#Mexican Foods in Singapore
haldimexicana · 3 months
Boat Quay Restaurants in Singapore | Mexican Restaurants in Singapore | Haldi Mexicana
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Make it a fiesta friday With delectable burritos! 
Flavor-loaded and irresistible.
Visit Now: https://www.haldimexicana.sg/menu.php
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Mexican Cuisines in Singapore | Three Amigos
Looking for Mexican food in Singapore? Check out the best Mexican restaurants in Singapore - Three Amigos!
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katherinespiers · 1 year
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Two Food Pop-Ups That Made It
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islifearecipe · 1 year
Platypus Cantina Siglap Review: 923 East Coast Road
Platypus Cantina Siglap: new to the East Coast in my home-suburb of Siglap. Time for a review!!!  Platypus Cantina Siglap: I was just back from a business trip to Seattle, mightily jet-lagged and not wanting to meander too far from home for dinner. I know, I said to the family, let’s check out the new Platypus Cantina Siglap, that replaced Al Forno late last week… A resounding yes was received.…
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esotericpluto · 1 year
where is your future spouse from
from left to right; intuitively choose the pile you feel more connected to. To make it easier, you can take a deep breathe, close your eyes and ask for guidance to your deities or guides. These are all general messages, so just take what resonates and leave what doesn't. This reading is timeless. If it resonates, feedback is always appreciated and motivates to keep doing pick a card readings. You can donate here.
dividers: @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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pile 1
I feel like for most of you who picked this pile this person is of Asian descent. Keep in mind that Asia is a big country with many countries and ethnic groups, so I will try to break it down more.
I do feel like for some of you who chose this pile, your future spouse might be of korean origin, but I feel like they will be half white and/or live in the west, like Europe or North America. This message seems to be more true for those of you who have strong scorpio, aquarius and possibly aries influences in your chart. If your name starts with C, E or P or has a more vintage vibe to it, it can still be for you.
For another group who chose this pile, I'm sensing someone of indian origin, I'm getting they could be kashmir and, for some of you, even telugu as well. This feels especially true for those of you that have a strong sagittarius or leo influence in your charts or if your name starts by A, L or U.
I am getting for a minority of people who chose this pile, your fs might be of levantine origin, mainly lebanese and/or palestinian, living most likely in Lebanon, for some of you, or in Southern Europe as of now. I feel like this message is especially true for those of you with strong scorpio, taurus or libra placements. Especially those who get M, S or V as first names.
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pile 2
For this pile, I'm specifically getting southeast asian, most likely indonesian and/or malay. I feel like they might be living in Singapore right now. If you are a capricorn, a virgo or a cancer or have strong influences from these signs, this might be the ethnicity of your fs.
I'm getting potentially someone is of sub-saharian african descent mixed with european for some people who picked this pile. I'm getting this person might have ancestors from different parts of Africa and Europe and I'm getting difficulty pinpointing some exact places. I feel like for some of you, they might be west african and partially british. For others, this person could be afrolatino from the caribbean. Signs for this one I'm only getting scorpio and pisces, but I'm also gettingthe initials C, M and D.
There is a smaller group of you that could have a fs from a eastern african country too, potentially Ethiopia or Somalia. I'm getting this is likely true for you especially if you always enjoyed cultures and foods from different african countries, if you like the color red or if your name starts by J, F or E. Potentially if you like orange or are a capricorn rising/sun/moon.
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pile 3
I'm getting a strong european influence here. I feel like this person might be italian and, for some of you, of a similar background like iberian, balkan or greek. You will meet them while on a trip to their country or city, if you are from the same country. This might resonate the most with those of you who like the color green, to wear t-shirts or whose name starts with B. If you are a cancer, leo, libra or taurus, this might also be true for you.
For others of you, I'm getting this person might be mexican, likely of a mestizo background. I feel like they might be in the US living right now, although for some it could even be Canada. This might resonate more with you if you like green vegetables like spinach or broccoli, if you like coke, if you like the colors red and pink, if you like mermaids or are of strong aquarius, aries or gemini.
For some of you, although a larger minority, your fs might also be argentinian or brazillian. This can be true especially if you like soccer (I think this one are my guides joking), cinema, romance movies/books, the color white and pink, lana del rey. Alternatively, if your name starts by N, A or Z and your signs are leo, virgo or cancer.
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dinoandyue · 11 months
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14.11 ; piedra negra
events ; long time no update! this was from just a few days ago where i went to town with my friends and we ate at this super COOL mexican restaurant called piedra negra!!! it was my first time having mexican food but oh my god THE FOOD WAS SOOOO GOOD like the quesadillas and the burritos were divine omgomg. if you visit singapore YOU MUST COME HERE!!!! my friends and i also got matching necklaces >:) i got an alien one and my friends all said it matched me ~~
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oolong-strawbby · 6 months
I always wondered how my slapdash, dawn-written, hot take essays would get high marks from my english and literature teachers.
It wasn’t until I entered college, helped correct my friends’ and classmates’ essays, that I realised that the reasons why my teachers seemed so relieved when it came to me.
The bar is so low it’s not even off the ground.
When it’s bad, it is so so horrific.
No shit. These essays are not even being re-read by the student writing it themselves. They’re made for an audience of no one. By teens who had to get up, bleary-eyed, at the crack of dawn while juggling assignments from 7-8 other subjects.
I only wrote like that because I had fun writing. Other people would rather die than go through that again in their 20s.
I guess the difference is that quality suffers when what you do is treated more of an obligation. And you, the worker, some product on a shelf, replaceable as the last.
Those Japanese or Thai artisans you respect soooooo much are only able to put their utmost bussy into every facet of their craft because they are making an active choice to pursue it in an era that disregards high quality, in exchange for slop funnelled out as inhumanly fast as possible.
Laud all you want at the overworked barista or teacher because “hey even if you aren’t being paid well, take some pride and do your job well” in lieu of the sweet old Mexican cochineal bug farmer, or the wise calligraphy ink craftsman in Japan’s Nara prefecture.
(yes I have been watching Business Insider channel)
In another life, those coworkers you only know in short glimpses would’ve also liked to be a lovely mentor whose students show obvious progress, or just puts care into whatever shit they like, because they have the time and ability to support themselves.
Capitalism. Yeah that’s pretty much it. It’s been a while since I short circuited back to that lmao,
My boyfriend realises this too. How he saw this metal craftsman sitting on a street in Thailand at night just tinkering with these beautiful, delicate, monstrously difficult sculptures that engulfed the size of his torso, and knew the guy wasn’t even doing it to be paid. He’d just be doing it anyway.
And I told him, how sad it is, that we don’t have that same kind of artisan culture here in Singapore, where someone makes it their life, hell, their family’s trade, to just be good at one thing.
That one thing could either be food, art, tools, growing things, getting materials.
Nature is reduced to a mere concept here.
The lines of hands are not welcome here, instead lined with wire. It’s all wrapped in artifice and hubris. No wonder my friends are so sick of this country.
But if we do have remnants of that culture, it’s all from our elders who descended from China or our neighbours.
We do not cultivate the love of craft.
Or autismos. Oh thank god for them. Autists are universally the only vanguards of culture left. So intensely concentrated with this obsessive drive to catalogue, create and crack solutions to the most minute issues, that they are our modern artisans.
All culture trickles down from them now. Too bad their interests take them usually to just obsessing over locomotives, internet memes, or the average children’s programme.
Oh and being the backbone of Wikipedia in the form of unpaid investigative journaling and editing.
Supremely invaluable to the human race for that. Plus data/record keeping.
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So many people are still talking about wanting to change their lives and I’m wondering whether I even need to. My life is pretty awesome. I’ve never lost a loved one suddenly or unexpectedly. I didn’t even lose a grandparent until I was 17. I’ve never been hospitalized. I’m in good physical shape with no major medical conditions. I’ve never been uncertain that I’d have my next meal or a roof over my head. I’ve never been unable to buy food or clothing or necessary supplies. I’ve never had a huge family issue with family members hating or not speaking to each other. I count my parents, my sister, my grandma, and my cousins among my best friends. I’ve never been hugely betrayed or cheated on or abused. I’ve never been a crime victim. I graduated from college and have an advanced degree. 
I’ve been to over 30 countries, over 30 U.S. states, and 27 U.S. national parks. I’ve been to some of the most recognizable cities in the world, including Sydney, Tokyo, Beijing, Singapore, Paris, Rome, Prague, New York, Chicago, Seattle, Las Vegas, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Dubai, Madrid, Miami, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Venice, and Athens. I’ve watched the sunset from New Caledonia and Aruba and the middle of the Mediterranean. I’ve ziplined through the Costa Rican rainforest. I’ve walked over the border from Thailand to Myanmar. I’ve taken road trips in Europe where I’ve been to 4 countries in one day. I’ve hiked in Patagonia. I’ve dodged traffic in Hanoi. I’ve seen the sunrise over Ankar Wat. I’ve ice skated in the biggest mall in the world on my birthday. I’ve watched New Year’s fireworks in Brisbane, Queensland and Cusco, Peru. I’ve stopped for lunch in Lake Como. I’ve stood on the Great Wall of China. I’ve ridden a train through the Candian Rockies. I’ve been to the place I consider the world’s most beautiful - Glacier Point, Yosemite - 4 times. My family owns property in Florida and the Hamptons so I have a beach getaway about 10 times a year. 
I have an apartment with my own washing machine and dishwasher. I have a job I can work remotely whenever I’m sick or otherwise need to be away from the office. I have coworkers I actually look forward to seeing. I have a cat who loves me. I live about 30 seconds away from a bakery, ice cream shop, Mexican restaurant, pizzeria, and bagel shop, and within walking distance of three grocery stores. It takes me about 4 minutes from my door to the train platform to get to work. I say this just to point out that my day-to-day life is almost absurdly easy. 
Some people would look at my life and think there are still things missing from it; I don’t have my own house, I don’t have kids, I’m not married, I have very few friends who aren’t from work or family, I don’t have my own car, I don’t make six figures, I’m still just an “associate” without a prestigious job title or ranking within my firm. But I still have a lot that most people don’t. I need to remind myself of that at times, because sometimes I even feel unsatisfied. I never feel like I’ve learned enough; I’ve never read enough books or watched enough movies or practiced enough hobbies to please myself. I often feel happy doing activities alone, but sometimes I wish I had a close friend my own age to hang out with just once a week or so to make things more interesting. I live somewhere convenient, but there are trade-offs; it’s loud, there are too many lights obscuring the sky at night, it’s crowded, it’s not where I want to be forever. I haven’t even figured out whether I’m serious about doing some of the things I say I want to do; move to the West Coast, open my own law office or other business, conduct research and write articles, buy my own house where I can have chickens and a root cellar, climb mountains. Maybe I’m just too complacent a person deep down? I fear that. I’ve found that a decent life can be a trap; if things are good enough, you can start to genuinely wonder if it’s worth it to work any harder or take any more risks to make them better. Let this be a reminder that nobody’s perfect, I guess; I have a lot that’s enviable but I still don’t have all the answers.
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philolz-blog · 3 months
Playlist - July 8 2024
1So fresh! A handmade burger with plenty of jalapeños to balance out the greasy taste | @Delight []22:19▶️
2Ahora Se Solto Un Tormenton y Hago Un Caldito Adobado De Res | @De mi Rancho a Tu Cocina []7:27▶️
3Old School KC Brisket | Chef Tom | All Things Barbecue | @allthingsbbq []11:24▶️
4BILLIONAIRES Wedding Party. 150 kg Pilaf Prepared for 1000 People to Eat. Part 1 | @COOL DADDY []26:08▶️
5EPIC Taco Night That’s 100x Better than Taco Bell! | @Brian Lagerstrom []8:49▶️
6Better than pizza sheet pan casserole | EASY & Quick dinner casserole recipe | @Simply Mamá Cooks []6:26▶️
7Elephant Foot Biryani | Delicious Elephant foot Biryani | Yam Biryani | Grandpa Kitchen | @Grandpa Kitchen []10:52▶️
8Pigs in Blanket Jalapeno Poppers | @Cowboy Kent Rollins []14:24▶️
9Trying 3 D.I.Y. Japanese Candy Kits | @DancingBacons []9:04▶️
10Lemon Pound Cake ⧸ Candied Lemon Slice | @Boone Bake 분 베이크 []12:39▶️
11Eating Philippines Rotten Pork Delicacy with Apo Whang Od!! | @Best Ever Food Review Show []25:08▶️
12Grilled Pig Intestines Unlimited Refills - Korean street food | @FoodyTrip 푸디트립 []8:02▶️
135 Must Eats in Saigon, Vietnam 🇻🇳 | @Max McFarlin []28:16▶️
14OUR HONEYMOON ❤️ 14 Days in Korea | @Miss Mina []24:51▶️
15Clear Big Mac | @Barry Lewis []21:10▶️
16How Fish Cake, Crab Stick and Sea Grape Production in Japan - Japan Seafood Farm and Harvesting | @Noal Farm []12:34▶️
17Yummy ripe mango recipe - Delicious country food cooking - Countryside life TV | @Countryside Life TV []10:51▶️
18Chicken Saltimbocca | Food Wishes | @Food Wishes []8:22▶️
19Chiikawa Ramen Sandwich and Mini Cup Ramen Noodles | @japanesestuffchannel []5:16▶️
20cold air drying Stewed seafood pollack | @푸드킹덤 Food Kingdom []13:51▶️
21Giant Bread with Curry Chicken, A Timeless Recipe of Curry Chicken Bun | @Cate Food Travel 凱特食旅 []11:03▶️
2224hours Vlog of home-lover, Home alone party making cheese tteokbokki after work with lunchbox | @Jihyunkkung []22:55▶️
23Bokhcha - Traditional Azerbaijani Sweets I Dessert Recipe | @Country Life Vlog []19:41▶️
24Catching & Cooking GIANT LOBSTER & OYSTERS on a Boat in Tasmania Australia | @Strictly Dumpling []22:15▶️
25🌮 CALL OF THE TACO 🌮----
26Korean Spicy Hot Pot (Octopus, Beef tripe, Shrimp), Bowl of rice served with Korean Beef tripe-16:39▶️
27Homemade Chicken Pot Pie _ Cowboy Kent Rollins-18:56▶️
28ENG SUB] A day in the local bakery in Korea Bakery vlog Cafe vlog-10:05▶️
29오픈 두달 만에 공릉동 맛집 등극! 하루 200개 팔리는 페스츄리 미트파이 _ New Zealand pastry meat pie - Korea street food-18:04▶️
31Vending Machines in Singapore #4-8:14▶️
32$1 Tacos VS $113 Tacos in MEXICO!! Super RARE Mexican Food!!-19:02▶️
33La Mejor Receta De Navidad La Cocina En El Rancho-14:01▶️
34Taiwanese Street Food - Fried Fish Cake, Shrimp Fritter, Egg Rolls-11:55▶️
35Frosty Winter Hot Tent Camping-26:41▶️
36The Japanese Sandwich you should eat before it's gone 🇯🇵🥪-8:07▶️
37추운날에 딱입니다! 얼큰뜨끈 속풀리는 장칼국수 밀키트 대량생산_ Korean Spicy Noodle Factory - Mass Production-11:01▶️
38The ULTIMATE Iranian Street Food Tour ofDubai w_ Mark Wiens and Mr. Taster!!! 16 Hours of EATING!!!-44:30▶️
39Foil Boat Pork Butt-9:37▶️
40American Food - DETROIT STYLE PEPPERONI PIZZA Lions & Tigers & Squares NYC-20:02▶️
42Beautiful and delicious! Japanese grilled eel & 11 toppings of seafood over rice Korean street food-20:50▶️
43Bread BarberShop handmade candy making - korean street food-10:27▶️
44Cooking Quails in Tomato Sauce in the Wood Oven-13:16▶️
45vlog|Monte Cristo sandwich, chicken tender curry, oyster bossam with radish kimchi and many more-24:18▶️
46All You Can Eat DISNEY BUFFET! Food Tour of ANIMAL KINGDOM DISNEY WORLD 50th Anniversary-30:52▶️
47🌮 CALL OF THE TACO 🌮----
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orangeequinox · 4 months
Colonialism's Culinary Legacy: From Fusion Cuisine to Food Sustainability
The intertwined narratives of food history and colonialism provide a captivating framework for exploring the dynamics of culinary culture preservation and dissemination. Across varied regions like China, Thailand, Vietnam, Africa, and Korea, the echoes of colonial encounters resonate deeply within culinary landscapes, leaving indelible imprints on the evolution of food traditions. Delving into this historical tapestry sheds light on the intricate interplay between power dynamics, cultural exchange, and culinary adaptation.
Colonialism, characterized by conquest, exploitation, and cultural assimilation, acted as a catalyst for profound shifts in food histories globally. Among its significant outcomes was the introduction of novel foods and ingredients to colonized regions. European colonial powers ushered in crops like potatoes, tomatoes, and chili peppers to Asia, fundamentally reshaping indigenous cuisines.
Moreover, colonial encounters facilitated rich cultural exchanges and culinary fusions. This phenomenon is exemplified by the assimilation of French baguettes into Vietnamese cuisine during the colonial era. Similarly, Portuguese traders introduced cassava to Africa during the transatlantic slave trade, sparking the development of dishes like fufu—a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of indigenous populations in adapting colonial influences to local palates.
Tex-Mex cuisine serves as a poignant example of culinary fusion borne out of cross-cultural exchange along the Texas-Mexico border. Mexican immigrants introduced dishes such as tamales and enchiladas, which harmonized with Anglo-American settlers' culinary traditions to birth unique Tex-Mex delights like chili con carne and fajitas. Urbanization and industrialization further propelled its evolution, illustrating how culinary traditions metamorphose in response to changing socio-economic landscapes.
Furthermore, colonialism exerted profound influences on culinary practices and dining customs in colonized territories. The introduction of American food staples during the Korean War reshaped traditional eating habits in Korea, resulting in dishes like budae jjigae. British colonial rule in Singapore enriched its culinary tapestry by interweaving British gastronomic traditions with indigenous Malay, Chinese, and Indian cuisines.
Despite the adversities wrought by colonialism—such as the exploitation of indigenous food resources and the imposition of dietary norms—it also engendered cultural resilience and culinary creativity. Indigenous communities adeptly assimilated colonial influences, giving rise to distinctive hybrid dishes that bear testament to the complexities of colonial legacies. Thailand's elevation of pad Thai as a national dish amid Western colonialism and globalization exemplifies endeavors to assert cultural identity and pride.
Cooking, as a cornerstone of cultural heritage, assumes a pivotal role in the preservation and dissemination of culinary traditions. The widespread use of woks in Asian cuisine, grounded in both practicality and cultural significance, epitomizes the adaptability and resilience of culinary traditions shaped by centuries of trade, migration, and colonialism. Woks not only serve as versatile cooking vessels but also evoke cherished memories of shared meals and familial recipes, fostering a profound sense of cultural identity and connection to culinary heritage. Furthermore, cooking with woks proffers health benefits, accentuating the symbiotic relationship between food and well-being.
In essence, exploring food history through the prism of colonialism underscores the inherent resilience, adaptability, and creativity embedded within culinary traditions worldwide. By comprehending and embracing this rich tapestry of food histories, we can celebrate diversity, foster inclusivity, and cultivate a deeper appreciation for the cultural significance of food in shaping our collective human experience.
Amidst the spectre of a potential global food crisis—characterized by climate change, burgeoning populations, and dwindling agricultural resources—the concept of fusion cuisine emerges as a salient strategy for enhancing food sustainability and resilience. Fusion food, which amalgamates culinary traditions and ingredients from disparate cultures, presents a creative avenue for maximizing the utilization of available crops and resources to alleviate food shortages and address nutritional needs.
Fusion cuisine's versatility lies in its ability to incorporate a diverse array of ingredients, including underutilized or alternative crops, into traditional dishes. By melding ingredients from different culinary traditions, fusion cuisine can harness the nutritional diversity of various crops to craft balanced and delectable meals that fulfil dietary requirements. This approach augments food security by diversifying food sources and mitigating reliance on a limited roster of staple crops, thus mitigating risks associated with crop failures or shortages.
Moreover, fusion cuisine catalyses innovation in food production and preparation techniques. As communities grapple with changing environmental conditions and resource constraints, fusion cuisine provides a platform for experimenting with novel cooking methods and ingredient combinations that optimize nutrient retention, minimize waste, and enhance culinary appeal. Traditional cooking techniques from one culture can be adapted to prepare dishes using locally available ingredients from another culture, yielding innovative fusion creations tailored to local tastes and preferences.
Additionally, fusion cuisine fosters cultural exchange and collaboration, nurturing a sense of culinary diversity and inclusivity. In the context of a global food crisis necessitating cooperation and resource sharing, fusion cuisine serves as a unifying force that celebrates the richness of culinary heritage while embracing the imperative for adaptation and resilience. By embracing fusion cuisine, communities can forge connections across cultures, exchange knowledge and resources, and collectively navigate the challenges of a shifting food landscape.
In sum, fusion cuisine epitomizes a holistic approach to food sustainability and resilience in the face of a potential global food crisis. By creatively blending ingredients, techniques, and culinary traditions from diverse cultures, fusion cuisine offers a pathway to optimize the utilization of available crops, promote nutritional diversity, and foster cultural exchange and collaboration. As we confront the complexities of food insecurity and environmental sustainability, embracing fusion cuisine empowers communities to adapt, innovate, and flourish amidst change.
TLDR: The intertwining of food history and colonialism shapes culinary culture, showcasing how power dynamics and cultural exchanges influences food traditions globally. Colonial encounters introduced new foods and sparked culinary fusions, and despite colonial adversities, it spurred resilience and creativity resulting in unique hybrid dishes. Cooking serves as a pillar of cultural heritage and amidst potential global food crises and fusion cuisine emerges as a strategy to enhance sustainability by blending diverse ingredients and techniques, promoting food security, innovation, and cultural exchange.
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haldimexicana · 3 months
Indian food restaurant near me | Haldi Mexicana
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Enjoy the rich and creamy flavors of healthy palak paneer at the best Indian restaurant in singapore!
Fresh and flavorful treat for veg lovers.
Reserve Now: https://www.haldimexicana.sg/menu.php
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Mexican and North Indian Restaurants in Singapore | Threeamigos
Best Mexican Restaurant In Singapore | Experience the true taste of Mexico in Singapore| Mexican Foods In Singapore | Three Amigos Mexican and Indian - Boat Quay.
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arallen14 · 4 months
China Halal Food Market | AR Allen
Food vlogs Food vlog Food vlogs video Food vlog Food china halal food china halal food market guangzhou china halal food shenzhen china halal food xi'an china halal food halal food in shanghai china halal food in beijing china china southern airlines halal food chinese halal food in china how to find halal food in china halal food in chongqing china chinese halal food chinese halal food recipes china muslim food street china muslim food market hindi china muslim food market chinese food halal jakarta halal chinese food london halal chinese food malaysia halal chinese food singapore china halal street food halal chinese food birmingham chinese food halal bandung best halal food in china beijing halal food halal chinese food in china china muslim city food china muslim food eating mosque halal food muslim street in xi'an china ep 3 halal food in hangzhou china halal food in china halal food in beijing chinese muslim food in china halal food in guangzhou china halal food in shenzhen china muslim halal food in china halal food in xiamen china jeju halal food halal restaurant in china halal chinese food kuala lumpur makanan halal di shanghai halal food china mac halal chinese food penang food ranger china halal
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michaelmikulec0 · 7 months
Epicurean Expeditions: Unveiling Cultural Riches through Culinary Journeys
In a world where the intersection of cultures creates a vibrant mosaic, culinary journeys emerge as a gateway to exploring the diverse tapestry of humanity. "Epicurean Expeditions: Unveiling Cultural Riches through Culinary Journeys" beckons us to embark on a gastronomic adventure, transcending borders to delve into the heart of different societies through their flavors and connections.
The Alchemy of Culinary Exploration
Culinary journeys, akin to epicurean expeditions, are not merely about tasting exotic dishes; they are a holistic experience that engages all the senses. The aroma of spices, the sizzle of street food stalls, and the vibrant colors of fresh produce in local markets create an immersive narrative, allowing us to step into the soul of a culture through its cuisine.
Imagine wandering through the narrow alleys of Marrakech, where the air is laced with the scent of cumin and coriander. Here, the traditional tagines, bursting with succulent meats and aromatic spices, serve as portals to Moroccan history and hospitality. Each bite becomes a journey through time, connecting the modern palate with centuries-old culinary traditions.
Culinary Crossroads: Where Flavors Converge
One of the remarkable aspects of culinary journeys is the way flavors converge at the crossroads of cultures, creating a harmonious blend that is both familiar and novel. Picture the bustling streets of Singapore, where hawker centers offer a tempting array of dishes from Chinese, Malay, Indian, and Peranakan cuisines, all coexisting in a vibrant gastronomic symphony.
In such culinary crossroads, a plate of Hainanese chicken rice might share the table with a spicy bowl of laksa or a fragrant serving of biryani. The richness of these intersections isn't just in the flavors; it lies in the connections formed around shared tables, where diverse backgrounds and tastes come together in a celebration of culinary unity.
The Language of Food: A Universal Dialect
Food serves as a universal language, transcending linguistic barriers and cultural nuances. Culinary exploration becomes a journey of communication, where every dish tells a story, and every shared meal becomes a conversation. In the lively street markets of Mexico City, for instance, the language of tacos, tamales, and salsas becomes a cultural dialect that unites locals and visitors alike.
The simplicity of a shared taco, filled with flavorful meats and accompanied by a squeeze of lime, fosters connections that go beyond words. It's a communal experience that transcends nationality, transforming strangers into friends as they savor the richness of Mexican street food together.
Preserving Tradition, Embracing Innovation
Culinary journeys showcase the delicate balance between preserving traditional recipes and embracing innovation. In the historic alleys of Kyoto, Japan, where tea houses have stood for centuries, the art of kaiseki dining embodies this harmonious coexistence. Kaiseki, a multi-course meal rooted in Japanese tradition, adapts to contemporary palates while maintaining its cultural essence.
The meticulous preparation of seasonal ingredients and the artful presentation of a kaiseki meal reflect a commitment to culinary heritage. Yet, the inclusion of modern techniques and creative twists speaks to the dynamic nature of culinary evolution. Culinary journeys capture the spirit of a culture in transition, where the old and the new dance together on the plate.
From Farm to Fork: Culinary Origins Explored
To truly understand a culture through its cuisine, one must trace the journey of ingredients from the farm to the fork. Culinary journeys often lead to local markets, where the vibrancy of fresh produce mirrors the richness of a region's agricultural traditions. Imagine strolling through the stalls of a Provencal market in France, where plump tomatoes, fragrant herbs, and wheels of artisanal cheese create a sensory feast.
Participating in the local food chain, from purchasing ingredients to observing traditional cooking methods, offers a profound connection to a community's way of life. It's an opportunity to witness the dedication of farmers, the craftsmanship of artisans, and the resilience of culinary traditions passed down through generations.
Culinary Diplomacy: Breaking Bread for Understanding
In a world often divided by differences, culinary diplomacy emerges as a powerful tool for fostering understanding. Breaking bread together becomes a shared experience that transcends political and cultural divides. Initiatives like "gastrotourism" or culinary exchange programs facilitate cross-cultural communication through shared meals, emphasizing the universality of human connection.
Consider the symbolic act of sharing a cup of Turkish coffee, where the preparation and consumption hold cultural significance. In the act of sipping slowly and engaging in conversation, barriers dissolve and shared appreciation for the ritual creates bridges of understanding. Culinary diplomacy, in its simplicity, becomes a profound means of promoting global unity.
Fusion Fare: The Art of Culinary Synthesis
As culinary journeys traverse diverse landscapes, the concept of fusion cuisine takes center stage. It's a celebration of culinary synthesis, where disparate ingredients and techniques from different cultures come together to create something entirely new. The streets of Los Angeles, with its food trucks offering Korean-Mexican tacos and sushi burritos, exemplify the dynamic nature of fusion fare.
Fusion cuisine isn't about diluting cultural identities; instead, it is an artistic expression that showcases the interconnectedness of global flavors. The harmonious marriage of diverse elements on a plate exemplifies the beauty of culinary exploration, where innovation and tradition merge to create memorable dining experiences.
The Culinary Souvenir: A Taste of Travel
Culinary journeys leave a lasting imprint not only on the palate but also in the form of edible souvenirs. These gastronomic mementos encapsulate the essence of a destination, allowing travelers to carry a piece of their experiences back home. From the aromatic spices of Morocco to the artisanal chocolates of Belgium, these culinary souvenirs serve as tangible reminders of the journey.
"Epicurean Expeditions: Unveiling Cultural Riches through Culinary Journeys" invites us to savor the richness of humanity through the lens of global gastronomy. Culinary exploration is not just about food; it is a celebration of diversity, a testament to the shared experiences that bind us together as a global community.
As we embark on epicurean expeditions, let us savor the flavors that tell tales of tradition, innovation, and the shared human experience. Through the art of seeing, eating, and meeting across different cultures, our culinary journeys are a banquet of diversity, fostering connections that transcend borders and creating a world where the richness of our differences is celebrated. So, with an adventurous spirit and an open palate, let the epicurean expeditions begin.
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purplesurveys · 7 months
I have traveled to:
More than three states in the US
A place that starts with the letter L I mean yeah I guess. No famous countries or cities or anything like that but I've traveled to local provinces with cities starting with L.
An island I live in an archipelago.
A big city Sure! Manila, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore.
Anywhere in Africa
Japan I've been to Fukuoka.
A place where English is not the main language That would be Korea, Japan, China, Thailand, and Indonesia for me.
Anywhere in the southern hemisphere If I'm not mistaken, Indonesia ticks that box.
I Have Read:
Any of the Bible I had to read it every single day in Catholic school for nearly 15 years. I had to read the four Gospels, mainly, but I also had this brief phase in like 6th grade where I wanted to challenge myself to read the Bible in its entirety (I didn't get to accomplish it).
At least two Harry Potter books I read a good part of it but stopped by the blue book(?) because the plots were starting to feel a little repetitive.
The entire Twilight series I've done this, but I've done more rewatches of the entire movie series moreso than the book.
Animal Farm
A Dr. Seuss book I'm sure I did as a kid. My favorite Dr. Seuss memory though was watching the Cat in the Hat movie over and over.
Instructions to a piece of Ikea information
A warning label that made me laugh
A biography/autobiography This is my favorite genre.
Dante’s Inferno
A Chuck Palahniuk book
A newspaper in the last week
Something that made me cry
I Like to Eat:
Spam I like spam, but when it's part of spamsilog. Spam on its own is on the salty side so I like to have other flavors to balance it out.
Mexican food It's not the 1st or 5th cuisine I'd look for but I like it nonetheless. I only have certain favorites though, like burritos.
Brussell sprouts
Onions Especially when they come as fried onion bits in burgers.
Vegan food I love trying out vegan meals whenever I can! Not a lot of vegan offerings where I live to begin with, so it's something I explore when I get the chance.
Bacon I might be in the minority but I love my bacon on the non-crispy side.
New things I'm very adventurous when it comes to food and am open to trying pretty much anything as long as they aren't made with fruit.
Escargot Love snail. We have a local dish where we cook them in coconut milk and it's one of my favorites.
Hummus Hummus is great! I discovered it in high school when I was attending college entrance review classes, and I haven't looked back since lol.
Indian food My favorite cuisine.
Home cooking Home-style meals always feel like a warm hug, especially when it's Filipino food.
Fast food Not too much of it but I do indulge myself from time to time.
My Favorite Actors Include:
Mark Wahlberg
Morgan Freeman
James Franco
Leonardo DiCaprio His acting skills are undeniable but I'm just a little 50-50 on him these days due to his dating choices, and that makes it difficult to vouch for him fully.
Robert DeNiro
Samuel L. Jackson
Chris Hemsworth
Elijah Wood
Johnny Depp
Steve Buscemi
Robin Williams His performance in Good Will Hunting changed me. I still hold on to his delivery of "It's not your fault."
Jack Black
Channing Tatum
I Have Listened to These Bands:
Taylor Swift Only because I have no choice. She's everywhere.
Jay-Z The Watch the Throne album raised me throughout my middle school years.
Frank Sinatra
Pink Floyd
Fall Out Boy Folie A Deux is my favorite album of theirs.
No Doubt
The White Stripes
Skrillex LOL yes. Dubstep was crazy popular when I was in high school and I'm more than ready to admit I had a big Skrillex phase at the time.
Tenacious D I was obsessed with playing Rock Band when I was younger and the game I played had a Tenacious D track in it, so that's how I came to know the band.
Metallica I must've listened to For Whom the Bell Tolls a million times after Triple H came out to it during one of the past Wrestlemanias.
Britney Spears She was huge on radio from 2008-2011 and I lovedddddd all the singles that came out at the time.
Ke$ha If you told me to summarize 2009 in one word I would answer with Ke$ha. Sis blew up overnight and Tik Tok was playing everywhere.
The Beatles I tried to like them because everyone had been listening to them, but I couldn't find myself becoming a fan of the music.
I Have/Had These Pets:
Dog I had Kimi for 14 years, and currently I have a 4-year-old and 2-year-old in Cooper and Agi.
Cat My sister had Arlee for a few years, and I took care of her for a bit when Nina had to stay in her dorm for college.
Bird We owned a pair of lovebirds a little over a decade ago.
Guinea Pig
Fish Had several goldfish as a kid.
I Have Seen These Movies:
Fifth Element
Gone With the Wind I was introduced to classic Hollywood by an ex, and Gone with the Wind had been one of the first movies I got to watch. I owned the book and read the first few chapters, too, but ultimately never got to finish reading it.
Nightmare Before Christmas
High School Musical Pretty much took over my life in grade school. I had (and still have) the choreo to We're All In This Together memorized and I've lost count of the many birthday parties I was invited to that were High School Musical-themed.
Kickin’ It Old School
Casablanca I must've tried watching Casablanca more than ten times, but it always bored me.
White Men Can’t Jump
12 Years A Slave I've seen a few bits, but not the whole movie.
Saving Private Ryan
Mamma Mia!
Dark Shadows
Riding In Cars With Boys
If I Could Have A Super Power, I Would Choose:
Mind control Mostly for clients just so I can have things my way sometimes, lol.
Mind reading
Teleportation I'd love to have this, both so I can travel and so that I don't have to deal with the terrible traffic.
Invisibility Yeah, I mean as someone who hates being the center of attention and being seen in general, I could enjoy this.
X-Ray vision
Time traveling This would be my main superpower of choice.
I Am Scared of:
Open spaces
Small spaces
Needles No tattoos for me, ever. As much as I'd want them hahaha.
Michael Myers
Bugs They just freak me out. They have a lot of legs, some fly, some have that annoying buzz, they come in 47324723 different colors, you never know if it's going to sting you or bite you or fly straight to your ear... just no thanks.
Tiny holes
My Favorite Color Is:
Purple Borahae!
Pink I started liking pink in college, and I'm still here.
I Am Currently Wearing:
A t-shirt
A hoodie
A bra They're nipple tapes but I'm counting them.
Make-up I put on some BB cream, foundation, and concealer today since we had to head out for a bit of a get-together with extended family.
Deodorant I have it on daily.
Something with a superhero/symbol on it
Nail polish
I Would Describe My Best Friend As:
Intelligent She's both book smart and street smart.
Funny We share the same humor so naturally I find her funny, but even outside of that shared humor she tends to crack me up all the time.
Honest Yeah, I mean we're way past the age where we'd feel like giving white lies haha. We just tell each other it like it is at this point.
Reliable I wouldn't be friends with someone I can't find reliable...
Loyal ...Or loyal.
Adventurous Our trip to Thailand together was a shining example. She was always open to trying new things, new food, new spots, new plans...which I appreciated and was happy to ride alongwith.
Unique We all are.
Open-minded I wouldn't be able to be patient with, and much less be friends with, someone who prefers to be stuck in their own circle of thoughts and beliefs.
Well-read Hence her intelligence.
In the Last 24 Hours, I Have:
Drank alcohol I had a bottle of soju earlier.
Had sex
Eaten meat  I saw family earlier and we had a dinner spread that included Korean fried chicken, gimbap, and pork barbecue so there's that.
Danced in public
Went swimming
Changed my clothes more than once
Said something mean I didn't say anything that was mean but I was forced to deliver a few words to a younger cousin in a tone that was on the bitchy side because he was starting to get inebriated and I was starting to be unhappy with his tone.
Cleaned Yeah, I cleaned up my room earlier before we left because I wanted to come back to a room that was spotless.
Spent money on something pointless
Sang aloud I listened to Seventeen in the car with my sister and we were both singing along.
Met someone new
Played a game of some sort I have a game on my phone that I check in on at least once a day.
Things In the Room With Me Now Are:
A TV Which is also currently playing a YouTube video.
Another person
Something that belongs to a child
A pet
Food I have a cup of coffee...do we count that?
Bed And I'm SO excited to sleep in it later.
Art I do have a few art pieces in here, all made by my sister.
Clock not connected to a phone/computer
A mirror
Medicine I have a couple packs of Strepsils here if we're counting them.
Books Mostly books from my younger years since I haven't thrown any of them out, but I also have books I've owned in the last year or so.
Drugs or alcohol
The Last Person I Texted Is:
My significant other
Someone who sucks at spelling
A different race than me
A relative
Someone I don’t really like
Someone I went to high school with
My best friend
A person I work with Kind of. Not a workmate, but he's a work contact.
At home
In the room with me
Knows more than one language  Most Filipinos are at least bilingual.
Is female
Is under the age of 21
Someone I live with
I Am For:
Abortion Her body, her choice.
Death penalty
Gun control Can people just, like, not own guns at all lol. I'm from a country where gun ownership is uncommon so I just really don't understand the frenzy around them.
Gay marriage Should've been legal everywhere to begin with.
Prayer in school
War in the middle east
Marijuana legalization I admittedly need to do more research on this since it's not a big topic where I'm from, but I know it has its medicinal benefits that I wouldn't want to kept from those who can really be helped by it.
Banning cigarettes in public places
Higher taxes Especially for the rich.
Higher minimum wage Because everyone deserves a livable/sustainable wage.
Standardized testing
Lowering the legal age for drinking
I Have Committed These Crimes:
Smoking weed
Shooting heroin
Breaking & entering
Public intoxication
Hit & Run Once, when I had been driving for like only two weeks. It's not something I'm proud of.
Speeding I'm pretty sure I have but no one ever gets pulled over here for speeding lol.
Opening someone else’s mail without their permission
Vehicular manslaughter
Lying under oath
I Took These Classes In High School/College:
Home Ec Yeah this one mandatory all throughout grade school and high school. Wasn't the biggest fan of it and it showed in my grades lol, but at the time it was hard for me to care any less.
Physics I had to take it in senior year high school, then again in my freshman year of college.
Criminal Justice
Journalism That's my college major, so journalism and I definitely had our dance for four whole years. Realized the fieldwork wasn't for me so I went for journalism's closest cousin instead as a career – PR.
Creative Writing
Art I took an art history elective if it counts? One of the classes I enjoyed a little more than others.
Music Theory
Philosophy I had to take it for a couple of years in high school and HATEDDDDD IT. Also in freshman year of college, where I was so close to failing the class because I just could not grasp whatever the fuck concepts were being talked about. The one thing that saved my final grade was the actual finals of the class since it turned out to be objective.
Psychology I took a psych elective since psychology was one of my dream courses and I figured taking a bunch of psych electives can let me be immersed in their world, but my prof wasn't the best and it put me off from taking any further psych electives. I ended up taking a bunch of history ones instead.
What I Watch On TV:
Reality shows about celebrities I don't religiously follow any per se but this is for sure an unguilty pleasure. I'll watch the Kardashians from time to time.
Game shows
News Yes, especially if my dad's home since he likes having the evening news on over dinner.
Reruns of classic shows I watch Friends regularly on Netflix.
Award shows
Modern Family
Doctor Who
Singing competitions
Cooking shows
Traveling shows
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brookston · 7 months
Holidays 2.15
Agriculture Day (Canada)
Angelman Syndrome Day
Annoy Squidward Day (SpongeBob Squarepants)
Battleship Day
Broken Hearts Day
Clifford the Big Red Dog Day
Commonwealth Day (Gibraltar)
Court of International Justice Day
Day of Ashakalia (Kosovo)
Day of the Mexican Woman (Mexico)
Decimal Day (UK)
Digital Learning Day
ENIAC Day (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
European Perioperative Nursing Day (EU)
Flag Day (Canada)
Galileo Day [also 2.29]
Hazel Day (French Republic)
Hazrat Alis Day (Uttar Pradesh, India)
International Angolan Day
International Bottom Appreciation Day
International Childhood Cancer Awareness Day
International Duties Memorial Day (Russia)
International Fanworks Day
International Green Wall Day
International Male Chastity Day
John Frum Day (Vanuatu)
Love Reset Day
Lui-Ngai-Ni (Manipur, India)
Memorial Day of Warriors—Intrnationalists
National Bad Breath Day
National Black Girl Magic Day
National Clementine Day
National Friendzone Day
National Hippo Day
National Marcus Day
National Plan B Day
National School Resource Officer Appreciation Day
National Side Chicks Day
National Wisconsin Day
National Write Your Book in a Weekend Weekends
Plastic Pollution Awareness Day (Georgia)
Remember the Maine Day
Sandlasting Day
Singles Awareness Day
Slap Day
Sretenje (Serbia)
Sticky Stamp Day
Stop and Smell Your Compost Pile Day
St. Skeletor’s Day
Susan B. Anthony Day
Total Defense Day (Singapore)
World Cholangiocarcinoma Day
World Hippo Day
YouTube Launch Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Burger Lover's Day
Cherry Garcia Day
Florida Craft Beer Day
Mustard Day
National Cheap Chocolate Day
National Chewing Gum Day
National Gumdrop Day
National I Want Butterscotch Day
National Lamb Day (New Zealand)
3rd Thursday in February
Energy Saving Day (Italy) [3rd Thursday]
Global Information Governance Day [3rd Thursday]
National Conductive Education Day [3rd Thursday]
Switch Off Thursday (UK) [Thursday of Go Green Week]
World Anthropology Day [3rd Thursday]
World Cholanglocarcinoma Day [3rd Thursday]
Weekly Holidays beginning February 15
American Association for the Advancement of Science Week [thru 2.17]
Independence & Related Days
Barbettia (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Dadingisila (Declared; 2010) [unrecognized]
Establishment Day (St. Louis, Missouri; 1764)
Liberation Day (Afghanistan)
Iustus (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Serbia (from the Ottoman Empire, 1804)
Festivals Beginning February 15, 2024
Arizona Beer Week (Arizona) [thru 2.25]
Berlin International Film Festival (Berlin, Germany) [thru 2.25]
Carnival of Bern [Bärner Fasnacht] (Bern, Switzerland) [thru 2.17]
Cribbagepalooza (Colorado Springs, Colorado)
Great British Beer Festival Winter (Burton upon Trent, Great Britain) [thru 2.17]
Havana International Book Fair (Havana, Cuba) [thru 2.25]
Iowa Meat Processors Show (Ames, Iowa) [thru 2.17]
Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association Conference (Newark, Ohio) [thru 2.17]
Palatka Bluegrass Festival (Palatka, Florida) [thru 2.17]
Simplot Games (Boise, Idaho) [thru 2.17]
Takeuchi Festival (Rouge, Japan)
Feast Days
Agape (Christian; Virgin Martyr)
Art Spiegelman (Animeism)
Candlemas (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Charles-André van Loo (Artology)
Charles-François Daubigny (Artology)
Chongwoldaeboreum (Korean Folk Festival)
Claude de la Colombière (Christian; Saint)
Douglas Hofstadter (Writerism)
Drink More Wine Day (Pastafarian)
Faunus (celebrates animals helping humans)
Faustinus and Jovita (Christian; Martyrs)
Februata — Day of Juno Febuata (Pagan)
Festival of Naked Pan (Ancient Rome)
Festival of the Wolves (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Galileo (Humanism; Saint)
Grigori Rasputin Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Guardian Angel Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Kamakura Matsuri (Snow Cave Festival; Japan)
Lupercalia (Festival of Lupercus; Festival of purification honoring Lycaen Pan or Faunusl Ancient Roman god of flocks and fertility)
Matt Groening (Artology)
Michał Sopoćko (Christian; Blessed)
Nirvana Day (Buddhist; Jain; Sikh)
Oswiu (Christian; Saint)
Parinirvana Day (Mahayana Buddhism)
Phaedrus (Positivist; Saint)
Quinidius (Christian; Saint)
The Raggmopps (Muppetism)
Sigfried of Sweden (Christian; Saint)
Sigfrid’s Day
Susan B. Anthony (Feminism; Saint)
Tales of Kelp-Koli (Shamanism)
Tanco (Christian; Martyr)
Thomas Bray (Anglican & Episcopal Church)
Walfrid (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because so many reasons carrying on from the night before.)
Alice Solves the Puzzle (Disney Cartoon; 1925)
Angel and the Badman (Film; 1947)
Asterix: The Secret of the Magic Potion (Animated Film; 2019)
Autumn (Disney Cartoon; 1930)
The Bears and the Bees (Disney Silly Symphony Cartoon; 1932)
The Blue Danube, by Johann Strauss II (Waltz; 1867)
The Breakfast Club (Film; 1985)
Blue Moon, recorded by The Marcels (Song; 1961)
Broad City (TV Series; 2010)
Bugs Bunny’s Wild World of Sports (WB Animated TV Special; 1989)
Burn, by Deep Purple (Album; 1974)
Burr Gore, by Vidal (Historical Novel; 1973)
Cinderella (Animated Disney Cartoon; 1950)
Clifford the Big Red Dog, by Norman Bridwell (Children’s Book; 1963)
Corregidora, by Gayl Jones (Novel; 1975)
The Crystal Maze (UK TV game Show; 1990)
Doom Patrol (TV Series; 2019)
Eastbound & Down (TV Series; 2009)
Eight Days a Week, by The Beatles (Song; 1965)
Elegy Written in. A Country Churchyard, by Thomas Gray (Poem; 1751)
11.23.63 (TV Series; 2016)
Escape from Planet Earth (Animated Film; 2013)
Fly by Night, by Rush (Album; 1975)
Get Happy!!, by Elvis Costello (Album; 1980)
Lifehouse, by The Who (Rock Opera; 1971)
Marlowe (Film; 2023)
Mechanical Man (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1932)
Orphan’s Picnic (Disney Cartoon; 1936)
Red Dwarf (UK TV Series; 1988)
Return to Never Land (Disney Film; 2002)
Robin Hoody Woody (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1963)
The Screwball (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1943)
Shake, Rattle and Roll, recorded by Big Joe Turner (Song; 1954)
The Stars, Like Dust, byIsaac Asimov (Novel; 1951) [Galactic Empire #1]
Super Troopers (Film; 2002)
Take the A Train, recorded by Duke Ellington (Song; 1941)
A Tuba to Cuba (Documentary Film; 2019)
The Umbrella Academy (TV Series; 2019)
Vision Quit (Film; 1985)
YouTube (Video Sharing Website; 2005)
Today’s Name Days
Georgia, Siegfried (Austria)
Faustin, Onezim, Vitomir (Croatia)
Jiřina (Czech Republic)
Faustinus (Denmark)
Neidi, Tiina (Estonia)
Sipi, Sippo (Finland)
Claude, Georgina, Jordan (France)
Georgia, Jovita, Siegfried (Germany)
Evsevios (Greece)
Julianna, Lilla (Hungary)
Giuliana (Italy)
Džuljeta, Juliāna, Jūlija, Smuidra (Latvia)
Julijona, Julijonas, Tautvydas (Lithuania)
Jill, Julian, Juliane (Norway)
Bernard, Dan, Danisz, Danuta, Julianna, Symeon (Poland)
Pamfil, Valentin (Romania)
Anna (Russia)
Ida (Slovakia)
Juliana (Spain)
Julia, Julius (Sweden)
Cliff, Clifford, Clifton, Jeremiah, Jeremy, Sonnie, Sonny, Sunny (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 46 of 2024; 320 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 7 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 26 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Bing-Yin), Day 6 (Ji-You)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 6 Adair I 5784
Islamic: 5 Sha’ban 1445
J Cal: 16 Grey; Twosday [16 of 30]
Julian: 1 February 2024
Moon: 40%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 18 Homer (2nd Month) [Phaedrus]
Runic Half Month: Sigel (Sun) [Day 7 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 57 of 89)
Week: 2nd Week of February
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 25 of 28)
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