#Mieru Hochun
bestygogirl · 11 months
BEST YGO GIRL: Round 2, Group A
Match 8
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Propaganda under the cut!
YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE TO THE BIG TIDDY GODDESS OF DESPAIR E'Rah is like the only female character allowed to be cool and she should’ve been in the anime. LET HER HAVE THIS OKAY GUYS IT’S WHAT SHE DESERVES
Mieru Hochun
she did the most, reading yuya for filth, setting up foreshadowing for the whole zarc thing and the other yu-boys, psychic queen
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The foreshadowing
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A little late, but some new friends have joined in from the early arcs!
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magpiejay1234 · 1 year
Now let’s do Yuya’s preliminary opponents, and Kachidoki.
Isao Kachidoki is 勝鬨 勇雄, Kachidoki Isao.
勝, kachi, means to win, or victory, though this specific spelling means to win a game. 
鬨, doki, more commonly spelled as doki, means battle cry.
勇, isa, means courage. This is more commonly spelled as yuu, as in Yuuya.
雄, o, means man, but this is also commonly spelled as yuu, again, as in Yuuya.
**Kachidoki is just 勝ち鬨, kachidoki, without the ち, i sound, which means victory cry. I guess the hiragana character is removed to make it look more Chinese.
**いさお, isao means accomplishment in a literary sense.
**Isao uses alternate forms of “yuu” used in Yu-Gi-Oh! protagonists’ names.
***The first Kanji, isa, is similar to Judai’s surname, yuuki, which also means courage. This references how Isao uses Warrior Fusions like Judai.
***The second Kanji, o, refers to Gongenzaka’s monsters, which also use the O sound to refer to this Kanji. 
****This is similar to ou (King) sound, as we discussed before.
**Kachidoki is an inversion the franchise’s name, Play Game King, since for Kachidoki, victory is more important than playing the game.
***This, alongside the Kanji name used for this first name, and “ha”, supreme, Kanji used for his Fusions, basically make him an evil Yuya.
**Kachidoki’s theme is likely not meant to be Kabuki, but Xiqu. Chinese traditional theater/opera.
**Eita Kyuando’s name is 九庵堂栄太, Kyuandou Eita.
九, kyu, means nine. It sounds similar to kyuu, suffering.
庵, an, means hut, or hermitage. For more meanings, see here.
堂, dou, is the same as Yaiba’s name. It means temple, hall, or shine.
栄, ei, means honour, glory, flourishing, prosperous. In terms of vegetation, it can mean lush, or luxuriant.
太, ta, means fat, though in this context, it might either mean great, or thick.
**The Kyu sound here likely alludes to letter Q.
**The an Kanji can mean the quarter of a Buddhist priest, which is likely the intended meaning.
***This would make his surname Nine Quarters Temple.
**The Kanji ta is generally used to mean thick when used in names, though fat meaning might be intended, as a means of mocking his character. Since kyu+ei is similar to kyoei, vanity.
**Number pun in his name might be a ZEXAL allusion.
**Though ei here likely means honor as in honor student, the vegetation allusion is likely intended, as a reference to En Flowers, which is the case for many Standard, or Standard-adjacent characters.
Mieru Hochun’s name is 方中 ミエル. Houchun Mieru.
方, hou, means direction, person, alternative, or in geometry, square.
中, chun, more commonly spelled as chuu, can mean center, or middle. For more meanings: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E4%B8%AD
Mieru’s name is in Katakana, but refers to みえる, be visible, seem, appear.
**Mieru’s name alludes to Atem’s often repeating phrase, “What you can see, yet cannot see”. This is known in dub as "Something you can show, but can't see".
***This specifically alludes to the Duel with Mai, but in the context of DM, this refers to yuujou, friendship, though camaraderie is a better translation in this context.
****In this context, it is explictly referring to romantic love, and the card referring to Yuya, and Yuzu’s bond, Fusion/Polymerization, Yuugou.
**Houchun can mean average person, but here it is meaning either square center, or central direction.
***Square center here alludes to the center of a divination circle, or a summoning circle, alluding to the both precognition theme of original Prediction Princesses, and necromancy theme of the recent Prediction Princesses.
***Central direction here alludes to Beyond the Pendulum’s Kanji name’s meaning as Trajectory Magician, and does not refer to literal central direction, but predestination, and entities causing it (Z-ARC, and Ray).
**Hou part is also used in Cubics, whose Japanese name means Direction World God, and refer to the same concept as Beyond the Pendulum (predestination of souls in the Samsaric Cycle).
***It is similar to katakana spelling of holly, which in hanakotoba means looking for love.
Michio Mokota’s name is 茂田古 未知夫, Mokota Michio.
茂, mo, means overgrown, luxuriant, thickly growing, lush.
古, ko, means past, or ancient times.
田, ta, means rice paddy, or cultivated field.
未, mi refers to Sheep in one of the Eight Branches, but here the meaning is not yet. 
知, chi, means to know, or wisdom.
夫, o, is the same as Isao’s name.
**Michio basically here means not yet wise man. This alludes to how Michio, despite pretending to be an adult, still has a lot to learn.
***O-Ou pun in Isao is also here.
**Mokota means overgrown past rice paddy. This refers to Michio’s father being a traditional sushi chef.
**Rice paddy allusion is similar allusion to sawa, swamp, in Sawatari’s name. Since rices grow in swampy areas, and are the main crop in Japan, wetlands are associated with fertility, as opposed to European expectations of swampy areas being disease breeding places.
**mo Kanji has a similar meaning to ei Kanji in Eita.
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cyberslasharpie · 7 months
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The Prediction Princess herself; Mieru Hochun, now in Duel Links!🔮👑💖
Victory style sprite for @/MieruHochun on Twitter, thank you!🥰 The commissioner is a writer by trade so Mieru is holding a fountain pen, a very cute & unique touch I really enjoyed drawing.🥺❤️
Super proud of how this one came out, I absolutely love her design. I really need to get around to watching Arc V one day.🤩
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kanamori-kamper-moved · 10 months
I hope mieru hochun from yugioh arc v has a nice day and every other character goes to hell and dies. Goodnight
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murasakinohoshi · 2 years
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kinhikari · 2 years
Yuugiou ARC-V Character Tier List (K-san's picks)
S - Shun Kurosaki, Yuto
A - Jack Atlas, Serena, Sora Shiunin
B - Reiji Akaba, Tsukikage, Masumi Kotsu, Kaito Tenjo, Yuzu Hiiragi, Noboru Gongenzaka, Shuzo Hiiragi, Crow Hogan
C - Yugo, Dennis Macfield, Sayaka Sasayama, Allen Kozuki, Asuka Tenjoin, Edo Phoenix, Ayu Ayukawa, Hikage, Barrett, Yuya Sakaki, Grace Tyler, Gloria Tyler, Halil, Olga, Isao Kachidoki, Yaiba Todo, Reira Akaba, Ruri Kurosaki, Rin, Yoko Sakaki, Nico Smiley, Ray Akaba, Michio Mokota, Tatsuya Yamashiro, Yusho Sakaki, Shingo Sawatari, Mieru Hochun, Chojiro Tokamatsu, Hokuto Shijima, Yuri
F - Obelisk Force, Gen Ankokuji, Teppei Tairyobata, Sergey Volkov, Furio Sawatari, Captain Solo, Administrative Council, Damon Lopez, The Doktor, Eita Kyuando, Futoshi Harada, Gallagher, Himika Akaba, Jean-Michel Roget, Leo Akaba, Professor Marco, Battle Beast, Melissa Claire, Sanders, Shinji Weber, Zarc
Not ranking - original Lancers, Amanda, Emma, Ethan, Bernie, Jacob, Ted, Yeager, Juvenile Officers, Apollo, Diana, Nakajima, Arrest Corps, Mr. Gongenzaka, Tenpei Hayano, Frank, Tio, Mukuro Enjo, Ken Umesugi, Makoto Takeda, Yuzo Tanegashima, Mikiyo Naname, Mamoru Noro, Security, Sam, Strong Ishijima, Tanner, Tony Simmons
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arkadiaasks · 2 years
How come the Lancers didn’t try to deal with Z-ARC by simply taking control of his boss monster? There was a period during ARC-V where Snatch Steal was unbanned after all. Even without that, Yuya’s mom had a monster that could steal EVERYTHING on his field. If that wasn’t their cup of tea, the Ritual Duelists could have just used their effects to either flip Z-ARC face down then destroy/banish it(in the case of Mieru Hochun and Tarotrei) or use Relinquished to literally eat his monster for breakfast. With the large number of loopholes in his protection that could be easily exploited and appropriately whipped, how did they have trouble with his giant beatstick?
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Snatch Steal was only in the TCG. It's never been unbanned in the OCG.
And because he'd have a line of text show up reading "Control of the card cannot change" or "This card cannot be equipped as an Equip Card" or have a bullshit Counter Trap Card flip.
And because it's the final boss, it's narratively boring.
But he basically had a guaranteed counter to everything not the Raye cards. Trust the show isn't lying to you. The basic answer is Z-ARC is a top tier Duelist with extremely cheap support cards to protect him.
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bassomega · 2 years
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not transformers related post but I signed up for the ygo bb (sigh, again) this time to support @darkxyzduelist and her unending zexal form fic shinenigans that you should, as always, read up on here
nws babe, I’ll always be your artist if you need me to x
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puzzlevision · 3 years
I forgot to post this
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And oh anyways here's the blank one if you want to use it
(I forgor 💀 I deleted the template what)
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bestygogirl · 1 year
BEST YGO GIRL: Round 1, Group A
Match 16
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Propaganda under the cut!
Mieru Hochun
she did the most, reading yuya for filth, setting up foreshadowing for the whole zarc thing and the other yu-boys, psychic queen
Nanaho Nanahoshi
List of her slays because she’s cool and evil and I am her only fan When she was like six, she convinced the pro-tag (Yuga Ohdo) that her ladybug looking hat was a real ladybug that was trying to eat her. This made Yuga freeze up and have a mini panic attack whenever ladybugs come by him. During the show, Yuga see’s Nanaho again after that incident, and then threatens to destroy the entire building that are in. This building is a government building that keeps the city running btw. If a girl can get you to almost cause terrorism she’s a girlboss. Nanaho brainwashed one of the main friend characters (Swirly) into a zombie like state that just made it seem like he had rabies. Nanaho brings back the most chaotic and arguably cutthroat villain in Sevens (Swirly) for the lols. It’s implied that she heard how chaotic he was and thought “oh that seems like a cool guy! I should cure him of his current memory loss to make the town go into anarchy FOR THE LOLS” She is the technically the reason Yugioh Go Rush exists. Nanaho comes from the “evil” part of her ninja family. This gets her sick ninja swag and a little army. (with other bug hats btw) This also lets her stay at the “ninja insect village”, which is a bug amusement park. She commits terrorism.
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performapals · 3 years
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kivatt · 3 years
Mieru is so cute, I love her (≧▽≦)
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frightfur · 4 years
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baddyzarc · 4 years
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Imagine watching a bunch of weirdos in uniform kill a bunch of weirdos in suits and then you black out before waking up in the middle of the woods at night surrounded by your friend, a chef, small girl, and a fish man covered in bite marks
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