#Minami Lane
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peko--peko · 27 days ago
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mission: pet 20 cats
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blindcarnation · 10 months ago
Thread of Cozy Games!
I wanted to go ahead and make a list of all the cozy games I've played and enjoyed ♡ pls feel free to send me any recommendations you might have as well!
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Minami Lane $4.99 ~ build and customize a street for villagers to move in & shop ~ 5-6 hrs long for main story ~ has a sandbox mode for continuous play ~ has cats you can pet ! (very important)
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Unpacking $19.99 ~ organize objects into different rooms and houses as your character goes through life changes ~ 4-5ish hrs long for main story ~ very cute and cozy with a sublte but meaningful story!
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Venba $14.99 ~ cook recipes as Venba, a South Indian Immigrant mother who tells her story through her cooking ~ 1-2 hrs long to complete the story ~ art style is GORGEOUS ~ will give you all the feels!
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Love Choice $1.99 ~3 different short stories with multiple endings ~ length varies on if you want all endings ~ actually so adorable and so clever !! ~ very much so worth the price!
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Coffee Talk $12.99 ~ run a coffee shop exclusively open at night, with unique customers coming in to tell their stories ~ 4ish hrs to complete the full game ~ You mainly make drinks and read through the dialogue ~ cute game and very fun characters! LOVE the storytelling!
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Assemble with Care $7.99 ~ carefully restore items that have been broken whilst learning the history of the people from Bellariva ~ about 1-2 hrs in length ~ beautiful art style and fun mechanics ~ a beautiful and sweet game that I hope has a part two eventually!
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A Little to the Left $14.99 ~ organize drawers and different levels ~ 4-5 hrs for the main storyline ~ cute and satisfying levels with beautifiul colors ~ very fun and lighthearted!
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end of thread! pls let me know if you have any recommendations of any fun cozy/indie games!!
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splashink-games · 1 year ago
A Note On... Making The Coziest Street
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Minami Lane is a cozy management game by Doot and Blibloop! Build new shops, pet cats and make your villagers happy!
One of the few times I get a game on release without backing it! Unfortunately very short, but a worthwhile experience.
I really like everything about this game. From the music that kinda goes too hard for a cozy game, to the very soft art style, to the insanity of playing on 4x (four times) speed.
The gameplay is rather simple, but it's more of a strength than a weakness for a game of this variety. Especially if you want to relax, you don't want to be worried about money or optimizations. It's more about catering to the people on your street and making it the way you want.
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Each shop has recipe options. You can make a bowl full of noodles at the ramen shop, or have no tapioca at the bubble tea shop. The customers do have a preferred combination of items and prices, so of course there's a little bit of intent behind the decisions.
Something I found really fun were naming the shops however I wanted. The karaoke bars were of course Survive and Revolve Bar, especially if they're playing Maka Bitai.
Because there's a lot of sit and watch involved with sim games, there are also a variety of small mechanics to keep you involved. The really cute one is petting the cats that show up (when you have enough beauty on your street. They give you money while also being adorable.
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The more gameplay-oriented mechanic is the customer feedback, telling you how to adjust your shop's recipes for their perfect experience.
As a management sim, there are of course ways to optimize things—picking up the trash and gathering customer feedback automatically. I only ended up using the feedback upgrade because at some point, you won't be able to manually pay attention to 5+ shops at the same time.
One criticism I heard while playing the game was that it looks like a mobile game, which I can see. It's not so much a negative, rather just a style you don't normally see working well on PC games. It works alright here, though.
Personally, I think the game is too small. I wouldn't know what the devs could do to make the game longer without hurting/disrupting what they have in place (that, by the way, already works really well). The missions were enjoyable and I think more of those might be worth it.
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If you love cozy games, Minami Lane is one to play with its great art style and chill gameplay!
As always,
Enjoy gaming!
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chorahn · 3 months ago
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It was kind of the people to buy me games but the grind they put on me as a part time achievment hunter is pain.
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chillart22 · 4 months ago
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I finally got Minami Lane 😊 it's been on my wishlist for a few months now. I'm not very good with management games but it looked so cute I had to buy it!
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authorkarajorgensen · 5 months ago
October 2024 Wrap-Up Post
Wow, okay, so October was hectic for me because I was preparing for the release of The Reanimator’s Remains (TRM #3), and let me tell you, it went wonderfully. I want to thank you all so much for preordering it and buying the paperback. You all are awesome. Anywho, let’s get into what my goals were for October: Finish editing TRR Send out ARCs/Review copies Format the paperback Have a great…
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kaywhereareyou · 6 months ago
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J'adore me plaindre! Évacuer sa frustration, c'est bon pour soi.
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hardcoregamer · 1 year ago
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Review: Minami Lane
Minami Lane is a testament to the charm and depth indie games can offer. With its engaging blend of management and strategy wrapped in an irresistibly-cute package, it's a delightful journey that invites players to create, manage and grow their little slice of paradise. 
Keep reading!
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quillfulwriter · 1 year ago
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Hephep and Loona are delightful 💕
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themahoubunny · 1 year ago
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Next weeks schedule is UP! Join us for chaos and cozy with dragon age origins and minami lane!
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lifextime · 8 days ago
Minami Lane
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Minami Lane est un jeu de gestion développé par les studios français Doot et Blibloop, sorti le 28 février 2024 sur PC. Le jeu invite les joueurs à créer et gérer une rue inspirée du Japon, peuplée de tanukis espiègles et de nombreux chats à câliner.
Scénario et écriture
Bien que Minami Lane ne propose pas de scénario traditionnel, il offre cinq missions distinctes, chacune avec des objectifs principaux et secondaires à atteindre. Ces missions consistent à développer votre rue en construisant divers bâtiments, tels que des maisons, des boutiques, des librairies, des onsens et des parcs, tout en veillant au bonheur des habitants. L'univers du jeu est chaleureux et apaisant, inspiré par l'esthétique japonaise et le charme des productions du Studio Ghibli. Les personnages, bien que non dotés de dialogues complexes (ils exprimeront principalement leurs humeurs ou leurs gouts), apportent une touche de vie à cet univers enchanteur.​
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Direction artistique et technique
Visuellement, Minami Lane séduit par ses graphismes dessinés à la main, offrant une esthétique mignonne et cohérente avec l'univers japonais dépeint. Les bâtiments et les personnages, qu'il s'agisse des tanukis ou des chats, sont conçus avec soin, renforçant l'immersion dans ce monde pittoresque. La bande-son, composée par Zakku, accompagne parfaitement l'expérience de jeu, ajoutant une dimension relaxante et immersive. Aucun bug majeur n'a été signalé, assurant une expérience fluide pour les joueurs.
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Gameplay et jouabilité
Le gameplay de Minami Lane est centré sur la gestion et l'expansion de votre rue. Les joueurs sont encouragés à explorer différentes stratégies pour atteindre les objectifs fixés, qu'il s'agisse d'attirer de nouveaux habitants, d'augmenter leur satisfaction ou de générer des revenus. Le level design est intuitif, permettant une prise en main rapide, même pour les novices en jeux de gestion. La durée de vie du jeu est estimée entre 2 et 4 heures, offrant une expérience concise mais enrichissante. Bien que la rejouabilité puisse être limitée, le mode sandbox permet aux joueurs de laisser libre cours à leur créativité sans contraintes.
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La musique de Minami Lane, composée par Zakku, est un véritable atout du jeu. Elle crée une ambiance sereine et immersive, renforçant le caractère apaisant de l'expérience. Les effets sonores, tels que les miaulements des chats ou les bruits de la rue, ajoutent une touche de réalisme et de convivialité à l'ensemble.​
Minami Lane est un jeu de gestion charmant qui séduit par son univers mignon, sa direction artistique soignée et son gameplay accessible. Il offre une expérience relaxante, idéale pour les joueurs en quête de détente et de douceur.
🌸Les points forts :
Gameplay addictif et accessible
Rejouabilité immense grâce au mode Sandbox
Progression satisfaisante
Bande-son immersive
Les Tanukis
🌸Les points faibles :
La durée de jeu
Personnalisation limitée des bâtiments
Peu de défis (5 défis seulement)
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deux-jared · 3 months ago
pre final minami lane bc im a gamer
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shiniestcrow · 4 months ago
Extremely good bundle for me personally
3 out of 6 games were already on my wishlist and I had heard good things about a fourth
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sissysims · 4 months ago
Welcome back to Minami Lane for Episode 5, where we’re on a mission to achieve ultimate harmony and unlock the secret to attracting the elusive Yokai species! In this exciting episode, we're dedicated to reaching 100% villager satisfaction and building every type of structure we've unlocked, all while keeping the spirit of our vibrant community alive!
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gillywyrt · 7 months ago
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Aaaah just downloaded Minami Lane! I've been waiting for it on Switch for so long 🥹💕🌱
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twohitgames · 7 months ago
Nintendo eShop recibe diversas novedades esta semana
Nintendo ha lanzado en Nintendo eShop novedades en cuanto a videojuegos digitales que poder disfrutar en Nintendo Switch. Minami Lane – Seaven Studio Minami Lane es un juego de gestión sencillo y acogedor que nos traslada a una calle de estilo japonés. Crea y gestiona tu propia calle, consigue que todo el mundo se sienta como en casa y contempla el día a día de tus vecinos. ¡Disfruta de 2 a 4…
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