#Mentha pulegium
firewindearthsea · 7 months
Hey, American and Australian followers, I have a weird request. I’m researching European pennyroyal and comparing it with other plants known by that name, but I have never smelled American or Australian pennyroyal, and I am too broke to travel to America or Australia at the moment. I have smelled European pennyroyal.
Would anyone who has sniffed them be willing to tell me how they smell? I can offer tarot card readings or stories of British plants in exchange.
I’ve found one source that says it smells “different from mint” but other sources say it smells mint like- I’m confused.
Also, if anyone can recommend any indigenous sources I would be very grateful
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queenvhagar · 5 months
Moon Tea in the ASOIAF Series
In the A Song of Ice and Fire series, and most recently in the first season of The House of the Dragon, a certain tea is mentioned as a form of birth control multiple times. But what is moon tea? According to Lysa Arryn, it's a tea made of "tansy and mint and wormwood, a spoon of honey, and a drop of pennyroyal" that is commonly used to end pregnancy (p. 1114, A Storm of Swords). All of these items can be found in our world. Although there is no record of this specific recipe of tea being used in the past, there is a history of these ingredients being used separately for medicinal purposes that include ending a pregnancy.
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Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) is an herb that has been used medicinally since at least Ancient Greece. It has a light degree of toxicity that was useful in targeting internal parasites such as intestinal worms. During the Middle Ages and later, women were known to have consumed larger doses of tansy or tansy tea to end pregnancy. It appears that tansy was also once commonly used to add seasoning to dishes, as it has a specific bitter taste, and some continue to use it as an ingredient in recipes and teas today.
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Mint (Mentha spicata) is used today in teas and many other products. Its health benefits are widely recognized today. The Ancient Egyptians were the first to praise mint in 1550 BC and it has been used for a variety of purposes ever since. In a moon tea, this ingredient would likely be included to ease any nausea caused by other ingredients and improve the taste of the tea.
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Wormwood (Artemesia absinthium) is still used in teas today, and historically it had medicinal uses in treating upset stomach, among other ailments. Its inclusion in the moon tea recipe is likely to aid the help settle the stomach after drinking the tea.
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Honey has been used for its sweet flavor and health benefits for years. In traditional medicine, it is claimed to help with a number of ailments. In the moon tea, this would likely serve the role of helping to improve the taste and make the tea easier to go down.
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Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) continues to be used in teas and was used in folk medicine to cause pregnancy loss. In 1993, Nirvana wrote a song called Pennyroyal Tea, referring to someone taking the herb to try to induce an abortion. Today, some people believe that pennyroyal tea can be a natural treatment for congestion, though the concentrated essential oil of pennyroyal should not be consumed; most essential oils are toxic when ingested, and this one can be lethal.
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In the ASOIAF series, these ingredients were relatively easy to come by, and to those living in Westeros, it was well-known that this specific tea was available to women who wanted to prevent or end pregnancy. Beyond Westeros, even the wildlings knew of the tea and its uses - Tormund told Jon Snow as much in A Storm of Swords: "if Ygritte does not want a child, she will go to some woods witch and drink a cup o' moon tea" (p. 209). It seems that women who had access to the tea could use it to prevent pregnancy with relatively little health effects or long term damage being done as long as the tea was correctly prepared. When prepared by someone highly skilled, such as a maester, this likely was more so the case. Not once is the tea mentioned as having deadly effects to its users. Rather, its usefulness and reliability at ending pregnancy in-universe is what is discussed throughout the series. Moon tea was widely available, highly reliable, and relatively safe to use when prepared correctly.
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defrentealmar · 3 months
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Mentha Pulegium & Bee
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bonefall · 2 years
how would the clan cats go about getting an abortion
The safest option would be to go to term and find parents for the kits-- something the Queen's Rights allow.
Herbal abortions are not like modern medical abortions. Mifeprestone and other drugs like it are practically miraculous and birth control massively changed our society. Keep this in mind.
These are also for early-term abortions. The longer the warrior waits, the less effective and more dangerous these treatments will be.
Rue (Ruta graveolens) can be found in England, particularly in twolegplaces. Clan cats will hate the smell of it, as it is often used as a feline repellent.
For American FanClans, there is Cotton Root (Gossypium herbaceum) bark. Cotton Root grows naturally in Africa but has been widely planted all over America and central Europe, and can be spun into fibers.
There are two types of Pennyroyal with similar chemical properties, the European Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) and American Pennyroyal (Hedeoma pulegioides)
Like rue and all other herbal abortificants, these are a poison in an uncontrolled dose. Please do not portray your Warrior self-medicating; a Cleric must be involved for safety reasons.
Short list and proper growing conditions for each herb previously mentioned;
Rue: Twolegplaces, hot and dry conditions
Cotton Root: Climates without frosty winters. Full sun and average soil, neither swampy nor dry.
Pennyroyal, European: Damp meadows, agricultural pest in farm fields, next to roads, and near bodies of water. Easy to find because it is too poisonous to be grazed.
Pennyroyal, American: "Grows anywhere grass cannot." Rocky soils, near water, barren fields, etc.
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tiredwitchplant · 1 year
Everything You Need to Know About Herbs: Pennyroyal
Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium)
*Poisonous *Medical *Masculine
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Folk Names: European Pennyroyal, Lurk-In-The-Ditch, Mosquito Plant, Organ Broth, Organs, Organ Tea, Piliolerian, Pudding Grass, Run-By-The-Ground, Squaw Mint, Tickweed
Planet: Mars, Venus
Element: Fire
Deity: Demeter
Abilities: Protection, Amplification, Revealing Secrets, Peace and Strength
Why Poisonous?: The oil from pennyroyals contains pulegone, a colorless oily liquid that as a pleasant odor that is found in pennyroyals, peppermint and camphor. It causes failure to the kidneys and liver, which results in bleeding, seizures, multiple organ failure and death. Many women have died trying to use pennyroyal oil in order to induce an abortion.
Do not consume the oil.
Characteristics: It has a powerful aromatic scent and is a perennial plant, growing to 16 inches. It has oval, toothed leaves with spirals of lilac flowers. It thrives in damp areas and blooms its flowers in the summer.
History: Native to Europe and western Asia. In 23-79 CE Roman natural historian, Pliny, wrote that the pennyroyal was a better medicinal herb than roses and purified bad water. It is called pennyroyal because it was good for the extermination of puliol royals, a type of flea. It was said it was used in witchcraft in order to cause people to see double and a protection plant in Sicily to protect from the evil eye. In Wales, it was gathered on St. John’s Eve for the benefit of “a person who has lost consciousness in the consequence of an illness.” (In other words patients in comas).
Growing Pennyroyals:
Are they easy to grow? Yes
Rating: Beginner Friendly
Seeds Accessible: No
How to Grow
Video Reference
Where to Buy Seeds
Magical Usage:
Can be used to boost magical energy for spell work
When placed on a picture of yourself or another person, can repel evil or bring good health
Placed in one’s shoes can prevent weariness during travel and strength your body
Kept in the home will prevent lover’s quarrels
Can be carried when you travel abroad boats to prevent sea sickness
Medical Usage
Is a good digestive tonic for intestinal worms, relieve gas and stomach aches
In tea form, it can help with chills, colds, bronchitis and asthma. Can also help with blood sugar and inducing menstruation
Can be used externally to treat itchiness and formication, the feeling of ants crawling on your body, and rheumatic conditions such as gout.
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roserorodraws · 1 year
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Oz & Eddie donutified. 28/03/2023
A few words about what it all means under the cut, because hell, I won’t let my shameless overthinking go to waste lol. (It's not a few words, it's long, be prepared).
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So, kiwi and pennyroyal mint icing.
The kiwi is interesting, kind of a visual thing. You get that brown fruit, nothing spectacular but all fuzzy and kinda cute, then under that skin (skin that is edible but most often discarded because not very enjoyable to eat) you get that delicious shiny bright green thing! So that is, to me, little old Edward Nygma the forensics guy being discarded in favor of the Riddler. Though I would argue that Ed is tasty too but… he himself wouldn’t quite agree, would he?
As for the pennyroyal mint, I wanted something fresh and delicious and green, just like our Eddie, that would go well with a fruit (at that point I had chosen lime rather than kiwi but both work well with mint), so mint naturally came to mind. I looked into different types of mint, all very tasty, and pennyroyal can be toxic (even caused some deaths!) so I couldn’t choose anything else, really. Also I first misread its binomial name as Mentha Penguin instead of Mentha Pulegium soooo yeah. Do you believe in fate?
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And the filling.
Answer to the riddle (I’ve never written a riddle before I hope this wasn’t too bad lol):
Mystery salts: My twentieth is capital, my twelfth a lesser case. But bring them together, and eighty-one they'll make.
“Capital” and “lesser case” are hints, you should look into letters. The 20th letter in the alphabet is T. The 12th is L. Bring T and l together, you get Tl. Tl is 81, because it’s the symbol of thallium, atomic number 81 in the periodic table. Also I called it “mystery salts” as in chemical salts. Soluble thallium salts you could put into food.
Yes it’s fucking THALLIUM FLAVORED. That is actually tasteless, but you’ll definitely start to feel the spice - so to speak - after a few hours. Fortunately, the filling is still delicious thanks to the star fruit base. This one was chosen for obvious reasons aside from being sweet & sour ⭐ ✨ Thallium, I chose for three reasons:
It is a grey metal, nothing special visually, but it makes bright green flames when burned. Good old Ed consumed by Riddler’s fire… Or unleashing his fire through Riddler? Also chemistry is cool and Ed agrees.
Ed’s donut needed to be murdery, obviously. Thallium is extremely toxic and has often been used as poison, including for murder :) Being tasteless is a great advantage in this context.
The guy put a bullet in a cupcake and I thought I’d honor the tradition. Something about him being tasty af but also toxic af. A dapper dude in shiny green is a dangerous thing. That is also why I chose a straight up toxic chemical element instead of looking for a toxic fruit or whatnot - it needed to absolutely not even remotely sound like it belonged there, like the bullet.
See the lace decoration I put there? There’s a nice little explanation behind it.
I was writing about Oswald’s identity, how he became who he is and how he embraced the whole Penguin thing. And I thought it would’ve been sweet if, after Gertrud’s death, he went back to his original name - Kapelput - as a way to honor her and put pride back in the name he discarded before.
So when I started drawing his donut, I really wanted some Hungary and some Gertrud in there, while not overpowering the rest of Pengy. I also wanted some elegant decoration, so I thought I’d check whether Hungary had some nice fabric, embroidery, etc. Something Gertrud would’ve probably liked. And indeed! I found out about Matyó embroidery.
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The more I read about it, the more it fit (Source: nlc):
“ ‘Well, that’s no Matyó embroidery’ - we used to say disparagingly about an old-fashioned, slightly tasteless piece of clothing. “ Oswald is nothing if not stylish. He would learn this phrase in Hungarian and insult his pawns during important meetings when he can’t just lash out, hiding the snark under the language barrier.
The name apparently comes from a king, King Mátyás. Nothing less for the king of Gotham.
The most known motif is the red Matyó rose… A red rose is a symbol of love and passion - who better than Oswald, a man of heart and all its whims, could wear it? Also, the story behind this rose is about finding a clever solution to an impossible, dangerous situation, which is also very Oswald. The story, translated as well as I can from the linked article:
“The devil kidnapped the groom of a Matyó bride and demanded a bunch of roses as a ransom. However, since it was during winter, there were no roses blooming anywhere in the area, but the resourceful girl did not despair. She drew a copy of her huge apron, embroidered it with more and more beautiful blooming roses during the night, and then took it to the devil. The devil liked the gorgeous dress and the girl's creativity so much that he was forced to return the groom, so the expected wedding took place without any problems.”
I first drew it in full color, as close as possible to the real-life stuff, but it wasn’t very Oswald, so I only kept the patterns and changed it to dark lace. Just the ghost of his mother - she isn’t there anymore, after all, but her influence and love will follow him until the end.
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And now the flavors…
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First, the icing:
Apple - the forbidden fruit, of course. You don’t just refuse Oswald anything. If you tell him the apple is forbidden, he’ll soon be an apple magnate (or in this case an apple donut) - and you’ll be dead or worse. I specifically chose hidden rose apple, because it has a secret :) Its flesh is pinkish-red (hence why it works for this icing). You can read as much or as little symbolism as you like into this choice, as apples have a lot of history and beliefs attached to them. Personally, after much reading, I like the general sense of temptation and love it has. Oswald is all about that, passions. Wants. Love. And he’s certainly full of surprises, like the hidden rose… also, “hidden rose” in reference to red flesh. Red rose, then. Passion. How fitting.
Purple yam (ube) - tastes nutty and earthy. Big balls energy. Purple. Works great in pastries including donuts. Sometimes, a simple solution is best.
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The filling:
Norton grapes. Thanks NBC’s Hannibal for showing me this one. Same color on the outside and on the inside, unlike most other grapes. “A grape with nothing to hide”, a grape that shows its true colors, a grape that finds strength and value in its identity. I’m talking about Oswald, of course, after he learns to do the same. Notably, Norton grapes are used to make red wine - Ozzie’s favorite thing after Ed - and it’s apparently a good one. I know nothing about wine though lol, I just drink it.
Black Prince Pepper. Ozzie got downgraded from king to prince but oh well, still royalty. I really wanted pepper in there, something well-known to the public but with bite and heat, thunder - something you don’t just bite and get away with it unfazed -, so I looked into purple peppers and found this one! It’s a tiny little pepper, but it can get really hot! It changes colors as it grows: purple, black, red. Oswald’s three colors :) yes I’m counting blood in there :)
I’ll let you decide whether the “it bites back” warning is literal or not.
ANYWAY. Did I spend wayyyyy too long thinking about a donut version of two fictional characters for a silly drawing, neglecting my real-life responsibilities in the process? Absolutely. Do I regret anything? Absolutely not.
Real talk though this was a really fun puzzle to figure out! I love how much thought and research I ended up putting into this. At first I just wanted to make nice looking donuts for the boys but… it got a bit out of hand. If you have any alternative flavours in mind for them I’d love to hear about it!
Thanks for reading, and have a very nice day!!! Think of me next time you eat a donut ~ 🍩
PS. I have a batman (mostly Telltale and soon Gotham) blog @thelordofthelaughs. Not very active rn but you never know.
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delightingintragedy · 2 years
Oils To Avoid During Pregnancy
"Note: This is not a complete list. Consult with a doctor, midwife, trained aromatherapist, or herbalist before using essential oils while pregnant.
Aniseed (Pimpinella anisum)
Anise, Star (Illicium verum)
Basil (Ocimum basilicum)
Birch (Betula lenta)
Blue Cypress (Callitris intratropica)
Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora)
Chamomile, Roman (Chamaemelum nobile)
Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea)
Fennel, Sweet (Foeniculum vulgare)
Ho Leaf (Cinnamomum camphora)
Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis)
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris)
Myrtle (Myrtus communis)
Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans)
Parsley (Petroselinum sativum)
Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium)
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
Sage (Salvia officinalis)
Spanish Lavender (Lavandula stoechas)
Spearmint (Mentha spicata)
Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus)
Wintergreen (Gaulltheria procumbens)
If exposure to essential oils results in drops contacting sensitive mucus membranes (e.g., in the nose) or splashes into eyes, flush with full-fat milk or a few drops of jojoba oil."
-Blackthorn's Botanical Magic by Amy Blackthorn, pg 297
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My work week begins on Sunday, planning and preparing for the days ahead, the scheduled work for customers, and the commitments with the Cuadro Espiritual – not an easy task sometimes, but I would not change it for anything. This is the most blessed life a person can have, and I am aware and grateful for it every single day, no matter how demanding it is. In the pic, my desk companion today – Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium, var. decumbens) cuttings that will be planted in a few days, as soon as they grow roots. One of my favourite herbs, filled with temperament and magic, energetic and uplifting. Happy Sunday 💖💖💖!
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spooniestrong · 2 years
Why you should avoid kava and 9 other risky dietary supplements
One-third of Americans say they believe supplements have been tested by the Food and Drug Administration for safety, according to a 2022 nationally representative survey by Consumer Reports of 3,070 adults in the United States. But the FDA doesn’t approve or test the safety or effectiveness of any supplement before it enters the U.S. market.
After consulting with a panel of doctors and researchers, Consumer Reports says you should avoid these 10 risky supplements. In general, risk increases the larger the dosage and the longer the supplement is taken. Also beware of illegal or unapproved drug ingredients, such as tianeptine, methylsynephrine and phenibut.
Also called: creosote bush, greasewood, Larrea divaricata, Larrea tridentata, larreastat
Claimed benefits: weight loss; eases inflammation; treats colds, infections, rashes, cancers
Potential harms: kidney problems, liver damage
Also called: coughwort, Farfarae folium leaf, foalswort, Tussilago farfara
Claimed benefits: relieves cough, sore throat, laryngitis, bronchitis, asthma
Potential harms: liver damage, possible carcinogen
Also called: blackwort, bruisewort, slippery root, Symphytum officinale
Claimed benefits: relieves cough, heavy menstrual periods, stomach problems, chest pain; treats cancer
Potential harms: liver damage, cancer
Also called: Teucrium chamaedrys, Teucrium viscidum
Claimed benefits: weight loss; alleviates fever, arthritis, gout, stomach problems
Potential harms: liver damage, hepatitis
Greater celandine
Also called: celandine, Chelidonium majus
Claimed benefits: alleviates stomach ache
Potential harms: liver damage
Also called: ava pepper, kava kava, Piper methysticum
Claimed benefits: eases anxiety, helps sleep
Potential harms: liver damage, exacerbates Parkinson’s disease and depression, impairs driving
Also called: asthma weed, Lobelia inflata, vomit wort, wild tobacco
Claimed benefits: helps respiratory problems, smoking cessation
Potential harms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, rapid heartbeat, confusion, seizures, hypothermia, coma
Pennyroyal oil
Also called: Hedeoma pulegioides, Mentha pulegium
Claimed benefits: improves breathing problems, digestive disorders
Potential harms: liver and kidney failure, nerve damage, convulsions
Usnic acid
Also called: beard moss, tree moss, usnea
Claimed benefits: weight loss, pain relief
Potential harms: liver injury
Also called: Johimbi, Pausinystalia yohimbe, yohimbine, Corynanthe johimbi
Claimed benefits: treats low libido and erectile dysfunction, depression, obesity
Potential harms: raises blood pressure; causes rapid heart rate, headaches, seizures, liver and kidney problems, heart problems, panic attacks
Source: Consumer Reports Inc.
Consumer Reports is an independent, nonprofit organization that works side by side with consumers to create a fairer, safer, and healthier world. CR does not endorse products or services, and does not accept advertising. Read more at ConsumerReports.org.
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bitbybitwrites · 2 years
Inspiration/ Notes for Vervain - Klaine Fan Fic
My inspiration/notes for this story are pretty long, so I decided to add them here instead of on any of the fanfic sites.
SPOILERS AHEAD, so you may want to read the story first!
Read the whole series here: An Herbalist's Handbook
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More notes under the cut
The song the Kurt sings to Blaine:
. ."He started to sing softly:
I wonder what my wings were made for,
Fluttering, active, restive things;
If this cage is all the world is.
Tell one why a bird has wings."
This song is actually modified from this ballad, The Captive Bird's Complaint:
And this image/scene
"Kurt leaned against the other side of the closed door, tears streaming down his face.  He clutched his hands to his chest and slid to the floor, silently sobbing."
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" . . .Kurt reached into the satchel and retrieved a pair of the silver shears his father had made for Kurt's mother to use in her garden.  They were beautifully ornate but also sharp enough to be deadly."
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The herbs/ plants Kurt collects at his cottage:
" . . .Kurt, with shuddering sobs, quickly took to his worktable and began gathering what he knew he needed for his task.
Vervain, wormwood, wolfsbane. . ."
Herbs/ flowers -   magical properties:
Vervain (and the title of the story)
(Verbena officinalis )also known as the Enchanter's herb, has a long association with magical and spiritual practices going back in time to the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, as well as the Celtic Druids.  Vervain's primary role was to protect believers against evil spells or negative energy and to purify sacred places, such as altars, ceremonial implements, temples, and private dwellings.
Wolfsbane (Aconitum napellus)
Since ancient times, poison made from wolfsbane has been used to coat swords and arrows in battle, execute criminals, commit murder, and has made its way into many spells and rituals.  In medieval Europe, some magical uses for the plant wrapping wolfsbane seeds in lizard's skin and carrying them to become invisible (if you ever try this, please report back!), warding off werewolves and vampires, and shapeshifting into animals.
Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa)
Blackthorn, a thorny shrub in the rose family, has an especially sinister reputation in European folklore.  Native to Europe, western Asia, and northern Africa, it has long been associated with darkness and death, in part due to the appearance of its twisted, spiky branches, which are especially stark in the winter months.
Borage (Borago officinalis)
These flowers are one of the strongest charms to bring courage, fortitude and protection to anyone who carries them.  Harvest and dry a few flowers and place them in a little medicine bag or pouch and carry it when you need inner strength and bravery.  Additionally, borage is reputed to enhance psychic abilities when enjoyed as a tea.
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris)
Mugwort is a magical plant that opens the third eye, and our ability to access our deepest intuition.  It’s reputed to strengthen psychic abilities, and often used to wash the hands or tools of someone performing divination, such as reading the tarot or using a pendulum. 
Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium)
Pennyroyal has a long history of being used for protection.  Historically it’s been used to protect against the evil eye.  Placed in shoe it prevents weariness and increases stamina and carried in the pocket it can smooth the way for fair business deals, and promote peace, compromise, and help to stop fighting.
Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis)
Rosemary is one of the oldest incenses has been used traditionally to cleanse and purify a space of any negativity.  It protects against nightmares when placed beneath the pillow, and when hung by the door it protects against thieves.  When worn on the head, it helps aid in memory, and in fact is used medicinally to awaken the mind and improve circulation.  It has strong healing energy, both medically and magically, and has long been used for love potions and elixirs.
Rue (Ruteola gravieolens)
Rue has been used as a healing ally by placing the leaves directly on the area of illness, such as the head for a headache.  When smelled, rue clears the mind and improves mental acuity, and has long been used in the bath to break curses or hexes against you.  It's believed that it protects against the evil eye, werewolves, and poisons.  As a wash for the home, rue is believed to protect against all ills, and protect those who live within. 
Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora)
This nourishing nervine is energetically and physically associated with relaxation and peace, making it the perfect herb for processing big emotions.  Historically, it's been used in ritual baths to cleanse and calm the aura and protect from tension and stress.
Ancestors also burned the herb in ceremony to relieve any conflict between family, friends, or community members. 
This is another beautiful herbal ally for restoring and nourishing the nervous system, and it pairs wonderfully with passionflower as an evening infusion.  Skullcap can relax your entire system, reduce muscle spasms, and release mental, emotional, and physical tension.
Wormwood (Artemisa absinthium)
Wormwood is the bitter herb used to flavor vermouth and the liqueur absinthe.  The scent of wormwood is thought to increase psychic abilities.  Legend states that if you burn the plant at a graveyard, it will summon the spirit of the departed.  If wormwood is carried in a sachet or charm bag, it protects against bewitchment.  This baneful herb was also worked into enchantments for love.  It is sacred to Artemis, Pan, and Diana.
In the language of flowers, wormwood symbolizes a sad parting of friends.  This is classified as a masculine plant.  Its astrological influences are the planet Mars and the element of fire.
Love knot brooch that Kurt wears that belonged to his mother:
Inspired by these images:
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The true love knot, in the same way, symbolizes the following:
An unbreakable bond
Eternal connection
Two separate parts interconnecting to become a whole
Love and passion
These are all necessary characteristics of any relationship, which is why the true love knot is popular among lovers, families and close friends.
What Kurt chants during his ritual:
Snippets were modified from the following poems/songs
Long while you have been tarrying here,
And pleasantly you wouldst me kill;
But in faith, dull care,
You never shalt have thy will.
Though some by age be full of grief and pain,
Yet their appointed time they must remain:
I come to none before their warrant's sealed,
And when it is, they must submit and yield.
I take no bribe, believe me, this is true;
Prepare yourself to go; I'm come for you.
Moving counterclockwise while casting a spell
" . . .Crumbling the contents between his fingers, Kurt began to walk widdershins in a circle and scattered the herbs and flowers before his feet. 
All while he made his counterclockwise pacing, he began chanting over and over: . . ."
When practicing witchcraft in the Northern Hemisphere, use a deosil (clockwise) motion to summon energy and a widdershins (counterclockwise) motion to banish. 
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blog-emagrecimento · 3 months
Poejo benefícios para saúde
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O Poejo é uma planta medicinal, também conhecida como hortelãzinho, muito utilizada no tratamento de diversas doenças como diabetes, má digestão, gripes e resfriados, é digestivo, diurético e facilita a perda de peso; O seu nome científico é Mentha Pulegium e pode ser comprada em lojas de produtos naturais e farmácias de manipulação. Contém diversos princípios activos, nomeadamente, óleo essencial com pulegona, mentol, pineno ou limoneno com acção antiviral, antibiótica, estimulante do sistema imunitário e da digestão. Esta planta, muito comum no Alentejo, contém ainda substâncias amargas com acção no aparelho digestivo. Os taninos e ácidos fenólicos presentes nesta planta tem uma acção antioxidante. Administração do Poejo Em tisana, uma colher (de sopa) para duas chávenas, cinco a dez minutos em infusão. Remédios caseiros: - Chá para a gripe Faça uma tisana com uma colher (de sopa) de poejo fresco, juntando a mesma quantidade de tomilho, alecrim, tília e flores de sabugueiro. Deixe dez minutos em infusão, adicione uma colher de mel e sumo de um limão. Beba antes de deitar e mais três vezes, durante o dia. As partes utilizadas são as folhas, talos e flores. Chá de poejo: Colocar 10 gramas de folhas em uma panela e cobrir com 200 ml de água fervente. Abafar até amornar, coar e beber a seguir. Tomar de 2 a 3 chávenas por dia. FAQS Read the full article
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MANDRAKE EUROPEAN (Mandragora officinarum)
Part used:root
Element: earth
Basic power:protection, fertility, love, health
WOLFS BANE (Aconite napellus) Gender:feminine
Part used:root
Element: water
Basic power:protection, invisibility
WORMWOOD (Artemisa absinthium) Do not exceed 1/2 g of the dried herb. Gender:masculine
Part used:leaf
Element: fire
Basic power:psychic, protection, love, calling spirits
BELLADONNA (Atropa belladonna) Gender:feminine
Part used:berry, root
Element: water
Basic power:astral projection
BROOM (Cytisus scoparius) Gender:masculine
Part used:flower, root
Element: air
Basic power:purification, protection, wind, spells, divination
CALAMUS (Acorus calamus) Gender:feminine
Part used:root, seeds
Element: water
Basic power:luck, healing, money, protection
CASTOR (Ricinus communes)
Basic power:protection
Parts used: beans
CELANDINE (Chelidonium majus) Gender:masculine
Part used:root, stalk
Element: fire
Basic power:protection, escape, happiness, legal
CHINA BERRY (Melia azerach)
Powers: luck Parts used: seeds carried as good luck charms/ bring change
CHRYSANTHEMUM (Chrysanthemum sinense)
Part used:flower
Element: fire
Basic power:protection
DAFFODIL (Narcissus spp.) Gender:feminine
Part used:flower
Element: water
Basic power:love, fertility, luck
DAISY (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum)
Part used:flower
Element: water
Basic power:lust, love
DATURA (Datura stramonium) Gender:feminine
Part used:seed pod, leaves,
Element: water
Basic power:hex-breaking, sleep, protection, breaks spells,
FOXGLOVE (Digitalis purpurea) Gender:feminine
Part used:flower, leaves
Basic power:protection
HEMLOCK (Conium maculatum) Gender:feminine
Part used:flowers, juice
Element: water
Basic power:astral projection
HENBANE (Hyosycamus Niger) Gender:feminine
Part used:flower
Basic power:love , attract rain
Part used:root
Element: fire
Basic power:money, love, success, happiness
LILY OF THE VALLEY (Convallaria majalis)
Part used:flower
Element: air
Basic power:mental powers, happiness
MALE FERN (Dryopterisfelix mas) Gender:masculine
Basic power:luck, love
MAY APPLE (Podophyllum peltatum) Gender:masculine
Part used:root
Element: fire
Basic power:money
MORNING GLORY (Ipomoea spp.) Gender:masculine
Part used:flower, seeds,root
Element: water
Basic power:happiness, peace
OLEANDER (Nerium oleander ) Gender:feminine
Part used:flowers
Element: earth
Basic power:love
PENNYROYAL (Mentha pulegium) Gender:masculine
Part used:herb
Element: fire
Basic power:strength, protection, peace
POKE (Phytolacca decandra) Gender:masculine
Part used:leaf, berries
Element: fire
Basic power:courage, hex breaking
SQUILL (Scilla maritima) Gender:masculine
Part used:flower
Element: fire
Basic power:money, protection, hex breaking
YEW (Taxus baccata)
Element: water
Basic power: raising the dead
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harekethalinde · 4 years
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Bahçenin Yabani Misafirleri // The wild guests of the garden
1.İlk sıra // First row: Amaranthus albus- Horozibiği (ilk sıra) // Prostate Pigweed
2.Taraxacum officinale- Karahindiba //  Dandelion
3.Portulaca oleracea- Semizotu // Purslane
4.Plantago major-Sinirli ot // Broadleaf Plantain
5.Chenopodium album- Sirken // Fat Hen, goosefoot
6.Parietaria officinalis-Duvar fesleğeni,yapışkan ot,bere otu // Pellitory of the wall
7.Hypericum perforatum- Sarı kantaron // St.John’s Wort
8.Mentha pulegium-Yarpuz // Pennyroyal
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worshiperofnight · 2 years
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Mentha pulegium 🌿 it's good for lungs 🫁 and respiratory system. My grandma was always ordering this herb whenever one of us was sick. She passed away two years ago but her knowledge about herbs is living with us. May Allah shed light upon her in her grave and make there one of Jannah gardens.
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kevinscottgardens · 3 years
29 novembre au 5 décembre 2021
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The low autumnal sunshine works magic in the garden. Lucien headed back to Paris Monday afternoon. He was instrumental in helping me find a car to buy and to find car insurance. I applied for a car loan and am waiting to hear back.
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This week in the garden, Couli emptied all these pots and relocated the soil to the potager. I spent the best part of three days removing over 1,000 Salvia scarea plants. They germinated very well and were smothering everything around them. I tried to get their long tap root out because they easily regrow if it is left in the ground. I also tackled cleaning up the edges, left versus right below. The aroma was amazing with oregano and mint along with other aromatics that gave off their scent as I pulled them out.
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I emailed Habitat about the broken leg on the table. I’m still waiting for a reply. M. et Mme. gave me my Christmas present, a voucher for the local butcher, Boucherie des Migraniers (boucherie des arcades), who has very good food. I’m hoping I can use it for New Year’s because I’ll be in Madrid for Christmas.
Jody and Steve arrived after a twelve-hour drive from Antwerp on Thursday. They brought a lot of things from their attic. I now have a fabulous new home: new lighting fixtures, new chairs, and they gave me a stunning new carpet. Friday night we enjoyed a delicious meal at a Michelin stared restaurant in Biot, Restaurant Les Terraillers.
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Saturday we headed up to the Foundation Maeght to see some art and some stunning views. We then headed into Saint-Paul de Vence where we found this charming little restaurant Café Timothé. We spent several hours of the afternoon there.
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Cours de français hebdomadaire
car - une voiture
car loan - un crédit auto
car insurance - une assurance voiture
car registration - une immatriculation des véhicules
pink slip (USA) - une carte grise
monthly payments - une mensualité
spare tyre - un pneu de rechange
parking brake - un frein à main
manual transmission / manual gearbox - une transmission manuelle / une boîte de vitesses manuelle
liability insurance - une assurance responsabilité civile
petrol - une essence
Plant of the week
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Lamiaceae Mentha pulegium L.
common name(s) - pennyroyal, churchwort, flea mint, squaw mint, mosquito plant, organ herb, pudding grass; français : menthe pouliot; español : poleo; italiano : menta poleggio synonym(s) - conservation rating - Least Concern native to - Macaronesia, Europe, Mediterranean to n. Iran and n. Ethiopia location - Domaine de l’Orangerie leaves - upright and spreading stolons with scalelike leaves; elliptic to oblong-ovate (or suborbicular), crenulate to serrulate, cuneate, rounded or acute, with eglandular hairs on both surfaces, gland-dotted below, shortly petiolate, decreasing in size up the stem; crushed leaves emit a very strong fragrance similar to spearmint flowers - tiny lilac flowers are produced in whorls in summer fruit - four nutlets, globose, brown, rounded habit - highly aromatic, matt-forming, creeping perennial to 300mm tall and 500mm wide habitat - a hemicryptophyte that typically occurs in seasonally inundated grassland, particularly on reasonably fertile soils where either inundation or another factor such as poaching by livestock suppresses competition from more aggressive taxa pests - leafhoppers, caterpillars disease - powdery mildews, mint rust hardiness - to <-20ºC (H7) soil - moist and well-drained to poorly-drained sun - full sun to part shade propagation - division in spring or autumn pruning - cut back after flowering nomenclature - Lamiaceae - gullet, the name in Pliny refers to the gaping mouth of the corolla; Mentha - the name in Pliny; pulegium - flea-dispeller, Pliny’s name for a plant whose burning leaves kill fleas NB - An essential oil is obtained from the whole plant, used in soap making and as a cleanser for fabrics. A yield of 14kg of oil per hectare is considered good. The plant has a low spreading habit and can be used as a ground cover, though it is somewhat sparse in the winter and can be invaded by the more aggressive weeds. The growing or dried plant repels fleas, ants, moths, mice etc. Rats and mice intensely dislike the smell of mint. The plant was therefore used in homes as a strewing herb and has also been spread in granaries to keep the rodents off the grain. A strong infusion applied to the face will keep gnats away in the summer. The aromatic leaves are used as an ingredient of pot-pourri.
References :
Gledhill, David, (2008) “The Names of Plants”, fourth edition; Cambridge University Press; ISBN: 978-0-52168-553-5
IUCN [online] https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/164256/42395474 [19 Dec 21]
Plants for a Future [online] https://pfaf.org/User/Plant.aspx?LatinName=Mentha+pulegium [19 Dec 21]
Plants of the World [online] https://powo.science.kew.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:451022-1 [19 Dec 21]
Royal Horticultural Society [online] https://www.rhs.org.uk/plants/59137/mentha-pulegium/details [19 Dec 21]
Wikipedia [online] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mentha_pulegium [19 Dec 21]
World Flora Online [online] http://www.worldfloraonline.org/taxon/wfo-0000241235 [19 Dec 21]
SARS-CoVid-2 update (incidence rate per 100,000)
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windingriverherbals · 7 years
Plant Profile: Pennyroyal
Mentha pulegium Also, Known As:
Pennyroyal (botanical name Mentha pulegium) belongs to the mint species and is a member of the Lamiaceae family. Although this herb is native to Europe and the western regions of Asia, pennyroyal has now been naturalized in North and South America. Several species and a wide variety of pennyroyal, such as apple mint, pineapple mint, orange mint, are…
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