#Michio Tsukui
manglednatalia · 2 months
This post is for myself but if anyone finds it helpful I'd be glad.
So, contestants of Jūni Taisen have "real" names and I decided to make a list gathering them all
Rat/Nezumi - Tsugiyoshi Sumino
Ox/Ushii - Eiji Kashii
Tiger/Tora - Kanae Aira
Rabbit/Usagi - [Unknown]
Dragon/Older Brother - Nagayuki Tsumita
Snake/Younger Brother - Takeyasu Tsumita
Horse/Ūma - Yoshimi Sōma
Sheep/Hitsujī - Sumihiko Tsujīe
Monkey/Sharyū - Misaki Yūki
Chicken/Niwatori - Ryōka Niwa
Dog/Dotsuku - Michio Tsukui
Boar/Inōnoshishi - Toshiko Inō
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midnightlee25 · 1 year
Random Yandere Headcanons: Most delusional to least delusional - Zodiac War - Juni Taisen
Completely delusional:
Usagi (the Warrior of the Rabbit)
Yoshimi Souma (Warrior of the Horse)
Misaki Yuuki (Warrior of the Monkey)
Kanae Aira (Warrior of the Tiger)
Not completely in reality but not completely in a fantasy:
Michio Tsukui (Warrior of the Dog)
Nagayuki Tsumita (Warrior Zodiac of the Dragon)
Takeyasu Tsumita (Warrior  of the Snake)
In reality:
Toshiko Inou (Warrior of the Boar)
Ryouka Niwa (Warrior of the Chicken) 
Tsugiyoshi Sumino (Warrior of the Rat)
Eiji Kashii (Warrior of the Ox)
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Character Info - Dotsuku
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Real Name: Michio Tsukui Alias: Dotsuku, Warrior of the Dog Age: 27 Birthdate: May 5 Gender: Male
Dotsuku is notably cunning and proud of his abilities, usually thinking ahead of time before making a move in battle. While boastful at most times, he’s a caring person which is most evident towards kids. 
Skills and Abilities
Dotsuku’s preferred fighting usually involves sneak attacks. While he rarely uses weapons, his sharp claws can cut through concrete walls. His most notable skill is Mad Dog’s Vise; a bite that could either inflict venom ranging from paralysis to instantly killing the target through massive blood loss or enhance the target's endurance and mental stability depending on his choosing. It is even assumed that he is immune to any poison as well.
He also has an enhanced sense of hearing and smell which helps him detect nearby enemies even without looking.
There was a rumored prophecy that twelve people will be chosen as warriors, each attributed to a Chinese zodiac, every twelve years and were granted supernatural abilities to keep light and darkness in the world in balance. While this prophecy might’ve died down by belief, warriors were still selected.
Michio was among those who were chosen, assigned as Warrior of the Dog, and was granted Mad Dog’s Vise. Due to his physical appearance being altered at a young age, he was bullied by other kids in the first few days before he accidentally bit one of them which caused their death. Had the poor child been traumatized by his reckless act of self-defense, he locked himself at home before he was discovered by a group of mercenaries who wanted to take him in as part of their group.
After several years of being under their wing while he was referred to as Dotsuku, he soon found out that this particular group he's been a part of has been partaking to countless illegal activities. Realizing that most of these would cause another world war and eradication of humankind, the canid warrior rebelled and had to fight against his former comrades. Yet despite his advantage with the Mad Dog's Vise, he is outnumbered and almost got himself killed.
Perhaps luck was on his side somehow as mercenaries from the opposing organization arrived and able to take down those criminals in disguise. Just when they also thought that Dotsuku is still with the former group, they were interrupted by their leading member.
A young lad. Still a teenager by appearance. Are they also allowing young ones to be part of their group?
The said leader, known in their troop as the Maestro, offered the canid warrior to join them. Whilst Dotsuku was initially reluctant due to having his trust broken by the former organization, he's been offered redemption.
For someone so young, this lad is quite mature and sounded genuine in his words.
Thus, he took a second chance and became a member of the Total Intersection Group. Whilst retaining the status of a mercenary, he also managed to work as a preschool teacher as a cover up.
Additional Information
Despite having dog-like features, Dotsuku prefers more veggies than meat. He also seems to be fond of spicy food and coffee.
He didn’t like the scent of dog food and would think of it as an insult if anyone gave him one.
He can be overprotective of kids as well to the point of beating up someone he’d suspect as a pedophile.
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gale-dragon-writer · 4 years
Miraculous Juuni Ask
I'm curious, who do you think Dotsuku would get along with in the class?
(Not sure if you mean the other Juuni Holders along with Ladybug and Chat Noir or the whole class, but I’ll go with the whole class and the basic idea of Michio’s interactions of his classmates (also note, Hitsuji is the teacher for his class))
Michio is childhood friends with Eiji (who he likes to call Eij-chan) as well as best of friends. Michio knows Eiji the best and can see past Eiji’s stoic demeanour. He does try to help his buddy show more emotion but does pull back when Eiji either asks him to or if he knows that Eiji can accomplish it on his own. They’re usually found with the Kendo Club after school, and while Michio isn’t a permanent member, he helps when needed. As Dotsuku and Ushii, they had their “Will of Trust” as soon as Michio was given his Juuni so they know each other’s civilian ids. While Dotsuku can be a bit snarky with Ushii (and the other heroes), the Ox knows that the Dog has his back.
Michio and Kanae have a bit of a complicated relationship (to put it simply)... Their fathers are best friends so they’ve known each other a while, but they themselves aren’t as buddy buddy. Michio likes teasing Kanae because she’s just fun to tease in his opinion, Kanae obviously hates it. And while he does taunt her into attacking him, he more so does it to have Eiji (unwittingly) impress Kanae (because Eiji’s got a crush on Kanae in this). While they may not get along with each other all that much, they actually do work well with each other on assignments and projects (Tsujiie-sensei’s doing, and he’s proud of it). As Dostsuku and Tora… The roles are a bit reversed, Tora’s the one who enjoys teasing Dotsuku, and ironically, they work better as teammates as their hero personas.
Michio gets along fine with the twins, as long as they don’t push their luck on some things. As Dotsuku he finds Ani and Otouto a little too childish to be heroes, but as long as the Akuma is defeated he lets it slide, but he could do without the “Puppy” nickname they gave him.
Michio and Ryouka… Uhh, he hates her, both in her civilian id and her hero persona (even though he doesn’t know the later). Michio finds Ryouka waaay to nosey and her over chipperness annoys him, while Dotsuku finds Niwatori’s crush (that somewhat borderlines stalking) on him unnerving and creepy. Funny enough, Ryouka openly admits that she adores Dotsuku and wants to find out his true identity so she can marry him, but Michio is her least favourite person in the class. As far as Michio knows, he’s got two annoying birds he dislikes that want him.
With Kim and Ivan, Michio gets along well with them and they’re great when playing sports (though Michio and Kim sometimes debate on sports heroes and which ones are better). Michio has been reminding Kim about the Stoneheart incident so he doesn’t do anything as stupid. Since Michio gets along with Ivan, he gets along with Mylène. He’s even helped the environmental activates with making some of their signs.
With Rose, Juleka, Nath, and Alix, Michio is more part of their art group when it’s called for. Outside of that, better friends with Alix than the others on the account of them bonding over skating.
With Nino, it’s more or less that they’re good classmates because Tsujiie-sensei is good at being a teacher. Michio doesn’t interact with Nino much outside of school and they don’t have a lot of shared interests.
With Alya… Well, Michio likes her a lot better than Ryouka, but it’s not saying much. He tolerates her because she’s one of Marinette’s friends, but like Nino, he doesn’t interact with her much outside of school or when Marinette isn’t involved.
With Chloe and Sabrina… 😑 Michio likes them better than Ryouka but not as much as Alya, at the start. He found Chloe more of a spoiled brat and he tries not to interact with her as much as he could. Sabrina… He wasn’t sure what to think of her, except as a gopher.
With Misaki and Nanashi (Usagi), Michio likes them. He finds Misaki’s sweet and caring personality endearing, while he finds Nanashi’s unusual personality interesting. But Michio ends up bonding with the albino teen over sports (Nanashi has a pair of strong legs). Both Misaki and Michio remind Nanashi that he has to wear sunscreen and his sports shades (Nanashi’s got photosensitive eyes) when he’s outside playing.
With Adrien, while Michio finds his book-smarts interesting, he finds that the model’s lack of common sense and the whole learning social interactions skills at school more than a little worrying (That will be delved into during the main story). As Dotsuku and Chat Noir, it’s more cat & dog with the puns (though with Dotsuku it’s more snark than puns). Dotsuku likes to joke that Ladybug is one of the “Alphas of the Hero Pack”, and calls Chat the “Omega runt”. Though Dotsuku is referencing wolf pack hierarchy, Chat mistakes the Alpha/Omega for “something else” and takes it as an insult.
With Marinette, it’s pretty friendly between them. Marinette and Michio have been unofficially been called M&M by the Fashion Club because they work well off each other design-wise. When Marinette needs help with lettering and words size on a design, Michio is always her first choice to handle that (and she pays him on those if it’s a commissioned piece). Michio’s nickname for Marinette is “Matte-chan”. As Dotsuku and Ladybug, while he is still snarky with her, it’s more playful and more to annoy Chat Noir. The Dog likes to call Ladybug “Alpha-hime” as a joke.
With Tsugiyoshi, Michio is very aware of how smart Marinette’s practical brother in everything but blood is and does question why he purposefully gets the average mark, but other than that they’re good friends. Michio’s nickname for Tsugiyoshi is “Sleepy-chan”. As Dotsuku and Nezumi, well, doggy is utterly impressed by the rat’s smarts and planning. Dotsuku likes to call Nezumi “Chibi-Alpha”.
With Max… Umm, they’re actually 2nd cousins. Michio’s father’s cousin is Max’s mum, so… They’ve known each other since they were toddlers (since Max’s parents and Michio’s father are also neighbours). While they don’t have much in common besides blood and glasses, they get along well enough for Michio to give him a nickname (which is Tech-chan).
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"So how was your date?" Inonoshishi asked Ushii and Tora with a smug smirk as they drank tea.
Tora gave an annoyed huff when she said, "It was'a mission, NOT a date. 'Sides, we're just friends in'case ya forgot."
Inonoshishi smirk when she pulled her phone out, tapped it a few times, before she asked as she put the volume on max, "Oh, so this wasn't you Ushii was talking to, Tora?"
That was when all the Warriors heard what Inonoshishi recorded on her phone. The Warrior of the Boar had quite a smirk on her face. Tora nearly spat her tea out when she heard Ushii's recorded voice emitting from Boar's phone.
"Do not worry, the mission is not going to take long... ... I am aware and I have already planned accordingly... ... Oh? When have I not kept a promise to you?" Ushii's voice clearly emitted from the Boar's phone, but judging by the one-sided conversation, it sounded like the Inonoshishi recorded the Warrior of the Ox talking on his own phone.
The recoding continued, "*Chuckles* Do not pretend you did not enjoy that... ... I thought as much, but that aside, we will meet at our designated time. Okay, Kitten?"
With that the recording ended.
Inonoshishi had a very satisfied look on her face when she said smugly, "Well? What do you have to say about this?"
"Oooooo, Ushii and Tora are dating?" Snake taunted cheerfully.
Dragon quickly added, "Who've thought they'd get together? *Snickers* Ore-sama wins the bet!"
Niwatori puffed her cheeks when she said, "Boo! Couldn't you two wait until the Christmas Party to get caught!"
Inonoshishi then said in that smug tone, "But seriously, not really creative with the whole "Kitten" petname. I mean, come on, it's too obvious and I expected a better petname from the Genius of Slaughter."
"Totally uncreative," the twins agreed with a smirk.
That was when Niwatori chimed in, "Even I could come up with a better petname than "Kitten", it just doesn't suit Tora."
Tora glanced at Ushii, who's bangs currently obstructed his eyes, before she stood up and said, "All I'm going to say is that it wasn't me Ushii-san was talking to and that it's been nice knowing ya." With that Tora left the room, closely followed by Sharyu, Nezumi, Hitsujii, and Uuma. Usagi looked between the two groups before he looked at Ushii. The albino noticed something that actually scared him, so he quickly followed the leaving Warriors.
Inonoshishi, Niwatori, Dragon, and Snake blinked in confusion before they finally noticed the killing aura that was emitting from the Warrior of the Ox.
Before any of the remaining Warriors could make a break for the only exit, Ushii blocked it with his faithful sword in hand. WIth an murderous gleam in his eyes, the Warrior of the Ox then stated in an eerily calm tone, "Not only did you easedrop on someone else's convertaion, but you also recorded it and shared it with the others without my concent."
Inonoshishi tried to draw her semi-automatics, but Ushii quickly sliced through them as if he was cutting a piece of paper. Now this positively frightened the remaining Warriors.
"Now," Ushii said as he took a step forward before adding, "How about I deal the appropriate punishment for that and while we are on that topic, how about I also add a little extra punishment for making fun of my "creativeity" too."
Nezumi: "So, how long have you guys known about Ushii's lover?"
Tora: "Meh, a while. Saw him smiling at a text he got, but didn't say anything 'cause, well, it a'nt my busness and I figured he'd tell us when he's ready."
Usagi: "Oh, Ushii has a lover? Aww that's nice. Hope we can meet them one day and be their friend!"
Sharyu: "I know I would like that, but I think it might take longer after what happened back there..."
Uuma: "... Should we be worried about..."
Hitsujii: "They'll live."
"I smell blood, did something happen?" Dotsuku asked.
Ushii smiled softly at the Dog when he said, "Nothing of importants, Kitten." Dotsuku's cheeks turned pink at the petname. Ushii then gave the Dog a kiss on his cheek before nuzzling his neck, causing Dotsuku to let out a soft purr.
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Michio Tsukui / Dotsuku (Juuni Taisen)  » May 5
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juunitaisenwishes · 7 years
So idk how my brain got on this topic and I have some ideas of my own, but I like hearing other people's perspectives. So the headcanons? Toshiko finding out that her s/o got her pregnant & then Michio, Nagayuki, & Takeyasu learning they got they're s/o pregnant. Again I have no idea how my brain got on this topic...^^"
Ooh! That’s unespected, but I like the idea! Don’t mind the topic, dear, I think it’s cute :3And I also like to imagine the characters in unexpected situations like this.I hope you don’t mind, but can I give the characters a little backstory? I can’t hold my brain and my fingers :’3
Finding about pregnancy
First of all, I believe Toshiko have no intention to get pregnant. She’s completely focused in her job and be the heir of the family that she don’t want to waste her time with something she really don’t care;
And I’m secure to guess that Toshiko don’t want to risk the perfection of her body. Pregnancy can chance a woman’s body, so I believe she want to preserve her beauty as much as possible;
She’s pretty young too, but probably when she’s the head of the clan, she’ll think about it;
And so, everytime Toshiko go to bed with a guy, she’ll use any method at her disposion (probably all of them) to don’t get pregnant;
(So about the backstory);
I can easily see Toshiko with bodyguards. Not she really need them, she can protect herself, but when she don’t want to waste her time and energy she can just send them;
All are handsome guy, of course. And she in a relationship with all of them;
And here is her s/o. He’s one of her bodyguards;
At first, he’s just one more guy and Toshiko don’t care that much about him;
But he’s different. When her others bodyguards pampered her, he just come to time to time, when he have something to talk or a interesting topic to discuss;
Toshiko is surprised at first. Usually her bodyguards just come with boring thing or empty praises (that she likes anyway), so this change really pleases her;
Both chat for hours and Toshiko really likes this moments;
S/o is also a sweetheart. He gives her attention and love without pressure her, and alway gives support;
Everything her family never give her;
That’s when she let her guard down;
After some days with cramps and nausea, Toshiko decides to take a pregnancy test;
When she got the positive, her first thought is abortion;
She’s a warrior, the heir of the boar family and she’s still young to give birth. Toshiko is convict to keep it a secret and do a abortion without her s/o know the truth;
But they eat breakfast together, and when she saw his smile she feels so dirty and repulsive;
Damn, truth to be told, she want the child, but have no idea how to deal with all of this;
What if her beloved s/o don’t want children and leave her?What if he’s lying to her all this time? She have ANY possibility to be a good mother?
For the first time in her life, Toshiko want to cry, but she maintain a calm and assertive look;
Sure no one notice, she’s in shock went her s/o ask her if is everything alrigth. He question her if her father do something again, hold her hands, kiss them and say he’s here for her;
Toshiko still keep her tears in check, but God, she loves this man!;
So she go straight “I’m pregnant”;
S/o smiled, keep holding her hands tenderly and ask “you want the child?”;
Toshiko surpresed herself when she say “yes” so easily and firmly;
Gods, she really want the child. With be the child of her sweet s/o, how can she just think in abortion so easily?
With her reply, s/o’s smiled become the more sweet and beautiful she ever see and hug her tight “You have no idea how I want to hear it, Toshiko! I don’t want anyone to be the mother of my children but you”;
Toshiko melt. She never feel so stupidly happy and loved in her entire life. And never expected to be so optimist to see her baby;
Toshiko want a girl, no doubts. She want her girl to be a dominatriz just like her;
She gives birth to a boy;
When she hear it, Toshiko expected to feel more disappointed, but she isn’t. At all;
Her boy is like a perfect fusion of her and her s/o, now husband;
Toshiko cried for the first time in her life;
She choose his name with a lot of care: Saiwarou. He’s her precious little boy and she’ll protect him with her life;
With Saiwarou older, she’ll want more babys and s/o will do as she wish;
They are, unespectedly, a happy family;
Unlike Toshiko, I can see Michio wanting a child. He already have his daughter (let call her Miki because it’s cute), but he like children, and one with his s/o with be nice, to say the last;
Unlike Toshiko, how want strong man, but also weaker than her, Michio isn’t that selective;
Michio looks like someone who don’t care about looks, but the woman NEED to like his daughter and at least try to be a good mother for her;
To this headcanon, I can visualize a s/o how work for the underground like him;
S/o and his daughter really like each other and s/o truly want to be a good mother to her, so she wins his heart;
Being both responsible parents, they probably with discuss about a new kid first;
They can’t just follow they hearts and let something lack for Miki;
After sometime discussing and figuring they money, both are secure with one more kid;
And Miki got really excited with the idea to have a little sibling;
So they start to try;
I can see they going for a month and nothing. Both feel a little frustrated but keep going;
So one day s/o just kick the door;
Michio don’t know if he feels happy with the news or angry because she broke the door;
He choose to be happy and hug her;
“But you’ll pay the door”
“I’m sorry, dear…”
When Miki arrived home they give the news. The little girl is so happy she can’t stop to hug her mother belly;
S/o will be forbidden to do dangerous jobs. Even if she try to convince Michio otherwise, he’s absolutely adamant about it;
The more the pregnancy advance, more protective he becomes;
Sometimes he even carry her. S/o don’t expected this, but she likes anyway;
I can see Michio dealing with s/o changes of humor like a boss;
She starts to cry and yell? He’ll gives her a hug, caressing her hair until she calm down. She start to feel cramps? He’ll prepare a hot water bottle. Nauseas? He’ll cook a light but good soup for her;
S/o fall in love again;
If s/o ask if he wants a boy or a girl, I can see he saying he wants a boy, but he actually wants another girl;
But will be happy with any;
S/o gives birth to a girl;
Michio is so happy he looks like a idiot;
They let Miki carry the baby. She’s so happy and promises to be a good big sister;
Michio insists to choose the name: Yuzuki;
“Grapefruit and hope kanjis? You can’t be more cheese”;
“Oh, shut up! As if you don’t like the name.”;
Yeah, s/o loves the name;
Easily the most happy family ever. Everyone is so precious;
I can se Nagayuki don’t wanting a child, but, unlike Toshiko, how absolutely don’t want one, he’s kinda more neutral;
Like, if happen he will be ok, but if he can’t it’s better;
It’s not like he don’t want children with his s/o, but just see the problems and disadvantages and how hard with be to educate a children;
But aside of it, he don’t think much about it;
Like Toshiko, to this to happen Nagayuki will need to really care and love his, to the point to let his guard down;
But unlike Michio, how don’t care much about anything, Nagayuki likes “action girls” more;
I can see he really disinterested in normal girls or girls how need protection. Independent and secure girls are more his type. If she can fight, better. I she can fight at his side, nice. If she can carry him on the battlefield and keep fighting, well his pride will disapprove and he’ll never admit, but BOI, he’s all hers;
So yeah, his s/o will work on the underground just like him. Will be part of the brothers plans, probably;
She also help to babysitting Takeyasu. Nagayuki is relieved to have help. Now he can breathe;
The pregnancy will just come after a good time in the relationship. Something like 4 or 5 years;
Being used to the her, Nagayuki will relax to the point to share his thoughts and insecurities, what means A LOT;
With this level of intimancy, he’ll eventually let his guard down and eventually forget to use condoms;
And so, one day s/o come and say she’s pregnant;
Nagayuki almost drops his mug, but maintain his composure;
At first, he thinks s/o is trying to play a joke with him, but then she show the pregnancy test;
Now he drops his mug;
He want to ask s/o if she wants to abort, because, in the past, this was a solution for him, but the words don’t came;
Nagayuki need a moment to realize he wants the kid, but is not sure if he can be a good father;
“Well” his s/o started “can’t be worse than babysitting Takeyasu”;
Even a little insecure, it’s not enough to drive him away, so he decides to try;
After this, Nagayuki will start to feel better and better about the issue;
Takeyasu got really excited to be a uncle. He’ll want to teach about fire to the kind and Nagayuki just “oh, you so DON’T”
Nagayuki will try to act all cool, but in the truth, seeing his s/o’s belly grow makes him melt inside;
When s/o sleeps, he touch her belly to feel the baby. Eventually he’ll start to lay his head to hear them and it makes him so in love with the kid. He feels stupid to love so deeply someone how not even born, but… Kinda like it;
One day s/o will catch him and take a photo. Nagayuki try to delete it, but s/o ensures she will not show to anyone, because is her treasure;
Nagayuki never feel so embarassed;
Nagayuki wants a boy, he got a girl;
He haven’t time even to feel frustrated. S/o shows him the kid, and his girl open her eyes, the same as his, stared at him and lift her tiny hands to catch him;
She grabs one of his fingers and Nagayuki melted;
Fuck it, he loves his little girl;
They choose the name together: Migako;
She’ll grow a girl version of himself. he can’t be more proud
I can see both wanting more kids. Next will be twins and the last a single kid. All girls;
Nagayuki have no frustrations. He’ll love his daughters;
Like Nagayuki, Takeyasu is more into action girls, so he want a girl how can kick his ass;
He don’t like girls too delicate too, they need to be more confident;
Takeyasu will be the more likely to impregnate his girlfriend because I can see he not into safe sex;
S/o is not insecure about getting pregnant, because if happens, she know Takeyasu will take responsability;
To me, to Takeyasu start a relationship with someone he needs to really want the person. He can have a night of sex without problem, but a serious relationship just if he feel something special;
People will be surprese about how stable they’re as a couple;
Of course they fight, but it’s never serious;
When s/o tank about her pregnancy, Takeyasu will drop everything he’s doing, lift and spin her and laught like a retardad;
He’s actually happy and looking forward to be a father;
He probably will be a father first than Nagayuki and will be a jerk about it, of course (poor dragon);
I can see him kicking the door of Nagayuki room and yell “GUESS WHO WILL BE A FATHER!!”
Probably when Nagayuki is with his girlfriend in a… Intimate moment;
“Oh, trying to catch me up already?”
Takeyasu will unexpectedly become more sweet with s/o. Hug her for behind, while he rubs her belly and gives softs kisses on her neck;
Remeber Nagayuki laying on his s/o belly just when she sleeps? Well, Takeyasu will do it everytime he can, and will comment when he hear the baby’s heart and when they kick;
He’s a unexpected sweet and attentive father-to-be;
He wants a boy, got a girl (because I like to troll)
But he’s not frustrated. He’s so happy with his child and that’s what matters;
(I cant think in a name to her, i’m sorry);
He’ll want more kids. Lots of them;
“Go easy on me, father of the year. I need a break”
In the end they really have a lot of kids. 5 and Takeyasu wants one more;
S/o’s belly need a year of vacation to her think about it;
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blue-siren · 7 years
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I’m on a roll today so have the warrior of the dog: Dotsuku!
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brunt-f-c-a · 7 years
Guys. I just want you all to take a moment out of your busy day to picture.....
As a PTA dad.
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kinbari14 · 7 years
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Juuni Taisen Vol.1 Blu-ray/ DVD Released on December 27th
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aki-chan2014 · 6 years
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More 'This Changes Nothing' art, this time of Michio, Rei (Usagi) and Sumihiko
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zodiac-war · 7 years
Dad hcs with Dog!
Why didn’t you give us his daughter’s name, Nisioisin??? We need our good puppy daughter content immediately. I’m referring to her as Koinu until we get an official name for her.
He calls his daughter lots of cute names like princess and sweetheart to make her feel special
She’s a very fussy eater but he always makes her favourite foods perfectly without complaint
Because of his jobs he often has to leave Koinu with a babysitter and he very, very thoroughly background checks them beforehand. He’s not taking any risks at all with his little girl
Dog brushes and braids her hair every morning before they leave for preschool and while waiting for him to finish she makes up a story and tells it to him
Koinu’s favourite colour is blue because the first thing she saw when Dog saved her were his eyes
He’s tried teaching her basic calligraphy but she misunderstands the purpose and just doodles and fingerpaints with the ink
Remember the puppy with Dog in the ending? He got that pup to keep Koinu company and make her feel safe when he has to go far away for work. She always falls asleep soundly when it’s curled up beside her
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shokoraa · 3 years
Shokugeki no Sōma: Nashi Saito de Chīfu
Shokugeki no Sōma: Nashi Saito de Chīfu
FFN: Shokugeki no Sōma: Nashi Saito de Chīfu by Gale-Dragon
By: GaleDragon
Summary: Ever since he picked up a kitchen knife at age three, Sōma knew he wanted to be a chef. For twelve years, he cooked in the kitchen of his family diner. But he doesn't cook like you or me. No, he has his own cooking style, and that style will change the world of cooking forever. After all, Sōma's blind.
Status: Incomplete  Updated: Dec. 6, 2021
Words: 190,844  Chapters: 18/??  Language: English
Fandom:食戟のソーマ | Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma, 十二大戦 - 西尾維新 | Juni Taisen - Nisio Isin
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: Other
Characters: Yukihira Souma, Yukihira Jouichirou | Saiba Jouichirou, Kurase Mayumi, Nakiri Erina, Nakiri Alice, Nakiri Senzaemon, Tadokoro Megumi, Takumi Aldini, Isami Aldini, Mito Ikumi, Elite 10, Arato Hisako, Kurokiba Ryou, Sakaki Ryouko, Hayama Akira, Shiomi Jun, Roland Chapelle, Original Characters, Kinokuni Nene, Nene Kinokuni, Tsukasa Eishi, Kobayashi Rindou, Akanegakubo Momo, Polar Star Dormitory Residents, Eizan Etsuya, Isshiki Satoshi, Saitou Soumei, Other Character Tags to Be Added, Ushii | Kashii Eiji, Usagi (Juni Taisen), Duodecouple (Juni Taisen), Nezumi | Sumino Tsugiyoshi, Sharyū | Yūki Misaki, Inounoshishi | Inō Toshiko, Tatsumi Kyoudai Ani | Tsumita Nagayuki, Tatsumi Kyoudai Otouto | Tsumita Takeyasu, Uuma | Souma Yoshimi, Hitsujii | Tsujiie Sumihiko, Niwatori | Niwa Ryouka, Tora | Aira Kanae, Dotsuku | Tsukui Michio
Relationship: None
Additional Tag: Elite 10 - Freeform, Blind Character, Blind Chef, Souma knows about his Dad's past, Elite 10 Work at a Diner, Bullying, Disabled Character, Disable doesn't mean unable, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Original Character(s), Crossover characters - Freeform
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gale-dragon-writer · 4 years
Juuni Taisen: Wedding Fun Fic
A little fun fic I wrote on the Juuni Taisen Amino group a while back~. Enjoy~
Dotsuku's daughter will be named Akiko, age: 8.
Michio knew he shouldn't do this, but he needed to talk her before the ceremony. Besides, there's still time.
The Dog Warrior easily scaled the tree, without being seen, and knocked on the window glass to the room on the second story. Michio sat on the branch, waiting for the person inside the room to respond. When he saw the person noticing him, he waved.
The window unlocked and then opened.
Misaki then sat on the window ledge and told the other, "What are you doing here? You know we're not supposed to see each other until the ceremony. Besides, shouldn't you be getting ready?"
Michio steadied himself on the branch and said, "I know, I know. But, I got everything prepared so I can get ready fast. So, can we just talk about this whole thing?"
Misaki stared at the other warrior and asked, "You're not regretting the wedding are you?"
Michio vigorously shook his head and said, "No! Of course not! I just... I just wanted to know your thoughts on this..."
"My thoughts?" Misaki asked, blinking in confusion.
Michio nodded and stated, "Well yeah, this is going to affect you too, you know."
Misaki raised a brow and asked the other, "Are you asking me about my opinion about the wedding?" To which Michio nodded. Misaki smiled softly and said, "I'm glad it's happening for all the right reasons if that's what you're asking."
Michio's eyes darted to the side and said, "Yeah, I guess that's what I meant... It's just... I kept hearing the other members of the Monkey and Dog clan speaking their minds about the wedding, and let's just say, it's not appropriate to talk about at a wedding..."
Misaki knew what the other meant when she said, "I heard, and I don't particularly like them either. But, they don't have any say in this, so it's no big deal, right."
Michio gave the other a small smile and said, "Yeah, I guess you're right."
A knock was heard at the door. That was Michio's cue to leave.
"See you at the ceremony," Misaki whispered as she got off the ledge. Michio nodded before jumping off the tree branch and raced across the field as the Monkey Warrior closed the window.
~}i{ 15 Minutes Later }i{~
Michio just finished with putting on his clan's ceremonial robs. He looked himself over in the full-body mirror, to check for any imperfections. He frowned at what he saw. Michio fixed the cloak that hung over his left shoulder so it would at least look a little better. He never really liked wearing these clothes and it made it hard for him to feel comfortable in them.
"Hi, daddy."
Michio smiled as he turned towards the doorway to see Akiko in her ceremonial dress walking in. "Hey, Pup," the Dog Warrior told his daughter as she walked over to him. He fixed her hair a bit and asked her, "You excited for the wedding?"
Akiko smiled and nodded, but Michio noticed that the smile seemed fake.
The Dog Warrior knelt and asked his daughter, "Akiko, what's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong," the child said, a little too quickly. Michio gave her a stern look before Akiko finally admitted, "I don't like what everyone else is saying... They're making Grandma very upset."
Michio wrapped his arms around his daughter, a bit frustrated that the other adults didn't care that she was hearing these things, and said, "I know, I don't like what they're saying either, but *placing his hands on Akiko's shoulders* I know for a fact that the bride and groom really love each other very much and those idiots are just too stupid to understand that." This made Akiko giggle. Michio smiled and said, "Besides, they might say a lot of unpleasant things about this wedding, but they can't do anything about it."
This cheered the child up.
Misaki had just finished with her clan's ceremonial dress and now she started with a little make-up, or rather some touch-ups since she didn't wear make-up often. She saw her father, wearing his ceremonial robes, in the corner of the mirror she was using. She smiled, turned to him, and said, "Hi Papa. Are you ready for the ceremony?"
Misaki's father nodded and asked her, "I am, and you?"
"Just need to add a little blush, and yes," Misaki said with a smile before turning back towards the mirror and added a small powder of blush to her cheeks. Her father watched from where he stood. Misaki noticed from the mirror, so she turned to him and asked, "Is there something else you want to talk about, Papa?"
After taking a deep breath, Misaki's father then asked her in a serious tone, "Are you sure about this? You know there's no changing your mind once the wedding is over."
Misaki smiled and said, "Both Michio and I are very sure. And if we're good with it, then whatever complaints the rest of our clans has is of no value."
Misaki's father couldn't help but smile at his daughter's choice.
~}i{ Roughly 10 Minutes Later }i{~
Michio took a deep breath as he passed back and forth.
He didn't want to admit it, he didn't, but he was nervous. As the Head of the Tsukui Clan, he needed to perform a particular action during the wedding to make it official in his clan eyes. Michio has been practicing this for an entire month and he had memorized it completely, but he still can't be nervous about making a wrong move.
His mother, who was wearing a cherry blossom pink kimono, walked up next to him and said, "Michi, it's okay to be a little nervous about this, but for heaven sake, stand still, you're making me dizzy."
Michio stopped, turned to his mother, and said, "Sorry, Ma. But I can't help it. This is the first major thing for me to do as Head and I don't want to batch it. Especially in front of the Monkey Clan."
She placed a hand on his shoulder and said with a soft smile, "Michi, you will do it perfectly. I've seen you practice. You remember those calming exercised I taught you, right. They'll help ease you."
Michio smiled, placed a hand on his mother's hand, and said, "I remember them, Ma, and thanks."
~}i{ Wedding Time }i{~
Misaki was standing beside her father in front of the Justice of the Peace, just waiting for the official ceremony to begin. The Monkey Warrior quickly glanced around at the members of the two clans. Akiko was sitting in the first row on the Dog's side of the aisle. The girl gave a small wave at the ginger-haired warrior, who in turn, gave her a small wave back. Misaki couldn't wait to be apart of Akiko's life.
The music started. Now was the time for the ceremony to begin.
Not even a few seconds later, Michio was walking down the aisle with his mother. Once the two were at the alter Misaki smiled nudged her father forward. Michio looked directly into the older man's eyes before smiling, gripped the edge of the cloak he wore to pull it closer to himself, and took two steps to the side to allow his mother to step forward. Both Misaki and Michio walked backward for a few steps, allowing the bride and groom to stand at the altar with the Justice of the Peace.
When the Justice of the Peace asked if anyone opposed to the marriage between the two, Michio and Misaki glanced at their respective clans with a glare in their eyes. Neither was going to allow any animosity between the clans to disrupt their parents' wedding, period. Fortunately, the clan members understood and kept their mouths shut. And since the Justice of the Peace didn't hear any objections, the ceremony continued.
"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife," the Justice of the Peace announced.
And with that Michio's mother and Misaki's father kissed.
During the afterparty, Misaki and Michio were just chilling at their assigned table. The two were happy that their parents were finally able to find a new love, which was why they were all for the wedding between the two.
"I guess this means we're going to be seeing each other more often," Misaki told Michio with a smile before taking a sip of champaign.
Michio gave her a snaggletooth smirk when he said, "Can't say it's gonna be a bad thing, Sis."
Misaki gave Michio a look before both of them smiled and chuckled. That was something to get used to, but they weren't complaining.
Akiko popped by with a plate of food and happily asked the Monkey Warrior, "So can I call you Aunt Misaki?"
The ginger-haired woman smiled, ruffled the little girl's hair, and said, "Sure, I don't mind." Michio couldn't help but smile at this.
~}i{ End }i{~
Me; Bet you guys didn't see this twist happening~.
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Valentine’s Day
High School A/U. And Yes, I know it’s nowhere near Valentine’s Day, but I just felt like writting a V-Day fic.
Michio didn’t care much for Valentine's day...
Not because it was a day for lovers since Michio was single, but because he was very allergic to chocolate. Last time he ate chocolate was went he was six, it would’ve killed him had he not reached the hospital in time.
So since then, Michio avoided chocolate like the plague.
However, that was impossible on a day like Valentine’s Day... But as long as he didn’t eat anything with or near chocolate, Michio should be fine...
Michio passed a group of giggling girls, talking about how they’ll give their chocolate treats to Kashii Eiji on Valentine’s Day next week. They stopped talking as soon as they notice Michio. Muttering something along the lines of him being a hater of Valentine’s Day. 
He paid no mind to it, he was used to it. However, he did wish that they would be a bit more considerate of his circumstances. He told the whole damn school last year he was deathly allergic to chocolate! But it seems as though only a few people at this school actually remembers that fact. 
“Happy Early Valentine’s Day,” Misaki said cheerfully as she handed Michio a box with a white bow on it. Usagi was holding out a box with an orange ribbon. Michio blinked, accepted the gifts, and asked, “Why are you two handing out your Valentine’s gifts a week early?” 
Misaki and Usagi were step-siblings. 
Misaki smiled softly and said “We’re going to be out of town for a family friend’s wedding. They have a tradition of having weddings on Valentine’s Day.” “Ah, I see, and neither of you wanted to give out Valentine’s gifts late because it’s considered rude,” Michio said as he looked inside the boxes. He smiled. Homemade candy apple chips from Misaki and little rabbit sculptures made from carrots from Usagi. 
Now, these are the kinds of Valentine’s Day gift that need to be handed out more often. 
Tsugiyoshi looked at the gifts and said “Not a lot of gifts these days are handmade. Glad some people are thoughtful enough to make gifts that way.” The gray-haired teen then yawned. Michio playfully whacked Tsugiyoshi over the head. 
Once the rest of the class started walking into the class, Michio closed the two boxes and placed them in his school bag. 
Michio then heard a good number of the female students make some whispering noises. He rolled his cyan-on-black eyes, he knew that Kashii Eiji must’ve just walked into the classroom. 
Kashii Eiji was one of the top students in the school, had the highest grades, was captain of the fencing team (which has never lost a competition since he became captain), and he has been scouted by some of the biggest named colleges. Another thing to add is that Kashii Eiji was pretty handsome, hence why 99% of the girls swoon when he’s nearby. 
Once all the classes had finished, everyone got ready to leave. 
Michio went to his assigned shoe locker to switch his school shoes for his outside shoes. When he opened his locker, a little white box wrapped in a black ribbon with a neatly folded piece of paper tucked under the ribbon was sitting innocently on top of his shoes. Michio blinked at the small box before taking it out. Tsugiyoshi, who’s shoe locker was next to Michio, looked at the box and asked “What’s that suppose to be?” 
Michio shrugged and took the piece of paper out from under the ribbon. He flicked his wrist to open the paper and read it. With a confused look on his face, Michio said “I think this is supposed to be a Valentine’s Day Gift.” Tsugiyoshi looked at his friends and asked “You think?” Michio handed Tsugiyoshi the note so he could read it. 
With an ‘of course’ look on his face, Tsugiyoshi said “How cheesy.” Misaki, then Usagi, looked at the note, and both agreed with the gray-haired teen. Michio carefully removed the ribbon and opened the box. It was full of small roses and violets. Michio showed the small flowers to his friends. “Like I said, Cheesy,” Tsuyoshi stated as he folded his arms. 
Usagi leaned close and sniffed the flowers, then said “Hey! The flowers smell like sugar.” Michio ran a finger over the petals, said “You’re right!”, and picked up one of the roses. Misaki looked at one of the roses and said “Whoever gave you these used sugar paper to make origami flowers.” 
Michio popped the “flower” into his mouth. The taste wasn’t what he expected. “Not just sugar paper! Rose flavored sugar paper!” Michio stated in shock, then he popped one of the violets into his mouth. “These are Violet Flavored!” Michio stated. 
Misaki was the one to say “But... Making sugar paper is a delacate process, and adding certain flavors is difficult.” Tsugiyoshi looked at the note again. 
“Roses are red, Violets are blue.
These may be sweet, but so are you.
Your Secret Admirer.” 
The friends looked at one another and wondered ‘Who would make something like this? And for a supposed Valentine’s Day gift?’ Not to mention Valentine’s Day was next week. 
Over the next few school days, Michio got those white boxes with the black ribbons in his shoe locker, each of them were filled with origami made from flavored sugar paper and a note with a somewhat cheesy poem line. He knew it couldn’t be either Misaki nor Usagi since they left for the wedding the other day. Tsugiyoshi wasn’t even an option, he loved cheese and preferred to give them out as Valentine’s Day gifts. 
Today, the box was filled with star origami, each one being a different colour. The note this time read “Starlight, Starbright. The first star I see tonight is You. Your Secret Admirer.”
Tsugiyoshi folded his arms and said “Whoever is sending you these may have amazing origami skills and enough patients to make all these sugar paper, but these lines are cheesy. Even for me.” Michio stared at the paper stars and said “I agree, but to go through all the effort to makes these for me... It’s really making me feel guilty that I have to tell them that they can’t do this anymore...” 
Tsugiyoshi looked at his friend and asked “Michio... Did your parents... Actually...” The taller teen sadly nodded and said “Yeah... They accepted the marriage proposal... I’ll be meeting my so-to-be husband on Valentines Day... I’m... Not going to be at school because of it... Maybe even the day after...” 
Tsugiyoshi looked at the side and stated “They should’ve at least waited until you graduated high school... Have you told Misaki and Usagi?” Michio shook his head and said “They’re attending a wedding and I didn’t want them to worry about me during it.” 
All Tsugiyoshi could really do was place a hand on Michio’s shoulder. 
It was Valentine’s Day and Michio was getting ready to meet his future groom. 
Michio couldn’t help but think that kimonos had to be the hardest article of clothing to put on. But then again, he wasn’t use to wearing them... 
Michio sighed as he looked out the window, trying to make himself comfortable while wearing a kimono and trying to look appropriate to his future husband. “They could’ve at least tell me his name...” Michio muttered under his breath. 
“That would’ve spoiled the surprise,” A voice from the doorway suddenly said. Michio immediately turned to the voice, and to his shock, it was someone he’d never expect. 
“Kashii Eiji?! What are you doing here?” Michio managed to get out, doing his best to contain his emotions. 
Raising an amused brow, Eiji said “Is that any way to greet your future husband? And after I went through all the trouble with making you all those treats up until today too.” “Wait, wait, wait! You were the one making all those flavored sugar paper origami?!” Michio asked, no longer able to contain his emotions. Eiji let out a calm, simple “Yes,” before he sat across from Michio, and adding “Flavored sugar paper isn’t the easiest thing to make and it doesn’t really have a long shelf life.” 
Michio’s cheeks turned pink when he said “Misaki told me that... But the thing I want to know is Why?” Eiji closed his eyes and said “You’re worth the effort.” 
Michio couldn’t help but snicker and said “Well if there's one thing Tsugiyoshi got right, is that those lines are cheesy.” “Romance... Isn’t the easiest thing for me to understand...” Eiji said, pink dusting his cheeks, then said “So a lot of my knowledge of romance is from Kanae.” Michio raised a brow and asked “Kanae? As in Aira Kanae, from the Aira Dojo?” 
Eiji nodded and said “That’s right. She was the one who told me that Romantic Valentine’s Day gifts are to be handmade from scratch and that you should make a card that matches what you have made, so I assumed that that meant that the card also had to be made by hand.” Michio couldn’t help but say “That does explain a lot...” 
Maybe Valentine’s Day wasn’t all that bad for Michio after all. 
Extra Moments: 
Misaki and Usagi came back to the school being in a state of panic and dismay. Neither being sure what happened while they were gone, so they asked Tsygiyoshi what happened. 
“Oh, Kashii Eiji was absent Valentine’s Day, so all the girls that had stuff to give him started thinking that it was the end of the world,” Tsugiyoshi stated with a yawn before adding “He’s also absent today. I’m going to admit, that’s strange for him.”  “Maybe he got sick,” Usagi suggested. Misaki had to agree. After all, Kashii Eiji NEVER skips school unless there was a good reason to. 
The Next Day, Eiji and Michio were back. 
When Michio met up with his friends, Eiji kissed him on the cheek, in front of everyone. Which, of course, made Michio turn red and cause him to snap “What was that for?!” Eiji then said in a calm tone “I was just giving my future bride a kiss before class starts. Since we won’t be allowed to do so during class.” With his face still red, Michio snapped “Oh please, we both know that you wouldn’t even think of it!” “Of course not during class,” Eiji admitted. 
This statement took a while to get, but once he got it, Michio turned really red. 
Eiji smiled at that, then walked off, leaving 95% of the school stunned. 
“What exactly happened while we were gone?” Misaki asked, not quite sure what exactly just happened. Michio sighed and said “I’ll explain it on the way to class.” 
With that Michio, Misaki, Usagi, and Tsugiyoshi walked into the school as the raven-haired teen explained what happened on Valentine’s Day, ignoring the statue-like students where they stood. 
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zodiacwarsimagines · 7 years
Not sure if anyone has pointed this out, but you’ve been tagging Dotsuku as “Dotsuki” in the hashtag section of your posts.
Yes, because that’s how it’s spelled…?
Michio Tsukui (津久井 道雄 Tsukui Michio) / Dog (怒突 Dotsuki)
source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juni_Taisen:_Zodiac_War
~Mod Inquisitor
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