#Millie the Kitty
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captainpirateface · 2 months ago
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My gorgeous girl... Millie The Kitty!
Enjoy my Cat Dump!
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uchidachi · 3 months ago
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This is Millie. She is here to visit with you and keep you company!
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deheerkonijn · 1 year ago
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You guys aren’t ready for our Feivel Goes West AU.
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mr-rupurr-giles · 5 months ago
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Say hello to Mr Giles.
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Bonus kitty, my current foster kitten, Millie:
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Follow for more Giles and foster kittens!
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spaltedrat · 7 months ago
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polyguns from today ^-^
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fraudulent-cheese · 4 months ago
Me when the nights are five and they are freddies:
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for @total-drama-horror-week's day 6 prompt! You cannot have a Horror game AU prompt without at least one edit of the characters in the FNAF offices, so i included 3 + one for Sister Location because. come on.
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mikatoonist · 7 months ago
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millie and kitty fusion!
fusion idea by @fin-the-fissssssh! this was so much fun
her name is kimi 📓🎮
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comfort-clubhouse · 1 year ago
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Happy (Late) Valentine's Day to my most favourite fictuonal couples and my most favourite characters!!!
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obscuresanrio · 10 months ago
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Obscure Sanrio Plushes
Left to Right : Noranekoland, Chi Chai Monchan, Ichigoman, Chibimaru, Minny le Mew, Catsbykids, Milly Pixie.
Minny they did you so wrong. Looks nothing like her oml.
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captainpirateface · 25 days ago
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The Millie the Kitty and Tamale the Cat combo dump!!!!
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uchidachi · 1 year ago
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Oh, radiator, we’re really in it now…
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chrismcleaneatspants · 8 months ago
i've done a bunch of these minor design tweaks over the past year (or canon did in leonard's case) so i figured i should make a full comparison sheet for them all
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mr-rupurr-giles · 5 months ago
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So cute when she sleeps c:
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myfuzzybabies · 3 months ago
Happy Thanksgiving from me and my babies!
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sketchfanda · 5 months ago
A Little Moxxie Love party 5
Teaser Imp
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When it came to the natural born native demons of hell, the variety of species was akin to snowflakes with many looking plenty unique and diverse between each other and among themselves especially when it came to the social pecking order. With the figurative bottom rung of course being occupied by imps and hellhounds to name a few though the latter were often valued for their heightened senses and their natural strength and speed but of course Hell wasn't without its own share of distinct hell-beast folk, key among them in this case being Hell-Horses. Unlike the more primal quadrupedal flaming horses, these mares and stallions consist of centaurs and those that can walk on two feet like most, with both breeds highly valued for their natural gifts of good looks and amazing speed which makes them highly valued for fashion show pageants and racing respectively ensuring that Hell-horses as a result prospered very well in terms of financial care of wealthy patrons among Hell's social elite. Now of course being as equine as they were, this lead to the aforementioned clients often engaging in a common practice used especially with race horses in the living world wherein some owners would arrange for their best high quality mares and stallions to mate and breed together, thus ensuring children that would have the best qualities of both parents making for very bright futures for them BUT there was a small wrinkle to the matter.
Hell Stallions you see, like their primal kin in the living world, had very narcissistic, obnoxious personalities being borderline sex pest perverts who in spite of their physiques and endowments were also absolute failures when it came to sexual performance. In other words, "wham, bam thank you ma'am, may I have another?" so of course Hell Mares naturally hated their partners on sight and thus were in need of a means by which they could be coaxed into estrus hence many notable researchers looked into it and found that the equine beauts responded well to the presence and company of other demons who were more pleasant in terms of personality and of course more easier on the eyes than the brawny meathead frat boys that were their own kind. Particularly and especially demons who were the rare few within in Hell that didn't have their general mindset set to the default of being an overall shitty person, the diamonds in the rough as it were, who of course would spend sometime charming the mares to a point that as soon as they were in the mood? The stallions could pounce and do their job and thus this leads to the situation a certain sweet possum of ours finds himself in at this very moment.
Moxxie much to his chagrin and confusion had found a local blueblood had sent an escort entourage to pick him up and bring him on over for a task he'd been hired for, not that Blitzo had bothered to argue or ask questions, soon as he saw the fancypants was loaded, he had Moxxie haul ass and go do what he had to for that fat paycheck!! Of course soon as he arrived at the sort of fancy digs a rich demon outside of an Ars Goetia could enjoy, he was informed of why he'd been brought here which was to be a teaser for the guy's Hell Mares to whom he was introduced to of as they were in the midst of their daily spa treatment and even among Hell Mares, it could be well said that they were absolute beauties. Going by the names of Elaine and Mojita, they were quite the pair of stunners with the former an exotic blue eyed blonde mare with milk chocolate fur and the latter silver haired and having a colour pattern common with red and Snow White fur and lucky little Moxxie had the task of getting them into just the right mood for a couple of Hell stallions’ enjoyment. All Moxxie could think at this moment was two simp,e words to best sum up this predicament. “Ooh crumbs……”
But of course nerves aside, Moxxie managed to muster up a little well, moxxie as he took to doing what he’d been hired for, work his charm on the horse woman duo as much as necessary to get them in the mood for their potential baby daddies. A few rounds of audio relaxation therapy playing guitar or violin here, an hour or so of massaging their firm, strong thicc furry bodies there and a bit of wine and dine with a candlelit dinner and the mares we’re finding their moods improving exceptionally well. To say nothing of how drawn they were feeling towards the little imp but of course their owners figured that was no problem, that was part of his job as the teaser after all. If just having them in the room for him to lay their eyes on could get them good and wet then their designated stallions of choice would be good and ready to do the deed.
But of course their pending breeding date with their designated stallions was the furthest thing from Elaine and Mojita’s minds as they found themselves becoming quite enamoured with their sweetheart of a teaser. Such a poetic romantic and to say nothing of how he made them feel like royalty, it just made them envy his wife for getting so lucky in love, hell why couldn’t he be the baby daddy instead? But of course as if thinking as one as they knew they each bith had the exact same idea, the hellmare duo shared a look as they began to make a simple but effective plan. Ooh they’d see to it their owners would get their money’s worth in their best races having skme optimal future champions, just that it’d be more on their terms and their terms alone, thank you and fuck you so very much!!
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When the time had finally arrived, Moxxie found himself sitting shirtless on what was unofficially the cuckold couch in the private love room, awaiting Elaine and Mojita who were no doubt getting prettied up. After all just because they were about to have some obnoxious blowhard stallions go jackrabbit on them didn’t mean they couldn’t look a little fabulous and sexy. Speaking of the stallions, whose names Moxxie didn’t really care enough to learn, they came into the room like overgrown jock frat boys they were, wearing needlessly shameless things designed to highlight and show off those ridiculous dicks of theirs. They reminded him way too much of his ex as they posed and flexed in a way that even Johnny Bravo would think they were being obnoxious, no doubt prepping to show off for the ladies whose worlds they were to set to rock, how these chumps were considered baby daddy material for some champion racing hellmares was beyond him.
But before the dumbasses could even get around to ditching their things and whipping out their worthless dicks, the doors shut and locked behind them. Revealing Elaine and Mojita much to Moxxie’s surprise as they proceed to bash the jock brained stallions over the head with lead pipes, causing them to pass out. Looking at them like they were trash beneath their feet before they looked the imp’s way, their expressions suddenly sensual and seductive as they made their way over to him. Giving him quite an eyeful as their furry, thicc, toned forms were in full display in their sexy, Lacey lingerie before they removed their bras to flash their bare tits to him.
Giggling at the sweet nervous look on his blushing face before they took To picking him him up off of that couch and setting him in the king sized love bed. Sitting in either side of him as they cupped and caressed his cute freckled face, taking turns kissing him deeply and passionately. Hands running along his quite built and toned little shortstack torso and moaning with delight at feeling his crotch up, mesmerised by the length and girth contained within as they removed them to free his cock. Stroking it to get her as the desire and arousal Moxxie built up in them had reached its fever pitch, their bodies yearning to mate and breed and they knew who whose babies they wanted.
Yes Elaine and Mojita had indeed been unable to help themselves from falling in love with Moxxie and really who could blame them? So they agreed to unofficially 86 the wastes of dna and have the imo fuck them and knock them up with his sure to be adorable little babies after all he deserved to be more than just their teaser. After how he made them feel like much more than just a sexy racers who deserved a better class of gentleman, all that romance and suave charm like their own personal love Story hero here to sweep them off their feet, it was small wonder they were now giving him a double team blowjob. Their tandem fellatio coaxing such cute little groans from their chosen baby daddy as they sucked and blew on that cock that clearly put Hell Stallions to shame, even kissing and massaging his balls for good measure as if to encourage the batter within to be plentiful and bountiful.
But the mare duo knew as amazing as the taste and scent of Moxxie’s cock was nothing compared to every inch of that length and girth penetrating them. Their wombs becoming hammered as he thrust and pumped in order to meet their desire to have his buns in their ovens, the private love room filled with sounds of sweet porno music. The slapping of crimson skin on furry skin as Moxxie took to taking Elaine and Mojita one on one whenever one of the mares needed to recover before tag teaming him two on one. No surprise they Especially took to riding him cowgirl style, his little but toned imp form taking their intense figures snd the impact like a champ.
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To say nothing of how sexually impressive his stamina and staying power as his cock, much to the mares’ delight, barely ever stopped being stiff and hard and still raring to go. And ooh he knew how to use it, taking them any and every which way possible as their snatches practically moulded to his dick, ensuring they’d never think of wanting or needing another man and they’d damn well like it that way. Doggy style, prone none, missionary, spread eagle, their cute teaser was a walking kama sutra machine and frankly it’d be some cruel joke if they didn’t wind up pregnant after this was over. All the while the stallion pair was still comatose unaware they were getting full on cuckolded.
by the time the morons finally woke up, the mares were freshly showered in bathrobes telling them thanks for stopping by and thst they could leave now with the deed done. Gaslighting the nitwits into thinking they’d actually done it when in fact they’d blown their load within seconds of getting knocked out, go figure typical minute horsemen but Hey ignorance was bliss. Leaving Elaine and Mojita with their sweetheart teaser to kiss him farewell and thank him for a wonderful time, sending him in his way after exchanging contact details of course, missing him already. And you can bet soon as the 9 months had passed, they were going to want to do it all over again.
And yes their owners were none the wiser , thinking the horse studs had done their job as Elaine and Mojita later gave birth to a healthy set of twins, never taking time to notice the distinct hybrid features. With was helped especially by Mojita having the same hair and fur colour pattern that resembled Moxxie’s own, leaving their little teaser in the clearer and those same pair of twins going on to grow up and become record making race champions. This would of course result in Moxxie becoming a very highly recommended and in demand demand HellMare tease which saw quite a population boom and a new generation of racing champions. And yes that would be a story for another time…and how sweet it is…..
Casting Couch
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Moxxie was still having quite a time processing his current situation, to think that was he really here at Skullfuck Productions of all places, on Mr.Sketch’s personal invitation to boot after having taken the plunge and called the number on that business card. But he was here all the same, walking side by side with the flaming skullheaded enigma himself as they both rocked some Hugh Heffner style robe wear ensembles which the imp hsd to admit made him feel classy as all fuck. The studio head honcho talking with Moxxie casually like he was an old friend while giving him a personal tour of the grounds, including his personal living pad attached to it and what it had on offer to provide should he imp consider coming on board. The sweet possum had to say that for a porn studio, it was quite a sophisticated professional operation they were running here as he continued to follow Mr.Sketch along.
Mr.Sketch:*Bubble pipe in hand as he made chitchat with the imp like he was a longtime old friend rather than potential future employee.*"A lot of people know about the grotto and the game room but few know about the laboratory, the biosphere, the alternative research centre..."*He monologued, gesturing to Moxxie as he showed off the aforementioned lab, demon girls in labcaots worn over playboy bunny and catgirl outfits as the imp nodded in fascination albeit blushing. Really who could blame him when all throughout since he got here, he'd been seeing a lot of naked female skin.*"But anyway where was I? Oh yeah so let me just say again I'm really glad you decided to consider giving this gig a tryout, Moxxie, I can say with certainty that you've got potential...."*The skullheaded enigma remarked as he and the imp paused in their stride, taking a puff of his pipe as he gave Moxxie time to gather his thoughts.*
Moxxie:*Really now the imp had to wonder what he could even say, far as he knew, he felt he was crazy to have ever even called that number in the first place. But Millie had naturally persuaded him as only she could and far as he knew, the potential pay from taking up a sidejob as a porn star would seriously be able to cover some of IMP's debts.*"Listen, Mr.Sketch, Sir? I'm uh certainly flattered you think so highly of me and all but I'd be lying if I said I didn't have some reservations about this. Not like the sex or doing it on camera with other women i mean!! I mean well you're....aware of what my wife is into and....admittedly, she's always been a fan of your work so this is like a big deal for her but...I have to ask. Why me? What makes you think anyone would even pay to see me in anything like this?"*Okay sure yes Moxxie had quite a few women in his life especially thanks to Millie's peculiar little kink of course. But surely he wasn't really leading man material for porno now was he?!*
Mr.Sketch:"Moxxie, Moxxie, Moxxie...First off just Sketch is fine, save the sirs, misters and boss for when we work on the Sets. Secondly let me ask you...."*The resident enigma of Hell quipped as he leaned his broad frame to wrap a friendly casual arm around the sweet possum as they resumed their treck, taking him along to an important destination.*"What do you think it is that makes my material sell as well as it does? Who do you think my biggest fanbase is? Now the obvious answers would be the sex because after all, sex sells? Now you might figure maybe it’s the hot sexy guys and girls on the covers and posters but nah nah. See Mox, what makes my work sell is I know my audience and a big chunk of them happen to be women and what those women want is guys like you…..”*The duo paused as they came to a door, greeted by Mr.Sketch’s cute little gofer, the Robo-Fizz Kitty who stood there waiting with that distinct smile of hers and tray of drinks. The flaming skullheaded smut maker picking uo a glass as he had a sip, idly swishing the glass in hand as he resumed his monologue.* “To me, Moxxie, porn is too riddled with cliches, porn down here in Hell more so. You know all the usual cliches, BBC and blacked, netorare, cuckolding, obnoxious humpers and douchebags who think all they needs plot wise is to flash their big dicks and bang some bitches. I tell you the number of hell stallions I’ve had to turn away. But a guy like you Moxxie? That’s where it’s at, that’s what women want, genuine nice guys and sweethearts who’re not only packing but know to really treat a woman in bed…and from what I’ve seen and heard, you’re just that kind of guy….”*Nodding to Kitty as the robo-fizz opened the or, leading him and the imp inside to what Moxxie came to recognise as Skullfuck Productions’ infamous casting couch room and sitting there waiting was a violet furred horned fox girl looking demon, who a Moxxie couldn’t help but feel major vibes off of her that reminded him of Loona.*”But of course formalities are formalities so I just need to see you in action for myself. So what do you say buddy?”
Moxxie would be lying if he said he wasn’t nervous as he looked at the fox girl who was really burning a figurative hole in him with that deadpan stare, seriously total Loona vibes there. And to do it in the open like this but really with all his experience, he figured he’d be used to a bit of public exhibitionism but he already in deep enough as was. Especially as he reminded him how the money would really help out and the idea of Millie, as well as few of the other notable ladies in his life, watching him in porn was a bit of a turn on. Nodding to Mr.Sketch who rubbed his hands with glee as his likely future employer went over to a tripod mounted camcorder, Kitty standing by his dutiful as ever as the red light blinked indicating recording had started so it was time for the imp to go make some sensual magic….
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Getting the hint of course and figuring he might as well get to making a good first impression compared to the second hand accounts and evidence Sketch had been getting as he ditched his robe, now standing clad in just his boxers. The demon fox girl still wearing her deadpan expression yet if one were to look real close, they’d see the small blush on her face or how sensually and eagerly her tail wagged which hinted how aroused she was becoming. But as soon as Moxxie pressed his lips to her muzzle and began to make out with her, she soon found herself giving off soft, deep moans as her bidy began to become quite personally well acquainted with Moxxie and his sensual approach in the art of love making. And oh she was loving every goddamn fucking second of it!!
But if she thought kissing Moxxie was arousing if not borderline orgasmic, ooh soon as he went down on her? She wasn’t so much seeing stars as rather it as like she was seeing god as Moxxie kissed his way down her violet furred torso and removed her thong to begin an oral assault on her pussy. His hot breath and that warm, wet tongue of his working some major sexual magic on her as she felt a surge of orgasmic energy rush through her nerves and along her spine, flooding her brain with sweet ecstasy. Toes curling as she grasped those horns of his snd wrapped her thick furry thighs around his sweet little head, wanting to feel him deeper inside her.
Sketch of course made sure to the camera was getting just the right details at the best angles as he felt any expectations he had about a Moxxie being surpassed. He knew that fox girl he poached from that louse Valentino would be a good measuring bar, so to speak so seeing her cumming just from the imp eating her out was more than a good sign. Soon as he had the sweet little possum signed on, hopefully, this casting couch video would be handy to show off on documenting the rise of his career in Hell’s adult entertainment industry. But for the time being, it was best to be an in the now sort of guy and right now he was witnessing some sexual magic.
Especially once Ms.Foxxxy got the imp’s boxers off and laid eyes on that goddamn slab of meat he somehow managed to keep contained within them. Leading to things starting off intense with her hanging head upside down off the edge of the seat as she had that big imp cock face-fucking her, using her mouth and throat as an oral pussy with those heavy red balls smacking her forehead to being in her hands and knees as she screamed her head off in primal sexual abandon. Taking it doggy style from Moxxie deep and hard as he pounded her like a jackhammer, his gifted little hands grasping her waist for deer park life as he felt her pussy’s embrace around his shaft. Before he shuddered at feeling a hand grasp and squeeze his swaying balls and a set of kiss kiss and lick them, t looking over his shoulder surprised to see Kitty was the one responsible.
Seems the robo-Fizz was getting so turned in watching Foxxxy and the imp go at it that her pleasure circuits went into overdrive, urging and compelling her to join in. Her red eyes twinkling in lust delight as she flashed that pretty grin of hers before soon finding herself pulled into the sexual embrace. The imp now the filling of a threesome sandwich as mr.Sketch found this casting couch become more fun than expected, seems his potential new star had a natural charisma which escalated situations like this, that was something that would make for some fun projects down the line. Grinning in mischief as he continued to film the ongoing scene before him with Kitty riding Moxxie cowgirl style while Foxxxy sat on his face, wanting to enjoy that magic mouth of his again while she and Kitty kissed and out with one another.
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A couple of rounds and orgasm later, Foxxy was sleeping on the couch, spooning an equally blissed out Kitty as the pair basked in the afterglow of a heavy assault of orgasms from the imp. As their boss and the imp stood outside the door to talk in private after Moxxie had finished showering, a soda can in hand as he drank to recover some energy and fluids from that wild little casting couch session. The imp was still a little unsure about his choices, on the one hand there was no doubt the money would be great and Millie was sure to approve and yet could he really do such a line of work? Before Mr.Sketch went in for the kill as he handed Moxxie a script, one for a project down the line he knew for sure the imp would be perfect for as he watched him flip through it.
Moxxie had to say, he was certainly impressed by what he was reading, this script was well thought out and there was enough plot snd story but not too much to keep viewer waiting for the sexy scenes. It did remind him that Millie was a huge fan of Skullfuck Production’s works for good reason, the stash she had d stockpiled and collected was proof of that. And as thespian at heart, this did speak to his sense of art and creativity, sure it wasn’t a musical like the phantom or les miserable but all the same. Closing the script shut as he looked at the skullheaded enigma with determination and nervousness, classic Moxxie, got to love him….
Moxxie:”So where do I sign and how soon you want me to start?” *If joy could be harnessed as a power source, Mr.Skech was giving off enough to power all of Canada and the states for eternity. Looking at the imp with pride like the sun he’d never had just fine and told him he was going to run for president of Hell and win as he shook and his hand and began leading the imp back to his office so they could sign his contract. The demon enigma knee for sure, this imp was going to be a real fan favourite, the sooner he got him performing on camera the better. This was going to be the beginning of a very beautiful friendship……*
Margot Ménage
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Margot Mallard wasn’t happy, no sir she wasn’t happy at all, if anything she was downright fucking pissed off as all Hell and it was all her ex’s damn fault!! Normally she’d be all for shaking what her mama gave her on the dance floor alike right now at this little party being held by one of Perfecto Prep University’s resident frat houses but not tonight. No right now she was busy in her dorm room shredding, burning up and deleting any and all pictures of Danforth Drake, aka the aforementioned ex of this past week. Now you’d likely be wondering what went down to make this quite easy in the eyes duck girl so livid and vindictive?
Well she had been looking to surprise him with a little make out at the football team’s hot tub, only to find Drake gong at it with the goddamn donkey girl from the cheer squad, the cheating bastard!! And he even tried to deny it while he was still balls deep in that whore mule but basically just dug himself deeper, spilling the beans due to the shock and nerves of being caught in the act with details like the fact this wasn’t even the first time and that’d it’d been going on behind her bad for weeks, if not months! So small wonder she slapped him and kicked him in his pissant needle dick and brake it off with him then and there. It’d been a week since of course and she still felt like she had so much spite to vent but what could she do to really stick to Danforth?
Well what was good for the goose wa good for the gander but it wasn’t like any of the other guys on the team were an improvement, hell Perfecto Prep was seriously lacking in the looks department, maybe that duck from Acme Looniversity?! Maybe a little cam session killing herself off in her own personal hot tub on her new OnlyFans page would suffice enough, nothing would be sweeter revenge than posting naughty videos and pics of herself wet and naked for others to see…well, it’d be a start. Only to pause her train if thought as she heard a knock on her door, curious as to who it was though if it was Drake come crawling back to her back together, ooh she would castrate him. Opening the door to find quite the curious little sight before her, blinking a few times as she was wondering if this was for real.
Standing there before her was what seemed to be, she had to say, a quite cute, little red skinned and horned, freckled possum in a pizza deliver boy uniform. Those of us in the know of course know it was none other than our favourite little resident thespian Imp Moxxie, who of course was going a little incognito in the living worldon his first real job as a porn star for Skullfuck productions. Mr.Sketch had given him quite a particular task, a little amateur porno take on that Punk’d show, in this case the flaming skullheaded enigma would have Moxxie go to the living world and have him go to some random hottie posing as one of the most common porn based occupations (delivery guy, pool cleaner, Gardener/custodian, repairman, etc) and if they showed interest, well then go ahead and rock their world like only he could with that big imp cock of his. The sweet possum sneaking a nervous glance to is newfound side gif employer snd the camera girl peeking around the corner, human disguises on as they flashed him a thumbs up to reassure him.
Moxxie:*A stealth roll of his eyes and silent sigh as Moxxie hit the acceptance stage in his mental process and knew it was best he get in with and get it over with. A nervous smile as held uop the pizza box and began to recite his line as it came to him from memory, personally he’d have actually felt nervous doing a more scripted sort of shoot rather than one of these stealth method amateur acts…but Mr.Sketch loved put his newbies through the ringer when he saw potential.*”G-good evening Miss, Helluva slice at your service…Uhm, You happen to order the Uhm…”*The little sweetheart checked his secret post it chests note on the box to check his next line, in any porno with this sort of set up, it would be cliche as all fuck.*”Meat lovers special?”*His shaken smile was rather endearing and bless him, he was really trying as now he had to wait and see how Margot would react and if she would take the bait, hook, line and sinker….
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A few moments later, the frat party below found a sudden interruption to their rowdy keg emptying bachanal as the scene suddenly went from the usual wild frenzy like out of teen movies to sudden silence besides the music from the dj as everyone just paused and stopped, why you might ask? Well might because many suddenly found their phone screens all get the same notification the music found a little something extra added to it in the form of some very deep throated leered moans and cries of pleasure. Because a this moment everyone was catching a livestream of Margot Mallard, the cheer squad captain of Perfecto Prep herself, in the throes of passion as she went at it like a porn star with Moxxie in the hot tub. And from the angle of the camera you could see a good shot of that big red imp dick as she bounced her violet feathered booty on it, her bombshell figured fully naked as her favourite swimsuit laid away discarded off to the side, fully exposing herself and being very vocal about how much she was enjoying her new lover compared to her ex.
Danforth Drake as well as the rest of the football team happened to be among the party crowd and he didn’t even have to look at his phone as it seemed that Margot went and hit a little snafu when setting up the stream. What was intended to be a broadcast to just her onlyfans subscribers had also accidentally been set up to every available device connected to the campus Wi-Fi which meant every one among student and faculty alike was getting a free show. The pencil dick canard looking on with shock and horror akin to witnessing a car crash as some nobody little possum was basically cuckolding him and Margot’s dirty talk was adding more blows to his ego. It certainly wasn’t going to help the fact that a few among the party started sharing this with friends, ensuring this amateur porn show was gojnf to be quite the talk of the town.
Margot:”Aaahn ooh god fuck me harder daddy!, you’re so much bigger and better than my ex!! He’s a little eunuch compared to you!! Fuck me like you want to own me baby!!”*But of course that was all the furthest thing from Margot’s mind because quite frankly her mind was busy drowning in an overdose of ectasy. Raw, pure sexual bliss flooding her brain with every pounding of her womb by that red hot length and girth which relentlessly jackhammered away into her slit. She’d just been expecting a decent lay if not just a quick blowjob to tip this unexpected but oh so cute delivery boy but the second Moxxie’s cock came out rested ion her face with a heavy, meaty thud on her face? Her libido proceeded to flip every switch possible to bitch in heat mode and that was how we came to current events.*
Mr.Sketch and the camera girl of course were still around, literally peeking around the corner as the latter filmed and recorded more intimately and closely to get just the right angles her boss needed. Shots of Margot’s face shifting through a range of expressions that showed how horny and orgasmic she was to the intimate connection of her feathered bouncing on that big Imp cock all to ensure the pleasure was genuine. Voyeuristic as it was, like hell the flaming skullheaded porn baron was going to pass up a chance to see his rookie star in action but hit damn who knew the delivery boy disguise would reel in such a hottie?! And Moxxie was really putting her through the ringer, from the looks of it whoever this limpdick ex was, there was no way she’d give him the time of day ever again once Moxxie was done with her.
The sweet possum of course, as overwhelmed at first as he was by Margot’s intense libido, was soon taking the momentum well as he mustered up his skill and experience to rock her world. From pounding and pumping her pussy with his white hot seed to facefucking her and pounding that feathered booty like she owed him money, thinking if Millie, Loona or Verosika were here, what would they love to see him do? Much to Margot’s delight as pink hearts glowed in her eyes, feeling like she could die happy just from the pleasure alone. But alas all things come to an end one way or another as the stream was cut off, leaving a stunned crowd and Drake feeling like an inadequate eunuch while Margot’s wet,naked body was tucked snug in her bed leaving her to bask in the afterglow and sweet sexy dreams of her mystery lover boy….
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About a week after what Acme Acres came to know as One Night in Margot, the duck girl found herself getting e-mail from Skullfuck productions offering her a contract to become one of their stars, with the promise naturally of getting to see her random delivery boy once more, to which she couldn’t have typed a reply fast enough. While the porn company’s new video on their website was making record view numbers from the first it uploaded to hype and tease their new Rookie, known only as Mysterious M. Comments on the video vadied, some from a few female fans who could tell that big imp cock was going to be giving them some very sweet dreams tonight. While in the office of the Hesse honcho of SFP himself, he was on his cellphone speaking to his sure to be favourite little talent..
Sketch:”I’m telling you, haven’t seen views this fact since the first time our streaming site went public in the living world. Just a clip e more of these amateur bits and we can start you off on some legit scripted shoots. Hope you enjoy the present I sent you by the way, little dude….”*The enigma sat in his desk, checking his pc desktop screen while for Moxxie it was a different story, for you see at his and Millie’s love nest apartment, his wife and Verosika were currently sandwiching his sweet little snowball head between their demonic booties. Suffocating him with pleasure as they expressed their opinion of one of his first real pornos as his little amateur style short with Margot played on the tv screen. As a thanks for his above and beyond performance, in addition to his first paycheck Moxxie had been gifted with a dvd of the full uncut shoot compared to the streaming version which was a condensed highlight reel. One that was sure to sell like hot cakes once it saw distribution.*
Moxxie could only squeak out a thanks as Mr.Sketch finished the call wishing him luck as he promised to email and text him their next schedule of event shoots. Leaving him to continue suffering the sweet blissful agony of a boot sandwich which was of course just a preview of what Millie and Verosika had in store for him. How could they not after having watched him in action like that, the raw ahegao Margot made as she had the biggest cock in existence ensure she’d never think of any other men. And this would be just the beginning of what was yet to come in his new career in adult entertainment…..pray for him….
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enby-creature-feature · 1 year ago
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Look at my cats
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