#Mining Institute
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crimson-barred · 5 months ago
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hayaomiyazaki · 10 months ago
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I couldn't hurt you. It's so nice to talk with you, like we are almost related. The way you speak, your gestures, your mouth, everything. It's delightful to behave in that rather weak sort of way with you. Just think: me, your master, confessing to you, my pathetic little worm whom I could utterly crush if I chose to.
a film from each year of my life: Institute Benjamenta, or This Dream People Call Human Life — 1995 dir. the Brothers Quay
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bitchkovsky · 2 years ago
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another meaningful contribution i make to black sails analysis
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psyduckz · 1 year ago
it’s a little eerie how wrapped up sam gets in the statements already. after every statement so far, someone’s had to approach him like “…you okay dude?”
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librarycards · 1 year ago
do you have any favorite books/articles/etc. on asexuality and/or aromanticism?
this is great timing, anon! @stephen-deadalus and i just recently published an article/webtext rellated to ace/aro rhetorics in a neuroqueer/transMad context. below is a link to that + another piece of mine, and some other works you should check out
First and foremost: check out Carnival of Aces and Carnival of Aros. The former was one of my main sources of info back in the day when I ID'd as ace (starting in 2012ish) and they're still going. Carnival of Aros is more recent, and their posts have been really interesting to read so far.
for articles:
[sarah] Cavar, In praise of -less: transMad shouts from absent (pl)aces (hiiiiiii)
[sarah] Cavar & ulysses c. bougie, port-man-toes: the aroace - queercrip - transmad - neuroqueer erotics of digital collaboration (hiiiiii pt. deux) [also see our references in this piece for more cites]
C. Bougie, Composing Aromanticism
Carter Vance, Unwilling Consumers: A Historical Materialist Conception of Compulsory Sexuality (h/t @queertemporality)
M. Remi Yergeau, Cassandra Isn't Doing the Robot: On Risky Rhetorics and Contagious Autism (a chapter in Yergeau's first monograph, Authoring Autism, also attends to the prefix 'demi' in compelling ways, esp. for those interested in neuroqueerness)
for books:
Twoey Gray, Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder. See my review in Feral Feminisms here, and the whole Ace & Aro Reviews Issue here.
Milks & Ceranowski, eds. Asexualities: Feminist and Queer Perspectives (the og one is out, but the 10th anniversary ed. is forthcoming this year....with a chapter by Ulysses and I again!)
Ela Przybylo, Asexual Erotics: Intimate Readings of Compulsory Sexuality
I haven't read the Ace anthology yet, so I rec with grains of salt included. But reviewers I respect have commented favorably on it, so I'm putting it here.
This list is pretty short, mostly because I wanted to keep the citations to those actually accessible for free online (apart from books). It is also because the most radical, interesting, and generative discourse happening on ace/aro subjectivity and community, at this time, is happening on Tumblr and other blogs. Genuinely. I recommend searching the ace/aro/loveless/lovequeer tags to get a sense of what is currently happening; these are the spaces where I get a lot of my information and citations, including for the published articles above. hope this helps get you started!
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beforethepoison · 1 year ago
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Jesse Eisenberg | OCD and What I Would Tell My Younger Self | Child Mind Institute
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ebenelephant · 30 days ago
so funny to me how some avengers fics will depict steve as being a stickler for rules. did you somehow miss his three films, "follow your moral compass and go AWOL", "follow your moral compass and tear down a government conspiracy", and "follow your moral compass and commit treason"?
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susie-dreemurr · 3 months ago
I miss the “everyone thinks Alice and is suspicious and secretly evil” era because at least then people theorized on her. I have too little brain cells to make theories myself. Where is the speculation on her tape trauma, on Connor Dyer, on “I haven’t watched someone die since…” or “No! Not again!” or “(in blank horror) I think they’re after us, all of us.”
Just because we believe she’s genuine doesn’t mean she can’t have skeletons in her closet please guys pelase
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g00-b0y · 3 months ago
Ok fellas, which TMA entity are you smashing/letting smash you and why?
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statementlives · 11 months ago
sam sneaking into the magnus institute and falling through patterned floorboards is all but a parallel to jon sneaking into artefact storage and destroying the spiral table. history repeats itself. horrors have once again been released. fingers so very crossed.
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r0semultiverse · 1 year ago
Mr. 6 made you do a good show to be released?? 👀 um....
This is already giving serious eye vibes.
A whole show dedicated to public humiliation?
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The Mr. Bonzo suit started moving??? 👀 Serious stranger vibes. 🤡
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"It actually became a sort of ritual"
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I've seen people being like "don't cross tag" but buddy... the writing cross tags itself here I mean c'mon! 😂 Something something ritual of the stranger- okay, I'll keep listening!
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Hey, what's with the music?? Hey, who is Terrance Menki???👀
"The police said there were eleven bodies in total and his wardrobe was full of all sorts of homemade costumes." BRO IS ACTUALLY MAGNUSPOD WILLIAM AFTON-
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"It certainly had a profound effect on the Mr. Bonzo brand." Oh I'm sure it did, holy fucking shit. 👀
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Oh, me using this image is rather ironic now.
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"In a lot of ways I’m more his prisoner now than I ever was on my show." WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT? 👀
"The witness statements from three murders over the last five years that claim a person in a Mr. Bonzo costume was at the scene? Do you think there could be a copycat?" Has the fear of clowns manifested as an actual clown-guything?
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"Don’t contact us again." "Us?" "Why am I still trapped dealing with all this this- Why won’t he let me go?! Why-" So Mr. Bonzo is absolutely a clown cryptid of sorts with some sort of hold over Nigel.
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Oh no, Gwen's about to fuck around & find out, isn't she? 👀
Hey, is Colin still himself & is he supposed to be back?
Hmm, okay, I guess that's him (hopefully).
"Maybe don’t tell them I’ve been on their terminals. They’ll only get the wrong idea." "If Lena asks, I wasn’t here." Seems like everyone's got their own little secret investigations going on, fun! This can only go well! 🙃
One of the episodes absolutely no one shows up to work except Lena is there & is like "where the fuck did everyone go?"
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"Time to get some new hires again I guess."
Let's go!! Ruin exploration gang!!
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"Like, it’s Saturday night and I’m choosing to hang out in a hole with you. A wet hole. And not the good kind either."
Alice with the absolute best quotes. lmao
That sounds like something with giant wings like a bat or some sort of cloth flapping in the wind. Let's hope it's the latter!
Oh a rusty old filing cabinet! Wait tetanus- 😭
"That carved floor in the big atrium – I don’t know what’s going on with that." Ah so we're just gonna breeze past that then. 😶
These are probably the remnants of old avatar creation test areas like mentioned in the Gerry & Gertrude episode. I'm just assuming here.
A key? Big find! Let's go!
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Gwen, it was nice knowing you. 🫡
"Now get out of his house."
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Archivist! 👁👄👁
"symbols of ancient otherworldly power"
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Wait could this be a timeline where this universe's Jane Prentiss actually did manage to invade the building & succeed? I'm thinking out loud.
21:10 that sounds like critters, insects specifically 👀
"I have memories of weird stuff I saw here, but no context. I want to know what was happening, why they chose us… why they didn’t choose me. Maybe find the bit where everything started to go wrong." I am so captivated & intrigued please recount said memories to us- I mean Alice so we can learn more. Please. 👀
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Is Lucia Wright an avatar of The Flesh now (in this universe or from the original timeline somehow)? Because it sure fucking sounds like it! 👀 Well, at least that key was put to good use! 😂
Also, supposedly Mr. Bonzo is a reference to Mr. Blobby.
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Gwen, I'd be quaking in my boots too. That thing is terrifying!
Late observation but this universe & story seems to focus a lot on the cryptids & I like the direction it's going in! Loving this plot of cryptid hunters, childhood avatar experiments, a strange institute where our main character has past trauma, & just all of it is so good! 💜
Amazing episode, 10/10, I was at the edge of my seat the entire time! 💜 That Bonzo scene & the sound design were absolutely horrifying, thank you! The ending too! 🔥
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stegulus · 6 months ago
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So. What are you seeking? The image you’ve each created of the other? The people you think you love don’t exist. Not really. And that’s a very lonely place to be.
the others
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finelythreadedsky · 5 months ago
emailing back and forth with the interlibrary loan people like "look i promise this book exists. it's real. there is at least one physical printed copy somewhere in the world."
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thedawningofthehour · 25 days ago
I want you guys to know that I put the Rise fam in my Sims 4 game and Splinter immediately started pulling bitches and marrying/knocking up women.
There's a 'Hamato' family in practically every world now due to his fuckboi skills.
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redstringredeye · 9 months ago
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Sorry Sam, coffee theory law states that Celia cannot legally drink coffee while actively investigating the Magnus Institute. I don’t make the rules
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bekabossu · 9 months ago
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