vannahfanfics · 4 years
Mest x Cana, if that's not answered already
Oooooh, I’ve been seeing this one around for Fairy Tail Rare Pair Week (which I did not have the time to join, sadly :c) and I gotta say, it got me thinkiiiiiiiing. The Tenrou Island arc all around was ~chef’s kiss~ good shit, lemme tell ya. 
Mest and Cana are some of the more mature members of the guild (although they still have a lot of growing up to do, especially Cana, who spent seven years in the Fairy Sphere), and so I feel like they would be on a good wavelength because of that. Mest have his goofy side to him though, and he would get along well with the easygoing and brash Cana. I could totally see them being drinking buddies, but he never tries to outdrink Cana because he knows he can’t! They have their fair share of hardships, with Cana’s relationship with Gildarts and Mest’s whole memory debacle, and they would probably bond over that as well as their deep love for Fairy Tail. Them fighting would be a sight to behold, what with Cana’s card magic and his teleportation magic. I think they compliment each other well. 
Send a pairing to my inbox and I’ll tell you what I think about it!
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