#Micro May
vixivulpixel · 5 months
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Would you open this for her 🥺
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skellyroon · 5 months
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she doodles
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wolfman-al · 5 months
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Lets kick off Micro May with everybodys favorite little dieties: Sekhmet: "He has Anubis! Quick Bastet, grab a weapon!" Bastet: "Uh… Something like this thing?" Anubis: "Please, calm down. I think he is friendly."
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66kucheat66 · 4 months
Some micro Corny for Micromay! Perfect size to toy with! Uncensored and textless version on my twitter, you can find me as @Kucheat3168491
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ballzicle · 5 months
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mem neyengan died that day....
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numbuh-1507 · 4 months
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A set of comics I made for @detectiveashcroft. Sometimes the "best" use of a gift of high intelligence is to mess with people. Just ask Elon Musk.
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donttouchmylasagna · 4 months
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When MicroMay is in the road you have to watch where you sit, someone could be in there.
Characters belolng to Buizilla
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hiredpencil · 4 months
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lil mer sea horsey
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frankhightower · 4 months
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2024 Shrink Drive 8: Stepping down
I wonder if anyone has figured out the loophole here yet... I haven't actually drawn any of these poses before, they gave me a surprising amount of trouble Color by Arcan
Posted using PostyBirb
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umbrahusky-arts · 1 year
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Micro May Comic
You get asked to try out a new tea? Seems nice enough, but you should probably ask beforehand what kind of tea it is... A Micro May comic from 2019
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vixivulpixel · 5 months
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A handheld dragon
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skellyroon · 4 months
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Ham borger
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princessfantasystar · 2 years
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And now the final two pages (5 and 6) of Welcome To Micro City! (Ft. @buizilla) You can view the comic so far here, as more will come this next year! Hopefully I'll have some more inspiration and more pages then! XwX Because of work (and the spies around me) This may end up taking me at least two or more years before it finishes because I like to plotline A LOT! Nyaah! But just wait! You'll find out what happens next!
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ballzicle · 5 months
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I think I need to post here again lol
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nejene · 4 months
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Glorious 25th of May!
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Aneb udělala jsem si šeříkovou brož speciálně pro tenhle den, protože jsem věděla, že šeříky u nás už dávno nepokvetou.
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donttouchmylasagna · 4 months
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Charizards also celebrate MicroMay.
For my friend Corydonn
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