#Mila Bartolini
b0ringasfuck · 1 year
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nonsimsical · 5 years
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| F i r s t D a y of S c h o o l |
.. Mila, Millie and Max are off to start new adventures in 2nd, 1st and pre-school! Nova held it together pretty well until she saw Lucca crying and lost it herself. The twins joined in shortly after the bus pulled away taking 3/5 LOVA babies to learn new and amazing things!
(Alliah took these beautifully breathtaking pictures of our babies and told me I could post them on Tumblr!)
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tmnotizie · 7 years
PESARO – “La riconoscenza della città” per aver “conseguito nell’arco della sua brillante carriera sportiva prestigiosi traguardi che onorano la città di Pesaro”. Questa mattina, nella sala Rossa del Comune l’assessore allo Sport Mila Della Dora ha consegnato l’attestato di riconoscenza a Luca Di Iacovo, campione del mondo master 800 e 3.000 metri stile libero in acque libere, a Budapest.
Lo scorso agosto, si sono svolti i campionati mondiali Master nella capitale ungherese. Nell’occasione Di Iacovo, categoria 50 m, ha  conquistato il titolo di campione del mondo nelle gare sui 3.000 metri in acque libere disputata sul lago di Balaton e in quella negli 800 metri stile libero.
Un attestato di “riconoscenza” è stato consegnato anche al presidente della società Rari Master Pesaro asd, Daniele Galli, “per la dedizione e l’impegno costante profuso con professionalità e passione per il raggiungimento di importanti traguardi, portando in alto i valori dello sport, onorando la città di Pesaro”.
Sempre questa mattina sono stati consegnati attestati di “plauso” agli atleti della TSN Pesaro Massimo Bartolini, Andrea Battisti, Riccardo Merloni e Gabriele Savelli “per l’eccellente risultato conseguito al Campionato Italiano ex Ordinanza 2017, 100 metri a squadre – categoria Sniper, che si è svolto al TSN di Lucca il 15 ottobre scorso, portando in alto i valori dello sport, onorando la città di Pesaro”.
I tiratori del TSN Pesaro, si sono fatti onore nelle categorie Mire metalliche e Sniper (tiro di  precisione).  Massimo Bartolini, ha inoltre conseguito anche il settimo posto nella classifica individuale, sempre nella categoria Sniper.
                          The post Pesaro: “La riconoscenza della città” al campione del mondo master Luca Di Iacovo appeared first on TM notizie - ultime notizie di OGGI, cronaca, sport.
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poplandrealm · 7 years
A quattro anni dall’idea, FICO, la Fabbrica Italiana Contadina di Oscar Farinetti intonerà il suo “Venghino signori venghino” il 15 novembre dopo un tempo record di realizzazione. Un mastodontico luna park di 100.000 metri quadrati, nell’area del CAAB di Bologna, che produce divertimento dalla consapevolezza che l’agroalimentare ha un grande valore, favorendo la cultura e anche la coltura del cibo. “Abbiamo pensato quella che in fondo è una banalità” racconta Farinetti all’anteprima “creare il racconto del cibo italiano partendo dall’inizio, dalla terra e non dalla fine come quando si parla di chef”. L’ingresso accoglie con una parete-installazione dove sono esposte le 1800 varietà di mele che abbiamo in Europa, di cui 1200 italiane, un dato fino a ieri appannaggio degli addetti ai lavori e che da domani sarà frammento in più nella cultura alimentare di tutti. Questa la sintesi dell’obiettivo di questo luogo. La mega struttura dell’architetto Thomas Bartoli, lo stesso di Eataly Smeraldo, è il parco tematico agroalimentare più grande del mondo, dove si fa la spesa in bicicletta sulla pista ciclabile interna, dove si vede l’olio uscire dal frantoio e la trafilatura della pasta. Il centro congressi ospita spazi per il teatro e il cinema dove verranno proiettati i video prodotti dagli studenti del Centro sperimentale di cinematografia di Maurizio Nichetti. “Ho cercato di copiare il modello Disney di Orlando” continua Farinetti “ma con i nostri riferimenti culturali e storici, la terra, l’agricoltura, la cucina” e in effetti il progetto è già ribattezzato la “Disneyland del cibo”, tutto è esagerato, dalle dimensioni alle quantità e varietà di prodotti e anche nelle aspettative. Le previsioni sono di 6 milioni di visitatori l’anno, 20 mila al giorno, costituiti perlopiù da turisti che integreranno la visita ai monumenti della città raggiungendo, con la linea diretta di autobus dalla stazione centrale, questa nuova attrazione che qualche anno fa sarebbe stata definita di edutainment.
Tutti numeri di FICO: 100.000 metri quadrati 8 ettari coperti 2 ettari di campi e stalle 200 animali 2.000 cultivar 40 fabbriche alimentari 40 luoghi di ristoro, dai bar, ai chioschi ai ristoranti 6 aule didattiche 6 grandi giostre educative su fuoco, terra, mare, animali, bevande e futuro 1 centro congressi ospitante dalle 50 alle 1.000 persone 150 aziende 700 posti di lavoro interni 4000 posti di lavoro di indotto
La Galleria
Osteria del Culatello
Il Forno di Calzolari
Consorzio Parmigiano Reggiano
La pizza Rossopomodoro
La pizza Rossopomodoro
La Dispensa di Amerigo
Frutta e verdura Il Pomo
Giardino – Ristorante Mediterraneo
Fabrizio Mantovani alla Locanda dell’Uovo
Bistrot della Patata
Flora Toscana
L’arena centrale
William Di Carlo – Confetti
Cioccolato Venchi
La Pasticceria Palazzolo
Birrificio Poletti
Liquirizia Amarelli
Cicli Bianchi
Oway Cosmetica
Laboratori per bambini
Il Mare di Guido
La Pescheria Nave Errante
Gianpaolo Raschi
La Pescheria Nave Errante
Il tartufo Urbani
Il tartufo Urbani
100 Vini & Spuntini
100 Vini & Spuntini
100 Vini & Spuntini
Ristorante Cinque di Enrico Bartolini
Le Terre del Balsamico
L’olio Roi
Baladin Brewpub
Pastificio DI Martino
Zivieri / La Granda
Zivieri / La Granda
Maurizio Nichetti
Pasuqale Torrente
Apre FICO a Bologna. Ecco cos’è il nuovo progetto Eataly di Oscar Farinetti
A quattro anni dall’idea, FICO, la Fabbrica Italiana Contadina di Oscar Farinetti intonerà il suo “Venghino signori venghino” il 15 novembre dopo un tempo record di realizzazione.
Apre FICO a Bologna. Ecco cos’è il nuovo progetto Eataly di Oscar Farinetti A quattro anni dall’idea, FICO, la Fabbrica Italiana Contadina di Oscar Farinetti intonerà il suo “Venghino signori venghino” il 15 novembre dopo un tempo record di realizzazione.
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popeating · 7 years
A quattro anni dall’idea, FICO, la Fabbrica Italiana Contadina di Oscar Farinetti intonerà il suo “Venghino signori venghino” il 15 novembre dopo un tempo record di realizzazione. Un mastodontico luna park di 100.000 metri quadrati, nell’area del CAAB di Bologna, che produce divertimento dalla consapevolezza che l’agroalimentare ha un grande valore, favorendo la cultura e anche la coltura del cibo. “Abbiamo pensato quella che in fondo è una banalità” racconta Farinetti all’anteprima “creare il racconto del cibo italiano partendo dall’inizio, dalla terra e non dalla fine come quando si parla di chef”. L’ingresso accoglie con una parete-installazione dove sono esposte le 1800 varietà di mele che abbiamo in Europa, di cui 1200 italiane, un dato fino a ieri appannaggio degli addetti ai lavori e che da domani sarà frammento in più nella cultura alimentare di tutti. Questa la sintesi dell’obiettivo di questo luogo. La mega struttura dell’architetto Thomas Bartoli, lo stesso di Eataly Smeraldo, è il parco tematico agroalimentare più grande del mondo, dove si fa la spesa in bicicletta sulla pista ciclabile interna, dove si vede l’olio uscire dal frantoio e la trafilatura della pasta. Il centro congressi ospita spazi per il teatro e il cinema dove verranno proiettati i video prodotti dagli studenti del Centro sperimentale di cinematografia di Maurizio Nichetti. “Ho cercato di copiare il modello Disney di Orlando” continua Farinetti “ma con i nostri riferimenti culturali e storici, la terra, l’agricoltura, la cucina” e in effetti il progetto è già ribattezzato la “Disneyland del cibo”, tutto è esagerato, dalle dimensioni alle quantità e varietà di prodotti e anche nelle aspettative. Le previsioni sono di 6 milioni di visitatori l’anno, 20 mila al giorno, costituiti perlopiù da turisti che integreranno la visita ai monumenti della città raggiungendo, con la linea diretta di autobus dalla stazione centrale, questa nuova attrazione che qualche anno fa sarebbe stata definita di edutainment.
Tutti numeri di FICO: 100.000 metri quadrati 8 ettari coperti 2 ettari di campi e stalle 200 animali 2.000 cultivar 40 fabbriche alimentari 40 luoghi di ristoro, dai bar, ai chioschi ai ristoranti 6 aule didattiche 6 grandi giostre educative su fuoco, terra, mare, animali, bevande e futuro 1 centro congressi ospitante dalle 50 alle 1.000 persone 150 aziende 700 posti di lavoro interni 4000 posti di lavoro di indotto
La Galleria
Osteria del Culatello
Il Forno di Calzolari
Consorzio Parmigiano Reggiano
La pizza Rossopomodoro
La pizza Rossopomodoro
La Dispensa di Amerigo
Frutta e verdura Il Pomo
Giardino – Ristorante Mediterraneo
Fabrizio Mantovani alla Locanda dell’Uovo
Bistrot della Patata
Flora Toscana
L’arena centrale
William Di Carlo – Confetti
Cioccolato Venchi
La Pasticceria Palazzolo
Birrificio Poletti
Liquirizia Amarelli
Cicli Bianchi
Oway Cosmetica
Laboratori per bambini
Il Mare di Guido
La Pescheria Nave Errante
Gianpaolo Raschi
La Pescheria Nave Errante
Il tartufo Urbani
Il tartufo Urbani
100 Vini & Spuntini
100 Vini & Spuntini
100 Vini & Spuntini
Ristorante Cinque di Enrico Bartolini
Le Terre del Balsamico
L’olio Roi
Baladin Brewpub
Pastificio DI Martino
Zivieri / La Granda
Zivieri / La Granda
Maurizio Nichetti
Pasuqale Torrente
Apre FICO a Bologna. Ecco cos’è il nuovo progetto Eataly di Oscar Farinetti A quattro anni dall’idea, FICO, la Fabbrica Italiana Contadina di Oscar Farinetti intonerà il suo “Venghino signori venghino” il 15 novembre dopo un tempo record di realizzazione.
0 notes
nonsimsical · 5 years
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|  M i l a   B a r t o l i n i  |
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nonsimsical · 6 years
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F A M I L Y    O U T T I N G S
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nonsimsical · 6 years
“Stop fussing over me, I’m not a baby.” for Lucca (bc I always send you Freeman or Oona asks lol switching it up)
OOO! Thank you, Karlita!! Gotta shoe to tie *winks* This helps!
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He sensed her presence before the wind shifted, blowing the smell of rain into the house through the open window, wafting the scent of her shampoo towards him. The corner of his mouth lifted, but he kept his eyes closed.
“Are you just going to stand there all day or are you going to come kiss me awake?” His voice was almost 100%, still a bit croaky here and there, but he was on the mend.
“I just.. don’t get it.” Nova sighed, as she walked into the room that was once hers growing up. It felt odd being here now. Home, she realized, wasn’t a place, but it was the people. Lucca was home for her. Well, him and their children. She pursed her lips as she stood staring down at him. “You didn’t eat your soup.”
“Hurts my throat.”
Her mouth popped open, her eyebrows knitted together in a frown, “Lucca Bartolini, why didn’t you say anything?”
He shrugged, grinning, his eyes still closed. “Honestly, I wasn’t very hungry so what I did eat was tolerable.” He peeked a look at her. God, she was beautiful.
She sighed out loud, pressing her palms to her cheeks before reaching down to pick up the food tray, but before she could lift it from the nightstand, Lucca grabbed her wrist and pulled her onto the bed with him, rolling onto his side so he could prop himself up to look down at her. He gently rubbed his thumb between her eyebrows and across her forehead until she let out a little sigh and wrapped her arms around his neck.
“You’re going to get me sick.” She accused, playfully glaring at him, but in all honesty she didn’t mind. The kids were busy with their aunts and uncle playing in the back yard and her Mother loved having a full house again. She’d probably be tickled pink if Nova had come down with the flu, too, and she’d have to take care of everyone. She pressed her lips together.
“What? Are you okay? Is it your side?” Nova couldn’t conceal the panic in her voice as she struggled to sit up, hands flitting across his torso to grasp the hem of his shirt, lifting it to see his bandage still in place and pristine white.
“Stop fussing over me,” he chuckled, “I’m fine.” He kissed her neck and he could instantly feel her body began to relax. He honestly didn’t want to get her sick, they weren’t even sure if he had the flu, but Presley was sure he had the symptoms and he immediately was quarantined until they passed. He also suspected she did that because Lucca was still recovering from a gunshot wound and had overdone it by taking his family to the beach the week before. His hand cupped her breast, kneading his gently with his finger tips before slowly tracing them across the surface of her skin causing her to shiver.
“You’re not.. f-fine, you, mmm..” she let out a small gasp as a shiver shook her body. “You were shot you know!”
“I’m not a baby,” he chuckled as he began kissing her chest, breasts and trailing kisses down to her navel. He ran his hand across her abdomen to the clasp on her jeans when he felt her stiffen. He lifted his head momentarily to see meet her eyes. “Nova?”
He brought his hand back up to her abdomen and felt it. A large, hard bump that his entire hand cupped. Finger tip to palm. He sat up on his knees, looking down as she slowly pushed her shirt down and sat up, taking his hands. “I wanted to tell you. I was going to, that night, but then everything was ..” she shook her head. “And then you were shot. I didn’t even know if you were going to live, Lucca.” She bit her lip. “I’d understand if you, if you hate me for not telling you, but I didn’t know when was the right time.”
“Hey,” his voice soft. “I could never, ever hate you Novalee.”
“I’m pregnant.” She sniffled.
He ran the pad of his thumb across her bottom lip and sighed, sitting back on his heels. “Damn right you are,” he grinned and then leaped off the bed. “WOOOO!!!!” He spun around in a circle and came back to her side, pulling her up and into his arms.
Ignoring what she said, he carried her outside to where the kids were playing before setting her down on her feet, keeping his arm wrapped tightly, protectively, around her shoulders.
“Kids! We have an announcement to make!” Lucca grinned down at Nova who rolled her eyes at him. “We’re going to have another baby!”
Millie and Mila gasped in unison, Max poured a bucket of sand on his head and Harper sat next to him as she silently cried smiling at her big sister. And as if on queue, all of them, Mila-Millie-Riley-Jonas, begin talking and asking questions at once. The girls wanted a sister, Jonas said he needed another nephew, Riley wanted to know when she gets to babysit without Harper there. And a strangled sound from behind them caused Lucca and Nova to turn and look over their shoulders to see a sobbing Presley holding knitting needles and yarn.
“I knew there was a reason I picked up knitting again!”
Everyone laughed and embraced each other before Presley scolded Lucca for getting out of bed, but hugged him tightly as she sniffled into his shoulder.. “I can’t believe you’re taller than me now.”
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nonsimsical · 6 years
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Mila Bartolini
6 yrs -- (I used the SSFF Alma skin on her and I am so in love!)
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nonsimsical · 6 years
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Leelee aged Mila up for me! Look how beautiful my girls are <3 *weeps* @simmingeternal Thank you so much! Mila is absolutely breathtaking! I adore her and you! I can’t wait to get the girls and Max in game and take more pics of our little family <3333
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nonsimsical · 6 years
L.N. 6
“GIVE ME YOUR MONEY AND YOUR CAR! NOW!” He screamed. His voice muted by the fact that all the windows were rolled up in order to keep some of the smoke out.
He glanced at Nova’s face and found her staring at his. Her eyes were shining with new tears, but her cheeks were dry. Lucca turned his full attention on the man. “In the back.” He said, nodding his head towards the rear of the car.
The man waved his gun for Lucca to get out. He nodded, swallowing. He couldn’t tell Nova to slide into his seat, to take off as soon as he opened to back of the Ford Escape. Not with the man watching him with a possibly loaded gun pointed at her head. So he opened the car door, slamming it shut with enough force that the girls screamed in the backseat. He walked the length of the car, watching the top of the man’s head as he followed Lucca on the other side of the vehicle, towards the back. They rounded the the rear at the same time.
“Open it.” He growled, thrusting his gun at Lucca as he turned his body to face the back of the vehicle.
Lucca could hear a car approaching, it was moving slow. Too slow. Lucca reached for the rear door handle and pulled it, slowly. He took a steadying breath as he flung up the rear door with all his strength, dodging his head to the side to prevent it from hitting him upside the head. A blur of white and reddish brown lunged from the back with a deep guttural growl, that sent goose flesh over his entire body. Suddenly his car came to life as the sounds of gunshots went off followed by searing hot pain, like he was on fire, and it was scorching his skin. 
The fire had reached them. He blinked as the flames spread up his side causing him to drop to his knees. He turned his head and watched as his ford escape tore through the front lawn of two houses before bumping onto the road, the rear door still open and the sounds of his daughter’s screaming for him filtering into the smoky atmosphere as Nova tried to gain control of the Escape. It swerved, two wheels coming off the ground before slamming back down causing the car to lurch down the road.
Safe. Relief. Confusion. It was getting darker. Lucca blinked a few times, but he couldn’t shake the fuzzy filling that was consuming him. He looked down and was surprised to find that he wasn’t on fire, but his shirt was shiny. He grabbed a handful of fabric, pulling on it. Searing pain etched across his torso and down his side. He couldn’t breath, his vision was going in and out.
“Wha..” He mumbled, his voice thick and scratchy from the smoke and his ragged attempts at breathing. He rubbed his eyes and when he pulled his hands away, they were covered in blood.
That’s when the darkness swallowed him.
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nonsimsical · 6 years
L.N. 2
"Are you fielding your calls now?" She demanded to know as soon as she answered his call.
"Hello, Braylie. I'm fine, how are you doing?" Lucca asked, sarcastically. A smile stretching across his face.
He could hear her sigh and take a deep breath before she spoke. "I'm fine. How come you didn't answer when I called you the first three times?"
"Because I thought my cell phone could use a swim."
"Nothing. I didn't hear it. What's up?"
He could almost hear her roll her eyes at him. "Have you talked to Nova yet. You know? About what you asked me..."
"No, I haven't." He pulled a couple dead leaves off of the Tomato plant in front of him, sighing out loud. "I planned on doing it this weekend."
"Why are you putting it off. I've already called and spoke to some lawyers. I can help you guys pay for the retainer fee." She offered. "Not that you couldn't afford to on your own, but I want this for you both just as much as you do. Well, maybe not as much as you do.. it feels that way though." She paused. "Anyways, it's just a precaution. If what you and Nova told me were true, he may not even fight you guys on this."
He raised his eyebrows, sighing. "Yea, well.. First I need to talk to Novalee and make sure she's ok with it."
"Braylie, I know you. What do you want to say."
She sighed into the phone, "Go ask her now! I want to know!"
He chuckled. His family has always adored Nova since they were little. The fact that they were together and having children literally 'tickled them pink' to quote his Mother after Braylie had called and told her they were officially an item. "She's not home right now. Harper's in town and Nova wanted her to meet her nephew."
"How is Harper? Does she know anything about Oona?"
Oona, their little sister, had suddenly decided to strike out on her own almost a year ago. No one had really heard from her since their niece was born on June 20th when she appeared quiet suddenly at his side looking pale and distraught at having missed her arrival. He knew something was off with her, but he never tried to question her. He wished he had, especially after seeing her at the hospital that night. Maybe he could of prevented her from cutting ties with them all and taking off, but she was almost 20 years old. An adult. He knew from personal experience that you can overcome any odds as long as you were determined and Oona definitely was that.
"I don't think so. Last Harper saw Oona was when they were 14 years old and she'd visited her in Italy." Lucca reached down and scratched Bird, his Englishe Springer Spaniel, behind the ear. "Besides," he took a deep breath letting it out slowly. "Nova isn't the type of person to pry into people's personal lives unless she felt it was necessary. Oona can take care of herself."
"But she shouldn't have to! She's only 19." Braylie whined.
"I know you miss her. I miss her, too, but we have to trust her and respect her decisions, Bray. She'd only end up resenting us if we forced her to stay."
"I don't know, something just feels... off? She was so excited about being an Aunt. Getting that new job at Logan's parents cafe. I just don't understand why she'd suddenly just up and vanish and not tell me where she was going. Or Logan, poor guy. He was beside himself!" She drew in a shaky breath. "But that isn't why I called. I know Nonno is keeping tabs on her, so if she gets in trouble or is hurt, I know he’ll be right there to jump in. I was calling about Millie. I want to throw a party if it happens. Small, just family. Maybe some close friends. Kind of like.. a meet and greet after a baby's born?"
"You're so weird. She's not a baby and she would be very upset if she knew you were comparing her to one." He chuckled, imaging Amelia stomping her little foot, mouth pursed in disgust, the little v forming between her eyebrows when she's upset or concentrating on something hard enough.
Braylie giggled, probably imagining the same thing he was. "Ok, ok. Just... let me know. And if it's positive then I'll ask Nova how she feels about the party."
"I will, but I'm going to say no to the party." He paused, "If my vote counts for anything."
"Probably not little brother, but I'll keep it in mind. Love ya!" With that she hung up the phone.  
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nonsimsical · 6 years
L.N. 5
“Grab the girls.” He said quietly, but firmly as he headed towards the nursery where Max had quieted, but was still letting out tiny cries of protest. He didn’t wait to see if Nova was moving or not as he pushed open the door with his foot, reaching down he grabbed the diaper bag that Nova always kept by Max’s dresser and slung the strap over his head so it crossed his torso before turning to the crib to get his son.
“Hey buddy,” Lucca murmured as he pulled him and his favorite blanket up and into his arms, as he carefully wrapped it around him, kissing the top of his head. He was turning away from the crib when a bright light caught his attention. He grabbed the string and pulled causing the blinds to snap at the top. Fire engulfed the house next door. The house, that just minutes before, stood strong and sure in the moonlight, was now alite with flames that reached out and licked the top of the fence posts that separated his yard from his neighbors.
“OH MY GOD, LUCCA!” Nova gasped. “Lucca, you don’t think..”
Lucca, grim faced, turned and handed Max off to Nova. “Get in the car,” he placed the car key’s he hadn’t realized he’d grabbed, into her hand. Squeezing it tightly. “Start it. I’ve gotta grab something and I’ll be with you.”
‘If anyone was inside that house now, they weren’t coming out of it.’ His thoughts grim. He sent up a silent prayer that they made it out safely.
Clutching their son to her chest, her cheek pressed into the top of his head, Nova turned and sped walk from the nursery leaving Lucca free to run to their bedroom. He threw open the door, the door jam cracking and splintering with the force, and dove to the floor where he pulled a suitcase that he kept with all of their papers in it. Birth certificates, passports, deeds etc. He then turned and opened the top drawer of the dresser and reached in the far back feeling for it. Small, hard. He gripped the small box and stuffed it in his pocket before running out of the room.
At last second, he turned and went into the girl’s bedroom and grabbed Moofus, Mila’s stuffed cow, and Pigsley, Millie’s stuffed pig. And took off out the front door, not bothering to shut or lock it behind him. Nova sat in the driver’s seat of the car, Max still in her arms, with her leg sticking out the opened door. At seeing Lucca, she leaned up and out and jogged around to the passenger side of the car, climbing in.
“Max’s seat?”
“In my car, I did.. I..” She shook her head.
He nodded, he knew what she was thinking. She didn’t think there was time. She didn’t want to leave the girls alone in the car just in case he didn’t come out in time she needed to be able to get them away from the house. He placed the suitcase and diaper bag in front of Nova’s feet on the floorboard before slamming his car door shut, putting the car in reverse and turning left to head down Mitchell.
“DADDY! KELLY AND HER MOMMY LIVES THERE!” Millie’s voice was shrill with terror, her eyes reflecting the fire as they passed the home that was two houses down from theirs. Nothing but the beams that outlined what was once a house and the chimney stood erect.
“Milliepede..” Nova’s voice was horse and barely above a whisper as tried, but couldn’t tear her eyes away from the burning structure. “They’re ok.. They’re fine..We’re ok.”
Lucca reached over and gripped her knee once before putting his hand back on the steering wheel. They drove towards the fire trucks that were racing towards them, lights flashing, horns blowing. He stole glances out the rear view mirror seeing the girls holding hands as they stared out the window at the neighborhood they grew up in. Had it only been 20 minutes ago that he’d been standing outside talking to his sister and staring up at the stars wondering how he was going to ask Nova if he could adopt Amelia.
“LUCCA! LOOK OUT!” Nova screamed, her hand already on the dashboard as she pressed Max into her chest.
Lucca slammed on his breaks, pulling on the wheel at the same time. The car rocked side to side as it came to the stop, half up on the curb and in the front lawn of someone’s home and half in the road. Breathing heavily, he turned his head and looked out his window, but saw nothing. He turned to look back at Nova to find a man standing at her window, a gun pointed at her and his son. He could hear the girls crying in the backseat, his heart pounding in his ears.
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nonsimsical · 6 years
L.N. 3
He shook his head as he pressed the power button on the side of his mobile device before shoving it into his pocket. He tilted his head to the side, cracking his neck before letting it fall back so his face was turned up towards the clear night sky. It was warm, boarding on humid. He could hear the crickets chirping from the field behind their house. He could still smell some of the smoke from the large fire that was currently burning a few hours away from where they lived. It was putting both him and Nova on edge. They weren't in the danger zone yet, but currently the fire was only 2% contained and with the winds picking up it could easily shift and head this direction. He was considering talking Nova into a trip to Italy until firefighters got it put out. 
Something in his peripheral vision pulled his attention away from the starry sky and thoughts of the fire.He turned his head to the right and saw her walking towards him. Her black hair shining as the moon caressed each strand. She smiled at him, cheeks flushed, eyes bright and sparkling.
"Hello beautiful." Returning her smile, as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against him. He kissed her, running his fingers through the softness of her hair before pressing his forehead to hers. "How was your visit?"
"Fantastic, but tiring. I forgot how much more exuberant my little sister is." She snickered. "How were the girls? Did they give you any trouble going to bed?"
Lucca smiled. "Nah, I only had to read the same story four times before M&M fell asleep."
"I was going to poke my head in on them, but was afraid I'd wake them. Millie's been so anxious about those fires." She shook her head. "And unfortunately it's being covered by every news station. Why can't she just be a normal five year old and want to watch cartoons?"
"Because she's a genius." He gives her a mock incredulous look and then laughs, running his thumb over her bottom lip. "Speaking of Amelia, I wanted to talk to you about something."
She frowned up at him. "Ok.."
He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly, as he stared down into her eyes. "I've been wanting to talk to you about this for awhile, but I was afraid of your answer for so long that I just kept brushing it off..."
She pressed her lips together, tightening her arms that were wrapped around his waist.
"I, well," he swallowed. "I wanted to know how you would feel if I were to ask you.." He frowned, "No that's not right." He let out his breath, frowning. "I love you."
"I...love..you, too." She said slowly, carefully. He could see that she was beginning to guard herself.
"Don't do that," he whispered. His eyes started to prick from behind causing tears to fill his vision. "Don't try to push me away. I promise I'm not leaving you. I'll never leave you or Amelia. I love you both, so much. More than my own life. I would do anything for the four of you. Anything." He tucked her hair behind her ear, leaving his hand to rest on the side of her neck. His thumb rubbing up and down the length of it from her ear to her collar bone. "I know that Amelia isn't... biologically speaking, my daughter. But I love her. I love her as if she were my flesh and blood and I am so proud of her and awed by her. I cannot imagine my life without you or Millie, or Max. Just as I can't imagine my life without Mila."
Tears slip over Nova's thick eyelashes and leave silent trails down her cheeks in their wake. Her chin began to quiver. She shook her head, but Lucca placed both of his hands on either side of her face. "I want to adopt Mille, Nova. I want to be her Father, not just her Dad."
Her eyes, impossibly, grew more round than they already were. Her mouth opened slightly, but no sound - not a breath - escaped between her full lips.
"You don't have to answer me now. We don't have to make any decisions until you're 100% sure of what you want to do, I -"
She lifted her hand and gently placed her two fingers against his lips. "Why?"
"Because.." he shook his head slowly, a tear escaping as he blinked. "She's my daughter. I love her. I want to give her the world and I don't want her to ever question where she fits into our family, or my heart."
"I.. wh.." she swallowed, tears flowing freely down her face. She took a steadying breath, wiping her cheeks with the butt of her hand, sniffing. "I would love for you to adopt her, Lucca, but a piece of paper doesn't change the fact that to me - my family and yours - to her, you are her Father."
He embraced her, holding her, their bodies pressed together leaving no space between them. "We should talk to Millie about it. See what she wants."
"Of course," she was caressing the back of his head, her voice thick. "Lucca?"
"I don't know if this is a good time to tell you this.." she cleared her throat. "I'm..."
Bird’s growling cut Nova from finishing whatever she was about to say. Still, Lucca stared down into her pale face waiting for her to finish her sentence, but Nova was already distracted. Staring down at Bird like she had two heads and around the backyard, trying to catch a glimpse at whatever had spooked her.
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nonsimsical · 6 years
L.N. 4
“Bird..” Nova choked out, clearing her throat she opened her mouth to continue to chastise the dog, their neighbor had been calling SPCA on all the dog’s in the neighborhood, when Max started crying.
“You get him.” Lucca stated, his hand gripping hers as he lead her to the back door. His eyes hard as he stared towards the side of the house that was cast in nothing but darkness. He turned to reassure her, it was probably nothing after all. He turned his body towards her as they stopped by the back door when suddenly Mila and Millie, hair disheveled and eyes wide with fright, collided with them, wrapping their little arms around both him and Nova.
“What on eart..” Nova let out a small scream as the sounds of someone pounding on their front door reached them at the back of the house. She covered her mouth and clutched the side of Lucca’s shirt with the other.
“Stay here with the girls.” He said quietly as he disentangled himself from Amelia’s embrace, pressing her to the side and into her Mother’s arms.
“Daddy, don’t go!” Mila whimpered, her face half buried in Nova’s side, her little hands reaching out to cover Millie’s who was now gripping the hem of her Mother’s t-shirt.
“I’ll be right back,” He gave them a tight lipped smile. “I promise.”
“Lucca..” Nova swallowed, “Roary.”
Max. He was still crying in his nursery. He shook his head, crying meant he was fine - scared, but fine. Though other possibilities crossed his mind in seconds, seconds he tried to keep off his face so he didn’t scare Nova. He gave his head a slight shake before turning on his heel and running for the front door with Bird rooted in front of his family.
As Lucca neared the front door, he could see the red and white flashing lights bouncing off the brick wall in the entryway and beyond the glass paned door stood two firemen, dressed in full suits, their faces blackened by smoke, stained by their own sweat and the heat of the flames.
Lucca opened the door, his brow furrowed in concern. He didn’t have the chance to ask how he could help them when one of them held his hand up, “Emergency Evacuation, grab your family and get out.. NOW!”
The second firefighter, who was standing to the side, added with urgency. “The fire jumped the road. It’s burning through everything.” He pointed past Lucca, who looked over his shoulder to see Nova standing in the archway behind him, “Get your family out while you can. We’re trying to keep the roads clear, but we’ve already lost the cul de sac and Buckner’s Ln.”
The firefighters turned and sprinted down the small path and turned to the right which would take them to the driveway. Lucca had recently put up a fence in the front yard so the girls could play out front since it was larger than the backyard. He turned back to Nova who was visibly shaking in fear.
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nonsimsical · 6 years
L.N. 1
"One more, please, Daddy?" Millie pouted, her big blue eyes as wide as they were round and just as beautiful as her Mother's. Lucca smiled down at her as he bent over, smoothing her hair back before planting a kiss on her forehead. She wrinkled her nose up at him before she giggled.
"Not tonight, Milliepede. Tomorrow is Friday though. You know what that means?" He raised his eyebrows, smiling.
"We get to go to the movies?" She asked excitedly, her voice low so she didn't wake up Mila who was fast asleep beside her.
Lucca nodded his head in answer. "Sleep."
"Wait! You didn't say it!" She grinned.
He shook his head, "Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite."
"If they do..." Millie continued their little ritual.
"Hit 'em with a shoe."
"And say, I don't want to sleep with you!" She pressed her lips together, but couldn't stop the giggle that escaped. She sat up suddenly, hugging him tightly,  "Good night, Daddy! Love you!"
She planted a dainty kiss on his cheek before burrowing back into her down filled pillow.
"I love you, too, Milliepede!" He tucked the covers in around her. "Snug as a bug in a rug." He booped her nose before bending over to kiss the top of Mila's hair. They each had their own bed, but they never slept separately.
Lucca turned, dipping low so he could switch on their nightlight as he strode out of the room. He looked over his shoulder for one last peek in time to see Millie roll over onto her side flopping her arm and her left leg over Mila as she snuggled close. Mila didn't so much as flinch. He chuckled to himself as he pulled the door closed behind him.
He kept himself busy mopping the kitchen and bathroom floors while he waited for Nova to get home with Max. She'd gone to visit her Mother and her younger sister, Harper, who hadn't yet met her nephew. The girls originally were intended to go along, but Millie didn't want to leave him alone. The thought brought a smile to his face. Though Amelia wasn't biologically his, she was his daughter. His little Milliepede. Lucca still couldn't believe Amelia’s biological Father had left Nova while she was not only pregnant, but he also had left her all alone. He didn’t understand how he didn't want anything to do with the life he was responsible for helping create.
He heard his ringtone somewhere off in the distance. Propping the mop against the kitchen table, he turned and headed back down the small hallway leading towards the girls' bedroom only to come up short outside the bathroom door. Pushing it open, he leaned in listening.
He jogged the few paces into the laundry room where the washing machine was just starting it's cycle. He threw open the top and grabbed his jeans. The majority of the material was already soaked through. Reaching into the pockets he retrieved his wallet and his cell phone plus a couple $20's he'd forgotten he'd pulled from the ATM earlier when he'd decided to take the girls out to dinner. Sighing, he tossed the pants back into the washer, closing the lid.
He looked over his phone, dry as a bone. Sighing out loud, he turned it over and pulled up his call log. Braylie. His older sister. He rubbed his left eyebrow as he walked out of the small back room into the bathroom. He knew why she was calling him and after a moment's hesitation, decided to walk out to the backyard before calling her back.
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