#Minecraft Game Journal
w0lfskitten · 2 months
Minecraft Game Journal
I played Minecraft two days ago with my friends on our SevTech Ages server.
I started the session by venturing out to try and find more venus fly traps, I didn't find many so I've decided to collect them passively.
After I returned home I started making some more leather, which again, is a fucking process. I didn't have any string so I spent some time gathering string which took way longer than it should have, each night there were barely any spiders, and when there were, they either dropped very little string or none at all.
I eventually made some leads to prepare for getting heard animals for the horse powered grinder, chopping block, and press.
Next time I plan on learning more about the totems so I can use them to get buffalo to use with my horse powered grinder, chopping block, and press, I also want to make more barrels as I go through water like there's no tomorrow whenever I make leather.
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crowberriesart · 2 months
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Scrapbooking my comfort game
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sugarpuptard · 9 hours
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TWO DOGGIES NOW LETS GOOOOOO pls send name ideas, rn im trying to get dye for their collars Σ(ノ°▽°)ノ
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quixlebug · 3 months
more games should have a journaling function. please let me make to-do lists in stardew valley. let me keep a detailed journal of fauna behavior in subnautica. let me write silly stories about my silly slimes in slime rancher
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zukoandtheoc · 4 months
had a dream that there was a boss fight in erebus (not hecate, for some reason) that Eris literally pulled me out of midway through the fight, made fun of me and then made me fight her instead. weird treetops arena, she had spider powers for some reason (she also threatened arachne?)
lost that fight. next run there was some kind of barrier blocking my path, nemesis on the other side of the barrier was like ugh fuckin eris, how do you deal with her, I was like no fucking clue! then got teleported to the eris fight but right after nemesis had fought her, so eris was at half health. beat her, then she rigged the other boss fight in my favor
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ubercharge · 2 years
i wanted to ask for mobage recs if anyone has stuff .. part of the reason i'm generally happy with PC & occasional switch gaming is that they 1. don't have ads 2. don't push microtransactions 3. don't inundate me with notifications (e.g., games with a mail box and a gift inbox and many little things to check)
i wouldn't mind paying for a small casual game if it means i don't have to deal with ads. i don't mind microtransactions existing, but a game that really leans on premium currency and paying for processes to be sped up and so on can get tiring.
i had fun with neko atsume and played it for years, but something with a bit more interaction would be nice. i've played casual mobile games (whose names i cannot remember) involving stuff like cats going fishing that you might check a few times a day to pick up your currency/rewards, which isn't too bad. i think pokemon cafe was pretty good too.
but yeah basically i'd be willing to pay for a game that can offer these things while being less annoying. alternatively, if you've purchased an ad-free version of a free game that is in line with all this stuff and found it to be good, then feel free to recommend that too.
so if anyone has a chill mobile (or pc) game rec involving pet/animal elements, farming/gardening, and/or food/cooking i'd love to hear it
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thejaymo · 2 years
I was born in Minecraft alone and without defense. Browse the nerd-ecomiums about this game and you will find that everyone has a narrative about how they survived their first day. It is a powerful experience to be cast into Minecraft‘s blocky paradise without direction or preparation. On my first day, I thought the game was about punching pigs. So I punched pigs. Then night fell and a demon, kind of like a Hong-Kong hopping vampire, crept toward me in my loneliest loneliness and exploded, saying (at least in my narrative)
Fear and Gaming: Being and Nothingness and “Minecraft”
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yfexsexg · 4 months
I played Minecraft for the first time!! With Base and Ball!! It was so fun!!
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keeps-ache · 10 months
game wants my email to play, i give it my email. i don't play game, because it was kind of eh anyway. they send me emails, because i gave them my email. i ignore them. they send me more emails. i ignore them. they send me email with a subject title that is essentially 'hey free stuff !!!!'. i boot up game. game wants to update. i know this takes forever so i do other stuff in the meantime. it doesn't finish updating for 3 hours. my computer is lagging. my music is bugging. my stylus is trying to fake another death. it's finally done updating !! i hit 'play'. loading screen for 30+ minutes and i can't listen to my music now because i don't have the option to turn off game's music on the loading screen. my everything is so slow. so so slow. but also.. despite all this................. free stuff.........
#just me hi#not only is this game overwhelming + confusing + boring but it doesn't even run well on my computer lol#can you guess what game it is. can you guess hfvsh#i'll tell you#if you guessed g3nsh1n 1mpact you were Right hfbvhsf#i wanted to try it cuz i love poking my nose into everything in open world games but ohouahgggauhgh#it's not my vibe lol#and i could leave it at that really... but also there's this sunk cost fallacy i've got going on where it's like Okay man. but we've spent#SO much time just Updating it. andalsothefreestuff#and because i don't really even play this game i don't even know what stuff i'm collecting lmao !! i just like having it :3#they gave me gambling tokens last time i think. very cool#i spent them all immediately and got a neat bow out of it ! aand then i almost immediately logged out fhsdvb#i dunno i don't really get shoving everything at you as soon as you start. like do i really have to have these little journal things Now ?#idk and i don't really care to know so! i will keep collecting my stuffs lol :>#//anyway in other gamey news i think i'm pretty okay at othello lol !!#this is not a very recent revelation but i had never played before + made my mother question what was even happening so i'm kind of proud o#that hfhvsfvh :3#+ also i am Going to try and hurry along with my minecraft lighthouse ! this is going to take a while#the plan is to make a rather small one first cuz i want to build one with my brother#but i want ot be sure i know what we're doing so !! :>>#//anyway happy advent or whatever is going down or up and toodles until...... .o.
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fertilizing-daffodils · 10 months
Just started 4 different minecraft survival games... I have yearned for them there mines it seems.
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deathdetermineslife · 2 months
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fun things you can do when you have an f/o!
print out pictures of them to hang up on your wall!
if they wear jewelry, make it!
make stickers of them! (there's tutorials on youtube of how to make stickers at home, or, you can get sticker paper on amazon for pretty cheap, mine was $6!)
if you do make stickers, put them on your sketchbook, journal, laptop, or whatever you feel like putting them on!
make a google slides presentation on them! alternatively, you could also write an essay about them.
if they don't have a canonical style of handwriting, find or try to write in a way they would write!
if they do, try making your own font of their handwriting that you can download and use. or, try to learn how to write similarly to them, maybe write letters to yourself from their perspective.
if they have a birthday or there's a holiday coming up (irl or canonical), make a card for them!
make them in the sims, or some other character creation making game. or, make a minecraft skin of them.
draw them as a character from another source. for example, draw them as a pony from mlp, or draw them as a character from smiling friends!
make a playlist of youtube videos you'd think they'd enjoy watching, and perhaps watch them again and pretend like you're watching them with your f/o.
make food they canonically like, or you'd think they'd like!
make a tier list as if they were making it! like a fruit tier list, for example.
if I think of anything else, I'll make a part 2!
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w0lfskitten · 2 months
Minecraft Game Journal
A few days ago I made some more progress on the SevTech Ages server with my friends.
I started by mining out the rest of the greenschist cobble vein in my mine and finishing the layout of my house.
I then chopped down some olive trees to craft into planks, but, I forgot that with this modpack, you have to use a chopping block to make planks, instead, I instinctively my inventory crafting slots to try and make planks that way and ended up making 21 chopping blocks instead. I decided to place these chopping blocks in the middle of the main encampment in a big rectangle.
I went back to my house and chopped down some more olive trees and this time I actually turned them into planks and built some walls to keep the monsters out of my house.
I then made myself some kilns as I was going to need them to continue advancing. I smelted some stone in the kilns and made myself a grinder as I needed to make a fluid bladder.
After making my grinder I set off to kill some squid in the near by lake, I had to be wary in the lake as it is infested with hammerhead sharks. While collecting inc sacks I had a few close encounters with some hammerhead sharks but managed to dispatch them, killing them would end up coming in handy later.
After this, my friend needed help with his blood alter, he needed me to drain my blood as he needed a lot of blood and couldn't only rely on his own blood, so I went to help, what ensued was hilarious, after I drained my blood I was down to one heart, I turned around to leave and opened the door but disaster struck, little did I know, waiting directly on the other side of the door was a zombie who wasted no time striking me down, killing me the split second I opened the door too which me and my friend lost it laughing.
Once I got back to my house with the inc, I grounded them down to black dye powder before going back outside to forage for flowers to make myself orange dye powder so I could combine the two to make brown dye powder, this was used to finally make myself a fluid bladder.
After making the fluid bladder I realised I was going to need a nearby source of water, and I didn't want to have to go all the way to the lake and back just for water, so I turned my attention to wooden barrels to collect rain water in, I went out and chopped down some oak trees to make into 6 barrels and placed them outside my home.
Now I needed to make leather, this was a process to say the least. For the first step of making leather I was going to need salt so I headed over to the lake to find some, I came across a fairly large deposit, I surprisingly had no shark encounters while gathering salt.
Now I needed raw hide and this is where killing those sharks earlier comes in handy as I was able to turn the shark skin into raw hide, I salted my raw hide and now needed somewhere to hang it so it can cure. I crafted some drying racks and set my hide to dry.
Next I needed resin, for this I needed to go and chop down more trees. After gathering some logs, I needed to stripe them of their bark, for this I would need a work blade, luckily I already had all the resources for this and quickly crafted it then stripped the bark off the logs.
Now that I had bark, I could grind it into resin with the grindstone and finally make wet tanned leather, I hug these up to dry and after a short wait I had myself some leather.
Now that I had leather, I thought I would make a start on totems. To start with totemics, I needed to make myself a rattle, a flute, and a drum, I started by making a drum as I already had all the materials to make one. For the other two I needed sugar cane, luckily my friend already had a plantation along the river out the front of his house that he told me to grab.
Now that I had sugar cane I could make the rattle as I had the other materials for it, and now the flute. To make the flute I need grass, so I needed shears which were very easy to make, I got myself some grass and crafted the flute, completing the achievement and rewarding me with the totempedia. I thought I would give it a little go and made my way to the main encampment where there were some totem poles, I wanted my barrels to be filled a bit so I wanted to do a rain ceremony, I consulted the totempedia and started my ceremony, but it failed. I had very quickly maxed out the melody of each instrument and so couldn't progress the ceremony any further, I decided to put totemics aside for now and focus on something else as I can always come back to it.
My friend now wanted to find a dark oak forest and was looking around the perimeter of our general compound to see if he could see one, them being kinda rare I offered to help as I also wanted a break from progressing, so I emptied my inventory expect for the essentials, grabbed all the food I had (which wasn't much) and set off on an adventure.
I decided to go west, behind my house as it was the opposite direction from my friends house, I crossed the flat plains, crossed a river, and scaled a mountain. From atop the mountain I spotted a village, so I continued west towards the it, once I got to the village I had a little look around before continuing west. I eventually came across an ocean in front of me and to the south so I headed north.
I trekked through forest for a while before coming across a savanna and other village, this village seemed to be abandoned and a lot of the buildings had generated inside other buildings, seeing as there wasn't much, I continued my journey.
I travelled through more forest and across more rivers and eventually came across another village, in this village there was a librarian and I got myself an antique atlas map, having a map came in very useful later on. After acquiring the map I continued further south.
I eventually went far enough south that I entered a tundra, by this point I had been travelling for a fairly long time and so decided to turn around and go back home, my mission to find a dark oak forest was not successful.
I turned around to trek back and ended up not going the right way and I got lost, I kept trying to find my way and to my amazement, I stumbled across a dark oak forest, I marked it on my map and and decided to back track to find my home. Also one of my other friends joined around this time.
I eventually found my way home, when I got home and decided to continue progressing. I made myself a lead, then a horse grindstone, and then a horse chopping block, and placed them around my house, I then fenced off the horse grindstone and chopping block.
By now it was getting late and I was ready to get off soon, me and my friend had the great idea to surround our other friends house in venus fly traps as they hurt the player when walked through, so I spent the remained of my time before getting off gathering venus fly traps to eventually surround our friends house.
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fish-and-forbear · 2 years
Stood up after 20 minutes since collapsing after my first fairly hard walk in months and IMMEDIATE jelly legs.
Boys. What did you do..... xD
The power of Blind Guardian's newest album "The God Machine" just compels us so, I suppose!!! That and the trigger of "it's Questing time need to Power Through the Pain!! and FINISH THE QUEST!!! the sun is SHINING it is QUEST TIME >:D !!!!"
....... but the quest is just. Walking home from leaving the car at the mechanic ..... x'D
I really appreciate their enthusiasm and this is not at all unfamiliar, I have had this happen SO many times very consistently but never had a name or face to put to this experience. Now I actually have someone to blame (in a lighthearted affectionate way) and they feel 0 remorse. Which is fine because they're right, we needed this. <3
- Fisher
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sugarpuptard · 2 days
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i keep being all over the place mentally but aaaa need to try and be consistent with something!!! i played minecraft with my bf tn and try taking care of myself more tomorrow, i wish i had more money i want to buy more stuff (;へ:)my yesstyle package should come tomorrow tho i excited about that!!
i gonna build a cute survival base and not get involved in the war going on rn, im not used to hard mode but my love helps me <3 and i got a doggy too!! she's all stripy i love her, idk a name for her yet tho, but imma take pics when i log back in the realm, but i've been customizing minecraft skins again its funnnnn here's mine rn!! i just made it me :3
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might try making some jfashion mc skins, this one i think is leaning a lil jirai with the color scheme, imma definitely make more tho
send me doggy name ideas this is what breed she is
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mstopportunity · 2 years
So apparently the ending of Minecraft is creative commons freely usable, and Microsoft is trying to surpress the story by being Silent as the Grave about it, intimidating news orgs away from publishing the story.
The story behind the end poem (linked here) is interesting too, give it a look over.
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weepysheepie · 8 days
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Agere YouTubers ૮ ・ ﻌ・ა (ALL SFW)
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•ﻌ• content: resources, adult only, nonsxl, vlogs, unboxings, short films, aesthetic
•ﻌ• recommended video for this channel: "How to "Get Into" Age Regression"
•ﻌ• content: adult only, resources, vlogs, aesthetic, product reviews, storytime
•ﻌ• recommended video for this channel: ♡ cozy comfort shows & movies for littlespace ♡ ꒰ netflix edition ꒱ ʚĭɞ
•ﻌ• content: gaming, vlogs, unboxing, product review, minecraft
•ﻌ• recommended video for this channel: Minecraft + Goofiness with Dani & Froggy! 🎮✨💕
•ﻌ• content: 16+ only, vlogs, journaling, hauls, unboxing, primary color aesthetic
•ﻌ• recommended video for this channel: Age Regression favorites :3 | SFW agere
•ﻌ• content: vlogs, hauls, journaling, resources
•ﻌ• recommended video for this channel: all about little gear! |sfw age regression/dreaming
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