#Merry Nagamas
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ewna-art · 1 year ago
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"Yes, Morgan, there's is a Santakete." (No one is supposed to see Santakete as a rule, but Laurent and Morgan are always very good, so they get a pass this time)
My 2023 @nagamas gift for @lululeighsworld , hope this evokes all the festive holiday cheer you were hoping for! Happiest holidays to you!
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kingvlion · 1 year ago
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Merry @nagamas 2023~ A dimiclaudevain gift for cynical_mystic on ao3 ! I love this ship so much and I'm glad they like it also. I hope you like this cozy modern xmas themed gift!
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luminessdoodles · 1 year ago
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Merry belated @nagamas , @ainzee !! I was your backup santa; perhaps this can be an (also belated) Valentines drawing ^_^
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vellatra · 1 year ago
Nagamas Pinch Hit
For @Damaceles ! Your idea for Kurthnaga and Leanne being friends throughout the years was so cute! I might've gotten a little bit carried away with the concept doodles.... Anyway. Hope you enjoy and Merry (Kurth)Nagamas! :D
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Probably how they met - at a laguz royals meeting
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Kurth was a good sport and let Leanne name their ship. (Sorry about the poor quality on this one, it was just a little doodle in the corner of a page....)
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Making music together :)
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After Leanne is found in Path of Radiance
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Post Radiant Dawn - Ena's baby (You know Kurth would be a doting uncle. Also Leanne would be an awesome babysitter!)
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Another little corner doodle - big news for Leanne!
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I didn't make Kurth look like Seteth on purpose. Sorry!
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Hope you have as much fun with these pictures as I did! Cheers!
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kingkilvas · 1 year ago
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2 birds in the snow 🤍 nagamas gift for @vellatra ! merry christmas and i hope 2024 is kind to you!
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dondesommie · 1 year ago
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For @slanax one of My favorite generic class! The generic hero from awakening. Merry Nagamas!! (I cannot do him justice but I had to draw him, I took creative liberties)
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circle-bircle · 1 year ago
merry @nagamas!!! my gift this year was to @bi-naesala and it was so fun!! i hope you have a little chuckle or two :)
here's the link on ao3:
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nagamas · 1 year ago
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gift for anonymous! prompt was “sigurd/quan quan pining over sigurd during their academy days. maybe have him stare longingly at siggy who is oblivious while theyre sitting together under a tree or something. i just want it evident that its onesided!”
this was a fun one to draw! thank you for the prompts and merry nagamas!
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darkflierliesel · 2 years ago
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down to the wire as always (working retail during the holiday season... you understand how it is), a merry belated @nagamas to an anonymous giftee! all your prompts were so cute (i love sweet family stuff) but in the end i simply had to go with veronica and bruno being festive together. they deserved more time together in the main story, but at least when they were young they could have fun learning intricate skills such as the art of wrapping gifts. hmm, green and gold wrapping paper, might this be for a certain Sissy of theirs?
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purpollo · 3 years ago
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Merry Nagamas to @/moonkissdreamer on Twitter, got them some Dimileth.
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ewna-art · 2 years ago
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My @nagamas gift for @luminessdoodles for 2022!
I had a whole big plan to do a collage of your Seteth Daily Life requests in one nice image but... I am kinda bad at those so I just middle’d it with a few prompts instead. Hope you like them! Happy Holidays/ Merry Nagamas
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venomrot · 2 years ago
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merry @nagamas to @airlock ! i was so so so excited to see your 12 crusaders prompt (big jugdral lore nerd here) so i drew a bunch of them for you, i always imagined they’d be pretty close with each other so here they are having a bit of fun!!!! almost like there’s nothing to worry about lolol
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panco-1812 · 2 years ago
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My @nagamas gift for @miravariable, with the prompt “Wholesome Kaze and Midori dad and daughter content.” Here’s Kaze and Midori’s support where Midori spends more time with her Father in the forest, looking for medical herbs. I hope you like it! Merry Nagamas and Happy New Year!
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reyson-needs-an-alt · 2 years ago
A Gift for a Flower
A/N: This my Nagamas gift for Twitter user caeli_adenium. I hope you enjoy it. I do hope Knoll and your Oc are not to ooc. I also tried my hand attempting humor. Happy Holidays!  @nagamas
Summary: Christmas Envoy Knoll gives his gift to his favorite summoner.
Word count: 1179
Today was absolutely freezing, probably one of the coldest that Askr has had since the winter season started. The sky was covered inch by inch with clouds colored gray and the chilly air was enough to make anyone want to stay inside. Not everyone did though- with it being Christmas and all. Most if not all of the heroes were currently out in about enjoying the holiday festivities. It was quite a sight to behold. A sight that was indeed filled with nothing but joyous splendor.
Knoll watched as heroes from all ages and walks of life went about their day-interacting with one another as if they've been friends their whole life. It was beautiful really. So beautiful that it filled him with a warmth that not even the frigid air could sap through. With a smile on his face he continued on his way, passing by a few of the heroes playing in the snow. Well more like pelting each other with snowballs.
To him it appeared to be a friendly competition, but he soon came to the sudden realization that maybe it was a one-sided friendly game. Having come to a stop, Knoll let his eyes wander across the snow covered battle field. On his left he could see Prince Innes and his sister with a few other heroes on one team, and on his right he could make out Prince Ephraim and Princess Eirika and to his surprise Prince Lyon as the other team.
“I wonder how they got Prince Lyon to join?” He thought to himself as he continued to observe the snowball fight. Ephraim and the others seemed like they were all having a good time. Full of smiles and boisterous laughter. Even his prince was having a good time. Innes's team seemed like they to were having a good time to. Filled with the same joyous bout of excitement as the others, except for Innes himself. He might have been having fun, but you really couldn't tell. He looked to have been concentrating on trying to pelt Ephraim with as many snowballs as he could.
It wasn't working out for him to much. Innes arch rival was indeed making things hard for him. Ephraim was dodging more than the crowned prince of Frelia could hit him with. A frustrated prince started to bombard Ephraim with bigger and a lot more snowballs, turning this once friendly game into a full on war. The prince of Renais being the way he is was able dodge the onslaught of snow yet again, only for it to slam into the face of Grado's unsuspecting prince. Lyon went down hard.
Knoll being surprised and oddly amused at the sudden turn of events took that as his sign to hurry along his merry way. With a flourish of his cape, he pulled his furred hood down, to hide his chuckle as he resumed his journey. The sound of snow crunching underneath boots filled the air of the silent night. Every now and then Knoll would hum to himself, occasionally waving at his fellow Christmas Envoy's, as they too passed out their gifts.
He only had one more gift to give, one that he saved for last. A special gift for a special someone- his summoner. Just thinking about the summoner was enough to bring another smile to his face. If it wasn’t for Lorraine, Knoll probably never would have known or experienced what true love felt like. She was his every thing, his world even. The moon,the sun, the stars that guided his path and his very own personal flower. Lorraine felt the same about him.
With that last thought in mind, Knoll gripped his gift basket a little tighter and with a spring in his step continued down the corridor towards the Summoner's bedroom. Having made it to her door, a nervous sigh could be heard , before the knocking of a door echoed throughout the empty hallway. Not to long after, shuffling could be heard on the other side of the closed door, and a soft voice saying, “Hold on, I'm coming.”
Knoll waited with baited anticipation, as the creaking of an opening door filled his eardrums. Soon after a pair of eyes the color of a tawny brown could be seen through the slight crack of the door.
“Oh Knoll, what a pleasant surprise! Why don't you come on in!?” Lorraine said excitedly, as she opened the door a little wider for him to enter.
“Thank you Lorraine , I would very much like too.” he answered as he stepped into the room.
“What brings you here?
“Oh I just so happened to bring by your Christmas gift.” Raising his arm out, Knoll handed over his gift basket, to a very happy looking summoner. “I hope you like it. I spent extra time picking out your gift. Happy Holidays Lorraine.”
The summoner took the then outstretched gift from Knolls hold. Setting it down gently on her nightstand, she began to unwrap he gift. One by one she pulled out each individual gift. Each gift she pulled out, the sentiment behind each one became apparent. The gifts ranged from a floral arrangement of her favorite flowers, a new book she hasn't read, to a few seeds of plants she's never seen before, as well as a few other little trinkets.
The one that caught her eye the most so happened to be a little black box wrapped in a dark purple ribbon. Opening up the lid to the box Lorraine let out a gasp as her eyes came in contact with her gift. In the box was a pendant, one that was obviously made by hand. The pendent was made out of sterling silver. It was in the shape of a lotus flower and colored in a very outstanding shade of lilac purple, and in the very middle was a medium sized round amethyst stone. But that’s not all on the very back of the necklace was a heartfelt message that said:
“To my dearest Lorraine,
Thank you for being my flower and light of my life. I may not say it all that often but I am very grateful to have met you. The love and support you have provided me has made my life a lot more brighter. I'm so happy to have been summoned to Askr. So here are to many more days to together.
Love you forever more my Moon, my sun, and most of all my heart. “
Love Knoll
Lorraine x Knoll forever
“Thank you so much Knoll! I really really love my gifts!” with tears in her eyes Lorraine then proceed to embrace Knoll. He happily excepted the hug and even wiped her eyes dry. “I'm glad you enjoyed them.” The two then met half way to share a kiss full of love.
“By the way Knoll did you see Lyon get pelted in the face awhile go? He totally got wiped out, he might be dead.”
The End
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vellatra · 1 year ago
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Merry @Nagamas and Happy New Year, lavendre! Took a lot of brainstorming for this piece - I hope you enjoy this Rafailah Gallian journey montage! :D
Top Left: Traveling
Top Right: Camping under the stars
Bottom Left: Taking a break and making new friends at a tavern
Bottom Right: There's plenty of room in Gallia, if the Hatarese want to move in! ;)
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erigure · 2 years ago
[nagamas 2022] Flower Dance (Everything's Alright)
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Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: Gen Fandoms: Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu | Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War Relationship: Celice | Seliph & Yuria | Julia Characters: Celice | Seliph, Yuria | Julia Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Restoration of Grannvale, Dreams, Flowers, Gardens & Gardening, Memory Loss Summary: 
“The sunflowers would grow over there,” she tells Seliph once, during a rare occasion of respite in the garden, “I can’t remember who was tending to them before, well, everything, but I remember they were raised with care.”
“Would that have been Mother, by any chance?” Seliph asks, “Or any of your handmaidens, even. I could scarce imagine your lord father would take care of the gardens himself.”
“You’re right, the hand in my dreams does not feel like his,” Julia nods, “It felt more like that of a woman’s.”
Following the flowers in the Imperial Garden, Julia regains some of her memories. 
A Nagamas 2022 gift for @misshallery. Apologies for the delay, and Merry @nagamas​!
Read here.
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