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okay i was wondering how this bad translation could have come to be, and while the obvious similarity is to ‘timeo’ it is also quite similar to ‘metu’, the ablative singular of the noun ‘fear’ (‘metuo’ is a synonym of ‘timeo’. there were quite a few fearing verbs in latin). so perhaps google thought it was supposed to mean something like ‘with fear’ with ‘sum’ omitted? that’s the closest thing i can think of.
as for ‘ad die’, that’s also extremely weird. the preposition ‘ad’ goes with the accusative (‘die’ is the ablative singular), and although it can be used temporally i don’t think ‘ad’ can be used in a way like ‘day by day’.
out of curiousity i looked up ‘day by day’ on perseus for what it had as latin options. the two things i saw were ‘diem ex die’ in classical latin and ‘per singulos dies’ in the later biblical latin.
so ‘i fear day by day’ would be something like ‘diem ex die metuo’.
however as a word ‘temu’ already has a natural latin noun form! it fits as a fourth declension neuter noun ‘temu, temus’. 4th declension neuter is rare but 2/6 stems end in a nasal so temu should theoretically sound fine.
so if you want to say ‘i fear temu’ you could say ‘timeo temu’. there’s also a word which can be used to mean an advert, ‘proscriptio’, so…
‘i fear temu’s adverts’ = ‘proscriptiones temus metuo’
‘die, temu ad, die’ = ‘morere, o proscriptio temus, morere!’
lmao i was looking at similar words and there’s the verb ‘temere’ which means ‘to defile’ which is pretty accurate to temu as a company as well.
also for any people who are interested in looking up latin (or greek, for that matter) and want a more accurate place than google translate there is perseus! it’s an excellent resource for checking words, esp latin into english (english into latin is a little more convoluted), and for reading famous classical texts for free in both the original language and english.
Die temu ad die
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#NowPlaying: "12bit quickes - farbror filth o metuo" by uncle filth
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In tomorrow's Metamorphoses
Juno tricks Semele into asking to see Jupiter's divine form
Surgit ab his solio fulvaque recondita nube
limen adit Semeles nec nubes ante removit
quam simulavit anum posuitque ad tempora canos 275
sulcavitque cutem rugis et curva trementi
membra tulit passu; vocem quoque fecit anilem,
ipsaque erat Beroe, Semeles Epidauria nutrix.
ergo ubi captato sermone diuque loquendo
ad nomen venere Iovis, suspirat et ‘opto, 280
Iuppiter ut sit’ ait; ‘metuo tamen omnia: multi
nomine divorum thalamos iniere pudicos.
nec tamen esse Iovem satis est: det pignus amoris,
si modo verus is est; quantusque et qualis ab alta
Iunone excipitur, tantus talisque, rogato, 285
det tibi conplexus suaque ante insignia sumat!’
"On this [Juno] rose from her seat, and, wrapped in a saffron cloud, she came to the home of Semele. But before she put aside her concealing cloud she feigned herself an old woman, whitening her hair at the temples, furrowing her skin with wrinkles, and walking with bowed form and tottering steps. She spoke also in the voice of age and became even as Beroë, the Epidaurian nurse of Semele. When, after gossiping about many things, they came to mention of Jove’s name, the old woman sighed and said: “I pray that it be Jupiter; but I am afraid of all such doings. Many, pretending to be gods, have found entrance into modest chambers. But to be Jove is not enough; make him prove his love if he is true Jove; as great and glorious as he is when welcomed by heavenly Juno, so great and glorious, pray him grant thee his embrace, and first don all his splendours.”" (Transl. Miller 1915)
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The Lusty Argonian Maid, v2 - in Latin
Caudam Suam Levat
papae, illud quidem crustum est! sed quomodo umquam ad fornacem meam conveniet?
Crantius Colto
hoc crustum non paratum est ad torrendum, dulcis mea. nondum est levatum.
Caudam Suam Levat
utinam illud properare possimus. quomodo tale opus patrem?
Crantius Colto
o, ineptula ancilla Argoniana mea, tuis manibus utendum est.
Caudam Suam Levat
visne me crustum depsere? hic?
Crantius Colto
Caudam Suam Levat
quid autem si domina me deprehendet? crustum tuum eius appetitui satisfacturum erat.
Crantius Colto
noli macerari, mi delicate flos. postmodum dominae desideriis satisfaciam.
Caudam Suam Levat
optime, sed metuo ne non fornax mea satis calida sit. horas consumere possit!
Crantius Colto
copia temporis, dulcis mea. copia temporis.
My goodness, that's quite a loaf! But how ever shall it fit my oven
Crantius Colto
This loaf isn't ready for baking, my sweet. It has yet to rise.
If only we could hurry that along. How would I accomplish such a task?
Crantius Colto
Oh, my foolish little Argonian maid, you must use your hands.
You wish me to kneed the loaf? Here?
Crantius Colto
Of course.
But what if the mistress catches me? Your loaf was meant to satisfy her appetite.
Crantius Colto
Don't fret, my delicate flower. I'll satisfy the mistress's cravings later.
Very well, but I'm afraid my oven isn't hot enough. It could take hours!
Crantius Colto
Plenty of time, my sweet. Plenty of time.
#the elder scrolls#latin#translation#lusty argonian maid#skyrim#tes#elder scrolls#languages#crantius colto#lifts-her-tail#crassius curio
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o puer, ut sis vitalis, metuo i'm afraid, my boy, that you won't live long
Horace, Sat. 2.1.60
#russian photography#dark academia#my photos#photographers on tumblr#aesthetic#dark acadamia aesthetic#photography#autumn#ruines#dark photography#gloominess#abandoned#antiquity#russian academia
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what does your username mean? its so pretty!
Metuo means to fear and spero means to hope!!
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Ah, optime! Similis historiae meae. Cum in universitate fui, aestatem Romae cum discipulis latinitatis studui. Studio meo universitate perfecto, Romae unum annum habitavi studuique. Difficilimum inter linguas vertere! Lingua latina et italica in mente mea miscuerunt. Semper “facere” ob “fare” dicebam aut alia verba italica ob verba latina! Iam Roma et Italia careo. Non saepe latinitate (aut lingua italica) iam utor- metuo ne omnium obliviscar!
Haha, ego quoque metuo linguas meas perdere ... sed iam latinitatem utimur! haha
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timeo adventum amici tamquam exspecto nam stultus metuo post linquit me proicere olim hic factus est et facillime posset fieri iterum
#@my followers who can read this please ignore it i just cant put this under a cut#and dont get on my ass about grammar and word order its 4am and this is off my head ok#taliter meum amicum amo sed metuo suam invidiam#mea vita est timor duplex volo non est
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kartais taip pavargsti nuo žmonių ir taip noris nuo visko pabėgti, pasislėpt kažkur kur nieks tavęs nieko neklaus ir niekam nereiks nieko aiškint nereikės apsimest kuo nesi ar dirbtinai šypsotis
kartais pamiršti kaip šypsotis ir nežinai kodėl bet gal dėl šio kvailo ir niūraus laiko nebemoki džiaugtis niekuo aplink. pamiršti kaip džiaugtis mažais dalykais ar nežinai ar visgi džiaugsmą jauti
tada pasidaro gaila žmonių kurie yra aplink nes nieko nėra sunkiau nei suprasti žmogų kuris pats nesupranta savęs
ir galų gale pradedi skambėt taip liūdnai kad net liūdini save dar labiau ir nežinai kaip išlipt iš šito liūno
bet aš tikiu kad žmonės atgimsta taip kaip atgimsta gamta, galbūt kartu su pumpurais pavasarį, turbūt gražiausią laiką metuos
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Isolasi disini yang pasti bukan isolasi mandiri karena covid19. naudzubillah jangan sampe lah. oiya, alasan kenapa selama pandemi sangat2 ketat cenderung lebay saat menjalani prokes, karena udah setengah mampus ngerasain ujian saat ini jangan sampai dapet ujian yang lain. yakali udah depresi masih dikasih virus.
Mulai ke topik bahasan. puncaknya pertengahan 2020, secara ngga sadar mulai meng-isolasi diri dari dunia dan kehidupan yang sucks ini. hari-hari dilewati dengan mengurung diri di kamar, rebahan, scroll sosmed, hilang minat dengan hal2 yang disukai, dan yang pasti tidak produktif sama sekali. hidup segan mati pun tak mau.
Berbulan-bulan tidak berinteraksi dengan siapapun, akhir 2020 seorang teman kuliah dulu meminta ijin untuk ke rumah. setelah berjuang melawan pikiran2 aneh akhirnya saya ijinkan. merasa tolol, aneh itu yang dirasakan ketika akhirnya ngobrol dengan manusia setelah berbulan-bulan. entah ngobrolin apa, tapi intinya “metuo ojo nang omah ae, ayo ngopi mbek arek2″.
Ajakan teman itu pun juga ngga langsung saya setujui, dengan alasan “males, jek pandemi”. yaa emang bener sih mengurangi untuk keluar rumah, tapi sekali-kali keluar okelah ya. sekitar bulan maret 2021 akhirnya dengan pemikiran ruwet, dan berat hati memutuskan untuk menerima ajakan teman kuliah saya tadi. tempat nongkrong pertama yang didatangi setelah lebih dari setengah tahun tidak keluar rumah adalah kofisyop di belakang rumah yang kebetulan baru buka. ya droomhaven.
deg-degan, keringetan itu yang dirasakan ketika melangkah dan duduk di tempat itu. ya walaupun ada sedikit perasaan lega karena akhirnya bisa menghirup udara bebas dengan tetap memakai masker tentunya. apakah setelah itu saya sering keluar rumah dan interaksi dengan orang lain? tentu saja tidak. mungkin butuh 2 bulan akhirnya saya keluar rumah lagi, tepatnya bulan puasa. 1 teman tadi dan 1 teman masa kuliah lainya berkunjung ke rumah menanyakan kabar karena berbulan2 tidak ada kabar dan mungkin karena postingan twitter saya. entahlah.
selang beberapa hari atau minggu setelahnya akhirnya keluar rumah dan nongkrong dengan 3 teman masa kuliah. tepatnya di rodjo kopi.
minggu selanjutnya bertemu kembali di robucca dengan tambahan seorang teman kuliah.
pertemuan hari itu masing-masing orang menceritakan masalah2 yang datang di usia seperempat abad ini. dan jujur cerita mereka membuat saya saat itu merasa tidak sendirian.
aktivitas “keluar rumah” terakhir bersama 4 teman2 kuliah ini sekitar bulan mei 2021 di nakoa.
selanjutnya 2 orang teman masa smp mengajak untuk bertemu karena saat itu masih disuasana lebaran. tentu saja dengan “keluar rumah”. beberapa hari berikutnya seorang teman smk yang kebetulan pulang dari perantauan datang dan mengajak untuk “keluar rumah”. dan seperti sebelumnya sepertinya mereka ingin bertemu karena postingan twitter, entahlah. obrolan yang keluar saat bersama teman masa sekolah selain mengenang masa lalu tentu saja masalah seperempat abad. lagi2 saya tidak merasa sendirian.
jujur selama bertukar cerita tentang masalah masing2, masalah yang saya ceritakan mungkin hanya dipermukaan atau mungkin hanya 5% dari total masalah. entah kenapa masih merasa sulit untuk cerita blak2 an ke orang lain selain ke psikolog. iya, karena saat ini cuma psikolog yang bisa saya percaya, dan membuat saya nyaman untuk bercerita.
kembali ke cerita, apakah setelah “keluar rumah”, bertemu dengan teman, kondisi saya semakin baik? mungkin iya tapi masih belum signifikan. masih mengurung diri walalupun sudah berangsur melakukan kegiatan seperti dulu, mulai menerima pekerjaan walaupun pilih2 karena masih merasa berat waktu mengerjakan. lalu apakah jadi sering “keluar rumah”? tentu tidak. mungkin 1-2 bulan sekali.
tapi intinya setelah pertemuan saya dengan teman2, saya cuma bisa mengucapkan terima kasih banyak. terima kasih sudah mengajak “keluar rumah”, terima kasih sudah membuka obrolan, dan maaf kalau kadang saya masih ogah2an atau ruwet ketika diajak bertemu, masih negative thinking ketika ada ajakan untuk bertemu. but sekali lagi terima kasih.
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Makane Metuo
Malam ini tertanggal 27 Desember 2020 mungkin akan menjadi awal dari semua jawabanku.
Jawaban yang mungkin sudah saya kubur perlahan setahun belakangan karena hanya sebuah alasan takut.
Takut akan pertanyaan- pertanyaan yang justru membuatku berfikir ulang kenapa saya mengambil jalan ini.
Jalan dimana saya menentukan pilihan yang salah, ya salah dan ingin rasanya memutar kembali dimasa itu tapi aku sadar itu tidak bisa.
Dengan move ke depan lewat cara sering keluar (Metuo) mungkin akan menjadikan obat penenang agar saya kembali kejalur lagi....
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I really like your blog. You always post things that make me feel nice. I have no idea what your url means or how to pronounce it, but in my mind it means something beautiful. Thank you :)
Aaa thank you so much!! i hope i’m not ruining the beautiful meaning you have given it yourself (i’m a little curious so if you want to share, please do!!), but metuo means to fear and spero means to hope :)
hope you have wonderful days ahead of you <3
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Bloody Sense || Bella&Wesson
Wrapped around the pastel pink Starbucks cup was Bella’s petite and pallid hand. There was no Starbucks inside but the aesthetically inclined young vampire woman enjoyed the appearance of it. Actually what was inside was a replica of the Starbucks Pink Drink done by Beam Me Up, the coffee place owned by her friend Tuah Arjuana. She had forced the baristas there to start making the drink for her and she was fairly confident that she was the only one who ever ordered it. But she ordered it everyday, sometimes even twice, like that day. She’d ordered one on her lunch break at work and another when she’d headed to the university for her class with her mentor, Theodore Aynesworth. He taught Ethics Among Supernaturals which Bella enjoyed greatly.
Yet she had arrived early so she was seated on one of the soft lounges, dark burgundy and thoroughly worn it completely contrasting the completely pallid and put together nature of the vampiric girl who sat on it. The long blonde hair, the perfectly manicured nails in the exact same pink hue as her cup. The only contrast came with her long, and false, lashes, and the deep shade of red she had applied to her lips, the gloss making them appear even thicker. Bellamy enjoyed appearances, they spoke wonders. Even as she sat there she pulled out a copy of CR, tenth edition, with a piece that spoke about the power of French fashion. If anyone walked past she was a picture perfect image of who she readily defined herself as.
Unbeknownst to Bellamy though there were certain things you couldn’t hide from people, least not in a town like Soapberry. Not even the edelweiss, caramel and vanilla scent that constantly adorned her person could hide the darkness that ran through her veins, never to leave. While her blood, the dead vampiric blood inside her, rested in place, there was something more. The metuo sanguis that had been present in her body since her human birth moved as it decided, always in ways to bring about some pain in her. Now, it rested in the veins surrounding her lungs, making them feel tight and small, it slowed her breath that was usually so very human. But it had been over three years now that Bella had been turned, she was used to the pain, and in fact, since discovering a medicine that helped with her illness but could not remove it, the pain had lessened.
‘Fashion was born in Paris’ the short article read that was, slowly, being covered by a shadow above her head. Momentarily she ignored it, bringing the straw of her drink to her mouth but careful as she wrapped her lips around it to not remove what was there, still leaving a red stain on the pink straw. When it lasted for as long as her sip she finally looked up. It was not the thick false lashes that drew attention to her gaze but the eyes themselves. Instead of plain hazel eyes like she’d had as a human Bella’s eyes were liquid gold, moving in shadows of the metallic colour. “Can I help you?” she asked, feeling quite small on the low level lounge.
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"dekk. Ndang metuo. Caring. Bawaen topi mu. Punggungmu kenekno matahari. Tangann e pisan"
Oke sip.
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Hidden Mythology: Isa, The Lady of Time and Goddess of Healing
Isa is the first of the three siblings, and eldest daughter of the king of the gods.
She created humans, and is their patron goddess.
Was originally only the goddess of healing, but her father gave her the gift of seeing all of time.
However, this new power can make her rather strange at times. She can see the past, present, and all the possible futures. This drives her crazy at times, but she’s usually got it under control...unless what she sees scares her or angers her.
If she loses control of her mind, she tends to speak in riddles/vaguely, weirdly, or...threatening. Her voice can run shivers down anyone’s spine when she’s in that mood..or when she’s angry.
Some say her and the god of nature are two sides of the same coin. They both deal with life, but where she is patient and motherly, he is unpredictable and mischievous. And while this is true, they can also have more in common than you think.
She’s actually very strong-willed. She’s very forgiving and merciful, but if you slight her and aren’t sorry, then she’s not going to be quite as sweet as before. She doesn’t let people bully or ridicule her without doing or saying something. She lets her opinions be known. And those who try to stop her, or break her trust, will one day find themselves in trouble.
That said, she is a very kind and gentle person. She loves helping others. As the goddess of healing, she uses both healing magic and flowers/herbs to heal. She has a lovely garden outside her house.
It is said that she lives among the forests of Metuo, and that walks among mortals and gives to those in need. If you can find her, she will heal whoever you wish if they deserve it without payment.
She’s very empathic, sweet, and generous. She loves to make others laugh and smile. She also has a great love of children, and will protect those she cares for no matter what it takes.
Isa wears a blindfold over her eyes so that they don’t scare those who interact with her. The humans that look into her eyes will often see their lives flash before them, or gives them a very unsettling feeling of being watched.
Her depiction in myths is often of her in an all white feminine outfit, a blindfold over her eyes, and long dark black hair. She is also represented by butterflies, the colors white and green, or an hourglass.
Requested by: @redrose04
That took longer than expected! I’ve been really busy with school, so I’m sorry this took so long to post. Me and my artist friend have a hard time communicating with other because of it haha...oh well, the aesthetic is here now.
I hope everyone likes her! Please reblog and tell me what you think.
Love you all~
#hidden aesthetic#i was trying to stay out of spoilers so much#although some of you might be wondering about the i want myself back image#well guess what#spoilers~#i'd really appreciate if you tell me what you think#or if you send me a request on another aesthetic from hidden (or sweet elite)#or both#both is nice#just saying it motivates me#lmao ok bye#Isa: Lady of Time: Goddess of Healing#hope everything here made sense lol
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