herpsandbirds · 5 months
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Silver-eared Mesia (Leiothrix argentauris), family Leiothrichidae, order Passeriformes, Malaysia
photograph by nazzim photography
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gj340 · 11 months
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do not separate them.
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viejospellejos · 10 months
¡Seguid al mesías!
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gicrying · 6 days
oq ele falou: nós? um abraço.
oq ele quis dizer: nós pablinho? vc comeu o cu de outro e ainda quer falar de "nós"? vc me traiu Maçal, TRAIÇÃO😭😭😭😭
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starskynder · 10 months
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Silver-eared Mesia
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This TV show is everything tbh Once again Los Javis EAT IT.
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samzart · 10 months
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Another OC redraw, with the one on top being drawn in July 2019
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Entonces, si alguien más fuera yo, no estarías sufriendo tanto por amor.
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meet-me-in-the-void · 7 months
La Mesias (2023)
Dir. Javier Ambrossi y Javier Calvo
Capítulo 1. ‘Montserrat’
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herpsandbirds · 9 months
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Silver-eared Mesia (Leiothrix argentauris), family Leiothrichidae, order Passeriformes, West Bengal, India
photograph by Rajesh Chaube
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gj340 · 1 year
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a really cute michiru plush. would you hug him?
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losjavis · 11 months
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capturas de la sesión de fotogramas👨‍❤️‍👨
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sketchfanda · 1 year
The Sixpack Crew
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So for years since we met and former our online bro bond and friendship,me and my buddy https://www.deviantart.com/top-gun5391 aka Dark Graven have made a daily routine on a regular basis some roleplays involving our OC group of friends we call the Crew,or the Sixpack as I’ve taken to calling them on twitter. There is our co creation,the gothpunk redhead Naz,the trio of the gothic skullface Doc Marciano,the behemoth manmountain Chino and the statuesque hyperactive manic amazon Nikia,his ever evolving redux oc bombshell Senia and our own take Dib from Invader Zim,based off of @bigdead93​’s fanart and the deadpan snarky programmer from comedy Silicon Valley Gilfoyle,Dib/DG Mendez (the G stands for Gilfoyle obviously). The past year or so I’ve been aiming to get requests or commissions that nail their visual designs and especially get at least one pic from longtime favourites like @aeolus06​
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I’d made this twitter thread for reference and info details of course but figure no harm in making a similar post here on tumblr. The following imagery includes and consists of my own hand drawn references (try to guess which),and the likes of requests and commissions by talents like darkereve,rexreyes, @robocream​ @eldersfloatingtemple​ @big-break​ @ruhisuart​ @bluntkatana​ and many more to follow or come.
basic details are as followsinterms of height  chino-between 8 to 10 feet tall naz-5′4'' senia-6'6'' nikia-6′10′’ to 7 foot even doc and dib/dg-6 foot even. chino is samoan-mongolian,naz is canadian-american,nikia is south american(brazilian to be precise),dib is mexican-american,doc is latino mixed japanese american,senia is eurasian.senia is a lesbian,chino and naz are bisexual,nikia’s bi bordering on poly/pansexual,dib/dg and doc are hetero. details vary when it comes to background and backstories depending on roleplay settings but regular recurring details range from being jagua del toro citizens to facts like dib/dg having two moms,mainly him and gaz being adopted and raised by chalo’s mora and alejandra.any other details or questions feel free to ask.
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arson105 · 4 months
Small rant + kind of an unpopular opinion
Amaia Romero, ITS THE BEST SINGER, WINNER, AND ARTIST THAT HAVE COME OUT OT, and it's so simple to understand, I don't truly get why people it's still discussing her talent.
She sings
Plays instruments in a magistral way (like, have you ever seen her playing piano, that thing it's from another planet, it's hypnotizing)
She is the form of a true artist, someone that values more her love for art than her love for fame.
And that's what we really need.
Thank you.
Pequeño discurso + una especie de opinión impopular
Amaia Romero, ES LA MEJOR CANTANTE, GANADORA Y ARTISTA QUE HA SALIDO DE OT, y es tan simple de entender que realmente no entiendo por qué la gente todavia cuestiona su talento.
Toca instrumentos de manera magistral (como, ¿alguna vez la has visto tocar el piano, esa cosa es de otro planeta, es hipnotizante)
Es la forma de una verdadera artista, alguien que valora más su amor por el arte que su amor por la Fama.
Y eso es lo que realmente necesitamos.
Petit discurs + una mena d'opinió impopular
Amaia Romero, ÉS LA MILLOR CANTANT, GUANYADORA I ARTISTA QUE HA SORTIT D'OT, i és tan simple d'entendre que realment no entenc per què la gent encara qüestiona el seu talent.
Toca instruments de manera magistral (com, alguna vegada l'has vist tocar el piano, això és d'un altre planeta, és hipnotitzant)
És la forma d'una veritable artista, algú que valora més el seu amor per l'art que el seu amor per la Fama.
I això és el que realment necessitem.
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raredrop · 4 months
sorry i cant hang out im watching the fox box in a 2000s themed vrchat bedroom
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