Sublime.
Sure, not the plot of my choice, but I would GET IT because it would actually cover the given problem. Here it is... they didnt do it. Adrien was proven right, Marinette did everything wrong to Sublime that was possible and ended up breaking her prosthetic and ruined the sponsorship with a combo of Marinette's and Ladybug's harmful inconsideration.
Marinette did exactly what Adrien was afraid of... and they just DON'T resolve the initial Adrinette core of this issue. It's still ongoing. Marinette didnt even get to react in the end to finding out that Adrien did keep her in the dark about talking to Sublime:
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I guess for now the explanation for that will be that Adrinette switched positions in this for once and now it's Marinette who isnt questioning it enough that Adrien only said the truth to her going by the technicality of "She only ask him if they talk while running".
Obviously, this is not how it works. He kept her in the dark. And whether he was right to doing so or not isnt important for the feeling I'm getting that this is just the beginning of a streak of similar problems like this. The postponed resolution to this will happen at a later point, and knowing Miraculous, they'll do it after it escalates to hell.
We already saw it in "Illustrhater" and the synopsis for "Werepapas" for example also sounds like Marinette will not stop here being a questionable girlfriend
I just dont understand why they would keep on DOING that?
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cookiedough77 · 29 days ago
did a screenshot redraw HELL YEAH‼️‼️
it was just so adorable look at him
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he just a lil guy
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moog190 · 30 days ago
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sketch of sublime's prothesis
i think theyre really pretty
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