#Merlin Pet Praises
myfictionaldreams · 11 months
Day 17: Hate Sex - Sirius Black x Slytherin!Reader
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Summary: You were in Slytherin, it was in your blood to hate Sirius Orion Black, so why can’t you stop thinking about his stupid, handsome face?
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, hate sex, arguing, mocking, teasing, sexual tension, enemies with benefits, alcohol, size difference, praise kink, choking, dom/sub, slight degrading, rough sex, edging,
masterlist 📚 
kinktober masterlist😈 
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“Fuck my life; why the hell is he in here?” you exclaim as Sirius Black saunters into the library with all the swagger and arrogance of someone ready to cause a riot.
“Here we go”, another student mutters under their breath from across the room. You weren’t sure who, but you glared in the general direction of whoever had said it.
It was infamous that you absolutely loathed Sirius, and he, in return, hated you with just as much passion. You were natural enemies; he was in prideful Gryffindor, and you a cunning Slytherin, but the hatred delved deeper than just this. You thought he was a pompous, arrogant prick who bullied Slytherins - mostly you - and seemed to always get away with it every single time. He had directed his pranks towards you more times than you’d care to count. You were constantly on high alert, paranoid that another attack was coming from the Gryffindors. Seeing any shade of red filled your heart with dread every single day.
Today, you were having a relatively good morning, mostly spent revising in the library with a towering pile of books beside you. It was a warm summer’s day, so most students were outside, which was always your favourite time to study, not having to fight with the others for specific books or for an area of the library to work.
Another reason you preferred to stay in the castle was that the Marauders were likelier to be out, causing havoc where the crowds were formed. You cursed loudly at seeing them in the library, instantly ruining your calm day.
“Well, well, look what dirt turned up in the library. I’m surprised you even know how to read, Sunshine”, Sirius taunts as he immediately struts over to your table, picking up one of the books in your pile and idly flicking through it whilst leaning his weight against the table.
You sigh heavily through your nose at the nickname, loathing it more than any other pet name that he decided to call you, mainly as it originated from a prank in your first year where he’d stained your hair bright luminous yellow and thus, Sunshine was his favourite taunt. “Please fuck off, I’m only going to warn you the once Black, and give me the book back!”
“Why would I leave? These books all seem highly intelligent for your silly little mind. Maybe I should help read to you, see here, this is what they call the ‘title’, it means what the book is called-”
“Sirius, I swear to Merlin, if you don’t shut the fuck up-”
“What’s going on here?” the librarian rushes over, interrupting your seething threat with her stern face, glancing between you and Sirius, who was grinning, ready to woo the teacher.
“Oh, nothing at all, Professor. I was just asking if I could borrow this book when she started to shout at me”, Sirius explained with surprisingly good acting skills that had your eyes widening and mouth gaping open with anger.
Before you could even begin to justify Sirius’ lies, the librarian turned to you, her lips pursed and eyes sharp. “Please leave the library. I won’t have you causing a commotion like this”.
She leaves before you can stand up for yourself, your cheeks flooding with heat as your blood boils with anger. Especially as your enemy begins to laugh tauntingly, head tipping back as he obnoxiously laughs, throwing the book back onto your pile.
“Thank god for that; I might be able to concentrate without a slithering snake like you here”.
You stand abruptly, wand in your shaking hand as you rage angrily, “I fucking hate you!”
He steps closer, invading your personal space as he smirks down at you, “The feeling is mutual, Sunshine. Now, do you want me to help you pack up your crap, or can you manage that all by yourself?”
Before you can answer, you’re both interrupted by a calm voice, “Sirius, leave her alone, will you?” Remus tried to convince his friend to step away. With Sirius distracted, you start roughly shoving your items into your school bag before turning back to them both, especially Sirius.
“I hope you choke”. With one last glare, you purposefully bashed your shoulder into Sirius, knocking his balance slightly as you stormed off.
However, as you passed a couple of Hufflepuffs, you overheard one whispering to another, “They probably just need to fuck, and they’d get over this stupid tension”.
“What the fuck did you just say?!” you demand, stopping in front of them, looking between them as their heads dropped to hide their faces. “That’s disgusting. How dare you even say something like that-” you begin to chastise, your wand returning to your hand as a reflex to defend yourself.
“Excuse me!” the Librarian returns to your side, which only makes you more frustrated as you’re stopped from doing what you really want.
“I’M LEAVING!” you scream, gathering the attention of everyone; you promptly scowl at them all, specifically Sirius, who you expected to see grinning at you getting into trouble, but instead, he was only a step behind you with an odd, wondering expression on his face.
You don’t stay to ponder what he was looking at as you grip your bag closer to your body and storm off. How could someone even think something so disgusting!? You and Sirius fucking?! Absolutely not. You’d rather walk around Hogwarts naked than go anywhere near Sirius fucking Black.
A few hours later, you’d found your friend lounging beside the lake, where you promptly joined her with a huff. “Oh no, what did Sirius do now?” she says, knowing your sour mood could only be caused by one person.
You explain with increasing agitation, “And then, you’ll never guess what some Hufflepuffs said! They said that me and Sirius Black,” You shiver for emphasis, “Need to shag, and we’d stop arguing! I mean, can you believe it? That’s disgusting; I can’t think of anything worse!” You’d expected your friend to look disgusted, just like how you felt, but instead, she raised one eyebrow with an unphased expression. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Well, I mean… He’s not that bad to look at, and from what I’ve heard, he’s very much a people-pleaser in the bedroom. Anyway, you know what they say,  if you’re being teased by someone it’s most likely because they have a crush on them and I must say… You’re both always teasing each other”.
Even though your friend grins and mocks you, you still find it offensive that she would even say such a thing. “Are you kissing me? Sirius Black is a self-centred, arrogant asshole who only thinks about himself. There is no way I would ever go anywhere near him!”
“Yeah, but you can’t deny that he’s handsome. Even though he’s a Gryffindor, he's from the Black lineage, with his long hair, dreamy eyes, and stunning smile. There’s also the fact that he plays quidditch, so I bet those thighs of his are scrummy”.
Shaking your head at her words, you sigh, “That doesn't matter, he’s still-”
“So you admit it?” She cuts you off with a knowing smile.
“Admit what?” you question innocently.
“That you think he’s handsome”, she states confidently with a shit-eating grin.
“I’m not saying that, I mean- Uh… I don’t know!” You throw your hands into the air, exacerbated, “I guess he’s handsome, but that doesn’t change what an asshole he is”.
Your friend shrugs, “I don’t know. Maybe this answers all the tension. The two of you need to fuck, and maybe all the arguments will stop”.
“If you ever say that again, I promise I’ll curse you. Right, I’m changing the subject. I don’t want to think about him anymore. Are you still going to the party later in the Ravenclaw's common room?”
“Definitely! I can’t wait. Are you going?”
“Yes! I need a drink after today”.
As the moon came out to play, so did all of the older students throughout Hogwarts, as it seemed everyone was going to the party. Staring at yourself in the mirror, you sighed in frustration as you couldn’t style your hair correctly, too distracted thinking about that good-for-nothing, long-haired, handsome idiot.
There was that word again. Handsome. ‘Was he handsome?’ you thought to yourself. Of course, he was, with his grey sparkling eyes, he was one of the tallest in the year, lean from all of his quidditch playing, and his hair was always clean and effortlessly styled, and his clothes were always smart and expensive looking, the only part of him that you could tell was from his pure-blood status.
You hated that you couldn’t stop thinking about him. Undoubtedly, you hated him, but would it be the worst to shag him? You shivered at the thought, internally demanding that the idea needed to leave your mind immediately, ignoring the pulsing between your legs as an image flashed into your head of his face between your legs.
You shouted in frustration, giving up with your hair and deciding that it would have to do. At least your dress was beautiful, a Slytherin-green floor-length gown with silky smooth material accentuating your body and a long slit up the right side revealing your thigh. It was lavish and probably over the top for a common room party, but it was so rare that you could dress up, so you seized the opportunity. You’d applied a generous amount of make-up and silver high heels to match the dress, adding a couple of inches to your height.
The problematic part was sneaking up to the Ravenclaw common room, but thankfully, there was a system of students on the watch to lead the way there. Once inside, you poured yourself a drink of whatever was in the cauldron and found a couple of your friends already there.
Ten glorious minutes of happiness passed before it all came crashing down around you as James Potter shouted, “The party has arrived!” Not only him but the other Gryffindors had entered, making you roll your eyes and drink a hefty glug of the alcohol in your cup, savouring the burn as it rushed down your throat.
You couldn’t see him immediately, and you hate that you searched the crowd looking for him; you pretended that it was because you wanted to be prepared if he walked over to you and no other reasons whatsoever. There he was, standing with his back to you as he poured his drink with Remus.
‘Fuck’, you cursed to yourself, quickly looking away as your cheeks warmed. Why did he have to look so good? It seemed his surname was his favourite colour today as he wore all-black, well-worn combat boots paired with baggy black jeans and a tight t-shirt that seemed to stretch over the well-toned muscles of his arms and shoulders. It wasn’t just this that had your thighs clenching together to try and relieve some building tension. Still, for once, he’d decided to tie his hair up in a loose bun, some strays of hair already loosening, but for some reason, that only made him more attractive, and did he always have an earring?
You finished the rest of your drink as you realised just how much attention you gave Sirius. You need to get him out of your head, so dancing with your friends would be the best distraction for now, but you fully anticipated that he would come over and ruin your night sometime soon.
However, Sirius stayed on the other side of the party, which even your friends commented was odd, considering he always loved making your life miserable. You continued to shrug it off, saying you were having a great time because of it; however, your eyes wandered over to him occasionally, and it seemed he always had the same idea as you would catch each other's eye and then quickly look away embarrassed.
The night continued, the music increasing in volume, and now that you weren’t worried about Sirius interrupting, you slowed down with the alcohol, not wanting a hangover in the morning.
“SOMEONE SNITCHED TO FILCH, HE’S GETTING THE PROFESSORS! EVERYONE RUN!” A second later, the entire party was shoving and pushing each other to get out of the door, running in different directions.
Some teachers were already in the corridors, catching students, giving them detentions and taking away house points. You followed a small crowd, struggling to keep up with your heels, which you now severely regretted; however, it was a small blessing when Professor McGonagall caught the group at the end of the corridor, so you quickly turned down a deserted corridor, breathing heavily and beginning to sweat from the exercise and fear.
Just as you turned down a corridor dimly lit by fires on the wall, someone from behind grabbed your arm, forcefully pulling you in another direction. Before you can comprehend what is happening, you’re engulfed in darkness, and a broad hand is shoved over your mouth as you’re pushed against the door to the store cupboard you were just pulled into.
“Shhh, someone was behind us, " Sirius whispered from the darkness; even though you couldn’t see him, you knew his face was in front of yours because you could feel the warmth of his breath on your face.
Your instinct was to try and shove him off, but then there were echoing footsteps in the corridor outside. You both freeze, not even daring to breathe in case you’re caught. Both of you listened intently until there was only silence on the other side of the door as you slammed your elbow into his stomach.
His hand drops from your mouth, allowing you to whisper, “Get the fuck off me, don’t ever touch me again”.
Now that you had a moment to calm down, as he moved back into a space, you could see a slither of him from the gap around the door that allowed the light to seep in. Sirius chuckles lowly, rubbing his stomach from where you’d elbowed him. The deep laugh seemed to affect you straight between the legs as, for some reason, you found the noise mildly erotic.
“Why? You never know; you might like it when I touch you”, Sirius taunted, his voice soft and yet husky at the same time.
Your entire body seemed to buzz with anticipation and excitement at his words because there was no way Sirius Black had just flirted with you in some capacity.
“Shut up”, you say bashfully, folding your arms over your middle.
In the crack of light seeping in, Sirius' head tilted to the side, “What, no comeback, oh my witty little snake, have you lost your tongue?”
It seemed you had no air left in your body at his words, but you forced yourself to move away from the door, turning with the intention of leaving. However, he hears something you don’t as he’s pushing you flush against the door; even with your heels, he’s towering over you.
Before you could question what he was doing, he rested his index finger across your lips and whispered into your ear, “There’s someone outside the door”.
You can’t hear that, though, as there’s only the pounding of your heart rattling in your ears with how close he is to you. He was inhumanly warm, and this close, you could smell his addicting aftershave that reminded you of citrus and oak, but lingering in the background was vanilla from his shampoo as a couple of strands of his hair fell into your face. In this position, you couldn’t see him; even as your eyes adjusted to the darkness, you had to rely on your other senses. 
You swallow audibly, causing your lips to press harder against his finger until the cool metal of his ring is indented into your chin. His breath is just as warm as his chest against yours, and this close, you could smell that he’d been drinking fire whiskey.
The pressure on your lips lightens as whoever is inspecting the corridor disappears again. Sirius doesn’t remove himself, though; instead, he allows his finger to do its exploration in the darkness, skimming across your cheek, over the shell of your ear, which causes you to shiver and your nipples to harden beneath the dress however the fabric was so thin that Sirius could feel them against his chest.
His finger continues to move down your jaw until it is at the point of your chin, pushing it up so you're forced to tip your head back further against the door.
“Sirius”, you whisper in a pleading tone, and he moves, fast and brutal as his mouth connects with yours. The kiss was fiery, full of passion and need. The hand under your chin desperately moves into your hair to hold your head in place while the other grips your hip, pulling your body closer to his. Your hands were just as grabby as one reached for his shirt, feeling the hard muscle beneath, and another moved to his jaw, feeling the softness of his recently shaved face.
You both moved as one, tilting your heads to the side to deepen the kiss further, mouths opening to allow the exploration of your tongues, tasting and wanting more. You weren’t thinking clearly, and neither was he but damn with the consequences.
Sirius bit into your bottom lip gently, tugging it back until it was snapping back to normal, but he didn’t stop there as his mouth began to move down your throat as he moved your head back. Open mouth, hot kisses were pushed into your skin until your toes curled in your high-heeled shoes.
You needed more of him, all of him, feeling so pathetically desperate that sweet little whines kept spilling from your lips as he sucked just below your ear like he knew that was your special spot.
Reaching behind his head, you roughly pulled the hairband out of his hair so, at long last, you could run your fingers through his soft locks. Sirius seemed to enjoy the touch as his hips thrust into yours, and you could feel the evidence of his arousal, rock hard in his jeans. Your arousal was currently ruining your underwear, clit throbbing and pussy begging to be touched in some way.
This could be a sign to stop and reason that this was your enemy. It had been since day one at Hogwarts, and now you’re ready to rip each other's clothes off.
As Sirius’ mouth moved lower, teeth scraping over your collar bones, you decided to be brave and lift your right leg, wrapping it around his hip to hold him closer. Sirius instantly gripped your thigh, groaning to himself when he was met with bare skin as he’d forgotten this was the side with the slit in the material.
“This god-damns dress”, he praised against your skin, which made you laugh lightly at how desperate he sounded. The heat of his palm against your naked thigh only made you want to feel him closer as he kissed you again. Higher and higher, his hand creepy, gripping your thigh until he pushed the silky material further up your body until you could feel your underwear was on show. This only encouraged you to pull his hips closer with your heel until his jean-covered cock was pressing against your panty-covered cunt.
Sirius shuddered, his hands tightening on your thigh and in your hair, as his tongue devoured your mouth, capturing every little moan you released as his hips thrust forward. It was your turn to tremble as the roughness of his jeans was felt through your thin underwear, nudging your clit and causing more moisture to gather in your underwear.
Everywhere felt like it was burning: your skin, core, and head. Everywhere that Sirius touched left a scolding mark as you couldn’t take it anymore, couldn’t fathom waiting a moment longer.
Pulling your face away from his, with a harsh pull on his hair to snap his head back, you roughly demanded, “Just fuck me already, Sirius”.
He grinned in the darkness as he rutted his hips harder against yours, knowing what you truly wanted. Sirius’ mouth returned to your through as he darkly said, “Say please”.
It was an effort not to roll your eyes, but you did huff as you, in turn, pressed your pussy against his crotch. “I’m not saying-”
Any sassy remark you were thinking of saying was cut off by the giant hand now wrapped around your throat, not hard enough that you couldn’t breathe but enough to draw your attention as his mouth hovered over yours. You could feel from the shape of his lips that he was smirking as he repeated with more emphasis and slowing of the words, “Say. Please”.
Your mouth dried of any saliva at the tone of his voice, instantly falling into submission as you quietly asked, “Please fuck me, Sirius”.
“Good girl”, he praises against your lips, making your knees buckle slightly, having never been praised like this before.
A hand wrapped around your ankle as he moved it back to the floor, and suddenly, you were holding onto the door as his body dropped to his knees, and you didn’t realise until now just how much you were relying on his body to keep you upright.
Sirius’ hands were underneath your dress, grasping the edges of your underwear and sliding them down your thighs. As you stepped out of them, he moved your dress back again, your bare pussy on display to him, and even though it was too dark for him to see, you could still feel the warmth of the flush on your face.
“We haven’t got time for that, just fuck me already”, you snapped at him. Of course, you would love for your earlier thought of his face between your legs to be a reality, but right now, you needed his cock inside you before you combusted on the spot.
Thankfully, Sirius didn’t argue or get you to beg for his cock any more as he stood back up, towering over you again as the rustle of his belt being undone was like music to your ears. “Always so fucking demanding”, he scolded light-heartedly under his breath.
Reaching for his waist in the darkness, you were planning on helping him undo his jeans to free his cock, and you wanted to feel what you were dealing with. Like every other time you’d known him, Sirius had other plans.
Your hands were pushed away as he grabbed your hips instead, but only so that he could turn you around. Your face was unglamourlessly shoved against the wooden door as Sirius rushed to gather the material of your dress until it was bunched around your waist. Clinging onto what he had planned, you pushed your arse out from him and were greeted with the pleasant sensation of something hot and hard against your cheeks.
“Spit”, Sirius demanded into your ear as he pressed his fingers into your chin. It felt filthy and slightly degrading to spit into his hand, but as you could hear him wiping the slickness onto his cock, you didn’t care anymore. In fact, it only added more eroticism to your thoughts.
Neither of you said a word as he adjusted the height of his hips, pressing into your arse cheeks to spread them slightly as suddenly something knocked against your hole. Sirius helped to guide his cock as he slid it into your pussy, your walls burning from the stretch of the sheer size of him. 
“Fuck! You could have warned me you’re so big!” you chastised him. Inch after inch opened you up wider until his hips were flush with yours, and his hand rested back in your hair, pulling your head back against his shoulder.
“Sorry, Sunshine”, he chuckled, kissing your cheek with a hint of sarcasm in his tone. You couldn’t help but hear that stupid nickname in his sultry deep voice, and with his entire dick pressed into your cunt, you couldn’t help but squeeze him tighter. Sirius ground his hips in harder, smiling against your face, “I fucking knew you liked it when I called you that”.
You wanted to retort back to him, hating when he had the upper hand, but as he began to withdraw his cock, any coherent thought disappeared from your mind entirely. As he pushed back in, you couldn’t help but rise to your tiptoes, following the lead of his body fucking into you.
Sirius made sure you were accustomed to his size before beginning to properly fuck you. All the tension, the bullying back and forth, the teasing and times of losing your mind at the idiot that was Sirius Black had all been worth it as he fucked you unlike anyone before. He was toweringly tall when you were face to face, but when his chest brushed over your back, you felt much smaller as he seemed to crowd around you everywhere.
He breathed heavily into your ear, occasionally biting your lobe or sloppily kissing the junction between your shoulder and neck. However, it was the pounding of his cock that had you completely and utterly at his mercy. His strokes were deep and long, his entire length disappearing into your sopping-wet hole. It felt so unbelievably good that you didn’t even care that you were near enough to scream out your moans for anyone in the corridor to hear.
Your hand reached behind your head to find him, your fingers slipping into his hair again to hold them. Harder and harder, he pushed the two of you into the door; it was a surprise that the barricade didn’t break with the force he was putting into fucking you.
Then you felt the deep coiling in your core, like everything inside of you was tightening, all pleasure amplifying as your orgasm teetered on the very edge. It seemed Sirius could feel this too, with how tightly your spongey walls were suffocating him as he grunted louder into your neck.
“Wait, don’t cum yet; I’m so close, don’t cum”, you begged, not entirely wanting it to end just yet. Sirius gasped, his mouth opening wide as his eyes did the opposite as they clenched shut as he concentrated on fucking you and not orgasming.
It doesn’t take long to feel the first flutterings of that eye-wateringly beautiful sensation between your legs as you quickly stammer, “I’m cumming! Fuck- You can cum, please cum with me”. Sirius’ legs nearly gave out underneath him, hearing your sweet words.
As your pussy contracted in wet bursts around him, Sirius released every drop of cum inside of his body, deep into your walls so that you could feel yourself becoming full and it beginning to drip out as it became too much. His thrusts slowed to a stop as you both slumped against the door, catching your breath for a moment, the tiny store cupboard now becoming suffocating.
The after-orgasm guilt hit you like a tonne. What had you done? You’d just fucked your worst enemy, and his cock was still inside you.
You couldn’t help yourself; you needed to ruin the moment, need to get free and cry into your pillow over what an idiot you are, so with hate and distaste, you turned your head further over your shoulder. “This changes nothing between us”.
Sirius took a moment to process the words before his mouth was hovering over your ear, his breath tickling your skin, “Not at all, Sunshine, I still hate you”.
Good, you think. That’s what you’d hoped because you still hated him too… right?
With a grunt, you elbow his stomach again but with less force, just needing him to back away from you. Thankfully he did without any arguments, his softening cock slipping out of you and globs of his cum following this.
With trembling knees, you shoved your dress back down. Reaching around in the darkness, you found the door handle and turned, neither of you saying another word as you walked out of the door, hair a mess, make-up running down your cheeks, dress creased, lips swollen and cum still dripping down your thighs.
You walk with as much confidence as possible, keeping your head high as you try not to turn around and see if he is watching you walk away. It was only as you turned the corner that you realised you’d left your underwear in there with him; cursing to yourself, you turned back, not wanting another student or someone to find them. You weren’t sure if you were happy or sad when you returned to the cupboard to find Sirius gone, but not only that, but your underwear was too.
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Double penetration with the Riddles??? 🤨 Male reader please 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
Double Trouble - T. R. & M. R. x male!Reader
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A/N: 😈 I hope you enjoy. It’s unedited with no use of Y/N. Also, please take the warnings seriously 🫶 I think I tagged everything but let me know if I missed something!
Fic is very 18+ so ABSOLUTELY NO MINORS!!!!
CW: Arguing; sexual content; explicit sexual content; almost fighting; Reader is referred to as a fucktoy; bickering; pet names; dom/sub dynamics, I think; exhibitionism, I think; praise; degradation; Reader is referred to as a slut; doggy style; spanking; Reader is a tiny bit of a brat; actual lube is used in this one; anal sex; anal fingering; begging; anal penetration; more spanking; double penetration, hehe; Reader blacks out from his orgasm; sorry for the ending; this takes place after Hogwarts so everyone involved is of age!!!!
2539 words
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To say you were nervous was an understatement.
You were lying on Tom’s bed in his apartment bedroom, listening to him and Mattheo argue.
It wasn’t a particularly unusual exchange, but it was making you nervous. Tom usually took his frustration out on you sexually after a fight with his brother. But Mattheo’s staying with the two of you for Christmas break.
There is no escape from him.
As their argument grows more heated, you groan and begin to get up. Maybe talking a walk will bring about the end of their argument.
“No, you stay there,” Tom orders, his tone demanding obedience.
You freeze immediately, eyes going wide.
Both brothers turn to you, gazes equally as intense. It ignites something within you. Something hot that makes your cock twitch in your pants.
You bite the inside of your cheek to try and make it go away. No such luck.
Thankfully, neither boy seems to notice.
“You’re smart,” Mattheo says critically, crossing his arms. “You help us decide.”
“He’s more than smart,” Tom says sharply. You can see the fight in his eyes, the way he’s ready to snap out a defense for you.
“Alright. I’ll help.” You sit back on your hands, gesturing for them to explain. “What’s the fight about this time?”
“We weren’t fighting—“
“Mattheo thinks he’s better in bed than me—“
“We’re— That’s not what I said, you dick!”
“Oh, really? Why don’t you enlighten us as to what you said, then?”
“Guys…” You rub the bridge of your nose.
“I said I had a bigger dick than you!”
“Oh, right, because that’s so much better.”
“Hey guys…!” You stare at them.
“It is! You know I’m right! Remember that guy—“
“Yeah, I remember! Now shut up!”
Mattheo’s fist is halfway drawn back and Tom’s gripping his collar when you finally shout, “Hey!”
They stop and turn to you. Identical scowls on their faces. “What?”
You falter for a moment, unsure what to do now that you have their attention. “Calm down. There’s gotta be a better solution to this than fighting.”
They glare at you. The same angry look on both of their faces.
It’s hot. And you’re painfully aware of the way your pants feel tight.
Tom’s gaze drops for a moment, and you know you’re fucked.
“You know,” he drawls, a slow smirk spreading across his lips. “I’ve thought of an idea.”
Mattheo’s gaze turns to him. “What?”
“If you’re so sure you’re better than me,” Tom continues, cocky gaze fixed on yours. “Then why don’t we test it out. See who really fucks better.”
You shiver, cock twitching in your pants. He’s not saying… He doesn’t mean…
Mattheo glances between you two, brow furrowed. “You mean…”
“Just this once.” Tom glances at his brother. “Are you in?”
Mattheo cocks his head, his gaze turning into something cunning. “I thought you didn’t share.”
Tom’s eyes narrow. “Are you in or not?”
“Fine.” Mattheo rolls his eyes and glances at you. He eyes you like a piece of meat, clearly interested in the plan.
Your cock twitches again at his look, making the tiniest whimper catch in your throat. Merlin, do you want them to fuck you.
Tom starts talking again. “Now for the real question. Which of us goes first?”
“Me,” Mattheo says confidently. “It should be me.”
Tom gives him a cold side eye. “Oh? And why is that, pray tell?”
“He’s your fucktoy. You get to have him whenever you want. ‘Sides,” Mattheo smirks. “You’d get too jealous if I went second.”
“Hmph.” Tom scoffs softly. “Very well. I suppose I’ll allow you to have a go first.”
“Oh, wow. ‘Allow me’. Like he can’t choose if I get to fuck him or not.”
Tom bristles. “Don’t get too full of yourself. This is a one time thing only, Mattheo.”
Mattheo rolls his eyes and turns to you. “Ready, sweetheart?”
He says it so mockingly, but you nod so eagerly. You can’t help it; you’ve always been weak to Tom’s meanness. From Mattheo, it has practically the same effect.
Still, you can’t help but get a little shy when you ask, “You want me to undress for you, um…” You hesitate. You call Tom ‘sir’, but that’s his thing.
“Matty.” Mattheo smirks at you a little. “Just call me Matty.”
You relax a bit. “Okay. Do you want me to undress, Matty?”
“Yeah.” His smirk grows. “Go right ahead, handsome.”
You flush a little, and Tom scowls. He crosses his arms tightly, watching you intently. It only makes your skin burn hotter, a shiver working up your spine.
You undress quickly, and sit back on the bed. Tom’s long since fucked any shame out of you, but with Mattheo gazing at you so hungrily, it’s hard not to be a little embarrassed.
“Look at you,” Mattheo murmurs, reaching out to rest a hand on your thigh. “So eager. Are you always this eager for my brother?”
You nod, swallowing down a moan at his tone. Mattheo’s smirk turns cruel. “Little slut.”
You shudder, a whine spilling from your lips. You can’t help it; you love being degraded like this.
Mattheo gestures for you to roll over and you do. You settle on your knees, trembling with excitement.
“Such an obedient toy,” Mattheo chuckles, trailing his fingers over your ass. “I’m almost jealous.”
“Just get to fucking him already,” Tom snaps.
“Why?” Mattheo sneers. “Scared I’ll do a better job at pleasuring him than you?”
“You little—“
“Or maybe you’re just jealous he’s so excited for me?”
You groan and bury your face in your pillow. Your cock is leaking, dripping pearly beads of precum onto the mattress. And they’re too busy fighting to care.
“Please!” You beg, interrupting them. “Just fuck me already!”
Dead silence.
You don’t even have to look to know you’ve fucked up.
A hand comes down sharply on your ass and you yelp, jolting forward. Pleasure and pain rocket through you, making your brain go fuzzy. “Fuck! I’m sorry!”
“You should be!” Tom hisses.
Mattheo scoffs and grips your ass tightly, fingers digging into your skin. “And to think I was gonna be nice to you.”
You just moan into the pillows.
Mattheo smacks your ass again, harder this time. “Little slut. You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”
“Yes!” You gasp out. “Fuck, yes!”
“Dumb little slut. Can’t think of anything beyond getting fucked, can you?” Mattheo sneers.
You just squirm and wiggle your ass, trying to provoke him into giving you something—anything at all.
He spanks you again, a low growl in his throat. “That’s enough. Act up once more, and you’ll see what it’s like to be punished by me.”
Oh, how you ache to see what that punishment entails. Every fiber of your being wants to act out against him, just to see what he does.
A hand suddenly grips the back of your neck, tight enough to hurt. “Don’t you even fucking dare.”
Tom. And he sounds pissed. As if he could read your very thoughts. Which, you were reminded, he could. Being a Legimens and all that.
Your body calms. You relax a little, taking a deep shaky breath. The fight leaves your body, making you go all soft and pliant under Mattheo’s hands.
“Good boy.” Tom lets go of you and steps back again. “Remember your place.”
You melt into the pillows, focusing on relaxing and staying calm. Something cold and wet drips against your asshole, pulling your attention. It’s lube, silky against your tender skin.
Mattheo’s fingers press against your asshole, making you moan. You force yourself to stay loose and relaxed as he slowly works his fingers into your sensitive hole.
“Greedy little bastard,” he mutters. “Taking me so well. Just like a slut.”
You can’t stop the whimpers and moans that spill from your lips. You arch as Mattheo’s fingers brush against a spot inside you that makes your head spin and your vision fuzz. “Fuck! Right there!”
He chuckles a little and prods the spot again. “Right here?”
“Yes, yes, yes!” You squirm and gasp as he massages the area, making stars burst in your vision. “Fuck!”
“Mattheo.” Tom’s voice is harsh and annoyed. “You’re here to fuck him, not pleasure him.”
Mattheo just snickers softly and removes his fingers from your ass. You whine at the loss, trying your best not to grind against the bed underneath you. You just need something—anything at all.
More cold lube is dribbled onto your ass and Mattheo coats his dick in it. The action makes you moan. He’s big. Bigger than Tom even.
Anticipation builds as Mattheo positions his cock, pressing the tip against your asshole. “You ready, handsome?”
“Just fuck him already!” Tom snaps. “He can take it. He loves this sort of stuff.”
It’s not a lie, and you whimper into the pillows at his harsh words. Part of you appreciates Mattheo’s care, his softer actions. An even bigger part of you just wants to be fucked dumb by him.
You press back against Mattheo, sneakily trying to slip the tip of his cock inside you while he’s busy arguing with Tom.
No such luck.
A hand comes down on your ass again, smacking you harshly. “What did I say about knowing your place?”
It’s Tom this time. You yelp and whimper, burying your face in the pillows at the welcome sting.
“Please, sir!” You beg. “Please, I need it so bad!”
“Oh, you need it, huh?” Mattheo’s voice makes you want to worship at his feet; it’s so sinfully cruel, so unbearably attractive. “Where was all this begging just a moment ago?”
You want to sob. You want to cry. You want to scream, to beg for him to please stop teasing you! But you don’t. You know better than that.
“Please, Matty,” you whimper. “Please fuck me! I’ll be so good! I’ll make you feel so good, just please please fuck me!”
With a smug grunt, Mattheo pushes his dick into your ass. “Good boy.”
You moan. Burying your face in your pillows and gripping the sheets underneath you. He feels amazing.
Big and thick and perfect.
You’ve never felt so full in your life. And he hasn’t even bottomed out.
Mattheo starts to thrust and you wail into the pillows. He’s hitting that spot inside you so perfectly. Practically ramming it with his cock, making your head spin with pleasure.
You can’t even think. Can’t do anything but squirm underneath him, babbling cries of “Yes! Yes! Matty!”
You don’t know how long he fucks you; it feels like forever and only a moment. All you can focus on is the growing twists of pleasure in your abdomen and the delicious ache that fills you every time he pounds into you.
Vaguely, you’re aware of harsh words. Of a cool hand on your ass. And then Mattheo’s cock is gone.
You sob at the loss. Actual tears filling your eyes. You need to be filled. Need to be used until you cum.
“Please!” You sob. “Please! I need more!”
“Oh, shut up. You’ll get more when I give it to you.” Tom’s voice.
A new cock pushes into your ass and you whine. It’s good. It feels good. But it’s not enough.
You endure it as long as you can, whining and moaning as Tom fucks you. But eventually you break.
“Please, please, sir! I need more! I need more!”
Tom stills. You cry into your pillows, pressing back against him. You need more, not less.
But he pulls out.
You can hear soft murmurs. Angry hisses. Then cool silence.
You can feel their gazes on you. Feel their burning stares.
After what feels like an eternity, a warm hand grips your ass. Icy cruel words spit out. “Fucking slut. Can’t be sated with just one brother, can you?”
You squirm with anticipation, biting the pillow under you to keep from moaning. You don’t know what they’re planning. But it’s going to be good. And it’s going to be mean.
A hand smacks the meat of your ass, cool and punishing. “He asked you a question.”
“No,” you gasp out. “I need more!”
“Little slut needs us both, I think.” Mattheo’s tone is calculating. Cold. “If he needs more so badly, I think we can give that to him.”
A thrill shoots up your spine. Both? At the same time?
Your brain practically goes to mush at the thought.
“Yes!” You babble out. “I need you both!”
Mattheo chuckles darkly. “What did I tell you, Tom? You’ve got yourself a greedy little fucktoy here.”
“I know what I have,” Tom replies, but his voice lacks its usual bite. “Now move over.”
Your body sings with excitement and anticipation. You need them so badly. Just the thought makes you moan, unable to stop from grinding a little against the sheets.
Dual hands come down on your ass, one on either side. Cold and warm, both making you yelp and jerk at the sudden sting. “Don’t you fucking dare!”
“I’m sorry!” You whimper. “I just need—“
“We know what you need.”
More lube is slathered over your asshole, cool fingers prepping you for what lies ahead.
You can barely wait, panting and whining into your pillows.
Finally, finally, their tips press against your asshole. You instantly surge back, desperate to take them both. This time, they let you.
Hands grip your waist, steadying you and holding you in place.
There’s a moment of calm.
And then they push in.
You melt. You moan. You sob. You writhe in pleasure.
You’re so fucking full.
And when they thrust into you? Seeing stars doesn’t nearly describe it well enough. It’s pure bliss. Pure euphoric pleasure.
The sounds you make are barely human. Wails and sobs and moans. Echoing the growls and groans and hisses of pleasure coming from the brothers.
You could die a happy man being fucked like this. The world could end and you would not give a damn.
Your orgasm hits you like a freight train, slamming into you with so much force you black out. Utterly and completely overwhelmed by pleasure.
When you come to, the boys are bickering. Quietly arguing yet again.
This time, though, the sound is welcome. You bask in it, relishing the way their voices wash over you.
You’re on your back now. Your ass feels full, cum slowly leaking out of you.
You let out a soft moan, cluing them into the fact you’re awake. The arguing stops.
Cool fingers press against your forehead. “Hello, darling.” Tom’s voice. “You had quite the moment there, didn’t you?”
“Mmm~” You nuzzle into his hand, your tongue heavy and thick in your mouth. Speaking feels like too much of an effort so you just lazily grin.
A soft chuckle comes from your other side. “I told you he’d be fine.”
Heavy silence. Tom clearly holds himself back from arguing more. “I… suppose you were right.”
You open your eyes, surprised. The admission feels… like some sort of victory between the two. Like, a moment of possible reconciliation.
For a moment, the three of you rest in it.
Then Mattheo breaks the silence. “So, which of us fucked better, in the end?”
Tom hits him with a pillow.
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orqheuss · 1 year
I would know him blind
(Ominis Gaunt/F!Reader SMUT)
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He groaned again at the feeling of your pulse pounding under his fingertips, his voice gravelly and coated with arousal when he finally spoke. “What are you up to now, trouble?” *** You'd been with Ominis for some time, and as much as you loved your intimate times together, you wondered what it would be like to be in his shoes for a change. Your darling husband is more than happy to help you satiate your curiosity.
Word count: 4.6k
Tags: p n v sex, bondage, blindfolds, light bdsm, light dom/sub undertones, pet names, praise kink, ownership kink, corruption kink (just a lil bit), possessive!ominis, cunnilingus, established relationship, body worship, romantic sex
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You loved your husband more than anything in this world. You had been with Ominis since your sixth year of Hogwarts, and even now, ten years later, you were still as thick as thieves. He supported your desire to teach at the school, even though you would be gone for days at a time and away from his comforting arms, and in turn you supported him and his work as an inventor, no matter how much time he spent locked away in his office. Through it all, you were a team. It was a truly happy marriage, one you would be perfectly content in until your dying day. 
That being said, there were some aspects of your life that had gotten a bit…stale. Being together for so long led to some challenges with keeping things interesting. In this particular instance, your more intimate times were starting to become lackluster. It was still lovely whenever you two got together, but you longed for your husband to do something surprising. Ever since your first night together it had been the same routine, and you were, quite frankly, bored. 
Not that you’d ever tell him that. Godrick’s heart! 
Being a professor had its perks, one of which being access to the restricted section of the library at any hour of the day. No student is going to question a professor as to why they are out at such an hour, it would be absolutely balmy. Not that you didn’t miss the chaos of sneaking down there with one particular Sallow twin, but it was certainly nice to not fear the appearance of Peeves around any and all corners. On the nights that you slept at the castle, you’d been reading up on some things in the restricted section, and had learned some interesting changes to try in the bedroom that would hopefully intrigue the blond. Rather shockingly, the “Intimate Literature” section was…extensive. There were things in some of those books that you would have never thought of, even in your most raunchy dreams. 
One particular thing caught your attention, both for the possibilities it held but also for the fact that it had been something you thought about before: seeing in the way that Ominis sees. The Gaunt man’s blindness was never a hindrance to him, nor to you, but it definitely intrigued you. Around the house, he mainly saw through his enchanted wand, the location charm showing him shapes and outlines so he is able to get to and fro. But in the bedroom, Ominis preferred to use his hands, and sometimes his mouth, to find his way up and down your body. His favorite pastime was finding out what made you tick, what made you whine, what made you scream— always the tinkerer, always curious. 
As much as you loved him touching you, you wanted to know what it felt like when you touched him; no sight to help him know from what direction you were coming from or what you were going to do to him. One simple finger running down his chest would send his heart aflutter under your palm— your legs brushing against his would make him breathe heavy like you had taken all the air from his lungs. He once described it to you as feeling everything the earth could possibly give you but so much more. It looked electric, and Merlin, you wanted to be shocked all over. 
So, the only logical way for this to happen was for you to be blindfolded. 
All you had to do was convince your husband, and you knew exactly how to do it. 
The always busy blond was locked away in his office when you enacted your plan. You knocked gently on the door, waiting patiently for his word to enter. Upon his muffled, “come in” sauntered into the room, your steps precise and your hips swaying like a dancer. He sensed something different in your posture right away, his ears perking up slightly as he took in the soft cadence of your steps. Leaning back in his office chair and silently activating his location charm, he watched you stalk closer to his desk like a lioness on the prowl. You were the picture of innocence— a slight hop in your step and your arms folded behind your back like a schoolgirl, and in that moment Ominis wanted nothing more than to pin you over his lap and corrupt you for hours. A wayward smirk stretched across his face as he twirled his wand between his fingers, his free hand coming up from his arm rest when you got close enough and running across the skin of your thigh. The blond’s eyebrow twitched slightly at the feeling of the lace trim of your negligee, and his fingers tightened against your pillowy flesh, pushing the skirt upwards with intrigue until your hand stopped him in his tracks. You smirked deviously at the success of your plan so far before climbing into his lap, pressing all of your weight down on his already half-stiff member so he could feel just how hot and needy you were for him. 
Ominis groaned lightly at the sudden warmth atop his hardening cock, his hands coming up to grasp at your hips and rock you slightly for that delicious friction he craved. Your breath stuttered in your chest at your bare, sensitive skin rubbing against the unforgiving roughness of his corduroy trousers and you quickly lost yourself in the moment. One of your hands made its way into his blond tresses, mussing up his perfectly styled quiff and pulling him closer for a searing kiss. He eagerly responded to your whims, surrendering under your burning lips and digging his fingertips into the silk that draped across your body. His left hand began exploring as you kissed, roaming up from the love handles at your hips and towards your neck, pausing briefly to paw at your breast and finding nothing underneath your new nightdress. He bit your lip roughly, pulling you back by your neck and greedily sucking in the oxygen that he forgoed to continue snogging you. 
Even after years, his kisses still tasted like ambrosia to a mortal. 
He groaned again at the feeling of your pulse pounding under his fingertips, his voice gravelly and coated with arousal when he finally spoke. “What are you up to now, trouble?” 
You giggled lightly, a lilt of mischievousness hiding behind the sound of pseudo virtue that made Ominis’ heart skip in excitement. You pushed gently against his hand, signaling that you wanted to whisper your desires in his ear, and he pulled you towards his face again, loosening his grip enough for it to be just the right amount of malleable. Your hot breath fanned across the apples of his cheeks, sending a spark of desire down his spine. A part of him wanted to disregard whatever you wanted to tell him, wanted to throw you onto his desk and have his way with you. But, there was a stronger, more curious part of him that also wanted to know what you had in store. 
You bit lightly at his earlobe, licking away the pain before murmuring against his pulse. “I want to try something new tonight, if it’s alright with you, darling.” 
He growled at your fingernails wracking up and down his clothed arms, the bone just sharp enough to be felt but not enough to leave marks. He pulled your face back, staring into your eyes with an unnerving amount of contact that one with his disability would normally not be able to achieve. There was something tantalizing swirling in his irises, something dangerous, something devious, and you had to steel yourself to continue with your scheme and not drop to your knees and pleasure him then and there. His smile was lopsided and delicious looking when he replied. 
“What do you have in mind, little dove?” He traced his finger up the outside of your thigh once more, running the pad of his thumb against the coarse lace. “What devilish thing is swirling in that gorgeous brain of yours?” 
You let go of his arms, trusting Ominis to hold you still while you reached into your hair and undid the ribbon holding it up. The black silken cloth caught on the low lamplight of the office space and swallowed the glow like a deep pit of tar. Your hand was delicate as you grasped onto his wrist, lifting his hand from your thigh and raising it level with your chest, palm up towards the ceiling. You first ran the ribbon lightly along his hand, letting the ends tickle his skin just enough to catch his fancy before carefully laying it in his palm. His other hand released your throat finally, taking the other end of the ribbon between his fingers and pulling it until it was completely unraveled between your buzzing bodies. It was smooth in his palm, sensual, one would even say. He approximated that it was around the length of his arm, possibly the width of your wrist. 
A look of confusion quickly took over the blond’s features, and you chuckled softly at how adorable he looked. You took the silk from him, leaning forward just enough to gently drape it over his unseeing eyes and whisper against his parted lips. 
“I want to feel what you feel when I touch you.” 
He gasped against your mouth, his arm snaking around your hip and pressing against your lower back, pulling you impossibly closer until your ravenous core was flush with his throbbing manhood. Ominis’ smile was all teeth when you pulled back again, the ribbon dragging against his skin in the most delectable way as you gazed into his eyes. 
“Oh, you do, now?” He mused cheekily. “You want to know how I feel when you touch me?” 
He took the silk from your hands, letting it run over your exposed collarbones. There was something impish in his smile, like a wolf in sheep's clothing— the cheshire cat would be jealous of its verisimilitude. He was always mischievous in nature while at school, but he had never really brought it under the sheets with you. Perhaps your proposition excited him in a way unfamiliar, you mused. Gently moving it over the backs of your shoulders, he looped it around the front and draped it across your chest like a loose fitting scarf. It was your turn to be perplexed when his hands began to wind around the ends of the satin ribbon, the question only being answered after a maddening pause. Using the silk for leverage, Ominis yanked you closer until your chests were pressed together, noses brushing and mouths inches from touching. 
“You want to know how it feels to be blind— completely under the whim of your partner? You want to put your faith entirely in my hands, not knowing what I could possibly do to you next?” His voice lowered with arousal, taking on a gravely, almost growl-like cadence. “You want to surrender yourself to me?” 
You sucked in a shaking breath at his insinuation, nodding minutely as your eyes fluttered closed. You were far past coherent sentences at that point. His mouth only inched closer with each word. 
“Oh, my darling girl, your wish is my command.” 
He stole your breath with his kiss, his skin feeling like pure sunlight under your fingertips. He stood from his seat with you in his arms, your legs quickly wrapping around his waist as he made his way towards your bedroom via the route he memorized long ago. 
Your comforter is plush when you land, cushioning you as Ominis rests his body above yours. You pull him downwards by his collar, your hands only getting a small moment in his hair before he has you by the wrists, one of his hands roughly planting them above your head while the other explored your curves. Only a minute in his domain and you were already his prey. The blond leaned forwards slightly, his back arching so he could reach your supple, sensitive throat, before nipping and sucking at the webbing between your shoulder and neck. You keened softly, rolling your hips upwards to meet his gentle hip trusts. He let go of your wrists, trusting you to keep them there as he carded his hands down your sides, only stopping when he got to the teasing lace of your negligee’s trim. More and more kisses were pressed to the column of your throat as he smoothed the fabric up your body, revealing your bare, naked body underneath to the world. He groaned at the feeling of your baby-soft skin under his fingertips. 
“Nothing underneath? Such a good girl for me.” 
You felt Ominis reach into his back pocket for his wand, slowly bringing it forwards and above your heads. The point just barely touched the skin of your wrist when he lazily whispered the binding spell. 
Cotton rope the color of the forest at night wrapped itself around your conjoined wrists, tightening just the right amount so that you couldn’t move but you weren’t in pain before winding around a bar on your headboard. A startled gasp fell from your lips at your sudden capture, your eyes filling with excitement and a little bit of fear at the predatory grin stretching across your husband's face. His hands trailed up your sides again, sending delightful shivers through all of your nerve endings on his journey to your eyes. His fingers paused at the tips of your ears, the ribbon brushing against where your hair was fanned across the bedspread. 
Ominis smoothed his thumb across your cheekbone, softening his smile as he leaned down to press a kiss to the tip of your nose. His voice was little more than a breathy whisper against your eyelashes. “Are you sure about this, my love?” 
You smiled at his care for you, pressing a soft kiss to the closest bit of skin you could reach before answering him, your voice flooded with love. “Yes, my dear. I want you to do whatever you want to me. Make me feel like you do.” 
He groaned at  your words, taking your consent to wrap the ribbon around your head, tying it in a simple knot at the back. The last thing you saw were his starlight-filled eyes before your world was bathed in darkness. 
You were incredibly aware of your level of undress when Ominis moved his body away from yours, opening up your skin to the chill of the room without his body heat. You squirmed against the rope slightly, testing its strength before trying to train your ears to hear your husband moving around the room. Everything was eerily quiet— not even the sound of the grandfather clock in the hallway could be heard beyond the closed door. For a moment you feared the blond left you in the room, leaving you tied up against the bed so he could work in peace. Your heart began to pound harder in your chest with nerves. 
All fear quickly fled from your body at the feeling of his fingertips running up the skin of your stomach, drawing a long gasp from your chest. It felt like his hand was touching every nerve in your body, igniting your veins in sinful fire as he crept up and up towards your heaving breasts. He started off slow, just moving his fingers up and down different parts of your body with just the barest touch until you were begging for more. This type of teasing was torturous for you, only just aware of where he was but never knowing if he was going to give you what you wanted. 
You whined in the back of your throat, body vibrating with need as he grazed against your chest for a fifth time. “Please, Ominis!” 
You were sure your heart would give out when his other hand wrapped itself around your left mound, squeezing the skin between his fingers before taking the right nub between his teeth and nipping. Ominis chuckled at the whine that spilled from your throat, his voice reverberating through your sternum and sending a lovely heat to your center. He let the rest of his weight fall on top of you, relishing in you feeling every bit of skin he had uncovered in your small moment of silence. He was completely bare for you, his hardness pressing against your thigh and pulsating with a delicious heat. You could feel him everywhere. His fingers brushed against the very fabric of your being, pulling you apart by your strings. His breath curled around your lungs, stealing the air frantically inhaled through your squeezing throat. His mouth licked at your brain, sending pulses of pleasure down to your core. You were in utter bliss under his careful, loving hands. 
He laughed again at how pliable you were under him, murmuring against your stiff peak. “Where do you feel me right now, pet?” 
You sighed shakily as his voice shot through you like a bullet. “Everywhere. I feel you absolutely everywhere.” 
The blond took your nipple between his teeth again, flicking it with his tongue until your reacting whimper pittered off into the air. “That’s how I feel whenever I’m around you.” 
Ominis began to kiss down your chest, pausing to mouth hotly at your hip bones and leave open mouthed kisses on your naval. “Your mere presence shifts the air around me— changes the trajectory of time itself in my mind. The world slows when you touch me, my darling. My name falling from your lips feels like one thousand tiny suns kissing my cheeks in devotion.” 
He mumbled your name against your lower stomach, hopelessly inflamed by how you shivered at the word. 
Unable to resist his carnal desires any longer, he dives into your sweet tasting center, first licking a long stripe from base to tip before lapping at you like he was starved and you were his only source of sustenance. You keened loudly for him as stars filled every space behind your blinded eyes. 
There he is, you thought. There’s his tongue wrapped around my soul, stealing all my life force one flick at a time. 
He moaned at your scent, fully slotting himself between your legs and encasing his head between your thighs. It felt like his tongue was a lightning bolt against your sensitive skin, shocking your clit with every stroke, every tap, every suck. You completely surrendered to his whim, clamping your thighs against his ears, fully intent on keeping him right where he was for the rest of time. It had never felt this good before, never felt this encompassing. 
Ominis pressed his face deeper into you, taking the button at the top of your most private parts and sucking it into his mouth. You nearly screamed, your words jumbled as they launched themselves into the air. 
“Fuck! Oh God, Ominis!” 
His strong hands pulled your legs away from his head, his mouth unlatching from you like a leech as he paused to catch his breath. 
“Oh, is it a ‘God’ you want, precious?” 
His voice had never sounded breathier— never sounded so completely sinful. 
The blond laughed, a barking thing that sent a tingle to your toes. “I do not care if every single God and Goddess across all of the world, all of mythology was fighting over you— you are mine.” 
He bit harshly at the pillowy flesh of your inner thigh, indenting his teeth marks into you so everyone would know you were owned by him and him alone.  
“But if you truly wish for something devout, something reverent, then let my hands be your chapel.” Ominis gently ran his fingernails along the skin of your waist, dragging them up and down until you were a shivering, wiggling mess. “And I will treat your screams, your whimpers, your pleas as my scripture.” 
His unseeing eyes never left the direction of your heady, breathy pants as his middle finger slid deep inside of you, long and lithe and curling against the spot that made you believe religion was real. Moans of his name and swears that would make even the devil blush swam in the air around the pair of you, only being swallowed by the plush feather-down comforter under your writhing body. You plead with your husband for more, unsure what more entailed but all the more pressing your center against his awaiting mouth once again and grinding against his tongue. He quickly complied, pressing a second finger into your opening and thrusting in and out at a sped up pace. His lips latched back onto your needy clit and that was all it took for you to spill over into maddening nirvana. 
Your hazy mind picked up on the feeling of your husband leaning up on his elbows, kissing his way back up your chest until he reached your gasping lips. He quickly stole them in a gentle but desperate kiss; you could taste yourself on his lips and it drove you even further into madness. His prickly, end of the day stubble rubbed against your cheek as he tucked his face into your neck, kissing up and down your shoulder and neck with urgency. 
“You did so good for me, sweetheart. So, so perfect— just for me, so good just for me.” He was breathing even heavier than you against your pulse, hopelessly devoted to your pleasure, your happiness. 
He kissed your pulse, his whispered voice filled with adoration.“Mon coeur.”
He kissed your nose this time. “Mon âme.”
Finally, he pressed delicate kisses to your eyelids, resting his forehead against yours. “Ma vie.” 
My heart. My soul. My life. 
Warmth filled your entire body, your heart squeezing around his words and committing this moment to memory. Never before had you felt so loved, so worshiped. It was iridescent, the way you could picture his love-struck smile glowing behind your eyes— completely and irrevocably arduous. 
Still feeling his burning desire against your inner thigh, you rocked your hips against his, pleas beginning to spill from you once again, but this time with a need to please him. 
“Please, Ominis. I love you so much. Take me. Use me. I’m yours, no one else's. I want to feel you inside of me.” 
He bit your shoulder roughly, muffling his animalistic grunt before unlatching his jaws and leaning up on his knees. The blond spread your legs wider, lifting your hips slightly and wrapping your legs around his waist as he lined up with your entrance. You mewled at the feeling of his head rubbing against your opening, stretching you out slightly and giving you a taste for what was to come. 
Ominis whimpered at the feeling of your soft heat against his cock, a little bit of his original domineering persona slipping away at how welcoming you felt for him. “I love you too, my dove.” 
With no other words, the blond pressed his hips closer to yours, letting his length slide into your sweltering center bit by bit to not overwhelm you. You could feel every curve of his shaft, every vein along the underside without your sense of sight. Your touch was heightened to its full extent, and it was earth shattering how good this felt. You were simultaneously freezing and burning, living and dying. Your souls could have mingled together and entwined along your timelines with a burning pyre, thrusting you both into every lifetime possible to relive this moment over and over and it would never be enough for you. You both moaned in tandem when your hips became flushed once again, pelvis bones pressing into each other for a delectable friction. 
Ominis paused to catch his breath, little tiny moans breaching his lips between each inhale and exhale. His fingers wrapped around your hips, grasping onto your natural handles there as he growled under his breath, just loud enough for you to hear with your slightly heightened sense of hearing. 
“I am going to make you feel so full, so pleasured, that by the time your climax sends you into oblivion the only word that will be able to grace your lips will be my name.” 
With that, he pulled out of you until only his tip was still inside and slammed into you, his hips harshly knocking against yours and his slit kissing your cervix. You wailed into the night as he continued to pound into you, chasing his own pleasure while still being perceptive of yours. In and out he went, the large prominent vein at the base of his lovely cock rubbing against the ridges inside of you in the most heavenly way. Your sounds sang together like an otherworldly chorus, your tones rising and falling in harmony as they floated delicately up towards the ceiling. Ominis’ hands continued to dig into your skin, his fingers surely leaving bruises on your hips that would last for days. You didn’t care in the slightest— all you could feel was bliss. If you thought earlier was pleasurable, this was pure, unfiltered ecstasy. The knot in your stomach tightened with each thrust of your husband's hips, each time taking him to the hilt and sending blinding whiteness behind your useless eyes. 
The blond’s hips stuttered as his orgasm fast approached, yours not far behind as he could tell by how tightly you were squeezing him. He surged forwards towards your face, capturing your lips in a kiss that was more teeth than anything else as he rocked the entire bed with his velocity. The headboard banged harshly against the wall as he swallowed your moans and screams, only the sound of his name breaching through the jumbled nonsense. Ominis nosed at your jaw, groaning next to your ear as his thrusts got sloppier and less rhythmic. 
“Come for me, my love— my life.” 
The instinctual, innate love he had for you was what ultimately did you in, his words ricocheting you into the strongest rapture you had felt in some time. Your husband followed soon after, your name conjoining with his as you both tumbled into the sweet hereafter. 
Your breaths tangled together as you both came down from your high. Ominis was the first to break the spell, pulling out of you gently before getting up and procuring a towel from your adjoining bathroom. He cleaned you like one would dust a prized possession, carefully and with reverence. You were like a precious jewel that he had to protect, something he could admire for years, centuries, millennia to come. Next were the bonds on your arms, which he undid with deft fingers. Your arms dropped to the bed in a grand thump, all of your muscles giving up from how hard you were thrashing. Ominis lifted you off the bed, his hands on your shoulders as he slotted himself behind you, letting your back rest against his chest as he finally undid the blindfold. Your eyes squinted at the sudden light of the room, fluttering closed for a moment longer as you relaxed back into your husband. The blond carefully took each of your wrists into his hands, bringing them up to his lips and kissing away the minute bruising. You swooned, perfectly content to stay in this moment until the very end of time— until the world died in a grand ball of fire, or with a tiny poof. 
Ominis kissed the side of your temple, rubbing his cheek against yours like a cat. “Was that everything you hoped for, my dear?” 
You raised your hand up to his face, softly cradling his cheek in your palm. Pure affection spilled from you both in waves. 
“Yes, my heart. You were absolutely perfect.”  
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Big. SoftDom!Sirius x Reader
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Just porn no plot. Sirius has a size kink (aka i have a size kink and i’m projecting that onto him). I picture post azkaban!sirius being the sweetest dom
CW: nsfw. talks of consent. oral (fem receiving). piv. sub and dom. overstimulation. size kink. Praise kink. Pet names (Sweetheart, love, etc.)
Sirius has always been on the larger end of the spectrum… in more ways than one. From his height, to his broad shoulders, to his hands, and right down to his feet (and you know what they say about men with big feet).
He’s always used his size to his advantage. It’s good to use for intimidating others, he can always reach things on the top shelf, always has a good view of everyone in the room, and admittedly… it’s wonderful in bed.
And for that reason, he’s always had a thing for women smaller than him.
Then enter you.
You meet for the first time and the top of your head barely comes up to the middle of his chest. You stay for dinner after the meeting and Sirius asks you to pass the salt. His hand easily engulfs yours, and from that point on he’s absolutely smitten.
And those feelings only increase as your relationship progresses.
Now he’s got you in his bed with your knees pressed to your chest, slowly but surely pushing his large member into your tight little pussy.
Sirius made sure to put in a lot of prep work before attempting to fit himself inside you. He started with his tongue.
Focusing first and foremost on your clit, he spent a good while making you cum on his tongue. He wanted you to be soaking through the bedsheets before he even thought about using his fingers.
And once he was sure you were wet enough, he started with two fingers. Sirius pushed them inside, his tongue still lapping mercilessly at your clit, and curled his fingers inside over and over again until he thought you couldn’t take anymore.
Finally taking his mouth away from your cunt, he raised up to see your face. And oh, you poor thing… Look at you!
Red, tear stained cheeks and your chest rapidly rising and falling. You look so cute Sirius almost laughs. “So overstimulated and worn out just from my mouth, hmm? You sure you can handle more? Do you want me to stop there, sweetheart?”
Mind in a fog, breathing heavily, and barely coherent, you look Sirius in the eyes and shake your head. “No, I can take it.”
He grins and leans forward to kiss your mouth, leaving his fingers deep in your pussy. He gives you long, slow kisses whilst spreading his fingers apart in an effort to stretch you out some more.
After a few moments of kissing and stretching you apart with his fingers, Sirius pulls away and looks down at you. So small underneath him, his body overtakes yours completely. The sad and pathetic tears in your eyes, but oh-so determined to still take his cock.
He can’t help but feel proud of you. He smiles and kisses your forehead once more before whispering, “Such a brave girl for me.”
Sirius pulls his fingers out of your snatch and brings them to your mouth. You open wide and suck his fingers dry without having to be told to do so, and Sirius feels his cock twitch. He stares down at you, his fingers still deep in your mouth and Merlin, maybe he should start looking at rings… He brushes a sweaty strand of hair off your forehead. “That’s my girl.”
Sirius pushes your knees up to your chest and places a pillow under your bum. He aligns his cock up to your puffy, sopping wet cunt and slowly pushes his head inside. And holy fuck…. he starts to wonder if maybe he should’ve stretched you out with more fingers first.
It’s a tight fit. Sirius typically wasn’t one to moan during sex, but after pushing inside you? The sound that comes out of his mouth is damn-near embarrassing. Quickly followed up by a “Fuck, Y/n!”
Sirius quickly has to pull himself out of his own head, because if he doesn’t focus on you then he’ll lose himself and accidentally hurt you.
Rather than focusing on how tightly you grip his cock, he keeps his eyes on your face. Your eyes squeezed shut and mouth open wide in a gasp, Sirius places his hands on your shins and squeezes to get your attention.
Your eyes open and look up to him. Sirius can see the exhaustion and overstimulation written all over your face, and yet you keep going.
He feels an overwhelming amount of appreciation for your trust in him. He could easily take it too far by moving too quickly or pushing too deeply, resulting in a horrible and painful experience for you. But with your trust that he’ll do what’s best for you, you allow him to take full control of the situation and of your body.
The thought gives him a warm feeling in his chest.
Sirius doesn’t push any farther, but rubs your legs and coos, “Feeling alright, love?”
You nod and place your hands on top of his much larger ones, assuring him. “I’m good.”
He smiles and slowly starts rocking his hips back and forth, careful to not give you too much too quickly. With each thrust forward he inserts himself a little deeper, and Fuck does it takes a lot of self control…
Despite it being such a tight squeeze, the slick walls of your pussy allow him to easily push forward. Sirius doesn’t take his eyes off your face, vigilantly on the lookout for any signs of pain or discomfort.
Once Sirius’s shaft is about halfway inserted, you grip his hands, fingernails digging into his skin, and whine, “Feels so full!”
Sirius doesn’t pause his thrusts, which are slowly coming faster and faster. He praises, knowing you can handle more. “You’re taking me so well, sweetheart. Doing so good for me.”
The deeper Sirius goes, the moans and whines spilling out of your mouth become louder and more consistent until you’re tightly gripping the bedsheets and praising his name like a hymn.
Sirius is close to bottoming out when he starts to feel the walls of your cunt clenching and squeezing around him like a vice grip. He groans, knowing he won’t be lasting much longer either. “That’s it, baby, cum for me just one more time.”
Seeing your back arch and eyes rolling to the back of your head, Sirius finally pushes the full length of his shaft inside you. He cums with a loud moan of your name followed by a string of curses.
Once the high begins to pass, he looks down at you: sweaty, red-faced, exhausted, and absolutely glowing. Breathing heavily and knowing he probably looks the same as you, Sirius lets out a quiet laugh. Not pulling his cock out quite yet, he spreads your legs off your chest and leans down to kiss you. “You alright, love?”
“Perfect.” You breathe. “Bit nervous I’ll have trouble walking tomorrow though.”
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alice-makes-things · 23 days
Not me having a meltdown because I went to hang out with my parents’ one still living dog for a bit and have a small dog cuddle and a little cry and a mourn
and then when it’s time for me to go back home to my sad lonely person flat she realises I’m leaving and she jumps up and races to get HER favourite toy (a squeaky apple called Ringo)
and she shoves it into my hands and sits and waits patiently and I’m like…what do?
and then I realise
she wants me
to hide her favourite toy
because that’s the game Merlin would always ask me to play when I came round. Hide the Ted (his favourite toy). he thought it was *my* favourite game.
and I’d been to visit and he wasn’t there and she realised I hadn’t played the game and I need to play it
and I hide the apple and she finds the apple and she’s such a good girl and she gets all the happy praises from me and I do a lot of full on meltdown happy sad sobbing that she doesn’t seem to notice or care about, she’s just been a good girl to find the thing and play Alice’s favourite game, and my mother is telling her how good she is, and she’s getting so many pets and butt scritches and praise, disproportionate to the relative simplicity of the task she’s just performed, and my father is in the corner finding this all very awkward to witness and not really understanding it at all lol
dogs are too pure for this world and we do not deserve them. bloody love you Sakura, you beautiful little weirdo
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eternallyseverus · 1 year
Beg me  - Severus Snape x y/n
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+18, minors DNI. 
Read on AO3 here | Words 1393
Summary: After having sex with Severus you want to go to take a shower but the idea of pleasuring him again makes you change your plans so you ask him to beg you for pleasure, and he kinda does but he doesn’t like to beg so he decides to do something about it.
A/N: I am not used to writing smut so please forgive me if it is not that good. I promise to keep improving but I needed to write this since it was something that was around my head for weeks.
Triggers / Warnings: +18 reader and character. Is a she. Blowjob, ejaculation, oral sex, begging, established relationship, mentions of pet names. Basically this is oral sex with a lot of bad words lol.
“So pretty on your knees, with your mouth full of my cock, only mine, my little whore” Said Severus whispering, trying to control his composure.
No matter how many times you would do this, it would drive him crazy. On your knees, naked, tears pricking from the corners of your eyes and seeing how his cock disappeared on your mouth and how pretty you sounded gagging because of that.
It was normal that whoever woke up first would tease the other one, giving some kisses here and there, touching them or giving a surprise oral in the morning that then lead to some other intimate activities. That’s why, when you woke up first you decided to tease him and ended up on top of him, bouncing on his length as if your life depended on it.
Once satisfied, the both of you stood up from the bed with the objective in mind of taking a shower together but it seems that you were still wanting more from him.
Blame it on the fact that your husband is so sexy, or how good he makes you feel or even on your hormones but that didn’t stop you from going towards him biting your bottom lip, swinging your hips, yourself fully naked and your hand going to his chest to push him against the wall.
Severus just quirked an eyebrow as a response to these acts fully knowing what you would intend. Your mouth started to give him lazy kisses around his chest, worshipping his soft skin and the scars he had gotten over the years. Then it would go up to his neck until his earlobe, softly biting it and earning a soft moan from Severus.
“Up for a second round?” You whispered in his ear while your free hand went to his member, hardening more and more at your touch. Your soft fingers trailed his length, hard but its skin so soft it made your mouth water. 
“You know I am always up for it” he simply said in a low voice but revealing a hitched breath feeling already aroused.
“Oh my, look who is getting hard” you smirked and you took his cock on your hands, fully erected by now and you started to lazily stroke it.
Earning a few extra moans by your actions he looked at you with eyes full of desire. 
“It certainly surprised me what a great libido you have my love” you commented and he smirked at your words.
“How can I not, having you by my side. The way you are always so ready to take me, to suck me, right?” 
His words made you wet, so wet, your legs crossing trying to get some frictions. Merlin, he knew how much you loved his words and how wet he made you feel.
“Do you want me to suck you? Hm?” 
At your question Severus nodded eagerly trying to hold himself back. You loved when he went feral and he would slap you, manhandle you and fuck you senseless but you felt pride when he would just be submissive trying to earn your praises and taking the time to see how his face contorted in pleasure.
Seeing how he nodded at your question you smirked, trying to do something different this time.
“Then beg for it” you just simply stated and his eyebrows furrowed.
“Beg you?” he said and you were the one who nodded this time.
“Beg me, won’t you? I know you want me to suck your cock, so beg me Severus”
He took a few seconds before answering you, his manhood and himself desperate to feel more of your touch.
“Then I will have to beg for your touch, for your mouth around my cock, for your hand to please me. Please my love” he whispered in your ear and then kissed your neck a few times.
It wasn’t what you really expected but let’s be honest, at this point probably you were hornier than him so you just got on your knees in front of him, spat on your hand and started to continue stroking him, this time at a faster pace. 
A grunt escaped from his lips and he rolled his eyes and arched his back a sign for you to fuck your mouth.
His tip was so swollen and so inviting, touching it with your tongue and this made him see stars but he couldn’t come yet. He wanted to turn the tables this time, how he dared you, his pretty wife to make him beg?
That’s why he gave himself a few minutes of seeing how you licked his swollen tip, enjoyed the taste of his precum and you fucked his cock with your mouth, such a pretty sight, the sound of you gagging was heavenly and he needed to pull your hair to gain stability, control himself and try to not end on your mouth just yet.
He wanted to make it as long as possible. And that’s what he did.
Merlin, he doesn’t know how he got the strength this time to not end already. Probably it was the fact that he was counting the number of ingredients he had in his office, trying to just think about something else. Going through the shopping list or what potions he had to brew. Anything to just last as much as possible.
And for you that was weird. How was that he wasn’t already grunting and spilling his hot seeds on your tongue? What on earth was going on? You just had sex with him not long ago, but still, it was taking more time than expected.
You continued sucking him, licking him, your hand still pleasuring his member even increasing the pace of your movements but nothing happened.
Already a bit annoyed you looked at him getting out of your mouth his flesh with a loud pop.
“Love, I want to hear you moan and taste you in my mouth, please” you told him and he just smirked.
“Soon love, just a bit more” he simply said but you were already feeling tired.
“Baby, my hand is hurting already and I am getting impatient, please” you replied, almost whispering, feeling a mix of emotions.
It was at this moment that Severus took your arm and pulled you to stand up, not sucking his cock anymore but continuing to work with your hand. His lips had bitten softly your jaw when he spoke to you closer to your ear.
“Beg me to come. Hm?” 
Bastard. You knew it. But that annoyed you and made you so flustered.
“I knew you were up to something” you simply reply. “What if I just stop?”
He  scoffed at your words and you swore you saw a drop of sweat navigating down his chest.
“My baby won’t do it right? You are always wanting to pleasure me and I know you are so wet already, I bet you want to swallow all of my release. Stopping already would be a punishment for you”
He was right and you expressed that with a loud huff, defeat plastered on your face.
“Let me swallow everything, let me hear your pretty moans, you shouting my name, you pulling my hair, I beg you, Sev” It was what parted from your lips as a whisper that made him push you to get on your knees again. Those words, with the way you were so flustered and so eager to beg him for his release was what made Severus collapse. 
He pulled you in front of his cock and he stuffed it quickly in your mouth, a few deep thrusts to hear you gag and then, you could feel how his hot seeds painted each corner of your mouth, swallowing it all without breaking any eye contact with him.
He just simply stood looking at you. Always so amazed at this sight and thanking destiny for his luck of having someone like you in his life.
Staring at each other for a few minutes trying to recover your breath he smiled and helped to stand up again placing a soft kiss on your mouth.
“You drive me crazy. Let’s go and get that shower before I have the urge to push you against the wall”
You smiled and went to the bathroom to finally get that shower and get rid of the smell of sweat and sex. 
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aesopsharpmybeloved · 8 months
Tess' Sharpuary - 6. Kneazle
Aesop meets a small, fluffly stranger. Where could its parents be, though?
chapter specific tags: slice of life, fluff, aesop sharp being a cat dad
relationships: aesop sharp & reader
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6. Kneazle (2.7k)
tw: none
It was one of those days that are simply good.
Aesop began his day feeling well rested - something he had to pat his back for, since he actually made himself go to bed early the previous day - the cool morning air felt fresh and rejuvenating on his heated body instead of causing a chill, and his leg was obviously having a good day as well, as his morning dose of Wiggenweld left him with only mild discomfort instead of the usual annoying dull pain. He attended breakfast feeling carefully optimistic, his eggs with soldiers perfectly warm and filling, his tea brewed just right. He had a pleasant chat with Dinah, and was happy to find the politicians over at the Ministry were, for once, not wreaking havoc upon the wizarding community, when his friend passed the Daily Prophet over to him.
Even his classes went well that day. The students were focused and attentive, nobody blew up their cauldron, and even the worst brewed potion would probably get no worse than an A from him. Mr Weasley kept his mind on the task at hand, and didn’t attempt any of his usual shenanigans, and the Now-Not-So-New Sixth-year Ravenclaw frankly impressed him with her Draught of the Living Death. Seeing her turn her head and beam at him when he praised her work was the highlight of his already great day.
The potions master felt so well, he actually decided to use the time he had after his last class before dinner to take a leisurely stroll over Hogwarts grounds.
The sun was setting quickly, the last bits of departing winter making themselves known, but Aesop was feeling rather content. He had the mind to apply a heating charm to his clothes, so not even the cool air blowing gently in his face and through his hair were able to make him feel cold.
Then, however, and it was only because the wind stopped blowing for a few seconds, he heard an unexpected sound. Aesop didn’t know what it was, the sound having been so quiet, but his ears instantly perked up and he stopped in his tracks. He waited for several seconds, straining his ears, and sure enough, there it was again. It was coming from the bushes somewhere to his left, and he slowly began walking in the direction. The sound would repeat every now and then, becoming louder and louder, until he could properly identify it.
It was a kitten’s meow.
Normally, that’d be hardly out of the ordinary. After all, there were dozens of cats roaming the castle, both inside and outside, and there was the occasional litter of kittens, but it was most unusual for kittens this little to be all by themselves, out in the cold no less. At least, Aesop presumed it was a little one, judging only by the pitch of the cry. Poor dear, Aesop thought as he continued walking towards the source of the small meowing.
Aesop liked cats, and the only reason he didn’t keep one himself was the fact that he could hardly have it in his always dutifully locked rooms, unable to run around as it pleased. Not to mention the fact that he’d be worried about it accidentally breaking some potion or, Merlin forbid, poison and getting hurt as a result. So instead he made friends with some of the Hogwarts felines, gladly petting them and doting on them when nobody saw, and he didn’t even mind having to cast the scouring charm on himself to get rid of the cat hair whenever one of the little creatures rubbed against his legs, or when he actually picked one of them up.
Finally he reached the shrubs where the sound seemed to be originating from. The meowing was clearly audible here, but he couldn’t see through the thick greenery. Deciding to test his leg a bit, he crouched down, and was glad not to find himself in immediate pain. He put his dominant hand in front of himself and flexed his fingers.
“Here, kitty kitty… pspspsps…” he whispered, keeping his voice soft.
The meowing got louder, and he could hear some shuffling noises from the shrubs. Suddenly, a small but very fluffy head appeared at the bottom of it. The creature had large ears which were even fluffier at the top, bright yellow eyes, and a dark nose, and it mewed loudly at him, but it was immediately obvious that it wasn’t a cat.
“A Kneazle?” Aesop wondered out loud, his voice making the tiny creature startle. He cringed slightly, lowering his voice again.
“Sorry, sorry… Come here, I’m not going to hurt you.”
The kitten approached him very slowly and sniffed at his fingers warily. It must’ve decided the potions master posed no danger to it, as seconds later it rubbed its cheek against his index and middle finger. “There you go…” Aesop praised softly. Was this one of Bai’s Kneazles? How did the poor thing get all the way out here? In any case, he couldn’t just leave it here, the nights were still cold, and he frankly couldn’t imagine leaving the defenceless kitten by itself like that. 
“Will you let me pick you up, hm?” he asked and slowly moved to scoop the Kneazle into his hands, something it didn’t seem to mind too horribly. He brought it close to his face to properly look at it, and the kitten seemed to do the same with him. It craned its neck to look and sniff at everything. Aesop couldn’t help but chuckle when a tiny paw made contact with his face. Then, however, it seemed the little creature became particularly interested in his sleeves, and actually tried to crawl down one, prompting him to chuckle again.
Ah! He realised suddenly. The heating charm. “You must be cold…” Aesop wondered where he should place the Kneazle for transport to keep it warm. When he slowly lowered it to his coat pocket, its inside already enlarged by charm, he was quite surprised that it not only didn’t seem to mind, but actually climbed straight in, making itself right at home. It peeked out of his pocket, happy to be able to look around while enveloped in the warmth. The potions master thought he could hear quiet purring. He shook his head - the little beast was quite bold for being so small.
Nevertheless, he made his way over to the beast enclosures and Bai’s hut. He didn’t even have to knock on her door to know the teacher wasn’t currently present, as it was dark on the inside, and there was no answer when he called her name out. Oh well.
He knew where he was going when he made his way over to where the Kneazles were kept. During the winter, many of the beasts were kept within the battlements during the nights, despite the fact that they’d be perfectly alright outside. Aesop entered their hutch, and instantly felt even warmer. The kitten hid further inside his pocket.
“Hm? What gives? Don’t you want your mummy?” he asked. He gently pulled it out of his pocket, but found that the kitten was resisting. Nevertheless, he managed to put it down on the hay-lined ground. A few of the Kneazles seemed interested in the young one, and approached warily. The large cat-like beasts sniffed the air, their heads turning to Aesop’s and the kitten's direction.
Two females came closer to sniff at the shivering kitten, its fur standing on end. To Aesop’s surprise, the two adults then simply turned and walked away from the kitten. Another one came closer, but it didn’t even take the time to take the kitten’s scent, and instead immediately hissed and growled, prompting further panic. Aesop was quick enough to pick it up once more, right before the large Kneazle’s paw connected with it in a clearly aggressive strike. 
It was at this point that Aesop finally realised something - there were no other kittens around. It wasn’t unheard of for Kneazles to have a litter of one, but it was most unusual for a clowder of Kneazles consisting of several females to only have a single lone kitten. This wasn’t a Hogwarts Kneazle, Aesop realised, putting it back in his pocket and swiftly making his way out of there, as it seemed the grown female wasn’t exactly keen on sharing her space with the little stranger any longer.
If it wasn’t one of the Hogwarts Kneazles… then how in Merlin’s name did it get here? Of course, Aesop knew that there were clowders of Kneazles littered all throughout the Highlands, but he also recalled professor Howin saying that none of them is particularly close to the school. Definitely not close enough for a kitten this small to make it all the way here from over there. Was there a new clowder close to the school? Or… Aesop knew the answer. Poachers. While most of them had disappeared during the previous year, some were still there, and they were often bold. It wouldn’t be the first time one such group grew as bold as to operate this close to the castle.
And if that truly was the case… then this little one had nobody to take care of it… Blast it. He didn’t even consider finding Bai and just giving the Kneazle to her at this point, seeing the others’ reaction to the small one, but then what else was he to do? Bring it over to Brood and Peck? Surely Ellie could take care of it… 
And then it hit him.
The Room of Requirement! The Sixth-year Ravenclaw told him she kept a few Kneazles in one of her vivariums; perhaps she could take care of this one too! 
“Are you alright there?” he asked, looking at his side. The kitten was once more peeking out of his pocket, but it seemed slightly more wary than it was before. He reached a finger towards it to scratch it under its neck, prompting it to purr and lean into the touch slightly.
Aesop took a deep breath in preparation for the long climb up to the Astronomy tower and set off.
The little beast was very very lucky his leg was behaving today, else he’d probably do something unwise, such as send it to the Ravenclaw by owl. He cringed inwardly - he could hardly imagine that turning out well. Luckily, his ascend wasn’t too horrible, and he soon saw the door leading to the hidden room materialise out of nowhere. He normally wouldn’t go into the room without the young woman, seeing it as a breach into her privacy, but he supposed this was a special situation. 
Still, as he entered the now increasingly familiar room, he called out for her. There was no answer. It seemed Deek wasn’t here either, most likely busy aiding the other house elves in preparing the dinner. He stepped further into the room, and was once again enveloped in its comfort. It was grand and spacious, but it felt cosy and comfortable, and he thought it wouldn’t be exactly a punishment to curl up on one of the sofas with a good book and ignore reality for a while.
The potions master shook his head to banish the thought for now. “Now, where does she keep the Kneazles, little one?” he asked mostly to himself, but it seemed the kitten sensed it was being addressed, and squeaked in answer. Let’s see - the one in front had Unicorns, Fwoopers, Puffskeins… no. The one on the right? Hippogriffs, Diricawls and… Aesop winced. He very much hoped the Kneazles weren’t in the same vivarium as the graphorns… The one on the left? No, no… Aesop made his way up the stairs, and then to the last vivarium. 
A wave of energy coursed through his body as he entered, the air shifting and changing, he felt the sudden warmth of magical sunlight and wind blowing gently through his hair.
His lungs filled with the fresh mountain air. The first thing he saw was the fiery plumage of a majestic Phoenix soaring up in the sky, cutting through it like pure flame. And then - then he heard the sounds of creatures. He was easily able to identify the squeaking and sniffing sounds produced by Nifflers, and was quick to spot them on the far right. His eyes scanned the area, and just as he was about to turn back and explore the other vivariums (keeping the coastal one for last, obviously), he saw it. 
A large, fluffy head was staring at him from one of the windows of the ruined building to his right.The professor began his approach slowly, his hand unconsciously coming to stroke at the kitten’s fur again. He entered the ruins and saw them. A small family of Kneazles; two grown ones and two kittens. It was obvious the kitten in his pocket didn't belong with them, its colour and pattern was entirely different from both parents. Speaking of the parents, they were watching him with mild suspicion, but neither of them seemed too defensive. He approached slowly, and once again pulled the small Kneazle out of his pocket, placing it on the ground. He kept more of a distance now, and was ready to pick it up if necessity called for it, but stood his ground, even as the kitten got frightened once more.
The female Kneazle got up from her litter and approached the stranger curiously. Like the Hogwarts Kneazles, she sniffed at it slowly, and then began turning away. Aesop’s shoulders slumped in disappointment and frustration. However, then instead of walking away from the kitten, the female gave a meow. The male, large and robust, slowly walked closer and imitated his mate, taking in the newcomer’s scent. The kitten itself seemed ever so slightly less frightened now, but was still looking at the two large beasts warily.
And then Aesop’s lips spread into a wide grin when both adult Kneazles began cleaning the little one with their tongues. He gave a big sigh of relief and happily watched the mother grab her newly adopted child by the scruff in order to bring it over to her own two squeaking offspring, the father following close behind.
“She was supposed to have three,” sounded next to him and Aesop jumped visibly. He turned around, wand drawn, accidentally startling the Kneazles behind him as well. “Sorry, sorry!” said the Sixth-year Ravenclaw, lifting her hands in front of herself in defence “M-Miss (L/N)!” was all Aesop managed to get out. They stood like this for several seconds, but then Aesop realised he was still pointing his wand directly at the poor girl. 
“Uh,” he said eloquently, “I’m sorry, I-...” He put his wand away, feeling terribly awkward about having been caught unprepared like so, “sorry to have come here without your knowledge. And for pointing my wand at you, you… surprised me.” 
“It’s alright,” she said, a smile beginning on her face, “both of it. I’m sorry too, I shouldn’t have creeped up on you like I did. As for being here, well, you can come here anytime you like, it’s not like I’ve got something secret here.” The potions master chuckled.
“Apart from a few very dangerous beasts, you mean?” he asked with a wry smile. She merely shrugged her shoulders: “Professor Weasley knows about them, so they’re not exactly secret.”
The two of them turned towards the newly expanded family of Kneazles. “What do you mean she was supposed to have three?” asked Aesop then and sadness flashed in the girl’s eyes visibly: “What I said. She gave birth to three kittens, but… well, one of them didn’t make it. I had to bury it, outside of the castle, and she… Well, she’s been an amazing mother, but I could see that she was still sad. They’re very clever and sensitive creatures, Kneazles, with a full scale of emotions… People don’t give them enough credit. Look at her now!” 
And indeed, the female Kneazle had all three kittens nursing on her, her head resting on the ground, her eyes blinking happily. The male was keeping watch it seemed, protecting his mate and their children. “Where did you get the little one?” asked the Ravenclaw, looking at her teacher curiously, but before he could answer, she spoke up again: “Would you mind telling me over tea?”
Aesop couldn’t help but grin back at her: “No, not at all.”
Thank you for reading! You can also check out the entirety of Sharpuary on my AO3 ❤
[AO3] - [Sharpuary 2024] - [Masterlist]
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just-another-star-47 · 10 months
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🌶 NSFW 🌶
Beeing mine: part two
Part one
I didn't plan that it would turn out that soft. (If you ignore the fact that someone could walk in on them any time). But I guess I just needed it. So enjoy a lot of praise, encouraging words and pet names.
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For a moment, she sank into his gaze, every fibre of her body tingling as another hot shiver ran down her spine and into her lap.
"It feels good."
It was only a tentative murmur, accompanied by flushed cheeks, but her gaze was clear, sparkling, her body relaxed as one of her hands ran gently down along Sebastian's shoulder to his chest. The feel of his warm skin under her fingertips, the goosebumps that spread across his body from her touch, it fuelled the fire even further.
"Please... more...Sir."
Desire flickered through Sebastian's attentive eyes, and he grinned against her lips. The kiss was intense, such a contrast to the feather-light touch of his hand running down her body - from her cheek, across her chest and stomach, up under her skirt and along the inside of her thigh. They paused in one place for a moment, eliciting a trembling sigh from her as he dug his fingers into her flesh before his thumb gently circled that very spot while his index finger pressed against her labia in seemingly tentative circles.
"Good girl..." Sebastian whispered in her ear as she drew in a sharp breath and instantly pressed her hips against his touch, "...such a good girl."
He increased the pressure and speed slowly, letting her savour his every touch to the fullest, as his lips and tongue caressed her neck or his teeth nibbled on her lower lip.
"By Merlin, how can anyone look so pretty…?" For a moment, his eyes lingered on her features, studying every sign of delight on them. Slowly, his fingers found their way inside her, and Sebastian bit his lip with a low growl as her delight intensified into pleasure. "Damn…yes..."
As her hips began to find a rhythm with his fingers and her body shuddered under the delicious showers of fire he was causing, her tongue moved against his, allowing her entire presence to be overpowered by his.
"Don't hold back, baby, I want to hear how good I make you feel," Sebastian demanded in a raspy voice, increasing his efforts in a way she knew she wouldn't last long.
"That's my little kitten, so eager to listen to my every word..." a smirk spread across his face as louder and louder sounds fell from her lips and her hands tangled in his hair as her legs began to tremble.
"So eager, so needy, so beautiful..."
She recognised from his voice how hard it was for him to hold back, his hips jerking involuntarily against her body as soon as she accidentally touched them. He could give her more. So much more.
Instead, he bit into her neck and sucked at the skin until it turned a reddish colour, his own body trembling next to hers. "Sebastian...please..." it was just a breathless groan as her entire body contracted, the heat and pressure in her abdomen almost unbearable, "...please...can't…almost...oh please...Sir."
For a moment, he looked down at her, her body writhing under the movements of his hand - until she opened her eyes and her pleading gaze met his.
"You really need me to tell you, huh?" Sebastian sank into the depths of her lust with his own, incredulous at how much she was giving him without realising it.
"Come for me, little kitten... come for me, my precious, little girl..."
Her eyes closed convulsively as the intense wave of absolute bliss washed over her, leaving her in a limbo she couldn't comprehend. His name fell over her lips again, a new shockwave overtaking her body as Sebastian adjusted the movements of his hand to savour her expression for a moment longer.
"Oh how I love this..." he murmured, waiting for her breathing to resume, "such a good girl you are."
Wincing, she slowly opened her eyes, unclear what exactly she was seeing, before her gaze slowly focused as she rode out the waves of her climax. She whimpered as he patted her core a few times before gently pressing his fingers against her lips.
"Open op, kitten, lick them clean for me."
She willingly sucked his fingers into her mouth and ran her tongue along them, her sweet taste mingling with the taste of his skin.
"Damn, you're so perfect..." Sebastian kissed the tip of her nose before pulling his fingers from her mouth and sealing her lips with his, "...so fucking perfect..."
In addition to the physical exhaustion and the tingling satisfaction, she felt a pleasant warmth spread through her as he pressed his forehead against hers and stayed there until her breathing had calmed down a little.
"Now it's your turn..." she reached for the buckle of his belt, but he grabbed her hand and held it firmly in his.
"Not now."
Without letting go of her hand, he closed the curtains around his bed and then pulled her close, smothering her protests with a forefinger against her lips and an urgent look into her eyes.
"Not now."
She didn't understand, yet she let his arms wrap around her without argument, his warm body enveloping her like a blanket as she tried to ignore the fact that he still needed her.
"I want this time to be all about you..." he tried to explain himself when he felt that she wasn't completely relaxed in his arms as usual, "... as a reward for trusting me that nothing bad will happen."
"But I..."
"I really like doing this..."
"Sebastian," she tried to sit up, but he held her down, "I want to do something good for you, too."
Instead of giving in, he pressed her even closer to him and spread a blanket over them both.
"That's exactly why I'm doing this, darling. So that you can learn to just enjoy yourself for once."
"But I don't like it," she grumbled, pressed close to his chest.
"Quiet now."
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morganaspet · 5 months
The collar
Summary: you are married to Morgana in season 5 of Merlin. She uses magic on you that forces you into subspace and takes care of you.
WARNINGS: 18+ Minors dni, dubcon, slight voyerism, soft top!morgana, slight hints to ownership kink, oral sex r!receiving, squirting, aftercare, subspace.
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At Morgana’s feet is where you belong, where you feel most natural, as she sits on the throne contemplating her next move to kill her brother. A thick black collar tight around your neck, your hair is disheveled, dress dirty but yet you are swimming in bliss. You are conscious sure, but are a babbling mess, drunk on hormones thoughts filled only with your lovely wife. Your trance is almost broken by the arrival of Mordred. Morgana peers up from her book at perks in eyebrow noticing that he has two horses with him.
“What are you up to Mordred. You look like trouble” Morgana questions, her voice laced with amusement.
“ I was here to ask your lovely wife if she fancied a ride. Always good to get out of your dusty lair” he quips, turning his attention to you. He is puzzled when you barely respond, only leaning into Morganas hand as she starts petting your head. “What do ya say lady y/n, care to join me?” He raises an eyebrow, you focus your eyes on him, trying to muster up any words. A ride sounds lovely you thought, but your brain would not allow you to convey that. As you open your mouth to attempt your mistress cuts you off.
“Trying to steal my wife from me now are you? I didn’t peg you for someone who swings that way” she responds. There is no anger in her voice, despite her possessive claim over you, Mordred is family to her, she knows he is only trying to make a friend.
“No my queen, I enjoy having my head on my shoulders. I am only simply trying to make a connection with lady y/n. She is a firecracker in the tavern. Did you know she beat me in an arm wrestle last night. Lost the last bit of my bloody coin to that bastard” he laughs, pointing at you, and surprised when he does not get the teasing reaction he predicted you to have.
“That does sound like her. This is very sweet of you Mordred, and I am certain y/n would like to take you up on that, but I am afraid my wife is not here right now” she trails off, staring lovingly into your eyes while you stare back at her in utter adoration. Mordred is clearly uncomfortable, and quite confused as he sees you right there. Morgana catches his confusion and explains.
“Mentally I mean. She’s physically here, but her mind is in another world.” She jokes, stroking your cheek as you moan at the contact. Mordred still has not clued in so Morgana continues. “She’s has had rather… difficult mornings Im afraid, so I have enchanted this collar to help her relax.”
“Ah… I see… well I am very sorry to hear that lady y/n” he responds, clearly addressing you. Morgana grabs your chin roughly and guides you to stand, you are shakey on your feet as she steadies you. You lean into her shoulder for support looking at Mordred with hooded eyes.
“Say thank you to Mordred darling” she husks in your ear.
“Tttthank you Mordred” you slur as Morgana whispers praise into your ear.
“Oh god… gross… Morgana did you use sex magic on her?!” He yells in horror.
“So what if I did?!” She quips raising her eyebrow playfully at him.
“Ugh… gross Morgana you are like my mother…” he pretends to gag as she giggles. “Well you just tell lady y/n that she owes me a ride when she’s… back” he groans, turning to leave.
“Will do! She will be pleased to hear that!” Morgana calls out to him. Mordred leaves at breakneck pace not wishing to witness anymore of this. Hes certainly aware about Morgana’s preferences in terms of dynamics in the bedroom but being confronted with it has burned an image into his retinas he never wished to see. The door closes quickly behind him and Morgana turns her attention back to you.
“You’ve been so patient my darling, soooo wet all day” she coos as she strokes your cheek, bringing her hand to hook underneath your collar and pull you closer to her.
“My good girl deserves a reward don’t you think” she sneered. You moan at the hot breath just inches from your mouth. She reaches for the hem of your dress and pulls it over your head. You are just lucid enough to help her by putting your arms up so she could slide it fully off you. Admiring your body. Your legs tremble as she runs her hands down your stomach ever so close to the glistening folds beneath her.
“Go sit on my throne baby, Mistress would like to taste you.” She growls. Watching as you stumble over to the throne plopping yourself down, drunk with arousal.
“Please mistress” you whine, opening your legs for her. This is the only time the great high priestess of the triple goddess will ever be on her knees. She will only ever kneel for you, when your leaking cunt is in her face and you are a drunken mess above her. She lowers her face to your folds and licks a stripe up your aching cunt.
“Sooo good for me darling” she coos before wrapping her lips around your twitching bundle of nerves. You whine loudly, hands thrown into Morganas messy hair. You quickly draw them back remembering the rules: don’t touch her until she says so.
“It’s okay baby… you can touch. Mistress isn’t going to be rough with her baby today… just tell me what you need darling. I will give it to you” she whispers into your weeping pussy. You move your hands back into her hair. Pushing her gently towards your cunt.
“Mmmmm want you mistress, want your tongue” you whine, sighing in relief as her tongue resumes contact with your clit. You throw your legs over her shoulders and lean back. Morgana is right, you are in another world, nothing in this world exists there but you and your mistress, floating in a sea of insurmountable pleasure. Back in reality your thighs tighten around your wife’s head as she dives into your hole with her tongue, fucking you as deeply as possible with her mouth. When she reaches a finger up to rub your clit, your world explodes as you come crashing down from a monstrous orgasm. Warm fluid dripping down Morgana’s chin onto her corset while she laps up as much of you as she can. After a few minutes of gently cleaning up your mess, you start to squirm getting overstimulated.
“Mmmm too much mistress” you whine. As she pulls her head back up to stare at you in adoration. Her chin and neck glistening with your juices.
“My my you made a mess on me didn’t you little one?” She coos. Getting up to stroke your hair.
“Mmmm sorry mistress” you babble drunkenly as you lean into her touch. She gently leans down to kiss you. You moan tasting yourself on her lips.
“Why don’t we take this off hmm? I’ve got about an hour till I am to ride to Cenred tonight for a war counsel. Let’s get you back to earth so you can take care of the castle while I’m gone hmm” she questions, toying with your collar. You nod sweetly. She moves to undo it, moving your long disheveled hair in the process. Once it is undone you come crashing back to earth fast. On your way down it squeezes one more orgasm untouched out of you as you tremble in your mistresses arms and begin to sob. She scoops you up in her arms and stands up.
“Let’s get into the bath darling. I’ll hold you and clean you up until it’s time for me to go hmm?” She coos as you curl into her shoulder, sniffing uncontrollably.
“Guards!” She yells. It startles you only briefly before you realize the shout is not directed at you. You are still a naked trembling mess when the guards enter the throne room. They try their very best to avert their eyes as the last guard who oggled her property ended up with his head on a spike.
“Get someone to clean up the throne” she smiles at them. The two guards bow and exit quickly.
“Let’s get you taken care of sweet girl” Morgana mutters as she kisses your forehead, carrying you back to your shared chambers.
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padfootswand · 2 years
pairing; wolfstar
warnings; heavy NSFW
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Remus tugged on Sirius’s shirt. “Off,” he urged quietly, and was surprised at how fast Sirius complied. He could have fun with that. He fiddled with his belt buckle until Sirius was left in a similar state as Remus.
Remus stepped backwards off the bed a bit, bending over to pick something off the floor. Sirius caught a flash of red and gold before his eyes adjusted and realised it was Remus’s discarded Gryffindor tie. “What’re you doing with that?” he asked curiously.
Remus climbed back on the bed, parting his knees so he was straddling Sirius not dissimilar to how the latter had done before. “Do you trust me?” he asked slyly.
Sirius swallowed. Looking like that, Sirius would trust Remus with his life. “Yes.”
Remus took Sirius’s wrists gently and brought them together, pushing them above his head. He wound the tie around them, tying a secure knot. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten about the teasing,” he warned in a low voice that sent shivers up and down Sirius’s back. “Think it’s time to get a taste of your own medicine, love.” The pet name slips out unintentionally, but it elicits a gasp from Sirius’s lips.
Remus took careful attention for the next few minutes to start trailing kisses all over Sirius’s jaw and neck, littering his skin with marks. Sirius shifted a few times under his constraints, but mostly complied and tipped his head back for easier access. “Want the whole of Hogwarts to know by morning,” Remus muttered against his skin, taking pride in the way Sirius flushed.
Without warning, he took Sirius into his hand, pumping slowly and lightly at first. Sirius let out a breathy gasp, then a low groan at the contact, starting to writhe a little as Remus continued his movements, smirking.
“So sensitive from just getting me off,” Remus continued in a low voice, slowing his strokes. Sirius let out a small huff, twisting underneath Remus’s tie. “I quite like you like this, don’t you?” A whine escaped Sirius’s lips, and Remus smirked. “Not surprising.”
He continued to tease, occasionally swiping his thumb over the head lightly and causing Sirius’s hips to jerk up. “Rem,” Sirius whined lightly.
Remus paused, leaning in to press a mark into Sirius’s neck. Sirius only let out another sigh, a light moan that ended in a muffled complaint. “Say please, Pads,” Remus murmured, his tone gaining a firmness Sirius didn’t expect from him.
Clearly, it had some effect, for Sirius moaned out a choked “please”, and Remus grinned.
“Good boy, Sirius,” Remus complimented, pulling his lips from his neck down to the now leaking tip of his cock. Sirius let out a muffled noise at the contact, and shifted around again under the tie. Remus’s hand fluttered up to his hipbone, pressing his fingers gently into it to remind him to stay still.
Remus sank his mouth deeper into Sirius, and almost wanted to smile at the way his back began to slightly arch off the bed. Sirius’s fingers wildly grabbed at the fabric of the pillow above him as he let out a series of moans that descended into whines, the pleasure overwhelming him.
Even in his state of bliss, he still found a way to mutter out words for Remus to hear -
“Where’d you get so fucking good at this, Rem..?”
“Oh, fuck, that was-do that again, please, Moony-”
“You’re so fucking talented-ah, Merlin, fuck-”
Though Sirius was the one with his hands hounds and Remus was the one in full control, he couldn’t help but feel his cheeks heat up at Sirius’s praise. He wrapped his hand around what his mouth couldn’t fit, and wildly wondered if Sirius would have the same reaction to such praise.
He decided to test it out. He slowly withdrew his mouth, leaving just his hand. Sirius protested at first, but quieted when Remus leaned up to press rough kisses against his neck.
“So responsive,” Remus found himself muttering against Sirius’s skin. “You make such pretty noises, really, you’re fucking gorgeous with your hands tied, love.” At this, Sirius bucked his hips up into Remus’s hand, letting out a small whimper. “You’ve been so good for me, and you were just so talented with your mouth earlier, I think you deserve a reward.”
“Rem, please,” Sirius whispered as Remus started to speed his pacing up.
“I love it when you beg,” Remus teased, and drew back down between his legs to replace a hand with his mouth. This tipped Sirius over the edge, and he barely had time to warn Remus before he was spilling into his mouth.
Remus dutifully swallowed and stroked Sirius gently through his high until Sirius shakily nudged him away with one of his legs. He sat up next to his pillow,  immediately reaching to untie Sirius’s hands. The room was filled with Sirius’s heavy breathing, and he rose from the bed and rubbed his wrists.
It was a while before either of them spoke.
“So that wasn’t too-?” Remus started, but Sirius cut him off almost instantly with enthusiastic denial.
“No, Merlin, no,” Sirius insisted. “You’ve got to do that again-nearly blew up, felt so good.” Remus laughed, ducking his head to hide his flushed reaction.
Again meant, well, again. Sirius wanted to do this again, he wanted to see him in this way again. By the way Remus’s heart began beating faster, he’d be lying if he’d said he didn’t want to.
“I’m tired,” Remus admitted quietly, and Sirius reached up to run his fingers through his hair. A gesture of affection that Remus revelled in.
“Course you are,” Sirius said naturally. “We can sleep it off. Still got class tomorrow, remember?”
Remus groaned automatically. He couldn’t even fathom class at the moment, especially not in a class with Sirius after what they’d just done to each other. But Sirius didn’t seem too unbothered. “We?”
“Sleep in mine tonight,” Sirius suggested casually. “If you kick, I’ll Imperio you back to yours.” He nudged Remus in the arm, and they both laughed. The sense of normalcy Sirius had cast upon the conversation was mindblowing (no pun intended) to Remus, but he didn’t want to risk pointing it out in case it would change.
Maybe this could be Remus’s new normal, and excitement stirred in him at the thought of it. Fuck maybes, actually. This would.
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wellpresseddaisy · 2 years
Long Ago (and far away) Part 16
He'd made a terrible mistake. He couldn't, wouldn't expose himself in such a public manner. It had all gone to his head, clearly, that had to be it. Changing his clothing, his hair, and for what? A man? How had it come to this...this unbearable exposure?
Wasn't writing to Narcissa enough? Merlin…there'd be newspaper advertisements. He'd even started calling him Dare. He'd been made too comfortable, too…oh, he didn't know.
"Severus, I only asked what you had decided for your surname?" Minerva asked gently. 
"Best stick with Snape, for now." Dare answered for him. "Please breathe, Severus. You won't do anyone any good if you faint into your eggs."
"I...yes." He pulled himself together. "I am sorry, Minerva. Snape will remain my surname for the moment."
"The door will open when it's time. Most students should be at breakfast by now." And Minerva was gone from the anteroom. 
"Second thoughts?" Dare asked gently.
"I've kept my personal life absolutely private for so many years. This is...an adjustment." Though his Slytherins seemed thrilled by his new status, and promised to behave perfectly after extracting a promise of Dare as a visitor for tea on Saturday.
The door popped open and Severus took Dare's proffered arm. 
"We'll get through this, pet. Together."
"Of course." Severus breathed deeply and stepped through the door to stunned silence and a new chapter.
Perhaps seeing the headmaster choke on his toast was worth the near panic, all things considered.
"You will not need cauldrons today." Severus strode through the door to the Potions classroom, robes flowing behind him. The door slammed behind him; half the class jumped. "You will need your preparation kit available. Have them out and unrolled. We are having an inspection."
The second year Slytherin/Gryffindor class stared at him. With Malfoy away and Potter still tucked up in the infirmary, he expected more compliance than rebellion.
"Now." He was not in the mood for rebellion. Not after his NEWT class spent their two hours laboratory period surreptitiously checking him for compulsions.
A general rustling greeted his command as his students unrolled their kits. He stepped up to the platform where his desk sat and paced the length of it, just watching. 
"There are going to be some…" he began, sweeping across the front of the platform. Two steps to the far end while the silence stretched, pivot, and, "changes in our curriculum. I have the...pleasure...of a class that includes children who will be leaders in our world in a terrifyingly few years. I will not send you out into the world ignorant of the difference between a mince and a dice or ground and powdered. This year, we will make a thorough study of ingredient preparation, how that preparation influences the properties in a potion, and why keeping your kit in good order is vital to your success."
He stepped down to sweep through the aisles, appreciating the way his new robes twisted and flared with each pivot.
"Miss Parkinson." He stopped at the station she shared with Greengrass. 
"Yes sir?" She pushed her kit forward a bit, clearly expecting praise in the absence of Draco.
"Why does your kit look as if it were last maintained in June?" She deflated a bit. "Why does everyone's kit look as if it were last maintained in June? Except Granger's." He added the last grudgingly. Of course hers looked pristine and properly maintained.
A general shuffling and looking at the benchtops commenced. Some had the excuse of living in the non-magical world, at least.
"This class period will be spent cleaning and sharpening your tools. Once your tools are in an acceptable state, we will begin making the caps which will be mandatory whilst we brew later this term. I will also assign you your new partner. I will not have you leave Hogwarts unable to work together. If you cannot, after this year, successfully brew a potion with your assigned partner, then I weep for the future of our world. For what will happen in our halls of commerce, the Wizengamot, and the Wizard's Council if all you do is argue?"
Further general shuffling greeted his words. He wondered for a moment if any of them had heard such a speech before. Dumbledore would prattle on about cooperation and letting rivalries go, and then hand a few hundred points to Gryffindor. Perhaps a miserable bastard goading them into cooperation would have better luck. Children were a perverse lot. 
"I asked a question of you." They jumped at his emphasis. 
Granger put up her hand because of course she did. 
"Miss Bulstrode, can you give an answer?" For all her organizational abilities and leadership qualities, Millicent remained quiet in most classes. 
"We will fail as a society if we can't work together toward a common goal and a common good."
"Thank you, Miss Bulstrode, that was a thoughtful answer. Miss Granger, do you wish to add something?" Best let her get it out of her system.
"I agree with Bulstrode. We see the same thing in the Muggle world, people not working together. It deadlocks everything. But in a smaller world, on a smaller scale, it could be disastrous."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Theo Nott turned in his seat to glare at her. 
Severus leaned back against his desk and watched. He hadn't meant to start this so soon, but it was encouraging to see Bulstrode and Granger agree. Given both sets of parents actually worked, it seemed they had a grasp on economics. At least of a sort.
"Well, who supplies the grain for the food supply? Or the vegetables? Or livestock? Who provides cloth and leather for clothing and shoes? Or wood pulp for paper manufacture? Who does the manufacturing? If one of those things is done by one family or one small group, then you get a monopoly. If the people with the monopoly disagree with the Ministry, then perhaps some goods or materials won't make it to market." Granger's questions held the pent-up frustration of a child who never got the answers she wanted. At least on this topic.
"Well, yes." Nott agreed. "But it isn't a small world. Merlin's sake, don't you know about the Great Workings?"
"The what?" Granger asked. "The wizarding world is tucked into spaces the muggle one doesn't know about. That's what we were told."
"We live in an exact copy of the non-magical world, Granger. Places like Diagon are entry points. It's a shopping arcade to make the transition easier, not the whole. And we say magical and non-magical. Wizardry is a branch of magical study, not a gender." Nott explained. "Although you wouldn't know that with the way some carry on."
Granger went white. "No one…we weren't…there weren't any books…"
"Come to the library with me after class." Nott offered, long-suffering. "We'll get that sorted out. It's a general offer for anyone who'd like to come and I'm only making it once."
"If my family took offense to the way much of the English Wizarding community treats my mother and withheld goods from market, there would be precious little cloth available." Bulstrode turned the topic to something very slightly less fraught. "My family supplies, either through end-to-end manufacture or import, the majority of the wool, linen, and silk available in England and Scotland."
"And...and the Longbottoms supply a g...great deal of the potions ingredients t...to market." Longbottom stuttered. "Mostly through cultivation, but also through wild collection. Also, P-Professor, Gryffindor wishes you very happy. So does House Longbottom, I'm sure."
And wasn't that a turn up for the books. Longbottom actually remembering and using what his family did. 
"Two points to Gryffindor, Mr. Longbottom, for a pertinent and timely addition to a class discussion. And thank you for the well wishes." He awarded points rarely, and usually to make a point. His Slytherins and Longbottom gaped. "And you can work on your kit as you talk. I will allow this discussion."
"Why don't we learn any of this? If I'm expected to live in the Wiz—magical world as a productive member of society, why am I not learning how any of it works? Beyond 'oh, well, we have a Ministry'. What does it all do?" Granger, thankfully, put the attention of all back to the discussion.
He'd thought it would be Granger who brought the appalling ignorance of the non-magical students to light, in re: the magical world, and the other Heads now owed him three free evenings and an extra free weekend.
And four galleons, but the free time was worth much more than that.
"What do you mean you don't…" Bulstrode began, running one of her knives over a whetstone as she spoke. "Please don't tell me that you come to Hogwarts ignorant of the entire magical world?"
"We didn't even get a pamphlet. Professor Vector visited my family to explain, and told us it was a great deal like Eton, but more old fashioned. That was it." Dean Thomas backed Granger. 
"What's an Eton?" Parkinson asked.
"It's a traditional non-magical boarding school for boys. A lot of them go on to government posts." Thomas explained, polishing a newly sharpened knife. 
"But there's so much we don't know! And when you ask older students, you just get fobbed off to the library or told you'll pick it up as you go. How is anyone supposed to 'pick it up' if--"
"Miss Granger! Kindly cease windmilling your arms. I will not have my record of no serious injuries besmirched by your carelessness!" He interrupted when it looked like her passionate speech would have Weasley's eye out.
"Sorry, sir. Sorry, Ron." Granger hunched over her desk, cheeks pink.
"But I think the class would like to hear the rest of your question." Severus prompted.
"Well, if no one will even tell me what's wrong with the uniform or anything, how am I supposed to get any other information about magical culture? I hear the whispers after all the girls like me. We're not deaf to gossip. And there isn't anything helpful in the library. I've looked." 
"The skirts are indecent." Parkinson answered. "They're too short with an open robe, to start with, since we're twelve…"
"Thirteen, actually." Granger interrupted.
"Well, that's even more reason for longer clothes, then, especially since you've not even got a petticoat on, if you're going to wear skirts. And the kneesocks. No one wanders about with their knees out, no matter their gender."
"Whyever not?"
"Because any part of you can be used in a potion, even the tiniest bits. That's why we all wear long sleeves and high collars and long whatever you might wear on your bottom half. Which, Patil and Brown, why didn't you explain any of this?" And there was the Pansy Slytherin knew and felt variably about.
"She wasn't interested and 'it was the school-issued kit'." Brown let her voice go shrill and mocking at the last bit.
"That's no reason to be appallingly rude, you know." Parkinson shot back. "If it's not knowing because neither the school nor any of the other Houses explain, then it's not them trying to rub their ways in our faces. I'm certain Mother will wish to know of this lapse on Hogwart's part."
"And I'll take a point, Miss Brown, for your rudeness." Severus cut in. "I will take up the matter of the woeful preparation of those raised in the non-magical world with the other house heads."
"It would have been nice to know before we got here, so we weren't offending anyone without even knowing how or why. Thought it was my skin color for ages." Thomas reorganized his kit.
"The current approach, Mr. Thomas, will change. I will speak to the other heads regarding a tutorial for those raised in the non-magical world. Now, before we move on to less fraught topics, and yes, Miss Granger, your questions will be answered, I will inspect your work. Mr. Weasley, you will remain behind at the end of class, please."
With that bombshell dropped, he swept among the rows of students with much to consider. He'd gone through his career thinking that only the Halfbloods received no information regarding the magical world. Inwardly, he sighed and added 'write a primer on the magical world geared towards the non-magically raised' to his ever-growing list of things to do. 
"Now that you have done what you ought to have been doing, we will move on. From now until the last NEWT exam, you will wear a brewing cap. These are to keep your hair out of the cauldron and the fumes off your hair. I've brought one for each of you to get you started. Part of your preparation for the next class includes putting your own cap together. You will find everything you need to make a cap in the bag, including instructions." He moved through the room, passing a cap and a bag of supplies to each student. "You may wish to work on these with your new partners."
Severus returned to the dais and steeled himself. This part could be touchy. At least Nott and Parkinson seemed inclined to behave. That should keep the rest of them quiet. He hoped. 
"For the last item of the day, I am assigning your partners for this year. This may not be easy for you, but I expect each and every one of you to work with your partner and without complaint. Pair up and stand at the side of the room when I call your names."
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merlinpetpraises · 4 years
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merlinpetpeeves · 4 years
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ameliasbitvh · 3 years
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a/n: this is my first time writing a fucking foursome- why am I writing this when I’ve never even written a threesome? idk, so if it doesn’t make sense at some point that’s why!! also credit to dani and orion helping me with some of this!!
summary: reader is aching and Remus and Sirius find out what that aching is, which gets reader and James in trouble.
wc: 2.4k
warning(s): dumbification, pet names, degrading, praising, orgasm denial, humiliation kink, daddy kink, edging, cnc (??)!!
reblogs are appreciated!!
Your back was pressed against Remus's knees, his hands petting your hair. Sirius was sat on his bed, hands fiddling with his records- looking for a muggle song to play, he was quite bored, despite the fact that you and Remus were there. And James was nowhere to be found at the moment, it was like he vanished.
“Where’s Jamsie?” You pouted, eyes focused on the floor- your hair gently falling off your shoulders.
Remus’s hands wrapped around your chin, lifting your head up. “He’ll be here soon, bun.” He assured, placing a peck on your lips- soon pulling away giving you a bright smile.
Sirius took a glance at you both and felt the sudden need to be near the two of you- he felt left out watching you two, while he sulked in his boredom. So he transferred from his bed to his desired destination.
“What’s wrong, love?” Sirius asked shortly as he arrived,
“I miss Jamsie, where is he?” you complained, shoving your face into Remus’s knees, his hands flew to your hair, petting it.
“Doll, what did I just tell you? He’ll be here soon.” Remus reassured, trying to soothe you.
“B-but, ‘m tummy aches and only he knows how to fix it.” you whined.
“Y’tummy aches?” Sirius cooed, his cool and calloused hand rubbing your aching stomach.
But was that really what was aching?
“Yes,” you confessed.
Remus took your ‘aching stomach’ act- but Sirius sure didn’t.
“Tell me bunny, how is Jamsie the only one who can fix your aching tummy?” Sirius interrogated you.
Your cheeks flushed as your mind raced to find an answer either than James eating you out or letting you ride his cock. Your heart pumped with such force- if they knew they’d punish you and James for breaking the rules.
“W-well, he just helps me feel better.” You confessed but also lied. He did help you with your aching- just not that kind.
“And where is your aching- how does he help you feel better?” Remus questioned, his hands traveling down to your stomach, meeting with Sirius’s hands.
They both massaged your stomach- but what you couldn’t help notice was that Sirius’s hands were traveling lower and lower. Your breath was caught in between your throat and the aching in between your thighs increased.
“Tell us darling, where are you aching?” Remus commanded into your ear, his hands working down to the waistband of your skirt. A shiver went down your spine feeling his hot breath against your skin- your heart was palpitating, you could hear it ringing in your ears.
“Right there,” you confirmed, feeling both his and Sirus’s hands reach lower and lower.
“Are you sure it’s not, right here?” Sirius questioned, his hand immediately moving to your core, pressing up against it.
He didn’t fall for your act, he knew how much of a fucking needy brat you were. You always were so selfish, yet giving. You gave James pleasure and in return he gave you pleasure.
Merlin, the feeling of Sirius’ hand against your cunt gave you some sort of relief, his eyes dark brown- almost black met yours.
They were clouded, clouded in his explicit thoughts on how he and Remus were going to punish you and James. They raced anticipating and deciding his very own next move.
A moan executed smoothly from your lips, “I-”
You didn’t have the confidence to muster up a response, so you gave him those sweet doe- eyes that were sure to redeem you.
But his stare on you only overcasted in a strict manner- then suddenly softened, innocently.
He was up to something.
His digits against your core moved in figure eights, his rings hitting your clit and Remus’s hands relocated to your inner thighs, softly caressing them.
Your eyes fluttered shut as you let the two boys take care of you.
“Does this feel good, princess?” Sirius cooed.
“Mhm, s’good daddy.” You moaned.
“Why don’t you be a good girl and let us take care of you, doll.” Remus said.
“Okay, daddy- I want you and Siri to take care of me right now.”
“Tut, tut, tut, don’t be such a greedy pup.” He scolded you.
“‘M sorry, daddy but it’s hard not to when ‘m aching so bad.” you whimpered, hips bucking up against Sirius’s hand. He grabbed a hold of your hips and grounded your ass to the soft carpet underneath. “Stop moving, bun.” he commanded.
You complied, keeping your lower half still and no longer thrusting your hips up like the pathetic whore you are.
Both boys looked at you in your defenseless state, all they needed to do was talk and barely caress their skin against yours to get you so needy and worked up for their cocks.
Such a fucking cockslut.
Remus let his hands roam to your shirt, slowly unbuttoning it one by one and Sirius’s digits worked on teasing your clit. Remus’s hands immediately groping your breast, playing and tweaking at your nipples. Goosebumps decorated your skin from the feeling- it was enticing and this was only the beginning.
Sirius’ digits rubbed against your underwear- adding onto the pleasure, making you grow wetter as the time flew by.
Small gasps caved their way out of your mouth and moans followed after.
“So wet for us pup and such a good girl, hmm? S’not like you and Prongs broke any rules, right angel?” Remus interrogated.
Your mind was fuzzy and in a haze- but your heart stopped the moment you heard him say that, yet you became more aroused at the thought of being punished.
You deserved it, you were a bad girl and broke the rules with James. You bit your lip, trying to contain yourself from spilling the committed ‘crime’ you had done.
But the more Remus tweaked and Sirius rubbed, the secret was thus to fall from your lips.
Finally they were done dealing with your hesitant contribution for the answer, Sirius slid your underwear to the side and two of his digits dove into your wet and hot cunt. The restricted and untold you were hoping to keep between you and James was revealed.
“No, I wasn’t a good girl f’you both daddy- I broke a rule with Jamsie, ‘m sorry!” you cried, confessing to the two boys.
Their actions slowed down a bit- they looked at you as if they had no clue you did so, (but they knew) like you were their innocent little girl, their gaze burned into you.
Suddenly the door opened, revealing James Potter, “Hi-”
Your body instantaneously shot up from Remus’s knees and you gasped, “Jamsie!” your tits moving with you from your sudden thrust up.
His eyes glued to them and his pants tightened.
“Prongs, nice of you to join us. Y/n/n was wondering where ya went, because her tummy’s been aching and supposedly only you can help her.” Remus smirked and patted the spot beside him.
Oh James knew what the aching meant- you and him were in for it tonight.
You and James have been helping each other out- breaking the rules, but Jamesie couldn't help how needy he was to taste his mommy when she wore such pretty skirts and that he wanted them to be on top of him as you rode his face. You just looked so sweet, that he wanted to taste you, and greedily. Now came the consequences of tasting the forbidden fruit.
James gulped audibly loud and took a seat on the bed, “Strip.” Sirius commanded.
All of you were naked- bare and exposed to each other, yet you and James were the most vulnerable. You were laid across the lap of Remus as he smacked your ass, praising but degrading you. “Doing so good, pup. Taking all of this like a good girl,” James sat in a chair, his wrist restrained being tied to the arm rest. Sirius took his time teasing him, achieving whimpers and pleas from James asking for forgiveness- just so he could cum.
“Lemme ask you somethin’, pup. How many days did you and Prongs fuck each other like needy brats?”
You stayed quiet.
His palm collided with your ass once again, and a cry evacuated its way out of your mouth.
“Spit it out, like a good girl,”
“A week,” you trembled.
“Well would you look at that, you and Jamsie have been helping each other, like greedy bitches, for a whole week.” Remus mocked, catching the attention of Sirius.
“A whole week, seven days. you know what that means.” Sirius smirked.
Yes you did know.
You and James were going to cum seven times tonight.
“So fucking desperate to cum, hmm? Oh we’ll make you cum.”
First orgasm
Sirius thrusted into your cunt from behind, his hands gripping your hips at a bruising strength- his cock buried deep inside you.
“Siri- feels too good, gonna cum f’you!” You exclaimed breathlessly, hoping to be heard- except it was muffled from your mouth being full of Remus’s cock.
Remus stroked James cock, as you sucked him off. James legs trembled with each stroke, whimpers falling from his lips from being pushed to the edge, yet never falling.
There was a change of plans- as always, Remus and Sirius were always unpredictable. Just like rolling a dice, you could hope for your desired outcome, but thus far, you’d get the unexpected. The change of plans in question, were that James couldn’t cum and you had to cum seven times to make up for your actions.
James struggled to restrain himself, seeing you getting fucked by Sirius and sucking Remus off only aroused him, making his hard become torturous. His erection ached, and was practically begging to be abused- overstimulated. Which it was, but not in the way he wanted to. He wanted to cum and cum hard.
You and James both knew that you guys deserved this punishment. You both were being greedy and just couldnt wait to be fucked like the dumb pups you are.
The knot in your stomach twisted tighter and tighter with each rough roll of Sirius’ hips against your ass. His hands working on your clit, cold rings digging against it- your orgasm was nearing.
Remus thrust his hips against your face, making you gag and more tears spill from your eyes.
“C’mon doll, keep taking us.” Remus groaned, his high reaching him. His cum soon followed decorating the inside of your mouth, “Swallow, angel.” he commanded, his thrust taking a halt. You swallowed like the good girl you are, earning praise from him, as your body moved back and forth- legs shaking as Sirius continuously slammed into you.
Your core throbbed, and begged for release.
“Can I cum?” You breathlessly moaned.
“Cum f’us doll.” Sirius demanded.
You cried in pleasure releasing all over sirius’ cock.
Fourth orgasm
“Look at you, so dumb f’me. A dumb and stupid lil pup,” Remus mocked, his head tilting to the side as he thrusted into you. Your back was against the mattress, he continuously fucked you into.
“S’all f’you though daddy!” You moaned, eyes rolling back. James was laid on his bed as Sirius stroked his cock, making him squirm around.
“Be a good boy, please Jamsie, f’mommy.” You pleaded James from across the room as you were getting your brain fucked out.
“B-but mommy, can’t take it no more— needa cum!” He whined, making Sirius smirk at the punishment that you both were to face if James were to cum.
“No jamsie, dont!” You cried, your legs quivering.
And the he did it. He fucking came.
All actions took a halt at the new found information. “Spoiled bitch couldn’t take it any more, could you prongs?” Sirius laughed.
“N-no, daddy.”
As that happened on the other side of the room Remus continued to fuck you with no mercy.
His cock slid in and out of you, rough rolls of his hips making you move forth with him and the headboard slam against the wall. You were brain dead, laid there all pretty f’him. A perfect fuck doll for him to use whenever he wanted. Whenever they wanted. Because let’s be honest, you and James were the subs while Remus and Sirius were the doms, completely destroying the two of your pretty little holes.
“Fuck doll, y’pretty pussy feels so good around m’cock.” He growled, his head falling into the crane of your neck, your arms immediately wrapped around his neck. Your legs wrapped around his torso, his cock penetrating you at a different angle putting you in a complete bliss state.
The knot in your stomach returned again for the fourth time. “M’ gonna cum again Remmy!” Every hold you had on him tightened.
“Cum doll, all over m’cock like the greedy bitch you are.” You complied at his request and let go, it was euphoric your world was spiraling in the best way possible.
Seventh orgasm
“Can’t take it no more— feels too good and m’ too sensitive!” You cried, your legs jerking up as Remus and Sirius both played with your cunt. Tears spilled from your eyes.
“C’mon doll, just one more time f’us. Don’t you want to be a good girl?” Remus cooed, his hands rubbing at your sensitive clit.
“Jamsie c’mere, do you wanna help your mommy feel good?” Sirius queried, his lips ghosting over your inner thigh, making you shiver.
“Yes, I do— but mommy said she can’t take it no more.” James frowned.
“Jamsie, m’ okay with it.” You smiled.
Soon all three boys worked around you, Remus tweaking and toying at your tits, Sirius’ hands roaming your body and James eating you out.
You were laid against Remus’s chest and each flick of James tongue against your sensitive clit only drove you closer to your next mind blowing orgasm. You could barely keep your eyes open as these boys played with you, like their favorite toy.
His tongue fucked you, going in and out of your right hole, his tongue didn’t miss one fold. His nose hitting your clit right where you needed it. Remus pinching your nipples, making you squirm in place as Sirius pinned your body down, holding you still.
“Remember you deserve this doll, you and Jamsie. This’ll remind you two to not misbehave again.” Remus cooed from behind you.
“No misbehaving,” you whimpered, releasing for the last time tonight. You cried against him, eyes shut, and thighs clenching around James’ face, holding him in between you.
“That’s right doll, no misbehaving.”
taglist: @underappreciated-spoon-321 @o-rion-sta-r @orphixc @dracoscum @marrymetheonott @l0vely-lupin @dracomalfoys-wh0re @malfoysmainb @drac0spersonalslut @youreso-golden @yiamalfoy @just-a-smol-spoon @dr4cking @dlmmdl @noceurwhore @hotgirlwhoreadsff @littlemissnoname13 @mvdbldd @f4iryluvy @angel4you @itsmentalillness @superturtlesheep @dope-shit-bro @mzmalice3 @wolfstar-lb
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daily-hayley568 · 2 years
Could you do a head canon/imagine type thing with what you think Charlie Weasley would be like as a bed partner? ❤️
I Love The Way You Love Me|Charlie Weasley
pairings: charlie weasley x fem!reader
Summary: you love how Charlie loves you.. in bed
warnings: smut, 18+, p in v, fingering, oral fem!recieving, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it)some rough sex , mostly soft sex, fluff, use of pet names. Oral male!recieving, riding, spanking, shower sex
A/N: first smut lol.
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You and Charlie had been together for the last three years, officially. It all started after a wedding you were both in the bridal party of. During the reception, you and Charlie were outside the venue sharing a bottle of firewhiskey.
You had always been friends. Friends that flirted with each other, borderline romantic and platonic.
Next thing you know the empty bottle of firewhiskey was dropped, and Charlie had grasped your hand as you both found an empty shed. The door was closed shut and you were against it. Charlie’s mouth had found yours in a passionate lingering kiss.
Your tongues were intertwined and his hands that had been at home on your waist were now finding the hem of your dress. He pulled away and you whined from the separation,
“Is this okay?” A soft question in a heated moment, “Can I lift your dress up?”
“Lift it, Weasley or I’ll take it off myself.”
“Yes ma’am.” He chuckled, lifting the dress off of you.
“Merlin, you’re gorgeous baby.” He whispered kissing down your sternum. His fingers fiddling with the bra clasp. Before he lifted his head to ask, you unclamped it for him.
He chuckled into your chest, sending vibrations through your body. Your panties were soaked.
His mouth took a boob in his mouth. His tongue flicking it back and forth. His other hand didn’t dare to leave the other tit lonely and his hand squeezed and flicked it. Fondling it lovingly. You gasped a moan at the nipping from his teeth.
Charlie left your boobs and brought his face back up to you. “Do you want to do this?”
“Yes, fuck, Charlie.” You were needy and your hands struggled to unbuckle his belt. He chuckled dropping his pants and boxers and you felt yourself leak some more when you realized just how big he was.
His hand from your clothed heat and he chuckled huskily in your ear. “So wet and just for me?” You whined as you watched him swipe your juices with three fingers and put it in his mouth.
Charlie pulled your panties down in a haste. He patted your arse and you jumped wrapping your legs around his waist. You ripped off his shirt, practically drooling at his muscles and freckles. “Merlin, you’re so hot.” You muttered.
He chuckled as his tip prodded your entrance before he entered you. You moaned grabbing at his shoulders your nails leaving marks in his flesh. “You alright, love? Are you okay?”
You nodded your cunt clenching around his dick, “It feels so good, Charlie.” You whispered.
Charlie pulled out of you and thrusted his hips into yours. Your moans of pleasure and calling out his name made him thrust into your cunt faster.
You sucked on his neck nipping at it. It was sure to leave a hickey on his collarbones.
“Fuck, Charlie! I’m almost there.”
“Me too, baby. Come on!” Your cunt clenched before you came and released into him. Moments later he came into you.
“You’re so hot.” He praised kissing you again and again.
After he pulled out, you cleaned each other up. As you both got dress you notice him shove your panties into his pocket, it made you grin.
You two said it was a one time thing.
It wasn’t.
More late nights, more can I come overs, more I need you right nows, all turned into a first date at Florean Fortescues. Soon later you were an official couple. You moved in together after one year.
He still treated you like a goddess in the sheets. Charlie was so sweet in bed. He always asked if you were okay, made sure to always ask, and afterwards he’d run you a bath and you would bathe together.
One night was your traditional muggle movie night. The movie was long forgotten when Charlie picked you and carried you from the living room and dropped you on the bed.
He kept talking about how he couldn’t watch the movie when you were sitting there only wearing a satin robe. He pulled off the robe and grinned.
“You’re always so pretty.”
You flushed.
Charlie kissed your stomach following the line until he was at your heat, eye contact from that position made you even wetter. If Charlie was supposed to be really good with dragons; he was awesome at giving head.
“Babe, come on!” You whined. He just chuckled and his mouth was on your heat.
“What? You want this?” He asked pulling your clit lightly. You moaned. “Yes, Charlie!”
He chuckled diving into your heat. He lapped at you. His tongue swiped it before he added two fingers pumping in and out of you. You were screaming. Your hands going through his hair.
“I’m almost there, baby!” You cried.
You finally released onto his fingers and Charlie grinned sucking on his fingers and swallowing your juices. Holy shit that was hot.
Charlie hovered over you kissing your lips. You took the chance to flip you. He was now pressed against the bed and you were on top of him. He wasn’t wearing a shirt and you dragged your tongue down his happy trail, making sure to keep eye contact.
You pulled his shorts and underwear down to release his length. Charlie sat up leaning against the headboard, “I want you ride me baby.”
You grinned climbing onto his lap sinking yourself into him. You moaned and grabbed his shoulders. After adjusting, you began to roll your hips into him.
“Fuck! Just like that baby.” Charlie hissed.
You turned the rolling into bouncing thrusting Charlie into you. His dick continuing to hit your deep spot. “Perfect, you’re so perfect.”
With the praises you bounced faster, moans falling out of the both of you. He smacked your ass, “Come on, just a little faster! I’m almost there baby girl.” You bounced as fast as you could slamming himself into you. It felt so raw. It felt so good.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Charlie released himself into you and you obtained his juices. You clenched again and released yourself into him. You sighed in exhaustion kissing his shoulder.
Charlie also loved shower sex.
Sunday Mornings were Charlie’s favorite. You would get up lazily. You’d decide to get into the shower after brushing your teeth.
It usually with him pounding in you into the wall.
Your legs were wrapped around his waist and he slammed himself into you and you cried loving it all.
You also loved giving him head in the shower. You took his length in your mouth. The parts you couldn’t take in your mouth you pumped the base with your hand. He’d moan and pull your hair. Hed release himself in your mouth, and you’d swallow it. You’d stand up licking your lips with a grin.
When Charlie couldn’t sleep, cockwarming always helped. You had offered it the first time he couldn’t.
“I cant sleep.” Charlie muttered into your ear.
“Would cockwarming help baby?” You asked turning to face him in bed.
He nodded, “Only if you’re okay with it.”
“If I wasn’t I wouldn’t have offered it Charlie.” He smiled pressing a kiss to your head. He slipped himself into your cunt. When you heard his even breathing you knew he had fallen asleep. With your head on his chest you agreed.
You loved how Charlie made love to you.
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bellatrixscurls · 3 years
take care | sirius black
pairing : sirius black x fem!reader, a bit of regulus black x fem!reader too
warnings : smut, use of toys, size kink, pet names, bit of degradation, also praise, oral (fem receiving), mentions of cheating but definitely not cheating, vaginal penetration, creampie, fem reader, also a bit of angst towards the end!
summary : reg tells sirius to take care of you while he’s away. so he does.
a/n : i really tried to make this one worth reading, so i really hope you like it! <3
“don’t want you to leave me” you whimpered into the crook of regulus’ neck, feeling it vibrate against you as he sighed, patting your bum consolingly.
he looked at sirius, who inhaled smoke from his muggle cigarette, leaning back against the red velvet armchair of his common room. he seemed unbothered, only waiting patiently for you to give in. he knew you would.
regulus rolled his eyes, turning to face you again, softly taking your face in his hands and forcing you to look at him. “sweetheart, it’s only for a night, yeah? not even a day, just a few hours” he explained, his thumbs rubbing your cheeks gently as tears welled at your waterline. “but daddy” you whined, squirming in his lap, “need you here. head’s f-floaty.”
only then, did sirius finally show you some sort of sympathy, grey eyes softening at your fragile state of mind. or so you thought. “awh, sweetheart” he pouted and you turned to look at him, the same pout tugging at your lips, “your daddy’s gotten bored of you, hm? he needs some time alone, without you crying in his ear every hour of every day.”
“sirius!” spat regulus, hugging you tight against his chest as you shook, crying hysterically as you held onto your boyfriend’s body.
the aforementioned boy started chuckling darkly, as if your cries were feeding him. he couldn’t help it, really. the urge to see you cry, shake because of him. you were horrified.
but his demeanour changed as soon as regulus opened his mouth again, standing up as his arms hooked under your thighs, pulling you up with him. “fuck it. you know what? i’ll just take her to severus then, he’s way—”
“what? no!” sirius stood up as well, throwing his hands in the air as he explained to the two of you how vile severus was, and that regulus couldn’t let him take care of you.
sirius hated severus. so he could keep talking about him the whole day. but more than that, he wanted to spend time with you. merlin, he wanted it so badly.
“okay, fine” sighed regulus, defeated as you whimpered ‘daddy no’s and ‘don’t leave me with him’. “you’re lucky i didn’t punch you in the face for making her cry. go on” he beckoned sirius closer, and the raven haired male happily obliged, regulus’ hands being replaced with his under your thighs, gently taking you in his arms, your legs wrapping around him.
but just as regulus gave you multiple goodbye kisses, you mumbled around your thumb, still sucking on it, “don’t want here. g-gryffindors suck” regulus chuckled, pecking your forehead one more more, muttering a “that’s my girl.”
“take her to my room and stay there, sirius.
and take care of her, she’s really needy.” 
fifteen minutes later, after sirius had some trouble getting into the slytherin common room, given he was a gryffindor, you finally got to regulus’ prefect dorm.
obviously, no one else was there. the room was clean, no clothes thrown around, no snacks on the floor, no messy sheets. it was quite the opposite of sirius’ room.
sirius scoffed when you entered the dorm room, shaking his head as he placed you on the bed. he looked around, “your daddy really is a clean freak, huh? it smells like fucking lavender in here” he scrunched his nose.
you giggled, “yeah, he is. daddy makes me stay here with him, says my dormmates are too messy” you admitted softly, “he’s so good to me, siri” you said dreamily.
“oh yeah?” he mocked your state, moving to sit down beside you, “let me guess, he has a special little box for your toys too?”
but sirius didn’t expect what you said next. to be completely honest, he didn’t expect an answer at all. “of course not... boxes are dirty. he keeps them in a drawer,” but you didn’t think much of what you said, after all, your head did feel floaty.
sirius’ smirk faded from his face, and his pants became a little tighter at your words. being his impulsive self, sirius wished to scream at you, telling you to just bring them already. but he was too stunned for that, and instead he muttered a little, “can you show me, princess?” 
his voice was soft and it turned your heart into mush, then being the first time he’d ever been decent to you, and not mean, like he usually was. 
you nodded, your cheeks burning at the prospect of sirius maybe wanting to try them. you opened the drawer, which had your initial on it, and took out a bag, full of the toys regulus had bought and confiscated from you.
“u-um” you cleared your throat, feeling so little under sirius’ intense gaze, and you extended your arms, placing the bag on his lap before sitting next to him. you were embarrassed, to say the least. and as he rushed to open the bag, he took out the biggest toy, a dildo. you said quietly, “d-daddy said no to that one.”
“what?” his head snapped in your direction, a small smirk playing at his lips.
“said ‘s too big ‘nd i’ll hurt myself if i use it” you admitted softly, biting your lip as you awaited for him to mock you.
“y-yeah” you murmured, closing your much smaller hands around his wrist, your eyes wide as you looked at him through your lashes, “wanna play? please?” 
but he did not. “yeah, that’s too bad. i’d love to see you use it. struggle to make it fit inside that tiny little cunt” he gripped your jaw, bringing your face close to his, “it’s so fucking tight, isn’t it?” he asked and you whimpered, nodding as much as his strong grip would allow.
not even five minutes later, you were almost completely bare, only leaving your knee socks on. “aren’t you a sight for sore eyes, peach?” sirius hummed, admiring you as your legs were splayed, showing him just what he wanted to see. “such a pretty pussy” he praised, his fingers moving down to your folds, gently circling them, feeling you soak his fingers, “this for me?”
his words were filthy, yet his eyes looked down at you so innocently, as if he was clueless to the effect he had on you. that bastard.
but you couldn’t bring yourself to be mad at him. hell, you were practically drooling over him, begging him to touch you. 
“a-all for you, siri. all for you” you said with a meek whimper, doe eyes filled with tears as you stared up at him.
“yeah?” he taunted. his fingers finally found your hole and he carefully pushed them in, thrusting them into you ever so slowly. “hmm, i don’t think your daddy would like to hear that. do you?” 
but you ignored his words. not on purpose, not at all. you just couldn’t focus on anything else but his tortuous movements. you loved your daddy, you loved him so much but, in that moment, the whole world disappeared, only leaving you and sirius.
you bucked your hips into his hand greedily, whining when he would stop moving them, just to tease you and watch you writhe even more. “you’re just such a desperate whore” he said through gritted teeth, giving a harsh slap to your clit before retreating his hand, leaving you empty and bothered.
“siri- siri, please. i c-can’t. need something” you whined, sounding like a complete crybaby, as you squirmed under his lustful gaze. 
he pouted, “oh, you need something?” 
“yes, please.” 
“needy little sluts much like yourself always need something, puppy” tutted sirius, shaking his head at you, but he lowered his body until you could feel his breath hitting your clit.
“please, si—” but you couldn’t even finish your sentence as sirius’ mouth attached itself to your clit, suckling and biting slightly at it. the muscle was warm against your pulsing sex, eyes rolling back into your skull as he licked his way up, moaning at the taste of you.
“owie” you whined, moaning softly as he worked on your cunt, massaging your folds, but not really giving you his fingers the way you wanted. “want more… please, give me more, siri. i-i can take it.”
his ears perked up at your bold assumption, and he grinned against your cunt. “m sorry, baby. didn’t know such a pretty little thing wants to be ruined.”
but you utterly regretted your words as sirius reached beside you, looking for something in the box you’d shown him only ten minutes ago. picking up a purple dildo, he took it out and pressed it at your entrance. “no complaints, love” he breathed against you as he returned his mouth to your clit, slowly pushing the toy inside of you.
you whimpered, squeezing your eyes shut and your legs attempted to close as you felt the toy fill you up, but sirius’ hands tightened around your thighs, pushing them wide open. “stop it, you little brat” he spat, pinching at your thigh.
“little brat, daddy. don’t stop, please” you whimpered, and sirius groaned softly at the name, diving right back in. “god, you’re so pretty” his strong hands now held you down by your hips, pushing the toy deeper inside you. his lips wrapped around your clit, messily sucking and licking — he was desperate to make you cum.
“feels nice” you whined, tangling your fingers in his hair as you scraped as his scalp, softly bucking your hips into his mouth. your back arched off the mattress.
he continued to pump the huge toy in and out of your sopping cunt. this time though, his mouth left your cunt, and instead, he stayed back, watching you writhe with the pleasure he was giving you. and that’s when sirius orion black actually felt proud of himself. he was satisfied, which, to be fair, he almost never was.
meanwhile, watching him gaze right into your eyes made you flush, your cheeks burning from both the pleasure and the embarrassment. sirius smiled. for the first time that night, he actually smiled, not smirked.
leaning down, he kissed your cheek sweetly. his thumb pressed against your clit as he massaged it, slowly at first. “s that feel good, pretty?” he asked.
“y-yeah” you mewled, throwing your head back, your mouth hanging open as the toy kept hitting at your sweet spot. the coil in your stomach tightened, and even if he wasn’t the one inside of you, sirius could see it. he could see how you tightened around the purple toy, and how your hands kept gripping at his biceps, your face all red and eyes hazy. you were right where he wanted you to be.
only so he could pull you back. take away the sweet pleasure that was so close, yet so far.
he kept making eye contact with you when he took away the toy, throwing it back inside the box, his thumb also leaving your clit.
you whined and shook with frustration, tears spilling from your waterline. “s-so mean! didn’t do nothing wrong… was a good girl” you pouted and sirius mirrored your pout, cocking his head to the side.
“you were, baby?” you nodded, sniffling as, once again, your thumb slipped past your lips, and you began sucking on it, squinting a sirius. “didn’t know, puppy… daddy just wanted to give you his cock. thought that’s what you wanted” he mocked you, knowing you wouldn’t be able to acknowledge it, “can you ever forgive me?” he said dramatically, making you giggle softly, your thumb leaving your mouth.
and that’s when the smirk washed off his face and it was replaced with a wide smile, his heart fluttering at your words and your affection towards him. “thank you, baby” he kissed your head, “now, i shall give my baby what she wants, hm?” 
you pulled him closer to you, burying your face in the crook of his neck where you left open-mouthed kisses, mumbling in his ear “forgiven, daddy. ‘s okay, please don’t feel bad… you didn’t know” you were sincere, absolutely unaware of sirius smirking against you.
you nodded fervently, your clit still throbbing from the stolen orgasm, “please give it to me, daddy” you whispered rather confindently, sending shivers up sirius’ spine and he groaned softly, coming out as more of a whine.
“you asked for it, puppy” he reminded breathily as he rid himself of his boxers, leaving him bare as he was now the one who’s face was buried into your neck, shifting atop you.
sighing, you took a hold of his face, cupping it with your smaller hands, and sirius’ eyes shot up, “wh—” “don’t wan’ you to be nervous, daddy” you admitted softly, “gonna feel good, promise” you linked your pinky with his, shaking it slightly.
sirius was going absolutely feral. he kept his gaze focused on your eyes as he impulsively thrusted forward, his cock somehow slipping right inside of you. it was big, and his thrusts were not slow, and definitely not gentle.
“f-fuck, sweetheart” he stuttered when his cock hit the deepest spot inside of you, his eyes rolling back into his skull at the feeling. you were tight, but definitely that wasn’t quite the best thing about you.
you mewled weakly as tears brimmed in your eyes, “big,” you whimpered, pawing at his back as you felt him try to get even deeper inside of you, barely even pulling out with each thrust.
“tight,” he mocked with a breathy laugh, followed by a groan as he lowered himself barely, still looking into your eyes intensely as he took one of your nipples inside the warmth of his mouth, his fingers toying with the other one.
“daddy!” you yelped the moment sirius grazed his teeth against your sensitive bud. not paying you any mind, he hummed, continuing with his rough thrusts inside of you, his hand sliding down in between your bodies to take your sensitive clit between two of his fingers, squeezing around it. such a tease he was.
you wrapped your arms around his neck for support, after leaving multiple bloody marks up his back. “so good” you whimpered, admiring sirius’ godly features as he did such dirty things to you. 
he hummed, “you’re doing so well, baby. y’ve got such a sweet pussy too. gripping me like a- fuck. like a fucking vice” he too moaned, basking in the feeling of your walls stretching around his cock with every move.
and that’s when you couldn’t hold back anymore. earning his praise, even for a few seconds, was the biggest prize, according to your fragile state of mind.
so you gasped for air, feeling the coil in your stomach form for the second time that night, hoping he’d actually let you cum this time. “cum, daddy” you said breathlessly, your chest heaving with each one of his thrusts, “cum with you, please?” 
and how could he say no?
“in five. alright, sweetheart? daddy’s gonna cum with you in five” he explained, wishing to be sure you understood him, your hazy mind making it harder for you.
“mhm” was everything you could say, your body on fire against his.
“okay, baby. cum with daddy in five,” he began the countdown, sucking another lovemark into your neck.
“two,” you bit harshly on your bottom lip, trying to hold back for just a bit more. you were so close to being good, couldn’t mess it up last minute.
“one,” there it was. “cum with daddy, peach. know you can do it, come on” you felt his hips stuttered as his thrusts got sloppier, and he gave a hard thrust into your gspot.
and you let go. your legs shook from where they were wrapped around his waist, your eyes rolling back as you convulsed, crying out his name, along with whimpers of “thank you, thank you, thank you- thank you, daddy” when he stilled inside of you, and shot spurts of his hot cum into your little hole.
“fucking god,” he cried against your skin, gathering all the strength he had left to sloppily thrust inside of you, only to feel the way his cum mixed with yours, both spilling out of your abused hole and onto the base of his cock.
for the next forty minutes after you came, you were sat in the bathtub, watching sirius make a whole show with your duckies as if they were puppets, giggling at his sweetness. after that, sirius, he made sure to wash you, including your hair, leaving you smelling like a little flower.
after the bath, you were back to him, mind leaving behind any fogginess. and you were now aware of what you’d done.
you let your towel drop from around your body as you stepped out of the bathroom, looking at the window right beside the bathroom door. 
you were marked by sirius. the marks left by regulus the day before were now barely visible as the ones sirius left were taking over. your chest was bloody red, covered with red, sti fresh hickies.
you sighed as tears welled in your eyes once again. you betrayed regulus. cheated on him even. you felt terrible.
stepping out of the bathroom himself, sirius caught sight of your crying and shaking figure, and stepped behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. he was looking at you through the mirror, but you refused to meet his eyes.
“hey, puppy” he shushed you, gently rubbing at your stomach. “it’s alright, hm? he knew it would happen. reg told me to take care of you.”
“i don’t think he meant it like that,” you sniffled, wrapping your arms around yourself, all of a sudden embarrassed of being so exposed to his eyes.
sirius didn’t leave regulus’ dorm, even if you screamed at him to. instead, he rocked you to sleep as you cried, sleeping on the sofa when your breathing got even and he was positive that you were asleep.
at around 9 am, regulus was done with the thing he had to leave you for. he opened the door quietly, stepping inside, only to be met with with your sleeping figure.
“took good care of her?” regulus sighed, kicking his shoes to the side as he glanced at sirius for a second.
“yeah,” he nodded, struggling to bite back a smile “think you can take up?” 
regulus nodded hesitantly, looking at you before his gaze rested on sirius, “i think so.”
but sirius knew better. he knew what regulus was going through, and he’d encouraged him to tell you the truth, so you could make your choice.
but regulus was scared that your choice would be to leave him.
“you must do this, reg” sirius patted his back as regulus came to sit beside him on the sofa, his eyes red as tears threatened to spill from them.
“s-she’s gonna leave, siri. gonna think i’m a monster” the younger brother sniffled, rubbing at his eyes at the prospect of losing you.
sirius felt his heart break as he engulfed his brother in a hug, rubbing at his back, “you’re not a monster. they are. she’ll understand.”
“reggie?” you called softly, rubbing at your eyes as you angled your body towards him, hurrying to get out from under the sheets.
“right here, sweetheart.”
🍬 sirius black taglist; @mistress-riddle @moonyinthelight @daddymalfoy-issues @teenwolfbitches28 @amethystangle @methblinds @marv3lwhor3 @mess-in-side @candy-man91 @remusjlupinisdead @maybanksslut @mrs-brekker15 @elizabethrosedarling @malfoysbiitch @gothboutique @tomriddles-wh0re @florestheflower @leona01 @angelinab303 @divanca2006 @acciodignity @nic0lodean @ginnysbabymama @kayleiggh @samaraaaaa @saintlike78 @yiamalfoy @indigoh4ze @justadreamyhufflepuff @someonetookmygin @mollysolo @i-love-scott-mccall @pottahishotasf @venusmalfoyyy @somethings-things @daedreamss @harrypotterlover234 @inlovewithremusjohnlupin @dilflover10 @katmoonz @n-st-owl21 @haroldpotterson @iloveweasleyx @lonelyhe4rts @waszuka @slutforshego @urgingforyou @miasvoid @oddlittleminx @papillon-mechant (if your name is in white, i couldn’t tag you)
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