#Mikey is such in emo phase lmao
daysofmoron · 7 months
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thebearer · 1 year
What would carmy be like when the girls get a bit older? Like going into elementary school, then awkward preteens, maybe teen angst phase? How would he even deeallll lmao
i feel like in elementary school, teddy would be very creative and loud ("teddy is always distracting friends" on every single one of her report cards lmao) but very good at art and other things. wins a few things that get sent to the district and carmen is beyond proud about it.
willow would be more studious and quiet. does really well in school, keeps to herself. i feel like she might get bullied bc she's so shy but dw big sister teddy will beat the shit out of any one who says anything to willow.
i haven't even thought pre-teens or teenagers, but best believe teddy is dramatic. gets braces and acts like she's dying. very much so that hormonal "i hate you! i hate everyone" screaming crying phase that has you and carmen both on edge.
willow would have an awkward phase but it's like kinda adorable in a way??? glasses and bangs (it's a canon event) and maybe tries to be alt or emo or something. you just think it's cute bc she's expressing herself.
teenage teddy i feel like would be a nightmare. like very much so send you and carmen into cardiac arrest. when she gets older, she gets compared to mikey, and in a way she is like him. out going, friendly, daring, and confident- and that scares the SHIT out of carmen. so he really cracks down and they have a lot of tension, which shatters his being.
the most rebellious thing willow does is goes to a party with teddy and gets sloshed, and you both find out. obv teddy tries to fling her under the bus, but you and carmen both know lol. really, she's just a chill kid. likes to hang out with her friends and just vibe. whereas teddy was sneaking into college parties with cousin eva at age fourteen so.
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threestripeslider · 2 years
What is your favorite 2k3 arc (so far?) Is it the Battle Nexus one? My favorite arc is Turtles in Space. Mikey defending himself in the bar after he gets hit on (YOU GO GIRL!); escaping the prison by making Mikey eat floor wax; SPOONS!; MY PERSONAL SPACE CRUISER! Idk it was just such a fun little arc where the turtles got involved in really big things. My favorite one off episode is The Golden Puck because Casey is such a himbo. 2k3 was my first tmnt but it introduced me to found family, I hold it dear to my heart ❤️
OH, i do love Turtles In Space too, but to me the Battle Nexus Arc was the most exciting – actually, i really loved all appearances of the Battle Nexus. it was so cool to see an older take of it than what we saw in Rise and it's also interesting how they each developed bc i just LOVED the concept of the nexus in 03 as a separate dimension solely dedicated to a friendly brawling competition between all kinds of people (i want Ia back so bad i though t she was so cool and i was so happy when she later appeared in the Triceraton rebellion again).
another arc that i really liked was Leo's Emo Phase Arc, like. I WAS EMOTIONALLY COMPROMISED THE ENTIRE TIME. my boy was going through it. i audibly gasped when i saw the scar like OH MY SWEET BOY. i was inconsolable. and as such, season 4 was the season i probably binged the most just bc Leo's downward spiral was both heart-wrenching yet fascinating to watch as you could really see how badly Exodus had affected him and the weight of leadership he carries.
also can i just say i fucking LOVE it whenever Mikey gets to dress up bc he genuinely seems to enjoy it so much, the boy has ALL the genders!! and if you make fun of him, his three big brothers will beat you to death!!
in terms of favorite episode...jesus, i cant remember. there were so many good ones that i liked. i'd probably have to go through the episode list and have a look LMAO
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awsugar · 3 years
The photo you rbed of mikey way with a fan I legit thought that was Anna Farris in her emo phase lmao
i had to google her tbh but im not that familiar with her face so i see it a little bit...the concept of an “emo phase” is so funny to me. like i know a lot of people have them but for me personally i started listening to mcr in 2008 and i started wearing black and my mom told my therapist she was worried about me and guess what im still like this :/
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blakelywintersfield · 3 years
🩸, 🦇 and 🕸 !!!
🩸: do you have a memory associated to the first time you listened to each of the mcr albums?
Yes to all except Three Cheers which is weird because like... I love Three Cheers?? But I never listened to the full album, just songs from it, until later in life.
First full album I listened to was The Black Parade and that was after I discovered MCR. I ended up exchanging a CD my grandparents got me -- Carrie Underwood's second album I think? Maybe the first -- for TBP because I already had that CD. My very Christian grandparents still do not know about this and for good reason because they would be mortified if they heard TBP. I remember listening to it on a portable CD player whenever i was going to sleep. I listened to it on repeat. I was never the same lmfao
I listened to Danger Days after forming a crush on someone in high school who was super into MCR, but I had no idea what they were talking about because they were obvs talking about Danger Days stuff which was all colorful and shit and I had tried to leave the "emo things" behind to be more "goth", and I was like "??? MCR?? The emo parade band??? What do you mean all this colorful shit??" But I wanted to impress them because I had such a crush on them so I listened to DD and whoops turns out it wasn't a phase mom sorry about that. That person knows this too lmao I ended up telling him about it later on. (I used "them" because he came out as a trans man long after this crush formed, and I also hadn't come to terms with my gender yet so we both were ID'ing as our assigned gender at birth.)
I started listening to Bullets right at the dissolving point of my first major relationship, so it was both great and absolutely awful because I was emotionally dependent on this person, so them leaving me + emo album that very clearly talks about wanting to die = great comfort, bad for my mental health lmfao. Like I straight up remember being in the car, looking out the window at the fields of nothing as my parents drove us down to Gulf Shores for vacation, listening to the album on my shitty old ass iPod. It was a time. An angsty, emo time.
And though Conventional Weapons isn't necessarily an "official album" I count it, and I listened to every song when they released. Kayla (headfirstforieros) also got me the vinyl disc with "The World is Ugly / The Light Behind Your Eyes" for Christmas when we were dating because we branded "the world is ugly" as "our song" which wow is so fucking gay and emo and I love it to pieces. That vinyl is the most valuable thing to me tbh.
🦇 : if you could listen to any mcr song/album for the first time again, which would you choose?
Tbh probably Bullets! One because I love the album so much, and two so I can have a better first memory associated with it. Either that or Three Cheers so I can HAVE a memory associated with it lmao
🕸 : do you have any mcr merch? and if so which item(s) are your favorite?
I have. So much. Too much honestly it's bad I have over 50 MCR shirts and so much jewelry and shut, and vinyl and all that. I love them all but I gotta say my most treasured one is the Mikey Way bass. I saved up money and searched so long for it and it's so fucking pretty God I love it. I also, of course, love the vinyl that Kayla got me; and I had the Frank cross necklace for the longest time that I bought from Frank at a show and it meant the world to me, but the charm broke off and I lost it and he doesn't sell it anymore which makes me super sad :( But I have the memory of it at least.
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rysanross · 8 years
sO i looked on your band/artist page and i saw you like good charlotte, and i'm just getting into them so are there any songs you'd recommend?? thanks!! - mikey
LISTEN,,good charlotte were my first ever major band obsession and there is literally nothing i don’t know about those boys. i  l o v e  t h e m.
their music style changed with each album, so it all really depends on what you enjoy listening to! 
their first album is sort of lowkey punky and very experimental, so the tracks are unique. theres a few slower songs and a few angsty teen songs to scream along to lmao
their second album was their big break and that album is listed as punk rock - it has a few of their hits on it (the anthem, girls & boys, lifestyles and the rich and the famous, etc)
then there’s their third album which is like,,,soft rock i guess?? it was their emo phase but probably my favourite of their albums! it also has some more hits on it, the most recognisable being i just wanna live
their fourth album is where it went more pop-punk, but they still managed to keep their traditional style somehow?? its the album to listen to if you want to bop around (also includes many hits)
their fifth album is a masterpiece, it follows the style of the fourth album but includes deeper songs in a sense? its hard to explain, just listen to it
their most recent album features many other artists on it and is a very feel good album (as the boys are all in happier places now) so thats the album you want to listen to if you need a positive kick!
overall, good charlotte became my favourite and first band for a reason and in my opinion, they don’t have a ‘bad album’ like most bands do. i would recommend starting from their first album and going forward so you can see their growth and change! :)
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sunshinekookie · 6 years
I still love my chemical romance. I will never let go! Mikey is my favorite. I'm really happy that he became a father. Love Panic! At the Disco too. I still listen to Green Day, Fall Out Boy, Bring Me The Horizon, Linkin Park, System of a Down, Korn, The Used, and Bullet for My Valentine to name a few. Can I message you? You seem really cool. I need Tumblr friends haha.
yes please message me! i still havent grown out of my emo phase i guess ive been like this since i was 13 help lmao
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