#Micheal gray imagine
peaky1wh0re · 5 months
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When You Fall Asleep On Their Shoulder
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Finds it ridiculous that you even fell asleep on him but doesn't move while you continue to rest against him and if asked he'll simply say he was already busy and that it wasn't for you.
He's noticed that you start out with a little lean, your head resting on his shoulder. Soon that turns into a full-on nap. He finds it endearing and makes him feel like an old softy. He'll give you a little kiss on the forehead. He'll sit around thinking to himself, "Maybe there's more to life than violence" and that he could get used to this.
Doesn't let anyone wake you up and quietly threatens anyone who dares to make too much noise when your resting on him, will act like nothing happened when you wake up nor does he say anything as he sits down next to you the next time he sees how tired you are.
If you fell asleep on his shoulder, he would feel touched and humbled. It would remind him of the great trust you have in him, and he would be incredibly moved by the vulnerability and intimacy of the moment and would be careful not to disturb your sleep.
He feels like he can't describe it in detail because it's such an amazing feeling. If you're relaxed enough to fall asleep on his shoulder, that says that you feel safe with him and that's the best feeling in the world.
Will try to keep noises to a low volume but simply can't help it especially when someone starts messing with him which will cause him to get loud but will try to help you fall back to sleep if your still tired.
He thinks you are nothing short of adorable but that does not save you from him messing with you as you fall asleep on his shoulder.
He'll poke at you, try to move you, make jokes to you even as you sleep, and makes fun of it when you are awake.
It is a moment of intense intimacy, a moment of deep connection which he values. It’s like you're showing him this softer side of yourself which he's only been honored to see a handful of times.
She'll smile to herself once she realizes this and gives you a kiss on your head as she sits still so you stay comfortable.
Loves that you found comfort in her to do this and feels a protective need come over her.
Checks up on you afterward to make sure your doing okay and getting enough rest while making sure you don't feel too embarrassed.
He would be smiling to himself, leaning his head closer to yours. And then try to sleep with you, but he would be in his head not able to fall asleep. He would kiss your forehead and pull you closer.
He loves it. There’s no better feeling in his world. He hopes you are comfortable and will lay his jacket over you. Thinking about how peaceful you look. So content. In love. All around him.
This has never happened before and he can't help but find it very cute and endearing, and he would be very comforted. He would feel so grateful for the trust that such an act would demonstrate, and he would be very inclined to protect and support his partner’s well-being.
She would let you sleep. She would try to keep everything quiet so that you wouldn't wake up from those noises. This love would mean the world to her, and she wants to make sure you have the best sleep possible even if she does tease you a little after you wake up.
It's very sweet. It's like a sign of trust. It doesn't happen a lot, so, when it does she knows that you really trust her. She feels like she needs to protect you, and will force everyone to quiet down especially if they want her attention.
She will let you sleep as long as you need. She will make sure no one wakes you up, she will stay by your side and hold you closely. She will protect you from anything or anyone that tries to do you any harm. You are her world.
He would be thrilled. This would be a sign of great trust, and, as someone who craves intimacy with the people he loves, this would give him a great sense of contentment and safety.
He can get annoyed because it’s an inconvenience if he's busy or meant to go do something. First of all, this shouldn’t be happening because if you were tired you could've gone home. Secondly, now he has a dead weight on his shoulder and he can’t move but will try to gently move you so you can keep resting but would make anyone regret waking you up.
He would let you sleep peacefully. You both would have plenty of time to speak once you wake up. He would try to keep others quiet, but he would not be upset if they were not perfectly silent. His partner is sleeping and deserves to rest without being disturbed.
You’ll never believe this but it makes him happy. That you feel safe with him and comfortable enough to just drift off. It’s nice, and it means you need him in your life. He's never felt anything like it before in his life. It feels right to him.
He's feeling pretty lucky to have you and he thinks you're an absolute sweetheart. He knows that sounds cliche, but it's true. He does love it when you fall asleep on his shoulder because it's a sign that you feel safe and content with him. It's something he cherishes and values. And he also just finds it really, really cute.
He'll give you a hard time and tease you but does also flirts with you to show he enjoyed having you close for however long you slept for.
Can't help but enjoy this tender moment with you and how innocent it all is or how warm he gets from getting to hold you while you rest, can't help it as his thoughts start to wander about what life with be like with you and does bring it up to you once you wake.
It’s like a little victory for him when you fall asleep on his shoulder. It’s the biggest compliment for him because then he knows he's been doing something right. He loves you so much and it always brings a big stupid smile to his face when you do this.
Adores this with you and thinks you are so cute when you do that. He loves the feeling and tries his best not to move so you won't wake up. He can stay in that position for hours, just looking at your beauty while you are sleeping and knowing that you feel safe with him. This might be his favorite moment in life.
Thought it was adorable. You were tucked into his shoulder all snug and he knew at that moment that you and him were gonna be all right.
He's an absolute sucker for the quiet, close intimacy - when you're sleeping on his shoulder he feels like he could be in this moment for an eternity.
Another absolute menace on the list, he'll be teasing and messing with you by blowing in your ear, tickling you, poking at you, giving you kisses. You're vulnerable and he's in control, the possibilities are endless.
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Michael Gray- Cryptic Pregnancy
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This was requested! Hope you enjoy
"Do I have to?" I whine entering holding onto my husbands arm
"Yes. Your part of the family and this is a family meeting" Michael tells me
"I know, it's just I'm not feeling good today. I've been having cramps. I think my monthly is on its way" I sigh
"We won't be long" Michael tells me as we enter the betting shop where the rest of the family are waiting
"I hope so. I just want to go back home and go to bed"
"Ah Michael, YN it's good of you to finally join us"
"Sorry Tommy" Michael replies
"Having some fun aye" John winks towards us, but then earns a nudge off Esme
"YN isn't feeling well so can we make this quick"
"Alright then let's get this meeting started" Tommy takes a seat in his office chair. I sit down next to Michael trying to breath through the cramps.
As the meeting goes on the cramps get worse and worse. I'm no longer paying attention to what anyone is saying. I've never had cramps like yheee before
"YN what do you think?" I quickly look up at Tommy
"I erm, I'm sorry Tommy I didn't..." just then another huge cramp overcomes me "fuck somethings wrong. This isn't my monthly" I cry out. Michael is looking around nervously. Polly is by my side in a second
"Mum what's going on? What's wrong with YN"
"I don't know, but let's get her up and lay her down on the sofa over there" Polly nods to the sofa behind us. As I stand up water gushes down my legs and I'm in even more pain
"Did you just piss yourself?" John asks frowning
"No she didn't. Her waters have broken"
"What?" I shout looking at Esme who's eyes are wide "I'm not pregnant, I would have known"
"Ok let's just lay you down and then I want to take a look at you" Polly says as we slowly walk over to the sofa "all of you out" she snaps "Esme, Ada you two stay and help"
"Polly how can I be pregnant?" I cry now feeling scared "I've been having my bleed and my stomach hasn't grown or my breasts" I cry
"It's rare but I've heard it can happen" Esme tells me as Polly hoists my knees up and takes off my underwear
"Bloody hell love, I can see the head"
"No no no Polly this isn't happening"
"It is whether any of us like it or not. Ok on your next contraction I need you to push ok?" Esme and Ada take both my hands and give them a squeeze
"I can't do this. I'm not ready"
"You might not be but little one surly is"
"YN you can do this. Trust me, I know it hurts and your confused, but your about to be a mum. So listen to Polly, yeah?"
"Ok" I take in a deep breath and do as I'm told. On my next contraction I push with all my might
"Ok the heads out. Not long to go now YN. Your doing so well"
That afternoon I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. I hold her in my arms, wrapped up in one of the Shelby brothers discarded blazers
"You ready for Michael to see you and the baby?" Polly asks me
"Yeah" I smile not taking my eyes off my baby girl. The door opens and in walks a stressed looking Michael
"Holy shit" he rubs a hand over his face making his way over to me
"She's a girl. I thought maybe we could name her after your sister, Anna"
"Beautiful" he kisses the crown of my head. In walks the rest of the Shelby's
"What the bloody hell happened? Why didn't you tell any of us that you were pregnant? How the fuck did you manage to hid this?" Arthur asks walking in
"I had no idea. Shit we don't have anything" I look up to Michael worriedly
"Don't worry. John and I will gather some of our things for you"
"Thank you Es" I look back at Michael "would you like to hold her?" tear threaten to fall as he nods his head. I place her gently in his arms, and I can see he's in love with her immediately
"I'll bring the car around. Drive you guys home" Tommy says leaving the room
"Is that my bloody blazer?" John asks
"I'll buy you a new one" Michael waves him off
"Well what a way to tell your kid how she was brought into the world" Arthur moves to look at the baby girl "congratulations, your going to be wonderful parents"
"Thank you Arthur"
In that moment a part of me that I didn't know was missing feels complete. My little family.
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corrupte3d-mindz · 1 month
Lies She Told
Possessive! Thomas Shelby x Cheating Wife! Reader
Summary: Thomas finds out his wife has been unfaithful.
Wordcount: 4.1k
Warnings: Barely Proof-Read
possessive! Thomas, cheating, angst, yelling.
Inspiration: Darlin’ - Chase Matthew
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The Arrow House was alive with the hum of voices, the clinking of glasses, and the subtle, yet unmistakable undertone of power. Thomas Shelby stood in the midst of it all, his sharp blue eyes surveying the room with a practiced indifference.
The event was a display of wealth, a gathering of influential people whose lives intersected with his in the labyrinthine world of business. The house, his fortress, was filled with guests, all eager to curry favor, to be seen, to be acknowledged by the man who held the reins of so many fates. Yet, amidst the sea of faces, his mind was elsewhere. A businessman, flushed with alcohol and self-importance, was rambling on about the portrait that hung on the wall—a painting of Thomas on horseback. The man’s admiration was laced with sycophancy, but Thomas barely registered the words. He offered a perfunctory smile, one that didn’t reach his eyes, before dismissing the man with a curt nod. The urge to find his wife was gnawing at him, a strange sense of unease settling in his chest. She was always near him at these events, her presence a constant, a subtle reminder of his power and control. But tonight, she was conspicuously absent.
He had noticed things lately, small things that gnawed at him. The scent of another man’s cologne lingering on his wife’s clothes, the way she seemed distant, her mind always somewhere else. He’d dismissed it at first, chalking it up to the pressures of his business, the strain it placed on their marriage. But the doubts had grown, festering like an untreated wound. 
Thomas’s steps were measured, deliberate, as he moved through the throngs of people. He navigated the crowd with a practiced ease, his mere presence parting the guests like the tide. He wasn’t in the mood for pleasantries, his mind too focused on the task at hand. The more he looked, the more his concern grew. He knew every corner of this house, every nook and cranny, and yet she was nowhere to be found. It was unlike her, and that worried him. The farther he went from the main gathering, the quieter the house became. The laughter and chatter faded into a dull murmur as he moved deeper into the shadows of the grand estate. His footsteps echoed in the empty corridors, the polished floors reflecting the dim light of the wall sconces. It was in these quiet moments that Thomas felt most at ease, away from the watchful eyes, away from the noise. But tonight, even the silence did little to calm the unease that was building within him.
Then he heard it—soft, almost imperceptible, but enough to make him stop in his tracks. A voice, faint and foreign, carried through the air. “Darlin’... please don’t tempt me...” The accent was Southern, American, and entirely out of place in his home. It was the tone that caught his attention more than the words, the intimate, almost pleading quality that made his blood run cold.
Thomas’s head snapped in the direction of the voice, his eyes narrowing as he honed in on the source. His heart began to pound, a slow, steady rhythm that echoed in his ears as he moved forward, his pace quickening. The voice was a thread, pulling him toward something he wasn’t sure he wanted to see, but something he needed to confirm. His thoughts were a whirlwind of suspicion and disbelief, each step bringing him closer to a truth he feared. His footsteps were almost silent on the floor beneath him as he made his way towards the back of the house. There was something pulling him in that direction, an instinct honed by years of surviving on the streets, by being one step ahead of danger. He reached the corridor that led to the servants' quarters, a place he rarely ventured. But tonight, something drew him there. As he approached, he noticed the door to the maid’s room slightly ajar, a sliver of light spilling out into the darkened hallway.
Thomas stopped, his heart thudding in his chest, the sound loud in his ears. He could hear voices, low and muffled, coming from inside. One voice was his wife’s, unmistakable in its softness, in the way it had once brought him comfort. But now it sent a chill down his spine. The other voice was unfamiliar, a man’s voice, rough with a country accent. “Darlin’... you’re too good for him... too sweet,” the words echoed in his mind, each one a dagger twisting in his gut. Anger surged through him, a hot, violent rage that he hadn’t felt in years. His hand clenched into a fist at his side, the muscles in his jaw tightening. He felt a red mist descending, clouding his vision, filling his mind with thoughts of violence, of retribution. Without thinking, he reached for the door handle, yanking it back with a force that made the wood groan in protest. The door flew open, slamming against the wall, and the room was suddenly bathed in harsh, overhead light as he flicked the switch.
The scene before him was like something out of a nightmare. His wife, the woman he had trusted above all others, and there she was—his wife, standing far too close to a man Thomas had never seen before. The man was tall, broad-shouldered, with a rough, rugged look that spoke of a life far removed from the polished circles of Birmingham society. They froze, their eyes locking with his, the shock evident on their faces. His hand rested on the small of her back, his body angled toward hers in a way that made Thomas’s stomach turn; it was too familiar, too intimate. Thomas’s heart pounded in his chest, each beat a drum of impending violence. His eyes flicked to his wife, then to the man, and back again. The silence in the room was deafening, the air thick with tension. Thomas took a slow, deliberate breath, trying to rein in the fury that threatened to explode. His hand came up to the bridge of his nose, pinching it slightly as he closed his eyes, a hiss of frustration escaping his lips. He needed to control himself, to think clearly. But the betrayal was like a knife in his back, twisting deeper with every passing second. His mind raced, a thousand thoughts colliding at once. He wanted to hurt them both, to make them pay for what they had done. But more than that, he wanted answers. He needed to understand how this had happened, how he had been blindsided in his own home.
When he finally spoke, his voice was low, dangerous, dripping with barely contained rage. “What the fuck is goin’ on ‘ere?” His words were slow, deliberate, each one a bullet aimed at the two people standing before him. He wanted to see them squirm, to see the fear in their eyes as they realized the gravity of what they had done. His wife flinched at the sound of his voice, her eyes wide with fear and guilt. The man beside her paled, his bravado crumbling in the face of Thomas’s cold fury.
“Tommy, I... I can explain,” his wife stammered, her voice shaking. But Thomas wasn’t interested in her explanations, not yet. He stepped into the room, his presence dominating the space, making it feel smaller, more claustrophobic.
“Don’t.” His voice was low, dangerous, the kind of tone that made even the bravest men think twice. He stepped into the room, his gaze fixed on the man, who was now standing tall, as if trying to assert his dominance. But Thomas Shelby was not a man to be challenged, especially not in his own home.
His eyes bore into the man who still had the audacity to stand so close to his wife. “Who even the fuck are yeh?” Thomas growled, his voice low and deadly, the kind of voice that made men confess their sins.
“You’ve got some nerve, eh?” Thomas’s voice was laced with venom, his accent thickening as his anger grew. He took another step closer, his eyes never leaving the man’s face. “Comin’ into my house, touchin’ my wife... Yeh must be either brave or stupid. Or both.”
His gaze was locked on the man, a pitiful excuse for a human being who now stood trembling before him. The man was trying to speak, but his words were garbled, caught in his throat as if the very act of forming a sentence in Thomas’s presence was too much for him to bear. Sweat beaded on his forehead, and his hands shook at his sides, like a cornered animal ready to bolt at the first sign of mercy—or danger. Thomas’s jaw tightened, the muscle twitching beneath his skin as he held back the surge of violence that clawed at his insides.
The room was painfully silent, save for the man’s ragged breathing and the soft rustle of fabric as Thomas’s wife shifted uncomfortably behind him. But even without looking at her, Thomas could feel her presence—could sense the guilt radiating off her in waves, mingling with the stench of fear and betrayal that hung heavy in the air. He took a slow, deliberate step forward, the wooden floorboards creaking beneath his polished shoes. The man flinched, his eyes wide with terror, darting from Thomas to his wife and back again. Thomas could see the thoughts racing through the man’s mind, the desperate scramble to find a way out, a way to explain himself, to justify the unforgivable. But there was no justification—not for this.
“Answer me,” Thomas growled, his voice low and dangerous, the kind of tone that made men think twice before crossing him. It was a command, not a request, and the man knew it. But still, he hesitated, his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water, words failing him in the face of Thomas’s cold, unyielding stare.
Thomas’s eyes flicked back to his wife, catching the brief, pleading glance she sent the man’s way, a silent cry for help that went unanswered. The sight of it—of her still trying to protect this man, this nobody—made something inside him snap. His anger, already a simmering storm, flared hot and uncontrollable, flooding his veins with a heat that burned away any remnants of restraint. The silence stretched on, thick and suffocating, until the man finally found his voice, though it wavered with fear. “I-I didn’t mean... I never wanted to... I’m sorry, Mr. Shelby... Please, I didn’t know—”
“Didn’t know what?” Thomas interrupted, his voice a sharp, cutting blade. He took another step forward, closing the distance between them until he was towering over the man, his presence overwhelming. “Didn’t know she was married? Didn’t know who I was?” He sneered, his lip curling with disgust. “Or didn’t care?”
The man’s breath hitched, and he glanced desperately at Thomas’s wife, as if hoping she might intervene, might save him from the wrath that was surely coming. But Thomas wasn’t having it. He reached out, his hand like a vice as he grabbed the man by the collar, yanking him forward until they were nose to nose. The man’s feet barely touched the ground, and his breath came in short, panicked gasps as he struggled in Thomas’s grip.
“Yeh think I don’t know men like yeh?” Thomas hissed, his voice low but filled with venom. “Yeh think I haven’t dealt with worse scum than you in the streets of Birmingham? Yer nothing. Less than nothing. And yeh had the audacity to touch what’s mine?”
He shoved the man back, releasing him with a force that sent him stumbling into the wall behind him. The man crumpled, his legs giving out beneath him as he slid to the floor, his back against the faded wallpaper. Thomas loomed over him, his fists clenched so tightly his knuckles had turned white, the urge to beat the life out of this pitiful creature nearly overpowering. But he held back—barely—his mind still whirring, still calculating. Violence wasn’t the answer—not yet. He needed to know more. Needed to understand the full extent of this betrayal before he could decide how to deal with it. He turned his attention to his wife, who was now openly weeping, her face buried in her hands. The sound of her sobs grated on his nerves, a reminder of the pain she had caused, the trust she had shattered. But there was something else too, something in the way she cried that made him pause. It wasn’t just guilt or fear that drove her tears—there was something deeper, a sadness that he hadn’t expected, hadn’t seen before.
“Tommy, please...” she whispered, her voice muffled by her hands. “I didn’t mean for it to happen... I swear, it was a mistake... I’ve been so lonely...”
At the word lonely, Thomas felt a fresh wave of anger crash over him. He could hardly believe the audacity of it, the sheer gall of her to use such an excuse. Lonely? Lonely? As if that justified anything. As if that gave her the right to betray him, to throw away everything they had built together over the past four years. His teeth ground together, the sound nearly audible in the tense silence of the room.
“Lonely,” he repeated, his voice dripping with contempt. “Yeh think that’s a fuckin’ excuse? Yeh think that makes it alright?” His words were sharp, each one hitting her like a physical blow, and she flinched as if she had been struck. But he didn’t stop—couldn’t stop. The floodgates had opened, and all the bitterness, the hurt, the betrayal he had been holding back came pouring out, each word laced with venom.
“Yeh think I don’t know what lonely is? Yeh think I don’t feel it too? Every time I’m away, every time I have to leave this house to keep us safe, to keep yeh safe, yeh think I don’t feel it? But I didn’t stray, did I? I didn’t go lookin’ for comfort in someone else’s arms, did I? And yet here yeh are, beggin’ for forgiveness, tryin’ to make me understand.”
His fists were still clenched at his sides, the knuckles white and trembling with the effort it took not to lash out, not to give in to the primal urge to break something—anything. But he couldn’t let that happen. He needed to stay in control, needed to keep his head clear, even as his heart ached and his blood boiled with the realization of what she had done. He turned back to the man, who was still cowering on the floor, eyes wide with terror as he looked up at Thomas, knowing that his fate lay in the hands of the man who stood above him. Thomas took a deep breath, forcing himself to think, to plan, to strategize. This man wasn’t worth his anger, wasn’t worth the blood that would be spilled if he gave in to his rage. But he couldn’t let him off easy—not after this.
“Yeh better run while yeh still can,” Thomas said, his voice cold and devoid of emotion. “Maybe yeh’ll be far enough away before my men get to yeh. But don’t count on it.”
The man hesitated for only a moment, and then, with a choked sob of relief, he scrambled to his feet and bolted for the door. Thomas didn’t move as the man brushed past him, didn’t flinch as the double doors slammed shut behind him, leaving the room in an oppressive, suffocating silence. Finally, when the sound of the man’s footsteps had faded into the distance, Thomas turned back to his wife. She was still crying, her shoulders shaking with the force of her sobs, and for a moment—a brief, fleeting moment—he felt a pang of something like pity. But it was gone as quickly as it had come, replaced by the cold, hard reality of what she had done.
He took a step closer to her, his shoes thudding softly against the wooden floor. His hand reached out, almost hesitantly, before wrapping around her wrists in a firm, possessive grip. There was no anger in the touch, not yet. It was more a need to connect, to hold onto something that felt real in a moment when everything else seemed to be slipping away. His other hand found its way to her waist, his fingers digging into the fabric of her dress, pulling her closer. The familiar scent of her perfume filled his nostrils, a scent that once brought him comfort but now only reminded him of what might be lost.
“Why would yeh throw what we have away… why?” His voice was low, gritty, carrying the weight of the unspoken accusations that lingered between them. It wasn’t just a question; it was a plea, a desperate attempt to understand how the woman he loved could betray him. His breath was warm against her ear, and he could feel the slight tremor in her body as he spoke. But whether that tremor was from fear, guilt, or something else entirely, he couldn’t tell.
The silence that followed his question was deafening. He could hear his own heartbeat pounding in his chest, a dull thud that seemed to echo in the small room. His grip on her wrists tightened ever so slightly, not enough to hurt, but enough to remind her that he was there, that he wasn’t letting go until he got the answers he needed. His mind raced, thoughts tumbling over one another as he tried to piece together the puzzle of their relationship. Where had it all gone wrong? Was it something he did? Or was it something she had been planning all along? Thomas was a man who prided himself on control, on being able to manage every aspect of his life with a precision that few could match. But here, now, with his wife in his grasp and the specter of infidelity hanging over them, he felt that control slipping. And it terrified him. He had been faithful to her, had given her everything she could ever want, and yet here they were, standing on the precipice of something that could destroy them both.
His eyes searched hers, looking for the truth, for any sign that she might deny the accusations, that she might reassure him, tell him he was wrong. But instead, he saw something else—something that made his stomach churn. Was it guilt? Or was it defiance? He couldn’t tell, and that only made his grip tighten further, his knuckles whitening as he held onto her as if she were the only thing keeping him from falling apart.
“Eh?” he pressed, his voice a low growl now, the frustration evident in every syllable. 
Thomas's left her waist and darted roughly to her hand that bared her wedding ring he had custom made just for her. He gripped her hand with a force that teetered on the edge of violence, his fingers digging into her soft skin. The silver wedding ring gleamed ominously in the dim light, a symbol of their union now turned into a weapon. He shoved her hand roughly in front of her face, forcing her to confront the reality of what that ring meant. “Yeh see this fuckin’ rock on yer’ finger…” he hissed, his voice low and gravelly, each word laced with venom. “That means yer fuckin’ mine!”
His wife’s eyes, wide with a mix of fear and defiance, flickered between his own and the ring, her lips trembling as she tried to form a response. But before she could even utter a word, Thomas yanked her closer, their faces now inches apart. His breath was hot against her cheek, the scent of whiskey still clinging to him from the earlier hours. His jaw clenched as he spoke again, slower this time, his voice dropping even lower, the words grinding out like stones against each other. “D’ya understand? Mine.” There was no room for doubt in his tone, no space for negotiation. This was not a man who tolerated disobedience or betrayal. This was a man who had built an empire from nothing, a man who had clawed his way out of the mud and blood of Small Heath to stand at the top. And now, the very idea that the woman he had chosen to stand beside him, the woman he had protected and loved in his own cold, twisted way, could be betraying him? It was an affront he could barely comprehend, let alone tolerate.
He cupped her face, his fingers curling against her skin with a force that bordered on roughness, a desperate need to feel her, to remind himself that she was still his, despite the cracks that had formed in the foundation of their marriage. His thumb brushed over her cheek, a gesture that was almost tender if not for the underlying tension that coiled in his muscles, a barely restrained violence that simmered just below the surface. He pulled her towards him, their lips colliding in a kiss that was more a battle than an embrace. It wasn’t the gentle, loving kiss of a husband to his wife; it was a claiming, a demand, a statement of ownership wrapped in the guise of affection. The kiss was harsh, driven by a mix of need and anger, of love and betrayal. His lips pressed against hers with a bruising intensity, as if he could kiss the doubt away, as if he could force her to be faithful through sheer willpower. His other hand tangled in her hair, the softness of the strands a stark contrast to the roughness of his grip. He held her there, anchored in place, as if letting go would mean losing her entirely. He could feel the resistance in her, the hesitation, and it only spurred him on, deepening the kiss, trying to pull something from her, a confession, a reassurance, anything that would give him peace.
Time seemed to stretch, the kiss consuming them both, blocking out the world beyond the four walls of the room. It was just them now, two people locked in a struggle as old as time itself—love and trust, suspicion and betrayal. Thomas knew what he was fighting for, but he wasn’t sure if she did. He wasn’t sure if she felt the same desperation, the same need to make this work, to keep what they had from crumbling into dust. When he finally pulled back, his chest heaving from the intensity of the kiss, he didn’t move far. His forehead rested against hers, his breath hot and heavy against her lips as he searched her eyes for something—anything—that would tell him he wasn’t making a mistake. His eyes bore into hers, seeking the truth, pleading with her to give him some sign that she was still the woman he married, the woman he had been faithful to for four long years. There was a flicker there, a glimmer of something that might have been hope, or perhaps it was just a reflection of his own desperate need to believe. But whatever it was, it wasn’t enough. Not yet.
“We made that promise,” he said, his voice a low growl, thick with the accent of Birmingham, every word carrying the weight of their past, their vows, their life together. “Four years, we’ve been through hell and back, and I’ve stood by you every step of the way. But now...” He trailed off, his grip on her face tightening slightly, a flash of anger, of pain, flickering across his features. “Now I don’t know what to believe.”
Author's Notes:
Ahhhhhhh! where have I been? School started for me and I've also been in a writers block lolz. But yeah, hopefully this story doesn't suck.. anyways toodles!!
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mindful-of-ideas · 2 years
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A/N: Finn and Polly aren’t in the gif, but they’re there, I promise!
You couldn’t remember the last time you were here. It felt like years since you last saw Birmingham, and even longer since you set foot in the betting shop. You would’ve gone home first, but you knew you had better chances of finding your family here. As you walked down the street, the shop in sight, memories flooded in.
Ever since you were little, you knew you wouldn’t stay here. You were too different, too clever and too kind to ever be a real Peaky Blinder. And well, you were a girl. But that never stopped you from trying your best… and getting up to no good. Growing up, you and Finn, your twin brother, were ruling the neighbourhood. You would do anything to annoy people. Parents were often mad at the both of you, but you still kept doing it. But as you grew up, you started getting a lot of praise from teachers and adults for doing good at school. The only way to get further was to stay in line though. So you kept your mouth shut. Slowly, you drifted away from your family destiny, focusing on your study. With help from your aunt Polly, you managed to get into a college in London and find a safe place to stay. And you had been there ever since. You found a job working as a secretary for one of the researchers to pay for school, which meant working even when the semester was over. But the researcher had fallen ill and you had enough money on the side to allow yourself a visit to your family.
You stepped into the betting shop. And it was empty.
“Well…” you said quietly.
You were about to turn around when you heard muffled voices. That ought to be them. They were probably having a meeting in the parlour. You looked around the room, trying to find a place to sit when someone cleared their throat.
“Who are you?” asked a man, stepping out of the shadow.
“Who are you?” you asked in return.
“I’m not telling you my name until you tell me yours.”
“And I’m not telling you my name until you tell me yours.”
“You think this is funny?”
“You think this is funny?”
This was definitely funny.
“I’m not here to play games with little girls.”
“And you think I am? I was about to step out when a little girl asked me my name,” you replied, looking the man up and down.
Man was a strong word. He was more of a boy pretending to be a man. You hated that type of guys, always thinking they were above everyone when they actually knew nothing about anything.
“No one talks to me like that, you understand!” he said, suddenly walking towards you.
“And who would you be?” you asked, hoping to trick him while he was angry.
“Michael Gray”
Oh shit, was that Polly’s…
“Well, Michael, unlike what you might believe, I am not here to start a fight. So you can just take a step back and a deep breath.”
“The shop is off limits today, what kind of idiot doesn’t know that,” he said, taking a step forward.
“I don’t know, you tell me,” you said, also taking a step forward.
“Are you calling me an idiot?”
Another step.
“I don’t know, you tell me.”
Another step.
“What even is your name?”
Another step.
“I don’t know, you tell me.”
Another step.
“Not this again! You better shut up before things get bad,” he said.
He was close, too close now. Yes, you were a Shelby but if this man was Polly’s son, then chances are he could match you in a fight. He looked you straight in the eyes and with a single finger lifted your chin.
“Are you scared yet, little girl?”
You smiled. The voices in the other room had stopped.
“Are you scared yet, little girl?” you finally replied.
“That’s it!”
He pulled back his fist, ready to punch you and the face. Before he could even reconsider, Tommy grabbed his arm from behind. You dashed between the two and jumped into Finn’s arms.
“Finny!” you said, hugging him tightly.
“Y/N, how did you… when did you…” he tried to ask, hugging you back.
“Well, if it isn’t the child wonder,” said Arthur, putting his hand on your head.
You flashed him a smile before hugging him too.
“Hi,” you mumbled, your face buried in his shoulder.
“What, how… who is that?” asked Michael, his expression a mix of disbelief and disgust.
“Michael, meet Y/N Shelby,” Tommy said, as you made your way over to John.
You hugged him too, but he quickly pushed you back. You and John had always gotten along well, sometimes even more than you and Finn. You knew he was worried that seeing you here meant you had to quit college.
“I’m on break and my boss is ill,” you whispered to him.
“That’s amazing then,” he said, pulling you in for a second hug.
Your aunt then made her way to you hugging you and kissing the top of your head. She knew you were coming, so this wasn’t really a surprise for her.
“How was your trip?” she asked.
“Great, it was him that was the worst part,” you said, pointing at Michael, “No offence.”
“None taken,” she said, smiling at you, “In the future, Michael, don’t hit people.”
“She started it,” he replied.
“He started it,” you said back.
“Alright, stop it!” said Tommy.
All you wanted to do was walk up to him and hug him. It was his turn after all. But his eyes were so cold. He didn’t even smile when he saw you. It’s been so long since you last saw him, how much could he have changed?
“Where’s Ada?” you asked.
“Home,” Tommy replied, looking straight at you.
“I’m glad to see you Y/N.”
“Are you? You should tell it to your face.”
You gasped, putting both hands on your mouth. You had fucked up. Michael had gotten you all riled up. Being on a break surely didn’t help either. You had fallen back into old habits of pushing people’s buttons until they snapped. But this wasn’t someone you wanted to snap.
“Sorry…” you said, lowering your hands.
Tommy didn’t say anything then suddenly started laughing.
“It’s good to see you Y/N. Seems like things don’t really change, um?” he said, opening his arms to you.
You went in for the hug, still shocked by his reaction.
“It’s good to be home,” you finally said.
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lil-bitchy-bride · 1 year
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Hotties 😍😍
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i think theyd be frends <3
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virgoilluminati · 1 year
A/N; Hello, so I’m currently very burnt out due to exams and literally can barely write anything. That’s why I have decided to redo this whole tumblr page and start from scratch. But I have seen these social media things all over tumblr and really wanted to give it a go with my faves. This one is obviously about my loverrrr finn cole 💕 but I want to do lots of different ones based on whoever you guys would want to see. I wanna give credit to some of the people that I saw do this before on here (please go check them out because they are all so lovely) and say thank you because you have become my inspiration ❣️there are so many but here are my main inspo a @http-alexademie, @happy4harry @tillthelandslide @pancakes4two. I literally just love this idea and found it so fun to do, so thank youuuu 💕
Context: Y/N played Jules Solomans - Alfie Solomans daughter in the last two seasons of Peaky Blinders. Jules and Micheal are basically a couple (instead of Gina). This is set at the BAFTAs, that happened last night, if hypothetically peaky blinders got nominated for awards and y/n got nominated for supporting actor. (Which IRL Cillian Murphy was ROBBED from). Enjoy xx
@ finn_cole
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Liked by @ yourinstagram, @ peakyblindersofficial & 890,000 more
@ finn_cole: Bafta ready, with the help of @britishvogue, feeling especially amazing tonight. Best of luck to all nominated ✌🏻
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@finncolefanacc: He’s so pretty 😍 someone please wife him up!
@boceybocey: best of luck mate
@ finn_cole: @boceybocey, not the same without you.
@peakyblinderdaily: damn, it sucks paul can’t be there the one time peaky got nominated :(
@peakyblindersfan1: I can’t believe that peaky blinders finally got the recognition they deserved!! Please give our boys the win! #BAFTA
@ joecole: getting the band back together
@ cillianmurphyofficial : @joecole, can’t wait. Been a while.
@yourinstagram: best of luck Micheal Grey x
@finncoleslay: wait, why is no one talking about @yourinstagram! Her comment I-
@yourinstagramfandaily: @yourinstagram, Gurl - you have some explaining to do-
@Johndeservedtolive: OMG, are theyyy—? No, they can’t be—. I—! Oh my gawddd I am going to faint…
@ yourinstagram
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Liked by @ finn_cole, @ peakyblindersofficial and 2,300,000 others.
@ yourinstagram: thank you for all your love and support. I am so greatful to be nominated for supporting actress tonight. Love you all ❣️
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@yourinstagramslayys: Your deserve it babes, literally her acting in peaky blinders, was phenomenal.
@Y/nisbae; slayyying as per usual 🔥
@JulesSolomonsisbae: Y/N for the winnnnnn 🥇
@florencepugh: good luck bestie, although you won’t need it.
@ yourinstagram: @florencepugh drinks on me, regardless.
@ zendaya: 🔥🔥🔥
@ finncole: @ zendaya agreed.
@peakyblindersdailyyyy: - wait a damn minute…. Now wait a damn minute
@ finn&yn: It’s happening, oh my god it’s happening - everyone calm. Don’t panic I-I
@ yourinstagram
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Liked by @ cillianmurphyofficial , @finn_cole and 3,450,000 others
@ yourinstagram: Thank you, that’s all I can say. From the bottom of my heart. This has been a dream come true. I have no words.
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@Peakyblindersofficial: Congratulations, our Jules always and forever.
@ cillianmurphyofficial: Well deserved, absolute pleasure to have worked alongside you for the last three years, what adventures to come! ❣️
@ joecole: Y/N strikes again! Absolutely brilliant.
@ florencepugh: Absolute legend, drinks are on me.
@ yourinstagram: @ florencepugh thats a first. Damn I must’ve done well.
@julessolomansslayys: So proud! So proud!
@ finncole: beautiful award for a beautiful girl.
@ yourusername: @ finncole thank you, glad I have such a handsome man by my side
@ finn&y/n: it’s official guys! Oh my god. Oh my god.
@ peakyblindersofficial
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Liked by @ finn_cole, @bafta, @ cillianmurphyofficial and 13,980,000 others
@ peakyblindersofficial: Well, we may not have won the best crime drama award, but our congratulations go to our very own, @ yourinstagram, who received her first ever BAFTA award tonight. Absolutely smashed it - always and forever our Jules Gray Solomans
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@ yourinstagram: thank you for giving me the opportunity to play this amazing character. Will live with me forever. ❣️
@ y/nisbae: Yes, the queen deserves everything!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@Jules&Micheal: @ yourinstagram Thank you for being our role model. We are so proud.
@peakyblindersdailyyy: Cillian was ROBBED, but I am so proud of our girl. Couldn’t ask for anymore 💕💕
@ finncole: My Girl. ❣️
@ yourinstagram: @ finncole, I love you
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riridontneedya · 2 years
The, 'What's mine isn't yours..' series | Find it all in one place.
If you didn't know now you do haha. I have created a mini peaky blinders series.
A brief summary to pique your interests: Join our female reader (y/ns) journey as she navigates her way through a turbulent love triangle with Thomas and Micheal. What initially was supposed to start off as harmless flirting has now spilled over and has left her with tough choices to make.
It started as smut with plot lol but its blossomed its way into a series I am now rather fond of :) I do intend to add more segments. If you have any ideas about what direction you'd like to see the story go don't hesitate to reach out Id like to hear them. CONSTRUCTIVE feedback is welcome. This goes without saying but there are mature themes.
So with each link you click on you will see the several! Warnings in the summary in regards to the story. If you know damn full well you shouldn't be engaging then DON'T! I am not responsible. I have taken the necessary precautions to ensure it finds itself in the correct places. I am an adult therefore can freely write adult content. I do other stories too so check out others 'HERE' if you're interested ! also my requests are open so do feel free to pop me a message for a chit chat or any ideas you may have xx
PART 1 , PART 2 , PART 3 , PART 4
Happy reading angels xx
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imagionationstation · 5 months
Do you have any au ideas you’d like to share? Preferably 2012 Donatello centric..
*Bats eyelashes innocently.*
(If not, no problem! I really don’t mind lol)
*stares at you*
*stares are you harder*
I never in my life imagined that I would get this question. I’m the concerning individual who spends my days hunting down Donnie AUs to quench my insatiable thirst for content. What are you doing.
You are not meant to ask me.
Okay, so other than this masterpost that I made for everything that exists in some form, I have an AU that’s been on my brain for the last ever but I never started it because What Was Lost was/is already in the works. Activity focusing on two AUs about the same turtle at the same time is unwise.
Though writing What Was Lost and Feral Raphie is no picnic
Introducing: Broken Spectre AU
This AU is a ✨crossover✨ between Rise and 2012. Both shows happen in the exact same pattern up through the Movie and the episode The Power Inside Of Her. The only difference is how April brings Donnie back…
You see, at the same moment that Donnie was popped in the night sky (wow, my own imagery is messed up), another dimension’s Micheal was doing what he was absolutely not allowed to do under any circumstances- practicing his powers without a brother present.
It wasn’t planned or anything. With Leo resting, Raph getting pizzas, and Donnie in his lab- an opportunity presented itself and he took it! Michael’s brothers never let him try the really fun stuff because his magic is still in recovery, and his cracks reamerage when he pushes his powers past mediation. They’re smaller now, healing with time like Draxum promised, but they still scare the shells off his loving, overprotective family.
There’s something so freeing about tapping into the strength whirling in his chest- like waking up fully rested and confident after a good night sleep. He really wasn’t doing anything. Playing around with chains, painting with magic. Nothing insane.
And, just as he’s putting the finishing touches on his canvas of sparkling gold, he feels a tug. An agony. A hurt. Something being ripped apart like a paper, life tossed about like confetti. It vibrates through time and space like nothing ever should, and he knows that, he knows it’s not right. Mikey can feel it, like his brothers standing next to him, touching his ninpo, a soft tap of fluttering life- and when he focuses, he can feel every sensation of their agony, every inch of their panic, every glow of life that fades away, merging back with the universe. It’s dying. It’s scared and it’s alone and it’s dying.
He doesn’t realize his eyes have lit up in a shining yellow. He doesn’t know that a portal is open in front of him, thinner than his portal to the prison dimension, but just as strong. He doesn’t know he’s reaching through, that his ninpo is calling out. He doesn’t know that he takes, blue dots fluttering at his fingers, turning into a ribbon of purple, flowing into his palm. He feels a sudden disruption, an error with his ninpo, like a fence surrounding wild sheep, forcing them into adapt and graze in a smaller land.
His ninpo cuts off, and the light leaves his eyes. He falls to the ground, heart pounding and body flushed with adrenaline, staring at the blank wall, void of the gold that lit up the area. He breathes, shocked and uncertain, before he gets to his feet.
He screams, whirling to face the quiet voice, scrambling back from the specter cloaked in gray. It pulls three reaching fingers back, eyes composed only in black and mouth curved into a frown. It’s brows furrow, a band of light grey around an oval head outlining the action, mouthing opening to reveal a small gap. It’s stands tall, but it’s voice is a whisper formed of thin air, echoing in Mikey’s head.
“Who are you?” It questions, soft and distant. Then, almost as an afterthought, “Who am I?”
The first question is a breeze.
“My name’s Mikey, and, um…”
If only the second is as easy.
-This clip is pending editing to properly analyze Michael’s brainspace and actions in this moment and confirm what should remain and what should change. This is merely an experiment-
I’ve seen a couple Donnie-in-Rise stuff and I think this could be SO ANGSTY. Michael interfered with events and tried to help, but he only ended up stealing away a piece of his soul. So when April brings him back together- he’s not the same. He blanks out on them, confused about the simplest things. He forgets names and things and places. He has trouble retaining new information. His ki is faded and no matter how many times that Leo says that it will heal, it doesn’t. Eventually, they realize that he isn’t simply drained. He’s been sliced, separated, divided. A piece of him is missing.
And without that piece, he’ll only continue to deteriorate.
And that piece is hanging out with Michael. It simply exists, passive and snarky, confused but unable to recall ever not being a spirit. He’s forced to be wherever Michael is. He doesn’t really care. Mikey is the only constant- the only thing that he’s ever sure is true. Michael doesn’t mind the companion. At least, that’s what he tells himself, determined not to reveal to his brothers that he went behind their back to do what he agreed never to do.
The Spectre makes commentary that his brothers can’t hear, nostalgic for things that he can’t remember. Mikey encourages him to talk about it, hoping to learn anything that might tell him who this stranger is. It comes in random spurts through the day. He has brothers. One of them cooks, like Mikey. Another worries, like Raph. Acts braver than he is, like Leo. He has a sister. She’s never around. He has parents. He thinks one of them is dead.
He has a home. He can’t recall anything about it, but it exists. He always becomes small, burdened by what he can’t remember, broken by what he doesn’t know. He hates thinking about it.
“I don’t want to be here, without them,” he says in his ghostly, whispering voice. “I think you should have let me die.”
Mikey tries to pretend that absolutely nothing is wrong, but eventually, his brothers start to catch on to his avoidance. How awkward he is around them. How often he talks to himself. How drained he always seems. And they bring this up to Draxum.
Mikey does his best to avoid any kind of intervention, but against his will, his brothers preform one anyway. They find out the truth, and Draxum discovers that Michael’s ninpo has been invaded. In order to save the piece of a soul, he’s using his own ninpo to keep it alive. Ninpo isn’t meant to be used 24/7. He’s draining his own reserves, and if he keeps it up for too long, he may irreparably damage his ninpo. The only way to solve the problem is to release the spirit.
Something that Mikey absolutely refuses to do.
If the Spectre is a missing piece, then Mikey wants to put him back together. Mikey refuses to let this piece disappear into nothingness when he had the ability to fix it. He doesn’t know how or when, but he’s going to fix this. He messed up by separating him. Even if it’s just bringing the piece back so his spirit can die properly, he’ll do it.
No matter what the cost. Not matter what it takes.
He has a family out there. Mikey has to try.
And, of course, his family has no intention of letting him do it alone.
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peaky1wh0re · 1 year
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I can take em all (not in a fight)
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You Cup Their Face
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Thomas: He would be surprised at first, but he would lean into your hand and look deeply into your eyes. He would see your love for him and return it; the touch is tender and loving; it makes him feel warm and calm. He would enjoy the intimacy of the moment, soaking in the affection and holding it close in his heart forever.
Arthur: He would be surprised at first, as it's not something he ever expected from anyone. However, he would smile and let his partner cup his face, happy to receive the affection. He might even close his eyes for a moment, allowing himself to enjoy the closeness. As the moment lingered, he would open his eyes and look directly into yours, searching for reassurance that you were both having a meaningful, loving moment.
John: He would react by cupping your face as well, a sign of closeness and affection, while he gazes into your eyes with a sincere smile. He can see the love and trust that you have for him, which makes him feel at ease around you, and he wants to repay that trust with more affection, more closeness, more love.
Ada: She would be stunned and overwhelmed with emotion and joy if her partner cupped her cheek with any sign of affection. With a small squeal and a smile, she would lean into your touch and press her cheek into your palm gently.
Finn: He would be surprised at the sudden closeness and caressing of his face. It would spark a blush, as he is not used to such physical affection. However, he would let you continue for a moment, before breaking in to ask, "Um, do you need something?"
Polly: She gasps with delight as her partner gently cups her face in her palm, your touch sending a shiver up her spine. She leans into her partner's touch, savoring the closeness of your body and the sensation of your touch. She closes her eyes, breathing in deeply as she lets herself become consumed in the moment. She opens her eyes again, locking eyes with you and smiling softly, expressing appreciation for your attention and affection.
Micheal: He's a little surprised by your touch, but it's not exactly unwelcome. He smiles at you in appreciation and lets you hold his face for a moment, enjoying the intimacy of these moments you both spend together.
Isiah: He'd probably be surprised, as it's not something he's used to. But he'd be excited and honored that someone would do that to him, and he'd want to show that the only way he knew how: by giving you the most loving embrace possible. With how close it'd get your faces, he'd also use the opportunity to tell you how much you mean to him.
Bonnie: He would immediately feel safe and protected. He would lean into your touch and smile, feeling warm and secure in your presence. It would feel like your shielding him from the world, and he would want to return the favor by wrapping his arms around you and showing you affection.
Alfie: If his partner cupped his face, he would be surprised and delighted. He's sensitive to physical touch and enjoys the feeling of closeness when someone he cares about touches him. He would look into your eyes and enjoy the warm, loving embrace. You are a source of comfort and he'd feel secure knowing that you're there for him.
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themultifandomgal · 11 months
Shelby Clan- A New Shelby Member
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While the men were away at war, YNs father died from a gunshot wound, but not only that her mother passed away from heartbreak. This caused YN to end up in care at the age of 14. Thankfully though that didn't last long though. Polly Gray decided to adopt the sweet, shy, quiet girl.
For the next next year, YN struggles to get close to Ada because of how loud she is, however Finn and YN get on well making YN feel comfortable. That all changes when Arthur, Tommy and John come home. YN finds it hard to fit into the loud rambunctious family. Now YN is 15 years old, she's still shy and quiet, nothing like her new family.
YN sits in the kitchen reading a book while the family tuck into their breakfast
"YN put that book down at the table" Polly scolds placing some food in front of her
"Sorry Polly" the shy girl says placing her book down making Finn laugh
"After breakfast I'd like you to head down to the market get us some more bread and milk"
"I'll send Isaiah with her" Tommy says. Out of all the Shelby's Tommy is the most protective of YN. They all are, but Tommy is the one who most protective
"She'll be fine Tommy"
"I'll still send Isaiah with her"
"YN eat up" Polly says again knowing there's not point arguing with Tommy because either way Isaiah will be going with YN.
"You cousins are protective of you aren't they" Isaiah says walking down the street with YN
"Adoptive cousins. And yes" YN quietly chuckles
"Got a new girl Isaiah!" a boy shouts towards the pair laughing. YN immediately lowers her head, looking at the floor
"Just ignore them"
"Oh come on. Why don't you share?" YN then feels a hand on her arm making her gasp
"Let her go" Isaiah says sternly
"Come on let's go, she's a Shelby" another guy says
"Yeah only adopted by then. She's just a sad little orphan. Forget it. Have her" Isaiah pulls YN away, instead of going to the market he takes her home knowing that she already has tears pricking her eyes.
Unfortunately for YN this guy doesn't leave her alone. She's subjected to being bullied at school and on the way home from school, but YN refuses to tell anyone what's going on. Polly can tell something is going on with her, she tries to talk to her, but YN pretends she's ok.
On the way home from school YN takes a short cut down by the canal
"Oi YN!" YN lifts her head up to see the same guys who have been bullying her since that day at the market. Her feet move quickly under her feet trying to get home as quick as possible "hang where do you think your going?" hands grab on her arms
"Please let me go"
"Haven't got your boyfriend here to help you now" the boy laughs
"Please don't hurt me" YN pulls away
"I think she needs a cool down don't you?" another boy chuckles
"No no please I can't swim" YN now yells with tears running down her face
"Aww what a shame" and with that YN is pushed into the cut. Slashing about and spluttering she tries to keep her head above water as best she can. Little do the boys know that Finn was playing down by the cut and saw the whole thing. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him and bursts into the betting shop where his brothers all are
"Tom" he breathes out catching everyone's attention "Tom it's YN. She's in the cut, she can't swim" Tommy look at John and Arthur signalling for them to follow him and Finn.
When they arrive they see a tired looking YN struggling to stay afloat while a group of boys are stood laughing. Tommy takes off his hat and wast coat jumping into the water without a thought
"You think this is fucking funny?!" Arthur yells walking over to the boys "your lucky your kids because if you weren't..."
"Arthur!" John yells "let's take you home to your parents" John and Arthur take the boys by their ears as Tommy pulls a shivering YN out of the water
"Let's get you home eh?"
"What the bloody hell happened!" Polly yells seeing YN with wet hair sat by the fire with a blanket around her shoulders
"YN has failed to tell us that she's being bullied at school. Today some of her classmates decided to push her into the cut. Thankfully Finn was there, came to get us"
"Where are your brothers?"
"Taking the idiots home" Polly then sighs
"Ok well let's get you into a warm bath" YN gives her adoptive mum a nod before following her.
Yes she's different from the Shelby's, but this only went to show how much they all see her as part of their family.
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the-fates · 5 months
Artists I feel like the Seven + Grover, Nico, Reyna would listen to with no explanation.
Percy: Green Day, Renee Rapp, Mother Mother, Three Days Grace, Olivia Rodrigo, AC/DC
Annabeth: Paris Paloma, Hozier, Paramore, Florence + The Machine, Artic Monkeys, Fall Out Boy
Jason: Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, Noah Kahan, AJR
Piper: Måneskin, P!nk, Renee Rapp, Adam Lambert, MARINA
Leo: Queen, Whitney Houston, Dolly Parton, James Arthur, Conan Gray, Lady Gaga, Beyoncé
Hazel: Micheal Bublé, Leslie Odom Jr., Natasha Bedingfield, Tracy Chapman, Sara Bareilles
Frank: ABBA, The Jackson 5, Imagine Dragons, Piano Guys, Billy Joel
Grover: The Oh Hellos, Hozier, Noah Kahan, Journey, Rusted Root
Nico: My Chemical Romance, Amy Winehouse, Evanescence, Queen, Elton John
Reyna: Kelly Clarkson, Selena, P!nk, Miley Cyrus
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magpod-confessions · 6 months
Really dislike how Micheal Distortion is portrayed in fandom. The general twinkification of Micheal is genuinely so irritating to me, I know we're the twink-the-monsters fandom but I think there's better ways to imagine him that aren't making him a thin white twink. Plus, I know some Micheal fans that fully demonize Gertrude, which is unreasonable. Yes, she sacrificed him, but she had her reasons, and she's a morally gray character anyways. I like the canonical Micheal, but I'm just not an enjoyer of the fanon version. Sorry:(
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allaboutbethsblog · 2 years
Introduction post about me, lol.
Name: Beth (but go by River)
Age: 17
Pronouns: he/they or they/them
non binary/pansexual
Relationship status - taken
I might vent about sh and other stuff. (i won't vent often just sometimes)
I might post about stuff that randomly comes to mind and reblog posts
I like reading, drawing, colouring, listening to music, stuffed animals, and i like to drink Fanta, Tango, and Diet coke, I have 4 friends that I'm very close with.
few music artists I listen to - Melanie Martinez, conan gray, one republic, imagine dragons, Sam Smith, James Arthur, bruno mars, Lauren Daigle, one direction, girl in red, coldplay, Ruelle, Alec Benjamin.
I like playing badminton, table tennis, basketball, tennis. I don't like netball, football, hockey, or fitness.
I like the beach, the sound of the waves and going on walks, late night drives and sunsets, sunrises, and I like to have a lie in over the weekends and holidays.
I'm not a morning person. I hate getting up early. (If I wake up early, I'm grumpy)
I have two pets: dog and bunny
Names of pets: Dylan, sky.
Fav characters of heartstopper: Tori, Nick, Charlie, Micheal, Aled, Tara, Darcy
Favourite animals: elephants, dogs, cats, squirrels, bunnies, lions, tigers, horses
Fav authors - Alice oseman, May Dawson, lauren Roberts, laura nowlin, and a few other authors, too :)
I go quiet sometimes, and I might also go distant. I am still here, and I'm not ignoring you. I promise. If you message me, etc, I will reply. (I'll try to) :)
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