#Miles: Hey my uncle died too!
The funniest thing to me about the plot for the Into the Spiderverse is that Miles' uncle did die but they all basically said that it didn't count.
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uglypastels · 2 months
You're On Your Own, Kid / A Munson Story
a/n I got this random idea today of "what if Eddie had a long lost sister" and thought it would be fun to just drabble away at it, but the drabble got longer and I got more and more invested in these two dorks, so yeah, I might write more about them if anyone is interested..
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word count: 2031
warning: swearing. Mentions of troubled families. not much else[?]
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When the Hawkins gang met Eddie, the first thing they learned about the Hellfire Club leader was that he was a talker but rarely talked about himself. He can go on for hours talking about DnD campaigns or the latest fantasy book he's read [and don't get him started about the upcoming Metallica album. He will not shut up,] but he rarely reveals anything about himself. Learning about his past was more of a scavenger hunt of his life story's tidbits rather than... a story.
The worst part was that Eddie did not even realise he had done this. Perhaps he assumed everyone knew everything about him (since most act like that anyway, accusing him of shit left and right.)
Thus, moments like this happened as Eddie was talking about how he needed to fix his car because the last time he drove it, it shut down in the middle of the road.
"Made me think of the time my dad's car flunked and he send me and my sister out to find someone to call for help since we didn't have a phone."
"What?" Robin asked.
"Yeah, we had to walk like fice miles until we ran into some shack. Nice lady lived up there. She gave us cookies." Eddie shrugged, reminiscing.
"No, no that," Nancy clarified Robin's question. "You have a sister?"
"Oh. Yeah." Eddie just blinked. "Didn't I tell you guys?"
A collective No erupted all around the room. So, Eddie was forced to tell them everything about you. How you were only a year younger than him, always a pain in the ass, but a great sport to tag along in all of the shenanigans that he came up with as a kid. The two of you were inseparable until your dad landed in jail for the one too-manyeth time, and you were separated.
"I went to live with our uncle, while she went upstate to live with our grandma. She would have taken us both but her house smelled too much like sauerkrout."
"Do you still see her?" Steve asked.
"My grandma? No, she died last year."
"Your sister." Steve said, failing to hide the exhaustion caused by the conversation.
"We used to visit each other every summer and all the school holidays, but you know, as we got older, we just grew apart, I guess. Last year, she went off to college, then granny died so we saw each other at the funeral, said we’d call but neither of us did… and we haven't really talked since." Eddie started finicking with a loose thread on his ripped jeans as a moment of heartfelt silence fell across the room. 
 Robin broke through that flawlessly, however. ‘So, call her now,’ she called out. Eddie looked up at her, bewildered. 
‘What, like right now?’ 
‘Yeah, invite her over to stay for the summer. I’m sure she’ll be glad you have re-entered civilisation and made some new friends.’ Robin’s eyes grew in size with excitement as she declared all the new plans, and the rest listened intently, whether they wanted to or not.
And that’s more or less why you were woken up in the middle of the night by the phone ringing. 
‘Hullo?’ you grudged out, wiping the sleep out of your eyes. ‘Hey, Judes.’Your brother’s voice came from the other side quietly, not at all what you were used from him… not that you were used to hearing anything at all these days. 
‘Hey, everything alright?’ You checked the alarm clock next to your bed. Why the hell was your brother calling you at 1 am? 
‘Yeah, yeah, everything’s fine. I’m just with some friends and—’ 
‘Let me stop you right there,’ you cut him off, ‘are you either A) dying or B) in prison?’
‘No, I’m fine.’
‘Then why, in god’s damned name, are you calling me at this fucking hour?’ There was a moment of silence. Some mumbling on the other line, followed by a hushed curse as Eddie presumably checked the clock and finally realised what time it was. 
‘Shit, sorry. I didn’t even realise it was this late, like I said I’m just hanging out with some people.’
‘Figured.’ You grumbled, letting your head fall back onto your pillow. ‘I’m hanging up now, E–’
‘No wait!’ He shouted hard enough to wake you up again, as well as all your neighbours. ‘I wanted to ask you something.’
‘Then just do it. I’m trying to sleep.’
‘Would you want to come back to Hawkins for the Summer?’
‘Why the fuck would I want to go back to Hawkins?’ The sweltering heat was nothing to be missed, and the last time you were back in your hometown, the most interesting thing that happened was a man getting attacked by an owl. Of course, you missed your older brother and waited with a heavy heart for the day that he himself left that shithole to pursue the dreams you knew he still had. 
‘My friends want to meet you.’
‘I’ve been to like 5 of your “concerts”, you dork. I know all of your friends.’ Your eyes were getting heavier by the second, and all your energy was being used to remember to hold up the phone to your face and respond to whatever nonsense Eddie was spewing on the other end of the line. 
‘No, I uhh— I made somed new ones, believe it or not.’
‘No fucking way. At your grown age?’
‘Fuck off.’
‘No, fine, I’ll come. Will have to check with work but I’ll let you know this week.’
‘Ok, cool.’
‘I’m going to sleep now.’ 
‘Fuck you.’ And with that, you hung up. Not even five seconds later, you had dozed back off. 
Simultaneously, Eddie hung the phone back on the wall, feeling both as if a weight had fallen off his shoulder and as if he had just swallowed a giant boulder and was sinking to the bottom of Lover’s Lake. 
He turned around towards the room and was met with three awaiting pairs of eyes. 
‘And?’ Robin nudged him to speak.
‘She’s got to check her schedule.’ Eddie shrugged, not thinking much of it. That’s how your conversations have been over the last few years. Schedules always seemed to be booked, but promises would be made just to be broken over and over. So when his friends looked so excitedly at him, he was unsure what to do. After all, he doubted that this would be the time things would be different.
And how wrong he was. 
The next day, you called him back, this time waking him up at a slightly more human hour: noon. 
‘Sorry, I forgot you were taking your nap.’ You joked, certainly much to his appreciation, before telling him you got a few days off in the upcoming month. Maybe it was his abruptly awoken state, but it took a moment for the penny to drop and Eddie to react. And even then, it was a bit lacklustre. 
‘Ok, great. See you here in a few.’
It wasn’t your fault. At least not yours alone; in truth, you felt the same. Your childhood had not been a very stable one, as you moved from house to house as your parents tried to cling onto any job until it was finally too much. You and Eddie got dragged apart into two completely different sides of the world [that’s how big Indiana felt at the time, at least.] But no matter what, there was always one thing you could count on your family for: disappointment. 
Somehow, they [you and your brother included] just always managed to screw things up in the most fashionable way. To the point that it was easier not to have any hopes for anything because you knew that, to a certain extent, they would never be met. 
So, in the days leading up to your reunion, you didn’t let yourself be excited or dare to think of what to do or say to Eddie, only expecting a phone call from him to cancel everything with a half-assed apology. You knew that he was most likely awaiting the same thing from you. 
But somehow, against all odds, none of that happened. The days went by, and there were no changes to any plans. Your drive back to Hawkins was as smooth as ever, up to the Welcome sign. 
You weren’t entirely surprised to have learned that Eddie was still living with your uncle, but at least that was an address you knew all too well. It was really only once your wheels started to graze that gravel road that the reality of the situation hit you. And there he was, standing at the door of that damned box on wheels, hands in pockets like he always used to do when he was nervous, swinging back on forth on his feet. The only change was the cigarette between his lips to calm himself down. 
Assumably, at the sound of your approach, three heads popped out of the trailer door. More or less. You could see them looking through the little curtain that usually covered the window. You drove until you couldn’t any longer and stopped the car, taking the time for three deep breaths before getting out and into your brother's arms. 
‘You smell like shit.’ They were not meant to be the first words you said to him, but the ratchet stench of weed was overwhelming. 
‘Good to see you too.’ He hugged you tightly.
‘So good.’ You hugged him even tighter until he squeaked out in pain. 
Eddie groaned as you let go of eachother. ‘I really missed you, Judy.’
‘Wait, Judy?’ The curious heads finally popped out from behind the curtain and stepped out into the trailer's front yard. So it really was true: Eddie had made new friends—friends who looked particularly confused, just like you and Eddie had predicted at four years old. 
‘It’s just what Elroy calls me,’ you pointed at Eddie. ‘Don’t worry.’
‘Judy— Elroy— wait, like the Jetsons?’ The guy in the middle said. His brows had knitted together as he deducted this conclusion to your little joke, and you had to admit he looked pretty cute. 
‘Exactly like the Jetsons. It was one of the only things we could agree on watching together.’
‘Well, that’s just adorable.’ The girl on the cute guy’s right said before introducing herself. ‘I’m Robin.’ She waved her hand with a slightly awkward smile. ‘That’s Steve,’ she poked the guy in the ribs with her elbow as he just stood there like a lost, yet excited, puppy. 
‘Right, hey, hi.’ He leapt into motion, extending his hand for a shake. 
‘Hi.’ You replied before letting go, then turned your attention to the other girl who politely awaited her turn.
‘I’m Nancy. It’s really nice to meet you. Eddie’s told us so much about you.’
‘I highly doubt that.’ You laughed, glancing over at your brother, who you never knew to talk about personal things.
‘We might have forced him a little bit.’ Robin admitted. ‘Would you like a drink? We got some rootbeer on ice inside.’
‘My favou-
‘We know,’ they said in chorus, confirming the previous statement made.
You heard your car door open and shut behind you, and when you turned around, Eddie was hauling your bag over his shoulder.
‘You could have just left it in the car for now.’ Sure, the trailer park was full of interesting characters, but no one would go as low as stealing from their neighbours. 
‘It’s not safe.’ Eddie huffed out over the weight of the bag. ‘Not since the raccoon?’ 
‘Raccoon?’ You blinked, looking between Eddie and Steve, who held the door open for you.
‘It’s better if you don’t ask,’ Steve said, making you want to ask even more. As you entered the trailer, with endless images of what could have happened between Eddie and that raccoon, the smell of popcorn filled the small living room, and you found your spot on the couch next to a politely smiling Steve, you suddenly felt like your Summer in Hawkins could end up being quite interesting after all. 
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moonlit-imagines · 11 months
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not requested
“What the hell did you call me in for? I told you I don’t wanna be apart of this and I’m sick of hiding it from Ma.” You grumbled as you walked into your Uncle Aaron’s apartment, lit only by the night sky and street lights outside the window. “You guys remember when I said ‘the less I know, the better’? Yeah, I meant that.” You continued your complaining.
“Yeah, we know.” Aaron assured you softly, just like he did to your mother. “But we thought you might want to check this out.”
“You’re being all ominous just to make me listen to some of your music?” You looked completely exhausted by the both of them, which you were. Ever since your dad died, you’ve been extra careful and you were very distraught that your brother wouldn’t do the same for Mama.
“Check this out.” Miles stood beside the punching bag in Aaron’s place. You noticed chains around the red leather and feet slightly dangling underneath. You quickly tried to take some steps away, but Uncle Aaron’s hand caught your back and you watched in horror as the bag spun around, revealing a boy about Miles’ age. “Look a little closer.” That was Miles.
“Are—Is that? Is that you, Miles?” You asked and each replied with a “yes.” You shook your head and walked closer, trying to disprove something that was just impossible to you. “You shouldn’t have called me. I told you this Prowler stuff you do…I don’t need to know all this. It’s better for me if I don’t.” You started to scold your brother—the one you actually knew—and looked at his doppelgänger. Sighing, you asked, “Can you just tell me what I’m looking at?”
“I’m from another dimension if it helps. I don’t know why, really. I mean—I kinda do, but I really thought I’d be somewhere else. My dimension.” Other Miles began to explain and you peered at your brother. “Hey, I have an y/n, too. They’re pretty cool and all. Really reasonable.”
“I bet.” You replied. “Miles, Aaron…whatever you need from me here? I’m out. This is officially insane.”
taglist: @ravenmoore14 // @randomfandomimagine // @summersimmerus // @bad4amficideas // @simsrecs // @milkiane // @xoxobabydolls // @wild-rose-35 // @nekoannie-chan // @evilcr0ne // @ruvaakke // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @elenavampire21 // @zoeyserpentluck //
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marice23top · 1 year
PROLOGUE- Prowler Miles X Deadpool ( fem) Reader
   Taglist: @bath1lda​ @sorryi-mtrash
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Let's start this from the beginning…
“My name is Y/N Fisk the daughter of the big top baddie in Brooklyn. My father owns the whole city basically, But you know being a child of the biggest baddie this earth has ever seen you might think he might have loved me more.”
“Sorrrryyy, to break your spirits but to the old man I was nothing more than a lab experiment and I wasn’t even a failed one, I was one of his many experiments that actually worked.”
“Well you wanna know the whole story or do you want a short version so you can finally see the person you are reading this for in the first place.”
“So i'm guessing the short version you simps…”
“So I was experimented on by my father, and turned into an unkillable demon. Was trained till I was 1-10 years old, got sent to school, met the love of my life “😀”( who you should know), fell in love, worked with his uncle because he was working under my dad, then comforted the love of my life after his dad dies.(His dad was also super cool) then had to start working with the love of my life doing “jobs” under my dear old father for money.”
“And that's all, my whole life all summed up. Hey you wanna know something now that I say this maybe my life isn’t too bad”…”I feel like i'm forgetting something…”
“Ahh that's right we are fighting right now, yikes I need to get these voices in my head checked out.”
“Y/NNNN!” Screamed a voice behind me. Taking out my swords I start to run over to them. 
“OH and I hope to see or hear you later little voices in my head.”
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frissy · 4 months
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Earth42!Miles morales / Earth1610!Miles morales x fem reader
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5)
[A/N] Hey! It’s been awhile. This story has been in the back of my mind for quite some time, and I think it’s finally time I come back to it! This is long overdue. So, I hope you enjoy. Sorry for it being short, I wrote this at 12:30am.. sorry if it’s bad too, I haven’t written in awhile. Lol.
protective! Earth42 Miles
protective! Earth1610 Miles
Just then, the prowler version of Miles yanked you. Holding you while hyperventilating, he looked at your Miles wide-eyed.
“No. You’re not going to take her. Not when I just got her back.” He held onto you tighter.“No!
You don’t understand. If she stays… If she replaced your [name]… your whole universe would vanish! You’d all die.” Miles tried pleading.
“I don’t care.”
“you should!”
“wouldn’t your [name] want you to be happy? This is only hurting yourself.”
“you just don’t get it. I loved my [name]. She was everything to me. And she died.”
you tried prying yourself out of his arms, but his grip was too strong. You reached out for your Miles, but before he could take your hand, the prowler put his mask back on.
“you’re not leaving me again, [name].” He said, carrying you has he made his way out of the apartment complex, shouting for your smiles as you left.
Your Miles stood there, shaking. Not with fear, but with anger.
Now, Miles had two people to save. And you were the one his heart wanted to save first.
Miles breathed heavily as he stared out the now open window his other self took you through, he look at Uncle Aaron—At least, the uncle Aaron of this universe.
“go on. It’s not good for him to do what he’s doing” He said, looking at Miles.
“thanks, uncle a—“ Miles stopped himself. He simply looked away, slipping his mask on and going out the window into the night to find [name].
“Let— LET GO OF ME!-“ you shouted as you were being taken through the city, all you wanted— no, all you needed to do was to go home and save Mr. Morales. You had to ignore Miguel’s warnings, even if the world collapses, Miles would die with his father by his side.. with you, by his side. Ever since Miles from this earth professed that in his world, you were his girlfriend; a certain feeling tugged at your heart but you ignored it you couldn’t have a crush on your best friend.. right?
“no. I’m keeping you.. you’re MINE. And—“
Before he could finish, he was knocked to the ground and you almost went flying out of his hands.
he groaned loudly in pain— but you, didn’t hit the ground. Your Miles had caught you. Holding you against him tightly.
“Don’t touch her. Leave her alone!” He said, loudly
Earth 42 Miles got up, wincing in pain.
“Give her back. Give her back to me.”
“She’s not yours.”
he yelled out in pain, the mental turmoil he was going through made his sanity drop. All he wanted was his girl back. And there she was— her hair, eyes.. all the same. But some asshole, he thought.. was preventing his reunion.
that’s when he lunged at Miles— but Miles swooped away with you before he could snatch you again.
that’s when Miles spoke.
“I know.. I know what it’s like to lose someone you care about. But— in this case.. having them back will only cause more damage. Your universe- it will disappear. You- and everyone else will die. Your family, friends— everyone.” ”I don’t care.. I just want my [name] back.. my beautiful girl..” he said pointing at you.
Miles took a deep breath, and turned your head into his chest while he kept speaking to the Miles of Earth 42.
“Me and [name] have to go ho—“
“NO. SHES MINE YOU CAN’T HAVE HER!” Miles shouted. He tried to yell more, but the rain overpowered him.
“I’m sorry. But she can’t stay here.”
it wasnt long before your Miles had shot out his webs, carrying you away from the other version of himself.. the cold and shattered version of himself…
The other Miles looked at you two as you swung away over the crime ridden Brooklyn.
Until— Miles put out his hand and a flash of orange appeared, it seemed to be a portal.
That’s when he jumped up steps— jumped across buildings as fast as he could to follow you two.. but he was too late.
Miles, in his now soaking wet prowler suit, looked out into the empty skyline, his heart breaking all over again.
He felt sick. Are there more? More universes with you? More, mocking universes where someone else got to have you?
That’s when he decided, he’ll find a way. He’ll find a way to get you again- any version of you. And he won’t be so gentle the next time he finds you.
He’ll lock you up if he has to.
*disclaimer: chapter 6 may not come out until BEYOND THE SPIDERVERSE comes out to make writing easier.*
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boygiwrites · 1 year
Harley D. Dixon 1
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• Gen Tags. Found family, Daddy issues, Hurt and comfort, Gore.
• Summary. Harley D. Dixon is a tough yet sweet little girl who until the dead started eating the living, thought she had seen it all. Alongside a mismatched group of survivors in rural Georgia, Harley and her Dad are forced to leave their small life behind and learn how to survive all over again through the horrors of the apocalypse.
An amazing edit inspired by this story! (Cred to Cora_Line99) Harley D. Dixon's Pinterest Board! Harley D. Dixon's Playlist!
📖Chapter List.
❤️Cross-Posted from Ao3.
Author's Note. Here we gooo! Argh, I'm so excited.
I've been wanting to write something like this for a long, long time. I've read just about every 'Daryl has a daughter' story out there, and now I've finally got my own to share. I just love Daryl, and Daryl with a kid is a whole other thing. We all know he wouldn't be the perfect parent, so you bet I'm gonna play right into that. He's gonna swear, he's gonna be strict, and he's gonna mess up. As for Harley (Yes, as in the motorcycle brand), I love her too. So ready to write her.
This story will cover the general plot of the show. To keep things fresh, I've made sure that almost every canon scene has undergone at least one small change. Plus, of course, many new scenes. Occasionally, I'll make bigger changes just to keep you on your feet! Nobody's safe! I'm also gonna be expanding on all the characters. And lastly — FOUND FAMILY! Piles and piles and piles of found family, eventually. I live for found family.
Please enjoy reading! :)
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My Uncle Merle died today.
I'm sitting in a crinkly green camping chair, watching embers die.
I don't wanna think about my Uncle right now, so I think about something else.
The fire was built last night by Glenn and Morales. Then Lori came along this morning very quietly and made it alive again with logs and wads of notebook paper. Thinking about facts is easy. It's like sucking on a plain candy that tastes like nothing. There's a navy-blue blanket across my lap with three holes in it, perfect for nibbling, poking, and ripping. Dale gave it to me when the cold settled in this afternoon. He told me he reckons it's around June, as he covered my shoulders, which used to be his niece's birthday.
He says she looked a little like me. That means she's dead. So many people are dead, now.
A thin log in the campfire cracks and tumbles over after trying to stay upright all morning. I hope I don't look like that log.
I can hear Officer Rick approaching. My stomach becomes a stone.
I can tell it's Rick because he's got one of them power walks that you can hear coming from a mile away, which I think makes him pretty stupid. He's loud, and loud is dangerous, and dangerous is stupid. My Dad's not like that. Unless he's angry or running, ain't nobody hearing my Dad coming; especially not no squirrels.
He's almost as big as my Grandpappy Dixon, who people used to say was as big as a house, and he wears super heavy boots from a hunting store near our house — but he's still not loud, or dangerous, or stupid. Not like Officer Rick.
"Hey, Harley."
I think I hate Officer Rick. I think I hate everyone.
And I think I might be crying now, too. I focus on twirling the blanket strings around my finger so I have something very simple to think about, which is that it hurts real bad when I twist it tight. I see Rick crouch down in front of me. He takes a while to say anything else, and it's prolly 'cause he's tryna be real careful, so he don't make me cry even more.
If my Dad weren't out hunting, he'd prolly slap Rick and everybody else that's tried badgering me today dead for tryna do his job for him. I feel like, just by sitting here, I'm disobeying him. Rick ain't my Daddy.
"We, uh..." He clears his throat. "Me and Lori, and some other folks are uh... Well, we're all a little worried about you, honey, okay?"
I imagine a small group of folks gathered by the RV right now, watching me and Rick; wondering if he's gonna be the one to get through to me.
I'm worried for when my Daddy comes back. When he finds out about Uncle Merle, he's gonna be fuming. He's gonna be like one of them cartoon characters with the bright red faces and the smoke comin' outta their ears, stomping all around, and he's prolly gonna kill somebody. It's prolly gonna be Rick. He always told me cops are bastard liars, and that they can't help us.
I look up at Rick. Yep, I've been crying.
Rick's all blurry, but I can still make out his ugly Sheriff's badge and his scary blue eyes and his frowning eyebrows that look like clenched fists, and I can tell he's been waiting to be the one to talk to me. I bet he thinks it makes him better than everyone else; better than my Uncle Merle, who he left to die just 'cause he ain't like him. I wanna kick Rick right in the face. I think he knows this, but he doesn't move.
"First off, I wanna say that I'm sorry about what happened to your Uncle Merle." Rick says all nice and gentle.
Nothin' happened to him.
It weren't no freak accident, which is what Uncle Merle used to say happened to my Momma.
Rick killed him.
"I know he meant a lot to you. And I'm sorry. If I had'a known he had a niece to come back to, maybe I woulda been a little wiser with my decision makin'. But Harley," He tilts his head and puts a hand on my knee for this part. "You gotta know, like I know, that your Uncle was a danger to us all."
There's a little angry parasite inside of me. It's been growing and growing ever since the group came back from Atlanta, and I couldn't find my Uncle Merle in the crowd. I've never noticed my Uncle Merle so much than when I realised he wasn't there. It was like there was the wrong amount of space left in the air and Rick was taking up the too much of it. Ever since the cars showed up, everything has been wrong, wrong, wrong.
Ever since Rick showed up.
"If I hadn't stepped in when and how I did," Rick says, "Your Uncle wouldda gotten us all in a lotta trouble."
Another log crumbles in the campfire. My finger aches and pulses around the string.
That hungry little parasite — hungry for Rick to hurt like I'm hurting, needing it more than anything — makes me tell him, "I wish he did." And again, because it feels good. Rick becomes even more blurry, as my voice makes an embarrassing hicking noise. "I wish you died."
I expect to be hit. That's what happens sometimes, when little girls don't know their place.
Tellin' adults I want them dead — That ain't my place. And I know it. I just don't care.
My Uncle Merle wasn't a danger, he was just Uncle Merle; Has been since I could talk. He used to feed me bits of his sandwich out on the deck back at home, like the tomato, 'cause he ain't like the taste. He used to fix my bike when it was broken. He used to make sure I was the first one to open presents at Christmas, and help me wrestle the wrapping when there was too much tape. He used to pull my wobbly baby teeth out for me and let me outside without shoes. He wasn't mean, or bad, or loud, or dangerous, or stupid; at least not always. He wasn't the one that got my Momma killed. He was good. And now he'd dead.
If someone had to die, I wish it had'a been Rick — Stupid, noisy, idiot Rick who ain't shed one single tear after what he done to my Uncle Merle.
I wanna get hit. I want him to hit me so bad that I'm allowed to hit him back.
"Okay." Rick says, and I can't breathe.
I feel like everything goes silent throughout camp, like the chairs and the cars and the people are all holding their breaths like I am. He actually looks a little sad, which feels really, really bad, because I wanna be angry.
"Okay. That's okay."
But as I think about my Uncle Merle, and the tomatoes, and my old bike, and what Christmas used to feel like, and my Daddy, and how he ain't even know about Merle yet, I realise I'm just really, really sad.
I can't even see Rick anymore, my eyes are so watery. My whole body hurts from being sad. I feel like I'm sick and I need to go to the doctor, but I don't even know what for. There aren't even any doctors here. Just two bastard liar cops, some campers, and a space where my Uncle Merle should be.
I think, after a while, Rick leaves.
My Dad still keeps his wallet.
It's in a backpack under his sleeping cot. He says that everything inside that bag will keep us alive some day, if we ever need to leave the quarry camp. He said I need to know exactly where it is so that I can grab it if he can't. He showed me everything the night we got here, because he forced me to, because it's important. The other kids don't learn stuff like this from their parents. It makes me feel smart. I'm in on a secret. He showed me the bug spray, which keeps our skin healthy from bug diseases, and he showed me the flashlight, which has two batteries and a big black button. He showed me the compass, the box of matches, the big knife, the little knife, the rope, and the map. It's like a Jenga tower. If we lose even one thing from the backpack; everything topples, and we die — I die. You gotta listen t'me, chicken. My Daddy's always been like this.
But the wallet made no sense.
We don't gotta pay taxes no more, like Merle said. I don't know what taxes are, except they're bad, and gone, and nobody liked them anyway. And I saw my Dad burn all his money in a campfire one night, so it can't be that.
It's the pictures, Dad told me. He flipped it open like a book, and we looked at 'em together on top of his sleeping bag. I felt like crying for a second because we forgot all my storybooks when we left our house, but Daddy hates it when I cry, so I dried up. Crying is for babies, and I'm a big girl. He showed me a photo of an actual baby, and after he touched the baby's face with his fingertip, he said the baby was me. I didn't think I could look like that. He stopped talking for a while. I listened to the cicadas in the trees to pass the time while he touched the photo. Then it was bedtime.
I'm looking at the photo now, waiting for him to get back.
I was a very pink baby. I was only the size of his forearm, which in the photo, hasn't been tattooed yet. The tattoo of my name is missing, which goes up his wrist in curly letters. Harley Davidson Dixon. It's the name of a motorcycle. The tattoo of the skull and the bleeding angel are missing, too. He's fixing my baby blanket around my chin. I guess he's been doing that since the day I was born. Every night, at least up until last week, my Dad tucks me into bed and sings me the same song. Hush little baby, don't say a word. Daddy's gonna buy you a mockingbird. I like his voice when he sings to me. Usually, he's yelling, or grumblin', but in those twenty seconds before I have to go to sleep, and nobody else is listening, he's softly whispering the lyrics to me, and touching on my ears and my cheeks. In the photo, he's crying down into his smiling mouth. That's something he doesn't do anymore.
The next photo is of us at the zoo. I know it was taken on one of the weekends I was at my Dad's house, because my Momma's not in this one. Just my Dad and two of his friends, I think, who are throwing rock star hands in the air. I'm wearing a black shirt with a videogame character on it that my Dad likes, and brown pants. I'm sitting on my Dad's hip as we pose in front of three giant elephants. My Dad's got a tiny purple backpack over his shoulder that makes him look sorta funny. It used to be mine. I'm looking at the elephant's long, silly-straw trunk as it tries to sniff us, but my Daddy's lookin' at me. I wish I remembered this day.
The third photo is a school photo with a swirly blue background. I remember this one. My Momma did my hair that day.
I know why he keeps his wallet, now. Just like how we need the bug spray, and the matches, and the rope, and the knives, and the map, and the flashlight to stay alive — I think my Dad needs these photos. They won't keep him warm or stop bugs from chewing on him, but he needs them.
I shove the wallet back where I found it, 'cause I'm not meant to be goin' through my Dad's things.
My Dad comes back while I'm vomiting under a tree.
At first, he doesn't see me. He calls for me to come get my little butt over there, so I can help him and Uncle Merle stew up some rabbits for dinner but when he hears me retch, he comes running over. I hear his crossbow drop and some more people call after him.
One minute, Lori and Amy are holding back my hair and patting my shoulders the best they can, and the next, my Daddy's forcing his way in. I'm rocking and I'm swaying like I'm on a life raft in the ocean, and I can hear Rick's voice and then Shane's and then Dale's. My Dad grabs the back of my neck and squeezes it, the way Lori and Amy would never know how to do, and tells me to lean forward some more. It works. I vomit up a chunky puddle of peaches and jerky into the dirt.
Then, I'm empty, and I'm crying — crying hard — into my Dad's lap.
"Someone wanna tell me what the Hell's goin' on here?" He snarls at whoever's around.
Feels like half the camp is here.
"How 'bout we all just try—" Shane's suggesting, but my Dad cuts him off.
"How 'bout ya'll just spit it out? And where the Hell's my brother?"
That makes me bury deeper into my Dad's legs, moaning and hiccupping. He puts a hand over my head. He's clocked the problem.
"Where the Hell's my damn brother?"
"Look, Daryl," Shane levels, "I'm just gonna come out and say it, alright? There was a problem in Atlanta."
My Dad's panting, now. "What fuckin' 'problem'?"
"He dead?" Underneath me, my Dad's muscles are lurching and stopping, lurching and stopping, like he wants so much to just jump up and knock Shane to the ground, but he won't bring himself to leave me. The camp has gone completely silent.
Shane stammers. I've never heard Shane stammer. "We're— We're not sure."
The silence just keeps on goin' and goin' and goin', and somehow, it's even scarier than the yelling.
"There's no easy way to say this," Rick says, voice lowered. I wonder what my Dad looks like; if I was right about the cartoon thing.
Dad presses my head further into his stomach. "Who're you?"
"Rick Grimes."
"'Rick Grimes'." He spits, like it's an insult. It is. Bastard cop liar. "You got sum' you wanna tell me?"
"Your brother was a danger to us all." Lies Rick. "So I handcuffed him on a roof; Hooked him to a piece of metal. He's still there."
After he says this, something in the air must have changed; something must have snapped without even makin' a sound, because Lori's whispering to me that I should follow her back to camp, like we're running out of time. She tries to pull me away, but I kick her; kick her hard, in the shin. She tries again. I realise she's trying to separate me from my Dad. Then, I realise he's sorta shaking. Lurching, stopping, lurching stopping. Silence, silence.
"Lemme get this straight." Dad whispers, and it's not the nice kind, like when he sings. "You're tellin' me that you handcuffed my brother to a roof."
Glenn's pulling at me now, too. Nobody else moves a muscle.
"And you left him there?!"
This time, he lurches and he doesn't stop. Glenn catches me as I'm flung from my Daddy's hip, and he passes me off to Lori as Dad goes lunging at Rick. The brown pebbles go flying up into the air. My Dad tackles Rick at the waist, and they crash into the leaves and the twigs, and his fist — The one with my birth date tattooed on each knuckle — goes smack, smack, smack, into Rick's cheek. There's yelling; scrambling. Glenn and Shane pull my Dad off of Rick, and that smacking sound stops. Dad beats Shane offa him and then, — 
"Watch the knife!" T-Dog yells. Now there's a swishing sound, and grunting sounds, and I was right — My Daddy's gonna kill Rick.
My Daddy's killed someone before. He did it on accident, 'cause he got so angry that he didn't stop until the guy was dead and gone, which means that it was aggravated manslaughter. It was in the afternoon, just like it is right now, and I was playin' in the front yard in the sprinklers. My Dad and Uncle Merle were in the open garage, smoking and poking at their bikes with tools. Ronnie lived two trailers down. I was small, and easy to pick up, so I don't remember much, but Ronnie snatched me up right there in the yard. My Daddy says he was gon' take me. But he didn't let him. Ronnie got chased into the woods, and for two days, my Daddy and Uncle Merle searched for him. Then they beat him so bad his Momma ain't recognise him when the ambulance people dragged him out in a big black bag, and the cops took my Daddy away while the sun rose. I wasn't allowed to see him for four and a half years.
I need my Dad. Suddenly, I'm shrieking at him to stop, even though I want Rick dead so bad. By now, Shane's got my Dad in a chokehold up against a tree. Are he and Rick allowed to take my Daddy away? Lori and — I think that's Amy — are shushin' me, but I just keep hittin' on them and shouting.
I writhe in the dirt. "Stop! Daddy!"
"Damn pigs!" Dad growls. "You're stressin' out my kid, now! Lemme the Hell go!"
Shane laughs. "Nah, I think it's better if I don't." Then he turns to Lori, because what my Dad said is true. "Get Harley out of here."
I don't let her move me when she tries.
Dad struggles. "Chokehold's illegal, bastard!"
"You can file a complaint later." Shane scoffs. "We got all day here."
Rick steals my Dad's knife off the ground and gets in his face. His cheek is all red and purple. The fight's over. "What I did was not on a whim," He tells my Dad straight. "Your brother does not work and play well with others. I did what had to be done in the moment, to keep us all alive."
He's lyin'. He's lyin' again. My Uncle Merle chopped these people's firewood and brought them meat. He worked well.
My Dad shoots out a foot to try hit Rick in the crotch. He misses. Shane pushes his face harder into the tree.
"It's not Rick's fault." T-Dog holds up his hands, coming close. "It's mine. I had the key. I dropped it."
"You couldn't pick it up?" Dad sasses.
"It fell in a drain." T-Dog serves up this answer like it means anything at all. I hate him.
"If that's 'posed to make me feel better, it don't." 
"Well, maybe this will." T-Dog's lookin' at me, now, too. "The door to the roof — I locked it with a padlock so the geeks couldn't get to him. There's a good chance he's still alive."
I heard this all before, when all them people kept coming up to me at the campfire. Lori told me to get some food in my stomach; the peaches and jerky. Shane tried to make me go play with Carl. T-Dog said sorry over and over again. Dale gave me the blanket. Rick made me cry. I know how this goes, though. Gettin' someone killed and killin' them with your actual hands are the same thing. I know that.
"To Hell with all'a ya'll!"
He shakes Shane off and beelines for me. He takes me from Lori with bloodied hands — Rick's blood — and I let him yank me by the back of my shirt to my feet, and I fall into his chest when he crouches. His breath is heavy on my neck. Even his skin is hot.
Lori's pale as an egg. I think she's scared of my Dad.
He takes a big breath, stands up, and drags me by the hand back to our tent without sayin' another word.
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camzverse · 4 months
Howdy!! I really like ur spider duo AU, I have some questions!!
1. What are Spider-Van and Spidey's power sets, and do they have any extra special abilities other than their spider powers?
2. How did Vanessa and Gregory first meet? Must have been a chaotic story.
3.  I'll be blunt with this one but, does Gregory have alive parents or is he an orphan/foster kid? 💀💀 also, does he live with Vanessa?
4. Does Cassie know/met Roxanne in person?
5. Bc Roxy doesn't know she's a werewolf bc of memory loss, how does she cope with the massive gaps in her memory when she goes back to normal?
6. What does the media think of Spider-Van and Spidey? Which comes to my personal favorite question, have either of them been cancelled for something stupid?
7. Does Fazcorp want to capture Ness and Greg or do they not care abt them being spider-people?
ok so their powers are mostly the same but there are some discrepanciesss. spider-van doesnt have wall-crawling (since the spider that bit her was an early prototype it lacked that ability) and spidey only got somewhat increased strength rather than super strength. they both have organic webbing, spider sense, increased agility and balance, ykyk. i think thats everything ? also i was thinking of giving spidey the venom strike power (aka miles morales' electricity thing) but idk idk. and as for any other special abilities, cant really think of any.. ^_^;
storytimeee :3 so it happened the day after gregory got bit. so like his powers just kicked in today and he has no idea wtf is happening. and it was on a school day so hell broke loose a bit. anyway he runs out of school bc hes in a. kerfuffle. to say the least. his powers are going haywire hes got various objects stuck to his hands etc yk how it is. so hes walking down the street and unbeknownst to him vanessa (as spider-van rn) is engaged in a fight with some villain. hes waaay too focused and concerned with his own situation to even NOTICE the fight. and like its a pretty big messy fight and at one point van hits the villain and they go crashing down RIGHT at where gregory is. van quickly moves him out of the way (he falls onto the ground though and also the stuff that was stuck to his hands falls off) and is like "woah hey you alright??" and literally as shes finishing her sentence he webs her in the face. Not intentionally. but yeah his powers are still going totally haywire and he accidentally shoots a web RIGHT in her face. he tries to run away bc hes incredibly panicked but she doesnt let him go bc she realizes the material of the web he just flung at her head is identical to that of her webs (prob not a common material so shed recognize it) so shes asking like "how did you do that?" and she kinda grabs his arm bc she assumed he had built some device that can shoot webs like that but thats when they have like a Spidey Sense Thing like in into the spiderverse and she Realizes. more happens after that but yeah thats how they initially met 😋😋
in typical spider-man fashion gregs parents are dead. dead as hell. what shoes they got on in their grave. (/ref) but uhh idk i was thinking he lives with an aunt or smth and id have her die early in the story like how uncle ben dies ykyk. but im not rly solid on that. i just havent thought of a living situation for him in this au that satisfies my brain perfectly.. so take everything i just said with a grain of salt bc its subject to change (except his parents will still be dead that part im solid on)
cassie has met roxanne one time :) she goes to her races a lot but there was one time when she was younger that her dad got like vip tickets or smth that let her actually meet roxy in person
well at first she didnt even notice the gaps in her memory because she had been transforming at nighttime and wouldve been asleep, but soon the transformations started happening earlier and multiple times a day and she was. extremely concerned. about the memory loss. but she was really trying to act as if nothing was wrong bc for all she knew, maybe nothing was wrong . maybe she had just gotten confused. and if something was wrong it could be smth bad for her career or whatever and she did NOT want to risk that so she covered it up/ignored it/hid it yk. she doesnt even know what had happened until she gets apprehended as the "she-wolf" (as shes nicknamed by the press) by spider duo and wakes up in a containment room of a lab that would then try to fix her whole werewolf problem
oh the media LOVES them. or at least the public does. theres still like one newspaper company thats on their asses 24/7 but generally yeah the people are big fans (people actually even sell merch of them in universe its funny. theyve bought some of their own merch too) . and YEAH lmfao they have both been cancelled at least once. spidey moreso than van. like she gets cancelled maybe just one time but hes been cancelled likee 3+ times. its always some crazy ass misunderstanding too like he'll make a harmless goofy comment and people will b like "Oh so he thinks babies should die." like its crazy. or he saves someone and theyre like "what can i do to thank you" and he makes a joke like "can you do my science homework? Lol" and suddenky some rnadom group of parents is trying to cancel him for promoting academic fraud or some shit idk man. but yeah no lmao rvery once in a while some rando starts trying to cancel them. also think it woukd be funny for them to get kinda cancelled like how miles morales did in atsv with like the baby powder or whatever LMAO. its funby. But on a more serious note they technically got cancelled during the glitchtrap/venom arc since they pretty much turned evil and everyone turned on them. took a whiiile to come back from that after ut was over. thats not some stupid silly thing tho so whatevs
at first fazcorp didnt care about capturing or stopping them like at all. they actually cooperated a couple of times before. they were on decent terms. however when freddy shows up things change in the fazcorp-spider duo dynamic.. after freddy goes rogue from fazcorp and is about to be taken down by spider duo, someone from fazcorp shows up to apprehend and take back freddy but van and spidey dont want them to take him back since at this point they know what they built him for and do Not want rhat to continue. so they fight and win but fazcorp is furious theyve interfered with their operations. before they had a 'you dont bother me, i dont bother you, and maybe ill help u too' type of deal but. well that wont work anymore. afterwards fazcorp begins doing things to create more villains and try to take them down. etc etc. so by a later point yeah they do definitely care about capturing them. plus they can study them. but them being spider-people alone wasnt enough for them to try to capture them yk
THANK YOU FOR THE QUESTIONS!!!1!1!1 im so joyous 🤗🤗 i love talking about this au
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Spider-verse, but Nightwing
OK I once saw a comment somewhere which went along the lines of...
"I wish Dc would give us a animation-like Spiderverse of Nightwing"
and at first i kind of ignored it- cuz idk, i don't really care about Nightwing- I mean, i love him! He's great, but not one of my favorite batfamily members.
so, here's what i think a Spiderverse movie would be like,
(If the plot was similar)
Nightwing- Obv he's Miles Morales, the main character!
Gwen- OK, the love interest. So we have three main competitors for fan favorite ships! Dick/Wally, Dick/Barbara, and Dick/Kori! Now one of them is already cancelled by default, because Dc is a coward, so we only have Barbara and Kori left! and well, Barbara fits Gwen's personality much more than Kori, and that paired with the fact that DC favors DickBabs in general, WE HAVE A WINNER!
SpiderVerse- okay, this is where it starts to lean a bit away from the movies and a bit from the comics; Spiderverse is now the Court of Owls! My headcannon is that for some reason all vigilantes (minus Batman and one other person, u will find out) join the court of owls thinking it has the right idea, and then BOOM its not actually that good (it kills people it can't control). BUT its not that wrong either. When it figures out what its doing wrong, it starts helping the vigilantes against the real evil, which is...
Spot- The league of assassins :)) YES I KNOW, IT ISN'T REALLY A MAIN VILLAIN of Nightwing's, but STILL, it's too good of a opportunity to give up seeing Ra's and Talia in the movie.
Miles Parents- Bruce and Selina, obviously. I think Jefferson's personality as a parent is PERFECT for Bruce-emotionally-constipated-dad! Selina is Bruce's wife, obv, BUT there is one change here...Y'know that scene where Rio gives Miles that 'your un-grounded" talk? I think it would be Wally giving Nightwing a super cool heartwarming speech (it won't be the same though) and then turned out Selina was listening to it all and at the end is just like "sigh, ok, you're ungrounded, come back soon, i'll deal with Bruce."
Tim Drake- DRUM ROLL PLEASE, Hobie Brown! Hobie's smart, and while his personality might be a bit too much....It's still perfect for the role Tim would be playing. Hobie doesn’t trust the Court, and at the end he’s the one who had everything prepared for when they realise that the Court Of Owls is wrong!
Stephanie Brown- AND SHE'S GOING TO BE OUR FAV CINNAMON ROLL, Pavitr Prabhakar. And as much as it pains me as a Pakistani to remove his Indian heritage, it must be done. He's goofy, he ships the two main characters, and is just adorable, he's perfect for Stephanie, and will definitely give her justice.
Cassandra Cain- Sadly, Cass is going to have a less prominent role in the second movie, but hopefully she shows up more in the third; Margo Kess! the scene where she lets Miles go is perfect, because she can detect body language and would understand that Nightwing is right, and Miguel is planning on hurting him.
Damian Wayne- FINALLY MY FAV CHARACTER, but this one is more of a original character instead of a already made character in the movie; Damian is going to be the person Dick has to save. Because i love their dynamic. So, Damian is probably being manipulated by LoA, and idk maybe Ra's is trying to use him as a body vessel without Damian knowing, and the court of owls needs him dead because "HES A WILD CARD" but Dick just NEEDS to save him "BECAUSE THAT'S MY BROTHER, DAMN YOU, IM NOT LETTING ANOTHER ONE DIE" and cue everyone fighting LoA and then a wholesome Dick and Dami scene; Feel free to elaborate on it.
Jason Todd- I had to think a lot for this, but i have a PERFECT answer; Uncle Aaron. ITS SAD AND WILL BREAK HEARTS BUT ITS PERFECT, HELP- The relationship with Jefferson? check. Dies? check. What more do we need?
a happy and alive Jason
Hey! Maybe he comes back when hey go to save Damian! Actually, yes, that is 100% the plot. They find Jason revived at the league and save him :3
Duke Thomas- I CANT FIND A CHARACTER FOR DUKE BUT HE HAS TO BE HERE DAMN IT- please either come up with a original character for Duke or find a already made character PLEASE.
Peter B. Parker- Must i explain why? No, no i do not. its perfect.
Mayday- Jon Kent :))) Because why not///
MJ- (Peters wife and Maydays mother) Obv Lois Lane.
Miguel- Random court of owls leader (any idea's?).
SpiderWoman- Can't think of anyone...let me know what you guys think in the comments!
Peni Parker- Kori!! She's perfect
Pig Spiderman- Beast Boy lmao
Black and White Spiderman- Meme version of Raven.
Roy Harper- Just another original character who i need in the movie.
King-Pin- Mr. Freeze! his goals match up pretty well with Kingpins anyway.
The rest of the villains Miles faces will be random Rogues from Batman's gallery.
The rest of the Spiderman's in Spiderverse will be random Justice-League members (OMG I LOVE THIS)
And, well, the first movie takes place when it's only Dick and Jason adopted (Before Jason's death, and then a bit after, when Dick is dealing with the grief)
Feel free to add more stuff in reblogs/Comments! Really want to see what you guys come up with :3
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petrova121 · 1 year
Tumblr media
42!Miles Morales x Fem!Reader
Part 1 | Part 2 |
Based off the song “Promise by Laufey”
There will be multiple parts to this
Summary :Miles and you had been best friends for as long as you two can remember but things take a turn. All of a sudden you two aren’t even speaking to each other, and you could never get an answer why but when you did it's not what you thought it would be
Friends to strangers to enemies to lovers 
Warnings: Drugs are mentioned/used, fights, slight make out, some mature topic will be present
Miles POV: I really never thought it had to come to threatening her. I never even thought I would be going to her for help. I start thinking back and I could have done every other thing then go to her. I really did mess things up with y/n, but I didn't mean to or that what i think. We had been best friends and when I lost my dad she tried to be there for me but I pushed her away and cut her out of my life.the thought of losing someone else, it was just too much for me to handle. If I had nobody close to me then I wouldn't have to fear losing them, right? But krama had come back to bite me in the ass, i still was afraid of losing her even though i had already. I made it back home, and my mom still wasn’t back. Thank god I needed to change and not let her see the bandages. After I rummaged through my draws and found my little box of cigarettes I kept it a secret from my mom.I wasn’t an addict or anything, i only smoked when i felt bad or was stressed.I went to go to the rooftop of our apartment building and just sit down alone, and finally just think to myself or well smoke away the guilty.
“Miles, hey when you get the time to hear this just know i am so sorry for your loss, i know the pain your feeling must be beyond what i can imagine. Just know I'm here for you, call me anytime bye miles” I let out a sigh, it had been at least 3 months since I had heard her voice, i just wanted to call her and tell her everything but would that be right? Why should I bother her with my problems? She left tons of messages asking where I was and if I was okay but I didn't text back. I didn’t want to. “What was the point?” I mumbled under my breath while scrolling through our messages. “What if you lose her too?” I heard the voice in my head say, and my skin went cold. It’s as if the world around me stopped again. What if I lost her?. I couldn’t stop thinking of all the possibilities that could go down if she could be shot, or killed by a random mugger.
I got snapped out of my thoughts when Uncle Aaron walked in. my head jolted towards his direction. “Miles, you good?” He asked, looking down at my phone it was obvious to him what was wrong. “I’m fine” I said, I looked down at my phone shaking my head and blinking away the tears that were coming. “Miles you know you can talk to me right?”Aaron said and sat in my desk chair waiting for me to say anything. I stayed there debating whether I should tell him or not. Things had changed and I didn't know if I could tell him. …I let out a small sigh and looked at Uncle Aaron. “I feel conflicted, it’s about one of my best friends and you gotta hear me out” I said knowing that uncle Aaron did have certain expectations after dad died, he had been training me to do some “Tasks” as he would call it to help my mom.
“Lay it on me kid” Uncle Aaron said, crossing his arms and leaning back on the chair.
“I don’t know what to do, its just shes important to me and i keep thinking all these bad thoughts of losing her or her dying just…” I took a long pause knowing I didn’t come to terms with my dads death. “Like my dad.. I just.. I want to call her and tell her everything. We made a promise to never shut eachother out but I've been doing the opposite and believe me I know I can't say anything” I said, and I could feel the tears coming in but I stopped them by some miracle. After a long silence, Aaron finally spoke. “I see where you're coming from but miles your mom needs us and I know it sucks keeping this whole stuff a secret. I know it hurts, I was in the same situation when I was younger but you want a solution right?” Aaron asked. His words rang in my head and I knew I needed one and then I slowly nodded. “I cared about this one girl, when I was younger and the gang job got in the way and I had the same thoughts as you but I only wanted her to be safe and that meant cutting her out of my life and letting her go..” Aaron had said the words I was dearding to hear and I wanted to full on start crying but he was right. I had to keep the people I love out of what I was doing.
“I know it will hurt to not have her to talk to but it's better that way you're keeping her safe right, that's what's important” Aaron said, getting up, walking over to me and helping me up. “You're right, I guess.. I want her to be safe and to be happy” I said my voice cracking as I didn't want to let her go but every way i think about it, it wasn’t worth keeping her in danger. “Aaron, how is that girl you said you had to cut her out?” I asked him if a part of me was fearing his answer. He looked down at his shoes and then back at me. “She… she's happy, last I heard she owns an art studio. I won’t lie to you. Sometimes I wish I did things differently but that life right” He said, sighing and playfully shoved me to lighten up the mood. He left my room and the words echoing in my head again and again to the point where I actually started crying, tears fell down one after another till I lost track. I looked at my phone and deleted the message I was typing and turned off my phone knowing I needed to let her go even if it meant breaking up a friendship.
School, the one thing i was dreading, i had missed the first 3 months and everyone just had to remind me of my fathers death which i hated but just nodded and said thanks.
I had finally had time to pass by my locker and then I heard her voice echo in the hallways. “Miles!” She shouted and I could hear her walking over to me.
“Letting her go” I heard Uncle Aarons voice echo in my head and I went through with it. “Hey miles are you okay?” I put on a stone cold face and looked at her. “Miles?” she said again but i didn’t answer. I closed my locker and shoved passed her.I saw her eyes getting glossy but i knew what i had to do. I didn’t know what was coming over me but I did it. I made the right choice..
It had gotten dark, really dark and I saw my mom walking up to the building. That right there was my cue to leave and wash my face and spray whatever cologne I had to cover up the smell.I sat down on my bed today's events were too much but the person who didn’t need to know was my mom. “Miles, I'm home!” I heard her yell and got up to go see her.
“Mom” I said smiling and gave her a hug praying she didn't smell the smoke on me. “So how was school, was there anything interesting that happened or just the same old same old?” my mom asked nugging miles and went to set aside some papers on the table. “Same old same old” I said leaning on the wall. “Hey did Y/n get the stuff you dropped off?” Rio said trying her best to start a conversion with me but the last thing I wanted to talk about was her. “Uh yeah she did, probably looking at them as we speak” I said looking away. I didn’t know why but I started to feel a lump in my throat forming. “That good, how come you two aren’t close anymore. I swear that girl was always at our house 24/7” My mom said laughing, i tried to laugh along but it sounded too fake and my mom noticed. “I don’t know, we just drifted apart. I mean we don’t always stay friends with everyone” I said making up an excuse. My mom shook her head smiling. ���Yeah we drift apart from friends, but wasn’t she more miles I mean not to plant false hope but there was no way you two were just friends” She said softly and put her hand on my shoulder sympathetically. “You're right, we were bestfriends” I said brushing off any sort of thought of being more than friends.It wasn’t going to happen.
“Okay miles if you say so..”My mom said not pushing anymore, “But give that friendship another shot” She said, i knew she only had the best intentions but if she knew what went down today she wouldn’t be saying that. I gave her a small nod and she went to sleep and so did i or i at least i tried..
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pieofdeath · 1 month
i emerge several hours later with the across the spiderverse liveblog. for people who don't want to read it: fantastic movie! all the different art styles were really cool! i miss noir a lot! I can't wait for the 3rd movie!!!
Incredible intro sequence, once again
I'm watching this one on my actual TV too
Oh I didn't say this with the first one but having the approved by the comics code authority stamp right before the movie is an incredible choice
!!! GWEN 💖
Is it a spider rule that you have to have been bit on your arm/hand
The INCREDIBLE drumming sequence 
Ok noted Gwen is from earth 65
Gwen, don't be mean to the drums :(
Band mates look fun!
Peter from her universe seems so nice!!!
page 1 break (this is the same document as the first movie's liveblog)
HOLY SHIT is Peter green goblin for Gwen???
“I just wanted to be special.” Said by PETER FUCKING PARKER IS FUCKING ME UP.
I'm getting all the compounded emotions from the first movie 
the doors closed and showing Spider-Woman and then opening and showing Gwen…
This voice talking is for Sure JJJ
Hey aren't y'all proud of me I knew that
Oh the caption said Jonah I'm not as cool :(
Her dad being a cop trying to hunt her down 
Wait in this universe Uncle Ben is alive :(
Gwens world has such a pretty art style. it's so colorful and painterly, it's absolutely gorgeous 
Gwen being cool colors in the warm toned kitchen… 
her hiding her suit in the drum is so cool
the music is so cool
Gwens world! Again! Gorgeous!!
Yuri! I know that name from the snapcube fandub :)
The deep voice she does for her dad 😭
what universe is he from 
The Renaissance man hating Jeff Koons and modern art is so funny!!! 
The vulture is animated in such a cool way
I hope we see a lil bit of Noir I miss him :(
Miguel having sketchy lines + shoulders is so cool
“will you adopt me?” “What?” “What?”
page 2 break
Is she married to Miguel?
Miguel 🤝 my spidersona/spiderman oc. Having big ol teeth 
I really need to talk about her
The running home of calling the universe glitching “banksy” 😭 y'all live in New York isn't he British!
The shot of Gwen holding her hands up trying to talk to her dad….
“How long have you been lying to me?” 
“Can you just not be a cop for a second, and be my dad here and listen to me?”
The background changing to be the mask…
Seriously Gwen's world is STUNNING and I can see why her costume looks like that now
New comic for the Pile! Miles Again!
Miles is from 1610… Got it…
hehe my blorbo is from 1910 :)
The parents waiting for miles :( 
Those cameras look like the fnaf cameras to me
The spot trying to get the money 😭
“I'm a scientist. Or, I was. I am. You've heard of alchemax. I used to work there.” IS THIS FUCKING BAGEL GUY!!! SAY IT'S THE BAGEL GUY.
I love Miles' art btw it's so good
JJJ!!!! hehe
“I don't dwell on it” while drawing so much art of Gwen. 
The additions to the Expectations graffiti of the other Spiders and Uncle Aaron (both Uncle and prowler edition)...
The dad trying to spell important and failing 😭
How he ended up catching Spot 😭
I'm so certain this is Bagel Guy 
“Spiderman, why did you create this guy?” 😭 Even when he doesn't know it's his son he's in dad mode
Miles trying to get his dad to Talk About His Emotions… I love that
“Maybe get off the kids ass…” “what?” “What?”
“You gotta let him spread his wings, man. Like this.” Thanks for that demonstration miles sjdfjdjakskg
page 3 break
Spot trapped in weird spot dimension
“Hypothesis. I'm going to put my head in that hole.” Not a hypothesis but carry on
LEGO WORLD!!!!!!!!!
literally obsessed with this
Are those kids playing Yu-Gi-Oh 
His dad was so excited to say he was grounded
The DJ looks fucking STRESSED 
what fucking incredible reality warping bullshit is happening in his room
Her name is Jess Drew!
If he doesn't tell his parents about Spider-Man I'm gonna cry
What weird things did she plant
the cute upside down sitting!!!!
Miles’ new suit looks really nice btw
“In every other universe, Gwen Stacy falls for Spiderman. And in every other universe, it doesn't end well.”
“There's a first time for everything, right?” ADORABLE
Gwen in casual wear is really cute
The conversation between Miles and his mom… it's fucking me up. I love them so much. I love these movies so much.
Him stripping down to the suit as he's going down the stairs 
Spot’s name is Dr Jonathan Ohnn… Noted. He looks rlly cool
The way the thought boxes look while he's invisible is so cool
The colorful glitching and reality warping is so cool
“This is where the traffic is, this is where the traffic is, this is where the traffic is and this is where the British stole all our stuff”
Pav shipping them so fucking hard 😭
page 4 break
“Markers are predicting an upcoming canon event” STARES DIRECTLY AT GAYATRI.
wait hold on. Canon event disrupted. One of them wasn't supposed to be okay.
Hobie is incredible btw. I love his animation in contrast to the other three.
I miss noir 
Pav’s suit is fantastic btw idk if I've said that
“What's that?” “It's a metaphor for capitalism” Hobie 😭
Oh there's other guys. I'm staring so directly. 
Fun fancy white spider. Pink spider. Spider with multiple arms. 
“I don't follow orders, neither does he.” “I'm invited to HQ? WOO!!!!” [Hobie looking so upset] 
so obsessed with Hobie and Miles already. They're buddies.
Miguel is from 928… 
Idk who Malala Windsor is but I love her. From 835 it looks like?
All the puns. Quipping is a spiderman constant 😭
Peter Parkedcar??? 
Is that spiderman from one of the games
That animation is distinctly different and reminds of stuff my faefriend has shown me
hold on was that a real ass human. 
did he just give himself a venom shot. what was that
Aww Miguel's daughter is so cute
“Just don't enlist till you know what war you're fighting” HOBIE!
“Spider-Verse…” “Spider-Verse… that sounds stupid” 😭
I didn't realize that it's police inspectors… That's so wild. 
Bro Miguel needs a hug
“If not for Uncle Ben, most of us wouldn't be here, Miles “ AUSHDJFJSMAMD…
page 5 break
is this like PS1 spiderman
“Kid, look at me-” “stop calling me that.” “There we go.” “Hobie, you're not helping.” “Good.”
“little man. Peter Pan. Palms.” 
Took a break here to go practice my clarinet before school starts up
Alright I'm back like an hour later
Hobie looks like he was drawn with poscas 
Ben reilly looks like a rob liefeld guy
Spider-Byte didn't stop him from being sent home… 
May blew a raspberry at Miguel 😭 smart baby
Earth 42 looks sick as hell
I love the reds and greens
Gwen and her dad 😭
“You're the best thing I've ever done” 
Hobie left a fun package! 
The montage of Miles swinging through the streets… 
First hint of noir I love him
it sounds like he's coming out as gay and you know what he is
Who's spiderman
I knew it was coming but damn
Oh Miles had braids in 42, I wanna see that
Oh my god what is 42-Miles mixed up in. 
page 6 break
His dad called her emo 😭
“He loves you more than you could ever imagine. I've seen it.”
Uncle Aaron is so menacing in this world
Prowler wears Nike airs 
Braids look fantastic
The difference in how 42-Miles and Miles are shaded is WONDERFUL 
I want to know who was supposed to be bit in 42 super bad. 
May dangling from the ceiling 😭 she's so adorable
HEAD IN HANDS I can't wait
Not going to lie from how much everyone talked about him when this came out I thought Hobie had more screen time
He's fantastic and I adore him 
I can't WAIT for beyond the spiderverse 
Skipping to see if there's an after-credits scene
Huh doesn't look like it. Absolutely wild. 
VERY good movie!!!!!
so in summary. good movie :) long but very good, it was FANTASTIC and I'm in love
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generalluxun · 2 years
Chasing a Dream Chapter 3
Do you like Chloe breaking down? Do you like Marinette being her best self? You'll like this chapter then. Full Chapter after the break.
Marinette : I think it’s over.
Alya : What happened?
Marinette : Shadowmoth akumatized someone.
Alya :In Italy?? Hold on, let me check the news.
Marinette : Doesn’t matter, I beat it.
Alya :By yourself? Girl I know you’re tough but, you okay bug?
Marinette : Not really. I’m sitting in a cafe on some street I don’t know, I tried to eat real food but it’s not happening. Adrien’s in Rome right now, and I’m here alone in Venice.
Alya : Alone? What happened? Marinette, I need deets. Don’t drip-feed me here, girl.
Marinette sighed at her phone. How to even begin? She contemplated trying Adrien. Was it too soon to text him? Was he still in Rome now, or headed someplace new? Might as well try.
Marinette : Hey! How’d Rome go? Did you fight any gladiators?
She switched back to Alya.
Marinette : Akuma showed up because life hates me, ditched my traveling companion, nearly died, then got into a blow up with Chloé and she wasn’t entirely wrong for once. Now I’m here with my third gelato and a pile of cash she threw at me, wondering where I went wrong.
Marinette spooned the rapidly melting fruity concoction in her bowl. She was cursed with time. At home she’d have a thousand things to keep her busy. Homework, the Kwamis, Adrien, the bakery, her friends, akumas, designs, class rep stuff, she never had room to breathe. Now she had thousands of miles of room, and all her put off thoughts were coming due. The buzzing of her phone was a blessing.
Alya : Damn girl, I don’t even. Look, whatever happened I’m sure you didn’t deserve whatever static Chloé threw at you. Do you need help getting back home?
Didn’t I? How would I even know? Marinette was stuck swinging between complete denial and self recrimination like a pendulum. She carefully leafed through the stack of Euro notes under the cover of one arm. Forty three hundred, minus three bowls…
Marinette: I think I’m good, Alya. Let’s talk about something else. How’s Paris? Must be peaceful if Hawkmoth’s on vacation. How’s Nino? Homework?
Alya, the best of friends, slid right into Marinette’s diversions without questioning her once. She made her way through her bowl and ordered a sandwich to quell her stomach’s protest about today’s diet. Halfway through that, another text popped into the stream.
Adrien : It wasn’t the best. Lila was upset about something all day. We got through the shoots but she was prickly every moment off camera. She can be a little difficult at times, but it's never been like this. I can’t wait to fall asleep. We’re making a straight shot from here to Shanghai next. I can’t wait to be back there. I loved my last trip. Would you like me to pick anything out for you, or maybe see if I can’t try and meet your uncle if they let me?
Marinette smiled wearily at her phone. She did some quick mental math, but responsibility won out this time. I can’t get stuck in Shanghai if the money runs out.
Marinette : So sorry to hear Lila was out of sorts. You should spend your time in Shanghai on yourself, but thank you for thinking of me though!
Adrien : Marinette, you’re a terrible liar. 🤣 I know there’s no love lost between you and Lila. I appreciate the effort though, and don’t be surprised to hear when I’m thinking of you. It’s something that’s been happening a lot more recently.
Marinette squinted at her phone, then looked back over her shoulder as if perhaps Adrien was texting to someone behind her. She read the message again and slowly the words started to seep into the cracks of her self doubt. She felt a slow creeping blush and contemplated a response. Her phone buzzed with another text from Alya while she was thinking and soon Marinette was blissfully deep in a double conversation of friendship and love.
She blinked up from her conversation to the realization she was the last one at the tables. Waitstaff were quietly eyeing her, and the afternoon had worn into evening. Marinette fumbled with one of the hundred euro notes to pay for her meal while gathering herself. Exiting the texts she opened an email notification that had popped up a while ago. Sabrina with the homework, at least I won’t be too far behind.
But it wasn’t. [email protected] had sent her an email with a link to a limo service, a gate number, and nothing else. Marinette bit her lip, it had been sent an hour and a half ago. She hit the link, which took her to a quick form for her address and a pickup time. What does this even mean?
She texted throughout the ride. Soon though Alya had to go, Nino was coming over. Adrien’s texts drifted into an ever more incomprehensible tangle of typos until he surrendered to the fact he had to sleep. Marinette walked through the concourse expecting a flight home, but instead she was directed out onto the tarmac to a now familiar private jet.
Marinette wasn’t sure if she was relieved or disappointed. Her pace slowed as she approached the plane, but no blond dragon stormed out to roast her with fire. The attendant came out to help her with her bag and soon Marinette was aboard in her seat from before. There was no sign of Chloé at first, but a voice from the rear cabin soon made itself heard. Marinette looked back. Then with no one to scold her, she snuck back to eavesdrop.
“-am not done yet! I don’t want to come home.”
Silence must have been a quieter voice.
“She’s not using it anyway! You’re all in stupid Paris, in your stupid hotel! You’ve got Zoé now, just have her put her stupid hair up in a stupid ponytail, and I’m sure it’ll be everything you wanted. I’m going to find Adrikins.”
More silence, Marinette glanced back towards the front of the plane. Maybe I shouldn’t be listening to this…
“No! I’ll figure it out! I’ll find him! You’ll see! If you try and make the plane come back I- I’ll jump out! I’ll do it too! Or I’ll run away! You can’t make me come back!”
More silence. Marinette did back away this time. She was slouched in her chair when Chloé stomped back to her seat with hands clenched, looking every bit as angry as the moment Marinette had last seen her. Neither of them look at the other. Marinette fiddled quietly with her phone.
Chloé jerked upright in her seat as if stung. Slowly her head turned to look at Marinette. Marinette couldn’t meet that intense blue stare for long. There was too much going on behind it, and Marinette had too much time to see it now. So it was out of the corner of her eye that Marinette saw Chloé stand and pick up the intercom phone.
“Pilot, we’re going to Shanghai. Take off as soon as you can.”
Chloé sat back down and Marinette contemplated texting Alya again. Instead she switched over to Zoé’s conversation, but her fingers balked. Where do I begin? What do I even want to know? Would she know? Marinette stole glances sideways as she thought. Chloé was on her phone, but it wasn’t a doom scroll this time.
Marinette : This is gonna sound dumb. Do you know much about your sister?
Marinette snapped the conversation shut. She didn’t want to be caught texting Zoé right now, it wouldn’t help anything.
“It’s Thirteen hours to Shanghai, if we took off right now, and we probably won’t.” Chloé’s voice was even and methodical, a sharp contrast to the full throated shrieks that still rang in Marinette’s ears. “There’s a bed in the cabin. You go first, I couldn’t possibly sleep right now.”
Marinette blinked, she turned to look directly at Chloé. That was all too close to normal to make any kind of sense. Chloé seemed to realize it too. She worked a smirk onto her face and waggled a finger at Marinette. “Just be sure you take your shoes off. This isn’t some dirty old bakery.”
It was forced, performative, and even Chloé seemed to know it. She turned away abruptly and curled around her phone. Marinette was left to stand and explore the rear of the plane. True to word there was a bed in the back, a giant queen sized affair with a thick downy comforter. There was a flatscreen set in the opposite wall of the small cabin, a microfridge, some built-in drawers Marinette didn’t open, and a tiny shelf with three leatherbound books.
Marinette’s eyes told the rest of her body that the bed was an option, and a unanimous vote had her shuffling her way towards it. She sank into the luxury face first, managing to toe her shoes off as an afterthought before pulling the comforter around her into a cocoon. She just wanted to rest, not sleep. She was still sure that the memory of the akuma’s jaws would give her nightmares if she dared to sleep.
It turned out, she was wrong.
Comfy, she was so wonderfully comfy. Marinette was a warm ball of relaxation floating in softness. There was a low background hum that helped to quietly vibrate her thoughts apart so that she could remain free from the demands of the world as long as she wished. The only wrinkle in this plan was the light that found its way in. Light, lights, I forgot to turn off the lights when I fell into bed. Uuughh, whyyy.
Marinette tugged and pulled at the deliciously warm comforter, trying to seal up the cracks. Even with her eyes closed though the red against black on her eyelids wouldn’t leave her alone. The cursed light slowly brought with it wakefulness and reality. The hum, plane, I’m on a plane. Chloé’s plane. Reality dumped itself on top of her at the admission. Reluctantly, Marinette peeled herself out of the bed.
Marinette shuffled out of the cabin, she'd need a change of clothes but there was something much more pressing. Another smaller side-cabin housed what she had hoped, the bathroom. It was actually reasonably sized, complete with a shower, but Marinette was only here for the basics. She paused once her hands were washed and lifted her shirt. There were no teeth marks on her belly, no matter what her head was still telling her. I really need to talk to Cat Noir.
Out in the main compartment Marinette shuffled up to the swivel chairs. One of them still contained her erstwhile companion, curled into a slouched ball and asleep. Even asleep, her face seemed twisted by some unknown anger. Marinette reached out, hesitated, then laid a hand on Chloé's shoulder lightly, "Chloé. Chloé?"
Chloé came around slowly. She blinked awake, cycling through confusion to awareness much like Marinette had. "What do you want, Du-Pain-Cheng?"
Marinette stepped back. "I woke up and figured I owed you a turn."
Chloé touched a hand to her forehead, checked her phone, then glared at it. "Ugh, no wonder I'm hungry. No time for sleep though, I need to get this face off "
Marinette watched her go then sat down and checked… she had texts!
Alya was asking after her safety, she still thought Marinette was alone in Venice. Is where I am better or worse? Adrien had sent a good morning text a while ago. When was morning? Outside the plane was an indiscriminate sun above and solid clouds below.
Marinette updated Alya and sent a reply to Adrien. She took a chance and added a little heart after her good morning. A yellow heart is friendly right? Not creepy?
From the rear of the plane Chloé's voice rose, "Ring until the attendant wakes up, order us some food! They know what I want. Get yourself whatever!"
The attendant was awake it would seem. He was present before Marinette had even got up the nerve to call. Marinette had worked her way through some pastries and cereal before Chloé re-emerged and Marinette had to do a double take.
Chloé, without makeup.
"Shut UP Du-Pain-Cheng." Chloé preemptively scolded. "My skin needs to breathe, I'll have my face back on before we land. No pictures."
Marinette snorted, covering her laugh with a hand. Chloé huffed and sat, picking at the fruit and nut array the attendant had left at her seat. Silence built up again, and Marinette was about to lose Chloé into the doom scroll when some internal prompt made her ask, "Why do you hate Ladybug?"
Chloé froze with a pistachio held between two fingers. After a pause, she dropped it back into the ramekin and picked up her napkin. She finished chewing, and dabbed her lips. "She's a fraud. She pretends to be about the heroics, but really she's just a selfish attention seeker, and people just lap it up."
Why did I think this was a good idea? Marinette remembered a rooftop that felt like forever ago. Maybe… "She's not a fraud." Marinette hated that her voice sounded sulky to her own ears. "She is just trying her best. There's no one else to stop Shadowmoth. Can you imagine what it's like?"
Chloé dug the peel off a tangerine. "What it's like? Running on rooftops, saving the day? It's amazing!"
Marinette only half-heard Chloé, she was reliving prior battles. "Always afraid of messing up. Unable to take a break, exhausted and in danger."
Chloé waved a hand dismissively. "That's just the price you pay to play the game. If you don't want to be a hero, stop, and let someone else do it. You don't see other people crying about dangerous jobs, and people respect heroes."
Chloé paused, and dropped the second half of her tangerine back onto her plate, uneaten.
"At least while you're heroing they do."
Marinette bit her tongue to keep from snapping back. She could almost, almost see what Chloé was getting at, but it seemed so alien at the same time. Cat Noir thought of it differently too. Still, it was hard to attribute that kind of motivation to Chloé, "Being a hero isn't about being famous, Chloé."
Chloé had been reaching for a ramekin of crushed walnuts. She flexed her fingers just shy, turning her hand into a fist. "Of course it isn't. It's about fighting villains, and saving the day." Her voice dropped, "People love you for doing it though. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be-"
Chloé snapped her mouth shut. But Marinette supplied the last word to herself. -loved . She remembered Queen Bee's debut, the river, the helicopter, and the rooftop came back in sharp detail. Useless . Marinette realized she'd balled her hands into fists too, and slowly forced them open. "Chloé-"
Chloé rounded on her. Without her makeup, the golden demon seemed less fire and more fear. "What do you care, Du-pain-Cheng? Why do you defend her? She took my miraculous away, but she never even gave you one! Like, all of your friends got one. Why defend someone who singled you out as unexceptional?"
The sudden change left Marinette flat footed. Singled out? Does she hear herself? Unexceptional, it always comes back to that. If only I could be honest, it might actually make a difference here. Marinette got the impression she was on the cusp of something. Once more, the time she and Chloé had been alone before fighting Malediktator came into focus. Alone. That’s the key. Marinette hadn’t ever been alone with Chloé before, with plenty of very good reasons for it. I might not get another chance at this. At what? At making life better, for everyone.
Marinette looked down to buy time. Her thoughts were running a mile a minute and she could barely keep up with them. If truth isn’t an option, how can I make the connection? An idea struck her. Another rooftop, and a secret she could share because it was already a lie.
“You’re wrong Chloé.” Marinette looked up, but kept her voice soft. “Ladybug did pick me, once. I helped her with the mouse miraculous.”
Chloé blinked in confusion. With her makeupless face it almost seemed like another girl across from Marinette. “The mouse? You- Megaleech? You beat up stupid daddy and his stupid gross sentimonster?”
Marinette looked down again, laying it on a little thick in the humility department, but at her core wanting this to work. It’s not all fake. I’m not fake… I’m not. “No, it was kwamibuster. Almost no one ever knew. I wasn’t allowed to have it again. You see, like you, I gave away my identity.”
“ You ? Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous! I would have heard if your secret identity got out. It would have been all over the Ladyblog too!”
Marinette twisted her hands in her lap, “No, it wasn’t public. It was just one person, but the rules are strict.”
Chloé huffed, “Nonsense! A whole host of her little hero-buddies were outed right to Hawkmoth himself when I–”
Chloé made a strangled sound and went silent. Marinette kept at it, “Things were… different I think, for us. Something changed, the rules changed. Ladybug wasn’t the Guardian yet when we were found out. So, I do know how you feel. The time I was Multimouse, that was the most fun I’ve ever had. I felt so free, like I could do anything.”
Marinette realized she wasn’t lying. I was just a hero. I wasn’t Ladybug, I was, me. No expectations, just me. An ache for the gray uniform that Marinette hadn’t realized she’d been hiding made itself known. Taking a deep cleansing breath, Marinette raised her gaze to meet Chloé’s.
“I was terrified most of the time too though.”
Calculations danced behind those sapphires. With just the two of them, Marinette could focus and see it all plain as day. The calculations ended in a dismissive wave of the hand. Chloé sat back. “Of course it’s scary. You just keep at it, because heroes have to be better than that.”
Marinette barely heard the words. The tone was something she hadn’t ever imagined Chloé was even capable of. Camaraderie. Marinette could nod to the statement though, because it was true. “They do.”
Chloé plucked up a trio of the pistachios again. “You’re a designer. Draw your little uniform up and I’ll have my people make it. Queen Bee and Multimouse, Ladybug’s rejects, heroes of Paris.”
Did we just– Are we– friends? The word didn’t feel quite right, but something had shifted, on Chloé’s end at least. Marinette wasn’t quite sure how she felt about it. She wanted to push, Chloé was still Chloé, and that would still be a problem for others. She was still reeling from having made any progress at all though. “Chloé. You really should let go of your anger toward Ladybug, she’s just trying her best.”
Her statement was punctuated by the crack of the last pistachio between Chloé’s teeth. Marinette could hear another sound as well, the whine of the freshly forged bond being tested. Chloé swiveled an eye at her, and more calculations were happening behind it. “Marinette, you’ve spent more time talking to me about Queen Bee than Ladybug ever did. If she wants to apologize to me herself, I might consider it.”
“If you saw her again, would you apologize?”
“ Me? What do I have to…” Chloé trailed off under Marinette’s level -but she hoped not too harsh- gaze.
Chloé poked at her walnuts again sulkily for a moment. First came a long suffering sigh then as close to a compromise as Marinette had ever seen.
 “I suppose… if she apologized for ditching me– ditching us , then I might admit I… reacted poorly.”
If it happens, I’ll call it a victory. Time to switch gears before this sours. “So, have you been to Shanghai before?”
The conversation turned mellow. Chloé had not, so Marinette had one up on her there. Marinette’s Mandarin was better than it had been her last time here, though it was admittedly still garbage. Marinette kept waiting for barbs that never came. Her name lost its extra hyphen. While ‘Marinette’ didn’t make another showing, she seemed to just be ‘Dupain-Cheng’ now. By the time Chloé went to restore her face things seemed almost casual. Marinette fired off a text to a friend then began to carve up the city methodically to try and plot out how they would find Adrien in a sea of 26 million faces.
Things did not start out ideally. Marinette realized how much she had been relying on Chloé to handle travel the moment the blonde's language skills dried up. China was not Europe, there was not the common thread of romance language to eek by on. Everything was in the hands of Marinette's poor grasp of Mandarin and the few locals who could meet them in the middle on English, they hadn't met anyone who spoke French.
Even Chloé's trademark browbeating failed her. People just chose not to engage, 5' of screaming blond was left to wear herself out while life went blithely on around her. The usual routine cost them two hotels before Marinette pulled Chloé aside.
"Maybe I should handle the next one?"
Chloé was still flushed from her outburst. She kept habitually turning to her phone, as she had during her tirades, then cringing and thrusting it back into her bag. I can imagine how her dad would take this if he knew. Perfect fodder for 'You can't be alone, come home.'  
Chloé visibly ordered herself, straightening her cardigan and flicking her ponytail. "Sure, whatever. People here are so rude. Money talks, but apparently they don't speak the language."
Marinette shot a sharp look at Chloé, but balked. Her words dripped condescension, but her eyes were hunted. Chloé visibly flinched, turning away to shift bags that didn't need to be touched. Marinette spoke slowly, navigating unfamiliar waters, "Not everyone responds the same, Chloé. Sometimes what looks like rudeness is a lack of understanding, or just different priorities. It can be worth the effort to maybe try a different approach, and see if you can't get better results."
Chloé didn't reply with affirmation, but she didn't snap back either, and Marinette considered it another win. Not sure if that was for her or for myself anyway.
Marinette rolled her bag up beside Chloé, "So, what's the third best hotel in Shanghai like?"
Day one was rapidly becoming a strikeout. It quickly became apparent that finding Adrien by luck was not going to happen. In addition to the sheer scope of the task, Chloé had been reluctant to split up and cover more ground. It was a night and day scenario from Italy. She spent most of her time following Marinette closely while jumping at every loud noise.
Marinette was trying to account for the change. Quick answers pushed to the front. But that's the hangup isn't it? Quick and easy answers. Instead Marinette started cataloging little bits of information to try and paint a more complete picture.
She hates people touching her… that's nothing new. She's hyper alert, but hasn't screamed. She barely talks, there were times I would have loved that before. She stares at people talking when we stop. Why? She can't understand them. I haven't seen her on her phone at all. She hasn't browbeat a single person all day, even the driver who dropped us off at the wrong hotel.
It wasn't like Chloé not to flex her power, especially when she happened to be in the right.
That's what it is. She's powerless here. She can't call Daddy. She can wave fistfuls of Yuan all day but if she can't make herself understood it does her no good.
And as Marinette knew all too well, in Chloé's world you were either the one with power, or the one being stepped on.
Marinette stopped so abruptly Chloé ran into her. I know it, but, how often have I thought about it? It was like finding out you'd been reading a book upside down. Marinette needed to sit down. Her brain had engaged in full scale analysis mode, and she could not navigate Shanghai streets like this. She turned to Chloé, who was waiting expectantly, but defying all expectations, silently. "Can we stop and grab a bite to eat?"
“Eat? Now? Why would I want to ruin my perf–” Chloé snapped her mouth shut on a word and raised one hand to grip her opposite arm while dropping her gaze. “I mean, sure. Anywhere is fine. Maybe, I can get some of that soup like your uncle makes?”
Marinette didn’t have the spare cycles to unpack all of that. It was all connected, but it had to wait its turn. “Sure, if they serve it. I just need to sit.”
Marinette turned, and knew without looking back that she’d be followed. Arranged in the kind of small dodgily-clean establishment that Marinette knew Chloé wouldn’t normally be caught dead in, Marinette tried to order her thoughts by focusing on the menu. Chloé needed help, obviously, and looked painfully uncomfortable just sitting in the molded plastic chair.
Twitch, shift, glance, wince, twitch, each second a blowup didn’t happen convinced Marinette she was on the right track. How do I use this though? A web of possibilities spread out before her. Marinette had a small war with herself as some of the very satisfying options were also far from the nicest, or heroic.
Finally with food ordered and menus taken away , Marinette put both of her hands on the table and took a deep breath. “I don’t like you Chloé.”
There was some satisfaction in seeing it hit. Marinette was so keyed up from her realization she could track every little change. The sharp intake of breath, the trembling of Chloé’s left hand as it made a powerless fist, the widening of her eyes and downturned corners of her lips. The girl was inches away, not from an explosion, but from tears.
“Dupain– what? Here? Now? I’m the onl–”
Marinette raised a hand and cut her off. “Let me finish.” Do this right, Marinette. Oh how I wish I had my polkadots. “I don’t like you because you’ve always been mean. You’re mean to me, you’re mean to my friends. You talk down to us, pick on us. You pick on people you don’t even know. Why do you do that?”
Marinette kept Chloé locked in place with a stare. She hoped it wasn’t too harsh but she wanted the girl to know this was a question to be answered. Chloé blinked rapidly. She opened her mouth, shut it, opened it again, pulled on one of her forelocks, then glanced side to side.
Marinette saw the collapse coming and tried to head it off. “There’s no one here Chloé, no one who we know, no one who understands French. We might as well be alone on the plane.”
It was a further moment of silence and build up before Chloé grabbed her napkin and twisted it in her lap. “What! What do you want from me? I just came along on this stupid trip to get back at stupid Lila for trying to steal Adrikins from me. I didn’t ask for any of this. It wasn’t supposed to be hard. I wasn’t supposed to be stuck with you for days. You weren’t supposed to talk to me, and keep talking to me. Now I’m out here on the other side of the world, and you’re the only person I know.”
“You could go home.”
Chloé had looked down while talking. Her head snapped up at Marinette’s reply. “No! I– I don’t want to go home! I won’t! I–” her voice quavered, “I’d rather be here.”
“Here on the other side of the world, and I’m the only person you know?”
Chloé sat back in her seat, eyes down again. “Better than Paris. Stupid classmates-” Chloé winced in belated realization, “Stupid Ladybug, Stupid Zoé, Stupid Daddy, Stupid… Everything!”
“You don’t want anyone to know who you are.”
“What?” Eyes up again, “Don’t be ridiculous! Everyone should know who I am.”
“Who are you?”
Chloé was shocked out of her fear. She looked at Marinette as if she’d grown three heads. “I’m the daughter of the Mayor of Paris!”
“Who are you?”
“What? I’m– My mother is Style Queen!”
“Who are you?”
“I’m Rich! I’m rich and you’re not.”
“Who are you?” Marinette didn’t let up.
“I’ve got my own jet! I’ve got a minion! Sabrina does everything I tell her to.”
“Who are you?”
“STOP SAYING THAT!” Chloé slammed her fists on the table. Her shoulders shook and she hid her face.
“Tell me who you are, Chloé.”
“I- I’m Queen Bee…”
“Ladybug took the miraculous away.”
“I- I don’t care. I’m still Queen Bee. She can’t take that away.” It was a small, desperate response.
“Who is Queen Bee?”
“Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous,” Chloé mumbled.
“You’ll laugh.”
“Try me.”
A long sigh. Chloé’s arms had curled to her chest as if she were holding something. Mr. Cuddly . “She’s a hero. She saves people. Everyone loves her. You threw her a party.”
Marinette felt like she was weaving her way through a minefield. “Is she mean?”
“No!” Chloé snapped, but still didn’t look up. “Of course not. Heroes can’t be mean. Maybe she’s a little impatient, people like it when a hero has spunk.”
“If Queen Bee isn’t mean, then why are you mean Chloé?”
Chloé flinched, but rallied. Anger poured out of the wounds, “Why are you doing this?!”
Marinette leaned across the tiny table, “Why are you mean, Chloé?”
She got her answer, just not how she expected.
“BECAUSE!” Chloé surged out of her seat, snatching up the cheap metal napkin holder and hurling it past Marinette at the far wall of the restaurant. She leaned in, nose to nose with Marinette, all the shrinking gone and a full flush on her bronzed cheeks, ”You step on people or they step on you! That’s how it works! Fire everyone! Who cares if you’re mean ? You’re on top or you’re on the bottom. Nobody respects you if you’re on the bottom! Nobody notices you! You’re nothing! You hear me? NOTHING! You’re an unexceptional, forgettable, leftover; easily replaced by having the kid of some random out of New-”
Chloé slapped a hand over her own mouth, eyes wide. The staff were approaching slowly and customers were doing their best to make it look like they weren’t looking. Chloé bit her knuckle, muffling a scream, then turned and fled.
Marinette was left to drop money on the table for food they hadn’t even eaten before tearing out the door after her. Marinette thanked the stars for two things. First, her Mandarin let her fumble through basic communication this time, and second that Chloé was a golden Euro-princess completely out of place in Shanghai. She was able to get direction after direction to guide her along in her hunt. She found Chloé huddled up on a stool outside a tea shop; head down on folded arms atop her knees. Round two. Marinette leaned on the brick wall beside the stool.
“So… would you believe that wasn’t what I wanted?”
Chloé didn’t look up. “Why can’t you leave me alone, Dupain-Cheng?”
Marinette didn’t answer right away. It was a fair question. She chewed her lip as she thought. “Because leaving you alone has never worked, for anyone, not even you.”
There was an answering sniffle and ragged words, “I never should have talked to you on this trip.”
Marinette stuffed her hands behind herself. The brickwork was damp and soaking through her pants. “Maybe we should have talked a long time ago.”
Marinette thought about those words, then shook her head even though Chloé still wasn’t looking at her.
“No, it probably wouldn’t have worked. I wish it could have though.”
Chloé raised her head slightly, pressing a hand to the back of it and kneading. “What ar-are you even on about now, Dupain-Cheng?”
“You were a miserable tyrant who made my life hell, and that’s all I saw. Even after you stopped having any real power over me this year, I was still playing out our assigned roles.”
I want to tell you about Malediktator, about that rooftop. What would you think?
Marinette tried to pick her next words carefully, it was herself as much as Chloé wrapped up in them. “It’s easy to help some people. They’re nice. They deserve a hand up. They’ve never done anything against anyone. They’ve just been stepped on their whole lives. What’s really heroic about helping the people only when it’s easy though? I want to be the kind of hero who helps people when it’s hard. I want to help people who don’t deserve it, who aren’t nice , who might never even thank me, but who need help anyway.”
Marinette took in a breath and let it out.
“I guess that’s really it, Chloé. That’s why I’m doing this. You need help, and I can see it.”
Chloé responded with an unladylike snort, and a toothless jib. “What, you’re a hero now, Marinette? I don’t see a costume on you.”
That made her smile. “They can take the costume away, but I won’t stop being a hero.”
Another, softer snort. “Ridiculous.”
“Says Queen Bee?”
“Only losers need help.”
“Everyone needs help, even heroes.”
A long silence. Chloé’s tea arrived. She sipped it, made a face, sipped it again, and passed the cup to Marinette. “Even if all this dumb stuff is true, and I’m not saying it is, what do I even do about it?”
Marnette blew on the surface of the tea, making small waves; then sipped it, a bitter matcha. “How should I know?”
The glare she got was painfully sharp. Marinette handed the cup back, but held onto it when Chloé reached to take it.
“But, I’ll try and help figure it out. If you want to.” Marinette let go.
Chloé sipped again. “God, you’re not going to tell everyone are you? I think if I had to deal with pity from the entire herd I might just die.”
Baby steps. “No one knows, no one has to know. Some will figure it out though. Alya will in a heartbeat.”
“Ugh, that’s all I need.”
Marinette reached out to pluck the cup from Chloé’s hand and sip again. “You could do a lot worse than Alya. She’s checked me more than once when I needed it.”
“I have Sabrina.”
“Would she really ever check you?”
Chloé leaned forward on her stool, letting her legs down in the process. She took back her tea. “Maybe once. Then she got to see too much.”
Marinette couldn't connect the dots on that so she just shot Chloé a confused look.
“That’s how it works. If someone has power over you, you have to keep them even more firmly under heel, so they won’t use it against you.”
Marinette grimaced at the cruelty of it.
Chloé shrugged sulkily. “What? You started this. I was happily ignoring my internal monologue all this time.”
Chloé took a long pull from the tea, and handed it back. “I was faking it well enough.” Marinette drank the last swallows, and stared into the tiny flakes plastered to the bottom of the cup. Chloé added, “Mom will hate me if I change.”
“Oh no,” Marinette deadpanned. “You’ll be in an exclusive club called ‘Everyone.’”
That got her an appraising look and one of the classic Chloé smirks. It was an odd feeling being glad to see it back in place. The smirk fled and Chloé looked back up the street, away from Marinette as she asked, “Why didn’t you just ask my sister to help you chase Adrikins?”
“Well, I don’t think she’d have been quite as riled up about Lila’s plans, and do you think she could have really pushed us through this far?”
Chloé still didn’t look at her. “So, I’m good for something after all?”
“At least one thing, probably two or three.” Marinette countered dryly.
It brought Chloé’s head back around and another look that turned into a smirk. “Buttering me up with insults?”
“You want me to give you a big hug, and we can braid each other’s hair?”
“Oh gag me.”
Marinette grinned. “That’s what I thought.”
Chloé stood and flipped out a compact, examining herself in the mirror, and from her reaction apparently not liking what she saw. “I thought we were supposed to be looking for Adrien.”
Marinette pushed off the wall, and wiped off the backside of her pants as best she could. “Tomorrow. He’s here for a few days, and my feet are killing me.”
Chloé snapped her compact shut. “Weak as ever, eh, Dupain-Cheng?” She finished with a smile instead of a leer though, and even that small change was tectonic.
“Why don’t you throw some of that money around and get us a cab?” Marinette adjusted her bag,”And by the way, I’m telling Alya. Not everything, but I have to tell someone or I’ll explode.”
Chloé rounded on her, but after a pause rolled her eyes. “Just don’t get anyone’s hopes up. You know, I still don’t like most of you for perfectly valid reasons too.”
They walked up the street towards a road wide enough for cars. Marinette thought about her answer before voicing it. “I promise not to get anyone else’s hopes up.” She glanced sidelong and turned her head when she caught Chloé’s gaze, holding it. “Just mine.”
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toffy-up · 2 months
I have enaugh. I cant anymore.
Look i write my dreams down and slowly. Slowly i get to my limit with the newest. I will pos a few here now. Maybe then i can stop thinking about them.
1.I was in my old house in the basement. I watched Tv in the hobbyroom. We never spend much time there tho, except for me i was there a whole summer. I dont know why anyomre. Anyways, I watched Tv and informt myself about a horror cosplayer. Suddenly there were a demon face, a woman crawling without a head, in the TV, and other completly terrifying stuff. I ran upstairs but before i did, i wanted some proof and started to film from between the stairs, like there were gaps, but i think it already stopped from happen. Then i got up and didnt found anyone. So i ran to the next floor were my grandma was sitting with her back to me watching TV with my uncle. My uncle asked me "How does living with your grandma is going. I was confused, i dont life with my grandma, anymore at least. Also i was so scarred still but i knew they wouldnt belive me, so i just stand the and answerd what i thought he wanna hear. I said "Yeah its fine right Grandma?". She didnt turned around to me, but she said something i cant remember. I got back down and found my boyfriend sleepin on the couch. Completly coverd in a blanket. So i woke him still pretty scarred and nervous. We went into my REALLY little room and i told him what i saw. I whisperd "i saw it! That demon. And hes strong." I think he belived me, because we wanted to get out of this house. There were a bibel and a cross on the window still. My boyfriend got out of the room and i heard my mum say to him "Hey Tom, you can get out of the hospital when you smoke. So you can smoke nothing will happen" Because my Aunt said that to her, my mum was on the phone with her. I opend a drawer and saw to alexas. (Oh a detail i remeberd was that when i ran from the basment, there wasnt a door its an open stair case. I looked at the corner where my dad had always his computers and i thought "mh thats weird why arent they there?".) And uhm maybe some information that helps is that, my mum and dad divorced when i was pretty young, but my dad stayed in the house not my mum
2. I was in a playgriund as an adult. Its a place i knew from my childhood, its a big hall with massive ammount of playthings, trampolins, slides, jungle gyms. Stuff like that. Its was for kids between the age of 6 to 12 i would say. There also was a kids corner, were i always was to old for, in the dream too. But they could draw there play wirh more little things. In the dream i went inside with my boyfriend, there werent any minni humans anymore. We looked around the little kids drawing untill i noticed. Wait, thats my drawings, my darker ones to be specific. They looked like a kid had redraw them. I was confused i said to Tom. "Honey? There are my drawings" He didnt really belived me, even tho he should know my pictures. Then a woman came in, one of the caretakers. She was confused why we are there and i imeadiatly asked her who draw them. And now now it gets weird. She said ow a girl blahblahblah. I looked at the drawing and notices a sign there stand Lilith. But that wasnt all. As i went outside again, my boyfriend already by the car. 2 staff members came to me and talked to me in a closed room. They said weird thing going on and then they eaid like a spell. And i...i was blocked out of my own dream only black. Untill i got back out off the room. And went ouzside with some salt they had seemed to give me
3. I was back in my old hometown. Like i was travelt thru time. I noticed pretty fast, because of the shopping mile i was it there were shops that didnt excist anymore. The first thought was my grandpa. He died and back in time i would be able to see him again. So i started ranning too my old house, my grandpa was at work his car wasnt there. But i didnt think that tru. So i stood there infront of the house and i think i saw myself as a baby, my mother was carrying me. She looked young again. She saw me but didnt reconize me. I was pretty unsure because of time and i didnt wanted to mess things up. So i started to ran away. And she followed me asking if i was my dads new girlfriend. The one who he cheated on her with. I said no and ran away again. It was all very real feeling. Like i was back in time
4. Now one of the most intense one. I was somewehere and waited for Tom (My boyfriend) to pick me up. He did and on the right his friend called him. In the call he had on speakers, it came out he had been in an amusement park with his friend, his girlfriend and another girl. The girl said how much she had missed him and i was angry, so i went out of the car. And then oh boy....i started walking home myself but when i got in my old hometown, this wasnt my own hometown. It was a weird place. There were doors, everywhere, like colourful buildings door on door and open rooms. Like a setup were you could look in. And that was when i realized i was dreaming. So i opend a door scarred. A man sat in there on a chair, he had gray hair a gray light beard. A normal middle aged man. It was like a futuristic room. Nothing much there. I knew we talked, i dont know what anymore but, a voice told me, that i would told him im dreaming something terrible would happen. So i didnt. He wanted to make a picture or i wanted to make a picture. I dont know what i know was. There was this voice again. Telling me, if i wouldnt wake up now, i never will. I started trying to wake up. I needed more then 5 times before i was able to wake up fully. Like i blinked i was still there, it was like someone helped me pulling me out of it
5. I was at home, i dont remember what exactly happend in my home anymore. But this why i stargtwriting down my dreams. So i was at home and looked to clock who spinning increadibly fast. And in that second i knew i was dreaming. The floor under me cracked and the wall behind me dissapeared. I was floating around in the universe. The diffrent colours the stars. I just remember floating around.
So uhm its from new to old. I have a lot more. Some scarry some really....weird. buts always my old house and the basment there. It was a big old house. The basment was also really big. I had always been terrefyed of it. It was a lot of rooms and doors. And lets say, there happend some weirs things. It was never really dangerous but the vibe of it? Was at least scarry, damn even right now i get goosebumbs talking about it....
0 notes
dysiver · 1 year
Ur all so mean to my girl gwen what da hell she was gg thru shit too 🥲 also idk personally i like ppl who can make the tough 'sacrifice one for the sake of the many' kinda characters it's lowkey ruthless and hot also like what was she gonna do say "hey ur dads gonna die and according to the universe you can do nothing about it" like bitch i wouldn't say anything either that's terrifying
I KNOW THIS MIGHT SOUND BAD but to be honest, Gwen in the new movie, was nothing but an annoying white woman. The white woman your family warns you about because they know they aren't good even if they seem good.
Listen, I loved Gwen in the first movie, but to be honest, I flat out do not like her in the second one and the reason for that is that she is so fucking immature and frustrating. And I'm not talking about the issues with her dad.
Y'know who's at fault for Miles' issues during this whole god damn movie? Gwen. If Gwen hadn't shown up and done her job instead of trying to flirt with Miles then miles would have lived his whole life not knowing about this canon bullshit. Yeah, he would have maybe lost his dad but he would have lost him without him knowing that he was going to lose him due to the fate of spiderman.
It would have been like when his uncle died, something that he just had to go thru in his life. But Gwen showed up cuz she couldn't just DO HER JOB like she was supposed to, EVEN THO MIGUEL AND HER TEACHER WARNED HER ABOUT NOT DOING ANY OF THIS BULLSHIT! She was like nah, they won't know, lemme go talk to the ONE GUY I'm not supposed to talk to and fuck over his life a little bit more. Why the fuck not.
Then after she does the one thing she isn't supposed to do, while looking all suspicious and shit which made Miles worried, which made Miles want to follow her and try to help her, which ended up with Miles where he is at the moment. ALL WHILE KNOWING THAT MILES COULD LOSE SOMEONE CLOSE TO HIM AND SHE WAS JUST GOING TO LET IT HAPPEN!
Gwen was just going to let people die that were close to people that she knew because she didn't wanna go back to her world to deal with her fucking issues. The whole time the character that annoyed me the most in this whole movie was Gwen, because she was nothing but a selfish asshole.
0 notes
Y’all want a spiderverse crack idea? No? Here you go anyway
- Miles (when he’s younger) runs away; the Prowler brings him home
- Miles thinks the Prowler is a hero for a few months, his favorite color is now purple and he wants all his shirts to be themed accordingly
- He sees the Prowler fighting Spiderman and has the juxtaposition of ‘anyone fighting Spiderman is Bad’ vs ‘the Prowler saved me, he’s Good’
- He runs away again to see if the Prowler will find him (he does, eventually, and is subsequently subjected to his nephew’s puppy eyes. Miles wants to know why he was fighting Spiderman ‘cause Spiderman is Good, you can’t fight Spiderman)
- The Prowler gives a very halting, very dissatisfying answer and drops Miles at home again, but he finds himself with creeping guilt whenever he has to fight Spiderman from that day on
- Miles comes to the understanding that the Prowler Does Bad Things, but he’s still confused about why the Prowler would do a Good Thing then. This also means that Miles is too busy trying to find the answer to that question to consider that the Prowler might be dangerous
- After a few years (and a few more rescues) Miles starts calling him ‘Mister Prowler’ and knows that Prowler is a villain, but like, he’s a weirdly nice villain
- Spiderman, on the other hand, has been noticing an ever so slight decline in Prowler-related activity and viciousness
- At some point it occurs to Miles that the Prowler knew where his house was,, and also consistently finds him and delivers him home,, and he finally gets around to asking why
- Miles: hey how’d u know where my house was?? - The Prowler, panicking silently: I’m friends with your uncle
- Miles’ mind is blown, he has so many questions; the Prowler answers none of them and jumps off the roof to escape. Miles interrogates Aaron the next time he sees him and Aaron is Still Panicking so he’s absolute shit at making himself a cover
- Miles, a preteen with a theory, not unlike a dog with a bone: they know each other. They’re friends. Uncle Aaron is nervous about it. Are they... *dating?*
- The next time he sees the Prowler he shouts “you better be good to my uncle”, possibly in earshot of Spiderman
- Anyway like two weeks before the collider, Spiderman and the Prowler are having a stare-down, maybe from separate buildings
- Miles shows up like: oh hey Mister Prowler - Prowler: ...  - Spiderman: ??? - Miles: how’s my uncle? - Prowler, long since used to his nephew’s conviction that he’s dating himself, fully resigned to his fate: he’s good. Don’t you have school - Spiderman: ??????
- Spiderman has many questions. Spiderman does not get any answers. Spiderman is haunted by the knowledge that the Prowler is friends with a middle schooler
- The collider happens, kind of. In the scene right before Spiderman dies, where he and Miles are talking, the Prowler saves them both before Kingpin gets there. Kingpin is now after all three of them, but less urgently than fixing the collider
- The Prowler performs emergency first aid on a rooftop and then sends Miles back to his school bc its late. The Prowler then takes Spiderman (now unconscious) to his apartment and changes out of his Prowler outfit just in time to convince Spiderman that the Prowler dropped him off so Aaron could make sure he doesn’t drown in his own blood.
- Spiderman’s thought process happens approximately like this: the Prowler doesn’t trust anyone. The Prowler trusts this guy. The Prowler knows the uncle of That One Kid. Is this the uncle of That One Kid? Are they dating??
- Aaron is plagued by the misconception that he’s dating himself at every turn. He doesn’t know what to do anymore. He can’t even deny it because he doesn’t have a better explanation
- Aaron is reluctant to keep Spiderman in his apartment long, for obvious reasons, and this translates to Spiderman as reluctance to treat him in general
- Spiderman, literally half-dead: am I bothering you? Is this a hassle? Do you need me to leave? I can leave, I’ve got a great healing factor, I’ll be fine
- Aaron tells him to lie back down and not ruin all his hard work. He mutters something along the lines of “I can’t believe I’m doing this”
- Spiderman: look, if you don’t want to be helping me, you don’t have to. Nobody’s making you--wait, is somebody making you? Is the Prowler making you?? Are you being forced??? Are you in Trouble???? I can help
- Aaron, literally the Prowler: sit your fool ass down on that couch or so help me God
- Anyway on the way back to school Miles makes a pit stop for food, so he runs into Peter B while Peter B is also looking for food. Miles is very weirded out but like, so is Peter B. Miles explains that Spiderman (his, specifically) is kind of injured at the moment, but don’t worry, the Prowler is on it. Peter B is not comforted by this at all.
- Peter B: the Prowler? As in, the VILLAIN, the Prowler? - Miles: yea what’s your point? Mister Prowler’s not gonna hurt him, he’d be out of a job if people stopped hiring him as insurance against Spiderman
- That does not make Peter B feel any better, so they trek over to Aaron’s place and take stock of the situation: Spiderman is passed out on the couch in frankly terrible shape and Aaron is dozing with his head on the counter
- Miles: oh did Mister Prowler leave? Did he at least give you a kiss first - Peter B: ?!?!?!?!?? - Aaron, definitely not awake enough for this: Miles. Please. Shut up.
- Then he realizes there’s Another Spiderman in his house and listens to the explanation with growing exasperation and tries not to interject with anything he shouldn’t know about the collider. But it seems to him like it worked until Peter B glitches out in his kitchen and nearly gets a concussion on the edge of the counter
- So Aaron gets quasi-bullied into helping shut it down by promising to get the Prowler on it. Peter B is skeptical of his chances of success. And that’s how the Prowler ends up helping destroy the collider with the rest of the spiders!
- Everybody ends up convinced Aaron is dating the Prowler. Jeff tries to scold him about getting in over his head. The only ones who don’t immediately accept it are Rio and Aunt May, who smile very mischievously and definitely know what’s up
Bonus-- Peter B: I could swear that in my dimension, you never dated anyone named ‘Aaron’ Prowler: I could swear that in my dimension, you were skinny Peter B: ... I can take a hint
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beepinout · 3 years
-You know those mall Santa's that have kids say "I wish my parents don't get a divorce" or "i wish my sister doesn't die of cancer" or "i wish I dont die of cancer" or "I wish that someone dead in my life comes back to life"...yeah Bruno has to deal with that time to time and he feels TERRIBLE every time
-(in her own way) Julieta used to be a bad ass, she used to refuse to give people her food if they hurt her family or her
Someone: Julieta I need help
Julieta: Oh ok... wait, I remember you, you cheated on Pepa the other day!
Someone: So?! It's your job to help me, would you just do your fucking work already
Julieta:...Oh right, of course of course, let me make you something fresh right now(never returns)
- Abuela had to set her straight after complaints
- Dolores had the most embarrassing gift ceremony (I mean I know what happened to Mirabel but that was more sad than embarrassing)
- Her gift ceremony started as normal, then she got her gift and she could not stop crying, the party had to end early
- When Dolores first got her gift she just stayed in her room all the time, Felix and Pepa had to gradually let Dolores out of her room for a curtain amout of time
Felix: Come on Dolores, can you come out for five minutes, we'll count
Pepa: We'll stay with you the entire time mi amor
Dolores:*Dashes out of her room and hugs her parents and doesn't let go for the exact 5 muinute*
- Every gift door picture was taken the day after the ceremony except Dolores whose was taken a few week after because she needed time to adjust
- When people heard that Pepa was pregnant they got sooooooo much weather equipment, the umbrella bissnes was booming
- Bruno as an uncle is like a more concerned and anxious grunkle stan
Camilo: Hey tio Bruno, can you help us with this potentially dangerous thing?
Bruno: I dont know, your mom would be upset and you know how she-Just kidding lets go!
-(he will try to end whatever there doing early if it gets serious)
- Isabela is very clumsy and is extremely embarrassed about it
- People pay Dolores not to tell others about something they did, she wasn't going to tell but she'll gladly take there money
- Dolores is very close to Bruno, before, during, and after he lived in the walls.Before she'd go to him about her gift since like him it was unwanted and she hated it, during she would beg Bruno to come back, mostly when she 12 but would occasionally ask him to come back when she was older too, also for 10 years she had amazing telanovelas, after she would just go to him to talk about things she heard through out the town because he can keep a secret and she would also help him with telanovelas
- When Bruno did his telanovelas in the wall Dolores would write reviews for them on paper and stick them on the inside of the walls
- Abuela was a menace when she was young, and that why her kids are too
- Abuela's mom was strict with her so Abuela vowed to not be that strict when she had kids and said all the ways she would be beter then her mom (unfortunately she didn't account for having to leave her home with nothing but the clothes on her back, watching her husband die, having to take care of a village and her 3 kids all at the age of like 20...so that backfired)
- Bruno had 1 girlfriend his whole life in his early teens and guess who it was.....FISH LADY, they where in puppy love city and everyone in a 10 mile radius was annoyed by them, she broke up with him the day her fish died
Young fish lady infront of a crowd of people holding a fish tank of water: YOU CURSED THEM ON PURPOSE DIDN'T YOU!
Young Bruno: All I said was those types of fish don't last long
Young fish lady: You didn't need to say anything, everyone knows whatever you speak out of your STUPID MOUTH ends up being true no matter what
Young fish lady:*Dumps the entire fish tank on Bruno's head* THATS IT! WE ARE DONE MADRIGAL!
- To this day Bruno still cringes at that moment
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biographydivider · 2 years
Bruno and Camilo singing Candy Store from Heathers. That’s it. That’s the fic.
Sorry in advance. This one is really, really dumb. But I couldn’t resist. More of my fic here!
‘Are we gonna have a problem?’               Bruno started out of his daydreams, dishcloth in one hand, pot in the other. He turned, dripping suds on the kitchen floor.               ‘You got a bone to pick?’ Leaning in the doorway was Camilo; arms crossed, smirking. Baiting him. Bruno groaned internally.               ‘You’ve come so far, why now are you pulling on my di–’
              “Milo, please don’t swear,” Bruno sighed, stacking the pot on the draining board with the others. “Your Mamá still hasn’t forgotten that you copied me calling Diego Londoño an ‘impatient cabrón’ when you were three.”               It was true. Diego Londoño was an impatient cabrón. Not that that mattered to Pepa, of course. She’d brought that little incident up within a few days of him being back.               “A-and I’m not singing. You can’t make me.”               “Aw, c’mon, Tio!” Camilo said, deflated, as Bruno turned back to his dishes. “I brought the gramophone an’ everything.”               He disappeared for a moment, returning with the squeaking, rickety old trolley that Mama’s old gramophone sat on. Resting against it was a bright blue record sleeve, depicting three girls in different coloured sweaters, brandishing mallets. Camilo put the needle to the record, already sitting in place, and it blared into life – the twang of the singer’s ridiculous accent, the blast of the saxophones. Something a little like temptation flickered to life in Bruno’s brain.               Bruno loved singing. Even though he was, objectively, terrible at it. His range was about four notes. Anything above that and his voice faltered, wobbled, cracked. Which, you know, was fine. But when you lived in a house with this particular familia – people who could find an excuse to harmonize reading off their to-do lists for the day – it could make a guy a little insecure. Hey, not his biggest problem. Not by miles. But still. Bruno mostly kept his singing for long baths in an empty house. Until Camilo, that is.               ‘I’d normally slap your face off,’ spat the girl on the record.               ‘And everyone here could watch,’ replied Camilo, smirking.               Oh hell. Why not? Call it family bonding time.               ‘But I’m feeling nice,’ Bruno said as he whirled, tossing the dishcloth in the sink, ‘here’s some advice…’               ‘Listen up, beeyotch!!’ the two yelled together as the music blared into life.               For, like, three weeks when he first came back, Bruno had been wary of Camilo. The kid was confident, sociable, outgoing; everything Bruno had failed to be at fifteen. But then, he was also sarcastic, slightly obnoxious, the bane of his parent’s lives – or at least Felix’s, who often wished his son had a little more tact. And that was little too much like Bruno. It made him nervous. Like he was walking on rocky terrain. It made him think of the cocky, dangerous boys of his own teenagehood; Bruno never knew if they’d leave him be or make his life a misery. Better to spend his free time with shy Antonio or lovable Mirabel, and dodge the attempts at conversation from his oldest sobrino. He was never sure exactly how many genuine barbs his mocking held within it. Then, when Camilo’d caught him belting out that song about how nobody, in all of Oz, no wizard that there is or was, was ever gonna bring him down (when he was supposed to be dusting the bannisters) he’d almost felt…guilty? Like he’d done something wrong? He was The Madrigal Who Couldn’t Sing, he’d never hear the end of it…               The kid had just stood there, mouth open, gawking. Until the harmony hit. Then he scrambled up onto the staircase alongside Bruno and started keening about how no-one mourns the wicked. And that was it. The pair had a shared hobby. Butchering showtunes.               They switched parts midway through verses, fighting for the best lines. They missed their cues, but danced anyway. Bruno ground his knuckles into Camilo’s scalp on the line ‘’course if you don’t care, fine – go braid her hair’ and Camilo knocked his uncle with a hip on ‘you just gotta prove your not a loser anymore’; stupid in-jokes, over-played and probably not funny to anyone else anyways, but they did it every time, so they did it now. It was the closest to masculine roughhousing Bruno had ever been.               Their favourite part was the call-and-response.               ‘You can join the team –‘               ‘Or you can bitch and moan.’               ‘You can live the dream –’               ‘Or you can die alone!’               On this part, their choreography was always immaculate. Shifting their weight from one hip to another, hands in the air, feet moving back and forth perfectly on beat. Bruno grinned down at his sobrino; his eyes closed, feeling the music, just enjoying himself. It was good to see a Madrigal kid just…enjoying themselves. Not feeling pressured to make every single moment of a day important, or meaningful, or productive. Just having fun in the kitchen with his dorky tio. It was nice.       ��       ‘Veronica, look,’ Bruno simpered, hands clasped under his chin, eyelashes fluttering. ‘Ram invited me to his homecoming party! This proves he’s been thinking about me!’               Neither Camilo nor Bruno had any idea what half those words meant in context. But the important thing was that meant he was giving Camilo the best bit. The really, really loud bit. ‘I’m sooo happyy!’               Camilo beamed, clambering up onto the kitchen counter. ‘Whhooaahoooaaaoooah-woaah,’ he sang, knees bent, hands splayed to the sides, rising as the pitch did, ‘Honey whatcha waitin’ for –”               “AY DIOS WILL. YOU. TWO. SHUT. UP?!? IT IS EIGHT O’CLOCK ON A SATURDAY. A SATURDAY!”               The pair winced.               “I should…” Bruno said, guiltily gesturing at the dishes languishing in the sink.               “Yeah,” Camilo muttered, eyes widening for a fraction of a second as he slipped on his way down from the table. “I gotta…chores, you know.”               In the hallway, the record kept playing.               ‘It’s my candy store, it’s my candy…               It’s my candy store, it’s my candy…’               The pair shared a look, before leaping into position, back-to-back, hands on hearts. Their combined singing, miles outside either of their ranges, sounded like two cats with their tails set on fire.               ‘It’s my candy store, it’s my candy stooooOOOOORRREE!!’               “I DON’T CARE THAT WE’RE FAMILY I WILL THROW YOU OFF THE SIDE OF A MOUNTAIN.”               “Run,” Bruno laughed, pushing Camilo out the kitchen, “they’ll have to catch us first.”
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