#Minecraft writing
illwilledomen · 9 months
Players are clones. They serve a purpose — to rebuild human society, with new adaptations to protect against what killed them off before, like higher poison resistance, and bodies embrued with soul magic and experience absorption.
They were grown from the genetic material of their creators, genetically being a sort of mix between the child and the twin sibling of the people who created them.
They still have vague pseudo-memories from their “parent”, and spawn in with baseline memories of what things are, like a childs rudimentary understanding of Old World Languages (like standard galactic) and the names of colours and things.
Still, they emerged as newborns in an adult body, in a frightening alien world that has long since forgotten them. At the time of their conception, the humans who constructed them anticipated the world to still be ravaged and lifeless from withering as it had been at the time.
They had not anticipated, however, that the class of serfs that the original civilization had enslaved for manual labour had eked out a living and would rebuild from the ashes of their zealous oppressors and form a new identity as Villagers.
As a thousand years passed, the villagers formed their own history and left the memories of their oppression behind, prospering as the world crept back to newfound fertility.
The players had been built for a world that had not happened. They were born from memories in the dirt and woke up afraid, naked and confused, with no memories and a hodge-lodge identity consisting of a vague name and sense of abandonment. They were the old human’s forgotten pet-projects.
Players are born entirely sexless, while all other mobs are intersex & show both male and female sexual characteristics. Their bodies, faces and behaviour are starkly different to the villagers and illagers, and thus, are considered somewhat monstrous by them (not helped by the fact that they look similar to the undead). They are incorrectly associated with Endermen in many villager scriptures, who are similarly displaced and enigmatic.
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How Selfishness Contributes to The Arch Illagers Down Fall
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Authors Note ------ First, before we start this, as many others said, Minecraft Dungeons deserved a lot more than what it got. I wish within the game you could learn about his story, but of course, you have to pay 10-20 bucks for a book just to read it, the whole book is just the trailer and a little extra [AND more than the trailer could ever give] . However, I don't regret buying the book, that is how I got into the fandom myself. If you want to read it, I recommend going through Wikipedia for the plot, I could have made a PDF file of the book I bought, but I was the type in middle school to draw scenes onto it. However, within the post, you WILL get book snippets for character reference.
Let's be honest with ourselves, this game had so many chances to be a story all Minecraft players could enjoy around the world. Unfortunately, that is not the case...instead in my opinion, the game became slightly, if not a shameless way to market Minecraft to get quick money, it is like Legends and Earth, there was no way for these games to EVER have a good chance to become its own thing and be loved. To have to play DLCS to get the full story is BS in itself. The true story is about a victim of the orb of dominance whose decisions were affected by some selfishness.
Intro ---- Hey, do you remember that post with Magnifico and the Arch-Illager and about how the Arch-Illager had a better position to be the villain? Yeah, I still hold that opinion the ACTUAL reasons were... 1. The character in general. 2.The motives portrayed in the story. 3.The relationship between both 'characters' I still believe those reasons to be true, although the game sucks at letting that be what comes across. The story was a market attempt to allow players of the game to know the lore and... honestly, if it was in the game, it would have been nice... This idea came into concept after talking to a friend about how Walda mentions how Archie and Thord bickering was something that showed they were more concerned about themselves than anyone else...and to be honest? She is correct, this act of trying to make themselves look good without the concern of those who passed WAS selfish. I talked about how the main flaw of most characters was their selfishness within the story. Then in the silence, that gave me an idea, this essay here. Thord and Archie were thinking about themselves and that got Archie into trouble. Karl being self-absorbed over his 'feelings' being hurt caused Archies selfless action of leaving the village Archie BECAUSE of selfishness took the orb because he wanted to prove everyone wrong, not use it to better people's lives. Archie loses his Friends, the PEOPLE he loved because he was selfish to raid their village. The orb was selfish in wanting this power and using Archie as a vehicle for its true motives. Karl is smart enough to run away, but he is so selfish that he runs away, and NEVER comes back to help the heroes knowing what was happening was wrong. Hell, you could say it was pure fear that caused these actions. Walda and Thord were selfish to not only allow Archie out in the forest to die, but they were selfish enough to take Archies's throne. Thord was SELFISH and stole and his SELFISH behavior led to his death. These examples are what are here for reasons, Salah you could argue was selfish to want to kick Archie out...but that came with a little bit of logic and the thought of their people. Yumi does call them out, she KNOWS they would do nothing to defend the village compared to Archie. Yet Archie was selfless and knew it would be safer for his friends to leave.
Thesis - Selfishness contributes to the story.
In the story, the lesson can be that Selfishness contributes to eventual bad outcomes and conflicts. It repeatedly throughout the story shows that it leads to horrible things no matter how selfish it is. Like other villains, their selfish actions lead to harm. Frollo due to selfishness decides to continue with sin, leading to his death. Ursula due to selfish reasons, wanted the trident for herself, therefore it leads to her death. Scar due to his selfishness, wanting the throne, dies in consequence. All of these characters have a negative outcome due to selfishness on their part. However, this isn't about them, this is about several selfish characters in "The Rise of The Arch-Illager" who suffer from not being selfless... and one moment that shows that even with selflessness, it led to a selfish choice. What happens that is interesting is that...Archie is not really the antagonist, it's Thord. The story is about how Archie becomes the antagonist in the end, he does take on the position against the real protagonists, the heroes by the final pages and the damning raid revealed in the trailer. Archie gets another chance at the end of the story because the heroes know what kind of person Archie truly is. The narrator knew nothing of this, it is painted in a light that is misleading in a few ways. That speaks volumes about how different these things truly are. The narrator knows of the danger, not the person who causes it. The Arch-Illager is the combination of Archie and The Orb of Dominance. In fact, the future actions that are made, are also selfish decisions of the orb. This might explain why the Orb is destroyed and Archie isn't.
But this is about the Arch-Illager, or rather Archie, so let's talk about each listed selfish thing for Archie.
The Selfish Actions of Archie.
These actions are important because it shows the character of Archie, and how his past influences affect how he approaches the world. There are 3 arcs in my opinion, The Mansion Arc, The Village Act, and The Orb Act, each act develops Archies's character, but also shows his main traits. He is Compassionate, fearful, peaceful, and reasonable [justified or not], yet he can be selfish, aggressive, and defensive. He has so many times where it shows who he is. But this is about selfishness, not everything else. [] The Mansion Act [] This act marks the first selfish act when he got kicked out due to self-interest, and Walda's decision. Walda had several reasons to kick out Archie, that are addressed before he is kicked out. Like him being Weak, and that he 'endangered a life of a fellow Illager'. I will say how that is hypocritical due to Thord never getting kicked out due to him harming Archie. The selfishness comes from Archie caring about staying in the mansion, living and perhaps Thord to be gone. In those moments he didn't care much about what he might have done wrong, he put the blame on others, just like Thord did to him. His consequence was that after specific actions, Walda was upset, and despite his begging, she kicked him out forever. another consequence was that he was forced into the woods to try and survive.
[] The Village Act []
I would say this act is...interesting, there is no selfish behavior, in fact this arc marks his development. When he had defended Yumi, and his first selfless action happens here, which is important. You can say that Salah was a reason that Archie removes himself from the village, but in reality, Karl would have attacked either way. Karl KNEW who Archie was, if Salah was peaceful and Yumi had introduced Archie to the heroes, he would have attacked. Everyone knew salah was right including Yumi and Archie. That was when Archie was selfless, and that meant he was going...expect. [] The Orb Act [] This is an interesting act, because I have a feeling a lot of selfishness here ACTUALLY also includes the orb this time around. His development made him ready to face the woods, sure he almost died but he made it. It is revealed that the orb actually was a major reason for him getting guided there, and it means that Archie became a victim. Archie takes power from it, yet the Orb made him is vehicle for destruction. Even the orb says that their fates were 'forever intertwined', so here and forward it was a lot of the orbs decision too and was someone who encouraged these actions. Archie was also exhausted, so it was easier for the orb to get Archie on its side. Despite this, Archie still takes it because of Karl and Thord because they hurt him. To make them fall onto their knees, and yet it is interesting that the orb knows about his misery. In theory this means that he has some mindreading or some way to be in the victim's mind [like Bill Cipher]. Another selfish thing they do together is obviously raid the town, twice. This was selfish and it made Archie lose his dearest friends, and 'family'. The orb totally could have done this intentionally to put Archie in a spot where he would listen because he had no one else but it. They were selfish for trying to take the land and turning the villagers into slaves to 'work for the mines'. Archie knew these people to be someone people who did care, and yet...he did this to them. If anything in part I think this was the orbs decision, not Archies. The end of the book implies Archie is taken control of and from there it is easy to say anything else that happens that is selfish is of the orbs doing.
The Orb of Dominance and Manipulation
This is a lot more important than just Archie doing these actions, in fact the Orb protects Archie, feeds him, and gives him a place to sleep the FIRST day they met. This is a lot different than Yumi's decision, she did it out of empathy. She cannot guarantee full safety and comfort, but she can certainly try, and their friendship is mutual. They benefit each other and allow the other to learn some good traits. Yumi develops a point of view that explains Illagers and their violence and can sympathize with them a bit. Archie learns compassion for others, and that leads him to telling the Illagers to leave Yumi [and who she brings] alone purely due to it. Infact Archie even learns skills and actually helps the village, and it means he is thinking about others. Yumi doesn't let what upsets her to be bottled in when Archie is threatened. She speaks on how the heroes could care less of them, and would slaughter their pigs, cows, that they sleep in their beds, and steal their food. It speaks volumes on how and why she would trust Archie more than the heroes and it makes sense. The orb thought? it knows nothing, but the misery Archie has gone through and lures Archie into a position where he is listening and shakes its hand so to speak. Then when Archie is in its grasp it feeds him, comforts him, HELPS him. This thing is an object with a mind...if it had true compassion, it would welcome him with open arms to stay in the cavern and help before this. It is a small but important detail, it has no capacity to care, and will LIE to get its way, as Archie states near the end of the book. Half of the book is about how Archie is backed into this spot where the barley has no say in some of the actions, again acknowledged and implied by Archie that he was getting 'dominated' by the orb. He feels stupid for not thinking about the name before, yet...He was exhausted, weak, and literally just finished climbing a mountain before the deal was made. When you get to the boss fight that also proves that Archie was a vehicle to this, and he is TURNED into a monster by the orb of dominance because it wasn't getting what it wanted from Archie. We get not a single word in the game from this...and yet it is meaningful. Archie is making noise when he is sucked in, That I saw as possible pleading for his life, or even begging to just let him lose. Or he knew that the Orb wasn't going to let it end and he was forced to be in this position. Then...finally when the Orb was defeated and destroyed, Archie 'tries to keep on' [I don't think so], and it breaks. Archie free and ready to approach the world again. I think the orb in that moment was trying to hold onto Archie, wanting more, wanting the world and NEEDING its vessel. I mean that is how I see it based on their relationship. There are several times when Archie was ready to stop and leave this. SEVERAL in counting and I feel like it says a lot. Tldr: The orb is a manipulator who uses Archie as a vehicle to get what it wants for selfish gain.
Now...to talk about the actual topic of Villainy other than the orb.
Thord, how selfishness led to his death.
So... why is this important compared to someone as serious as the orb? Simple, he IS the true antagonist in the story. Until Archie took over the position of that role. He possibly intentionally backed Archie into getting kicked out of the tribe because he was selfish. He lies about Archie, with only a few truths to be selfish and keep himself there. He is selfish by blaming Archie of being the issue and then manipulates the situation by pretending he is hurt. After that he plots with Walda to bring Archie down because he is a selfish person. He steals from the Firey Forge because he does it out of benefit... The most interesting scene shows he is still selfish, begging for mercy, or a deal. He knows he fucked up and maybe will try to still hurt him, but he pleads. There is something interesting, a few chapters before the orb tells Archie to kill Thord, and he refuses to do so, instead making the raid early in the morning in spite. When he is robbing the Fiery Forge and Archie knows this... but Arc, who makes the suggestion to kill? The Orb, Archie is aware of Thords threat and has SUCH a good chance to make him pay for getting him kicked out. Kick him out for stealing and let him venture alone like HE did. To make him pay, He even suggests the idea of waiting to surprise Thord. He was not in the mood to wait. That is interesting, it was an interesting decision. Usually, Archie is rather patient, yet...listen to how the orb says this. " You need to defeat him. Now." Now I do think Archie had agency in his choice, he did. But... when he suggests the idea of waiting, that would be smart because then he could catch Thord and Walda and punish them both. But just to kill Thord? That is what interests me, I do have a feeling the orb had a lot more choice in what Archie does, but I also don't want to undermine that it was ARCHIE'S choice to choose how he could make Thord go. was this to scare him in his last moments to leave him vulnerable like he was to the monsters before? As they always do, Archie and Thord bicker, and both of them are upset. Archie WISHES to return the beating Thord had given him, but he makes the decision not to out of what Thord has, magic. After that, that is when Thord begs, and he is LITERALLY begging. I mean hey, at least Archie gets to chew Walda out with him knowing their plan and watch her fear him! It really isn't funny, it shows how the orb influences how he acts, and that is a burden us readers have to watch unfold.
Karl's Selfishness and how it leads to flee
The most interesting character is Karl, who is more selfish in his self-interest than arguably most characters in this book. He wants to conquer the land and have people kneel for him, yet despite how he acts, he isn't chosen by the orb. Probably because as much as Karl is dumb, I think he wouldn't trust this so easily. He also is just the worst person ever, he is selfish in his actions, what he thinks and... for his life. He spares Archie only for his own gain, that's right his selfless action becomes selfish because getting his name out there to scare the illagers matters more than a life. This doesn't come out the way he wants it to because they don't understand what he says. This is why he flees during the trailer, this out of fear but also selfishness. A hero would risk his/her life to save the world, and a village, yet he doesn't even do that in the first place! He just abandons it and no joke, basically never comes back. His confidence must have cracked.
The Orb and How it is defeated due to selfishness. - The Game
As explained, the Orb is broken into pieces due to its selfish nature. due to the end of the book, Archie goes onto this route because there was no going back. It was in the orbs interest to back Archie so far back that he feels like he could do nothing but go along. I think the orb is Selfish for using a vulnerable man who wanted to live as a vessel for what chaos it wanted. The Orb is selfish because it knows it will destroy relationships in the process. This character is the embodiment of how Power corrupts, and unfortunately allows Archie for some confidence building he needed...yet it was for hurt. It knows so much knowledge, you think it would spare Archie of having to do the work. Of course not! it doesn't have feelings, or emotions to its name. It is an artifact for god's sake, and it only WANTS to hurt. The book gives the characterization for the orb that was needed.
Then when it fails, it decides to push to the edge and becoming a monster, one that towers the heroes and shows what power it has over Archie. He had no consent to this, just the way he screams as he is pulled is such a risen red flag of how SELFISH the orb is to risk the life of its vessel. The orb was the monster the story needed...and that is what it got. Not Karl, not the illagers, not Salah and some of the villagers, not the undead, not the nameless one, not even Archie who was tricked. It was the orb of dominance, the truest and most selfish and monstrous character.
Woo we are done! expect for a basic TLDR for this entire post. All the characters in Minecraft dungeons have suffered due to some of the characters selfish nature. Those who suffered the most were the ones committing the selfish actions. Some characters even die or have something bad happen because of this. In my Opinion I think after the Village arc, all the selfish actions of Archie were due to himself and the orb as well. Admittingly with a lot of influence from the orb of dominance. And you know what? The game BARELY shows this narrative, no hints to this story and we are left to understand just little pieces of everything...which was the trailer. The game is about the sad outcome of when someone is made a vehicle for destruction. This game was never for the full story and that is sad. They could have made a more interesting game if they JUST gave the story a chance to thrive and show us these things. an Illager protag for the first half would have been SO interesting. Now it is a cash grab, with DLCs. It did what they wanted, and they mostly abandoned this game, only adding modes...and for what? It adds nothing to the beauty that this story is. It makes me despise the game and would prefer to keep this book which was the reason I stayed in the game. It would have been fun to have a game from Mojang that just isn't EMPTY. It is empty because the game was from a sandbox, and this doesn't to seem to be their field of expertise and it made the only interesting because of the small amount of story it has. Take it from, if you're planning to play the game and buy it, don't. Just grab the book and watch the Game on YouTube. Support Matt Forbecks book, and if you can't, that is fine, I might plan to go ahead and perhaps read this book and make a series out of it. Thank you for reading/listening to this whole pose.
{I will repost this blog once it has been posted on my YouTube Channel}
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scarbadtimes · 2 years
Anyone else think about how the Nether is Chaos and the End is Entropy… or is that just me. Anyways what I’m saying is;
The Nether is a terrifying, hot, literal hell-scape. It’s full of various damned creatures who wish you charred to dust at every corner, on top of the environment that claws, begging at your feet, howling or blood-stained, amongst lakes and pours of lava, ever flowing. The air is stifling and rancid, always stuck in your throat, there is always some creaking, groaning, yowling. An assault on the senses, too bright and too dim. It is easy to let it overwhelm you, swallow you whole while you kick and scream against it in sheer panic. Fight-or-flight instinct, your body moving on it’s own, fuelled by the overbearing noise. The Nether chews you up and spits you back out mauled.
It’s odd when the End leaks into it, the world gone silent and blue. The earth still crackles, but there is only it’s people that reside there, unprovoked unless observed. The fog still takes you, and it’s still syrupy and thick, but now it’s lukewarm. There is a medium here, one that makes your hair prickle. It’s both too quiet, yet too loud. Like a crowd holding their breath.
The End itself feels like a cold, still spring. The air is still except for your own breath, as nothing breathes here. It echoes until the endlessness swallows the noise, and when you’re out, the sky is muffled like snow. It smells like nothing, you hear nothing, everything covered in a constant dim glow that comes from nowhere. Your mind tries to make up something to cope with the under-stimulation, a slight fried twinge on your nose, a shiver, a ringing in your ears. You see more than you do, but you mind your manners. Everything is still here. Eventually, you’re cooled down enough where you just walk. You’re no longer tired or restless, the air is lukewarm on your skin, you forget how to breathe, it just is. There is no difference between eyes closed and eyes open. Tomorrow, today and yesterday weave into a meaningless ribbon that you lost in the park. You’re held there, gently, slowly more, until you are no longer. The void takes all.
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jab-cab · 2 years
Friends & Foes: A Minecraft update concept
I don't know a lot about programming, let alone game development as a whole, but I hope to know a lot more one day and develop a game of my own. In the meantime, I often think of ways that existing games could be improved or expanded on, especially with Minecraft. Friends & Foes is an update concept that I'm planning on turning into a suggestion on the official Minecraft Suggestions page, but for now I've only come up with one half of it. This half is about a feature that would enable the player to turn illagers, intelligent mobs with their own motivations, from foes into friends. I came up with this concept along with @consultingdalekhunter, and I encourage any feedback about the idea and any parts of it. If enough people like it, it will be more likely to be seen by the developers and maybe even one day be added to the game. The Ominous Banner was added to the game as a way to make the illagers seem more intelligent and organized. It marks a patrol captain so they can lead a patrol of pillagers through the wilderness. When a player kills the patrol captain, they gain the Bad Omen effect that causes raids to appear in villages. The captain drops their banner, but when collected by the player it serves no functional purpose. It can be used to signify to other players that a patrol has been conquered, but once enough banners have been collected this is no longer as valuable an accomplishment. In the Friends & Foes update, an Ominous Banner would continue to be useful for another purpose, giving the player the ability to prove to certain illagers that they aren't someone they want to fight. Now, when a player holds the banner, all pillager and ravager mobs would be passive to them unless they attack first. Vindicators will also behave this way unless you approach an evoker, similar to how polar bears behave around their babies. When a pillager, ravager, or vindicator is attacked by a player, all illagers nearby would become hostile again. This simple change in the behaviors of the illagers would create potential for players to make a more diverse range of stories, ones where they become allies to once bitter foes, and this is just one idea. In the Friends & Foes update, a feature could be included where if a player manages to give a patrol captain a map of a village without getting near them, the captain drops an Ominous Banner as a reward. This could also include the ability to mark placed bells onto maps, similar to marking banners. This ability could also be used for other potential features, such a way to lead villagers to their villages safely without having to build a railroad or boat them across long stretches of land. I don't have an idea yet for how that might work, but maybe I will before the next post I make about this topic. In that post, I plan to get into potential ways that villagers can be expanded on in this theoretical update. Thank you so much to whoever reads this, and if you have please let me know by liking, re-blogging, or commenting. I haven't gotten many words for my posts so far, but I know people see them. Of course, you don't have to, but I'll appreciate any feedback I can get.
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v0ideddr3ams · 4 months
"You said I'd be safe."
The words sat there in the silence, as if it was something horrid. Something nobody wanted to touch.
Jean had stared into death's eyes and all she did was smile.
"But it helped."
Kristin insisted, her arms opening wide, spanning to the dead dragon that lay on the ground. He wasn't moving. The life had been completely sucked out of his eyes.
"And it destroyed my home."
Jean didn't hesitate to answer, her wings lifting to show the rest of the damage.
Kristin, then and there, realized how badly she messed up.
The humans had turned The End into a wasteland. There was not a single dragon left alive.
All but Jean.
She stared at the wasteland before glancing back to the dragoness, who returned back to her pedestal.
Kristin could see the chains that bound her to the island. Runes, spells of the crystals surrounding her kept her chained down to this one island. She couldn't fly any further than that.
"I'll bring you your son."
Kristin promised.
It's the least she could do.
Jean looked grateful. She nodded and turned away, curling within herself as her dragon form rested.
Kristin should have never given the eyes of ender to the humans.
Maybe the Xs were right.
Humans are monsters.
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scp-10000 · 1 year
*Me thinking about writing a Tenkai Knights fanfic where I drop them in the Minecraft universe*: I’m gonna put these 6 children in so many situations
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ask-dr-wormwood · 2 years
Continued from here
"Yes, of course. I can give you all of the potions that I have on hand. Then if you ever need any more potions, I live in a mangrove swamp. A notable land mark would probably be my library that's just a little bit away from my main tower." She smiled kindly as she grabbed her rather large bag. She hummed as unzipped it and a few of the potions fell on the ground. Luckily they didn't break as it was a small fall. She held the bag out for him to take the potions from. @thenpcmerchant
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cleverpaws · 2 years
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mumblesplash · 9 months
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in honor of last season’s poem being called “”end poem”” (all quotes mandatory) this season i made one out of pieces of the actual end poem
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woof-squiggles · 9 months
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nitten adoption day!
(psst, you can fill out an adoption form here)
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2nd2tar · 15 days
proud to say i was never a story mode hater.
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illwilledomen · 8 months
Minecraft Lore Discord!
Do you like minecraft lore, worldbuilding and headcanons? Do you like making OCs, and creating your own stories with the game, spin-offs and/or mods? Then you might like this discord server of mine! All and everyone are welcome, so long as they abide by the rules and are friendly to one another.
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"Does it sound like the end?"
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v0ideddr3ams · 2 months
The one thing Finley could remember before everything went dark, was the sirens.
And the bright light.
And she couldn't stop staring at it. Even when her brother squeezed her so hard she thought she'd die.
They should've died, maybe. But such is not a life for totems.
For the rest of her life, she'd live in darkness.
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elodee · 14 days
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*head in hands*
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ask-dr-wormwood · 2 years
C-Candy? Can I has? -Misty
She had taken a break from all the walking she'd done. She didn't get many people who wanted to talk or take candy but that didn't really matter. Just seeing everyone enjoy the Halloween fun was nice.
However she noticed a little girl walk up to her, she didn't look like a villager. She tilted her head slightly. Then she was asked for candy by the little girl. She didn't want to give the potion affect candies to the girl for fear of her getting a bad affect. So she dug deep within her bag and pulled out a few butterscotch candy she had.
"Here you go little one." She said in a sweet and kindly tone as she handed the candy over to the little girl.
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