phoneboxfairy · 9 months
Secret santa 2023 Post!
This one goes out to @tobethefairybest for actually inspiring me to draw a different ship for once! Hope you enjoy this festive mescana, and have a lovely holiday! :)
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fuck-yeah-mescana · 1 year
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Mescana Day 2023!
In 3 weeks it will be Mescana Day again! On the 7th of September people who love this crackship are encouraged to post something that relates to this couple. Whether it be a headcanon, oneshot, edit or art, everything is welcome!
For previous contributions of the last 3 years, scroll down this blog ! ^^ This year's banner art is by @kiliinstinct
@ftguildevents @ft-reboost
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tobethefairybest · 1 year
Mescana Day 2023
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''Do you have the slightest clue how many people I've seen dying on my watch?!'' He suddenly blurted out loud as he leaped forward as far as his shackles let him.
She jumped back. His eyes were bloodshot and his figure had turned slender after days of magic deficiency. Veins on his neck and face were throbbing as the wall kept him in place.
''Seven years,'' he hissed, his teeth gritting in anguish, ''I spent seven years thinking I left you all to die on Tenrou.''
She didn't know how to respond. He was far gone. It was impossible to have a conversation.
''Fourty-seven,'' he continued, almost foaming at the mouth from anger, ''that's how many graves I dug behind the council building to bury my colleagues and my best friend.''
''That wasn't your-''
''Shut up!'' he roared and Cana took another step back in fear. ''No matter what I do, I'm never able to protect the guild or even the people close to me! Makarov was in the wrong to appoint me for that secret mission for ten long years!''
She let her head hang and slowly turned towards the exit. It was no use, she thought, something in his head that had been there for a long time snapped, and nothing could get through to him anymore.
She walked away, covering her ears to ignore his screams echoing loudly through the dark underground. They weren't even sentences anymore, just aimless echoes of pain. Tears welled up in her eyes and, before she even realised it, she let out a sob of despair.
For this year's Mescana Day I drew this scene from chapter 1 of No Way Back! I'm very happy with the result, I haven't drawn in a while.
The story is part 3 of the Mescana Trilogy and can be read on ff.net and Ao3!
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mis--tress · 11 months
Cronicas de Natal - Ficstmas 2023
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Ola ola, seres humanos e fadas!
Esse ano o natal chegou um pouquinho mais cedo! Eu sai da minha aposentadoria como fic writter pra participar de um evento/desafio natalino proporcionado pelo @FairyTailUniverse e pelo @AllBlueProject. Entre muitos desafios no evento, os maiores deles são os de escrita com palavras ou temas específicos, e para dificultar minha vida ainda mais, decidi que todas as minhas fics serão cronicas de diferentes formas de se experienciar o natal.
Algumas das fics se passam no mesmo período, enquanto outras são de natais passados dos personagens, mas no final das contas todas elas acontecem no mesmo universo!
1. A Primeira Nevasca
Wendy observava a nevasca do lado de fora da pequena cabana com seus olhos brilhando, observando a primeira neve do ano cair.
[Wendy!Centric | Fluffy | Ficstmas 2023 | Livre]
2. Presente de Natal
Quando Erza abriu os olhos na manhã da véspera de natal, extremamente empolgada com o dia que tinha acabado de começar, ela não imaginava que passaria a noite de natal no hospital.
[ Hurt/Confort | Ficlet | Fictsmas | Livre ]
3. Antiquário
Os olhos de Juvia percorreram o antiquário com curiosidade, em meio a meias de natal e renas com qualidade duvidável, a mulher encontrou o amigo de longa data, Gajeel, deitado ao lado de uma xícara que ela só podia adivinhar ser chocolate quente, graças ao frio extremo do inverno daquele ano.
[ Juvia e Gajeel sendo melhores amigos | Fluffy | Fictsmas | Livre ]
4. Maratona Natalina
Assistir séries de terror no sofá da sala, regados a cerveja e um peru que tinha levado o dia inteiro para cozinhar, não era o natal do sonho de muitas pessoas, mas para Cana nada poderia ser melhor.
[ Diferentes formas de se comemorar o natal | MesCana | Rarepairing | Fluffy | Fictsmas | Livre ]
5. Natais Passados
Eram duas crianças desengonçadas dançando em uma enorme festa, que na cabeça da pequena Juvia parecia um baile de natal feito para a realeza.
[ Juvia e Gajeel sendo bestie² | Baile de Natal | Friendshiping | Fluffy | Fictsmas | Livre ]
6. Em Baixo de um Azevinho
“Tradições são tradições, e devem ser seguidas” Natsu falou sorrindo bobo.
[ NaLu sendo fofo | Drabs | Micro conto | Ficstmas | Livre]
7. Sal, Tequila e Limão
Laxus e Mirajane tinham uma única tradição natalina: de experimentar novos drinks.
[ Diferentes formas de se comemorar o natal | Miraxus | Fluffy | Fictsmas | Livre ]
8. Digam 'X'!
“Digam ‘X’!”, Mavis gritou, chamando a atenção dos sogros, do marido e do filho pequeno do casal, que sentavam ao redor da mesa natalina farta.
[ Zervis na ceia de natal com os sogros | Ficstmas | Fluffy | Livre ]
9. Um Ultimo Baile de Inverno
Os bailes de natal que aconteciam no final de semana anterior ao natal sempre foram os melhores momentos do natal para ela, era o momento onde podia aproveitar a noite com as pessoas que mais amava
[ Juvia!Centric | Ficstmas | Fluffy | Livre ]
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kiliinstinct · 2 years
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Sketch Commission with basic sketch colors for @tobethefairybest ! Thank you!
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animezing-fandoms · 4 years
Fairy Tail Guild Couples House Hunting
Lucy: “This place fits all of the fire code requirements right?”
Realtor: “Of course, why do you ask?”
Natsu sneezes fire.
Lucy: “No reason.”
Gray: “This place has flooding insurance right?” 
Realtor *confused*: “Well...yes. Nearly every house in Magnolia does. Why do you ask?” 
Gray smiles at Juvia and her legs melt into a puddle as she leans against the wall. 
Gray: “No reason.” 
Realtor: “And here is the living room, as you can see the owners chose to leave some of the load bearing I-beams exposed to give the space a bit of an industrial style-”
Levy: “Oh, yeah that looks pretty but it’s not gonna work for us.” 
Realtor *gripping onto her clipboard but still keeping her tone cheerful*: “Why not?” 
Gajeel takes a bite out of one of the beams. 
Levy: “It wouldn’t last long if we lived here.” 
Gajeel: “Hey Lev’ this house is pretty tasty!”
Jellal: “How much storage space does this house have?” 
Realtor *relieved to get a normal and non-dangerous sounding question*: “Oh it has plenty! This house comes with an attic and a basement so I’m sure it’ll suit your needs.
Jellal: “Oh I’m not the one that needs it.”
Realtor *eye twitching*: “What does that mean-“
Erza *coming up the path while pulling along her luggage cart from a job*: “Hey Jellal sorry I’m late! How’s the house look?”
Mest: “This place has quite a large wine cellar.”
Realtor *giggles*: “Well you did mention that you and your girlfriend are big drinkers.” 
Mest: “Oh well I’m nowhere near as big of a drinker as-”
Cana downs a whole barrel she found while the realtor screams.
Carla: “This house has protection for wind damage right?” 
Realtor *sighs*: “Why?” 
Chelia practices a spell and blows herself back into a tree while Wendy runs over to treat her. 
Carla: “No reason.” 
Laxus: “I like that this place has a lot of lightning rods.” 
Realtor: “Yep when you have a house that’s this high up you can never be too careful with lightning.” 
Laxus: “Oh don’t worry about that I’m always careful with lightning.”
Realtor *scared*: “Why?”
Freed *cheerfully*: “Because his personality is as electric as his magic!” 
Realtor *smashing her head against her clipboard and splitting it in-half because she is done with Fairy Tail’s bs at this point*: What the hell is a manly house?
Evergreen: Whatever house he likes.
Elfman: That clipboard smash was manly!
Bonus Stingue: 
Rogue: “I like this place.” 
Frosch: “Fro thinks so too!” 
Rogue: “But these curtains will definitely have to go.” 
Realtor: “Ah, white’s not your color?” 
Rogue: “No it’s my partners’.” 
Sting takes a huge bite out of the curtain. 
Sting: “Hey where did these curtains come from they taste pretty good!” 
Lector: “You’re oddly calm about this.”
Realtor: “This isn’t the first time I’ve seen a client eat a part of the house.” 
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marzi-mars-archived · 3 years
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Mescana day ✨ I’m a lil late, but here none the less 💕
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faewildscalling · 2 years
Chapter 1 of Cards Against Mages is up. If you love Cana Alberona and Card games then check it out.
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Mest: Ah shit
Cana: Watch your fucking language
submitted by @tobethefairybest
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sweetmemories2606 · 4 years
Rewatching FT Final Season to see if I get my groove back 😍😌
Hopefully there will be some fics and poems coming soon 😏
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bearandbirdfan · 4 years
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The edits I made for my MesCana Day fic, "The Sound of Her Marked Heart"
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faewildwriting · 4 years
I totally forgot to post this edit ages ago. I love these two so much and I wish Mescana had some more art and content. They deserve some more notice like the other ships too.
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tobethefairybest · 2 years
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''It'll be okay...''
My entry for Mescana Day 2022 is a scene that has yet to happen in my modern AU FT fanfic Legacy, so consider this a teaser! ^-^
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Meeting, Date, Kiss
Some Mescana for FT Rare Pair Week
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celestial-soul1 · 4 years
Mescana witch au
So I recently got into Mescana so here is the results of that, this is unedited and will soon be posted on my fanfiction account, and is dedicated to @tobethefairybest ! I will most likly write more for this, maybe even a story, all depends! 
“I'm going to need chicken blood, salt, five candles and…” Cana paused, thinking. “A bottle of vodka.”
“Vodka? For the spell?” He grumbled, already finding himself up and grabbing the items she listed. She was oddly calm today, rather than the outgoing and almost to burst into excitement over the idea of causing more mayhem for the people in their village, she was suddenly focused and more to herself. Of course with the added touch of vodka, it wouldn't be Cana otherwise.
The witch grumbled at him, hands flipping the pages to her book of spells and potions, “No, that's just to make me feel better about ripping a hole into the universe.” Silence fell upon them, Cana merrily reading over some words and Mest stopped in his tracks to stare at the women in pure horror.
Did she really just say that? And so casually like it was nothing?
“May I ask why you're deciding to create a black hole?” Spinning, quickly going to see just what she was reading, in case he had any chance to prevent any chaos that was going to happen. It wasn't everyday that someone, or anyone really, decided that it was the day to create a black hole of all things. “What happened to those spells you needed to make?”
“Boring and bland. Especially compared to this,” she gigged. Fucking giggled. 
Groaning, he stood behind her, casually looking over her shoulder at the sloppy scribble of words. Some in Boscan, some in witchcraft. An evil bunch of jumbled up words that was hard to translate, but somehow Cana read it easily. There were pictures, well more like circles that left the paper welty, almost like its own emphasis on what it really meant without the whole language barrier. It looked evil, like demonology, which was more of Lucy’s and Mard’s area of knowledge. 
Swiping the book from her delicate hands, already hearing the irritated grumble from the brunette, he quickly shut the book harshly, “No. Simple spells are fine, but this? No.”
“Awww come on Mest! This is the opportunity of a lifetime right here!” She trailed after him, seeing him stomping over to the bookshelf filled with books of all kinds. 
Sighing, he stopped, still making sure there was a good distance between the book and Cana, he grumbled, “It's really not, unless you call dying the opportunity of a lifetime.” 
She huffed, catching herself from stomping like a child. If it was any other situation, he would've grinned and teased her till she kissed him or worse, but for once he had to be smart and make sure she didn't just die on him. Taking a small hand in his, pulling it to his lips so he could lightly kiss it, enjoying how she lightly blushed when their skins barely touched. 
“Cana, as much as I love you, this right here,” he looked down at the book with a glare, “Is not safe, like at all and I don't think getting our world sucked up in one is quite chaotic for us, don't you think?” Seeing her sigh, she nodded, silently agreeing with him that maybe, just maybe, this was dangerous. And she wasn't that experienced in her skills like she should be to perform the spell. 
Quickly adding the book to the others, he took her other hand and led her to the fairly large cauldron, seeing a purple glow coming from it. “Now, lets fuck with some demons.”
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vannahfanfics · 4 years
Mest x Cana, if that's not answered already
Oooooh, I’ve been seeing this one around for Fairy Tail Rare Pair Week (which I did not have the time to join, sadly :c) and I gotta say, it got me thinkiiiiiiiing. The Tenrou Island arc all around was ~chef’s kiss~ good shit, lemme tell ya. 
Mest and Cana are some of the more mature members of the guild (although they still have a lot of growing up to do, especially Cana, who spent seven years in the Fairy Sphere), and so I feel like they would be on a good wavelength because of that. Mest have his goofy side to him though, and he would get along well with the easygoing and brash Cana. I could totally see them being drinking buddies, but he never tries to outdrink Cana because he knows he can’t! They have their fair share of hardships, with Cana’s relationship with Gildarts and Mest’s whole memory debacle, and they would probably bond over that as well as their deep love for Fairy Tail. Them fighting would be a sight to behold, what with Cana’s card magic and his teleportation magic. I think they compliment each other well. 
Send a pairing to my inbox and I’ll tell you what I think about it!
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