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eldest-fairy-prince · 19 days ago
Joel was in his wing of the palace relaxing after spending the day with Jacib overseeing the new Knight trainees. He had his easel out as he looked out the window overlooking the garden, his paintbrush against the canvas as he painted what he saw. A sudden bright light and thud startled him, making him jump and mess up the stroke he was making with his brush. Turning to look, the eldest prince was shocked to see that he was no longer alone in his art studio. The most beautiful man he had ever seen stood in the spot that was once empty mere seconds before. "Goodness, you startled me." He laughs "But who are you and why are you in my studio?" He asks, genuinely confused.
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kpop-bbg · 16 days ago
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primrosedinocat · 6 months ago
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Some sketches of my oc's Cal and Minjun.Trying to explore their dynamic a bit. One day I'll actually write out their story...
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katarinacore · 2 years ago
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runfreeandspeak · 1 year ago
I'm listening to Jun. K's solo music.
Kicking, crying, throwing up...throwing my shoes.
He's the truth. And another one I'd like to hear about his influences (I've seen videos of him singing BLACK r&b...it's clear as day)
No Shadow
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kingdom-mcnd · 2 years ago
Can we have some more nine.i content!! I'd like to request a "what they would do when they first meet you" scenario!
Nine.i scenario: when they first meet you
Hiii thank you so much for request. I haven't done any scenarios yet but I will try my best. I hope you like it. Also if anyone would like please let me know wich member you want me to write a full imagine for because I really want to do that but I just don't know who yet.
Jewon ->
You and you're friends where just playing around in the arcade. When you suddenly bumped in to someone. You started to apologise eminently. He said he also was sorry and didn't mean to bump in to you. When he got back to his own friends he started to tell them about how pretty you looked. And that he hoped to see you again soon.
Eden ->
When he saw you doing a kpop random dance in the street. He thought that you could dance supper good. He knew that he wanted to approach you. But he was to shy to do so. Once he finally got the courage to do so it turned out that you were supper nice.
Winnie ->
You were just sitting in the library when he first saw you. And he thought you looked cute so he decided to approach you. You were just peacefully reading a book. When suddenly you had a boy tap your shoulder. He handed you a note. "You look cute wanna hang out" you nodded at him and that's how it al started.
Minjun ->
You had booked a ballet practice room. When you came in you also saw someone else standing there. You were confused what was he doing here. Turns out the company accidentally rented the room to you both. After spending time with him figuring out what to do you two just decided to practice together.
Vahn ->
He saw you walking in the streets and thought you looked so cool. He made Taehun go and get your phone number for him. When he saw you look at him because Taehun pointed at him he shyly waved at you. Taehun came back with your phone number in hand. The other members teased him about it all day but he didn't mind.
Vari ->
You both were at Eden's birthday party. You were Eden's cousin. He was actually the one to introduce you to eachother. It was nice to talk to someone that wasn't completely drunk or just stupid. You two started to talk alot. And he even offered to take you to a nice lunch the next day. Which you gladly accepted.
Seowon ->
Mnet was holding a survival show for a mixed group which you both were in. He was the one to pick teams. He had noticed you from the beginning. You were extremely talented and pretty. So the first one he picked was you. And you two grew closer during the practice of the song and the rest of the show. You also ended up debuting together. And the fans started shipping you together.
Taehun ->
You were also a K-pop idol. You were backstage eating to start. When someone came up to you. Turns out he was a big fan of your kpop group. He asked if you could do a TikTok trend after your done. And you accepted. So you stared filming together and it was really nice. You felt that he was genuinely nice and didn't have a fake personality. You became good friends and later maybe more.
Joohyoung ->
You were at the dentist to get your braces out. He was also there sitting and waiting for the same thing. He saw how nervous you looked. And he decided to help you calm down by talking to you. After you were done you waited for him. He asked if you wanted to do something together. So you ended up going to a restaurant and a movie.
Jiho ->
You were a fan of his bothers group blitzers. You were at a fan sign and Jiho was also there to support his brother. You were in front of him at the line. And you started a conversation with him because you were bored. He already really liked you from the start. He decided to just ask for your phone number. And you surprisingly gave it to him. He still gets teased about it from him members and his brother.
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yoshi-ori · 2 years ago
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yixinghoneybee · 1 year ago
Top 250 Songs of 2023: 250. Highschool Love - NINE.i 🏫
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jseobsky · 2 years ago
Nine.i's masterlist
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main masterlists ✿ navigational keys: F, fluff; R, requested; A, angst; O, on going; C, completed
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✿ ot10:
✿ reactions !!
✿ fake texts !!
calling the members "baby" !! F
✿ Jewon:
✿ Eden:
✿ Winnie:
✿ reactions !!
bf!winnie headcannons !! F - R
✿ Minjun:
✿ Vahn:
✿ Vari:
✿ Fake texts !!
bf! texts !! F
✿ Seowon:
✿ Taehun:
✿ Joohyoung:
✿ Jiho:
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chensfetus · 2 years ago
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nineidatanumbers · 2 years ago
NINE.i LORE EXPLAINED (I'm not english native, sorry for my mistakes) To understand clearly the story, you need to know these boys, at the begining of the MV, standing in this weird blue place, aren't human and aren't the same boys we will saw in the MV. Both co-exist at the same time. You will understand later why they're identical.
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The MV show them at the beginning of the story, just before the meteor. If you look carefully, you'll notice this meteor is made of NINE.i Data numbers. The boys you saw ealier are the entities living in that meteor, are, in fact, the Data numbers.
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So our story begin. 10 boys are having a pyjama party together, but something already seems off : Vahn don't know it yet, but he forsee their future in a marble.
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Plus, there is a hole in the wall, even if no one notice it. This wall has a huge symbolic meaning and that's why they don't see it at this moment.
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The TV is showing a shocking news : a meteor is falling on earth. But the boys still don't know it'll hit them. Jiho stop watching the TV as the others notice a weird light outside. They run to the window to take a look.
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The meteor is so close it could kill them, but DataNINE., in their own world, are opening a gate to save the boys( that's what the choreography gestures depict). The time stop, the world is glitching, and Vari is the first one to wake up in a new world.
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All the boys are safe and sound in an amusement park and begin to play and have fun together, but DataNINE.i are now linked to the boys (DataVari and DataJewon dance together because they're both on the carousel and DataJewon and Jewon's facial expression are similar.)
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DataNINE.i also seems to experience what's the real life and watch the world from the boys' room, behind the hole in the wall (the one their meteor create.)But The perfect synchronisation we saw at the first time is broken by their individuality (as the camera focus on specific members). So DataSeowon cast a code : NI1 to "split" them apart as we can read it in the background. DataNINE.i want to get back their integrity.
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At the same time, real NINE.i are getting bored of their perfect world. Winnie is feeling dizzy and Jewon feel down. Fortunatly, DataNINE.i sucessfully cast the code. Jiho guide them to the tunnel between the world DataNINE.i opened for them.
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All of them are running back home, laughing and smiling, but suddenly, Vari feel again the joy he felt on the caroussel, and can't stop but looking back. That's where he see one last time the DataNINE.i disapear as their bond is fading. He leave with a smile, knowing DataNINE.i saved them, but also learnt emotion because they bonded with humans. Back in the real world, the boys are asleep. Everything could have been back to normal, but we can clearly see a hole in the wall…
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A lot of questions remains and I'll try to answer to most of them. First : What DataNINE.i are? Where do they come from? Did they really exist? Aren't they simply the dance parts of the MV and aren't liked to the story ? They're linked to the story. We know DataNINE.i exist because Vari saw them fading at the end of the MV.
The evident answer is they're digital aliens. Their true identity is the meteor's data numbers that coincidentely fall on the boys house. They live in their own world (the blue/violet dimension) and their actions are represented by their dances.
They seems friendly and probably didn't want to hurt humans since they saved them. But by falling accidentally on the boys, DataNINE.i and the real boys bonded, began to share the same humans feelings. They became them. That's why they share the same face.
But DataNINE.i don't want to be human. They split themselves from the boys by casting a code. They were able to came back to their real form by bringing the boys back to their own world. That's why they're fading as numbers at the end. It's their real shape.
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Why Vahn saw their future in the marble? Why the hole in the wall is already there before the meteor fall? Why DataNINE.i have the boys face before they bonded with them? Because to save the boys, DataNINE.i cast a glitch that broke space and time. The time flow is mixed up between past, present and future. If there is a hole in the wall in the future, it's also in the past. There is two reason why we can affirm that : Vahn is able to foresee the future in the marble and the hole in wall exist before the meteor felt.
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And, fun fact, it seems the reason why they're transported to a amusement park with a carousel is because DataNINE.i create a safe world for the boys with things they saw in the room. There is a merry-go-round behind Jiho. The merry-go-round also represent the "parallel" experience DataNINE.i lived by being linked to the humans boys, as you can see mirrored horses in the merry-go-round.
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So, DataNINE.i looks like the boys before the events happened because thoses events will happen one day. Their real shape is data numbers, but they're forever linked to the boys because they broke the time and space, and at the end… it may not be fixed. And that's the role of the hole in the wall.
This MV can be seen as metaphor that illustrate the lyrics. The meteor is a moment of wonder. The moment they learn to felt amazed by the world and learnt look at it. Before the comet appear in front of them, they all seem bored and the lyrics express their apathy. Words of color are dominants in lyrics. As they say in the chorus, they want to be save from the "grey" world by someone. It's not a coincidence if a colorful meteor blow their little room and send them to a colorful world full of wonders and amusement.
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But it's not the amusement park that saves them from the grey world. It's themselves. While they didn't seems to interract with each others and looked bored, Jiho came closer to Joonhyoung and initiate a friendly contact. That's when the meteor came and the music accelerated. That's the meteor, the colorful world and amusement park they're looking for : human interraction.
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They already had everything to have fun in their little room : a lot of toys (even the merry-go-round the boys will ride in the amusement park) and of course, each others. They just didn't understood what makes theses things special before, because they didn't knew how to look at each other, at what they already had. That's the role of the hole in the wall. DataNINE.i looking at the humans boys from the hole in the wall is an introspection. They're looking at themselves from "outside of themselves".
The hole in the wall was made by the meteor, but was also there before it happened and will stay there after. They always could have watch behind the wall, try new things, but the meteor catch their eyes and taught them to "look".
At the end, the amusement park is not what makes them happy. They have a lot of fun in this park as long as they played together, but as soon as they're alone with themselves, (Like Winnie and Jewon) this isn't amusing anymore and that place even looks a little hostile to them.
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They'll find wonders and have fun as long as they're together. They left the amusement park and their "twins" disapeared. They came back into their own world because they learnt their lesson.
Parallel universe is about learning to find wonders in the world, thanks to people around us. Nothing really happened to the boys. They realize something we didn't knew before. And that's how all of this is linked to Young Boy era. Because Young boy is about traveling through time. The music has 80's songs vibe, the album is about growing up, VHS quality in the MV intro…
In the MV, a lot of numbers hidden to let us know the link may not be broken. For exemple 91 on Jewon's shirt while is data number is 9164037 (91 = first numbers). A 21 was incrusted on Joohyoung sleeve (data number 3661112) : it's his last numbers reversed.
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The S in Seowon's part in the first part of the song looks like a 5. Then, in the second part, he put 2 star on the window. His Datanumber is 11124625. He's spelling his datanumber in reverse because he want to go back in time.
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The reason why they're able to reverse the time is because the time were broken in Parallel Universe. It's the meaning of Young Boy. They have to reconnect with their inner child to get back the bravery they have lost while growing up… to be able to grow up. And NINE.i continue their introspection to understand themselves better and enjoy their life fully.
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kpop-bbg · 2 months ago
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suuho · 3 months ago
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happy birthday, taecyeon!
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primrosedinocat · 12 days ago
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My take on this trend
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tamagofried · 2 years ago
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⤅ rainbow 🌈 .  do not edit or logo crop
(HQ: 1)
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forvahn · 2 years ago
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230205 NINE.i LIVE EVENT in JAPAN ‘DREAMS COME TRUE’ navi | do not edit
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