#Michael White
darlinhutchence · 2 months
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michael hutchence by michael white in the 90s
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jt1674 · 1 month
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notsosilentsister · 2 years
The White Lotus
Count me all in for the sexual intrigue. Maybe the show won't have that much to say about class, etc., but I'm in a Portia mood, maybe I don't always want all that discourse, maybe I just want to have some fun. Must be the Italian setting; Italy always does something to me. (I fully expect to be devasted by the last episode - I'm so scared that anything will happen to the local girls... my heart sank when their names got recorded on Soprano guy's room. I had thought they were safe, not counting as guests of the hotel, but I guess now they do.) Both of the young couples are a bit horrible, but in an entertaining way. I'm utterly mesmerized by Daphne - she's all sunshine and roses and blink-and-you-miss it joking menace - talking about vacations being a perfect opportunity for murdering spouses, reminding her husband she can always cut off his balls. If this season's corpses are not again the results of tragic accidents, but indeed, murder, I'm putting my money on her as the murderess.
Cameron does seem to love his wife - he had a nice moment at dinner, being all broken up about almost having lost her during a difficult pregancy. I buy it. Still, I'm not sure that his me-too-vibes are entirely baseless or that he's particularly sexually exclusive. I don't think he's genuinely trying to seduce Harper, but he did show her his ass on purpose. Maybe just to mess with her, put her off balance? Or maybe he's trying to lure her into a compromising situation, to prove to his buddy that she ain’t shit. He clearly thinks his friend could have done better. Maybe because he’s got designs on him himself? In the first episode, at dinner, when wondering about his friend’s lack of game in college, he says “I would do you” - why not take him at his word for that? I'm also starting to really feel for Harper. Sure, she's clearly miserable in her marriage, and she's taking it out on others. But Daphne completely misses the point in her anaylsis of the problem, blaming it all on premature ball-breaking on Harper's part. I really don’t think that Harper's attitude is the biggest problem in her marriage - or if so, merely indirectly. True, her pushy demeanor probably got her into that mess - because this guy wouldn’t have married her, if she hadn’t told him to. Because he’s simply not actually into her. This episode she's already starting to be more accommodating, even vows to be "fun" from now onwards, and still, he outright rejects her advances on more than one occasion! Cameron suggests that at college Ethan was always too busy for sex, and even though Harper hates Cameron and has found a way to disagree with everything else he says, she’s quick to confirm that this is still the case. I don’t think she saying that to undermine Ethan - she has just acquiesced to eat the damn fish, because she’s noticed she’s creating that impression. You get the sense it spills out of her in spite of herself - she’s clearly genuinely frustrated about it! My take is that Ethan married Harper, because it was the path of least resistance, and she has never really been his type. I suspect he’ll end up cheating with Daphne, someone he would never have dared to even dream about before he got rich. Cameron’s probably got his number right - he really is the original incel who settled for a Harper/Becky, because he was convinced the Stacys/Daphnes are only for the Chad’s/Cameron’s of this world. Poor Harper! Right now she’s clearly over-compensating her insecurity in an obnoxious manner, but my bet is her insecurity is not unfounded. I think it would be fun to have a proper love quadrangle - Harper actually wants Ethan, who actually wants Daphne, who actually wants Cameron, who actually wants Ethan. Cameron will finally convince everyone to have an orgy, and then everyone will be crushed when it becomes apparent, why everyone else agreed to the plan. I'm already tired of the farty, flirty grandpa, but I'm afraid Portia isn't. She seems to find him more entertaining than Albie (who lost some points with me this episode with his nice guy's lament). This could go all in a very unpleasant direction, where Portia gives grandpa too much attention because she thinks he's cute and ultimately harmless, which he takes as encouragement to become even more obnoxious. That's the potential subplot I'm looking least forward to.
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factcheckdotorg · 2 years
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plus-low-overthrow · 2 years
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Michael White - I Like It (Elektra)
drums, James Gadson & prod. Wayne Henderson & Don Mizell, 1979.
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spilladabalia · 5 months
The Blackjacks - The Blackjacks' Manifesto (The Sweet Smell Of Flowers)
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jodielandons · 1 year
Remember The Blind Side starring Sandra Bullock? The movie showed how a kid who had an extremely rough upbringing got help from the family of a school friend, found success in football and ultimately ended up being adopted by the family. Turns out he was never adopted.
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Michael Oher says that he was tricked by the Tuohy family into signing documents that made them his conservators. Since he was already 18 at the time the family told him, “that it means pretty much the exact same thing as 'adoptive parents,' but that the laws were just written in a way that took [his] age into account.”
Oher also says that papers were signed so that his story and likeness were given away for free to use in The Blind Side. He also never got a single royalty check for the hugely successful, Oscar nominated film in the 14 years since its release.
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toletoletole · 9 months
Keeping Faith: A Conversation with Michael White
Michael White (1948-2008) Heute wäre der australische Wegbereiter des narrativen Ansatzes in der systemischen Therapie, Michael White, 75 Jahre alt geworden. Er starb viel zu früh 2008 im Alter von 59 Jahren an einem Herzinfarkt, als er sich für ein Seminar in San Diego, Kalifornien, aufhielt. Im Journal of Systemic Therapies erschien 2009 ein Interview mit Michael White, das Jim Duvall und…
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ourtubahero-blog · 9 months
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David Tennant vs furniture.
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page-28 · 1 year
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shupito · 8 months
Ways to carry a person slasher (Jason edition)
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jt1674 · 1 year
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darlingshane · 3 months
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1.08 Braciole / 3.06 Napkins THE BEAR (2022-)
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healed1337 · 1 year
British Comedy Month 2 - Monty Python and the Holy Grail
This here is the main reason I’ve wanted to spend a month looking at British Comedies. Yes, Hot Fuzz was another major reason, but Monty Python and the Holy Grail is, well … Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Released in 1975, this movie cost less than 300,000 British pounds to make, yet it earned over 2.3 million. It popularized the British comedy group internationally, when before this, they were…
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blumfrey · 1 year
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