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mdcbk-fanblog · 6 years ago
Headcannon on Hiatus 12
This land is fun and all but lets me just say, I love the idea of game of thrones. And since season 8 is just around the corner (and I got to play a lot of catch up for that show), let’s do a prompt on it! WARNING A LITTLE FOUL LANGUAGE IS USED! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!
All the characters are in Westeros. You can change there house or life how ever you like but for this I’m putting Katsu, Osamu, and Ryusaki in King’s Landing Royalty of course, not quite Baratheon but not quite Targaryan either (play with the lore!). This includes the rest of the normal crew. Mei lives just outside of King’s Landing but comes to the town surrounding it often to sell her wares. Same for her family. Diasuke was in the kings guard obviously. Akane and Prince Hiyashi are Lanister’s (though you can change the house names, this is just so you get the background). And Kozuke is a Targaryen if you want to explore his possible kingdom side, a crime lord who was a bastard of the former king, or the son of a rebellious noble man that the former blood king(think mad king) killed and then took the son as a captive. With Shiori being a whore turned sell sword for Kozuke. 
Ok, There’s the set up. Now the actual head cannon.
Basically the beginning of the comic, Mei’s tending her cart, She hears about the prince going missing, on the way home comes across him, gets taken to the castle, treats the prince, has a talk with the blood king, goes to bed then goes home. Now is where stuff spices up. She goes back to her home but quickly leaves again (gotta sell those apples). As she walks the streets she meets up with her informant, who tells her some sketchy stuff about her brother’s death. Mei doesn’t believe that Diasuke just died in the rebellion so she has made a web of informants that try to get information for her about there deaths. Little does Mei know, she is being tailed by Ryusaki who has been sent to make sure that Mei is not a threat. When Mei here’s that the Hebi (whether a gang or the royal family or Nobel family) might have information, she jumps on it and through a little market chat, finds out a servant for them (or gang member) frequents a brothel (run by a certain little fingered man) she immediately goes to the brothel to try and get information out of him. Little finger of course is having the problem of his whores dying so Mei, being trained by her brother, agrees to help. Ryusaki doesn’t like the thought of Mei being in danger, and also see’s a chance to get information out of a Hebi member, “takes out” the servant(ect.) and poses as him to try and get at what Mei is doing. Stuff happens, Ryu talks to Katsu about Mei, Mei conveniently gets offered a job at the castle, And there she is. From here anything goes. You can follow the story line as best as you can or you can have Mei start playing the game of thrones. Your choice.
I know this one is a bit more complex and niche for a headcannon but hey, the funnest ones are. I know very little about game of thrones having only ever been able to watch 1 episode from season 1 and never having owned the books. But I have heard many people talk about it so I know the basics. I decided I should finally watch/read it all since season 8 is almost here and while I wait for the amazon gods to deliver it too me I’ve been filling the void with lore videos. I hope this is interesting too you guys, I know it is for me so don’t be surprised after season 8 ends that a fanfic like this from me pops up. Have fun writing and have a nice night.
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rebrandtdebibls · 2 years ago
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Daar is min tuine wat heeltemal sonder probleme is. In byna elke tuin is daar minstens één plek waar dit moeilik is om iets aan die groei te kry.
Miskien is dit 'n dor, rotsagtige wal; 'n klam, moerasagtige duik of 'n bakkende warm hoek; 'n klein beknopte binneplasie; 'n windgeteisterde hoekie of 'n dooie skadukol-elke tuinier ken sy eie kwellinge die beste.
Wat die probleem nog erger maak, is dat mens so geneig is om soms stroomop teen die natuur te beur en sodoende
plante in posisies te wil dwing waarin hulle heeltemal ontuis sal wees. Dit beteken net dat mens 'n ongelyke stryd teen die natuur moet voer en later opgestesp sit met plante wat 'n sukkel bestaan voer. Dit is baie verstandiger om liewer saam te werk met die natuur en slegs daardie soorte te plant wat in die bepaalde toestande sal aard.
Stap 'n mens buite in die veld rond, is dit opmerklik hoe die natuur plante groei voorsien het vir elke moontlike situasie en omstandigheid; daarom dat
Struike vir warm sanderige grond Gelukkig is daar heelparty plante, meesal afkomstig vans, place, wat selfs 'n lang tydpack des en warm gebakte sand om at phon kan verduur sonder skadelike gevolge.
Genista en Cytisus-soorte (heiembos variëteite) Dodonaea, Pittosporum variëteite, Coprosma meidorings, selonsrose en nog talle ander soorte, bv. die inheemse geel granaat (Rhigozum obovatum). Kaapse kanferfoelie (Te comaria capensis), klapperbos (Ny mania capensis), Natalse pruim (Carissa grandiflora) en Asclepias (wilde kapok) is almal tevrede met sulke ongunstige toestande.
Die probleem met kleigrond en die regte struike
U hoef ook nie moedeloos te raak met 'n stuk klei-agtige grond nie. Kleigrond
bestaan uit besonder klein en fyn gronddeeltjies met min lug tussenin. Dit stel die grond in staat om vogtigheid Jak te behou en om wortels stewig sgeanker te hou.
Die groot nadeel van kleigrond is egter dat dit tot 'n soliede massa saam bind in die somer wanneer dit droog is. Dan word die kleigrond feitlik so hard soos beton en is byna onmoontlik om te bewerk. Die toestand kan verhelp word deur baie kompos, ou mis, verrotte blare en strooi en 'n bietjie sandgrond in te werk.
Eadorings (maples") bv. Ar negundo en Acer palmatum aard goed in sulke grond, asook sommige akker bome, gouereën (Laburnums) en kersie bome. Struike 8008 Escalloniaceae, Viburnum, Berberis en Cotoneaster en meerjarige plante vuurpyle.
Gloriosa, magriete en daglelies behoort ook mooi te groei.
Is rook en roet u probleem?
Woon u miskien midde-in 'n stad waar rook en roet die lug besoedel? Probeer dan gerus die merkwaardige Ginkgo biloba. 'n Boom wat uit die oertyd behou gebly het (meer as 150 miljoen jaar, en sommige geleerdes) behoort gehari wees en dit is voorwaar met hom geval. Die eienaardige gevormde blare het aantreklike herfskleure voor die blare afval. Die boom het 'n mooi fatsoen. Plant dit in vrugbare, diep leemgrond wat goed dreineer. Nog bome vir die stad is esdoring, seder en sipres.
As wind u probleem is koue, storm agtige noordwestewind in die winter of swiepende skroeiende suidoostewind in die somer is formele of informele heinings aan te beveel of mure of skerms. Heinings beheer die wind meer doel treffend deur die wind egalig en gelei delik deur te laat.
Gebruik struike wat tot aan die grond met blare bedek is sodat daar nie trekke onderdeur die heinings is nie. Goeie heiningplante is Photinia serru late, Cotoneaster pannosus, kei-appel (Dovyalis caffra), hibiskussoorte en Ligustrum ovalifolium variegatum (,,pri vet"; kyk kleurplaat).
Soet en suur
In plaas daarvan om jou boeglam te sukkel om grond wat te soet of te suur is na jou eie sin en wil te verander, is dit tog soveel makliker en ook baie minder koste om maar liewer die plante reg te kies vir die bepaalde omstandigheid.
Besliste kalkhaters is die volgende: asaleas, hortensies, rhododendrons, ka melias, katjiepierings, proteaa, heide (Erica), magnolias, Michelia variëteite, Kalmia latifolia, Iris kaempferi, begonias byna alle soorte struike en plante wat van skaduwee en koelte hou.
Aan die ander kant word byna alle kalkliefhebbers gevind onder dié wat van sonskyn en warmte hou, bv. hibiskus, heliotroop, Diervilla (Wei gelia) Philadelphus (,,mock orange"), Genista (besembos), en fyn blomme soos grasangeliere, asters, gousblomme, vilette, ridderspore, floksies, papawers, salies, jakobregops, ranonkels, petunias en pronk-ertjies.
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mdcbk-fanblog · 6 years ago
Ship name!
Hello! These are the ship names for these ships that I will be using form now on when I refer to them. Anyone may use these or use one they made themselves. This is just so everyone knows what I’m saying when this comes out.
Mei x Katsu    Meitsu
Mei x Ryusaki    Meisaki
Mei x Kozuke    KozuMei
Mei x General    Genei
Mei x Prince Hayashi      Meishi
Mei x Ambassador     Meidor
Katsu x Akane      Katane
Shiori x Ryusaki       Shisaki
Shiori x Kozuke       Shizuke  
As more ships come to light, get floated around the community, or just seem fun, I will update this list accordingly. Also if the communty perfers a diffrent name for a ship and it is just more popular, I will update the list again! Thank you to everyone who gave their input and I wish everyone a good night!
edit 3/17/19
changed the Mei and Kozuke ship name!
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mdcbk-fanblog · 6 years ago
Ship names?
I’ve been thinking we need some ship names for a while now. I’m seeing some pop up and I got some of my own so I’m going to put some down here and if you have a ship or an Idea for a ship name then put it on here. and leave your favorite too! In say about a week? I’m going to put up a “diffinative” list of names that at least I will be using form now on. Then too the list!
- Katsu x Mei     Kia, Meitsu, or Royal shipping
- Ryusaki x Mei     Ryumei, Meisaki, or Sparing shipping
- Kozuke x Mei     Kozei, Meizuke, Flower shipping
- General x Mei      Genei, Meiral, Dishonest shipping
- Prince Hayashi x Mei   Hayei, Meishi, Artist shipping
- Ambassador x Mei    Ambei, Meidor, Fandom shipping
- Katsu x Akane     Katane, Akatsu, Death Flower shipping
- Shiori x Ryusaki     Shisaki, Ryori,  Brothel shipping
- Shiori x Kozuke      Shizuke, Kori, Fake shipping
That’s all I got if you got something put it below and remeber to vote on which ones you perfer the most!
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