#Miq has been shown to be opposing outer gods too and uh. Mohg wanted to make him a god under the Mother I don’t think that’s in Miq’s plan
sealer-of-wenkamui · 2 months
Very glad muting/blocking exists cause one of the most annoying things to come out of the dlc is the amount of people acting like Mohg did nothing wrong and acting like he “beat the allegations”. As someone that loved him in the first place BECAUSE of the rape implications and the way you could see how his upbringing would lead him to have a very warped sense of love, I swear it’s just people looking for the first excuse to deny that. The charm is hardly complete mind control even on people that aren’t demigods, and no one else exhibits that level of possessiveness over Miquella on top of our source of info about this being a high ranking knight of Mohg’s who obviously is going to be biased (as annoying as I think him always talking about Mohg as a victim is, yeah of course he’s gonna focus on that. Also why do people act like he’s all good and pure too he’s part of the BLOOD CULT, and they’ve been shown to be very elegant? Like the sanguine nobles and Mohg himself even? It’s not that surprising he’d be polite and refined.)
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