#Metal Foams
sramfact · 2 years
The aerospace foams market size is projected to grow from USD 4.4 billion in 2019 to USD 6.5 billion by 2024, at a CAGR of 8.2% from 2019 to 2024. The rising demand for lightweight and fuel-efficient aircraft have led to the extensive use of advanced materials such as PU foams and PE foams, among others, in the aerospace industry. The manufacture of advanced materials as well as new products launched by several prominent players for the aerospace industry is one of the key factors driving the growth of the aerospace foams industry across the globe. 
Aerospace foams are advanced materials of various cell sizes, capacities, and properties. The cell sizes of the aerospace foams determine the flexibility or rigidity of the foams and thus, dictates the application areas where they can be used. Aerospace foams are manufactured using various materials, such as PU (polyurethane), PE (polyethylene), melamine, metal, and PMI/polyimide, among others, which meet the flame, smoke, and toxicity (FST) standards in the aerospace industry. These foams are used in various applications in aircrafts such as seating, seals, gaskets, carpet pads, headrests, rotor blades, doors, windshields, cockpit instrument panels, wingtip lens, and several others. 
Based on material type, the aerospace foams market has been segmented into PU foams, PE foams, melamine foams, metal foams, PMI/polyimide foams, and others which includes PVDF foams, PPSU foams, silicone foams, ceramic foams, PEI foams, PET foams, PVC foams, and polycarbonate foams. The PU foams segment has the highest market share in terms of both value and volume, among all the material type segments in 2018. It is projected to follow the same trend from 2019 to 2024 in terms of both value and volume. PU foams are used in a variety of applications ranging from seating, airframes, interiors, and packaging in the aerospace industry. The availability in different forms ranging from low to high density with varying rigidity as well as ease-of-use makes them compatible to be used in a multitude of aerospace applications. Some useful properties of PU foams include durability, lightweight, and recyclability. These factors support the rising global demands for lightweight and fuel-efficient aircraft, which is one of the primary drivers of the aerospace foams market. 
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eggsploded · 5 months
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spicelantern HD remaster
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ttwistedtransistorr · 8 months
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viliantropy-art · 4 months
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a dance with a living memory | futureween au
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d0llyguts · 7 months
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insaneiceshard · 1 year
Hey so, why is no one talking about the living blocks???
Y'know how the cities on top of the iterators cans are all lopsided and look like block towers? That's cause the ancients actually used blocks to build their cities. Wanna know what these blocks were made of?
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Metropolis - Orange 
"Where did you find this, little creature? It's a blueprint for a type of large immobile purposed organism. This one seems to be specifically for the cities built on top of one of our structures.
Have you been to one before? I'm sure it would not be an easy task! Older models had more traditional constructions, but newer designs began to use a mass-produced cellular build called living blocks. Each cell in these blocks has a different shell reflecting their purpose.
Some of these units contain completely immobile organisms or machinery. Others are small dwellings for cleaners or messengers to rest. Other, much larger cells, serve as residences and storage.
This particular cell seems to process organic waste."
Official Rain World Wiki
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lumina001 · 27 days
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Amy bought an odd thing for bath 'Metal Sonic bathduck' ! Metal sees her and to join her but, there still the water problem.
She put that thing between her breats for more hot and teasing !
Maybe he'll have his revenge?
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zmbiefood · 1 year
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springlock-suits · 4 months
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sramfact · 2 years
The aerospace foams market size is projected to grow from USD 4.4 billion in 2019 to USD 6.5 billion by 2024, at a CAGR of 8.2% from 2019 to 2024. The rising demand for lightweight and fuel-efficient aircraft have led to the extensive use of advanced materials such as PU foams and PE foams, among others, in the aerospace industry. The manufacture of advanced materials as well as new products launched by several prominent players for the aerospace industry is one of the key factors driving the growth of the aerospace foams industry across the globe. 
Aerospace foams are advanced materials of various cell sizes, capacities, and properties. The cell sizes of the aerospace foams determine the flexibility or rigidity of the foams and thus, dictates the application areas where they can be used. Aerospace foams are manufactured using various materials, such as PU (polyurethane), PE (polyethylene), melamine, metal, and PMI/polyimide, among others, which meet the flame, smoke, and toxicity (FST) standards in the aerospace industry. These foams are used in various applications in aircrafts such as seating, seals, gaskets, carpet pads, headrests, rotor blades, doors, windshields, cockpit instrument panels, wingtip lens, and several others. 
Based on material type, the aerospace foams market has been segmented into PU foams, PE foams, melamine foams, metal foams, PMI/polyimide foams, and others which includes PVDF foams, PPSU foams, silicone foams, ceramic foams, PEI foams, PET foams, PVC foams, and polycarbonate foams. The PU foams segment has the highest market share in terms of both value and volume, among all the material type segments in 2018. It is projected to follow the same trend from 2019 to 2024 in terms of both value and volume. PU foams are used in a variety of applications ranging from seating, airframes, interiors, and packaging in the aerospace industry. The availability in different forms ranging from low to high density with varying rigidity as well as ease-of-use makes them compatible to be used in a multitude of aerospace applications. Some useful properties of PU foams include durability, lightweight, and recyclability. These factors support the rising global demands for lightweight and fuel-efficient aircraft, which is one of the primary drivers of the aerospace foams market. 
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Researchers at North Carolina State University have now identified a welding technique that can be used to join composite metal foam (CMF) components together without impairing the properties that make CMF desirable. CMFs hold promise for a wide array of applications because the pockets of air they contain make them light, strong and effective at insulating against high temperatures. CMFs are foams that consist of hollow, metallic spheres -- made of materials such as stainless steel or titanium -- embedded in a metallic matrix made of steel, titanium, aluminum or other metallic alloys. The resulting material is both lightweight and remarkably strong, with potential applications ranging from aircraft wings to vehicle armor and body armor. In addition, CMF is better at insulating against high heat than conventional metals and alloys, such as steel. The combination of weight, strength and thermal insulation means that CMF also holds promise for use in storing and transporting nuclear material, hazardous materials, explosives and other heat-sensitive materials.
Read more.
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mydarlingdahlia · 5 months
I don’t know about y’all, but I’d have a drink with him any day.
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Art creds 🎨 🖌️ : @ dumsagee on Twitter (X)
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oopsalltes · 8 months
[repost from twitter]
i like the idea that shard is just a slightly more unhinged version of sonic - since he used to BE metal sonic i think he stills carries a penchant for destruction with him
the comics dont really go in this direction (lame) but shard is noticeably more of a dick when it comes to teasing people so i like to think of him as a slightly less moral sonic the hedgehog
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daddy-ul · 6 days
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It's not that I don't know it, it's my brain that refuse to compute the information
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fruitsofhell · 11 months
It's time for me to unleash the inner crazy Metal Sonic lover within myself and talk so so much about this mother fucking fucker Chaos Sonic!!! (image taken off a post by @/littleaipom)
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Ok so what I love so much about Sonic Prime is how much mileage it's getting out of the multiverse concept. It's a good multiverse cause it's surprisingly simple compared to the sort of MCU clusterfuck we associate the term with now. It's just Sonic AUS! And I really love that cause to me if anything screams Sonic media, it's AUs and canon divergence and wacky takes. I think this series is great at that, internally and with inspiring that in fans. What also makes it so great in Sonic Prime is that it has so much confidence in that. In the entire show the only normal characters are Sonic and Shadow, everyone else Sonic makes a connection with is a whole new spin on the old cast and its GREAT. I love Nine to death especially, he's definitely one of the best shatterverse characters.
But I think I have a definitive new favorite character now in Chaos Sonic, because he is that fresh new confident take on an old character but with such an underutilized one in Metal Sonic. I adore Metal Sonic, he's my favorite Sonic character and in my opinion the absolute most slept on. Sonic's robot doppelganger should absolutely have as much love as Shadow - his more serious and hardened antihero rival - and Knuckles - the stubborn immovable object to Sonic's steadfast unstoppable force. But he doesn't!! And it's tragic!! There is so much to do with Metal, with the Sonic created by the man who hates him more than anything, one of his first true rivals who was made to be his perfect antithesis, yet we get so little. But atleast in Chaos Sonic we get an awesome fucking take on him!! It's not Metal, but like I said about Sonic Prime as a whole, I LOVE how this show plays with the characters.
I see a lot of people pitting Chaos and Metal Sonic against each other or putting down one when talking about the other, but they're really just amazingly complimentary takes on the same character. The way it would be weird as hell to say either Nine or Tails is the better version of the character or something. Chaos Sonic's personality is of course what stands out the most between him and Metal Sonic, and while for some people it makes him unbearable or insulting to the OG Metal, it's one of the things I love most about him too. It's the complete opposite of what Metal and most robo-doppelgangers in the series, and especially Metal, are known for. Metal Sonic is all of Sonic's deadliness but none of his heart - he is a Sonic stripped of everything that makes him that energetic blue hero and reduced only to his power, speed, and obedience. He's a very cold a serious take on the robo-doppelganger that encapsulates the theme of classic Eggman, which was to do what nature did but better and deadlier. He's a very dehumanizing take on what Sonic is to his enemy, a potential tool like the rest of the animals and natural resources he abuses. Chaos Sonic is less like the (classic) Sonic Eggman wishes he had, but what (modern) Sonic is to him - this annoying, vain chatterbox who still manages to trounce you no matter how little he takes the situation seriously. Metal Sonic feel like a cold and calculated project driven by nothing but Eggman's frustration that something free and alive that he should have control over him still eludes him, and Chaos Sonic like just a project of pure spiteful mockery. Which I think very well represents how the relationship between Sonic and Eggman has changed to pit them more often as equals with their back and forths. And I really love how well both of them use this assignment to bring out these different aspects of Eggman and Sonic's relationship.
I think Chaos Sonic also specifically speaks to the New Yoke universe very well more than just being Sonic but more annoying. He is absolutely annoying and talkative just to mock Sonic, but stuff like his comments about Sonic being "smelly" and how he wants to be a brand star bring to mind really fun ideas about how he's like a commercialized version of Sonic too. I would love if he was integrated into New Yoke and you could see the Egg Council using him as a brand and he just loves it because he's an equally capitalistic jerk. It's a fun twist on Sonic's ego next to the more obvious one, that if Sonic didn't have his convictions he would very easily fall in line with the vanity of Eggman's worldview. Those are the moments that kind of make me wish that normal Metal Sonic had more speaking roles where him being an anti-Sonic in ideology could show. We atleast have the funny projection of him torturing animals from Sonic CD. I do still think that through Metal's sole commitment to beating Sonic and proving himself superior he does an equally good job at being that ideological opponent though, just in a quieter way befitting his era. Chaos Sonic represents Sonic's vanity in a personality sense with his want to be in the spotlight, and Metal Sonic in purely mechanical sense - just wanting to prove nothing but the fact he is better. And that single-mindedness makes him a great foil to Sonic who is a very wild and free-spirited person and never lets his ego and need to be the best define him more than his loyalty to those ideals. Meanwhile Metal Sonic entirely defines himself by his abilities and need to be a specific identity created by others. Something that makes him really damn tragic in a way I wish for the life of me was explore more.
Chaos Sonic doesn't HAVE to be an existential tragic mess... but I mean if they're gonna bring him back, he should have moments of that on top of just being awesome to watch fight and emote. OH MAN I HAVEN'T EVEN GOTTEN INTO HOW EXPRESSIVE HE IS. Once again, something totally different from Metal Sonic that only improves both characters in my eyes. I can't get enough of either of them! Whether it's Metal Sonic's intimidating silence or Chaos Sonic's "teehee giggle ^_^" attitude towards violence, I think both have some great chilling moments to them. Chaos Sonic's voice too is so good, it's probably my favorite voice performance in the show. It just has so much energy, and makes every line sound so genuine no matter how stupid. But at the same time he has good range too! When his voice gets low and serious or angry it's effective (atleast to me)! I mean that guy managed to make "You're too slow!" sound playfully venomous, I love it. With Metal Sonic it's maybe a bit harder to pin down what makes his stoicism work so well. Every character in the classic era was silent to a degree, so it's hard to say his silence stands out. But that's actually I think where I'd say his lack of expressiveness is genius. He manages to mimic the look of Sonic in body and face so much more naturally than any of the other doppelgangers but still in this sleek and blank way that is just amazing. Like I stare in awe at the design of this beast. Classic Sonic is very good at providing character through expressive animation and sprites, and Metal Sonic's lack of any yet ability to still feel like he has the face of a character and not just some robot makes him intimidating.
Which brings me to their overall designs. Metal Sonic is such an enduring Sonic character despite the long list of robo-Sonics because as I was saying before, the design is just too good. It is beyond aesthetically pleasing, straight up gorgeous - which makes him so effective. He truly does feel like Sonic's equal and possibly even superior in mechanics and LOOK, he makes his mechanical and flesh peers look clunky and outdated by comparison. Sonic but polished to an unnaturally perfect finish, with those dead glowing red eyes that house none of his soul. Genius fucking design. I woefully cannot say that I think Chaos Sonic is an equal in that, but it might be physically impossible to make a better Metal Sonic, and he does come damn close! Specifically because he does take the cue of the more natural eyes (every other sonic-robo has some sort of distinctly robotic visor), but still does something new and catching with it in the bike helmet-like screen. It takes everything perfect about that aspect of Metal and builds on it for this version of him, the dark void of blank pixels is replaced with a very beautiful yet icy blue that contrasts the red eyes very well. I've seen many fan designs that use those red eyes for expression, but it is best a choice here than on the original Metal for the reasons I said above. It's so clear how much fun the animators are having with using them to emote without making it feel too natural by giving him a mouth or something. I also really like his chest rocket, it feels a lot more streamlined than Metal's, which helps with how energetic and mobile he is. Metal screams sleekness and speed, but in a very artificial way with how much his rocket takes up his design. Like I said, there's no beating Metal due to the sheer simple brilliance of his design that is totally a product of such a complex concept being perfected in the classic era. In general Sonic Prime tends to make designs a bit more complicated than what would pass as the peak of series design, but they still own in their own right. Chaos Sonic is a great example of this where he is noticeably more busy of a design than Metal but with very clear shapes and colors that make him fit in with the overall series style.
All this praising and blabbering to say. Metal Sonic is the most important thing to me, and Chaos Sonic is also the most important thing to me cause he and Metal just complement each other so fucking good. That's really what a good alternate take on a character should do! Feel fresh but still very flattering to the blueprint, explore different directions the original character could've taken to make you appreciate the execution of those aspects even more. Chaos Sonic is the best example of the show next to Nine. When I think deeper about it some of the other shatterverse versions don't go AS HARD with this, but they all feel like fun takes that do feel like they came from aspects of the original characters. Plus, that's why Nine is the hook, he is a very well developed "what if" for Tails that explores how much of a difference a friendship can make in someone's life. I also just in general really enjoy it when a story says, "Yeah, sometimes people react to issues by being antisocial as easily as they react by being docile when they don't have the space to be sensitive". It's not like... handled explicitly with that much nuance, but the nuance is there in my heart. Also damn, speaking of Nine I didn't even bring up how cool "Eggman (kinda) tricks Tails into making a Metal Sonic using his knowledge of the real Sonic" is. It's epic, and I actually really hope it's more explored, as well as Chaos Sonic in general. I feel like the writers, animators, and VA had way too much fun with him not to bring him back. I would love nothing more as a poor starving Metal Sonic stan-peasant...
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