#Micheal jackson
wocina · 9 months
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feloire · 5 months
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kristinhateslife · 26 days
I like to think that since Nightmare is like immortal and has been alive for a couple hundred years, he's been around and seen old people and been in old events and stuff
So like
One day
killer asks "yo, do yall remember that one Micheal Jackson guy, he died like a couple hundred hears ago but was a multiversal hit"
And Nightmare is like "oh yeahhh, i remember that guy"
And then pulls out this shit
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And pulls out this picture
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singonavine71 · 11 months
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no1kylorenfan · 2 months
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creds: people on pinterest
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reality-detective · 26 days
* * * Music Break * * *
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cherry0lad · 3 months
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bewareofdarkness · 4 months
Out of curiosity, wanted to see how much Tumblr agrees with Apple. I don't want your personal favourite, I want to know which one you think is the greatest. The list is the top 10 from Apple Music's recent list, the full list can be found here:
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nappy-by-nature · 3 months
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We Miss You Much Michael!
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aint no wayyyy swifities are trying to put her on the same level as mj.
the man is named the KING OF POP. wtf is taylor swift queen of?? pollution? having weird friends??
taylor is a singer-songwriter (how good she is, ill leave that up to u) MJ was a PERFORMER. his dances were if as, if not more ICONIC than some of his songs.
his influence stretches way further than taylor's ever will, not just in music but also in how he used his platform. people who even think they're on the same level actually make me laugh
It's a real argument that's been happening.
For some reason- the swifties are comparing Swift's earnings from her music to that of MJ. I've seen posts about how she has bigger concerts- with more people gathering around the outside too. I've seen posts about how her concert movies are making more money- etc. (Not that any of that is true- but that's what the Swifties are saying)
It's been popular lately to compare her stats to those of the Beatles or MJ- and the whole argument makes very little sense to me. I digress-
I don't have a particularly strong opinion on MJ- not as strong as your opinion on him-clearly - but I do think that he clearly has more staying power in the general public's mind. Even dead for over ten years- he still has massive influence over pop-culture.
(quite obvious he can sing better too)
But I think you make a good point in that MJ spoke up about things that mattered on the world's stage- where Swift has consistently stayed quiet to not ruffle any feathers or affect her bottom-line.
Jackson made clear efforts throughout his career to aid humanitarian efforts- perform in benefit concerts- and use his platform to speak out against injustice. Whether or not people like MJ- no one can deny his work.
I just think Swift is disingenuous in comparison- so I don't know why Swifties are so insistence about something that is making her look bad.
All told- I don't think it's helpful to use money/earnings as a metric for determining who is better at their job.
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cosmolog · 2 months
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Hee hee
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sleepycreamcola · 1 year
Imagine the guardians reaction “They don’t really care about us” by Micheal Jackson.
Peter: Don’t understand the lyrics but is vibing with Micheal Jackson.
Drax: “Quill has never shared your people’s battle songs with us before”
Rocket and nebula: Vibing out to the “fuck you” energy
Mantis: “Why are they angry?”
Y/n: Actively teaches Mantis and Drax about American segregation and racism
Drax: “We must go and help free your people!”
Peter: “They are free”
Drax: “Didn’t you here the squeaky man?! They are victims of brutality! He asked for someone to set him free!”
Peter: “Drax, it's all metaphors. Kinda? He's fine, he's off living the high life!”
Y/n: “Peter I have something terrible to tell you...”
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singonavine71 · 1 year
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averageblackholeeater · 2 months
I tried to draw mona lisa woth skin markers on my leg...
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malachimoet · 3 months
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Verdant is a Leafeon of dancing, and dance is all he knows! This spunky Leafeon spent most of his life trying to find out what he was good at growing up, and was even known in his childhood to have been a generally shy and nervous person. At one point in his life, he tried to make music and sing, after being inspired by a certain well known Jolteon…but he didn’t get good responses in his effort to step out of his comfort zone, and since then, stopped trying to make music or sing. This, however, did not stop his love for music, especially Jolteon’s hits. The way her voice sounded, and how the instruments played—Verdant would never stop grooving and moving, his hips swayed left and right and his arms flung from side to side, with each and every song he listened to, his body could literally not stop moving! That’s when he realized, that maybe, just maybe, he was looking around his talents in the wrong way! He could just move and groove across Pokeopolis and start a brand new life in Stardom! The shy and timid individual broke free and became a confident individual. With every dance he publicly showed, it was brought with overwhelming awe and positive feedback, something he’s desired since the start. Check Toyhouse for more information on this character: https://toyhou.se/27702086.verdant-leafeon
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lordmajeed · 9 months
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