#Michael: Don’t forget my dad. He just arrived.
incorrect-fnaf-quotes · 2 months
By the time he becomes Glitchtrap, I like imagining him being bored, and he just starts watching whatever videos he can find—other than playing with Vanessa’s pet rabbits.
And eventually, he like... starts discovering some of the videos that people took of Spring/Scraptrap and Scrap Baby before Pizza Sim.
So Glitchtrap’s just sitting there, watching the videos like ??
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sundrop-tetsu · 2 years
Could I get a Michael Afton matchup please? I'm a 5'6" (167cm) non-binary (afab) bisexual! I'm an absolute dog lover, a total introvert and touch starved. I'm also super forgetful. I'm a total worrier and pessimist with my own life, but very supportive of my loved ones. I tend to overthink about and make plans for years in the future. I'm pretty good at cooking, but terrible at baking! The perfect date for me would be an amusement park or a quiet movie night cuddling. Thank you!!!
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“I’m nervous, and honestly I don’t think you’ll like me” - michael
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first meeting
you had actually met at the dog park; it was a very precious meeting actually T ^ T
you had decided to take your dog out to the dog park and coincidentally, michael had been walking home from the store
he loves animals so he tends to take this route home just to see the doggos
fun fact: mike is actually more of a cat person, he thinks they’re calm and they help his anxiety
on this particular day, your dog had spotted michael, running towards him in an excited matter— which confused you since he wasn’t usually this nice to people
(d/n) ended up jumping on mike, making him lose his balance and fall to the ground. he chuckled before petting the doggo, “hello to you too, pup”
you were dreading having to talk to mike, you were shy and meeting someone new was just— nerve wreaking honestly T ^ T
nonetheless, you went over anyway. michael looked up at you with a smile, “is he yours?”
you slowly nodded, working up a smile before turning towards your dog, “come on, bud. we gotta get going”
and right there and then, your voice was sugar coated to michael, making him feel small butterflies, “hey uh, I’m michael, by the way”
asking you out/your date
when you had gotten used to michael, you quickly began to show him how wonderful you were
and he really liked you, he thought you were the most precious person ever. you weren’t too crazy but you weren’t too chill either
michael had asked you out on your birthday, as he thought he should do, and he felt so lucky because you said yes
knowing who you are, he invited you out to a date at an amusement park and boy was this boy nervous to go out with you
“wow, the rides look nice” you tried to start a conversation when you guys arrived
“y-yea. i agree” he shyly replied
the silence was killing both of you-
“so uh, should we go on ahead?” you tried first
“oh! yea!,” he accidentally exclaimed too loudly, “l-let’s try the games first and move onto rides”
michae’s really good at the game booths at amusement parks so he managed to get you a couple of stuffed animals, being entirely grateful that you smiled when he handed you them (thank god he has his dad’s anger issues-)
the date ended up going really well!
well— somewhat-
you both did have a small conversation together, getting to know more about your personal lives since this was a date
but mike was acting so weird :( it made you worry, thinking maybe he realized he wasn’t so interested in you anymore
your thoughts did end up changing when you felt him try to take your hand & hold it in his
he thought your hand was so pretty, so soft, and felt so right being held in his, small blush coated his pretty face before he turned to you, “I like this. holding your hand” he managed to say
you softly nodded, agreeing with his statement, ‘finally’, you thought to yourself, so he wasn’t having seconds thoughts after all
but then michael let go of your hand and you wondered once more what you did wrong as he looked bothered
the last ride of the night came along: the ferris wheel
and you hoped more than anything that you would finally get to know more about him, get to have some intimacy to know if this relationship was a good idea or not
towards the end of the ride, you were grateful that the awkward silence would come to an end, finally deciding that maybe dating michael wasn’t such a good idea if he wasn’t interested
you tried once more, reaching for his hand only for him to back away, you sighed disappointingly, “okay, what is going on with you? you seemed.. interested at first. you’re the one who asked me out. so what’s going on?”
michael turned towards you finally, his blue eyes staring at your pretty face, the obvious pink tint softly decorated on his face before he gave you a small smile. the air around you felt hot before he finally quickly leaned in, placing his soft lips against yours, taking in the feeling of how much he truly wanted to experience a love with you
upon letting go of the kiss, he leaned his forehead against yours, catching his breath before his hand tightened his loving grip on yours, “.. I’m nervous, darling. and I appreciate how long you’ve dealt with me being an idiot”
(date scene was inspired by jane the virgin (michael and jane’s first date 😌 of course it was altered a bit tho-)
things he loves about you
let’s start with a cliche thing. the height difference between you two isn’t dramatic but he thinks it’s cute sometimes when you can’t reach something that he easily can, you miss by a few inches and groan when he calls you short considering you’re taller than the average person; he loves your height difference, it’s perfect and adorable
growing up, michael was a very touch starved person as he didn’t really get much physical affection from his father and his mother was never around since he was little. which means, he enjoys touching you or when you touch him, it makes him feel loved and safe which he appreciates; he loves how touch starved you are as well, let’s him know that his physical affection is completely okay with you and he can do it as much as he wants
one time you two went to the mall for one sole purpose and were searching for a specific thing. you both left with multiple bags of new clothing and items and it wasn’t until you arrived home that you realized you forgot the important thing you needed. pfft- you complained so much and michael chuckled as you internally cried inside; he loves how forgetful you can be, cause it’s cute to see you panic over it
don’t get him wrong, michael really loves how supportive you are of his decisions, plans, and choices for the future. but, he’s noticed how doubtful you can be and how negative you are towards your own decisions, accomplishments, etc. so he always tries to show you how supportive and proud he is of you, so hey; he loves the beautiful smile and look you give him as he shows you his loving support
after a couple of years of dating, michael had cleaned out a storage closet that he had so you two could make it into a cozy hangout spot or anything else that sounded or looked cool. when he had picked up a box, a paper had fallen out. it looked like it was maybe a year old or so. but when he picked it up and got curious about it, he saw that it was a house plan, where certain things would go and which rooms would be which; he loves more than anything that you had planned what your future shared house with michael would look like
for your one year anniversary, mike had shyly asked if you two could maybe have a baking contest. he was really good due to his mother teaching him when he was young. so he loved the idea of being able to impress had he was sure you were a good baker too and he liked worthy competition. okay so, you totally panicked when he asked. but nonetheless, you agreed. worst mistake of your life- while michael made a famous dessert perfectly, yours looked like- *censored; disgusting imagery placed here* yeaaa-; he loves how much you try just to make him happy, and hey, you enjoyed his dessert and the smile on your face is all he needs
meeting his family; peaceful au
finally!! william thought his eldest son would never get married. he was so happy to have you be introduced to him as mike’s fiancé. he thinks you’re really stunning, and honestly, the more he gets to know you, the more he thinks you’re perfect for his son. he was surprised to hear that you couldn’t bake actually since he remembered mike saying when he was younger that he hated the thought of dating someone who couldn’t bake like he could. but eh, it’s alright. this way, mike can bake your future wedding cake. overall, the man adores you and welcomes you into the family immediately
you’re so precious to mrs. afton!! oh this woman loves so much that he picked you. honestly, she couldn’t see anyone else with her son. not gonna lie, she was a bit sad that you’re terrible at baking- but then she figured, “it’s alright honey, I can bake the dessert and you can make the food”. okay I’m kinda jealous cause it was such a fun experience for you to be in the kitchen with this woman- but overall, she really likes you, she’s grateful you love her son
O_o evan- okay, hear me out. as he got older, evan’s attitude switched to a teenage michael. so evan literally fucking adores you. not only does he thinks you’re attractive, he totally high-fived michael when he was introduced to you and gave you a compliment. anyways, evan really likes you. you don’t really have much in common but he reminds you of michael since mike still carries his immature self inside. but I mean- evan is the only person in the family who can’t bake so- at least you both can internally cry about that- but hey! you and evan get to be baking judges at the aftons home competitions so :)
you’re her taste tester and new sibling. the moment elizabeth looked at you, she decided right there and then that you were hers (platonically). she thinks you’re so awesome! you have a lot of stuff in common and she’s grateful to have a family best friend. not that she doesn’t love her parents and brothers but having one who didn’t grow up with her just feels.. better, in a sense. she likes making mikey jealous by having you try all of her sweets and give your opinion, she knows you always say they taste so wonderful. she uses it against mike during competitions- “OH YEA?! y/n literally said that my sweet was fucking delicious the other day, suck it wanker!”
michael dying
(let’s continue with the jane the virgin theme! in the show, michael died due to a heart attack. so here we go!)
receiving the call was so awful at the time, evan had come over to visit you and his nephew (pet or kid, you can pick)
the moment he walked in, he watched the phone fall out of your hands, a painful sound escaping you as he watched you fall to the ground, horrible sobs letting themselves be shown to express the pain in your heart
“Y/N!” he ran over to you, quickly holding onto you as you moved around, obviously panicked by what you had heard
you couldn’t handle yourself to the point where clara needed to watch you and together, you provided comfort for each other
it was about two months later when you were finally in the kitchen, helping clara make dinner for the remaining family members
“..how did you do it, clara?”
the running water hit her hands, her green eyes focused on her task
when she was done, she turned to the door connecting itself to the kitchen, smiling at the sight of evan and elizabeth on the floor playing with your child/pet
“there isn’t a day that passes where I’m not thinking of william or michael. i will always miss my boys and mourn them”
her smile directed itself towards you, her hand coming to cup your pretty face as a sign of affection, “but for you and the rest of our family, we need to become happy once more, as our husbands intended when they married us”
so you managed a sad smile and held clara’s hand in yours, grateful to have such a loving mother in law, “then let’s make the most of it”
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☀︎ 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫´𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: I’m not back to my account, I promise I’m not. I’m only here to finish my requests and projects left incomplete. I want to finish them quickly since I genuinely have lost interest in this account :( anyway, hope this anon likes their matchup <33 I personally liked the part where his family meets you :)
matchups are no longer available and my overall requests are closed forever !! if you send a request in, I’m only going to delete it
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ackerfics · 3 years
the parent trap — levi ackerman (i)
— levi ackerman x female reader (modern au | the parent trap au)
— warnings: none, just two adorable little boys being idiots
— summary: two boys discovered that they are connected in more ways than they expected.
— word count: 6k (oops i regret nothing)
— author’s notes: i watched the parent trap recently and i had to do this. everything in this multi-part fic will be based on the parent trap and most of the dialogue can be found in the movie. this chapter doesn’t contain that much levi and the reader (they’re mentioned tho) but it contains bickering between two kids. happy reading !!
part two
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Bright gray eyes stared out the window, onyx hair being ruffled by the wind, as the bus’ engine finally stopped at its destination with dozens of boys excitedly finding friends under the cooling canopy of trees of Camp Eldia for Boys. It was a good kind of chaotic, a boy of eleven thought even though he wasn’t used to so many people in one place at the same time (his dad hated it), as he kept his eyes peeled for an orange duffel bag. It was a bright shade and he couldn’t afford to lose it in this horde — he didn’t want to damage it, knowing that his dad specifically bought it for this summer getaway. A shoulder bumped into him, causing the young boy to lose his footing, but not before directing an icy glare at the person, who scurried away after getting a glimpse of his face. Huffing under his breath, he steadied himself while patting his shorts and denim jacket, catching a familiar orange in the pile of duffel bags as he rose his head. 
“There you are,” he whispered under his breath with a smile pulling on his lips, his feet carrying him to the pile. The moment he caught hold of the straps of the bag, a scowl replaced his smile, exclaiming, “For fuck’s sake!” as the camp’s staff dumped a lot of bags on top of his. Noticing the incredulous stare given to him by the green-eyed adult, the boy directed his irritated glare from the pile to him. “Do you need something? Or are you going to dump more bags in this pile?”
The green-eyed man rose his hands as if surrendering. “Chill, little dude, you can always get it out.”
The boy rolled his eyes.
“Okay, rude,” the staff murmured, walking away from the struggling kid. “Kids these days, having undercuts and piercings at a young age.”
The black-haired boy continued pulling on his duffel, occasionally cursing in various volumes. He didn’t realize someone timidly coming up beside him, looking between him and the orange bag. Right when he was about to call for help from the adults, the silver-eyed boy turned around, only to jump with his back on the bags at the sight of a boy his age looking at him curiously. Damn it, his lessons in social interaction with his nanny weren’t getting to him at the moment. “Hi,” he muttered, wary of the boy still staring at him with a tilted head. “Can I help you?”
“I think you’re the one who will be needing help,” the boy replied, nodding at the bags. “You know, with that.” A stretch of silence rang through while two pairs of eyes continued staring at each other, one narrowed while the other kind, the owner of the latter now walking to the pile of bags. “Here, let me help.” The boy effortlessly pulled on the strap of the orange duffel, the bag now free from the confines of the pile. The silver-eyed boy looked at the other person with wide eyes. Okay, maybe he wasn’t the same age as him, maybe he was a little older. The boy was taller than him by inches and it made him feel small. “First time in camp? I can tell since you weren’t fast enough in getting your bag from the staff.” The boy nodded at the adults flitting through the throng of pubescent boys. “My name’s Michael. What’s yours?”
As the black-haired boy opened his mouth to give it to his newly found friend (surprise for his dad because he made a friend hours after telling him he will have trouble getting one with his snappy attitude), the brown-haired, green-eyed man from earlier shouted, “Altair Ackerman!”
He rose his hand, “Right here!”
“You’re in the Ehrmich cabin!”
Altair nodded, turning back to Michael, who was grinning. “We’re in the same cabin.”
It wasn’t meant to be sarcastic but given the fact that he grew up with an always annoyed man as his father (though his dad was never seen with a scowl when he was around), Altair picked up some of the older man’s habits. The silver-eyed boy took in a deep breath and roamed his eyes around the camp, the countryside of his hometown reminiscent inside his mind, clogging his chest with nostalgia out of nowhere. He was starting to miss the hectares of small tea trees surrounding their estate that seemed to clear the air whenever he took his morning walks, even their quaint little tea shop boring their last name in the middle of their town (well, it was quaint but their numbers are increasing around their state, which is insane). After eight weeks of being with people he barely even knew, Altair was in for a wild ride. He would much rather race through their estate on his horse, Nox, than participate in friendship rituals or whatever camps do during the summer (don’t forget the camp sing-alongs that his father warned him about, giving him second thoughts at the last minute).
Every hour of his flight to Maine was spent thinking about why his father decided to ship him off to the other end of the country. For what? Altair will never know.
A honk interrupted Altair from his thoughts, eyeing the sleek black car entering the camp’s premises with furrowed brows. He can hear Michael express his awe beside him. Who in their right mind would choose to ride a borderline limousine inside a summer camp?
“Dang, the person in that must have a lot of money,” Michael stated.
Altair only narrowed his eyes in slight scrutiny. His small family also has a lot of money but he never once suggested to his dad that he will be arriving in camp with his horse. Plus, poor Nox wouldn’t want to be cooped up inside a ship just for that. “Maybe,” he muttered in reply to his friend. “Hey, do you play poker? My dad gave me cards for this trip.”
“I don’t know how to play poker but you can always show me the ropes.”
As the two boys went inside their cabin and greeting some of their roommates, the black car opened, along with a lean man surveying the camp with a watchful eye. Most of the children had their eyes curiously stuck on the vehicle and the man with light brown hair had to hold in his smug smile at their dashing entrance. Ducking down to address the person inside the car, he opted for smiling encouragingly at the onyx-haired boy — he doesn’t want to bite down his tongue in front of young children because that would be embarrassing. Feet enclosed in dress shoes stepped outside of the black car, beholding the sight of an eleven-year-old boy clad in a gray suit jacket and matching short pants. His hair fell right past his ears and touching the nape of his neck in tidy wavy locks, his hand clutching his stationery box.
The man behind the boy smiled before saying, “Here we are — Camp Eldia for Boys.” The man followed the boy, who was walking towards the side of the car with wide, admiring eyes. “We traveled all the way from London for this.”
The boy of silver eyes chuckled, the sound twinkling in the air. “It’s rather picturesque,” he glanced at the man with a huge grin, “don’t you think?”
The light-brown-haired man swatted a mosquito hovering close to his face, turning to the child with a sigh. “Not exactly the term I would use in describing this,” he paused, looking around the vicinity with narrowed eyes, “place.” He didn’t want to be rude now that he saw how the young boy stared at the cabins with bright eyes. He took the box from the boy’s hand, the latter giggling at his friend’s unamused face, and took out a small notebook and a pen from the inner pockets of his suit. Opening it to a checklist, he started, “Now, let us review your mother’s list.” At the sound of the young boy humming lightheartedly, he continued with a small smile, “Vitamins?”
The boy grinned. “Check.”
“List of daily fruits and vegetables?”
“Check. Check.”
The man stopped, staring at the onyx-haired boy with a raised eyebrow.
The young kid laughed. “Check for the fruits and another check for the vegetables. Go on.”
With a satisfied smile, the man continued listing items from the list — sunblock, lip balm, insect repellant, and the stamps that the boy will be using for the weekly letters. Then, he also gave reminders for the photographs if ever the kid misses his family members. All of this was answered with a huge smile, claiming the young boy had all of those in check, adding a, “You don’t need to worry. I got everything handled and packed safely in my luggage.”
“Oh, and before I forget, here’s a little something from Hange.” The older man presented something from his suit with a smirk. “Spanking new deck of cards. Maybe you’ll actually find someone on this continent who can whip your tush at poker.”
“I doubt it,” came the reply. The black-haired boy swayed on the balls of his feet, an endearing smile plastered on his face. “Thanks for bringing me here, Oluo.”
Oluo Bozado, the butler of the esteemed [Last Name] family was a dear person to the little boy and the extended members of the household, seeing as he witnessed how the mistress of the household took care of the young boy all by herself until he was a bright child ready for all sorts of adventures. Looking at the child of bright stormy eyes and hair as dark as midnight, the brown-haired man felt his lips tremble with the thought that his young master was starting to experience what it was like away from family. It was only a week before that the boy’s mother decided to present more opportunities for her son while she was away for a business trip in Greece. 
It was a great decision to bring along the child but it was more suited for him to mingle with people his age, knowing that he was homeschooled all his life. Now, Oluo was trying hard not to bawl his eyes out in the middle of this blasted summer camp so instead, he spread his arms for the little boy to give him a goodbye. Sniffing occasionally, Oluo muttered with conviction, “Now, you remember, if you ever change your mind and want me to come here and collect you at the end of the camp — we’re all only one phone call away.”
Chuckling at the antics of the butler, the dark-haired boy pulled away and patted the man’s back. “Thanks, but I’ll be fine. You, Hange, and Mum shouldn’t worry too much. Though, Hange wouldn’t worry that much since they’re responsible for this suggestion. Nevertheless, I’m a big boy now. See you in eight weeks, Oluo, old pal.”
Oluo huffed lightheartedly. “I’m not that old, you know. It’s just the face. Keep safe, Caelum.”
Caelum grinned knowingly. The two then started doing their signature pact of friendship, which the child orchestrated the moment he started to be aware of his surroundings. Their hands clapped against each other, bumping their hips along an imaginary beat, sliding past one another, and ending the small show with a firm handshake and a smile on their faces. Oluo smiled softly and affectionately ruffled Caelum’s hair, making the wavy curls more pronounced. “Have fun, little prince.”
“I will.”
One week in camp and everything was going the way Caelum expected it to be. He made friends with a few campers, who were all chattering about how cool he was while entering the camp a while back, saying that he looked like a noble. All of their remarks will always be brushed off by the dark-haired boy. There was partial truth in what they were saying, his mother’s family solely responsible for why he acted like the way he is — regal. For a shorter explanation, Caelum was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Plus, he was spoiled a lot by his Mum’s best friend, Hange, who lived with them for he could remember.
(“Do you want to know why I live here, little bean? Except for being a freeloader—ow, I’m just having a laugh, [Name]! If you’ll excuse that interruption, I live here because this has been my home. Your Mum’s family accepted me after I came out to my parents. Aaaand, I get to see your cute face every day!”)
There were so many things that he loved while being on this little escape. One, this place was full of sunshine and laughter compared to his home back in London, not that he hated the gloomy thunderstorms and the sounds of the city back home, but it was nice to finally relax under the blinding rays of the sun. Two, the games were glorious, having to play alongside children around his age. It was exhilarating in the smallest of ways and it warmed Caelum’s heart. After getting their lunch inside the cafeteria (which consisted of a strange encounter from one of the camp directors, Nile Dok, saying that he saw someone who looked a lot like Caelum seconds before acknowledging him), the little boy roamed around the camp beside his friends. Ahead of them was a small gathering of campers and a staff, Eren Jaeger, Caelum learned. The adult was saying along the lines of challenging the reigning champion of fencing.
Caelum had to hold back his scoff.
He had a fencing teacher once and he was told that he could best anyone even if he would do it halfheartedly. Maybe it was the nostalgia bringing in the drive to be the said challenger but the silver-eyed boy found himself saying, “Can I challenge him?”
Eren didn’t look up from his clipboard as he answered, “Finally, someone stepped up. Okay, you can suit up there, buddy. Your fellow campers will help you get ready.”
“Got it.”
Once he was fitted with the white fencing suit, Caelum wiggled his arms as he released a deep breath. It’s been a while since he prepared for another spar, almost a year now, and he could only hope that he wasn’t rusty. Running his hand through his thick hair, Caelum placed the helmet snug around his head. Without waiting for their referee (who looked like they wanted to be at another place at the moment), the onyx-haired boy faced his opponent. He sized up the boy in front of him with blank eyes. It looked like they were of a similar build, with the boy bouncing at his feet every few seconds, which irked Caelum in the slightest. Maybe this would be the moment to be serious in something he thought he used only to pass the time. Lowering his stance with bended knees, Caelum neutrally positioned himself so that his opponent wouldn’t know if he was in the offense or defense. 
“Fencers ready?” Eren asked the two of them, eyes flitting between the two boys.
The boy in front of Caelum said, “Ready,” in the exact voice as him that it unnerved the black-haired boy.
Shaking his head, Caelum flipped his saber expertly in the air. “All set.”
“Tch, show-off.”
The silver-eyed boy felt his insides churn with annoyance.
“En garde, fence!”
Caelum immediately forwarded a couple of steps, taunting his opponent with light jabs as the other person defended his torso against Caelum’s attacks. Once he had the boy in the green fencing suit backed against the trees with nowhere to turn, the last thing Caelum expected was to have his adversary dashing for one of the trunks, gaining momentum for a second and jumping on the surface of the tree in a graceful turn, the other boy’s saber slashing the direction of the silver-eyed boy’s stomach. Caelum backed away with a jump at the last second, successfully dodging the boy’s attack, to which he failed to notice the glint of metal shooting towards his head. With his instincts, Caelum ducked down and made a counter-attack, zoning his attention on the opening on his opponent’s knees brandishing for his attention. Annoyance once again prickled Caelum’s being, bubbling in his stomach and reaching towards his head in migraine, as the other boy parried his consecutive offensive maneuvers until they circled the entire area for the camp’s games.
The onlookers could see how the two mirrored each other. When Caelum went for the overhead jab, the other boy would strike his rival’s lower body. It was a dance of parries and counter-attacks that some of them were starting to feel dizzy from all the constant back-and-forths between the two children. Even Eren, who was starting to think that accepting this job for the summer was a total waste, perked up while the two boys continued meeting their weapons in parries as their little feet brought them to where the pavilion was situated. The green-eyed man even called for one of his friends, Reiner Braun, to watch the exciting fencing tournament. With bated breath, every pair of eyes watched as the boy in green had his saber thrown away by a flick of Caelum’s sword, leaving the former with nowhere to go and no weapon to deflect the point of the saber’s tip on his chest.
Right when the audience thought the two were done (Eren was about to announce the winner), the boy in green lost his balance from Caelum’s push, his body going over the railings of the pavilion and into the small washing area by the side of the establishment.
“What the fuck?!”
Caelum swore he heard the entire audience gasp.
The only question in his mind was ‘what was the reason?’ Was it the curse words or the fact that he just pushed his opponent in a tub of water that could’ve seen better days?
Pursing his lips, the silver-eyed boy leaned over the railings and reached out a hand. “Sorry about that, let me help you.”
“No, let me help you.”
Water entered Caelum’s helmet as he toppled over from the force of the other boy’s pull. He slowly looked over at the other person occupying the tub of water after sitting up. He could feel his eye twitch from behind the soaked helmet. There was a distinct chatter in the background, asking both boys if they were alright. Eren might have called over his friends and now they were fussing over the two with concerned and amusing questions. And yet, Caelum never strayed his glare from the person in front of him. 
“What did you do that for?” Caelum seethed.
“Me?!” The boy all but screamed at his face, his hands gesturing between them. “You pushed me in, you idiot!”
“I did not!”
“I’m sorry I ruffled your feathers, gentleman,” the boy spat.
“Okay!” Eren interjected, coming forward and crouching to meet the boys’ eyes. His earlier expression of boredom was now switched into something bright as he looked back and forth the two boys. “That was awesome, little dudes! Are you sure you two didn’t enter any kind of fencing competition?” When he saw that the two had opposing answers, he grinned. “Campers,” he called out to the children surrounding him, “I think we have ourselves a new camp champion, from London, England — Caelum [Last Name]!” Eren stood up to his full height, watching as the two boys took off their helmets, backs facing one another. The said champion shaking his head and splashing water droplets like a dog while the other boy raked his hand over his short hair, slicking back his haircut. The green-eyed man noticed something from the two but he extinguished his curiosity with a, “Alright, dudes, shake hands. We love and promote sportsmanship in this household.” Preventing a chuckle from coming out since the boys didn’t budge from their positions, Eren once again tried, “Come on, little dudes.”
Altair has never been surprised even once in his life but the moment right now shook his entire world.
It was like viewing himself in the mirror.
Even though the boy in front of him had longer hair, there was no mistaking how his heart was pounding inside his chest, breath taken away at the uncanny resemblance between him and this boy from England (posh accent and all). He vividly read somewhere that seven people around the world looked exactly like a single individual, remembering how he thought that was cool enough for his seven-year-old brain. Maybe this was it. But he knew better because the more he stared shell-shocked at the boy with waves for hair, the more the feeling like he knew him bubbled inside his stomach. The boy seemed to think similar thoughts as him at the moment, stretching his hand for a tentative handshake that was long overdue (probably a couple of minutes, like Altair cared). 
A zap.
A bolt of electricity.
It trickled in Altair’s whole arm until he pulled away from the boy’s grasp.
He was never big on physical contact, to begin with. Yeah, that’s the reason why he pulled away so quickly and not the possibility of sharing something common with the boy who looked like him. Brushing everything off just like his dad always did, Altair scoffed, purposely wiping his hand on his pants exaggeratedly as he stated, “Why is everybody staring at us?��
The boy stared at him like he grew a second head, which sparked irritation in his veins. “Don’t you see it?”
Altair lazily looked around. “See what?”
Furrowed eyebrows graced the pretty boy’s expression (by calling the boy pretty, he was practically calling himself pretty, and Altair had no complaints about that). “The resemblance between us, you tosser.”
“I said—“
“I heard what you said.” Altair stepped forward a little to glare at the boy. “What did you call me?”
The boy rose his chin a little in the air. “A tosser.”
“I swear to God,” Altair murmured under his breath, a smile of disbelief painted his lips, “if you don’t stop calling me names in your slang, I’d really be a tosser because I will fucking toss you and your stuck-up ass in the lake right now.” He continued surveying the boy with eyes full of disdain. “And what resemblance? I don’t see a thing because you look nothing like me.” The other boy’s face contorted into that blank mien that he was sure only him and his dad could pull off. The bags under the boy’s eyes became prominent as he matched Altair’s stare. Huffing indignantly, Altair continued, “For your information, your eyes are much closer together than mine. Your ears … it makes you look like a rat. Your teeth are crooked. Oh, and that nose? Don’t worry, those things can be fixed.” Satisfaction made Altair’s chest puff in confidence at the offended look on the boy’s visage. “You want to know the real difference between us? It’s—“
“I know how to fence and you don’t?” The boy taunted. He placed a finger on his chin as if contemplating something. “Or I have class and you don’t? Just take your pick, good sir.”
“You little shit—“
“Try me, you fu—“
“Alright, alright, that’s enough,” Eren interrupted, placing a hand on both boys' shoulders. “Let’s break up this little lovefest of yours. Caelum, Altair.” Then, at the next second, the man became confused. “Altair, Caelum. Caelum? Altair? Oh, holy shit, this is giving me a whiplash.”
The following weeks were pure hell that Caelum was convinced this was his punishment for eating Hange’s stash of their favorite butter cookies. He could remember how they screamed bloody murder for whoever finished their special tin, with Caelum’s mother calming them down and saying they probably forgot eating them. Nobody knew who ate them, well, except for Oluo since the butler caught the young master in the act.
That Altair kid definitely knew how to handle a grudge, throwing pranks at Caelum left and right, causing the latter to retaliate in the most mature way possible — giving the boy who looked like him a taste of his own medicine. It all started when Caelum was defeated at poker the night after they had their fencing competition, defeated by Altair to be precise. That pompous idiot thought it was funny to taunt Caelum into diving into the lake naked and leaving him behind while Altair’s little posse took away his clothes. It was mortifying, walking back to his cabin stuttering because of the cold, no clothes to keep him warm. That spurred him to take revenge, asking for his cabinmates’ help in getting out the Ehrmich cabin’s beds for all the campers and camp directors to see. It only got worse after that. It was all fun and games until Altair got Nile Dok and his assistant, Floch Forster, in his ultimate prank to humiliate Caelum, turning the Mitras cabin into a mess of honey, whipped cream, water balloons, and feathers.
While Nile was screaming for Caelum and Altair to pack their bags, the former turned to look at his doppelganger with lifeless eyes. “You are without a doubt the lowest, most awful person on the planet.”
Altair couldn’t help but smirk devilishly. “Thank you, thank you very much.”
Nile decided that the fitting consequence was to put the two of them in the isolation cabin. Caelum doesn’t know if that will help with their situation. He was convinced they will kill each other if they’re cooped inside a smaller cabin. 
The first night in the isolation cabin was turning out quite nicely for the longer-haired boy, taking out his journal to write the significant events that happened during the day. He was peacefully enjoying his solitude that he didn’t notice Altair huff every second while glaring at the overhead light bulb that served as their only light source. At the umpteenth wordless complain, Altair had enough of it, sitting up in his bed and turned the lights off. The whole cabin was bathed in darkness, making Caelum flinch since he was immersed in writing out his inner thoughts of decapitating the person sharing his space at the moment. With an incredulous stare directed at the boy across the room, Caelum turned on the lights, which resulted in a battle between the two boys and making it seem like the isolation cabin was infested with ghosts.
After an entire week in the isolation cabin, there was a thunderstorm warning around the camp. As some of the campers screamed while looking for shelter one afternoon, Altair was organizing the posters plastered on his side of the room. The other person occupying the cabin was trying to distract himself by playing solitaire. The short-haired boy wanted to make casual talk since the silence has been stifling for the past hours but his anxiety-ridden gut got the best of him so he chose to stay quiet while fiddling with the poster of his favorite show. A strong gust of wind then blew from the opened windows, making his posters fly around the room.
Caelum looked up from putting a card on one column and immediately stood up to help the boy struggling with closing the window. “Oh, no,” he murmured when he saw the mess. With occasional glances, he planted his hands on one side of the sliding window and pushed. He didn’t miss how Altair looked at him with a weird face. The longer-haired boy didn’t care as he pushed the window, stopping the howls of the wind. Feeling the stares drilled at the side of his head, Caelum met Altair’s stare with a small half-smile before nodding towards the posters scattered over the floor. “Need help with that?” A nod was all Caelum needed to pick up the posters with Altair, a comforting silence blanketing the two boys. In the midst of their tidying up, he noticed a stuffed toy lying on top of some newspaper clippings. Thinking that Altair will act rashly again, he hesitated, “Oh, here’s your…”
Altair turned to the other boy, breathing a laugh through his nose and taking the stuffed bunny from Caelum. “Snuffles. For having a tough-boy persona, I don’t look like the kind of person who owns a stuffed toy, right?”
“Not at all, I think it’s pretty normal.” Smiles were shared, with the longer-haired boy fidgeting with his fingers, needing to break the silent atmosphere. “No pictures were ruined, right?”
“You don’t have to worry,” Altair replied with a slight smile, eyes still on the posters. “You were fast enough in helping me with the window.”
“Home has pretty much had this weather most of the month. I guess I developed the reflexes there.”
Altair hummed, looking inquisitively at the wavy-haired boy. “How far is London anyway?”
“Well, from here it’s 3,000 miles, but sometimes it seems much further. How far away is your home?”
“California’s at the other end of the country.” Altair looked at the side and picked up a photo. “Here’s a picture of my house.”
Caelum peered down at the picture and immediately thought it looked, “Amazing.”
“I know, right?” Altair flashed a proud smile. “Dad built it when I was a baby, at least that’s what he said. We got this incredible porch that has a cool view of the tea tree plantation and then there’s this pool in our backyard. Petra, my nanny, will always scold me for staying too long in the water or for walking around the plantation until nighttime. I also have this beautiful horse that Dad gave me for my tenth birthday, she’s amazing, her name’s Nox, by the way.”
“Who’s that?” Caelum pointed at a black-haired man, who only had his back on the photo. The man was dressed in a long-sleeved shirt and some jeans. Even though he never saw the man in person, there was something about that physique that screams familiarity, very much like how he first met Altair. 
The other boy blinked before grinning. “That’s my Dad. He’s like my best friend since nobody wanted to befriend me for being snappy. We kind of did everything together. He didn’t know I was taking his picture or else he would turn around and tell me to take a picture of the house instead. He doesn’t like his picture taken, says he doesn’t like the sound of the cameras or how it exposes him.”
“Why?” Caelum asked curiously with a pinch in his chest. Must be complete to have someone you can call Dad. 
Altair shrugged. “Beats me. Every time someone wants to take a picture of him and our teahouse, he would decline. But, the only pictures that he was in were the ones that have my mom in them. That disappeared when I found out about it though.” At the expression on Caelum’s face, the boy tried asking what was wrong, only to be told that the room was getting chilly. As Caelum stood up from the floor and went to his bed, Altair followed suit and opened the trunk at the end of his bed. Taking out something that always cheered him up, he lifted it so that the wavy-haired boy could see it. “Want some Oreos? I know you’ll find this weird but I eat them with peanut butter.” He then took out a jar of peanut butter from his things.
“That is weird.” Caelum saw how Altair’s face slightly dropped, so he continued, “That’s weird because I eat Oreos with peanut butter, too.”
Altair took a seat on Caelum’s bed, a few feet separating the two boys. “Finally someone who appreciates the combination. Dad always told me it’s disgusting even though I’ve seen him eat Oreos with peanut butter a couple of times for his midnight tea.” Opening the box of Oreos, Altair offered one to his newfound friend, to which Caelum took gratefully. “So what’s your dad like? Is he one of those workaholics who always go home late and leaves the house before you wake up? Or is he those types who spoil you with all the time in the world while still keeping up with his job?”
With a small smile, Caelum answered, “I don’t have a father. I mean, I had one once, I suppose, but my parents divorced years ago.” He looked down thoughtfully. “My mother never even mentions him. It’s like he evaporated into thin air or something.” He sighed, running his fingers through his hair before taking another Oreo from the packaging.
“It’s scary how the way nobody stays together anymore.”
“Tell me about it.”
“How old are you?”
“I’m turning twelve on December 24.”
Altair choked, swiveling his head to the boy beside him. “That’s my birthday, too!”
“We have the same birthday,” Caelum trailed off, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “How weird is that.”
“Extremely,” the short-haired boy answered, looking out the window the next second. “Hey, would you look at that? It finally stopped raining.” Standing up from the bed, he stretched his arms into the air and sighing in satisfaction. “Come on, Cae, let’s get some popsicles from the mess hall. It’s always good to eat something cold in this weather.” He went outside the cabin until he noticed that the door didn’t open after him. Curiously, Altair looked up from the bottom of the stairs, meeting the stare of his perturbed friend. “Hey, are you alright?”
Caelum was fidgeting with his sweater, looking at anywhere except for the boy at the bottom of the stairs. He leaned against the railings before speaking out what was bothering his mind since he saw the picture of Altair’s father, “Al, what’s your mother like?”
Stuffing his hands inside his pockets, Altair answered, “She’s not exactly in the picture in our little family. I mean, she and Dad split up when I was a baby or even before that. I never met her and Dad never talks about her every time he’s at the house.” He then remembered the picture he stole from his father’s nightstand after trying to find the photo album with his parents in it. “But I know she’s really, really beautiful. Probably the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, even if it was just a picture I stole from Dad’s nightstand.”
“Do you have that picture right now?”
“Yeah? Hey, I’m getting hungry, let’s get some lunch.”
The wavy-haired boy turned around, leaving Altair outside of the cabin. “Don’t you realize what’s happening?” When he faced the boy following him, he saw how Altair jumped an inch at how quickly he turned around. Holding back a snicker, Caelum continued his theory, “Look, I don’t have a father and you’re also missing your mother. We’ve also never seen our missing parents. You have one picture of your mum and I also have one picture of my dad. Well, at least you have one whole picture, mine’s a pathetic crinkled little thing and ripped down the middle ...” He stopped his rambling when he saw Altair dashing his trunk. “What are you rummaging in your trunk for?”
“This.” Altair pointed at the picture in his hands. “This is the picture of my mom and it’s ripped down the middle, too.”
Caelum also went to his desk, taking out a tin box where he kept all the photos of his family members. He slid out a ripped photograph and went back to his friend’s side. “On the count of three, let’s put it together.” 
Together they shouted, “Three!”
Like puzzle pieces, the two ripped parts became a whole picture again, like the two boys inside the small cabin as they looked at each other and realized they share more than just their birthdays and love for peanut butter Oreos.
“I have this crazy yet genius idea!”
“I hope this doesn’t concern another dip in the lake.”
“No, this is better.” A crazy glint in Altair’s eyes appeared. “Let’s switch places when we go home.”
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deepdonutkid · 3 years
Requested: No
Paring: Shelby!Sister Reader x Isaiah
Words: 5624
Summary: For a year now, you had a secret relationship with Isaiah and even when he is still in the same room with you, you can’t stop feeling lonely. It’s not that you don’t love him anymore, it more about the weight of the secret you have to carry. But with Tommy as you big brother you can’t risk, telling the truth or your man might get shot.
I was in the mood for a Shelby!Sister reader x Isaiah and it turned out to be way longer than I expected it... and I even cut out dialog... So here it is!
It’s also flavored with Junior Peaky Boys fun at the beginning. And I was inspired by my homegirl’s one shot called star and my story is an addition to hers, it’s the same night, but Bonnie has some other adventures than the reader and Isaiah.
Somehow I feel like everybody is a little ooc, but I couldn’t correct it.
Requests and tag list are still open, feel free to dm me or send me an ask.
tagging: @bonniesgoldengirl​ @justalonelyslytherin​ @theshelbyclan​ 
Warning: swear words, drinking, binge drinking, gambling, a hinted smut and a sweet ending
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It was one of those nights, nothing special, just the usual fellows around the same table in the Garrison.  You had fun nevertheless. All your friends were right there, you had enough to drink and you had a luck hand today. The cards seemed to work in your fortune.
Deviously smiling you revealed your hand. You just had won this round and it gave you unholy amounts of satisfactions. “Ha”, you cheered: “Suck it up.”
Your friend shrugged and shoved his coins in your direction. All he said was a very grumpy “There you go”, but it pleased you.
You took the money and peaked around the corner. Where was Michael with the drinks? He was like a brother to you, but he was just your cousin. Maybe it was because you were born just two months before his older sister, Anna. Even though, she was gone Michael came back to his real family and now you were closer than ever. You cared for him, more than your siblings did.
But that didn’t mean you wouldn’t hit him, if he just left the bar to fuck with some random girl. It was not about him having sex, more about leaving without telling anybody. Especially when he was supposed to get drinks for the table. You moaned and said: “Where is Michael?”
“Probably doing somebody”, Isaiah joked and lit a cigarette. Then he offered you one and you took it gladly. Actually, you bit your lip and gave him the side-eye, but you had to hide your smile in front of the others. Bonnie and Finny weren’t the smartest boys in Small Heath, but you wouldn’t risk it.
You had so much fun with Isaiah that you didn’t even know when it started. Months passed by, while you were completely caught up in your little game with him. Nobody knew it. That was mainly Isaiah’s fault. At first it amused you to keep your relationship with him secret, but now you were ready to tell your family about it. Your boyfriend didn’t like the idea.
Somehow you thought Michael started to notice. He gave you the glace, which said: “I know, dear”, but maybe you were just getting crazy. You just had to be more careful around others now and everything was fine.
The night was still young and you were keen to make Bonnie lose all his money today. He had won the boxing match earlier and the bruises were still visible, but unfortunately for him, he couldn’t win against you. It was just a card game, but it filled you with gleeful joy. This and the fact that Isaiah was sitting next to you. Sometimes he would brush your thigh with his fingers, which made you giggle even more.
“There he is”, yelled Finny while being so fucking drunk, like you never had seen him before. Michael arrived with messy hair and his tie was undone, but he had your drink and that was all that you care for. “Finally”, you fluted and ripped the glass of his hand: “Thank you, babe.”
And the whiskey was still cold, which meant he fucked the girl first and ordered the drinks afterwards. “How was she? Good?” you asked before you took a sip from your whiskey. You weren’t a lightweight when it came to drinking, maybe not as well as Arthur and John, but you could tolerate much more than Ada and Finny. Your little brother was so drunk, he looked like his head was all empty and yet filled with bullshit.
Michael sat down next to you and answered: “Mhh, she was okay, but she talked too much.” Then you felt the weight of a hand on your thigh again. A shiver rushed down your spine, but it was the wrong side. Your cousin had put his hand on your knee. “Everything alright, Y/N?”
You nodded. “Yeah, everything is perfect”, you blabbered hoping he wouldn’t keep asking questions, but he did. “Don’t be so worried, every time I’m with a girl. I know you’re still a virgin, but you can get some too. Tommy wouldn’t be against it.”
How wonderfully wrong he was. Neither were you a virgin nor would Tommy be okay with this. After all, you were his little sister and he wouldn’t accept the guy, you were sleeping with. Of course, Isaiah was a friend of the family, but after the whole thing with Ada and Freddie you had something to worry about.
The best snarky comeback was right on the tip of your tongue, but you couldn’t say it without letting something slip. ‘What gives you the idea I’m still a virgin?’ And yet you were silent as the guy who fucked you, sat right next to you. You felt trapped and decided to go straight forward. “Yes, he would. You know it and everybody in Small Heath knows it.”
“Oh whatever”, Michael mumbled: “Just drink enough and you eventually forget about it.”
You grinned and emptied your drink. “Fuck it, let’s play some cards. I’m not done with Mr. Gold over here.”  Then you took the cards and dealt them to start the next round.
Much later that night when you brought Finn back home and went straight back to the pub, in front of the entrance, you stumbled into Bonnie. “Is there a reason why you’re smirking?” you asked him. He was gleaming red and smiling like an idiot.
Then you remembered. “The singer, right?” Bonnie nodded and his grin got even wider. “You talked to her?” Again he gave you a silent answer. You grabbed his arm and pulled him back inside. He was a lot heavier than you thought, but then again, you were just a girl and he was a boxer.
Sometime it was weird to only have male friends, it just happened. Maybe it was because of your brothers. Maybe that’s why you never acted like a proper girl. Of course you felt like a woman and you liked your body, but in your eyes it was so much easier to talk to guys.
“Eyy, where did you found him?” Michael slurred and helped you to put your friend on a chair again. With your hands finally free you had the chance to explain. “Found him outside. I don’t know what he did there, but he talked to the singer.”
Both, Isiah and Michael nodded. It was only logical for Bonnie to freak out after it talking to her. He was there every Friday night looking for the singer and now his brain seemed to melt, just because she said something to him. But neither of you knew, what she said exactly. Maybe this was a problem for another night. It didn’t look like Bonnie was able to answer.
So you ordered some more drinks and sat back down again. In this separate room, which was reserved for your family, it was almost too tempting to get close to your boyfriend again. Isiah looked so good that night and it hurt to be unable to touch him… or to kiss him. But you would be satisfied with just holding his hand now.
It was a curse; you knew it soon after you realized that you loved him. He was handsome, charming and a loyal friend. There was no better man for you, even though you wished you could be together in public. And again you bit your lip and moved your chair away from him.
But you couldn’t think about this anymore, it was too frustrating and luckily somebody else caught your attention. It was Bonnie who mumbled very quietly: “I think she kissed me, but it could be a dream as well. It felt so surreal.”  You padded his shoulder and nodded to underline your compassion.
It was just the same with Isaiah. Whenever you two were alone, it was amazing and beautiful. He was so soft and romantic and he just made you happy. But every time you woke up and he was gone, the sweet scenery shattered. And out in public it was getting annoying to find excuses to be with him or getting away, so you could spend some time alone with him and you had to lie to your whole family about your whereabouts. Slowly it became exhausting.
There was nothing you could do about it, so you just drank your whiskey and talked with the boys about Bonnie’s singer and the girl Michael had. It was so easy for them to display their relationship in the public, but of course you didn’t have this privilege as a girl. Apparently, you needed to be protected. Or so it has been explained to you. You wasn’t concerned for your safety but for your freedom. Tommy said it was his job as your big brother to care for you, even if it felt like he was controlling you. You have always been the wild one among your siblings and everything was fine, until your mum died and your dad left. Then Tommy was in charge and sometimes his opinions would vary from yours, which led to fights. And yet you feared what he might do, if he found out about your secret.
All the sudden Bonnie fell from his chair and you groaned. Now somebody had to bring him home as well. First Finn and now him… but why they couldn’t take the whiskey today? You weren’t nearly as drunk as them, but still.
Isaiah stood up and picked his friend up. “I’m taking him home. I’ll be right back”, he said, before leaving.
Now Michael and you were alone. It wasn’t what you wanted. The only thing you could think of was smooching the sweet lips of your boyfriend. You were caught up in your little fantasy, when your cousin woke you up again. “Isaiah is acting weird lately.”
“Oh… really? I didn’t notice”, you replied: “He seemed normal to me.” Your hand grabbed the fringe of your dress. Talking about him made you nervous.
Michael moaned and fumbled for his cigarettes. He put them out, you took one and he turned his between his fingers, when he added: “I don’t know, maybe I’m getting paranoid, but I think he is hiding something from us.” Then he lit his cigarette and took a drag from it.
You inhaled sharply and stared into the void for a second, before answering: “Don’t be silly, he is just as loyal as ever.” Then you laughed and Michael joined in. “Yeah, you’re probably right. I just needed to get this off my chest.”
The rest of the conversation went just like usual. You chatted, you bickered and you had fun. While the bell already announced the new day, Isaiah came back.
In this tiny glimpse of a moment you couldn’t hide your smile and he reciprocated. Actually, you were just waiting for Michael to leave now. It was your plan all along, but patience has never been your strong suit.
It took three more rounds for Michael to say goodnight. “Take care of her, will you?” Isaiah nodded. When Michael finally grabbed his jacket and headed to the door, you felt unbelievably excited. Your fingertips slapped a melody on the table, while you watched him leaving. The door shut and now you had what you longed for all night.
You turned around and looked at him. Gosh, waiting felt like an eternity. Now you were the one smiling like an idiot. Slowly Isaiah came closer and his hand pulled you to him for a kiss. “Finally”, you whispered against his lips, before giving him what he wanted.
After you two parted you rested your head on his shoulder. Now you were getting tired as well, but you didn’t want to go to your bed. “I was waiting the whole evening for this”, he moaned and stroked your hair.
The smell of his perfume made you realized how much you missed him too, even though he was with you since you went to Garrison tonight. You moved closer to him and wrapped your arms around him to give him a tight squeeze. Then you signed: “I wish we didn’t have to hide” and buried your face in his shirt.
“Babe”, he replied: “We already had this conversation. It wouldn’t end well. Let’s just enjoy what we have as long as we can.” It hurt, but Isaiah was right. There was no chance Tommy was getting you off the hook, once he knew about it. And no matter how you explained it to him, he would still be against it. You were too young for stuff like that, as if he didn’t fucked Greta, when he was the same age.
You leaned back to see his beautiful face again. There was something in his eyes, a twinkle or something like that, but it always made you feel comfortable. A lick of your lip was enough to purpose the idea of doing something nasty. He knew you since you were children and it was like he could read your thoughts, especially the dirty ones.
Isaiah started giggling and asked: “Hey, babe, I still can cheer you up, right?”
Maybe it was time for some fun, different to the fun you had before with your friends. The word pleasure would describe it well and with his knowing look he gave you so many ideas. You laughed and nodded. “I think it might help when you do the thing with your tongue.”
“Oh”, he responded amused: “Like this?” And then grabbed you for a kiss and god, what a kiss it was. His tongue brushed your upper lip just to enter your mouth and explore it as if it was your first kiss. He even bit your lip playfully and kept going until you couldn’t breathe no more. Your knees started shaking and it was needless to say, he was the best kisser you ever had.
It took you a while to catch a breath again, but then you answered: “Yeah, just like this… But maybe we could go to your place and do a little more?”
He didn’t seem to be so sure about this suggestion. His thumb stroked your shoulder as he held you in his arm. Because he was so quiet for a second, you knew, he thought about this backwards and forwards. “But right when the sun comes up, you have to go back home”, he argued.
Again, Isaiah was right. You should take too many risks. Otherwise you might get caught and neither of you wanted that. All you could do was to shrug and agree: “Just don’t shoo me after we fucked.” There was bitterness in your voice. What wouldn’t you give to wake up next to him every morning?
The pub was almost empty, when you left. You couldn’t hold his hand on the way out. Everybody in Small Heath was Tommy’s spy. Back on the streets a cold wind blew. Now you had an excuse to go near him and he shared his coat with you. Isaiah was always so sweet and caring. You knew you wanted to spend your future with him. There was no other man and you wouldn’t get over him, not now and not in five years.
You even took off your shoes before entering the Jesus household and followed him on your tiptoes to his room. It was completely dark in the house and the silence was haunting, but good for you, you knew the way by now. The excitement made your fingers tremble.
Finally you arrived where you wanted to be the whole day, in his room. Isaiah closed the door as quietly as possible and started smiling. You walked up to him and started to unbutton his shirt. Now you didn’t want to waste any time.
And neither did Isaiah. He was ripping down your dress, which only worked because the straps were so thin. His hands were all over your body and you couldn’t stop kissing every inch of his skin. It felt like magic whenever he touched you. You moaned, when he played with your bare breasts. To silence you he put his thumb on your lips, which you took as an invitation to suck it. Maybe it was mean to tease him like that, but you were desperate for his affection.
An hour later you laid next to him, your head on his chest as he stroked your hair. “You should leave, before we both fall asleep, babe”, he whispered, which caused you to sign. Leaving now was draining, even exhausting. After this wonderful sex, you were too tired to move anywhere, not to the bathroom and certainly not back to your cold bed.
You pouted your lips and tilted your head, so you could give him your puppy eyes and a pretty please with cream and a cherry on top. “Just ten more minutes. Your bed is way comfier than mine.”
He laughed and kissed your forehead. “That’s just because I’m in this bed and you like to use me as your personal giant pillow.” Your fingers hovered about his belly. Even though his muscles weren’t tense now, you could still feel the strength lying beneath his skin.
While your index finger drew circles around his bellybutton, you whined: “Maybe… just maybe that is true, but I still want to lay here for a bit. Otherwise I start to feel like a whore, who only comes for sex and leaves silently afterwards.”  It wasn’t a knock against Lizzie or her job, but you didn’t like the feeling, when you got home and had to find sleep in your own bed. Even though you had a relationship with him, you still felt lonely. Especially when the sun was rising and nobody was by your side.
“You’re not a whore and you know that”, he argued looking a little concerned.
Then you turned on your back and stared at the ceiling. “No, I’m a Shelby and that is probably worse”, you scoffed.
Now Isaiah was silent and had no witty comeback for that. Maybe, because it was true. If you weren’t part of the family, you could be with anyone, whoever you wanted. Carrying the name Shelby was the only reason, why you had to hide your relationship with Isaiah.
After a while he mumbled: “Okay, stay for a while, but you should be back before they open the shop.” By that time you were already half asleep and yet his words made you smile. He wrapped his arms around you, the little spoon and purred like a cat. Just in this position the both of you fell asleep.
Loud steps were coming near the door, but they wouldn’t wake you up. The screaming of Isaiah’s name did. It was a familiar voice and it took you a couple of minutes to notice, it was your brother Finn who shouted and ran down the hall. Suddenly you were wide awake. You startled up and looked around the room. The sun was already up and shining through the window. Then you saw Isaiah, who was just as frightened as you were.
If Finn came rushing through that door, your secret relationship was no longer secret. “I locked the door last night”, he whispered, which was relieving to you, but still no perfect solution for this problem.
Now Finn arrived at the other side of the door and was knocking on it like crazy. “Isaiah, wake up! Y/N is gone. Nobody can find her and Michael said you were the last one with her in the bar”, your brother yelled. You could hear the panic in his voice, but you couldn’t get caught. Not now.
You stumbled out of the bed and collected your clothes, when you heard Isaiah ask: “What are you going to do? You can’t go out there. He will find out.” And you knew your boyfriend wasn’t concerned about Finn, more about Tommy.
The tension in the room was immense. You had to come up with a plan or your brothers would shoot your lover in front of your eyes.
Suddenly you knew what to do. You pushed the pile of clothing to your chest and squeeze it thigh, when you explained in a lower tone: “I’m gonna hide in the wardrobe and then you open the door and go with Finn away. Afterwards I can come out and then I go to the betting shop and tell the others I have fallen asleep on a bench or something.” It was not the best plan, but yet your only option.
Isaiah nodded and you climbed into the cabinet where he stored his shirt and jackets. The second you entered the small wooden space, you knew it was all going down. Call it intuition, call it divination, call it whatever power Polly owned, but you felt it rushing through your body. He closed the door behind you and then you could hear him stumble into his pants.
Only half clothed he unlocked the door to let Finn in. Isaiah was still sleepy. He wasn’t the morning type of person and before he hadn’t had his breakfast he wasn’t really available. Finn strode up and down. You heard is nervous steps. “Everybody is freaking out right now. Polly thinks somebody kidnapped her or worse. I mean, she has always been unratable in her doings, but this time my sister is really going of the edge. It’s already past lunch and nobody has seen her”, Finn explained: “This morning her bed was empty and I thought I shouldn’t worry, but now I’m afraid I should have said something sooner.”
The cabinet was very uncomfortable and yet you tried not to move or to make a noise, which would cause Finn’s attention. However, being in Isaiah’s position didn’t seem to be pleasant as well. He had to lie to his best friend about the whereabouts of his missing sister, knowing she was sitting right here. Isaiah patted his friends shoulder and said nothing.
Finn didn’t calm down and seemed to be upset, Isaiah wasn’t panicking like him. “C’mon, get dressed. We have to look for her. She might be lying somewhere in the dirt. We shouldn’t waste even more time, standing around.” Then he walked to the closet and opened just the door where you had been hiding.
Butt-naked you fell down to the floor and looked up to your younger brother, who had the same face expression as the one time you told him where the babies were coming from. Some when later you would look back at this moment and would have a good laugh about this, but right now it felt like your world was collapsing.
He should have seen you like this and it took you a whole minute to gather the mental energy to get back up at your feet and greet him like it was the normal thing to do in a situation like this. “Hey, Finny, there I am.”
Your brother froze mid movement and stared at you as if you were the first pink elephant the world has seen or a bear riding a bike. Then he broke the silence. “What?”, he winced. There was no anger in his voice, just total confusion.
Finn looked to Isaiah and then back to you. “You screwed my sister?!”
There was no answer to this question.
“How long?” Finn asked: “How long did you hide that from me?”
You glared over to you boyfriend as if you were asking him for permission to say something. Isaiah signed and nodded. There was no point in denying this anymore. It was over.
Now you had to tell the truth. “A couple of months, maybe a year or so”, you croaked and your voice sounded strange. Like it was not your own and even though you dreamt about finally opening up, it shouldn’t have been like this.
Your brother yelled: “A year?! A whole fucking year? Damn, I should be proud because apparently you two are excellent liars with no moral issues… you two deserve each other.” You heard the disgust and disappointment, when he spoke and it broke your heart. Back then, when the whole thing started you though he might be the only one of your brothers to understand you. How wonderfully wrong you were.
“No”, you said under your breath: “Don’t fucking do this to me. I would have told you, if you wouldn’t have run straight to Tommy after you knew. Everybody knows you can’t keep a secret. So don’t act like it was my fault or my mistake, because it’s not. I would have gladly told everybody, I’m like him very much, but you and Tommy and Arthur and John made it impossible for me to even talk with a guy who is not part of the gang. You can’t turn this around and act like you are the victim in all this.”
It was time for you to stand up for yourself and your decisions… and time for you to get dressed. You didn’t seem as responsible as you were when you were still naked and in front of the closed you have been hiding in. Now you knew how wrong it was to lie and hide your relationship, because it wasn’t their concern. It was your life, your body and your choice. Nobody could take that from you and certainly not your brothers. You weren’t afraid of them. All your life you saw how your brothers treated women and you said nothing about it, but this should change right now.
So you stood there, furious and filled with rage, put on your dress and your shoes and said one last thing, before leaving: “This madness has to end.”
You stormed out of the room- not caring for Isaiah or Finn- and heading for the King of Small Heath to throw him out of his high throne. Your hair was a nest and you smelled like a bar after a dirty old night, when you entered the betting shop. Nobody was there, just the regular family members.
Everybody seemed to be relieved to see you again and then came close to hug you. Ada was right next to the door and the first to greet you. “Oh my god, you’re back, sweetie”, she muttered.
Next was Polly who examined your appearance for cuts and other injuries. Of course you had none, besides the hickeys Isaiah gave you. She tried to take a closer look of your neck, but you pulled away, which caused her to ask: “What happened? Where were you all night?”
Now Tommy was coming up to you. His steps were slow, but fierce and the glare in his eyes was pinching. “Just from the smell I would guess, she was with a guy this night”, he scoffed: “She probably had a lot of fun, but now she should say, who that guy was, so we can take actions.” You knew he was addressing you, even though he didn’t phrase it like that.
“I don’t think, this is your business”, you replied with a grin on your face. You wouldn’t back down. Not this time. “But yes, I was with a guy tonight. So you don’t need to worry. I’m completely fine.”
Your older brother led out a little laugh, pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. “Well, well, well, I don’t care what you think. I’m your brother and it’s my job to make sure you’re safe”, he explained: “And now you tell me who he was.” Ah, past tense, a hint of what was going to happen.
You crossed your arms and tiled your head to give him a dismissive look. “Who said it was your job?” was your comeback, but your brother wasn’t remotely impressed. Neither of you would let the other win. You were too stubborn for this gesture of insight.
Others, including Arthur and John, were somehow intimidated by Tommy’s behavior, but not you. Actually, you learned too much from him to take his shit.  He taught you to help your head up high and how to outsmart your enemies.  Now you could use the same strategies against him.
“Ever since our father left and mom died, you act like you are in charge, but you’re not. We are your siblings, not your pawn, waiting for your command”, you hissed: “I have my own life and I make my own decisions and who I meet shouldn’t concern you.” Slowly your anger grew. It was a boiling feeling in your gut, like you were fueled with fire.
Tommy was getting gleaming red. You had hit the right spot and you knew you would hurt him with your words, but otherwise he wouldn’t understand. The words were stuck in his throat as he killed you with his looks.
Patiently, you waited for his answer. He wouldn’t give you the satisfaction, but silencing your brother was the best thing ever, since he was the reason why you felt miserable lately. “No comeback? No arguments, dear?” You loved to poke his wounds and you did it with a huge smile on your face.
“As if you would listen to me… You even said it yourself. You wouldn’t take my advice”, he responded and bid his lip. “But I don’t need to talk to you to teach you a lesson. You’re too young to fuck around town and I’m going to find the bastard who did this and kill him.”
The door was opened behind you and soon Finn entered the room. You gave your little brother the death glare you were known for. He shouldn’t get the idea he was allowed to talk about what he found out.
You should be raging right now, but all you could do was laugh. His empty threats weren’t as daunting as he thought. With nothing but spite you whistled: “I would love to see you try. I kept this a secret for over a year now and you noticed nothing. And now I can wait another year for you to find him… or I could run away… whatever you prefer.”
Now you’re pushing your luck. Finn could ruin everything, if he just said one wrong word. The palms of your hands were sweaty. It was a dangerous game you played there, but it was not like you could back out of it now. This was road of no return.
Tommy seemed to be more surprised than fuming, when he asked: “You slept with some geezers for a year now?” He respected your talent to keep it under the radar. Everybody who could shirk his rules deserved acknowledgement for putting up with this risk. Maybe he was finally realizing how much you had grown. You weren’t his little kitten anymore.
“No, not geezers, just one guy”, you corrected him: “But yes, that is true.”
You watched Tommy as he walked around the table, heading for the whiskey, while he nodded understandingly. “Mh, so you would say it’s love?”
A sign came from your lips. You already knew the answer, but you weren’t so sure, if you should say this out loud. After all, you didn’t even have a proper talk about this with Isaiah. Silence was filling the room, while you calculated your risks. If you said, you loved him and Isaiah wasn’t as serious about the relationship, you would look like an idiot. Good for you, he didn’t come to the betting shop to witness the fight between you and your brother. Finally you decided to tell everybody: “Yes, I do.”
“Good”, Tommy mumbled while he poured his whiskey: “Then you should have my blessing. Just give us the name now.” He took a sip and seemed to be amused by your embarrassment.
Talking about Isaiah, while he wasn’t present, was weird, but you knew why he stayed in the comfort of his own room. You weren’t mad at him for not running after you. This was your fight and not his. And after all your brothers were a little scary, when it comes to stuff like this.
But you had Tommy’s word now and nothing should happen to your man. You shrugged and rolled with your eyes. The fuss they made about this was still annoying.
Ada patted your shoulder and encouraged you to speak. “Do we know him?” The answer was yes, but it was also the reason, why you struggled to say it out loud.
Even John chimed in and kept pushing: “Yeah, what’s up with this fella?” He was smiling to let you know the mood had changed. Nobody was against you anymore.
“It’s…”, you started and fumbled for the seam of your dress: “It’s Isaiah.”
At first it was dead silence, while the others processed the information, then Arthur and John burst out in laughter. Finn seemed to be relieved, because he would have hated it to keep a secret like this. Your older sister was hugging you a little too tight and even Polly was smiling.
Tommy had a smug on his face when he muttered: “If that’s the case, then you should have your happiness.”
“Isaiah is a fine fella. You will be alright”, hummed Arthur. Apparently everybody was happy with your choice. You just had to stand up for yourself.
It felt like a huge weight was lifted off your shoulders and then you could laugh about it too. But suddenly you remember that Isaiah was still waiting for his death in his room. “I should go and let him of the hook”, you fluted and already went to the door when you heard Tommy said: “Don’t get pregnant or he has to marry you.”
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maria-akira · 3 years
good girls don't get used: michael langdon x fem! reader
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summary: michael langdon, your ex, falls into a bet wherein he has to (fake) date you. if he falls in love again, he loses and doesn't get the prize.
warnings: private school au, fuckboy!michael, slight mention of sexual topics + i didnt proofread this mwahaha
this fic is inspired by the song 'good girls (don't get used)' by beach bunny.
i don't know if other private schools have bells, because mine doesn't :(
italicized bold words are direct lyrics from the song. but in this chapter, there are none since this is like an intro :)
"Dude, shut the fuck up."
"Are you kidding? She really said that?"
"You really think that's gonna happen?"
"Who's class do you have first?"
Voices of different students flooded the white and grey hallways of the school. Different friend groups and teachers can be seen roaming the halls, getting stuff from their respective lockers as they waited for the bell to ring.
"Y/N! Do you mind if I borrow your calculator? I forgot mine at home and Math is my next class." She said while panting.
"Sure, here it is. If you lose it, I'd probably drop kick your ass." Y/N let out a small laugh and grabbed the calculator from her locker, giving it to her friend.
"Gosh, Y/N. I'll never lose it! I'll give it back during recess. Thanks again!" She flashed Y/N a smile and waved bye, before returning to her locker.
Y/N looked at herself in the mirror she had on her locker, fixing the tie that always seemed to be out of place whenever she checked. Her hair was neat, complete with a white headband that complimented the color of her school's uniform.
A few seconds later, the bell rang and everybody started rushing. Different couples were seen kissing before they parted ways for the mean time.
Cringe. Y/N thought. She shrugged it off and held her books tightly to her chest, walking to her next class.
Walking straight into the classroom, she noticed a group of guys dart their eyes to her direction as she entered. They gave her weird smirks. In return, she stared back at them while she made her way to her seat and never broke eye contact. Eventually, she noticed a familiar face among the group.
Michael, her ex.
How the fuck is he in my English class? She thought, along with a whole hundred thoughts roaming around her head. Michael stared back at her, giving her a wink.
Y/N's face gave a hint of disgust, "The fuck do you want, Langdon?" She stood up from her seat and walked over to Michael, pushing his other friends. She heard his friends coo and tease Michael for his act towards her.
Michael put up his hands in defense, "Chill, is it bad to wink at a pretty girl like you?" He said with a smug look, while he grazed his hand over her arm.
"Shut the fuck up, Langdon. Don't you ever touch me." Y/N slapped his hand away, his friends taken aback from her actions. As she walked back to her seat, the teacher entered as well.
Y/N put her face in her hands. By now, a million thoughts were in her head. It's been 2 years since Michael and her broke up, and since then, she made a promise to herself that she would never fall in love with men like him. She was so tired of all the tears and sleepless nights that Michael gave her.
She let out a sigh and lifted her head from her hands. The soft light from the windows filled her eyes after the darkness formed by her hands, causing her to rub her eyes to adjust from the light.
The rest of the hour went smoothly for Y/N, after English class was recess, her most favorite time of the day— aside from going home, of course.
She glanced at her watch, 10:28 AM.
2 more minutes, and English will be over. She thought.
She averted her gaze back on the white board full of scribbles about some writing lesson she clearly did not listen to. She looked over to her classmates and friends, Well they aren't listening either. She laughed at the thought.
As soon at the bell rang, everyone started packing up their notebooks, textbooks, and whatever they had on their table. Every student was seen rushing out of every classroom in hopes of being the first ones in line for the cafeteria.
On the way there, Y/N bumped into her friend group. "Hey Y/N! We heard about happened in English class. Michael is really in your class?" A friend of hers mentioned, "Yea, and apparently that son of a bitch winked at me, such a disgusting ass motherfucker. he should keep his fuck boy ass to himself." Y/N spat out, earning a chorus of 'oh's' from her friends.
When they arrived at the cafeteria, the line was painfully long, all of them groaned in frustration and they had no choice but to wait for the line to move. But once it did, it was faster than usual. After Y/N and her friends received their food, they left the cafeteria to eat at their usual place.
The school rooftop.
A few students know that staying in the school rooftop is permitted, which was why Y/N and her friends loved eating there.
When they arrived at the rooftop, they saw the usual people that they always encounter while staying there. The view was beautiful, there was no doubt about it. The small garden in the rooftop gave a beautiful and elegant touch.
Though there were a few chairs and tables, Y/N and her friends always preferred to eat on the floor. So, they laid the linen cloth on the ground and sat on it. Y/N was wearing the skirt uniform, thus she removed her tux and placed it on her legs to prevent her skirt from lifting.
They shared a few giggles while they ate their meals, laughing about some life experiences, or whatever they wanted to talk about.
Y/N loved this. She loved how she and her friends would have little moments like these, it was like an escape from reality.
The rest of the day went smoothly for Y/N. She didn't fall asleep in any of her classes, which in this case was a very big accomplishment for her.
As soon as she arrived home, her little brother, Aaron, rushed towards her. "Y/N!! I missed you!" He chimed, Y/N kneeled down onto his level and gave him the tightest hug. "I missed you too, Aaron!" Her mom came into the room and smiled. Y/N stood up and gave her mom a hug as well.
"How was school?" Her mom asked, Y/N placed her tux on the coat hanger by the door. "It was fine, Mom. Where's Dad?" Y/N walked over to the fridge and poured herself a glass of milk, "He'll be home soon, he still has a meeting right now." She took a sip of her milk, "Oh, okay. I'll be upstairs doing school work." The glass of milk that was once full, now empty.
She took her things upstairs and plopped herself on the bed. Out of nowhere she felt a vibrating noise from her bag, she rummaged through her bag to find her phone and once she did, a message was see on her lockscreen.
Unknown Sender has sent you a message.
She unlocked her phone and went to her messages.
Unknown Sender: hey ;)
Her eyebrows furrowed. What the fuck?
(Y/N): hi? whos this?
read 2:29 pm
Unknown Sender: oh shit you deleted my number? damn.
"Huh? I don't recall deleting anyone's number..." She went to her recently deleted contacts and it showed nothing.
(Y/N): im sorry, i haven't deleted anyone's number recently, maybe you have the wrong number?
read 2:32 pm
Unknown Sender: im pretty sure you know me, Y/N.
They know my name. And her heart started pounding.
(Y/N): and im pretty sure i dont, so just reveal yourself before i report this number
read 2:35pm
Unknown Sender: ayo chill 😬 its me michael.
"Michael fucking Langdon? You've got to be fucking me right now." She felt rage fill her, slamming her keyboard.
(Y/N): langdon what the fuck do you want? i made it very clear that i dont want you talking to me.
read 2:40 pm
Before Michael could reply, she changed his contact name to 'Motherfucker'
You have changed Unknown Sender's contact name as 'Motherfucker'
Motherfucker: damn you still mad at me after 2 years? gosh (Y/N). whats with the nickname?
(Y/N): of course im still mad, asshole. ill never forget what you fucking did.
read 2:43 pm
Motherfucker: i thought you forgave me 🥺
(Y/N): FORGIVE YOU???? god langdon you're so fucking stupid, i will never forgive you. you didnt even say sorry in the first place!
Pissed off, Y/N blocked his number. "That fucking asshole." She mumbled to herself.
"Hey! Y/N!" A familar voice called out from the crowd. Y/N removed one earbud and turned around to find the voice that called her.
Once she saw the shiny blonde locks from that stood out in the crowd, she immediately ran in the opposite direction in hopes of avoiding him.
It was Michael, again.
"Y/N wait!" Michael called out again, chasing her
For some reason, Michael was able to catch her. He pulled Y/N into an empty science laboratory and they were both panting.
"What the fuck do you want this time, Langdon?" Y/N was catching her breath, fanning herself with her hand.
"Okay. First off, sorry for the sudden message. I know I pissed you off and that wasn't my intention at a—"
"What was your intention then?" She cut him off.
Michael panicked.
"Uh, you know? I just wanna talk to you again. Clear the bad air between us.."
Y/N let out a laugh, "Clear the bad air?? Oh gooood Langdon, you are really so stupid! You know what? You just made it worse." She pushed him off and walked out of the room,
"Whatever it is your planning, Langdon, I'm telling to stop it. I don't wanna talk to you or even go near you."
Michael was dumbfounded. She changed so much. He thought to himself.
2 years ago, Y/N was the sweetest, most innocent girl he knew. Playing with her feelings was Michael's biggest regret, and he's starting to feel it again.
Michael was about to leave the room until he felt a buzzing from his pocket, He pulls out his phone to see who was calling him.
Duncan, one of his bestfriends.
Michael answered the call, "Hello?"
"What's the update on your little girl?"
"She still doesn't trust me."
"That's sad man."
"I know. She changed alot. "
"What do you mean by 'changed'?" Duncan emphasized,
"I can't point it out, Dunc."
"Whatever you do, don't chicken out. I promise this bet is worth it."
"Fine, I trust you."
Call Ended.
Michael ran his fingers through his hair in frustration and left the room before the bell rang.
It was the last subject of the day. Most students were falling asleep or on their phones.
Y/N was scribbling weird things on the back of her notebook, when suddenly the bell rang. She packed up her stuff and stood up from her seat. Before she could leave the room, she saw a familiar face again.
Michael stood by the doorway of her classroom, the strap of his bag over one shoulder while he looked for Y/N among the other students.
Y/N ignored Michael and walked past him, but he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her towards him.
"Langdon! What the fuck do you want?!" She screamed, all of the students averting their attention to her.
Michael put a finger on his lips, shushing her. "Let's go somewhere private, yea?"
Before she could object, Michael dragged her outside towards the parking lot.
"Okay this is actually something serious—"
"Woah‐woah! Easy now. I actually need your help, with school..."
Michael rubbed her shoulders, looking straight into her eyes. For once, Y/N believed him. His eyes were speaking the truth.
"Okay, fine. Shoot."
"I can't believe I'm saying this.."
"Don't waste my time, Langdon."
"Fine! I'm failing."
Y/N's mouth hung open. Michael was one of the top students in their batch and this was obviously a huge surprise for her.
"Oh, really? What am I gonna do about that?" She crossed her arms and cocked her head to the side.
"Can you please help me? Like, tutor me?" At this point, Michael was desperate.
"Um, no thanks. Just fuck some other girl's pussy for your grades." Y/N pushed him away, but Michael stopped her again.
"I'm serious, Y/N. I really need your help."
"Why me?"
Now that made Michael nervous.
"Because you happen to be the top of our batch right now?"
"Fine! Under one condition."
Michael was curious, "What?"
"If I do this tutor shit, we're doing it at my place. I can't tutor you in your messy ass room." Y/N said. She always remembered how messy Michael's room was when they were together. He would only clean when he was scolded by Y/N.
"That's fine by me."
"Okay then. 5pm, sharp."
She walked away, but Michael pulled her again.
"Let me go! What do you want now?" Y/N said, clearly annoyed.
"Unblock my number, silly." Michael chuckled,
"How are you supposed to know if I already arrived?"
"Theres a doorbell, dimwit. I'll be downstairs waiting for you."
"Bye, Michael. I'll see you later." Y/N flashed him a small smile and continued to walk away.
Once he saw Y/N reach the bus stop, he started walking to his car, until someone tapped him on his shoulder.
"Hey Michael, whats the update? I saw you talking to her." It was Duncan. His brown hair was lightly gelled back and the first two buttons of his white dress shirt were undone.
"I'm still trying to win her back, I lied to her that I was failing so she could tutor me. That way, it'll be easier."
Duncan smirked, "That's my boy! When will this tutor thing start?"
"Later, 5pm."
"Hmm, that's good. Remember, if you fall in love again, bet's over."
"I won't."
tags mwah: @kitwalker02 @sojournmichael @angelicmichael @deademobitch @iheartfrogs101 @tatestripedsweater @mrs-march-ahs
i hope you guys enjoyed this. i wrote this while doing schoolwork </3
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
ain't it fun? | part 3
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summary: reader just needs an NA meeting before they have a meltdown, they end up with the best friend they could ever make.
warnings: season 4 episode 7 plot but spencer doesn't have to go through it all alone. mentions of child molestation and murder
word count: 2K
P1 P2
Spencer calls from Vegas of all places, he’s staying an extra few days after a case and he won’t be home. “Actually, if I buy you a ticket would you fly out here for me?”
“Are you crazy?” She laughs, “what’s really going on babe?”
She doesn’t call him babe very often but when she does she can always hear him blush, he’s so giddy and cute he smiles wide and licks his lips a few times, but he doesn't this time.
“I’m not doing the best.”
“Do you need your girlfriend or do you need a meeting?” She asks because she knows there is a huge difference.
“I need my best friend.”
When she arrives in Vegas, she takes a taxi to his hotel and sits in his room all alone until he’s done whatever he was up to. There’s an envelope on the floor, “you’ve got the wrong guy” written on the front in a hasty black chicken scratch.
She hides along the wall, making sure no one can see her under the crack of the door. She manages to keep one foot on either side of the door frame as she looks out the peephole to see an older white man walking away from the door. He’s in a work uniform, on the phone, he’s whispering.
Once she’s sure he’s off the floor, she grabs her things and leaves the room. Leaving the envelope on the floor, she calls Spencer from the stairwell.
“Hey, I’m on my way back now,” Spencer answers.
“Someone dropped an envelope off in your room. I didn’t touch anything I just walked out after the guy left… can I meet you in the bar instead?”
“Yeah! Of course,” he encourages her safety protocols, “I’ll make sure the envelope is safe first, thank you for being smart.”
“No problem," she laughs, he was the genius and he was still calling her smart for following her gut.
"I’m just walking down the stairs cause he took the elevator. He was white, 5’8 ish and older; balding with grey hair so I’m guessing he was in his 60s, and he was on the phone with someone,” she gives his description quickly before she could forget it. “And the envelope says you got the wrong guy on the outside.”
“I know who that is, thank you. I love you,” each phrase got quieter and quieter and she knew he was in the car with his co-workers.
“I love you too, see you soon.”
It’s midnight in Virginia, it’s only 9pm in Vegas and Spencer’s been losing his mind trying to solve a case for his own sanity. He was getting nowhere, he’s even tried hypnosis to take him back to when he was 4. But nothing was working.
He’s in the middle of begging his mother to remember, “mom, this isn’t about me. This is about Riley Jenkins.”
“It was always about you…” Diana whispers.
“Please, mom—“
“Spencer,” Y/N’s eyes shoot open.
She’s just been sitting there, barely getting to know Diana as Spencer explained what he remembers. It was very intimate, but she already knew about the dream. She knew one day he’d want to learn more, and now he was.
“Listen to what she just said, it was always about you,” she repeats the words and Spencer looks more confused.
She steps forward and takes Diana’s hands in hers, sitting her down on the edge of her bed as she looks at her carefully. “This is hard, I know you’re really trying and I know how hard it is to talk to Spencer when he’s like this. But how about you tell me the story? Why was the Riley Jenkins case more about Spencer to you?”
Diana clues in then, her eyes zoning out as she remembers everything and Spencer sits quietly in the corner. “Riley was a real boy, poor boy…”
He’s amazed by the fact she’s so calm and good with his mother. “Yes he was, mom, how did I know him?”
“Your father was the t-ball coach, you were really more interested in chess and so eventually he let you go from the team, and you ended up playing in the park with this older man; who was also watching Riley before he died,” Diana explained softly. “It could have been you.”
Spencer gets closer and closer, eventually, he’s kneeling in front of his mother like a little boy at storytime. “What was his name mom?
“Gary Michaels.”
David and Derek are really nice guys. She’s sitting with them in the bar while Spencer has a heart-to-heart with his parents at the police station. It’s been a long day, he’s learned a lot and she couldn’t wait to unpack it all with him.
“How come you don’t come out with him more often?” Derek asks, unsure of how to broach the subject, but he wants to know.
“What do you know about me, first of all? Because it’ll tell me everything I need to fill you in on,” she asks in a question in response to his.
“I know you met at a support group, I know he loves you, and I know you live with him now.”
She smiles, “I have a rare disability that many people don't believe in, I work from home and I make little art pieces for the different seasons to make money, I don’t really like going outside. much”
“But you flew all the way to Vegas for him?” Derek smiles knowingly.
She nods gently, “he’s still my best friend in the whole world, Derek.”
“Thank you,” is all he says, “you’ve helped him be the same Spencer I met when he started. You’ve brought the joy back to his life, it’s nice to get to know you more.”
He asks to get her a drink then, to make up for everything she’s been through that day. All she wants is ginger ale and Derek gives her a strange look, he really has no idea that she’s a recovering drug addict. Spencer has kept all her secrets nice and safe in his big and beautiful mind.
“I’m allergic to most alcohol,” she isn't lying but it works. “Especially dark tequila and all vodkas, it’s because they’re made from potatoes and I have a potato starch intolerance... you know actually sometimes even hand sanitizers that are made in alcohol facilities give me an allergic reaction as well.”
“Okay, that right there,” he teases, “that’s why he keeps you all to himself.”
She laughs, “that was a bit of a Reid ramble, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah,” Derek’s smile is so soft. “It really was.”
When she finally sees him again, it’s been almost a full day since he called her and asked for her to fly into Vegas. He needed her moral support while dealing with his parents, and he knew she was the only person who knew the extent of what he felt for them. He tried his hardest to be the best kid in the world for both of them, and yet sometimes he feels like both a disappointment and an unwanted mistake.
They hug for so long when he finally enters the bar, that Derek gets up from the table and goes to find someone to occupy his time with. It’s Vegas and he’s Derek after all… it wasn’t going to be hard for him to have a woman hanging off of him soon, too.
Back in his hotel room, he passes out from exhaustion and she just stares at him. He’s been through so much that even his eidetic memory didn’t want to think about it anymore. normally he would recount his day to her with a smile, now he just sleeps peacefully for the first time in days.
He was so soft and sweet even after being through the most terrifying things the human mind and body can go through.
They take a few days off, his co-worker has a baby and it’s the perfect time for him to take her to meet them all. They won't be focused on her at all, and thus she will have fewer questions to answer.
Penelope Garcia is a blessing on this earth. The second Y/N lays eyes on her, she knows that they are going to be friends. She’s a hugger, and they’re good hugs, and she was already making plans to hang out and keep Y/N company when Spencer and the team were out of town.
JJ looked beautiful for just giving birth, Emily was intimidatingly smart and beautiful and she didn’t know how to really make eye contact with her without developing a crush on Spencer’s co-worker. Derek was kind as always, and Aaron gives a firm handshake.
JJ asks Spencer to be Henry’s godfather and it’s all a little too much for Spencer to handle after everything from the day before. He’s been through so much that Y/N can see the panic roaring through his veins as he tries to keep his cool in front of his friends.
But when they’re back in their own bed; in the safe space, they’ve created for one another. She’s running her hands along his back as he snuggles into her chest. Normally she’d tease him for being this close to her boobs, but they were comfortable and he likes to hear her heartbeat.
“I thought for a while they were going to tell me I was molested,” he whispers. “I was more relieved to know my mom witnessed a murder… and I hate myself for thinking that.”
“I was,” she whispers into his hair. “More than once by different men.”
He sits up to look at her, she shrugs, “my friend's dad tried to teach me how to drive by sitting me in his lap so that I’d have to bounce on him over the rocky back road. And a scout leader drove me home and kept his hand way too close to my parts and then a teacher-“
“How are you okay?” he stares at her like she's got 3 heads or something as he shakes his head lightly in disbelief.
She laughs, “I’m not. But I am at the same time? I can’t really explain it... it sucks and I hate it but I’m safe with you so I’m fine... but I’m not okay?”
“Yeah,” he smiles. “I’m fine with you but not okay, too.”
They're quiet for a bit, tilting their heads as they stare at each other with soft little smiles. She loves him and he loves her and all she can think about is forever.
“Can I ask you something?” She’s really serious now, looking at him carefully as his eyes light up.
“Do you think you’ll want kids one day? Even after everything with your dad?” She’s careful, not wanting to hurt him to push him or make him think he’s letting her down if he says no.
“I want kids, even if it’s just one. I want to be a dad and do what my dad couldn’t. I want to love them and help them grow and teach them how to ride a bike and how to do Pythagorean theory,” his words are full of passion, he’s speaking from his gut.
“I want 3 kids,” she smiles. “With you.”
His eyes go wide, “why?”
She smiles because of course, he convinced himself she wouldn't want his kids, he was a worrier.
“My dad was okay, he was pretty distant and cold until I got sick and then he became one of my best friends. Your dad sucked. Together all that love that we craved will go into our little person and they’ll be so happy and wonderful and loved with us."
Spencer nods in agreement, it's soft and sweet and she makes a last-minute decision. "I don’t think I want kids if I can’t have them with you.”
“What’s your 5-year plan look like?” he asks abruptly like he wants to start having kids tomorrow.
“I don’t have one. But I’ve always dreamed of just being a stay-at-home mom and making art on the side. Maybe even babysitting a few other kids during the days… I don’t know. It always felt like a pipe dream before...”
“Before me?” He asks with a smile, proud and believing it. He really knows she loves him and it’s changed him for the better.
She nods, “you wouldn’t mind if I didn’t ever have a real job?”
“I think we’d be okay as a single income family, I make enough to support the apartment bills as well as groceries, then your income can for things you and the kids want. I’m good paying for everything else.”
She smiles, “you just said the kids.”
He’s giddy with excitement as he nods, “I want forever with you.”
“Okay,” she whispers, leaning in to press her lips against his gently like he could break.
He was so special and perfect to her. Even with the scratches and dings in his paint, he was a collector's item, a one-of-a-kind, never-made again, kind of man who she was really happy she found.
taglist: @g0lden-cth @doctorspenceryeet @samuel-de-champagne-problems @reiding-recs @ssavanessa22 @spookyspence @shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria@reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @jswessie187 @k-k0129 @calm-and-doctor
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eadanga · 3 years
A Royal Christmas Part 2
Summary: Liam and Riley celebrate Christmas at the palace with their families
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Riley immediately got dressed and walked out to the living room where Liam sits “Liam are you alright?”
Riley placed a hand on his shoulder “Don’t worry my dad won’t be causing any problems”
“How can you be sure Riley?”
“Because if he does I won’t tolerate it you’re my husband you come first”
Liam smiles and places his hand on his “Thanks love”
“I love you Liam”
“I love you too my queen”
“I have to go pick them up would you like to come with me?”
“I have some paperwork to do but I’ll come and meet you when they arrive”
Riley smiles and kisses his cheek then heads out. She gets in the car and drives down to the airport. She heads to the gate and spots her parents they wave at her
“Riley baby!” Her mom rushes forward and wraps her in her arms
“Hi mom how are you where’s dad”
Her mom gives her a small smile “Just to let you know I had nothing to do with this”
“What do you mean?”
“Riley! How’s my girl?” Her dad comes forward and hugs her “Look who came with us!”
Riley’s eyes went wide as she saw Michael standing behind her dad. He waves “Hey there” He smirks as he bows “Your highness”
Riley can’t help but laugh as she playfully shoves him “Don’t start with your lame jokes”
“My jokes are never lame Ri!”
Riley smiles while she was glad to see him she was also furious cause she knew what her dad invited him here for. She turned to her mom “Dad invited him? Did you know about this?”
“Not until we were leaving for the airport I was just as mad as you are dear”
Her dad clapped them on the shoulder “Shall we go?”
Riley nodded as she turned to walk out the airport. She slowed her walk to whisper to Michael “So my dad invited you?”
“Yeah and I know why”
“What’s his obsession with getting us together?”
“I don’t know especially when you’re married to a king probably because he and my dad are best friends”
Riley rolls her eyes “He thinks Liam is a stuck up royal and thinks everything he does is just an act he hasn’t even gotten to know him”
“Well don’t worry Ri I’ll help out to make sure that Liam is spotlighted and not me”
“Thanks by the way why haven’t you kept in touch has football made you forget me?”
Michael chuckles “No it hasn’t just you know school and things I should say the same thing to you”
“Hey being a queen has is a tough job”
They get in the car and head to the palace. As they arrive her mother grins “I love it it’s amazing is it Shawn?”
“Yeah…it’s lovely”
“Come on guys let’s head inside”
They walk into the foyer and their eyes marvel at the Christmas decorations
“Oh honey this is beautiful”
“Liam designed the decorations he’s always designing things for the palace especially on holidays”
Her dad scoffs “Yeah he’s Mr. Perfect”
“Shawn! Don’t start you said you’ll be nice”
“Yes dear I know I am nice”
Liam comes down the stairs and Riley smiles and runs into his arms. He smiles and kisses her softly “Hi love”
“Um Liam there’s something”
“Who’s that guy?”
Riley sighs “That’s Michael”
Liam frowns “What’s he doing here?”
“Ask my dad that”
“I can’t believe he did that is he trying to piss me off during the holidays?”
“I’m sorry Liam I didn’t know he was gonna bring him but don’t worry Michael’s on our side with this”
“Well that makes me feel a bit better” Liam holds out his hand to her mom “It’s nice to finally meet you in person”
Mary pulls him into a hug “So nice to meet you too”
Liam smiles the extends his hand to her dad “Hello there sir”
Her dad gives a small nod “How are you?”
“Good sir and you must be Michael”
“I am so nice to meet you Liam our little Riley becoming a queen I mean when she was little she always was so imaginative wanting to be this and that queen was one of them”
Liam chuckles “I can see she still is that’s why I told her to put her imagination into books”
“I told her the same thing and she wined and complained that books are boring”
“Ok enough embarrassing me now!”
Michael smirks “I wasn’t thinking about doing that till you said it”
“Oh no you don’t!” Riley takes off her shoe and begins to chase Michael as he laughs and runs
Liam laughs and smiled as he watch the two of them acting like brother and sister. Then he turns to her parents “We’re so glad you can spend Christmas with us I hope the rooms are good enough for you”
“In this place it’ll be like a five star hotel”
Liam chuckles “I’m glad you love it here and everyone is staying at the place cause we’re throwing our annual Christmas eve ball”
Tags: @indiacater​ @the-soot-sprite​ @mfackenthal​ @princess-geek​ @iaminlovewithtrr​ @gkittylove99​ @hallowdiamond​
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witchlyboo · 4 years
Definitely, maybe.
Part one. Part two. Part three. Part four. Part five
Summary: A costume designer tries to explain her crazy university years and past relationships to her 11 years old son.
Pairing: Latina!Reader x Tom Holland x Michael B. Jordan x Pedro Pascal x Ben Hardy x Logan Lerman x Timothee Chalamet
Serie warnings: SMUT, angst, age gap, mention of drugs, violence, blood, a lot of misspellings (sorry) and if you’re underage get the fuck out of here, thnx 💕
a/n: Hey, I write this because I want to improve my English skills which is obviously not my first language and because, u know, quarantine. It’s based in the film with the same name but believe me, the story is totally different. The girl in the image that I poorly edited is white and skinny but there’s not other references to it, this fic is friendly with any size and color skin.
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“It’s ok if you’re a slut mom, it's not a big deal.” You almost crash the car at the sound of the voice of your son using that word, it’s not unusual on a kid of that age, but it still sounds horrible, it’s the first time that you hear him curse and doesn't feel good at all.
Everyone with eyes could notice, you are not a regular mom, mainly for the bright short pink hair that you have had since you were fifteen, if you’d say that you were born with it, many would actually believe it. Of course, you say bad words in front of your kid, even explain to him the meaning and why he shouldn’t use them but it is ok for you to do it, he is as smart and mature as you wish you would be.
“Who the fuck taught you that word?” You said in a concerned voice, using the irony to cool your perturbation. That is a word that shames women, he couldn’t hear it from you, you never use it, doesn’t matter how much you want to.
“Michael said it in class, I didn’t know it was a bad word, sorry mom.” You looked at him through the rearview and give him a soft smile; he is the kindest, sweetest kid you ever met, and it is really great news because at pregnancy you were afraid of not like your own kid and have to deal with him for the rest of your life. But you are in love with him, and you knew, at the moment you saw him for the first time, that everyone else will be inferior next to him.
“Well, it is, and Michael is an asshole, so don’t hear anything that came of that dirty mouth, we don’t insult women for having an active sexual life, ok?” You asked arriving at home and parking, feeling pressed to distract the kid of all the questions he has about your romantic life, you could talk about sex with him but there’s no need to humiliate yourself about your unsuccessful love attempts.
“Ok, I just want to know how you and daddy met, he said that he competed with other guys, was it like a game?” You got out of the car and go to the backseat to help him but he was already out, sometimes you forget he isn’t that small anymore.
“First of all, your dad is an asshole too, second, there wasn’t any kind of competition, I was dating a lot... no, a few guys at that time, because I was young, single and had a less complicated life, that’s the whole story.” You entered the building holding his hand, as usual, you couldn’t imagine your life anymore not doing it, it feels like the right thing to do, like putting the cereal before the milk.
“Who were they, you met them at college too?” The little boy presses the elevator button and looks at you without blinking. You sighed exasperated and look everywhere but him, you know your kid too good to know that he isn’t close to leaving the topic.
“Just tell me how many they were.”
“Fine! Jeez.” You tried your best to not look like you were mentally counting because that is exactly what you were doing “Five.”
“Including dad?” He asked with authentic curiosity while you were waiting in the elevator.
“You know what? I worked so hard to make of this relationship a no judgment place and to be honest, I’m feeling judged.” You responded feeling nervous for no special reason, you has been avoiding those memories for a long time and now the simple siluettes of them are making your heart pound with force.
“I just want to know what went wrong between you and dad.” The separation happened six months ago but Evan couldn’t get over it yet, he was trying his hardest to fix whatever was broken between both of you; maybe it is your fault for never argue in front of him or showing any kind of distance, you tried to look like a happy couple until the very end, and of course, the notice took him by surprise.
“You know what went wrong, I’m too cool for your dad, and you better watch out or I’ll decide that I’m too cool for you too.” Entering to the apartment you made your way to the kitchen, opening the freezer and pretending to look for food but you and Evan knew that pizza would be the choice, you never cook on mondays.
“Mamá.” The way he sounded so grown up gave you chills, you never hide anything from him, and just felt wrong to start doing it right now. You looked at him and bite your cheek, for some reason just think about remember all of your ex lovers an put them on the table is terrifying you, you haven’t think of it in years and now your kid is obligating you to put your life in perspective. Maybe you don’t like him that much after all.
“Sometimes people doesn’t want to be together anymore and it’s no one’s fault, it’s not your fault, you know that, right?” You walk to him and hug him giving soft kisses in his head, smelling the scent of his hair and for a moment forgetting every bad moment you had on your life. There’s still some of that baby essence in him, you’ll hold onto that smell until the very end.
“Yeah, but I still want to know who are they, do you keep touch with them?” He insisted not even aware of the cute mother-son moment you were having.
“Ugh!” You softly pushed him away from you dramatically and let yourself fell on the couch, you know that you already lost that battle. ”I don’t want you to have the wrong idea of this, your dad and I broke up because we weren’t happy together anymore, and now that we are separated we can enjoy our life and you at the same time, there’s nothing to fix.”
“Ok, but you told me that you had me by accident.” He started saying standing in front of you with his hands on his hips and decision in his eyes.
“Thing that I regret saying everyday.” You interrupted with a whisper.
“So what if your happy ever after isn’t my dad and is one of those guys?” He finalizes sitting next to you. You looked at him with no expression, you already knew the answer of that, but didn’t say anything, it is too bad for him to know that he wasn’t planned, it would be worst hearing that his father wasn’t your first option.
“Why do you care that much? It happened a long time ago, I don’t even know where those guys are now.” You fix his hair softly and cup his face, lying, clearly.
“I just want you to be happy, and I know you are happy with me, and I know that you don’t need anyone else, and I also know that you and dad won’t get back together, i just want to know how you fell in love with him and who the other ones are so I can understand better why you stop loving each other.” You were speechless, couldn’t think any response to that, he was manipulating you and you noticed but didn’t care, you never could deny something to him, and today is not the exception.
“Ok, I’m going to tell you everything, but if we’re doing this, we’re doing it in my way, that means that I’m not telling you who your dad is, I’m changing names, jobs, and I’m censuring the most of it because you’re underage, you order pizza and there’s no way I’m doing this completely sober.” You finished as you opened the freezer again, this time looking for wine, Evan jumped happily and goes for the phone.
“Everything started with Logan...”
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isthisthingeven0n · 4 years
yellow : s.r
after a mission that targets couples, spencer realises how much you truly mean to him back home (4.1k oops) 
shameless plug but i have an etsy shop (10% off on tote bags until 2nd december!) 
criminal minds masterlist 
(also the case idea is just something i came up with! please do not steal my ideas/work or repost elsewhere without permission. thank you!) 
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Warmth. That was the first thing you noticed when you woke up. Warmth radiating from the sunlight filtering through your blinds, warmth from your boyfriend who you were curled up against and warmth from your cheeks as the events of last night replay in your mind.
Yet, as always, those are short lived once your alarm clock sounds.
Spencer stirs upon hearing the repetitive beeping. His arm tightens around your waist as you move away to press snooze and his breath fans across your neck as he chuckles.
“Good morning,” He whispers, shuffling to kiss your jaw sweetly until you turn to face him. “every morning I’m amazed at how beautiful you look.” Spencer admits candidly.
“That’s because I haven’t opened my mouth yet and you can’t smell my morning breath.” You mutter, unable to take him seriously as his curls point in every direction and sleep laces his tone. “You’re something else, you know that, Spence?” You chuckle, lifting an arm up as you brush your hand across his face.
Humming in response, Spencer begins to open his eyes. “You know, around 50% of adults in America suffer from morning breath, the ADA has researched it’s caused by bacteria in your mouth building from food particles between your teeth, gum line and tongue.” He explains, watching as you roll your eyes. “And yes, I do know I’m something else, you tell me most days, except yesterday.” A smile lines Spencer’s lips as he pictures the exact moment. “Yesterday you called me a fucking God.” He chuckles as you groan, lifting your hands to cover your face.
“Please, just forget that.” You tell him through your hands whilst Spencer shuffles as his body rests above yours.
“Y/n, open your eyes.” He whispers, and as you move your hands Spencer leans down, kissing you softly. Pulling away, he sighs happily. “I love you, but I need to brush my teeth.” He announces and rises from bed, heading to the bathroom as your laughter lines the corridor.
The sound of your phone buzzing interrupts your thoughts as you reach over and unlock it. For a moment you allow your eyes to adjust to the brightness glaring into your retinas.
“Spence?” You call out as you force yourself from the cocoon of your bed as you shove your feet into your slippers.
As you exit your bedroom, you meet Spencer halfway to the bathroom as he looks at you with wide eyes whilst a toothbrush hangs out of his mouth, toothpaste marking the corners of his lips.
“Penelope texted me, she assumed your phone was downstairs,” Which was true, and Penelope knew Spencer well enough to know such. “you’ve got a case.” You tell him with a heavy heart as Spencer’s face falls and nods.
Retreating back to the bathroom, Spencer spits the toothpaste out as he looks at his reflection. He knew this was his job, and you both knew the hours weren’t the typical nine to five. But for once, Spencer wanted to be selfish and stay with you for the weekend that he promised you.
“Hey,” You speak up as you wrap your arms around Spencer’s waist as you rest your head on his back. “it’s okay, you can make it up to me another time.” You reassure him as you rise to your tiptoes, kissing his bare shoulder. “I’ll go make you a coffee.” You add as your arms slink from Spencer’s waist as he finishes brushing his teeth and turns the shower on.
“Or, you could join me?” Spencer pipes up, a mischievous smile lacing his lips as you pause before turning on your heels.
“Spencer Reid, are you suggesting I accompany you in the shower?” You feign shock, resting your hand on your chest as your lips part whilst Spencer’s tongue glides over his lips for a moment, that rare glint crossing his gaze.
“I’m suggesting we save water, last year alone over 2.5 billion people were living in areas of drought, and that’s not including-” Cutting Spencer off, you remove your dressing gown and slippers.
“Alright, I give in.” You wave him off. “It’s too early to listen to your statistics.”
“Morning, sorry to call you all in during the weekend.” Hotch starts as everyone takes a seat around the table, Spencer trying his best to suppress his yawn as he drinks the coffee you made him just before he forgot it as he left. “Garcia?”
“Right yes,” Penelope gathers herself as everyone opens their tablets whilst Spencer flicks through the physical case file. “over the last two months, there have been three murders of married couples,” Penelope begins to explain as she displays images of the three couples. “our first couple were newlyweds, married for two weeks before they were kidnapped and tortured before dying from lacerations to their throats which I will not be looking at on the screen.”
“Same MO for all three couples?” JJ asks, and Penelope sighs as she nods in response.
“That is correct, our latest couple were discovered placed back in their bedroom this morning when their daughter arrived home from a sleepover to discover her parents,” Penelope trails off as Hotch rises to his feet.
“Wheels up in 15, we’re going to Phoenix.” Hotch states as he walks out of the room, slowly followed by everyone else.
“Take it your romantic plans aren’t happening, kid?” Rossi speaks up as Spencer follows him out from the conference room.
Spencer shakes his head. “We’re going to try again next weekend if we can,” A sigh leaves Spencer’s lips as he grabs his go back, throwing it over his shoulder. “but she’s just, so understanding.” He admits, and Rossi whistles.
“Says more than my ex-wives.” Rossi comments.
“How is my sweet Y/n?” Penelope asks as she follows the team toward the elevator, JJ chuckling with Tara.
“She is just fine, Penelope. But she does miss you, don’t worry.” Spencer tells Penelope who beams happily as he makes it into the elevator.
“Well, I’ll make sure she’s safe whilst your gone, goodbye my crimefighters!” Penelope waves as the metal doors close on everyone, and that familiar silence falls over all of them as they begin to pick apart the case.
Arriving in Phoenix, Hotch splits the team up and Spencer is paired with JJ to go to the morgue.
“Based on victimology, our unsub targets the wives first, looking at our first victim, Charlotte Yestley, the bruising on her wrists and ankles is much darker than her husbands.” Spencer explains as the ME returns with the reports.
JJ hums as she leans closer. “But overall the damage on Charlotte is cleaner than on Michael. The laceration on Charlotte’s neck was done in one motion, whereas Michael has multiple lacerations and stab wounds covering his torso.”
“Cause of death for both was the loss of blood from the laceration to the neck.” The ME states. “Charlotte Yestley died within minutes whereas Michael would’ve bled out for at least an hour.”
“So he’s torturing the husbands, could be symbolic? Maybe our unsub was married, lost his wife and is looking at couples who have what he no longer does?” JJ suggests.
“I’m not sure, I’ll call Garcia and see if she can find anything out about the Yestley’s.” Spencer exits the room as he calls Garcia, leaving JJ to discuss with the ME the toxicology report.
“Go for Garcia,” Penelope answers the phone.
“Garcia can you look into the Yestley’s personal life, considering they were newlyweds there must be something online about them.” Spencer asks as Penelope types away.
“I’ve got hundreds of photos appearing across social media platforms from the past five years of them both. It seems they met in college and then split up after they graduated, got engaged two years ago and were married at the Hillsong Church. Intimate celebration, close family, two bridesmaids and a best man.” Penelope reels off, and Spencer nods to himself.
“I’ll call Hotch, see if we can talk to the bridesmaids and best man,” Spencer tells Garcia. “thanks, Penelope.”  
After investigating further, the team had conducted it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows between the Yestley’s. In fact, days before the wedding it was nearly called off by Charlotte as she caught her fiance with another woman.
“What if that’s it?” Rossi speaks up as the team sit in the room the local PD helped them set up. “Cheating, being disloyal.”
JJ glances over to Spencer, seeing the cogs whirring away in his brain. “Rossi, you and Lewis spoke with the Littlewoods daughter, right?” Spencer asks as he walks over to the board, looking through all of the photos.
“Yeah, she said how her parents weren’t sharing a bed anymore, they were in the process of separating.” Tara comments and Hotch straightens up as Spencer turns on his heels.
“Rossi is right, it’s all about being disloyal. The unsub is projecting onto these couples, finding out about their personal lives or seeing snippets of them and punishing them for cheating or harming one another.” Spencer explains, and Hotch nods as he glances around at the rest of the team.
“I think we’re ready to deliver the profile, guys.” Hotch states as he closes his case file, heading out to speak with the deputy.
“So, how’s it going?” Your voice filled with curiosity is the only thing that can soothe Spencer’s thoughts as he lies down on the firm hotel mattress.
A long exhale leaves Spencer’s lips. “We’ve delivered the profile, now we’re just trying to narrow the search down.” Spencer explains, hearing the faint sound of the TV playing in your house. “How was work today?”
“Same old same old.” You chuckle as you busy yourself, unable to sit still without him at home with you. “My Mom came by earlier, she says hi.” You add shyly, despite having been together for two years, your parents visiting was an infrequent occurrence.
A small smile forms on Spencer’s lips as he listens to you, the normality he craves in his life. “How is she? Did your Dad abandon her like last time at the airport?” He asks through the line as he closes his eyes, listening to your story as you ramble on about all the things your Mom picked out about your house and about Spencer.
“And then she had the cheek to say you’re never here! Like, where is my Dad?” You scoff, hearing a gentle hum on the other end of the line. “Sorry, I got a bit lost there.”
“S’okay.” Spencer mumbles, his eyes unable to open again. “I’m hoping we’ll be flying back within the next week, sorry.”
You finally pause as you rest your hand on the back of Spencer’s beloved armchair beside his old bookcase. Forcing your smile to remain in place, you nod to yourself. “I get that, serial killers don’t have a care for date nights and the lives of others.” You laugh dryly, something that doesn’t go undetected by Spencer.
“I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” Spencer whispers to you, picturing you in front of him when he opens his eyes, only to be greeted by the tap leaking in his bathroom sink.
“Just, keep safe and find the son of a bitch, yeah?” You mutter. “I love you, Spencer.” You add, moving to sit in his armchair as you wrap his blanket around him, his aftershave weaved into the fabric.
“I love you too.” He whispers.
As you hang up, the tiredness Spencer previously had has vanished as he faces the ceiling, staring at the Artex wishing you could be by his side.
“Another couple has been taken from their home,” Hotch announces as he enters the conference room, everyone turning to look at him. “Maria King, 81 and Jacob King, 85. Their neighbour suspected something was wrong when they noticed their front door was wide open.”
“So our unsub has taken them to a secondary location?” JJ asks as Hotch nods in response.
“We’ve got a lead currently on where they might be held, but we’ll have to move quickly.” Hotch states as he exits the conference room, the rest of the team filing out straight to the lockers.
There was an unsteady tension in the two SUV’s on the drive to the abandoned farmhouse. Everyone was thinking the same thing, why the unsub would take an elderly couple.
“He’s clearly escalating from our profile.” Tara states as she sits in the passenger seat. “Garcia, was there any sign of an affair from either Maria or Jacob King?”
The sound of Penelope rapidly typing echoes through the line until it suddenly stops. “Nope, Maria and Jacob recently celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary, and it seems they’ve never been more in love.” Sadness coats Penelope’s voice as she looks through the photos of the couple. “The owner of the farmhouse is Tyler Edwards, however, Edwards sold the property last month to Lewis Wise. Unlike his name, Lewis was not the wisest in life. It seems that his wife, Clara, was on her way home from a business trip and died in a car crash.” Penelope explains, but a small gasp leaves her lips.
“What is it, Garcia?” Spencer chimes in, and the sound of typing increases.
“Well, turns out Clara was not coming back from a business trip, but instead her lover, Daniel Lovatt.”
“That could be our trigger,” Tara states. “Wise loses his wife and discovers she’s been having an affair.”
“How long ago did Clara die, Garcia?” Hotch asks, nearing the entrance to the property.
Humming, Penelope quickly answers. “Two months ago.”
“Same time the murders started.” Spencer mutters as they prepare to exit the SUV.
“Please let them be alive.” Penelope mutters to herself, closing the photos of the elderly couple from her monitors.  
Arriving at the farmhouse, the faint sound of screams could be heard as the team exit the SUV’s.
“JJ, you, Lewis and Rossi take the back entrance, Reid, we’ll go through the front.” Hotch explains, and with everyone in understanding, the team split up.
Following Hotch, Reid tried not to focus on the cries for help from the strained voices inside.
“Just, shut up!” The unsub exclaims.
“Please, my wife, she’s hurt. We need help.” A new voice, Jacob King cries out to the unsub.
“She won’t need help for much longer, I can promise you that.” A sick laugh follows and Hotch kicks the door down, running forward with his gun aimed at the unsub.
“FBI, drop the weapon!” Hotch yells as the unsub is standing behind Maria, his knife against her neck as her eyes continue to drop, she’s already losing blood.
“Lewis, just drop the knife. This couple, they’ve done nothing wrong.” Spencer speaks up, seeing the rest of the team enter from the back of the farmhouse, slowly walking forward, guns aimed at Wise.
“They have! Look at them, they, they hate each other!” Lewis spews as Jacob sobs quietly, his fingers intertwined with Maria’s.
“No, they don’t. Lewis, I know what happened to your wife, and I’m so sorry.” Spencer hesitantly steps forward, Hotch keeping his eyes trained on Wise. “But you don’t have to do this, there’s another option.” Spencer’s voice remains soft as he glances down to the couple and flashes a brief smile.
“I can’t, they need to be punished.” Lewis states as a whimper leaves Maria’s lips.
“Lewis, just put the knife down and we’ll talk.” Spencer reasons. “Here, I’ll put my gun down, how about that?” Spencer slowly lowers his gun to the floor, ignoring the worried looks from his team behind Lewis.
“But they are bad people.” Lewis repeats, his eyes darting from the couple to Spencer. “I, I won’t let them get away with it.” Lewis yells, and before he’s able to apply more pressure to Maria’s neck, shots are fired and Lewis falls backwards.
“Oh my god,” Jacob cries as his wife falls into his embrace.
“We need medics here, now!” Hotch speaks into his earpiece whilst Spencer rushes over, quickly followed by JJ.
“Medic’s are coming, you’ll both be all right.” JJ assures the couple as Maria looks up at Jacob with such adoration as he wipes her tears.
“I’ll always love you, Maria.” Jacob tells his wife as she shushes him. “No, no let me say this,” His voice cracks, and JJ looks up at the sound of sirens in the distance. “you were my first love, and you’ll always be my last.” Jacob sniffs as Spencer keeps pressure on the stab wound on her side, trying to ignore how blood is seeping through her top.
“I love you,” Maria breathes out as her eyes start to close, but Jacob protests.
“Don’t go yet honey, there’s so much more for us to do.” Jacob cries out, just as the medics arrive.
Stepping back, JJ rests her arm on Spencer as she guides him out from the farmhouse as they join the rest of the team, witnessing Lewis Wise being taken away.
“You okay, Spence?” JJ looks up as Spencer focuses on the police car as it drives away, his gaze shifting to the Kings sat in the back of the ambulance, still together, holding hands.
“Yeah, yeah.” Spencer nods, tearing his eyes from the couple as the image of you crosses his mind. “Just thinking about a few things, that’s all.”
“Wanna share?” JJ enquires, raising a brow to Spencer.
Yet, a small smile forms on Spencer’s lips as he shacks his head. “Maybe some other time, let’s go.”
For the entire flight home, Spencer could only think of one thing; you.
As soon as they arrived back at HQ, Garcia enveloped the team into a tight hug. “Oh thank god, you’re all safe and home.” She gushed as the team entered the bullpen one by one, Spencer last.
“Our angel came in yesterday for a visit.” Penelope speaks up as she walks alongside Spencer into the bullpen.
“She did?” The surprise is evident in Spencer’s tone, in the two years you’ve been together, you’ve visited the bureau a grand total of three times.
Penelope nods, trying to hide her growing smile. “She erm, left you something on your desk.” With that, Penelope rushes over to the others, having a hushed conversation whilst Spencer nears his desk.
Standing in front of it, nothing looks out of place. He knows exactly where he left the seventeen case files on the right-hand side just below his phone set. The pen pot still has three blue pens and two black, his monitor is off and the keyboard is parallel to the mouse.
“What did she leave?” Spencer calls out to Penelope as he spins in his chair, looking over as the team stand together, trying not to make it obvious they’re spying on him.
“Erm, try the second drawer?” Penelope answers and Spencer nods before turning back to his desk and opens the second drawer down.
Inside is an envelope with his name written across the front. Lifting it up, Spencer wastes no time opening it like a child on Christmas day, revealing an invitation for dinner, tomorrow night.
Unable to hide it, a blush rises through Spencer’s cheeks as he chuckles under his breath. You always have been one for extravagances, but that’s just one of the many things he loves about you.
Rising to his feet, Spencer slips the invitation into his satchel. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
“Bye, Spencer!” Penelope waves as Spencer tries to hide his eagerness to get home as he lightly jogs to the lift, his foot tapping against the floor as he waits for the doors to open.
Once they do, he slides in and once out of sight, the team turn their attention back to Penelope.
“What was in that envelope?” Rossi raises a brow to the tech wiz who merely shrugs her shoulders.
“I have no idea, Y/n knows better than to tell me these things.” Penelope explains, but there’s a hesitance in her tone the team know all too well. “But I may have taken a look at her recent search history and found out she’s booked a table for 7pm tomorrow evening at Spencer’s favourite restaurant.”
JJ chuckles to herself as she pats Penelope’s arm. “Couldn’t keep out, could you?”
Lowering her head in defeat, Penelope nods.
“Come on, how about a drink to celebrate another case?” Rossi suggests, and the team all gratefully agree. “And maybe Penelope will spill what else she knows about the future Mr and Mrs Reid.”
Pulling up outside of your apartment building, Spencer releases a shaky breath as he heads up to your floor, having the route memorised after your third date together.
As he stands outside of the apartment door, he reaches into his worn satchel for the key as music begins to play inside.
He doesn’t recognise the tune, but the faint sound of you singing along is something ingrained in his mind and hopes to never forget.
Unlocking the front door, Spencer quietly steps in as your singing becomes louder and more energetic as the beat of the song increases.
Unable to wipe the smile from his face, Spencer wanders through toward the kitchen and hovers in the doorway. There you’re dancing, holding a spatula in one hand as a microphone whilst wearing one of Spencer’s old shirts. You’re so carefree, without worry or sight of the missions Spencer endures, you’re not exposed to the graphic crime scenes or twisted minds of their unsubs. You are just you, and Spencer adores it.
“And it was called ‘Yellow’ So I took-” Turning on your heels you yell, throwing the spatula at Spencer. “Christ, Spence!” You laugh, running your fingers through your hair as you exhale shakily. “You scared me, when did you get in?”
Rushing over to him, you wrap your arms tightly around Spencer, burying your face into the crook of his neck.
For a moment, Spencer just holds you close, not wanting to respond. He always misses you when he goes away on cases, but coming back to you is always bittersweet.
“A few minutes ago, I could hear you singing and wanted to witness it without interruption.” He explains as you loosen your grip around him, relaxing your hands on his hips as you look up at his tired face.
“I missed you, goof.” You mutter as Spencer’s hand rises to your cheek, caressing it softly as you hum, leaning against it.
Faintly, the radio continues to play as you sway with Spencer before he leans down and kisses you. As always with Spencer, it begins as a delicate kiss as if he could break you, but as your arms rise to behind his neck, it deepens into something more passionate.
You smirk at the sound of him moaning quietly before pulling away. “Come on then, we’ve got time before dinners ready.” You wink, guiding him up the stairs as he chases behind you.
Lying in his arms, slightly sweaty, Spencer moves your hair from your face. Your eyes are growing heavy, and suddenly the words from Jacob King cross his mind as he held Maria in his arms, begging her to stay awake.
“You were my first love, and you’ll always be my last.”
Spencer mutters your name as you hum in response, opening your eyes as you look up at him. Outside, the sunset is peaking through your blinds, but this time it’s blinding you instead of him.
Squinting up to him, Spencer breathes a laugh. “I just want you to know, you’re my everything, and I know we don’t do emotional speeches because neither of us can finish without crying, but I love you, Y/n. And, I always will because you’re my sunshine, you’re the stars that glow in the night sky, though stars don’t actually glow as they’re mere-”
“Spence,” You mutter, shuffling in his arms to lean on your elbows, paying close attention to him as his eyes flicker over yours.
“Sorry, I, well, you’re my yellow. You radiate joy when I come home from missions and you never pry, you always give me time to explain when I’m ready. My family, the BAU adore you, I’m pretty sure Penelope might book us a wedding venue and arrange a wedding soon.” You laugh lightly, knowing it would be the case with Penelope. “And I just love you.”
A tear slips from Spencer’s eye, barely having a chance to fall before you wipe it away.
“I love you too Spencer Reid.” You sniff, tears glazing in your eyes as they glow in the sunlight. “And I’ll forever be grateful to be your yellow.” You whisper, curling up into his arms as he kisses the top of your head, wishing this moment would never end.
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theredandwhitequeen · 2 years
Roswell New Mexico thoughts episode 5 Max and tezca from last episode Talking You’re not only the only one who knows things …Serves a purpose Using powers on max, that are Max’s Show you who you were meant to become Burned Jones body Sounds Max and Liz, Jenna, Michael  Jenna has blue eyes now Hand print  Max not worried about Tezca Eduardo still missing  Mexico Kyle Valenti Floating pod Isobel arrived Surgery Dallas and Maria Using powers The necklace  Thinks memory of necklace and father on earth Revivalist church Michael and Max Talking about relationships with Liz and Alex Choking Tezca in Max’s dream in cam’s body Mindscape  I don’t think you are fine with who you are…. Squeezing his organs Michael …I’m capable of more… It’s all a bad idea, but it’s the idea we got. Michael going to find Eduardo and Max going back to Liz Jenna and Liz Max is only going to tell me when he’s ready…. I love Jenna Isobel and Kyle Two alien surgeries  Menudo Talking about Anatsa I needed to leave Roswell…. It’s a relief being around you… Found a book Eduardo gone Michael and Clyde Clyde looks grumpy Looking for you then I saw the rope. Bonnie been gone hours ago, angry, conflicted, she’s powerful Kyle and Isobel  Brought artifacts to casita  Alma was Hector’s wife Protecting the aliens Other alien Michael and Clyde Looking for Bonnie Worst alternative  The grass is greener on the other side Humans are obsessed with illusion of happiness…. Clyde didn’t have a home Oasis is not perfect, but it could be Max and Jenna DNA Alien freeing cocktail Calls him out Jenna wasn’t supposed to be on case I don’t want to burden Liz I need to be able to save her back  Don’t mess this up with Liz Dallas and Maria At a barn I think I’ve been here before Young Dallas and his dad Necklace is home With your gifts you can help it grow Tree that they planted is still here Maria and Dallas’s stories connected because picture of tree in Mimi’s wedding book Kyle and Isobel Kyle’s cousin Empty pod was kept Hasn’t talked to Eduardo awhile ago Allie Myers  Used powers Tezca stole artifact Michael looking for Bonnie and found her listening to music He’s really important to my boyfriend Didn’t hurt him Going to run. Wants Max Tell me where Eduardo is Cam and Liz Tells her to make Max talk Old Sutter’s farm max and Tezca Mindscape How do I have these powers? Why are you so interested in me? Capacity to create blue flame Teach me to control it…. Broke the link with Tezca Cage can’t hold me Cage fight with Tezca Ophicus has foreseen it  It’s a movement a path Liz and Cam Jenna’s eyes changed back I’ve been called intrepid  Liz  Max uses powers and hurt Liz Max trying to heal Liz Healed her Talking it out Share the blame for today Bonnie and Clyde and Michael First time is hard Michael gave the piece and seeing the stars Sees Oasis Isobel and Kyle Taking pictures Drinks Just openness….possibility… she wasn’t my person… To revalalations about love and aliens Dancing What’s opposite  Beautiful actually  Kissing Maria and Liz The first glass is a thank you, the rest is an apology  Told her she lost visions There’s nothing to fix…. You gave me an actual future…. It’s just a friend…. Hugging Oh dear Max and Jenna Talking about Liz I once really cared for you too…  Bonnie and Clyde Gave her a guitar Sweet Michael staring at sky Dallas Friendship  It’s not food it’s fuel Michael’s powers not working  Sick Aliens don’t get sick Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I love this episode and it’s so nuts
I miss Rosa and Alex
So is Rosa missing because Amber was filming the Predator movie?
Mad World, good choice for the end of the episode
I’m worried about my Michael
Isobel and Kyle kissing. He hasn’t broken up with his new friend yet. I forget her name
Also mentions of Allie again.
I don’t want Jenna to leave.
I’m so happy Dallas was there for Michael.
Are Arturo and Alex together?
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Don’t Let Go ~ Alfie Solomons
I’m in love with one man and one man alone. Mum and dad love Alfie too, but they still can’t take him away from me ;;;
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How did she end up like this, she wondered? They were family...Even though her last name was not legally “Shelby”, she was still a part of the family since she was born. The parents were best friends, and when her parents died, Polly took her in. And then, they grew up together - Same home, same beds, same food, same clothes...Same everything.
And then, war came, and while true, she was younger than even John - Not by much, only about 3 years - But that didn’t seem to bother either of the Shelby siblings, and she was especially close with Arthur and Ada, mostly because they were the ones with the warmest hearts, and could understand her gentle one as well..
However, Tommy was the smartest of the family, and Polly taught her enough about Gypsy street-smarts, so the three of them together somehow became the true heads of the family, the true backbone that kept everyone straight and together.
When war came, she was barely 16, and yet, she joined them, dressing as a man and pretending to be a volunteer physician, healing and running around the battlefield, only to end up helping them dig up tunnels and plant explosions...
And taking a bullet for Tommy.
And nearly dying.
But at least, by the time they returned home, 4 years later, she was called an honorary Shelby and Polly officially adopted her.
She wasn’t Y/N L/N anymore, she was Y/N Shelby, and she was damn proud of that.
She helped with fixing races, rode around with her gorgeous black mare, going to the Garrison with her brothers to make sure they don’t end up drunk, in a ditch, she helped the strategy against the Lee family, got beaten up by Sabini, beat him up right back, got in that whorehouse of a Russian noble family, let the Duchess touch her while in her underwear, got beaten up by the priest, had to blow up a train with good people and many more...
But nothing was bringing her down, because she was a Shelby, and she was strong - Mentally, Physically, Emotionally - And she wanted to make sure the family was together, or at least trying to hang on, somehow.
She was the perfect woman - Never drank, never smoked, never cursed, never did drugs, never did drugs, never dated anyone... 
But when one day, Thomas took her on a meeting at Alfie’s place... Boy of boy, was that entertaining.
She always appreciated Thomas’s ambition, cunning and intelligence...But Alfie?  Alfie was something else. Something much above him, no much smarter, so much better at scheming...And at everything, really. And she was attracted by him like moths to the light.
Back and forth talks, interesting insights on life, learning words in foreign languages that she didn’t know, but he did, and likewise, teaching her foreign stuff, talking to him about books and many other things...
And it was weird, but it almost seemed like she didn’t want to leave that place any time soon, but Thomas needed her for business, so what could she do, really?
And she agreed...And agreed...And agreed...
Until one day, when all things went completely upside down and...Sure, she did her job, and she was supposed to return to Alfie’s to have a chat with him and Tommy... And she did...
As soon as she stepped inside the “Bakery”, she saw Ollie, whose eyes widened in shock seeing her in that state.
“Miss Shelby, what happened?! Let me call the physician-...I’ll go inform Alfie-...” Ollie stumbled over his words, only to have her grab his sleeve and pull him back. “Don’t tell them I’m here. With the way I look, better make it a surprise. Tommy’s here, right?” she asked, slamming the doors open, walking inside, the clicks of her small heeled boots resounding all over the place. “B-But Miss Shelby, we have to treat you - “ Y/N simply shot him a glare, before continuing in a straight line.  “Ain’t a Shelby anymore.” she muttered, and soon, she reached the middle of the wide business room, as Alfie was sitting at his desk and Tommy was pacing.  “Y/N...Finally, you’ve arrived. What happened to you?!” Thomas asked, rushing to her side, only for her to push him away. “You lied to me, Thomas. You lied to me. You promised I wouldn’t get hurt. That you were gonna make sure they wouldn’t touch me. That I was gonna come back perfectly unharmed, not even a strand of hair touched. Only business talks. How do you think that went?” the girl looked down, her hands deep in her bloodied, yet incredibly fancy and silhouette-fitting high-waisted pants.  “What exactly happened with the Sabini meeting, Y/N? And why are you covered in blood?!” he asked, frowning. “It’s fine, not ALL of it is MY blood, thanks for worrying, THOMAS!” but as she rasped out his name, she started coughing up some blood, and as her side started burning in pain, she lifted her already disheveled shirt, applying pressure with her hand where she got shot to keep herself from bleeding out. “Well...This one is.” she used her sleeve to wipe her face, completely non-chalant. “Y/N...Tell me what happened...Please...” Thomas’s voice went lower, almost as a soothing whisper, but it was quickly obliterated by Y/N’s exaggerated, yet pained laugh. “I got beaten up, raped and shot by Sabini and his men. That’s what happened, Thomas. No business talk, just abuse. You promised nothing will happen to me...But, oh, damn, remember that you told Lizzie the same too, and she, that fucker raped her at the Derby too, when you were too busy fucking around with two other women? Oh, wait...Is it because I’m a woman? Because, the way I see it, all women that you have in your life get abused somehow...By you. Grace died because of you. Ada left the city because of you. May got hurt because of you. Esme hates you...There’s also the Duchess, but she very much outsmarted you, so she’s safe and...Still a noble woman. And don’t even get me started on Polly...Poor woman...Having to endure living in the same world as you. For the amount of time you spend fucking women, one would think you’d be more considerate of them.” her beautiful eyes were sharp and hateful, throwing daggers at the man in front of her as she continued to pace around, her tongue speaking the poison that very much tainted her heart over the past many years of her life. “...Y/N. I know you’re in pain, and that I’ve hurt you. I know. You are right, I agree. I’m aware. But it wasn’t my fault. I couldn’t have known, and-” as he continued, the girl calmly approached him, and as soon as she was right in front of him, she back-slapped him, thanking her classy mind for wearing lots of rings that day. As she laughed at the way the wounds showed up on one side of his face, she followed by slapping him on the other side, much harder than before. “Shut the fuck up, Thomas Shelby. Don’t speak to me. Don’t get close to me. I am not a Shelby anymore, so you can fuck off...Do you see who you’re doing business with, Alfie? A guy who can’t even protect his family! He got all of us arrested and almost hanged, made Ada go away, made Polly go insane, had Arthur beaten up, me as well, and guess what, Michael got shot and JOHN GOT KILLED! BECAUSE OF YOU, THOMAS! Grace died because of YOU! And your child got kidnapped and almost died BECAUSE! OF! YOU!” with each sentence, she punched him, hit him, kicked him, smashed him head with her knee, then on the wall, then ended by stomping her boot on his stomach...And walked away, as calmly as if never happened. “And...This is not my blood.”  “Well, lass, gotta say, yeah, you ain’t as much of an angel as I thought, eh. Or, maybe now more than ever, you’re the angel I thought you were.” Alfie watched from behind the desk, completely relaxed, analysing the show in front of him, and yet, his brain was running a thousand miles per second, thinking of millions of things. “D’you have a free spot here, Alfie? No guns and death and all that. Maybe...Someone to patch up your boys. I don’t know. Hell, I’ll even accept being your secretary or...Flower girl. Cook. Tea girl. I can walk Cyril...I don’t know, anything you want, just get me the hell out of this Shelby hell.” she turned around to look at him, using her other sleeve to clean her face, using the water from her tears. “Heard that, Thomas Shelby? Your sister’s deserted you, and for a good reason, eh. You can leave now, there’s other times to do business, right.” Alfie spoke, getting up and stepping towards her. “This isn’t over, Y/N. We’ll talk again. You’re a valuable part of the family, and you’re coming back, sooner than later.” Thomas went get get out of the building, only for the girl to quickly take out the gun from her jacket and cock it, pointing it at the man. “Fuck off and go to hell, Thomas.” she pulled the trigger... “Stop it, lass, don’t do it! You’re gonna regret it!” Alfie sprung out, holding one of his arms around her body, while his other hand went to her gun, making her shoot a wall instead of a living being, letting the man get out of there, still alive, somehow. “Damn it, Alfie! Why’d you do that! It’s 2 for 0, damn it! I’m fed up with taking bullets to save that guy, while all he does is sit comfortably behind his desk, damn it! I’m not a fucking rag doll that can be tossed in the trash!” she cried, trying to struggle out of his grasp, but the wounds were hurting her too much, so her strength gave out faster and she stood limp in his arms, trembling softly. “S’okay now, lass, yeah. I’ll bring ya to Cyril and we can...Uh...Drink that tea you like, right. Forget that guy, let’s get ya treated, right. Get that bullet out of ya. And sure, y’can be my physician, I know you were a great one in war, yeah.” the Jew gently took out the gun from her hand, throwing it to the ground for Ollie to take later, an he picked her up with much, bringing her to the medic’s room. “I need vodka, cigarettes, and if I’m brave enough some Tokyo...Snow...Whatever you call it.” she groaned as soon as she was place on the bed, as the gangster frowned in confusion at her. “I thought you didn’t do vices.” he sat on the opposite bed, watching her intently. “Woaw, I lied to you and everyone else in the world. I do drink and I do smoke and I did date before...Just...Not when people were seeing me. People think you’re an angel, they will hopefully leave you the hell alone. Difficult being a woman these days, as you can see. Everybody’s treating you like a piece of garbage. And bring me that vodka, I need to have the room spinning before I take out the bullet...And vodka’s the best disinfectant. The hospital stuff is washed up and diluted a lot of times.” she gave him a sarcastic half-smile, taking the cigarette he just lit up and puffed on it. “Only whiskey and rum, if you want, yeah. You don’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not around here, lass. Just do what you want, nobody’s gonna say a thing, right, and if they do, you know how to use a gun, so shoot their brains, eh, show them all who’s in charge.” he got up, bringing her what she requested, watching attentively as she let her head back, poofing smoke into the air. “Thanks, Alfie. Come back in an hour. I don’t need witnesses of my misery. You know better than everyone, Captain Solomons, that taking out a bullet gets messy.” she pointed the cigarette at him, smirking miserably at him, knowing very well that she wasn’t mentally ready for the procedure. “Well, lass, if you’re very sure, you don’t need help, right, then I’ll be waiting outside.” the Jew patted her head, leaving the room, letting behind only a graveyard silence, that for some reason, creeped the girl out big time. “...Let’s fuck shit up, then...” she muttered to herself, letting the ashes of the cigarette fall pitifully on the bed, as she took a deep breath and violently slammed her hand over the medical tools.
She’s always been a very careful and precise person, and whenever she did this on someone else, she would have people keep the victim down, so she could rummage through their bodies with relative ease, especially after they got shit faced drunk...And maybe with some anaesthesis... But this is the worst. Just like back then, during the war...
Letting a few tears of anticipation fall down her face, she cut a bit deeper into her body, to allow her fingers, previously washed with alcohol, she whimpered and squealed as she searched around for the bullet - It was no easy feat for, but it had to be done, no matter the searing pain -.
It felt like time stopped completely before the extraction of the stupid lead thing, she held it in her hand, watching its taunting gleam glaring back into her eyes, then watched with horror that stupid bottle of whiskey, and with her last strength, she snatched it and putting her pillow over her face to keep the shrieking from leaving the room, and gritting her teeth, she let the alcohol pour out from the bottle, wailing loudly, and yet, hoping nobody would hear her.
She was still sobbing in the pillow, the fire-like pain, electrifying the surging, diffuse pain throughout her whole torso, and she laid there, throwing away that pillow as soon as the door was opened again, and adjusting her head, she noticed Solomons walking in the room, a basket dangling from his arms.
“What’cha got there?” she asked in a weak, whisper-like voice, still trying to recover. “Goodies. Freshly baked cookies. At least something that smells nice in this pigstry, eh.” Alfie’s joking way of speaking seemed to take away her mind, but she smiled apologetically, lifting her hands briefly. “Sorry, too much blood on my hands. Literally and metaphorically speaking.” she explained, only to have Alfie take out one of the cookies and feeding her. “...This...Is the best thing I’ve eaten in my life. Did you make them? Because if you did, you’re like...A Cookie God. Have more?” she asked, managing, with a lot of difficulty, pain and his help, to get in a sitting position. “Well, I’ve never been called a God, right, but it ain’t that bad, yeah. Here you go, one more. I’ll ask a maid to draw a bath for you, yeah, I doubt you wanna stay all bloody the whole day, eh.” he helped her eat another cookie, and weirdly enough, despite all the blood on her face, her small smile was oddly charming. “...Y’know...If you ever want to retire from this gangster bullshit...You could settle down and...Just bake for a living...No, rather, a hobby. I’m sure you have enough money for a life time, so might as well just rest and take it easy. Move away from here...Maybe another country...Or another city, at least...And just...Y’know...Be happy. You could do that...And be rid of stupid Italians and Americans and all these jerks.” Y/N spoke, more or less not directly to him, but in a way, she was projecting her own hopes and dreams. “Margate.” Alfie muttered, sitting down in front of her. “Margate?” she furrowed her brows in confusion, leaning forward a bit. “Aye. By the seaside. The sand is really soft, they say, and the waves are nice, yeah. Very calm town.” he continued, which made her gasp softly in realisation. “You...You DID think about retirement! It means you’re really kinda fed up with this...This mess. I like where this is going.” she smiled softly at him, nodding in agreement. “I think you’re making the right choice, if it makes for anything.” “Y’know, lass, you’re not wrong. We do need a vacation, yeah, and a very long one at that, right. Now, how ‘bout we talk about what you need, right, for this medical thing.  You’re a sensible woman, yeah, so, I trust you more with the details and organising.” he pointed, and thus, they started chatting idly about the medical issues, and even more, about life in general - Books, the pictures, concerts, travelling and things...Leisure things, just simple things that she never had the privilege to talk about, and she had no idea she wanted, nor needed.
Many weeks passed and things were unusually calm for her, and for the first time in her life, she felt...Happy. She enjoyed being around Alfie, working with him without being involved in all the killing, and she absolutely loved baking things together, and he was so charismatic and charming, always giving witty remarks that amused her and made her laugh...
It was the perfect life she always dreamt of having, and he even asked if she wanted to go to a jazz pub with him, and...She got to dress up, and do her make up and do her hair, wear pretty, expensive jewellery, and a damn fine dress to show off her gorgeous silhouette, and high heels to match...And she walked next to him, her arm hooked to his, as they enjoyed the beautiful jazz music and each other’s presence.
It was a blissful dream, and she swore that if anyone dared wake her up, she was gonna kill them, and it won’t be quick, nor painless.
“Y’know, Alfie...You’re the best man I’ve ever met in my life. And that says a lot, considering how many men I had the misfortune of meeting...Including my family.” she raised her champagne glass slightly to clink with his. “Maybe you haven’t met the right men, dear, yeah, y’know, and men in Birmingham are fucking shit anyway. Camden’s better, yeah.” the man chuckled mirthfully, leaning back on his chair. “You...Mentioned Margate once. How are things going on with that?” Y/N asked, smiling at him softly. “Well, lass, y’know, yeah, things are...Things are fine. But, uh...You see...The doctor said I’m sick. They aren’t really sure yet what’s wrong with me, alright, but they said the results should be given pretty soon, yeah.” he admitted after a few seconds of consideration, which made the girl gasp in shock, moving her chair to look at him better taking his hands in hers and leaning forward. “What did they say about it? Did they take blood sampled? Wanna do blood work? Or...Biochemistry tests? Or something more complex?” Y/N bit her lip, looking concerned like never before. “Don’t worry, lass, even if I die, yeah, I’ll still make sure you get paid for your hard work, alright?” the man tried to brush it off, but the indignant look on her face made him chuckle. “I’m gonna kill you if you imply something like that again. I don’t need your money, I just want you to be healthy and alright, got it? Now come on, tell me, what do they suspect. Also, where is your doctor’s clinic, and when will your results arrive.” she pressed on, waiting for an answer. “Come on, don’t be so serious, yeah, enjoy the show, it’s not every night we get to have fun, right?” Alfie, again, tried to play it off as nothing important, but the look on her face made him sigh and nod, giving in. “They think’s cancer, right. I got a tumour, they’re checking if it’s...Uh...Cancer or not. right. Doctor’s around here in Camden, results come out sometime in a week or two, that enough?” he rolled his eyes, and yet, he was grateful for her worrying. “...I guess. If I knew, I would have done the lab work myself, but, you know...If anything, I can do the procedure myself... Or maybe I should hold your hand and make sure you’re not scared. They have to do general anaesthesia, cut you open and all that...It won’t be fun.” she looked down a bit, before smiling encouragingly at him. “Y/N. I’m a big boy now, right, I’ll be fine, no need to worry about me, yeah, you just...You be okay, and relax, and-...And before long, we’ll go to Margate together.”  he continued, trying to calm her down, without realising at first of the commitment, until he noticed the excited gleam in her eyes. “Alfie...? Are you...Are you sure...? Margate is the place you want to go to...Why would you...Me...?” she muttered, almost unsure of how to react. “Let’s go home, eh. I want to make you some nice tea, yeah, and some cookies. I have to tell ya something, and I’d rather it not be out.” 
Alfie squeezed her hands, helping her get up, and the walk home was filled with anticipation and a comfortable silence that wanted to rip out the answers out of his throat.
He let her dress in more comfortable clothes, and so he did, then went down to prepare some nice and warm tea, with the biscuits he baked that day, and went to her room.
“Do you like me, Alfie?” she asked in a shushed voice, not daring to raise her head to look at him. “What’s not to like, lass? You’re smart and witty, and for some reason, you find me funny, and look at ya, you’re gorgeous, right. So if I say, yeah, I want you to come to Margate with me, I mean it. You just have to agree, aye. Get away from this and rest. God knows we need this.” he had a sweet smile on his face - A smile that quickly faltered when he saw stray tears falling down her face, and he started worrying. “Why...In the world...Would someone as amazing as you...Like me? Alfie, you’re...You’re amazing, and me, I’m...I’m the worst. I can’t let go of the past, and I’ve got like...This...This devil inside me...This Shelby devil that keeps whispering in my ear, saying that I’ll never be happy, and that I’ll...I’ll kill again, and I’ll be dragged back to that slum and...And all that happiness will just shatter and...And I don’t deserve you.” she looked down, hoping her long her would hide her face, but next thing she knows, she got brought into a tight embrace, and he stroked her hair, his chin on top of her head, waiting for her to calm down, and yet, he could feel her trembling softly. “Don’t say things like that, yeah, that’s not true. You’re with me, not with them anymore, right, so, then, you’re going back. I won’t let them take you back, if you don’t want to, aye. No need to cry, right, I’ll protect you from anyone who dares try to take you away, eh, even if it’s Tommy Shelby himself, so no need to cry, yeah, Y/N?” he spoke, only to feel her cling even tighter to the back of his shirt. “I...I’ve...I’ve never felt like this before, Alfie. You make me feel so warm...And safe...And happy...I’ve been hold before, but all I felt was repulsion and fright...I was panicked and I wanted to run away...But this...This never happened. And I think I love you, Alfie. Don’t let go of me, please.” her voice was barely audible, but Alfie could feel the raw emotions, so he laid down with her on the bed, holding her dearly. “It will be fine, Y/N, okay. None of these worries will come to you again when in Margate. You and I will be happy, away from here, yeah, so, know that I love you, and let’s wait just a bit more, so we can get rid of this Changretta mess, and we’re leaving, eh.” 
And it was true - From that night on, they slept in the same room, holding each other dearly, reassured that the next day, things will still be as good as the previous night. One morning, however, Alfie woke up without her in his arms, and he panicked, thinking the worst - Poor Ollie thought he was going to get killed - But it was all fine, as she returned with the biggest grin on her face, jumping in Alfie’s arms, not allowing him the chance to say a word, only shocking him. And she held his hands and dragged him to his room, getting him to sit on the bed, and at first, she wanted to make tea, but then she shook her head and brought a bottle of the best whiskey, poured it in the glasses and had him drink.
“Damn it, lassie, don’t fucking scare me like that, yeah, like, at least tell me in advance if you’re gonna leave, okay, I thought those fuckers got ya for good. What the hell was the urgency?” he asked, drinking the glass in one go before looking at her. “I...Well...Haha, sorry ‘bout that, I’m just...I’m sure super happy. So, as you know, today the doctors had to mail you the test results, so, you know, I seem to have been a bit too eager to find out, so I since there were no trains, I walked all the way to your doctor, told him this and that, then got the first train back, and here I am. Oh, and, obviously, I’m super happy ‘cause like, I couldn’t keep myself - Sorry ‘bout that, by the way - So I ripped the envelope and looked at the results. And, uh, yeah, so, I’m happy ‘cause - Look ! - No cancer! You’re completely, 100% cancer free! And, like, the tumor completely benign, no invasiveness, no metastasis, so this is completely curable by surgical removal, and it won’t affect your life span, nor will it, in any way, alter your health. Et, voila, here we are! Go on, drink, cheer, be happy, I know I am!” she laughed gleefully, watching the shocked spark in Alfie’s eyes as he took out his glasses to read over the annoyingly complicated medical stuff, but he was a smart guy, and he understood everything there is to it. “You’re the best, shiksa. You say things are gonna turn out bad, but here, look, they aren’t, and hey won’t right, ‘cause clearly, there’s something up there, alright, that’s looking out for us, and it ain’t only me making sure you’re fine. I’m happy, Y/N, and in less than a month, aye, we’re fucking away from here. Just the two of us...And Ollie as a butler, if ya want. And we can get as many dogs as you want. We can do whatever we want, really.” he hugged her tightly, cupping her face and kissing her tenderly.
It all went sweet and soft at first, and it got hotter and hotter, with much more passion than before, and one thing led to another, and their first night of overflowing love gave hope for a better future, one that will ensure their happiness and that won’t involve them in this stupid gangster war anymore.
Just him, her and Cyril, maybe Ollie too, at the side...What better life to have than this?
But just one week before they had to leave, as they were still preparing for their grand exit, Y/N was walking towards the clinic room to check on the few patients she had left, only to notice the glint of guns, and she did a turn around, looking for Alfie, and yet, Ollie stopped her in her tracks as soon as she saw her, rushing to hide her from the people who were, apparently, having a meeting with Alfie.
“Ollie, it’s an emergency. Life or death, I promise. I NEED to speak to him. Who is he having a meeting with?” she asked, holding her clipboard close to her chest, looking left and right carefully. “With the Sabinis. Now, come on, Y/N, whatever it is, can wait. I’m sure you can wait a bit with Cyril. Please.” Ollie pleaded with her, but she only started writing rapidly on her clipboard, letting the first two pages filled with obvious, typewriter-written pages about standard medical procedures. “I’m sorry, Ollie, but this is bigger than even Sabini. Come with me and NEVER leave Alfie alone with those sharks, got it?” she gave him a sharp look before rushing to the usual place Alfie had business meetings, and as she completely ignored the villains, she slammed the clipboard on his desk, giving him a look. “Very important medical business thing, I need your signature after you read through these.” as he was so much taller than her, she only needed to bend a bit to talk into his ear, carefully flipping the first two pages, only to reveal big, messy writing.
Alfie gave her a look, knowing shit went bad, he nodded slightly, getting a pen and, as his signature, he wrote “TELL OLLIE”, and ushered her to leave.  And so she did, and Ollie went to alert the other guys so they could ambush the enemies in the medical ward, all while cursing herself and preparing guns, hidden in her long trench coat, then returned to stay by Alfie’s side, her hands placed on his shoulders reassuringly.
“Mr. Solomons, I see the little song bird likes flying around to every powerful gangster family. Wonder if she’ll go to the Changrettas when she’s done with you.” the Sabini leader smirked at her, and Alfie could feel her nails digging into his flesh, and not even the good way this time. “Listen, listen, Mr. Sabini,eh. You come here, begging me for fucking favours, right, and then, you dare fucking speak ill of my partner, yeah? So, where is the fucking time where you, like, do something to make me want to do that fucking favour of yours, if the only fucking thing you make me want to do is to fucking grant you the favour of putting you out of this miserable fucking life, right?” there was no clearer indicator that Alfie was angry than when he cursed like his beard was on fire, and true, YN found it very weird, considering how sweet and gentle he’s always been with her, but she could feel the protective aura he gave off, and she never felt safer than now. “Aye, aye, Alfie, don’t overreact, please, it was just a merely innocent joke! Lighten up, let’s discuss business. We teamed up with Luca Changretta, we can give you money and exposure. We can sell your rum and weapons all over Europe, especially France and Italy, and that means, in the long run, a ton of money. I’m sure you’ll agree with me, won’t you?” Sabini spoke, and from the corner of her eye, she could see one of the men taking out a gun from the back of his pants. “Mr. Sabini, I will have to ask you, as Mr. Solomons’s secretary, not to take out any weapons, otherwise our men will shoot all of you, with no discrimination.” Y/N threatened in a low voice, taking her hands from Alfie’s shoulders, and crossed her arms to her chest, ready to draw her weapons at any second. “It’s alright, Y/N, right, I don’t think Mr. Sabini is fucking stupid enough to dare a shoot out in my own fucking warehouse, eh.” Alfie warned the Italian gangster, snapping his fingers for Ollie to come by. “Vaffanculo...Che stronza! No, fine, fine, we’re all calm, all good, right? We can have a business deal and leave this place happy, both parts, right?” Sabini spoke, using his hands to gesture everyone to calm down. “Stick that deal up your ass.” Alfie cursed Sabini in perfect Italian, making Sabini straighten up, almost as if he got sobered by a hammer to his head, and without a second to wait, some of the lackeys drew their guns.
But they were too late, for Y/N already had both guns out and killed most of them, starting with Sabini himself, and Ollie’s boys helped up just enough to have the Red Sea at their feet.
Once all the enemies were laying dead on the cold, wet ground, Y/N sighed, throwing the guns to the ground, sighing and staring at the carnage with the eyes of a dead fish.
Alfie nodded to himself, pissed off at the mess that just had to happen, a week before they were going to sail to a better place, without either of them having to bloody their hands anymore, just like now.
“Well, Ollie’s got them all, so we’re good now. The sooner we finish the preparations, the better. Let’s hope Changretta the Bitch gets blown up...I should go check on Cyril, I’m sure he got scared by the gunshots.” Y/N sighed, patting him on the shoulder before turning on her heels to leave, and yet, Alfie motioned to Ollie to clear the mess, and then followed her back to their room, watching her cuddle with the beautiful dog. “Are you alright, Y/N?” Alfie asked, sitting on the edge of the bed, his hand reaching to stroke her hair, only for Cyril to reach to get his head pet instead. “Aw, Cyril...You’re the cutest baby ever. And...I will be, Alfie. I will be. Soon...Once we leave, I will be. Until then, I’m happy spending my time with you and Cyril. It relaxes me...And it makes me happy. WE are happy.” she reached out her hand, holding his, intertwining their fingers together and leading him to lay on his side, with the dog between them, like they were a family. “Well, darling, it’s just a few days longer, and we’re out of here, right. And we’ll be a family, like you want, and by the shore, there’re no more gunshots, right, so, we can learn how to swim, and we can mess with this slobbery bastard, and I can teach you how to bake other things. I heard the waves and the salty air help you sleep better. Ain’t that just fucking perfect, eh?” Alfie gave her a sweet smile, and laid there, with her, relaxing. “Sounds amazing, Alfie. I can’t wait for Margate, then. Just you, and me, and Cyril...And maybe Ollie too, y’know, that guy makes the best tea, ain’t gonna lie.” she giggled, squeezing his hand lovingly. “Aye, it’s gonna be great. And, we can travel wherever you want, whenever you want. Any country, any city, any date. You pick, we go. Sounds good?” Alfie asked, smiling tenderly at her excitement, happy that she wasn’t stuck on the previous blood bath. “Yeah, it sounds perfect. As long as we’re together, everything is better.”
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pameluke · 3 years
You know that moment where Travis is all “omg Emmett is my dad!”, because of both of them being in the closet? I’ve been thinking and looking back at all the revelations we had about Theo and Michael, how it happened and who Theo was to the both of them. And I had a “omg Emmett is Theo!” moment.
Emmett is a legacy kid, with a dad pushing for a promotion for Lieutenant way too early. Obviously, Emmett isn’t cut out for the job and never really wanted to become one, where all signs point to Theo being a good firefighter, just one who didn’t have enough experience to be a Captain yet.
But he is someone who’s put in a position where his inexperience is going to get people killed, and while Travis does try to mentor Emmett and teach him (to which Emmett isn’t really receptive), every time he’s confronted with Emmett’s ineptitude, he kind of explodes.
It’s obvious there is a lot of attraction between them, and when Travis forgets all the reasons he shouldn’t it’s obvious how into Emmett he is (like his appreciation of Emmetts art, or the way he sees his struggles even when ranting to Diane).
And then Rigo dies and Travis gets a lot of his feelings about Emmett off his chest with Diane and they make up and hook up again. Which is when Daddy Dixon and Alicia arrive and bring back the two issues Travis struggles with. The inexperience thing is important enough for Travis that he doesn’t lie and tells Dixon, who’s already threatened Travis’ job, that nope, Emmett won’t be ready for Lieutenant.
So yeah, Emmett represents both Theo and Travis’ dad, and it makes so much sense why Travis reacts so strongly to Emmett right from the start, and why the argument after Daddy Dixon and Alicia is so vicious. “Don’t ever say my name again!”
(and then he still shares his air with Emmett)
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buddiewho · 3 years
I was bored this weekend so I rewatched season 4a. Spoilers ahead. 
Honestly, I don't think things get popping until episode 3 [but weren’t actually nearly that great until the last 3 episodes tbh] and I am not even being Buddie biased or Buckley-Diaz family unit biased [this might be a bold face lie, but on second rewatch, I noticed I was paying more attention to everything else as well]. 4x03 is just a really good episode. Good old emergencies, mixed in with Eddie's paranoia over Hildy. Then from there it's Buck Begins and the whole Buckley family secret. Then of course, I feel like when we get to Jinx that starts some kind of path. The universe path, you know? There Goes the Neighborhood also continues on this path. Buck is still trying to work through some stuff; a terrible date, the bit about SAFE SPACES. Then Breaking Point. Everyone has one right? Even Christopher and getting angry or as Buck put it “ I heard you blew up at your Dad” and that’s not over yet though. Taylor needing a friend. Nearly Buck reaching one, but he managed to repair it. Eddie for the sole fact Christopher runs away. Hen and Karen actually not having a breaking point until... Chim and Maddie breaking and repairing it in regards to how Baby Mango arrives in this world. Athena and Bobby just being parents to everyone as usual. 
Fun fact. Breaking Point was on as I typed this and it's the one on one scene between Buck and Chris. "I don't want to miss anyone else," Christopher says after he names all the other people he misses first. Buck is probably also telling himself, don't make it about you Buck, this isn't about you, but you are going to promise, "I'm not going anywhere." The last three episodes (Jinx, There Goes the Neighborhood, and Breaking Point) were like some kind National Treasure bullshit; *Nicolas Cage voice* "The secret lies with Charlotte." "Paul Revere went by horse and it was two lanterns not one" or some bullcrap that movie talked about (not going to lie, I once thought it was comedic), but I just mean the overall premise of National Treasure being about secrets or coded messages and a Treasure Hunt (which if I'm correct is also a name of a potential 911 episode...?)
Can I backtrack a moment to 4x07? You know the awkward double date that Buck invited Taylor to? Buck is sitting awkwardly in that chair, wondering about his life choices and little bit of a song played. The lyrics, "There's someone else for you." Just that bit of the song, for the record and I don't think it was already playing in the previous scene to end so coincidentally over Buck’s face?
I'm also not over Taylor talking about looking for a miracle in which Buck gave to her and Eddie also called Buck a miracle worker.
Okay, the end of Breaking Point: Ana comes over to the house, like some awkward new beginning parallel to Madney being cute as they prepare for Baby Mango. Buck patches things with Albert. Then the not so happy crescendo/breaking point for Hen and Karen. Adopting Nia may not happen.
It's really coded like a treasure hunt and if there's an episode named that, well, that'll be hilarious. I'm forever going to hang onto Future Tense as a way of showing us the future, Buck and Eddie have yet to realize. So when they do realize it, it'll be soo damn good. So if the presumed treasure hunt the universe sends the boys on (with everyone else on their own kind)- but if Buddie doesn’t end with them figuring out what connects them and how they want to be connected...like if they don’t meet in the middle at the X marks the spot (or the universe tether aka Christopher) then I really am just creating this treasure hunt out of thin air and it doesn’t exist like the Dad profusely told Nic Cage’s character in National Treasure...or maybe it’s also like PLAYING DETECTIVES? Cagney and Lacey inspired True Crime podcast brought to you by Buck and Eddie two LAFD firefighters and best friends occasionally featuring their Captain of the 118; plus Bobby’s friend Michael and his partner David who reluctantly participates in these shenanigans but could provide key medical evidence/research. In my mind, they read [mostly Buck and Eddie] their cases/script for this made up podcast as 1940s detectives. Smoky voice Buck: “It’s a locked room mystery.” *1940s detective music* Smoky voice Eddie: “Correction. It’s a locked yard mystery...” Anyway...
Did I mention the clowns to ya'll? We didn't forget abut those clowns did we (Jinx might actually be my fav episode of the season after FUTURE TENSE). The clowns are so pointedly shot after Eddie mentions Ana to Buck. Okay. Then there's also the love languages thing. That's a book Buck’s therapist would've recommended right now or for some reason he’s choosing to read it? As we can see, I think the show might be reeling it back in for Buck. As Eddie put it "I don't know what inspired this software upgrade." Coincidentally, Buck 3.0 is looking to the FUTURE. Anyway, the love languages. NO one immediately thinks about the coffee machine prank. Absolutely no one so I won't even make that a thing, but I notice in that scene Buck "outs" Eddie by telling the team about Ana.
Hen: Ana who?... Is this the one you yelled at? Eddie: I apologized for that. Chim: Yeah okay and you still didn't ask her out? Eddie: She's Christopher's teacher. Bobby: I thought you said she got a new job. Buck: *crickets*
What's the intention behind Buck bursting this supposed secret and then not have him encourage Eddie? Like in his way, Buck could’ve said well, does she do this or that? Words of affirmation? Gift giving? Are yours and her love languages truly compatible? Oh, wait, there’s implications behind the book Buck is reading but also...there's implications behind Chim and Bobby's statements. They're implying okay so go for it. Neither Hen or Buck really do that. Why don’t we have Hen jumping on the encouragement train either? Instead she brings it back to that one unfortunate moment any of them really remembers of Ana... Hmm, it's secrets and coded messages and the one thing that Buck has said from this entire season that truly resonates with me:
Buck (directed to Eddie): The universe is screaming at you and it's like you're not even listening.
Irony is. Neither is he.
Oh wait, another line that resonates with me (and I made a recent post with it too):
Bobby (directed to Eddie): They're so focused on what they don't have that they might miss out on the chance to have something else, something real.
Something real. 
You really want me to think this line is about Ana Flores, even if Eddie thinks it somewhat is? And the foundation of it is to encourage Eddie to think about moving on, to stop being so STUCK (2x04 anyone?). If it really is about Ana then we're actually painting Bobby as the character who has no idea...? None whatsoever as to HOW CLOSE Buck and Eddie could be, if that's what they wanted. Seems fake, but okay. Bobby's line actually should highlight that they both are looking in the opposite direction when in fact the SOMETHING REAL is right in front of their faces. The something real is what Eddie came home to after his supposed date.
Just saying because to me it looks Buck and Eddie are still looking in and RUSHING INTO the PAST TENSE and have yet to understand the FUTURE TENSE. 
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sweeethinny · 3 years
No, I don't wanna fall in love
I really like this scene, but I never finished writing it, so I did it yesterday :)
James stayed focused on his potion, trying not to notice how close Mira was, and that when she moved her head, her hair brushed against him, as well as sometimes her arms beat and he felt a shiver run down his spine. They hadn't talked, in fact, the two seemed to ignore the fact that last weekend, they were almost swallowing up behind the Three Broomsticks. And it disturbed him.
The next day, James waited for Mira in the Common Room at dawn, they had all gone to see Hedite, as well as walking around the castle with Blanca while she was doing the rounds as Prefect, but the blonde did not come down from the room after they arrived, no matter how much he had implied that he wanted to speak to her.
On the other days, every time he tried to be alone with Mira, something happened, even Lily appeared to interrupt them, wanting his help on something to do with the flight lesson, a perfect excuse the girl found to escape.
He should be angry, as he was when Rosalia did it, but differently from the other time, this James was sad.
Their friendship had not been spoiled, not least because she was there, always beside him, but now everything seemed as before, and inside him, nothing was as it was before. How could it be? Kissing Mira was an almost otherworldly experience, his neurons barely knew how to organize themselves in the brain for hours -days-, there was no way to just move on as if it were just something stupid that had happened, like flying upside down.
Unlike what happened with Rosalia, James liked to go out with Mira and kiss her, he wanted to continue, do that again, repeat until his mouth fell, at the same time that he wanted to jump from the Astronomy Tower, because he felt so affected thus. It was exhausting, to say the least.
Yesterday, while he and the boys were studying in an empty room and she played the piano, he wondered what would happen if he kissed her again. It was masochism after all, so he chose to make up an excuse to get out of the room and help Lily learn to fly.
'What do we do? Do you want to study?' They were walking towards the Common Room, it was after eight when Michael and Piper had to follow Johann in detention, looking like two Azkaban inmates, and James was left with Mira (Blanca had gone to talk to McGonagall about something from her OWL's).
'I thought we were going to Hog's Head, to get a beer,' she commented, adjusting the Ghost Tears blouse out of her pants, the clothes bigger than her body and falling almost close to her thighs, while the red cap with a white pompom held her hair. 'What do you think?’
'Wanting to break the rules, Hazel?' James joked, and her black eyes rolled over, as a muffled laugh came out and her hand pushed his shoulder.
'Are we going or not? Because I can go alone.' She replied, in her usual way, lifting her chin to look tough while raising her eyebrow and looking at him as if she measured two heads more than she did, which made him laugh and nod, giving the password for the Fat Lady and letting it pass through the portrait hole first.
They prepared as they did in the old days, he took the cloak and the map just for security, she spent time around the Room, and they went out together carrying some bag - it was never good to leave empty-handed, unless you wanted someone to think that you went out to make out.
'I think Beth and Michael broke up.' The two hid by the cloak before going through the passageway that left at Honeydukes, since going straight to the pub was never a good option.
‘Man, don’t step on the cloak,’ James had to keep her close, much more than necessary, but all because of the cause, they couldn’t be caught. ‘They didn’t break up, they were kissing today.’ Why did she want to talk about their friend's relationship and not theirs? Girls... ‘Mira-’
'James.' She interrupted him. The two stopped, in the gloom of the cramped passage, only a faint light coming from the cracks in the wood on the floor, too close for James to think of anything other than kissing her. 'You first,' Mira said.
'No, you.' He would have to have at least five minutes to remember what he wanted to talk about, or more, her scent was getting strong on his nose and it confused him.
'I'm sorry for not talking to you about ... you know, the kiss.' Was Mira really blushing or was he imagining that? James wanted to be the cause of her blushing? He hated himself for thinking so.
'Huh ... ok.' The words seemed to have slipped from the brain, James was a little anxious. 'We are fine?'
'I think so, don't you?' Mira looked around, and then at him again. Her eyes almost disappeared in the darkness, but maybe his brain wouldn't be able to ignore them and complete them in his mind, anyway, they were a beautiful pair of black holes.
‘Yes.’ The height difference, however small, along with the proximity made him almost hit his chin on her nose whenever he moved his head, but he didn’t want to move away, not at all. James thought about saying many more things, or saying nothing and just kissing her. It was ridiculous how nervous she made him. 'Can I ask you something?'
'No,' James laughed, watching her turn forward and leave under the cloak. 'Let’s go, I want my beer.' Mira was the first to climb the narrow staircase, taking a good look at the store before nodding and sneaking out. He followed, still a little dizzy from how close they had come and how her citrusy smell had made him stay in the clouds. James threw the cloak back on it as soon as he finished closing the passage, looking both ways and seeing that everyone was far away and talking, seeming to pack up the new sweets that had arrived.
'You didn't even know what I was going to ask,' he said, and the two went out the back, the wind whirling in the half-empty village, looking a lot like the last time they were in that alley.
'It's less scary without your dad pointing a wand at our face,' She said, remembering the same day as James, and he nodded 'And of course I know, you're predictable, Potter.' It was not colder than the last few days, they still wore a scarf and gloves, some people even wore the thick, heavy boots their father wore when going on a mission in an absurdly cold place, some said it was the biggest cold front in years. James regretted not having wrapped up better before leaving.
‘What would I say then?’ His fingers were frozen and aching inside his coat pocket.
'That you are sorry for everything and-'
'Wrong.' He interrupted, Mira turned her head like a crow, blinking her eyes. 'I'm not sorry.' James shrugged, taking care to stay away from others, even if invisible. There weren't many people and the stores were still open, but it was always bad to run into someone.
'No?' He had to pull her by the sleeve to keep walking, Mira looked a little shocked by his revelation, but James tried not to take it to the staff as she looked shocked, as if it was even a bad thing he had liked to kiss her.
'Why would I feel it?' The Hog's Head seemed far away now and the air was heavy, but James remained steady, walking with his head held high. If she said that she didn't like it, or that he kissed badly, or anything ... Merlin, he should have said yes, that he was sorry.
'I don't know ... we are friends,' she said, and James thought it was a good point to remember, some nights his head seemed to forget that important fact. ‘What did you mean by that?’
‘We’re here,’ he said, ignoring her question. Before entering, they left the cloak, taking care not to be seen. 'Good night Mary.' The woman was cleaning the old counter, a goat standing next to her eating something that looked more like hay and a yellowish paste, and as always, it was empty at that time.
'Good night kids... shouldn't they be at school?' Abertnorth, the owner, was no longer down there, which was good, since he never liked James to appear, unlike Mary, who smiled and was kind.
'Just an escape,' Mira commented, sitting down on one of the high stools in front of the clean counter. 'You know how it is ... with the OWL’s coming and everything.' James sat next to her, leaving considerable space between their arms.
'Where are the other three?' Since last year, the five have always fled to that pub when they needed beer, or just go outside, making friendly faces for Mary to give them a few bottles before returning.
'Detention,' James said, and the woman, with auburn and short hair, raised her eyebrows and denied it, looking discredited.
'I can hardly imagine why ... The same as always?' They nodded and smiled excitedly, while the redhead disappeared to the back, preparing drinks for them to take (they always said they drank near the Shrieking Shack, just so that Mary wouldn't feel horrible for letting students smuggle something at Hogwarts).
‘Blanca and I-’
'It means that I enjoyed kissing you.' The two spoke at the same time, James completing the thought before his mind analyzed the situation well, taken by the urge to speak the truth. Mira's black eyes blinked at him, too big. It was so suffocating to look at Mira at those moments.
‘Oh…’ That was it, he kissed badly, there was no other explanation for someone making that face, but it was Hazel, the girl who looked like a potato every time something involved her feelings, and the thought made James have a little hope.
‘What does that mean?’ He asked, and he didn’t want to be irritated, but he was already clenching his teeth and feeling overwhelmed. Where's Mary with the beers?
‘What the fuck James, we’re friends!’
‘I am well aware of that Hazel, thank you.’ His molars would break soon, if he kept squeezing them like that.
'Don't be dramatic, Potter, you started it,' Mira pointed out. He rolled his eyes, pulling on his hair and feeling stupid. James thought he should have listened when Michael said that Mira would not want to be with him, and that it would end the group.
'Again, I'm well aware of that.' Mira sighed, denying and squeezing the Cat's Eye pendant that was hidden under her clothes, as she always did when she was nervous.
'Here, kids.' Mary dropped the two bottles on the counter, properly packed and safe, smiling affectionately. James insisted on paying, they talked a little more with the woman (neither of them seemed to want to face each other), and then, putting the bottles in the bag and hiding under the cover after leaving the pub, the two started their way back to Hogwarts.
There had been no conversations this time, the two were silent as death all the way, jumping into the Shrieking Shack, empty and dirty as always, because it was much easier to go back there after Honeydukes closed. James wanted to scream, ask her to say something, hit him, scream, do anything. He wanted to hear something.
But he didn't, he walked beside her as usual, they passed through the snow-white gardens and then they started up the stairs. The corridor to the Tower was empty and there was no one around, so they shed the cloak, which for him was even worse since Mira seemed to want to be as far away from him, eyes steady on the way.
Congratulations James, now you've screwed up, he thought.
The Fat Lady seemed to look at them expectantly, smiling as she watched them both approach and James felt comforted to see her seem sad by the silence, opening the portrait with no joke about the two disappearing together or anything else. In the Common Room, the girl's head seemed to almost smoke out of thinking, and she threw herself into one of the armchairs near the window she liked so much, taking off her cap and scarf, carefully opening the bag. They were not alone in the room, but there were not many people, some younger students here and there, too entertained in their conversations or in the music they played, to worry about both.
Throwing himself on the couch next to her, and placing Amethyst who came to greet them, Mira's cat, in his lap to have something to do with his hands, James wanted to get out of there, still feeling suffocated by the feeling that had ruined everything. It was excruciating, he didn't want to have feelings, no, he didn't even want to meet Hazel right now.
That was a lie, but he could be fooled into thinking that if he didn't know her, he wouldn't be suffering - but who's to say that his life wouldn't be miserable? Mira was the most fun person James had ever met.
'What did you mean by that?' Mira asked again, she didn't look him in the face, paying full attention to the sly cat on his lap, with her only eye closed and purring, it was good, after all not having the attention to you. James felt a little foolish to think that if Mira looked at him, he would say everything he had been hiding for almost three months.
'What I said.' James bent down to pick up one of the bottles from the bag, thanking them that they were away from the rest, and then opened it and took a big sip, his sandy throat thanking him for some liquid.
'Potter, we are friends. Best friends.’ It became sore the more she repeated it.
'You kissed me too.' His stomach clenched with anxiety. 'Was it bad?' James asked, not wanting to know the answer, at the same time that he couldn't help but ask.
'What?' Her eyes finally went up to him, her eyebrows high and her pale cheeks turned a reddish color, the beer in his hand was sweating cold and James was squeezing the bottle harder, trying to control all the emotions that seemed to want to suffocate him.
'It was bad. The kiss. Because, okay, we’re friends, but that can’t be your only justification, I just said that I liked what we did and it looks like I said I want to marry you.’
'Here you go again with this.' Mira rolled her eyes, looking irritated.
'Don't even start Hazel, answer the fucking question.' James also got angry, getting even more nervous, hyperactivity dominating all his senses, he felt vulnerable, like when Albus made him cry when they were kids and he hid from his parents so they wouldn’t see it.
'No. Merlin, James, no.' She messed up her blond strands, settling on the couch a little further away from him, and looking at the window that reflected the dark night outside, he waited. 'I don't want our friendship to end.' Mira looked at him.
'It's not over, at least I don't think so.' James shrugged, trying to look as unaffected as possible, but his monster wanted to break his rib cage and run away from that room.
'I'm sorry.' She rubbed her face in her hands, and Amethyst chose that moment to jump off James' lap, looking at him as if she blamed him, before going to her owner, as if she wanted to comfort her. ’I don’t want you to think about these things, but .. James, it’s too much for me to think about.’
'I think we're in it.' The silence was unbearable again, as he plucked the damp paper around the beer bottle in his hand and she paid attention to the cat, as if she also wanted to escape. 'I don't know what to think,' he admitted, after a while.
'Are we still friends?' She asked again, but this time, James could see in her eyes that Mira seemed very concerned about this, as he also felt when he thought of her in an unfriendly way.
'We never stopped being, Mira,' James assured, and she nodded, looking back at the cat. 'From 0 to 10-'
'I'm not going to answer that.' The blonde laughed nervously, denying and blushing as James followed her laugh, at least the tense moment seemed to have subsided momentarily. He thought he shouldn’t be so pleased that he made her blush and laugh like that, but he did.
'You don't even know what I was going to say.' James defended himself.
'I will not give a grade for your kiss, it is better not to even try.' Mira at least did not look angry, still smiling when she looked at him.
‘Ah, I’d really like to know,’ The silence returned and the boy didn’t even think before speaking; 'In case you want to know, it was 10.' He moved his shoulders and took another sip of his beer, also feeling flushed.
‘I don’t believe it, do you go around scoring everyone’s kiss?’ She was red, but she looked more confident than before.
'No, just for yours.' James blinked and smiled, happy to be able to disguise how nervous he felt, barely managing to control her hand before bringing it to her hair.
Neither said anything else, they drank their beers in silence, both of them looking lost in their own thoughts. He wanted to tell someone, Teddy took too long to answer and he also couldn't be bombarded by James' crude questions, he wanted to be able to tell Albus at least, or his father ... He could tell his father, as embarrassing as that was, he knew the man would give his opinion and help him, but perhaps his father thought it was very stupid that James interrupted his work to help him with his loving questions. Maybe at Easter they could talk.
'Let's forget about it.' Mira was the first to speak, dropping the beer next to her on the floor and running a hand through her blond hair.
'Come on, Hazel, I just said that your kiss is a score of 10, how would I forget that? It's not even an option,' he said, a little anxious that Mira wanted to forget the kiss while James wanted to kiss her until he lost all of the air in his lungs.
'We are friends.' Mira stared at him with big, dark eyes, looking at least ashamed, her cheeks flushed like two peppers. ‘I don’t want to ruin this.’
'But we are not ruining anything, you are the one who is saying this.' James defended himself, trying at all costs not to look flustered.
'We can't even be together in the same room without you looking awkward, and we can't even look at each other.' Redness ran down her cheeks, running down her neck and ears, and James wanted to throw himself off the tower because he thought she looked adorable .
'I can't look at you because I want to kiss you again, and every time it feels like I'm running out of breath and that I'm only going to breathe if we do it again. That's why I can't look at you. Besides, it was you who ran away from me in the last few days.’
'All of this is so confusing.' Mira hid her face in her hands, her hair falling beside her hands, the golden locks shining with the candlelight and the fireplace burning. ‘James…’
'If you say that we are friends again, it will hurt my ego, I swear.' James swallowed. 'Look, if you want ... if you want this to be just a slip, if, I don't know, you want to forget all of that, it's fine.' He felt his stomach churn, as if something inside him broke.
'You said you didn't want to forget.' Mira looked at him, her head still in one hand, her eyes as always seeming to send James into that hole where he felt suffocated, lost in feelings he couldn't name.
'But you keep reminding me that we are friends, so I believe that is what you want.' He shrugged, pretending to be okay with that. 'It's fine by me.'
'You’re sure? James, please- ’
'It's all right, Mira.' He smiled, placing the empty beer bottle and the label all wrecked by his nervous hands, next to hers on the floor, getting up and picking up the map and cloak, feeling anxious. ‘Tomorrow we have training early, don’t go to sleep late, you know that Helen hates delays.’
‘I like you, don’t be weird with me, please.’ Her hand cupped his, black eyes pleading.
'We are fine, Hazel, I promise,' James assured, even though his chest seemed to break into a million more pieces.
‘Why don’t you stay here? The boys are still going to take a while .. ’
'I need to finish my Potions essay, and if Michael knows that I took his to copy, I won't have peace for the rest of the week.' James smiled, squeezing her hand just once before releasing it, feeling suddenly empty. ‘Good night, Hazel.’
'Night, Potter.' James didn't look back, his ego aching, making him scowl to his room, ready to hide under the covers and ignore the outside world. He didn't even care about the essay anymore, he wanted everything to explode around him now that Mira had dismissed him.
He felt like an idiot for having tears in his eyes when he fell on the bed, forcing himself not to cry for a girl, even if that girl was his best friend and James had fantasized several times how things would occur when they talked about the kiss. Thinking that she was going to say that she also kept thinking about kissing him, and then they would be together, kissing for as long as they could.
James narrowed his eyes to wipe away the tears, hating that the scent of her perfume was on his shirt, as if Mira was there beside him, lying with him, as James had dreamed a few times in the past few weeks.
How many times did he think and remember what Mira looked like after they kissed, her cheeks pink and her hair messed up by his hands, her lips pink like when she ate strawberries. James still remembered the feeling of her kiss, of her hands in his hair, of her tongue dancing with his in a sync that James thought was perfect ... He felt like an idiot for being attracted to her.
For a second, he thought of calling his father in the mirror, just to have somebody to talk and feel less alone than he felt, maybe he and Harry could talk about the Easter vacation schedule, or maybe James would tell him that he had been feeling for Mira… But it made no sense to tell, not after she made it clear that they were just friends.
His chest burned, as did his watery eyes, when he looked at the photo he kept on the table beside the bed, of the two of them together at the ball, Mira wearing her beautiful blue dress, the constellation dancing across the fabric, while she looked more dazzling than ever, smiling from ear to ear when James pinched her waist, just to make her laugh.
The book she had given him for Christmas/birthday was there, where it always was, and just because James liked suffering, he picked it up, reading her well-drawn handwriting on the back cover:
'If I had another best friend, I would hit him and go after you.
I love you.
Mira. ’
Best friend. That's what they were, and James knew he should be thankful that Mira hadn't told him to stay away from her forever. But James couldn't do that now, not when he felt like a complete idiot.
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aslanjadecarlyle · 3 years
ghost of you (asheiji)
This oneshot is birthday gift from me to myself
You May also find this oneshot on my AO3 account: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33681853
In which Michael makes an imaginary friend.
Warnings: post-canon, grief/mourning
Michael is eight. Eight years, five months, and four days, to be exact. He’s too old for imaginary friends.
But, his friend that shows up in his parents’ living room one day can’t be imaginary. He can’t be, because Michael recognizes him.
“Ash!” he squeals.
He’s not sure what Ash is doing here. According to his parents, Ash had “gone away for a long time,” and they’d both had tears in their eyes when they sat him down to talk about it. That was just a few days ago. But, Ash is back. He hadn’t been gone for very long.
He’s back, and he’s right here in Michael’s living room!
The older boy looks surprised. And pale. He looks very pale, but it only makes the green of his eyes even brighter as they widen. “Michael?”
“Hiya, Ash!”
As Ash’s eyes soften, they are sad, but calm. “You can… you can see me?”
“Course I can, silly!” Michael grins as he jumps to his feet. “Oh boy, just wait ‘til I tell Mom and Dad that you’re back. They’ve missed you a whole lot.”
“Wait, Michael,” Ash calls out.
Michael, who’d started for the hallway, stops in his tracks. Confused, he turns back to the older boy.
“I don’t think telling your parents about me is such a good idea,” Ash says softly.
Michael juts his lower lip out in a pout. “Why not?”
“People don’t…” Ash pauses. Hesitates. “People don’t… normally come back from where I went to.”
“Where did you go?”
Ash hesitates again. Michael frowns.
“What’s wrong, Ash?”
“Nothing, buddy,” Ash says. “Just… I went to a place that you won’t have to worry about for a long time.”
“Oh. When I do have to worry about it, then will you tell me?”
Ash cringes, but he nods. “Of course.”
Michael smiles, eyes sparkling again. “Okay!”
At the sound of Jessica’s voice, Ash freezes. As Michael looks at him, he puts a finger to his lips.
Michael nods.
“Yeah, Mom?” he calls back, going into the hallway. His mother is coming down the stairs.
“Are you talking to someone?” she asks. She’d just gotten out of the shower and she’s wrapped in a fluffy robe, her hair still dripping wet.
Michael shakes his head. “Just me. I made up a new game.”
“Oh. That’s nice.” She smiles, but it’s small and sad. All of her smiles have been sad since Ash went away.
As she turns away to go back upstairs, Michael says, “Hey, Mom?”
Jessica pauses, then turns to face him again. “Yes?”
“I miss Ash.”
At that, Jessica’s eyes mist over. She stares down at the floor and tries to hide her sniffling, but without much success. “I think we all miss Ash, sweetheart.”
“Will he come back?”
Jessica tries to hide the tear that escapes down her cheek, but she’s too late. Michael sees it. “Probably not, Mikey.”
Michael’s eyes widen. His mom hadn’t called him Mikey since he was a little kid.
“Okay, Mom. Okay.”
“Michael, if you…” Jessica pauses. Takes a deep breath. “If you want to talk about Ash, or anything else, your dad and I will always be here to listen.”
He nods. “Will Dad be home soon?”
“He has another hour at work, but he’ll be home after.” She ruffles his hair, but he doesn’t cringe away like he normally would.
He nods. “Okay.”
After she goes back upstairs, Michael returns to the living room. Ash is huddled in a corner on the floor, knees drawn up to his chin.
“Are you okay?” Michael asks, voice squeaking a little.
“I will be,” Ash mumbles.
“How long will you stay?”
Ash lifts one shoulder in a half-hearted shrug. “I don’t have anywhere I need to be. I can stay awhile.”
Michael’s eyes light up again. “Oh, yay! Will you play with me?”
Lifting his head, Ash manages a small smile.
“Of course, buddy.”
Ash keeps his promise. Ash stays.
They’d been almost caught a few times, but Michael is starting to think that neither of his parents can see Ash, which is weird. They’d had no problem seeing him before he went away.
When he asks Ash about it, Ash says he doesn’t know. He says that the place he went to changed him, and maybe grown-ups can’t see him anymore.
Michael accepts this answer, but he’s still curious about where Ash went. Whenever he asks, all Ash says is that it “was a bad place.” He’d tell Michael more about it when he was older.
Michael didn’t like this answer.
He was almost eight and a half. Eight years, five months, and twenty-three days, to be exact. He thought he was plenty old enough.
But, even though he gets frustrated, the frustration usually fades quickly. Ash was sticking around, and they still played together. That was enough, for now.
It took a lot of concentration for Ash to play, though. He could hardly roll a car across Michael’s bedroom floor without focusing absolutely all of his attention on it. Michael thought maybe he was sick, but Ash said that the place he went to made him weak. Not sick, just weaker than he used to be.
Michael hadn’t realized it before, but Ash was good at keeping secrets. He wished he was as good at keeping secrets as Ash was.
Because one night, about two or three weeks after Ash came back, Michael accidentally lets their secret slip.
He and his parents are sitting around the dinner table. Salmon, green beans, and rice tonight — one of Jessica’s favorite meals. Max and Michael normally preferred burgers and fries. But, it’s still good. Everything Jessica cooks is delicious.
Max is talking about work, and Michael, in typical eight year old fashion, zones out.
That is, until Ash’s name comes up.
At the mention of Ash’s name, Michael perks up. Forgetting the promise he’d made, he pops a piece of fish into his mouth and says, delightedly, “We’re going to play a new game later!”
Talk ceases. Max and Jessica both turn their attention to their son.
“Who are you going to play with, bud?” Max asks.
Michael smiles. He thinks it’s funny that Ash started calling him ‘buddy’ like his dad does. “Ash! He can’t play a lot of games anymore, but he said he’s gonna teach me a new one. One he can play.”
The clinking of silverware stops. Both adults freeze, then glance at each other.
“You’re going to play a game with Ash?” Jessica asks.
“Where did Ash come from?” This time, it’s Max who speaks.
Michael shrugs. “He came back. You guys acted like he’d be gone forever, but it was just a few days.”
“A few days? But it’s been weeks…” Jessica glances at Max.
A frown is settling deep in Max’s brow. “How long has he been back, bud?”
Michael shrugs. “You guys talked to me, told me Ash had gone away. But then he came back again a few days later.”
Jessica sucks in a breath.
“All right.” Max inhales deeply, nods. Then, he smiles. “How about you finish dinner in your room, huh? A special treat.”
Michael’s eyes light up. “Can I watch TV?”
“Of course, bud.”
Jessica helps him prepare a tray, then Michael takes his food to his room without complaint.
When he arrives in his room, Ash is waiting for him.
And then he remembers his promise.
“Oh!” Michael gasps. He stands there, tray rattling as his hands start to shake, and his lower lip quivers. “I’m s-sorry, Ash.”
Ash, though, only smiles at him. “It’s all right, buddy.”
“Are you gonna leave?” Michael’s eyes fill with hot tears. “I’m sorry!”
“Nah.” Ash leans back, crossing one Converse-clad foot over the other, “I won’t leave.”
“Really? You’ll stay?” Michael sniffles, but manages a smile.
Ash smiles back. “Yeah, I’ll stay. But, playtime is going to be a bit delayed, all right? I need to check something.”
Michael nods. “O-Okay.”
“Finish your dinner, huh? I’ll be right back.”
Ash leaves Michael, still sniffling but calming down, in his room, and ventures out. He knows there’s no reason to be overly cautious or sneaky, but old habits die hard
(pun intended)
as he creeps down the hallway.
He finds Max and Jessica talking in the kitchen. He stands, totally exposed but unnoticed all the same, in the doorway, and watches.
Jessica has her head in her hands and her shoulders shake. Her tears are silent, but he knows she’s crying. Max has a chair pulled up next to her and he’s got his arms wrapped around her.
“Maybe this is his way of coping,” he mumbles.
“B-By thinking he can see Ash? Max, Ash is, Ash i-is—“
“I know.” Max cups her face in his hand. He attempts to wipe the tears away, but they come too quickly. “I know, Jess. But, I don’t think he quite understood when we tried talking to him. Maybe this is his way of… processing.”
“He’s too old for imaginary friends, Max!” Jessica snaps.
But, she’s not angry. Not at Max.
She’s angry at the world.
She’s heartbroken.
“This will last a few weeks, maybe a few months,” Max predicts, “but he’ll grow out of it. Maybe it’ll help if we sit down with him again. Explain things… properly.”
“Y-You mean, tell him—“
Max nods.
“Oh, but Max—“
“I know,” he mumbles, pulling her into a hug, “but, is it really fair to let him continue to believe that Ash could come back someday?”
“I, I—“ Jessica hiccups, sniffles. She rests her head on his shoulder and closes her eyes. “I suppose you’re right.”
“I’ll talk to him after school on Friday,” Max mumbles, rubbing her back.
“Okay,” she whispers. He holds her tight. “But, what if…”
“What if… it doesn’t help? What if he still thinks he can play with Ash?”
Max sighs deeply, presses his lips to her forehead. “If it doesn’t pass after a few months… it may be a good idea to take him to a child therapist.”
“Max,” she whimpers.
“I know. Shh. We’ll cross that bridge if we come to it.”
It is then that Ash chooses to take his leave. He returns to Michael’s room with hunched shoulders. He can no longer feel pain, but he’d swear his heart would be aching in his chest if it could.
Michael, though, is thrilled (and incredibly relieved) when Ash returns.
“You came back!” he exclaimed, hopping off his bed. His plate, now empty, sits on his dresser.
“I told you I would.” Ash smiles, but it’s small and shaky.
“I’m sorry,” Michael says again.
“Don’t be. You kept the secret for a long time.”
“Can they see you now?” Michael asks.
Ash shakes his head.
“They know, but it’s still probably a good idea not to talk about me too much, all right? Sometimes grown ups think ghost stories are silly.”
Michael frowns. “But, you’re not a ghost, are you, Ash? Ghosts are dead people.”
Instead of answering, Ash says, “Hey, how about I show you that game now, huh?”
At the mention of a new game, Michael grins.
Questions forgotten.
When Michael comes home from school on Friday, he doesn’t come straight to his bedroom. Instead, Max calls him into the living room. He says he needs to talk to Michael about something important, but assures him he’s not in trouble.
Ash could observe, but he knows that he’d only be distracting Michael.
So, he sits on Michael’s floor.
And he waits.
Michael is gone for a long time.
But, finally, his bedroom door creaks open. He pokes his head into the room first, lip quivering, eyes flooded.
“You lied to me,” he whispers.
Ash stares down into his lap, fiddling with the zipper on his coat. “I’m sorry, Michael. I—“
“I said ghosts were dead people, and you said you weren’t a ghost!”
Technically, Ash hadn’t. He’d changed the subject. But, he knows what Michael means. He’d been lied to for weeks.
He felt betrayed, and it was because of Ash.
“I’m so sorry, buddy. I…” Ash hesitates.
Michael stares at him, heavy tears down his cheeks. His eyes are red and swollen.
“I can leave, if you want,” Ash offers, quietly.
He doesn’t know where he’d go. But, Michael doesn’t have to know that.
“No,” Michael whimpers.
“I don’t want you to leave!” the boy cries. He sits on the floor, school bag still heavy on his back, and sobs. “Don’t leave, Ash. Please don’t go.”
Ash had thought it selfish of him to stay.
But, looking at Michael, eight years old and already having to deal with more than any boy his age should, he thinks it’d be much more selfish of him to leave. At least, for now.
“Okay,” Ash mumbles. “Okay, buddy. I’m not going anywhere. I promise.”
“Yeah, buddy?”
“C-Can I hug you?”
“I’m… not sure, Michael,” Ash admits.
“Can I try?”
Ash hesitates. “All right.”
Michael hurries at him, arms outstretched. But, he passes right through Ash like he’s made of smoke.
Ash shivers. Michael hangs his head low and sniffles.
“I’m sorry,” Ash says.
“I wish I could hug you.”
“I know.”
They’re interrupted by Jessica, who knocks on the open bedroom door. Michael looks up at her from his position on the floor, then looks away.
“I’m so sorry, baby,” she murmurs.
Michael ignores her.
“I don’t think… I don’t think it’s good for you to be alone right now, Mikey.”
“I’m not alone,” Michael says. He looks next to him, at Ash. “I have Ash.”
Jessica looks directly at him.
Ash’s green eyes are wide and bright.
But she does not see him.
“I’m so sorry, Mikey. Please… come watch a movie with us? It will take your mind off of…”
“Go with her,” Ash whispers.
Michael freezes.
“Go on, buddy. It’s okay. They just want to take care of you.”
“You’ll stay here?” Michael whispers, believing himself to be quieter than he is. Jessica’s eyes widen.
“I promise.”
“Okay,” Michael mumbles. Slowly, he gets to his feet. “Okay, Mom. Can I pick the movie?”
Jessica tries to smile.
“Of course.”
Michael turns nine tomorrow.
And Ash has stayed through it all.
Since learning of Ash’s death, Michael has tried to quiet down around Max and Jessica. He still talks about Ash sometimes, but, though the subject is still a sensitive one, they have dropped the idea of taking him to see a child therapist.
Ash and Michael still play sometimes, but mostly Ash has become somebody to talk to. Every day, after he comes home from school, Michael tells Ash about his day.
Ash can’t help but compare his nine-year-old self to Michael, and he’s so grateful he would cry if he could. Michael had gone through a lot in the past year that no eight-year-old kid should have to go through, but it was nowhere near the inferno that had engulfed Ash’s childhood. And, most of all, Michael had parents who loved him. Who supported him. Who helped him however they could.
Something that Ash himself had never, ever had.
They’re in the kitchen. Ash is leaned against the refrigerator, arms crossed over his chest, easy smile on his lips. Michael is helping his mother frost his chocolate birthday cake, but he keeps sticking his fingers in the frosting whenever she turns her back. Max is decorating in the living room, but pokes his head into the kitchen every once in awhile to sniff the air.
“Why does Michael get to lick the spoon?” Max whines.
“Because,” Jessica huffs in exaggerated annoyance, “only one of you is turning nine tomorrow.”
Michael sticks his tongue out at his father.
Max grins, about to retort, when the doorbell rings.
“Ah!” Max grins. “I believe our special guest has arrived!”
“‘Special guest?’” Michael echoes. He and Ash exchange a look, but Ash shrugs.
“You stay there, boy!” Max orders before hurrying to the door.
When he returns, Ash’s jaw drops.
“EIJI!” Michael screams.
Eiji smiles.
“Hiya, Michael.”
Michael runs across the room, knocking Eiji back against the wall in a hug. Laughing, Eiji wraps his arms around the boy.
Ash is frozen.
He can’t stop staring.
It’s only been six or seven months since Eiji left for Japan, and, apparently, he’d come back earlier than that for the funeral. But, this is the first that Ash has laid eyes on him since… the hospital.
Since he was alive.
Eiji’s hair is a little longer, a little shaggier — it looks like he’s trying to grow it out — but, otherwise, he looks the same as he had six, seven months ago. He—
Not the same. Not quite.
His eyes are dark, dark and sad. He’s laughing as he hugs Michael back, but there is a heaviness behind those eyes that wasn’t there before. Because of…
Because of Ash.
“Eiji, Eiji,” Michael repeats over and over, like it’s been a lifetime since they’d seen each other, “You came from Japan?”
“I did,” Eiji says. His voice is soft.
“You came for my birthday?” Michael squeezes tighter, afraid to let go.
Eiji laughs as the air is squeezed out of him. “I did, yes. But, not only reason.”
“Huh?” Michael finally lets Eiji go as he takes a step back and looks up at him.
The gentlest smile pulls at Eiji’s lips. “I been thinking of relocating to New York. Permanently.”
Ash’s mouth falls open.
“You’re moving here?!” Michael demands.
“Well,” Eiji says, “I sure going to try.”
Ash continues to gape at a man who cannot see him.
What happened to going back to Japan?
“It’ll be wonderful to have you around again, Eiji,” Jessica gushes, wrapping him in a hug and gently squeezing, “You are always welcome here.”
Eiji holds Jessica close as he hugs her back, sturdy and comforting. “I appreciate you very much, Jessica.”
Jessica is shaking her head as they pull apart.
“You boys,” she murmurs, voice thick, “did not deserve any of what happened to you.”
Her own traumas go unspoken.
“I hate to interrupt,” Max says, stepping in as soon as he realizes Jessica is becoming overwhelmed with emotion, “but, I think we still have some presents to wrap. Can you watch the cake for us, Eiji?”
Eiji laughs. “Of course.”
Wrapping his arm around Jessica’s shoulders, Max leads her out of the room and takes her upstairs.
Michael waits until they are out of earshot before turning to Eiji, big smile on his face. “Guess what!”
Eiji smiles. “What?”
“Someone else is here for my birthday!”
Snapping out of his Eiji-induced trance, Ash’s eyes go wide. Pausing, Michael looks at him. Ash looks very scared for a moment.
But, after a moment, he nods.
“It’s okay,” he whispers.
Michael grins.
“Huh? Another guest? When will they come?” Eiji asks.
“They’re already here!”
“What?” Eiji crosses the kitchen and looks out into the hall. “Where?”
“Right here!’
Eiji turns to look back at Michael, who’s pointing at the wall.
“Ah, I get it. Is your friend invisible?”
Eiji chuckles. “Well, then. What his name?”
“It’s Ash!”
The laughter cuts off as quickly as it had started.
“Your imaginary friend… is Ash?”
Michael scowls. “He’s not imaginary. He’s dead!”
He says that so excitedly that Ash can’t help but laugh. He covers his mouth with his hand.
Eiji is starting to look a little pale. “Don’t be silly, Michael. There’s no such thing as ghosts.”
“Yes, there is!”
Shaking his head, Eiji leaves the kitchen. Michael and Ash both follow him into the living room.
“Don’t you believe me?” Michael asks.
Crossing the room, Eiji goes to Jessica’s bookcase, picks a seemingly random book, and begins to flip through it. “You’re very imaginative, Michael. You should be an author when you grow up.”
“I’m serious!”
“There’s no such thing as ghosts,” Eiji repeats. He takes his book and sits on the floor… just like Ash does. Leaning against the wall, he pretends to read.
Michael looks at Ash, exasperated.
Biting his lip, Ash looks back at Eiji. His head is bowed as he skims the page.
Michael bites back a giggle as Ash moves closer to Eiji. He stands right in front of him, and Eiji shivers.
This, though, is where Ash falters.
In the months since Ash had shown up in Michael’s house, he has not been able to muster the strength to touch a living human.
Ash looks back at Michael, who nods his encouragement. He turns back to Eiji, who is still pretending to read though his teeth have started to chatter.
Slowly, very slowly, Ash bends down. Then, he leans forward and wraps Eiji in a hug.
Michael is all but holding his breath.
At first, nothing happens.
Then, Eiji gasps. The book falls from his hands, into his lap, and his head jerks up.
He stares directly into wide, bright, beautiful green eyes.
Ash’s smile is very soft.
“Hello, Eiji,” he mumbles.
“Nice to see you.”
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calumance · 4 years
I just had a thought Imagine the boys walking in on you and calum then a month or two later they get told she's pregnant and the boys say something like "well after what we seen I'm not surprised" or something like that hope it makes sense if not you can message me and I'll explain better💚
This got real smutty, I’m not sorry 🙈🙈🙊🙊😳😳
        People do not lie when they say it’s hard to get alone time once you have a kid. Of course you’ve pulled a couple of tricks out of your sleeve to get the alone time you and Calum need, but sometimes it’s not enough. However, it gets even more rough when Calum goes on tour. It’s as if you start to crave his touch and the feeling of him pressed against you. So, when Calum finally came home for a show, you didn’t hesitate to tell him you’d be there. You tried to get Aiden to go to the babysitters, but he threw a fit when he found out he wouldn’t see his dad perform. With a heavy sigh, you agreed to bring Aiden to the show with you.
        When you arrived to the venue, your stomach twisted. It felt like you were going on your first date with Calum again. Aiden busted through the door of the dressing room and immediately ran towards Calum. Calum turned around, hearing Aiden’s voice. His face lit up and he squatted so he was able to scoop Aiden into his arms. Calum hugged his son close to him, not having seen him in person for a couple of months. As you stepped into the room, you smoothed down your dress and bit your lip. Once Calum caught sight of you, he set Aiden back on the ground and took slow steps to meet you in the middle of the space between you. His hands cupped either side of your face as his lips crashed against yours. You stomach twisted in pleasure and you reached up to place your hands on either side of his face. “I missed you so much.” He whispered only pulling his lips a few centimeters away from yours.
        “I missed you too.” You whispered back. Both of you smiled before connecting lips again. His tongue ran along the bottom of your lip, not being able to help yourself, you opened your mouth, allowing his tongue to dance against yours.
        Suddenly, Calum pulled away from you and cleared his throat. He looked around the room and looked at Ashton. “Hey, could you keep an eye on Aiden for a little bit? I’m going to go take a walk through the venue and get a drink with my wife.” Ashton nodded and grabbed Aiden’s attention so Calum could grab your hand and pull you out of the dressing room.
        You stayed quiet and Calum led you down the hallway, suddenly ducking into another room. The room had a couch in it and a few racks of clothes. “What room is this?” you asked as he dropped your hand and shut the door.
        “It’s technically our warm up room, but we don’t really need it since we warm up in the dressing room.” Calum grabbed your hand and pulled you into his chest, his lips crashing against yours. You took a deep breath, calming the warmth that was growing in your core. “I haven’t seen you in so long, I missed your touch. I need you.” His hands ran down your back and to your butt where he gave your cheeks a firm squeeze.
        A fire lit in your stomach as you pushed him back towards the couch. As the back of his knees hit the couch, he fell backwards. He kept his eyes locked on you, his bottom lip finding its way between his teeth. As you stepped closer to him, he reached forward and ran his hands under your dress and up your thighs. You put your knees on either side of his legs and slowly started to undo his belt. His thumb rubbed against your clothed core as you pulled his belt from the loops. Feeling his fingers against your core, you bit your lip and quickly started to unbutton his pants and pull the zipper down. The need for each other took over and you both hastily started to pull each other’s cloths off.
        Calum kept his shirt on and you kept your dress on, the rest of you clothed tossed off to the side. You straddled Calum and slowly lowered yourself onto him. Both of you letting out a guttural groan, finally feeling each other for the first time in a while. You rolled your hip over him, moaning at the feeling. Calum’s brows furrowed as he gripped your hips and lifted his hips into you. You leaned your head back and dug your fingernails into his shoulders.
        The door opened and you both froze. Luke’s hand was on the handle, Michael and Ashton, who was holding Aiden, were behind him. An awkward silence fell over the entire room as the guys exchanged looks. Ashton covered Aiden’s eyes and you looked down to make sure your dress was covering everything. As quickly as they entered the room, they left. Your cheeks burned as they turned bright red, Calum let out a laugh hoping to hide his embarrassment as well. You laid your head on his shoulder and groaned in embarrassment, “Should we finish or call it good?”
        Calum bit his lip and ran his hands up and down your thighs, “I want to finish.” He smirked and you nodded. He gripped your hips and picked up where he left off.
        “So, another baby?” Luke asked after Aiden ran off after blowing the secret to everyone. Luke sat back in his chair and took a drink while raising his eyebrows.
        You nodded and bit your lip and all of the guys started to laugh. Your eyebrows stitched together in confusion. Michael ran his hand over his forehead while trying to control his laughter. “I mean, after what we saw, I don’t think any of us are exactly surprised.”
        Completely forgetting about the fact that they walked in on you and Calum only a few months earlier, you face flushed the same color as a tomato. You dropped your face into your hands and started laughing. “I completely forgot that even happened.”
        Ashton patted your back while walking past you to sit back in his chair, “Don’t be embarrassed, it just means we got to see the making of the next great Hood kid.” Everyone laughed and you hid your face again. You were sure that you were never going to live that down.
Tag list: @mantlereid @notinthesameguey @viiirg0 @wheniminouterspace @thinkofmehlgh @another-lonely-heart @limer-encia @itsmytimetoodream @babyoria
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