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elbisonodelcine · 1 year ago
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🎞️ Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018) 🎥Peyton Reed 📷Dante Spinotti
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dudja · 6 months ago
Kenny Powers in Mexico #eastboundanddown #comedy #funny #dannymcbride #kennypowers #michaelpeña #lol
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wornoutspines · 2 years ago
Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan (S4 Premiere) | TV Review
It has begun! The final season of Jack Ryan on Prime Video and it's already intriguing #JackRyan #JohnKrasinski #WendellPierce #MichaelPeña #MichaelKelly #TomClancy #review
Carlton Cuse & Graham Roland (Creators), Tom Clancy (Novels)CASTJohn KrasinskiMichael PeñaBetty GabrielAbbie CornishWendell PierceOkieriete OnaodowanLouis OzawaMichael McElhatton Review There’s always a shadow of corruption or some sort of shady dealing going on at the beginning of this show, and yet they manage to make it different and fresh every time. I started the first of the two-episode…
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callmeanxietygirl · 2 years ago
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Inspirada en la historia de la vida real del ingeniero de vuelo de la NASA José Hernández, la historia lo sigue a él y a su devota familia de orgullosos trabajadores agrícolas migrantes en un viaje de décadas, desde un pueblo rural en Michoacán, México, hasta los campos del Valle de San Joaquín, a más de 200 millas sobre la Tierra en la Estación Espacial Internacional.
Con el apoyo inquebrantable de sus padres, familiares y maestros que trabajan arduamente, el impulso y la determinación implacables de José culminan en la oportunidad de lograr su objetivo aparentemente imposible.
La película crea un deslumbrante homenaje a la lealtad y tenacidad de toda la familia Hernández, así como de cualquiera que se atreva a soñar.
La película de drama basad en una historia real esta protagonizada por Michael Peña, se estrena en Prime Video el 15 de septiembre de 2023.
#Proximamente #poster #peliculas #drama #BasadoEnHechosReales #AMillionMilesAway #MichaelPeña #PrimeVideo
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pandabytes · 2 years ago
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Ontdek het inspirerende verhaal van José Hernández: van Mexicaanse boer tot NASA-astronaut op Prime Video. #MichaelPeña, #NASA, #JoséHernández, #PrimeVideo, #AMillionMilesAway https://pandabytes.nl/michael-pena-waagt-de-sprong-in-de-trailer-van-a-million-miles-away/
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3sc-me · 4 years ago
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أنا الشرطة.. وأنا هنا لاعتقالك.. لقد خالفت القانون.. وأنا لم أسن القانون.. ربما أنا لست على وفاق مع القانون، لكنني أطبقه.. مهما طلبت أو تملقت أو توسلت أو حاولت أن تثير شفقتي.. فلا شيء تفعله سيمنعني من وضعك في القفص حديدي ذو القضبان الرمادية. سأطاردك إن هربت.. سأُقاتلك إن قاتلتني.. وإن أطلقت عليّ النار فسأُطلق عليك النار.. وبحكم القانون، لا أستطيع أن أنسحب. أنا عاقبة أفعالك، أنا الفاتورة غير المدفوعة، أنا القدر مع شارة ومسدس. خلف هذه الشارة، يوجد قلب مثل قلبكم.. أنزف وأفكر وأحب.. وبالطبع يمكنني أن أتعرض للقتل.. ورغم أني رجل واحد، إلا أنه لدي آلاف الإخوة والأخوات الذين يشبهونني، المستع��ين للتضحية بحياتهم من أجلي، لأن هذا ما أفعله أنا أيضاً. نحن نعمل معاً لنؤمن لكم الحراسة، نحن الخط الرفيع الفاصل بين النظام والفوضى.. نحن من نحمي الضحية من الوحش.. الطيب من الشرير. نحن الشرطة.. I’m the police.. And I’m here to arrest you.. You’ve broken the law.. I may even disagree with the law, but I will enforce it.. No matter how you plead, cajole, beg, or attempt to stir my sympathies.. Nothing you do will stop me from placing you in a steel cage with grey bars.. If you run away, I will chase you.. If you fight me, I will fight back.. If you shoot at me, I will shoot back. By law, I am unable to walk away. I’m a consequence.. I’m the unpaid bill.. I am fate with a badge and a gun. Behind my badge is a heart like yours.. I bleed.. I think.. I love.. And yes, I can be killed.. And although I’m but one man, I have thousands of brothers and sisters who are the same as me.. They will lay down their lives for me.. And I them. We stand watch together.. We are the thin blue line.. Protecting the prey from the predators.. The good from the bad. We are the police.. #EndofWatch (2012) #EndofWatchMovie Director & Writer #DavidAyer Stars #JakeGyllenhaal #MichaelPeña #AnnaKendrick #quotes #film #films #movie #movies #cinema #3SC quotesoftheday# #اقتباس #اقتباسات #افلام #اقوال #حكم #inspiration #life #saying #love #truth https://www.instagram.com/p/COFPMGqFjzd/?igshid=4pwj2z61avci
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cinemabh · 4 years ago
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A animação 'Tom & Jerry" teve divulgado o primeiro pôster! Sinopse: Adaptação do clássico desenho animado da Hanna-Barbera, retornando às origens da história e mostrando como Tom e Jerry se conheceram. Depois de anos vivendo na casa de um casal de idosos que o trata como um animal de estimação, Jerry precisa se virar para sobreviver quando descobre que existem novos locatários no local. E pior do que isso: eles trouxeram consigo um gato. DUBLADORES (VOZES ORIGINAIS): Chloe Moretz, Michael Peña, Ken Jeong e Colin Jost. O filme tem previsão de estreia para 5 de março de 2021! #TomEJerryOFilme #TomEJerry #ChloëGraceMoretz #cinemabh #MichaelPeña #Lançamento #Cartaz #Animação #Animation #Filme #Cinema #Movie #WarnerBrosBR #WarnerBros #Cinéfilos #Geek #Nerd #Cinemark #CinépolisBrasil #PlayArtePictures #Kinoplex #InstaCinema #InstaFilme #AdoroCinema #Omelete #BreveNosCinemas #BH #cinemasbh #bomdia https://www.instagram.com/p/CHsarNMDHrJ/?igshid=1dypx66euxp5y
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tom--22--felton · 5 years ago
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📷: @optusgolf - 📸| The stars were out in full force yesterday for the @sonyopenhawaii Pro-Am. #MarkWahlberg, #MichaelPeña, #RayLewis and #HarryPotter star #TomFelton made up a star-studded field in #Hawaii. Maybe we’ll see some of them on the #PGATour next season! https://www.instagram.com/p/B7H5nDxAqlO/?igshid=yt3l01wfit3y
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almasgeeks · 6 years ago
Llego el trailer en español de #DoraYLaCiudadPerdida. Próximamente en cines. #DoraLaExploradora #Doratheexplorer #IsabelaMoner #MichaelPeña #EugenioDerbez #EvaLongoria #BenicioDelToro #comedy #comedia #familiar #movies #peliculas #film #Panamá #pty (en Panama City, Panama) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvcLEWBBASp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=r2p340cm9kkt
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gizmobibi1972 · 10 days ago
Fury (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
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gk5fit3 · 3 years ago
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Blu-rayも持ってますが… 今日はMacとJBLでDVD。 https://amzn.to/3JMaUnh #ザシューター極大射程 #shooter #2007年製作 #126min #markwahlberg #michaelpeña #dannyglover #katemara #eliaskoteas #rhonamitra #radesherbedgia #nedbeatty (Yokosuka, Kanagawa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaT8oHKFt_0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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geekynerfherder · 7 years ago
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Back from watching #AntManAndTheWasp, which is now FINALLY out in the UK! I thought it was pretty good. A definite, and much needed, shift in tone from the intensity and seriousness of #InfinityWar, keeping the levity and humour of the original #AntMan. Some scenes were really laugh out loud funny too! In particular scenes with #MichaelPeña (who stole the show with his scenes, loved the 'truth serum' scene) and the guys in his security company. The action scenes were pretty cool as well. #EvangelineLilly's #TheWasp kicks serious ass, flitting from real size to micro sized and back again, all the time dealing serious smackdown to the film's villains. Having said that, the villains aren't big bads on the scale of previous #MCU movies, #WaltonScoggins' villain does come across as almost cartoonish at times and #HannahJohnKamen's Ghost does have her reasons for what she does, as explained in the inevitable flashback info dump. But they do serve a purpose that drives the narrative forward. Overall though, it's a fun, exciting and funny movie, with #PaulRudd in fine form, playing off some great chemistry from Evangeline Lilly and #MichaelDouglas. I will say that the first of the end credit scenes is a bit of a stinger, but it does bring things forward in the MCU post Infinity War Snap timeline. Art by #MattFerguson (@mattfergusonartist) free mini prints available at UK #OdeonCinemas (@odeoncinemas) #CoolArt #Art #Print #Marvel #MarvelStudios @marvel #Odeon (at Odeon Birmingham Broadway Plaza)
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oohlaniece · 3 years ago
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This movie looks intense 😬🙈🙉🙊😬 what do they mean the moon 🌚 is not what we think it is?🙀 🍿 #Moonfall in theaters 2/4/2022 🍿 🤩Starring🤩 #HalleBerry #PatrickWilson #JohnBradley #MichaelPeña #CharliePlummer #KellyYu #EmeIkwuakor #CarolinaBartczak #DonaldSutherland ▶️In Moonfall, a mysterious force knocks the Moon from its orbit around Earth and sends it hurtling on a collision course with life as we know it. With mere weeks before impact and the world on the brink of annihilation, NASA executive and former astronaut Jo Fowler (Academy Award® winner Halle Berry) is convinced she has the key to saving us all – but only one astronaut from her past, Brian Harper (Patrick Wilson, “Midway”) and a conspiracy theorist K.C. Houseman (John Bradley, “Game of Thrones”) believes her. These unlikely heroes will mount an impossible last-ditch mission into space, leaving behind everyone they love, only to find out that our Moon is not what we think it is. #moonfallmovie #newmovie #pressvideographer #pressphotographer #moviepic #intheaters #movietrailer #filmeditor #storyteller #atlanta #digitalmediamarketing #newyork #postproduction #filmcrew #losageles #photographer #socialmediamanager #oohlaniece #videoediting https://www.instagram.com/p/CVvipYSrTqc/?utm_medium=tumblr
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darthtalon89 · 7 years ago
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Leo lion took me to go watch this today 🖤@le066. I really liked this one, plus they played Morrissey in the movie. #AntManandtheWasp #superherofilm #MarvelComics #ScottLang #AntMan #HopevanDyne #Wasp #MarvelStudios #WaltDisneyStudiosMotionPictures #MarvelCinematicUniverse #MCU #PeytonReed #PaulRudd #EvangelineLilly #MichaelPeña #JudyGreer #MichellePfeiffer #LaurenceFishburne #MichaelDouglas #HankPym #JanetvanDyne #quantumrealm #superhero #marvel
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franciscomaldo · 4 years ago
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#CUMPLEAÑOS: #MichaelPeña (43) – #RuthWilson (38) – @LiamHemsworth (30) √ Entérate de los detalles accediendo al link de la Bio 👆🏻#musicacinetv https://www.instagram.com/p/CO_wbqsLpJL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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amosartstudio · 7 years ago
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I was very excited to get a #Wasp action figure and t-shirt (see next post) at the Ant-Man and The Wasp pressday. In theaters July 6. . . . . #AntManandtheWasp #PaulRudd #EvangelineLilly #MichaelPeña #MichaelDouglas #SeFijaOnline #amosartphotos #amosart #amosartstudio #AngelaOrtiz #AntMan #MarvelStudios #DisneyStudios #HotWheels @marvelantman @iheartpeace #Pressday #pressconference #fun #WaspWings (at The Langham Huntington, Pasadena)
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