#Mimzy's mom
crackerzaf · 2 months
The cycle is never over
Trigger warning:
When she was a kid, she didn't understand it, but now she knows, and she knows that she's just part of the cycle.
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Mimzy's mother, Ruth, was fiercely protective of her daughter, never allowing anyone to take advantage of her while she was around. Ruth's presence was a constant shield, ensuring that Mimzy's career was managed with an iron fist and that no one could exploit her. Ruth's vigilance kept the darker aspects of Hollywood at bay, and Mimzy, though pushed relentlessly, was kept safe from the industry's more nefarious elements.
However, everything changed when Mimzy turned 18. After a severe falling out, Ruth abandoned her, taking all of Mimzy's money and leaving her to navigate the brutal world of Hollywood alone. Without her mother's protection, Mimzy was thrust into an environment rife with predatory behavior and exploitation.
Naive and inexperienced, Mimzy struggled to secure roles and manage her career. She trusted the men around her, who saw her vulnerability as an opportunity. They convinced her that casting couch sessions were essential to maintaining her star status. This deceitful manipulation marked the beginning of her downfall.
In her early 20s, the media caught wind of these casting couch sessions. The scandal exploded, with headlines painting her as a willing participant rather than a victim. This public shaming further damaged her reputation and mental health, driving her deeper into addiction and depression.
The absence of her mother's protective oversight left Mimzy exposed to Hollywood's darkest facets. Her once-bright career prospects dimmed as she spiraled into despair, her life unraveling in the wake of exploitation and betrayal.
What a way to come back to posting backstory. Am I right, all seriousness guys. This is a very serious subject, and the last thing I want is for anyone to think I don't take the subject matter seriously but I do it might have never happened to me but I've done research reading and watching many documentaries of actress and their experiences in 1920s.
Ignore if you don't care about updates!
Side note: sorry I haven't done anything on tumblr idk why I think I'm just avoiding writing the alastor and dad comic tbh so I'm gonna put a pin in it for now and will see when I come back to that
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liberumalas · 2 months
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The aroace experience.
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elsa-fogen · 5 months
What’s Husk relationship with Alastor’s mom? He seems to not like her in the same way that he didn’t like Mimzy
Well... He knows what is she, but he likes her more than Mimzy. At least he knows that she's not using Alastor for power and doesn't bring troubles with her all the time
She's still a kind woman, just little bit fucked up and is supportive of her psychopath son. She's kind to people she knows, this includes Husk and Niffty (and the Hotel gang now too)
btw, Anna (Al's mom) doesn't like Mimzy too. For same reasons as Husk.
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dranktwocoffees · 4 months
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i had a bonus serial killer son (alastor) & adorable embarrassing mom doodle but i dont like it so
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inyujidraws · 5 months
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1st | 2nd | 3rd | 5th | 6th
More RadioMoon, yay. Another OC is included. To explain the whole Voodoo influence in Alastor’s life.
Thanks everyone who came to my streams, watch me draw and talk cringe.
Creon loosened up on her “don’t stick out in the timeline” policy (it’s too late). Her crash-landing in this timeline has already impacted lots of people, including Alastor. Creon missed wearing modern hanbok from her future time, so she made her own. 1920’s flapper generation were pretty avante-garde so Mimzy would be up for wearing a few pieces. This is how Creon made extra money on the side.
Creon also learned and joined a local ballet school. She was content with whatever roles given, as long as she was allowed to dance. So Alastor and Mimzy will play “where’s Waldo” trying to guess which role Creon is dancing. Creon had a very brief career as a singer, but she didn’t want to stay in the spotlight too long. She already had plenty of that from her future time.
Creon never really thought of being a house-wife/mother. Slowly falling in love with Alastor and finding Daniel changed that. Cliche as it is, all Creon ever wanted in life was love. She was robbed of it since birth, and had a hard time holding on to any friends and family even in adult-hood. The cursed-cat Alastor doll was made after the family cat died. Creon’s crappy concept sketches and refusal to plagiarize Disney’s Stitch birthed this gremlin.
Mama Dory (Eudora) was a family friend to Alastor’s mother. Léonore only brought Alastor over after the father’s untimely death (Alastor’s doing). Eudora would occasionally baby-sit and teach voodoo to Alastor, while his mother was out working. Eudora could tell that Alastor had blood on his hands and would go down a horrible path. In canon, she would cut off Alastor in her teachings when he started using it in his killings. In this AU, Creon’s crash-landing has changed that trajectory drastically.
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kame-writes · 4 months
My Human!Alastor headcanons
Basically a bulletpointed list of all the major events in his human life, right up to his death and manifestation in Hell.
He was the result of his wealthy land owner Father having an affair with a waitress
His father didn't know about Alastor until Alastor was about 3yrs old, then he saw how much Alastor looked like him, and was white passing.
Not wanting to risk the shame of having his illicit affair with a woman of colour known, or him sleeping around as a widower, he took Alastor in as a Ward. Claiming the child was one of a friend who had passed.
Alastors mother was sworn to secrecy and brought into the house as a servant, so Alastors father could keep her close and ensure her silence. No one was to ever find out she was the mother.
Alastor being so young, believed the lie that his mother had died and his father took him in to look after him.
The secret was only revealed to Alastor when he was around 6yrs old. His father was away on business, as usual, and he got seriously ill. His mother stayed by his side and cried. When he got better she couldn't lie to him when he asked why a serving lady cared so much about him.
After that he spends as much time as he can with his mother in secret. As he gets older he tries to make her life as comfortable as possible with the status being a ward to a wealthy man could bring.
His mother got him his first Radio, and encouraged him to pursue that obsession, despite it not being a 'high status job' that was expected of him.
In his early twenties he came home to find his father beating his mother, having found out that she'd been the one his son had been spending so much time with.
Her clothes were torn, she was bleeding heavily, and Alastor saw red. He doesn't remember doing it, but blinked back to awareness with a bloody knife in his hands, and his father's body dead at his feet.
His mother helped him dispose of the body in the bayou.
With his father gone, family came to claim the estate and fortune. Alastor allowed them to pay him off with a large sum of money to not contest his right to any of it. It was enough for him to buy a house for him and his mother to live relatively comfortably.
This is also where he discovered Voodoo-Catholicism, a religion that his mother studied in secret. He often joined her for rituals and took a keen interest in their practices.
During prohabition he took up bootlegging for the local speakeasy, a place he felt completely at home with its lax laws, and lack of segregation. Here he also got close to the owner, Mimzy.
It was here he committed his second murder. A low life who was threatening the working girls and taking advantage of Mimzys lax attitude towards horrible men.
This was the first time he planned it out, and it awakened a part of him that he'd never gotten from hunting animals. He took satisfaction in picking out victims that he saw as problematic, and taking them out.
Mimzy discovered him covered in blood, and after the shock wore off, she agreed to provide an alibi if Alastor ever needed one, since he was only going after people who deserved it.
When the news started to take notice of disappearances, Alastor added a talk/news segment to his radio broardcast to get listeners opinions. He found the irony halarious, and him and Mimzy would privately laugh over the outlandish theories.
Having access to dead bodies, he started to experiment with substituting animal organs and parts for human one's in certain rituals. Including eating their organs. He quickly saw no difference in cannibalism to eating any other meat. He kept this from his mother, fearing her reaction.
When his mother became sick with an incurable illness, he started to get less focused on his work. Being more irritable than usual, and in desperation, he turned to the darker side of voodoo to try and find a cure, swearing that he would give anything he could to save his mother's life.
Something heard him, unknowingly entwining with his very soul.
It was not long after this that Alastor made the fatal mistake of getting caught disposing of a body by an unfortunate hunter. He was tracked down thanks to his shoes, which bootleggers commonly used to make animal prints instead of footprints to confuse the police.
He died never knowing if his mother survived or died of her illness.
When he manifested in hell, his shadow was sentient, and he possessed powers he'd only read about during his voodoo studies.
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thecrazygamingzombie · 5 months
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A collection of the amazing cosplay at the lvl up expo part 1
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williamkitt · 7 months
So I've seen the post about Alastor's 3 best girlfriends. I made a thing. It wouldn't get out of my head. Help me fill it out? I'm struggling with the friends' intersections... lol
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mary-laib · 2 months
I'm thinking of writing a very long, multi-chapter human!au fic about Alastor (might be the caffiene talking and tomorrow I'll forget to go through with it lol) but I've got a ton of headcannons and have been thinking about a timeline for this thing for months now. Only thing is, I'm making a lot of ocs for it (keeping only Husk and Mimsy in the story) and I want the characters to be as era-accurate and culturally accurate as possible, so I was wondering if anybody here wanted to help beta it while I'm writing out the timeline and details.
I'm doing a ton of research, but I feel like for some of it, it's best to get real-person explanations on things, so here are some of the characters and details about them that I'd like to hear people's personal experiences with:
•Alastor's mother's side of the family:
African American with a lot of cultural roots in their history, such as their practice of Voodoo, and Fijian ancestry (I'd like to reference or even introduce a Fijian character, but I mainly add this piece of info to give Alastor some background with Cannibalism, not necessarily to introduce a character that actually practices). I'm p sure I have most of this down (outside of voodoo, which I'm still researching and will be putting a fantastical twist on) but if anybody has info or personal experiences they'd like to share, please reach out to me.
•Alastor's father's side of the family:
Alastor's father was non-religious, but grew up with an older sister in a catholic household. My dad's catholic so I'm p certain I can work with this, but again, help is welcome.
•Gay Muslim character that appears later:
I know a decent amount about Islam (more than I do about judiasm and I have jewish family lol) but I'd appreciate some tidbits on writing him since I'm def not Muslim myself and plan on writing a lot about this character's experience with discrimination, going to mosque, daily prayers and duties, and Qur'an lore, specifically relating to angels and armies in the afterlife/end of the world.
•Gang characters:
I'll admit that I'm not well-verses in early 1900's gang etiquette, but it's my hyperfixation rn so this is what's happening.
•Russian Husk:
I have some knowledge of Russian culture (specifically in a historical context) but am also looking for info relating to other east-European countries (such as Germany and Slovakia) since his background is going to have him moving around a lot before coming to the US.
•New Yorkers:
A lot of these characters come from New York (due to immigration, city-backgrounds, entertainment industry, etc.) and I'm p confident in my historical knowledge of the city and state, but fun facts are appreciated nonetheless.
•The Queers:
I'm planning on adding multiple gay/lesbian/bi characters to interact with Alastor's ace-ness to kind of compare to. I know some about old-time gay clubs, but if anybody wants to lmk more about them, I'd love to hear it.
I have no idea how modern tech works, so if I'm gonna write about Alastor starting his radio biz through mechanical work, I think I should know a thing or two about how it works lol
Anyways thanks! Might add more later!
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a-hazbin-reader · 7 months
if they are considered as hellborns , does that mean they don't know what's in the human world?? The world where their parents once lived , do they often as questions to their parents what's the human world looks like
That would be so fucking sweet... 😭 and a little difficult for Alastor to answer I imagine considering how lonely he probably was growing up...
Yeah you know how papa is a big bad overlord now? Growing up my best friend was my mom..
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Lilith Convenes with the Loa
As the original victim of spousal abuse,
The goddess of love looked kindly on her.
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ogmaddoxtamoke · 7 months
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Honestly, this is how I think Mimzy would live in a modern domesticated life. I would feel bad for her, but.....I don't.
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tarogatchi · 3 months
Since my brother and I are both artists, making bday cards for my parents is just a talent show with me and my brother pitted against each other
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vengeancemoths · 6 months
not going to engage directly because i do not want to talk to these people but the multiple replies in the notes of that post using mimzy as a gotcha to criticism of ms vivzie's overwhelmingly toothpick shaped cast
you guys are talking about the character who's in half an episode, and whose entire screen time amounts to "look at this shrill woman, don't you hate her, she's kind of old and kind of fat and still thinks of herself as attractive, isn't that hilarious? anyway i guess some sinners can't be redeemed" like we watched the same show right?
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bananadramaaa · 6 months
I cannot tell you how much I fucking love your human alastor and mimzy designs 😭😭😭 THEYRE JUST SO PERFECT WTF!?!?!
also..could you draw alastor with his mom..
Thank you so much!🥺✨Baby boy with his mama for you~
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inyujidraws · 6 months
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More RadioMoon, yay. Impromptu marriage arc that happened after 4-5 years since Creon crash-landed in this timeline. They adopted.
Thanks everyone who came to my streams, watch me draw and talk cringe.
The rando in the first batch, he was a new comedian trying to break into the industry. While on the same way to work, Barry (placeholder name) introduced himself and started sharing some puns and jokes. Alastor didn’t find Barry impressive, and he refused to break his facade. Fun fact, Alastor would’ve murdered Barry later after that encounter, if not for Creon.
Barry got to live, because Alastor’s fecked-up face made Creon laugh so hard, it caused a chain reaction of laughter within the vicinity. So Barry became another reluctant friend in Alastor’s tiny circle. Occasionally Barry was a 3rd guest on Alastor’s radio program. Sadly the Great Depression wasn’t kind to Barry.
It took Alastor and Creon some time to figure out that their feelings for each other. They were quite comfortable staying a couple without the whole marriage ordeal. That changed when Creon stumbled on their soon-to-be son, Daniel. Creon was initially going to find another family who could take the kid in, but she grew attached. Alastor also warmed up to Daniel, especially when they bonded over their trauma of having garbage fathers.
I hadn’t thought about Alastor’s mother. Originally she would’ve passed away before Creon crashed. But where’s the fun in that? I wanted to add more chaos. Creon had returned from her international hobo trek, and accidentally bumped into Al’s mother Léonore. While staying as a paying tenant at her home, Creon saved Léonore from her canon death.
So Al’s mom got to be a grandmother later on. Didn’t really think about how she’d react to finding out Creon’s secret. I think Léonore would treasure Alastor’s happiness of finding love, even if the future daughter-in-law is a bio-engineered vampire.
Daniel grew to have an eccentric, but happy childhood after being adopted. Creon elected to stay home and raise and homeschool Daniel, instead of having Alastor split his time.
During the Great Depression, the “Marriage Bar” allowed employers to fire newly-wed women, or not hire married women. Creon still kept some side hustles, like doing tailoring. Also education wasn’t a huge priority for kids helping to bring money to the table. Some schools closed down, or were horribly underfunded.
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